|>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>>LASER PLANS PART 1<<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><<|
			  *>Brought to you by<*
			   )-->>{Agent X}<<--(

	   The following plans are for a light laser.This laser can be used for
many things,mainly for security systems.All parts are fairly easy to obtain...
if you can't find a part then you can order it from the following address:

		      Information Unlimited Inc.
		      P.O. Box 716
		      Amherst NH 03031
		      -or- (603)673-4730

If you want a different colored laser then order the following parts:

  Hewlett Packard #HLMP3750 for red, #HLMP3850 for yellow, #3950 for green,and
  XCITON XC880-A for infrared.Before I give you the schematics I'll tell you
I'm planning on making another g-file on how to make a laser detector to finish
off a security system.I don't know when I will get aroud to doing it though.

Parts List:

 #     QNTY.
 R1	1    68k 1/4 watt resistor
 R2,5	2    2.2k 1/4 watt resistor
 R3/S1	1    500k pot and switch combination
 R4	1    15k 1/4 watt resistor
 R6	1    6.8k 1/4 watt resistor
 R7	1    3.9k 1/4 watt resistor
 R8	1    27ohm 1/2 watt resistor
 C1,2	2    .47/35 volt tantalum or electrolytic capacitor
 Q1,2,4 3    PN2222 npn transistor
 Q3	1    PN2907 pnp transistor
 LA1	1    FLV-104 emitter diode for visible red or
	     FPE-104 for infrared
 BH1	1    4 'AA' battery holder
 CL1	1    battery clips for holder
 B1,2,3,4 4  AA batteries
 PB1	1    1.2" x 1.2" of .1 x .1 grid perfboard
 TU1	1    10" x 1.5" OD x .035 wall alum tube
 TU2	1    12" x 1.625" x .058" wall alum tube
 LE2	1    Colimating lens 38 x 250mm simple lens
	     (This is the size I used but it can be different)
 LC5,6	2    plastic cap 1 5/8"
 LRT1,2 2    Lens retainer 1 1/2" reworked palstic plug (or tape around
	     outside of lens)
 CA1	1    plastic plug 1 7/16"


 |   |		       |    |	     |	      | 		     |
 |   |		       |    \	     |	     _|_Anode		     |
 |   |		       |    /R3      |	    _\_/_	/\ LEI	     |
 \    \ 	       \    \	     |	      |  LAI	||  or	     |
 /R1  /R2	       /R5  |	     |	      | Cathode \/ COLI      |
 \    \ 	       \    \	     |	      | 		     |
 |    | 	 + C2  |    /R4    B |E       / 		     |
 |    *-----------|/___|___*__/\/\__|/Q3    R8\ 		     |
 |    | 	  |\   |   |   R6   |\	      / 		   | *
 *----|---\|___________*   |	     |C       | 		   |   S1
 |    |   /| +	       |   |	     |	      | 		    \*
 | B  |C  C1	      C|   |	     |	    B |C		     |
 |__|/ Q1		\|_|	     |__/\/\_|/Q4		     |
    |\		     Q2  |		 R7  |\ 		    _|_+
      |E		/|B		      |E	   B1,2,3,4  -
      | 	      E|		      | 		    ---
      | 	       |		      | 		     -
      | 	       | Common Buss	      | 		     |
       ----------------*----------------------*-----------------------							|

	Transistor:		  Anode/Cathode: (LA1)
	     -------		     /	__   \
	    | * * * |		     |	  \  |
	    | E B C |		     |	| |  |
	     \_____/		     |	| |  |
	  (bottom view) 		| |
			     Anode -->	| | <--Cathode

    Way to place in tubing:

	  circuit board
	 / _________________	   pot/switch combo
	| |		    |  __ /  (to set power)
       /|-| battery pack    |_|  |_|\
       \| |		    | |__| |/
	| |_________________|

	You overlap the two tubes so you can move them back and forth to set
       the lense to hit your target right.

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