ББлпппББл  ББлпппББл  ББлпппББл  ББлп ББлпппББл  ББлпппББл
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                               *****  O R  *****
             Г    R E A L   M E N   P R O G R A M   I N  " C "   Г

                              John Richard De Palma


            Red haired Sandra  is  the  manager  of  the  local  Egghead
       Software store.  Gazing at  her collection  of software  I  said,
       "Hi Sandra, Uh... can you  show me  what books  and  software you
       have on learning to program in BASIC?"

            "No, no...NOOOO... John, you want this!" Sandra said, as she
       thrust an orange 10  pound box of manuals and disks into my arms.
       She gave me a beaming smile.

            She went  on, "I  studied Pascal  and "C" in college for TWO
       years, no  one, and  I mean  no one studies BASIC anymore, it's a
       dead programming  language."   She  laughed,  "Just  as  dead  as
       learning Latin."

            "Well, Ah, hmmm...,"  I shifted my feet for  better  support
       and put down Borland's  version  of  Turbo  Pascal  with  a small
       grunt, "I  studied  Latin  for two years, and  it's not  all that
       dead,".   "You see, Latin  teaches  you to  know intuitively many
       English  prefixes,  suffixes  and  many  of the  Romance language
       verbs  and  nouns...."  my  voice  trailed off, even  to me  that
       sounded  like an  apology  for  spending two years learning about
       BIG Julie (aka Julius Caesar)  and  wars  fought  with  catapults
       and giant slingshots.

            "Oh, don't  be SILLY," Sandra said, "Here, if you don't like
       that, buy this, its C ++ with OOP."

            "I'm not  even going to ask what "OOP" is, I said, just sell
       me something in BASIC,"  I sighed.

            "What KIND  of basic programming do you want?"  Sandra asked
       briskly,  swiveling   around  to  check   on  her  employees  and
       motioning to Brian to stop playing with the joystick and get back
       to work.

            "Well, hell,  I DON'T KNOW, I just want to learn how to make
       my own programs like Paul Somerson does.  If BASIC is good enough
       for him, it's good enough for me," my voice rising a half-octave.
       I started  looking around  for the  IBM utilities  section in the
       hopes of finding some box with basic BASIC information on it.

            There was no question that I knew NOTHING about programming.
       I was  awkward and  out of  my  depth.    I  knew  nothing  about
       programming except  that it  had to  be better  than using  batch
       files to do things with MS-DOS.  I was going to tell Sandra about
       batch files.   Tell  her about all the batch file programs that I
       had looked  at that promised much and delivered little.  I wanted
       to tell  her about batch techniques that did not allow input into
       them except  as parameters  on the  command line  or by using the
       dopey "FOR"  command or  the klutzy  "IF ERRORLEVEL"  command.  I
       wanted to  tell her  I  wanted  to  make  colorful  screens  with
       selections that could be input by cursor control.  I wanted to be
       able  to  change  directories,  do  file  sorts...  I  wanted  to
       understand how  the computer  worked and then tell it what to do.
       Hell and again hell, I wanted to control the computer software.

            Who's  Paul  Somerson?"  Sandra  queried.    "Some  computer
       propeller head in Santa Monica?"

            "Gad, Sandy,  give me  a break!  Paul Somerson is the editor
       of my favorite PC bible, "DOS Power Tools," he programs in BASIC.
       Look...look, you  have his  book on  your bookshelf  right  here.
       Wait... waaait,  I'll find  the section and read it to you.  Come
       back here,  Oh let  Brian wait on that guy, this will only take a

            I picked  up the  book, found the page and read from my hero

             "One  of the  nicest things  about BASIC  is  that  if  you
       suddenly find  yourself with  a problem BASIC can tackle, you can
       load it,  stumble your  way through  a program  and emerge with a
       solution a  few minutes  later.  So maybe your program wasn't the
       most elegant display of programming virtuosity; who cares as long
       as it worked?"

            Sandra went on, "Well shoot yourself...I mean suit yourself,
       heh, heh,  a little  joke there.   BASIC is dumb and slow.  Learn
       "C" or  Pascal, I  did when  I went to UCLA.  No one teaches that
       dumb stuff."  Sandra was very convincing and convinced.

            Backed into  a corner  and now  defending both Latin, a dead
       language and BASIC a dead programming language I asked, "Well, if
       that's true,  let me ask you a couple of questions.  Do you use a
       computer...?   You do.  Do you use a computer to do applications,
       spreadsheets and  mathematics...?  You do.  Do you use ANY of the
       Pascal and "C" you learned to help you to doing things with these
       programs.  You don't..?   Why?"

            Sandra went  on to  tell me how hard it was to keep up these
       great skills  she learned  in college  and that she really didn't
       have the  time to  program, or the interest.  She freely admitted
       that though she studied programming for two years, she never used
       it outside  of class.   She  glanced at  the clock,  at the three
       people questioning  Brian all at the same time and gave me a book
       called "Learn  BASIC Now."   She said as she walked away, "BASIC,
       is too  dumb, it's  a wimpy  language.  You're wasting your time,
       you'll be sorry.  It's really not even a HIGH language."

            Apparently I  bought a  peasant computer language of limited
       capacity for  limited minds.   If  I wanted  to be  part  of  the
       intelligentsia, I  should program in "C".  At least in "C" if not
       in C ++  with OOP  or in  Pascal.   So I  went home,  loaded  the
       software and  wrote my first BASIC program with Microsoft's Quick
       Basic 4.5  Interpreter.   The program  was one line of text which
       printed to  the screen.  Big deal, I want power and I get a batch
       file look alike.

            If I  couldn't learn  BASIC how  could I  learn  these  more
       elitist and  complicated  computer  languages?    I  needed  some
       verification and  clarification.  I began asking my friends about
       computer programming.

            Harry said,  "Gosh John,  I learned FORTRAN and COBOL when I
       was 17,  wrote flocks of programs in them, nope don't know BASIC,
       it's too  dumb and slow.  What's that...do I ever USE FORTRAN and
       COBOL?   No, not in years.  What good was learning it then?  What
       the !@#$%*!, kind of question is that!"

            Harry is  always a  little sensitive  if you  imply that  he
       might be bragging.  Harry is a card carrying elitist, he wouldn't
       be caught dead using  such a  peasant computer language as BASIC.

            Ray is  different.   Ray owns  his own manufacturing company
       and has  three Phd.s',  a law  degree, and went to medical school
       for three  years.  "Of course I can program in BASIC, John, don't
       be silly, that's child's play.  But don't get too technical, it's
       been several years now, Hee Hee..., Ray chuckled.

            "Well Ray,  that's great,  I'm having a dickens of a time, I
       didn't realize  that there  was BASIC,  BASICA, GWBASIC, PDB, and
       QUICK BASIC.   What  do all  of these  names mean and which BASIC
       should I learn?" I asked naively.

            Ray sputtered  a fine spray just as he was tasting the wine.
       He ordered  another bottle  of Petite  Sirah; and we were able to
       finish dinner  with that question hanging like still smoke in the

            So it went on, if they did program "in the higher languages"
       of C,  C +,  Pascal they  couldn't tell what and how they did the

            "Well John  why do  you REALLY want to learn to program for,
       comm' on,  tell me....comm'  on...tell the truth,"  Marvin asked.
       Marvin  programs   in  "C"   and  does   programs  in  artificial
       intelligence   and    makes   jokes    about   "the    artificial

            In desperation,  I asked  Marvin to  write me a program that
       could be  an all  purpose tool,  sort of  a Swiss Army knife that
       would put  up menus, take direct input from the keyboard, let you
       pick your  colors, be user friendly, be modifiable, you know like
       software should be.  Marvin said that I didn't really know what I
       wanted or, I wanted too much.  Besides nobody programs in BASIC.

            So I  went home  and dragged out QUICK BASIC again and tried
       halfheartedly to  learn something  that no  one knew  about  from
       books written  by REAL  "propeller heads."  I read and reread the
       texts trying  to UNDERSTAND  what  the  writer  was  driving  at.
       Unfortunately BASIC  is mainly  written by  programmers  who  can
       write code but who can't write to communicate with humans.

            It was a sort of Zen, reading and not understanding.  It was
       a sort  of chant.   Reading again and again such stuff as: "DATE$
       Statement sets  the current  date," and "DATE$ Function returns a
       string containing  the current  date,"  and  "FUNCTION  Statement
       Declares the name, parameters, and the code that form the body of
       a FUNCTION procedure.[2]" Well that  is as clear as Zen, and like
       Zen you  have to  have a  FEEL for  the terms.  As any Zen master
       will tell you once you have the answer to the question, you DON'T
       have the answer.

            QUICK BASIC  is  Zen,  a doing  without knowing.    But    I
       followed the  instructions ---cook  book style---  and a  program
       could be  made to  do something.   The sound of one hand clapping
       makes sense now.  Trying to understand what is the meaning of the
       phrase, "What  is the  sound of  one hand  clapping?" is  no more
       difficult than trying to understand books written by programmers.

            I would  have given up too, except I was given a QUICK BASIC
       program that  did something  that I  needed to  have done.   Pete
       programs in QUICK BASIC.  Pete is probably the only person I know
       that REALLY  programs anything  for himself  and  he  uses  QUICK
       BASIC.   We have  a mutual  interest and  problem with  some data
       collection and  analysis.   Pete had an answer to the problem and
       he had  a real  program that  would give an answer all written in

            "Now Pete,  I WON'T  steal this program.  Also, I won't sell
       this program  and make  a million dollars on it (Well... at least
       not without  giving you HALF).  Yes, I promise, yes that's right,
       cross my  heart and  hope to  die.   And I  won't give  it to the
       Iraqis!  Now will you please...please....PLEASE give me a copy to
       take home?"

            After whining  and pleading  that I would not sell his first
       born program  into slavery  or copyright  it, he  gave me a copy.
       That is  another Zen portion of programming, you have to earn the
       knowledge yourself,  no one  can  do  it  for  you.    Only  with
       programmers it's  worse than  Zen, they  won't give you a copy of
       what they  know!   I watched him pull up the file, run it through
       his compiler and give me code that would run by its self.  It was
       like watching someone start a fire by using an ancient ritual, by
       using a  bow and  a stick.   It was the dawn of civilization, the
       passing of  knowledge, the  starting of  fire by friction.  I was
       given a  real stand-alone  executable program  written by  a real
       person, Wow!   After  more whining  he capitulated completely and
       gave me the SECOND file, the QUICK BASIC code file.

            I put  the diskette in my shirt pocket, it was too important
       to place  it anywhere's  else.   That night I ran it inside of my
       QUICK BASIC  compiler.   Gadsooks! it  worked!   The  damn  thing
       calculated and printed the results out lightening fast and it was
       information that I could really use.

            Zen, part  two, you  can't learn  something you  have no use
       for.   That's what  Sandra, Harry,  Ray and  all the  others were
       talking about.   They  wrote programs  in class  on problems that
       they were  given, not  on  problems  they  wanted  solutions  for
       themselves.   That's why  learning programming is like Zen, it is
       meaningless unless  you have some use for the knowledge (which is
       both very much like and UNLIKE Zen).

            Good ole Paul Somerson was right.  First, you need a project
       that you  really...really want to do.  Then use the books to look
       up the  procedures to do the project with.  Just learning all 190
       QUICK BASIC commands won't cut it.  You have to use it ...or lose

            I went  back to Egghead Software; Sandra and Brian had moved
       on.  Scott and Lance programmed in Pascal.  I asked them if there
       was anything  new in  QUICK BASIC  that was  fun.   Lance gave me
       Microsoft's GAMESHOP.   It came with the same book that I already
       had, but the software contained 6 games which could be run inside
       of QUICK  BASIC, the  code could  be examined.   With  much  head
       scratching and  replaying you  could actually  figure out how the
       programmers did  what  they  did.    Again,  like  Zen  you  must
       persevere, be  tested, try  and fail,  try  and  fail,  knowledge
       doesn't come  easily.   But everyone  likes to  play games, so it
       wasn't all Zen.

            That was  a month  ago, and though it is still slow going, I
       am making  progress.   Pete and  GAMESHOP gave  me hope.   I have
       uploaded two  programs to  CompuServe as  shareware.   The  first
       program has  attracted two  dozen downloads  in two  weeks.   Not
       great, but  a start and this is also Zen; you work and study long
       for small  (or no)  rewards.  I guess some modem users downloaded
       the program  because it  was simple, colorful, and played a song.
       Nothing grand,  just a  program called  BIRTHDAY.ZIP that puts up
       colored boxes on the screen, accepts user input, and plays "Happy
       Birthday" if  the computer  clock reads the same day and month as
       the ones  you type  in.   If it's  not your  birthday, it flashes
       different colors and plays "Happy Unbirthday."

            Some one  laughed when  I played  the program  for them  and
       jokingly asked  to see  it display  the EXACT age of anyone whose
       birthday was  not the  day it  was run.  He also wanted something
       that would distinguish if the person inputting the data was young
       or old (over or under 21).

            That was  beyond my ability, but then I found, if you looked
       hard enough,  someone had  already done  some of  these things in
       QUICK BASIC  or BASICA.   I found a Julian (named after Big Julie
       no less)  calendar function which does just that, and added it to
       the program.   After  struggling to add that formula, it was easy
       to figure  out a  "LOOP" that  would change a phrase depending on
       what the person's age was.  Though the latter was simple math, it
       had been  years since  I had been forced to do any thinking about
       mathematics.   Zen and  math have  a lot  in common,  but that is
       another story.

            With a program that calculated the person's exact age, every
       young woman  that played  the program  exclaimed "<Gasp>,  that's
       wrong I  am NOT  29.078345 years old!" if that was her exact age.
       I now  warn women over 30 that this might be a traumatic event as
       the computer  will calculate  their  exact  age,  but  they  sail
       blithely ahead, not believing that it will happen.  All in all, a
       lot of fun and some insight into human nature.

            The second program, FOR-LISA.ZIP uses random number formulas
       to generate  screen colors,  changes the  screen to 40 characters
       wide, and  displays more  ASCII  graphics.    This  one  plays  a
       Beethoven sonata  and takes  advantage of  some great  1982 music
       programming in  BASICA that I found on a BBS.  Again, I generated
       simple mathematical  formulas to  do the  work of  many lines  of
       code.    Another  secret  of  programming  which  could  only  be
       uncovered by doing.  Zen is doing and not doing.

            So, nothing  sensational, but now my batch files are getting
       a once  over with  this new  knowledge.   Now I  realize that the
       macros in  Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and the script in ProComm
       Plus are  written in BASIC.  Now these macro formulas make sense!
       There has  been a  mystic clarification of macros, again like Zen
       what you learn affects other areas of knowledge.

            I am  thinking of ordering from Crescent Software[3] a QUICK
       BASIC  package   that  allows   you  to  program  mice,  windows,
       accounting, and  databases.   Now I  have hope,  and that also is
       Zen.   Yeah, nothing  sensational unless  you thought that BASICA
       was another name for Zen and that "Real Men only program in C."

        К          К          К   REFERENCES  К           К           К

         (1)     Somerson, Paul, PC Magazine Power Tools 2nd Edition,
                 Bantam Books, 1990 June;1157.

         (2)     Microsoft, Programming in QuickBASIC Version 4.5,

         (3)     Crescent Software, Inc; 32 Seventy Acres, West Redding,
                 Connecticut 06896; VOICE: 203-846-2500.


             The author,  John Richard  De  Palma  is  a  California
        physician  who   practices   adult   internal-medicine   and
        nephrology (kidney  diseases and treatment of kidney disease
        by the  artificial kidney).   He is the CEO of a health-care
        company based  in Glendale,  California called Hemodialysis,
        Inc.  Though he is old enough to know better, he has decided
        to   study  computers; including  the  art  and  science  of
        programming. All the conversations and facts in his articles
        are    true,  only  the  identities  and locations have been
        changed  to  protect  the  unknowing  and  innocent who talk
        to him.

             He has  written over 130 research papers and editorials
        in the  field  of   medicine  and  nephrology.  He continues
        to  write  and  is the  "Contemporary Issues Editor"  of the
        comments  and  opinions  are  his  own  and  reflect his own
        experiences and thinking processes.

             He  would  welcome  any  thoughts, comments, criticisms,
        spelling  corrections,  or  QUICK BASIC  code  that is under-
        standable  by  an  ordinary  mortal.    He  looks  forward to
        receiving any kind of reader's mail.   He  can be  reached by
        dialing CompuServe's  E-Mail service  and  leaving  a message
        there for  him.  His CompuServe number is:   76076,571.