Copyright � 1998, GoDSpiT. ALL Rights Reserved This story may not be reproduced in any form for profit without the written permission of the author. This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached. The author may be contacted by writing Brothers and Sisters GoDSpiT i. Adam wasn't sure if he wanted to return to his family this time around. He wasn't sure if he wanted to be around his family anymore. It wasn't that he didn't love them or even that he didn't miss them it was just that there was something there that he felt for his sister something that maybe he had always felt. He was 21 years old his sister was only 13 a surpise late in his parents life. They had named her Renee after her great great grandmother. Ever since she had been old enough to talk and run she had been hanging around her older brother. Adam had taken her swimming plenty of times. He had always been protective of his little sister and many times his friends had asked him why he watched over the little "runt" as they called her. And his only answer had always been that he was her brother and that he loved her. While most preteneded not to understand what he was talking about Adam could see it in there faces that they understood about protecting a younger sister or brother. And Adam loved spending time with his sister. Even at a young age she was beautiful. She had long flowing brown hair that though the years had gotten darker and darker. Her eyes had always been a dark green and her nose was turned up and very small. Adam did not think anything wrong with him admiting that his little sister was a very beautiful girl and that she would make some man a very lucky person. It was durning her ninth year that something happend to him. He had been watching her swimming and every know and then she would get out of the pool and walk over to the diving board. His eyes would follow her body watching the curve of her small round ass, the shape of her back. When she was turned towards him he could sometimes see the crack of her pussy. He could feel his cock hardening in his pants. He looked down at it and thought to himself. Holy shit he was looking at his little sister imgaining what it would feel like to get inside of her to rub her pussy to hold her ass. He must be crazy. She was so small and delicate. Just like her mother. He had tried to take his thoughts away from his sisters body and her beautiful eyes. But when she later that night jumped on his lap and rapped her arms around, it was so hard. He could smell the faint smell of her hair which was still wet from her bath. She was hugging close to him and he tried to ignore her small body pressed to his much larger one. Adam was not a body builder. He was thin but he did have strength about him and he was tall and much much larger than his little sister who was a lot thinner and smaller than he was. He could feel his cock starting to harden at the touch of his little sisters body. He tried to ignore it and tried to forget that he was starting ot be attracted to his little sister. She went to bed a few minutes later. He sat up thinking that maybe it was because he hadn't been laid in so long. That he was so horny he got hard at anything. The next day he went out with a girl from school that he had been seeing for the last few months and they were making out in the car when he got a picture in his head that he was sinking his tounge into his sisters small mouth that he was feeling her round curved ass. He could not get it out of his head. He broke the kiss with his date and walked her to the door of her house. Telling her that he was sorry but he had to get home. It was at a time like this that Adam became unsure of himself again. Was he turning into a Pedophile. Was he becoming a sicko. There must be something wrong with his body. He burned and desired his sister Renee more than he desired anything else in the world. He went to sleep at night imagaing her small body pressed to his. And then came the times when he saw her naked. The first time was the day that she turned ten. She had been upstairs changing in her room into a new bathingsuit. Adam had not known that she was changing and her door was part way open. He pushed it open and had yelled out, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" and there she was standing with her panties in her hand about to pick up her bathingsuit. She had been so beautiful. Her small pussy lips her white skin, she burned so easily always had always would. He stood in shock for a second before closing the door and saying that he was sorry. A few minutes later he heard crying from her room. He had gone in and sat down next to her on the bed and held her in his arms, "whats wrong Renee?" His little sister rolled over and smiled softly, "I was just shocked." Since that day she had not spoken of that incident or any others. Like the only other time he ever saw her naked was when she was 12. It was right before he had gone off to colllege for the second year. He had arrived home and he had gone up to her room to surpise her. He did not see her pussy this time though it was certian to have been bare of hair still. He pushed open the door to her room and ran over to her. She was wearing only a pair of lace white panties. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She had a flat chest still with two hard nipples from the air. He didn't notice at first she was naked but when he did his cock started to respond. He ignored it and ran up to her and picked her up and started tickling her. Renee shouted and jumped out of his arms smiling and running into her closet. When she came out she was wearing a shirt and shorts. Adam picked her up again and started to tickle her again and they fell to her bed. He loved the feel of her small boney body in his arms. And that had been when he realized that he had fallen in love with his sister. ii. And now here he was about to go home for the summer again. To see how much his young sister had changed. How much she had grown in the last year. He pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. He carried his suitcase of summer clothing up to the door with him and knocked on it once before ringing the doorbell. His parents cars were not at the house so he figured that both of them were still at work. He hoped that Renee was home because his key was buried in his suitcase. She was. She pulled the door open and looked up at him. He looked down at his sister and she smiled back up at him. He sat down his suitcase and let his sister jump into his arms. Adam was 6'3" his little sister was 5'7" and she would never get much taller. Adam picked her up into his arms and held her close. He could feel two small lemon sized breasts pushing against his chest. Her small legs were rapped around his body and he loved the feel of it. He walked them into the house and sat down with her on his lap. She hugged closer to him again and he smiled smelling her clean hair. "Adam your home." She said softly. He loved the sound of her voice it was sort of husky when she spoke softly and musical when she spoke reguarly. He hugged her closer and laughed. "Yeah Runt I'm home." She got off of him and sat down next to him. "I'm not a little kid anymore Adam. Look!" With that she pulled her shirt up and revealed a training bra full of two little just developing breasts. He could feel his cock give a jerk and he smiled at her. "Nope I guess your not a little girl anymore." She only nodded and giggled getting back into his arms again. He kissed her head and said, "and what are you so excited about?" "My big brother is home." With that she kissed him on the lips shortly and jumped up and left the room. He loved the feel of her lips on his and he could not understand why she did something that she had not done since she had been like six. His cock gave another jerk and Adam could not help himself. He wanted so badly to see his little sister and have her small body in his arms. She had grown in the last year. Her chest was no longer flat but it was still not the same as most of her friends. Then again while most of her friends had larger breasts she was taller than all of them. But that was because she was like her brother getting growing spurts at a young age. He could already tell that she was going to have her mothers body. Breasts the size of small apples, a round ass on a tiny body. He wanted to be the only guy to ever touch that body. But he knew he would never even get the chance to. The last year proved to him that he was not a pedophlie, that in fact he yearned for his little sister to grow up and become a women. But he didn't want her to be like the other girls. He wanted her to have small breasts and a small body. And he wanted her to dress like a schoolgirl. Which did make him a pedophile. He just ddin't want to admit it to himself. Adam went up to his room with his suitcase and started to unpack. He was here for the whole summer now the question remained what was he going to do about his attraction towards his little sister. iii. Adam didn't know what to do or how to feel anymore around his sister. He tried to act normal as if nothing had changed. As if it was all still normal. But he knew that he couldn't last forever. She would somehow find out about his attraction towards her. Maybe one day she would walk in on him jacking off calling her name. Or maybe she would sit on his hard cock one day or see him when he jumped in and out of the water. But she was even more beautiful now than she had been two yeras ago. Her flesh had some muscle to it she was more than just skin and bones now. But she was still so thin and frail looking. So delicate that sometimes when Adam would hold her he got scared of breaking her. And she was so beautiful. He saw boys her own age and some a few years older looking at her and he was so jealous that these boys not him would be the ones to touch her body sexually and feel her small mounds in their hands or in their mouths. Some other guy would get to take her "cherry" and feel her small pussy and run their hands up and down her legs. He enveied them all but none of them got past holdig her hand. She would not let them. Adam watched his sister void off all boy contact. He didn't understand it. Maybe she wasn't ready for boys. But then again it might be true what they say about the most beautiful girls that they end up being lesbians. Adam watched as his sister entered the summer months going swimming in their private pool and having girl-friends over all the time. It was weird but he didn't see anything that was not normal. So he went on dreaming of touching his sister and having her wanting his touch. He knew he as bordering on insanity watching her little body move and move. When she wore a bathing suit he had the perfect view of her round ass and her beautiful little titties that were so round and perfect. Her white skin needed a lot of protection for her to be able to stay out in the sun with out burning. By the end of the first month her skin was still pale white. She did not ever tan and when she got burned it disappeared in weeks and her skin would still be as white as ever. Adam loved it though and he learned that Renee loved her skin pale also. He tried to ignore what he was feeling for his sister but by this time Adam knew it was useless. He could not ignore his feelings for his sisters young body and he kenw. He would never be able to touch what he desired the most. His sisters body and more than that he wanted her mind. He had grown to love her mind and the way that it worked over the last month it was beautiful. Just like her body. It happend that Adam got to touch his sisters body with her willing. She got sunburned one day when she was out in the sun for more than six hours. Her body was so red in the areas that the bathing suit had not covered. He had her lay out on her bed so that he could get her whole back and she pulled her bathingsuit off of her shoulders and just left the straps hanging downwards. He put some lotion on his hands and slowly started to stroke Renee's slender shoulders and her soft white back. He reached down to where the curve of her ass was and passed it and went up and down her legs. He accidently went into the middle of her legs and for the breifest of seconds his finger rested against her pussy. He thought that he could feel wetness there but he wasn't sure. Adam finished with her back. He left the room so that she could put it on her front in private. He sat down in his bed just thinking. Had his sisters pussy really been wet? Did she really want her big brother to touch her soft young body. The body that he had been lusting after for so long now? Did his sister really want her brothers hands exploring that young flesh? It had to be a dream of his. But he slowly stroked his hard cock off to the thought of this dream coming true. iv. Two nights later Adam's parents left their two children alone for the whole weekend. His mother explainded that they had to go take care of a family emergancy. That her father was having heart problems. They didnt' want to bore Adam and Renee by taking them out to a place where they woud have no fun. So they left 21 year old Adam in charge and took off. That first night Renee asked if she could stay up till 2 in the morning and Adam smiled and said that yes she could but only if she was ready for bed before 1. He had grabbed her and raised her shirt up a little bit and started to tickle her on the belly. She laughed so hard that she had to go pee when she was done. Adam had caught during the tickling a breif glimpse of her small mounds of flesh on her chest cupped in a training bra. He rearranged his hardon before Renee came back in the room. She sat down on the couch next to him and flipped though the television stations. Adam looked over at her. By the expressions on his beautiful sisters face he could tell that something was wrong. She just wasn't the happy joyful person that had left the room. "What's wrong runt?" He asked casually. Renee just sat there for a second putting the remote down. She crossed her legs in indian style on the couch. Adam thought it was cute with her long thin legs rapped around each other. "Well. . .I. ..uh. . . don't know if I should. . .uh . . .ask you these kind of. . .uh. . . questions." "Renee you can ask me anything, you can ask me things that you wouldn't ask mom and dad." She nods and looks at him with wide eyes, "well. . .uh sometimes I get these feelings down in my cunny and I like to play down there and well isn't that wrong or something?" Adam sat back and said, "no Renee its not wrong to touch yourself down there. Your cunny is your property. You can play with it all you want. And if you ever want a boy to play with it then it is with your consent if it is not with your consent then don't let him touch it." She nodded and rested her head on Adam's shoulder, "and if I wanted that boy to touch me what. . .what would I do to let him know?" "Oh Re. . .all you got to do is show him that you want him to continue." She nodded and that ended the conversation. By this time Adam had a huge hard on growing in his pants and he knew that he would have to take care of it. He got up and said to his sister, "I am going to get off to bed. You don't stay up to late you hear?" Renee nodded and he left the room. Up in his bed room Adam pulled his jeans off and then his boxers and his shirt also. He slowly started to jerk his hard cock imagining that it was him who was fucking his sister. v. He was close to cumming when a small female voice spoke up from his doorway. "Adam do you still do that often? Did those girls at college not take care of any of my big brothers lusts?" His sister Thirteen year old Renee steppped into the room. Her bright green eyes were shining and she walked up to the bed. She had changed and was wearing now only a short shirt that only covered her panties and a pair of black lace panties. She pulled the covers back and looked at his hard throbing member in his hand. She quietly sat down next to his member in the bed and took his hand off it it. At first for a few minutes she watched the hard member throb of its own accord from having her in the room. Then Renee placed her small hand around his hard cock. It was cool and warm to his cock at the same time. She smiled and slowly stroked the organ, "oh Adam how many times I have dreamed of doing this to my big brother." She only smiled and continued to jerk him for a few minutes. Then she stopped and removed her hand. He thought that she was done and wanted to watch but she surpised him. She laid down on top of him at first. He could feel her small body pressed to his. Her small breasts covered by her shirt were smushed agsinst his chest. Her legs were spread and her panties were pressing against his hard cock. She rubbed her pussy against his cock once before she brought her mouth up to his. They just stared at each other for a second looking from green eyes to blue eyes at each other, "I love you Renee always." Adam whispered as he cupped his sisters small face delicatly in his hands. She smiled back and said softly so softly he had to strain to hear, "I love you Adam always." They slowly bring lips together both surpised at the shock the kiss sent though their systems. The way that their bodies reacted to one another. Then as her tounge dips into his mouth he slowly slides his hand down his sisters smooth small back and over the rise of her small round ass. He gently cups the cheeks in his hands as the continue to kiss. She breaks the kiss and smiles at him. She gently goes down over his chest and kisses and sucks on his nipples. Then she goes over his belly and down to his hard thorbbing member that is leaking loads of pre-cum. She gently brought it into her mouth. Her small mouth was warm and wet on his hard cock. Adam had never had a mouth like hers on his hard cock. It was overwhemling. He could feel his cum about to let loose from his balls, "oh god Renee I am going to cum please take your mouth off." She did not listen. Never before did he imagine that what happend next could happen. He started to cum in his little sisters mouth. He cock just let go of all of its restraints and started to cum. Shot after shot of sticky cum going into his little sisters mouth. His hands were buried in her hair holding her head. She was swolling as much of his seed as she could but some of it would escape though her lips. When he was finished cumming his sister slipped her mouth off of his now almost limp cock. She looked up and she looked so cute at that moment. Her dark brown hair was in a mess tangled here and there, her bright green eyes large and full of lust for him. Her mouth had a dribble of cum comming out of it and going down on the side almost like a vampire with blood leaking from her lips like he had seen in a picture once. Her shirt was all the way down and her legs were spread showing off black panty. She wipped the cum from her lips and laid down on top of Adam again his cock was already hard again from looking at her face. She gently kissed him on the lips giving him a taste of his own seed. It was sweet but bitter. Their tounges entertwined as he gently ran his hands up and down her small back. Adam gently laid his sister down on her back on the bed and continued to kiss her deeply on the lips. He slowly slides his hand under her shirt feeling the silk feel of her white flesh. He gently cups one of her small round perfect breasts in his hand. The small hard nipple being crushed under his palm. Their kisses became harder and their tounges began to thurst back and forth harder and harder. He broke the kiss and had his sister sit up. He pulled her shirt over her head and marveled at the beauty of his sisters body. The small pointy breasts were no bigger than small lemons. Her skin was smooth as silk and pale so very pale. He gently laid her down on her back again and they kissed on the lips again. He gently ran his tounge over her lips and down her neck and to her left breast. He gently brought the whole breast into his mouth and started to suckle. The feel of having her whole breast in his mouth was driving Renee mad and she hopped that he would always be able to do this. Then he moved on to the other one and did the same. She cried out his name softly. Her hands gripping the sheets to her sides. She had never known that such pleasure could exsist as what her brother was showing her. He continued downwards. He pulled her panties down revealing her sex. It was wonderful. Her pussy was flawless. There was only a small amount of hair covering the mound. It was almost not there. He gently spread his sisters legs and went down inbetween them. He used his tounge to go up and down her pussy lips and then he spread them to dip his tounge into her hole and circle around her erect clit. She called out his name and gripped the sheets more as she neared her own orgasm. He continued to dip his tounge into her pussy. Loving the taste of his younger sisters pussy. He continued to feed on it as if it was pure pleasure for him. She bucked her small body against his mouth. And then she relased letting her juices flow over his mouth. He tried to swollow and taste as much as he could be could not get it all. When she was done cumming her hardest cum ever she laid there limp and falling into bliss. Adam gently laid down next to his sister and brings her into his arms holding her protectivly. He covers both of them with a blanket and feels his own sleep coming. He kisses her temple and Renee gently whispers, "Promise me Adam, that we will always be together?" "I promise" Adam whispers back. Nothing he vowed to himself would keep them apart nothing. And with those last words Adam slipped off into deep sleep with his sister in his arms. vi. Adam woke up to the sun light hitting his side of the bed. His little sister was on the other side laying on her stomach. Adam opened his eyes and looked over at her long black hair and her small face which was turned toward him. He gently ran his hand down over her back, feeling the touch of her soft silk skin. He reached her smooth round ass and gently cupped it in his hand before he looked back up at his sisters face. Her eyes were open and she was smiling. She rolled over and sat up. Adam saw the two small breasts on her chest. Renee breiftly cuped them in her own hands and then laid back down beside her brother closer to him. He brings her into his arms and holds her small body close to his. "Like what you see brother?" she giggles softly. "Oh Renee, you are so beautiful." He gently kisses her on the lips promising more. He sighs and holds her closer. "Where did you learn to suck cock like that?"Renee rolled away and laid on her side of the bed looking away from him. He hears her softly sniffle and realizes that she is crying. He gently puts his hand on her shoulder and says, "Renee what's wrong. Look at me please." She rolls over. Adam sees the tears rolling downher cheeks and he gently wipes them away. "Renee you can tell me anything, I won't get mad at you." Renee quietly comes back into his arms and says, "well I never really had sucked cock before hand just seen it done. You know my friend Erin?" Adam nodded and his sister continued, "well her big brother is the one that I saw it being done to. I went over to Erin's house to see if she wanted to do anything and her mother told me that she was up in her room. So I went up the stairs and started towards her room when I heard this noise coming from her brothers room. I walked over to it and quietly opend the door. You know I was curious. And there was her brother totally naked in the room with a girl on top of him. At first I thought that it was Erin but the hair was the wrong color. It was dark blonde not light blonde. It turned out to be her fourteen year old sister. The girl had her brothers cock in her mouth and she was sucking on it. And well I thought that boys liked that and I sure liked it so I thought I would try it on you." Adam smiled. He brought her closer to him in his arms. She rapped her legs around him and he could feel her small pussy pressing against his stomach. He ignored it for now. "Renee how far have you gone with a boy?" She blushes and says, "well you are the furthest." Adam laughs softly and runs a hand though her beautiful hair, "no sweetie I mean before me." She giggles and says, "well I let Tommy see my panties. He showed me his hard cock up in his tree house. I was going to show him my pussy but when I got undressed down to just my training bra and panties he groand and some white stuff the same that came out of your cock and into my mouth. Just started to come out of his cock." She softly giggles and then tried to roll Adam until he was on his back. They look at each other for a second and she whispers, "but I like my big brothers hard cock more. Its so big and so cute." She giggles and stickes her tounge out at him. Adam smiles and grabs her tounge with his hand. "I got your tounge." He says and she tries to pull it away. He doesn't let her. He rolls her until she is on her back and he smiles up at his little sister. He can feel her small body pressed under his. After a few minutes he rolls of and lets go of her tounge and brings her back into her arms, "you okay?" Renee giggles and says, "yeah I am okay. But you are a little heavy Adam." He smiles and she raps her arms around him tightly and looks up into his eyes. "I love you." Adam brings her face up to his and looks into her beautiful eyes, "I love you." He brings his lips to hers and they kiss at first lightly. Lips touching lips. Breathing getting harder. He thursts his tounge into his sisters mouth and they entertwine. He feels his sisters pussy thrust against his stomach hard and then she breaks the kiss. Adam lays with her head on his chest for awhile stroking her long black hair before he said anything. "When did you first realize you loved me as a lover not a brother?" Renee didn't say anything at first she just laid with her head on his chest as if thinking. Then she put her elbows on his chest and supported her head with her hands. She smiled at him and said, "It was about a year ago. When I let Billy kiss me behind his house. See he really liked me and well I thought that liked him. But well when he kissed me on the lips he was so clumsy and well he didn't know what he was doing and his hand went down to my ass but not the right way. And well I remembered one time when a guy kissed me on the cheek and hugged me goodbye when he went away for college. This one man slipped his hand down to my ass just the way that a hand should be done and well I realized then that I wanted you touching my whole body brining it to life. And I realized I liked having you to talk to. To explain feelings to. I loved the way that you played around with me and it didn't seem to bother you that I was so much younger than you and that you spent more time with me than with anyone else." She giggled softly then and laid back down on his chest. Adam loved the feel of her small breats pressed against his chest. Her pussy was resting right above his hard cock and he knew she could feel it throbing against her leg. "What about you huh big brother?" Adam was quiet for a long time stroking her hair and thinking if he should tell her how deeply he had wanted this and for how long. "You will probably think me a sicko and stuff like that after I tell you." Renee sat up and looked at him. She brought a finger to his lips and soflty said, "you are not a sicko. And no matter when you started to love me at age 6, 9, or 13 it doesn't matter just tell me. When, why and how come." She softly giggles and lays back down on his chest. "It started when you were nine years old. I had taken you swimming and every time you got out of the pool I watched the way that your small body moved and well I just started to get hard. And over the next few months I was getting hard all the time and I realized that I was falling for my little sisters body. And at first I thought it was your body. But when you turned 11 I realized that it was more than just your body. It was your mind. Your abality. You gave me so much joy in my life, more joy than any other girl that I had ever met. You talked and listened to anything I told you and well I just realized that you were the one. But I also came to realize that I did like little girl flesh and well. . .I knew I would always love you no matter what your body looked like but I would always love you as a young girl and as the girl you are now." Renee giggled again and slides her face up to his. "Oh Adam only if you had told me sooner. Then I would have let you touch me at eleven maybe even nine. Now I am reaching that stage where I am growing into a women and I am going to get big breasts and you won't like me anymore." Adam laughs and says, "Renee I will always love you." "But you won't want my body." "Oh yes I will. How big do you think you are going to get?" "About as big as mom." "Then don't worry. Mom is so tiny compared to dad and you will always be so tiny compared to me." Renee laughs and says, "you know there is this girl next door. Her name is Anna and she is only nine years old. She is really cute. I sometime get wet when I go play with her." Adam stops and looks at his sister. "You are attracted to a girl?" Renee giggles and says, "quite a few actually. I hope you don't mind? I might want to do something with a girl sometime." Adam hugs her closer and says, "Depends will you let me do anything with her also." "Of course." She giggles and says, "just because your mind and soul belong to me doesn't mean that I think I should be the only girl to get fucked by you. All I want is for you to fuck me and always fuck me and of course our daughters also." She giggles and lays cloer to him. "Of course you have to fuck me first before you can anyone else. I want to be the first to loose her virginity to the man that she is going to marry." Adam smiles and Renee giggles. vii. "Marry? And when did that come into discussion?" Adam says as he roams his hand down over his sisters young body. He gently cups her ass cheeks and stares into her eyes. "Well it just makes sense." "We are brother and sister. We have the same last name and even the same blood type. If anyone ever checked out our genes they would find that we are. . ." Renee giggles and pushes her head up to his. "Is this my big brothers way of telling me that he doesn't want to marry me?" Adam kisses her on the lips gently and says, "There is nothing in the world that I want more than to marry you." "Then don't worry about it until it happens." With that she gently moves her pussy down until it rested on her brothers hard cock. He could feel the small lips pressing against the shaft and he loved the feel. "Make love to me Adam please." Adam smiles at her lust filled face and gently cups it in his hands. "Oh Renee I would love nothing more than to make love to you. But you are so small and so delicate. I don't want to hurt you. I never want to hurt you." "Then don't worry about it. Make love to me Adam." She giggles again her cute giggle which sent a shiver though Adam's body and he knew that he could not resist his sisters pleas and her body. "If it hurts to much I will tell you to stop and I know that you will." Adam stroked his hands down her back and then gently he brought his sister into position on top of him. He could feel her small breast pressed against the bottom of his chest and her head did not even reach up to his. He took hold of his hard cock and gently guided it with his hand until it reached his sisters young pussy. He could feel the open hole her legs were spread wide on the sides of both of his. He gently pushes against the hole and his sister grunts. But she does not stop him. Adam gently runs his cock up and down the slit of his sisters pussy. She was really wet. She was like a well she never dried up. He gently pushed against the hole again. His sister grunted Her small body moving upwards a little ways. He felt the small hole of her pussy give and he felt the very tip of his cock slide into his sisters little pussy. It was tight and so small. Smaller than any other girl that he had ever been in. She smiled at him and he pushed agian. His cock would not go in any further. He tried two times and she grunted to times. "Renee I don't think it is going to go in with out hurting you." She smiled and said, "I want it in so bad Adam. It will only hurt for a few seconds if you do it really fast and I help you. Trust me." Adam smiled and she giggled. He got ready. She was ready also. He pulled back and got ready to thurst hard. Renee got ready and when he pushed against her small hole hard she pushed aginst his hard cock. At first nothing happend. But then her pussy gave way and his cock started to slide into her body. He thrusted again and she pushed again and she grunted. Adam could tell she was in pain but Renee was so determined to get her brothers huge cock into her small body that she didn't say anything. Her eyes were closed in concentration. He pushed in again. Her pussy was so tight. The small lips were wrapped against his hard cock. Adam could feel her small pussy hole wrapped around his hard cock. He filled her pussy from side to side. The whole hole. There would be no cum leaking when he came. Adam pushed again and came to her hymn. He knew that that was what it was because when he lighlty touched it his sister cried out. Adam stoped and looked at her little face. It was in so much pain, "do you want me to stop Renee?" She grunted again and pushed hard. His cock burst though the barrier and he knew that she was bleeding. But she continued to push against his cock. He tried to stop her but Renee knew she wanted the whole thing or as much of it that would fit into her body. He thrusted again and that was when he realized that his sister had swllowed almost all of his hard cock. He thursted again. Her hot wet pussy was pushing against his hard cock. And he could feel her pussy contracting. He knew she was getting close to cumming and he didn't know if he was going to be able to hold off when she did. He slowly thursted again and let her get the feel of his hard cock buried in her mound. And then he reached her cervix. He pushed agsinst it not relaizing and she cried out. He pushed back and looked at her. She smiled and they both knew that all of his cock that could get in was in. He thursted again and she moaned agianst his chest. He pushed again and she started to respond. thursting her little body against his hard cock. She sat up on his cock and he was now looking at his little sister ridding his hard cock. He gently placed his hands on her legs and let her fuck him until she let out a loud moan. She laid down on top of him and what happend next Adam had never experinced anything like it. Her small pussy walls started to convulse around his hard cock and the pushed it and he continued to thrust. He could feel his sperm building up in his balls and he knew it was time. He thursted once mroe and let his load go. His sister collapsed on top of him and she fell asleep. As his sperm continued to shoot into her small body. Her pussy continued to push on his cock. As load after load shot into her small body. Adam could feel himself becoming oblivous to the world around him. And then he too fell asleep. viii. It was two hours later when Adam woke up to a giggling sound. Renee was laying on top of him still and she was giggling. He looked down at her face and she was looking straight up at him. He smiled and said as she continued to giggle. "So whats so funny Re?" She stopped giggling and said, "nothing just the way that you sleep. Its so cute." And she smiled showing her white teeth. "How are you feeling?" "It is a little sore, but it will be okay." She pushes up and brings her mouth to his. They gently kiss and let one anothers tounges explore each others mouths. Adam can feel his sisters small pussy pushing against his stomach. He gently breaks the kiss and she looks down at him. "I am hungery." Adam smiles and she sits up. she rolls off of him and stands up. There is a small patch of blood on her pussy she wipes it off on a towel that she finds on the floor. She walks over to her brothers semi hard cock and gently wipes the dried cum and blood off it. Then she giggles and runs out his door naked. Adam rolls off of the bed and follows her. He sees her small ass walking down the hall way he followed it as the reached the kitchen. He stood next to her and looked down at her. She was much smaller than him and so delicate. He felt that if he was not careful he could brake her body. But he knew he would never not be careful with his sister. She pulls out a box of cereal and pours both of them a bowl of it. Then he adds the milk. Nothing needs to be said at this point. "Adam what would you say if I told you that you are going to be a brother again?" Adam looks over at her and said, "What are you talking about Mom is 52 years old." Renee smiles and says, "Why do you think that mom and dad went away? It wasn't really for grandpa. Nope I listend into one of there conversations a few nights ago. You know 14 year old Martha down the street? Well Daddy has been fooling around with her. And guess what she got pregnant!!! So she went away for the last six months wasn't in school or anything 'family emeregancy' they called it. And now the baby has been born and mom and dad are going to raise it. And guess what they planed it this way. They had paid her parents for her to father a child for them." Adam sat in shock for awhile before he said, "Why would they do this?" "Because they know that I will be leaving soon. Mommy had a big huge talk with me one night after she heard me masturbating. See I was calling out your name. She asked me about my feelings for you and all of that. When she learned of them she knew that you felt the same way. So she told a remarkable story. Mom and dad are cousins Adam. She understands they both understand what it is like to fall in love with someone in the family." She giggles softly. "And well it turns out that dad has been fucking young girls for years now. Ones all over the neighborhood. And they were all willing also. And mom and daddy still fuck almost ever night too." Adam smiles and brings his sister onto his lap. "You know what I love most about you Renee?" "No, but you can tell me." "That damn giggle of yours." Renee giggles again and jumps down from his lap. "Bet you can't catch me." Then she runs off out of the room. Adam stands up and starts to chase after her naked body. She runs into the living room and he gets on the other side blocking her from leaving the room. He runs towards her and she cries out. Adam brings her into his arms and starts to tickle his little sisters tummy until she cries uncle. Adam can smell her skin. He gently licks her arm and tastes the sweet taste of oblivion. He kisses her deeply on the lips and Renee responds. Both now realize that the game has changed. That some thing else is going on now. Adam gently lays down on the couch with her on top. He positions them both until they are comftrable. He pushes his hard cock into her small pussy. Agian he can feel the tightness of the small hole. He pushes again and Renee smiles as his hard cock slides into her small tight pussy with ease. Adam just rests it there getting the feel of her small body. He wraps his arms around her and gently strokes her back. Renee rests her head on his chest. "Adam what would you do if you became a father?" Adam felt a flutter in his heart. Renee was thinking the same thing at this momment as h was, "I would be very happy. But it doesn't matter if I don't become a father right now." "I think I am pregnant." "Have you ever had a period." Adam feels a small panic rising in his chest. He loved his sister and he wanted a child from her. But her body was just so small and he didn't think it was ready." "Yeah I started early like mom did. I started having periods before I even had breasts. Been having them since I was eleven." Adam groans and gently pulls his cock out. "Whats wrong Adam?" "Oh Renee. It's nothing against you. I want you so badly. But we can't have children yet. Neither one of us is ready." "Mom and dad will support us until we can afford to be on our own." Adam smiles and runs his hand down her back. "Make love to me Adam." Adam pushes his cock back into his sisters tight hole and she smiles. Slowly the move thrusting and pushing. There bodies entwined together. Adam loves the feel of his small sisters body pressed to his. Her small breasts pushing against his chest. Her small boney hips pressing againts his. He thursted once more before both of them went over the edge. They lay there holding each other. He kisses her on the hair and whispers, "if you are pregnant it will be the greatest gift you could ever give me." Renee smiles and giggles before they both fall asleep again. ix. That night Renee made a phone call to the neighbors next door. She was friends with there nine year old daughter and she asked if the girl wanted to stay over that night. The girl agreed and arrived over at the house around 8. Renee let her in. She was about the size of Renee if not a little shorter. The girl looked to be around 10 years of age. Adam found out later that she was nine. She was wearing tight shorts that showed off her round little ass and a tight shirt that showed off her flat little girl chest. Adam smiled at her and she sat down on his lap. Where his already hard cock was growing even harder. She had long light blond hair that was long and combed down to the top of her little butt. Her eyes were a dark blue. He loved the smell of her body. "Hi I'm Christi," she said looking at him from where she was on his lap. "Hi Christi. I am Adam." She giggled and Adam's cock gave a jerk in his pants. She looks down at it and said, "my daddy lets me see his all the time. But he never does anything to me with it. All he does is let me see it or touch it sometimes. Renee says that you will do everything to me with it." Adam smiles and she giggles. Another jerk in his pants. "Of course Christi I will teach you anything you want to know." "I want to do everything. And I mean everything. I want you to fuck into my pussy and have your cock leack its bad old cum in me." Adam groaned and looked over at Renee she was smiling as if to say 'see I told you she wanted it.' Adam pulled Renee over to him and said, "are you sure you want me to do this?" She nods and says, "yes Adam I am sure. No matter how many girls you have sex with you will always be mine." With that she smiles and leaves the room. Christi sat there on his hard cock looking up at him. Adam picked her up and moved her over to the side. He said, "Okay now Christi I am going to show you my hard cock now. Are you ready?" The girl nodded and smiled. Adam stood up and pulled his boxers down. His cock was hard and sticking straight up in the air. Christi stared at it for a few mintues and then she smiled. Adam sat down beside her and said, "do you know how to storke a man's cock?" The girl giggled and gently placed her small nine year old hand around the cock. It only went around about half of the organ but that was enough. Adam's cock gave a jerk and a small amount of pre-cum appeared at the tip of his hard cock. The girl smiled and she started to stroke the hard organ. Adam let out a loud moan as she moved her hand up and down the cock. He knew that if she kept this up he would be going over the edge. He genlty pulled her hand away from his cock and said, "okay now its time that I tought you about your body and how to pleasure your body." The girl giggled and said, "How do we do that?" "I will undress you." Adam had dreamed of undressing a little girl for so long and now here was his chance to undress one. He gripped the bottom of her shirt in his hands and pulled it upwards off of her young body. He stoamch was flat and had an outy belly button. One of the cutest a girl could hvae in Adam's opinion. He gently rubbed her nipples with the tips of his fingers until they were soft and pointy. Then he unlaced her shoes and took each one of placing them off on the side of the couch. He then told her to stand up and he looked at her almost naked body. She was wearing socks that went up to the middle of her shin, tight shorts and panties. He unbuttoned the pants and then unzipped them. He pulled her shorts down until they were resting around her thin ankles. He had her step out of them. All that remained on her little girl body was a pair of little girl panties. He gently pulled these down and revealed her little girl sex. It was perfect with small lips and no hair. He smiled at it and his cock gave a involentary jerk. He laid her down on the couch and spread her legs gently. He looked at her revealed sex it was beautiful. Her clit was slighlty erect which meant that he was starting to turn her on. "Has anyone ever touched you down on your cunny Chrisit?" The girl shook her head no and Adam smiled, "okay. I am going to make you feel good down there." He gently brought his hand down and started to stroke her slit with his finger. The girl closed her eyes and grunted. He slowly slide a finger around her clit and the girl let out a large cry. Her pussy was on fire more fire than when her daddy let her touch his hard cock. She was enjoying this and she never wanted it to end. Adam slowly stoped stroking her with his finger. He had to taste that pussy. He spread her legs wider and went down between them with his head. He slowly brought his tounge out and dipped it into the small pussy hole. Christi had never felt anything like it. His tounge struk her pussy and the girl let out a cry thrusting her hips into his face. The girls jucices were flowing now from her pussy into his mouth. Adam slowly used his tounge now to circle around her small erect clit. The girl gives out a large cry and grips on to her legs. Adam takes her over the edge. She thrusts her hips twice and maons out. Adam gives into his own pleasure feeling this small girl cumming under him. He strokes his cock twice and his cum starts to flow all out onto the couch. The girls body stops moving as her first orgasm leaves her behind. Adam sits up and starts to clean his cum from the couch. The girl is sound asleep by now. x. Adam looks down at nine year old Christi. She had been asleep now in the cradle of her first orgasm for an hour. He gently sits down next to her and shakes her once. The girl rolls over and opens her dark brown eyes. She blinks once and then says, "god that felt so good. When can we do it again?" Adam laughs and says, "well Christi how would you like to learn about making love, or as adults call it making babies?" Christi smiles and says, "you mean I could have a baby?" "No Sweetheart you are still tooo young to have a baby. But don't worry one day you can hvae a baby." Christi smiles and starts to stand up, "when can you teach me how to make babies?" "Right now, come with me up to my bedroom." The girl nods and follows Adam and his growing hard cock up into his bedroom. Once in the room Adam closes the door and has Christi sit on the bed. "Now Christi the first time that you make love you have a thing called a hymn. This thing hurts when it is broken though, but it has to be broken though in order for us to make love and learn about making babies okay?" The girl smiles and thinks about it for a little while before she says, "Then go ahead and break my hymathingy." She giggles and lays down on the bed with her legs spread. Adam smiles and gets on the bed next to her. He slides his hand down her chest and over her belly. He slides a finger over her pussy and dips it into the small hole. She was smaller than Renee was but he didn't think that it would be a problem to get his cock into it. She was already wet wetter than she had been down stairs. He pulls the small girl on top of him and they are now laying stomach to stomach. She doesn't complain just spreads her legs and Adam can feel her small pussy pressing agianst his hard cock. He gently takes his cock into his hand and guides it until it reaches her pussy hole. He pushes the tip in. Her hole spread easily enough though the girl did grunt from the huge organ going into her small body. Adam slowly stokes her back and then goes down to her small round ass and strokes it. Then he thrusts his hard cock deeper into her body. The girl grunts and Adam touches her hymn. "Ouch! What was that?" "That was your hymn. I have to break it now." The girl nods and grits her teeth. She was a strong girl Adam had to give her that one. He pushed his cock into her again and he burst though the small hymn. The girl gave out a moan of pain but then she gives out a moan of satisfation. Adam pushed his cock into her again and the girl grunted with both pain and pleasure. When he thrusted again all that was left was the drowning sea of pleasure. Adam gently kisses her head and says to her, "you are so brave little Christi." The girl gigggles as he continues to thrust into her small pussy. Adam can feel himself approaching the edge of his own orgasm. The little girl above of him grinds down hard on his cock and she moans out his name as her small body starts to spasm with orgasm. He can feel the small pussy pushing against his hard cock. Adam lets out a cry and his sperm starts to shoot into her small body. He feels his sperm shooting into the small body and for a few minutes he wonders if maybe just maybe he had gotten this little preteen girl with child. He could imagine her small belly swelling with a child. She woud be so beautiful both her and Renee would both be so beautiful with swollowen baby bellys. That was his last thought as he lost conciousness. xi. A giggle wakes Adam up from the sleep that he had settled in a hour ago. He opens his eyes and sees Renee standing at his head on the bed. She is wearing nothing but a pair of dark black panties and a huge smile on her face. Adam smiles as his sister slowly places her hands in her panties on the edges and starts to pull them down. She pulls the panties down past her legs and then slips out of them. She stands back up and looks straight at Adam. He looks down at her small pussy with its beautiful lips and it's beautiful small tuft of hair. Adam's cock slowly starts to harden inside of Christi. The girl is still sound asleep. He groans and reaches a hand out to Renee who smiles and shakes her head no. Christi sits up and smiles down at Adam. Then she slides off of him and looks down at his hard cock. "Thank you for that Adam." then she lays down on the other side of the bed and Renee climbs in over Adam and lays down beside him. Her hand slowly runs down Christi's chest over her flat stomach and down betweent the girls willingly spread legs. Adam watches as Renee's hand explores around the small pussy and the girl that her hand is exploring lets out a large cry of passion. Renee slowly brings her mouth down on to Christis and both girsl are frenching in no time. Tounges going from one to the other mouth. Christi's small hand goes down over the two small bumps on Renee's chest over her flat stomach and down inbetween the girls spread legs. She gently explores around the pussy and pushes a finger into Renee's pussy hole. Both girls slowly start to fuck on each others provided fingers. Adam watches as Renee climbs on top of Christi and both girls continue to slowly fuck on each others fingers. Renee lets out a cry of pleasure as does Christi and Renee collapses on top of Christi. Christi raps her arms around the other girl and they both just hold each other as they finish their orgasms. Renee rolls off of Christi and Adam just stares at both of them in utter amazement. "I feel as if I have been used." Christi smlies and Renee says, "ahhh big brother you wanted the thrill of teaching a girl how to have sex and you got that thrill that was what we were trying to get for you. Plus Christi here really enjoyed it and we both want you to do it to us again and again and again forever." Then Renee laughs and runs a hand down to her brothers hard cock. "After all what good is this hard organ if we don't put it to good use?" Then she lightly strokes it. Christi sits up and rolls over Renee. She spreads Adam's legs and brings her mouth down on his hard cock. He feels the small nine year old lips slide over the tip of his hard organ and Adam lets out a cry of pleasure at the feel of that small mouth clasping around his cock. Adam can feel his hard cock about to give from the sucking of the little nine year old. He cries out her name as he runs his hands thoug her hair and holds her down on his cock. He starts to shoot his cum into her small mouth. Load after load shoot into the small mouth. Adam can see her throat mucles working and swollowing the cum from his hard cock. Then he explodes again as he thinks of her small body taking in his huge cock earlier. When he finishes cuming and his cock starts to get soft both girls start to giggle and giggle. "Whats so funny huh?" He asked pushing them both. "Just the look on your face when you start to orgasm." Renee said, "god it was so funny!!" She started to giggle again. Both girls fell over giggling. "You should see your self when you cum." Adam said as he started to tickle both girls. "Now you got a reason to laugh." He continues to tickel both of them as they try to get away. Christi gets away from his hand and runs out of the room and down the stairs. Adam continues to tickle Renee but not until she too gets out of his hands. "Ha find us if you can." Then she runs out of the room. Adam stands up and looks around his room and then follows them out the door. He goes down stairs first and checks the kitchen and living room. Finding no one he goes into the master bedroom and there laying on the bed on her side in a sex pose is Christi. "Hey lover boy, fuck me now." She lays on her back on the bed and spreads her girl legs. Adam's cock shots straight into the air and he walks over to where the girl is laying. Adam climbs on top of her and gently guides his hard cock into her pussy. What proceded was one of the hardest fucks that Adam had ever gotten in his life. He pushed it in and Christi just took charge. She started thrusting and making him thrust harder and hader. After just four thursts Adam's cock burst into his lovers womb. The sperm just went gushing out into her body. He tried to control it but he had no control over it. No control at all. And when it was over she laid there smiling at him. "Now you got to find Renee and fuck her brains out also." Adam only nods and climbs up and runs out of the room in search of Renee. Adam runs around the rest of the downstairs not finding his sister. He walks back up the stairs and first enters the bathroom. Not finding her in there he walks into his bedroom thinking that maybe she ended up going back in there to hid. Not finding her in there Adam ran off towards the guest room. She wasn't in there either so he moved on to the last room in the house his sisters room. He walked down and opened the door and there she was standing in the middle of the room. She smiled and said, "gee took you long enough to find me." Adam smiled and his sister climbed up on the bed and got on her hands and knees, "now fuck me hard and don't hold back." Adam smiles and climbs up on the bed behind her. He brings his hard cock inbetween her spread legs towards his sisters revealed sex. Adam had always wanted to do it with a girl dogie style but no girl that he knew wanted to do it with him. Until now that was. Adam thrusted his hard cock into his sisters small pussy and remembered now the feel of that small pussy wrapped around his hard cock. She let out a moan as he continued to fuck into her harder and harder not relenting. He pushed his cock deeper into her and she moaned out his name. Adam knew that he wouldnt' be able to hold on much longer and he knew that he wanted this more than anything else that he had ever experinced before. He thrusted a few more times into his sisters small body before his hard cock exploded into her pussy. The cum just started to explode into her young body. Burst after burst of semen seeped into his sisters small body. And when it was over she collapsed on the bed along with him. They were both totally drained. xii. Adam grogily sat up from the bed that he was laying in. At first the bed was not fimiluar. He was confused. Then he remembered that he had ended up in his sisters bed with her. God what a last two days these days had been. He had never thought that he could ever feel anything that he felt for his sister. Oh and that little Christi god could she make him hard and horny and wanting inside a preteen body. And hell before this summer he had never thought of doing another preteen besides his sister. And now here he was fucking little Christi. And what would his sister offer him next? Maybe another treasure from around here. Adam climbed out of the bed notcing that Renee was no longer laying in it. He walked to his room and slipped on a pair of boxershorts and a shirt. He walked down the stairs and sitting there in the living room on the couch were his parents. Adam had forgotten that they were comming home today. He expected the worse when he got down the stairs and both Renee and Christi were sitting in chairs. He walked down and his father turned and looked at him saying, "Adam please come sit down, we need to have a few words about what has been going on in this house the last few days." Adam feared the worst. Sure his parents were cousins but that didn't matter. They might not like the fact that he had been touching there daughter. He sat down and looked at his father. "Adam changes are occuring in this house towards the way that your mother and I had noticed quite a while ago. We have just brought home a new child a daughter, and well we are going to raise her. But there is someting else also. We want you to get an apartment here close to home. Finish your last year at college here at home. The reason why is that we want Renee to move in with you. The reason for that is becaus we don't want little Rachel growing up with the both of you and your sexual explorations. We want to teach her ourselfs and our own ways." Adam was in shock at what his father had just told him. Basicly he was saying for Adam and his sister to live together to sleep in bed together and to not be living under their parents roof. "What is the catch dad?" "Well Adam its just that you try to make sure that our little girl has everything she needs and that you try not to get her pregnant at least until she turns sixteen please." Adam nodded and his father continued, "and please any of her friends that want you to teach them about sex you teach them. It is the greatest gift that you can give a young girl trust me I know." He stands up and Adam's mother follows he says one last thing before leaving the room, "oh and if Renee is already pregnant then please for godsakes pull her out of school on a family emergancy when she turns four months so that she doesn't have to go though what her mother did." With that he left the room. Something told Adam that his mother was younger than she appeard to be. "What is he talking about?" Renee giggles and says, "mom and dad both lied about their ages they are only in their thirties. Oh and get this mom wants us to go visit the farm. You know the one that daddy owns out there far away. Uncle Adam's place. You know the guy you were named after. And mom had you when she was only 12!" Renee jumps up and runs into Adam's arms. He gently wraps her in them and hugs her small body close to his. She was wearing a small shirt that only came to the middle of her body and a pair of tight pants. "When can we leave?" "How about tomorrow." Adam says. He was going to go to the farm that his parents had moved him off of at the age of five because they wanted him and his sister to be brougt up in the normal fashion to see if they would not get the same curse that the rest of the family seemed to have. It did not work obviously. But it didn't really matter, not to Adam and Renee anyways. They loved each other deeply. Christi stood up and said, "I have to get home but I thank you both for the chance to learn from you about sex and stuff like that." Then she walks out of the room. They hear the door close and Adam carries his sister up stairs to his bedroom. He gently unbuttons her shorts and pulls them down over her round little ass and down off of her. They continue to kiss deeply on the lips letting tounges flare in and out of each others mouths. Adam can feel his sister hand slidding into his boxers and gripping his hard cock. Hen then slides a hand under her panties and starts to feel her small pussy lips. He slides a finger into her hole and she lets out a cry of pleasure. Adam slides his sisters panties off of her body as she slides his boxers off of his. He lays her down on the bed and she spreads her legs. Adam thrusts his hard cock into her small body feeling the lips of her small pussy surrond his hard cock. He was use to it but the tightness was still almost too much. He thrusted for awhile getting the feel of her small body under him. He thrusted harder and she complied to do the same. And then theyboth let out a huge moan and Adam shot his seed into his sisters small body again. . . .and again. . . and again. End Part i -- Double for Nothing!! Tricks for Free!!! Be There.....