# T E X T F I L E S . C O M This is an archive of the files found at textfiles.com[1], made available via Gemini. These are files pulled from various BBSes, all over the place, over the period that they were active (early 80s to mid 90s). There's all kinds of things to be found in here: science fiction and obsolete hacking guides, directories of long-dead BBSes and howtos on making bombs, erotica and conspiracy theories, recipe books and tech magazines. Also, I suspect there's a fair number of broken files. I managed to grab most of them, but I did run into some issues with encodings and some dead links on the site. Hopefully you can find something that catches your interest. Good luck! ## DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER DISCLAIMER * I make no claim to the copyright of these files; I am not the author of any of them. Likewise, the owner of textfiles.com makes no copyright claim[2], on the textfiles or his own additions (which I've also copied for context). * I have made no attempt to vet the file contents; some of them are sure to be offensive. A lot of them were specifically _designed_ to be offensive: we'd call a lot of these shitposts today. There are whole sections dedicated to the creation of weapons and explosives. FFS please don't follow those instructions. * Likewise, a lot of these files are dedicated to w4r3z and software piracy. They're clearly obsolete, but interesting for historical reasons. * There is sexually explicit material, including ASCII 'nudity'. => http://textfiles.com/ [1] http://textfiles.com => http://textfiles.com/disclaimer.html [2] http://textfiles.com/disclaimer.html ## The Files Having said all that, here are the files themselves: => gemini://informis.land/textfiles/index.gemini Enjoy!