        -$-                   This is the latest File List for:
         !      .
        /_\   /-o-\        & the Temple of the Screaming Electron
       (o..)    |      *           Walnut Creek, California
   +    |:|    /^\    /~\
   !    |:|/\ _| |____|:|    38.4K-300 baud USR DS  510/935-5845
  /^\  /   O |/...\  /_-_\            Jeff Hunter, Sysop
  |@ \_| @  /:::::|/|- : -|                                  \
  |  | |  /~      |/|  _  |                  - - - - - - - - - *
  |____|/~ @  /~\ |/|_(_)_|       Aaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!   /

   Specializing in conversations, obscure information, high explosives,
       arcane knowledge, political extremism, diversive sexuality,
         insane speculation, and wild rumours. An ALL-TEXT BBS.

  Full access for first-time callers.  We don't want to know who you are,
   where you live, or what your phone number is. We are not Big Brother.

                         "Raw Data for Raw Nerves"

          � & the Temple of the Screaming Electron  - 510/935-5845 �
         � This File Listing Compiled at  4:15:47 on Sat 06 Jun 92 �
           � All files marked with (�) are less than 30 days old. �

� ��� � #  1 �                  Odds and Ends                          � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
1950S.ZIP        7571 19-Jul-91  [03] 1950's recipes
800NUMS.ZIP      3574 11-Mar-91  [10] List of 800 numbers for all sorts of
ADDICTIO.ZIP     4298 19-May-92� [02] BBS Addiction
ADVERT.ZIP       4601 06-Apr-92  [03] Choosing an advertising agency
AFRI.ZIP         3596 19-May-92� [03] African words, phrases, and sentences
ALIAS.ZIP        5506 13-Dec-89  [06] Famous people and their real names
ATTITUDE.ZIP     3433 19-May-92� [01] How to change attitude
AUTOSCAM.ZIP     8086 19-May-92� [01] Auto repair scams: an investigation
BADINFLN.ZIP     4460 19-May-92� [01] Techno-pranks of the movies debunked
BART.ZIP         1318 08-Apr-91  [10] ASCII picture of Bart Simpson
BATHING.ZIP      3373 19-May-92� [03] Aren't Bathing Suits Phun?
BUSPLAN.ZIP     11113 19-Jul-91  [04] How to properly write a business plan
BW2QWK21.ZIP    35266 23-Feb-92  [08] Bluewave-to-QWK / QWK-to-Bluewave
                                 message packet converter for offline message
BWAVE205.ZIP   185272 23-Feb-92  [12] Bluewave offline message reader for
                                 Bluewave message packets
CANDYBAR.ZIP     2868 19-May-92� [00] Analysis of candy bars
CDCFILES.ZIP     4190 19-May-92� [00] cDc Files Listing
CENSORED.ZIP    14166 19-May-92� [02] Project Censored
COKE.ZIP         2390 05-Apr-92  [15] How to make Coca-Cola
COLADRIK.ZIP     3020 19-May-92� [00] Analysis of cola drinks
CSUICIDE.ZIP     4352 19-May-92� [00] Computer Suicide? Heavy stuff, read it
DECADES.ZIP      5892 19-May-92� [00] Decades: The eighties
DIABOLOS.ZIP     2390 29-May-91  [21] Information on Diabolos Graphics
                                 Exchange (really SICK pictures of everything
DIPLOMAT.ZIP     2078 19-May-92� [00] Diplomatic licence plates
EGGS_VEG.ZIP     5647 05-Jun-91  [01] Are eggs vegitarian?
ELNAUPDT.ZIP     4871 19-May-92� [00] Esperanto League Update
EMPLOYEE.ZIP     3299 19-May-92� [00] Negligent hiring and retention of
ET.ZIP           2449 01-Feb-90  [04] Bay Area Entertainment: non-BBS phone
EUTHNSIA.ZIP     3704 19-May-92� [00] Discussion on humane killing
FAMFUTUR.ZIP     8074 19-May-92� [00] The Future of the Family
FILELIST.ZIP   140385 05-Jun-92� [68] List of ALL of TOTSE's files
FREEDOM1.ZIP     3093 19-May-92� [00] Freedom and a piece of string
FS5_BBS.ZIP     43595 11-Mar-91  [04] Messages and info from Factsheet Five
GETYRWAY.ZIP     1588 29-May-91  [03] Getting you way (Psychology Today)
GORBASM.ZIP      4026 19-May-92� [00] Gorbasm
HELD.ZIP        13609 29-May-91  [02] The international mail art network
HOWTOAPP.ZIP     4242 13-Dec-89  [07] How to get into college
IDR.ZIP          1841 29-May-91  [02] Information on the Industrial Dude Ranch
IDR2.ZIP         2281 29-May-91  [02] More on the Industrial Dude Ranch
INVEST.ZIP       5522 19-May-92� [00] Some investment advice from a financial
IQHIST.ZIP       2629 19-May-92� [01] Estimated IQs of historical figures
JUNKMAIL.ZIP     1681 08-Apr-91  [04] Getting rid of junk mail
LEVERAGE.ZIP     3006 19-May-92� [01] A primer for getting rich with leverage
LIAISON.ZIP      2479 19-May-92� [00] Liaison Magazine Article Solicitation
LOGLAN.ZIP       2652 19-May-92� [01] Loglan - an artificial spoken language
LOONYBIN.ZIP     2980 19-May-92� [02] Some interesting facts about the movie
                                 "Last Temptation of Christ"
MAILART.ZIP      4953 05-Jun-91  [04] Sources of art by mail
MENSAANS.ZIP     2261 19-May-92� [01] Answers to the 10-question Mensa
MENSAQUE.ZIP     2429 19-May-92� [01] 10-Question Mensa Mini-test
MFCOOKIE.ZIP     2266 13-Dec-89  [06] Making Mrs. Field's cookies
MV112EVL.LZH    63939 11-Oct-91  [02] Message Viewer - Reads QWK packets on
                                 the Amiga
                                 IMMEDIATELY! FREE!
OLDDAYS.ZIP      3196 19-May-92� [00] Was life really easier and simpler 100
                                 years ago?
OPUS.ZIP         2737 22-Jul-91  [04] Picture of Opus the penguin
PEACE.ZIP        1346 13-Dec-89  [07] ASCII peace sign
PERSTEST.ZIP     5039 19-May-92� [01] Personality tests for job applicants
PER_TEST.ZIP    16993 05-Apr-92  [01] Personality test from the Detroit Free
PICTURES.ZIP     2770 19-May-92� [00] A Picture is worth a thousand K
PKAZIP10.LZH    59392 03-Jan-90  [01] Un-zip utilities for the AMIGA!
PKZ101.EXE     131584 23-Aug-89  [00] Older zip/unzip utility for IBM PC's.
                                 (Version 1.01)
PKZ110.EXE     149219 15-Mar-90  [01] Latest un-ZIPper for IBM PC's (Version
                                 1.10). Includes PKZIP, PKUNZIP,
                                 documentation, and other zippy tools
POLL2RES.ZIP     4246 19-May-92� [01] OMNI Poll: What will 2007 be like?
PSYBOUND.ZIP     1982 19-May-92� [00] Unhealthy psychological boundaries
RAMP.ZIP        17674 19-May-92� [00] Building a skate ramp
RECIPES.ZIP      4540 03-Dec-90  [03] Yummy recipes for the tummy
REV1.ZIP         6278 19-May-92� [00] Reverse Speech 1
REV2.ZIP         5121 19-May-92� [00] Reverse Speech 2
SENTAI.ZIP       2459 19-May-92� [02] Sentient Artificial Intelligence
SEXSELLS.ZIP     4679 19-May-92� [05] Sex Sells
SLEAZOID.ZIP    14847 19-May-92� [00] Cult popularity of Bad Movies
SLMR21A.ZIP    176849 04-Jan-92  [18] Silly Little Message Reader 2.1A -
                                 Off-line QuickMail (QWK) reader for DOS
SM.ZIP         244048 11-Dec-91  [01] Session Manager - offline reader for
STATUE.ZIP       1912 19-May-92� [06] How David Copperfield made the Statue of
                                 Liberty vanish
ST_UNZIP.LZH    26624 01-Jan-89  [00] Unzip program for Atari ST's
SYSOPSUI.ZIP    16467 19-May-92� [00] SysOp Suicide
TATCARE.ZIP      2968 05-Jun-91  [02] How to care for your new tattoo
TATSHOPS.ZIP     7102 05-Jun-91  [02] List of Tattoo shops
TOTSEANS.ZIP    30498 27-May-92� [12] All of TOTSE's ANSI welcome screens,
                                 including the infamous "Jeff Hunter on Drugs"
UNZIP1.02       39808 17-Dec-89  [04] Use this to un-zip files on the MAC!
UOPGAZ.ZIP      90528 07-Nov-90  [10] Tons of eclectic info - FREE DL
WARNER.ZIP      17137 19-May-92� [00] List of over 1,000 Warner Bros. Cartoons
WINQ110A.ZIP    74242 15-Apr-91  [06] Off-line QuickMail (QWK) reader for

��� Total files :    81 � Offline :     0 � New :    43 � Total :  1783 (k)

� ��� � #  2 �                    BBS Lists                            � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
313BBS.ZIP      16055 11-Mar-91  [04] BBSes in the 313 area code
415.ZIP          2526 08-Apr-91  [06] More BBSes in the 415 area code
415BBS.ZIP      10829 19-Jun-91  [09] 415 area code BBS systems
717.ZIP          2149 08-Apr-91  [03] BBSes in the 717 area code
800-BBS.ZIP      5646 19-Jul-91  [12] List of toll free BBS's
800BBS.ZIP       3222 19-Nov-90  [08] Toll free BBS list (1/17/90)
800NUM2.ZIP      3367 19-Jun-91  [08] Toll free modem list - Compuserv, Xerox,
                                 Head Start, etc.
800NUM3.ZIP      2896 19-Jun-91  [09] Toll free modem list - Chrysler,
                                 Citibank, etc.
96BB1016.ZIP    38180 25-May-91  [02] World-wide 9600 BPS BBS list
ALLBBS.ZIP      19087 19-Jul-91  [13] National Adult BBS list updated 2/90
ALTBBS.ZIP      19405 19-Jul-91  [03] A cool file of USENET BBS leads
AMIGAFTP.ZIP     4915 19-Jul-91  [02] Amiga ftp sites on Usenet
ARYANNAT.ZIP     4799 29-May-91  [09] Information on a white supremecist BBS
BABDCITY.ZIP    18268 11-Mar-91  [11] Big list of Bay Area BBSes sorted by
BABDNAM.ZIP     19284 11-Mar-91  [03] Bay Area BBS list sorted by name
BAY_BBS.ZIP      5045 30-Jun-91  [04] Bay area BBS list
BBS.ZIP          3589 19-Jul-91  [02] A few 415 boards
BBSMTL.ZIP       7468 19-Jul-91  [03] Montreal BBSs
BBSREV.ZIP      49270 04-Jun-92� [71] Jeff Hunter's BBS Review! Updated
BBS_SF.ZIP       2621 19-Jul-91  [04] SF BBS list
BOARD.ZIP        1872 19-Jul-91  [01] Boards in the 415 area code
BOARDZ.ZIP       4308 19-Jul-91  [13] Phrack boards
BRAZLBBS.ZIP     6555 05-Apr-92  [02] List of BBSes in Brazil
CCCBBS.ZIP       2190 05-Apr-92  [07] BBSes in Contra Costa County
DESKPUB.ZIP      5241 29-May-91  [03] BBSes that specialize in desktop
DISBLBBS.ZIP     2803 11-Mar-91  [02] List of BBSes for disabled people
EBB-BBS2.ZIP    12543 21-Nov-90  [05] Dept. of Commerce BBS info
ECONBBS.ZIP      3270 05-Apr-92  [00] BBSes in the Department of Commerce
ENGRGBBS.ZIP     8786 19-Jun-91  [03] Engineering oriented BBS systems
FEDBBSES.ZIP     3084 11-Mar-91  [05] List of Federal Government BBSes
FED_BBS.ZIP      3079 29-May-91  [05] Federal BBS systems
FIRMBBS.ZIP      1736 19-Jul-91  [05] Firm BBS numbers
FTP.ZIP          4402 19-Jul-91  [06] USENET FTP introduction
FTPLIST.ZIP     33108 08-Apr-91  [07] Anonymous FTP sites for GIF files
GAYBBS.ZIP       2044 05-Apr-92  [03] Gay BBS list
GBBSLIST.ZIP     3203 19-Jul-91  [03] List of MajorBBS (tm) Systems worldwide!
GOVBBS.ZIP       2536 13-Dec-89  [03] List of government BBSes
GOVBBS2.ZIP      4117 13-Dec-89  [03] More government BBS numbers
GOVER.ZIP        2865 19-Jul-91  [05] Government BBSes
GOVTBBS.ZIP      3323 05-Apr-92  [03] Federal Government BBS systems
HOT100.ZIP       4101 20-Jun-91  [04] The 100 best BBSes of 1990
INET.ZIP        17688 29-May-91  [07] File list from Illuminet (Text BBS
INETBBS.ZIP      8913 05-Apr-92  [03] Internet BBS list (2-6-92)
ISRAELBB.ZIP     4365 20-Jun-91  [02] BBS list for Israel
JAPANBBS.ZIP    17462 08-Apr-91  [03] Japan BBS list
KRAAKTEL.ZIP     5148 22-Jul-91  [03] Computer systems in Holland - phone
LOCALBBS.ZIP     7720 22-Jul-91  [04] BBSes in the Bay area
MICH_BBS.ZIP     3186 11-Mar-91  [03] List of BBSes in Michigan
MIDIBBS#.ZIP     2664 08-Apr-91  [03] MIDI BBS numbers
MIDIBBS.ZIP      5648 11-Mar-91  [04] List of MIDI-oriented BBSes
MIL-BBS.ZIP      3036 20-Jun-91  [05] Military BBS list
NEWSGRPS.ZIP    32804 11-Mar-91  [00] HUGE list of USENET newsgroups
NIFTY50.ZIP      3068 20-Jun-91  [08] Best 50 BBSes in each state for 1990
NOTOLL1.ZIP      5580 08-Apr-91  [12] Toll-free BBS numbers
NOTOLL2.ZIP      4944 08-Apr-91  [11] Toll-free BBS numbers
OCCULT08.ZIP     5924 04-Jan-90  [02] List of Occult BBSes in the US
OCCULT14.ZIP     6994 11-Mar-91  [09] List of occult BBSes in the U.S. as of
ORLANDO.ZIP      4894 05-Jun-91  [03] Orlando, Florida area BBS list
PDNSAN.ZIP       2988 30-Jun-91  [03] Ad for Public Data Network (64 line
PHILE9.ZIP       4208 11-Mar-91  [08] List of Apple BBSes
PIRATE.ZIP       5027 05-Jun-91  [24] List of pirate BBSes across the US
PIRATEB.ZIP      1560 22-Jul-91  [21] List of Pirate boards
PORN_#S.ZIP      2710 22-Jul-91  [23] Helluva lotta porno numbers. Perverts!
PUBUNIX.ZIP      7913 28-Jan-92  [05] Public access Unix sites (10-30-88)
RD0816XL.ZIP    28178 28-Jan-92  [12] Rajah Dodger's adult BBS list
SAUDIBBS.ZIP     2305 28-Jan-92  [04] Saudi Arabian BBS list
SEERS.ZIP        2377 08-Apr-91  [04] Ad for the Bavarian Illuminati BBS
SUPPORT.ZIP      3445 28-May-91  [05] Customer support BBSes for a whole bunch
                                 of companies
TEXTSORC.ZIP     2180 05-Jun-91  [16] Text-based BBS systems
UK_BBSES.ZIP    27813 05-Jun-91  [02] National UK BBS list (10-15-88)
UNIQBBS2.ZIP     8731 05-Jun-91  [07] More unique BBS systems
UNIQ_BBS.ZIP     8755 11-Mar-91  [10] List of "unique" BBSes that specialize
                                 in various things
UNIXPUB.ZIP     20643 30-Jun-91  [01] Listing of open access UNIX sites
UNIXSITE.ZIP    15158 11-Mar-91  [03] Open access UNIX sites
USBBS65.ZIP     42295 13-Dec-89  [01] PC Pursuitable BBSes around the country
USBBS69.ZIP     44194 11-Mar-91  [02] List of PC Pursuitable BBSes around the
USBBS71.ZIP     45538 04-Dec-90  [01] PC Pursuitable BBSes around the US
USBBS77.ZIP     50710 07-Nov-90  [02] Huge list of BBSes in the US
USBBS81.ZIP     54103 28-May-91  [01] List of PC Pursuitable BBSes
VANBBS.ZIP       6573 05-Apr-92  [00] Vancouver, BC BBS listing
WILDCAT.ZIP     55574 30-Jun-91  (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :    81 � Offline :     0 � New :     1 � Total :   917 (k)

� ��� � #  3 �                  Running a BBS                          � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
BBSBIB.ZIP       2625 06-Apr-92  [01] The 30 commandments of BBSing (rules for
                                 the anal-retentive)
BBSDESGN.ZIP     9723 13-Dec-89  [00] Original FUBAR BBS design specifications
BBSETHIC.ZIP     4892 11-Mar-91  [00] Ethics for BBS users by Anal Retentive
CCPNEWS.ZIP      4268 11-Mar-91  [01] Split personalities on BBSes (from
COSYSOP.ZIP      2747 05-Apr-92  [01] Guidelines for being and choosing a
DISCLAIM.ZIP     2946 13-Dec-89  [02] BBS Standard Issue Disclaimer
DOCUMENT.ZIP     2731 13-Dec-89  [04] Plans for a BBS program
FNEWS908.ARC    33749 22-Feb-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS909.ARC    34576 01-Mar-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS910.ARC    18425 08-Mar-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS911.ARC    20025 15-Mar-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS912.ARC    24192 23-Mar-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS913.ARC    27960 30-Mar-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS914.ARC    17136 06-Apr-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS915.ARC    22994 12-Apr-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS916.ARC    13010 19-Apr-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
FNEWS917.ARC    14813 26-Apr-92  [00] FidoNews - Information from Fidonet
NEWUSER.ZIP      5272 07-Mar-90  [02] BBS Etiquette
PCBDAT.ZIP       5064 28-Jan-92  [00] Information on the format of the
                                 PCBOARD.DAT file
PCBSYS.ZIP       2674 28-Jan-92  [00] Information on the format of the
                                 PCBOARD.SYS file
PUBBBS.ZIP       1937 13-Dec-89  [05] Publicize your BBS
SYSOPEEV.ZIP     3555 30-Jun-91  [01] A sysop's peeves
TBBS.ZIP        17625 07-Mar-90  [00] TBBS Specifications
TELEGARD.ZIP     5057 05-Apr-92  [01] Martin Pollard says "So Long!" to
                                 Telegard users
TENCOM.ZIP       1792 11-Mar-91  [01] BBS Ten Commandments
TGDOCPLS.ZIP     6689 05-Apr-92  [04] Some stuff about Telegard not in the
                                 original docs
USENETFI.ZIP     2320 11-Mar-91  [00] BBS in Michigan offers gateway between
                                 Fidonet and USENET
WHO-ME.ZIP       4697 04-Dec-90  [02] So you want to be a sysop?
FNEWS920.ARC    13215 16-May-92� (No description available for this file.)
FNEWS921.ARC    18591 24-May-92� (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :    30 � Offline :     0 � New :     2 � Total :   339 (k)

� ��� � #  4 �              Literary Genius (A-J)                      � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
2NDSTORY.ZIP    10899 19-Jul-91  [01] A running story from Alternative
                                 Possibilities BBS
AATC.ZIP         8489 28-Jan-92  [01] Asian American theatre company on the
ACKER.ZIP       15199 19-Jul-91  [01] Dead Doll Humility by Kathy Acker
ADEATH.ZIP       2831 13-Dec-89  [01] A death story
AIKIDO.ZIP       2131 29-May-91  [02] Aikido training
AISLE6.ZIP       3383 25-May-91  [02] Clean up on aisle 6
ALIASES.ZIP      7310 19-Jul-91  [02] Some names to think about for aliases
ALICEWON.ZIP    61595 10-Apr-91  [01] Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by
                                 Lewis Carroll
ALT_BOOK.ZIP     4230 11-Mar-91  [01] List of alternative books to read
ALT_READ.ZIP     4228 29-May-91  [01] Alternative reading list
APATHY.ZIP       3855 19-Jun-91  [01] Dave Barry on apathy
APRESPON.ZIP     3027 13-Dec-89  [01] Richard Standza abuse - Montana Wildhack
ARGOTDIC.ZIP     7316 08-Apr-91  [01] Junk Culture dictionary of argot
ARGU.ZIP         3425 19-Jul-91  [02] Argumentative on paintball [Paper]
ASHES.ZIP        3711 19-Jun-91  [01] Ashes to Ashes by Dave Barry
ASIABOOK.ZIP     3133 28-Jan-92  [01] List of books written by Asian-American
AUSSIE.ZIP       3173 13-Dec-89  [01] Australian slang and customs
AUTHOR_T.ZIP     5724 08-Apr-91  [03] Authority through time [PAPER]
AZTEC119.ZIP    13662 19-Jul-91  [02] A list of bizzare and hard to find books
BANBOOX.ZIP      6222 19-Jul-91  [01] Censored books in the USA
BEEFNTSY.ZIP     2712 08-Apr-91  [01] I want to be a bee
BELA2.ZIP       10953 19-Jun-91  [01] The Brecht-Lukacs disagreement (Marxist
BENNETT2.ZIP    12301 19-Jun-91  [01] Brecht and the British playwright
BILLNTED.ZIP     1689 13-Dec-89  [02] Quotes from Bill 'n Ted
BLADE.ZIP        7480 19-Jun-91  [01] Excerpts from the BLADE BARRIER Book #3
BOARD.ZIP        7413 29-May-91  [01] You're Wrong! by Mykel Board
BOFA33RD.ZIP     1891 07-Nov-90  [01] View from the 33rd floor of BofA
BOOK0COW.ZIP     4357 19-Jun-91  [01] The Book of Cow (cDc)
BOOKBAN.ZIP      6504 06-Apr-92  [02] Genie clients discuss Genie censorship
                                 of book titles that break the law
BOOKLIST.ZIP    22555 25-May-91  [04] What should you READ?
BOOKS.ZIP        6221 19-Nov-90  [02] Books that have been banned in the US
BOVDEATH.ZIP     3369 19-Jun-91  [01] Bovine Death (cDc)
BOVEPIC.ZIP      2465 19-Jun-91  [01] The bovine epic of creation (cDc)
BOYHONOR.ZIP     2206 19-Jul-91  [01] The boy who honored his parents
BRITWORD.ZIP     5572 19-Jun-91  [02] Table of American and British slang
BRUG3EXP.ZIP    17260 19-Jun-91  [01] Brecht and Brueghel's _Teatrum Mundi_
CARLINIS.ZIP     4802 19-Jul-91  [03] Synonyms for different sexual words
CASTRO.ZIP      10271 19-Jul-91  [03] Paper on Castro
CAT4-03.ZIP     16104 06-Apr-92  [02] Catalog of paperless books available
                                 from Softserv
CHRI115.ZIP      5971 19-Jun-91  [01] Kill the Easter bunny
CLANCY.ZIP       7519 19-Jul-91  [01] All about Tom Clancy's style
CNET.ZIP         3379 29-May-91  [01] Living in a collective
CNTDRAC.ZIP      4896 06-Sep-89  [02] A story on Count Dracula. Bloody well...
COMMOMAN.ZIP     5715 19-Jul-91  [01] True short story about Viet Nam
CONAN.ZIP        7264 11-Mar-91  [01] Adventures of Conan the Librarian
COULD.ZIP        2668 19-Jul-91  [01] It could have worked [Fiction]
COWCHRON.ZIP     4547 19-Jun-91  [01] The cow chronicles (cDc)
DELORSAV.ZIP     6407 11-Mar-91  [01] Christmas: Delete or Save?
ELVIS91.ZIP      5344 19-Jul-91  [01] Term paper on Elvis
ENGLISH.ZIP      2511 19-Jul-91  [02] A list of words super hard to define
ENGLISH1.ZIP     2731 19-Jul-91  [01] Crazy English
ENGLISH2.ZIP     1917 19-Jul-91  [01] The answers to ENGLISH.ZIP
ESPERO.ZIP       4010 19-Jul-91  [01] Esperanto - what is it?
EXCERP1.ZIP      3814 19-Jun-91  [03] News you may NOT have read #1
EXCERP2.ZIP      3558 19-Jun-91  [02] News you may NOT have read #2
EXCERP3.ZIP      3878 19-Jun-91  [02] News you may NOT have read #3
EXCERP4.ZIP      3775 19-Jun-91  [02] News you may NOT have read #4
EXCERP5.ZIP      3823 19-Jun-91  [01] News you may NOT have read #5
EXCERP6.ZIP      3930 19-Jun-91  [01] News you may NOT have read #6
EXCERP7.ZIP      3837 19-Jun-91  [03] News you may NOT have read #7
EXILES2.ZIP      4444 19-Jun-91  [01] Conversations in Exile, the new theater
                                 of Brooklyn
EXPER.ZIP       13398 19-Jun-91  [01] No experience necessary (cDc)
FACTS.ZIP        3303 07-Nov-90  [02] Strange Facts from Harper's Magazine
FIGHTCL.ZIP      2510 19-Jun-91  [02] Fighting the clean way (cDc)
FILM.ZIP         4131 07-Mar-90  [03] Filmmaking and Painting: A Comparison
FLAKPHIL.ZIP     3657 08-Apr-91  [02] The nature of reality [PAPER]
FOG.ZIP          2013 25-May-91  [02] How you can make money from the weather
FRED.ZIP         6805 17-Apr-90  [01] A bizarre running story from a BBS
FRESNOID.ZIP     4011 08-Apr-91  [01] Disgusting tale of life in Fresno
FUKWORLD.ZIP     2777 29-May-91  [01] Fuck the world
GAYKIDS.ZIP      6356 20-Jun-91  [01] News article on gay teen suicides
GLENDA.ZIP       3580 20-Jun-91  [01] The Measure Taken, Bonk theater at
                                 University Settlement
GRAPES.ZIP       8850 19-Jul-91  [03] Grapes of Wrath paper - B
HACKUNIT.ZIP     8266 28-Nov-90  [02] Hackers Unite! (from Newsweek)
HESTILLH.ZIP     7303 13-Dec-89  [01] Shareware story
HSPAPER.ZIP      4081 07-Mar-90  [02] The Aztecs [PAPER]
HUNTER.ZIP       3515 28-Nov-90  [01] Hunter S. Thompson defense fund
IMONLY17.ZIP     2995 20-Jun-91  [03] Please God, I'm only 17...
INSTI.ZIP        6470 19-Jul-91  [02] Man and Instincts [Paper]
INTERSEL.ZIP     3714 17-Apr-90  [01] The Interstellar Times - Secrets
JAPANRNT.ZIP     3458 29-May-91  [01] Rant about Japan
JARGON1.ZIP     26383 25-May-91  [03] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JARGON2.ZIP     24327 25-May-91  [02] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JARGON3.ZIP     31624 25-May-91  [02] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JARGON4.ZIP     24198 25-May-91  [02] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JARGON5.ZIP     24148 25-May-91  [02] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JARGON6.ZIP     12852 25-May-91  [02] Jargon used by the computer subculture
JIRP.ZIP        11609 07-Mar-90  [01] Comics as Storytelling [PAPER]
JOBHUNT.ZIP     34095 07-Mar-90  [01] Finding a job as an artist
JOLLYONE.ZIP     3685 20-Jun-91  [01] The Jolly One - Santa! (cDc)
JOURNAL.ZIP      2598 29-May-91  [01] Twisted diary of Tristan A. Farnon
KILLFICT.ZIP     2537 05-Jun-91  [01] Killer Fiction: books by murderers
KINGLEAR.ZIP     2805 19-Jul-91  [03] 2pg Essay on King Lear - Good vs. Evil
KOMAN.ZIP        7399 06-Apr-92  [00] Softserv online chat with Victor Koman
KRONSDAT.ZIP    10167 22-Jul-91  [04] Termpaper of 1921 USSR mutiny
LK_GLASS.ZIP    70967 10-Apr-91  [01] Through the Looking Glass by Lewis
LONEY2.ZIP       8495 20-Jun-91  [01] Back to basics at the Berliner ensemble:
                                 Directors discuss _Ur-Faust_ and _Ur-Brecht_
LOVEHATE.ZIP     3116 07-Mar-90  [01] Love and Hate [PAPER]

��� Total files :    98 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   798 (k)

� ��� � #  5 �              Literary Genius (K-Z)                      � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
MANIFSTO.ZIP     3030 07-Mar-90  [03] The Hacker's Manifesto. GREAT! READ!
MIDNIGHT.ZIP     4049 20-Jun-91  [01] Paul Revere's Ride by Henry Wadsworth
MODELMIN.ZIP     5996 28-Jan-92  [01] The myth of the "Model Minority"
                                 (discrimination against Asian Americans)
MYSTIC.ZIP       7579 22-Jul-91  [01] The Beer Mystic's Last Day on the Planet
NOCOWS.ZIP       7028 20-Jun-91  [01] Not a cow story
NWEDDING.ZIP     4170 13-Dec-89  [03] Nymph's wedding (a story)
ONESIDED.ZIP    29189 06-Apr-92  [00] Authors Genie discussions on censorship,
                                 homosexuality, drugs, and libertarianism
OREGON.ZIP      26041 28-May-91  [01] A bunch of people discuss the pros and
                                 cons of "dirty" language on USENET
OSCARS91.ZIP     3120 22-Jul-91  [01] The list of 1991's Oscar nominations
P-M-S-1.ZIP      9151 23-Feb-92  [03] Paranoid media scrutinization #1
PAPERLES.ZIP    18264 06-Apr-92  [01] Overview of advantages of paperless
PEKING2.ZIP      9429 30-Jun-91  [01] Brecht's theory of alienation and the
                                 Peking Opera
PGPOST.ZIP      12120 30-Jun-91  [01] Michael Foucalt's relativist stance
PILADY.ZIP       6464 22-Jul-91  [02] True tale of female private eye
PLAYACT1.ZIP     9596 28-May-91  [01] Blank verse in foreign tounges
PLOTS.ZIP        8870 30-Jun-91  [02] Thirty-seven dramatic situations
POE.ZIP          2055 22-Jul-91  [01] The Conqueror Worm - Edgar Allan Poe
PROPH.ZIP        2826 30-Jun-91  [02] The Prophecy of Cow [cDc]
PUGET2.ZIP       5526 30-Jun-91  [01] Regional theater and Brecht
QTS0.ZIP        25240 30-Jun-91  [01] Quotes from famous people - Part 0
QTS1.ZIP        23836 30-Jun-91  [01] Quotes from famous people - Part 1
QTS2.ZIP        23526 30-Jun-91  [01] Quotes from famous people - Part 2
QTS3.ZIP        23751 30-Jun-91  [01] Quotes from famous people - Part 3
QUEENDED.ZIP     2908 30-Jun-91  [01] The queen is dead [cDc]
QUINT2.ZIP       6270 30-Jun-91  [01] Brecht en Espanol
QUOTES1.ZIP      7932 28-Jan-92  [01] Quotes from famous people
QUOTES2.ZIP      4006 30-Jun-91  [01] More quotes from famous people
RACELVE1.ZIP     4555 28-Jan-92  [01] Racist love - part 1
RACELVE2.ZIP     5520 28-Jan-92  [01] Racist love - part 2
READERSQ.ZIP     4998 11-Mar-91  [01] Quotable Quotes from Reader's Digest
RENEGADE.ZIP     2261 30-Jun-91  [01] Renegade Cows [cDc]
RESENTAA.ZIP     3869 03-Dec-90  [01] Resentment Against Achievement: synopsis
REVIEWS.ZIP      1755 30-Jun-91  [01] More on Bertold Brecht
RFP-15.ZIP      91702 28-May-91  [01] Reading for Pleasure #15 - good guide to
                                 reading material
RIFLES2.ZIP      4137 30-Jun-91  [01] Senora Carrar's Rifles
ROADSIDE.ZIP     5775 05-Jun-91  [01] Thoughts on roadside stands
RURLHELL.ZIP     5682 30-Jun-91  [01] Rural Hell [cDc]
SAMPLE.ZIP       4500 05-Jun-91  [01] A book by an ex-cop, convicted
                                 lady-killer, and all around nasty guy
SCHULMAN.ZIP     8300 06-Apr-92  [00] SoftServ online chat: "The New
                                 Literacies!" Topic Leader: Neil Schulman
SCRIPT.ZIP       3530 01-Nov-91  [02] Splicer's film's synopsis for Dex Riley
SESAME.ZIP       2902 01-Nov-91  [01] Text about Sesame Street
SESAMEST.ZIP     3143 05-Jun-91  [01] Seasame Street Possession [cDc]
SEXDETH.ZIP     13602 05-Jun-91  [02] Sex, Death, and Insanity
SHAKES.ZIP       3455 01-Nov-91  [02] Essay on Midsummer Night's Dream
SHILOH.ZIP      62728 28-May-91  [01] The Shiloh Material: Real letters that a
                                 wacko wrote to famous people
SHOULDCH.ZIP     3545 13-Dec-89  [01] Chinese writing [PAPER]
SIGNLANG.ZIP     2615 13-Dec-89  [01] Decode sign language =8]
SLUGHEAD.ZIP     3028 05-Jun-91  [01] Slug Head by Fred Fagbag
SNARK.ZIP       12313 28-May-91  [01] The Hunting of the Snark by Lewis
SOFTSERV.ZIP     5705 06-Apr-92  [01] More info on the Softserv Concept
                                 (paperless books)
SONGOF.ZIP       2032 30-Jun-91  [01] The Song of the Cow [cDc]
SPILLAGE.ZIP     2837 08-Apr-91  [01] Living on the Spillage
STUFF3.ZIP       1873 11-Mar-91  [01] The Women at Panini's
SUMMERST.ZIP     4945 05-Jun-91  [01] A summer storm
SUMTOTAL.ZIP     4357 05-Jun-91  [01] Sum Total by Fred Fagbag
SUNALSOR.ZIP     2298 13-Dec-89  [01] The Sun Also Rises [PAPER]
TATBOOKS.ZIP     2766 05-Jun-91  [02] List of books on Tattoos and Tattooing
THEDREAM.ZIP     1825 13-Dec-89  [01] The Dream - A Story
THEFIRST.ZIP    10015 13-Dec-89  [01] The first IDI Adventure - A runny story
THEWEAPO.ZIP     4078 13-Dec-89  [01] A Story
THINGS.ZIP       4931 13-Dec-89  [01] A Story
TITLE.ZIP        2089 30-Jun-91  [01] GESTUS: The electronic journal of
                                 Bertolt Brechian studies
TWINPEAK.ZIP     6161 08-Apr-91  [02] Quotes from Twin Peaks
UPDATE5.ZIP      3409 30-Jun-91  [01] Global domination update [cDc]
WCIV.ZIP         4604 07-Mar-90  [04] Man's Quest for Knowledge [PAPER]
WORDS.ZIP       65307 28-Mar-91  [01] A list of 50,000 words in the English
WRITERUL.ZIP     1973 13-Dec-89  [01] Rules for successful writing
ZERO1.ZIP        9013 08-Apr-91  [02] Scenes from a Street Corner [STORY]
ZODIAC.ZIP      21898 30-Jun-91  [03] Death date on a BART train

��� Total files :    70 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   695 (k)

� ��� � #  6 �                 Science Fiction                         � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ACCLARKE.ZIP     4246 17-May-92� [00] Arthur C. Clarke Biography and
ACE.ZIP          2168 17-May-92� [05] Some info on Sophie Aldred, Doctor Who's
ADAMS.ZIP        3378 17-May-92� [03] Douglas Adams biography
ALIEN.ZIP        3701 19-Nov-90  [01] Alien Nation episode list
ANEGS1.ZIP       3735 17-May-92� [06] Alien Nation Episode Guide Season 1
ANNOTA.ZIP       4857 17-May-92� [08] An annotated ST:TNG chronoloy
ANSMSG.ZIP       1575 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek TNG Answering Machine Message
AQUITH.ZIP      22255 13-Dec-89  [02] Shareware sci-fi
ARMCH1.ZIP       9802 17-May-92� [03] ST:TNG Armchair guide
ARMCH3-4.ZIP    20553 17-May-92� [02] Star Trek: The Next Generation Armchair
                                 Guide #3 - covers up to end of Season 4
ARMCH3.ZIP      14047 17-May-92� [02] Star Trek TNG Armchair Guide v.3
ARMCHR.ZIP      14047 19-Jul-91  [02] Armchair guide to Star Trek: The Next
ASIMOV.ZIP       1788 13-Dec-89  [01] A partial list of Asimov's SF books
BANTER10.ZIP     1931 17-May-92� [02] Guinan/Riker 10-Forward banter
BLASTER.ZIP      1943 17-May-92� [08] The Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster
BORG.ZIP         4453 19-Jul-91  [04] The hitchhiker's guide to the Borg
BTTF3PDX.ZIP     7322 17-May-92� [03] Back to the Future III Paradoxes
CHEAPTRU.ZIP     6146 17-May-92� [00] "Cheap Truth" SF 'zine #1
CHRONO.ZIP       6987 17-May-92� [02] Stardate Chronology (TOS, movies, books,
CLOCKORG.ZIP     6178 19-Jul-91  [04] Clockwork Orange Dictionary
COLDCALL.ZIP     6374 19-Jul-91  [02] Sci-fi story of a travelling salesman
COMPPOEM.ZIP     3541 17-May-92� [00] A poem about Doctor Who's companions
CYBER.ZIP        7022 19-Jul-91  [02] This is a text file on cyber-shit
CYBERTHR.ZIP    18024 11-Mar-91  [02] CyberThrash - cyberpunk from SPIN
CYBLEARY.ZIP    10214 07-Nov-90  [02] Timothy Leary on Cyberpunks
DALEKS.ZIP      64869 17-May-92� [03] History of Doctor Who's greatest foes,
                                 taken from the book "Doctor Who and the
DARMOK1.ZIP      7101 23-Feb-92  [02] Toward a Tamari Vocabulary by Jean-Luc
DECWARS.ZIP     15114 21-Nov-90  [01] The continuing saga of Luke Vaxhacker
DESIGNAL.ZIP     6730 13-Dec-89  [01] Design a life - a story
DOCRET1.ZIP      6073 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 1 of 6
DOCRET2.ZIP      6151 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 2 of 6
DOCRET3.ZIP      7325 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 3 of 6
DOCRET4.ZIP      6970 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 4 of 6
DOCRET5.ZIP      7635 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 5 of 6
DOCRET6.ZIP     10495 17-May-92� [04] Return of the Doctor Part 6 of 6
DOCTOR01.ZIP     3491 17-May-92� [04] Remebrance of the Doctors Who
DONTPANC.ZIP     3520 17-May-92� [01] Report on "Don't Panic" and "Dirk
                                 Gently" by Douglas Adams
DUNE.ZIP         6070 17-May-92� [00] The making of Dune
DWBOOKS.ZIP      4879 17-May-92� [03] A Doctor Who book list
DWMOVIE.ZIP      2435 17-May-92� [02] Information about a Doctor Who feature
DWPGV3.ZIP      17786 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Program Guide 1963-1989
DWS19.ZIP        6148 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 19 Synopsis
DWS20.ZIP        6383 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 20 Synopsis
DWS21.ZIP        7089 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 21 Synopsis
DWS23.ZIP        6544 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 23 Synopsis
DWS25.ZIP        7978 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 25 Synopsis
DWS26.ZIP        5031 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who Season 26 Synopsis
DWSONG.ZIP       1997 17-May-92� [02] Doctor Who song
EMINIAR.ZIP      7388 19-Jul-91  [01] History of the Eminiar Star System
ENC-S1.ZIP      30292 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek: TNG Season 1 Encyclopedia
ENC-S2.ZIP      40442 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek: TNG Season 2 Encyclopedia
ENC-S3.ZIP      88788 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek: TNG Season 3 Encyclopedia
ENTHST.ZIP      20793 17-May-92� [01] History of ships named ENTERPRISE
ENTHST2.ZIP     35242 17-May-92� [00] A Detailed History of ships named
GALAXIES.ZIP    15201 17-May-92� [03] An extragalactic journey
GUINAN.ZIP       4127 17-May-92� [06] On Guinan and her role on the Enterprise
GUMSHOE.ZIP      4016 17-May-92� [00] Private Eye of the future. From OMNI
HEINLEIN.ZIP    13093 17-May-92� [00] Robert A. Heinlein chronology
HEINSEX.ZIP     14262 17-May-92� [02] A lengthy discussion of Robert A.
                                 Heinlein's attitudes on women, sex, and rape,
                                 especially in "Friday".
HHGWORDS.ZIP     3578 17-May-92� [01] Listener's Guide to the Hitchhiker's
                                 Guide to the Galaxy
HISTRY.ZIP       8928 17-May-92� [01] A Doctor Who History
HITCBORG.ZIP     5109 17-May-92� [01] The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Borg
ILM.ZIP          3064 17-May-92� [03] Industrial Light & Magic's Trek SFX
JAUNT.ZIP        4968 17-May-92� [01] A Time-travel jaunt
JEWSCIFI.ZIP     5370 17-May-92� [00] Jewish Science Fiction
K-RAD.ZIP        6984 19-Jul-91  [02] Cool story about a K-RAD d00d by Stephen
KATY.ZIP         6394 17-May-92� [00] Interview with Katy "Jo Grant" Manning
                                 (Doctor Who)
KLINGO.ZIP       3948 17-May-92� [01] A Klingon writes about his species
KLINGO2.ZIP      3115 17-May-92� [02] Parody Klingon Starship Log
KLINGON.ZIP      3720 19-Jul-91  [02] A Klingonese phrase handbook
LITEBULB.ZIP     2435 17-May-92� [03] Changing a light bulb on NCC-1701D
MAJEL.ZIP        7041 17-May-92� [00] Bio and interview of Majel Barrett
MARINES.ZIP      2003 17-May-92� [01] The Outer Space Marines
MCCOY.ZIP        1904 17-May-92� [09] Some "I'm a Doctor, not a..." McCoyisms
MICROSAG.ZIP    46341 22-Jul-91  [01] Sci Fi story by Leo Schwab, Amiga guru
MIGHTYM.ZIP      8149 08-Apr-91  [01] New Adventures of Mighty Mouse episode
                                 guide (twisted!)
MIME.ZIP         2983 17-May-92� [00] A Matter of Time. Sci-fi by Scott
                                 Sutherland a.k.a Rock Star
MISBEGOT.ZIP    22973 22-Jul-91  [01] Sci-fi novel by Kube-McDowell
MISTFALL.ZIP     1550 17-May-92� [00] A Poem from Doctor Who episode "Full
NATASHA.ZIP      2686 17-May-92� [01] Natasha Yar's last words
NEWTRE.ZIP       8707 17-May-92� [01] NCC-1701H ???
NEXT_GEN.ZIP    25901 17-May-92� [03] The Search for Plot
OL.ZIP           4879 17-May-92� [03] Outer Limits Episode Guide
ORSON.ZIP        6123 28-Nov-90  [00] Orson Scott Card says homos are evil
PARADISE.ZIP     7350 22-Jul-91  [01] Excerpt from sci-fi novel
PARATOUR.ZIP     3480 17-May-92� [00] A tour of Paramount Studios, with a
                                 glimpse of Star Trek VI's making
PIZZAWHO.ZIP     7963 17-May-92� [03] Dr. Who and Pizza
PPMIL.ZIP        3770 17-May-92� [01] A military review of ST:TNG
PRISONER.ZIP     5160 28-Nov-90  [02] Prisoner episode guide - I am a free man
QLGUIDE.ZIP     17760 17-May-92� [00] Quantum Leap episode guide plus commonly
                                 asked questions about the show.
RAWILSON.ZIP    18089 06-Apr-92  [01] SoftServ RTC: An Illuminating Evening
                                 with Robert Anton Wilson
RCKYHOR.ZIP     21539 11-Mar-91  [02] What to do and say at the Rocky Horror
                                 Picture Show
RD3INFO.ZIP      4602 17-May-92� [01] More Red Dwarf III Info
RD3INTRO.ZIP     2090 17-May-92� [01] Red Dwarf III Introduction
RD4GUIDE.ZIP     2519 17-May-92� [01] Long awaited new Red Dwarf IV Episode
ROADR_TR.ZIP     5410 13-Dec-89  [01] The Enterprise vs. the Road Runner
ROBO1.ZIP       24245 01-Nov-91  [02] Chronology of Robotech saga
ROBOTECH.ZIP    15904 13-Dec-89  [02] Robotech saga synopsis
ROBOTKID.ZIP     2062 13-Dec-89  [01] The robots are after me!
ROMDAV02.ZIP     5702 17-May-92� [00] Romana & Dave: Dr. Who/David Letterman
SAAVIK.ZIP       2938 17-May-92� [01] Biography of Lt. Saavik
SCIFI.ZIP        3135 17-May-92� [00] Sci-Fi Cable Channel Press Release
SCOTTY.ZIP       3360 17-May-92� [02] Biography of Montgomery Scott
SELLTREK.ZIP    10376 01-Nov-91  [02] How we sold a Trek story
SHIP.ZIP         5755 17-May-92� [03] USS James T. Kirk NCC-30000 (post-TNG)
SSN1.ZIP        35105 01-Nov-91  [01] Season 1 overview, Star Trek: The Next
SSN2.ZIP        29034 01-Nov-91  [01] Second season overview, Star Trek: TNG
SSN3-1.ZIP      15665 01-Nov-91  [01] Third season Part 1 - Overview of ST:TNG
SSN3-2.ZIP      15279 01-Nov-91  [01] Third season Part 2 - Overview ST:TNG
SSN3-3.ZIP      15610 01-Nov-91  [01] Third season Part 3 - Overview ST:TNG
STARDATE.ZIP     2598 17-May-92� [03] An explanation of Stardates
STARWRS3.ZIP    17088 17-May-92� [00] Star Wars III: Before the movies
STEWAR.ZIP      10029 17-May-92� [01] Biography of Patrick Stewart (Cap'n
STEWART.ZIP      6507 01-Nov-91  [01] Interview with Patrick Stewart on Trek
STM003.ZIP      10492 05-Jun-91  [01] Meet Spotlight STARMAN #3
STM004.ZIP       6343 05-Jun-91  [01] What's this spotlight STARMAN all about?
STM005.ZIP       4745 05-Jun-91  [01] LA 1990 STARMAN relaxacon
STPROLOG.ZIP     2852 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek: The Next Generation prologues
STRDRINK.ZIP     2516 17-May-92� [06] Star Trek Drinking Game
STREK1.ZIP       6809 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek TNG: The Wrath of the Tribbles
STSTATIO.ZIP     3654 17-May-92� [01] TV Stations carrying Star Trek: The Next
                                 Generation, updated June 1991
STSURVEY.ZIP     4166 17-May-92� [01] ST:TNG Viewer Survey Results
STTECH.ZIP      27943 01-Nov-91  [01] Star Trek Tech and how it works
STTNG.ZIP       27477 28-May-91  [01] Star Trek: TNG, First season
STTNGDRK.ZIP     2918 17-May-92� [01] Star Trek: The Next Generation Drinking
STVSSB.ZIP       5061 17-May-92� [00] Star Trek:TNG - Enterprise vs. Star
                                 Blazers Yamato
SUBTITLE.ZIP     2769 17-May-92� [00] What Star Trek's sub-titles SHOULD be...
TBOBW.ZIP       19053 17-May-92� [02] Possible TNG Season 4 openers??
TIDETIME.ZIP    12391 05-Jun-91  [02] Doctor Who and the Tides of Time
TIMEFLUX.ZIP     2777 08-Apr-91  [01] Story about space and time
TIMELNXX.ZIP    10476 17-May-92� [06] Unified Spaceflight Chronology 1957-2365
TITSTARD.ZIP     4452 17-May-92� [02] PG rated analysis of Dr. Who's female
TLOG3.ZIP        8561 17-May-92� [00] TARDIS Landing Log
TMVINFO1.ZIP     3152 17-May-92� [00] Info on "The Main Viewer" - a fan group
                                 devoted to saving ST:TNG
TNG&TOS.ZIP     26820 17-May-92� [00] A long TNG-meets-TOS parody
TNG4TITL.ZIP     2719 17-May-92� [00] What some of the titles for ST:TNG's
                                 episodes "should" have been
TNGACC.ZIP       1917 17-May-92� [01] Top 10 Star Trek: TNG Accidents
TNGLIST.ZIP     24343 17-May-92� [00] From Internet - Star Trek "List of
TNGS1.ZIP       35105 17-May-92� [00] Star Trek TNG Season One Episode Guide
TNGS2.ZIP       29034 17-May-92� [00] Star Trek TNG Season Two Episode Guide
TNGS3.ZIP       43266 17-May-92� [00] Star Trek TNG Season Three Episode Guide
TRANS.ZIP        2895 17-May-92� [01] bUiLd YoUr OwN tRaNsPoRtEr!!!1!@!!!!1!
TREK17.ZIP       4065 17-May-92� [02] USS Enterprise NCC-1701E
TREKBOMB.ZIP     3145 17-May-92� [04] TrekBomb: Another Star Trek Drinking
TREKLA.ZIP       8105 17-May-92� [02] An actual Engineering lab based on
TREKLYRX.ZIP     1853 17-May-92� [02] Lyrics to ST:TOS Theme Music
TREKQ&A.ZIP     39103 17-May-92� [02] Commonly asked Trek questions and
TREKQUIZ.ZIP     3732 17-May-92� [04] A Quiz for hardcore trekkies
TREKROLE.ZIP    15225 17-May-92� [02] Roles of Trek actors
TREKTOS1.ZIP     4255 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek: The Original Series Episode
                                 Guide (1 of 5)
TREKTOS2.ZIP     3754 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek: The Original Series Episode
                                 Guide (2 of 5)
TREKTOS3.ZIP     4087 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek: The Original Series Episode
                                 Guide (3 of 5)
TREKTOS4.ZIP     3872 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek: The Original Series Episode
                                 Guide (4 of 5)
TREKTOS5.ZIP     3545 17-May-92� [03] Star Trek: The Original Series Episode
                                 Guide (5 of 5)
TRIBBLE.ZIP     11373 17-May-92� [00] Tribbles from Hell Message Thread
UHURA.ZIP        2996 17-May-92� [00] Biography of Nyota Uhura
VILA.ZIP         2581 17-May-92� [01] The Trouble with Vila - Original fiction
VONNEGUT.ZIP     1345 13-Dec-89  [01] Why people like bad ideas. K. Vonnegut
WARP.ZIP         7131 04-Dec-90  [02] What "warp speed" numbers really mean
WARPTE.ZIP      27873 17-May-92� [02] Star Trek Technology
WES.ZIP          8350 09-Dec-89  [01] A cyborg's story
WHOB1.ZIP        2949 17-May-92� [03] The Doctor Who Interviews: William
WHOB2.ZIP        2483 17-May-92� [03] The Doctor Who Interviews: Patrick
WHOB3.ZIP        2866 17-May-92� [03] The Doctor Who Interviews: Jon Pertwee
WHOB4.ZIP        3088 17-May-92� [03] The Doctor Who Interviews: Tom Baker
WHOB5.ZIP        3081 17-May-92� [03] The Doctor Who Interviews: Peter Davison
WHODRINK.ZIP     2772 17-May-92� [02] A Dr. Who Drinking Game
WHOLIS.ZIP       3124 17-May-92� [01] A list of Doctors and Companions
WILSON.ZIP       9902 17-Apr-90  [01] Interview with Robert Anton Wilson
WORST20.ZIP     10439 17-May-92� [00] The 20 Best/Worst Sci-Fi Movies of All
WRITBLOC.ZIP     4529 17-May-92� [01] Writer's Bloc. Another Sci-fi Short
                                 Story by Scott Sutherland a.k.a. Rock Star
ZERO2.ZIP        2452 08-Apr-91  [03] Another cyberpunk story from Zero
ZGTOILET.ZIP     3297 17-May-92� [02] Instructions for the Zero-G Toilet from

��� Total files :   173 � Offline :     0 � New :   126 � Total :  1698 (k)

� ��� � #  7 �                      'Zines                             � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
590ST.ZIP        8510 29-May-91  [02] Sublime Slime: The Slug Tales Insider
9-90SS.ZIP       9973 19-Jun-91  [02] Sublime Slime - The Slug Tales Insider
                                 Newsletter, Vol 12, #2
ALEMBIC1.ZIP    29514 29-May-91  [04] The Alembic #1 [ZINE] (For those who
                                 think too much or have a bad attitude)
ALEMBIC2.ZIP    37458 29-May-91  [02] The Alembic #2 [ZINE]
ALEMBIC3.ZIP    31179 29-May-91  [02] The Alembic #3 [ZINE]
ANSWERS.ZIP      3643 29-May-91  [01] History of FACTSHEET FIVE magazine
BOOKDIST.ZIP     6395 11-Mar-91  [02] Source list of places where you can get
                                 all sorts of strange books and 'zines.
CHEAP01.ZIP      6144 06-Apr-92  [04] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #1
CHEAP02.ZIP      6401 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #2
CHEAP03.ZIP      5817 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #3
CHEAP04.ZIP      6611 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #4
CHEAP05.ZIP      6157 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #5
CHEAP06.ZIP      5058 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #6
CHEAP07.ZIP      6673 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #7
CHEAP08.ZIP      5803 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #8
CHEAP09.ZIP      6040 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #9
CHEAP10.ZIP      6045 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #10
CHEAP11.ZIP      5528 06-Apr-92  [01] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #11
CHEAP12.ZIP      5122 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #12
CHEAP13.ZIP      6064 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #13
CHEAP14.ZIP      6453 06-Apr-92  [01] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #14
CHEAP15.ZIP      6213 06-Apr-92  [02] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #15
CHEAP16.ZIP      9870 06-Apr-92  [01] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #16
CHEAP17.ZIP      7461 06-Apr-92  [03] Cheap Truth magazine, Issue #17
CIVILPAP.ZIP     8650 11-Mar-91  [02] University of Michigan independent
                                 student newspaper _Civil_Disobediance_
DESP3058.ZIP    22556 23-Feb-92  [04] Desperado magazine #3058
FF5DIST.ZIP      6390 19-Jun-91  [02] Distributors of Factsheet 5 and other
FOR_ZINE.ZIP     7609 05-Jun-91  [01] Foreign 'zine addresses
HATEZINE.ZIP     8445 11-Mar-91  [04] Long list of addresses of various
                                 religious, rascist, and other hate groups
INDICA68.ZIP    24385 29-May-91  [01] The Orlando Indicator #68
INDICA69.ZIP     5444 29-May-91  [02] The Orlando Indicator #69 (Radical
INDICA70.ZIP     7896 29-May-91  [02] The Orlando Indicator #70
LFP52.ZIP        6385 05-Jun-91  [01] Little Free Press #52 - Utopia now
LFP62.ZIP        5693 05-Jun-91  [01] Little Free Press #62 - Waste Burner
LFP73.ZIP       11508 05-Jun-91  [02] Little Free Press #73 - Solving our
LIA-V0N1.ZIP    18788 19-May-92� [00] LIAISON magazine, volume 0, number 1
MBIZINE5.ZIP    10656 05-Jun-91  [02] Metallibashers FanZine #5
SAM-02.ZIP      36225 19-May-92� [01] Samizdat E-Mag #2
SPIN.ZIP         5179 05-Jun-91  [01] Spin and Martys Appalachian Christmas
                                 [GRITS 'Zine]
ST0783.ZIP       6068 13-Dec-89  [01] Slime tails 7/83
ST1083.ZIP       5627 13-Dec-89  [01] Slime tails 10/83
XMAS89.ZIP      13156 05-Jun-91  [02] XMas '89 letter from FACTSHEET FIVE
ZINEGLOS.ZIP     8672 11-Mar-91  [02] Glossary of terms used in 'zines
ZINES.ZIP        7556 19-May-92� [01] 'Zines: The Very Small Press
ZMAIL.ZIP        4852 05-Jun-91  [03] E-Mail addresses for many 'zine

��� Total files :    45 � Offline :     0 � New :     3 � Total :   452 (k)

� ��� � #  8 �          But Can You Dance to It? (A-L)                 � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
0503ALBM.ZIP     2211 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Damn Yankees
0528ALBM.ZIP     3384 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Jeff Healey, King Crimson
0625ALBM.ZIP     2929 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: T.O. band The Partland
0730ALBM.ZIP     3322 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Kim Mitchell, Ronnie
0813ALBM.ZIP     3711 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Colin James, Styx
0820ALBM.ZIP     3531 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Rik Emmett, Thin Lizzy
0827ALBM.ZIP     4691 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Kim Mitchell, The Eagles
0903ALBM.ZIP     3610 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Alice Cooper
0910ALBM.ZIP     4701 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Cheap Trick, Kate Bush
0917ALBM.ZIP     4367 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Bob Dylan, Joe Walsh, etc
0924ALBM.ZIP     4150 19-May-92� [00] Album Reviews: Andy Curran, Gary Moore,
100WORST.ZIP     3978 19-May-92� [01] The 100 worst singles of the past 25
15-SONGS.ZIP     8064 05-Apr-92  [01] Civil war song book
1956.ZIP         1893 19-May-92� [00] #1 songs for the year 1956
1958.ZIP         2095 19-May-92� [00] #1 songs for the year 1958
1959.ZIP         1892 19-May-92� [00] #1 songs for the year 1959
1960.ZIP         2067 19-May-92� [00] #1 songs for the year 1960
1MORMIN.ZIP      2208 19-Jun-91  [01] One More Minute - Weird Al Yankovic
2112.ZIP         5622 19-May-92� [00] Rush - 2112
ACDCDEED.ZIP     4774 19-May-92� [01] AC/DC Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
ADC.ZIP          3781 29-May-91  [01] Interview with Jimmy Snotball, lead
                                 guitarist of Atlantic Denture Clinic
ALONESNG.ZIP     1777 11-Mar-91  [01] There's Nothing Like Finding Someone
                                 When You're Lonely to Make You Want to be All
                                 Alone - Song by the Rollins Band
ARAB.ZIP         1495 05-Apr-92  [02] Lyrics to the Cure's "Killing an Arab"
AYBEE.ZIP        1530 19-Jun-91  [01] Poems from Jester
BALLADAP.ZIP     7112 13-Dec-89  [01] Ballad of Andrew Prichard (a story)
BANGLES.ZIP      5297 19-May-92� [00] Some bio and info on The Bangles
BARKMOON.ZIP     4126 19-May-92� [00] Ozzy Osbourne - Bark at the Moon
BATOHELL.ZIP     6584 19-May-92� [00] Meat Loaf: Bat Out of Hell
BBRAGG.ZIP       2483 11-Mar-91  [01] Song lyrics by Billy Bragg
BBROS#04.ZIP     9105 19-May-92� [00] 20 Questions for Public Enemy's Chuck D
BBROS#06.ZIP     9810 19-May-92� [00] Testament - their May 1991 "High Times"
                                 interview plus lyrics to "Souls of Black
BEAMDREA.ZIP     1934 19-Jun-91  [01] Beaming Dream, a poem by Tequila Willy
BEATLES.ZIP      4871 19-May-92� [00] A Compleat Beatles Discography
BELIEVE.ZIP      1709 19-Jun-91  [01] I Believe, a poem by Jester
BERLNSEX.ZIP     1820 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Sex" by Berlin
BFTI.ZIP         3082 08-Apr-91  [01] Poems and more poems
BLAKLITE.ZIP     8956 19-May-92� [00] Black Sabbath- Light in the Darkness
BLCKCELE.ZIP     4863 07-Mar-90  [01] DePeche Mode's "Black Celebration"
BOYSUE.ZIP       3093 19-Mar-91  [01] Lyrics for "A Boy Named Sue"
BRAINDAM.ZIP     1668 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Brain Damage" by Pink Floyd
BROKEN.ZIP       1612 19-Jun-91  [01] Broken, a poem by Jester
BULLSHIT.ZIP     9556 29-May-91  [01] Mike Bullshit interview (Jersey Beat)
CDC176.ZIP       5769 19-May-92� [00] cDc Core #7 Original Music Reviews by
                                 The Pusher
CDC179.ZIP      11084 19-May-92� [00] Hip-Hop Primer by Larry Birnbaum and
                                 Bill Adler
CDCCORE.ZIP      3705 19-Jun-91  [01] Reviews of various hardcore bands (cDc)
CHASE_U2.ZIP     1926 19-May-92� [01] Chasing U2
CHRIST_0.ZIP     2100 19-Jun-91  [01] Christmas at Ground Zero by Weird Al
CHUCKD.ZIP       9120 19-Jul-91  [01] Interview with Chuck D of Public Enemy
CONQWORM.ZIP     2066 11-Mar-91  [01] The Conqueror Worm by E.A. Poe
CONTROL.ZIP      1671 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "No Self Control" by Peter
CORE6.ZIP        6297 19-Jun-91  [01] Hardcode album reviews (cDc)
CRAZY.ZIP        1693 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "I Go Crazy" by Flesh for Lulu
CRYING.ZIP       1600 08-Apr-91  [01] A-Ha's "Crying in the Rain"
DARKPOEM.ZIP     2719 08-Apr-91  [03] Dark poems
DARKSIDE.ZIP     3624 19-Jul-91  [01] Dark Side of the Moon lyrics
DEEPERUN.ZIP     1705 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Deeper Understanding" by Kate
DERANGED.ZIP     3330 11-Mar-91  [03] A collection of deranged poems
DETHANGL.ZIP     4893 19-May-92� [00] On Death Angel
DIARY.ZIP        6713 29-May-91  [01] Diary of a Rock Critter (Jersey Beat)
DICKS.ZIP        5466 29-May-91  [01] Why Are Straight Edgers Such Dicks? by
                                 Jim Testa (Jersey Beat)
DIO.ZIP          3975 19-May-92� [00] Ronnie James Dio
DISTANCE.ZIP     1678 19-May-92� [00] "From a Distance" Bette Midler. Lyrics
DMDISCOG.ZIP     6736 19-May-92� [00] depeche mode music catalog
DMVIO.ZIP        3856 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics from Depeche Mode's Violator
DOORS.ZIP        3509 19-May-92� [00] The Doors discography
DOWN.ZIP         1610 19-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Never Let me Down Again" by
                                 Depeche Mode
DREADZEP.ZIP     2631 19-May-92� [00] Dread Zeppelin
EINSTEIN.ZIP     4205 19-May-92� [02] Quotes from Albert Einstein
ENEMY.ZIP        4775 08-Apr-91  [01] Rant about Public Enemy
ENGRHYME.ZIP     1783 13-Dec-89  [01] Neato rhyme about spelling
ENJOY.ZIP        1604 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Enjoy the Silence" by Depeche
EVILPOET.ZIP     4562 19-Jun-91  [02] Evil poetry from cDc
FAITH.ZIP        1828 19-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "True Faith" by New Order
FANDREAM.ZIP     1727 19-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Fantastic Dream" by
FAREWELL.ZIP     3596 19-May-92� [00] Rush - A Farewell to Kings
FBICENSR.ZIP     2689 11-Mar-91  [01] FBI wants to censor song by Niggers With
                                 Attitudes (from Rolling Stone)
FETUS.ZIP        5138 19-May-92� [00] Dayglo Abortions: Feed us Fetus
FFIRE.ZIP        1994 11-Mar-91  [01] Deranged poem about a forest fire and
FINALCUT.ZIP     6158 19-Jul-91  [02] Pink Floyd's Final Cut lyrics
FLOOBS.ZIP       3217 11-Mar-91  [01] Strange poem about the Floob people
FOREIGN.ZIP     10767 29-May-91  [01] List of names and addresses of a bunch
                                 of weird foreign publications
FRACTAL.ZIP     29785 19-May-92� [00] Fractal (Algorithm-Generated) Music
FREEDM90.ZIP     2288 08-Apr-91  [01] Freedom 90 - George Michael
FREEDOM.ZIP      2286 19-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Freedom 90" by George Michael
FROLIC.ZIP       5070 08-Apr-91  [01] Sick poetry from cDc
FRONT242.ZIP     2316 30-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics for Front 242 songs
GATHERNG.ZIP     6056 25-May-91  [01] The Internal Life [POEM]
GIANTS.ZIP       6431 29-May-91  [01] Interview with "They Might Be Giants"
GOD-IS-H.ZIP     1883 19-May-92� [00] A song by the Beat Farmers
GODDESS.ZIP      2119 11-Mar-91  [01] Another Goddess poem
GUITAR.ZIP       2476 19-May-92� [00] Basics of playing guitar
GUNSAP.ZIP       7175 19-Mar-91  [01] Lyrics to "Appetite for Destruction" by
                                 Guns 'n Roses
G_DEAD.ZIP       8202 19-May-92� [00] Grateful Dead concert lineups
G_DEAD2.ZIP      4392 19-May-92� [00] SetLists for The Grateful Dead's
                                 European Tour '90-91
HAVEHOLD.ZIP     1593 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "To Have and to Hold" by
                                 Depeche Mode
HEART.ZIP        1494 25-May-91  [01] Heart beat [poem]
HEATHER.ZIP      2410 18-Nov-89  [01] "Oh How I Love My Heather" by Bud
HEATISON.ZIP     1712 19-May-92� [00] The lyrics to the song "The Heat Is On"
HEMISPHE.ZIP     4277 19-May-92� [00] RUSH - Lyrics to HEMISPHERES. (1978)
                                 Full info on album as well
HEROIN.ZIP       1629 10-May-89  [04] A Few of my Favorite Drugs (song)
IGGYPOP.ZIP      2932 08-Apr-91  [01] Town destroyed by riot during Iggy Pop
IMPRESS.ZIP      1526 20-Jun-91  [01] Poem about impressions
INDIGO.ZIP       1765 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Indigo Eyes" by Peter Murphy
IRONMAID.ZIP     2721 19-May-92� [00] Some Iron Maiden Lyrics
JANIE.ZIP        1807 08-Apr-91  [03] Janie's Got a Gun - Aerosmith
JBEAT01.ZIP     16421 29-May-91  [01] Jersey Beat Confidential #1 (Info on the
                                 NY underground music scene)
JBEAT02.ZIP      9156 29-May-91  [01] Jersey Beat Confidential #2
JOELSONG.ZIP     2625 19-May-92� [00] Lyrics to "We Didn't Start the Fire" by
                                 Billy Joel
JUD-PRST.ZIP     4667 19-May-92� [00] Judas Priest's Subliminal Suicide Trial
JUSTIFY.ZIP      1922 25-May-91  [02] Lyrics to "Justify My Love" (Lenny
                                 Kravitz and Madonna)
KATEBUSH.ZIP     4772 19-May-92� [00] Kate Bush, with digressions
KBUSH1.ZIP       2722 19-May-92� [00] Another article on Kate Bush
KILEMALL.ZIP     5427 19-Jul-91  [01] Lyrics to Kill em' All by Metallica
KING.ZIP         1625 19-May-92� [00] King of Sleaze by the Beat Farmers
KINKS1.ZIP       4599 25-May-91  [01] Alphabetical list of every song by The
                                 Kinks from 1964-1986
LAPSE.ZIP        4422 22-Jul-91  [01] Lyrics to Pink Floyd's Momentary Lapse
                                 of Reason
LASLOVE.ZIP      1466 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Last Night I Dreamt That
                                 Somebody Loved Me" by The Smiths
LAYLOVE.ZIP      1626 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Lay All Your Love On Me" by
                                 Information Society
LEAH-SUB.ZIP     3108 22-Jul-91  [01] Leah Sublime [poem]
LIE.ZIP          1871 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Terrible Lie" by Nine Inch
LIGHTNG.ZIP      3791 19-May-92� [00] Metallica - Ride the Lightning
LITTLE15.ZIP     1760 20-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Little 15" by Depeche Mode
LIVE2DIE.ZIP     1557 19-May-92� [00] Song by Death Sentence
LOVEDRIV.ZIP     3235 19-May-92� [00] Lyrics for Scorpions' _Lovedrive_ - a
                                 rock classic
FAKE.ZIP         1579 19-May-92� (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :   125 � Offline :     0 � New :    54 � Total :   504 (k)

� ��� � #  9 �          But Can You Dance to It? (M-Z)                 � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
MABELODE.ZIP     2016 11-Mar-91  [02] An ode to Ma Bell
MACHINE.ZIP      1973 08-Apr-91  [02] Poetry about machine language
MADWORLD.ZIP     1714 20-Jun-91  [03] Lyrics to "Mad World" by Tears for Fears
MAD_POEM.ZIP     1552 11-Mar-91  [02] Poem by Henry Rollins about Madonna
MAKE.ZIP         1590 20-Jun-91  [02] I'd Like to Make it With You (various
MARBLE.ZIP       2637 18-Nov-89  [02] A poem by Lewis Carroll
MASQUE.ZIP       1794 20-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Masquerade" by Berlin
MASTEROF.ZIP     5309 22-Jul-91  [03] Lyrics to Master of Puppets by Metallica
MERCY.ZIP        1630 20-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "I Want More" (?) by Sisters
                                 of Mercy
METALTRU.ZIP     3570 19-May-92� [01] Heavy Metal: The Untold Truth
MIRROR.ZIP       2085 20-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Mirrorshades" by Information
MISFIT.ZIP      18024 20-Jun-91  [03] Article about Madonna
MLOR.ZIP         4288 22-Jul-91  [02] Pink Floyd's "Momentary Lapse of Reason"
MOLLY.ZIP        1513 07-Mar-90  [02] A poem
MOOG.ZIP         6666 19-May-92� [01] An article on computer music by Robert
                                 A. Moog
MOP.ZIP          4769 19-May-92� [01] Metallica: Master of Puppets
MORNING.ZIP      1590 20-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Early Morning" by A-Ha
MOTOR.ZIP        1690 20-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Motorbreath" by Metallica
MOVPICT.ZIP      4621 19-May-92� [01] Rush - Moving Pictures
MUSICBRA.ZIP     3554 11-Mar-91  [02] What happens when music meets the brain
                                 - article from The Wall Street Journal
NE.ZIP           9381 20-Jun-91  [02] Nitzer Ebb: Analog synths and ambient
                                 samples put a polish on industrial grind
NEWCOLS.ZIP      1683 11-Mar-91  [02] Poem about the Statue of Liberty
NEWKIDS.ZIP      3397 19-May-92� [02] Do YOU hate New Kids On The Block?
NITZEBB.ZIP      3452 30-Jun-91  [02] Nitzer Ebb lyrics
NWA1.ZIP         2216 22-Jul-91  [02] Lyrics to NWA's 8 Ball - Part 1
NWA2.ZIP         2160 22-Jul-91  [02] Lyrics to NWA's 8 Ball - Part 2
PFANIMLS.ZIP     3490 19-May-92� [01] Animals, by Pink Floyd
PFLOYD.ZIP      18552 19-May-92� [01] The Pink Floyd Phile
PHANTOM.ZIP      1694 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Phantom Lord" by Metallica
PHYSPOEM.ZIP     2754 13-Dec-89  [02] A physics poem
PINKFLYD.ZIP     3230 28-Nov-90  [02] Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here lyrics
PIXIES.ZIP       6256 19-May-92� [02] Complete lyrics for the Pixies' albums
                                 _Doolittle_ and _Bossanova_
PJESUS.ZIP       1561 30-Jun-91  [04] Lyrics to "Personal Jesus" by Depeche
PLESCOPM.ZIP     4007 11-Mar-91  [02] Poems by Craig Plesco
PMRCSUKS.ZIP    16061 19-May-92� [01] Ridiculous claims from the PMRC
POEMS.ZIP       21668 22-Nov-89  [04] More poems
PROLE291.ZIP    34070 09-Feb-92  [02] On-line catalog of CD's that you can
PROSCONS.ZIP     6977 01-Nov-91  [02] Lyrics to The Pros & Cons of Hitchhiking
                                 by Roger Waters
QUAKPOEM.ZIP     3213 17-Apr-90  [02] Free verse poem about the October quake
RANPOEMS.ZIP     3429 01-Nov-91  [02] A collection of random poems
RHPS.ZIP        26438 19-Mar-91  [04] Rocky Horror Picture Show songs and
RIVER.ZIP        1441 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "The River" by Xymox
ROCKTRIV.ZIP     3564 01-Nov-91  [02] Test your rock n' roll knowledge
ROCKY.ZIP        9693 03-Dec-90  [02] Rocky Horror Picture Show lyrics
ROLL.ZIP        19140 30-Jun-91  [02] Christian rock-n-roll
RUMOR.ZIP        1694 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Blaphemous Rumours" by
                                 Depeche Mode
SABBATH.ZIP      4347 19-May-92� [01] Black Sabbath Discography
SCUMROCK.ZIP     5457 05-Jun-91  [02] Scum Rock [Jersey Beat]
SDISEASE.ZIP     1948 19-Jun-91  [03] Lyrics to "Spreading the Disease" by
SMILING.ZIP      1562 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "That Smiling Face" by
SMITHS.ZIP      31135 07-Nov-90  [03] Quotes from The Smiths
SMITHSLY.ZIP     1986 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics from The Smiths
SOMEBODY.ZIP     1808 30-Jun-91  [03] Lyrics to "Somebody" by Depeche Mode
SOWHAT.ZIP       5684 01-Nov-91  [02] Megadeath - So far. So good. So what.
SPIRAL.ZIP       1458 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Spiralling" by Erasure
SPNTRV.ZIP       2533 08-Apr-91  [02] Interview with Skinny Puppy
SSBANNER.ZIP     2105 11-Mar-91  [02] Complete text of the Star Spangled
STAIRWAY.ZIP     2097 19-May-92� [01] Led Zeppelin - Stairway to Heaven
STARCORR.ZIP     3376 11-Mar-91  [02] The Stars and Stripes of Corruption -
                                 Song by the DK's
STARSPNG.ZIP     2083 06-Apr-92  [02] The Star Spangled Banner lyrics with ALL
                                 the verses
STING.ZIP        2986 08-Apr-91  [02] Review of a Sting concert
STONEAGE.ZIP    19661 19-May-92� [01] The Stone Age - Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll
STRANGED.ZIP     3528 19-May-92� [01] Strange Days, by the Doors
STRANGUL.ZIP     1536 19-May-92� [01] Another death sentence song
SWEET.ZIP        1679 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Sweetest Perfection" by
                                 Depeche Mode
SW_ALBUM.ZIP     1857 11-Mar-91  [02] List of spoken word albums
SYMDEVIL.ZIP     2119 19-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Sympathy for the Devil" by
                                 Mick Jagger and Keith Richards
THEWALL.ZIP      8590 19-May-92� [01] Pink Floyd - The Wall lyrics
THUNDER.ZIP      1759 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Rolling Thunder" by A-Ha
TIME.ZIP         1791 30-Jun-91  [02] Lyrics to "Time" by Pink Floyd
TOPALBUM.ZIP     3280 19-May-92� [01] Rolling Stone Top 100 Albums of the Last
                                 25 Years
TOPGUN01.ZIP     1560 30-Jun-91  [03] Music from Top Gun - "Danger Zone" by
                                 Kenny Loggins
TOPGUN02.ZIP     1776 30-Jun-91  [02] Music from Top Gun - "Playing with the
                                 Boys" by Kenny Loggins
TOPGUN03.ZIP     1611 30-Jun-91  [02] Music from Top Gun - "Take my Breath
                                 Away" by Berlin
TOPSINGL.ZIP     3451 19-May-92� [01] Rolling Stone Top 100 Singles of the
                                 Last 25 Years
TREKPOEM.ZIP     3098 08-Apr-91  [03] Star Trek poem
UNSUPRES.ZIP     5277 19-May-92� [00] Heavy Metal: The Unsuppressable Voice of
WARNING.ZIP      1760 30-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Distant Early Warning" by
WEASEL.ZIP       3404 05-Jun-91  [01] Ben Weasel Skate Report (skate thrash
WHATMIND.ZIP     1576 30-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "Tell Me What's On Your Mind"
                                 by Information Society
WORLD.ZIP        1665 30-Jun-91  [01] Lyrics to "World in my Eyes" by Depeche
WORST100.ZIP     3985 04-Dec-90  [01] Worst 100 singles of the past 25 years
WYWH.ZIP         2741 19-May-92� [00] Wish You Where Here, by Pink Floyd
XMAS1.ZIP        1894 08-Apr-91  [01] Christmas poem about shopping malls
XMAS2.ZIP        2295 08-Apr-91  [01] Christmas poem: A Sacred Meditation
ZAPPA.ZIP       18113 19-May-92� [00] Excerpts from Frank Zappa's "Z-Pack"
ZEPINF.ZIP       2389 19-May-92� [00] Led Zeppelin's influences
ZEPPELIN.ZIP     7194 19-May-92� [00] Led Zeppelin Report

��� Total files :    88 � Offline :     0 � New :    22 � Total :   456 (k)

� ��� � # 10 �             No Laughing Matter (A-F)                    � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
12DAYS.ZIP       3309 19-May-92� [00] The 12 Days of Christmas
3COWS.ZIP        3355 19-May-92� [00] cDc #131: The Three Cows
500PURE.ZIP     21428 19-Jul-91  [02] 500 question purity test
8088.ZIP         2347 25-May-91  [02] Undocumented 8088/8086 instruction set
A-BOMB.ZIP       8639 19-Jul-91  [02] Make an A-bomb from Analog
ACAC.ZIP         8375 19-May-92� [00] The convoluded ravings of an unhinged
                                 individual over a timespan of three days
ACLUFOLL.ZIP    12217 11-Mar-91  [01] The 1989 ACLU Follies (a musical play by
                                 the ACLU)
ADAYATMC.ZIP     4248 13-Dec-89  [02] A day at McDonald's
ADCOPY.ZIP       2604 19-May-92� [01] How to become Satan in 30 days
ADFORTHE.ZIP     2543 13-Dec-89  [05] Very funny ad for an old BBS
ADMIN.ZIP        1954 19-May-92� [00] Administratium - A New Element
AIDS0001.ZIP     2070 19-May-92� [01] Some up to date info on AIDS
AIFOOL.ZIP       4455 07-Nov-90  [03] Artificial Stupidity Research
ALETTERF.ZIP     1917 13-Dec-89  [02] A letter from Santa
ALFLOG.ZIP       3325 19-May-92� [00] ALF's Log
ALIENS.ZIP       2636 03-Feb-90  [03] You may be working with aliens
AMISH.ZIP        2853 19-May-92� [00] The Amish File
ANNOYING.ZIP     3100 19-May-92� [01] How to lose friends and annoy people
ANTISMUR.ZIP     2596 13-Dec-89  [05] Anti-smurf poetry. Very blue.
APPLEMAF.ZIP    10063 19-May-92� [00] The Story of the Apple Mafia
APPLES.ZIP       4622 19-Nov-90  [02] What's wrong with Apple computers <grin>
ARROW.ZIP        2095 19-Nov-90  [01] Funny poem about UUCP network
ARTIFICI.ZIP     4231 19-May-92� [00] Artificial Stupidity
ASSEMBLE.ZIP     3794 19-May-92� [00] Some assembly language opcodes
ASSHOLE3.ZIP     3820 19-May-92� [00] What Assholes Do III: AE Assholes
ASSHOLES.ZIP     2968 07-Mar-90  [02] What defines an asshole
ASSHOLS2.ZIP     5562 19-Jul-91  [03] Origin of assholes
AXIOMS.ZIP      31760 06-Apr-92  [04] Funny little axioms of life
BABY.ZIP         1687 07-Mar-90  [01] Extreme view on abortion
BABYPICS.ZIP     2862 19-May-92� [00] What happens when you confuse a
                                 photographer with a hired stud
BADDAY.ZIP       1974 19-May-92� [00] You know it's a bad day when
BADPROSE.ZIP     5451 19-Jul-91  [02] Really inane stuff! Funny as hell
BAGELMAN.ZIP     3781 19-May-92� [00] Bagel Man
BAKER.ZIP        2019 19-Nov-90  [02] Song about Jim and Tammy Bakker
BALLAD.ZIP       7112 18-Nov-89  [01] The Ballad of Andrew Prichard by D. Nite
BALLS.ZIP        2106 19-May-92� [00] A hi-larious piece of actual lit. from
BANGERS.ZIP      1760 19-May-92� [00] Real Headbangers
BARNWAR.ZIP      5775 12-Sep-89  [04] Barny's Bitch Manual
BARRY.ZIP        3145 05-Apr-92  [00] More from Dave Barry
BATHROOM.ZIP    14369 08-Apr-91  [02] Funny stories - bathroom humor
BAVESS.ZIP       4661 19-May-92� [00] Bavess - a short story
BBROS#05.ZIP     5036 19-May-92� [00] The adventures of Spaced-Out Spliff
BBROS#07.ZIP     6342 19-May-92� [00] Why Venus crosses Mars - fiction
BBROS#08.ZIP     2637 19-May-92� [00] Liber Ozma
BBROS#13.ZIP    11735 19-May-92� [00] George Carlin's list of swearwords file
                                 1 of 2
BBROS#14.ZIP    10471 19-May-92� [00] George Carlin's list of swearwords file
                                 2 of 2
BEARTRAP.ZIP     6872 19-May-92� [00] The Bear Trap of Love
BEERDIAG.ZIP     2044 19-May-92� [01] Problems, Faults, and Solutions for beer
BEERHUM.ZIP      5278 13-Dec-89  [02] Why beer is better
BEERMAN.ZIP      3126 19-May-92� [04] Why Beer is Better than Men
BEERWOMN.ZIP     2762 19-May-92� [03] Why Beer is Better than Women
BELL.ZIP         2625 19-May-92� [00] The day Bell died
BETATEST.ZIP     2157 19-May-92� [00] Poem: 'Twas The Night Before Beta Test
BIGPIC1.ZIP      2658 19-May-92� [00] A. Whitney Brown - The Big Picture
BIKERTST.ZIP     2601 30-Jun-91  [02] Basic motorcycle test
BIKEWOMN.ZIP     2096 19-May-92� [01] Why Bicycles are Better than Women
BITWIZ1.ZIP     82507 19-May-92� [00] Numerous assorted jokes
BITWIZ3.ZIP     48723 19-May-92� [00] Many more assorted jokes
BLACK4.ZIP       2278 29-May-91  [01] Can you tell a cut-throat from a
                                 tracheotomist? by Bob Black
BLESS.ZIP        2107 19-May-92� [00] Bless B.C
BLONDE.ZIP       1687 23-Feb-92  [04] Dumb blonde jokes
BOVICON.ZIP      4316 19-May-92� [00] History of the Bovinomicon
BRAINFOD.ZIP     2496 13-Dec-89  [02] Survive those late night hacks
BRIEFCAS.ZIP     5883 20-Jan-90  [02] Briefcase carrier's handbook
BUDYEAR.ZIP     10812 04-Jan-90  [03] The Bud Calendar of 1990. Drink!
BULB.ZIP         7269 01-Feb-90  [03] The definitive list of light bulb jokes
BULB2.ZIP        4493 07-Nov-90  [02] Canonical Collection of Light Bulb Jokes
BURGER.ZIP       2553 25-May-91  [02] If fast food places worked like the UNIX
                                 operating system
BUSHLETR.ZIP     2362 19-Jul-91  [01] A letter from President Bush to Saddam
BUZZNUM.ZIP      2035 19-May-92� [00] Convoluted Phraseology - Buzzwords by
                                 the numbers
BUZZWORD.ZIP     1979 19-Jul-91  [02] New definition of some computer terms
BYUJOKES.ZIP     5106 19-May-92� [00] Jokes for Brigham Young University;
                                 applicable just about anywhere
C-VS-PAS.ZIP     3072 19-Jul-91  [02] Pascal Programmers & C programmers humor
C64STORY.ZIP     5463 19-May-92� [00] Rather Brain-Dead C-64 Story by an Apple
CABBAGE.ZIP      3495 19-May-92� [00] Night of the Cabbage Patch Kids
CAJUNSEX.ZIP     2362 13-Dec-89  [04] Cajun sex test
CALCULUS.ZIP     2219 19-May-92� [00] Why Calculus Sucks
CALIF.ZIP        1709 19-May-92� [00] Reasons to hate California
CAMP.ZIP         5614 19-Jul-91  [01] Illuminati University theme song
CANDYPHU.ZIP     2654 13-Dec-89  [04] How to make sick, disgusting candies
CAREFREE.ZIP     2425 19-Nov-90  [01] Carefree Glacier Watch organization
CARPROG.ZIP      2865 07-Nov-90  [02] Comparing computer languages to cars
CATBALLS.ZIP     2314 19-Jul-91  [04] Poem: "Looking at the Cat's Balls"
CATINHAT.ZIP     3218 19-May-92� [00] Freudian review of Seuss' Cat in the Hat
CBMATIC.ZIP      4096 19-May-92� [00] The Compuserve CB-Matic
CDC.ZIP         19360 19-May-92� [00] The cDc 100th Anniversary BamBam File
CDC156.ZIP       8317 19-May-92� [00] The Happy Machine
CDC157.ZIP       8332 19-May-92� [00] Jack and Jack
CDC158.ZIP       3051 19-May-92� [00] That Dirty Beach
CDC159.ZIP       3441 19-May-92� [00] Boredom and innocence
CDC161.ZIP       8762 19-May-92� [00] A kinder, gentler nation
CDC162.ZIP       4997 19-May-92� [00] Until the next time
CDC164.ZIP       2811 19-May-92� [00] A dissection of Nietzsche's Beyond Good
                                 and Evil
CDC165.ZIP       9913 19-May-92� [00] Winnie the Pooh
CDC166.ZIP      18051 19-May-92� [00] Silent Applause 1 of 2 by The Pusher
CDC167.ZIP      18760 19-May-92� [00] Silent Applause 2 of 2 by The Pusher
CDC169.ZIP       5089 19-May-92� [00] Amerika's Most Wanted by Lady Carolin
CDC170.ZIP       4949 19-May-92� [00] My Gray Matter by Tequila Willy
CDC171.ZIP       6794 19-May-92� [00] Clockwork by Obscure Images
CDC173.ZIP       2722 19-May-92� [00] Urban Womb by EnTrOpY
CDC174.ZIP       5925 19-May-92� [00] Self Defense by THE NIGHTSTALKER
CDC175.ZIP       5789 19-May-92� [00] Fuck You, Swamp Rat by Swamp Rat
CDC177.ZIP       7576 19-May-92� [00] Feed 'em to the Lions by Tequila Willy
CDC180.ZIP       5768 19-May-92� [00] Amazing True Things #1 compiled by Swamp
CDC182.ZIP       2824 19-May-92� [00] Woooaaahhh, Nelly! by Tequila Willy
CDCUP6.ZIP       3234 19-May-92� [00] CDC Update #6
CDCUP7.ZIP       4851 19-May-92� [00] cDc Global Domination Update #7 by Swamp
CFH.ZIP          8752 19-May-92� [00] User Comments from Hell!
CHAINLET.ZIP     3366 25-May-91  [09] The chain letter from HELL
CHKNSTRY.ZIP     4112 19-Jul-91  [01] Funny file on the chicken and the
CHRISTMA.ZIP     4640 25-May-91  [01] The 12 days of Christmas
CHUCKLE.ZIP     72290 19-Jun-91  [02] Collection of funny stories
CLAUS.ZIP        4095 19-May-92� [00] Does Santa really exist?
COLA.ZIP         1736 19-Jul-91  [04] Cola Alert! Cola wars introduce
COLORED.ZIP      1419 19-May-92� [00] A Black Lament
COMAFTER.ZIP     3807 19-May-92� [00] What Comes After
COMAND.ZIP       2474 17-Apr-90  [01] BBS Commandments for uptight systems
COMEDY.ZIP       8302 19-Jul-91  [01] An amusing array of anecdotes
COMMSENS.ZIP     4456 19-May-92� [00] Common Sense on BBSes!
COMPSEX.ZIP      3236 13-Dec-89  [01] A computer's wet dream
CONDOMS.ZIP      1796 13-Dec-89  [03] National Condom Week slogans
CONFUSIO.ZIP     1883 13-Dec-89  [04] Funny & dirty Confucian sayings
COOKIE.ZIP      11549 19-May-92� [00] Some fortune cookie sayings
COOKIES.ZIP    334335 23-Sep-91  [01] TOTSE's fortune cookie file
COPS.ZIP         3344 19-May-92� [00] Computer Oriented Personalities
COPYRIGH.ZIP     2310 13-Dec-89  [03] Funny copyright notice from Wierd Al
CORPMEMO.ZIP     2360 21-Nov-90  [02] Funny retirement policy
COURSES.ZIP      3203 19-May-92� [00] Some unlikely College Courses
COWS.ZIP         4492 04-Jan-90  [02] All about text cows
COWS2.ZIP        4493 19-Jul-91  [02] Complete guide to text cows
COYOTE.ZIP       6212 05-Apr-92  [05] Wile E. Coyote vs. Acme Co. court case.
                                 Hillarious if you like the cartoon
CRAY7.ZIP        2211 19-Jul-91  [01] Instruction Manual for the Cray 7
CRULES.ZIP       4583 13-Dec-89  [03] Be a "real" C programmer
CUCUMBER.ZIP     2485 13-Dec-89  [00] Why cucumbers are better than men
DARKLITE.ZIP     5023 19-May-92� [00] Dark vs Light: Some new theories?
DAVEB.ZIP        3453 20-Jan-90  [02] Dave Barry on 'lectricity
DAYDENT.ZIP      3194 19-May-92� [00] cDc #130: My Day with the Dentist
DBARRY.ZIP      12347 13-Dec-89  [01] Dave Barry on Komputers
DBGERMNY.ZIP     3706 21-Nov-90  [01] A Trip to Germany by Dave Berry
DBSCIENC.ZIP     3203 21-Nov-90  [02] Tiny Particle Derby by Dave Berry
DBWRITE.ZIP      3826 21-Nov-90  [01] Dave Berry on writing
DDIAL.ZIP        4948 19-May-92� [00] A WEIRD Duh Dile Capture
DDORK.ZIP        3337 19-May-92� [00] D Dial Dorks
DEAREART.ZIP     1432 13-Dec-89  [01] Dear Earthling
DEATHBOV.ZIP     4350 19-May-92� [00] cDc #128: Death and the Bovine
DEDPUSSY.ZIP     4218 19-May-92� [02] 50 Uses for a dead pussy
DEFFOOLS.ZIP     4458 19-May-92� [00] Definitions of Slang for Fools
DEFINITI.ZIP     2371 13-Dec-89  [02] Fuck you humor
DEPRESS.ZIP      3135 17-Apr-90  [01] How to get over depression
DETERIOR.ZIP     2268 19-Jul-91  [02] Deteriorata: Why you should give up life
DEVIL.ZIP        4712 19-May-92� [00] Devil and Satanic Messages
DGEXPOSE.ZIP     7632 19-May-92� [00] The Digital Gang Exposed
DIET.ZIP         2381 17-Apr-90  [01] Computer user's diet
DIRTMIND.ZIP     1727 19-May-92� [00] Just your Dirty Mind
DIRTWORD.ZIP     3179 19-May-92� [00] Words not heard on Television
DISEASE.ZIP      3032 19-May-92� [00] Computer (L)User Diseases
DISKDRIV.ZIP     1733 19-May-92� [00] What to do with your Disk Drive
DISKRIGG.ZIP     6204 19-May-92� [00] The Disk Rigger Rodent Story
DISNEY.ZIP       3984 06-Apr-92  [00] Dave Barry on Walt Disney World
DISSIDNT.ZIP     1465 19-May-92� [00] The Dissident
DJREVOLT.ZIP     2288 19-May-92� [00] Dick and Jane instigate a popular
DOWITHOU.ZIP     2933 13-Dec-89  [01] Things to do without 1986
DREAMTRP.ZIP     4465 19-May-92� [00] Dream Tripped [cDc]
DRINK.ZIP        1632 19-Jul-91  [01] Drink till I Die, funny song
EASTER.ZIP       3414 19-May-92� [00] Ways to Kill the Easter Bunny
ELECTRIC.ZIP     3505 13-Dec-89  [01] History of Electricity (funny)
ELEMENT.ZIP      2220 20-Feb-90  [01] A new element is discovered
ELITE.ZIP        4092 19-May-92� [01] 10 Commandments for the ***ELITE***
ELVIS.ZIP        3468 20-Feb-90  [01] The King Lives!
EMOTICON.ZIP     2893 19-Jul-91  [02] Funny list of emoticons
EMP-REV.ZIP      2326 19-May-92� [00] Employee review sheet (suitable for all
ETHICS.ZIP       4866 19-Jul-91  [03] BBS "Ethics" By some Nazi
ETHIOPIA.ZIP     2349 19-May-92� [00] Ethiopian Jokes
EXAM.ZIP         3104 13-Dec-89  [01] Entrance exams are tougher this year
EXCUSES.ZIP      2420 19-May-92� [00] Sysops' and Programmers' Excuses
EYEMODEM.ZIP     2319 19-May-92� [00] Eye am a modemer
FARMER.ZIP       2133 25-May-91  [01] A farmer's guide to computers
FARTING.ZIP      3203 19-May-92� [01] On Farting
FASCIST.ZIP      5170 19-May-92� [00] 101 ways to annoy a fascist
FATALATT.ZIP     4136 19-May-92� [00] Fatal Attraction for Real - by G.A.
                                 Ellsworth [cDc]
FEEDCHNA.ZIP     2545 29-May-91  [04] Feed China with American children
FEMRULES.ZIP     1845 21-Nov-90  [02] Rules that govern every relationship
FIRESECT.ZIP     2223 17-Apr-90  [03] Firing Secretaries
FJOKES.ZIP       2015 19-Jul-91  [02] Jokes worthwhile to read
FLAGLICK.ZIP     2037 13-Dec-89  [02] The horrible practice of flag-licking
FLAGLIK2.ZIP     3184 07-Nov-90  [02] More flag-licking satire
FLAGRES.ZIP      3361 29-May-91  [03] New uses for the U.S. flag
FLAME.ZIP        3556 19-May-92� [00] How to post "flame" messages like a pro
FLAMERS.ZIP      3425 25-May-91  [01] The 12 commandments of flaming
FLESHMAN.ZIP    12320 19-May-92� [00] The Flesh Man [cDc]
FNORD!.ZIP       2512 28-Nov-90  [02] I can see the fnords!
FOOTBALL.ZIP     3184 13-Dec-89  [01] An American Dream come true
FOREANAL.ZIP     3020 19-Jul-91  [02] Foreign objects found in anal canal
FTW.ZIP          2763 19-May-92� [00] Fuck the World [cDc]
FUCK.ZIP         2351 13-Dec-89  [01] Essay on the popular word
FUCKVOL1.ZIP     5905 19-May-92� [00] Fuck!!!
FUCKYOU.ZIP      1499 19-May-92� [01] ASCII artistry of The Bird
FUCKYOU2.ZIP     5829 19-May-92� [00] Fuck you too, I hate your guts
FUN.ZIP          2478 19-May-92� [00] Scientific Laws of FUN
FUNDICT.ZIP     10290 06-Apr-92  [01] Funny dictionary definitions
FUNKY1.ZIP       3032 19-Jul-91  [02] Funky Humor
FUNKY2.ZIP       1471 19-Jul-91  [01] Funky humor
FUNKY3.ZIP       4094 19-Jul-91  [01] Funky humor
FUNKY4.ZIP       2872 19-Jul-91  [01] Funky humor
FUNKY5.ZIP       4197 19-Jul-91  [01] Funky humor
FUNNY.ZIP       49912 08-Apr-91  [01] Strange assortment of jokes, drink
                                 recipes, George Carlin's 7 dirty words
                                 (revised) and more
FUNSTORY.ZIP    21765 06-Apr-92  [01] Funny stories
FUNUMBRS.ZIP     2576 13-Dec-89  [02] Some old numbers that were amusing
FUNWORDS.ZIP    12508 19-Jul-91  [01] Computer definitions
FUN_ASTR.ZIP    18576 11-Mar-91  [01] Funny astrology
FUN_DISC.ZIP     3103 25-May-91  [05] Funny standard disclaimer
F_TANG.ZIP       3073 05-Apr-92  [00] Funny story of Frank Tang about growing
                                 mushrooms - was in National Lampoon
DIR.ZIP          1219 19-May-92� (No description available for this file.)
FIGHTCLN.ZIP     2428 19-May-92� (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :   214 � Offline :     0 � New :   109 � Total :  1513 (k)

� ��� � # 11 �             No Laughing Matter (G-M)                    � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
GEEK.ZIP         3587 19-May-92� [00] Letter from a Confirmed Geek
GEEKSAGA.ZIP     4358 19-May-92� [00] GEEK: The Continuing Saga
GENESIS.ZIP      5110 19-May-92� [00] Genesis Inc: Makers of Phlavoured
GHOSTFUN.ZIP     2922 19-May-92� [00] Fun at Halloween, humourous article
GOD.ZIP          1713 13-Dec-89  [02] Introducing your new god...
GODSCOPY.ZIP     2744 28-Nov-90  [03] God sues over look and feel
GROSJOKS.ZIP    20327 07-Mar-90  [03] Gross jokes (sick sick sick)
GROUCHY.ZIP     13786 19-May-92� [00] Grouchy Quotes
GROWTH.ZIP       2171 05-Apr-92  [00] Take-off on 90's trash shrinks that make
                                 you think you're crazy, when youre not
GUILT.ZIP        5076 20-Jun-91  [02] Excerpts from the book _Guilt Without
GUITAR.ZIP       2224 25-May-91  [07] 50 reasons why a guitar is better than a
HACANTHM.ZIP     1610 19-May-92� [00] Hacker's Anthem
HACKER.ZIP       8977 13-Dec-89  [02] Test to see if you're a hacker
HACKINTO.ZIP     6200 20-Jan-90  [01] Hacking into hell
HAL.ZIP          3519 28-Nov-90  [02] Marketing the HAL9000 computer
HANDLE.ZIP       5548 19-May-92� [00] How to choose a Handle
HELDCAP.ZIP      3007 19-May-92� [00] Held Captive [cDc]
HERRULES.ZIP     1779 19-Jul-91  [05] Rules of the house (female)
HIJACK.ZIP       5474 19-May-92� [01] How to Hijack a School Bus
HISRULES.ZIP     2910 19-Jul-91  [07] The rules of the house (male)
HISTORY.ZIP      5361 25-May-91  [05] Collection of history papers from a
                                 freshman college class (are people REALLY
                                 this stupid?)
HIST_'86.ZIP    10608 25-May-91  [01] Dave Barry's concise history of 1986
HOLMES.ZIP       1785 19-May-92� [00] An Ode to John Holmes
HORFLICK.ZIP     7196 19-May-92� [00] Making Modern Horror Flicks at Home
HORRORSC.ZIP    13432 13-Dec-89  [01] A nasty horoscope
HORSC2.ZIP       2738 13-Dec-89  [01] A shorter nasty horoscope
HOTLINE1.ZIP     2873 25-May-91  [03] Hotline! #1 (funny phone calls)
HOTLINE3.ZIP     2878 25-May-91  [03] Hotline! #3
HOTLINE4.ZIP     2829 25-May-91  [03] Hotline! #4
HOW2BGOD.ZIP     3855 19-May-92� [01] How to be God
HOWTOSPO.ZIP     8617 13-Dec-89  [02] How to spot a loser
HOWTOTEL.ZIP     2924 13-Dec-89  [02] How to tell if you're a modem geek
HUMOR01.ZIP      1980 08-Apr-91  [02] Collection of jokes
HUMOR02.ZIP     12893 08-Apr-91  [01] More jokes
HUMOR03.ZIP      2345 08-Apr-91  [02] Giggly funny
HUMOR04.ZIP      3446 08-Apr-91  [01] Hahahahahaha
HUMOR05.ZIP      5434 08-Apr-91  [03] More funny stuff
HUMOR06.ZIP      7622 08-Apr-91  [04] Funny Murphy's laws
HUMOR07.ZIP      4948 08-Apr-91  [03] Lawyer jokes
HUMOR08.ZIP      7555 08-Apr-91  [01] Light bulb jokes
HUMOR09.ZIP      4311 08-Apr-91  [01] On-line addicts
HUMOR11.ZIP      3825 08-Apr-91  [01] Funny stories
HUMOR12.ZIP      2839 08-Apr-91  [02] Collection of funny thoughts
HUMOR13.ZIP     12995 08-Apr-91  [01] Bruce Penny's platitudes
HUMOR14.ZIP      3729 08-Apr-91  [01] Funny guppy story
IDIOTS.ZIP       2670 19-May-92� [01] What Idiots Do
IHAVEA.ZIP       4385 13-Dec-89  [03] King's "I Have a Dream" speech in jive
IMP.ZIP          3141 25-May-91  [02] Impure mathematics
IMPURE.ZIP       3132 19-Jul-91  [01] Impure mathematics Math parody HUMOR
INDIAN.ZIP       1942 19-Jul-91  [06] Hilarious X-rated Indian joke
INSANITY.ZIP     5379 19-May-92� [00] Head games with yo-self
INSREPRT.ZIP     2593 07-Nov-90  [03] Excuses for traffic accidents
IRAQJOKE.ZIP    18611 08-Apr-91  [06] Iraq jokes
ITEM1.ZIP        1877 08-Apr-91  [02] Are you only using half of your brain?
ITEM2.ZIP        1962 08-Apr-91  [02] Are you only using the other half?
ITHURTS.ZIP      3019 19-May-92� [00] cDc #124: It hurts and it won't make you
IU.ZIP           3273 30-Jun-91  [03] Illuminati University theme song
JABER.ZIP        1815 25-May-91  [01] JaberStocky (Jabberwocky on Wall Street)
JERK.ZIP         3027 13-Dec-89  [03] Are you a jerk?
JEWFILE.ZIP      4132 19-May-92� [00] The Jewish File
JOKE0989.ZIP    57259 19-Jul-91  [01] Funny stories
JOKE1.ZIP       56433 20-Jun-91  [01] Cereal marketing gone amok
JOKE2.ZIP       59838 30-Jun-91  [02] Funny stories
JOKE3.ZIP       58363 30-Jun-91  [02] Funny stories
JOKES.ZIP       14374 08-Apr-91  [02] Collection of short funny stories
JOKES1.ZIP       4604 11-Mar-91  [02] File of jokes
JOKES2.ZIP      14367 11-Mar-91  [02] File of jokes
JOKES86.ZIP     20410 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1986
JOKES87.ZIP      5603 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1987
JOKES88.ZIP      3298 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1988
JOKES89.ZIP      2378 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1989
JOKES90.ZIP      4141 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1990
JOKES91.ZIP      1899 19-May-92� [00] Jokes from 1991
JOKESPAR.ZIP     7160 13-Dec-89  [02] Lots and lots of jokes
JOKES_1.ZIP      4483 19-Jul-91  [02] Man wants to model condoms
JOKETALE.ZIP    57810 20-Jun-91  [01] Collection of funny stories
JOLLY.ZIP        3679 19-May-92� [00] The Jolly One [cDc] File #154
JUSTICE.ZIP      3743 19-May-92� [00] Fucked Justice
K00LD00D.ZIP     3592 19-May-92� [00] The History of Real K-K00L D00DZ
KID_DIET.ZIP     2967 13-Dec-89  [03] Lose weight with the infant's diet
KILEACH.ZIP      3811 19-May-92� [00] Kill Leeches!
KILLSANT.ZIP     2799 19-May-92� [01] Ways to Kill Santa Claus
LASTHACK.ZIP     9759 19-May-92� [00] Last of the Hackers
LAUGHTER.ZIP     7792 06-Apr-92  [01] Program to facilitate termination of
                                 surplus personnel (office memo)
LAW.ZIP          5072 22-Jul-91  [03] Parody on wiccan laws
LAWHUNT.ZIP      2298 19-May-92� [00] Washington State Lawyer Hunting Laws
LAWSKOOL.ZIP     3556 19-May-92� [00] An address given to law students on
                                 their first day
LAWSOFPH.ZIP     2998 13-Dec-89  [05] Murphy's Laws of Hacking
LAWSUNIV.ZIP     2898 19-May-92� [00] The Laws of the Universe
LAWYER.ZIP       8068 19-May-92� [00] Some Lawyer Jokes
LEACHES.ZIP      2768 22-Jul-91  [02] Deinition of Leeches - Humor
LECHHATE.ZIP     3853 19-May-92� [00] What leeches hate
LEECH1.ZIP       5146 13-Dec-89  [03] Definition of leeches
LEECH2.ZIP       2766 13-Dec-89  [03] Leech's dictionary
LEECHESD.ZIP     5188 22-Jul-91  [02] Leeches dictionary - Humor
LEECHUS.ZIP      4574 19-May-92� [00] More Real Users
LEPRE.ZIP        3979 19-May-92� [00] The Leprechaun Nun Joke
LHJLETTR.ZIP     2473 05-Jun-91  [01] Funny letter to Ladies Home Journal
                                 ragging on feminists
LIMERICK.ZIP     6626 13-Dec-89  [02] About 65 limericks
LINESTOG.ZIP     5138 13-Dec-89  [03] Opening lines
LISTS.ZIP        2995 13-Dec-89  [01] File of funny lists
LOSERS.ZIP       4049 07-Mar-90  [01] Spotting BBS losers
LOTTBIKE.ZIP     4121 19-May-92� [00] The Lottery from Easyriders magazine
LOZERZON.ZIP     7034 19-May-92� [00] Lozer Zone 1
LUBDUBBS.ZIP     4990 13-Dec-89  [01] What's a lub-dubbs?
LUCIFER.ZIP     14786 19-May-92� [00] Summoning Lucifer Rag Phile
LUDEINFO.ZIP     5045 19-May-92� [00] Information on "Luding"
LUZERZO2.ZIP     6580 19-May-92� [00] Lozer Zone 2
MACSMACK.ZIP     2745 19-May-92� [01] Macintosh Criticism
MADNESS.ZIP      5824 06-Dec-89  [01] Is madness really bad?
MAGWEED1.ZIP     4337 19-May-92� [00] Maggot Weeding 1.0
MANAGER.ZIP      2539 19-May-92� [00] Managerese <--> Engineerese translator
MARITAL.ZIP      2678 20-Feb-90  [01] Different views on marriage. Good quotes
MARVIN.ZIP       1797 19-May-92� [00] Marvin, the Paranoid Android
MEINKAMP.ZIP     5682 19-May-92� [01] Mein Kampf
MENSTRAL.ZIP     3006 25-May-91  [03] Male menstruation
MENWOMEN.ZIP     3706 19-May-92� [00] Differences between men and women
METRICS.ZIP      1722 25-May-91  [01] Useful conversions
MIKE01.ZIP       4042 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 1 of 18: Term Project
MIKE02.ZIP       5377 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 2 of 18: Guide to Cable
MIKE03.ZIP       3481 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 3 of 18: The Loadie Test
MIKE04.ZIP       3613 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 4 of 18: The Modern World
MIKE05.ZIP       4170 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 5 of 18: Trip to
MIKE06.ZIP       4876 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 6 of 18: A fable etc.
MIKE07.ZIP       4522 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 7 of 18: The Adolf Hitler
MIKE08.ZIP       5806 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 8 of 18: KZAP 98.5
MIKE09.ZIP       4212 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 9 of 18: Dark Side of the
MIKE10.ZIP       4115 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 10 of 18: A bit about
                                 Chess etc
MIKE11.ZIP       7276 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 11 of 18: Special Release
MIKE12.ZIP       6877 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 12 of 18: Graham Chapman
MIKE13.ZIP       6251 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 13 of 18: In the Wild
                                 with 'arry
MIKE14.ZIP       5213 19-May-92� [01] Mike's Madness 14 of 18: Scumbag
                                 Computer Store
MIKE15.ZIP       6137 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 15 of 18: The Apple IIgs:
                                 A Turd
MIKE16.ZIP       4333 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 16 of 18: Federal Judges
MIKE17.ZIP       8236 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 17 of 18: COPS etc
MIKE18.ZIP       5262 19-May-92� [00] Mike's Madness 18 of 18: Song for
                                 urologists etc
MINDPLAY.ZIP    68603 19-May-92� [00] Mind Plays - A Novel-In-Progress
MISERY.ZIP       2406 19-May-92� [00] Misery Is
MODEM.ZIP        4750 19-May-92� [00] The Freshman and the Modem Looser
MODFEVER.ZIP     4295 05-Apr-92  [02] Are you a modem addict?
MOLLY1.ZIP       3916 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 1 of 8 (story set in
MOLLY2.ZIP       3666 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 2 of 8
MOLLY3.ZIP       4423 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 3 of 8
MOLLY4.ZIP       5650 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 4 of 8
MOLLY5.ZIP       5593 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 5 of 8
MOLLY6.ZIP       7769 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 6 of 8
MOLLY7.ZIP       5642 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 7 of 8
MOLLY8.ZIP       5919 19-May-92� [00] Molly Modem 8 of 8
MOMTIME.ZIP      3187 19-May-92� [00] A Moment in Time [cDc]
MORMONS.ZIP      4600 19-May-92� [00] The Mormon File
MOSLEM.ZIP       2142 04-Jan-90  [02] Handy phrasebook for the traveller
MOUNTIE.ZIP      1604 19-May-92� [00] Ranjit always gets his man
MOWERS.ZIP       2741 19-May-92� [00] Problems with Lawn Mowers and Dog Shit
MSS.ZIP         17193 25-May-91  [03] Answering machine messages
MULRONEY.ZIP     1930 19-May-92� [00] On Mulroney (PM of Canada)
MUNCHKIN.ZIP     4779 19-May-92� [00] Munchkins, aka r0dents
MURFSSEX.ZIP     3254 22-Jul-91  [04] Murphy's laws of sex
MURFYSEX.ZIP     3224 19-May-92� [00] Murphy's Laws on Sex
MURPHY.ZIP       2880 07-Nov-90  [01] Murphy's Laws of Life
MURPHY00.ZIP    21395 19-May-92� [00] Murphy's Laws on just about everything
MURPHY02.ZIP     2751 19-May-92� [00] A collection of Back-East Murphyisms
MURPHYS.ZIP      9689 13-Dec-89  [01] Murphy's rules...
MURPHY_L.ZIP     9851 22-Jul-91  [01] Murphy's Laws and other aphorisms
MYDAYWSS.ZIP     7541 19-May-92� [00] My day with the Secret Service
HMR2FILE.ZIP     3641 19-May-92� (No description available for this file.)
HOWPUSSY.ZIP     1632 19-May-92� [01] My day with the Secret Service

��� Total files :   166 � Offline :     0 � New :    87 � Total :  1161 (k)

� ��� � # 12 �             No Laughing Matter (N-Z)                    � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
NAACP.ZIP        2498 19-May-92� [00] Bogus NAACP application
NAMEDOG.ZIP      2103 19-May-92� [00] A Dog Named Sex
NASTYJOK.ZIP    25512 11-Mar-91  [05] Truly tasteless, dirty, racial, crude,
                                 nasty, revolting, obscene, and X-rated jokes
NE3.ZIP          2983 19-May-92� [00] The National Enlightener: Credit where
                                 it's due
NE4.ZIP         21655 19-May-92� [00] The National Enlightener III (1 of 3)
NE5.ZIP         21629 19-May-92� [00] The National Enlightener III (2 of 3)
NE6.ZIP         10129 19-May-92� [00] The National Enlightener III (3 of 3)
NEANDER.ZIP      2650 28-May-91  [03] Am I a neanderthal? (take this test and
                                 find out)
NEFORMS.ZIP      3291 03-Feb-90  [01] New Hampshire/MA residency applications
NEWLYWED.ZIP     1573 19-May-92� [00] A joke about a newlywed couple
NEWSAYIN.ZIP     3215 28-May-91  [03] Funny one-liners
NIGHTB4.ZIP      2190 19-May-92� [00] 'Twas the night before installation
NIHILISM.ZIP     2380 19-May-92� [00] Tenets of Nihilism
NONAME!.ZIP      3929 19-May-92� [00] The File with No Name!
NONAME.ZIP       1820 19-May-92� [00] Twilight Zone-Like story [cDc]
NORIEGA.ZIP      2741 19-May-92� [00] 'Twas The Night Before Xmas -- Panama
NOTHING.ZIP      2234 19-May-92� [00] A Guide to existence and why it isn't
NURDS.ZIP        2710 19-May-92� [00] An article on Nerds
NUTW001.ZIP      6425 06-Apr-92  [01] NutWorks #1 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTW002.ZIP     15477 06-Apr-92  [01] NutWorks #2 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTW014.ZIP     10120 06-Apr-92  [02] NutWorks #14 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTW015.ZIP      9699 06-Apr-92  [02] NutWorks #15 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTW016.ZIP      6997 06-Apr-92  [02] NutWorks #16 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTW018.ZIP     10009 06-Apr-92  [02] NutWorks #18 - The InterNet Virtual
NUTWKS01.ZIP     6269 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 1
                                 of 25
NUTWKS02.ZIP    15117 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 2
                                 of 25
NUTWKS03.ZIP    18228 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 3
                                 of 25
NUTWKS04.ZIP    15416 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 4
                                 of 25
NUTWKS05.ZIP    12694 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 5
                                 of 25
NUTWKS06.ZIP    14259 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 6
                                 of 25
NUTWKS07.ZIP    21793 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 7
                                 of 25
NUTWKS08.ZIP    15108 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 8
                                 of 25
NUTWKS09.ZIP    13947 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file 9
                                 of 25
NUTWKS10.ZIP     8283 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 10 of 25
NUTWKS11.ZIP    10755 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 11 of 25
NUTWKS12.ZIP    11723 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 12 of 25
NUTWKS13.ZIP    12330 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 13 of 25
NUTWKS14.ZIP    10114 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 14 of 25
NUTWKS15.ZIP     9553 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 15 of 25
NUTWKS16.ZIP     6802 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 16 of 25
NUTWKS17.ZIP    11108 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 17 of 25
NUTWKS18.ZIP    13467 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 18 of 25
NUTWKS19.ZIP    10786 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 19 of 25
NUTWKS20.ZIP     9709 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 20 of 25
NUTWKS21.ZIP    12783 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 21 of 25
NUTWKS22.ZIP     9523 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 22 of 25
NUTWKS23.ZIP    12235 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 23 of 25
NUTWKS24.ZIP    11169 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 24 of 25
NUTWKS25.ZIP     1248 19-May-92� [00] InterNet NutWorks compiled humour file
                                 25 of 25
OFFICE.ZIP       1772 11-Mar-91  [02] Understanding office hierarchy
OFFICIAL.ZIP    11027 13-Dec-89  [02] Looser list
OOPSHIST.ZIP     6276 13-Dec-89  [03] Student screw-ups
PACKWARN.ZIP     3480 19-May-92� [00] New warnings for packages
PARANOID.ZIP     1607 19-May-92� [00] Activities of Paranoid Computer
PARTMARK.ZIP     2120 19-May-92� [00] Part Marks
PD.ZIP           1691 17-Apr-90  [02] The Prime Directive sucks
PENIS.ZIP        2430 13-Dec-89  [00] Slang words for "penis"
PEPSIDEG.ZIP     3366 19-May-92� [00] Pepsi Degeneration
PHANTOMA.ZIP     7422 19-May-92� [00] Phantom of the Operator
PHONEFUN.ZIP     3106 12-Dec-89  [04] Funny ways to answer the phone
PHREAK28.ZIP     3800 19-May-92� [00] Phreaking 2084
PHREAKS.ZIP      3614 19-May-92� [00] Real Phreaks Guide Vol. 1
PHYSPOEM.ZIP     2754 13-Dec-89  [02] A physics poem
PIPEFIT.ZIP      3127 28-Nov-90  [01] Pipefitter news
PIRATEQZ.ZIP     3198 06-Apr-92  [03] Pirate quiz. Are you a software pirate?
PIRATES.ZIP      4773 19-May-92� [00] Real Pirates Guide
PIRATES1.ZIP     3731 07-Mar-90  [02] More on real pirates
PIRATES2.ZIP     3170 07-Mar-90  [02] Still more on real pirates
PIRATPSY.ZIP     3400 19-May-92� [00] Dime-Store Pirate Psychology
PKRCHKR.ZIP      1833 13-Dec-89  [02] Proposed new tax for your pecker
PLYCOLEG.ZIP     3795 06-Apr-92  [01] Advice on how to play college
POLEMOM.ZIP      2187 13-Dec-89  [02] A letter from a Polish mom to her son
POOP.ZIP         1807 23-Oct-89  [02] Definitions of various excrement types
POSTMDRN.ZIP     4294 13-Dec-89  [01] Post-modern David Lettermanism, etc.
PPPV16.ZIP       3507 19-May-92� [00] Social Nirvana
PPPV20.ZIP       3762 19-May-92� [00] A-Poetic Crock of Shit #1
PRACJOKE.ZIP    80367 01-Nov-91  [03] College style practical jokes
PRANKS.ZIP       3100 20-Feb-90  [04] College pranks. Funny!
PREACH.ZIP       4931 13-Dec-89  [03] All about preachers
PRETZ.ZIP        3484 19-May-92� [00] The Pretzel Hold Wrestling Joke
PRGRMRS.ZIP      3196 07-Mar-90  [03] More on real programmers
PROBLEM.ZIP      1689 19-May-92� [00] Flowchart for solving any problem
PROSANDC.ZIP     5337 13-Dec-89  [01] Pros and cons of death
PRUDES.ZIP       4928 13-Dec-89  [00] Prudes & Virgins Digest - V1N6
PT2.ZIP         20055 30-Jun-91  [01] Purity Test version 3.5A
PWWPDB.ZIP       2280 19-May-92� [00] Purple with White Polka Dots Box
PYROS.ZIP        2749 19-May-92� [00] Real Pyros Guide
Q.ZIP            1857 01-Nov-91  [01] Short database of quotes
QUIRKS.ZIP       2688 01-Nov-91  [01] News quirks of the day
QUOTE2.ZIP      25166 13-Dec-89  [03] A big bunch of neat quotes
QUOTERWZ.ZIP    16377 06-Apr-92  [00] Funny quotes
QUOTES.ZIP       2807 19-May-92� [00] Quotable quotes
R0DENT.ZIP       5980 19-May-92� [00] Birth of a R0dent
RAG.ZIP          5643 19-May-92� [00] Way Rad-I-C00L CDC File #1
RAYTRACE.ZIP     4955 03-Feb-90  [02] Ray tracing Jell-O - from Pixar
RDMANNER.ZIP     3483 19-May-92� [00] Road Manners
REALDUH.ZIP      2300 19-May-92� [00] REAL Duh Dilerz
REALGPHI.ZIP     2727 13-Dec-89  [03] Real G-File Authors... (humor)
REALHACK.ZIP     2855 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Hackers (humor)
REALITY!.ZIP     4630 19-May-92� [00] Why reality ain't
REALPIR1.ZIP     3296 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Pirates #1 (humor)
REALPIR2.ZIP     3581 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Pirates #2 (humor)
REALPIR3.ZIP     4307 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Pirates #3 (humor)
REALPIR4.ZIP     5256 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Pirates #4 (humor)
REALPRGR.ZIP     2920 06-Apr-92  [01] Real programmers
REALPROG.ZIP    11573 13-Dec-89  [03] Real Programmers - good. (humor)
REALRODE.ZIP     3287 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Rodents. (humor)
REALROKR.ZIP     2111 19-May-92� [00] Real Rockers
REALSYSO.ZIP     3563 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Sysops (humor)
REALUSER.ZIP     1932 13-Dec-89  [02] Real Users (humor)
REASONS.ZIP      2253 08-Apr-91  [06] Why a three week old dog turd is better
                                 than a woman
REDNECK.ZIP      2058 19-May-92� [00] How to tell if you're a redneck
REDSHIRT.ZIP     1771 11-Mar-91  [02] The Red Shirt's Requiem (Star Trek song)
RESUME.ZIP       2188 28-May-91  [05] God's resume
REVISEDG.ZIP     2917 13-Dec-89  [02] The story of creation
ROADPIZZ.ZIP     3760 19-May-92� [00] Road Pizza
ROADR_TR.ZIP     5410 13-Dec-89  [01] The Enterprise vs. the Road Runner
ROBOTKID.ZIP     2062 13-Dec-89  [01] The robots are after me!
RODNEY.ZIP       5394 01-Nov-91  [01] One-liners from the master
RURAL.ZIP        5675 19-May-92� [00] Rural HELL [cDc] File #149
RYFM.ZIP         3549 19-May-92� [00] Read Your Fucking Manual!
SADDAM.ZIP       2076 08-Apr-91  [01] The letter from Bush that Saddam refused
SATANTRE.ZIP     9586 19-May-92� [00] SatanTrek: The Dying Generation
SATURDAY.ZIP     5244 19-May-92� [00] What Leeches do on Saturday Nights
SAYINGS.ZIP     17013 13-Dec-89  [04] Stuff to say to make you look smart
SCHOOLOF.ZIP     4817 13-Dec-89  [03] School of flames
SEASTORY.ZIP     3601 17-Apr-90  [02] Sick, disgusting story about a bar bet
SECULAR.ZIP      2742 28-May-91  [02] Daily schedule for the SHTV (Secular
                                 Humanist TV)
SERMON.ZIP       1970 01-Nov-91  [01] A nervous priest delivers a funny sermon
SEUSS.ZIP        3317 01-Nov-91  [02] Psycho review of Dr. Seuss book
SEXDRUR&.ZIP     2709 19-May-92� [00] Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll
SEXHAR.ZIP       1978 03-Dec-90  [00] Sexual harrassment consent form
SEXSATA2.ZIP     4527 19-May-92� [02] Sex with Satan 2
SEXYDOGS.ZIP     2202 13-Dec-89  [02] Names get confused
SFCOMEDY.ZIP     3409 01-Feb-90  [01] Quotes from SF's Comedy Celebration Day
SIGNS.ZIP        3818 05-Apr-92  [01] Funny signs & typos. Very good!
SILIJOKE.ZIP     6178 19-May-92� [00] The Joke of Silicon Valley
SIMPQUOT.ZIP    13395 28-May-91  [01] Quotes from The Simpsons
SMARTASS.ZIP     3209 19-May-92� [00] A Quiz for Smart Asses
SMILIES.ZIP      3064 17-Apr-90  [02] The Unofficial Smilie Face Glossary
SMOKERS.ZIP      1696 19-May-92� [00] A little story for smokers
SMURFSEX.ZIP     5324 01-Nov-91  [04] Smurf Sex: Do they do it? YES!
SNQUIZ.ZIP      10424 19-May-92� [00] A Sneaky Quiz
SOCIETY.ZIP      3334 19-May-92� [01] Society Sucks!
SORORITY.ZIP     4130 05-Apr-92  [03] Lots of sorority girl jokes
SOURDOGH.ZIP     2139 19-May-92� [00] Poem: Sourdough Sam from Whse, Yukon
SOVTMODM.ZIP     4267 13-Dec-89  [02] Pre-perestroika soviet
SPARROW.ZIP      1763 19-May-92� [00] The Non-conformist Sparrow
SPICS.ZIP        2724 19-May-92� [00] Hispanic Insults
SQUID.ZIP        3671 07-Mar-90  [01] Classifications of BBS users
STBOBW.ZIP       2984 03-Dec-90  [01] ST:TNG - The Best of Both Worlds parody
STORYLMP.ZIP     3600 19-May-92� [00] cDc #133: White Rodent's Short Story
STRTREK1.ZIP     7775 13-Dec-89  [01] Star Trek Parody
STTOSTNG.ZIP     5964 03-Dec-90  [01] Another Star Trek parody
STUDMUFF.ZIP     4203 19-May-92� [00] cDc #126: Stud Muffin R0dent
SUNDAY.ZIP       8966 19-May-92� [00] cDc #125: Sunday
SUZYRUST.ZIP     5071 19-May-92� [00] On The Porch Swing [cDc]
SWEARFRN.ZIP     4211 19-May-92� [00] Swearing in French
SWIFTIES.ZIP     6738 03-Dec-90  [03] Tom Swifties (punny comments)
SWIFTLY.ZIP      2917 19-May-92� [00] Ways to say things in writing
SYMBOL.ZIP       2939 19-May-92� [00] Unprintable verbs
SYSOPODE.ZIP     1946 13-Dec-89  [01] An ode to the sysop
SYSOPSGU.ZIP     4372 19-May-92� [00] Sysops Guide to Loosers
TACOS.ZIP        1773 05-Apr-92  [07] 27 reasons why tacos are better than
TALE2SEX.ZIP     4432 19-May-92� [00] A Tale of two Sexes [cDc]
TAO.ZIP         10625 19-May-92� [00] The Tao of Programming
TAO_PROG.ZIP     8702 13-Dec-89  [02] The Tao of Programming
TAPING.ZIP       3711 19-May-92� [00] The Taping rag file
TELEVISI.ZIP     4081 19-May-92� [00] Working at a Television Station
TERBEAR.ZIP      3305 19-May-92� [00] Terror Bears
TERMPOEM.ZIP     1959 19-May-92� [00] Terminal Panic - A Poem
THECOMPU.ZIP     5666 13-Dec-89  [02] Computer nerd dictionary
THEEEL.ZIP       2803 05-Apr-92  [01] Attack of "the eel"
THEPASCA.ZIP     3072 19-Mar-91  [03] Style of the Pascal vs. the C Programmer
THERULES.ZIP     1847 19-May-92� [00] Rules for being Male
THESOCIE.ZIP     6715 13-Dec-89  [03] The society of leeches
THE_WORM.ZIP     2760 13-Dec-89  [01] The Worm Before Christmas
TNGTOS.ZIP      16216 05-Apr-92  [00] Star drek parody
TOAST.ZIP        1413 19-May-92� [00] A patriotic Canadian's toast to America
TODO.ZIP         3065 19-May-92� [00] Things to do when you're in a bad mood
TOP10.ZIP       15303 04-Dec-90  [03] Top 10 lists from David Letterman
TORTURES.ZIP     2493 19-May-92� [01] A few cruel and unusual tortures that
                                 women inflict on men
TOSPAR.ZIP       7020 04-Dec-90  [03] The Enterprise visits the Planet of PMS
TRIX.ZIP         3522 19-May-92� [00] Silly Rabbit, Trix are for Kids!
TSFETUS.ZIP      4258 19-May-92� [00] Toxic Shock Fetus File
TUNAFISH.ZIP     6218 19-May-92� [00] Tuna Fish Rag File
UNIXHOAX.ZIP     3642 19-May-92� [00] Unix was a hoax!
UNIXTREK.ZIP     2836 13-Dec-89  [02] UNIX Star Trek parody
UZI&COMP.ZIP     2081 19-May-92� [00] The Uzi vs. the Computer
VAMPIRES.ZIP     3231 19-May-92� [00] a text story about vampires
VI_ADDIC.ZIP     1948 13-Dec-89  [01] Joys of the VI editor
WAGIT.ZIP        2462 19-May-92� [00] Whites are Good, it's True!
WAITRESS.ZIP     3021 19-May-92� [00] An analysis of waitresses
WARBITCH.ZIP     5346 19-May-92� [00] Effective Wars on BBSes
WARGAMES.ZIP     5405 19-May-92� [00] Is WarGames Bullshit?
WARRANTY.ZIP     4013 19-May-92� [00] A typical warranty
WASHROOM.ZIP     2158 11-Mar-91  [01] 20 types you see in the men's room
WAYSAYNO.ZIP     3687 19-May-92� [01] 101 Ways to say "No"
WHOS-ON.ZIP      3364 13-Dec-89  [01] "Who's on first?" routine
WHYTEXT.ZIP      2486 19-May-92� [00] Why I prefer Text Files
WHYWORRY.ZIP     1668 19-May-92� [00] Why Worry?
WICCALAW.ZIP     5083 11-Mar-91  [01] Law of the Wicca (humor)
WIFE.ZIP         1938 19-May-92� [00] To my Loving Wife
WITCHGAT.ZIP    20855 19-May-92� [00] Witch's Gate PD - A Story
WOMNBEER.ZIP     1978 19-May-92� [01] Why Women are better than beer
WOODBUGS.ZIP     5365 19-May-92� [00] 101 uses for Wood Bugs
WRITEGOO.ZIP     2037 19-May-92� [00] How to Write Good
WW3.ZIP         15019 19-May-92� [00] World War III
XDOS7.ZIP        3538 19-May-92� [00] The new Christian Religion: XDOS 7.0
Y.ZIP            2164 19-May-92� [00] Some funny medical terms
YOGISAYS.ZIP     2008 04-Dec-90  [01] Quotes from Yogi Berra
YUPIXMAS.ZIP     3120 19-May-92� [00] A Yuppie Christmas?
ZANY232.ZIP      3271 19-May-92� [00] Some wacky additions to the RS-232
                                 serial standard
ZELDA.ZIP        4276 20-Feb-90  [02] Cereal marketing gone amok
ZZZMODEM.ZIP     3323 19-May-92� [00] New Transfer Protocol: ZZZMODEM!!!

��� Total files :   215 � Offline :     0 � New :   120 � Total :  1268 (k)

� ��� � # 13 �           Monty Python's Flying Circus                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ANAGRAMS.ZIP     4294 23-Feb-92  [06] Three skits with anagrams as their
ANTHRAX.ZIP      4005 23-Feb-92  [04] The Tale of Sir Galahad
ARCHITEC.ZIP     3888 23-Feb-92  [03] The architects sketch
ARGUMENT.ZIP     3236 23-Feb-92  [05] The argument clinic
BANTER.ZIP       2505 23-Feb-92  [02] The banter sketch
BARBER.ZIP       2206 23-Feb-92  [02] Barber shop sketch
BED.ZIP          3659 23-Feb-92  [02] Buying a bed
BIGNOSE.ZIP      3578 23-Feb-92  [04] Big nose scene from _Life_of_Brian_
BISHOP.ZIP       2782 23-Feb-92  [02] Dead bishop on the landing
BLCKMAIL.ZIP     3306 23-Feb-92  [02] Blackmail sketch
BODY.ZIP         2254 23-Feb-92  [02] How your body works
BOOKSHOP.ZIP     4169 23-Feb-92  [03] The bookshop
BRAINCEL.ZIP     2915 23-Feb-92  [02] Spot the brain cell
BRIAN.ZIP        1736 23-Feb-92  [03] Opening song from _Life_of_Brian_
BRIDGE.ZIP       3555 23-Feb-92  [03] Bridgekeeper scene from _Holy_Grail_
BRIGHT.ZIP       2015 23-Feb-92  [06] Always Look on the Bright Side of Life
                                 (Life of Brian)
BRUCE.ZIP        3174 23-Feb-92  [02] The Bruces (also includes The
                                 Philosopher's Song)
CAMELOT.ZIP      1989 23-Feb-92  [06] The song of the Knights of Camelot
CAT.ZIP          2002 23-Feb-92  [02] Burying the cat
CHEESHOP.ZIP     3782 23-Feb-92  [02] Cheese Shop
CINEMA.ZIP       2934 23-Feb-92  [02] Cinema Python
CLAIM.ZIP        2468 23-Feb-92  [02] Stake your claim
COMPOSER.ZIP     2150 23-Feb-92  [02] The decomposing composers
CROC.ZIP         3090 23-Feb-92  [02] The men's being-eaten- by-a-crocodile
CYCLING.ZIP     19573 23-Feb-92  [03] Cycling sketch
DEAD.ZIP         2519 23-Feb-92  [04] Bring out yer dead
DINOSAUR.ZIP     2807 23-Feb-92  [03] The dinosaur sketch
ELECTION.ZIP     4146 23-Feb-92  [02] Silly election
EVEREST.ZIP      3519 23-Feb-92  [03] Hairdresser's ascent up Mount Everest
FISH.ZIP         3332 23-Feb-92  [02] Fish licence
FRENCH.ZIP       4520 23-Feb-92  [06] French Castle (Holy Grail)
FRUIT.ZIP        4075 23-Feb-92  [02] Self-defense against fresh fruit
GALAXY.ZIP       2136 23-Feb-92  [03] The Galaxy Song (Meaning of Life)
GRAIL.ZIP       23265 19-Mar-91  [09] Monty Python and the Holy Grail (script)
HAGGLE.ZIP       3751 23-Feb-92  [02] Haggling scenes (Life of Brian)
HGRENADE.ZIP     2681 23-Feb-92  [05] The Holy Hand Grenade scene from Holy
HYMN.ZIP         1660 23-Feb-92  [02] All things dull and ugly
KNIGHT.ZIP       3218 23-Feb-92  [03] The Black Knight (Holy Grail)
LEGS.ZIP         1480 23-Feb-92  [02] I've got two legs
LIFEBOAT.ZIP     2739 23-Feb-92  [02] Lifeboat sketch
LLAPGOCH.ZIP     4013 23-Feb-92  [02] Fear no man!
LORETTA.ZIP      2495 23-Feb-92  [02] The inalienable rights
LUMBERJK.ZIP     2424 23-Feb-92  [06] I'm a lumberjack
MEDOCTOR.ZIP     1893 23-Feb-92  [02] Me, Doctor?
MELLISH.ZIP      2447 23-Feb-92  [03] Ralph Mellish story
MONEYPRG.ZIP     2817 23-Feb-92  [02] The Money Programme sketch
MOORE.ZIP        2628 23-Feb-92  [02] Dennis Moore sketch
NI.ZIP           4525 23-Feb-92  [03] Knights who say "Ni!"
NICPENIS.ZIP     2447 23-Feb-92  [04] Isn't it awfully nice to have a penis?
                                 (Meaning of Life)
NUDGE.ZIP        2296 23-Feb-92  [02] Nudge, nudge
PARRNEWS.ZIP     2487 23-Feb-92  [02] News for Parrots
PEASANT.ZIP      3524 23-Feb-92  [04] The peasant scene (Holy Grail)
PENGUIN.ZIP      3145 23-Feb-92  [02] Penguin on the telly
PETSHOP.ZIP      4471 23-Feb-92  [03] Pet Shop Sketch
PHRASEBK.ZIP     3385 23-Feb-92  [02] Hungarian phrasebook
PILATE.ZIP       3129 23-Feb-92  [02] Scene from Pilate's chamber (Life of
PIRANHA.ZIP      6376 23-Feb-92  [03] Piranha brothers
POOR.ZIP         3092 23-Feb-92  [02] We were POOR
RHUBARB.ZIP      1898 23-Feb-92  [02] Rhubarb Tart song
ROBIN.ZIP        3498 23-Feb-92  [07] The Tale of Sir Robin (Holy Grail)
ROCKNOTE.ZIP     2913 23-Feb-92  [02] Rock notes
SHEEP.ZIP        2358 23-Feb-92  [02] Ovine Aviation
SPAM.ZIP         2441 23-Feb-92  [05] Spam spam spam
SPANISH.ZIP      4189 23-Feb-92  [04] The Spanish Inquisition
SPERM.ZIP        1968 23-Feb-92  [04] Every Sperm is Sacred (The Meaning of
STONING.ZIP      2860 23-Feb-92  [04] Stoning scene (Life of Brian)
STORY.ZIP        2907 23-Feb-92  [02] The story of the film so far
STRING.ZIP       2996 23-Feb-92  [02] String sketch
SWALLOW.ZIP      2834 23-Feb-92  [03] Opening scene from _Holy_Grail_
SWAMP.ZIP        7546 23-Feb-92  [03] The Tale of Sir Launcelot (Holy Grail)
TOUR.ZIP         4204 23-Feb-92  [02] The package tour complaint
TRAIN.ZIP        4558 23-Feb-92  [02] Train Python
TRIAL.ZIP        2242 23-Feb-92  [02] Trial scene
TWOSHEDS.ZIP     3026 23-Feb-92  [02] Interview with Arthur "Two Sheds"
UNDERTAK.ZIP     2404 23-Feb-92  [02] Undertaker sketch
VICTOR.ZIP       2049 23-Feb-92  [02] St. Victor of Python
WHIZZO.ZIP       3421 23-Feb-92  [02] Crunchy frogs
WINES.ZIP        2247 23-Feb-92  [03] Australian table wines
WISEMEN.ZIP      3108 23-Feb-92  [03] Opening scene from _Life_of_Brian_
WITCH.ZIP        3109 23-Feb-92  [03] Witch Scene from _Holy_Grail_
WOOD.ZIP         3026 23-Feb-92  [03] The woody sketch
WORDASSO.ZIP     2212 23-Feb-92  [03] Word Association sketch
WORRIED.ZIP      1824 23-Feb-92  [03] I'm so worried

��� Total files :    83 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   277 (k)

� ��� � # 14 �           Shawn-da-Lay-Boy Productions                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
BEERBLUS.ZIP     2272 16-Mar-91  [03] the beer blues by sir death
BUDDAYS.ZIP      1980 16-Mar-91  [01] all of the bud days of the year
CAINRU.ZIP       7066 18-Nov-89  [02] "cain rose up!" an awsome story!
CREMATOR.ZIP    73082 16-Mar-91  [01] gif portrait of cremator, the
                                 shawn-da-lay dawg
DAIGGER.ZIP      4995 16-Mar-91  [03] the daigger time travel machine
DEATH.ZIP        3269 18-Nov-89  [03] best way to die. by sir death & murdock
DEATHDOC.ZIP     3027 16-Mar-91  [00] the best ways to die
DEATHLOR.ZIP     5826 16-Mar-91  [00] death: an anthology of ancient texts
DRINKME.ZIP      2147 16-Mar-91  [01] alice takes a sip
EATSHOE.ZIP      2046 16-Mar-91  [00] eat your shoe and be enlightened for the
                                 sake of the fossil pigs
FPIGS.ZIP        4039 13-Dec-89  [03] all about the fossil pigs and omnibot
FRIENDS.ZIP      8136 16-Mar-91  [00] friends of a different skin
GREENGL.ZIP      3983 16-Mar-91  [07] make a green glacier ice water bong
HOMDRG.ZIP       3719 16-Mar-91  [08] how to get fucked up on household items
HORKART.ZIP      3416 16-Mar-91  [01] the darker side of horking
HYPOTHES.ZIP     2988 16-Mar-91  [00] knox blox and quantum mechanics - p. rat
LWSTORY.ZIP     16185 16-Mar-91  [00] the story board from the left wall
MADNESS.ZIP      5630 16-Mar-91  [01] is madness really bad?
MTORTURE.ZIP     7178 16-Mar-91  [00] mental tortue
NUCLEARR.ZIP     2959 16-Mar-91  [03] how to build a nuclear reactor - a
                                 report from sir death's lab
P-MEN1.ZIP      14638 16-Mar-91  [01] p-men role playing game
PITBULL6.ZIP     3122 16-Mar-91  [01] the amazing brain of the american pit
                                 bull terrier
PMOVIE.ZIP      14746 16-Mar-91  [02] pressed rat's cinema ansi of alice and
                                 the psilocybin ranch of else
POEMDOX.ZIP     19959 16-Mar-91  [03] twisted poems #1
POEMDOX2.ZIP     7318 16-Mar-91  [04] twisted poems #2
POEMDOX3.ZIP    11361 16-Mar-91  [03] twisted poems #3
POEMDOX4.ZIP     8379 16-Mar-91  [03] twisted poems #4
PORTRAIT.ZIP     9924 16-Mar-91  [02] portrait of a brain cell -sdlbp-
PYRAMID.ZIP      3132 16-Mar-91  [00] the secrets of the pyramids
QUEST.ZIP        6099 01-Nov-91  [01] the answers to the fnordian question of
RATM-1.ZIP      22712 07-Mar-90  [03] the 1st edition of the rat manual (1990)
RORANS.ZIP       1011 16-Mar-91  [00] ror ansi
SAUCER.ZIP       2111 16-Mar-91  [04] how to make miniature flying saucers
SDBBAKE1.ZIP     1590 16-Mar-91  [04] sid gnarly's coca-cola cookies!
SDBP-56.ZIP      3457 28-Jan-92  [03] the aliens are eating my heart out
SHOOTDRG.ZIP     2797 16-Mar-91  [01] cold turkey
SHROOM01.ZIP     6825 09-Aug-89  [04] the adventures of the shroom tracker #1
SHROOM02.ZIP     8177 23-Dec-89  [03] adventures in the land of else #2
SHROOM03.ZIP     6890 06-Jan-90  [02] yet another trip to the land of else #3
SHROOM04.ZIP    11160 16-Mar-91  [02] a trip to the land of else - a search
                                 for surface
SHROOM05.ZIP     5350 16-Mar-91  [02] a trip to the wonderous wonderland of
SHROOM06.ZIP     6249 16-Mar-91  [02] a trip to the land of else
SHROOM07.ZIP     6029 16-Mar-91  [02] to make a trip to the land of else
SHROOM08.ZIP     5203 16-Mar-91  [02] the meaning of ror-alucard
SHROOM09.ZIP     8590 16-Mar-91  [02] latex and lobotomy in the land of else
SHROOM10.ZIP    12764 16-Mar-91  [02] fancy white jackets, runaway bart
                                 trains, and stargazing on acid
TOOLKIT.ZIP     49462 16-Mar-91  [00] dr. murdock's nethack companion and
TO_DIE.ZIP       3269 13-Dec-89  [01] The best way to die - BBSers decide
USRTYPES.ZIP     2875 16-Mar-91  [00] sid gnarley categorizes users
WAYRAT.ZIP       2619 08-Apr-91  [02] the way of the rat
WEDDING.ZIP      3936 16-Mar-91  [02] the wedding of the wood nymph and

��� Total files :    51 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   424 (k)

� ��� � # 15 �                  Game Solutions                         � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
BACKDOOR.ZIP     6409 19-Nov-90  [13] Back doors for various video games
BALLYHOO.ZIP     3700 13-Dec-89  [01] Ballyhoo hints
BARDSOLV.ZIP     5818 08-Apr-91  [04] Solution for Bard
BEAST.ZIP        3090 23-Feb-92  [02] Solve for Shadow of the Beast
BP.ZIP           8418 19-Nov-90  [01] Docs for "Balance of the Planet"
BTECHWEP.ZIP    10989 03-Dec-90  [02] BattleTech weaponry
CATALOG.ZIP      5668 25-Jan-90  [03] Green Dragon's Hobby Shop catalog
CCAMELOT.ZIP     7232 23-Feb-92  [03] Hints for Conquests of Chamelot by
CLUES.ZIP        1831 17-Apr-90  [01] Clues for several games
COMIC.ZIP        3792 19-Nov-90  [01] Killer list of videogames
CONNECT!.ZIP     4572 23-Feb-92  [01] Connect! ver 2.0 docs
CRIMEV10.ZIP     2319 16-Jul-88  [01] README file for CRIME text adventure v1
CW-CORP.ZIP      8652 21-Nov-90  [01] The corporate approach to Car Wars
DEJASOLV.ZIP     4140 07-Nov-90  [01] How to solve "Deja Vu" for Mac's
DESRTWLK.ZIP    10469 11-Mar-91  [02] Walkthrough for "It Came from the
DTRACK3.ZIP      3165 17-Apr-90  [01] Death Track (game) documentation
F19.ZIP          4453 05-Apr-92  [01] F19 Stealth Fighter quick reference card
F29.ZIP         22312 05-Apr-92  [01] F29 Retaliator docs
FURBYTE1.ZIP    12305 17-Apr-90  [02] The Electronic Furry Fanzine #1
GAMEBUST.ZIP    14173 28-Nov-90  [10] Cheats and backdoors for many games
GOLDRUSH.ZIP     6518 28-Jan-92  [01] Solve for California Goldrush
HEROQST.ZIP     14696 19-Oct-89  [04] Hero's Quest documentation
HINTSFOR.ZIP     5019 13-Dec-89  [01] Hints for Ultima III
HITCHHIC.ZIP     3102 13-Dec-89  [01] Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy solution
HQSOLVE.ZIP      5593 28-Nov-90  [03] Hero's Quest solve
ICEMAN.ZIP       7257 28-Jan-92  [01] More hints for Codename: ICEMAN
KINGIV.ZIP       7953 07-Nov-90  [01] Solve for King's Quest IV
KINGSQUE.ZIP     5980 13-Dec-89  [01] Kings Quest II solve
KQ1.ZIP          5795 28-Jan-92  [01] Solve for King's Quest 1
KQ2.ZIP          5165 28-Jan-92  [01] Solve for King's Quest 2
KQ3-HINT.ZIP     5059 05-Apr-92  [00] A hint file for King's Quest 3
KQ3.ZIP          8467 28-Jan-92  [02] Solve for King's Quest 3
KQ4.ZIP          7530 04-Jan-90  [02] Solve for King's Quest 4
KQ4POR.ZIP       4785 28-Jan-92  [01] Solve for King's Quest IV
KQ5.ZIP          8748 08-Apr-91  [03] Hints and solution for King's Quest V
KQ5MAP.ZIP       1733 05-Apr-92  [01] Map for KQ5
KQ5MAP2.ZIP      1773 05-Apr-92  [00] Another ANSI map for KQ5
KQ5SOL.ZIP       5824 05-Apr-92  [00] Kings Quest 5 solve
KQ5_1.ZIP        3809 05-Apr-92  [00] King's Quest 5 solve
KQ5_2.ZIP        7349 05-Apr-92  [00] King's Quest 5 solve
LARRY5.ZIP       7965 05-Apr-92  [01] Lesiure Suit Larry hints
LDWHEEL.ZIP     20801 07-Nov-90  [06] Code wheel for "Life & Death" game
LEMMINGS.ZIP     2328 23-Feb-92  [06] Lemmings level codes
LSL1.ZIP         2183 28-Jan-92  [02] Points for Leisure Suit Larry #1
LSL2.ZIP         5114 28-Jan-92  [01] Points for Leisure Suit Larry #2
LSL2PTS.ZIP      2581 01-Dec-88  [01] Point scoring in Leisure Suit Larry 2
LSL3.ZIP         6036 28-Jan-92  [02] Map and Solve for Leisure Suit Larry #3
MANHUNTR.ZIP     5565 28-Jan-92  [03] Solve for Manhunter
MODWARS.ZIP      2185 13-Dec-89  [01] Codes to Modem Wars
MSHELP.ZIP       6373 28-Nov-90  [02] Help for Mean Streets game
NEURO.ZIP       15503 28-Nov-90  [03] Walkthrough for Neuromancer
NEWSROOM.ZIP     2138 13-Dec-89  [01] Newsroom for the IBM - cracking
ORGSPOOK.ZIP    16219 28-Jan-92  [03] Lord British's Spookhouse
ORIGIN.ZIP       6766 28-Jan-92  [03] A visit to Origin Systems
PBMGAMES.ZIP    25909 11-Mar-91  [01] Flagship's PBM games directory
PLANE.ZIP        2505 07-Mar-90  [01] Making paper airplanes
POPULUS1.ZIP    14080 11-Mar-91  [01] Populous instructions
POPULUS3.ZIP     5039 11-Mar-91  [01] List of Populous worlds
PQ1.ZIP          7973 28-Jan-92  [03] Solution to Police Quest
PQ2.ZIP          3776 28-Jan-92  [01] Solution to Police Quest II
PQ2_SOLV.ZIP     8548 01-Nov-91  [01] Cheat for Police Quest 2
PQHINTS.ZIP      5191 01-Nov-91  [02] Helpful hints for Police Quest
PRINCE.ZIP       1636 01-Nov-91  [05] Cheet Sheet for Prince of persia W,L,P
PRINCEOP.ZIP     6480 08-Apr-91  [06] Prince of Persia - user's guide
RLY_GOLD.ZIP     5032 01-Nov-91  [01] Docs for Relay Gold
SEXVIXEN.ZIP     4047 01-Nov-91  [01] Solve for Sex Vixens from Outer Space
SF2-HINT.ZIP     2604 28-Jan-92  [01] Star Flight 2 hints
SF2-PCP.ZIP      7627 28-Jan-92  [01] Star Flight II docs
SHDWR.ZIP        2850 01-Nov-91  [01] Docs for Shadow Warriors
SIMCITY.ZIP     19759 01-Nov-91  [03] SimCity docs
SIMCODES.ZIP     1891 01-Nov-91  [08] SimCity codes
SIMDOCS.ZIP     19759 28-Jan-92  [02] Sim City 1.0 full documentation
SOLVE01.ZIP      1813 13-Dec-89  [01] Solve for Infocomm's Witness
SOLVE02.ZIP      3318 13-Dec-89  [01] Solve for Infocomm's Deadline
SOLVE03.ZIP      3867 13-Dec-89  [02] Solve for Infocomm's Planetfall
SOLVEFOR.ZIP     3869 01-Nov-91  [01] How to solve Planetfall - Infocom
SORCERER.ZIP     3258 01-Nov-91  [01] Solve for Infocom's Sorcerer
SORCERIA.ZIP     4329 01-Nov-91  [01] Solve for Sorceria
SPACEII.ZIP      7403 01-Nov-91  [02] Solution for Space Quest II
SPELCST.ZIP      2154 28-Jan-92  [01] Docs for Spellcasting 101
SPELLS.ZIP       3121 05-Apr-92  [00] Spells needed in King's Quest III
SPIII.ZIP        4368 01-Nov-91  [01] Some hints for Space Quest III
SPROGUE.ZIP      5425 01-Nov-91  [01] Solution for Space Rogue
SQ1.ZIP          5743 28-Jan-92  [01] Space Quest solve
SQ2.ZIP          5598 28-Jan-92  [03] Space Quest 2 solve
SQ3.ZIP          4168 28-Jan-92  [02] Space Quest 3 solve
SQ4DEBUG.ZIP     2611 05-Apr-92  [01] Debug keys for Space Quest 4
SRHINTS1.ZIP    24012 07-Mar-90  [01] Space Rouge hints #1
SRHINTS2.ZIP    26344 07-Mar-90  [01] Space Rouge hints #2
STAR2.ZIP       10171 28-Jan-92  [03] Walkthrough of Starflight II
STARCROS.ZIP     5844 01-Nov-91  [01] Solve to Infocom's Starcross
STEEL.ZIP        3523 28-Jan-92  [01] Guide to Steel Thunder
STEEL2.ZIP      23476 28-Jan-92  [01] Steel Thunder docs (long version)
STELLAR.ZIP      8315 28-Jan-92  [01] Stellar 7 info
STELLAR7.ZIP    11636 28-Jan-92  [01] More Stellar 7 hints
STRIKER.ZIP      2025 01-Nov-91  [01] The docs for Striker
SUNDOG.ZIP      10876 01-Nov-91  [02] How to win at SUNDOG
TETRIS.ZIP       4443 06-Apr-92  [00] Player's guide to Tetris
ULT5HINT.ZIP    31304 05-Apr-92  [00] Ultima 5 hints
ULTDOCS.ZIP     45139 07-Nov-90  [04] Ultima 6 docs
ULTIMAII.ZIP     2189 13-Dec-89  [01] Ultima II keys
ULTIMAIV.ZIP     1579 13-Dec-89  [01] Ultima IV map keys
UNPROTEC.ZIP     2628 13-Dec-89  [01] Ultima II copy protection
VETTEDOC.ZIP     3568 01-Nov-91  [01] Read me notes for MacIntosh Vette
VIDGAMES.ZIP    10872 13-Dec-89  [03] Killer list of videogames
WHEEL.ZIP        2478 05-Apr-92  [03] Defeating codewheels

��� Total files :   106 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   784 (k)

� ��� � # 16 �                   Unprotection                          � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
DOUBLDO.ZIP      2946 05-Apr-92  [00] Unprotect for Double DOS
ML208.ZIP        2561 05-Apr-92  [00] Unprotect for Multilink 2.08
ML28-30.ZIP      2742 05-Apr-92  [00] Unprotect for Multilink 2.08, 2.08c, and
NEGEDGE.ZIP      1547 05-Apr-92  [00] Unprotect for The Negotiation Edge
NEW1DIR.ZIP      2002 05-Apr-92  [00] New 1DIR unprotect
PB2.ZIP          2263 05-Apr-92  [00] How to unprotect version 2.01 of
                                 Professional BASIC
POPULOUS.ZIP     2027 28-Nov-90  [02] How to unprotect Populous
PROLOCK.ZIP      3143 01-Nov-91  [01] How to unprotect PROLOCK protections
SIM_UNP.ZIP      1356 28-Jan-92  [07] Sim City unprotect
TKNEW.ZIP        3798 05-Apr-92  [00] Unprotect for TK!Solver

��� Total files :    10 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :    25 (k)

� ��� � # 17 �                  Political Spew                         � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
1LESSON.ZIP      2831 07-Mar-90  [00] Libertarianism in One Lesson
51IN92.ZIP       3349 07-Mar-90  [00] Libertarian Party's "51-in-92" strategy
ABUSES.ZIP      13847 19-May-92� [00] Abuses of the U.S. Constitution
ADDRESS.ZIP      3412 13-Dec-89  [00] Useful addresses of gov't, media, etc.
ADDR_REP.ZIP     8663 11-Mar-91  [00] Names and addresses of your
ADDR_SEN.ZIP     2864 11-Mar-91  [00] Names and addresses of your Senators
ANYONE.ZIP       2100 06-Sep-89  [06] How to get anything on anyone
APOLOGIA.ZIP     9460 06-Apr-92  [00] Story called 'An Anarchists' Apololgia'
                                 about registering to vote
BATTLEOF.ZIP     4119 13-Dec-89  [00] Battle of Bunker Hill - paper
BERLIN.ZIP       9138 06-Apr-92  [00] A Berlin Diary, by Rappinfred
BILLWONG.ZIP    10177 28-Jan-92  [01] Asians can't get tenure at American
BOOTCAPT.ZIP     6565 11-Mar-91  [00] A Triumph for Bootstraps Capitalism -
                                 article on free enterprise
BRAINWSH.ZIP    21763 13-Dec-89  [02] How to brainwash people
BREAKFRE.ZIP     3806 11-Mar-91  [00] How to cut your taxes - BREAK FREE!
BUDGET.ZIP      18850 19-May-92� [00] Copy of May 1991 BC province Budget
BWSH.ZIP        21755 13-Dec-89  [01] The battle for your mind is going on now
CGW.ZIP          4166 19-Nov-90  [01] Computer Gaming World & government abuse
CHILDCAR.ZIP     4064 11-Mar-91  [00] The real child care crisis
CHILDREN.ZIP     2567 19-Nov-90  [00] Problems w/ Contra Costa foster homes
CHRSTLIE.ZIP     3272 07-Nov-90  [00] The lie of the Christian Right Wing
CIABWASH.ZIP    19027 13-Dec-89  [02] Brainwashing the CIA way
CIAMAN.ZIP       6345 13-Dec-89  [04] Be cool just like the CIA
CIAWARS.ZIP     32847 19-Nov-90  [03] John Stockwell on secret CIA wars
CITVETO.ZIP      3208 06-Apr-92  [00] Discusses authors idea about a citizen
                                 voicemail network to veto legislation
CLIFTON.ZIP      3001 13-Dec-89  [02] Merritt Clifton and _Samisdat_
CONGWIVE.ZIP    14117 19-Nov-90  [00] Jobs held by spouses of Congress members
CONST.ZIP        2833 19-May-92� [01] A new constitution
CONTRA.ZIP      13575 13-Dec-89  [01] Bush tells Ayatollah to keep hostages!
CRIME.ZIP       11783 08-Apr-91  [00] Definition of crime
CRIMINFO.ZIP     2449 11-Mar-91  [00] ACLU condemns proposal in President's
                                 Ethics Bill to criminalize the release of
                                 some nonpublic government information
CROCKER.ZIP      4650 21-Nov-90  [00] Central planning vs. individual liberty
CSLEWIS.ZIP      3585 06-Apr-92  [00] Willing Slaves of the Welfare State
                                 (1958) by C.S. Lewis
DEADBABY.ZIP     7019 11-Mar-91  [01] 101 uses for a dead baby - Anti-abortion
DETHSIK.ZIP      3555 06-Sep-89  [02] Enemy torture
DET_INCN.ZIP     6089 11-Mar-91  [00] Facts on the world's largest
                                 incinerator, in Detroit
DILUTION.ZIP     5627 11-Mar-91  [00] Excerpts from "How I Found Freedom in an
                                 Unfree World" by Harry Browne
DRAFT.ZIP        6430 05-Apr-92  [00] A primer on the Selective Service System
FAX.ZIP          2006 19-May-92� [00] Canadian Member of Parliament Fax
                                 Numbers and Phone numbers
FBIHIST.ZIP      3127 13-Dec-89  [02] A short history of the FBI
FBI_MAIL.ZIP     3089 11-Mar-91  [02] FBI opens teenager's mail for "reasons
                                 of national security"
FEDRESRV.ZIP     3766 21-Nov-90  [01] Federal Reserve Banking System info
FEDRSVLC.ZIP     2011 28-Nov-90  [01] Federal Reserve Bank locations
FED_FREE.ZIP     2277 11-Mar-91  [02] Federal workers are now free to engage
                                 in political activities - used to be illegal
FICA.ZIP         3520 07-Mar-90  [02] What does "FICA" stand for?
FOIA.ZIP        11922 11-Mar-91  [03] Using the Freedom of Information Act to
                                 pry information out of Big Brother
FORCE.ZIP        3265 11-Mar-91  [01] The way of the world is FORCE
FREESPCH.ZIP     3427 06-Apr-92  [01] What Good is Free Speech if No One
                                 Listens? by Kurt Luedtke
FREETRAD.ZIP     4906 11-Mar-91  [01] Free Trade in ideas hearings - info on
                                 Free Trade proposals
FULANI.ZIP       4960 23-Feb-92  [03] The Presidential campaign of Lenora
GCHARITY.ZIP     4114 28-Nov-90  [00] Gov't charity hurts more than it helps
GERRYMAN.ZIP     1829 28-Nov-90  [00] Gerrymandering in CA (letter to ed.)
GOVTFREE.ZIP    18277 11-Mar-91  [02] Free stuff the government is giving away
GOVTOVRT.ZIP     6637 13-Dec-89  [01] How to get rid of a government
GREAVES.ZIP      2692 28-Nov-90  [01] 4th of July pledge by B.B. Greaves
GULFEDS.ZIP      5039 08-Apr-91  [01] Editorials from US papers about the Gulf
GURRILA.ZIP     39928 08-Apr-91  [02] Psychological operations in guerrilla
GWEN.ZIP         6138 07-Mar-90  [00] How the US is preparing for nuclear war
HAMMILL.ZIP     14038 06-Apr-92  [00] Dispelling the bad rap the computer
                                 technology has in Libertarian circles
HANDPROT.ZIP     2819 11-Mar-91  [00] Federal handicap protections ensured by
                                 civil rights groups
HDTV_GOV.ZIP     3692 11-Mar-91  [00] High-Definition TV: Government or Market
HEMP.ZIP         2325 28-Nov-90  [02] Industrial uses for hemp
HR3515.ZIP      19413 05-Apr-92  [02] Opposing the Telecommunications Act of
HR3515LT.ZIP     4991 05-Apr-92  [02] Letter protesting HR-3515, The
                                 Telecommunications Act of 1992
INDGOVT.ZIP     12210 05-Apr-92  [00] The political status of Native Americans
                                 in the U.S. system
INDWOMEN.ZIP     7827 05-Apr-92  [00] The role of women in Native American
                                 liberation struggles
INTERR.ZIP       8643 13-Dec-89  [01] Will you survive interrogation?
IRAQ.ZIP         5243 28-Nov-90  [00] Biased view on the Iraqi war (8-26-90)
IRRITANT.ZIP     5134 13-Dec-89  [00] Irritants and chemical warfare
JEFFBIO.ZIP      9471 05-Apr-92  [00] Thomas jefferson - Biography (early
JGARGAN.ZIP      6776 19-May-92� [00] Jack Gargan's grassroots petition
JURYRTS.ZIP      5883 11-Mar-91  [01] A citizen's guide to jury duty - how
                                 juries can act as the final check of the
                                 government's power
LANDFILL.ZIP    10156 07-Mar-90  [00] Problems with landfills
LAWS.ZIP         9683 13-Dec-89  [01] Rules that secretly govern your life
LEGALABT.ZIP     2692 11-Mar-91  [00] ACLU and Planned Parenthood coordinate
                                 over 300 organizations to fight for the right
                                 to legal abortions
LGHEROIN.ZIP    11415 06-Apr-92  [01] Case for legalizing heroin
LIBREG.ZIP       2030 28-Nov-90  [00] Switch to the Libertarian Party
LIFCHOIC.ZIP     6812 06-Apr-92  [00] Pro Choice argument and how technology
                                 can play a role
LNEIL.ZIP       12135 06-Apr-92  [00] Softserv Online Chat with L. Neil Smith
LOGORITE.ZIP    33056 06-Apr-92  [00] Is Copyright a Natural Right? by Neil
LOTUS.ZIP        6708 11-Mar-91  [00] Lotus Development Corp. wants to sell
                                 your personal data to anyone and everyone
LOTUS2.ZIP       1591 11-Mar-91  [00] More on Lotus' plans to sell your data
LPREPYOU.ZIP     3381 11-Mar-91  [01] More about what the Libertarian Party is
                                 and isn't
MAIL-BAL.ZIP     2282 28-Nov-90  [00] Boycott the voting booth
MICHPORK.ZIP     8092 11-Mar-91  [00] More on Michigan's pork barrel projects
                                 - it's no better here folks!
MIN_WAGE.ZIP     3034 11-Mar-91  [01] The minimum wage: An unfair advantage
                                 for employers
MIPRKBRL.ZIP    62971 11-Mar-91  [00] Huge list of the government's pork
                                 barrel projects
MIRACASE.ZIP     3693 11-Mar-91  [00] Caseworkers ordered to give Miranda
MIRANDA.ZIP      1454 13-Dec-89  [03] Your (revised) Miranda rights
MI_FINES.ZIP     2422 11-Mar-91  [00] Fines that you'll pay in Michigan for
                                 petty traffic violations
MOTHER.ZIP       2074 07-Nov-90  [00] Big Mother is watching YOU!
NAM_VET.ZIP     94956 11-Mar-91  [00] Nam Vet, Vol 3, No. 12, an on-line
                                 magazine for Viet Nam Veterans
NARC_GUN.ZIP    18938 11-Mar-91  [00] James Baker on Columbian narcoctics
                                 traffickers and the acquisition of firearms
NATSERV.ZIP      3231 13-Dec-89  [01] National Service = Slavery
NAZI.ZIP        13578 19-May-92� [00] Stuff on Hitler and nazism
NJCRS.ZIP        2584 08-Apr-91  [00] National Criminal Justice Reference
                                 Service - international clearing house for
                                 crime information
NORTON.ZIP       2469 17-Apr-90  [00] Emperor Norton - Sanest man ever
NOTAX.ZIP        2607 07-Mar-90  [01] San Diego Libertarians defeat sales tax
NOTREASN.ZIP    38745 06-Apr-92  [01] Selections from Lysander Spooner
                                 (1808-1887) who fought for the liberties of
                                 the individual
NSA.ZIP          7277 28-Nov-90  [01] Info on the National Security Agency
NSAHIST.ZIP      1969 13-Dec-89  [02] A short history of the NSA
NSDD145.ZIP     12446 11-Mar-91  [03] US tries to make the use of certain
                                 satellite cameras and computer imaging
                                 techniques "classified"
NUCLEAR.ZIP      5181 25-Oct-89  [01] How to track nuclear material transport
NUKACDNT.ZIP     2762 11-Mar-91  [01] Secret documents reveal danger of
                                 nuclear accidents
OIL_USE.ZIP      3276 13-Dec-89  [00] The true price of oil
OLETTER.ZIP      3650 28-Nov-90  [02] Letter to Bill Bennett from M. Friedman
ONEWORLD.ZIP     6822 19-May-92� [00] A One World Scenario for the 21st
ORGANIS.ZIP      5066 06-Sep-89  [01] A look at organized crime
OVRTHROW.ZIP     6941 07-Mar-90  [03] How to overthrow a country
OYSTER.ZIP       1678 07-Mar-90  [00] The parable of the oyster
PAPCENSR.ZIP     2790 11-Mar-91  [00] Story about the censorship of a
                                 California State University, Northridge
                                 college newspaper
PEARLS.ZIP      14058 06-Apr-92  [00] Genie discussions about the Rodney King
PEOPLE.ZIP      37456 28-Jan-92  [00] How to supervise people
PEOPLEPR.ZIP     5291 06-Apr-92  [00] The California People's Proposition
PEOPPARK.ZIP     2495 11-Mar-91  [00] Information on Berkeley's People's Park
PLUTON.ZIP       4986 07-Mar-90  [00] Plutonium challenge - names & addresses
POPGROW.ZIP      9631 13-Dec-89  [00] Population growth & consequences
POSTWAR.ZIP      4945 08-Apr-91  [00] Postwar occupation plans (news from the
PPPV09.ZIP      26552 19-May-92� [00] Civil Disobedience by Henry David
PROG0105.ZIP    54308 11-Mar-91  [01] Progressive News - Political news with
                                 an alternative slant
PROTPROS.ZIP     3431 11-Mar-91  [00] Protectionism threatens U.S. prosperity
QUALITY.ZIP      1486 13-Dec-89  [00] Why the US is fucked up
REAGAN.ZIP       3312 01-Nov-91  [00] Reagan is STILL a mystery
REP_MON.ZIP      9282 11-Mar-91  [01] Philip Freneau: Rules for Changing a
                                 Republic into a Monarchy
RETREAT.ZIP      6108 01-Nov-91  [00] Story about people tired of the system
RONPAUL.ZIP      3875 13-Dec-89  [00] Ron Paul yells at Jesse Jackson (news)
RONSHELP.ZIP     3605 01-Nov-91  [00] Reagan's support won't help Brady Bill
ROS_STAL.ZIP     4614 11-Mar-91  [00] Roosevelt and Stalin: The Failed
                                 Courtship (review)
SAD.ZIP          3328 01-Nov-91  [01] A child's Q&A session with Mr. Bush
SAFENY.ZIP       3106 13-Dec-89  [02] You always knew that NY was unsafe...
SANITYVS.ZIP     6292 01-Nov-91  [00] Sanity vs. participation in war
SECTIONA.ZIP     2924 13-Dec-89  [00] Sectionalism in the 1800's [PAPER]
SELFGOVT.ZIP    15158 05-Apr-92  [00] Native American self-goverment vs.
                                 sovereignty and nationalism
SENATE89.ZIP     3161 07-Mar-90  [00] 1989 Senate votes on DOE issues
SFLANDRY.ZIP    17676 11-Mar-91  [01] San Francsico's attempt to keep Chinese
                                 people out in 1886 (legal paper)
SHORTFIL.ZIP     3492 13-Dec-89  [00] A short file on the CIA
SIN.ZIP          5119 06-Apr-92  [00] Editorial from the February, 1990 issue
                                 of Reason\ Magazine titled "SIN AND
                                 DECADENCE" by Virginia I. Postrel
SKULDRUG.ZIP     3082 01-Nov-91  [01] New Drug Czar blames colleges
SOCRED.ZIP       2406 19-May-92� [00] Bill Van der Zalm: The NDP's best chance
                                 at government in BC?
SOC_ERR.ZIP      4588 11-Mar-91  [00] The Fatal Conceit: The Errors of
                                 Socialism (review)
SOVIET.ZIP       8085 07-Nov-90  [00] Present day Soviet launch vehicles
SOVINT.ZIP       5013 06-Sep-89  [01] All about Soviet Intelligence
SPACELET.ZIP     2740 13-Dec-89  [01] YOU can get the USA back into space
SPCLRPT.ZIP      3140 05-Apr-92  [00] Harping about special reports
SPECULAT.ZIP     6196 11-Mar-91  [00] Speculators: Adam Smith revisited
SPEECHGR.ZIP     4239 11-Mar-91  [02] A Nation Asleep - a speech by Michael
                                 Grant on the growing opression in the US
SPY.ZIP          4321 01-Nov-91  [02] CIA spy networks
SPYNET.ZIP       4328 11-Mar-91  [02] CIA intelligence networks
SQUAD.ZIP        4897 11-Mar-91  [00] Detroit police spy on various political,
                                 social, and cultural groups
SR-71.ZIP        3544 05-Apr-92  [01] Info & stats on SR-71 Blackbird
SR-71B.ZIP       2748 05-Apr-92  [01] Messages about the SR-71 Blackbird
SS#INFO2.ZIP     3551 01-Nov-91  [01] What the social security number means
SSN_INFO.ZIP     3552 11-Mar-91  [01] Legal restrictions on the use of your
                                 Social Security Number
SS_INFO.ZIP      3548 13-Dec-89  [01] What your Social Security Number means
STAMPACT.ZIP     5455 21-Jan-90  [00] Report on the Stamp Act of 1765
SUPCHART.ZIP     1810 28-Jan-92  [00] Contributions to SF Supervisors by
                                 special interests
SUPERMKT.ZIP     3384 13-Dec-89  [00] Safe food in the supermarket
SUPMONEY.ZIP     7256 28-Jan-92  [00] Who owns San Francisco's Supervisors?
TAXAUDIT.ZIP     4331 11-Jan-86  [00] How tax returns are selected for audit
TESTY.ZIP       20390 07-Mar-90  [00] Testimony of Reicher on behalf of NRDC
TIMESV5.ZIP      2475 04-Dec-90  [01] Interstellar Times #5 - Spy Secrets
TRANRGHT.ZIP     4143 11-Mar-91  [00] The transportation industry and civil
TRIDENT.ZIP      6561 07-Mar-90  [00] Assessment of Trident Submarines
TRILLION.ZIP     1868 11-Mar-91  [00] What you can do with a trillion dollars
USEHEMP.ZIP      6963 06-Apr-92  [02] Uses for hemp - why it should be legal
UTOPIAN.ZIP     19942 06-Apr-92  [00] Ideas on where Libertarianism is today
WASTVOTE.ZIP     4879 07-Mar-90  [00] Don't waste your vote
WEBSTER.ZIP     22151 11-Mar-91  [00] Summary and legal analysis of Webster
                                 vs. Reproductive Health Services
WELFARE.ZIP      5294 11-Mar-91  [00] Analysis of the welfare system
WPANTHER.ZIP     2064 11-Mar-91  [01] White Panther Party's 10 point program
YCLC.ZIP         3563 11-Mar-91  [00] Manifesto of the Young Communist League
                                 of Canada

��� Total files :   170 � Offline :     0 � New :     9 � Total :  1379 (k)

� ��� � # 18 �               Political Documents                       � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
1776-VA.ZIP      3717 05-Apr-92  [00] The Virginia Declaration of Rights
ABECANT.ZIP      1607 07-Mar-90  [00] The 10 "Cannots" by Abraham Lincoln
CIVILDIS.ZIP    23826 11-Mar-91  [00] Civil Disobediance - Essay by Henry
                                 David Thoreau
CMANFSTO.ZIP    21064 11-Mar-91  [01] The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and
                                 Frederick Engels
CONSTITU.ZIP    17547 13-Dec-89  [00] The Constitution of the United States
COVENANT.ZIP     2914 06-Apr-92  [00] Libertarian Covenant
COVENSPN.ZIP     2983 06-Apr-92  [00] Libertarian Covenant (Spanish edition)
DECINDEP.ZIP     5764 11-Mar-91  [01] The Declaration of Independence
DISTCORT.ZIP    96801 11-Mar-91  [00] Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for US
                                 District Courts
EMANPROC.ZIP     3143 11-Mar-91  [00] Complete text of the Emancipation
EQRIGHTS.ZIP     1469 11-Mar-91  [00] The Equal Rights Ammendment (proposed)
GETTADDR.ZIP     1987 11-Mar-91  [00] Complete text of Lincoln's Gettysburg
HR4079.ZIP      42185 11-Mar-91  [00] HR4079 - This is the congressional bill
                                 that wants to lock up anyone who even THINKS
                                 about doing drugs
ICCTBN.ZIP       4717 07-Mar-90  [00] International Citizens for a Nuclear
                                 Test Ban
IRAQBEER.ZIP     2741 19-May-92� [00] Our troops in Iraq deserve some BEER
IROQUOIS.ZIP    30959 05-Apr-92  [00] The complete Iroquois (Haudenosaunee)
                                 Confederacy Constitution. The basis for the
                                 U.S. Constitution
JAPAN-NO.ZIP    75029 28-Nov-90  [00] The Japan that can say No! (from Sony)
JBROWN.ZIP      11372 05-Apr-92  [00] Various Jerry Brown position papers from
                                 S.F. Campaign Headquarters
JEFERSON.ZIP     5920 05-Apr-92  [01] Thomas Jefferson's first inaugral
LIBERTY.ZIP      3919 07-Mar-90  [00] Patrick Henry's famous Liberty speech
LIBPRINC.ZIP     2229 13-Dec-89  [00] Principles of the Libertarian Party
MAGCARTA.ZIP    11281 11-Mar-91  [01] Text of the Magna Carta
MAYFLOWR.ZIP     1917 11-Mar-91  [01] Text of the Mayflower Compact
MEECH.ZIP        7437 19-May-92� [00] Complete text of the Meech Lake Accord
MLKDREAM.ZIP     2836 13-Dec-89  [01] M.L. King's "I Have a Dream" speech
NIXONRES.ZIP     1906 11-Mar-91  [01] The resignation speech of Richard Nixon
NSACHRTR.ZIP     6964 11-Mar-91  [01] Charter of the National Security Agency
SUM_BR.ZIP       1701 11-Mar-91  [00] Summary of the Bill of Rights
UNIRIGHT.ZIP     5344 11-Mar-91  [01] The Universal Declaration of Human
USACON.ZIP      16454 13-Dec-89  [00] Fixed United States Constitution

��� Total files :    30 � Offline :     0 � New :     2 � Total :   410 (k)

� ��� � # 19 �               And Justice for All                       � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
1STAMEND.ZIP     4287 19-May-92� [00] Showdown over computer crime
ABT_ACLU.ZIP     6194 11-Mar-91  [01] ACLU and abortion rights
ABT_BLCK.ZIP     5156 11-Mar-91  [01] Boyfriends and husbands use courts to
                                 block women's abortions
ABT_WEBS.ZIP     2805 11-Mar-91  [01] More on the ACLU and the Supreme Court's
                                 Webster decision (abortion)
ACCUSED.ZIP     24815 20-Feb-90  [04] What to do if you're accused of a crime
ACCUSED2.ZIP    24708 07-Nov-90  [02] More on what to do if you're accused
ACLUGPRO.ZIP     2259 11-Mar-91  [01] ACLU lesbian and gay rights project
ACLUINFO.ZIP     7291 11-Mar-91  [02] Information on the ACLU
ACLUPUBL.ZIP     2465 11-Mar-91  [01] ACLU is looking better and better to the
ACLU_DHS.ZIP     3739 11-Mar-91  [01] ACLU files a class action suit against
                                 DC's Dept. of Human Services
APPLE.ZIP        4464 19-May-92� [00] Quick little laugh, its Apple's license
                                 agreement that 'must' be read and agreed upon
ASSOCIAT.ZIP     5682 11-Mar-91  [01] United States Code, Title 18, Ch. 119,
                                 Wire and Electronic Communications
                                 Interception and Inception of Oral
AZCLU.ZIP        3770 11-Mar-91  [01] History of the ArizonaCLU and the
                                 development of Miranda rights, due process
                                 for minors, etc.
BBSLAWSA.ZIP     8943 13-Dec-89  [01] BBS Laws and Legal Stuff
BBSNEWS.ZIP      7435 13-Dec-89  [01] BBS News and Laws
BILLRGHT.ZIP    19071 07-Nov-90  [02] Erosion of the Bill of Rights Report
COPTALK.ZIP      3109 07-Nov-90  [03] Don't talk to cops
COPYRITE.ZIP    22364 07-Nov-90  [01] Information on software copyrights
CR.ZIP           5922 21-Nov-90  [02] How copyrights work (legal info)
ELKS&FEM.ZIP     2910 11-Mar-91  [00] Elks must reconsider female applicant
ETHICS2.ZIP      5133 11-Mar-91  [00] The ethics of the Neidorf/Phrack case
FLEM_DIV.ZIP     8620 11-Mar-91  [01] Court records from the Fleming divorce
GAYFAMLY.ZIP     3505 11-Mar-91  [00] New York's highest court rules that gay
                                 couple is a "family"
GAY_LAWS.ZIP     4735 11-Mar-91  [00] Lesbian and Gay rights law enters new
                                 stage (press release)
GAY_SOLD.ZIP     2282 11-Mar-91  [00] Appeals court orders reinstatement of
                                 gay soldier (press release)
JACKSUIT.ZIP    18677 19-May-92� [01] Complete text of Steve Jackson Games'
                                 suit against the U.S. Secret Service
LIEDCTR.ZIP      5890 13-Dec-89  [02] Meet and beat the lie detector
LIVEFREE.ZIP    17352 01-Jan-90  [03] How to protect your privacy
LOONEY.ZIP       6302 06-Apr-92  [01] Funny old laws still on the books in Los
NLO.ZIP          7457 28-Jan-92  [00] Serving the legal needs of the Asian
                                 Pacific community
RACE_EQ.ZIP      2088 11-Mar-91  [00] ACLU denounces Supreme Court ruling as
RETHESIS.ZIP     3099 05-Apr-92  [00] Using driving ability as a competence
SFSTUDNT.ZIP     2300 01-Nov-91  [01] SFSU Fin Chair conviction overturned
SHAREWAR.ZIP    12763 01-Nov-91  [02] Shareware laws
SUPRCORT.ZIP     3147 11-Mar-91  [01] ACLU summary of the 1988 Supreme Court
SUROPRNT.ZIP     2379 11-Mar-91  [01] Legal information on surogate parentage
THELAW.ZIP      37459 06-Apr-92  [00] What is The Law?
UNCONST.ZIP      2613 06-Apr-92  [00] Info & cases regarding unconstitutional
VIETVET.ZIP      3931 11-Mar-91  [00] ACLU denounces restrictions on Viet Nam
                                 Veteran's travel as unconstitutional
VISRGHT1.ZIP     6802 11-Mar-91  [00] Legal information on parental visitation
                                 rights in divorce cases
VISRGHT2.ZIP    29608 11-Mar-91  [00] Father's Rights: legal information for
                                 men undergoing divorce proceedings
VISRGHT3.ZIP    40441 11-Mar-91  [00] More on visitation rights in divorce
WIRE_TAP.ZIP    30201 11-Mar-91  [01] United States Code, Title 18, Ch. 119,
                                 Wire and Electronic Communications
                                 Interception and Inception of Oral

��� Total files :    43 � Offline :     0 � New :     3 � Total :   413 (k)

� ��� � # 20 �               Conspiracy! Coverup!                      � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ACIDRAIN.ZIP     3645 13-Dec-89  [00] Acid Rain kills more people than AIDS
ARMYAIDS.ZIP     7139 05-Apr-92  [02] AIDS as biological and psychological
CIA_BOXR.ZIP    10624 19-May-92� [01] House of Congress debate on Covert
COVSPECT.ZIP    10725 19-May-92� [01] The Covert Spectrum
DRLICREV.ZIP     3384 05-Apr-92  [01] Driver's licenses are a conspiracy by
                                 the government to defraud the people
DRUGRUNR.ZIP     5504 19-May-92� [00] Contras used Cocaine to buy arms
FNORD!.ZIP       2512 28-Nov-90  [02] I can see the fnords!
GOVTAIDS.ZIP     8125 19-May-92� [01] The US Government created the HIV
GOVTHRIN.ZIP     4990 07-Nov-90  [06] Government heroin and cocaine conspiracy
IRANCONT.ZIP    12684 11-Mar-91  [02] Behind the Iran-Contra affair. More on
                                 Bush's deal with the Ayatollah to keep the 52
                                 US hostages until after Reagan was ele
JFK.ZIP         70313 05-Apr-92  [00] Information on the Kennedy assasination
KULTCH01.ZIP     2457 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #1: Culture and revolutionary
KULTCH02.ZIP     3194 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #2: Confucius, Andre Breton, and
                                 political art
KULTCH03.ZIP     2726 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #3: Radical bourgeoisie versus
                                 proletarian sex mores
KULTCH04.ZIP     3151 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #4: Terrorism as a symptom of
KULTCH05.ZIP     2548 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #5: Divide and conquer: No
                                 religion OR pleasure
KULTCH06.ZIP     3131 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #6: Twisting scriptures,
                                 philosophy, acid
KULTCH07.ZIP     2572 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #7: Mangling Mao to defend
                                 sexual repression
KULTCH08.ZIP     2876 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #8: Remember the REAL reason for
                                 JFK's death
KULTCH09.ZIP     2766 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #9: Anarcho-libertarian
                                 arguments: Conspiracy?
KULTCH10.ZIP     2840 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #10: Who is this Brother-In-Law,
KULTCH11.ZIP     3026 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #11
KULTCH12.ZIP     2740 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #12
KULTCH13.ZIP     2991 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #13
KULTCH14.ZIP     3072 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #14
KULTCH15.ZIP     3237 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #15
KULTCH16.ZIP     3010 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #16
KULTCH17.ZIP     2739 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #17
KULTCH18.ZIP     2411 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #18
KULTCH19.ZIP     3146 06-Apr-92  [02] Kultcha #19
KULTCH20.ZIP     3167 06-Apr-92  [01] Kultcha #20
MARCHETI.ZIP    12618 19-May-92� [01] Ex-CIA official speaks out: An interview
                                 with Victor Marchetti
MOVIEADS.ZIP     3292 11-Mar-91  [02] Subliminal advertising in movies
NO_REPS.ZIP      6453 08-Apr-91  [00] Top 10 under-reported stories of 1986
                                 (good stuff)
PIGSPY.ZIP       3775 28-Nov-90  [05] National police political spying network
POL-PRIS.ZIP     7903 11-Mar-91  [02] Political prisoners in the U.S.A.
SCRTGOVT.ZIP    11293 13-Dec-89  [02] The secret government
SDI-ART1.ZIP    12225 07-Nov-90  [00] Conspiracy to kill the SDI scientists
WASJIMJO.ZIP     3006 13-Dec-89  [02] Jim Jones - a paper

��� Total files :    39 � Offline :     0 � New :     5 � Total :   251 (k)

� ��� � # 21 �                "Bob" and AntiBob                        � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
2LIES.ZIP       12352 05-Apr-92  [03] Two lies told about the King James Bible
ALCHEMY.ZIP     11438 07-Nov-90  [03] Alchemy history and principles
ALCHEMY1.ZIP    11408 06-Apr-92  [01] Information on alchemy
ASTRAL.ZIP       6871 13-Dec-89  [10] Astral projection and lucid dreaming
BACKSTAG.ZIP     5894 11-Mar-91  [01] Backstage with "Bob"
BASIS682.ZIP     4671 13-Dec-89  [00] Bay Area Skeptics Info Sheet #1
BOB1.ZIP         3650 19-May-92� [00] Church of the Sub-Genius tape transcript
BUDDHA.ZIP       4598 08-Apr-91  [00] History of Buddism
CANDLE.ZIP       1895 07-Nov-90  [03] Candles as tools of magik
COBC.ZIP         3813 06-Apr-92  [02] Official documents of the Church of
                                 Beaver Cleaver
CREATION.ZIP     9873 19-May-92� [00] Creationist Textbook gets blasted
CROWHIT.ZIP      5602 08-Apr-91  [05] Magick Without Tears by Aleister Crowley
CULTSCAT.ZIP    13875 06-Apr-92  [04] Catalog of cults
DEVILFIL.ZIP     4931 06-Sep-89  [01] Devil files... (from RatSnatcher)
DEVIVAL.ZIP      6439 13-Dec-89  [01] Praise "Bob"! More spew from The Church
DISCORDA.ZIP     5775 11-Mar-91  [00] Excerpts from the PRINCIPIA DISCORDIA
DOBBS.ZIP        1268 13-Dec-89  [07] ASCII picture of "Bob"
ENBALM.ZIP       2710 19-May-92� [01] Do It Yourself Enbalming
EVILGOD.ZIP      5866 11-Mar-91  [02] God: Good or Evil? A long discussion by
EXORCIS1.ZIP    10697 01-Sep-89  [01] History and description of exorcism #1
EXORCIS2.ZIP     2655 07-Feb-90  [01] History and description of exorcism #2
GODS_WOD.ZIP     1128 13-Dec-89  [03] Quotes you won't hear from Christians
ICR.ZIP          3548 17-Apr-90  [00] The Institute for Creation Research
JUDAISM.ZIP      2415 05-Apr-92  [00] Information on Judaism
KASHRUT.ZIP     14414 19-May-92� [00] Jewish Dietary Law
KIMSLACK.ZIP     2828 13-Dec-89  [01] Klones in Maturation find no Slack
LIBER_AL.ZIP    15716 17-Apr-90  [03] Al Liber Legis - The Book of the Law
MAKEGOD.ZIP      2512 13-Dec-89  [01] Make your own God
MEDITAT1.ZIP     4184 06-Apr-92  [02] Basic meditation techniques - Part 1
MEDITAT2.ZIP     5343 06-Apr-92  [02] Basic meditation techniques - Part 2
MEDITAT3.ZIP     3176 06-Apr-92  [02] Basic meditation techniques - Part 3
MEDITAT4.ZIP     4509 06-Apr-92  [02] When Magic Doesn't Work by Van Ault
MORMAST.ZIP      2949 28-Nov-90  [01] Overcoming Masturbation (Mormon guide)
MUMMIES.ZIP      3681 19-May-92� [00] Mummification in the 20th Century
NUIT01.ZIP      13414 23-Jan-90  [03] Occult supplies catalog
PRINCIPI.ZIP    52677 06-Apr-92  [02] Principia Discordia or how I found
                                 goddess and what I did to her when I found
RELIGION.ZIP    26446 06-Apr-92  [00] Religion: Eastern, Western, and Tribal
REVTOSS.ZIP     14318 07-Mar-90  [00] Revelation on the Way of the Rat
SANTA1.ZIP       4694 19-May-92� [01] Where did Santa Come from? Read this
SANTA10.ZIP      3190 19-May-92� [00] Elves Magic Words
SANTA11.ZIP      3027 19-May-92� [00] Games Elves Play! Ooo
SANTA12.ZIP      1433 19-May-92� [00] Ice Numphs Mean trouble!
SANTA13.ZIP      2772 19-May-92� [00] A little chat with Santa.. (Funny!)
SANTA15.ZIP      2496 19-May-92� [00] Why Santa gives Lumps of Coal
SANTA2.ZIP       2259 19-May-92� [00] Santa, all time BEST KEPT SECRET
SANTA4.ZIP       2348 19-May-92� [00] Santa's favorite Jokes. Yay
SANTA5.ZIP       2975 19-May-92� [00] Why Santa Sez "Ho Ho Ho"
SANTA6.ZIP       3243 19-May-92� [00] Santa's Clothes!
SANTA7.ZIP       4805 19-May-92� [00] A story about Santa
SANTA8.ZIP       4234 19-May-92� [00] How the elves first met Santa
SANTA9.ZIP       3465 19-May-92� [00] Zeeker The Elf's favorite Story
SATAN.ZIP        3858 01-Nov-91  [07] How to make a pact with Satan (Black
SATANISM.ZIP     3886 07-Nov-90  [04] Satan is overrated - the myth of cultism
SATANSYM.ZIP     2560 07-Nov-90  [06] Satanic symbolism
SEXDRUGS.ZIP     6931 11-Mar-91  [06] Pagans and Sex and Drugs and Rock and
SHROUD.ZIP       5256 01-Nov-91  [01] A short piece on the Shroud of Turin
SIDESHOW.ZIP    25026 01-Nov-91  [02] Satan's Underground a sideshow?
SKATERIT.ZIP     2168 11-Mar-91  [02] Woman charged with cat disembowelment in
                                 skateboard ritual
SLACK.ZIP        3634 22-Mar-92  [02] Obtain slack and keep it
SOUNDBBS.ZIP    29838 11-Mar-91  [00] Rants from a Christian BBS
SPELL.ZIP        4369 01-Nov-91  [10] Basic spell construction
SPELLBOO.ZIP     3559 03-Dec-90  [04] Home study course on how to be a Wiccan
SPELLCON.ZIP     4458 12-Sep-89  [07] Spell Construction from the Witches Well
STANGINT.ZIP     4307 11-Mar-91  [02] On the Trail of High Weirdness:
                                 Interview with Ivan Stang
SUBCOUPN.ZIP     6109 13-Dec-89  [01] Coupon for ordering SubGenius errata
SUBGEN.ZIP       9401 13-Dec-89  [00] Join before it is too late!
SUBSHAG.ZIP     11987 08-Apr-91  [02] The Book of Shag - lost SubGenius
TEACHER.ZIP      2753 01-Nov-91  [04] Dignataries from around the world gather
                                 for conference with World Teacher
TELEVANG.ZIP     3296 19-May-92� [00] Professional Wrestlers vs Televangelists
THEOCCUL.ZIP     3984 13-Dec-89  [03] Dictionary of the occult
WHOBOB.ZIP       2506 13-Dec-89  [03] Who is "Bob" and how do you find Slack?
WHOISGOD.ZIP     5769 07-Mar-90  [02] Who is God?
WICCA101.ZIP   165201 07-Nov-90  [01] Home study course on how to be a Wiccan

��� Total files :    73 � Offline :     0 � New :    19 � Total :   644 (k)

� ��� � # 22 �              Science and Technology                     � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
AABORTIO.ZIP     4627 08-Apr-91  [00] Scientific explanation of abortion
AIDS8911.ZIP    12396 07-Feb-90  [00] Centers for Disease Control HIV/AIDS
                                 surveillance report for November 1989
AIDS_MSG.ZIP     4883 19-May-92� [00] Messages on AIDS
AIDS_SG.ZIP     18391 19-May-92� [00] File on AIDS by the U.S. Surgeon General
BARNEYCL.ZIP     4134 13-Dec-89  [00] The first artificial heart
BIOSPHER.ZIP    16824 19-May-92� [00] Biosphere II: An experiment in enclosed
BRAINNWS.ZIP     3083 19-May-92� [00] An article on the pineal gland and how
                                 it affects our brains
BRIGHTSP.ZIP     3547 19-May-92� [00] The Surrency "Bright Spot" Geological
BWSH.ZIP        21755 13-Dec-89  [00] The battle for your mind is going on now
CANCER.ZIP       3090 19-May-92� [00] On cancer - causes, prevention, etc
CANCER1A.ZIP     4836 19-May-92� [00] More on Cancer
CANCER1B.ZIP     3295 19-May-92� [00] Still more info on Cancer
CARTREK.ZIP      3752 06-Sep-89  [04] The bug and car tracker
CHESSGAM.ZIP     4228 19-May-92� [00] A Chess game: Kasparov vs. Deep Thought
CHOLEST.ZIP      4353 13-Dec-89  [01] All about cholesterol
CIRCADIA.ZIP     3781 19-May-92� [00] Circadian Rhythms: Are you a morning or
                                 evening type?
COKEFORM.ZIP     2397 15-Nov-89  [00] The stuff in old Coke
DAYAL.ZIP        4497 07-Mar-90  [00] Technology in India
DISEAS.ZIP       8425 28-Jan-92  [02] Diseases that you can catch in the
EMR.ZIP          7114 19-May-92� [00] Electromagnetic Radiation - a health
HAIR.ZIP         1625 17-Apr-90  [00] Drug testing with hair
HERPES_1.ZIP     5314 05-Apr-92  [01] Information on genital herpes
HERPES_2.ZIP     3117 05-Apr-92  [01] More info on genital herpes
HERPES_3.ZIP     3874 05-Apr-92  [01] Still more info on genital herpes
HICN0334.ZIP    39900 11-Mar-91  [01] On-line medical information. Sample
                                 issue of newsletter with info on how to get
                                 more data
HYDROGEN.ZIP     1513 13-Dec-89  [01] Power-up with hydrogen
IRVIEWER.ZIP     6260 23-Feb-92  [09] Infrared viewer plans
ISDC89.ZIP      11656 08-Apr-91  [00] Report on the 1989 Space Development
                                 Conference in Chicago
JACOB.ZIP        6299 19-May-92� [01] Build a High-Voltage Jacob's Ladder
KANKA.ZIP        1733 08-Apr-91  [00] Old canker remedy
LASER1.ZIP       3027 19-May-92� [00] Tasting wines with lasers
LTRWRITE.ZIP     4525 05-Apr-92  [00] Letter used for tracing family
                                 genealogical tree
MEAT2.ZIP        6406 28-Nov-90  [00] Reconsidering a meaty diet
MKPAPER.ZIP      3395 05-Apr-92  [01] How to make paper
MOON.ZIP        15445 28-Nov-90  [03] What's new on the moon (from NASA)
NEWCOKE.ZIP      6110 15-Nov-89  [01] The recipe for "new" Coke
NODISECT.ZIP     2473 11-Mar-91  [00] Student refuses to dissect animals in
                                 high school lab class
NUKELITE.ZIP     2892 19-May-92� [01] Calculating Nuclear Blast Yields from
                                 the Flash
OWGART5.ZIP      6518 19-May-92� [01] Scary government takeover file
                                 describing presidential powers in an
                                 'emergency' situation
PANDORA.ZIP      3195 13-Dec-89  [02] Neato Pandora's Pain Box
PI.ZIP           4556 19-May-92� [00] PI calculated to several thousand places
PIHIST.ZIP       2526 19-May-92� [00] A brief history of PI
PINEALGL.ZIP     3083 28-Jan-92  [06] You and your pineal gland
PLANET.ZIP       4714 13-Dec-89  [01] Bibliography about planet formation
PPPV05.ZIP       6872 19-May-92� [00] Computing Society and the Rest of the
                                 World Pt.1
PPPV08.ZIP       5306 19-May-92� [00] Computing Society and the Rest of the
                                 World Pt.2
QUAKE.ZIP        2452 13-Dec-89  [01] What does "Richter" really mean?
QUAKE1.ZIP      11320 08-Apr-91  [01] USDI geological survey findings
RECOMBIN.ZIP     4306 13-Dec-89  [00] Recombinant DNA
REHABOTS.ZIP     2946 07-Mar-90  [00] Robots for rehabilitation
RIFLE.ZIP        3058 13-Dec-89  [02] How to build a rifle mike
RISKS1.ZIP       7616 19-May-92� [00] Risk Assessment 1 of 2
RISKS2.ZIP       7525 19-May-92� [00] Risk Assessment 2 of 2
ROBOREVU.ZIP     2875 07-Mar-90  [01] Japanese robotics
ROBOTICS.ZIP    18383 07-Mar-90  [01] Robotics source list
SCANNING.ZIP     5813 13-Dec-89  [02] Info on bugging (not CB scanning)
SG_AIDS.ZIP      9259 11-Mar-91  [01] Understanding AIDS - The Surgeon
                                 General's pamphlet
SMARTJON.ZIP     1998 19-May-92� [00] Intelligent Toilets
SOLARSEX.ZIP     2244 11-Mar-91  [04] Periodic effects of solar flares on
                                 sexual behavior in man
SOVIET.ZIP       8085 07-Nov-90  [01] Present day Soviet launch vehicles
SPACEENT.ZIP     3325 11-Mar-91  [01] The casualties of private space
SYNSEX.ZIP      24378 01-Nov-91  [05] Can sound induce orgasm?
TRIGFUNC.ZIP     3378 13-Dec-89  [01] Handy trig functions reference

��� Total files :    63 � Offline :     0 � New :    22 � Total :   406 (k)

� ��� � # 23 �                  Fringe Science                         � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
40LAWS.ZIP       8933 19-May-92� [01] John Keely's 40 laws - describes an
                                 alternative view of physics
7THPSI.ZIP       4215 19-May-92� [00] Keely's vibratory physics
AAGW.ZIP         8873 19-May-92� [00] All about Gravity Waves - from
                                 Radio-Electronics April 1986
AGE2.ZIP         2518 19-May-92� [00] Cancer Cells don't age!
AGE5.ZIP         2908 19-May-92� [01] The Hayflick limit - the cause of the
                                 aging of our bodies?
ALT3LETT.ZIP     3455 28-Jan-92  [00] Letter from the author of Alternative 3
ANTIGRV1.ZIP     2762 19-May-92� [00] Japanese Anti-gravity experiment
ANTIMATT.ZIP     2024 19-May-92� [00] The capture of Antimatter
AREA51-3.ZIP     6115 19-May-92� [00] Military gravitational research?
BALL1.ZIP        2902 08-Apr-91  [01] Controlled generation of ball lightning
BASIS682.ZIP     4671 13-Dec-89  [00] Bay Area Skeptics Info Sheet #1
BC_GRAV1.ZIP     4190 19-May-92� [00] Concentric Gravitation, the absence of
                                 dark matter, and the structure of the
BIORHY.ZIP       2293 19-Nov-90  [00] All about biorhythms
BOOK1.ZIP        9091 19-May-92� [00] A New Age Scientific book list (with
                                 some weird occult shit thrown in)
BRAIN1.ZIP       3856 19-May-92� [00] Hard-wiring the brain
BUMP1.ZIP        3674 19-May-92� [00] The theory that matter doesn't just
                                 CAUSE spacetime warps but that is IS a warp
CADUCUS.ZIP      3977 19-May-92� [00] The Caduceus Coil
CATCHLIN.ZIP     5221 13-Dec-89  [01] Mathematics of lion hunting
CHEINIE.ZIP      6945 19-May-92� [00] Challenges to Einstein's special theory
                                 of relativity
COAL2GAS.ZIP     4229 19-May-92� [00] Some background on the Nazi method of
                                 converting coal into gasoline
COLDFUS1.ZIP     3596 19-May-92� [00] A new twist on Cold Fusion -
                                 reproducible experiments
COLDFUS2.ZIP     7465 19-May-92� [00] Still more on reproducible Cold Fusion
CRYONICS.ZIP     5335 06-Apr-92  [01] Overview on Cryonics and the Alcor Life
CRYSTAL1.ZIP     2815 19-May-92� [00] Scanning Masers for Information
CYBERSPC.ZIP    16326 19-May-92� [00] Travels in Cyberspace
D20.ZIP         18892 19-May-92� [01] Is deuterium oxide - heavy water -
                                 killing us?
DEADCOLD.ZIP     5676 19-May-92� [00] The Death of Cold Fusion research in the
DEPALMA.ZIP      3311 19-May-92� [00] Short article on 570% efficient engine
DESKGEN.ZIP      2923 19-May-92� [00] Desktop Genetic Engineering
DIAGNO1.ZIP     11006 19-May-92� [00] Biotechnical diagnostics
DNAMAST1.ZIP     8781 19-May-92� [03] First release of DNA Age/Disease
                                 reversal information
DPALMA1.ZIP      9163 19-May-92� [00] On the Possibility of Extraction of
                                 Electrical Energy Directly From Space
DPALMA2.ZIP      4324 19-May-92� [00] A letter to Bruce DePalma on
                                 Faraday-disc based free energy devices
DPALMA3.ZIP      5423 19-May-92� [00] The secret of the Faraday disc by Bruce
DPALMA4.ZIP      4881 19-May-92� [00] Violation of Law of Conservation of
                                 Charge in SPace Power Generation Phenomenon
DPALMA5.ZIP     15887 19-May-92� [00] Homopolar "Free Energy" Generator Test -
                                 by Robert Kincheloe
DPALMA6.ZIP      3650 19-May-92� [00] Energy from Space
DPALMA7.ZIP      4004 19-May-92� [00] An introduction to free energy physics -
                                 Bruce DePalma (Check your scientific dogma at
                                 the door - -=( T )=- )
EMBALM.ZIP       2937 07-Feb-90  [02] Step by step guide to embalming
FERMENT.ZIP     11702 19-May-92� [00] A new ferment in the mirror world of
FOODSTUF.ZIP     4119 20-Jan-90  [03] A description of what's in your food
FORWARD.ZIP      8723 19-May-92� [00] Foreword: T.B. Pawlicki's "Hyperspace"
FTL1.ZIP         3156 19-May-92� [00] CAN we go faster than light? Is this
                                 Einstein's biggest cock-up?
FUSION.ZIP       9514 08-Apr-91  [01] Electrochemically induced nuclear fusion
                                 of deuterium
FUSION89.ZIP    12173 13-Dec-89  [00] The hoopla paper - only in Utah
GENESIS1.ZIP    13248 19-May-92� [01] The Genesis Factor by George Merkl
GH_FRAUD.ZIP    25236 06-Apr-92  [00] Contends that the greenhouse effect
                                 predictions have been exaggerated
GLF.ZIP         13478 19-May-92� [01] Gravity, Light, and Force
GRAV1.ZIP        4250 19-May-92� [00] "The conquest of space" a 1957 article
                                 on anti-gravity research
GRAV2.ZIP        7441 19-May-92� [00] Project Magnet - a '50s Canadian
                                 anti-gravity research effort
GRAVAC.ZIP      17961 19-May-92� [00] Can Gravity be Induced?
GRAVITY2.ZIP     8107 23-Feb-92  [03] Gravity electronics resonance
GRAVITY3.ZIP     8259 23-Feb-92  [02] Gravity resonance
GRAVITY4.ZIP    19305 23-Feb-92  [02] Can gravity be induced?
GRAVITY5.ZIP     3212 19-May-92� [00] Gyroscopic Propulsion
GRAVITY6.ZIP     7436 19-May-92� [00] A theory of the structure of the
                                 universe - conceived by a ten-year-old!
GRAVITY7.ZIP     5674 23-Feb-92  [01] Letter to the editor of Flying Saucer
GRAVITY8.ZIP     4118 19-May-92� [00] A rather radical paper on the
                                 gravitational relationship between Earth and
                                 its moon
GRAVITY9.ZIP     2511 23-Feb-92  [02] British scientists search for
GRAVITYA.ZIP     6295 19-May-92� [00] More on Gravity as an external pressure
                                 from space
GRAVITYM.ZIP    56421 19-May-92� [00] Message thread on the nature of Gravity
GRAVMATT.ZIP    16071 19-May-92� [00] Gravity and Antimatter
GRAVOBS.ZIP      3485 19-May-92� [00] New Observatory will go a long way
                                 toward detecting Gravity Waves
GRAVRES.ZIP      6903 19-May-92� [00] A paper on Gravity, Resonance, and
HEAL1.ZIP        5607 19-May-92� [00] Healing wounds with microwaves and
HOLONOMY.ZIP     3193 19-May-92� [00] Quantum Holonomy
HOROSCOP.ZIP     3761 11-Mar-91  [00] Questions to ask yourself based on your
                                 astrological sign
HREALITY.ZIP     4744 19-May-92� [00] On reality: The Universe as a Hologram
HUMAN.ZIP        5815 13-Dec-89  [03] Spontaneous human combustion
HYPCHAP1.ZIP    21013 19-May-92� [01] Chap. 1: T.B. Pawlicki's "Hyperspace"
HYPCHAP2.ZIP    55940 19-May-92� [01] Chap. 2: T.B. Pawlicki's "Hyperspace"
HYPINTRO.ZIP    27634 19-May-92� [01] Intro: T.B. Pawlicki's "Hyperspace"
HYPNOSIS.ZIP     5062 05-Apr-92  [05] Guide to hypnosis
HYPOTISM.ZIP     5129 07-Mar-90  [04] What hyptonism is and isn't
INVISI1.ZIP      2985 19-May-92� [00] Was invisibility achieved in the 1930s?
INVISI2.ZIP      7040 19-May-92� [00] Invisibility techniques
JONESP.ZIP      12526 19-May-92� [00] Dr. Jones' Cold Fusion Paper
JUPIBOLT.ZIP     4207 19-May-92� [00] Activities of Jupiter Technologies
KEELY.ZIP       17237 19-May-92� [00] Article on the theories of Keely
KEW.ZIP          6805 19-May-92� [00] Kinetic Energy Weapons
KRILL1.ZIP      13839 05-Apr-92  [02] Krill: A situation report on our
                                 acquisition of advanced technology and
                                 interaction with alien cultures #1
KRILL2.ZIP       8519 05-Apr-92  [02] Krill: A situation report on our
                                 acquisition of advanced technology and
                                 interaction with alien cultures #2
KRILL3.ZIP      17073 05-Apr-92  [02] Krill: A situation report on our
                                 acquisition of advanced technology and
                                 interaction with alien cultures #3
KRILL4.ZIP      19633 05-Apr-92  [01] Krill: A situation report on our
                                 acquisition of advanced technology and
                                 interaction with alien cultures #4
LEARY.ZIP        4275 28-Nov-90  [03] Timothy Leary on SKIPI
M144896.ZIP     12130 19-May-92� [00] Several Looooooong messages on Cold
METABSM.ZIP      4421 13-Dec-89  [00] The theory of Fascist Metabolism
MIND1.ZIP       10229 19-May-92� [00] Mind control with frequencies
MIND5.ZIP        3168 19-May-92� [00] Alterations in Imaginings and
                                 Suggestibility During Brief Magnetic Field
MIND9.ZIP        9266 19-May-92� [00] The neurophone - transmitting
                                 information directly to the brain
MINDBATT.ZIP    21834 11-Mar-91  [03] The Battle for Your Mind: persuation and
                                 brainwashing techniques being used on the
MINDMACH.ZIP     3589 08-Apr-91  [01] Can mind machines build up our brains?
MOCKGRAV.ZIP     2412 19-May-92� [00] Mock Gravity
MOM1.ZIP         5718 19-May-92� [01] Mom's recollections on electrotherapy
MORAY.ZIP        9379 19-May-92� [00] The life and work of T. Henry Moray
MORAY2.ZIP      11534 19-May-92� [00] Radiant Energy - Experiments and Theory
MORAY3.ZIP       5817 19-May-92� [00] Alpha, Beta, Gamma Ray Therapy - by
                                 Henry Moray
MORAY4.ZIP       8561 19-May-92� [00] Radiant Energy: By Henry Moray
NANITES.ZIP      5309 19-May-92� [00] Nanites in the 20th Century!
NANITES2.ZIP    20169 19-May-92� [00] A critique of nanotechnology in four
NEON.ZIP         2343 19-May-92� [00] Where to get your neon-light
                                 transformers for Tesla coils
NEWMAN.ZIP       2963 19-May-92� [01] Newman's free energy motor
NOODNEWT.ZIP     2140 19-May-92� [00] Re-noodling Newton: Gravity may not be a
                                 single force
NRK87.ZIP       11339 19-May-92� [01] The Kromery Convertor / Free Electricity
NRK89.ZIP        2941 19-May-92� [01] The New Tesla Electromagnetics and The
                                 Secrets of Free Electrical Energy
OP_MAJOR.ZIP     8398 05-Apr-92  [02] Operation Majority - more alien
                                 conspiracies from William Cooper
OZONEAID.ZIP     5759 19-May-92� [00] Can Ozone cure AIDS and other viral
P&F.ZIP          9693 19-May-92� [00] Pons & Fleischmann's original paper on
                                 COLD FUSION
PARADOX.ZIP      6683 13-Dec-89  [01] Go insane answering these ponderances
PATIOFUS.ZIP     5046 19-May-92� [00] Patio Fusion
PLASMA2.ZIP      5128 19-May-92� [00] Plasma as an energy source - an article
                                 on HOT fusion
POSSPRED.ZIP     4826 06-Apr-92  [00] Cryonics philosophy
POWERING.ZIP     4913 19-May-92� [00] Storing energy in massive underground
PSYCH.ZIP       14219 01-Nov-91  [02] Article describes psyberspace experiment
PTLSCT.ZIP       8720 19-May-92� [00] A homemade device for testing particle
PUHA1.ZIP        4637 19-May-92� [00] Dr. Andrija Puharich's vibratory method
                                 of breaking up water molecules
RADION01.ZIP     5459 28-Jan-92  [04] Radionics - part 1
RADION02.ZIP     3603 28-Jan-92  [03] Radionics - part 2
RADION03.ZIP     8043 28-Jan-92  [02] Radionics - part 3
RADION04.ZIP     8316 28-Jan-92  [02] Radionics - part 4
RADION05.ZIP     5044 28-Jan-92  [02] Radionics - part 5
RELATIV.ZIP     13644 19-May-92� [00] Relativity and the Physical Universe
REVIEW1.ZIP      4929 19-May-92� [00] Review & Outlook: Post-relativistic
                                 concepts in Physics 1 of 3
REVIEW2.ZIP      4900 19-May-92� [00] Review & Outlook: Post-relativistic
                                 concepts in Physics 2 of 3
REVIEW3.ZIP     10441 19-May-92� [00] Review & Outlook: Post-relativistic
                                 concepts in Physics 3 of 3
RGFC.ZIP         6558 19-May-92� [00] Resonant Gravity Field Coil
RGFCNOTE.ZIP     2604 19-May-92� [01] Notes on RGFC.ZIP on this BBS by Eagle
RIGHTBEA.ZIP     7490 19-May-92� [00] The right beam for the job
RISKYSCI.ZIP     3769 19-May-92� [00] The risks of revolutionary science
RUNCORN.ZIP      2154 19-May-92� [00] British Anti-Gravity research
SAFENUKE.ZIP    10374 19-May-92� [00] Safer Nuclear Reactors: Dare we build
SAKHAROV.ZIP     2740 19-May-92� [00] A quick look at Andrei Sakharov's work
SCALWAV.ZIP      5595 19-May-92� [00] Scalar Waves
SCALWV1.ZIP     15587 19-May-92� [00] Applications, esp. Gravitic, of Scalar
SENESCEN.ZIP     3504 19-May-92� [00] Seeking Senescence - the search for the
                                 cause of aging
SETI.ZIP         3027 07-Nov-90  [01] Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
SFTS590.ZIP      9063 08-Apr-91  [03] San Francisco Tesla Society News V1N5
SHOCKWAV.ZIP    14113 19-May-92� [00] Collisionless Shock Waves in
                                 interstellar matter, from Scientific American
SIMBERG.ZIP      4664 06-Apr-92  [00] Discussion of cryonics and space
SLIME.ZIP        3140 06-Sep-89  [04] How to make slime
SLINKY.ZIP       7603 05-Aug-89  [02] Everything to know about Slinkys
SONIC2.ZIP       3894 19-May-92� [00] Ultrasonic machine tools
SPHERE1.ZIP     10030 19-May-92� [00] Larry Spring's Spherical Electromagnetic
SSEMP.ZIP        4623 19-May-92� [00] Self Sustained Electromagnetic
STATIKA1.ZIP    11430 19-May-92� [01] A faraday-like free energy device
STM.ZIP         12658 19-May-92� [00] The Nature of Space, Time, and Matter
STUFF4.ZIP       1735 11-Mar-91  [01] Kanka the canker remedy
SUNPRIME.ZIP     7713 19-May-92� [00] Solar energy primer
TACHYON1.ZIP     9155 19-May-92� [00] The Tachyon field
TACHYON2.ZIP    14029 19-May-92� [00] More on the Tachyon Field
TACHYON3.ZIP    13299 19-May-92� [00] Still MORE on the Tachyon Field
TCAD.ZIP         5546 08-Apr-91  [02] Computer-aided design of Tesla coils
TEMPUSIN.ZIP    12311 28-Jan-92  [01] Interdimensional Solar Mechanics
TESLA.ZIP       12310 19-May-92� [00] Nikola Tesla's Long-range weapon
TESLA1.ZIP      20304 19-May-92� [00] The Tesla Howitzer
TESLA3.ZIP      16769 19-May-92� [00] Was Tesla inspired by the ancient Indian
                                 Vedic philosophy?
TESLAQT1.ZIP     2543 19-May-92� [00] Some quotes from Nikola Tesla
TESLAWEP.ZIP    12385 08-Apr-91  [04] Nikola Tesla's long range weapon
TEVATRON.ZIP    15100 19-May-92� [00] The Tevatron particle collider
THEORY1.ZIP     12435 19-May-92� [01] Wireless Transmission of Power
THEORY2.ZIP      2921 19-May-92� [01] Tesla Coil Theory
THEORYBE.ZIP    17688 13-Dec-89  [02] Tesla Electromagnetics - T.E.Bearden
TIME1.ZIP        6357 19-May-92� [00] Discourse on the likelihood of inventing
                                 a time machine
TIMECHIN.ZIP     3881 19-May-92� [00] Playing fast and loose with time: It's
                                 not quite impossible
TIMETR.ZIP       4073 19-May-92� [00] Time Travel and the problems associated
                                 with it
TING.ZIP        13479 19-May-92� [00] Why are things heavy? The Higgs Boson
                                 might have an answer
TRANCE.ZIP       2087 19-May-92� [00] Trances in everyday life
TRANSLRT.ZIP     7129 19-May-92� [00] Scalar Translators by Joseph Misiolek
TURING.ZIP       4517 19-May-92� [00] Is the Universe "computable?"
UFO7.ZIP         5840 19-May-92� [01] Building a Tachyon/Graviton starship
ULTCOLID.ZIP     9157 19-May-92� [01] Build the ultimate particle collider in
                                 YOUR solar system!
VOID.ZIP         8910 19-May-92� [00] The Void Theory
WASTE1.ZIP       3124 19-May-92� [00] Microwave treatment of toxic waste
WEIGHTY.ZIP      3193 19-May-92� [00] Weighty Matters: Is Newton's 300-year
                                 old law of gravity obsolete?
XRIDDLE.ZIP      3509 19-May-92� [00] The X-Ray Riddle: Cosmic background
                                 radiation is still unexplained
ZENO.ZIP         3086 19-May-92� [00] A new quantum-physics twist on Zeno's
                                 paradox of motion
ZERO_NRG.ZIP     4704 19-May-92� [00] The leftovers of Nothing - Zero Point
ZPE.ZIP          9745 19-May-92� [00] Zero-Point Energy

��� Total files :   178 � Offline :     0 � New :   131 � Total :  1443 (k)

� ��� � # 24 �                 Little Green Men                        � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
61CYCLE.ZIP      4032 19-May-92� [01] Do UFO's come in waves at 61 month
                                 (5-year) intervals?
COOP_UFO.ZIP    27358 08-Apr-91  [05] Milton Cooper lecture on UFO's (good
GRAVITY1.ZIP     3425 23-Feb-92  [04] Notes on UFO's and the Biefeld/Brown
HOLLOW1.ZIP      4953 19-May-92� [00] Is the earth Hollow? Interesting and
                                 WEIRD article from Omni
JDR-0690.ZIP    75555 06-Apr-92  [03] Collection of papers on ghosts, UFO's,
                                 psychics, evolution, physics, moon water,
                                 witches, etc.
KLYAIR1.ZIP      2497 19-May-92� [00] Keely's Airship
LEARUFO.ZIP     20991 05-Apr-92  [02] John Lear on UFO's
NAZIUFO1.ZIP    15831 19-May-92� [01] Nazi Flying Saucers
NAZIUFO2.ZIP     7940 19-May-92� [01] Nazi Flying Saucers (continued)
PLASMA1.ZIP      6074 19-May-92� [01] Flying Saucers- Superconducting whirls
                                 of Plasma - by Hans Lauritzen
TTBROWN2.ZIP    10280 19-May-92� [01] Thomas Townsend Brown and his flying
UFO4.ZIP        14732 19-May-92� [01] How to Build a Flying Saucer - T.B.
UFO6.ZIP         9095 19-May-92� [01] Nikola Tesla: Man Ahead of His Time (Or
                                 How To Build a UFO)
UFOANTIG.ZIP    12120 19-May-92� [01] Article on Antigravity
UFOCONSP.ZIP    32650 04-Dec-90  [04] UFO conspiracy of silence
UFONY001.ZIP     5593 26-Jan-92  [02] UFONY #1 - Alien Centerfold Issue
UFONY002.ZIP     5658 26-Jan-92  [02] UFONY #2 - Christine Brinkley Issue
UFONY003.ZIP     7622 26-Jan-92  [02] UFONY #3 - Unholy Communion Issue
UFONY004.ZIP     8480 26-Jan-92  [02] UFONY #4 - Scratch 'n Sniff Issue
UFORPTS1.ZIP     8925 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO Reports #1
UFORPTS2.ZIP     9339 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO Reports #2
UFORPTS3.ZIP    10368 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO Reports #3
UFOS.ZIP         5754 13-Dec-89  [05] The great UFO coverup
UFOS01.ZIP       2012 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1947 J. Edgar Hoover FBI
UFOS02.ZIP       2378 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1947 AAF with FBI UFO
UFOS03.ZIP       2083 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1966 J.E. Hoover response
UFOS04.ZIP       2883 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1949 FBI memo regarding photos
UFOS05.ZIP       2567 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1947 General Twinning letter
UFOS06.ZIP       2619 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1947 General Twinning letter
UFOS07.ZIP       2383 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1975 Loring AFB landing
UFOS08.ZIP       2901 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1975 Malmstrom AFB, MT
UFOS09.ZIP       2397 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1975 Malmstrom AFB, MT
UFOS10.ZIP       2136 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1975 Malmstrom AFB, MT.
UFOS11.ZIP       3006 26-Jan-92  [03] UFO's - 1980 Kirtland AFB, NM
UFOS12.ZIP       2304 26-Jan-92  [03] UFO's - 1980 Kirtland AFB, NM.
UFOS13.ZIP       2795 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1980 Kirtland AFB, NM
UFOS14.ZIP       3196 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1980 Project Aquarius document
UFOS15.ZIP       2793 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 NSA reply on Aquarius
UFOS16.ZIP       2523 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1983 P.L. Clarke memo
UFOS17.ZIP       2869 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1983 Unauthorized release
UFOS18.ZIP       2369 26-Jan-92  [03] UFO's - 1986 NSA Project Aquarius
UFOS19.ZIP       2134 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1986 NSA Project Aquarius
UFOS20.ZIP       2476 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 Answer to NSA
UFOS21.ZIP       2796 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1980 RAF Woodbridge
UFOS22.ZIP       1992 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1975 Barry Goldwater requests
UFOS23.ZIP       2093 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1981 Barry Goldwater letter #2
UFOS24.ZIP       2001 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1983 Barry Goldwater letter #3
UFOS25.ZIP       2224 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1942 memo for the President
UFOS26.ZIP       2764 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1950 W.B. Smith memo
UFOS27.ZIP       2568 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1950 W.B. Smith memo #2
UFOS28.ZIP       2387 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1950 W.B. Smith memo #3
UFOS29.ZIP       2368 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1953 General Burgess 4602nd
UFOS30.ZIP       2377 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1953 General Burgess 4602nd #2
UFOS31.ZIP       2906 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1973 Helicopter Encounter
UFOS32.ZIP       2213 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1976 Iran intercept case
UFOS33.ZIP       2818 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1976 Iran intercept case
UFOS34.ZIP       2738 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1976 Iran intercept case
UFOS35.ZIP       2506 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 Brazilian FOIA
UFOS36.ZIP       2272 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1980 Brazilian FOIA
UFOS37.ZIP       2352 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1980 Brazilian FOIA Page 2
UFOS38.ZIP       2708 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1977 FAA Report
UFOS39.ZIP       2218 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1977 FAA Report Page 2
UFOS40.ZIP       2031 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1978 Bluefly & Moondust
UFOS41.ZIP       2739 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1979 Bluefly & Moondust
UFOS42.ZIP       1978 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1986 Bluefly & Moondust
UFOS43.ZIP       2193 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 1
UFOS44.ZIP       2631 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 2
UFOS45.ZIP       2882 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 3
UFOS46.ZIP       2573 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 4
UFOS47.ZIP       2739 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 5
UFOS48.ZIP       2664 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1961 Moondust Page 6
UFOS49.ZIP       2547 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 HQ CR 44 IVOE
UFOS50.ZIP       1938 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 HQ CR 44 Page 2
UFOS51.ZIP       2527 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1983 Requirement (CR) 44A
UFOS52.ZIP       2427 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1983 Requirement (CR) 44A Page
UFOS53.ZIP       2139 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1983 Requirement (CR) 44A Page
UFOS54.ZIP       2819 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1969 Bolender memo
UFOS55.ZIP       3062 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1969 Bolender memo Page 2
UFOS56.ZIP       2795 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1969 Bolender memo Page 3
UFOS57.ZIP       2562 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1987 Senator John Glenn and
                                 Project Aquarius
UFOS58.ZIP       1725 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1987 Senator John Glenn and
                                 Project Aquarius part 2
UFOS59.ZIP       1884 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1987 USAF Aquarius document
UFOS60.ZIP       2335 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1954 JANAP 146(C)
UFOS61.ZIP       2777 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1954 JANAP 146(C) Page 2
UFOS62.ZIP       2267 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1966 JANAP 146(E) Page 2
UFOS63.ZIP       2786 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1986 Victor Harbor, Australia
UFOS64.ZIP       2771 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 Brunflo, Jamtlands, Sweden
UFOS65.ZIP       2003 26-Jan-92  [02] UFO's - 1986 Morley, England
UFOS66.ZIP       2114 26-Jan-92  [01] UFO's - 1986 Dorsett, England

��� Total files :    89 � Offline :     0 � New :    10 � Total :   462 (k)

� ��� � # 25 �             Irresponsible Activities                    � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
1001CAT.ZIP      5098 05-Apr-92  [12] 1001 ways to torture a cat
83TRASH.ZIP      8723 19-Nov-90  [09] 83 ways to trash your school
ACORNER.ZIP      3069 17-Jul-89  [03] Anarchist's Corner - CO2 Bombs
ALARM.ZIP        2605 13-Dec-89  [07] Fun with alarms
ALKSELTZ.ZIP     2210 19-May-92� [00] Fun with Alka Seltzer
AMTRANAR.ZIP     2816 05-Apr-92  [02] Amtrak anarchy
ANACOOK2.ZIP    95401 05-Apr-92  [09] Anarchist's cookbook
ANARCHST.ZIP     6556 13-Dec-89  [05] How to be an anarchist
ANARCHY1.ZIP    21942 01-Jan-80  [06] How to wreak havoc
ANARCHY2.ZIP     3337 05-Dec-89  [04] How to cause mucho destruction
ANARCHY3.ZIP    21940 13-Dec-89  [07] Do-it-yourself bombs, destruction, havoc
ANARCHY4.ZIP    10114 08-Apr-91  [08] Tools of the anarchist
ANARCHY5.ZIP    93753 08-Apr-91  [03] Collection of "anarchy" files
ANARKTD1.ZIP    12609 19-Nov-90  [03] Anarchy Today - Issue #1
ANIMALS.ZIP      2349 24-Oct-89  [03] Frame someone using SPCA, press, & cops
ANNOY.ZIP        4015 02-Oct-88  [09] Notes on annoying someone to death
ANRKY00.ZIP      5931 08-Apr-91  [04] The Anarchy Files - Vol 2
ANRKY01.ZIP      4228 08-Apr-91  [06] Pyro files
ANRKY06.ZIP      2084 08-Apr-91  [10] Breaking into houses
ANTIBORE.ZIP     4240 19-Nov-90  [09] 44 things to do when you're bored
ANYONE.ZIP       2100 06-Sep-89  [05] How to get anything on anyone
ASSEMBLY.ZIP     3369 19-May-92� [00] Fun in Assemblies
AUTOTAIL.ZIP     4170 13-Dec-89  [03] How to tail a car
AVOIDCAP.ZIP     2523 13-Dec-89  [05] To the urban warrior... SURVIVE!
BAREHAND.ZIP     3409 07-Mar-90  [09] How to kill someone with your bare hands
BASICTRA.ZIP     4189 13-Dec-89  [04] Basic Trashing
BEES.ZIP         6825 06-Sep-89  [04] How to have fun with bees, hornets, etc.
BESTOFTA.ZIP     4853 13-Dec-89  [06] Smuggling drugs and other contraband
BILLBRD.ZIP      4535 06-Sep-89  [06] Have fun with billboards
CAR.ZIP          3945 13-Dec-89  [09] How to break into parked cars
CARBOOM.ZIP      1692 13-Dec-89  [03] Simple way to make a car go BOOM!
CARFUN.ZIP       2337 13-Dec-89  [05] Fun with other people's cars
CARFUN2.ZIP      2402 13-Dec-89  [05] More fun with other people's cars
CARFUN3.ZIP      2527 13-Dec-89  [05] Still MORE fun with other people's cars
CARS.ZIP         2504 08-Apr-91  [05] Fun things to do to an asshole's car
CHICKENS.ZIP     2347 05-Apr-92  [04] Killing chickens
CHROME.ZIP       3420 13-Dec-89  [06] Manipulate traffic signals
CLEARNIT.ZIP     4218 19-May-92� [00] What to do on a Clear Summer Night
CLIFTON.ZIP      3001 13-Dec-89  [02] Merritt Clifton and _Samisdat_
COOKBOOK.ZIP     8668 19-Nov-90  [05] The Book of Unlawfuls by Shadowspawn
CRANKCAL.ZIP     2783 08-Apr-91  [06] How to properly crank call someone
CRANKINC.ZIP     4866 19-May-92� [01] Cranking calls instructions
CRIMEONT.ZIP     3445 13-Dec-89  [03] Crime on the job
DOWNTOWN.ZIP     2847 19-May-92� [00] Having Fun Downtown
DRIVEFUN.ZIP     4081 19-May-92� [00] Driving Fun
DRVTHRU.ZIP      3674 19-May-92� [01] Drive-Thru Phun
DUMBNEIG.ZIP     4063 08-Apr-91  [12] Fun things to do to stupid neighbors
ELECFUN.ZIP      2767 21-Nov-90  [09] Fun with capicitors and thermistors
ELECTERR.ZIP     2897 21-Nov-90  [08] Electronic terrorism
EXPLOSIV.ZIP     5065 03-Jun-89  [05] Stuff from the Anarchist's Cookbook
FEDS.ZIP         3308 08-Apr-91  [04] Watching the Feds who are Watching YOU!
FUCKEM.ZIP       3253 28-Nov-90  [04] Fuck people up at work
FUNERAL.ZIP      1934 19-May-92� [00] Having Phun at Funerals
FUNLOCU.ZIP      2903 19-May-92� [00] Fun with locusts
GETBACK3.ZIP     4753 08-Apr-91  [06] Various illegalities
GOLFCART.ZIP     2885 19-May-92� [00] Golf Cart Phun
GOVTOVRT.ZIP     6637 13-Dec-89  [01] How to get rid of a government
GUELLIA.ZIP      3462 19-May-92� [00] Guerilla tactics against neighbours
HARASSMT.ZIP     2341 19-May-92� [00] Techniques of Harassment
HARRASS.ZIP      9324 13-Dec-89  [03] How to harass people
HOUSE.ZIP        4424 13-Dec-89  [05] How to break into houses
HOWTOANN.ZIP     3924 13-Dec-89  [02] How to annoy someone - Shooting Shark
ILLEGAL.ZIP     10346 08-Apr-91  [15] Grey-Area Company source list (GREAT
INSECT.ZIP       2281 17-Apr-90  [05] Fun with insects, matches, and bug spray
IPECAC.ZIP       1957 19-May-92� [00] Ipecac - The Anarchist's Friend
JEHOVAH.ZIP      4054 19-May-92� [00] Dealing with Jehovah's Witnesses
JOLLY_V1.ZIP    38240 08-Apr-91  [08] Jolly Roger's Cookbook - bombs, locks,
JOYRVNG.ZIP      2525 19-May-92� [00] Joy of Revenge 3
KILLDISK.ZIP     1912 19-May-92� [00] Sandpaper Floppy Disks
KILLDOG.ZIP      4952 19-May-92� [01] Love thy neighbour. Kill his dog
KILLFRND.ZIP     3062 07-Mar-90  [03] Some interesting ways to kill a friend
KMART.ZIP        3625 19-May-92� [00] K-Mart Survival Tactics for the
KMART1.ZIP       3864 28-Nov-90  [04] Act like an asshole at K-Mart
KMART2.ZIP       3766 28-Nov-90  [05] More terror for K-Mart shoppers
KMART3.ZIP       3915 13-Dec-89  [05] Fun being a jerk at K-Mart
LATEFUN.ZIP      3293 13-Dec-89  [07] Suburban teenage terrorism
LATENITE.ZIP     4218 19-May-92� [00] What to do on a late night
LIVEFREE.ZIP    17352 01-Jan-90  [02] How to protect your privacy
MACE.ZIP         1356 07-Mar-90  [05] A homemade substitute for mace
MALLPHUN.ZIP     3792 19-May-92� [00] Mall Trashing
MCDNLDS.ZIP      4568 13-Dec-89  [07] Having fun at Micky Dees
MISCNAST.ZIP     2608 13-Dec-89  [03] Miscellaneous nastiness
NEIGHBOU.ZIP     2757 19-May-92� [00] How to Terrorize the Neighbourhood
NINJ1.ZIP        4089 08-Apr-91  [06] Making poisons
NINJA.ZIP       16192 07-Feb-90  [10] You will BE a ninja after reading this
NITEPHUN.ZIP     2911 28-Nov-90  [06] Stuff to do when you're bored at night
NOMERCY.ZIP      3925 07-Mar-90  [04] How to really mess up someone's day
NRK10.ZIP        3836 19-May-92� [01] How to get revenge on someone
NRK42.ZIP        7251 19-May-92� [01] Terrorizing your neighbourhood
NRK54.ZIP        3569 19-May-92� [01] 20 Ways to sabotage your school
NRK66.ZIP        4009 19-May-92� [01] How to have fun in K-Mart
NRK70.ZIP        3119 19-May-92� [01] Pissing off Wallgreens of Dominicks
NRK71.ZIP        3168 19-May-92� [01] Pissing off people in cars
NRK95.ZIP        4529 19-May-92� [02] Kill a Friend
NRK97.ZIP        3554 19-May-92� [01] Pranks on your Parents
OVRTHROW.ZIP     6941 07-Mar-90  [03] How to overthrow a country
PEP1.ZIP         3987 11-Mar-91  [07] Public Enema Productions #1 - Various
PHUNATDI.ZIP     4479 19-May-92� [00] Phun at dinner
PHUNINTH.ZIP     3375 13-Dec-89  [13] Fun in movie theaters
PIZZACAL.ZIP     3224 19-May-92� [01] Things to do to a Pizza Joint
POOL.ZIP         2315 07-Mar-90  [05] Things to do to someone else's pool
POOLFUN.ZIP      2404 19-May-92� [00] Pool fun
PPPV02.ZIP       3630 19-May-92� [00] What to do in K-Mart
PRANK.ZIP        7618 05-Apr-92  [06] Phone pranks
PRANKS15.ZIP     5597 19-May-92� [01] Pranks XV: The Shawn Silva Phile
PRANKS16.ZIP     7649 19-May-92� [01] Pranks XVI: More Phone Tricks
PRANKS9.ZIP      7194 19-May-92� [01] Pranks IX
PROJECTS.ZIP     3550 01-Nov-91  [05] Projects for the bored anarchist
RAISEHEL.ZIP     4023 19-May-92� [01] Raising Hell 1: Outdoor Fun
READMAIL.ZIP     2709 01-Nov-91  [06] Read unopened mail
RESTURPH.ZIP     3780 19-May-92� [00] Phun in restaurants
REVENGE!.ZIP     4697 19-May-92� [01] Some more revenge tactics from George
REVENGE.ZIP      3835 13-Dec-89  [05] Revenge on someone
REVENGE1.ZIP     2416 06-Apr-92  [05] The 10 Commandments of revenge (Hayduke)
REVENGE2.ZIP     1718 06-Apr-92  [05] Freaky stuff revenge tactics (Hayduke)
ROBBANKS.ZIP     3712 13-Dec-89  [04] How to rob a bank
SADIST.ZIP       3919 19-May-92� [01] Sadistic Ideas
SCAMS.ZIP        4184 13-Dec-89  [02] Shoplifting (lame)
SCANTRON.ZIP     2757 05-Apr-92  [14] Cheating on scantron tests
SCHOOLEN.ZIP     8829 01-Nov-91  [08] How to shut down your school
SCHOOLFN.ZIP     3457 25-Oct-89  [09] How to fuck your school up
SHOPLIFT.ZIP     3695 13-Dec-89  [05] How to shoplift
SKIPPY.ZIP       3856 19-May-92� [02] How to bother a live call-in show
SLOWDTH.ZIP      2764 06-Sep-89  [04] Slow death
SNOWANAR.ZIP     3477 19-May-92� [01] Anarchy in the Snow
SPRAYPNT.ZIP     3632 19-May-92� [01] Spray Paint Fun
SSD.ZIP         12144 01-Nov-91  [06] Streetwise self-defense
STENCH.ZIP       3998 05-Apr-92  [04] A terrible stench
STINKUMS.ZIP     2847 07-Nov-90  [05] Making stinkums - yuck!
STOPPOW.ZIP     20054 01-Nov-91  [05] Stopping power meters
STREETFI.ZIP     4272 13-Dec-89  [05] Street fighting
STUFF2.ZIP       2175 11-Mar-91  [04] The prospects for sneaking into movies
                                 in the East Bay
SUPERFUN.ZIP     5219 13-Dec-89  [07] Supermarket fun
TACTICS.ZIP      2813 19-May-92� [01] War tactics
TARGFUN.ZIP      5390 13-Dec-89  [04] Have fun in Target stores
TERORIST.ZIP     3775 13-Dec-89  [04] Now you can be a real terrorist
TERROR.ZIP      63835 07-Feb-90  [04] How to terrorize some doods
TERROR1.ZIP     11048 05-Apr-92  [04] The Terrorist's Handbook - Volume 1
TERROR2.ZIP     36150 05-Apr-92  [04] The Terrorist's Handbook - Volume 2
TERROR3.ZIP     17670 05-Apr-92  [03] The Terrorist's Handbook - Volume 3
TERRWINC.ZIP     2691 28-Nov-90  [04] How to terrorize Winchell's
TER_BOOK.ZIP    63888 08-Apr-91  [06] The Terrorist's Handbook
THEVENDE.ZIP     4359 13-Dec-89  [03] The joys of vendetta
TOYOTA.ZIP       4807 04-Dec-90  [08] Stealing Toyotas and what to do with 'em
TRASHING.ZIP     4477 13-Dec-89  [03] Trashing
URBANTRR.ZIP     2764 13-Dec-89  [02] Helpful ideas for urban terror
VANDAL.ZIP       6102 19-May-92� [01] Vandals Handbook
WARRIOR.ZIP      2502 20-Nov-89  [02] Axiom of a Warrior. What it takes
WARVOLI.ZIP      3361 13-Dec-89  [06] Getting even
WARVOLII.ZIP     4900 13-Dec-89  [05] More on getting even
WATERBED.ZIP     2746 19-May-92� [00] Waterbed Fun
WEEKENDA.ZIP     9024 19-May-92� [01] Weekend Anarchy
YOURBAG.ZIP      2220 08-Apr-91  [12] What you should have in an Anarchy Bag
PRANKFIX.ZIP    35117 19-May-92� (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :   154 � Offline :     0 � New :    48 � Total :  1096 (k)

� ��� � # 26 �                      Scams                              � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ADVANCED.ZIP     6062 13-Dec-89  [12] More on credit Card Fraud
AMEX.ZIP         4537 23-Feb-92  [27] How to make your own valid American
                                 Express numbers
ANRKY05.ZIP      2664 08-Apr-91  [06] How to rip off banks
ANRKY07.ZIP      3339 08-Apr-91  [09] Jackpotting - breaking ATM machines
ATM.ZIP          4772 08-Apr-91  [17] ATM fraud made easy
ATMFILE.ZIP      9736 19-May-92� [02] The ATM File
ATMS.ZIP         9077 13-Dec-89  [09] Information on Automatic Teller Machines
BIGMONEY.ZIP     3579 19-Nov-90  [02] Chain letter for BBSers
BLCKJACK.ZIP     6695 13-Dec-89  [05] How to win at blackjack
BRCREDIT.ZIP     4326 19-May-92� [00] Building/Restoring a good credit rating
CARD101.ZIP      3513 19-May-92� [01] NAP/PA text file on Carding.
CARD90.ZIP       4493 19-May-92� [01] Renegade Legion Carding in the '90s
CARDIDEA.ZIP     5308 19-May-92� [03] cDc #129: Credit Card Fraud Ideas
CARDING2.ZIP     2936 19-May-92� [01] The basics of carding
CCNUMBER.ZIP     1870 19-Nov-90  [05] Bank card formats
CDC168.ZIP       4018 19-May-92� [01] Bank Fraud by White Knight
CHANGE.ZIP       2272 05-Apr-92  [14] Cheat those change machines
COINCRIM.ZIP     2216 13-Dec-89  [16] How to rip off coin machines
COPYMONY.ZIP     2900 19-May-92� [03] Copying Money
CRDTCARD.ZIP     8912 13-Dec-89  [04] Credit card fraud
CREDITCA.ZIP     8667 13-Dec-89  [04] Credit card fraud
DISAPEAR.ZIP     2559 25-Oct-89  [04] How to get a new identity and disappear
DISAPP.ZIP      15161 01-Jan-90  [04] How to disappear and start over
DOUBLEMO.ZIP     3133 19-May-92� [03] Double Your Money!
FAKEID.ZIP       2595 05-Apr-92  [12] False identification (Fake ID)
FONMUNY.ZIP      2748 17-Apr-90  [12] Getting money from pay phones
FREEGAME.ZIP     3865 05-Apr-92  [12] Free video games
FREEMUNY.ZIP     2114 07-Mar-90  [14] How to make money for nothing
FREESHOW.ZIP     2542 05-Apr-92  [07] How to make concert tickets
FRYMODEM.ZIP     2641 05-Apr-92  [14] Anti-modem weapon
HACKER09.ZIP     2891 13-Dec-89  [08] Hacking credit card codes
JACKPOT.ZIP      3079 07-Mar-90  [05] Some people broke into an ATM network
LOL-017.ZIP     10089 19-May-92� [00] Legions of Lucifer: Radio Shack ICST
LOSTATM.ZIP      2447 28-Nov-90  [10] What to do with a lost ATM card
METALLIA.ZIP     6750 13-Dec-89  [04] Credit card fraud
MONEY.ZIP        2410 08-Apr-91  [06] Carding made easy
MONLAWN.ZIP      5302 17-Apr-90  [04] Money laundering - how it's done
NARC7U.ZIP       2594 19-May-92� [01] Update to N.A.R.C. #7: Credit Card
NARC9.ZIP        3861 19-May-92� [01] N.A.R.C. #9: How to find credit cards
NFCARDNG.ZIP     3434 19-May-92� [02] No-Fail Carding
NOCREDIT.ZIP     3227 28-Nov-90  [08] How to get credit
NRK74.ZIP        6015 19-May-92� [02] Carding III: Higher Learning
NRK76.ZIP        4444 19-May-92� [02] Credit Carding made easy
PAYBREAK.ZIP     2057 11-Mar-91  [14] Breaking into phone coin boxes
PAYTVDEC.ZIP     2952 06-Apr-92  [06] Pay TV decoder plans
PEPSI.ZIP        2464 11-Mar-91  [21] How to rip off Pepsi machines
PHONMUNY.ZIP     2750 05-Apr-92  [07] How to get money from payphones
POSTAGE.ZIP      2970 07-Mar-90  [04] Free postage
POSTAGES.ZIP     3005 13-Dec-89  [03] Free postage (from TAP)
PPPV12.ZIP       2756 19-May-92� [04] Fast cash, almost legal?
RIPOFF1.ZIP      2392 01-Nov-91  [13] Lots of ripoffs!
ROBBANK.ZIP      3721 19-May-92� [01] How to rob a bank
SAFESTEA.ZIP     4363 19-May-92� [02] Safe money stealing
STEROID.ZIP      2050 25-Dec-89  [09] Text file steroids - beat U/D ratios!
VERSTELL.ZIP     2818 19-May-92� [00] VersaTeller machines
VIDCHEAT.ZIP     7278 11-Mar-91  [17] How to cheat videogame coinboxes
VISAHACK.ZIP     2834 08-Apr-91  [07] Understanding the numbers on VISA cards
VITCARD.ZIP      3200 11-Mar-91  [08] Carding made easy

��� Total files :    58 � Offline :     0 � New :    19 � Total :   238 (k)

� ��� � # 27 �                Locks and Security                       � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
COMBOS.ZIP       3070 13-Dec-89  [17] Figure out combination locks
LCKPIK.ZIP       3073 08-Apr-91  [08] Lock Picking by Black Cobra
LOCKIMPR.ZIP     1886 13-Dec-89  [05] How to impression a key lock
LOCKPICK.ZIP     7216 13-Dec-89  [10] Guide to picking locks
LOCKPIK.ZIP      3065 13-Dec-89  [10] More on picking locks
LOCKPIK2.ZIP     3077 28-Nov-90  [07] Guide to picking locks
LOCKS1.ZIP       3047 07-Mar-90  [16] Picking locks #1
LOCKS2.ZIP       4025 07-Mar-90  [16] Picking locks #2
LOCKS3.ZIP       2819 07-Mar-90  [14] Picking locks #3
LOKPIK1.ZIP      3817 13-Dec-89  [07] Another lock-picking tutorial
LOKPIK2.ZIP      2152 13-Dec-89  [07] Still more on picking locks
MASTLOCK.ZIP     4708 04-Jan-90  [16] How to get/make master lock keys
MRCLLOK.ZIP      4157 13-Dec-89  [13] Miracle lock picking
NEWLOCKS.ZIP     5820 08-Apr-91  [11] New lock mechanisms

��� Total files :    14 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :    52 (k)

� ��� � # 28 �                 KA-FUCKING-BOOM!                        � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
22KILL.ZIP       3278 06-Sep-89  [10] 22 ways to kill a person
22PISTOL.ZIP     3156 19-Nov-90  [06] Pipe pistol for 22 caliber ammo
ABOMB.ZIP        4178 07-Mar-90  [08] Atomic bomb construction project
ACORNER.ZIP      3069 17-Jul-89  [06] Anarchist's Corner - CO2 Bombs
ALTBOOM.ZIP      1544 19-Nov-90  [06] How to blow up a car
ANARCOOK.ZIP     5016 08-Apr-91  [11] Stuff from the Anarchist's Cookbook
ARMCIT.ZIP      10336 06-Apr-92  [00] NRA 'news' reports of armed citizens
                                 using their firearms
ASTROLIT.ZIP     3846 05-Apr-92  [14] Astrolite - the most powerful
                                 non-nuclear explosive known to man
ATOM.ZIP         4356 13-Dec-89  [07] How to make an atomic bomb
AVOIDCAP.ZIP     2523 13-Dec-89  [08] To the urban warrior... SURVIVE!
BALLOON.ZIP      1485 07-Mar-90  [04] Hindenburg bomb
BIC.ZIP          3315 19-Nov-90  [21] Explosives from Bic lighters
BLASTGEL.ZIP     4066 11-Mar-91  [07] The best blasting gelignite
BLOWDART.ZIP     3821 11-Mar-91  [11] How to make blow darts
BOMBERS.ZIP     21961 08-Apr-91  [07] Demolitions - making explosives
BOMBS-1.ZIP     25450 11-Mar-91  [22] Lots and lots of GOOD bomb recipes
BOMBS-2.ZIP     21911 11-Mar-91  [14] More GOOD bomb recipes
BOMBS1.ZIP       4964 13-Dec-89  [08] More bombs to make and enjoy
BOMBS2.ZIP       1668 19-Oct-88  [13] Making cherry bombs
BULLSEYE.ZIP     2220 19-Nov-90  [05] Making Bullseye high-low explosive
CALCIUM.ZIP      1620 07-Mar-90  [02] Calcium carbide bomb
CARBOOM.ZIP      1692 13-Dec-89  [03] Simple way to make a car go BOOM!
CASTEXPL.ZIP     2352 13-Dec-89  [11] Plastic Explosives
CHEMICAL.ZIP     3112 13-Dec-89  [06] Chemical Igniters
CHEMIST1.ZIP     5714 17-Apr-90  [10] Easy to make explosives
CHEMISTY.ZIP     2954 13-Dec-89  [05] Yet another bomb file
CHLORATE.ZIP     5320 07-Nov-90  [02] Chlorate and perchlorate explosives
DEMOLIT1.ZIP    23998 13-Dec-89  [10] Nitrogen Triiodide - unstable explosive
DEMOLIT2.ZIP     9536 13-Dec-89  [09] Interesting bombs
DESTRUCT.ZIP     3622 21-Nov-90  [06] The Destructor bomb - simple explosive
DETONATE.ZIP     3591 25-May-89  [09] Remote control detonators
DRANO.ZIP        2137 21-Nov-90  [07] Draino bomb
DYNAMITE.ZIP     2834 07-Mar-90  [01] Making dynamite
EXHAUST.ZIP      1592 07-Mar-90  [01] How to make a flamethrower out of a car
EXPL.ZIP         2292 13-Dec-89  [03] More on explosives
EXPLOS.ZIP       3529 21-Nov-90  [07] Pyro's guide to explosives
EXPLOSIV.ZIP     5065 03-Jun-89  [07] Stuff from the Anarchist's Cookbook
EXT.ZIP          1590 08-Apr-91  [01] Auto exhaust flame thrower
FIREBALL.ZIP     3803 21-Nov-90  [07] Homemade fireballs
FIREBOMB.ZIP     1507 07-Mar-90  [04] Making firebombs
FIREWORK.ZIP     2963 21-Nov-90  [03] Where to buy fireworks
FLAMETHR.ZIP     5285 21-Nov-90  [03] Homemade flame throwers - all kinds
FLAMTHRW.ZIP     2179 21-Nov-90  [02] Another homemade flame thrower
FLASHBOM.ZIP     2323 28-Nov-90  [05] How to make a flashlight bomb
FLASHPOW.ZIP     3745 28-Nov-90  [09] How to make flash powder
FUSE.ZIP         1473 07-Mar-90  [06] Fuse ignition bomb
FUSES.ZIP        2514 28-Nov-90  [11] How to make fuses
FUSES2.ZIP       2495 11-Mar-91  [10] How to make fuses
GENERALE.ZIP     7394 13-Dec-89  [03] Another explosives file
GENERIC.ZIP      1550 07-Mar-90  [02] Generic bomb
GOODEXPL.ZIP    11475 13-Dec-89  [03] Good explosives file. How to make powder
GRENADE.ZIP      1502 07-Mar-90  [02] Where to buy fireworks
GRENADE2.ZIP     2684 11-Mar-91  [07] Making small grenades
HANABI.ZIP      15617 07-Nov-90  [01] History of Japanese fireworks
HARMLESS.ZIP     2271 07-Mar-90  [10] Harmless bombs (scare people)
HBOMB.ZIP       12171 13-Dec-89  [07] Build your own H-Bomb for home defense
HBOMB2.ZIP       6214 13-Dec-89  [05] More on making H-bombs
IMPROV-H.ZIP     3263 05-Apr-92  [02] Improvised munitions handbook
IMPROVIS.ZIP     6406 13-Dec-89  [08] Improvised munitions handbook
INGRDNTS.ZIP     1809 07-Mar-90  [08] Household versions of chemicals
INJURY.ZIP       7936 19-May-92� [00] Injuries sustained in a nuclear blast
IODINECR.ZIP     2040 13-Dec-89  [04] Iodine crystals - unstable explosive
JUG.ZIP          1414 07-Mar-90  [01] Jug bomb
KEEPARMS.ZIP     8612 06-Apr-92  [01] J. Neil Schulmans address to the Los
                                 Angeles Police Commission for the right to
                                 carry concealed weapons
KIMPPL1.ZIP      3412 05-Apr-92  [12] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #1
KIMPPL2.ZIP      4284 05-Apr-92  [10] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #2
KIMPPL3.ZIP      2570 05-Apr-92  [09] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #3
KIMPPL4.ZIP      2799 05-Apr-92  [12] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #4
KIPE1.ZIP        3446 28-Nov-90  [11] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #1
KIPE2.ZIP        4343 28-Nov-90  [10] Kitchen improvised plastic explosives #2
LETBOMB.ZIP      2828 13-Dec-89  [03] Letter bombs
LOWGRADE.ZIP     6665 05-Apr-92  [06] Low grade explosives
M80-100.ZIP      5639 03-Feb-90  [12] Make M-80's, M-100's, flash powder
MATCHEAD.ZIP     1507 07-Mar-90  [02] Match head bombs
MISCELLA.ZIP     2518 13-Dec-89  [03] Miscellaneous pyro stuff
MOREPLAS.ZIP     5295 13-Dec-89  [05] Plastic explosives
NAPALM.ZIP       1746 07-Mar-90  [03] Making napalm
NAPALM2.ZIP      1346 07-Nov-90  [05] Easy-to-make napalm from ping pong balls
NAPALMDA.ZIP     2314 28-Nov-90  [04] Napalm bombs - don't try this at home
NITRO.ZIP        3006 13-Dec-89  [05] How to make nitroglycerin
NITRO1.ZIP       4977 07-Mar-90  [04] How to make nitroglycerin #1
NITRO2.ZIP       2809 07-Mar-90  [04] How to make nitroglycerin #2
PARAMILI.ZIP     2742 12-Dec-89  [03] Paramilitary Homemaker
PEROXCID.ZIP     2681 28-Nov-90  [03] Acetone peroxide explosive
PEROXIDE.ZIP     2682 08-Apr-91  [04] Acetone peroxide explosive
PILLBOMB.ZIP    14436 11-Mar-91  [08] How to make pill bottle bombs and other
                                 explosive devices
PIPEBOMB.ZIP     2571 13-Dec-89  [08] How to make a pipe bomb
PLASTIC.ZIP      3896 04-Jan-90  [05] More on plastic explosives
PLASTIC2.ZIP     3898 07-Nov-90  [05] Another plastic explosives file
PLASTICE.ZIP     2054 13-Dec-89  [06] Making plastic explosives
PLASTIQE.ZIP     3455 07-Nov-90  [05] Yet another plastic explosives file
PRESSURE.ZIP     4955 28-Jan-92  [05] Pressure devices - bombs that are
                                 activated by gas pressure
PYRO.ZIP         5246 01-Nov-91  [10] Pyromania
PYRO01.ZIP       2601 13-Dec-89  [06] Pyrotechnics and explosives
PYRO02.ZIP       3040 13-Dec-89  [06] Pyrotechnics and explosives
PYRO03.ZIP       2044 13-Dec-89  [06] Pyrotechnics and explosives
PYRO04.ZIP       3444 13-Dec-89  [07] Pyrotechnics and explosives
PYRO1.ZIP        9935 28-Nov-90  [13] Preparation of contact explosives
PYRO2.ZIP       11152 28-Nov-90  [13] Touch paper, percussion explosives, more
PYRO3.ZIP       10882 28-Nov-90  [11] Stars, flares, and color mixtures
PYRO4.ZIP       25416 01-Nov-91  [10] Pyrotechnics and Explosives - Part 4
PYRO5.ZIP       19160 01-Nov-91  [10] Pyrotechnics and Explosives - Part 5
PYROFUN.ZIP      2603 01-Nov-91  [08] Be like me! Set fire to your hair
PYROFUN2.ZIP     3044 01-Nov-91  [07] Now set fire to your friend's hair
PYROTK1.ZIP      3446 01-Nov-91  [07] Pyro's guide to explosives #1
PYROTK2.ZIP      2046 01-Nov-91  [07] Pyro's guide to explosives #2
QUICKIE.ZIP      1893 01-Nov-91  [04] Quickie Bomb
RKT_FUEL.ZIP     1862 07-Nov-90  [03] Liquid rocket fuels
SHITBOMB.ZIP     2355 13-Dec-89  [03] Feces bomb
SKREEN.ZIP       4270 01-Nov-91  [05] How to make smokescreens
SLAMFIRE.ZIP     3062 01-Nov-91  [02] Info on M1/M14 rifle slam fires
SMOKE.ZIP        1436 07-Mar-90  [12] Making smoke bombs
SMOKE1.ZIP       2278 01-Nov-91  [10] Smoke bombs I
SMOKEPOT.ZIP     2207 07-Nov-90  [10] Smoke bombs made simple
SMOKESCR.ZIP     3385 03-Dec-90  [09] Colored smoke screens
SMOKSCRN.ZIP     2166 03-Jun-89  [05] Make different colored smokescreens
SODABOMB.ZIP     1868 13-Dec-89  [04] Homemade soda bombs
SODACANB.ZIP     1925 13-Dec-89  [02] Soda bottle pressure bomb
SOLIDOX.ZIP      2152 03-Dec-90  [02] Easy to make solidox exxplosive
STINKBMB.ZIP     2286 25-Oct-89  [06] How to make stink bombs
STINKUMP.ZIP     2905 13-Dec-89  [06] Stinkum bombs - phew!
SUGARROC.ZIP     3244 03-Dec-90  [08] How to make sugar rockets
SUPERBOT.ZIP     1817 03-Dec-90  [04] Super bottle rockets
SUPPLIES.ZIP     3290 01-Nov-91  [07] A list of some places were you can buy
TEARGASP.ZIP     3451 13-Dec-89  [08] Tear Gas from Kurt Saxon
TENISBMB.ZIP     1599 03-Jun-89  [04] Tennis ball bomb. Risky
TENNISBA.ZIP     3093 13-Dec-89  [05] Tennis ball cannon
TERORIST.ZIP     3775 13-Dec-89  [05] Now you can be a real terrorist
TEXASINS.ZIP     3261 13-Dec-89  [05] Nitric acid
THEPYROB.ZIP     5252 07-Mar-90  [03] The Pyro Book #3
THERMITE.ZIP     2410 13-Dec-89  [03] Making thermite
THEULTIM.ZIP     3284 13-Dec-89  [05] The ultimate smoke bomb
THEWORKS.ZIP     3083 17-Apr-90  [02] Modifying fireworks
TIMEBMB3.ZIP     2852 05-Dec-89  [02] Using timers with pipe bombs
TIMEPRIM.ZIP     2344 03-Jun-89  [06] Timers and primers for explosives
TIMERS.ZIP       2699 25-May-89  [06] Electrical bomb timers
TNT.ZIP          2695 13-Dec-89  [03] How to make TNT
TNTTRRPH.ZIP     2043 13-Dec-89  [02] Making Dynamite
UNSTABLE.ZIP     1392 07-Mar-90  [02] Unstable explosives
WHERETOB.ZIP     2805 13-Dec-89  [03] Where to buy fireworks
CHERRY.ZIP       2063 19-Jul-91  [01] Where to buy fireworks

��� Total files :   141 � Offline :     0 � New :     1 � Total :   621 (k)

� ��� � # 29 �                       Guns                              � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
2NDAMEND.ZIP     6673 11-Mar-91  [00] Analysis of the 2nd Ammendment by the
ASS_REG.ZIP      4142 04-Jan-90  [00] How to register your "assault" rifle
BALLISTC.ZIP     6013 19-May-92� [00] Some reports on world weapons
BLOWGUN.ZIP      2095 07-Mar-90  [12] How to make a blowgun
DRYICE.ZIP       5964 04-Feb-90  [06] Guide to making a dry ice gun
FURYGUN.ZIP      5034 06-Apr-92  [00] Why opponents of gun control need to
                                 change their tactics
GUN.ZIP         22275 06-Apr-92  [01] More arguments pro gun ownership
GUNOWNER.ZIP     3701 11-Mar-91  [00] Libertarian Party on responsible gun
GUNPAMPH.ZIP     9361 06-Apr-92  [01] More on our rights to own and carry guns
GUNPOSIT.ZIP    23391 06-Apr-92  [02] A summary of pro-gun arguments
ISILGUN.ZIP      6124 06-Apr-92  [00] Anti gun registration discussion
LEVER00.ZIP      4133 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER01.ZIP      4055 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER02.ZIP      4728 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER03.ZIP      3545 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER04.ZIP      4218 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER05.ZIP      4768 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER06.ZIP      4268 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER07.ZIP      4339 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER08.ZIP      3979 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER09.ZIP      3974 06-Apr-92  [02] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER10.ZIP      4854 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER11.ZIP      4787 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER12.ZIP      4542 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER13.ZIP      4981 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER14.ZIP      4474 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER15.ZIP      4288 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
LEVER16.ZIP      4880 06-Apr-92  [01] More anti gun control by Neil Smith
RESOURCE.ZIP     2785 06-Apr-92  [00] References and resources for 2nd
                                 amendment gun control info
RUGERMK2.ZIP    12244 01-Nov-91  [03] Gun info on Ruger MkII auto pistol
STINGGUN.ZIP     2649 01-Nov-91  [09] How to make a gun to sting people
STUNGUN.ZIP      2647 01-Nov-91  [15] Make a stun gun
UNABRIDG.ZIP     5642 06-Apr-92  [00] The second amendment unabridged

��� Total files :    33 � Offline :     0 � New :     1 � Total :   194 (k)

� ��� � # 30 �               Psychedelia & Booze                       � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
2015.ZIP         4003 05-Apr-92  [04] Drugs in the future. An article from
                                 Newsweek, Feb. 26, 2015
ACHOHOL.ZIP      3029 13-Dec-89  [05] How to make booze
ACID.ZIP         5039 19-May-92� [03] Facts and misconceptions about LSD
ACLUDRUG.ZIP     2483 11-Mar-91  [04] ACLU denounces drug testing rulings
AHF11.ZIP       12476 19-May-92� [01] Albert Hoffman Foundation Newsletter V.1
                                 Issue 1
ALCOHOL.ZIP      6147 07-Jul-89  [07] How to distill alcohol
AMPH.ZIP         2918 19-May-92� [02] Amphetamines
ARTAUD.ZIP      15723 07-Mar-90  [05] Artaud teaser - grandaddy of psychadelia
ARTOFHOO.ZIP     2314 19-May-92� [01] Bong and the Art of Hooka
BADTRIP.ZIP     10608 19-May-92� [01] NORML's Bad Trip
BARBITUA.ZIP     3214 13-Dec-89  [03] All about barbituates
BARBS.ZIP        3605 19-May-92� [01] Barbituates
BBROS#02.ZIP    17743 19-May-92� [04] Sex, Ecstasy, and Psychedelic Drugs by
                                 R.E.L. Masters (good file, get it!)
BBROS#09.ZIP     9425 19-May-92� [00] The war over Peyote part 1 of 2
BBROS#10.ZIP     5240 19-May-92� [00] The war over Peyote part 2 of 2
BBROS#11.ZIP     8005 19-May-92� [00] Operation Green Merchant: Marijuana's
                                 Sun Devil!
BEER.ZIP         5348 13-Dec-89  [11] Brew your own beer (parts 1-6)
BEERBLUS.ZIP     2548 04-Jan-90  [03] The Beer Blues by Sir Death
BEERGAM2.ZIP     4045 11-Mar-91  [04] Beer drinking games
BEERGAME.ZIP     4011 19-May-92� [00] Beer Games
BEERPIZA.ZIP     2315 19-May-92� [00] Beer Drinkers Pizza
BESTOFTA.ZIP     4853 13-Dec-89  [06] Smuggling drugs and other contraband
BHANG.ZIP        2640 11-Mar-91  [05] Bhang: A refreshing drink for a hot
                                 summer day
BONUSCUP.ZIP     3010 19-May-92� [00] The Bonus Cup, or how to abuse caffeine.
BREAD.ZIP        2530 19-Nov-90  [05] Making bread from beer grain
BROWNIES.ZIP     3254 13-Dec-89  [06] How to make pot brownies
BUDYEAR.ZIP     10812 04-Jan-90  [03] The Bud Calendar of 1990. Drink!
CANNABIS.ZIP    10025 19-May-92� [01] The benefits of Cannabis
CIA-LSD.ZIP      8620 11-Mar-91  [05] The CIA, LSD, and the 60's rebellion
COCAINE.ZIP      3056 19-May-92� [01] About Cocaine
CRACK.ZIP        1877 19-May-92� [03] Making Crack
CZAR.ZIP         2475 19-May-92� [00] Drug Czar Hypocrite bans medical
DRINKS.ZIP       1606 19-May-92� [01] Some good drinks ..how to make and
DRINKS2.ZIP      1826 19-May-92� [01] More good drinks worth knowing about
DRUGGPA.ZIP      1751 19-May-92� [01] Do Drugs affect your GPA?
DRUGHELP.ZIP     9732 21-Nov-90  [03] Info on drug law, films, and literature
DRUGS1.ZIP       3123 13-Dec-89  [18] How to make various drugs
DRUGTEST.ZIP     7537 13-Dec-89  [10] How to *beat* drug tests
DRUGUSER.ZIP     3311 19-May-92� [00] How to be a drug user
DRUGWEIR.ZIP     4310 07-Feb-90  [05] Drug-induced wierdness
DRUGXMAS.ZIP     1729 19-May-92� [00] A Druggie Christmas
FUCKFAST.ZIP     2143 19-May-92� [00] Getting Fucked Up Fast
GATORADE.ZIP     2386 07-Nov-90  [18] Getting high on Gatorade
GERNBEER.ZIP     2699 07-Mar-90  [04] Two of Lord Gern's beer recipes
GINGBEER.ZIP     2671 28-Nov-90  [04] Kelleye's home made ginger beer
GOVTHRIN.ZIP     4990 07-Nov-90  [05] Government heroin and cocaine conspiracy
GRASS.ZIP        4326 28-Nov-90  [04] Saving trees with marijuana
GROWING.ZIP      3169 11-Mar-91  [08] The marijuana grower's guide
GROWINGG.ZIP     3179 13-Dec-89  [08] How to grow pot
GROWSHRM.ZIP     6424 11-Mar-91  [07] How to grow shrooms in your own home
GROWYOUR.ZIP     6897 19-May-92� [01] Grow Your Own
GROW_IT.ZIP      8973 08-Apr-91  [07] Growing a closet crop
H2OPIPE.ZIP      2984 19-May-92� [02] Making a water pipe from household items
                                 - from messages on this BBS!
HAIR.ZIP         1625 17-Apr-90  [00] Drug testing with hair
HASH.ZIP         2769 28-Nov-90  [06] How to make hash
HASHISH.ZIP      3739 19-May-92� [01] How GOOD hash is made
HASHPIPE.ZIP     2616 19-May-92� [00] The Power-Hash-Toker
HEMP.ZIP         2325 28-Nov-90  [02] Industrial uses for hemp
HERBSMOK.ZIP     3112 19-May-92� [01] Herbal Smoking
HEROIN.ZIP       1629 10-May-89  [04] A Few of my Favorite Drugs (song)
HOOKAH.ZIP       3502 19-May-92� [00] A Look at the Hookah
INDSWEED.ZIP     5887 19-May-92� [00] The Industrial Uses of Marijuana
INSPOT.ZIP       6927 19-May-92� [00] Inside the high-flying pot industry
KISSFROG.ZIP     3591 19-May-92� [01] Kiss a frog and trip
KITLSD.ZIP       2122 13-Dec-89  [03] Forget your problems the fun way
KNOKOUT.ZIP      2883 28-Nov-90  [09] How to make knock out drops
LAFGAS.ZIP       3299 13-Dec-89  [04] Amuse yourself with laughing gas
LEARY.ZIP        4275 28-Nov-90  [03] Timothy Leary on SKIPI
LEARY005.ZIP     4070 19-May-92� [00] An interview with Timothy Leary
LEARY006.ZIP     2089 19-May-92� [00] Some poems by Timothy Leary
LEGAL.ZIP        4137 05-Apr-92  [06] Interesting way to obtain legal drugs
LSD&GOVT.ZIP     8663 19-May-92� [00] LSD and the Government
LSD.ZIP          3799 13-Dec-89  [16] How to make LSD
LSD2.ZIP         2361 24-Oct-89  [13] More on making LSD. Get all the facts
LSD3.ZIP         1396 19-May-92� [01] The LSD Molecule
LSD50.ZIP        4497 19-May-92� [00] LSD: The First 50 Years
LSDINFO.ZIP     28773 05-Apr-92  [09] Some info on LSD
MAKELSD.ZIP      2331 19-May-92� [01] Making LSD
MAKEX.ZIP        2451 19-May-92� [02] Making XTC (MDMA) in the lab
MAKE_XTC.ZIP     2453 07-Nov-90  [16] Making XTC / MDMA
MARIJIUA.ZIP     2710 13-Dec-89  [04] Growing the good weed
MARYJANE.ZIP    10387 07-Mar-90  [07] Growing marijuana
MDA.ZIP          5012 19-May-92� [02] MDA, the "love drug"
MDMA_REP.ZIP    21658 08-Apr-91  [06] MDMA Report from the California Drug
                                 Abuse and Monitoring Project
MED_LSD.ZIP      6743 11-Mar-91  [03] Medical uses for hallucinogens
METHWARN.ZIP     1771 19-May-92� [02] A Warning for Meth chemists
MG.ZIP           7486 19-May-92� [04] Morning Glory Seeds
MOROCCAN.ZIP     6245 19-May-92� [00] The Modern Moroccan
MRECIPES.ZIP     4740 19-May-92� [00] Marijuana Recipes from The Anarchist
MUSHROOM.ZIP    11257 10-Aug-89  [07] The hows and whys of using shrooms
NITROUS.ZIP      4686 25-Oct-89  [05] How to make nitrous oxide
NOKDROPS.ZIP     2883 13-Dec-89  [06] How to make knock-out drops
NORML.ZIP        5976 19-May-92� [00] NORML Info File
NO_DRUG.ZIP      3483 13-Dec-89  [05] Non-chemical altered states. J. Hunter
NRK15.ZIP        3070 19-May-92� [03] Chloral Hydrate knockout drops
NRK50.ZIP        3508 19-May-92� [03] DRUGS in your own home!
NRK65.ZIP        3234 19-May-92� [04] Laughing Gas - how to make it
NUIT01.ZIP      13414 23-Jan-90  [05] Occult supplies catalog
OBLEGAL.ZIP      3089 19-May-92� [01] Legal highs
OC_RAVE.ZIP     11528 05-Apr-92  [02] Orange County Register rave articles
OLETTER.ZIP      3650 28-Nov-90  [02] Letter to Bill Bennett from M. Friedman
PHIL1.ZIP        1868 17-Apr-90  [02] Druggy philosophy
POTMOVES.ZIP     8943 19-May-92� [01] Pot moves inside - on indoor Marijuana
PPPV01.ZIP       3467 19-May-92� [00] Stuff about Stoners
PPPV11.ZIP       4114 19-May-92� [02] Things cool stoners know and so should
PPPV18.ZIP       5949 19-May-92� [00] Rasta Man
PPPV19.ZIP       3582 19-May-92� [00] Bum Trip
PSILOCYB.ZIP     6389 19-May-92� [01] Cultivating Psilocybe Cubensis -
RADHOAX.ZIP      2916 01-Nov-91  [02] KROQ DJ's fake death on the air
RECIP1.ZIP       2200 27-Dec-89  [08] Weed & Drug "how-to" info and recipes #1
RECIP2.ZIP       2898 27-Dec-89  [07] Weed & Drug "how to" info and recipes #2
RELEGALD.ZIP     3567 11-Mar-91  [03] Libertarian Party on the re-legalization
                                 of drugs
RMADNESS.ZIP     3405 19-May-92� [00] Reefer Madness - By Abbie Hoffman
RON_PAUL.ZIP    14498 01-Nov-91  [02] Ron Paul essay on legalizing drugs
SANPEDR2.ZIP     4204 19-May-92� [01] Trichoserus Pachanoi: Fruit of the Gods
                                 (San Pedro mescaline cacti)
SANPEDRO.ZIP     4204 17-Apr-90  [04] Mescaline from the San Pedro cactus
SCREENS.ZIP      1827 19-May-92� [01] Make yer own SKWEENZ!
SHOOTERS.ZIP     4882 19-May-92� [00] Some shooter recipes for home bartenders
SHRMGROW.ZIP     6252 28-Jan-92  [08] How to grow shrooms
SHROOM01.ZIP     6825 09-Aug-89  [03] The adventures of the Shroom Tracker #1
SHROOM02.ZIP     8177 23-Dec-89  [03] Adventures in the Land of Else #2
SHROOM03.ZIP     6890 06-Jan-90  [02] Yet another trip to the Land of Else #3
SHROOM11.ZIP     5685 03-Dec-90  [02] Harry the Milkman & the Fossil Pigs
SHROOMS.ZIP      6244 01-Nov-91  [06] How to grow shrooms
SHROOM_B.ZIP     1789 19-May-92� [01] Psilocybin Beer!
SMOKING.ZIP      4511 19-May-92� [01] The Art of Smoking Pot
SPEED.ZIP        4250 20-Feb-90  [09] Home production of methamphetamine
STARTRK.ZIP      2670 12-Sep-89  [06] Star Trek drinking game
STILL.ZIP        3405 03-Dec-90  [02] Homemade alcohol still
STNRHYMN.ZIP     5425 19-May-92� [00] Stoners Hymnal
STONERS.ZIP      8953 03-Dec-90  [07] The stoner's guide to the happy high
TABNOMOR.ZIP     4516 19-May-92� [00] Taboo No More - Drug legalisation
TEST_LAW.ZIP     2654 11-Mar-91  [03] Court rules out random drug tests by
                                 private employers
THAI2.ZIP        2309 19-May-92� [00] Thai for Two: a poem
THCSYNTH.ZIP     1888 19-May-92� [02] A few words about synthetic THC
THROPART.ZIP     2990 19-May-92� [00] Throwing a REAL party
TIMESV6.ZIP      2523 04-Dec-90  [01] Interstellar Times #6 - Smoking pot
TOADLICK.ZIP     3344 04-Dec-90  [02] Getting high from licking toads
TOKESTON.ZIP     2038 19-May-92� [01] How to make a Toke Stone
TTAGAME.ZIP      3854 05-Apr-92  [04] Tiny Toon adventures drinking game
TWIST.ZIP        5351 06-Sep-89  [06] Twisted reality
WATERMEL.ZIP     2282 19-May-92� [01] Grain Alcohol Watermelon
WATRPIPE.ZIP     3150 19-May-92� [00] Building a great Water Pipe!
WEEDWINE.ZIP     1795 19-May-92� [00] Marijuana Wine!
WEIRD.ZIP        2156 07-Mar-90  [06] Weird drugs

��� Total files :   145 � Offline :     0 � New :    70 � Total :   695 (k)

� ��� � # 31 �                     Vidiots                             � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
CABLE-TV.ZIP     2044 05-Apr-92  [01] Listing of national cable services
                                 delivered via satellite
CABLEDES.ZIP     2204 13-Dec-89  [13] Cable TV Descrambling
CABLSYNC.ZIP     3060 13-Dec-89  [08] Unscramble cable signals
CAPTAINM.ZIP     3713 13-Dec-89  [01] Captain Midnight's raid on HBO
HACKCABL.ZIP     2342 28-Nov-90  [09] Hacker's guide to cable TV
HBO.ZIP          2999 07-Nov-90  [05] HBO descrambler plans
HBO2.ZIP         2206 28-Nov-90  [05] More on pirating HBO
HBOFREE.ZIP      2215 11-Mar-91  [07] More on getting pay TV for free
HOW2DOTV.ZIP     3106 19-May-92� [01] How to "do" TV
KANALX.ZIP       9216 19-May-92� [00] Pirate TV in eastern Europe
MID.ZIP          7605 13-Dec-89  [01] Captain Midnight raids HBO
PAYTVSCR.ZIP     3225 11-Mar-91  [07] Cable TV scrambling techniques
PREMCHNL.ZIP     2208 11-Mar-91  [06] How to get premium cable channels
REMOTESU.ZIP     4294 13-Dec-89  [00] Closed circuit TV
RENTV.ZIP        4246 06-Sep-89  [01] Remote TV operations
TVJAM.ZIP        3856 13-Dec-89  [01] Neato easy TV jammer
TVPIRATE.ZIP     7377 13-Dec-89  [02] How WGN-TV was overpowered

��� Total files :    17 � Offline :     0 � New :     2 � Total :    63 (k)

� ��� � # 32 �                   Green Planet                          � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ACIDRAIN.ZIP     3645 13-Dec-89  [00] Acid Rain kills more people than AIDS
CHRON.ZIP        3554 07-Mar-90  [00] Antartica as a world park
DOEBILLS.ZIP    12417 07-Mar-90  [00] Status of various DOE bills
EISDOE.ZIP       3768 07-Mar-90  [00] DOE and the environment
ENVIRON.ZIP      3809 19-May-92� [00] What's really happening to Earth?
FRESHAIR.ZIP     4155 13-Dec-89  [00] Fast-growing trees eat CO2
GHOUSE.ZIP       4338 13-Dec-89  [00] Global warming and the greenhouse effect
GPOFC.ZIP        2815 07-Mar-90  [00] GreenPeace regional and national offices
GRASS.ZIP        4326 28-Nov-90  [04] Saving trees with marijuana
GRENPRTY.ZIP     4878 05-Apr-92  [00] Excerpts from the California Green Party
                                 political platform
GROUNDW.ZIP     12244 19-May-92� [00] Groundwater and Contamination
HABITS.ZIP       4405 19-May-92� [01] Changing your habits for a GREENER world
HOUSE89.ZIP      7040 07-Mar-90  [00] 1989 House votes on DOE issues
LAND.ZIP         2324 19-May-92� [00] Who REALLY owns the land?
LANDFILL.ZIP    10156 07-Mar-90  [00] Problems with landfills
LIVEGREE.ZIP     3923 28-Nov-90  [00] How your small effort can help the Earth
NUCLEAR.ZIP      5181 25-Oct-89  [01] How to track nuclear material transport
ORGANIZ.ZIP      8443 08-Apr-91  [00] Names and addresses for several
                                 environmental/ political groups
POPGROW.ZIP      9631 13-Dec-89  [00] Population growth & consequences
PRECIP1.ZIP      3130 19-May-92� [00] Electrostatic Precipitators for
                                 Pollution Control
PROFITS.ZIP      5206 01-Nov-91  [00] Profits of companies endangering the
SOLAR.ZIP        4415 13-Dec-89  [02] Alternative energy information
TOXIC.ZIP      136959 07-Mar-90  [00] HUGE file of info on toxic waste
TOXIC.ZIP      136959 07-Mar-90  [00] HUGE file of info on toxic waste
USA.ZIP          3968 07-Mar-90  [00] Greenpeace Week USA
USFOREST.ZIP     2731 19-May-92� [00] Deforestation hits home
VEGPROT.ZIP      2258 13-Dec-89  [00] Animal vs. Vegetable protein
WIND.ZIP         2673 13-Dec-89  [02] Power from the wind
WOODSMOK.ZIP     3842 25-Jan-90  [00] The effects of wood smoke

��� Total files :    29 � Offline :     0 � New :     6 � Total :   404 (k)

� ��� � # 33 �                Radio Free Amerika                       � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
11M-FREQ.ZIP     2023 28-Jan-92  [01] CB frequency listing
AF-FREQ.ZIP      2388 28-Jan-92  [02] USAF frequency listings
ALL_FREQ.ZIP     1918 11-Mar-91  [02] List of the uses of all frequency bands;
                                 satellite, amateur, etc.
BIZ-UTIL.ZIP     2189 28-Jan-92  [03] Frequencies used by various utility
                                 companies, including telcos and PG&E
CBFRQ.ZIP        2099 17-May-92� [00] Citizens' Band Frequencies
CELLFREQ.ZIP     1704 05-Apr-92  [01] Cellular phone frequencies
CELPHONE.ZIP     9056 05-Apr-92  [01] More cellular phone frequencies
COMMFREQ.ZIP     3076 13-Dec-89  [01] Communications frequencies for airlines
COPCODE.ZIP      5162 11-Mar-91  [02] Radio codes used by Bay Area police
COP_CODE.ZIP     6588 19-Nov-90  [03] Police radio codes
CORD-MOD.ZIP     3499 17-May-92� [00] Cordless phone modifications
CTHULHU.ZIP      3437 19-May-92� [00] Interesting little file about what the
                                 BS&P (Broadcast Standards and Practices)
DET_FREQ.ZIP     7002 11-Mar-91  [00] Scanner frequency list for the Detroit
DISNSCAN.ZIP     2047 19-May-92� [00] Disneyworld scanner frequencies
FM-10.ZIP        7771 05-Apr-92  [08] Building an FM transmitter
FMDXTARG.ZIP     2822 28-Jan-92  [03] Sparky's FM DX E-layer skip target list
FREQ.ZIP        40546 19-May-92� [00] LOTS of scanner frequencies, Victoria BC
GOVERNME.ZIP     2651 13-Dec-89  [00] Police and military radio frequencies
HAM-RAIL.ZIP     2446 28-Jan-92  [01] HAM / RAIL frequencies
HAMPKT16.ZIP    34956 11-Mar-91  [01] Fidonet HAM/PACKET Digest, Vol 1, No 6
HF-FREQ1.ZIP     2159 28-Jan-92  [02] Sparky's high frequency list
LUNCH.ZIP        3011 13-Dec-89  [04] AM transmitter plans
LUNCHBOX.ZIP     3383 17-May-92� [02] Small AM transmitter for bugging
MICHFREQ.ZIP     6373 11-Mar-91  [00] Government radio frequencies in Michigan
NEWSFREQ.ZIP     1719 28-Jan-92  [01] HAM / RAIL frequencies
PACKET.ZIP       2538 17-May-92� [00] Packet Radio
PRO2005A.ZIP     9891 01-Nov-91  [02] Norcal scanner frequencies by county
RADAR.ZIP        2422 03-Dec-90  [03] Jamming radar detectors
RADARJAM.ZIP     2465 13-Dec-89  [02] Radar jamming
SATELITE.ZIP     2064 13-Dec-89  [02] List of common satellite frequencies
SCANMODS.ZIP    25265 01-Nov-91  [04] Modifying your scanner
SECRETFR.ZIP     9969 11-Mar-91  [05] Secret radio frequencies
SHORTWAV.ZIP     1884 01-Nov-91  [02] Short wave frequencies
SHRTWAV1.ZIP     1848 19-May-92� [00] Frequencies for Shortwave Listening
SNOW.ZIP         3443 13-Dec-89  [02] Broadcast clandestine TV signals
SONOMA.ZIP      80757 07-Feb-90  [00] Scanner frequencies in Sonoma County
SPYRADIO.ZIP     8349 01-Nov-91  [03] Spy radio
SWL.ZIP          6143 01-Nov-91  [02] 1991 Shortwave Frequency Guide
SWRHACK.ZIP      2913 17-May-92� [00] Short Wave Radio Hacking
THEGREAT.ZIP     4531 13-Dec-89  [01] The Great Satellite Caper - news article
TVJAM.ZIP        3856 13-Dec-89  [05] Neato easy TV jammer
TVPIRATE.ZIP     7377 13-Dec-89  [03] How WGN-TV was overpowered
WSIMAGE.ZIP      7042 04-Dec-90  [04] Get APT pictures from NOAA satellites

��� Total files :    43 � Offline :     0 � New :     9 � Total :   334 (k)

� ��� � # 34 �                    Computers                            � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
101BIZ.ZIP       3025 19-Nov-90  [03] 101 best businesses to start w/ computer
144ON720.ZIP     3540 11-Mar-91  [02] Making a 1.44meg write on 720K disks
500MM.ZIP        4165 11-Mar-91  [02] Disk storage reaches molecular level. 1
                                 TERABYTE per square centimeter
8BITCOMP.ZIP    11159 06-Apr-92  [01] Designing and building an 8-bit
                                 computer: a personal story
A3000.ZIP        3397 19-Nov-90  [01] Amiga 3000 product info
AMAG1-3.ZIP     59020 07-Feb-90  [00] Assembly Magazine - Issues 1-3 Great!
AMI-INIT.ZIP     2619 08-Apr-91  [03] Amiga boot sequence info
AMY01.ZIP       25513 06-Apr-92  [00] AMY Magazine - Amiga Flight Simulators,
                                 Wordperfect news, Microsoft Mac wares
ANSICODE.ZIP     1678 11-Mar-91  [01] ANSI code command reference list
APPLEPRO.ZIP     3623 13-Dec-89  [01] Apple ][ Tricks
ASCICODE.ZIP     2061 11-Mar-91  [00] List of all of those funky ASCII codes
ASCII.ZIP        3637 19-Nov-90  [00] Proper names for ASCII characters
BUILDIT.ZIP     25339 05-Apr-92  [01] How to build your own computer for less
                                 (a little old, perfect for putting together
                                 an XT to low 386)
CHIP.ZIP         3428 05-Apr-92  [01] Info on new Amiga chips (not 2.0 or
CLUSTER.ZIP      3217 13-Dec-89  [01] Using 2K clusters on 10MB hard disks
CNEWS016.ZIP    68342 07-Feb-90  [00] C Programming Newsletter
CNEWS017.ZIP    20287 07-Feb-90  [00] C Programming Newsletter
DEEPTHT.ZIP      3666 21-Jan-90  [02] Report on Deep Thought - chess computer
DOS32FU.ZIP      3119 21-Nov-90  [00] Bugs in DOS 3.2
DRIVETYP.ZIP     3605 23-Feb-92  [00] Choosing a hard drive type for your
DVX.ZIP          8607 05-Apr-92  [00] Information on Quarterdeck's DESQview/X,
                                 putting X-Windows on DOS
EXT-RAM.ZIP      6389 21-Nov-90  [00] Extended and expanded memory explained
FDP1.ZIP         6536 19-May-92� [00] Freedom of Data Processing 1 of 2
FDP2.ZIP         6975 19-May-92� [00] Freedom of Data Processing 2 of 2
GIFSTD.ZIP      11472 23-Feb-92  [04] Understanding the GIF standard
IBM-ERRS.ZIP     3322 11-Mar-91  [01] Diagnostic error codes for the IBM PC,
                                 XT, and AT
IBM-MIDI.ZIP     6197 11-Mar-91  [01] IBM MIDI interface guide
INTERR01.ZIP    54976 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC interrupt list - Part 1
INTERR02.ZIP    64584 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC interrupt list - Part 2
INTERR03.ZIP    96907 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC interrupt list - Part 3
INTERR04.ZIP    92260 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC interrupt list - Part 4
INTERR05.ZIP    70629 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC interrupt list - Part 5
INTERR06.ZIP     3195 23-Feb-92  [00] IBM PC Interrupt Primer
INTERRUP.ZIP   101122 07-Feb-90  [00] Complete list of IBM PC interrupts
INTLEAVE.ZIP    10758 23-Feb-92  [00] The guide to hard disk sector
MACBIN2.ZIP      4189 07-Nov-90  [00] MacBinary II standards & specifications
MIDI.ZIP        15797 28-Nov-90  [00] A MIDI primer for computerphiles
MSWORD2.ZIP      2004 05-Apr-92  [01] MS Word's protection scheme
MUSIC.ZIP        5398 28-Nov-90  [01] Tech specs for ANSI music
NEXT.ZIP         9557 13-Dec-89  [02] Misc technical notes on NeXT
NORTONDD.ZIP     3574 23-Feb-92  [00] Norton's Disk Doctor 4.5 can wipe out
                                 your system
OOPS.ZIP        33515 07-Feb-90  [00] Info about Object Oriented Programming
PASCJOKE.ZIP     7204 19-May-92� [00] Was Pascal just a big joke?
PCJRCODE.ZIP     7332 28-Jan-92  [00] Lots of info for PC Jr. users
PEEKPOKE.ZIP    10578 11-Mar-91  [02] PEEKs and POKEs on IBM PC's. Useful
                                 addresses for non-BASIC programmers too
PINOUT.ZIP       1406 11-Mar-91  [01] LapLink or LANtastic parallel cable
QEMM.ZIP         9107 01-Nov-91  [01] QEMM expanded memory
RAP17.ZIP        3923 01-Nov-91  [02] How to use some aspects of MIDI well
RBASENEW.ZIP     2861 05-Apr-92  [00] For users that have R:Base 4000 ver 1.11
RBMUS_PO.ZIP     5349 01-Nov-91  [01] ANSI music for BBS systems
REFRESH.ZIP      2259 03-Dec-90  [00] Altering RAM refresh rate for more speed
SCRNPEAC.ZIP     8229 01-Nov-91  [01] Screen Peace screen-saver docs
SCSIHIST.ZIP     3517 05-Apr-92  [01] SCSI history
SHARE.ZIP        4234 11-Mar-91  [00] Understanding the DOS 4.01 SHARE command
                                 and why it's always loaded
SQL.ZIP          4860 01-Nov-91  [01] SQL notes from a college professor
SYNCHRON.ZIP     4935 01-Nov-91  [01] MIDI time code and SMPTE introduction
TECHREF.ZIP    157069 04-Dec-90  [01] HUGE file of DOS tech info from IBM
UNZIPSRC.ZIP    21223 04-Dec-90  [00] Unzip source code and documentation
USEANSI.ZIP      6605 05-Apr-92  [00] Useful information concerning ANSI.SYS
VCRBAKUP.ZIP     4106 05-Apr-92  [00] How to backup your hard drive with a VCR
VGAPIN.ZIP       2467 08-Apr-91  [00] VGA pinouts
WRITPROG.ZIP     6364 23-Feb-92  [02] How to write computer programs

��� Total files :    62 � Offline :     0 � New :     3 � Total :  1118 (k)

� ��� � # 35 �          Telecommunications Programming                 � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ATHELP2.ZIP      3038 23-Feb-92  [00] The Hayes AT command set
CHRISTEN.ZIP     3278 13-Dec-89  [01] Christensen's Protocol - old apple AE
GTTUTOR0.ZIP    10414 23-Feb-92  [02] Telecomm programming tutor #0
GTTUTOR1.ZIP    12352 23-Feb-92  [01] Telecomm programming tutor #1
GTTUTOR2.ZIP    11517 23-Feb-92  [01] Telecomm programming tutor #2
GTTUTOR3.ZIP     5721 23-Feb-92  [01] Telecomm programming tutor #3
HAYESULT.ZIP     5220 07-Mar-90  [02] Hayes Ultra Modem - 38400 baud
HST.ZIP          3150 11-Mar-91  [01] Explanation of different types of 9600
                                 baud modems
MODM_INF.ZIP     4762 23-Feb-92  [02] Understanding high-speed modem tones
RS232.ZIP        9182 03-Dec-90  [01] Practical guide to RS-232 interfacing
SM1200.ZIP       2380 01-Nov-91  [00] Hayes 1200 command set
SM2400.ZIP       2989 01-Nov-91  [00] Hayes 2400 command set
TCP-IP.ZIP      34166 01-Nov-91  [00] Overview of the TCP/IP protocols (INet)
TELIX312.ZIP     1526 01-Nov-91  [02] How to register Telix v312
ULTRA.ZIP        5340 25-Jan-90  [01] Hayes' new Ultra Modem - 38400 baud
USRDEAL.ZIP      4480 08-Apr-91  [04] Getting USR modems really cheap
V1.ZIP           3581 05-Apr-92  [00] New z-modem protocol docs for Hermes BBS
WWIV_SLT.ZIP     2318 08-Apr-91  [00] WWIV SALT script file
WXMODEM.ZIP     20522 04-Dec-90  [01] How XModem, XModem CRC, and WXModem work
X-MODEM.ZIP     15358 13-Dec-89  [02] X- and Y-Modem reference handbooks
YMODEM.ZIP      15737 15-Oct-85  [02] Info on YModem and XModem protocols

��� Total files :    21 � Offline :     0 � New :     0 � Total :   170 (k)

� ��� � # 36 �                Virus Information                        � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
12TRICKS.ZIP     6840 17-May-92� [01] The "12 Tricks" Trojan
AIDSOUT.ZIP     38228 17-Dec-89  [00] AIDS Trojan Remover
ALLVIRUS.ZIP    12268 08-Apr-91  [01] PC virus listing from Jim Goodwin
ANSIBOM2.ZIP     7142 17-May-92� [06] Creating ANSI bombs
ARPAVRUS.ZIP    13910 13-Dec-89  [02] ARPANET virus scrolls (The UNIX Virus)
CKOT11.ZIP      50914 23-Dec-89  [00] CHECKOUT archive checker, uses VIRUSCAN
                                 to check archives (ARC, LZH, PAK, ZOO, ZIP,
                                 etc.) for computer viruses.
CLEAN86B.ZIP   124761 03-Feb-92  [11] Clean-Up version 86-B. Disinfects all
                                 common viruses (file, boot sector, partition
                                 table infectors)
CPI#1.ZIP       10003 23-Feb-92  [05] Computer viruses - a protagonist's point
                                 of view #1
CPI#2.ZIP       22813 23-Feb-92  [04] Computer viruses - a protagonist's point
                                 of view #2
CPIVIRUS.ZIP    55454 07-Feb-90  [06] Tons and tons of data on viruses!
CYBORG.ZIP       2926 26-Dec-89  [05] Info on the PC Cyborg virus
FIND1701.ZIP    20600 13-Dec-89  [01] Info on the "1701" virus
IBMPAPER.ZIP    27469 23-Feb-92  [00] Coping with computer viruses and related
JB_VIRUS.ZIP    29905 11-Mar-91  [08] The Jerusalem B Virus
M-DISK.ZIP      15197 31-Mar-90  [01] Hard Disk Boot Sector Virus Remover
MICHELAN.ZIP     3398 23-Feb-92  [02] Warning about the Michaelangelo virus
NETSC86B.ZIP   100260 03-Feb-92  [00] NETSCAN Network Version 86-B. VIRUSCAN
                                 for DOS-based LAN file servers, such as
                                 Novell, Banyan, 3Com, and IBM deriviatives.
SCAN86-B.ZIP   112300 29-Jan-92  [10] VIRUSCAN Version 86-B. Scans for known
                                 and unknown computer viruses.
SENTRY02.ZIP    24314 14-Apr-90  [02] Put in AUTOEXEC, tells if executable
                                 files or the boot sector have been changed.
                                 Will detect new (unknown) viruses.
SHEZ65.ZIP     186393 10-Jan-92  [00] Version 6.5 of Jim Derr's SHEZ program.
                                 Uses SCAN and PKZIP to check inside archives.
SUEUSER.ZIP      3113 01-Nov-91  [00] BBS sysop sues user over virus
TROJARLT.ZIP     4580 05-Apr-92  [00] Alert on a trojan
TROJHORS.ZIP     6516 13-Dec-89  [03] Unix trojan horse
UNIXTROJ.ZIP     2894 13-Dec-89  [02] Revised trojan horse (Shooting Shark)
VALIDATE.CRC    26420 10-Feb-92  [01] VALIDATE values for McAfee Associates
                                 and other ShareWare programs.
VIRPRES.ZIP    221702 01-Nov-91  [00] Virus Presentation (VGA)
VIRUS.ZIP        2606 17-May-92� [03] A sociological paper on viruses
VIRUSBIL.ZIP     1672 05-Apr-92  [03] Text of the "Computer Virus Eradication
                                 Act of 1988"
VIRUSD.ZIP      27390 05-Apr-92  [01] A memo on viruses direct from IBM HQ
VIRUSDIG.ZIP     8948 17-May-92� [00] Virus-L Digest V.4 #37
VIRUSRC.ZIP      6459 05-Apr-92  [02] Where do viruses come from?
VIRUSSUM.ZIP   146217 05-Apr-92  [01] A list of all active virii
VIRUS_MY.ZIP     9318 04-Dec-90  [01] Computer virus myths
VSHLD86B.ZIP    96528 29-Jan-92  [00] VSHIELD Infection Blocker. Version 86-B.
                                 Monitors program loads on ALL drives,
                                 prevents known viruses from becoming residen
VSUMX201.ZIP   490289 22-Jan-92  [00] Virus Summary Listing January 1992.
                                 Listing and detailed description of all known
                                 viruses. Now with virus product Certific
WORM.ZIP         2251 17-May-92� [05] Source code for a Worm
WSCAN86B.ZIP   157162 29-Jan-92  [00] SCAN for Windows Version 86-B.

��� Total files :    37 � Offline :     0 � New :     5 � Total :  2032 (k)

� ��� � # 37 �                    Phone Phun                           � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
10XXX.ZIP        4483 11-Mar-91  [07] A fairly complete list of 10xxx codes
                                 for LD companies
800NPA.ZIP       9114 05-Apr-92  [07] 800 numbers and NPA codes
950'S.ZIP        2742 19-Nov-90  [05] 950 extenders
950LIST2.ZIP     3027 08-Apr-91  [07] The revised 950 extender list for the
                                 East Bay
ABOUTCEN.ZIP     6346 13-Dec-89  [03] Centrex Renaissance
ACCESSNU.ZIP     2014 13-Dec-89  [05] Centrex Dialups
ACKING.ZIP       2339 19-Nov-90  [09] Numbers for universities & corporations
AGREATEX.ZIP     2255 13-Dec-89  [12] 1-800 Extenders
ALLIANCE.ZIP     4753 13-Dec-89  [05] Alliance Teleconferencing
ALOOPLIS.ZIP     2238 13-Dec-89  [06] A list of loop numbers
ALTERNAT.ZIP     5071 13-Dec-89  [04] A guide to alternate LD carriers
AQUA.ZIP         4467 13-Dec-89  [10] Defeat the lock-in trace
AREA.ZIP         4524 17-Apr-90  [08] Area codes, states, and cities
ATTFUN.ZIP       2972 08-Apr-91  [16] How to make it look like you're from
ATTNEWS.ZIP     19998 13-Dec-89  [02] AT&T News - Taxing and such
ATTPB.ZIP        9196 08-Apr-91  [13] Wide variety of numbers to explore, some
                                 garbage, some could be interesting
BASPHRE.ZIP      4490 19-Nov-90  [12] Phreaking basics by Long John Silicone
BEGINNER.ZIP     2487 13-Dec-89  [10] Phreak tutorial for beginners
BEIGE.ZIP        4904 13-Dec-89  [05] Build a lineman's jack
BEIGE2.ZIP       4682 17-May-92� [05] Build a lineman's jack
BIOC3_1.ZIP      7545 05-Apr-92  [03] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 1
BIOC3_2.ZIP     10496 05-Apr-92  [03] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 2
BIOC3_3.ZIP      5547 05-Apr-92  [01] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 3
BIOC3_4.ZIP      8704 05-Apr-92  [02] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 4
BIOC3_5.ZIP      8959 05-Apr-92  [02] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 5
BIOC3_6.ZIP      6672 05-Apr-92  [02] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 6
BIOC3_7.ZIP     10161 05-Apr-92  [04] BIOC Agent 003's course in basic
                                 telecommunications - Part 7
BIOCFILE.ZIP    25570 13-Dec-89  [04] BIOC #3's guide to phreaking
BLAST.ZIP        2371 13-Dec-89  [05] Blast annoying caller's eardrums
BLOTTO.ZIP       4006 13-Dec-89  [05] Destroy an entire area code
BLUE.ZIP         6324 13-Dec-89  [08] Generate phone tones
BRITPHRE.ZIP     4886 08-Apr-91  [02] The history of British phreaking
BROWN.ZIP        2495 13-Dec-89  [04] Create a party line
BROWN2.ZIP       2293 17-May-92� [04] Create a party line
BSBELL2.ZIP      5900 04-Jan-90  [05] More on BSing Ma Bell for info
BUD.ZIP          1967 13-Dec-89  [06] Tap the neighbor's phone line
BUGDETEC.ZIP     2716 13-Dec-89  [06] Detect bugs on household phones
BUGS.ZIP         2123 13-Dec-89  [07] Information about bugs and taps
BUGSTAPS.ZIP     2151 13-Dec-89  [05] More information on bugs and taps
BUILDING.ZIP     1660 13-Dec-89  [04] Build a three-way phone
CALL-800.ZIP     4853 19-May-92� [04] Caller ID and 800/900 subscribers
CELHAK.ZIP       2683 13-Dec-89  [15] Hacking cellular phones
CELL.ZIP         2641 13-Dec-89  [13] More on hacking cellular phones
CELLFILE.ZIP     3846 28-Jan-92  [14] Cellular phone hacking
CELLULAR.ZIP     3008 13-Dec-89  [14] Still MORE on hacking cellular phones
CENTREX.ZIP      6553 13-Dec-89  [06] Centrex - the main Ma Bell computer
CENTREXP.ZIP     8163 13-Dec-89  [04] Centrex Renaissance (Leslie Albin)
CHEESE.ZIP       1782 13-Dec-89  [05] Make any phone a pay phone
CHEESE2.ZIP      2042 17-May-92� [04] Make any phone a pay phone
CLEAR.ZIP        3561 13-Dec-89  [06] Free calls from fortress phones
CLEAR2.ZIP       2305 17-May-92� [07] Free calls from fortress phones
CNA.ZIP          3166 07-Nov-90  [13] CN/A - Bell Customer's Name and Address
CONFCALL.ZIP     3562 05-Apr-92  [05] Audioconferencing services
CONFEREN.ZIP     1613 13-Dec-89  [08] Teleconference numbers
CORDLESS.ZIP     2050 07-Nov-90  [05] Cordless telephone frequencies
COSMOS.ZIP       8864 21-Nov-90  [07] Hacking COSMOS by someone who HAS
CRIMSON.ZIP      2365 13-Dec-89  [05] Make a busy signal
CWAITTAP.ZIP     2437 07-Nov-90  [07] The call waiting phone tap
DAY-GLO.ZIP      4246 13-Dec-89  [14] Free phone calls
DETECTBU.ZIP     2948 13-Dec-89  [02] Detecting Bugs
DIALBACK.ZIP     5278 21-Nov-90  [05] Dial back isn't always secure
DONTCALL.ZIP     3597 05-Apr-92  [15] The scariest phone number in the world
DUMPSTER.ZIP     2438 21-Nov-90  [03] Get data by being a dumpster diver
FINDFONE.ZIP     2068 13-Dec-89  [20] Where is this phone number located?
FONE.ZIP         3229 28-Nov-90  [05] Basic telephone sabotage
FONEINFO.ZIP     9602 13-Dec-89  [05] A little inside info on the phone system
FREECALS.ZIP     4116 07-Mar-90  [15] How to make free phone calls
GENIE.ZIP        4834 28-Nov-90  [04] Info on GEnie Star*Services
GETBUST.ZIP      3222 05-Apr-92  [02] Getting Busted - an experience and a
                                 warning by Paranoid Punkpig
GREEN.ZIP        3049 13-Dec-89  [06] Generate pay phone tones
GREEN2.ZIP       2875 17-May-92� [06] Generate pay phone tones
HACKDOX.ZIP     17285 05-Apr-92  [03] Assorted hacking documents
HACKGUID.ZIP     3494 05-Apr-92  [09] Hacker's guide to the galaxy - phone
HHG.ZIP         55374 07-Feb-90  [07] Phreak files from Wanderjahr - good!
IBMBASIC.ZIP     2068 13-Dec-89  [05] 1-800 killer for WATS lines
INCOMING.ZIP     3660 13-Dec-89  [06] Incoming trunk service observing
INFINIT2.ZIP     3305 17-May-92� [00] Infinity transmitter info from USENET
INFINITY.ZIP     2115 13-Dec-89  [03] A quickie on the infinity transmitter
INPHREAK.ZIP    37817 08-Apr-91  [09] Good introduction to phreaking
INTERNAT.ZIP     2882 13-Dec-89  [03] International area codes
JACK.ZIP         2964 13-Dec-89  [04] More on phone tone generation
LINEMAN.ZIP      2296 08-Apr-91  [03] Lineman's phone for the lazy phreak
LOSTLOD.ZIP     14073 28-Nov-90  [07] AT&T central office operations (LOD)
MABELL1.ZIP      4572 07-Mar-90  [03] How Ma Bell works. 1 of 3
MABELL2.ZIP      4329 07-Mar-90  [03] How Ma Bell works. 2 of 3
MABELL3.ZIP      3753 07-Mar-90  [03] How Ma Bell works. 3 of 3
MAUVE.ZIP        2638 13-Dec-89  [04] Unorthodox phone transmitter/receiver
MCIOVERV.ZIP     6435 13-Dec-89  [05] MCI Overview
MIP1.ZIP        20459 28-Nov-90  [05] MIP #1 - Payphones, LANs, MERIT, & more
MODEMSET.ZIP     1468 28-Nov-90  [03] Setup strings for various modems
MOTOROLA.ZIP     3476 13-Dec-89  [05] Motorola's trunk system
MYTH2600.ZIP     4134 07-Mar-90  [05] The myth about 2600Hz detectors
NOISE_1.ZIP      4013 17-Apr-90  [03] Modem noise killer design specs
NPAINFO.ZIP      3297 13-Dec-89  [04] How full are the NPAs?
OLIVE.ZIP        2001 13-Dec-89  [03] External phone ringer - control stuff
OPERATRS.ZIP     2642 13-Dec-89  [02] Operators: Who are they? What are they?
OPINIONO.ZIP     3143 13-Dec-89  [04] Data taps
OVERSEAS.ZIP     4418 28-Nov-90  [05] Overseas dialing
PACKETSW.ZIP     5476 13-Dec-89  [03] Ins and outs of packet switching
PADS.ZIP         1557 28-Nov-90  [05] Some PAD numbers (probably *old*)
PAY1.ZIP         2538 28-Nov-90  [15] The ABC's of payphones - Part 1
PAY2.ZIP         2431 28-Nov-90  [15] The ABC's of payphones - Part 2
PAY3.ZIP         2416 28-Nov-90  [14] The ABC's of payphones - Part 3
PAY4.ZIP         2625 28-Nov-90  [13] The ABC's of payphones - Part 4
PBXCONFE.ZIP     3300 12-Dec-89  [07] Essence of teleconferencing
PCPRSUIT.ZIP    17116 13-Dec-89  [13] Free long distance - legally!
PEARL.ZIP        3044 13-Dec-89  [02] Phone tone generator
PHONECIR.ZIP     2990 17-May-92� [00] Eye-No-Phones' Phone Circuits
PHONES.ZIP       4104 13-Dec-89  [10] Interesting phone numbers
PHONESPA.ZIP     3506 13-Dec-89  [09] More interesting phone numbers
PHONPHUK.ZIP     3367 17-May-92� [15] New ways to get free phone calls
PHREAKCO.ZIP     2242 13-Dec-89  [02] Ten Commandments for the phone phreak
PHREAKIN.ZIP    10542 13-Dec-89  [04] General phreak info
PHREAKSR.ZIP     5180 13-Dec-89  [02] Rights to telecomm privacy. READ THIS!
PHREMAN1.ZIP    28678 17-Apr-90  [06] Phreaker's Manual - Chapter 1
PHREMAN2.ZIP    49742 17-Apr-90  [04] Phreaker's Manual - Chapter 2
PHREMAN3.ZIP    32762 17-Apr-90  [04] Phreaker's Manual - Chapter 3
PHRKTUT.ZIP      4623 28-Nov-90  [04] How to be a cautious hacker
PH_FACTS.ZIP     7159 13-Dec-89  [03] Phone facts - system internals
PH_HAND.ZIP      5183 13-Dec-89  [07] Phreaker's Handbook
PKMANUAL.ZIP   206748 06-Apr-92  [03] The Official Phreaker's Manual (Great!)
PPHONES.ZIP      8242 17-Apr-90  [06] Pay phone information
PPRIMER.ZIP     10440 17-Apr-90  [05] Basic overview of the phone system
PREFIX.ZIP       4838 05-Apr-92  [02] 415 to 510 area code split prefix data
PREFS415.ZIP     7691 01-Nov-91  [05] TES's latest prefix list for 415
PRESFREQ.ZIP     3347 08-Apr-91  [04] Which White House circuits have been
PRIVATE.ZIP      1525 01-Nov-91  [18] How to make free phone calls from
PSNINTRO.ZIP    15379 01-Nov-91  [05] Intro to packet switched networks (PSNs)
SCAN2.ZIP        2377 01-Nov-91  [05] The Shark Scans Issue #2 VMBS, carriers,
SHARKVMB.ZIP     2454 28-Jan-92  [05] Shark's VMB list
SHRKVMB1.ZIP     2486 01-Nov-91  [03] Shark VMB list Issue #1, DTS, VMBS,
SILVER.ZIP       3662 13-Dec-89  [03] Fun with long distance info / lines
SSTYPES.ZIP      4604 13-Dec-89  [03] Switching system types
STEPLINE.ZIP     2253 13-Dec-89  [02] Info on step lines
TACDIAL.ZIP      5347 17-May-92� [01] TAC Dialups
TAN.ZIP          2344 13-Dec-89  [06] Record phone conversations
TELCOLOO.ZIP     5192 13-Dec-89  [09] An explanation of telco loop lines
TELE2.ZIP        9064 01-Nov-91  [06] List of nodes for TELENET
TELEHIST.ZIP     3204 13-Dec-89  [04] History of telecommunications
TELENET.ZIP      2908 17-May-92� [01] Telephone numbers for Telenet
TELENETT.ZIP     1934 13-Dec-89  [05] Internal Telenet memo
TEST.ZIP         2964 01-Nov-91  [06] Test sets
TESTLINE.ZIP     4065 01-Nov-91  [09] Tutorial on test trunks
TEXTFILE.ZIP     3809 13-Dec-89  [03] Computer news article 1/25/86
THEBOOKO.ZIP     4211 13-Dec-89  [06] The book of loops - loop numbers
THEHACKE.ZIP     4519 13-Dec-89  [04] Details of switching systems
TOLLFREE.ZIP     5182 17-Apr-90  [04] Toll free numbers for computer products
TOLLFROD.ZIP     5295 13-Dec-89  [05] Toll fraud devices
TRASH.ZIP        3164 08-Apr-91  [04] More trashing Ma Bell
TRASHBEL.ZIP     3172 04-Dec-90  [03] Trashing Ma Bell (but WHY?)
TRU.ZIP          2751 04-Dec-90  [05] TRU telemanagement system, modem dialout
TYMNET.ZIP       3084 17-May-92� [04] Make free calls using Tymnet
UPIFILE1.ZIP     8287 05-Apr-92  [07] United Phreakers Inc. - File #1
UPIFILE2.ZIP     2897 05-Apr-92  [06] United Phreakers Inc. - File #2
UPIFILE3.ZIP     4073 05-Apr-92  [06] United Phreakers Inc. - File #3
UPIFILE4.ZIP     2567 05-Apr-92  [06] United Phreakers Inc. - File #4
UPIFILE5.ZIP     2592 05-Apr-92  [06] United Phreakers Inc. - File #5
UPIFILE6.ZIP     7668 05-Apr-92  [07] United Phreakers Inc. - File #6
UPIFILE7.ZIP     3948 05-Apr-92  [06] United Phreakers Inc. - File #7
UPIFILE8.ZIP     3124 05-Apr-92  [09] United Phreakers Inc. - File #8
USAOD.ZIP        1516 05-Apr-92  [03] USA outdials
WAYCALLI.ZIP     3339 13-Dec-89  [03] Making a three-way phone
WHITE.ZIP        2997 13-Dec-89  [03] Portable touch tone pad
WIRE.ZIP         1550 08-Apr-91  [10] Getting free local calls on a payphone
                                 using a sharp object and a metal wire
WIRETAP.ZIP      3102 13-Dec-89  [05] Wire tapping
WIRETAPP.ZIP     3389 05-Apr-92  [03] Information on wire tapping
YELWPAGE.ZIP    15900 05-Apr-92  [07] Frankie's Yellow Pages - list of all of
                                 Bell's acronyms
VENDMACH.ZIP     2913 19-Mar-91  (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :   168 � Offline :     0 � New :    12 � Total :  1147 (k)

� ��� � # 38 �                      Boxes                              � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ACRYLIC.ZIP      2659 17-May-92� [02] Acrylic Box
ADVPEARL.ZIP     2284 17-May-92� [02] The Advanced Pearl Box
AIO.ZIP          2376 17-May-92� [04] All-in-one box
AQUABOX.ZIP      4546 17-May-92� [02] Aqua Box - defeats lock-in trace
ASSASSIN.ZIP     4507 19-Nov-90  [12] Box to send high voltage through phones
BEIGEBOX.ZIP     4463 17-May-92� [00] Another Beige Box
BLACK.ZIP        3253 13-Dec-89  [06] Original black box! Free incoming calls
BLACKBOX.ZIP     2989 17-May-92� [00] Black Box
BLASTBOX.ZIP     2170 17-May-92� [00] Blast Box
BLOTOBOX.ZIP     3893 17-May-92� [00] Blotto Box
BLUE3.ZIP        4351 19-Nov-90  [04] Using a blue box
BOXES.ZIP      133845 04-Jan-90  [15] Lots and lots of boxes
BOXES01.ZIP      4411 17-May-92� [02] Collection of boxes - Part 1
BOXES02.ZIP      3949 17-May-92� [02] Collection of boxes - Part 2
BROWNBOX.ZIP     2236 17-May-92� [00] Plans for the brown box
BUD2.ZIP         2934 17-May-92� [06] Tap the neighbor's phone line
BXBEIGE.ZIP      4585 05-Apr-92  [03] Beige box plans - build a lineman's
BXBLACK.ZIP      3243 05-Apr-92  [03] Black box plans - don't get charged for
                                 incoming calls
BXBLUE.ZIP       1957 05-Apr-92  [04] Blue box plans - seizing the trunk
BXBROWN.ZIP      2260 05-Apr-92  [04] Brown box plans - create a party line
BXCHEESE.ZIP     1958 05-Apr-92  [05] Cheese box plans - make any phone a pay
BXCLEAR.ZIP      2367 05-Apr-92  [03] Clear box plans, defeat postpay phones
BXGOLD.ZIP       2578 05-Apr-92  [05] Gold box plans - diverter
BXRED.ZIP        2079 05-Apr-92  [10] Red box plans - simulate the sound of
                                 coins in a payphone
BXSILVER.ZIP     2269 05-Apr-92  [03] Silver box plans - adding A, B, C, and D
                                 keys to a touchtone phone
CHARTBOX.ZIP     3211 17-May-92� [02] Chartreuse Box - tap the power of your
CHEESBOX.ZIP     2185 17-May-92� [00] Cheese Box - make your phone a pay phone
COLOR$.ZIP       4571 17-May-92� [00] Color$ Box Message Thread
COPPER.ZIP       2541 17-May-92� [02] Copper Box
CRIMSBOX.ZIP     2146 17-May-92� [00] Crimson Box - put someone on hold or
                                 create a busy signal
DLOCBOX.ZIP      2506 17-May-92� [00] DLOC Box
GOLD.ZIP         2806 17-May-92� [01] Gold Box
GOLDBOX.ZIP      2576 05-Apr-92  [01] Gold box plans
GRAYBOX.ZIP      6342 17-May-92� [01] The Grey Box
HOWBELLC.ZIP     3957 13-Dec-89  [03] How Bell catches Blue Boxers
HOWTOBUI.ZIP     5360 13-Dec-89  [06] Various phone gadgets and boxes
INUSE.ZIP        3348 17-May-92� [01] In use light
JACKBOX.ZIP      5010 17-May-92� [00] Jack Box
MAGENTA.ZIP      3782 17-May-92� [02] Magenta box plans - free phone calls
MAUVEBOX.ZIP     3018 17-May-92� [00] Mauve Box
MODU.ZIP         2458 17-May-92� [00] Modu Box - hook up alligator clips to a
                                 modular socket
NEONBOX.ZIP      2014 17-May-92� [00] Neon Box
NOISEBOX.ZIP     2739 17-May-92� [00] Noise Box
PAISLEY.ZIP      3625 28-Nov-90  [04] Paisley box plans - control TOPS & TSPS
PARTYBOX.ZIP     3955 17-May-92� [00] The Party Box (free 3-way calling)
PEARL2.ZIP       2575 17-May-92� [00] Phone tone generator
PEARLBOX.ZIP     2861 17-May-92� [00] Pearl Box
PINK2.ZIP        1972 17-May-92� [04] Building a pink box (three way calling)
PINKBOX.ZIP      2520 17-May-92� [01] Pink Box (hold button)
RAZZBOX.ZIP      3086 17-May-92� [02] Razz Box
RED.ZIP          1570 03-Dec-90  [07] Red box frequencies - the sound of money
ROCKBOX.ZIP      3295 17-May-92� [00] The ROCK box
SCARLET.ZIP      2084 17-May-92� [00] Scarlet Box
SCARLETB.ZIP     2055 13-Dec-89  [02] Scarlet box. How to make phone lines bad
SILVER2.ZIP     10233 11-Mar-91  [03] Silver box plans - create fourth column
SILVERWH.ZIP     3786 13-Dec-89  [03] White/Silver box instructions
SLUG.ZIP         2492 28-Jan-92  [05] Making a slug box - phone recorder
SNOWBOX.ZIP      3848 17-May-92� [00] The Snow Box
SOMESILV.ZIP     4752 13-Dec-89  [02] White and Silver box plans
STATIC.ZIP       2733 17-May-92� [00] Static Box
SWITCBOX.ZIP     4009 17-May-92� [00] Switch Box
TRONBOX.ZIP      2078 17-May-92� [01] Tron Box
URINEBOX.ZIP     3323 17-May-92� [00] Urine Box
VMBHACK.ZIP     11519 13-Dec-89  [06] Voice mailbox hacking
WHITEBOX.ZIP     2689 17-May-92� [00] White box plans
YELLOBOX.ZIP     2189 05-Apr-92  [01] Yellow box plans
YELLOW.ZIP       2070 17-May-92� [01] Yellow Box
PINK.ZIP         2730 28-Jan-92  (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :    68 � Offline :     0 � New :    42 � Total :   347 (k)

� ��� � # 39 �                   Hack Attack                           � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
2600INFO.ZIP     1480 19-May-92� [00] 2600 Magazine Subscription Information
5600.ZIP         8657 17-May-92� [03] A log file of hacking a PBX system
ABUSEBBS.ZIP     5362 19-Nov-90  [11] How to abuse a BBS
ACRONYMS.ZIP     2598 05-Dec-89  [04] Pirate acronyms and lingo (so-so)
ACROYNYM.ZIP    10878 17-May-92� [01] The IIRG Hackers' Acronym Chart
ACT-13.ZIP      23050 25-Nov-88  [09] Amateur Cracker's Tutorial - good
ADS.ZIP          5708 17-May-92� [00] Audio Distribution System Hacking
ANATOMY.ZIP      3289 05-Apr-92  [03] Anatomy of a pirate
ANONFTP.ZIP     19531 17-May-92� [00] Internet sites accepting anonymous FTP
APPLENET.ZIP     2845 17-May-92� [01] Hacking Apple-Net BBSes
APPLY.ZIP        2875 17-Jul-89  [02] American Pirate Industries application
ARPANET2.ZIP     3232 17-May-92� [02] Info on ARPANET
AUTONET1.ZIP     3914 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 1 of 6
AUTONET2.ZIP     4403 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 2 of 6
AUTONET3.ZIP     3282 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 3 of 6
AUTONET4.ZIP     3351 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 4 of 6
AUTONET5.ZIP     4094 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 5 of 6
AUTONET6.ZIP     5270 17-May-92� [01] AutoNet 6 of 6
BASIC.ZIP        6975 17-May-92� [00] Basic Networking
BASICHAC.ZIP     5981 05-Apr-92  [05] Basics of Hacking III
BBSLAWSA.ZIP     8943 13-Dec-89  [01] BBS Laws and Legal Stuff
BEGIN.ZIP       29518 17-May-92� [00] An introduction to UNIX - Kernighan
BIGUNIX.ZIP     48168 28-Jan-92  [03] Unix use and security from the ground up
BLASTPRG.ZIP     2200 17-May-92� [05] C program to kill, core dump, or stop
                                 other programs
CAPTMIDN.ZIP    11452 17-May-92� [00] The escapades of Captain Midnight
CARDNET.ZIP      4287 17-May-92� [01] Cards and the Networks - Very helpful
CBI-DIE.ZIP     10749 05-Apr-92  [05] Credit Bureau, Inc. general information
                                 text (DiE)
CBI.ZIP          2747 05-Apr-92  [04] Info on hacking CBI
CBI2.ZIP         6890 17-May-92� [01] More info on hacking CBI
CHECK.ZIP        5893 05-Mar-90  [01] Cracking DOS check protection
CHILTONP.ZIP     4784 13-Dec-89  [03] Hacking Chilton Corporation Credit
CHINA.ZIP        5533 04-Sep-89  [02] Self-important info on CHiNA from CHiNA
CHURCH4.ZIP      5304 07-Jan-89  [04] Church Chat Vol 4 - PTL Club Hackers
CIRCLEMS.ZIP     6603 17-May-92� [00] Inner Circle Messages
CITIBANK.ZIP     4128 19-Nov-90  [16] Hacking into Citibank
CLASS.ZIP        7713 13-Dec-89  [04] More on deep hacker stuff
CODEHACK.ZIP     4310 07-Nov-90  [06] Prof. Falken's guide to code hacking
COMPUSRV.ZIP     3555 17-May-92� [03] Hacking Compuserve
CONFINAL.ZIP    10358 05-Apr-92  [09] Info on pirating Genesis, SNES, PC
                                 engine games
COPYPROT.ZIP     5943 13-Dec-89  [03] Copy protection on IBM PC's
COPYRITE.ZIP    22364 07-Nov-90  [01] Information on software copyrights
COSMOS1.ZIP      5477 17-May-92� [00] Hacking COSMOS - Part 1 [LoD]
CRACK1.ZIP       4585 08-Apr-91  [02] Cracking on the IBM PC - Part 1
CRACK2.ZIP       2872 08-Apr-91  [02] Cracking on the IBM PC - Part 2
CRASH64S.ZIP     2882 25-Oct-89  [05] Q:How to crash C-64 BBSes? (A:Call one!)
CRASHCOM.ZIP     2957 17-May-92� [02] Crashing Commodore BBSes
CRASHEM.ZIP      5229 17-May-92� [02] Dr. Crunch's Crashing Tutorial
CSNET.ZIP        3100 17-May-92� [00] CSNet Hacking
CYBERSYS.ZIP    11237 17-May-92� [01] How to hack cyber systems
DATAPAC1.ZIP     7654 17-May-92� [02] DataPac Hacking by The Fixer (v1.1)
DATAPAC2.ZIP     6402 17-May-92� [02] DataPac settable parameters docs
DATAPAC3.ZIP     1826 17-May-92� [02] DataPac public outdial ports
DATATAPP.ZIP     3328 13-Dec-89  [04] Tapping computers for data - TEMPEST
DATA_GEN.ZIP     2065 17-May-92� [00] Hacking Data General Systems
DEC10.ZIP       10055 17-May-92� [01] Hacking DEC-10s
DECHACK.ZIP      4670 13-Dec-89  [04] Hacking DEC computers
DIALOG.ZIP       4377 17-May-92� [02] Inside Dialog
EAGLE2.ZIP       8449 05-Apr-92  [00] Hacking the Australian Eagle ][ system
ENA!.ZIP         4858 17-May-92� [00] Explanation of ENA and computer
EXPBREAK.ZIP     3082 07-Mar-90  [02] How to break into BBS Express
FBICOMP.ZIP      3258 17-May-92� [01] FBI Computers
FLMTIPS.ZIP      6614 07-Nov-90  [05] Conduct a flame war and piss off sysops
FREECIS.ZIP      2836 17-May-92� [02] Free Compuserve Access
FTP1C.ZIP        9342 17-May-92� [00] Using the UNIX FTP (File Transfer
                                 Program) command
GIBEUNIX.ZIP     7038 17-May-92� [00] Franken Gibe's Unix Command Bible
GOODKIDS.ZIP     3554 17-May-92� [00] Hackers are nice people
GS1.ZIP          7427 17-May-92� [01] The GS/1 PAD Users Guide
HACETHIC.ZIP     3571 17-May-92� [00] The Hacker's Ethics
HACKDECS.ZIP     4545 17-May-92� [00] Hacking DECs
HACKDICT.ZIP    41703 06-Apr-92  [01] Dictionary for hackers
HACKER01.ZIP    47814 13-Dec-89  [00] Masters thesis on hackers
HACKER03.ZIP     3494 13-Dec-89  [07] Hacker's guide to the galaxy - numbers
HACKER04.ZIP     4490 13-Dec-89  [01] Arpanet - Part 1
HACKER05.ZIP     5344 13-Dec-89  [00] Arpanet - Part 2
HACKER06.ZIP     4734 13-Dec-89  [00] Arpanet - Part 3
HACKER07.ZIP     4483 13-Dec-89  [00] Arpanet - Part 4
HACKER08.ZIP     4117 13-Dec-89  [00] Arpanet - Part 5
HACKER10.ZIP     9939 13-Dec-89  [02] Dartmouth Kiewit System
HACKER11.ZIP     2487 13-Dec-89  [04] Hacking Western Union Easylink
HACKER12.ZIP     3625 13-Dec-89  [03] RSTS Hacking
HACKER13.ZIP     4684 13-Dec-89  [01] Hacking Ramparts
HACKER14.ZIP     1887 13-Dec-89  [02] Hacking Lexington Air Force
HACKER15.ZIP     4029 13-Dec-89  [03] Hacking UNIX - Jester Sluggo
HACKER16.ZIP     9750 13-Dec-89  [03] Hacker's atlas of the world
HACKPROF.ZIP     2547 17-May-92� [02] How to Hack into RBBS
HACKRTST.ZIP     9336 11-Mar-91  [01] The test to tell if you're a REAL hacker
HACKWWIV.ZIP     4184 23-Feb-92  [22] Hacking into WWIV, 2nd edition
HACK_EM.ZIP     11861 13-Dec-89  [00] Hacking DEC's, VAXen (UNIX), and DG's
HAKDEC20.ZIP     5094 07-Mar-90  [00] Hacking DEC and TOPS
HAKGENIE.ZIP     4586 17-May-92� [00] Hacking Genie
HKUNXVAX.ZIP     4342 13-Dec-89  [02] Hacking UNIX and VAX
HOWTOCRA.ZIP     3884 13-Dec-89  [02] Crashing FIDO and RBBS. (outdated)
HP2000.ZIP       4175 17-May-92� [00] Hacking the HP2000
HP3000.ZIP       5533 28-Nov-90  [06] Hacking the HP3000
HPTUTORI.ZIP     7165 13-Dec-89  [05] Hacking the HP3000
INTERNET.ZIP     5060 17-May-92� [00] Information on INTERNET access via the
                                 University of Victoria, BC, Canada
INTRO.ZIP        9197 05-Apr-92  [02] Introduction to hackers group [LOD/H]
JARGON.ZIP      32544 13-Dec-89  [00] Computer jargon
KILLTLGD.ZIP     3126 17-May-92� [03] How to crash Telegard BBSes
LEXINGTO.ZIP     1939 13-Dec-89  [01] Hacking Lexington Air Force
LIBCAT.ZIP       3321 17-May-92� [02] Access to library catalog computers by
LIBCOMP.ZIP      3448 13-Dec-89  [06] Crash library computers
LOGONCBI.ZIP     2708 17-May-92� [01] How to logon to CBI Systems
LONGPASS.ZIP     6359 17-May-92� [00] How useful ARE longer passwords?
MACCRACK.ZIP     3286 13-Dec-89  [03] Cracks for some MacIntosh programs
MAINFRAM.ZIP     3757 13-Dec-89  [04] Numbers for some mainframes
MANIFSTO.ZIP     3030 07-Mar-90  [02] The Hacker's Manifesto. GREAT! READ!
MCDON.ZIP        3367 17-May-92� [03] Hacking McDonalds
MCDONALD.ZIP     3270 05-Apr-92  [08] How to hack McDonalds
MCIMAIL.ZIP      4837 17-May-92� [00] MCI Mail fun
MORALITY.ZIP     2697 17-May-92� [00] Hacker Morality
MORESTUF.ZIP     9766 05-Apr-92  [05] Hacker's atlas
MORHAKNM.ZIP     4442 17-May-92� [01] Hack Numbers (more!)
NET-WORK.ZIP     3380 17-May-92� [01] Hacking Net-Works BBSes
NETWORKS.ZIP     4059 17-May-92� [00] A List of Networks worldwide
NEWBBSLA.ZIP     8942 13-Dec-89  [00] New BBS Laws
NEXTBUGS.ZIP     3712 17-May-92� [00] NeXT Security Bugs
NOVSHELL.ZIP     4555 28-Nov-90  [08] Hacking Novell systems
NYSA.ZIP         2689 13-Dec-89  [01] Night Shift and Free Speech
PBCOMSYS.ZIP     2211 17-May-92� [01] Pacific Bell Computer Systems
PDP11.ZIP        4205 17-May-92� [00] DEC PDP-11's
PENTAGON.ZIP     4182 08-Apr-91  [01] Info on MILNET
POOR2600.ZIP     2897 17-May-92� [00] Poor Man's (Apple ][) 2600 Hz
PRIMOS2.ZIP      7413 01-Nov-91  [01] Guide to hacking Primos
PRIMOS3.ZIP      2978 01-Nov-91  [01] More on hacking Primos
PRINCETO.ZIP     1719 13-Dec-89  [01] Princeton IBM system
PWC.ZIP          6355 01-Nov-91  [15] Source Code: The Password Cracker
PWHACK.ZIP       9542 17-May-92� [00] A few Unix password hackers
REQUEST.ZIP      3327 17-May-92� [00] Get your own, personal FSF account
RISKS.ZIP        3679 03-Dec-90  [05] Advice on how not to get caught hacking
RSTS-E.ZIP       3406 01-Nov-91  [03] How to hack the DEC-10
RSTSDEST.ZIP     3625 01-Nov-91  [04] RSTS hacking
RSTSE.ZIP        6748 13-Dec-89  [04] RSTSE Hacking (DEC)
RSTSECOM.ZIP     8425 13-Dec-89  [04] RSTS commands
RSTSFPH.ZIP      6316 13-Dec-89  [04] RSTS Programming
RSTSINFO.ZIP     3314 17-May-92� [00] RSTS Basic information
SATCON.ZIP       2615 17-May-92� [00] Controlling the orbital dynamics of
SCANPRG.ZIP      3648 17-May-92� [00] What to look for in a scan program
SCHOOL.ZIP       2151 20-Feb-90  [00] Hacking US School BBS. Stupid
SECURITY.ZIP    11311 13-Dec-89  [03] How to defeat security
SERIAL.ZIP       2527 08-Apr-91  [05] Valid serial numbers for many software
SHARKSFI.ZIP     2940 13-Dec-89  [14] UNIX password obtainer (w/ source code)
SNOOP.ZIP        2683 17-May-92� [01] Data Snooping
TECHHACK.ZIP     4777 01-Nov-91  [10] Technical Hacking Manual
TECHNICL.ZIP     4780 17-May-92� [00] Technical Hacking
TECHNIQ.ZIP      5326 17-May-92� [00] Hacking techniques - from "Out Of The
                                 Inner Circle"
TELE5.ZIP        3787 17-May-92� [01] Telenet hacking
TELENET9.ZIP     6180 17-May-92� [01] Another file on hacking telenet
TELENETH.ZIP     3507 17-May-92� [01] Telenet Hacking
TEQUILA.ZIP      7733 17-May-92� [00] Wow! MORE old hacking messages
TERMINAL.ZIP     6305 01-Nov-91  [00] A hacker scenario about banking
TRSXENIX.ZIP     7612 17-May-92� [00] Tandy XENIX security
TRW.ZIP          2770 17-May-92� [02] General TRW Information
TRW2.ZIP         3604 17-May-92� [02] TRW Definiftions
TRWCODE.ZIP      3413 17-May-92� [02] TRW Code Information
TRW___10.ZIP     6471 17-May-92� [01] Renegade Legion Technical Report 1.0:
                                 TRW Information
TSPS.ZIP        10264 13-Dec-89  [02] Hacking TSPS
TYMHACK.ZIP      3985 17-May-92� [00] Hacking Tymnet
UNION.ZIP        3883 22-Dec-89  [00] Membership in "The Union" crackers
UNIX1.ZIP        5388 17-May-92� [00] HALE's Unix Hacking 1 of 2
UNIX2.ZIP        6363 17-May-92� [00] HALE's Unix Hacking 2 of 2
UNIXHELL.ZIP     6304 11-Mar-91  [05] Raising hell with UNIX
UNIXHKCK.ZIP     4099 17-May-92� [00] C Source and doc for a Unix hacker
UNIXMYTH.ZIP     6547 17-May-92� [00] Unix Myths
UNIXSEC.ZIP     12037 17-May-92� [00] Unix System Security Issues
UPCCODE.ZIP      3917 17-May-92� [00] UPC Codes cracked
VAXHACK.ZIP      3365 13-Dec-89  [07] VAX VMS hacking
VAXNUMS.ZIP      2086 11-Mar-91  [04] Phone numbers for VAX sites
VAXUNIX.ZIP      4432 17-May-92� [00] Hacking VAX's & Unix
VAXVMSIN.ZIP     1657 13-Dec-89  [03] Introduction to VMS
VAXVMSUS.ZIP     2691 13-Dec-89  [03] Advanced VMS hacking
VENTEL.ZIP       3825 17-May-92� [00] Information on Ven-Tel Dialout modems
VMSPTUTO.ZIP     3967 13-Dec-89  [01] The IBM VMSSP system (303x, 308x)
WWIVCRAK.ZIP     3385 17-May-92� [05] Hacking yourself some DOS access on a
                                 WWIV system! Kill WWIV Boards! Yah!
ARPANET.ZIP      4531 08-Apr-91  (No description available for this file.)

��� Total files :   176 � Offline :     0 � New :    86 � Total :  1072 (k)

� ��� � # 40 �                    Encryption                           � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ATALYNX.ZIP      4791 17-May-92� [01] sci.crypt partial thread on the use of
                                 encryption in video games to prevent thir
CRACKING.ZIP     4103 21-Nov-90  [04] Cracking UPC codes
DESCRYPT.ZIP    12947 17-May-92� [01] Source Code for Data Encryption Standard
MAKEPASS.ZIP     2168 17-May-92� [01] C src-create GNU Cyphertext (request
MERKLE1.ZIP      3947 06-Apr-92  [03] Encryption paper from usenet (very
MERKLE2.ZIP      5302 06-Apr-92  [03] Explanation of above by John Gilmore
MONDO2K.ZIP      3847 05-Apr-92  [04] Mondo 2000 article on Senate bills S266
                                 and S618 trying to include back doors in
                                 encrption software & PGP freeware that cam
RSA.ZIP          4500 17-May-92� [01] RSA encryption
SIMPCRYP.ZIP     2886 17-May-92� [01] Simple Encryption
ZIPPASS.ZIP      3360 17-May-92� [03] Zip Encryption: Is it secure?

��� Total files :    10 � Offline :     0 � New :     6 � Total :    47 (k)

� ��� � # 41 �                   Phree Press                           � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
APINEWS.ZIP     21619 07-Feb-90  [01] Hackers Newsletter from API (silly)
COLLTAP.ZIP      7718 11-Mar-91  [14] TAP Magazine issues 1-5
CUD100.ZIP      22175 23-Aug-90  [02] Computer Underground Digest #1.00
CUD101.ZIP      15923 23-Aug-90  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.01
CUD102.ZIP      10722 23-Aug-90  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.02
CUD103.ZIP      14464 23-Aug-90  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.03
CUD104.ZIP      32363 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.04
CUD105.ZIP      15166 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.05
CUD106.ZIP      14658 23-Feb-92  [02] Computer Underground Digest #1.06
CUD107.ZIP      13115 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.07
CUD108.ZIP      14411 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.08
CUD109.ZIP      13042 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #1.09
CUD110.ZIP      14777 11-Mar-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.10
CUD111.ZIP      15561 07-Nov-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.11
CUD112.ZIP      14672 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.12
CUD114.ZIP      11906 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.14
CUD115.ZIP       7623 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.15
CUD116.ZIP      18260 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.16
CUD117.ZIP      16619 11-Mar-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.17
CUD120.ZIP      10206 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.20
CUD121.ZIP      16052 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.21
CUD122.ZIP      19946 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.22
CUD123.ZIP      18633 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.23
CUD124.ZIP      16452 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.24
CUD125.ZIP      13004 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.25
CUD126.ZIP      17240 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.26
CUD127.ZIP      15824 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.27
CUD128.ZIP      15828 23-Aug-90  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.28
CUD129.ZIP      18128 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #1.29
CUD200.ZIP      16286 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #2.00
CUD212.ZIP      22094 11-Mar-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.12
CUD213.ZIP      18484 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.13
CUD214.ZIP      21486 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.14
CUD215.ZIP      19769 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.15
CUD216.ZIP      14931 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.16
CUD217.ZIP      17757 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.17
CUD218.ZIP      20256 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.18
CUD219.ZIP      18854 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #2.19
CUD300.ZIP      19592 10-Apr-91  [01] Computer Underground Digest #3.00
CUD301.ZIP      15854 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.01
CUD302.ZIP      17806 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.02
CUD303.ZIP      20924 10-Apr-91  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.03
CUD305.ZIP      21396 10-Apr-91  [01] Computer Underground Digest #3.05
CUD312.ZIP      19642 06-Apr-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.12
CUD316.ZIP      18232 06-Apr-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.16
CUD317.ZIP      16553 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.17
CUD318.ZIP      13539 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.18
CUD319.ZIP      18144 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.19
CUD320.ZIP      20239 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.20
CUD321.ZIP      16872 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.21
CUD322.ZIP      20691 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.22
CUD323.ZIP      20066 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.23
CUD324.ZIP      18220 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.24
CUD325.ZIP      18184 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.25
CUD326.ZIP      19604 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.26
CUD327.ZIP      20890 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.27
CUD328.ZIP      23669 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.28
CUD329.ZIP      16981 23-Feb-92  [00] Computer Underground Digest #3.29
CUD331.ZIP      21212 23-Feb-92  [01] Computer Underground Digest #3.31
CUD335.ZIP      20643 23-Feb-92  [02] Computer Underground Digest #3.35
CUD336.ZIP      10865 23-Feb-92  [07] Computer Underground Digest #3.36
EXCERPT1.ZIP     3952 28-Jan-92  [07] Excerpts from the 415/510 Scan Club
EXCERPT3.ZIP     6019 28-Jan-92  [05] Excerpts from the 415/510 scanclub
EXCERPT7.ZIP     4522 28-Jan-92  [04] Excerpts from the 415/510 Scan Club
HACK9.ZIP        3646 17-May-92� [03] H.A.C.K. #9
INCNEWS2.ZIP     3599 07-Jan-90  [03] Newsletter from self-important hackers
LOD2_01.ZIP      2809 05-Apr-92  [04] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 1
LOD2_02.ZIP      8688 05-Apr-92  [04] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 2
LOD2_03.ZIP      6439 05-Apr-92  [02] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 3
LOD2_04.ZIP     10733 05-Apr-92  [02] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 4
LOD2_05.ZIP     13544 05-Apr-92  [01] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 5
LOD2_06.ZIP      5356 05-Apr-92  [01] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 6
LOD2_08.ZIP     21840 05-Apr-92  [02] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 8
LOD2_09.ZIP      4210 05-Apr-92  [02] LOD/H Technical Journal #2, Part 9
LODH_01.ZIP     84173 05-Apr-92  [03] Legion of Doom / Hackers Tech Journal
                                 Volume 1
LOL-011.ZIP     13043 17-May-92� [00] Legions of Lucifer #11
LOL-014.ZIP     11195 17-May-92� [01] Legions of Lucifer: Emulex/2, Forum,
                                 WWIV and Telegard Crashing
LOL-018.ZIP      8384 17-May-92� [02] Legions of Lucifer: Hacking through
NARC1.ZIP        3336 23-Feb-92  [04] NARC magazine 1
NARC3.ZIP        4318 05-Apr-92  [00] NARC magazine 3
NARC5.ZIP        3158 17-May-92� [00] NARC magazine 5
NIA001.ZIP       6734 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #1 - ATMs
NIA002.ZIP       5696 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #2 - More
NIA003.ZIP       5761 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #3 - Computer
                                 Crime, Fraud, Waste
NIA004.ZIP       8385 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #4 - More
                                 Crime, Fraud, Waste
NIA005.ZIP       8027 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #5 - CC
                                 Merchant Fraud
NIA006.ZIP       9006 17-May-92� [02] Network Information Access #6 - How to
                                 read a TRW credit report
NIA007.ZIP       6150 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #7 - Crime,
                                 Fraud, Waste Part 3!
NIA008.ZIP       6592 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #8 - ATM
                                 Diagnostic Manual
NIA009.ZIP       4718 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #9 - Inside
                                 an ATM
NIA011.ZIP       4264 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #11 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual 1
NIA012.ZIP      22342 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #12 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual 2
NIA013.ZIP       8236 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #13 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual #3.11
NIA014.ZIP       7516 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #14 -
                                 Spreading the Disease I: Thoughts from a
                                 virus writer
NIA015.ZIP       3917 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #15 - The Zuc
                                 (Macintosh) Virus
NIA016.ZIP       7004 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #16 - Usenet
NIA017.ZIP       6969 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #17 -
                                 Computer Crime: Computer Security Techniques
NIA018.ZIP       7452 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #18 -
                                 Computer Users' Guide: Protection of
NIA020.ZIP       9060 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #20 -
                                 Executive Guide: Protection of Information
NIA021.ZIP       3549 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #21 - Digest
                                 Message Format
NIA022.ZIP      17982 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #22 -
                                 Frequently asked questions about Unix
NIA023.ZIP       7626 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #23 -
                                 Overview on Viruses and Threats
NIA024.ZIP       8724 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #24 -
                                 Computer Viruses and Threats II
NIA025.ZIP      10763 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #25 -
                                 Overview on Viruses and Threats III
NIA026.ZIP      10119 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #26 -
                                 Computer Viruses and Threats IV
NIA027.ZIP       9947 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #27 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual #4.11
NIA028.ZIP      10790 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #28 -
                                 Computer Security Techniques II
NIA029.ZIP       7081 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #29 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual #5.11
NIA030.ZIP       2652 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #30 - The
                                 Namba Virus
NIA031.ZIP       2403 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #31 - May '90
                                 Busts I
NIA032.ZIP      13480 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #32 - LOD/H
NIA034.ZIP       6790 17-May-92� [03] Network Information Access #34 - The TRW
                                 Credit Profile Report
NIA035.ZIP       3742 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #35 -
                                 Operation: Sun Devil
NIA036.ZIP       4918 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #36 - Credit
                                 Bureau Inc (aka CBI)
NIA037.ZIP      33334 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #37 - VMS
                                 System Managers Manual #6
NIA040.ZIP       4747 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #40 - Views
                                 Of Goldstein : OPeration Sundevil
NIA042.ZIP      11622 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #42 - MPACT
                                 Ordering Process Final
NIA043.ZIP       7219 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #43 - Craig
                                 Neidorf On Trial
NIA044.ZIP       5581 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #44 -
                                 Creating An Account On A VMS System
NIA045.ZIP       2736 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #45 - CERT
                                 Advisory : Sunview
NIA046.ZIP       5785 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #46 -
                                 Security Exposure/Controls For MVS
NIA047.ZIP       8487 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #47 - Open
NIA049.ZIP      10264 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #49 - Update
                                 On Some VMS Commands
NIA055.ZIP       4748 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #55 - Com
                                 Network Gets OVERSEER
NIA056.ZIP       3915 17-May-92� [00] Network Information Access #56 - Cert
                                 Advisory: NeXT System
NIA057.ZIP      21922 17-May-92� [01] Network Information Access #57 - Network
                                 Thought Machine [1]
PHANEWS1.ZIP    13646 28-Jan-92  [04] P/H/A News V1N1
PHIRE1.ZIP       7763 17-May-92� [01] PHIRE Magazine #1
PHIRE2.ZIP       8039 17-May-92� [02] PHIRE Magazine #2
PHRACDEX.ZIP     7362 08-Mar-91  [07] Phrack Index, contents of issues 1-25
PHRACK01.ZIP    15398 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #1
PHRACK02.ZIP    23398 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #2
PHRACK03.ZIP    24576 26-Oct-90  [04] Phrack World News - Issue #3
PHRACK04.ZIP    39206 26-Oct-90  [05] Phrack World News - Issue #4
PHRACK05.ZIP    53961 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #5
PHRACK06.ZIP    56530 26-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #6
PHRACK07.ZIP    39348 15-Mar-91  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #7
PHRACK08.ZIP    44035 15-Mar-91  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #8
PHRACK09.ZIP    38147 15-Mar-91  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #9
PHRACK10.ZIP    34066 26-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #10
PHRACK11.ZIP    39012 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #11
PHRACK12.ZIP    45995 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #12
PHRACK13.ZIP    40124 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #13
PHRACK14.ZIP    39683 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #14
PHRACK15.ZIP    27566 15-Mar-91  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #15
PHRACK16.ZIP    23666 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #16
PHRACK17.ZIP    50771 26-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #17
PHRACK18.ZIP    55723 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #18
PHRACK19.ZIP    27393 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #19
PHRACK20.ZIP   137724 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #20
PHRACK21.ZIP    89684 26-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #21
PHRACK22.ZIP   101027 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #22
PHRACK23.ZIP    65421 26-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #23
PHRACK24.ZIP    79952 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #24
PHRACK25.ZIP    96242 04-May-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #25
PHRACK26.ZIP    83289 27-Oct-90  [02] Phrack World News - Issue #26
PHRACK27.ZIP   101850 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #27
PHRACK28.ZIP    73129 27-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #28
PHRACK29.ZIP    78225 26-Oct-90  [03] Phrack World News - Issue #29
PHRACK30.ZIP    77872 27-Oct-90  [00] Phrack World News - Issue #30
PHRACK31.ZIP    65293 14-Jun-90  [00] Phrack World News - Issue #31
PHRACK32.ZIP   138430 24-Nov-90  [01] Phrack World News - Issue #32
PHRACK34.ZIP    59552 23-Feb-92  [00] Phrack World News #34
PHRACKIN.ZIP    17201 23-Feb-92  [03] Index to Phrack issues
PHUN1.ZIP       41685 13-Dec-89  [02] P\HUN Newsletter #1
PHUN2-8.ZIP     17947 17-May-92� [00] LOD/H's Beginner's Guide to Hacking
PHUN2.ZIP       62451 13-Dec-89  [01] P\HUN Newsletter #2
PHUN4.ZIP       79502 28-Jan-92  [02] P/HUN Issue #4, Volume 2
PHUN5.ZIP       48898 28-Jan-92  [02] P/HUN Issue #5
PIRATE5.ZIP     56835 07-Nov-90  [02] Pirate's Magazine - Issue #5
PIRATE_3.ZIP    50203 05-Apr-92  [02] Pirate Magazine Issue III-3
PIRATE_4.ZIP    64566 05-Apr-92  [03] Pirate Magazine Issue III-4
PIRT1_1.ZIP     39450 06-Apr-92  [01] Pirate Magazine I-1
PIRT3_04.ZIP    56220 06-Apr-92  [02] Pirate Magazine III-4
PIRTMAG.ZIP     93138 20-Feb-90  [01] Pirate Magazine. Lots of info on the law
SUNDEVIL.ZIP    13720 17-May-92� [00] Operation Sundevil [from 2600]
SYNDIC14.ZIP     9409 03-Dec-90  [00] The Syndicate Report #14
TAPINTER.ZIP    21376 13-Dec-89  [04] TAP Interviews famous phreaks
TCD5_53.ZIP      5182 01-Nov-91  [00] Telecomm Digest #53
TCD5_61.ZIP      3642 01-Nov-91  [00] Telecomm Digest #61
TCD5_68.ZIP      6186 01-Nov-91  [00] Telecomm Digest #68
TCD5_71.ZIP      5414 01-Nov-91  [00] Telecom Digest #71
TCD5_72.ZIP      7895 01-Nov-91  [01] Telecomm Digest #72
TELECOM1.ZIP     5184 13-Dec-89  [03] Telecomm Digest #1
TELECOM2.ZIP     3644 13-Dec-89  [02] Telecomm Digest #2
TELECOM3.ZIP     6188 13-Dec-89  [02] Telecomm Digest #3
TELECOM4.ZIP     5416 13-Dec-89  [02] Telecomm Digest #4
TELECOM5.ZIP     7897 13-Dec-89  [03] Telecomm Digest #5
ZONE2.ZIP        8516 17-Apr-90  [03] The Phreaking Articles - Volume 2

��� Total files :   189 � Offline :     0 � New :    54 � Total :  4297 (k)

� ��� � # 42 �                    Newsbytes                            � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
612BUST.ZIP      9187 24-Oct-89  [01] Feds bust BBSers in 612 area code
ACOPBBS.ZIP      2078 13-Dec-89  [00] A cop BBS news article
ARTICLEO.ZIP     5299 13-Dec-89  [01] Hackers busted - newspaper article
ATTFIBER.ZIP     3032 13-Dec-89  [00] Sharks eat intercontinental cable - news
BBS-SUIT.ZIP     4473 25-Jan-90  [00] A sysop gets sued for changing a message
BBSFALL.ZIP      2874 13-Dec-89  [02] The fall of a BBS. (How not to run one)
BBSNEWS.ZIP      7435 13-Dec-89  [01] BBS News and Laws
BBSTING.ZIP      2632 13-Dec-89  [03] Police sting BBSers. Sysops read this!
BCTEL1.ZIP       3420 19-May-92� [01] BC Hell's Crackdown on BBSes
BELLBUST.ZIP     4144 19-Nov-90  [00] I was busted by Ma Bell
BLOCKER.ZIP     13155 19-Nov-90  [01] Phone company illegally blocks calls
BUSWEEK.ZIP      4068 08-Apr-91  [00] Phone Hackers are Tapping PBXs (article)
BUTLER#1.ZIP     9218 19-May-92� [00] An introduction to the Computer
CAPTAINA.ZIP     5543 17-May-92� [00] Computers: Hacking Away at Break-ins
                                 [Washington Post]
CGW.ZIP          4166 19-Nov-90  [00] Computer Gaming World & government abuse
CONTROLL.ZIP     2149 19-Nov-90  [01] Power hungry hackers (Mondo 2000)
CRACKDWN.ZIP    12104 08-Apr-91  [01] The Coming Crackdown (from 2600)
CRIMPUZZ.ZIP    30443 21-Nov-90  [00] Long account of hackers, cyberspace, etc
HACKER02.ZIP     3033 13-Dec-89  [00] Hackers busted - 7/17/85
HACKERS.ZIP     26612 17-May-92� [00] Is Computer Hacking a Crime? [Harper's]
HACKUNIT.ZIP     8266 28-Nov-90  [01] Hackers Unite! (from Newsweek)
INFOONTH.ZIP     4008 13-Dec-89  [01] Computer piracy - news article
INTERNAL.ZIP     2952 13-Dec-89  [01] Computer crime - news article 7/17/85
JACKSON2.ZIP    18869 06-Apr-92  [00] Steve Jackson Games sues the government!
LOD.ZIP          7658 05-Apr-92  [00] Info on the busts of two LOD members
LOD_SO.ZIP       2724 19-May-92� [01] Legion of Doom Sells out
MENACE.ZIP       4179 17-May-92� [01] The Hacker Menace [Network Security
MOREONTH.ZIP     2930 13-Dec-89  [01] BBS taken down - court case
NIGHTHAK.ZIP     8119 17-May-92� [00] Night of the Hackers
NIGHTOFT.ZIP     5802 13-Dec-89  [00] Night of the hackers - news article
PHREAKBU.ZIP     2412 13-Dec-89  [00] Captain Crunch - news article
PWN.ZIP          8739 01-Nov-91  [00] Info on the KL busts of last year
RIPCO.ZIP       14068 08-Apr-91  [03] How RIPCO got busted (great read)
SATELLIT.ZIP     4517 17-May-92� [00] The Satellite Caper [Time]
SIEZE.ZIP        5966 03-Dec-90  [01] Feds sieze computer equipment illegally
SS.ZIP           5482 28-Jan-92  [07] Letter from the Secret Service about
                                 what they're gonna do to all of the computer
                                 criminals out there
STING!.ZIP       3431 25-Oct-89  [01] Cops sting BBSers
SUESYSOP.ZIP     4767 28-Jan-92  [00] Woman sues sysop for reading her E-Mail
SUNDEVL1.ZIP     3295 03-Dec-90  [00] Operation Sun Devil news
THEBURLI.ZIP     2672 13-Dec-89  [00] Hackers busted, July '85
THEGREAT.ZIP     4531 13-Dec-89  [00] The Great Satellite Caper - news article
TRWSTRIK.ZIP     2066 13-Dec-89  [00] TRW strikes back at hackers
WASHLOD.ZIP      6987 17-May-92� [00] An article on the LOD busts [Washington
WOZBABE.ZIP      2058 17-May-92� [01] Wozniak is behind hacking [AP]

��� Total files :    44 � Offline :     0 � New :    10 � Total :   284 (k)

� ��� � # 43 �          Smut #1 - A to C (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
01-09INZ.ZIP     6581 19-Jun-91  [05] Inez Cooper's life story (Parts 1-9)
10-19INZ.ZIP     8027 19-Jun-91  [04] Inez Cooper's life story (Parts 10-19)
13.ZIP          10872 17-May-92� [06] Sex with a 13-year-old and a PRIEST!
1ST3WAY.ZIP      3095 17-May-92� [00] Her First 3-Way (2 girls, 1 guy)
1STPARTY.ZIP     8674 17-May-92� [03] Lead a 15 year old girl to a frat party
2-SISTRS.ZIP    69274 17-May-92� [02] 2 young sisters learn a lot over a
20-29INZ.ZIP     6774 19-Jun-91  [04] Inez Cooper's life story (Parts 20-29)
2_STORYS.ZIP     8943 19-Jul-91  [02] The engineer & the repairman
30-39INZ.ZIP     6838 19-Jun-91  [03] Inez Cooper's life story (Parts 30-39)
3FRIENDS.ZIP     7761 17-May-92� [00] Three Close Friends
3RDADVEN.ZIP    26234 17-May-92� [01] Third Adventure
3WAYXXX.ZIP     14056 19-Jul-91  [02] Interesting 3way (NOT conversation)
40-49INZ.ZIP     6901 19-Jun-91  [03] Inez Cooper's life story (Parts 40-49)
4NBBS.ZIP        9736 19-Jul-91  [03] User friendly XXX
6XSTORYS.ZIP    11390 19-Jul-91  [02] Six stories of sexual exploits
8-BALL.ZIP       4489 17-May-92� [03] Behind the 8-Ball
ABDUCT.ZIP      25026 23-Feb-92  [06] The abduction
ABDUCT1.ZIP     19305 17-May-92� [00] The Abduction, Pt. 1
ABDUCT2.ZIP      8044 17-May-92� [00] The Abduction, Pt. 2
ACCIDENT.ZIP     3423 17-May-92� [01] Voyeurism can be hazardous to your
ACCTNG.ZIP      11600 19-Nov-90  [02] Accountant gets it on with 3 women
ADAMEVE.ZIP      1846 17-May-92� [01] Adam & Eve
AFFECTIO.ZIP    16679 06-Apr-92  [04] Cultivating affection in your marriage
AFTERNOO.ZIP     8801 19-Jul-91  [01] An afternoon delight
AHT.ZIP          8696 17-May-92� [00] The Making of a Harem Slave
AIRSCREW.ZIP     8344 17-May-92� [01] Six mile high club
ALI.ZIP         12269 25-May-91  [07] Ali and her stepfather
ALI2.ZIP        13325 06-Apr-92  [04] Ali in the slammer
ALICE.ZIP        6424 17-May-92� [02] Alice
ALISON.ZIP       5597 06-Apr-92  [02] Seduced by Alison
ALLISON.ZIP     12217 17-May-92� [03] The adventures of Allison and Robert
ALLISON1.ZIP     4718 19-Jul-91  [05] Adventures of Allison - 1/3
ALLISON2.ZIP     4587 19-Jul-91  [04] Adventures of Allison - 2/3
ALLISON3.ZIP     5818 19-Jul-91  [05] Adventures of Allison - 3/3
ALLOFME.ZIP     18153 05-Apr-92  [09] Young lady experiences all aspects of
                                 sex in an orgy
ALMA.ZIP        10075 19-Jul-91  [04] Alma: joining the mile high club
ALYSE.ZIP        7170 17-May-92� [01] Alyse's birthday
AMANDA.ZIP       6909 17-May-92� [09] Confessions of a teenage nymphomaniac
AMANDA2.ZIP      3758 19-Jul-91  [07] Hot lez story, Part 2
AMANDA3.ZIP      2448 19-Jul-91  [06] Hot lez story, conclusion
AMELIA.ZIP      11627 17-May-92� [04] Amelia's starring role
AMELIA3.ZIP      5458 19-Jul-91  [04] One guy, two women in a hot 3-way
AMENITY.ZIP      3782 25-May-91  [02] Nice amenities
AMY-X.ZIP        4480 17-May-92� [02] Three teenage girls - lezbo action
AMY1.ZIP        22651 10-May-89  [10] The adventures of little Amy - XXX
AMY2.ZIP        10705 23-Oct-89  [10] Amy's adventures with a friend - XXX
AMY3.ZIP        14215 17-May-92� [00] Amy's B&D Adventures
ANALFANT.ZIP     6923 17-May-92� [01] Back Door Fantasy
ANARSOC.ZIP      7211 17-May-92� [01] Anarchy Society Sex Files
ANGEL.ZIP        4378 17-May-92� [01] Angel
ANIMAL.ZIP       6766 19-Jun-91  [06] Cherine plays with her puppy
ANITA.ZIP       13085 05-Apr-92  [07] Anita shows what a secretary is for
ANNA1.ZIP        2691 17-May-92� [01] The story of Anna Wong
ANNE.ZIP         9464 25-May-91  [02] The tribulation of Anne
ANTSARA1.ZIP     6417 30-Jun-91  [06] Summer at Aunt Sarah's - Part 1
ANTSARA2.ZIP     5713 30-Jun-91  [06] Summer at Aunt Sarah's - Part 2
ARGH.ZIP         3087 17-May-92� [01] Tip-Top-Tip
ARIEL.ZIP        3243 17-May-92� [00] Summer Fantasy
ARIEL1.ZIP       2380 19-Jul-91  [03] Ariel Witch's Affairs - Part 1
ARIEL2.ZIP       2271 19-Jul-91  [03] Ariel Witch's Affairs - Part 2
ARIEL3.ZIP       4899 19-Jul-91  [03] Ariel Witch's Affairs - Part 3
ARIEL4.ZIP       4573 19-Jul-91  [03] Ariel Witch's Affairs - Part 4
ARREST.ZIP       6850 08-Apr-91  [02] Fucked by the cops
ART-EROT.ZIP    18100 30-Jun-91  [03] Artificial eroticism
ARTSEX1.ZIP      4117 17-May-92� [01] The Art of Sex 1 of 2
ARTSEX2.ZIP      3587 17-May-92� [00] The Art of Sex 2 of 2
ASHLY.ZIP        7767 25-May-91  [03] Ashley presents herself
ASIANWIV.ZIP     7485 19-Nov-90  [06] Order forms for an Asian wife (really)
ASSAPPLI.ZIP     2185 17-May-92� [02] Application form for a piece of ass
AUCTION.ZIP     15092 25-May-91  [04] Slave auction with whips
AUDIO.ZIP        4895 19-Nov-90  [01] Phone sex in the 70's
AUDITION.ZIP     3162 19-Jul-91  [03] Better than casting couch XXX
AUNT.ZIP         7419 02-Dec-89  [02] Aunt Sally's entertainment business
AURELIUS.ZIP     8788 19-Jul-91  [04] Aurelius and his older sister XXX
AWAY.ZIP         3540 25-May-91  [01] When he's away
A_VIRGIN.ZIP     2698 11-Mar-91  [01] The Virgin by Jessica Lovecraft
B-SITTER.ZIP     6317 17-May-92� [01] The Baby Sitter
BABYSEX.ZIP     11518 01-Sep-90  [05] Sex with infants. A pedophile tells all
BABYSIT.ZIP      5186 19-Jul-91  [07] (Adult) Sex between sitter and kid
BABYSIT1.ZIP     3826 17-May-92� [05] I was a neighborhood nympho baby-sitter
BABYSIT2.ZIP     4036 17-May-92� [02] Babysitting 2 of 2 - TLB
BABYSIT3.ZIP     5251 17-May-92� [02] Sitting Pretty
BABYSITR.ZIP     7691 07-Mar-90  [02] Baby sitting can enhance your sex life
BACKBOFF.ZIP     3482 17-May-92� [03] Backyard Boff
BALLGAME.ZIP     3456 19-Jul-91  [03] Sex after football
BALLWRLD.ZIP     3479 17-May-92� [00] I Balled my way around the world
BANANA.ZIP       3579 17-May-92� [02] The Banana
BANDIT7.ZIP     22802 19-Nov-90  [00] Three sex stories
BANDPRAC.ZIP     5947 17-May-92� [00] Band Practice
BANGER.ZIP      12907 07-Nov-90  [05] With parents away, the kids do play...
BANGER1.ZIP     12904 17-May-92� [01] Banger 1
BANGER2.ZIP     12911 17-May-92� [06] Banger - Part 2
BANGER3.ZIP     13474 17-May-92� [06] Banger - Part 3
BARBARA1.ZIP     8120 17-May-92� [04] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #1
BARBARA2.ZIP    15467 17-May-92� [03] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #2
BARBARA3.ZIP     9487 17-May-92� [03] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #3
BARBARA4.ZIP     9626 17-May-92� [03] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #4
BARBARA5.ZIP    18784 17-May-92� [03] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #5
BARBARA6.ZIP    17806 17-May-92� [02] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #6
BARBARA7.ZIP    17322 17-May-92� [02] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #7
BARBARA8.ZIP    12011 17-May-92� [03] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #8
BARBARA9.ZIP    10602 17-May-92� [02] Freewheeling Barbara toys with boys #9
BARBERSX.ZIP     7293 06-Apr-92  [01] Sex at the hair salon
BARBERX.ZIP      7296 19-Jul-91  [01] He cuts more than hair XXX story
BARNONE.ZIP     20543 23-Feb-92  [06] Bar none
BBUILDER.ZIP     9535 19-Jul-91  [00] The virgin bodybuilder
BDAY.ZIP         7217 25-May-91  [00] A birthday present
BDSTORY1.ZIP    13308 25-May-91  [02] B&D story - Part 1
BDSTORY2.ZIP    12673 25-May-91  [02] B&D story - Part 2
BEACH.ZIP       28439 20-Feb-90  [03] Eager Beaver's vacation at the beach
BEACHES.ZIP     27609 19-Jul-91  [01] Sandy, Sexy, what more do you need?
BEASTGUI.ZIP     3764 17-May-92� [01] (Clayton Robinson's) Guide to Bestiality
BEATRICE.ZIP    12438 19-Jul-91  [00] Beatrice the Novelist
BEAUTIFU.ZIP     7178 17-May-92� [02] The beautiful imbecile
BED_BOND.ZIP     5930 25-May-91  [04] Bed bondage
BEEFSTAR.ZIP     2808 17-May-92� [00] A beef porno story
BESTEVER.ZIP     4710 17-May-92� [01] His best-ever experience
BETH.ZIP        37056 17-May-92� [06] Beth gets fucked in the ass
BETHERIN.ZIP     5678 25-May-91  [04] Beth and Erin: Young innocence lost
BETHSPET.ZIP    11132 17-May-92� [01] Man as obedient slave
BIGGIRL.ZIP      8810 17-May-92� [01] Big bottomed girls
BIKERS.ZIP       5996 19-Nov-90  [02] Ugly female bikers gang rape a guy
BIO.ZIP          7323 19-Jul-91  [02] Adult biography of rape
BIRTHDAY.ZIP     5381 19-Nov-90  [02] Four way sex scene
BITCH.ZIP       11678 23-Feb-92  [03] The dominant bitch
BITTER-S.ZIP    12426 19-Jul-91  [01] Bitter-Sweet
BLKMAIL.ZIP     57974 17-May-92� [02] Blackmailing the Queen
BLUBOX1.ZIP     14114 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 1 of 8
BLUBOX2.ZIP     14327 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 2 of 8
BLUBOX3.ZIP     15842 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 3 of 8
BLUBOX4.ZIP     14154 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 4 of 8
BLUBOX5.ZIP     13172 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 5 of 8
BLUBOX6.ZIP     15248 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 6 of 8
BLUBOX7.ZIP     13602 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 7 of 8
BLUBOX8.ZIP     18035 17-May-92� [00] The Blue Box part 8 of 8
BLUEBOX.ZIP    107862 25-May-91  [04] Sci-fi sex scene
BLUEBRA.ZIP     15356 17-May-92� [02] The Blue Bra
BOBBIE.ZIP       2857 25-May-91  [01] Bobbie's fantasy
BOBBY.ZIP        4040 19-Jul-91  [01] Gay story about Bobby and his friend
BOBBYFAN.ZIP     6731 17-May-92� [00] Bobby (a young woman's fantasy)
BODIES.ZIP       3395 19-Jul-91  [01] Interesting anatomy class
BONDAGE.ZIP      3810 19-Nov-90  [02] And now for a little bondage
BOOBS.ZIP        2968 19-Jul-91  [01] They show each other their boobs
BOOK.ZIP        83074 17-May-92� [00] Many experiences over a period of time
BOOKSTOR.ZIP     5611 19-Jul-91  [00] Fun in a bookstore XXX
BRADYSEX.ZIP     6018 11-Mar-91  [03] Sex with the Brady Bunch
BRDHSWFE.ZIP    25614 23-Feb-92  [06] Tale of a bored housewife
BREASTS.ZIP      3257 17-May-92� [00] A few words about breasts
BRIDGET.ZIP      3257 17-May-92� [00] Bridget - Printer Pic
BRITTANY.ZIP    19185 17-May-92� [01] Brittany (kiddie stuff)
BROKEDIK.ZIP     2202 17-May-92� [00] Penile Fractures (ouch!)
BROTHER.ZIP     18726 17-May-92� [04] Adult brother-sister
BROTHERS.ZIP     6390 30-Jun-91  [00] The brothers
BTSTORY.ZIP     11101 10-Dec-88  [00] Story of 3 girls & construction workers
BUCK.ZIP         5207 11-Mar-91  [02] Lisa and her horse Buck
BULLGOD.ZIP      4428 17-May-92� [00] The Bull God
BUNNYFUN.ZIP     3638 19-Jul-91  [00] Disgusting story of fun with a bunny
BUS.ZIP          3614 25-May-91  [01] The bus ride
BUSTRIP.ZIP      7503 17-May-92� [01] A fantasy bustrip
BUSY.ZIP         4512 17-May-92� [01] Busy
BUTTFUCK.ZIP     5261 07-Mar-90  [02] How to butt-fuck
BYLUST.ZIP       3630 29-May-91  [00] Ted and Dave's animal fun: Bunny lust
CALGIRL.ZIP      4475 17-May-92� [00] Calendar Girl Printer Pic
CAMPEX.ZIP       6176 23-Feb-92  [05] An experience at camp
CAMPING.ZIP      9038 17-May-92� [02] A sexy camping trip
CANDY1-7.ZIP    13991 30-Jun-91  [04] Candy's story
CANDY5.ZIP       3750 25-May-91  [02] Candy feels horny
CANDY6.ZIP       2075 25-May-91  [01] Candy still feels horny
CAPTIVE.ZIP     22504 19-Jul-91  [02] Made a captive
CAPTIVE1.ZIP     5333 19-Nov-90  [03] The Captive, Part 1
CAPTIVE2.ZIP     9101 19-Nov-90  [02] The Captive, Part 2
CAPTIVE3.ZIP     8617 19-Nov-90  [02] The Captive, Part 3
CAPTIVE4.ZIP     4678 19-Nov-90  [02] The Captive, Part 4
CAPTURE1.ZIP    13345 19-Nov-90  [01] Captured! Part 1
CAR-TRIP.ZIP     4925 19-Jul-91  [04] Sex in a car when young
CARAMEL.ZIP      4971 17-May-92� [01] They call her Caramel
CARETAKE.ZIP     4577 17-May-92� [01] Caretaker
CAROL.ZIP        5557 11-Mar-91  [04] Carol gets it on with her neighbor
CASS.ZIP        10805 25-May-91  [01] Cass learns obediance
CATHOUSE.ZIP     4685 19-Nov-90  [03] Cat houses in Nevada
CATS.ZIP         2189 19-Jul-91  [01] A story of somebody who likes cats
CDC160.ZIP       5382 17-May-92� [00] Story of an alternative lifestyle - cDc
CDC172.ZIP       3193 17-May-92� [00] Wet-mount Slide by Tequila Willy
CFUCKERS.ZIP     6389 17-May-92� [01] Cousin Fuckers
CGS.ZIP          5157 06-Apr-92  [01] Forty Nights - #3
CHAMPAIN.ZIP    15775 19-Nov-90  [01] Champagne cock tale
CHAMPANE.ZIP    15747 17-May-92� [00] Champagne cocktail 1
CHAPTER1.ZIP     8390 25-May-91  [02] Open marriage chronicles: Florida heat
CHAPTER2.ZIP    10311 25-May-91  [02] Open marriage chronicles: Visit now the
CHEER.ZIP        9601 19-Jul-91  [04] Cheerleaders initiation
CHIFANT.ZIP      8228 06-Apr-92  [02] Chicago Fantasy - Part 1
CHORES.ZIP       9877 17-May-92� [02] "DO" your Chores. aka Mindy
CHRISTY.ZIP      2764 13-Dec-89  [01] Cool ASCII pic. (light on dark screens)
CHURCH.ZIP      12085 11-Mar-91  [02] Sex at Churche House
CINDY.ZIP       12243 19-Nov-90  [01] Cindy's Torment - an S&M tale
CIRCUMS.ZIP      2312 17-May-92� [00] Circumcision information
CITATION.ZIP    24964 17-May-92� [01] He gets a ticket from a female cop
CJSTORY.ZIP      3935 25-May-91  [01] CJ's story of his date with Bregette
CJSTORY2.ZIP     3624 25-May-91  [00] CJ's story (continued)
CLEANUP.ZIP      9422 19-Jul-91  [02] Gay man finds a "maid"
CLSFRNDS.ZIP     3927 17-May-92� [00] Close Friends
CLUB.ZIP        15137 17-May-92� [00] Swinger's Club Owner Tells all
COACH.ZIP       10096 19-Jun-91  [01] Getting sucked by the coach
COKTAIL1.ZIP    14361 25-May-91  [02] Cocktail party - Part 1
COKTAIL2.ZIP    10566 25-May-91  [01] Cocktail party - Part 2
COLLEGE.ZIP      5888 17-May-92� [01] Last day of the term
COMPSEX.ZIP      3236 13-Dec-89  [00] A computer's wet dream
CONDOM1.ZIP      1669 17-May-92� [00] Condom Laws!
CONDOMS.ZIP      1894 17-May-92� [00] National Condom Week slogans
CONFESS.ZIP     13105 19-Nov-90  [04] Very erotic tale of seduction
CONN1.ZIP        3384 19-Jun-91  [04] Formal education at an all-girl school
CONN2.ZIP        3335 19-Jun-91  [02] Connie's awakening
CONNIE.ZIP       3276 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
CONTEST.ZIP     16099 17-May-92� [01] The Contest
COOKIESX.ZIP     9472 19-Jul-91  [03] She delivers a whole lot more than just
CORPASS.ZIP     30064 19-Jul-91  [03] Getting even with the lady boss
COTTON.ZIP      14830 30-Jun-91  [02] Niccole's cotton panties
COUNTRY.ZIP      5913 17-May-92� [00] A little bit of the country
COUPE.ZIP        3582 17-May-92� [01] Why I Love my Cadillac
COUPLE.ZIP      13721 19-Jun-91  [04] Well-written tale of a young girl's
                                 sexual experience with an older couple
COUSIN13.ZIP     5554 17-May-92� [01] 13-year old cross-dressers!
COUSINS3.ZIP    45862 17-May-92� [00] Cousins teaching each other everything
CRUZCUNT.ZIP     8740 17-May-92� [01] Cruising Cunts
CUCUMBER.ZIP     2485 13-Dec-89  [00] Why cucumbers are better than men
CUM.ZIP          4880 17-Apr-90  [02] He finds the curtains open
CUMQUEEN.ZIP    14968 19-Jul-91  [03] She loves cum
CUPID.ZIP        8227 17-May-92� [01] Cupid at work
CURTAINS.ZIP     3509 19-Jul-91  [01] He finds the curtains open

��� Total files :   228 � Offline :     0 � New :   100 � Total :  2297 (k)

� ��� � # 44 �          Smut #2 - D to H (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
DADDY.ZIP        4757 11-Mar-91  [05] A present for Daddy
DADDYSAN.ZIP     2282 17-May-92� [03] Daddy's Little Angel - Sick Story
DAKOTA.ZIP       2782 17-May-92� [01] A younger brother's thoughts of her
                                 sister and her boy friend's 'Dakota snake'
DANE.ZIP         6928 19-Jun-91  [03] She gets fucked by a great dane
DANEMANR.ZIP     8720 19-Jul-91  [01] Events at Dane Manor
DATEINST.ZIP     2068 21-Nov-90  [02] Guidelines for a romantic date
DAVA.ZIP         5404 17-May-92� [00] Chat with Dava
DAVIDG.ZIP       5970 17-May-92� [02] David Green's Porno Stories Vol. 1 No. 1
DAYS-END.ZIP     3793 19-Jul-91  [04] What happens when she gets home (xxx)
DCAMP.ZIP       14691 21-Nov-90  [01] Sex camp of dominance and disipline
DE-SADE.ZIP      7780 08-Apr-91  [01] Cruel sex
DEAN1.ZIP       14863 08-Apr-91  [03] The dean of disipline - Part 1
DEAN2.ZIP       13066 08-Apr-91  [03] The dean of disipline - Part 2
DEBBIE.ZIP       4737 17-May-92� [02] Debbie & her Stepfather
DEEPMSG.ZIP      8809 25-May-91  [02] Deep massage in Paris
DESADE9.ZIP      8536 17-May-92� [00] Her name is Desade
DESIGNAT.ZIP     5058 17-May-92� [03] Designated driver
DESIRE.ZIP       3791 17-May-92� [01] Desire... actually said "Des-er-eh"
                                 (Like Desiree')
DEWN85.ZIP       3666 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
DIANA1.ZIP       9155 17-May-92� [02] Diana 1 of 3
DIANA2.ZIP       6978 17-May-92� [01] Diana 2 of 3
DIANA3.ZIP       7868 17-May-92� [01] Diana 3 of 3
DISPLAY.ZIP      6605 23-Feb-92  [05] On display
DOC&JOCK.ZIP    11837 19-Jul-91  [01] The Doc gets with the Jock and then
DOCVISIT.ZIP     4019 17-May-92� [06] A woman gets a surprise while visiting
                                 her doctor
DOG1.ZIP         3726 19-Jul-91  [02] Story about a dog - Part 1
DOG2.ZIP         3239 19-Jul-91  [02] Story about a dog - Part 2
DOGFUN.ZIP      11877 08-Apr-91  [03] Fun with the family dog
DOGGIE.ZIP       6728 17-May-92� [01] Incest, Anal Sex, Bestiality
DOGGY.ZIP       10867 17-May-92� [01] Gone to the dogs
DOGRAPE.ZIP      6178 11-Mar-91  [01] Der Dresseur, an S&M fantasy with Nazi
DOGTIRED.ZIP     5829 08-Apr-91  [01] Jum and his slave Mike
DOLPHIN.ZIP      3399 07-Nov-90  [02] Sex with a dolphin. <yeah, right>
DONKEY.ZIP       4912 19-Jul-91  [01] Donkey sex
DOORWAYS.ZIP     7827 19-Jul-91  [00] Sex with Mike in the doorway
DORMROOM.ZIP     5335 30-Jun-91  [01] Dorm room domination
DOUBLE.ZIP       3860 08-Apr-91  [03] Sex with identical twins
DREAM.ZIP        6046 17-May-92� [00] My dream fantasy
DREAMER.ZIP      4396 17-May-92� [00] A Dream Box, Wrong Area I believe
DRIVE-IN.ZIP     8053 21-Nov-90  [02] Sex at the drive-in
DRIVING.ZIP      7649 19-Jun-91  [05] The driving instructor
DRMSHWR.ZIP      5006 19-Jul-91  [04] Dorm showers - girls only
DUBLDONG.ZIP     4246 17-May-92� [01] Double Dong
EATLUNCH.ZIP    16142 06-Apr-92  [03] Let's eat lunch
EBEAVER1.ZIP     7856 06-Apr-92  [09] Eager Beaver and her professor - Part 1
EBEAVER2.ZIP     9508 06-Apr-92  [08] Eager Beaver and her professor - Part 2
EDIE.ZIP         6488 30-Jun-91  [02] Edie's birthday dress
ELEVATOR.ZIP     4951 19-Jul-91  [02] What an elevator ride!
ELKI1-1.ZIP     10189 17-May-92� [00] Elki 1
ELKI1-2.ZIP      5860 17-May-92� [00] Elki 2
ELKI1-3.ZIP     13825 17-May-92� [00] Elki 3
ELVIRA1.ZIP      3272 17-May-92� [00] One of Elvira's love letters
EMBER.ZIP        5219 17-May-92� [00] A story
ENCYCL.ZIP       7985 11-Mar-91  [01] Sex with the encyclopedia salesman
ENEMA.ZIP        6044 17-May-92� [00] A hospital patient gets a surprise
ENEMABAG.ZIP    13523 21-Nov-90  [01] Shitty Viet Nam enema bag story
ENGINEER.ZIP     9468 19-Jul-91  [00] Summer fun with an electrical engineer
ENOUGH.ZIP      18376 07-Nov-90  [02] Never enough
EQUUS.ZIP       20582 19-Jul-91  [03] Guy and a horse
EROSV1N1.ZIP    16720 18-Jul-89  [03] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 1
EROSV1N2.ZIP    14726 18-Jul-89  [02] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 2
EROSV1N3.ZIP    15820 18-Jul-89  [01] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 3
EROSV1N4.ZIP    11451 18-Jul-89  [01] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 4
EROSV1N5.ZIP    10377 18-Jul-89  [00] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 5
EROSV1N6.ZIP    10672 21-Nov-90  [00] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 6
EROSV1N7.ZIP    11117 21-Nov-90  [00] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 7
EROSV1N8.ZIP    11080 11-Mar-91  [00] Electronic Eros - Volume 1, Number 8
EROTIC.ZIP       2836 17-May-92� [01] An erotic tale
EROTICBF.ZIP     3778 17-May-92� [01] The Erotic Buffet
EXHIBIT.ZIP      8029 19-Jul-91  [03] She's a born exhibitionist
EXINE1.ZIP       5939 05-Apr-92  [02] The sexual adventures of Exine #1
EXINE2.ZIP       7341 05-Apr-92  [02] The sexual adventures of Exine #2
EXINE3.ZIP      16959 05-Apr-92  [02] The sexual adventures of Exine #3
EXPERMEN.ZIP    28320 19-Jul-91  [01] Erotic pyschology experiment
FAMFUN1.ZIP      2751 17-May-92� [02] Mom gives 20-year old son a hand-job
FAMFUN2.ZIP      4277 17-May-92� [02] Mom gives son a blow-job
FAMFUN3.ZIP      5906 17-May-92� [03] Brother does hot red-headed sister
FAMFUN4.ZIP      6465 17-May-92� [02] Mom does sis while he watches through
                                 the door
FAMFUN5.ZIP      5938 17-May-92� [03] Sister does dad
FAMILY1.ZIP      7346 17-May-92� [02] Keep it in the Family - 1 of 4
FAMILY2.ZIP      5970 17-May-92� [02] Keep it in the Family - 2 of 4
FAMILY3.ZIP     15781 17-May-92� [01] Keep it in the Family - 3 of 4
FAMILY4.ZIP     15908 17-May-92� [01] Keep it in the Family - 4 of 4
FAMLOVE.ZIP     23055 19-Jul-91  [07] Stories of family love
FANTASY.ZIP     10619 17-May-92� [00] A Bored Housewife's Tale
FANTASY1.ZIP    25498 19-Jul-91  [01] Just another little story
FARM1.ZIP       20077 25-May-91  [04] The farmer's step-daughter (Part 1)
FARM2.ZIP       21096 25-May-91  [03] The farmer's step-daughter (Part 2)
FARMBOY.ZIP     29198 19-Jul-91  [00] Homosex & shit sex with the farm boy
FARMER1.ZIP     19746 17-May-92� [05] The farmer's step-daughter #1
FARMER2.ZIP     20826 17-May-92� [05] The farmer's step-daughter #2
FAVFANT.ZIP      4601 06-Apr-92  [01] A favorite fantasy
FAVSEXPO.ZIP     2207 17-May-92� [00] Some users' favourite sex positions
FEELINGS.ZIP     6503 17-May-92� [00] Feelings for the Night
FEMFUN.ZIP      15564 19-Jul-91  [03] The girls do like their fun
FEMSXXX.ZIP     15580 19-Jun-91  [03] Havin' Fun by Shauna W.
FINALS70.ZIP     3924 17-May-92� [05] My freshman year sociology final by
                                 Sexxy Karen
FINGER.ZIP       7220 07-Nov-90  [02] The art of fingering pussy
FIRST-BD.ZIP     6383 11-Mar-91  [00] First time B&D
FIRST.ZIP        7435 06-Apr-92  [03] The first time
FIRSTIME.ZIP     2273 19-Jul-91  [01] My first experience with a male
FIRSTSM1.ZIP    13103 08-Apr-91  [00] First S&M Scene - Part 1
FIRSTSM2.ZIP    11909 08-Apr-91  [00] First S&M Scene - Part 2
FIRSTSM3.ZIP    15823 08-Apr-91  [00] First S&M Scene - Part 3
FIRSTWET.ZIP     5286 21-Nov-90  [01] A boy with an anal fixation
FISTLOVE.ZIP     5153 05-Apr-92  [01] She begins to experience new things
FLASHING.ZIP     6105 30-Jun-91  [02] Flashing her husband's best friend
FLIGHT.ZIP       5020 17-May-92� [00] Flight delays are a pleasure
FOURSOME.ZIP     8148 17-May-92� [00] A Foursome
FRAN.ZIP         1929 17-May-92� [00] Fran - Printer Pic
FRANKSBO.ZIP    13996 19-Jul-91  [02] Frank's boys
FRIDGE.ZIP       2857 17-May-92� [00] Fridge Sex
FRNMAID.ZIP     10822 25-May-91  [03] The French maid
FRSHMAN.ZIP      3352 30-Jun-91  [02] Freshman orientation
FRSTIME1.ZIP     7398 17-May-92� [00] The first time 1 of 2
FRSTIME2.ZIP     7458 17-May-92� [00] The First Time 2 of 2
FTEST.ZIP        3119 11-Mar-91  [01] Female purity test
FTEXT.ZIP        3117 08-Apr-91  [00] Female purity test
FUCKBABY.ZIP     4729 29-May-91  [01] The fuck baby
FUCKDED.ZIP      3305 12-Sep-89  [01] How to "do" necrophilia. Very cold
FUCKME.ZIP       4669 17-Apr-90  [01] Fuck me to tears
FUCKTEAR.ZIP     4681 17-May-92� [00] Fuck me to tears
GAL06.ZIP        5341 17-May-92� [01] Adventures of Galactic Girl #6
GAL07.ZIP        5416 17-May-92� [01] Adventures of Galactic Girl #7
GAL08.ZIP        5322 17-May-92� [01] Adventures of Galactic Girl #8
GAL09.ZIP        5241 17-May-92� [01] Adventures of Galactic Girl #9
GAL1.ZIP         6063 25-May-91  [04] The adventures of Galactic Girl #1
GAL10.ZIP        7188 17-May-92� [01] Adventures of Galactic Girl #10
GAL2.ZIP         5164 25-May-91  [04] The adventures of Galactic Girl #2
GAL3.ZIP         5373 25-May-91  [03] The adventures of Galactic Girl #3
GAL4.ZIP         5451 25-May-91  [03] The adventures of Galactic Girl #4
GAL5.ZIP         4637 25-May-91  [03] The adventures of Galactic Girl #5
GAL6.ZIP         5339 25-May-91  [01] The adventures of Galactic Girl #6
GAL7.ZIP         5415 25-May-91  [01] The adventures of Galactic Girl #7
GARDEN.ZIP       7592 28-Nov-90  [01] A summer garden encounter
GENEVIVE.ZIP     4464 19-Jul-91  [03] Getting into Genevieve's knickers
GEORGIA.ZIP     11493 17-May-92� [00] Arrested in Georgia
GERBIL.ZIP       3951 17-May-92� [00] Gerbil Stuffing??
GET-LAID.ZIP    12389 06-Apr-92  [04] How to get a female to let you fuck her
GIRL1.ZIP        2844 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic - another PinUp nudie
GIRLS&&.ZIP      4321 17-May-92� [00] Leigh & Victoria
GIRLS.ZIP        2762 17-May-92� [00] Phone numbers of brothels in Las Vegas
GIRLSGET.ZIP    21649 17-May-92� [04] The girls get together at last
GLORIA.ZIP      22014 05-Apr-92  [05] The abduction of Gloria - Behind the
                                 Green Door
GOLIATH.ZIP      6278 17-May-92� [00] Goliath the Emasculate
GOODLOVN.ZIP     5480 17-May-92� [00] Good Lovin'
GOODY02.ZIP      7615 19-Jul-91  [02] The Goody-Goody Girls - Chapter 2
GOODY03.ZIP      8509 19-Jul-91  [01] The Goody-Goody Girls - Chapter 3
GOODY04.ZIP      7435 19-Jul-91  [01] The Goody-Goody Girls - Chapter 4
GO_MOM.ZIP      37267 17-May-92� [04] Mom Meets the Neighborhood Boys
GREEK2ME.ZIP     3634 11-Mar-91  [01] Anal sex lovers
GRILSC.ZIP       3432 19-Jul-91  [04] Girl Scout cookies
GRLSCOUT.ZIP     9567 30-Jun-91  [05] Fun with Girl Scouts
GSPOT.ZIP        8775 17-May-92� [02] The mythical G-Spot: Finding and
                                 exploiting it
GTARIST.ZIP      6032 19-Jul-91  [01] The mundane life of a rock guitarist
GUARD.ZIP        9551 28-Nov-90  [03] Guard at high school meets horny frosh
GVIBRAT.ZIP      5909 19-Jul-91  [01] Ways to use a vibrator
GYMCLASS.ZIP     7451 17-May-92� [02] Sex in the school gym with Joan
GYMPERV.ZIP      6892 20-Jan-90  [05] A lesbian orgy in the school gym
HALOWEEN.ZIP    10825 17-May-92� [02] Halloween Phun
HANDJOB.ZIP      4426 17-May-92� [00] Little Oral Annie's Perfect Handjob
HANDJOBS.ZIP     5836 28-Nov-90  [04] Perfect handjobs (Give this to your SO!)
HANK_2.ZIP       7294 08-Apr-91  [01] Hank was proud of his dick
HAPENING.ZIP     4149 17-May-92� [00] A Happening
HARASS.ZIP       9685 17-May-92� [00] Sexual Harassment Consent form
HAWAII.ZIP       9539 06-Apr-92  [01] Fun in Hawaii
HEADCLAS.ZIP     8230 17-May-92� [02] Head of the Class
HEAT1.ZIP       15499 05-Apr-92  [04] The Heat - Part 1
HEAT2.ZIP       23674 05-Apr-92  [04] The Heat - Part 2
HEATHERP.ZIP     3952 17-May-92� [00] Heather - Printer Pic
HEAVEN.ZIP       4653 30-Jun-91  [00] Haeven on Earth
HEIDI1.ZIP       3820 17-May-92� [00] Heidi 1 of 3
HEIDI2.ZIP       3268 17-May-92� [00] Heidi 2 of 3
HEIDI3.ZIP       3558 17-May-92� [00] Heidi 3 of 3
HELPHAND.ZIP    16296 19-Jul-91  [08] Little Sister's Helping Hand
HENTAI.ZIP       4893 05-Apr-92  [04] Sources of most of those SCHOOL, BEPPIN,
                                 and SUPPIN GIF's -- Japanese porn sources
HERBDAY.ZIP      9350 19-Jul-91  [00] Her surprise birthday present
HERMAST.ZIP      8731 25-May-91  [01] On her own
HIREDMSC.ZIP     6400 17-May-92� [00] Hired Muscle
HISCHOOL.ZIP     9698 17-May-92� [02] Salesman finds 3 school girls
HISMAST.ZIP      9786 25-May-91  [01] Victory, at last
HITCHHIK.ZIP     7324 06-Apr-92  [02] Picking up on the hitchhiker
HOMEWORK.ZIP     6005 20-Jun-91  [02] More homework to do (Part 2)
HOMEWRK2.ZIP     6001 28-Nov-90  [01] Not much studying gets done tonight...
HOMOVIES.ZIP     7493 19-Jul-91  [01] Fun with a VCR!
HORSE.ZIP        5435 25-May-91  [02] Mandy fucks a horse
HORSE2.ZIP       8523 19-Jul-91  [04] More stallions of lust
HORSESAM.ZIP     9031 05-Apr-92  [06] Samantha fucks a horse
HORSEY.ZIP       9547 17-May-92� [03] The horsey set
HOT-TUB.ZIP      9167 23-Feb-92  [07] The hot tub
HOT4.ZIP         6914 23-Feb-92  [04] Hot to trot
HOTASS.ZIP       5018 30-Jun-91  [00] My wife has a hot ass
HOTMOM1.ZIP      1250 17-May-92� [02] Hot mom - Part 1
HOTMOM2.ZIP      8353 17-May-92� [02] Hot mom - Part 2
HOTMOM3.ZIP      8079 17-May-92� [02] Hot mom - Part 3
HOTMOM4.ZIP      9146 17-May-92� [02] Hot mom - Part 4
HOTNIGHT.ZIP    10905 23-Feb-92  [04] Hot nights
HOTRAM1.ZIP      8130 28-Nov-90  [01] Mary Had a Hot Ram - Part 1
HOTRAM2.ZIP      4715 19-Jul-91  [01] Mary Had a Hot Ram - Part 2
HOTRAM3.ZIP      6447 19-Jul-91  [01] Mary Had a Hot Ram - Part 3
HOTRAM4.ZIP      6330 28-Nov-90  [01] Mary Had a Hot Ram - Part 4
HOTRAM5.ZIP      9142 19-Jul-91  [01] Mary Had a Hot Ram - Part 5
HOTSIS.ZIP      11012 19-Jul-91  [07] Little sister and big brother
HOTSLUT.ZIP      9588 30-Jun-91  [04] Guilty pleasures
HPS1.ZIP         8074 25-May-91  [03] Horny peeping sister - Part 1
HPS2.ZIP         7756 25-May-91  [01] Horny peeping sister - Part 2
HPS3.ZIP         8199 25-May-91  [01] Horny peeping sister - Part 3
HPS4.ZIP         8586 25-May-91  [01] Horny peeping sister - Part 4
HPS5.ZIP         7843 25-May-91  [01] Horny peeping sister - Part 5
HPS6-7.ZIP      15813 25-May-91  [01] Horny peeping sister - Parts 6 & 7
HPS8-9.ZIP      15211 25-May-91  [02] Horny peeping sister - Parts 8 & 9
HRDOG1.ZIP       3995 19-Jul-91  [01] The Adventures of Hard Yard - Part 1
HRDOG2.ZIP       4856 19-Jul-91  [01] The Adventures of Hard Yard - Part 2

��� Total files :   213 � Offline :     0 � New :    80 � Total :  1762 (k)

� ��� � # 45 �          Smut #3 - I to M (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
ICECREAM.ZIP     4587 28-Jan-92  [00] Sex with food story
ICRASHED.ZIP     6481 19-Jul-91  [01] I crashed a party
INCEST1.ZIP      6606 22-Dec-89  [02] Brother and sister have too much fun
INCEST2.ZIP      3565 22-Dec-89  [03] My first time
INLAWXX3.ZIP    18977 20-Jun-91  [01] The delight of inlaws - Part 3
INNOCENC.ZIP     3174 17-May-92� [00] Innocence Test, cool, and very humorous
INNOCENT.ZIP    12249 19-Jul-91  [02] Gay story - not for the squeamish
INSLEEP.ZIP      3519 17-May-92� [01] Interrupted sleep
INSPENIS.ZIP     2704 17-May-92� [00] When to insert the Penis
INTLAFF.ZIP     22562 08-Apr-91  [01] Sex in the Arab world
INTRUDER.ZIP    10741 17-May-92� [03] Sex Intruder
IS1.ZIP          6445 17-May-92� [02] Incest is best, keep it in the family.
                                 Incest Story 1
IS2.ZIP          5551 17-May-92� [01] Incest Story 2
IS3.ZIP          4145 17-May-92� [00] Incest Story 3
IS4.ZIP          5128 17-May-92� [02] Incest Story 4
IS5.ZIP          7692 17-May-92� [02] Incest Story 5
ISABELLE.ZIP    10962 20-Jun-91  [02] Isabelle the erotic one
ITS.ZIP          3196 08-Apr-91  [01] Ass fucking
ITSTEXT.ZIP      2227 13-Dec-89  [00] An ASCII nude
JACQUE.ZIP       5956 19-Jul-91  [00] Jacque, gay dog of the frozen north
JAFFA.ZIP        9628 05-Apr-92  [05] Delightful summer in Israel
JANET.ZIP        4058 17-May-92� [02] Janet and friends
JE136-01.ZIP     5061 17-May-92� [00] Journal Entry 136: The Kittenin' Part 1
JE136-02.ZIP     4790 17-May-92� [00] Journal Entry 136: The Kittenin' Part 2
JEN.ZIP         21623 19-Jul-91  [05] Lesbian slave / bondage
JENNIFER.ZIP     6860 17-May-92� [00] A well-written tale of on-line sex
JENNY.ZIP        8493 17-May-92� [00] Story about Jenny
JESSIE.ZIP       3704 17-May-92� [00] Jessie - Printer Pic
JILL.ZIP         3979 17-May-92� [01] Jill's Story
JOAN1A.ZIP       6123 19-Jul-91  [04] Tale of a bored housewife
JOANNE.ZIP       4464 19-Jul-91  [03] College girl who wants it
JOBTRAIN.ZIP    11306 19-Jul-91  [00] On the job training
JOHNSON.ZIP     10522 25-May-91  [01] The Johnsons
JOHNSON1.ZIP    10240 17-May-92� [00] The Johnsons (incest story)
JOINING.ZIP      3885 17-May-92� [02] The joining (bestiality)
JOYRIDE.ZIP      7412 17-May-92� [00] Joy Ride
JUDY.ZIP         5738 17-May-92� [00] A doggy tale
JULIE1.ZIP      11169 17-May-92� [01] Julie's epic adventures in life 1 of 3
JULIE2.ZIP      12279 17-May-92� [00] Julie's epic adventures in life 2 of 3
JULIE3.ZIP      12752 17-May-92� [00] Julie's epic adventures in life 3 of 3
JUNE.ZIP        18926 17-May-92� [04] June does the wild thing
KAMASUTR.ZIP     6077 20-Jun-91  [02] The love teachings of the Kama Sutra
KAREN-1.ZIP      7937 17-May-92� [00] Karen
KAREN.ZIP        8761 20-Jun-91  [04] Karen and Sonya find their man
KAREN1.ZIP      10938 19-Jul-91  [08] His best friend's little sister
KAREN2.ZIP       9594 19-Jul-91  [07] More of Karen's story
KAREN3.ZIP      13030 19-Jul-91  [07] Conclusion of Karen's story
KARENKID.ZIP    30552 17-May-92� [04] Kiddie stuff
KATE.ZIP        14525 07-Nov-90  [03] Kate at the swinger's club
KATHALEX.ZIP     7028 17-May-92� [01] Kathy & Alex - Lesbian B&D/S&M
KATHY.ZIP        3996 19-Jul-91  [02] Guy jacks off with sister's panties
KEI01.ZIP        4766 23-Feb-92  [06] Kei's Story #1
KEI02.ZIP        4727 23-Feb-92  [06] Kei's Story #2
KEI03.ZIP        4901 23-Feb-92  [05] Kei's Story #3
KEI04.ZIP        3467 23-Feb-92  [05] Kei's Story #4
KEI05.ZIP        6918 23-Feb-92  [04] Kei's Story #5
KEI06.ZIP        7561 23-Feb-92  [04] Kei's Story #6
KEN_CLUB.ZIP    10691 17-May-92� [00] The Kennel Klub
KIDCEST1.ZIP    11688 17-May-92� [04] First encounters of the best kind
KIM&MOM.ZIP      9102 05-Apr-92  [06] A surprise for mom
KIM01.ZIP       32105 19-Jul-91  [04] The Story of Kim - Part 1
KIM02.ZIP       26264 19-Jul-91  [04] The Story of Kim - Part 2
KINKYSEX.ZIP     4962 20-Jun-91  [03] My kinkiest sex experience by Wendy
K_CLUB_1.ZIP    10691 05-Apr-92  [03] The Kennel Club - Part 1
K_CLUB_2.ZIP    10312 05-Apr-92  [03] The Kennel Club - Part 2
LADIES.ZIP      11378 25-May-91  [01] Ladies night
LAR1.ZIP        11625 08-Apr-91  [01] Larry meets his man - Part 1
LAR2.ZIP        15810 08-Apr-91  [00] Larry meets his man - Part 2
LAR3.ZIP        12512 08-Apr-91  [00] Larry meets his man - Part 3
LAR4.ZIP        13259 08-Apr-91  [00] Larry meets his man - Part 4
LATINMAN.ZIP     5716 22-Jul-91  [01] A gay latin lover is found
LATRINE.ZIP      6191 08-Apr-91  [00] Truckstop latrine
LAURA-1.ZIP      3465 25-May-91  [00] Laura the librarian #1
LAURA-2.ZIP      3963 25-May-91  [00] Laura the librarian #2
LAURA-3.ZIP      3933 25-May-91  [00] Laura the librarian #3
LAURA-4.ZIP      3911 25-May-91  [00] Laura the librarian #4
LAURA.ZIP        5129 17-May-92� [00] Laura
LAWN.ZIP        11670 17-May-92� [00] A Lawn party of a different sort
LEARNSEX.ZIP     7832 17-May-92� [01] Learning Sex
LEFTOVER.ZIP     9264 17-May-92� [00] Left overs
LEGION.ZIP       8246 08-Apr-91  [01] Story of dominance
LEIA.ZIP        23419 25-May-91  [01] The phone call
LEMON.ZIP        7553 17-May-92� [01] Let's have some Lemonade
LES.ZIP          8441 22-Jul-91  [03] Robin and Linda
LESBLETR.ZIP     2907 17-May-92� [00] Letter to lesbian
LEZCHAT1.ZIP     3330 08-Apr-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line
LEZCHAT2.ZIP     2872 08-Apr-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line
LEZCHAT3.ZIP     7184 25-May-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line #3
LEZCHAT4.ZIP     5242 25-May-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line #4
LEZCHAT5.ZIP     5470 25-May-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line #5
LEZCHAT6.ZIP     6335 25-May-91  [01] Two lesbians on a chat line #6
LEZDREAM.ZIP     3541 25-May-91  [01] Lesbian dream
LEZEMAIL.ZIP     7337 25-May-91  [02] Lesbian e-mail
LEZFIRST.ZIP     5049 25-May-91  [01] The college dormitory shower
LEZFREND.ZIP     4336 25-May-91  [03] My lesbian friend
LEZMOM.ZIP       7019 25-May-91  [03] My lesbian mother
LEZRAPE.ZIP      5347 25-May-91  [04] Patty's lesbian rape
LEZZIE.ZIP       3217 17-May-92� [00] Two girls having fun
LIBRARY.ZIP      2299 17-May-92� [01] Library Exhibitionism
LICK0.ZIP        5856 20-Jun-91  [04] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 0
LICK1.ZIP        6488 20-Jun-91  [04] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 1
LICK2.ZIP       17925 20-Jun-91  [04] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 2
LICK3.ZIP        4765 20-Jun-91  [03] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 3
LICK4.ZIP        6188 20-Jun-91  [02] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 4
LICK5.ZIP        6229 20-Jun-91  [03] The Adventures of Lickin' Linda - Part 5
LIKEMOM.ZIP     17340 28-Nov-90  [02] Pam, Dave, and Mom
LILNIECE.ZIP    18012 05-Apr-92  [07] Uncle takes care of his niece
LILY1.ZIP        9466 22-Jul-91  [00] The Revelation
LIMITS.ZIP       8305 08-Apr-91  [01] Take me to the limits
LINDA1.ZIP      11203 17-May-92� [01] Linda - 1 of 12
LINDA10.ZIP     12378 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 10 of 12
LINDA11.ZIP     20844 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 11 of 12
LINDA12.ZIP     20098 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 12 of 12
LINDA2.ZIP      12281 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 2 of 12
LINDA3.ZIP      12754 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 3 of 12
LINDA300.ZIP    19417 03-Oct-89  [02] S&M Master's true story of sexpain
LINDA4.ZIP      14300 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 4 of 12
LINDA5.ZIP      13251 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 5 of 12
LINDA6.ZIP      16642 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 6 of 12
LINDA7.ZIP      14080 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 7 of 12
LINDA8.ZIP       9998 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 8 of 12
LINDA9.ZIP      19444 17-May-92� [00] Linda - 9 of 12
LISA-LF1.ZIP    71190 07-Mar-90  [02] More about Lisa
LISA-LF3.ZIP    71817 07-Mar-90  [04] Lisa is still going strong
LISA.ZIP       152497 17-May-92� [01] Lisa does everything and everybody in 29
LISA1.ZIP        7103 27-Feb-89  [03] Lisa and her father - XXX
LISA2.ZIP        5756 27-Feb-89  [02] Lisa and her mother
LISA3.ZIP        8520 27-Feb-89  [03] Lisa and her teenage girlfriend
LISA32.ZIP     145233 20-Feb-90  [04] Lisa grows up and tells the story of her
LISA4.ZIP        8067 27-Feb-89  [01] Lisa, Cindy, and Billy
LISA5.ZIP        8192 27-Feb-89  [02] Lisa and mom do it again
LISA6.ZIP        8564 27-Feb-89  [04] Lisa, mom, Billy, and Lisa's dad
LISATREY.ZIP     3760 22-Jul-91  [02] Lisa & Trey's fucking adventure!
LITLGIRL.ZIP     3515 02-Sep-90  [01] How to pick up little girls
LITLRED.ZIP      6303 28-Nov-90  [03] X-rated Little Red Riding Hood
LIVINIA1.ZIP    12241 07-Nov-90  [01] The story of Livinia Part 1
LIVINIA2.ZIP    12342 07-Nov-90  [01] The story of Livinia Part 2
LOCKER.ZIP      14365 17-May-92� [02] Fucking in the locker room
LOCKERRM.ZIP     5581 20-Jun-91  [03] The girl's locker room
LORRY.ZIP        3369 17-May-92� [11] Lorry the babysitter
LOVBOY.ZIP       3415 22-Jul-91  [00] Story of loverboy
LOVEDIES.ZIP     5862 07-Mar-90  [01] Necrophilia Story
LOVEHATE.ZIP     3116 07-Mar-90  [00] Love and Hate [PAPER]
LOYAL.ZIP        8474 17-May-92� [00] By Alexandra Penney: How to keep your
                                 man monogamous 1
LOYAL2.ZIP       5412 17-May-92� [00] By Alexandra Penney: How to keep your
                                 man monogamous 2
LUCY2.ZIP        5393 08-Apr-91  [00] Lucy's wild time
M&D.ZIP          9354 17-May-92� [03] Mother and daughter
MAIDWEEK.ZIP     8494 17-May-92� [02] Maids Week
MAKELOVE.ZIP     3552 28-Nov-90  [00] A feminine fantasy
MALIBU.ZIP       5169 17-May-92� [01] Malibu Muff-Diving
MALLSEX.ZIP     19628 20-Jun-91  [02] Sex at the Mall
MANDANCE.ZIP     6134 17-May-92� [00] Man dances for a crowd of wimmin.
MANDNCE.ZIP      6132 22-Jul-91  [02] Girls Capture this guy and make him
MARCO.ZIP        5125 25-May-91  [01] Marco gets sucked
MARIA.ZIP        8127 17-May-92� [01] Teenage Fuck Phile
MARIE1.ZIP      10582 17-May-92� [04] Marie's diary - Part 1
MARIE10.ZIP     18814 17-May-92� [00] Marie 10 - guess what? there's evenmore
MARIE11.ZIP     14474 17-May-92� [00] Marie part 11
MARIE12.ZIP     30329 17-May-92� [00] Marie 12 - the last one for now
MARIE2.ZIP      12567 17-May-92� [04] Marie's diary - Part 2
MARIE3.ZIP       6795 17-May-92� [03] Marie's diary - Part 3
MARIE4.ZIP      15719 17-May-92� [04] Marie's diary - Part 4
MARIE5.ZIP      14354 17-May-92� [03] Marie's diary - Part 5
MARIE6.ZIP       8402 17-May-92� [02] Marie's diary - Part 6
MARIE7.ZIP       9789 17-May-92� [00] Marie part 7 - the storie continues
MARIE8.ZIP       9771 17-May-92� [02] Marie's diaries
MARIE9.ZIP      16191 17-May-92� [00] Marie 9 - more!
MARTHA.ZIP       7175 22-Jul-91  [02] Great tale of a tail
MARY.ZIP         4685 17-May-92� [00] Mary
MARYCATH.ZIP     2814 17-May-92� [00] Mary Catherine
MASO_AMY.ZIP    31740 13-Dec-89  [00] Masochistic sex story for self-abusers
MASSAGE.ZIP      2923 28-Nov-90  [01] The massage is the message
MASTBATE.ZIP     3968 17-May-92� [00] Masturbation Techniques
MAUREEN.ZIP      6597 17-May-92� [00] First time in L.A.
MAY.ZIP         48262 17-May-92� [02] Little May's incestuous camping trip
MCHRIS01.ZIP     6799 17-May-92� [02] The Doctor's Office (Master Chris
MCHRIS02.ZIP     3609 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 2
MCHRIS03.ZIP     5118 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 3
MCHRIS04.ZIP     5365 17-May-92� [01] Return as the Nurse (Master Chris
MCHRIS05.ZIP     5268 17-May-92� [01] Back to High School (Master Chris
MCHRIS06.ZIP     4173 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 6
MCHRIS07.ZIP     6567 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 7
MCHRIS08.ZIP     5842 17-May-92� [01] Kidnapped to the Islands
MCHRIS09.ZIP     6003 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 9
MCHRIS10.ZIP     7199 17-May-92� [01] Trip to the Carribean
MCHRIS11.ZIP     5612 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 11
MCHRIS12.ZIP     6476 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 12
MCHRIS13.ZIP     6631 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 13
MCHRIS14.ZIP     5628 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 14
MCHRIS15.ZIP     6200 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 15
MCHRIS17.ZIP     7360 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 17
MCHRIS18.ZIP     6632 17-May-92� [01] On Display
MCHRIS19.ZIP     5635 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 19
MCHRIS21.ZIP     5317 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 21
MCHRIS22.ZIP     5966 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 22
MCHRIS23.ZIP     8401 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 23
MCHRIS24.ZIP     7620 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 24
MCHRIS26.ZIP     6331 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 26
MCHRIS27.ZIP     7763 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 27
MCHRIS28.ZIP     6257 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 28
MCHRIS29.ZIP     5485 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 29
MCHRIS31.ZIP     7615 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 31
MCHRIS33.ZIP     5351 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 33
MCHRIS34.ZIP     7175 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 34
MCHRIS37.ZIP     5828 17-May-92� [00] Master Chris 37
MEADOW.ZIP       3947 17-May-92� [00] Meadow Fantasy
MEATFUCK.ZIP     3044 11-Mar-91  [00] Fucking sides of beef
MEG&DAD.ZIP      7069 30-Jun-91  [00] Megan and her dad
MEG.ZIP          7068 17-May-92� [01] Megan and her Dad
MEGA.ZIP         6442 22-Jul-91  [02] Menage a Tois
MEGAN.ZIP        7173 17-May-92� [01] Megan goes sunbathing and masturbating
MELISS-1.ZIP    14374 17-May-92� [00] Melissa goes to the movies
MELISS-2.ZIP    11685 17-May-92� [00] Melissa makes a home video
MENSROOM.ZIP     3808 06-Apr-92  [04] Sex in the men's room at work
MEN_R_US.ZIP     6579 11-Mar-91  [01] Carol and Janet try out a man
METALPOR.ZIP     9347 08-Apr-91  [03] Heavy Metal concert sluts
METRO.ZIP        8794 17-May-92� [00] Sex on the Metro
MEXITRIP.ZIP     4403 06-Apr-92  [02] Suzi Q's sexy trip to Mexico
MICHELE5.ZIP     2698 06-Apr-92  [02] Afternoon office fantasy
MICKIE.ZIP       8416 30-Jun-91  [02] Michelle jumps on top
MIKE&ANN.ZIP    35547 06-Apr-92  [02] A few words about Ann
MINDSCP1.ZIP    11985 17-May-92� [00] Mindscape 1
MINDY1.ZIP      23540 17-May-92� [00] Mindy Part 1
MINDY2.ZIP      26498 17-May-92� [00] Mindy Part 2
MIS39.ZIP        2954 11-Mar-91  [01] Satin and Leather
MIS40.ZIP        9739 11-Mar-91  [01] Dominance and disipline on a cold winter
MISSALEX.ZIP     5957 17-May-92� [00] Bizarre story about a human tigress
MOLEST.ZIP      10619 17-May-92� [05] Molesting Young Teens
MOMINLAW.ZIP     4070 07-Nov-90  [01] Sexy mother-in-law story
MOONLIT1.ZIP     4895 28-Nov-90  [00] Moonlite thanks Shawn the best way
MOONLIT2.ZIP     2387 28-Nov-90  [01] Moonlite in the rain (XXX poem)
MOONLIT3.ZIP     3368 28-Nov-90  [00] Fire in the Moon (XXX poem)
MOONLIT4.ZIP     6725 28-Nov-90  [00] Burning Atlanta by Moonlite
MOONLIT5.ZIP    11258 28-Nov-90  [00] Fantasy for my Lover by Moonlite
MOONLIT6.ZIP     7084 28-Nov-90  [01] Tight as it Gets by Moonlite
MOONLIT7.ZIP     4933 28-Nov-90  [00] Halloween by Moonlite
MOONLIT8.ZIP     6341 28-Nov-90  [00] A Fantasy for James by Moonlite
MOONLIT9.ZIP     3940 28-Nov-90  [00] Tight Desert by Moonlite
MOONSAIL.ZIP    18505 28-Nov-90  [00] Moonlite Sailing
MORMAST.ZIP      2949 28-Nov-90  [01] Overcoming Masturbation (Mormon guide)
MOVIES.ZIP       8381 08-Apr-91  [01] Fucking at the movies
MRWADE02.ZIP    10310 17-May-92� [00] Master Wade 2
MRWADE04.ZIP     8037 17-May-92� [00] Master Wade 4
MRWADE05.ZIP     8152 17-May-92� [00] Master Wade 5
MRWADE76.ZIP     7027 17-May-92� [00] Master Wade 76
MRYOUNG.ZIP      8711 28-Nov-90  [04] Young threesome try new things
MY-SIS.ZIP       3066 22-Jul-91  [06] Fun with big sister
MYFIRST.ZIP      8102 30-Jun-91  [00] My first time
MYMISTRS.ZIP     6493 17-May-92� [00] Guy meets his dream girl

��� Total files :   249 � Offline :     0 � New :   122 � Total :  2552 (k)

� ��� � # 46 �          Smut #4 - N to R (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
NATURE.ZIP       5788 28-Nov-90  [03] A threesome in Yosemite
NAUGHTY.ZIP      8862 08-Apr-91  [05] Karen and Sonya get naughty
NAVY.ZIP         4213 04-Jan-90  [02] A lesbian makes love to a straight woman
NEETOANS.ZIP     4117 13-Dec-89  [00] ANSI Cartoon
NEIGBOR1.ZIP     8938 17-May-92� [01] Naughty Neighbours
NEIGHBOR.ZIP     5831 11-Mar-91  [03] Three female neighbors love to lick
NEWDOLPH.ZIP    10134 22-Jul-91  [03] The dolphin fucks her
NEWLOVE.ZIP     15103 22-Jul-91  [02] 16 year old learns about love
NEWPC.ZIP        2985 17-May-92� [01] The new Penthouse PC
NEWTWIST.ZIP     7314 28-May-91  [01] New twist to our sex life
NIECEPAM.ZIP    12774 17-May-92� [00] Coed niece Pam
NIGHTEVE.ZIP     5483 17-May-92� [00] The night and the evening
NIGHTMAR.ZIP     5579 28-May-91  [00] Nightmare erotic fantasy from hell
NIGHTOWN.ZIP    17581 22-Jul-91  [03] B&D and S&M on the town
NITERAIN.ZIP     3608 21-May-89  [01] XXX Story
NKDDINR.ZIP      4325 28-Nov-90  [00] Naked dinner
NOT-HERE.ZIP     4751 06-Apr-92  [01] Mary's fantasy stranger
NUDBEACH.ZIP     5486 07-Mar-90  [01] It happened on a nude beach...
NUDE2.ZIP        2638 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
NUDE4.ZIP        2083 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
NUDE5.ZIP        4230 17-May-92� [01] Printer Pic
NUDE6.ZIP        3622 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
NUDE8.ZIP        3502 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
NUDEBCH.ZIP      5464 28-Nov-90  [01] Nude beach Riveria
NUDESB.ZIP       2270 17-May-92� [00] Nude Sunbathing: Is it "Normal?"
NUDISM.ZIP       7902 17-May-92� [00] Aspects of Nudist Living
NURSE.ZIP        2635 22-Jul-91  [01] Oh nurse, nurse me
NURSEBED.ZIP    10668 22-Jul-91  [04] Fantasy with a nurse and a rope
NYMPH.ZIP        3173 17-May-92� [01] Wood Nymphs
OCOUSIN.ZIP      6749 22-Jul-91  [00] Gay story of Kissin' Cousins
OCT-PT1.ZIP      3544 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
OCT-PT2.ZIP      4074 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
ONE23.ZIP        3339 28-Nov-90  [00] One, two, threeway...
ONLOAN.ZIP      15498 23-Feb-92  [05] Master loans his best slave to a
                                 visiting friend
ONS.ZIP          7125 17-May-92� [01] A sale of a different type
ORAL.ZIP         3671 22-Jul-91  [00] Oral for hours
ORAL4HER.ZIP     7169 28-May-91  [01] Her first time
ORAL4HIM.ZIP     6901 28-May-91  [00] Her gift to him
ORGY.ZIP         3263 17-May-92� [00] A Story
ORSON.ZIP        6123 28-Nov-90  [00] Orson Scott Card says homos are evil
PAGNPORN.ZIP     5255 11-Mar-91  [02] Pagan porn
PALADIN.ZIP     12875 20-Jun-91  [05] Kim and her lover have fun with some
PALIDAN.ZIP     12875 08-Apr-91  [02] It happened one day...
PAMSPASS.ZIP     5700 17-May-92� [00] Pam's Passion
PAMSTRY1.ZIP     3890 22-Jul-91  [01] Pams adventure
PANDA.ZIP       20733 22-Jul-91  [01] Panda sex
PANTIES.ZIP      3012 22-Jul-91  [01] He gets off on panties
PAPRGIRL.ZIP    11356 22-Jul-91  [05] Fun with the Papergirl!
PARK&RID.ZIP     2876 17-May-92� [01] Park & Ride
PARK.ZIP         5812 17-May-92� [01] Sex in The Park
PARKPAIN.ZIP     5779 08-Apr-91  [01] Pain in the Park
PARTYBOY.ZIP    12225 22-Jul-91  [00] He wants to have fun
PARTYFAV.ZIP     9551 17-May-92� [00] Party Favour
PARTYG.ZIP       3950 05-Sep-89  [04] The Party Girl - XXX Story
PARTYNIT.ZIP    12681 17-May-92� [00] Post-midterm pary night
PASSION.ZIP      4013 11-Mar-91  [03] The passionate pleasures of Jessica
PASSON2.ZIP      5145 11-Mar-91  [01] Passion on the dance floor
PATTY.ZIP        5343 17-May-92� [04] Patty's Rape
PEEP.ZIP         4173 17-May-92� [01] How to be a successful peeping Tom
PEEPNTOM.ZIP     3771 01-Jan-80  [00] Adventures of a Peeping Tom
PEN.ZIP          2339 22-Jul-91  [00] A big dick in ANSI
PENELOPE.ZIP    13219 17-May-92� [00] Passionate Penelope's Portrait Session
PENIS.ZIP        2430 13-Dec-89  [00] Slang words for "penis"
PERFECT.ZIP      3900 17-May-92� [02] Perfect Love Story X
PERFLOVR.ZIP    12017 17-May-92� [00] One idea of a perfect Lover
PERSONAL.ZIP     2808 28-Nov-90  [02] A lesbian affair thanks to personal ads
PERV2.ZIP        3638 22-Jul-91  [06] Incest is best - Part 2 of 2
PERVERT.ZIP      9647 04-Jan-90  [06] Incest is best. Well written porn.
PFDEC88.ZIP     41135 24-Apr-89  [04] XXX Stories
PHDEC88.ZIP     41335 28-Nov-90  [03] Penthouse Forum - December 88
PHOTO.ZIP       19940 30-Jun-91  [01] The photographer
PHOTO1-5.ZIP    18558 17-May-92� [01] Phot session
PHOTOG-3.ZIP    20702 17-May-92� [01] Coed poses for photgrapher
PICKGIRL.ZIP     3671 17-May-92� [01] Picking up Little Girls
PICKUP.ZIP       3488 17-May-92� [00] Some really bad pickup lines
PIERCED.ZIP      6822 08-Apr-91  [00] Nipple piercing
PIMP.ZIP         2808 17-May-92� [00] How to be a pimp
PINKY.ZIP        6055 28-Nov-90  [03] Steve and Lola do Bondage and Disipline
PINUP01.ZIP      3672 13-Dec-89  [01] ASCII nude
PINUP02.ZIP      3166 13-Dec-89  [01] ASCII nude
PINUP03.ZIP      3533 13-Dec-89  [00] ASCII nude
PINUP04.ZIP      3478 13-Dec-89  [00] ASCII nude
PINUP1.ZIP       3329 17-May-92� [00] ASCII nude
PISS1.ZIP        4932 08-Apr-91  [03] Playing with piss
PLATO.ZIP       10608 28-Nov-90  [01] Plato's Retreat - defunct SF sex club
PLAYBALL.ZIP     3479 30-Jun-91  [00] Playing Ball by Moonlite
PLEASURE.ZIP     4381 28-Nov-90  [00] Pleasure knows no bounds
PLUMBER.ZIP      9656 22-Jul-91  [01] Plumber's Helper
POKER.ZIP        9252 28-Nov-90  [04] Disgusting strip poker & bondage story
POLARSEX.ZIP     9065 28-Nov-90  [01] Sex with polar bears
PONY.ZIP         4040 17-May-92� [00] In the Stables
PONY3.ZIP       11333 28-Nov-90  [00] Mideval sex with dragons and griffins
POOLPRTY.ZIP     5114 20-Feb-90  [02] Three girls and a guy get it on
PORNOGRA.ZIP    19525 17-May-92� [00] Pornography, by women, for women
PORTSESN.ZIP    13250 06-Apr-92  [02] My portrait session
POSSESS.ZIP     10582 22-Jul-91  [01] Taking Possession
PREGNANT.ZIP     4883 17-May-92� [02] Playing with a pregnant woman, naughty
PRESENT.ZIP     18778 23-Feb-92  [03] The birthday present
PRESENTX.ZIP    18741 01-Nov-91  [01] What a gift to give
PRIAPISM.ZIP     1803 17-May-92� [00] How certain chemicals can cause
PRINCPAL.ZIP     5968 11-Mar-91  [01] After school spanking in the Principal's
PROM.ZIP         7044 01-Nov-91  [01] Getting ready for the prom
PRUDES.ZIP       4928 13-Dec-89  [00] Prudes & Virgins Digest - V1N6
PUBEHAIR.ZIP     3272 17-May-92� [00] Runaway Pubic Hair! A Warning to 'baters
PULTRAIN.ZIP     9493 01-Nov-91  [01] Pulling a train for her ex-husband
PUNISHP.ZIP      9855 17-May-92� [00] Punishment Ship uh Shop
PURITY.ZIP      20290 17-May-92� [00] The Purity Test - did you score?
PURTYTST.ZIP     3966 07-Mar-90  [01] The Purity Test
PWDV1N10.ZIP     9969 19-Jul-89  [02] Perverts & Weirdos Digest - V1N10
PWDV1N11.ZIP     8384 19-Jul-89  [00] Perverts & Weirdos Digest - V1N11
PWDV1N12.ZIP     6190 19-Jul-89  [00] Perverts & Weirdos Digest - V1N12
PWDV1N13.ZIP     9694 19-Jul-89  [00] Perverts & Weirdos Digest - V1N13
PWDV1N14.ZIP     8487 11-Mar-91  [01] Perverts & Weirdos Digest - V1N14
RACHEL.ZIP       4163 17-May-92� [07] Rachel has sex with some young girls
RADIO.ZIP        7162 17-May-92� [00] Striptease on the radio
RAE68.ZIP        3658 17-May-92� [00] Internet rec.arts.erotica posting
RAE77.ZIP        4510 17-May-92� [00] Express
RAE79.ZIP        4577 17-May-92� [00] First Meeting
RAE80.ZIP       11295 17-May-92� [00] Side Effects
RAE81.ZIP       13780 17-May-92� [00] Tim and Lisa
RAE82.ZIP        7994 17-May-92� [00] Parking
RAE83.ZIP        6004 17-May-92� [00] The Cabin
RAE84.ZIP        3888 17-May-92� [00] Elegant Evening
RAE85.ZIP        8620 17-May-92� [00] Horny Peeping Sister 1
RAE86.ZIP        8312 17-May-92� [00] Horny Peeping Sister 2
RAE87.ZIP       16979 17-May-92� [00] Two bedtime stories - Business woman and
RAE88.ZIP       18991 17-May-92� [00] The Girls Next Door
RAE89.ZIP        8316 17-May-92� [00] Horny Peeping Sister 3
RAE90.ZIP        8574 17-May-92� [00] Horny Peeping Sister 4
RAE91.ZIP        7860 17-May-92� [00] Horny Peeping Sister 5
RAE92.ZIP        9799 17-May-92� [01] Bonus-Sis (pre-teens getting it on)
RAINFUCK.ZIP     3155 17-May-92� [01] What they did one rainy afternoon
RAPE.ZIP         4732 06-Apr-92  [06] My rape
RAQUEL.ZIP       3349 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
RCKSTAR.ZIP      3672 08-Apr-91  [03] Rock star groupies
READ.ZIP         3311 17-May-92� [04] Rear Search
REDCHEEK.ZIP    14193 23-Feb-92  [03] Red cheeks
REDHOOD.ZIP      6215 17-May-92� [00] Filthy Red Riding Hood
REFORM-1.ZIP     7848 01-Nov-91  [02] Special reform school for girls #1
REFORM1.ZIP      7848 07-Nov-90  [03] The Special Reform School for Girls
REIUNION.ZIP     4031 03-Dec-90  [00] 8th grade reunion brings people together
RENT.ZIP         3034 06-Apr-92  [03] Paying the rent
REPORTER.ZIP    35186 01-Nov-91  [01] Story of the training of male slaves
RESTAREA.ZIP     3824 03-Dec-90  [01] This rest area provides no rest
RESTRAIN.ZIP     2726 03-Dec-90  [01] Bondage and ass candles
REUNION.ZIP     13826 17-May-92� [01] Lovers reunite by candlelight
RFT1.ZIP         5489 01-Nov-91  [00] Rodd's Friend's Tale #1 - Tom and
                                 Jennifer get photographed and more
RFT3.ZIP         7481 01-Nov-91  [00] Rodd's Friend's Tale #3 - Tom's friend
                                 cums to visit from the army
RHONDA.ZIP       8124 17-May-92� [00] Summer Encounter
RICHY.ZIP        5950 17-May-92� [00] Richy
RIDGEHI.ZIP     13027 17-May-92� [01] High School Discipline
RINGS.ZIP        8695 01-Nov-91  [01] She shows him her rings
RINGS2.ZIP       8836 30-Jun-91  [00] Rings II
RISK.ZIP         7829 01-Nov-91  [00] Risking it all
RNBWSMT1.ZIP    43698 06-Apr-92  [02] The saga of RainbowSmut
ROBOSMUT.ZIP    24774 01-Nov-91  [01] X-Rated Robotech saga
ROOMIES.ZIP      7026 17-May-92� [00] Roommates having a little fun
ROXANN.ZIP       3547 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
ROXANNE.ZIP      2240 17-May-92� [00] Roxanne and a DOG!
RUTHIE.ZIP      25532 08-Apr-91  [02] The story of Ruthie's life
RUTHIE01.ZIP     9411 17-May-92� [01] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 1 of 6
RUTHIE02.ZIP     8871 17-May-92� [00] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 2 of 6
RUTHIE03.ZIP    19632 17-May-92� [00] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 3 of 6
RUTHIE04.ZIP    15804 17-May-92� [00] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 4 of 6
RUTHIE05.ZIP     9927 17-May-92� [00] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 5 of 6
RUTHIE06.ZIP    11276 17-May-92� [00] Young Ruthie and her Dad, part 6 of 6

��� Total files :   166 � Offline :     0 � New :    74 � Total :  1384 (k)

� ��� � # 47 �          Smut #5 - S      (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
S&M.ZIP          6714 30-Jun-91  [02] Mistress of the House by Mistress
SALESMAN.ZIP     3089 06-Apr-92  [02] Sex with the computer salesman
SALLY.ZIP        7702 17-May-92� [00] Emulating Auntie
SAM.ZIP          2928 28-May-91  [00] Sam gets fucked
SAM2.ZIP         3267 28-May-91  [00] Sam and a friend
SAMMI.ZIP        4659 01-Nov-91  [02] A YOU-ARE-THERE seduction for women
SAMSEX1.ZIP      2937 11-Mar-91  [01] Sam finds a whore
SAMSEX2.ZIP      3275 11-Mar-91  [01] Sam and a friend
SAMSTORY.ZIP    12758 01-Nov-91  [00] Sam's quest for glory #1
SANDY.ZIP        4256 30-Jun-91  [03] Sylvia and Darlene
SANDY1.ZIP       2929 17-May-92� [01] Sandy
SAPSUCK.ZIP      2960 17-May-92� [01] Sap Sucker
SARA.ZIP         3628 17-May-92� [01] Printer Pic
SCRABBLE.ZIP     4412 28-Jan-92  [02] A (short) game of Scrabble
SECONDA.ZIP     21992 17-May-92� [01] Lingerie salesman's training
SEDUCE.ZIP       3254 17-May-92� [02] 3 places to seduce any female
SEEKING7.ZIP     9819 28-May-91  [00] Lookin' for love in all the right places
SEEKING8.ZIP    12138 28-May-91  [00] Lookin' for love in all the right places
SEX20.ZIP        5927 17-May-92� [04] Mother-Son Sex Marathon
SEXBOOK.ZIP     82467 01-Nov-91  [00] One man's life story
SEXBOOKS.ZIP     4227 13-Dec-89  [00] Another neat bibliography
SEXGARDN.ZIP     7411 07-Mar-90  [01] A summer garden encounter
SEXHAR.ZIP       1978 03-Dec-90  [00] Sexual harrassment consent form
SEXIDEAS.ZIP    28357 11-Mar-91  [01] Sexy ideas to try
SEXMONOG.ZIP     7799 17-May-92� [00] The truth about Sexual Monogamy
SEXQUIZ.ZIP      2143 01-Nov-91  [00] The official sex quiz
SEXREVNG.ZIP     7656 11-Mar-91  [01] Sex and revenge
SEXSTUFF.ZIP     8041 13-Dec-89  [02] Stories of sex and lust
SEXTEXT1.ZIP     4182 01-Nov-91  [05] Brother's sex slave
SEXTEXT2.ZIP     4386 01-Nov-91  [03] Our special moment
SEXTEXT3.ZIP    10659 01-Nov-91  [03] We meet again
SEXTEXT5.ZIP    14443 01-Nov-91  [03] Kate's good time
SEXTEXT6.ZIP    17583 01-Nov-91  [02] A night on the town
SEXTHRIL.ZIP     8346 06-Sep-89  [02] Auto-asphixiation masturbation technique
SEXULUST.ZIP    15144 11-Mar-91  [00] Sexual lust on the job
SEXYSITR.ZIP     7532 07-Mar-90  [06] I was a nympho baby sitter
SHARON.ZIP       9420 17-May-92� [00] Sharon
SHARON1.ZIP      8766 17-May-92� [00] Young female BBSer Sharon's dirty notes
SHAUNA.ZIP      16854 17-May-92� [01] Shauna makes a bet
SHAVERS.ZIP      8259 17-May-92� [00] The Pussy Shavers
SHECOP.ZIP      24597 07-Mar-90  [01] A female cop who's into dominance
SHEENA-1.ZIP     4065 11-Mar-91  [01] Slave Rajah and Mistress Sheena - Part 1
SHEENA-2.ZIP     4118 11-Mar-91  [01] Slave Rajah and Mistress Sheena - Part 2
SHEPEEKS.ZIP     7190 17-May-92� [01] She peeks
SHERCRIS.ZIP     3349 17-May-92� [00] Not sure
SHERI.ZIP        3420 13-Dec-89  [01] ASCII pic. (dark on light - for paper)
SHERIFF.ZIP      4949 03-Dec-90  [00] Sex with the sheriff
SHERRY.ZIP       2945 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
SHOWER.ZIP       3513 17-May-92� [00] Shower Love
SHOWER1.ZIP      2611 03-Dec-90  [01] Sex in the shower with an unknown female
SHOWERS.ZIP     14348 03-Dec-90  [02] Locker room lust
SHOWTIME.ZIP     2631 03-Dec-90  [01] Sex in front of the TV
SHUTTLE.ZIP      4371 17-May-92� [02] Sex aboard the Space Shuttle!
SHY.ZIP         15633 17-May-92� [00] So Shy
SI1.ZIP         10653 01-Nov-91  [07] Sorority Initiation #1
SI2.ZIP         16095 01-Nov-91  [06] Sorority Intiation #2
SI3.ZIP         18697 01-Nov-91  [06] Sorority Intitaion #3
SICK.ZIP        11380 08-Apr-91  [02] Patient's swelling soothed by nasty
SINGAPR1.ZIP     5495 17-May-92� [02] Singapore Girl #1
SINGAPR2.ZIP    12082 17-May-92� [01] Singapore Girl #2
SINGAPR3.ZIP     7621 17-May-92� [01] Singapore Girl #3
SINGAPR4.ZIP     9128 17-May-92� [00] Singapore Girl #4
SINGAPR5.ZIP    10282 17-May-92� [00] Singapore Girl #5
SINGAPR6.ZIP    10539 17-May-92� [00] Singapore Girl #6
SINGAPR7.ZIP     6982 17-May-92� [00] Singapore Girl #7
SIS&SUE.ZIP      7189 17-May-92� [02] My seventeen year old sister
SISJOBRO.ZIP     4002 30-Jun-91  [07] Sister and brother: a true story
SISSITER.ZIP     5426 30-Jun-91  [04] My sister's baby sitter
SISTER.ZIP       6479 28-Jan-92  [03] My secret girlfriend
SISTERS.ZIP     17374 28-May-91  [06] Sexy sisters in Jamacia
SISTERS1.ZIP     8299 17-May-92� [00] Sisters
SISUCKS.ZIP      5465 17-May-92� [04] Sis Sucks!
SKIING.ZIP       8292 03-Dec-90  [01] Skiing trip you'll never forget
SKITRIP.ZIP      8338 01-Nov-91  [02] Snow, sex, skis, sex, need more?
SLAVE.ZIP        6067 17-May-92� [01] The slave
SLAVEBOY.ZIP     5727 03-Dec-90  [02] Slave to pussy
SLEEPING.ZIP     5459 03-Dec-90  [03] Sleeping Booty - a girl's first time
SLREL.ZIP        6396 01-Nov-91  [06] Sisterly love #1
SLUMBER.ZIP     10864 01-Nov-91  [09] Three teen girls have a party
SMCH01.ZIP       5214 07-Nov-90  [00] The Seduction Master Part 1
SMCH02.ZIP       9376 07-Nov-90  [00] The Seduction Master Part 2
SMUT0110.ZIP    14511 03-Dec-90  [01] International Adult Weekly 01-10
SMUT0111.ZIP    15888 03-Dec-90  [00] International Adult Weekly 01-11
SMUT0113.ZIP    10273 28-Jan-92  [00] International Adult Weekly V1N13
SNGPR1.ZIP       5908 17-Apr-90  [05] Singapore Girl - Part 1
SNGPR2.ZIP      11920 17-Apr-90  [05] Singapore Girl - Part 2
SNGPR3.ZIP       7324 17-Apr-90  [05] Singapore Girl - Part 3
SNGPR4.ZIP       9140 17-Apr-90  [05] Singapore Girl - Part 4
SOAPS.ZIP        6991 23-Feb-92  [01] Nightime soaps
SOLD2.ZIP       20383 17-May-92� [00] Imagine being sold
SORORTY1.ZIP    10774 03-Dec-90  [02] Eager Beaver's sorority affair - Part 1
SORORTY2.ZIP    16167 03-Dec-90  [02] Eager Beaver's sorority affair - Part 2
SORORTY3.ZIP    18738 03-Dec-90  [02] Eager Beaver's sorority affair - Part 3
SOR_GIRL.ZIP    11330 17-May-92� [01] Sorority Girls (lesbian)
SPADE.ZIP        6025 01-Nov-91  [01] Kinky weird sex with black dudes
SPANKSAL.ZIP     8075 17-May-92� [00] Spank
SPORT.ZIP        5281 17-May-92� [01] American sportswoman
SPRBREAK.ZIP     5090 01-Nov-91  [02] Spring break!
SQUEEZE.ZIP      3552 02-Dec-89  [04] The squeeze technique. Read!
STEVE.ZIP        7671 01-Nov-91  [00] Story of woman and a repairman
STRANGE.ZIP      9127 01-Nov-91  [01] A strange meeting
STRANGER.ZIP     4492 01-Nov-91  [00] Getting a strange piece
STRIP.ZIP       10191 01-Nov-91  [02] Wife demonstrates strip tease lesson
SUBWAY.ZIP       7712 28-May-91  [00] Sex on the subway
SUCCESS.ZIP      9141 30-Jun-91  [01] The ladder to success
SUCUBUS2.ZIP     4924 17-May-92� [01] Succubus part 2
SUE&TED.ZIP      6283 30-Jun-91  [02] Sue and Ted
SUE04.ZIP        3385 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #4
SUE05.ZIP        5204 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #5
SUE06.ZIP        5405 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #6
SUE07.ZIP        5405 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #7
SUE08.ZIP        4799 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #8
SUE09.ZIP        4181 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #9
SUE1.ZIP         5498 03-Dec-90  [08] Sue 'n Judy lick and suck - Part 1
SUE10.ZIP        3683 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #10
SUE11.ZIP        6075 01-Nov-91  [04] Sue #11
SUE12.ZIP        5019 01-Nov-91  [04] Sue #12
SUE13.ZIP        5268 01-Nov-91  [04] Sue #13
SUE14.ZIP        6984 01-Nov-91  [03] Sue #14
SUE2.ZIP         6184 03-Dec-90  [06] Sue 'n Judy lick and suck - Part 2
SUMMER.ZIP       2845 03-Dec-90  [01] Summer night's sex fantasy
SUMMERFN.ZIP     9397 30-Jun-91  [01] Summer fun
SUMM_FUN.ZIP     9398 28-May-91  [01] Bill's summer fun
SUMVACN.ZIP     35472 17-May-92� [02] Summer Vacation (lesbian)
SUNBURN.ZIP     10437 17-May-92� [00] How to prrotect your privates from
SUNDECKX.ZIP     4764 07-Mar-90  [00] Sun deck sex time
SUNFUN.ZIP       4730 01-Nov-91  [01] Fun in the sun
SURVEY.ZIP       3285 10-Feb-88  [01] Sex survey - XXX Story
SUSAN.ZIP       20317 03-Dec-90  [01] John and Susan fantasize
SUSANPIC.ZIP     3788 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
SUSIEQ.ZIP       8958 17-May-92� [00] Susie Q's Party Game
SUZIE.ZIP        8903 19-Apr-89  [02] Suzie's party. XXX Story
SUZIQ.ZIP        9079 28-May-91  [03] Susie Q's party game
SUZY.ZIP        10590 01-Nov-91  [04] A REAL lesbian BBS coversation
SWEEDISH.ZIP    13868 11-Mar-91  [07] Swedish exchange student
SWIM.ZIP         5813 01-Nov-91  [01] Fun at the swimming pool
SWING.ZIP        4173 03-Dec-90  [03] Swinging apartment
SYLVIA.ZIP       7652 17-May-92� [03] Sylvia and Darlene
SYPHILIS.ZIP     2325 17-May-92� [00] A guide to Syphilis
SYT&COP.ZIP      4873 06-Apr-92  [00] Sex with a cop
SYTS.ZIP         8742 06-Apr-92  [00] Sonya, Karen, and ME

��� Total files :   141 � Offline :     0 � New :    40 � Total :  1205 (k)

� ��� � # 48 �          Smut #6 - T to Z (by request)                  � ��� �
� Filename  �  Size  �  Date   � Description                                 �
TAG_TEAM.ZIP    12160 08-May-89  [03] XXX story of an interesting little game
TAMI.ZIP         4493 17-May-92� [03] Tami's first time
TAMI2.ZIP        4341 04-Dec-90  [02] Tami, Kim, and brother Bill
TANNING.ZIP      3368 04-Dec-90  [00] Tanning and spanking under the Texas sun
TATTOOS.ZIP      7277 17-May-92� [00] Tattoo Covered Lady
TCHR_1.ZIP       8273 05-Apr-92  [07] The Teacher - Part 1
TCHR_2.ZIP      12923 05-Apr-92  [06] The Teacher - Part 2
TCHR_3.ZIP      14747 05-Apr-92  [06] The Teacher - Part 3
TEACHER.ZIP      4600 08-Apr-91  [05] Billy gets a blowjob from the teacher
TEACHPET.ZIP     4669 17-May-92� [02] Young boy becomes teacher's pet
TEACHSIS.ZIP    19557 17-May-92� [03] Teaching little (16yr old) sister
TEASE.ZIP        4362 07-Mar-90  [01] She's a tease
TELESCOP.ZIP     7023 01-Nov-91  [02] Look through this and see
TERMNSEX.ZIP     7094 17-May-92� [01] One night in the terminal room
TERRA.ZIP        3514 17-May-92� [00] Printer Pic
TERRI.ZIP       16865 17-May-92� [00] Terri
TERRI1.ZIP       6245 17-May-92� [00] I didn't have this much fun at camp
THECLUB.ZIP      7680 07-Mar-90  [03] A club that caters to every pleasure
THEKIDS.ZIP     10554 07-Mar-90  [02] Babysitting gets everyone off
THELAKE.ZIP     20664 06-Apr-92  [02] Fucking June at the lake
THENURSE.ZIP     3441 04-Dec-90  [00] Nurse me back to health
THESTORY.ZIP     8976 30-Jun-91  [01] The boyfriend trap
THETRAIN.ZIP    12561 06-Apr-92  [02] Sex on a train
THETWINS.ZIP     7709 17-May-92� [01] The Twins - pre-pubescent fun
THEWOLF.ZIP      4485 17-May-92� [00] The Wolf
THREEWAY.ZIP     5955 04-Dec-90  [01] Trish, Carrie, and some guy
THRESOME.ZIP     4825 17-May-92� [00] We meet again...
THUMPER.ZIP     12090 11-Mar-91  [03] Thumper game gets sexy
TITS.ZIP         3291 04-Dec-90  [01] Hundreds of names for tits
TITSFREE.ZIP     3481 17-May-92� [01] Money for nothing, Tits for free
TNG-XXX2.ZIP     9800 17-May-92� [00] Star Trek TNG: Talent Show 2 -
TOELINE.ZIP      3565 17-May-92� [00] Toe the line
TOMCAT_X.ZIP    14486 30-Jun-91  [00] Anita's second pussy
TOOMUCH.ZIP      3866 11-Mar-91  [01] Too much of a good thing
TORMENT.ZIP     12150 17-May-92� [00] Cindy's Torment
TOTSE01.GIF    179995 07-Apr-92  [07] The women of &TOTSE
TOUG1.ZIP       18273 30-Jun-91  [02] A really bad day
TRACI-L.ZIP      4438 17-May-92� [01] Database on Traci Lords, child porn star
TRAIN1.ZIP      10247 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 1 of 14
TRAIN10.ZIP      8996 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 10 of 14
TRAIN11.ZIP      8821 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 11 of 14
TRAIN12.ZIP      7973 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 12 of 14
TRAIN13.ZIP      9099 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 13 of 14
TRAIN14.ZIP      7915 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 14 of 14
TRAIN2.ZIP       7276 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 2 of 14
TRAIN3.ZIP       7878 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 3 of 14
TRAIN4.ZIP       8553 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 4 of 14
TRAIN5.ZIP       8098 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 5 of 14
TRAIN6.ZIP       8147 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 6 of 14
TRAIN7.ZIP       7349 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 7 of 14
TRAIN8.ZIP       9299 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 8 of 14
TRAIN9.ZIP       9605 17-May-92� [00] Rigid Training 9 of 14
TRIPLE.ZIP       2521 04-Dec-90  [00] Toni, Leigh, and Tom do it downstairs
TRISH.ZIP        8274 17-May-92� [00] Trish 'n Mike
TVBOSS.ZIP       7767 30-Jun-91  [02] On the carpet
TWINKLE1.ZIP    10038 06-Apr-92  [01] Twinkle in Hawaii
TWINS.ZIP        6042 30-Jun-91  [02] The twins in the hotel
TWOSOME.ZIP      4396 28-May-91  [00] Our special moment
UNCLE_LO.ZIP     4233 17-May-92� [02] Uncle Love - Real Perverted
UNWILLGU.ZIP     3743 17-May-92� [00] The Unwilling Guest
UPSTAIRS.ZIP     6197 04-Dec-90  [00] Major Havoc gets his nipples pinched
URSULA.ZIP      66824 05-Apr-92  [04] Ursula comes of age
VAC1ADV.ZIP     31214 06-Apr-92  [02] A vacation adventure
VAGODOR.ZIP      2181 17-May-92� [01] Vaginal Odour!
VAMPIRE.ZIP      8765 04-Dec-90  [00] Vampire sex story
VANILLA.ZIP      9924 17-May-92� [01] Tastes like vanilla to me
VENUS.ZIP       17631 17-May-92� [00] Venus
VICKI-1.ZIP     13016 04-Dec-90  [01] Vicki learns a lesson - Part 1
VICKI-2.ZIP     11004 04-Dec-90  [01] Vicki learns a lesson - Part 2
VICKI-3.ZIP     12316 04-Dec-90  [01] Vicki learns a lesson - Part 3
VICKIE01.ZIP    10343 17-May-92� [01] Part One of a Young Love Tale
VICKIE02.ZIP    12940 17-May-92� [01] Part Two of a Young Love Tale
VICKIE03.ZIP     8696 17-May-92� [01] Part Three of a Young Love Tale
VICKIE04.ZIP    12665 17-May-92� [01] Part Four Finale to the Young Love Tale
VICKY1.ZIP       3701 04-Dec-90  [04] Victoria's Secrets - Part 1
VICKY2.ZIP       4242 04-Dec-90  [02] Victoria's Secrets - Part 2
VICKY3.ZIP       4217 04-Dec-90  [02] Victoria's Secrets - Part 3
VICKY4.ZIP       4457 04-Dec-90  [02] Victoria's Secrets - Part 4
VIDEODUE.ZIP     3563 17-May-92� [00] Video Duet
VIDEOS.ZIP       5893 11-Mar-91  [02] Making videos with Carol
VIRGIN.ZIP       4235 17-May-92� [01] The virgin
VIRGIN17.ZIP     6528 17-May-92� [01] College guy does 17yr old virgin Tiffany
VOLLEY.ZIP       6207 17-May-92� [01] Volley Ball Sex
VRGNSNOW.ZIP     2925 04-Dec-90  [01] Trudy's first time - virgin in the snow
WATERSP2.ZIP     5681 05-Apr-92  [03] Watersports
WAVES.ZIP        2696 04-Dec-90  [01] Making waves in the waterbed store
WBLOOM1.ZIP      4596 06-Apr-92  [01] Story of perfect weekend XXX
WBLOOM2.ZIP      6175 06-Apr-92  [01] More from William Bloom
WEAPON.ZIP       5014 06-Apr-92  [01] The WAC weapon
WEDPRSNT.ZIP    42232 17-May-92� [00] The Wedding Present
WEEKEND.ZIP      4543 04-Dec-90  [00] The best weekend of my life
WENDY.ZIP        4706 06-Apr-92  [02] Wendy screws the pooch
WENDY1.ZIP       4689 04-Dec-90  [02] Wendy, her brother, and the dog - Part 1
WENDY2.ZIP       5415 04-Dec-90  [02] Wendy, her brother, and the dog - Part 2
WESTERN.ZIP      3692 17-May-92� [00] Old West CircleJerks. Uniquely sickening
WHALESEX.ZIP    11164 11-Mar-91  [00] How to masturbate a killer whale
WHITESLV.ZIP    16272 11-Mar-91  [00] White slavery
WIDOW.ZIP        8046 30-Jun-91  [02] The widow's family - Chapters 1 & 2
WIDOW1-5.ZIP    43947 17-May-92� [02] Young widow does teen step-kids
WIDOW2.ZIP       8381 30-Jun-91  [02] The widow's family - Chapters 3 & 4
WIFEY.ZIP        2921 17-May-92� [01] Wife Tells All!
WILDONE.ZIP      4800 04-Dec-90  [00] Laura - the wild one
WINDOW.ZIP       4311 06-Apr-92  [01] Watching sex outside the window
WLDRIDE.ZIP      2413 04-Dec-90  [01] Wild ride with Cherri
WOMAN.ZIP        4337 17-May-92� [00] Women in Love
WOMNPIS1.ZIP     2469 17-May-92� [00] Ways to get your woman pissed 1 of 2
WOMNPIS2.ZIP     2229 17-May-92� [00] Ways to get your woman pissed 2 of 2
WRMWELCU.ZIP     3046 04-Dec-90  [00] Jackie's warn welcome
XAHA.ZIP         3768 13-Dec-89  [00] After hours ass fucking
XHARDRID.ZIP     4638 19-Nov-89  [01] The long hard ride - sex in a car
XXMAS.ZIP       10769 17-May-92� [00] Merry XXXmas
XXSALES1.ZIP    10470 28-May-91  [01] A typical sales call
XXXMAS.ZIP      10662 08-Apr-91  [02] A very merry Xmas
YNGMEAT.ZIP      3330 17-May-92� [02] Prison Guard gets some young meat
ZIPLESS.ZIP      4689 11-Mar-91  [02] The zipless fuck

��� Total files :   115 � Offline :     0 � New :    53 � Total :  1152 (k)

ڴ File Area Statistics            ZIP  ARC  LZH  PAK  GIF  Oth Total Kbytes �
�� Odds and Ends                    75    0    3    0    0    3    81   1783 �
�� BBS Lists                        81    0    0    0    0    0    81    917 �
�� Running a BBS                    18   12    0    0    0    0    30    339 �
�� Literary Genius (A-J)            98    0    0    0    0    0    98    798 �
�� Literary Genius (K-Z)            70    0    0    0    0    0    70    695 �
�� Science Fiction                 173    0    0    0    0    0   173   1698 �
�� 'Zines                           45    0    0    0    0    0    45    452 �
�� But Can You Dance to It? (A-L)  125    0    0    0    0    0   125    504 �
�� But Can You Dance to It? (M-Z)   88    0    0    0    0    0    88    456 �
�� No Laughing Matter (A-F)        214    0    0    0    0    0   214   1513 �
�� No Laughing Matter (G-M)        166    0    0    0    0    0   166   1161 �
�� No Laughing Matter (N-Z)        215    0    0    0    0    0   215   1268 �
�� Monty Python's Flying Circus     83    0    0    0    0    0    83    277 �
�� Shawn-da-Lay-Boy Productions     51    0    0    0    0    0    51    424 �
�� Game Solutions                  106    0    0    0    0    0   106    784 �
�� Unprotection                     10    0    0    0    0    0    10     25 �
�� Political Spew                  170    0    0    0    0    0   170   1379 �
�� Political Documents              30    0    0    0    0    0    30    410 �
�� And Justice for All              43    0    0    0    0    0    43    413 �
�� Conspiracy! Coverup!             39    0    0    0    0    0    39    251 �
�� "Bob" and AntiBob                73    0    0    0    0    0    73    644 �
�� Science and Technology           63    0    0    0    0    0    63    406 �
�� Fringe Science                  178    0    0    0    0    0   178   1443 �
�� Little Green Men                 89    0    0    0    0    0    89    462 �
�� Irresponsible Activities        154    0    0    0    0    0   154   1096 �
�� Scams                            58    0    0    0    0    0    58    238 �
�� Locks and Security               14    0    0    0    0    0    14     52 �
�� KA-FUCKING-BOOM!                141    0    0    0    0    0   141    621 �
�� Guns                             33    0    0    0    0    0    33    194 �
�� Psychedelia & Booze             145    0    0    0    0    0   145    695 �
�� Vidiots                          17    0    0    0    0    0    17     63 �
�� Green Planet                     29    0    0    0    0    0    29    404 �
�� Radio Free Amerika               43    0    0    0    0    0    43    334 �
�� Computers                        62    0    0    0    0    0    62   1118 �
�� Telecommunications Programming   21    0    0    0    0    0    21    170 �
�� Virus Information                36    0    0    0    0    1    37   2032 �
�� Phone Phun                      168    0    0    0    0    0   168   1147 �
�� Boxes                            68    0    0    0    0    0    68    347 �
�� Hack Attack                     176    0    0    0    0    0   176   1072 �
�� Encryption                       10    0    0    0    0    0    10     47 �
�� Phree Press                     189    0    0    0    0    0   189   4297 �
�� Newsbytes                        44    0    0    0    0    0    44    284 �
�� Smut #1 - A to C (by request)   228    0    0    0    0    0   228   2297 �
�� Smut #2 - D to H (by request)   213    0    0    0    0    0   213   1762 �
�� Smut #3 - I to M (by request)   249    0    0    0    0    0   249   2552 �
�� Smut #4 - N to R (by request)   166    0    0    0    0    0   166   1384 �
�� Smut #5 - S      (by request)   141    0    0    0    0    0   141   1205 �
�� Smut #6 - T to Z (by request)   114    0    0    0    1    0   115   1152 �
�� Totals                         4822   12    3    0    1    4  4842  43065 �


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