T h e  G R E E N Y  w o r l d  D o m i n a t i o n  T a s k  F o r c e
                           "Return to School:  101"
                                    by Lobo
    A guided tour through the 1993-94 school year Discipline Management Booklet
for the Lubbock Independent School District (LISD) follows.  This is all copied
DIRECTLY from the LISD booklet.  Any spelling, grammatical, or punctuation
errors are entirely their fault.  It is also probably all copyrighted, but this
is for information purposes only.
    {<Lots of other BS (Items 1-8, classroom conduct, etc.) precedes this.>}

(9) Violating the following dress and grooming policy:

    The District's dress code is established to teach grooming and hygiene,
instill dicipline, prevent disruption, avoid safety hazards, and teach respect
for authority.

Students shall be dressed and groomed in a manner that is cleanand that will not
be a health or safety hazard to themselves or others. The District prohibits any
clothing or grooming that in the principal's judgment may reasonably be expected
to cause disruption of or interference with normal school operations.

The District prohibits pictures, symbols, emblems, or writings on clothing that:

(a) Are lewd, offensive, vulgar, or obscene

(b) Advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any 
    other substance

(c) Refer to satanic, cult, or gang activities

The student and parent may determine the student's personal dress and grooming 
standards, provided that they comply with the general guidelinesset out above 
and as outlined in this plan.

(a) Clothing (dresses, skirts, shorts, culottes) may not be shorter than the 
    top of the knee for secondary students. Similar clothing for elementary
    (dresses, skirts, shorts, culottes) students must meet standards of good
    taste as determined by the building principal

(b) Clothing that has been modified in a revealing manner will not be allowed

(c) Bicycle shorts will not be allowed

(d) Footwear shall be a part of regular attire. Thongs and bathroom or
    houseshoe-type footwear are not acceptable.

(e) A bare midriff is unacceptable.

(f) Appropriate undergarments shall be worn at all times.

(g) The hair shall be clean and well-groomed, and not covering the eyes. A 
    variety of hair styles shall be permittedif the following extremes are
   . geometric or unusual patterns shaved or cut in the hair

   . color variations in hair

   . ponytail, rat-tail, and braids (for boys)

   . longer than shoulder length (for boys)

(h) Sideburns shall be kept trimmed so as not to form a beard, and shall not 
    be extreme in fullness. Mustaches shall be acceptable if neatly trimmed.
    Beards shall not be acceptable.

(i) The neck opening on any type shirt or blouse may not exceed the equivalent 
    of the second button below the collar of a dress shirt or blouse.
    Underwear-type shirts such as tank tops or muscle shirts, are not

(j) Male students shall not wear earrings. Nose studs may not be worn by any 

If the princiapl determines that a student's groomin violates the dress code, 
that student shall be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school. 
If not corrected, the student shall be assigned to in-school suspension for 
the remainder of the day, o until the problem is corrected.

A student whose clothing violates the dress code shall be assigned to 
in-school suspension either for the remainder of the day or until a parent or 
designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school.

Repeated offenses may result in more serious action. Appropriate discipline 
procedures shall be followed in all cases.

The principal, in cooperation with the sponsor, coach, or other person in 
charge of an extracurricular activity, may regulate the dress and grooming of 
students who participate in the activity. Students who violate these standards 
may be removed or excluded from the activity for a period determined by the 
principal or sponsor and may be subject to other disciplinary action.

This policy shall be reviewed annually. {Last Reviewed, 1989. -Lobo}
    {<The stuff that follows this is actually sort of OK in a few aspects.>}
    As you can see, this policy is rather fascist, but hey, we all know that
school is fascist.  Here's an article I wrote for the newspaper we had to make
in computer class for desktop publishing (which was quite hard for some people
in the class to grasp) last year:
              Biology Students Take "End of Course Exam" {classy title, eh?}

    The title says it all.  On May 18, 1994, all biology students in the state
of Texas took the "End of Course Exam".  Though it did not count this year (as
far as the state was concerned, it was a practice test), most teachers either
took a grade on it or counted it as the course final (which my teacher did).
Next year's students will have to pass the test or they will not receive credit
for the course, regardless of how well they did throughout the year.  This exam,
though extremely easy, is another example of how the state is trying to take
control of individual school districts and how they grade their students.  The
Texas Education Agency has plans to implement similar examinations in all higher
science (biology, chemistry, and physics) and higher math (algebra, geometry,
trigonometry, and calculus) courses.  If this happens, many good students who
"freeze-up" on tests or do not test well for some other reason will have to
repeat many courses.  This would be bad {original phrase before fascist computer
teacher lady made me change it was 'This would suck...'} because these students
could not move on to the next level in science or math, even if they passed the
course.  Preliminary plans have also been made to require similar testing in all
courses if the science and math exams have good results.  Testing is becoming
even more of an inherent part of school, and we at the Pig's Paper are more than
a little bit skeptical of this.  {The Pig's Paper was the name of the newspaper.
There was a big picture of a pig on the front.  It was neat.}
    There's just another example of how school is fascist, though this time it's
actually not LISD's fault.  What a surprise!  Fascism at the state level? Who
comes up with these things?
{The amount of sarcasm in the last three sentences is roughly equivalent to the
amount of oil the Exxon Valdez spilled in Alaska.  That's just an estimate.}
    Well, we here at GwD are always looking for more evidence of ANY school's
fascism/corruption/poor taste/uncleanliness/etc.  If you have an interesting
tidbit about school, why not e-mail (me) Lobo?  I can be reached on almost any
bbs in 806.  Come on, drop me a line!
This text file has been a production of The GREENY world Domination Task Force.
You may now carry on with whatever it is you were doing before you started
reading this file.

/-----------------------***** GwD Propagandists *****--------------------------\
|  Lobo - Seth Sometimes - The Lizard King - Spanky McDougal, Sir! - Sir Flea  |
|               Zippy - Aracnia - Zen - Trojan-Man - fastjack                  |

GwD Command Centers-
Chaos                     (806)797-7501
     SysOp-Seth Sometimes (Mission Control)
GridPoint                 (405)920-1347
     SysOp-Transderm-Nitro (First Conquest)
Federation Slayers'       (806)798-8168
     SysOp-Big Red Fed
The Starchy White Boy BBS (803)###-####
     SysOp-Fastjack (Moved to South Carolina, number available soon)
Light My Fire             (806)795-4926
The Snake's Den           (806)793-3779
The Siege Perilous        (806)762-0948
Brazen's Hell             (301)776-8259
     SysOp-Brazen (Eastern Outpost)
Club Baby Seal            (817)429-4636
     SysOp-Zippy (Penile Implant Site)
copyright (c) 1994 by Lobo of GwD Inc.                       :FIGHT THE POWER:
GREENY world Domination Task Force copyright (c) 1993 by Lobo:      GwD      :
All rights reserved to all things GREEN!                     \---------------/