+-+  +-+  +-+
         +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME NINE                 NUMBER THREE
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         /___________\    ==========================================
         |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
      ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


            X-Editorial                          'Orny' Liscomb
            Waiting Here For You                    Steve Boyko
            It Slid                                  Ron Trenka
           *The Edged Tool                            Jim Owens
            Men Shall Have the Stars               Carlo Samson
            Wiring                                    Jim Owens

          Date: 121487                               Dist: 521
          An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
          All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s)

    Well,  with  the   end  of  the  semester  and   the  approach  of
Christmas  things  start getting hectic,  and FSFnet is  no exception.
We  are  rapidly  approaching  the deadline  for  submissions  in  the
FSFnet cyberpunk  short story  contest (as  outlined in  Vol09N1), and
hopefully we'll  have one or  two entries by the  end of the  month. I
am still  negotiating to purchase  the prizes, which  will (hopefully)
be a  book of Geiger  artwork, and a  poster print of  Geiger artwork.
Those of you unfamiliar  with the  name might recall  that he  did the
preliminary artwork for the movie "Alien", among other works.
    Due to  the shutdown of  the WISCVM gateway  and the opening  of a
local  gateway at  MIT,  the YALEVM-CUNYVM  link  has been  absolutely
saturated  of late.  This  is the  reason  why some  of  you may  have
received  two copies  of the  last issue.  It was  originally sent  on
11/23/87,  but due  to the  large file  queue it  was purged  and most
readers  did not  get  their issues  until I  re-sent  the issue  last
weekend. Apologies to all for the confusion.
    And speaking  of confusion, what  happens when you have  a machine
which  allows people  to  subscribe  to FSFnet,  but  never sends  out
issues? I recently  discovered a list of people who  had subscribed to
an  FSFnet list  on  a  LISTSERV which  hadn't  received  an issue  in
nearly two  years! I hastened to  request that the list  be shut down,
and  invited  those  users  on  the  list to  be  added  to  the  main
distribution list, which many have since done.
    And that  brings us  to another  topic, and  that is  this issue's
distribution. As  you can see,  we have broken the  500-reader barrier
with over  460 BITNET readers  and over 50 internet  subscribers! And,
of  course, this  doesn't include  people  who get  issues from  local
lists or  newsgroups, servers,  or other  second-hand methods.  I must
thank  everyone  who is  spreading  the  word  about FSFnet.  And,  as
always,  a warm  welcome  to all  our  new readers.  This  issue is  a
particular  treat, and  I hope  you  all enjoy  it. We  have a  Dargon
story by  Jim Owens,  and several excellent  short stories  and  poems
from  BITNET authors.  I'm  sure  that you  will  find  it a  pleasant
change from the standard fare.
    And,  finally, one  last  comment.  For some  time,  I have  found
myself  in the  most  remarkable position  of not  having  to ask  for
submissions.  However, with  the distribution  of this  issue, I  find
that we are again  in need of material. If you  are an amateur writer,
please feel free  to send in original stories, articles  or poetry. If
you are interested  in writing stories for the  Dargon Project, please
so notify  me. And, of course,  all readers are encouraged  to write a
story for  the cyberpunk SF short  story contest. As mentioned  in the
very first  issue of  FSFnet, it cannot  function without  the support
of  its readership  in the  form of  letting other  people know  about
FSFnet and  making contributions. Please get  in touch with me  if you
would like to submit an article to FSFnet.
                    -'Orny' Liscomb  <CSDAVE@MAINE>


                          Waiting Here For You

                    When the call came I took heed,
                   To fight within this hour of need,
                      I said "My lady, I must go"
                   "To find and slay our deadly foe."
                To which she said, "Take care, my dear,"
                  "Within my heart you're always near"
                    "I'll be waiting here for you,"
                    "I'll be waiting here for you."

                 My heart was heavy, my sight was dim,
                   Aboard the ship with men so grim,
                   To recover that which was our own,
                 Within my heart her love still shone;
                     As I watched men live and die,
                      I recalled our last goodbye:
                    "I'll be waiting here for you,"
                    "I'll be waiting here for you."

                 We knew our cause was just and right,
                 Our foes' hearts were black as night,
                      On and on the battles raged,
                  Our lives and more were being waged;
                  For months we fought for every hill,
                    And yet her words echoed still:
                    "I'll be waiting here for you,"
                    "I'll be waiting here for you."

                  While deep within our foes' domain,
                  A war did end our good king's reign,
                   Cities sacked and temples burned,
                     To death and ruin we returned;
                 We slew them all with sword and steel,
                    And deep within I knew for real:
                      "I am coming back for you,"
                      "I am coming back for you."

                   And after foes were all laid down,
                    I traveled back to my home town,
                 To find it burned down to the ground,
                    And my love nowhere to be found;
                 The people came and said, "Be brave,"
                 "Your lady she lies within her grave,"
                       "She waited here for you,"
                       "She waited here for you."

                      -Steve Boyko  <9090920@UNB>


                                It Slid
    The car sat  under the tree, its occupants basking  in the silence
and the illusion of privacy.
    The  man  clasped  the  breast  of  his  shapely  companion  in  a
passionate  embrace.  She responded  with  a  moan  as her  hand  slid
between  his  thighs. She  knew  that  she  should  be home  with  her
betrothed, yet  the passion of  this stranger  was more than  her will
could resist.
    The smell  of sweat  from the lover's  bodies filled  the interior
of the  car as  the two twisted  and turned in  an ancient  dance that
man had performed since he fell from the branches of the Tree of Life.

    In the  darkness, a  shadow stirred. It  lifted It's  hideous head
and paused, as  if listening for something in  that accursed darkness.
A faint  voice drifted through  the heavy air  and It heard.  It moved
It's  hellish frame  toward the  voice  and the  voice grew  stronger,
more  demanding. Soon,  a spot  of dim,  flickering light  appeared in
that world  of eternal  night. It  moved nearer  and the  voice boomed
inside It's horrid skull.
    "Come, for  it is I  who beckon", the voice  said. "I have  a task
and a sacrifice for you."
    And It slid through the gate.

    "It  was his  fault",  she thought,  as  the stranger's  manliness
slid  inside her.  "If he  paid more  attention to  me than  those old
books I wouldn't need this."
    Their  bodies moved  in a  rhythm that  followed an  unheard tune.
Their  moans grew  louder as  their senses  became aware,  every nerve
alive, sensitive to the slightest touch.
    And It slid.
    Her moans  became screams  of passion, then  screams of  fright as
It's  horrible head  came crashing  through the  windshield and  fixed
It's  toothy jaw  over the  head of  her lover.  Her screams,  mingled
with the tossings of her lover's dying body, formed a morbid scene.
    Then she was alone.
    And It slid.

    In a  small room, surrounded by  ancient tomes and scrolls,  a man
leaned over a ball of crystal and watched.
    A smile stole  across his face as  It left the car  and moved into
the  night. The  face  moved closer  to the  crystal  and watched  the
naked and hysterical  form of his wife  as she looked at  the blood of
her lover smeared  across her belly and chest, felt  the warmth of his
blood on her face, tasted the saltiness of the blood on her lips.
    The man looked  past the wrecked car to where  the blackness clung
to It's body, as It headed toward the gate It had been summoned from.
    "She will learn", he said sadly.
    And It slid......
                       -Ron Trenka  <SAGAPO@SBCCVM>


                            The Edged Tool
                      The Edged Tool: The Metal
    The  street  was  basically  empty,  unusual  for  any  street  in
Dargon.  Most streets  were usually  filled with  people, going  about
their  business. Some  were almost  impassable. This  street, however,
had only one person on it.
    Levy Barel walked  crisply down the cobblestone. His  staff made a
tap each time he  set it down on the rock. He  was whistling quietly .
He was  on his way to  the house of  Cavendish, an old friend  of his.
There he  planned to eat  supper, and,  if the evening  ran pleasantly
enough, possibly even spend the night.
    He  was passing  one of  Dargon's many  alleys when  the sound  of
voices  drew his  attention. He  looked sideways  down the  alley, and
what he  saw stopped him  in his tracks. In  the alley were  four men.
One, obviously a  foreigner, had his back to a  wall. The other three,
swords drawn,  were facing him. The  foreigner had his hand  on one of
his two swords, but had not drawn.
    Levy  hesitated. From  the looks  of the  three natives,  he could
guess what  was going on. Alone  in a strange town,  the foreigner was
an easy  target. Levy could not  conceive of the stranger  as being in
the  wrong. At  the same  time, cutthroats  did not  earn their  title
through good  deeds, and a second  murder came easier than  the first.
He put one foot forward, toward the  confrontation, and  then stopped,
    "Help him."
    Levy looked around. He saw no one else.
    "Help him!"
    Levy leaped forward. He ran full tilt towards the group.
    "Hey! Hey!"  Levy yelled  as he  ran. He had  no sword,  no armor,
only a  small knife that was  buried under his travelling  clothes. He
wondered what he would do when he reached the thieves. "Hey!"
    The  four  men  turned  and   looked  at  Levy.  Under  any  other
condition,  the flapping  cloak,  awkwardly held  staff, and  bug-eyed
expression  would have  been  hilarious. Instead,  however, the  three
ruffians took to their heels and fled.
    Levy slowed  down to a walk.  He and the foreigner  watched as the
thieves disappeared out  the other end of the alley.  Then they looked
at each other.
    The  stranger was  shorter than  Levy, and  yet still  had a  good
presence  to  him.  He  was  wearing a  long  tunic  under  a  heavier
overcoat. Judging  from the  foreign make of  the other's  clothes, it
was obvious that he came from a land not much warmer than Dargon.
    "Are you all right?" Levy asked.
    "Yes. We  did not hurt  each other." The  other looked to  the far
end of the  alley, where the cutthroats had fled.  He then looked back
at Levy.  "Thank you for  helping me.  I... appreciate it."  The other
gave a short bow. He spoke as if he was still learning the language.
    "It   was...nothing."  Levy   thought   back.   Who's  voice   had
admonished him to aid the stranger? There had been no one else around.
    "Who are you?" At the question Levy looked back at the other.
    "My name is Levy Barel. Who are you?"
    "My name is Ittosai Michiya. I..."
    "Let us  get out of  this alley." Levy interrupted.  "Please. Come
with me."
    Ittosai  paused. He  was  still  not used  to  the west's  strange
ways.  Finally  he  relented  and   followed  Levy.  The  two  reached
Cavendish's house without further incident.
    Cavendish welcomed  Ittosai warmly.  It didn't  take Levy  long to
realize that  Cavendish not  only knew Ittosai,  but that  Ittosai was
on his way to Cavendish's house when he had been attacked.
    Over  supper Levy  learned many  things. He  learned that  Ittosai
was on a  self-imposed exile from his country,  something Ittosai felt
some  embarrassment over.  He learned  that Ittosai  had only  been in
Dargon a  few months,  and that Lord  Dargon had  commissioned Ittosai
and Cavendish  to record all  Ittosai could remember about  Bichu, his
native  land. Cavendish  thought it  wonderful  that he  could take  a
break from his  dull court records, and while Ittosai  would not admit
it  openly, Levy  knew that  it  was an  opportunity to  get his  feet
under himself in a strange land.

    Levy spent that  night at Cavendish's house, and,  at the scribe's
insistence, the  next night as well.  Levy had contracted a  room at a
local  inn, but  the  innkeeper refunded  some of  the  fee, and  both
parties  were satisfied.  Ittosai had  been living  with Cavendish  as
well, and  Levy found himself  in a  strangely furnished room  that he
knew  he had  once  slept in,  but  that  now looked  like  it was  in
another country. It was neat, however, and so Levy didn't mind much.
    The second  morning Levy  was packing  his horse  up for  the trip
home. He  had come to  Dargon to  buy gold and  gems to make  into the
golden articles  he fashioned for  a living.  The stones were  worth a
lot  of money,  and even  though  Levy's inheritance  would be  great,
Levy's  father was  not dead,  and  so Levy  had worked  long for  the
money.  He was  tightening the  last  knot when  Ittosai startled  him
from behind.
    "You are  leaving now,  yes?" Levy turned  to see  Ittosai dressed
in heavy traveling clothes.
    "Yes. I have to get back to my village. Are you leaving also?"
    Ittosai  shrugged.  "I  have  recorded  enough  for  Lord  Clifton
Dargon.  He has  rewarded me,  and  I... can  now  go." He  held up  a
bulging leather sack for Levy to see.
    "Where are  you headed?"  Ittosai had  told Levy  that he  knew no
one outside of Dargon.
    "I  know not.  I was  wondering...  a companion,  you would  like?
Someone to  travel with? I would  be honored to go  with you." Ittosai
was smiling confidently.
    Levy smiled back.  He had been dreading the lonely  trip home, and
would be happy to have a partner. He told Ittosai so.
    "Good! We  can leave now then!"  Ittosai ran around the  corner of
the house,  and returned a  moment later  leading a huge  horse loaded
with twice as much  baggage as Levy had ever carried  in his life. "Is
that all yours?" Levy stared at the bundles.
    "Yes. Most it  came from Bichu, my home land.  Don't worry, I know
to pack."
    Levy nodded hesitantly, and then the two started off.

                      The Edged Tool: The Forging
    Levy  stooped  near the  fire.  He  stirred the  broth  carefully,
trying not  to slosh  any into the  fire. The scent  was good,  and it
was  bubbling  fiercely.  He  and his  travelling  companion,  Ittosai
Michiya,  had  stopped  for  the  evening.  They  had  stopped  early,
several  hours  before  dark,  so  that  they  could  replenish  their
depleted  supply of  water and  meat. Ittosai  set out  to catch  some
birds, and  Levy had  set up  camp. When  Ittosai didn't  return soon,
Levy searched  out a small  creek and  filled their water  bottles. He
found Ittosai cleaning his catch when he returned.
    As  they  cooked  the  fowl  and ate  them,  along  with  generous
helpings of week-old stew, they discussed Ittosai's plans.
    "...want  to  see  much...as  much...  of your  land  as  I  can."
Ittosai paused  to take  a bite  of stew. He  had discovered  that the
technique  of using  a  wide  spoon didn't  differ  as  much from  the
technique of  the chopstick  as he had  originally thought.  The stew,
on the other hand, was something he would need time to get used to.
    "I think that's a  good idea. I have seen much  of it myself. It's
beautiful, for  the most  part. Some parts  are wild  and uninhabited.
Some parts are wild, and inhabited." Levy chuckled at his own humor.
    Ittosai gave Levy a puzzled look. "Please...What do you say?"
    "Some  parts of  Baranur have  bands of  men, thieves,  murderers,
robbers. Others  are cities,  like Dargon, only  in the  warmer south.
They can be  very rough. I am careful  not to go where I  know I might
get into trouble."
    "No man will trouble me.  I  will...dee...defend? Defend my honor.
I will make my ancestors proud." He patted the swords at his side.
    Levy looked at  him. "You seem awful sure of  yourself. It doesn't
pay to depend on  yourself for too much. No matter  who you are, there
is always someone or something you need to fear."
    "I fear  no one." Ittosai  finished his  supper, and stood  up. He
dusted himself  off and  walked off  to clean  his bowl.  Levy watched
him, then shook his head and finished his own meal.

    The  next morning  they  continued  on their  way.  They had  been
traveling for four  days already, and that afternoon they  came into a
small village, one  just big enough to have an  inn. There they bought
more food,  and continued on.  A few miles out  of town they  left the
main  road.  Levy explained  that  this  path  would take  them  south
toward his  village. Ittosai continued  with Levy, although he  was no
longer as talkative as he had been before.
    That afternoon  they paused  in a  clearing in  the woods.  It was
one  obviously  used  by  travellers,  and  there  was  running  water
nearby.  Levy topped  off  the bottles  while  Ittosai busied  himself
with a flute he was carving.
    Levy  returned  after a  few  minutes.  He  was carrying  the  two
bottles on  either end  of his  walking stick. He  set the  jugs down,
and threaded the  stick out from the  handles. He stood up,  and saw a
man step out  of the woods between Ittosai and  himself. He called out
to Ittosai,  but even  as Ittosai  stood up  another man  followed the
first out. Within  a few seconds, the two  found themselves surrounded
by a dozen armed men.
    Ittosai  watched the  intruders approach.  He rested  his hand  on
the hilt of the  sword his uncle had given him.  Perhaps this would be
its  first real  use.  Five  of the  men  formed  a rough  half-circle
around him. The  rest surrounded Levy. They all  carried drawn swords,
but the ones confronting Ittosai stopped just out of his reach.
    Levy  watched as  Ittosai  surveyed the  situation.  The five  men
confronting Ittosai seemed  content to stand their ground,  as did the
ones Levy  faced. Ittosai  was not made  of similar  material however.
He had never been taught to take the defensive.
    The first  man never even  moved his  arms. Ittosai killed  him on
the draw.  The next man  took a defensive  stance, but failed  to take
into  account his  foe's  longer blade.  The  remaining three  stepped
back, forcing Ittosai  to pause to realign himself. He  then once more
pressed  the  attack. He  dropped  the  next  with  a belly  cut,  and
stepped into  the fourth. Their  swords struck once, and  then Ittosai
whirled and  cut down the  fifth, who was trying  to come in  from the
side. He  then turned once  more to the  fourth one, who  was standing
with  his sword  outstretched. Ittosai  saw the  other's eyes  flicker
for an  instant, and stepped  in with three  quick blows, the  last of
which cut almost all the way through his opponent's body.
    Ittosai  pulled  his  sword  out  quickly,  but  before  he  could
straighten up completely  he felt a massive blow on  the back. He fell
to  the ground,  something pinning  his  lower body  down. He  quickly
levered himself up  with his right arm, and swung  his sword up behind
him with his  left. It connected, and Ittosai felt  blood spraying the
back of his  neck as the weight  rolled off his backside.  He tried to
get up,  but discovered  to his  horror that his  legs didn't  want to
respond.  He looked  up at  the rest  of the  people in  the clearing.
They  all  just  stood  there, none  moving.  Ittosai  reached  behind
himself,  and felt  down his  spine.  In the  small of  his back,  his
fingers  encountered something  hard. He  grabbed it,  and pulled.  It
came out,  and he suddenly felt  very weak. With trembling  muscles he
held  the bloody  knife up  to his  face. It  fell from  his weakening
fingers, and a  moment later his right arm also  gave way, dumping him
across one of  his victims. As he watched, the  others turned away, to
consider  their other  captive, Levy.  Ittosai saw  Levy, head  bowed,
forehead resting  on his  hands, which  were clasping  the top  of his
staff.  Then the  other men  obscured Ittosai's  view of  Levy, and  a
moment later Ittosai closed his eyes.

    "Ittosai. Ittosai. Wake up. Ittosai."
    Ittosai opened his  eyes. Levy was staring down at  him. When Levy
saw  Ittosai's movement,  he smiled,  and extended  his hand.  Ittosai
grabbed  it, and  felt himself  being pulled  to his  feet. He  looked
around.  He was  standing on  the edge  of a  mound of  gore. Bleeding
bodies littered  the clearing. Ittosai put  his hand to his  back, but
while he had no  problem finding a small slit in  his cloak, there was
no corresponding hole in his skin.
    "When  I  saw that  ruffian  knock  you  down,  I was  worried.  I
started praying  that you  would be  all right. I  guess you  just got
the wind  knocked out of  you, though." Levy seemed  unconcerned about
the carnage behind him.
    "I...  but...no..." Ittosai  was severely  confused. He  looked at
his hand,  felt at his  back, and looked  around once more.  "What did
you do?"
    "Me?"  Levy was  surprised. "I  didn't do  anything." He  surveyed
the clearing  smoothly, almost casually.  "I'm not a fighter.  I can't
give anyone life, so why should I take it? My god fights for me."
    Ittosai  stared; at  Levy, standing  there in  true sincerity;  at
the bodies  littering the  ground; at  his hand,  which no  matter how
many times he put it to his remembered wound, would come away dry.
    Ittosai numbly  helped Levy drag the  bodies into a large  pile in
the  center of  the  clearing.  Levy considered  the  pile  for a  few
minutes,  and then  walked  over to  the fire.  He  grabbed a  burning
branch, and  with Ittosai's  help proceeded to  burn the  bodies. Once
the fire  was going properly, Levy  and Ittosai packed up  and hurried
away from  the stench. All  the while  Ittosai was running  the matter
over and  over in his  mind, and every time  his hand would  wander to
the small of his back.
    They made  camp well after dark.  Levy once more dug  out the stew
pot, and  heated up  its well churned  contents. Ittosai  declined his
offer of  the pungent food,  and watched as  Levy ate it  with obvious
relish. Finally he could take it no longer.
    "Did I die?" Ittosai wasted no words of introduction.
    "Huh?" Levy stopped in mid-bite.
    "Did I  die? Did I  ..." Ittosai fought for  a word. "Did  the man
kill me?"
    "You're here, aren't you?" Levy was looking confused now.
    "He  knife me!"  Ittosai was  loosing  his mastery  of the  native
tongue  as he  grew more  and more  excited. "Here!  He knife  me!" He
turned and  showed Levy  the tear  in his  clothes. Levy  examined the
blood-stained tear carefully, and the skin underneath.
    "Maybe he did.  Maybe you did die, or something.  But you're alive
now. If you  died, and are alive  now, then my god didn't  want you to
die. If  you didn't  die, well,..."  Levy paused,  looking for  a good
answer.  "...Well then  he still  doesn't want  you to  die. Maybe  he
wants you." Levy looked thoughtful,  then turned back  silently to his
    Ittosai considered  this. His religious teaching  had not involved
the  worship of  any particularly  large deities.  The idea  of a  god
powerful  enough to  save a  life  was new  to him.  He silently  left
Levy, and retired to the privacy of the shadows.
    Levy watched  him leave. He  had not  explained to Ittosai  how he
had prayed  for deliverance, and how  when he opened his  eyes all his
enemies were dead on  the ground. Nor had he ever  told Ittosai of the
voice he had  heard back in Dargon, urging  him to go to the  aid of a
foreign  stranger.  He pondered  his  own  words.  They had  come  out
clumsily, but  suddenly he saw a  greater meaning in them.  Of course,
in  the dark,  after such  a frightening  experience, it  was easy  to
assign meaning to  meaningless things. Such speculation  was best left
for the morning. Levy sensibly finished eating, and went to bed.

    The  next  dawn  found  Ittosai returning  from  a  small  stream,
having  finally washed  off the  previous  day's dried  gore. He  once
more  looked  neat, his  blades  at  his  side.  He stepped  into  the
clearing,  and was  shocked  to see  a  man once  more  step into  the
clearing with Levy and himself.
    Ittosai's reaction was  blindingly fast. His blade  whistled as it
arced through the  air. The stranger's reflexes  were faster, however.
Ittosai's blade  screamed harmlessly  off a steel  bar clamped  to the
other's forearm.  Before Ittosai could recover  from the follow-though
the intruder had grabbed Ittosai with a grip like iron.
    While  the two  struggled,  Levy  ran up  to  the  pair. "No!  No!
Ittosai! Stop! Captain Koren! Stop!"
    At the  sound of the  name, Ittosai  paused, as did  his opponent.
Sure  enough, when  he really  looked at  the man,  Ittosai recognized
the captain of Dargon's city guard. The two released each other.
    "Many  pardons, please.  I  did not  know."  Ittosai returned  his
sword to its sheath and gave a short bow.
    Captain  Koren smiled  as  he  stepped back  and  ran his  fingers
through his hair.
    "It's  all   right,  my   friend.  After  your   little  encounter
yesterday, I'm not surprised you're a little edgy."
    Levy and Ittosai stopped at Koren's mention of the fight.
    "How  did you  know we  had an  encounter yesterday?"  Levy looked
suspiciously at Koren, who was grinning broadly.
    "I was  following that  group. I  caught up  with them  just after
you left.  I followed  your tracks  from the pyre.  Who else  could it
have been?"
    "Did  the  bodies all  burn  completely?"  His secret  discovered,
Levy was his usual businesslike self.
    "I  don't know.  They were  still burning  when I  left to  follow
you. What a stench!"
    "Why were  you following them?  Is Dargon  so quiet you  can track
down mere road toughs?"
    Koren paused for  a moment, then spoke. "You're  a trusted fellow.
Lord Dargon  has uncovered  a plot  against his  life. These  men were
somehow linked.  We think  they were  waiting for  his death,  so that
they could  come in and  pillage the city.  There are other  groups to
the east as well.  They all seem to somehow know that  there is a plot
going on."
    "Preying  on  the  dead."  Ittosai   broke  his  silence.  He  was
secretly smarting  that Koren  had deflected his  blow so  easily, and
at the same  time grateful that he  had not killed the man.  To add to
his turmoil, someone was  trying to kill the man who,  up until a week
ago, had been his lord and master. "What will you do now?"
    Koren turned to  Ittosai. "Actually, I think that  depends on you.
I was  thinking as I  followed you. I'm alone  on this mission,  and I
know that  you are loyal  to Lord Dargon,  Ittosai. If you  can handle
fifteen armed  cutthroats, alone, I think  you might be a  good person
to have with me. Lord Dargon set you free to go, didn't he?"
    Ittosai nodded,  willing at  least temporarily  to allow  Koren to
believe him to be a greater fighter than he was.
    "Ittosai  was planning  on seeing  the  lay of  the land,  Captain
Koren."  Levy looked  to  Ittosai  as he  spoke.  "I  was thinking  of
taking him to see my village. Of course, it's Ittosai's decision."
    The two looked  at Ittosai. He pondered for a  moment. He could go
with  Captain Koren,  and help  the  man who  had helped  him when  he
needed  help, or  he could  go  with Levy,  who seemed  to think  that
there might perhaps  be some purpose to  Ittosai's wanderings. Ittosai
thought back to  the things his father had taught  him, of destiny, of
karma, of the  world of the spirit. He looked  up through the branches
at the rays of light streaming from the sun.
    "I would  be of  little use to  you, Captain Koren.  I do  not yet
speak  your language  that well,  and  I would  be ...  obvious? in  a
crowd. I will go on with Levy."

                       The Edged Tool: The Honing
    The  sun was  shining brightly  when Levy  stepped out  from among
the trees,  and looked down  on his house, a  small square set  in the
midst  of   a  golden  field.   He  smiled  broadly.  No   matter  how
interesting, there  was no place  that could  make him feel  like that
tiny building made him feel.
    A moment  after Levy stepped  into the light, another  person also
stepped out. This  person also looked out at the  small house, but his
mood was  far from  happy. He was  remembering the  large, beautifully
decorated mansion  he had  grown up  in. It was  now many  hundreds of
miles  away, and  Ittosai Michiya,  as this  man was  called, was  not
likely to see it ever again. Ittosai Michiya was an exile.
    Levy and Ittosai  crossed the remaining distance  to Levy's house.
Once there  they unpacked  the horses  and let them  go. The  two then
carried their baggage  into the house. Ittosai looked  around the dark
interior. The  dim light seemed  oppressive, as  had much of  the last
two days  of their  journey. To  Levy, though, the  dim light  was the
quiet  stillness  of  home.  He  promptly started  to  set  the  usual
household proceedings  back in  motion, lighting  the fire,  setting a
pot on  to cook (the  same pot of stew  as during their  journey), and
drawing water from  the well. At first, Ittosai shunned  to do what he
considered to  be slave's tasks,  but soon  realized that he  had left
his exalted status back home in Bichu, his homeland.
    They hadn't  been there  long when there  came a  delighted shriek
from the  doorway. Levy  turned around  just in time  to catch  a fair
haired young girl as she flung herself at him.
    "Levy!  You're home!"  She gave  him  a bear  hug, accompanied  by
much happy  squealing. Even  Ittosai was  forced to  smile at  such an
enthusiastic homecoming.
    "You almost  knocked me over  there! Yes  I'm home! Home  at last!
How's everyone? Mother?  Father? The farm? What's  happening?" The joy
of seeing a familiar face shaped Levy's face into a big grin.
    Ittosai  noticed that  there were  two young  men standing  in the
door.  They looked  so much  like the  girl he  realized they  must be
related.  He also  saw  in  them a  clear  resemblance  to Levy.  Levy
noticed them also, as they stepped into the room.
    "Kane!  Kine! How're  you doing?"  They  both stepped  in to  give
Levy a  hug as well, although  in a more restrained  manner than their
sister. Levy turned  to Ittosai, one hand around each  brother and his
sister looking over his shoulder.
    "Ittosai, I  want you  to meet  part of my  family. This  is Kane,
Kine, and Kara,  the triplets in our family. They're  two after me, in
order  of  birth. Folks,  I  want  you  to  meet Ittosai  Michiya,  my
travelling partner from across the sea."
    "Hello. I'm Kane." Kane stepped forward, as did his brother.
    "I'm Kine."
    Kara  came  around  from  behind  Levy and  stepped  right  up  to
Ittosai. Before he  knew what was going  on, she gave him  a kiss, and
then leaped  out the door. "Let's  go tell everyone Levy's  back!" The
four men  watched her  bound through  the grass,  then looked  at each
other.  Kane and  Kine smiled  at Ittosai's  startled expression,  and
then  waved  and  followed  their less  restrained  sister  out.  Levy
watched them go, then turned to look at Ittosai.
    "Well? What do you think?"
    Ittosai rubbed his cheek where Kara had met him. "I..interesting."
    The two  resumed unpacking, while  Levy proceeded to  tell Ittosai
all  about his  family,  for about  the fourth  time.  It wasn't  long
before heavy footsteps could be heard outside.
    "Levy!!" The  call sounded  like a bull  getting ready  to charge.
It  was  followed  by  a  great  bull  of  a  man.  He  snatched  Levy
completely off  his feet  in a hug,  then held him  up at  arms length
for a  better view.  "You almost  look like  you've grown!  I'd better
watch out,  or you  might get bigger  than me!" From  the size  of the
man, Ittosai doubted it.
    As  he  was  lowered  to  the  ground,  Levy  turned  to  Ittosai.
"Mattan, this is  Ittosai, my travelling partner. He's  from a country
called Bichu, across  the sea." Mattan stepped up  and clapped Ittosai
gently on the shoulder. "Wellmet, Ittoshi. Will you be staying long?"
    Ittosai looked up at the behemoth before him. "I .. do not know."
    Mattan  turned  and  clapped  his hand  against  Levy's  shoulder,
almost knocking him  down. "Ma's throwing a party for  you. She's been
planning it almost since you left. At dark, at the house. O.K.?"
    "Yes.  I'll be  there." Levy  knew better  than to  turn down  his
mother's party.  Not only would he  miss a great time,  but he'd never
live to see the end of it.
    "Good!  Bring Ittoshi,  he'll like  it."  With that,  and a  wave,
Mattan also  walked off. Ittosai  wondered briefly how often  he would
hear his proud name so  badly mangled,  then turned  once more  to his
    After unpacking Levy  stepped outside and called  the horses. Both
came running at  his call. With Ittosai's help he  loaded the gold and
gems  he  had bought  in  Dargon  onto the  horses,  and  then he  and
Ittosai  started towards  the  village proper.  Once  there they  were
again  met  by  many  people  happy  to  see  Levy.  Ittosai  noticed,
however, that  there wasn't as many  happy faces along the  streets as
Levy had said  there would be. The  two made their way  to the smithy,
where Levy was  apprenticed. The smith was a wide  fellow, with a wide
face  and  an equally  wide smile.  Levy endured yet  another bruising
    "Well, it's about  time you got back! I've missed  the extra arms!
We've got a lot of catching up to do before winter comes!"
    "Yes,  I can  imagine." Levy  looked around  the shop.  Everything
looked  much like  had  seen  it last,  although  there  were the  few
inevitable changes. He  looked back to the smith.  "I've heard they're
throwing me a party tonight. Were you invited?"
    "But  of  course!  You  know  your  family!  It's  no  fun  unless
there're  a  few  hundred  people  there!" Levy  and  the  smith  both
laughed at  that, although  the smith didn't  laugh long.  "Well, I'll
let  you have  the rest  of the  day to  get caught  up. I'll  see you
after sunset." With that he turned back to his hearth.

    Levy and Ittosai  returned to Levy's house. They  continued to get
Levy's house  back in order,  checking the fences, finding  Levy's two
cows, and  finally drawing more  water. Ittosai tagged  along, feeling
out of  place. While drawing the  water, Ittosai spelled Levy  after a
bit, something for  which both were grateful. He worked  quietly for a
while, and then turned to his host.
    "I wonder."  Ittosai said that like  a question. "Why is  there no
woman in your house?"
    Levy looked up  from where he was sprawled in  the grass. "I don't
know. I  suppose it's not  from lack  of opportunity. I  guess there's
just been too  much else to do. I  never had time to catch  one, or to
chase one long  enough for her to  catch me." He grinned  at that, and
Ittosai did too, after thinking about it for a moment.
    Ittosai pulled  up the bucket.  He was about  to dump it  into the
basin, like  he had  the other  bucketfuls, when  he noticed  that the
water was suddenly muddy.
    "What  is  it?" He  got  up,  and walked  over  to  look into  the
bucket.  Frowning, he  took it  from Ittosai  and dumped  it onto  the
grass.  He then  carefully  dropped  the bucket  back  down the  well,
noting how long it  took to fall. The frown on  his face deepened when
he realized  it had dropped  basically all the  way to the  bottom. He
pulled it back up, and grimaced when he saw how muddy the water was.
    "Looks like  someone's used my  well recently. It never  gets this
low this  time of  year." He  and Ittosai stared  down into  the black
hole for  a moment, and then  Levy shrugged, and turned  away. The two
of  them  carted  the  water  into the  house,  changed  clothes,  and
started off for Levy's parents' house.

    By the  time Levy and Ittosai  arrived the party was  already well
underway,  as a  well planned  welcoming party  should be.  Levy spent
almost two  hours introducing  Ittosai to  all his  family, relatives,
neighbors,  and  general  well  wishers. Never  had  Ittosai  been  so
confused and  bewildered in  his life.  Any social  event he  had ever
been  to was  dignified and  restrained. This  party was  anything but
restrained. There  was dancing, singing, wrestling,  eating, drinking,
talking, and  laughing, all at  the same  time. It wasn't  long before
Ittosai found  a nice quiet  spot in the  shadows where he  could just
sit and watch.
    Levy, on  the other hand,  couldn't have sat  down even if  he had
wanted to,  and he didn't. After  being away for almost  three months,
and living  in a strange  and sometimes hostile  city, he was  glad to
get  back to  a place  where he  didn't have  to watch  his back,  his
step,  and his  wallet all  at the  same time.  He danced  wildly with
every pretty  girl, including  his sisters, he  wrestled with  all the
young  men,  except  Mattan  (daring   he  might  be,  but  he  wasn't
suicidal),  he ate  and he  drank  and he  even  sang a  song for  the
crowd. He talked  with everyone about everything, he  greeted even the
people  he didn't  like, and  it was  only when  the crickets  went to
sleep and  the people  started to  leave that he  finally sat  down to
catch his  breath. It was  only then that  he realized that  he didn't
know where  Ittosai was.  He looked  around, then  got up  and started
searching. He finally  found him, sitting on a bench  talking with Eli
Barel, Levy's father and town Elder.
    "... thought to  try distilling it. We've always liked  it the way
it  was." Eli  looked up  as Levy  approached. "Ah!  Levy! I  hope you
feel sufficiently welcome now, if you didn't before."
    "I always  feel welcome here, Father."  Levy sat down next  to his
father. "What were you talking about?"
    "Ittosai here  was telling me about  what they drink in  Bichu. He
says our beer  is water compared to it." Eli  smiled at the foreigner,
who was drinking some of that water out of a wooden mug.
    "It is.  But that's  because here  it flows  like water,  while in
Bichu  it is  rare stuff.  Ittosai  told me  that Bichu  is a  crowded
country." Ittosai nodded in assent.
    "Yes,  it is  true  that here  we don't  go  thirsty." Eli's  face
darkened at  that word.  "Or at  least we haven't  yet. But  that time
might soon come. Levy, there's something I want to show you. Come."
    Levy and Ittosai  followed Eli through the dark.  They walked down
a well  worn path as  it led down a  fairly steep slope.  Suddenly the
dirt gave  way to  water worn rocks.  Strangely enough,  though, there
was no water flowing over them.
    Levy stood on the dry riverbed, his hands on his hips.
    "It's  not right  for the  river to  be dry  at this  time of  the
year, is it?" Ittosai could hear concern in his voice.
    "Nor is it right  for wells like yours to have  nothing but mud in
them.  Ittosai told  me  what  happened. So  far  our  well still  has
water,  but further  north  wells  are empty,  and  the drought  moves
further south  each day. The  crops still need  water, at least  for a
few weeks  yet, and if  this keeps  up we are  going to be  hungry and
thirsty this winter."
    "Could you not  send someone north? To find  the problem?" Ittosai
tried to make out Eli's expression in the dark.
    Eli's  voice was  flat as  he  answered. "I  did. I  sent two  men
north, first  Jorden, son of  Jesh, then  Eli, son of  Tharah. Neither
have come  back. They were  to have been  gone only three  days. It'll
be two weeks tomorrow."
    The night was quiet for a several minutes. Finally Levy spoke.
    "Ittosai. Do you wish to stay, or do you want to go with me?"

                        The Edged Tool: The Use
    Levy and  Ittosai left at first  light. They took with  them their
horses  and as  much food  and water  as they  could carry.  Levy knew
that  it could  always be  unpacked  if necessary.  They followed  the
riverbed, walking right  up its middle. At first  Ittosai felt nervous
about this, having  once seen a man carried away  by flood waters, but
he soon  realized that the river  would not be dangerous  unless there
was a heavy rain, and there had been none for weeks.
    Soon they  left all  houses behind.  They started  to see  some of
the effects  of the lack of  water. Weeds, which normally  clotted the
shallows  of the  river in  these  uninhabited parts,  now matted  the
shoreline with  their dry  stalks. Occasionally,  in the  deep pockets
of the  riverbed, the two  travelers found flattened corpses  of fish,
dried by  the fall  sun. Nightfall  found the  pair camping  without a
fire, fearful  that any spark  might ignite  the dry leaves  that were
falling from  the dying  trees. The  next day  at dawn  they continued
north. By  noon they  found themselves forced  to travel  single file,
as the  river narrowed  down to  a stream, a  brook, and  then finally
gave way to what  had been a marsh. Here Levy  and Ittosai stopped for
the night, again without a fire.
    The  next day  they  started  moving northwest,  as  that was  the
direction that  Levy thought  looked the  driest. His  judgment seemed
good, as  they were soon  moving through  what was rapidly  becoming a
desert.  Trees stood  almost leafless,  their foliage  lying at  their
feet,  most of  it still  bearing traces  of green.  The only  animals
they spotted  were dead, the rest  having left for better  feeding. As
the two  continued north, they  approached some small hills.  To their
surprise, when  they reached these hills  they found them to  be green
and  living. Strangest  of all,  the  dividing line  between the  dead
land behind them  and the green trees  ahead of them was as  thin as a
thread, running around the base of the hills.
    Ittosai watched while  Levy studied the area. After  a few minutes
of walking around looking at things, Levy walked back to Ittosai.
    "The answer  to this whole problem  must lie at the  base of these
hills. There  has to  be a  reason why these  hills mark  the boundary
between this desert  and living ground. I'm going to  walk around this
hill westward.  I want  you to  walk around  the hill  eastward. We'll
meet on  the other side. If  you see anything unusual,  remember where
it is, so you can show me. Understand?"
    Ittosai nodded.  Levy took his  horse, and started  west. Although
he didn't  say it,  Ittosai felt  that somehow Levy  was on  the wrong
track. Levy  seemed to  be trying to  find a reason  why one  area had
water and  another didn't.  To Ittosai,  the question  was not  one of
differing characteristics, but  of change. Why would an  area that had
an  abundance of  water suddenly  become  practically a  desert? To  a
person  of Ittosai's  upbringing,  a  change of  state  could only  be
brought  about  two ways,  either  by  human or  divine  intervention.
Therefore Ittosai waited  until Levy was out of sight,  and started to
climb the wooded slope.
    To Ittosai's way  of thinking, he needed to see  the whole problem
to understand  it, and  the only way  to see an  entire hill  was from
the top.  Ittosai climbed  boldly, his  eyes focused  on the  slope up
ahead.  He made  no effort  to be  quiet or  inconspicuous. The  slope
started out  easy enough, but soon  the way became steep,  and Ittosai
was  forced  to  tie  his  horse  to a  tree  and  leave  it.  Ittosai
continued upward, pausing  occasionally to check his  progress. It was
only when  he was  close to  the top  that he  realized that  he could
hear sounds  from above, sounds  that did not  belong in a  forest. He
slowed down,  and started to  try to be  quiet. Like any  warrior from
his country, he managed very well.
    As  he  neared the  top,  he  could see  that  there  was a  large
clearing at the  crest of the hill. Only the  tall trees prevented the
bald spot from  being dramatically visible. Through  the trees Ittosai
could see  figures moving about. As  he drew close to  the open space,
he could  see that the  clearing was  littered by large,  stone ovens.
While he  watched, men  busily forged  swords, knives,  and spearheads
over bright  fires. It  wasn't until  he had been  watching for  a few
minutes when he  realized that the fires were not  producing any smoke
at all.  Not only that,  but there was no  wood or charcoal  nearby to
fuel the fires.
    While  Ittosai crouched  in  the  shadows, he  became  aware of  a
commotion approaching.  It soon  resolved itself into  a group  of men
carrying buckets. Guarding  them, and hustling them on  their way were
two soldiers  carrying spears. While Ittosai  watched, they approached
the men  working at  the hearths.  The men  with the  buckets relieved
the  others, who  were herded  back the  way the  others came.  It was
then  that  Ittosai  noticed  the  guards  watching  the  smiths.  The
newcomers  took their  buckets,  and  poured water  from  them on  the
fires.  To Ittosai's  shock,  instead  of the  fires  going out,  they
burned hotter!  It was then that  he realized where all  the water was
going. It was somehow being used to fuel these fires!
    While  Ittosai watched,  another  group of  men approached.  These
were  led by  two  men. One  was  garbed in  thick  leather and  metal
armor, and  carried a long sword.  The other wore nothing  but a cloak
over  his shoulders,  despite the  cool fall  air. He  had a  detached
look to  him, as if he  were not actually  part of the group,  but was
merely walking  in the same  direction. The armored one,  however, was
angrily remonstrating  him. The group finally  stopped halfway between
Ittosai and the nearest forge.

    "Here,  wizard. Make  me one  here." The  military one  pointed at
the ground firmly.
    The  wizard lost  some  of  his detached  look,  and regarded  the
other  coldly. "Here?  Another? You  already have  enough. Why  do you
need another?"
    The armored one's  face grew red, and his  expression showed rage.
"I'm not  asking you  if I need  another, I'm telling  you to  make me
another, HERE!"
    The  wizard's expression  grew  suddenly stern.  "You are  telling
me? With a word  I could wipe out this entire,  pitiful band of yours,
and you're telling ME!?!"
    The armored  man was taken  back a  bit. "We need  another spring,
so that we can fire more furnaces. Is that a good enough reason?"
    There was a  moment of silence. "I suppose so."  The wizard took a
step towards  Ittosai, and  the group fell  back. Ittosai  gripped the
hilt of  his sword. Somehow  he could feel  evil here. As  he watched,
the wizard made  a motion, and mumbled a word.  Suddenly a fountain of
water burst out  of the ground. With a shout,  soldiers prodded slaves
with  buckets  forward.  They  started hauling  the  water  away.  The
armored  man stepped  up  to  the wizard  and  started  to thank  him,
albeit  rather  stiffly. After  a  few  moments, however,  the  spring
faltered, and then stopped all together.
    There was silence as  the wizard stared at the spot  of mud on the
ground. From  all over the clearing  there came cries and  shouts. The
wizard  made the  motion  again, and  repeated the  word,  but only  a
furtive bubbling rewarded him.
    "What's wrong? Why'd it stop?" The warlord was angry, yet fearful.
    The wizard  looked around wildly.  He waved his hands  through the
air, as  if feeling for  something. "I don't  know. It's almost  as if
we've drained all the water we can from this area."
    The soldier  grabbed the wizard  by the  cloak. "If we  don't have
water, we won't be  able to make enough weapons to  take the city when
Dargon dies!"

    At  the mention  of the  man who  had helped  him, Ittosai  felt a
strong and  sudden urge to  act. He had no  ideas, no plan  of attack,
but  the urge  was just  too  strong to  resist. He  stepped into  the
light, drawing his sword. All around there was an abrupt silence.
    Suddenly Ittosai  felt alone,  and sickeningly  directionless. The
urge that  had pulled him  from the shadows had  left him, and  now he
felt empty.  Remembrances of the fight  on the road came  to his mind.
Unlike then,  he now felt  naked and  unprotected. For the  first time
in his  life, Ittosai  realized his  own inadequacy.  He was  one man,
alone, with  two hands  clutching a  thin piece  of steel.  Facing him
were over a  hundred armed and armored men, desperate,  and skilled in
battle, with  an unknown power  on their  side. The wizard  started to
wave his  hands in  a menacing  fashion, and as  he started  to mutter
strange words, the  war lord drew his long blade  and stepped forward.
Ittosai started to  make the standard attack, but  fear paralyzed him.
The small of  his back started itching where the  rough had struck him
from behind, and Ittosai had to fight an urge to turn and run.
    "Throw down your sword."
    Ittosai  felt a  chill cover  his body.  The words  had seemed  to
come from inside his own head.
    "Throw down your sword!" The words were more insistent.
    Unbidden,  Levy's words  came back  to Ittosai's  mind: No  matter
who you  are, there is always  someone or something you  need to fear.
In  a  moments  inspiration,  Ittosai realized  that,  in  the  native
tongue, the  word 'fear' could  also mean  'respect'. All his  life he
had been drilled  in respect: respect for his elders,  respect for his
betters, respect for  his enemies. Now he realized that  there was one
more  being  in  the  universe  he needed  to  respect,  and  possibly
respect as he had never respected anyone before.
    Instantly  his  terror vanished.  He  straightened  his back,  and
reversed his grip  on his blade. Lifting his face  skyward, he shouted
in his own  tongue: "I give my  blade to you!" With that  he flung the
sword point first into the ground.
    The  moment the  blade  struck the  ground  shuddered. The  tremor
soon  grew into  a  quaking that  made  it hard  to  stand. Yells  and
shouts could be  heard over the awesome rumbling. Men  were running in
two  basic directions:  the soldiers  inwards, towards  the center  of
camp, and the  slaves outward, for the safety of  the woods. The small
group in front of Ittosai fell back.
    "Take your sword up again."
    Ittosai obeyed,  and pulled the  blade from the ground.  The small
hole  the sword  had  made suddenly  grew into  a  fissure that  raced
around  the  clearing,  surrounding   the  army's  camp.  Its  natural
cohesiveness gone with  the ground water, the soil  turned suddenly to
a  dry fluid.  With a  horrible  noise, everything  inside the  circle
made  by the  crack in  the earth  suddenly disappeared,  swallowed by
the earth. Ittosai  was knocked to one knee. Within  moments, what had
been an army camp was suddenly a bare, brown, expanse.
    When the shaking  stopped, Ittosai stood. He still  held his sword
in his hand.  He dusted it off,  and sheathed it. He  then turned, and
walked down the hill.
    At the  bottom he met Levy,  who was understandably shaken  by the
tremor. He  was even  more shaken  by what Ittosai  told him.  To make
matters  worse,  men  started  stumbling  out  of  the  woods.  Within
moments  there was  a crowd  of hundreds  of freed  slaves. To  Levy's
surprise,  among them  were  Jorden  and Eli,  the  two  men from  the
village. Before they  could finish telling Levy  their story, however,
dark clouds covered  the sky. The group hastily headed  for one of the
other  nearby  hills, fearing  mudslides  if  they remained  near  the
shaken mount. By  the time they reached the far  slopes the ground was
already almost too soupy to traverse.
    It rained  for two days.  The third day the  sun came out,  and by
noon the  men were sweating even  with their shirts off.  They started
back, making their  way around the swamp. They reached  the creek, and
found  it full  and  muddy. The  next  day they  were  forced to  walk
through  the woods  beside the  swollen river,  although by  night the
water was  no longer brown. By  the time they reached  the village the
river  ran crystal  clear,  and  they found  children  playing in  the
flow. Elder  Eli welcomed  the freed  slaves. The  ones that  had been
taken from  their homes were given  food and clothes, and  seen off on
their  way back,  and  the truly  homeless were  offered  lands and  a
place in  the village.  Levy was  again greeted  enthusiastically, and
this time Ittosai was not  allowed to  remain on the  outskirts of the

    It was raining  again several days later when  Ittosai left Levy's
house  for the  last  time. He  checked  to make  sure  he had  packed
everything,  and then  carefully bowed  to  Levy and  Elder Eli.  Levy
then gave him a last embrace.
    "You're  welcome here  forever, as  are your  children, and  their
children." Eli had to shout a little to be heard over the rain.
    "Thank  you, Elder  Eli." Ittosai  turned to  Levy. "I  thank you,
Levy.  I think now...  I mean, now I  know there  is a meaning  to my
    "I've learned  as much as  you, Ittosai. Take care."  They clasped
hands once more, and Ittosai turned his horse, and started to ride.
                               -Jim Owens


                        Men Shall Have the Stars

               In the beginning Apollo achieved the moon
                      Next Viking landed on Mars;
                      And in the future, very soon
                       Men shall have the stars.

                 When the solar system is all explored
                      And men seek new adventure,
                To the stars they shall all turn toward
                   And embark on this newest venture.

                In ships that surpass the speed of light
                 They shall cross interstellar spaces,
             And find new worlds at the end of their flight
                       And colonize alien places.

                  But when the Earth is dead and gone
                Throughout the galaxy humans still roam;
                And to the edge of the cosmos wander on
                     And call the stars their home.

                     -Carlo Samson  <U09862@UICVM>


    Bradley noticed  something strange about  the place the  moment he
stepped  off his  ship.  That  wasn't unusual,  however,  for all  new
planets are  strange. He'd seen  many new planets, and  therefore took
the strangeness in stride.
    Bradley strolled  casually over  to the  depot, enjoying  the warm
breeze  and sunny  sky. He  walked into  the obligatory  rental office
and rented a  small craft. While he waited he  scornfully examined the
young  man  who was  serving  him,  observing  the neat  uniform,  the
cosmetic smile, the  polished hair and face. Sucker,  he thought. They
already got  you trapped, just like  they almost trapped me,  wound up
in  the lair  of  respectability. He  almost  considered offering  the
young man  a 'ride',  but thought  better of it.  No telling  what the
laws are  like on  this world,  he told himself.  No sense  in getting
picked up  for 'kidnapping'.  Taking his  keys, he  strode out  to get
his flitter.
    He  passed  row   after  row  of  glistening   craft,  all  neatly
arranged,  all  dreams of  conformity.  He  slowed  after a  bit,  and
started  to  check the  numbers  painted  on  the  sides of  the  cars
against the  number stamped  on his  keys. It  was soon  apparent that
his car  was obviously the last  one on the lot.  Typical bureaucratic
screwup, he fumed. Making me walk all the way out here...
    He  got to  the end,  and there  was his  car. Totally  unlike the
others  he had  passed,  this  one was  old,  rusty, decrepit,  broken
down, in short,  just the kind of  car one would never  expect to find
in the  kind of  a world  he had  seen so  far. He  looked at  the key
ring.  He was  not  surprised to  see  a small,  sticky  patch on  the
backside  of the  tag, just  the kind  of spot  left by  a 'CONDEMNED'
sticker when  it accidentally falls  off. He considered  returning the
rings  for a  new set,  but rebelliously  decided not  too. He  didn't
want to get too used to the idea of conformity.
    Several  minutes later  he was  cruising down  the super  highway,
relaxing and  enjoying the ride.  He had a day  or two to  spend here,
before he  was supposed to rendezvous  with a buyer at  a nearby solar
system. I'll  sightsee for  a day,  see what trouble  I can  get into,
spend the  night, and be  on my way, he  told himself. Not  that there
looks  to be  much trouble  to get  into around  here, he  chuckled to
himself. At  least the car's  reasonably functional,  even if it  is a
little dinged  up. Any damage  to the machine was  mostly superficial.
It  had  no  viewer,  or  even  a radio,  indeed  it  even  lacked  an
antennae,  but  it was  comfortable,  and  required little  effort  to
drive. Bradley  looked out the window  while he reclined in  the plush
seat, his right pinkie handling the wheel.
    As he  drove towards what appeared  to be a big  city, he examined
the other  cars. Must  be a  holiday, he thought,  lot's of  people on
the road. Each  car held from one  to eight people, in  what seemed to
be a rather  normal distribution. He pondered this,  reflecting on how
there were  usually many more cars  with only one occupant  than there
were   cars  with   multiple   occupants.  He   made   a  quick   (but
representative) survey,  and found  that just as  many cars  had eight
occupants  as had  one. Strangely  enough, there  were many  cars that
had several adults  packed in with two or three  children, rather than
the  usual father-mother-kids  type of  arrangement. Another  thing he
noticed  was  that  all  the   cars  had  these  large  whip  antennas
protruding  from the  roofs. He  tried to  find one  that didn't,  but
even  on that  crowded  expressway there  wasn't a  single  one to  be
found. He  pondered on  that little  piece of  information for  a bit,
before his attention was distracted by the approaching city.
    Bradley had been  to many cities before, but none  quite like this
one. All the  buildings were clean and spare in  their design, totally
unlike the  mad mixes  usually found  in large  cities. As  he entered
the city,  he also noticed that  the closer the buildings  were to the
center of the  city, the taller they got, effectively  giving the city
a  rounded, domelike  skyline. All  nice and  neat, just  like a  city
park, he  thought. Perfectly  planned, flawlessly executed,  just like
a  ballet.  I'll bet  they  even  die  on  time around  here.  Bradley
considered for  a moment that there  might just be some  advantages to
an  ordered life,  and then  snorted. Too  dull, he  told himself,  no
life. It was in  the middle of this thought that  he glanced down from
the bridge he was driving on, and saw the wreck.
    The car  was completely  totalled. Smoke and  fumes poured  out of
the  engine compartment,  and  nothing moved  inside. Bradley's  heart
started  thumping, and  he fought  to control  it. He  had seen  death
before, just  not recently.  Get a  grip, Bradley.  People buy  it all
the  time.  They'll even  get  you  one of  these  days.  Then, as  he
watched, another  car veered  off a nearby  road. It's  movements were
purposeful and direct,  not erratic, as it jumped a  concrete bank and
slammed into  the damaged car.  It was  followed by another,  and then
by a  large truck. Finally  a sports car  swerved off the  bridge just
ahead of Bradley,  vaulted the guardrail, and fell  easily one hundred
feet to  land exactly on  top the  smoldering pile. With  it's impact,
the whole heap burst into flames.
    Suddenly Bradley felt  afraid. Not the kind of fear  you have when
you realize  you forgot  to turn  your taxes in,  or when  you realize
you left  you wallet  in your other  coat, but the  kind of  fear that
forces all  the breath from your  lungs, and causes your  testicles to
crawl up  into the pit of  your stomach. He looked  around wildly. All
around him  the people  in the  other cars  sat, stonily  ignoring the
accident, him, and the whole world in general. Bradley let out a moan.
    "Something  is   definitely  wrong  here,"  he   said,  his  voice
breaking.  He searched  wildly for  an off-ramp.  Finding one,  he cut
across four lanes  of traffic to reach  it. He slid down  it, and made
a left  at the intersection  at the bottom.  He pulled into  the first
driveway he saw, and up to the door of a large tower.
    Leaving  his  car  parked  in   the  middle  of  a  large  curving
driveway, he  rushed through  a set  of glass doors  and into  a large
lobby.  There was  only  one person  in the  lobby,  a woman  standing
behind a  desk, wearing a  pink outfit with a  tall hat. He  rushed up
to her.
    "Miss! Miss!"  Bradley staggered  up to  clutch her  desk. "You've
got to help! Please!"
    "Yes? How  can I help you?"  The girl's smile didn't  waver at the
sight of the wild-eyed man panting in front of her.
    "There's been  an accident! Cars, a  couple of them! And  a truck,
too. All mashed together! And burning!"
    "Yes?" She continued to smile,  as if Bradley were  discussing the
    "You gotta  call the authorities,  or something! It  was terrible!
They just  ran right into  each other! I  mean, one wrecked,  and then
the others  ran into it, just  Bam! like some big  crashup derby, like
they were just a bunch of..."
    Bradley looked at her bland, smiling, face.
    "Just like  they were  a bunch  of toys."  Bradley stared  at her,
fear  once  more  welling up  in  his  gut.  He  thought back  to  the
freeway, to all the cars, moving neatly along, all with their...
    Suddenly he  leaned forward, and  with a  broad sweep of  his arm,
knocked the  receptionist's hat  off. His arm  also brushed  her head,
mussing her hair,  but still she beamed on.  Bradley cautiously walked
around the  desk, his eyes  never leaving  her. She watched  him come.
He leaped  forward, grabbing her by  the arm and twisting  her around.
There, plastered  against the back of  her neck, was a  thin, flexible
steel wire.  He grabbed it, and  pulled. It came out  easily, trailing
a thin cable, which  was slick with blood. He stared  at her in horror
as she  turned, still smiling.  He backed  away from her,  then turned
and ran.
    He  raced out  of  the lobby,  and leaped  into  his car.  Without
looking  back he  gunned the  engine. It  responded smoothly,  hurling
him down  the drive. As  he approached  the road, however,  he slowed.
He looked  back toward the tower.  There was no one  in sight. Bradley
sat, panting. Am  I going nuts or something? he  asked himself. People
don't have  wires in them,  no matter how  much alike they  look. They
may  act like  a  bunch of  robots,  but that  doesn't  mean they  are
robots.  He considered.  Maybe I'd  better  go back  and check  things
out. He turned  back around to take  the wheel, just in time  to see a
man  in  gardener's clothes  reaching  for  the door  handle.  Bradley
didn't need  any more convincing.  As the door opened,  Bradley kicked
it with  all his strength,  sending the gardener flying.  Bradley then
shut the door, locked it, and sent the flitter flying into traffic.
    Almost  immediately  Bradley  saw  a sign  directing  him  to  the
freeway. When  he turned  down that road,  however, he  suddenly found
himself circling a  large, round park, with a fountain  in the center.
Everything  was  green and  beautiful,  with  children running  around
with balloons,  and parents  walking strollers. Then  he saw  that the
fountain  pool  was filled  with  a  dozen or  so  men  and women,  in
business clothing, calmly swimming laps.
    "That does  it. I'm out  of here."  Bradley swung the  car towards
the outside  of the  traffic circle,  looking for  an exit.  It wasn't
until  he had  made two  full revolutions  that he  realized that  the
road  that he  had  take  into the  circle  had  suddenly and  totally
disappeared. If  that weren't  enough, though,  he suddenly  noticed a
commotion in the  park. As he watched, all the  swimmers stood up, and
began  to walk  towards him,  spiralling outward  towards the  edge of
the park.
    He  made a  quick  search of  the control  panel.  It was  sparse,
but...there. He reached down and grabbed a large lever.
    "You can't fool  me! I've seen too many different  vehicles not to
realize that  this isn't  just a  ground car!"  Bradley shouted  to no
one visible.
    Lifters in  the stub wings  whined as  the flitter lifted  off the
ground. It cleared  the ground clutter easily, and  Bradley turned the
flitter toward the  landing area, accelerating as he  went. He watched
anxiously as  he flew, but  there appeared to  be no pursuit.  Once at
the landing port,  Bradley set the flitter down right  beside his ship
and  leaped out  of  the  car before  it  even  stopped. He  franticly
activated the  port lock,  all the while  closely watching  the nearby
ground attendants  as they repaired a  nearby ship. The door  was just
starting to open  when they suddenly dropped what they  were doing and
turned to  face him. They took  a step toward him...and  then the port
was open, and he was inside, slamming it shut.

    Once  inside his  own  ship  he finally  felt  safe,  or at  least
safer. Sensors  showed no one  else on board.  For once the  stench of
thousands of accumulated  man-hours didn't annoy him. He  leaped up to
the conn  before the first  blows started to fall  on the side  of the
hull.  Bradley wasted  no  time with  trying to  raise  the tower.  He
activated the emergency flight mechanism, and strapped in.
    The launch  pinned him  to his  seat, but  his overhead  view unit
showed him  the view below.  As he rose above  the plain, he  saw long
lines of  flitters streaming  toward the spaceport.  Try and  catch me
now,  suckers! he  thought,  the acceleration  not  permitting him  to
actually talk.  As the ship  rose higher,  Bradley could see  the city
laid out  below, then  the plain  it was built  on, and  finally hills
surrounding it.  Shining objects,  arranged regularly around  the city
on  the surrounding  hills, caught  his  eye. Were  they towers?  Once
free from  the clawing  atmosphere, the  ship started  accelerating in
earnest,  making  its  heated  rush  for  the  stars.  Bradley's  eyes
started to  fog. Before he  finally blacked out, however,  he thought,
or perhaps hallucinated,  that he saw, moving in the  hills far below,
large  shapes,  carrying  large  boxes,  each with  a  large  rod,  or
antennae, protruding from its end.

    Little  Orf got  up  from where  he was  hiding,  behind the  dirt
mound. Across the model city from him, Tad did the same.
    "Aw,  what'd you  do  that  for? I  wasn't  gonna  hurt him!"  Orf
adopted that whine he always did when he was begging.
    "Whaddya mean?  I thought  he was  yours!" Tad's  facial tentacles
showed surprise.
    "It  wasn't mine."  Orf looked  at Tad.  Tad looked  back at  Orf.
Then they  both looked  up, at  the small point  of light  fading into
the sky. Then they both turned and ran home.
                               -Jim Owens
