


Responsible Computing

at the

University of Delaware


September 1991

Prepared by staff in
Computing and Network Services
University of Delaware


The computer has become a common denominator that knows no
intellectual, political, or bureaucratic bounds; the Sherwin Williams
of necessity that covers the world, spanning all points of view.

. . . I wish that we lived in a golden age, where ethical behavior was
assumed; where technically competent programmers respected the privacy
of others; where we didn't need locks on our computers. . . .

Fears for security really do louse up the free flow of information.
Science and social progress only take place in the open.  The paranoia
that hackers leave in their wake only stifles our work.

-Cliff Stoll, in The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a spy through
 the maze of computer espionage

One of the interesting facets of Cliff Stoll's The Cuckoo's Egg is his
growing awareness of the responsibilities all computer users have to
each other.  It is our hope that this set of Guidelines can foster that
same understanding in the University of Delaware community.

It is imperative that all users of the University's computing and
information resources realize how much these resources require
responsible behavior from all users.  Simply put, we are all
responsible for the well-being of the computing, network, and
information resources we use.

Universities do try to promote the open exchange of ideas; however, an
open, cooperative computing network can be vulnerable to abuse or
misuse.  As more and more schools, colleges, universities, businesses,
government agencies, and other enterprises become attached to the
world-wide computing and information networks, it is more important
than ever that this University educate its students, faculty, and staff
about proper ethical behavior, acceptable computing practices, and how
"computer vandalism" interferes with the exchange of ideas that is
integral to a modern education.

The first item in the body of this document is the University's Policy
for Responsible Computing Use, passed by the Faculty Senate of the
University of Delaware on (date will go here).  The remainder of this
document consists of recommended guidelines for implementing this
policy.  If you have any questions about the policy or the guidelines,
please consult with your system administrator, with the staff in
Computing and Network Services, or with your dean, project director,
supervisor, chair, or advisor.

Table of Contents

Definition of Terms	 iii

Policy for Responsible Computing Use	 1

User Responsibilities	 2

System Administrator Responsibilities	 3

Misuse of Computing and Information Resource Privileges	 4

User Confidentiality and System Integrity	 5

Penalties for Misuse of Computing and Information	 6
	Resource Privileges

Academic Honesty	 7

Works Consulted	 8

Definition of Terms

Administrative Officer:  vice-president, dean, chair, or director to
whom an individual reports.

Computer Account:  the combination of a user number, username, or
userid and a password that allows an individual access to a mainframe
computer or some other shared computer.

Data Owner:  the individual or department that can authorize access to
information, data, or software and that is responsible for the
integrity and accuracy of that information, data, or software.
Specifically, the data owner can be the author of the information,
data, or software or can be the individual or department that has
negotiated a license for the University's use of the information, data,
or software.

Desktop Computers, Microcomputers, Advanced Workstations:  different
classes of smaller computers, some shared, some single-user systems.
If owned or leased by the University or if owned by an individual and
connected to a University-owned, leased, or operated network, use of
these computers is  covered by the Policy for Responsible Computing

Information Resources:  In the context of these Guidelines, this phrase
refers to data or information and the software and hardware that makes
that data or information available to users.

Mainframe Computers:  "central" computers capable of use  by several
people at once.  Also referred to as "time-sharing systems."

Network:  a group of computers and peripherals that share information
electronically, typically connected to each other by either cable or
satellite link.

Normal Resource Limits:  the amount of disk space, memory, printing,
etc. allocated to your computer account by that computer's system

Peripherals:  special-purpose devices attached to a computer or
computer network--for example, printers, scanners, plotters, etc.

Project Director:  person charged with administering a group of
computer accounts and the computing resources used by the people using
those computer accounts.

Server:  a computer that contains information shared by other computers
on a network.

Software:  programs, data, or information stored on magnetic media
(tapes, disks, diskettes, cassettes, etc.).  Usually used to refer to
computer programs.

System Administrator: staff employed by a central computing agency such
as Computing and Network Services whose responsibilities include
system, site, or network administration and staff employed by other
University departments whose duties include system, site, or network
administration.  Note that if you have a computer on your desk, you may
be considered that system's system administrator.

Policy for Responsible Computing Use at the University of Delaware

In support of its mission of teaching, research, and public service,
the University of Delaware provides access to computing and information
resources for students, faculty, and staff, within institutional
priorities and financial capabilities.

All members of the University community who use the University's
computing and information resources must act responsibly.  Every user
is responsible for the integrity of these resources.  All users of
University-owned or University-leased computing systems must respect
the rights of other computing users, respect the integrity of the
physical facilities and controls, and respect all pertinent license and
contractual agreements.  It is the policy of the University of Delaware
that all members of its community act in accordance with these
responsibilities, relevant laws and contractual obligations, and the
highest standard of ethics.

Access to the University's computing facilities is a privilege granted
to University students, faculty, and staff.  Access to University
information resources may be granted by the owners of that information
based on the owner's judgement of the following factors: relevant laws
and contractual obligations, the requestor's need to know, the
information's sensitivity, and the risk of damage to or loss by the

The University reserves the right to limit, restrict, or extend
computing privileges and access to its information resources.  Data
owners--whether departments, units, faculty, students, or staff--may
allow individuals other than University faculty, staff, and students
access to information for which they are responsible, so long as such
access does not violate any license or contractual agreement;
University policy; or any federal, state, county, or local law or

Computing facilities and accounts are owned by the University and are
to be used for the University-related activities for which they are
assigned.  University computing resources are not to be used for
commercial purposes or non-University-related activities without
written authorization from the University.   In these cases, the
University will require payment of appropriate fees.  This policy
applies equally to all University-owned or University-leased

Users and system administrators must all guard against abuses that
disrupt or threaten the viability of all systems, including those at
the University and those on networks to which the University's systems
are connected.  Access to information resources without proper
authorization from the data owner, unauthorized use of University
computing facilities, and intentional corruption or misuse of
information resources are direct violations of the University's
standards for conduct as outlined in the University of Delaware Policy
Manual, the Personnel Policies and Procedures for Professional and
Salaried Staff, the Faculty Handbook, and the Official Student Handbook
and may also be considered civil or criminal offenses.

The University of Delaware treats access and use violations of
computing facilities, equipment, software, information resources,
networks, or privileges seriously.  Disciplinary action resulting from
such abuse may include the loss of computing privileges and other
sanctions including non-reappointment, discharge, dismissal, and legal
action--including prosecution under Title 11, $931-$939 of the Delaware
Code, the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986, or other appropriate
                                                        May 31, 1991

User Responsibilities

If you use the University's computing resources or facilities, you have
the following responsibilities:

-       Use the University's computing facilities and information
resources, including hardware, software, networks, and computer
accounts, responsibly and appropriately, respecting the rights of other
computing users and respecting all contractual and license agreements.1

-       Use only those computers and computer accounts for which you
have authorization.

-       Use mainframe accounts only for the purpose(s) for which they
have been issued.  Use University-owned microcomputers and advanced
workstations for University-related projects only.

-       Be responsible for all use of your accounts and for protecting
each account's password.  In other words, do not share computer
accounts.  If someone else learns your password, you must change it.

-       Report unauthorized use of your accounts to your project
director, instructor, supervisor, system administrator, or other
appropriate University authority.

-       Cooperate with system administrator requests for information
about computing activities.  Under certain unusual circumstances, a
system administrator is authorized to access your computer files.

-       Take reasonable and appropriate steps to see that all hardware
and software license agreements are faithfully executed on any system,
network, or server that you operate.

Each user is ultimately responsible for his or her own computing and
his or her own work using a computer.  Take this responsibility
seriously.  For example, users should remember to make backup copies of
their data, files, programs, diskettes, and tapes, particularly those
created on microcomputers and those used on individually- or
departmentally-operated systems.  Furthermore, users with desktop
computers or other computers that they operate themselves must remember
that they may be acting as the system administrators for those
computers and need to take that responsibility very seriously.

If you are a project director for a group of mainframe computing users,
a supervisor whose staff use computers, or a faculty member whose
students use computers, you must help your project members, staff, or
students learn more about ethical computing practices.  You should also
help your project members, staff, or students learn about good
computing practices and data management.

1 The software made available by the University has been licensed by
the University for your use.  As a result, its use may be subject to
certain limitations.

System Administrator Responsibilities

This document uses the phrase system administrator to refer to all of
the following University personnel:
-       staff employed by a central computing agency such as Computing
and Network Services whose responsibilities include system, site, or
network administration 
-       staff employed by other University
departments whose duties include system, site, or network

A system administrator's use of the University's computing resources is
governed by the same guidelines as any other user's computing
activity.  However, a system administrator has additional
responsibilities to the users of the network, site, system, or systems
he or she administers:

-       A system administrator manages systems, networks, and servers
to provide available software and hardware to users for their
University computing.

-       A system administrator is responsible for the security of a
system, network, or server.

-       A system administrator must  take reasonable and appropriate
steps to see that all hardware and software license agreements are
faithfully executed on all systems, networks, and servers for which he
or she has responsibility.

-       A system administrator must take reasonable precautions to
guard against corruption of data or software or damage to hardware or

-       A system administrator must treat information about and
information stored by the system's users as confidential.

As an aid to a better understanding of responsible computing practices,
all departments that own or lease computing equipment are encouraged to
develop "Conditions Of Use" documentation for all systems that they
operate and to make these "Conditions Of Use" documents available to
users.  These documents should be consistent with the University of
Delaware Policy for Responsible Computing Use (reprinted on page 1 of
these Guidelines) and should be approved by the department's
administrative officer or other individual designated by that
administrative officer.

2 The University is not responsible for loss of information from
computing misuse, malfunction of computing hardware, malfunction of
computing software, or external contamination of data or programs.  The
staff in central computing units such as Computing and Network Services
and all other system administrators must make every effort to ensure
the integrity of the University's computer systems and the information
stored thereon.  However, users must be aware that no security or
back-up system is 100.00% foolproof.

Misuse of Computing and Information Resource Privileges

The University characterizes misuse of computing and information
resources and privileges as unethical and unacceptable and as just
cause for taking disciplinary action.  Misuse of computing and
information resources and privileges includes, but is not restricted
to, the following:

-       attempting to modify or remove computer equipment, software, or
peripherals without proper authorization

-       accessing computers, computer software, computer data or
information, or networks without proper authorization, regardless of
whether the computer, software, data, information, or network in
question is owned by the University (That is, if you abuse the networks
to which the University belongs or the computers at other sites
connected to those networks, the University will treat this matter as
an abuse of your University of Delaware computing privileges.)

-       circumventing or attempting to circumvent normal resource
limits, logon procedures, and security regulations

-       using computing facilities, computer accounts, or computer data
for purposes other than those for which they were intended or

-       sending fraudulent computer mail, breaking into another user's
electronic mailbox, or reading someone else's electronic mail without
his or her permission

-       sending any fraudulent electronic transmission, including but
not limited to fraudulent requests for confidential information,
fraudulent submission of electronic purchase requisitions or journal
vouchers, and fraudulent electronic authorization of purchase
requisitions or journal vouchers

-       violating any software license agreement or copyright,
including copying or redistributing copyrighted computer software,
data, or reports without proper, recorded authorization

-       violating the property rights of copyright holders who are in
possession of computer- generated data, reports, or software

-       harassing or threatening other users or interfering with their
access to the University's computing facilities

-       taking advantage of another user's naivete or negligence to
gain access to any computer account, data, software, or file other than
your own

-       encroaching on others' use of the University's computers (e.g.,
disrupting others' computer use by excessive game playing; sending
frivolous or excessive messages, either locally or off-campus; printing
excess copies of documents, files, data, or programs; modifying system
facilities, operating systems, or disk partitions; attempting to crash
or tie up a University computer; damaging or vandalizing University
computing facilities, equipment, software, or computer files)

-       disclosing or removing proprietary information, software,
printed output or magnetic media without the explicit permission of the

-       reading other users' data, information, files, or programs on a
display screen, as printed output, or via electronic means, without the
owner's explicit permission.

User Confidentiality and System Integrity

If a system administrator is an eyewitness to a computing abuse;
notices an unusual degradation of service or other aberrant behavior on
the system, network, or server for which he or she is responsible; or
receives a complaint of computing abuse or degradation of service, he
or she should investigate and take steps to maintain the integrity of
the system(s).  If  a system administrator has evidence that leads to a
user's computing activity as the probable source of a problem or abuse
under investigation, he or she must weigh the potential danger to the
system and its users against the confidentiality of that user's

While investigating a suspected abuse of computing; a suspected
hardware failure; a disruption of service; or a suspected bug in an
application program, compiler, network, operating system, or system
utility, a system administrator should ordinarily ask a user's
permission before inspecting that user's files, diskettes, or tapes.
The next two paragraphs outline exceptions to this rule.

If, in the best judgement of the system administrator, the action of
one user threatens other users or if a system or network for which the
system administrator is responsible is in grave, imminent danger of
crashing, sustaining damage to its hardware or software, or sustaining
damage to user jobs, the system administrator should act quickly to
protect the system and its users.  In the event that he or she has had
to inspect user files in the pursuit of this important responsibility,
he or she must notify, as soon as possible, his or her own
administrative officer or other individual designated by that
administrative officer of his or her action and the reasons for taking
that action.  The administrative officer needs to be certain that one
of the following are also notified:  the user or users whose files were
inspected; the user's supervisor, project director, administrative
officer, or academic advisor.  It is a departmental responsibility that
this notification occur, not a personal responsibility of the system

In cases in which the user is not available in a timely fashion, in
which the user is suspected of malicious intent to damage a computer
system, or in which notifying the user would impede a sensitive
investigation of serious computer abuse, the system administrator may
inspect the information in question so long as he notifies his or her
own administrative officer or other individual designated by the
administrative officer of his or her actions and the reasons for taking
those actions.  The administrative officer needs to be certain that the
user's supervisor, project director, administrative officer, or
academic advisor is notified of the situation.  In the case of
suspected malicious intent, the administrative officer may also need to
refer the matter to the appropriate University judicial body or to the
Department of Public Safety.

A system administrator may find it necessary to suspend or restrict a
user's computing privileges during the investigation of a problem.  The
system administrator should confer with his or her administrative
officer or other person designated by that administrative officer
before taking this step.  A user may appeal such a suspension or
restriction and petition for reinstatement of computing privileges
through the University's judicial system, through the grievance
procedures outlined in the faculty collective bargaining agreement, or
by petition to the Dean of Students.

In general, then, a system administrator should

-	protect the integrity of the system entrusted to his or her care

-       respect the confidentiality of the information users have
stored on the system

-       notify appropriate individuals when the above two aims have
come into conflict

-       assist his or her administrative officer in referring cases of
suspected abuse to the appropriate University judicial process.

Penalties for Misuse of Computing and Information Resource Privileges

Abuse of computing privileges is subject to disciplinary action.  If
system administrators or staff in the Department of Public Safety have
a preponderance of evidence that intentional or malicious misuse of
computing resources has occurred, and if that evidence points to the
computing activities or the computer files of an individual, they have
the obligation to pursue any or all of the following steps to protect
the user community:

-       Notify the user's project director, instructor, academic
advisor, or administrative officer of the investigation.

-       Refer the matter for processing through the University's
judicial system.  If necessary, staff members from a central computing
agency such as Computing and Network Services as well as faculty
members with computing expertise may be called upon to advise the
University judicial officers on the implications of the evidence
presented and, in the event of a finding of guilt, of the seriousness
of the offense.

-       Suspend or restrict the user's computing privileges during the
investigation.  A user may appeal such a suspension or restriction and
petition for reinstatement of computing privileges through the
University's judicial system, through the grievance procedures outlined
in the faculty collective bargaining agreement, or by petition to the
Dean of Students.

-       Inspect that user's files, diskettes, and/or tapes.  System
administrators must be certain that the trail of evidence leads to the
user's computing activities or computing files before inspecting the
user's files.

Ordinarily, the administrative officer whose department is responsible
for the computing system on which the alleged misuse occurred should
initiate proceedings.  As the case develops, other administrative
officers may, by mutual agreement, assume the responsibility for
prosecuting the case.

Disciplinary action may include the loss of computing privileges and
other disciplinary sanctions up to and including non-reappointment,
discharge, dismissal, and legal action.  In some cases, an abuser of
the University's computing resources may also be liable for civil or
criminal prosecution.

It should be understood that nothing in these guidelines precludes
enforcement under the laws and regulations of the State of Delaware,
any municipality or county therein, and/or the United States of
America.   For example, if you are found guilty of committing a
computer crime as outlined in Title 11 $932-$936 of the Delaware Code,
you could be subject to the penalties for a class B felony.

Academic Honesty

Faculty and students are reminded that computer-assisted plagiarism is
still plagiarism.  Unless specifically authorized by a class
instructor, all of the following uses of a computer are violations of
the University's guidelines for academic honesty and are punishable as
acts of plagiarism:

-       copying a computer file that contains another student's
assignment and submitting it as your own work

-       copying a computer file that contains another student's
assignment and using it as a model for your own assignment

-       working together on an assignment, sharing the computer files
or programs involved, and then submitting individual copies of the
assignment as your own individual work

-       knowingly allowing another student to copy or use one of your
computer files and to submit that file, or a modification thereof, as
his or her individual work.

For further information on this topic, students are urged to consult
the University of Delaware Official Student Handbook, to consult with
their individual instructors, and to refer to the pamphlet "Academic
Honesty & Dishonesty: Important information for faculty and students."

Faculty members are urged to develop specific policies regarding all
aspects of academic honesty and to communicate those policies to their
students in writing.

Works Consulted

Augustine, Charles.  The Pieces of a Policy: Categories for Creation of
a Computer Ethics Policy.  Capitalizing on Communication:  Proceedings
of ACM SIGUCCS User Services Conference XVII.  1989.

Baylor University.  Computer Policies.  1989.  Copy located in the
computer file ethics/Baylor.policy on

Catholic University of America, The.  Statement of Ethics in the Use of
Computers.  1988.  [Reprinted in ACM SIGUCCS Newsletter.  Volume 19,
Number 1.  1989.]

Chapman, Gary.  CPSR [Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility]
Statement on the Computer Virus.  Communications of the ACM.  Volume
32, Number 6.  1989.

Colgate University.  Agreement for use of Computing Facilities.  1989.
Copy located in the computer file ethics/ColgateU.policy on

Columbia University.  Administrative Policies [of the Center for
Computing Activities].  No date.  Copy located in the computer file
ethics/ColumbiaU.policy on

Corporation for Research and Educational Networking.  Acceptable Use of
CSNET and BITNET.  1990.  Received via electronic mail from Bernard A.
Galler, March 23, 1990.

Delaware Code (Annotated).  Computer Related Offenses.  Title 11,
$931-$939.  1987.

Delaware Code (Annotated), 1989 Supplement.  Computer Related
Offenses.  Title 11, $937.  1989.

EDUCOM and ADAPSO.  Using Software: A guide to the ethical and legal
use of software for members of the academic community.  EDUCOM.  1987.

Eichin, Mark W. and Jon A. Rochlis.  With Microscope and Tweezers: An
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in the file  pub/virus/mit.PS on

Ermann, M. David; Mary B. Williams; and Claudio Gutierrez.  Computers,
Ethics, and Society.  Oxford University Press.  1990.

Faculty Senate of the University of Delaware.  Ethetical [sic] Conduct
in Computing.  Unpublished draft statement discussed by Faculty Senate
in 1989.

Farber, David J.  NSF [National Science Foundation] Poses Code of
Networking Ethics.  Communications of the ACM.  Volume 32, Number 6.

Fraser Valley College.  DRAFT: Fraser Valley College Computing and
Ethics Policy, April 23, 1991.  Copy received via electronic mail,
April 24, 1991, from Paul Herman, Fraser Valley College.

Hafner, Katie and John Markoff.  Cyberpunk: Outlaws and Hackers on the
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Hoffman, W. Michael and Jennifer Mills Moore, eds.  Ethics and the
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Conference on Business Ethics Sponsored by the Center for Business
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Indiana University, Academic Computing Policy Committee, Subcommittee
on Ethical Use of Computers.  Computer Users' Privileges and
Responsibilities: Indiana University.  1990.  Copy received via
electronic mail April 25, 1990, from Mark Sheehan, Indiana University
Computing Services.

Internet Activities Board.  Ethics Policy Statement.  1988.  [Reprinted
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Internet Engineering Task Force.  Site Security Handbook:  RFC 1244.
P. Holbrook and J.  Reynolds, eds.  July 1991.  Copy located in the
file  pub/ssphwg/rfc1244.txt on

Johnson, Deborah G.  Computer Ethics.  Prentice Hall.  1985.

Lees, John.  [Michigan State University] College of Engineering
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Mason, Margaret Loy.  Students, Ethics & Electronic Communication: An
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Proceedings of ACM SIGUCCS  User Services Conference XVIII.  1990.

National Science Foundation.  NSFNET Interim Conditions of Use Policy.
LINK LETTER.  Volume 3, Number 3.  1990.  Also available in the file
nsfnet/netuse.txt on

Parker, Donn B.; Susan Swope; and Bruce N. Baker.  Ethical Conflicts in
Information and Computer Science, Technology, and Business.  QED
Information Sciences, Inc.  1990.

Ryland, Jane N.  Security--A Sleeper Issue Comes Into its Own.
CAUSE/EFFECT.  Volume 12, Number 4.  1989.

Software Publishers Association.  Software Use and the Law: A guide for
individuals, educational institutions, user groups, and corporations.
No date.

Spafford, Eugene H.  Some Musings on Ethics and Computer Break-Ins.
1989.  Copy located in the file pub/virus/spaf.PS.Z on

Stoll, Cliff.  The Cuckoo's Egg: Tracking a spy through the maze of
computer espionage.  Doubleday.  1989.

Syracuse University.  Computer Use Policy.  No date.

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University of Delaware.  Academic Honesty & Dishonesty: Important
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University of Delaware.  University of Delaware Faculty Handbook.  

University of Delaware.  1989-1990 Residence Halls Handbook.  1989.

University of Delaware Libraries.  Circulation Procedures and
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University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  Think About It: The Proper Use of
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University of New Mexico.  UNM Ethics Code for Computer Use [Draft].
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