     .:::::.          .:::::::::.                 Home for the Holidays
  ..::::::::..       :::::::::::::
.::: :::::: :::.     ::::      ::::                  Toxic File #15
 ::   ::::    ::     ::::.       :
  :    ::    :         :::::::.                    by Gross Genitalia
       ::                  :::::::.
      ::::            :       :::::           [     Centre of Eternity    ]
      :::: oxic      :::......::::: hock      [        615.552.5747       ]
    .::::::.          ::::::::::::            [    3/2400 baud  40 megs   ]
  ::::::::::::         ::::::::::             [HQ for The Esoteric Society]
 We lit the candles on the table and placed around it the food of feast,
their aromas wisping around our heads and filling us with feelings of joy
and holiday spirit. It was Christmas time; the tree was lit, green and red
decorations specked the house. And among this joy our happiness was doused
with gasoline; my sister was brewing among us.
 She had come home for this Christmas; last year she had stayed away at her
college and spent the season with her boyfriend and their family. This year
we were graced with her presence...and his. She brought her boyfriend home.
I do not know if this was Fetus' mischievous way of suffering us, but what
a misery it quickly became.
 The tale I am about to tell is merely that; a tale. Although wherever
possible, I have included some aspect of truth. I will not lie and make up
junk and present it to you, I will instead use a style of the great author
Mark Twain: "I just stretch the truth a little".
 We gathered around the table on Christmas Day; my parents, my grandmother,
my sister and her boyfriend, and myself; and returned thanks for our meal.
We all sat and began passing around the bowls and platters of food.
Occasionally I would pick up a handful of sweet potato casserole and send it
sliding through my sister's hair. She would return the favor and send across
several slices of cranberry sauce, landing the crimson jellyish flying saucers
in my face. My parents did not approve of such behavior in such an "established
household", nor did my sister's boyfriend approve of her behavior. My
grandmother all the while sat in a daze, gazing into her own private world,
thinking of all of her OTHER grandchildren. Occasionally she would return and
take a few bites of turkey, or whatever the hell animal muscle and fat we were
eating. I enjoyed the food, but didn't exactly enjoy the meal as a whole. Aside
from the food throwing and putting disgusting mixtures of food into each
other's drinks, my sister kept kicking me under the table. Once I took my steak
knife and slashed at her jeans, but I didn't cut through to the skin. She tried
to slip a foot between my legs and flatten my genitals, but a fork through the
shoe stopped that one. I later returned the present by wrapping my feet around
her legs and yanking them towards me, which in turn slammed her tits into the
corner of the table. That pretty much ended the table fighting, but by that
time I was through eating.
 How could it seem like my sister was in COLLEGE? A 4.0 student in the field
of pre-med, majoring in biology, and in a well-known sorority... playing
footsie at the table? My sister and I all of our lives have tried our simple
BEST to bug the shit out of each other. Why stop now? Maybe her boyfriend's
personality and style was holding her down. He did not make his grades to
stay in a fraternity, he hardly studied, he acted like a kid... he and my
sister had strange little pet names for each other... could any of that be at
cause? Who knows, and quite frankly who CARES.
 I do however love my sister, she frequently understands me (although there are
some things and ideals we never have and never WILL agree on). We have lived
together for some 13 years of my life, and in the past couple of years she has
been away at college, I have missed her alot.
 But this time was different. I had become good friends with Bloody Afterbirth.
Toxic Shock had formed. My sister did not particularly like Afterbirth, and one
night while she was home they got into it about several different things.
Academic goals. Occupational goals. They simply did not agree and a fight broke
out. I thought mine and Afterbirth's friendship was on the line (we had just
found out some really deep things about each other) and Afterbirth sought
revenge on my sister for having been ripped apart inside by her comments. As
reality have it he decided against revenge and I discouraged it. But hell peace
has no place in a file so I will insert a bit of truth-stretching.
 So BA (Bloody Afterbirth, gee didn'cha piece that one together?) sought his
revenge. He knew one of my sister's close friends, and went secretly to him
and found out my sister's full name and social security number. This "friend"
had found these things by going thru her purse when they went together some
time ago. Ah, look at this. He also found her South Central Bell CALLING
CARD... ahem. Even though BA found that it was only a restricted home-call-only
card, he used it to his advantage to call me from various places around the
country. He distributed the number throughout the country for all to use. Soon
the phone company got suspicious, and needless to say my parents too, and
cancelled the card.
 He later travelled to the western part of the state, right down to the
river country and found out where my sister lived at her college. He followed
her around and figured out her lifestyle. And then he followed her to her
boyfriend's home.
 BA practiced his best house-trashing techniques. He spraypainted lewd things
on the front of the house. He set off a smoke bomb in the mailbox and dug
holes in the yard. He climbed up on the roof and ripped off the shingles and
threw them in the yard. He dropped several M-80's down the chimney and jumped
off the house. As he jumped into his car he saw the lights turn on from
within the house so he sped away into the night. Then he came back from within
the night with a nice frozen Coke from McDonald's. In a quiet residential
neighborhood with a speed limit of 15mph, BA sped by the boyfriend's house
at approx. 80mph, and a "casual friend" within BA's car tossed the frozen
coke at the smoke-filled mailbox. The smoke within escaped rapidly from the
hole which the Coke had inflicted, and the effect was nice.
 But first things first; that happened after Christmas, in about mid-January
of the New Year. After we had finished our meal we all gathered around the
Christmas Tree and distributed presents. My sister and I took it as business,
not as a family exchanging gifts.
 My grandmother watched as my sister and I opened our gifts from her. My sister
received some bizarre useless gadgets to go in her new apartment at college.
I received some kind of rock that she had bought on her trip to the Desert
in Arizona. It was..well..a rock. Nothing more, nothing less. Both of us did
however receive in the gift a decent sum of cash so we were proud of our gifts
and thanked her for them.
 I gave my sister a pair of shoes to match another one of her uselessly
expensive outfits. I also gave her a few things to use in the kitchen (my mom
had picked them out and bought them) of her new apartment.
 She got me two tapes I had been wanting. We were proud of each other's gifts
and oddly enough we were on mutual terms and thanked each other.
 There were more gifts that were exchanged and them it was off to my room to
listen to my tapes. As we listened to one of the tapes I flipped on my
screen to see who was on the board. It was BA, and he scrolled a nice big
message up the screen that read "Merry Christmas to Your Sister, that Communist
Bitch!" My sister froze as BA logged off and the electricity in our house went
dead. The phones would not even work. A door slammed downstairs. We made our
way back to the den where the rest of the family was shaking in horror. My dad
was about to go downstairs to investigate but we held him back, we did not
think it a good idea. It was already starting to get dark on this wintery day.
 We heard the Mystery Visitor creeping up the stairs, creaking at every step.
We all moved into the hallway and my dad grabbed his gun from a nearby closet.
He nervously loaded in two .357 shells and pointed the gun steadily at the
door. The creaking stopped and we feared the Visitor was about to open the
door. But he did not, and silence spread over the house for several minutes.
 The door splintered open and the dark burly figure of BA appeared in front
of us. He said, "Ho Ho Ho Merry Christmas!" and lunged forward at my sister.
My sister yelled, "You pig loser schmuck it's Christmas Day and you want to
come terrorize us and claim my little brother's soul!" My dad slammed both
shots into BA's chest and BA disappeared with a wisping sound and a puff of
smoke. He was not dead; he just disappeared. Almost as soon and the smoke
cleared our electricity returned and I heard my computer in the other room
booting itself back up. Things returned to normal.
 Needless to say the rest of Christmas Day was not too enjoyable; everyone
was uneasy about the bizarre events which had occurred. We all went to bed,
and my dad slept with his gun nearby.
 The next day seemed pretty normal, the only out-of-the-ordinary event
which occurred was a huge fight between my cat and the next-door neighbor's
dog. My cat tore the dog up, but the dog did not go away defeated; he bit a
big plug out of my cat's back. We put poor kitty in the basement to heal for
a few days and I landed quite a few BB's in that dog's ass.
 It wasn't until New Year's Eve that my sister had another run in with BA.
She had gone alone to the Minit Mart to fill up her car with gas. She pulled
the car around to the side and went in to pay and scan through the rental
movies. As she turned to leave she saw on a security monitor behind the
desk the face of BA, grinning maliciously and saying "Yeah Bitch, nice
evening ain't it?" My sister looked around hysterically and saw no sign of BA.
It seemed to the lady working the counter that nothing had happened. She
then saw BA emerge from a back room of the Minit Mart. She screamed in an
unheard horror and ran from the convenience store and jumped in her car. It
would not start. BA came slowly out of the store and toward her car. She
locked all the doors and continued to try and turn the engine over. BA reached
for the door handle and tugged. He saw it was locked. He reared his fist back
ready to punch the window out when the engine turned over and my sister
wheeled out. BA landed his punch at the thin air where the car had been. My
sister pulled onto the highway and headed for home.
 But she looked into her rearview mirror and saw a white Chevelle shining
high beams into the car. How could it be? It was BA, right on her bumper.
She turned onto the street by our house but could not pull in; BA was fast
onto her bumper and would slow down for nothing. They chased around the
neighborhood and finally my sister made a break for our house. But how
could she jump out and get inside without BA jumping out and grabbing her
while she unlocked the door? She drove on down the driveway and out into the
yard. BA was behind her, and drove into the yard. My sister drove through the
back of our property, flattening the picnic table, small trees, the neighbor's
dogpen, the DOG along with it... it was total chaos and all the neighbors
came to see just what the hell was happening. BA was still on her bumper, and
didn't allow her room nor time to turn back onto the street, so my sister flew
across another road and into yet another yard. Two dogs were mating by the road
and were not phased until the saw the blast of oncoming headlights. The male
did not have time to remove any anatomy, so to avoid near death by BA's right
front wheel, they stayed attached and hopped out of the way.
 The chase continued until finally a very concerned and PISSED neighbor emerged
from his house with a 10-gauge shotgun and yelled "This bullshit has got to
stop...NOW!!!" and with that he slammed 3 shots into windshield of BA's car.
The car came to a halt and crashed into a large oak tree. My sister broke for
the road and drove to our house, horrified.
 When the car was searched there was no sign of BA. The seemingly invincible
Bloody Afterbirth had failed at his tricks again, or had he? He kept
disappearing. The media, disappointed at no interview with the alleged killer
Afterbirth, they dispersed and went to various establishments to type up lies
and bullshitty stories for the next day's newspaper and film souped-up
special-effect TV briefs.
 My sister was terrified. Her boyfriend sought revenge on BA. My sister and
he drove to BA's house. To their astonishment, BA himself came to the door.
He stood there solemnly and said nothing. My sister's boyfriend landed a
stone punch into BA's groin, BA did not blink an eye. He stood there.
Amazed, he landed another punch in BA's stomach. Nothing. He pulled out a
knife and stabbed BA in the chest area. Nothing no blood or anything. He
pulled out a .44 and slammed 4 shots into BA's head. Nothing at all. "Holy
shit this guy's invincible!" he screamed as he backed off and slammed another
shot at BA. The real BA threw the mannequin aside and said "No I'm just
somewhat intelligent but I guess your Bitch can't comprehend that." and
slammed the door. BA slammed a shot at the door which splintered it. He
rushed inside after BA and saw no one. He ran down the hall - no one. He dove
down the stairs in a rage...someone. BA was standing there, holding a long
LONG machette. Boyfriend raised his .44 and lined the sight up with BA's
forehead. BA's face lowered and a look of fright swept across it. Boyfriend
slowly eased back on the trigger and braced his arm for the blast and kick
of the gun. Click! His arm didn't seem to move. Click. Click click click
click SON OF A BITCH! Boyfriend dove back up the spiral staircase but was
stopped as the clench of BA's hand around his ankle stopped his fruitless
efforts of escape. BA stuck the machette at Boyfriend's face and said,
"Hello, meet Phred's cousin Phrank. Phrank don't like you at all, you
scum-sucking puny shitsmellin wipe of fuckin snot!" BA raised the machette
above Boyfriend, ready to slice him into small chunks when suddenly he
felt the machette being ripped from his hands. He turned around sharply to
see the mean foot of my sister planting into his groin. He went to his
knees in a vast pain; Boyfriend shoved the long barrel down BA's pants
and wedged it up his ass. The two ran from the house and my sister set off
a pipe bomb on the roof. The blast of the powerful pipe bomb which I
had built sent BA's body flying out a window and wriggling onto the
driveway. The body convulsed briefly then stiffened; BA was dead.
 Returning home the two told me everything that had happened. Word was going
all over my board that BA was dead. We did finally finish listening to my
tapes. Later that evening I flipped on the screen to go in and let my sister
and her boyfriend play a little Test Drive II. He liked racing the powerful
Lamborghini Countach while my sister preferred to stay with the sleek
Ferrari Testarossa. But someone was on the board, I told them to wait until
whoever it was logged off. The picture tube warmed up and text formed on the
screen. It read:
---------------------------------[Page: On]---------------------------------
20 - Bloody Afterbirth  of  The Hole, Hell  CM:250  CT:1 UL:243 DL:86 BP:340
#10293 Last on:12/30/89 P/W: XXXXXXXX Flg:1111111100000000000111111100000000
Hello Gross Genitalia...I have a greeting for your sister.
Nothing like a good pipe bomb to soothe one's soul. Your boyfriend's a
damned geek...and I am not finished with you yet.
One..two..The Blood of the Afterbirth's coming for you!
Saving, please wait...saved.
Terminate connection? Yes
Goodbye Bloody Afterbirth...
Time on: 5 mins 45 secs
Thanks for calling...call back and bring some files
[GBBS Pro 1.3j Copyright L&L Enterprises]
[MACOS Copyright 1989 The Captain of TCQ]
 None of us could believe that BA had survived the blast let alone called my
board. But yet his Bloody body was found and pronounced dead at the scene.
How could he have called? Maybe he contacted me before his period of
reincarnation to set revengefulness on my sister and her boyfriend. Maybe
I had had too much beer and my sister and her boyfriend too much sex, and
we were hallucinating the whole thing. I think not.
This file meant nothing to no one and you would have to know how it went
between Bloody Afterbirth, my sister, and myself to fully understand why
such events popped up in my twisted mind. But nonetheless, I hope you gain
some aspect of demented entertainment from this file, and I wish everyone
a Merry Christmas. And may your dog not get run over in the New Year.
(c)1989 Toxic Shock.
The Followers of Fetus are: Tasty Abortion, Twisted Testicles, Fetal Juice,
    Bloody Afterbirth, and Gross Genitalia.