         This brief collection of short stories is electronically
    published by David and Del Freeman, with the invaluable aid of
    our Assistant Editor, Michael Hahn, for your reading pleasure. 
    The entire contents of each issue are copyrighted as a body, 
    and each individual story is independently copyrighted. Nothing 
    herein may be reproduced in forms other than electronic, nor 
    can any portion be extricated and reproduced. The whole may be 
    reproduced electronically so long as it is kept intact, and is 
    not reproduced in any form other than not-for-profit.  
         Ruby's is dedicated to fiction short stories, and may  
    frequently contain satirical spoofs, meant to amuse and  
    entertain. No offense is intended to any individual, group or
    organization, and the broad spectrum of characterization is 
    intended to be so outlandish as to obviously establish its  
    humorous intent. Any resemblance to people, places or  
    associations, living or dead, active or defunct, is purely  
        Ruby's Pearls' ISSN NO. is 1079-6673. Its Serials
    Directory International Reference Book Control No. is