
Electronic Arts

(C) 1987 By: Al Escudero and David Wong

Emperor's Exhortation:

Once, my kingdom knew peace. Now it only knows evil.
Renegade forces have infested my realm, destroying Kodan's second largest
city. Their Provocation's continue unabated, threatening the safety of my
people and making travel unsafe in many parts of my kingdom.
They approach the seat of my power, lurking insolently in the catacombs
under my castle. At the head of the devilry is an outcast wizard.
Plans to dispatch him have failed, as he has set up magical barriers
that have befuddled even my most experience scouting parties.
As the Ninth Emperor of the Kingdom of Kodan,
I call upon you, brave adventurers, to seek out the source of the
living malice and restore calm and civility to Kodan.
For your success, I promise these riches:
100,000 pieces of gold and choice southern lands for each
member of your party. Beyond these, you will bring honor to your
family name, a name which will be repeated through the centuries
with great reverence.
Whether you are driven by ancestral duty  or adventurous desire,
go forth with fortune in your future. Be diligent in your journey.
Guard yourself in battle, recover from the setbacks that may befall you,
and above all, pleasure in the nobility of your cause.
Remember, he who fights and dies is honored, but he who fights and lives
is honored AND rewarded.

Emperor Nakamoto.

Greetings from the Deathlord

Stupid adventurers! Your weak party is not enough to stop even my most
slack-spined drone. I would encourage you to stay in he security of your
little homes, but I thrive on misery and dread. Y
our futile quest to stop me is sure to yield just that. Even if you defeat
my lowly pawn, you still must answer to me, face to face.

Should you insist on pursuing this fatal course, I offer these clues:
Seven words, six items and your ineptitude prevent us from meeting.

Go Now. And prepare to embrace your emperor in my hell.

Stuff off the Box:

Weird-acting people. Monsters. Samurais and Ninjas. Evil.
folks so nasty no one calls them quaint.
Dungeons everywhere - dungeons, dungeons, more dungeons. and continents
.... too many for map. A world that never stops and comes fast.
And I,a mortal with hurting head,a keyboard and few hundred hours to give
am bound by duty more venerable than time to save life of Emperor.
Must save him from a Deathlord out of a mind past Byzantine.
Next time,take harmless Niagara Falls tour instead