(01-Dec-84) In VANC0 (Sunnyvale, California) living colour

Depeche Mode's "MASTER AND SERVANT" from the album "Some Great Reward" (1984)
Music and lyrics by Martin L. Gore of Depeche Mode

  It's a lot
  It's a lot like life

  There's a new game
  We like to play you see
  A game with added reality
  You treat me like a dog
  Get me down on my knees

  We call it master and servant
  We call it master and servant

  It's a lot like life
  This play between the sheets
  With you on the top and me underneath
  Forget all about equality

  Let's play master and servant
  Let's play master and servant

  It's a lot like life
  And that's what's appealing
  If you despise that throw-away feeling
  From disposable fun
  Then this is the one

  Domination's the �name of the game
  In bed or in life
  They're both just the same
  Except in one you're fulfilled
  At the end of the day

  Let's play master and servant
  Let's play master and servant

  Master and servant

  It's a lot
  It's a lot like life
  Master and servant

  It's a lot like life
  And that's what's appealing
  If you despise that throw-away feeling
  From disposable fun
  Then this is the one

  Let's play master and servant
  Come on master and servant
  Master and servant


(29-Sep-85) The misfits at VANC0 (Sunnyvale, Ca.) presents the lyrics for:

"THE WALK OF LIFE" from the Dire Straits album "Brothers in Arms" (1985)
Song written by Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits' guitar and vocals)

  Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldId			L���q�!B
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  I'm addicted to ya babe
  You're a hard habit to break

  I can't go on just can't go on
  I can't go on just can't go on

  Being without you
  Takes a lot of getting used to
  Should learn to live with it
  I don't want to
  Being without you
  Is all a big mistake
  Instead of getting any easier
  It's the hardest thing to take
  I'm addicted to you
  You're a hard habit to break

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"SISTER CHRISTIAN" from Night Ranger's "Midnight Madness" (1984) album
Music and lyrics by Kelly Keagy (Drums, Lead Vocals)

  Sister Christian
  Oh the time has come
  And you know that you're the only one to say

  Where you going
  What you looking for
  You know those boys don't want to play no more
  With you
  It's true

  What's your price for flight
  In finding mister right
  You'll be alright tonight

  Babe you know
  You're growing up so fast
  And Momma's worrying that you won't last to say
  Lets play

  Sister Christian
  There's so much in life
  Don't you give it up before your time is due
  It's true
  It's true, yeah

  What's your price for flight
  You've got him in your sights
  And driving thru the night

  What's your price for flight
  In finding mister right
  You'll be alright tonight

  Sister Christian
  Oh the time has come
  And you know that you're the only one to say
  But you're motoring
  You're motoring

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"DON'T LET IT END" from the STYX album "Kilroy Was Here" (1983)
Music and lyrics by Dennis DeYoung (Keyboards, Vocals) of STYX.

  What can I do
  Pictures of you still make me cry
  Trying to live without your love
  It's so hard to do
  Some nights I'll wake up
  I'll look at your pillow
  Hoping that I'll see you there
  But I get up each day, not much to say
  I've nowhere to go
  Loneliness fills me up inside
  'Cause I'm missing you
  So if you'll give us a chance to remember
  The love we had once together
  Wait and see, time is all that we really need
  I'm praying you won't say no
  I mean to tell you

  Don't let it end
  Baby we could have so much more
  Don't let it end
  Honey please don't walk out that door

  I'm telling you baby, I made my mistakes
  But I'll make you this promise to do what it takes
  I'll be there to protect you and hold you tight
  You got my lovin' baby, every single night

  Don't let it end
  I'm begging you, don't let it end this way
  Don't let it end
  I'm begging you, don't let it end this way

  Don't let it end
  Baby we could have so much more
  Don't let it end
  Honey please don't walk out that door
  Don't let it end
  I'm begging you, don't let it end this way
  Don't let it end
  I'm begging you, don't let it end this way- no, no, no
  No, no, no

  What will I do
  If you say we're through
  I need you to stay, honey
  Don't let it end this way

The misfits at VANC0 (Sunnyvale, Ca.) bring to you the lyrics for:

"FORTRESS AROUND YOUR HEART" (Lyrics and music by Sting)
from Sting's solo album "The Dream of the Blue Turtles"

Under the ruins of a walled city
Crumbling towers in beams of yellow light
No flags of truce, no cries of pity
The siege guns had been pounding throught the night
It took a day to build the city
We walked through it's streets in the afternoon
As I returned across the fields I'd known
I recognized the walls that I once made
I had to stop in my tracks for fear
Of walking on the mines I'd laid

And if I've built this fortress around your heart
Encircled you in trenches and barbed wire
Then let me build a bridge
For I cannot fill the chasm
And let me set the battlements on fire

Then I went off to fight some battle
That I'd invented inside my head
Away so long for years and years
You probably thought or even wished that I was dead
Whi break my heart
  Don't, don't, don't throw it away

  And this is my four leaf clover
  I'm on the line, one open mind
  This is my four leaf clover

  In my mind's eye
  One little boy, one little man
  Funny how, time flies