TeleNet PC-Pursuit OutDials & TymNet OutDials Listing 90/91
                        Compiled And Formatted By Iaxom

                          TeleNet PC-Pursuit OutDials
   +-New Jersey-------------------+          +-Wisconsin--------------------+
   | 03110 201 00 001   1200 Baud |          | 03110 414 00 020    300 Baud |
   | 03110 201 00 022   2400 Baud |          | 03110 414 00 021   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 201 00 301   1200 Baud |          | 03110 414 00 120   ???? Baud |
   +-District of Columbia---------+          +-California-------------------+
   | 03110 202 00 115    300 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 005   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 202 00 116   1200 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 011   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 202 00 117   2400 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 023   ???? Baud |
   +-Connecticut------------------+          | 03110 415 00 108    300 Baud |
   | 03110 203 00 105   2400 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 109   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 203 00 120   1200 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 215    300 Baud |
   | 03110 203 00 121    300 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 216   1200 Baud |
   +-Washington-------------------+          | 03110 415 00 217   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 206 00 205    300 Baud |          | 03110 415 00 224   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 206 00 206   1200 Baud |          +-Oregon-----------------------+
   | 03110 206 00 208   2400 Baud |          | 03110 503 00 020    300 Baud |
   +-New York---------------------+          | 03110 503 00 021   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 212 00 028   2400 Baud |          +-Arizona----------------------+
   | 03110 212 00 315   1200 Baud |          | 03110 602 00 022    300 Baud |
   +-California-------------------+          | 03110 602 00 023   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 213 00 023   ???? Baud |          | 03110 602 00 026   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 213 00 103   1200 Baud |          +-Minnesota--------------------+
   | 03110 213 00 412   1200 Baud |          | 03110 612 00 022   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 213 00 413   2400 Baud |          | 03110 612 00 120    300 Baud |
   +-Texas------------------------+          | 03110 612 00 121   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 214 00 022   ???? Baud |          +-Massachussetts---------------+
   | 03110 214 00 117    300 Baud |          | 03110 617 00 026   ???? Baud |
   | 03110 214 00 118   1200 Baud |          | 03110 617 00 311    300 Baud |
   +-Pennsylvania-----------------+          | 03110 617 00 313   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 215 00 005    300 Baud |          +-Texas------------------------+
   | 03110 215 00 022   2400 Baud |          | 03110 713 00 024   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 215 00 112   1200 Baud |          | 03110 713 00 113    300 Baud |
   +-Ohio-------------------------+          | 03110 713 00 114   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 216 00 020    300 Baud |          +-California-------------------+
   | 03110 216 00 021   1200 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 004   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 216 00 120   2400 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 023    300 Baud |
   +-Colorado---------------------+          | 03110 714 00 024   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 303 00 021   1200 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 102   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 303 00 114    300 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 119    300 Baud |
   | 03110 303 00 115   2400 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 121   1200 Baud |
   +-Florida----------------------+          | 03110 714 00 210    300 Baud |
   | 03110 305 00 120    300 Baud |          | 03110 714 00 213   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 305 00 121   1200 Baud |          +-Utah-------------------------+
   | 03110 305 00 122   2400 Baud |          | 03110 801 00 012   2400 Baud |
   +-Illinois---------------------+          | 03110 801 00 020    300 Baud |
   | 03110 312 00 024   2400 Baud |          | 03110 801 00 021   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 312 00 410    300 Baud |          +-Florida----------------------+
   | 03110 312 00 411   1200 Baud |          | 03110 813 00 020    300 Baud |
   +-Michigan---------------------+          | 03110 813 00 021   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 313 00 024   2400 Baud |          | 03110 813 00 124   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 313 00 214    300 Baud |          +-Missouri---------------------+
   | 03110 313 00 216   1200 Baud |          | 03110 816 00 104    300 Baud |
   +-Missouri---------------------+          | 03110 816 00 113   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 314 00 005   2400 Baud |          +-California-------------------+
   | 03110 314 00 020   1200 Baud |          | 03110 818 00 021   1200 Baud |
   +-Alabama----------------------+          +-California-------------------+
   | 03110 404 00 022   2400 Baud |          | 03110 916 00 007   2400 Baud |
   | 03110 404 00 113    300 Baud |          | 03110 916 00 011    300 Baud |    | 03110 404 00 114   1200 Baud |          | 03110 916 00 012   1200 Baud |
   +-California-------------------+          +-North Carolina---------------+
   | 03110 408 00 021   2400 Baud |          | 03110 919 00 020    300 Baud |
   | 03110 408 00 110    300 Baud |          | 03110 919 00 021   1200 Baud |
   | 03110 408 00 111   1200 Baud |          | 03110 919 00 124   2400 Baud |
   +------------------------------+          +------------------------------+

+TymNet OutDials Sorted By Area Code--+-------------------------------Page 1-+
|NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY             |NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY            |
|201 NJ 03106 00 6319 Englewood Cliffs |507 MN 03106 00 1059 Rochester       |
|201 NJ 03106 00 7618 Newark           |508 MA 03106 00 1014 Groton          |
|201 NJ 03106 00 2312 Paterson         |508 MA 03106 00 1067 Leomister       |
|201 NJ 03106 00 3319 Pascataway       |508 MA 03106 00 531  Lowell          |
|201 NJ 03106 00 6334 Red Bank         |508 MA 03106 00 4001 Manchester      |
|201 NJ 03106 00 4378 Union City       |508 MA 03106 00 432  Marlborough     |
|203 CT 03106 00 9128 Bloomfield       |508 MA 03106 00 3520 Taunton         |
|203 CT 03106 00 6472 Bridgeport       |508 MA 03106 00 3456 Worcester       |
|203 CT 03106 00 9128 Hartford         |509 WA 03106 00 5298 Pullman         |
|203 CT 03106 00 9126 New Haven        |509 WA 03106 00 2116 Richland        |
|203 CT 03106 00 7955 New London       |509 WA 03106 00 8931 Yakima          |
|203 CT 03106 00 9126 North Haven      |512 TX 03106 00 1306 Austin          |
|203 CT 03106 00 8071 Somers           |512 TX 03106 00 424  Corpus Christi  |
|203 CT 03106 00 9129 Stamford         |512 TX 03106 00 2565 Lubbock         |
|203 CT 03106 00 7962 Westport|        |512 TX 03106 00 9169 San Antonio     |
|205 AL 03106 00 4101 Birmingham       |512 TX 03106 00 1099 Texarkana       |
|205 AL 03106 00 5641 Florence         |513 OH 03106 00 1785 Cincinnata      |
|205 AL 03106 00 8287 Gadsden          |513 OH 03106 00 9511 Dayton          |
|205 AL 03106 00 1258 Huntsville       |516 NY 03106 00 582  Centereach      |
|205 AL 03106 00 8829 Mobile           |516 NY 03106 00 9193 Hempstead       |
|205 AL 03106 00 3245 Montgomery       |516 NY 03106 00 582  Lake Grove      |
|205 AL 03106 00 2439 Northport        |516 NY 03106 00 8811 Melville        |
|205 AL 03106 00 1751 Opelika          |517 MI 03106 00 4766 Freeland        |
|205 AL 03106 00 2439 Tuscaloosa       |517 MI 03106 00 9992 Lansing         |
|206 WA 03106 00 1827 Auburn           |517 MI 03106 00 4766 Midland         |
|206 WA 03106 00 9170 Bellevue         |518 NY 03106 00 9198 Albany          |
|206 WA 03106 00 2745 Bellingham       |601 MS 03106 00 1953 Gulfport        |
|206 WA 03106 00 773  Bremerton        |601 MS 03106 00 1164 Hattiesburg     |
|206 WA 03106 00 2944 Longview         |601 MS 03106 00 6301 Jackson         |
|206 WA 03106 00 6113 Port Angeles     |601 MS 03106 00 8598 Pascagoula      |
|206 WA 03106 00 9170 Seattle          |601 MS 03106 00 9901 Tupelo          |
|206 WA 03106 00 159  Spokane          |601 MS 03106 00 4405 Vicksburg       |
|206 WA 03106 00 906  Tacoma           |602 AZ 03106 00 6112 Flagstaff       |
|206 WA 03106 00 5447 Vancouver        |602 AZ 03106 00 9532 Mesa            |
|207 ME 03106 00 4217 Portland         |602 AZ 03106 00 9532 Phoenix         |
|208 ID 03106 00 200  Boise            |602 AZ 03106 00 4751 Tucson          |
|208 ID 03106 00 1023 Ceour D'Alene    |602 AZ 03106 00 3530 Yuma            |
|208 ID 03106 00 3660 Idaho Falls      |603 NH 03106 00 4027 Manchester      |
|208 ID 03106 00 5151 Twin Falls       |603 NH 03106 00 1347 Nashua          |
|209 CA 03106 00 3996 Fresno           |603 NH 03106 00 1696 North Hampton   |
|209 CA 03106 00 8629 Merced           |603 NH 03106 00 1554 Peterborough    |
|209 CA 03106 00 2120 Modesto          |603 NH 03106 00 6651 Portsmouth      |
|209 CA 03106 00 3598 Visalia          |606 KY 03106 00 9987 Lexington       |
|212 NY 03106 00 1059 New York         |607 NY 03106 00 5312 Binghampton     |
|213 CA 03106 00 9203 El Segundo       |608 WI 03106 00 5314 Beloit          |
|213 CA 03106 00 3173 Inglewood        |608 WI 03106 00 4200 Madison         |
|213 CA 03106 00 9205 Long Beach       |609 NJ 03106 00 5425 Atlantic City   |
|214 TX 03106 00 2948 Dallas           |609 NJ 03106 00 8693 Camden          |
|214 TX 03106 00 8254 McKinney         |609 NJ 03106 00 8693 Pennsauken      |
|214 TX 03106 00 6248 Sherman          |609 NJ 03106 00 8920 Princeton       |
|214 TX 03106 00 8871 Texarkana        |609 NJ 03106 00 8920 South Brunswick |
|215 PA 03106 00 3432 Bethlehem        |609 NJ 03106 00 730  Trenton         |
|215 PA 03106 00 7057 Coatesville      |609 NJ 03106 00 3847 Vineland        |
|215 PA 03106 00 508  Norristown       |612 MN 03106 00 3494 Minneapolis     |
|215 PA 03106 00 9581 Philadelphia     |612 MN 03106 00 3494 St. Paul        |
|216 OH 03106 00 8740 Akron            |612 MN 03106 00 8335 St. Cloud       |
|216 OH 03106 00 8160 Canton           |614 OH 03106 00 9347 Columbus        |
|216 OH 03106 00 4222 Cleveland        |615 TN 03106 00 2937 Chattanooga     |
|216 OH 03106 00 8859 Elyria           |615 TN 03106 00 5720 Clarkesville    |
|216 OH 03106 00 3180 Warren           |615 TN 03106 00 9985 Knoxville       |
|216 OH 03106 00 4909 Youngstown       |615 TN 03106 00 9141 Nashville       |

+-TymNet OutDials Sorted By Area Code--+------------------------------Page 2-+
|NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY             |NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY            |
|217 IL 03106 00 1119 Danville         |615 TN 03106 00 9683 Oakridge        |
|217 IL 03106 00 8900 Decatur          |615 TN 03106 00 9114 Sevierville     |
|217 IL 03106 00 5403 Springfield      |616 MI 03106 00 1014 Battle Creek    |
|217 IL 03106 00 9753 Urbana           |616 MI 03106 00 4231 Benton Harbor   |
|218 MN 03106 00 1093 Duluth           |616 MI 03106 00 4017 Grand Rapids    |
|219 IN 03106 00 2444 Elkhart          |616 MI 03106 00 3195 Kalamazoo       |
|219 IN 03106 00 3423 Ft.Wayne         |616 MI 03106 00 4357 Muskegon        |
|219 IN 03106 00 2705 Gary             |617 MA 03106 00 7044 Bedford         |
|219 IN 03106 00 5129 South Bend       |617 MA 03106 00 8796 Boston          |
|301 MD 03106 00 1058 Annapolis        |617 MA 03106 00 8796 Cambridge       |
|301 MD 03106 00 4600 Baltimore        |617 MA 03106 00 1067 Kingston        |
|301 MD 03106 00 999  Cumberland       |618 IL 03106 00 8910 East St. Louis  |
|301 MD 03106 00 1083 Myersville       |618 IL 03106 00 3001 O'Fallon        |
|301 MD 03106 00 552  Rockville        |619 CA 03106 00 7859 Cathredal City  |
|301 MD 03106 00 1020 Salisbury        |619 CA 03106 00 7859 Palm Springs    |
|302 DE 03106 00 7789 Dover            |619 CA 03106 00 5416 Poway           |
|302 DE 03106 00 1080 Georgetown       |619 CA 03106 00 9183 San Diego       |
|302 DE 03106 00 1784 Newark           |619 CA 03106 00 4304 Vista           |
|302 DE 03106 00 1784 Willmington      |702 NV 03106 00 342  Boulder City    |
|303 CO 03106 00 2584 Aurora           |702 NV 03106 00 2140 Carson City     |
|303 CO 03106 00 2584 Boulder          |702 NV 03106 00 342  Las Vegas       |
|303 CO 03106 00 2584 Denver           |702 NV 03106 00 2140 Reno            |
|303 CO 03106 00 8737 Fort Collins     |703 VA 03106 00 2262 Alexandria      |
|303 CO 03106 00 6115 Grand Junction   |703 VA 03106 00 2262 Arlington       |
|303 CO 03106 00 7743 Greeley          |703 VA 03106 00 2262 Fairfax         |
|304 WV 03106 00 3431 Charleston       |703 VA 03106 00 1014 Harrisonburg    |
|304 WV 03106 00 1430 Huntington       |703 VA 03106 00 4026 Roanoke         |
|305 FL 03106 00 7123 Fort Lauderdale  |704 NC 03106 00 0271 Asheville       |
|305 FL 03106 00 7096 Longwood         |704 NC 03106 00 6793 Charlotte       |
|305 FL 03106 00 6582 Miami            |704 NC 03106 00 7821 Kannapolis      |
|305 FL 03106 00 7096 Orlando          |707 CA 03106 00 4952 Fairfield       |
|308 NE 03106 00 6997 Grand Island     |707 CA 03106 00 1911 Moorpark        |
|309 IL 03106 00 1149 Bloomington      |707 CA 03106 00 4111 Santa Rosa      |
|309 IL 03106 00 3614 Peoria|          |707 CA 03106 00 3830 Vallejo         |
|309 IL 03106 00 5296 Rock Isl|and     |708 IL 03106 00 1094 Northfield      |
|312 IL 03106 00 8257 Chicago          |708 IL 03106 00 7005 Palatine        |
|312 IL 03106 00 8944 Glen Ellyn       |713 TX 03106 00 7758 Baytown         |
|312 IL 03106 00 780  Lake Bluff       |713 TX 03106 00 4562 Houston         |
|313 MI 03106 00 209  Ann Arbor        |714 CA 03106 00 9184 Anaheim         |
|313 MI 03106 00 894  Burton           |714 CA 03106 00 6294 Colton          |
|313 MI 03106 00 8794 Detroit          |714 CA 03106 00 4309 Diamond Bar     |
|313 MI 03106 00 894  Flint            |714 CA 03106 00 9184 Newport Beach   |
|313 MI 03106 00 4847 Plymouth         |714 CA 03106 00 6294 Riverside       |
|313 MI 03106 00 4620 Port Huron       |714 CA 03106 00 4447 San Clemente    |
|313 MI 03106 00 3948 Southfield       |714 CA 03106 00 5970 Upland          |
|314 MO 03106 00 8978 Bridgeton        |716 NY 03106 00 9194 Buffalo         |
|314 MO 03106 00 6017 Columbia         |716 NY 03106 00 6019 Pittsford       |
|314 MO 03106 00 6182 Rolla            |716 NY 03106 00 6019 Rochester       |
|314 MO 03106 00 8978 St. Louis        |717 PA 03106 00 7853 Lancaster       |
|315 NY 03106 00 4710 Syracuse         |717 PA 03106 00 1707 Lemoyne         |
|315 NY 03106 00 1101 Utica            |717 PA 03106 00 1572 Scranton        |
|316 KS 03106 00 8013 Wichita          |717 PA 03106 00 7941 Wilkes-Barre    |
|317 IN 03106 00 9349 Indianapolis     |719 CO 03106 00 2660 Denver          |
|317 IN 03106 00 2646 Kokomo           |801 UT 03106 00 801  Salt Lake City  |
|317 IN 03106 00 4632 Marion           |803 SC 03106 00 9907 Charleston      |
|317 IN 03106 00 5032 Muncie           |803 SC 03106 00 9993 Columbia        |
|318 LA 03106 00 8525 Lafayette        |803 SC 03106 00 9074 Greenville      |
|318 LA 03106 00 4233 Lake Charles     |803 SC 03106 00 9912 Myrtle Beach    |
|401 RI 03106 00 9130 Providence       |804 VA 03106 00 8215 Hampton         |
|402 NE 03106 00 9856 Lincoln          |804 VA 03106 00 2839 Lynchburg       |
|402 NE 03106 00 2521 Omaha            |804 VA 03106 00 7339 Midlothian      |

+-TymNet OutDials Sorted By Area Code--+------------------------------Page 3-+
|NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY             |NPA ST    OUTDIAL    CITY            |
|404 GA 03106 00 4829 Athens           |804 VA 03106 00 8459 Newport News    |
|404 GA 03106 00 8795 Atlanta          |804 VA 03106 00 6986 Norfolk         |
|404 GA 03106 00 4752 Columbus         |804 VA 03106 00 1931 Petersburg      |
|404 GA 03106 00 8795 Doraville        |804 VA 03106 00 6986 Portsmouth      |
|404 GA 03106 00 8795 Marietta         |804 VA 03106 00 413  Richmond        |
|404 GA 03106 00 0433 Martinez         |804 VA 03106 00 4557 Williamsburg    |
|404 GA 03106 00 8795 Norcross         |805 CA 03106 00 3664 Bakersfield     |
|404 GA 03106 00 1386 Rome             |805 CA 03106 00 5991 Lancaster       |
|405 OK 03106 00 1081 Enid             |805 CA 03106 00 6116 Los Alamos      |
|405 OK 03106 00 9165 Oklahoma City    |805 CA 03106 00 5134 Moorpark        |
|406 MT 03106 00 3740 Great Falls      |805 CA 03106 00 4112 Port Hueneme    |
|406 MT 03106 00 3504 Billings         |805 CA 03106 00 2979 San Luis Obispo |
|407 FL 03106 00 5656 Boca Raton       |805 CA 03106 00 6295 Santa Barbera   |
|407 FL 03106 00 3720 Cocoa            |805 CA 03106 00 6116 Santa Maria     |
|407 FL 03106 00 5656 Delray Beach     |806 TX 03106 00 8736 Amarillo        |
|407 FL 03106 00 4701 Fort Pierce      |806 TX 03106 00 4435 Lubbock         |
|407 FL 03106 00 9900 Kissimmee        |812 IN 03106 00 9323 Bloomington     |
|407 FL 03106 00 9902 Port St. Lucie   |812 IN 03106 00 3426 Evansville      |
|407 FL 03106 00 9902 Stuart           |813 FL 03106 00 4637 Clearwater      |
|407 FL 03106 00 6181 Vero Beach       |813 FL 03106 00 9453 Fort Meyers     |
|407 FL 03106 00 3326 West Palm Beach  |813 FL 03106 00 116  Naples          |
|408 CA 03106 00 5379 Monterey         |813 FL 03106 00 5518 Tampa           |
|408 CA 03106 00 3655 Salinas          |814 PA 03106 00 3338 Erie            |
|408 CA 03106 00 6450 San Jose         |814 PA 03106 00 3765 State College   |
|408 CA 03106 00 3182 Santa Cruz       |815 IL 03106 00 4144 Bradley         |
|409 TX 03106 00 4497 Bryan            |815 IL 03106 00 2514 Freeport        |
|412 PA 03106 00 4153 Greensburg       |815 IL 03106 00 6048 Rockford        |
|412 PA 03106 00 7851 New Castle       |817 TX 03106 00 9337 Arlington       |
|412 PA 03106 00 7408 Pittsburgh       |817 TX 03106 00 5990 Denton          |
|413 MA 03106 00 3948 Springfield      |817 TX 03106 00 9337 Fort Worth      |
|414 WI 03106 00 8868 Appleton         |817 TX 03106 00 9861 Killeen         |
|414 WI 03106 00 9167 Brookfield       |817 TX 03106 00 4687 Temple          |
|414 WI 03106 00 3421 Green Bay        |817 TX 03106 00 9859 Waco            |
|414 WI 03106 00 9167 Milwaukee        |817 TX 03106 00 6862 Wichita Falls   |
|414 WI 03106 00 5966 Oskosh           |818 CA 03106 00 9204 Alhambra        |
|415 CA 03106 00 7399 Fremont          |818 CA 03106 00 2841 Burbank         |
|415 CA 03106 00 8963 Oakland          |818 CA 03106 00 9204 Pasadena        |
|415 CA 03106 00 9202 Pleasanton       |818 CA 03106 00 9206 Sherman Oaks    |
|415 CA 03106 00 9182 Redwood City     |901 TN 03106 00 3175 Jackson         |
|415 CA 03106 00 9533 San Francisco    |901 TN 03106 00 1551 Memphis         |
|415 CA 03106 00 8094 San Rafael       |904 FL 03106 00 5797 Jacksonville    |
|415 CA 03106 00 3486 So. San Francisco|904 FL 03106 00 7220 Ocala           |
|415 CA 03106 00 9202 Walnut Creek     |904 FL 03106 00 1069 Ormond Beach    |
|417 MO 03106 00 1928 Joplin           |904 FL 03106 00 3193 Pensacola       |
|419 OH 03106 00 6022 Mansfield        |904 FL 03106 00 3192 Tallahassee     |
|419 OH 03106 00 1190 Toledo           |913 KS 03106 00 8615 Mission         |
|501 AK 03106 00 7374 Fayetteville     |913 KS 03106 00 3416 Salina          |
|501 AK 03106 00 1297 Fort Smith       |913 KS 03106 00 1672 Topeka          |
|501 AK 03106 00 2725 Hot Springs      |914 NY 03106 00 8861 Kingston        |
|501 AK 03106 00 1069 Little Rock      |914 NY 03106 00 1061 New City        |
|502 KY 03106 00 3718 Frankfort        |914 NY 03106 00 8571 White Plains    |
|502 KY 03106 00 8678 Louisville       |915 TX 03106 00 6980 Abilene         |
|503 OR 03106 00 8603 Corvallis        |915 TX 03106 00 210  El Paso         |
|503 OR 03106 00 9857 Eugene           |915 TX 03106 00 2326 Midland         |
|503 OR 03106 00 9164 Portland         |916 CA 03106 00 7801 Chico           |
|503 OR 03106 00 3174 Salem            |916 CA 03106 00 9179 Sacramento      |
|504 LA 03106 00 6999 Baton Rouge      |918 OK 03106 00 6605 Tulsa           |
|504 LA 03106 00 9694 New Orleans      |919 NC 03106 00 9986 Durham          |
|504 LA 03106 00 1040 Slidell          |919 NC 03106 00 1100 Fayetteville    |
|505 NM 03106 00 661  Albuquerque      |919 NC 03106 00 2964 Greensboro      |
|505 NM 03106 00 6630 Las Cruces       |919 NC 03106 00 9324 Rocky Mount     |
|505 NM 03106 00 4604 Santa Fe         |919 NC 03106 00 8739 Winston Salem   |

Instructions for TymNet OutDials:
For example, if you wish to connect with the outdial port in Norfolk, Virginia
you would enter Username:6896;password. The following information would then
be displayed:



At the ">" prompt, you may type "help" and receive the following screen:

Set [Half] [Rxon] [Xon] [Even|Space] [Crdelay]
     Half    - sets half-duplex communications.  Default is full-duplex.
     Xon     - sets flow control for data you send.  Default is no xon.
     Rxon    - sets flow control for data you receive.  Default is no rxon.
     Even    - sets even parity for data sent.  Default is no parity.
     Space   - sets space parity for data sent.  Default is no parity.
     Crdelay - set printer carriage return delay.  Default is no delay.
Bps [300|1200|2400]
     Sets one of the baud rates indicated above.  Default is 2400 bps.
Dial [Tone] [Pulse] {phone number}
     Dials the requested phone number.  Parameters are:
         Tone  - activates touch-tone dialing.  Default is tone.
         Pulse - activates pulse dialing.
         Optional commas - provide a one second pause.  Default is no pause.
Retry   -  Redials last phone number.
Logout  -  Exits Outdial.
Help or ?  -  Prints this screen.

NOTES: * Dialed number need not be preceded by "9".
       * In some locations, long-distance numbers must be preceded by "1".

If, at this point, you wish to connect with a BBS whose phone number is,
for example, 555-1212, you would enter at the ">" prompt, the string
"d 5551212".  This causes the outdial modem to dial the number and connect
you at 2400 bps.  If the host BBS only has 1200 bps modems, you would need
to first enter "bps 1200" at the ">" prompt.  This sets the outdial modem
to call the host at 1200 bps rather than 2400 bsp.

If the BBS is busy you will usually receive a "BUSY" indicator, at which
point you can type "r" to redial the number or "logout" to disconnect and
return to the "please log in" prompt.  At the "please log in" prompt, you
may simply disconnect.

What does the connect string mean?


                      :     :      :
         Outdial Port #  Area Code Local exchange

TymNet permits you to make long distance calls from the outdial port.
You can determine if a BBS can be reached with a local call from an outdial
port by calling the operator in the destination city and asking if it is a
local call from the exchange.  For example: Virginia Beach exchange 495 is
a local call from Norfolk exchange 857.  If the BBS is outside the local
dialing area, you can still reach it by putting a "1" in front of the
number at the ">" prompt.  Example: "d 15551212". ALL LONG DISTANCE TOLL


The following are common error messages and some causes:

All available outdial modems at the outdial city are in use.

The host BBS's phone lines are all busy.

Usually indicates that a voice answered the phone call.  Call the number by
voice to determine if it is still a viable number.

Can also be caused by low quality modem on the BBS or the BBS only
operating at 1200 bps.  Try the "bps 1200" cure mentioned above.

Can also mean the BBS has all lines in use and the modem did not detect the
busy signal.

Modem malfunction or all BBS lines are busy. Please report this to TYMNET
at 800-336-0149 immediately.


There are some methods you can use to improve the TymNet service from
your end.  The two most common complaints and the easiest to cure are file
transfer speedups and interactive response speedups.

To improve file transfers:

Enter a control-V before typing in your TymNet username.  Example:
"STA000000;password".  This means hold down your control key and tap the
"V" key before entering your Username.  This opens up the band width and
imporves transfer time.

To improve interactive response time:

Enter a control-I before your TymNet username.  Example:
"       STA000000;password".  Enter this the same way as the example above and
the response time through the network will be faster.  Perfect for chatting
or e-mail, etc.

Members calling a 2400 Baud BBS using a 1200 Baud modem can improve
file transfers and reduce error messages by putting control-X control-R
before the Username when logging on to the network.  This enables X-on,
X-off flow control and prevents the BBS from sending data to you faster
than you can accept it. Never use Control-X, Control-R together with
Control-V.  It will really make a mess of things.


Almost all BBS software requires that you transfer files at 8 data bits, No
parity and 1 stop bit.  If you are having trouble with file transfers this
will usually be the problem.  If you cannot access the network from your
local number at 8-N-1 and must log on at 7-E-1, have your software switch
to 8-N-1 after you have entered the ">d #######" command and before the BBS
connects.  Some BBS software doesn't care what settings you use until you
try to transfer a file.  To prevent wasting valuable network time, it's
best to assume that you need 8-N-1 and change to that setting prior to
attempting a transfer. Please be sure that if you have striped your high
bits, you now turn them back on before transfers!

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