Ü ÜßÝ Ü Ü Ü ßÝ ßÝ Ý Ý Ý Ý Û Ý Ý Ý BLaH Ý ß Ý ÜßÜ Ý Ý File ÝßÜ Ý Ý ÝßÝÜÝ Written August 2nd, 1992 #001 Ý Ýig Ýong Üßß Ýnd Ý Ýairy Ý Ý Ý Þ Ý Ý Ý ÝÜß ÝÜÜÝ ßÜÜßÞ ÜÝ ÞÜ Presents Ú ÄÄ ¿ "Falling Down Stairs" ³ by ³ Guido Sanchez À ÄÄ Ù INTRO: Welcome to my world. The world that is BLaH. I'd put the ! at the end of the group name, the way Pepsi Man wanted it, like BLaH!, or even nifty little brackets like [BLaH]. But in the first case, it's a pain to make an ANSI exclamation point; in the second, it'll look too much like [NuKE] <you'll never EVER catch Nowhere Man typing it without the brackets... he's got a macro for it even> or the name of a virus. Sure, I've had the macro "BLaH" before this group ever started, about a week ago or so. I also did that nifty little ANSI title on the top in PURE ascii, in DOS Edit, using alt-221, etc. Well, enough of my blathering on like a lunatic. Ebert doesn't like that at all <in reference to Scrooged with Bill Murray>. On with the introduction to the group! I LIED, THIS IS THE INTRO: Ok, here are some tidbits on BLaH. BLaH is composed of, so far, Chessman and myself. You'll hear about Chessman later, a modemer with a newfound fetish for murder. BLaH is an acronym for Big Long and Hairy. It originated last year, about June of 1991, when there used to be this really fun board, called The Baron's Bistro. The SysOp, The Baron, was a great guy, had a talent for making a board thrive in posts, etc. The board had maybe 30 megs of space total, and only a few REALLY good pirate games in the file bases < ie Lemmings, etc>. It was 2400, and a VERY message oriented board. We're talking like 200 posts a day or so, and really fun conversations too. Very fast-paced. There was no discussion of hack/phreak/virus/anarchy/carding. The message base "The Elite Conference Table" was mostly ideals and philosophy. Kinda. Out of this abundance of thought exchange, BLaH was born. The Baron said it a lot, and no one knew what it meant. Neither did he. He just said it as a void. Like a "whatever", "nevermind", "ok, great...". Just an end to a letter, or a substitute for something to say. It was also a partition of ideas. For example "I killed someone today .. .blah..what brand of pickles does your mother like the best?". The Baron looked at it, and noticed that it was an acronym for Big Long and Hairy. Hence, the term is born. ZA/\/: Also born of these same message bases was a group called ZA/\/. The Zhit Axis /\/ations. I was a member/minister of ZA/\/, and many works were released. There was poetry, religion-bashing, ORIGINAL anarchy texts that WORKED. The Baron has tried and tested more anarchy texts than anyone I have ever known. This was all great and dandy, and there was a main ZA/\/ board called United States Conect/Ying Yang. It was one of those board-in-a-board dealies. In about August, ZA/\/ died mostly because of personal reasons between the sysop of the ZA/\/ main board and another modemer. Yay. That's another story that I probably won't ever get into. Then, the posts started going down on the Bistro to a surprising 30 a day. This was unheard of. Plus, the posting was lame. They were one line responses to huge 5 page quoted messages. A user came about named Chuck that contributed to the insanity, and formed his own anti-ZA/\/ish <meaning exact opposite of ZA/\/> group called MaDCaP. Then, The Baron got pissed, and the holocaust came about. out of the 178 users, about 120 of them were deleted. The board became completely private <the new user password was THEBIGZONK, an indication that there was still some hope left for the wackiness>, and I gave the baron all of my viruses, and we <I was a sysop, remote though> started up a hack/phreak board. I used to do that stuff a LOT, and The Baron was an eager learner, so we posted invitations on some of the better hack/phreak boards, and people called. There were no ratios at all, and everything was peachy. The Bistro went down in February of 1992, because The Baron was bored. Well, for a year, there was one hell of a board. The Baron's Bistro. Rest In Peace. ANYWAYYY: There's the little historical epilogue to the story of BLaH. Essentially, that epilogue is what this group is about. Storytelling. Writing text files for the sheer joy of spreading the information. Speaking your mind and crushing other opinions that can't be supported. Isn't it great? Well, hey, if it's not then stop reading, delete this file, and spread the damn zipfile around to other boards so you can get file points and good ratios to download the latest k-rad-1-k00l 0-2 hour s00per ELITE ware, and then upload that everywhere for more credit. Jumpin Jesus on a Pogostick. Everyone knows thats the way it's done, why do you think they call you a warez geek? Because you don't PLAY the damn games. Well, that's what BLaH is out to do. To play the game. What is the game? Falling Down Stairs. {---End of File... Safe-T-Nutz v0.90á says "6144 Bytes Total"--------------} Didja ever notice how all of the "k00l" utilities are v0.90á? There's ToneLoc, MtE, the PS-MPC. Pfft. BLaH <sigh>ts Nun-Beaters Anonymous | <708>251-5094 | 110/16.8k Hell Bound | <708>965-8965 | 2400/14.4k Call and download more BLaH warez for credit, or to join/fight the cause of BLaH. Our Manifesto : "If it says BLaH, it probably isn't" {-------------------------------------------------------------------------} Anything below this dashed line is propaganda.. Everything above is simply suggestive.