-<The BOM Squad Presents>-

                      -<Diskette Bombs>-

                           By Raven


     Okay, I would first like to say that it was Jolly Roger
whom first wrote how to make this type of bomb.  I feel that
I have some information which Jolly Roger didn't include, so
without further adue, here is the customary warning!

This file presents information which can destroy a computer,
and could lead to serious injury to those at the terminal.
This file is for informational purposes only, and I DO NOT
encourage you to make one.  Just because I jump off the
Brooklyn Bridge doesn't mean you have to.

Okay, this is what you need:
     1 or more 3.5 inch disk(s)
     One box of kitchen matches, blue or white ONLY!
     One very sharp razor blade
     One bottle of rubber cement
     One centimeter of magnesium ribbon (optional)
     One gram of thermite (optional)

To start off...Take your razor blade (NOT a shaving
razor...should be a wall paper cutter or something used to
cut card board) and carefully cut the disk open.  It is
important you don't crack it, and equally important you don't
severely damage the hinges on the disk.

Once you have the disk cut, you can do one of two methods.
The first is, you can pull off that metal thing, and lose
your disguise (ie, YOU have to put the disk in the drive), or
you can do a sloppier, less effective job by NOT pulling off
the metal thing.

Take a wooden spoon, or use your fingernails to scrape off
the match heads.  Try to get as little wood as possible,
because that only obstructs the burning process in this case.
When you have enough, take out your rubber cement.

Pull out the cotton shit, and coat one side of the data
storing part with the rubber cement, but using it sparingly.
You don't want puddles of the crap.   Anyhow, before it
dries, real quick, spread the match powder.  You don't want a
speck here and there...You want it to be totally layered!

If you didn't pull the disk apart, that's about all you can
do.  If you did, though, you can do both sides, which is much

Now that you got your disk bomb, fasten the snaps together,
and apply a very minuscule drop of rubber cement at the
corners.  Hold it tight until it dries...When its dry, you
got yourself a computer destroying disk!

What to do next...Well, if you pulled off the metal piece, go
in after school, or after work, or whatever, and pop the disk
into a drive not being used.  If the disk is still totally
intact, drop it on a desk with a label which says something
like 'GREAT XXX PICTURES!' or something like that.  In both
cases, RUN!

What is now going to happen?  Well, when the disk is being
accessed by the computer, the internal heat of the terminal
should be enough to ignite the match heads.  When the match
heads go off, the disk will melt, and fuse into the drive.

Here are some other options...In the midst of the match
heads, slap on an inch of magnesium ribbon.  The heat and
fire from the match heads should be enough (if you did it
right) to set the magnesium ribbon off.  The ribbon will act
like a blow torch, causing excessive heat damage, probably
permanently destroying the drive, corrupting C:, and
destroying his sound card or whatever, or at least damaging

If you have some thermite AND some magnesium ribbon, put the
thermite under the ribbon.  It should be a fairly well sized
blob, weighing about a gram.  However, you will need the
magnesium ribbon, because the matches will not have enough
heat to start the thermite.  What will the thermite do?  Burn
right through the disk, the drive, whatever is underneath,
the table, the floor, and will probably drop out somewhere
around China.  Oh yea...If by some freak chance his power
supply is under the drive, and the thermite goes through it,
most likely it will short out the building, and then blow up,
causing a lot of damage to the sap using the terminal.  Ha!

If you are wondering, yes, I have done this experiment.  On
the last day of school last year, I put one of these great
disks into a terminal at my school.  I am assuming nothing
became of it, because I have heard nothing, but it did
frustrate me.  So, I made several more of them, and
'accidently' dropped a few into a shareware vendor's disk
boxes at a computer show.  Yea, I know..It was not very nice.
Frankly, I don't care.  Until next time...Raven.

By the way, here's a list of the BOM Squad boards............

The Garden Of Souls - World HQ - SysOp: Mr. Sandman

The Graveyard Shift - Public HQ/Courier Site - Sysop: Raven

Arete - 201 Dist Site - SysOp: Eagle

If you feel you can be a site or a writer for the BOM Squad,
contact me (Raven) on Arete, and we'll get back to ya!!!����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������