== ======== ======= ============= == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ======= == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == == ========= ======== ======= == <<== Legion of Schram Today ==>> Newsletter #1 June 1991 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Introduction to LoST: (What is LoST) Legion of Schram Today. Basically, we are a group consisting of Hackers who have been around for quite a while commenting on new groups and functions in the H/P Community. LoST #1 : Review of H/P Group N.A.S.T.Y. The Renegade Hacker (That handle's about as good as 'Phrackmaster') Phantom (Who!?) Kludge (Didn't I kick him off my board) James Brown (no comment needed) Damaged Sectorz (Damaged Brain, I think he found it trashing) Cyber Link (Who!?) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Project 1: Review N.A.S.T.Y. Journal #1 (We think they should rename to N.E.I.T.R. (Nothing Especially Interesting to Read)) >>> (Taking parts of Nasty Journal #1, ALL brackets are COMMENTS by US) <<< ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ============================================================================== ( 1 ) WHAT IS N.A.S.T.Y. ============================================================================== *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* + WHAT IS N.A.S.T.Y. + *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* WRITTEN BY: THE RENEGADE HACKER! N.A.S.T.Y. - National Alliance of Superior Technological Youth, is a group which I founded a few months after the SUNDEVIL raids. N.A.S.T.Y.'s purpose is to educate the future hackers, to try and do what most say is impossible, which is to make the hack/phreak world into what it used to be. [THE RENEGADE BOZO STEPS UP TO THE MIKE] There was a time when there where hundreds of hack/phreak BBS'es, there were text files being written on a regular basis. Now there are less than 10 truly hack/phreak BBS'es, and NO real text files being written. There was a time when people did not have to worry about having their boards taken down, their equipment seized and their rights violated. This was a time when the First Amendment was more than mere words and writing a text file was a fundamental American right! [WHO _IS_ THIS GUY ANYWAY!? MORE IMPORTANTLY.. WHO DOES HE _THINK_ HE IS!?!?] We will help anyone who wishes to run a hack/phreak board.[HELL, I'LL HELP ANYONE WHO WANTS TO TELL THESE GUYS HOW TO WRITE A TEXT FILE] Simply call N.A.S.T.Y.'s contact board, The Realm of Chaos at 516-466-8259 and mail number 13 mail with: The boards name The boards number All new user login passwords I or another member will call [OH JOY] and we will discuss possibilities for assisting your BBS. Remember, a hacker is not merely some geek behind a computer[LOOK IN A MIRROR BUDDY]he's a person dedicated to a certain way of life!A hacker is an explorer whoseeks truth without worrying of the consequences of his actions. Since the dawn of man, the spirit of hacking has existed; from the first man with fire, to Christopher Columbus, [ARE YOU GUYS FOLLOWING THIS?! WHAT THE HELL IS HE BABBLING ABOUT] to the first man to walk on the moon. Those captured the true spirit of hacking, for if man would have blindly follow [YAWN zzz]the accepted rules such as not to attempt to go explore the world because it was flat, or not to attempt to go to the moon, were would we be today? Hackers have always valiantly faced opposition, oppression and condemnation; it's nothing new. [WHAT ON EARTH WAS THAT ALL ABOUT, WHAT OFFICE IS THIS GUY RUNNING FOR] ============================================================================== [JOKE #1] ( 2 ) OBTAINING A SECURE VMS ACCOUNT ============================================================================== %-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-% - - % Obtaining A Secure % - VMS Account - % % -%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%-%- By: [JOKE #2 --------->>] -Damaged Sectorz Introduction: Have you ever gotten into a VAX/VMS [SPARE ME THE LENGTHY INTRO] system and you go roaming around only to have the System Operator turns around and kick -ing you off,or change the password to the account that you had? If so, this article will help you elude the System Operator while you explore the system to its fullest. First, we are not going to create any new accounts because the System Operator will more than likely notice new accounts appearing on the system. One way to keep an account(s) on the system is to scan through the 'SYSUAF.DAT' for disabled accounts and revive them. The only bad part about this is that you must have an account that has system privileges in order to access the UAF file. If your account happens to have those privileges then do the following:[I WONDER WHERE HE STOLE THIS FROM, PULL OUT YOUR PHRACKS GUYS] "$ Set Def Sys$System <CR>" This will take you to the System area of the hard disk. In this area all files that the system needs to run itself are stored here. In this directory you will need to run the 'Authorize' utility, by typing the following: "$ run authorize" You will be prompted with: "UAF>" In this area you can request help on all 'Authorize' commands but this file will explain most of the fields in a UAF record and how to modify it to your needs. The first thing you need to do is list all of the users in the 'SYSUAF.DAT' file. At the UAF prompt type the following: "UAF> List/Full" This will create a file with a full report of all the information contained within the UAF as follows: %UAF-I=LSTMSG1, writing listing file %UAF-I-LSTMSG2, Listing file SYSUAF.LIS complete Next type "exit" to get out of the 'Authorize' utility, and either download or otherwise capture all of the accounts out of the file called 'SYSUAF.LIS'. After you have done this, scan through the list for people who are 'DISUSERS'. If you are lazy then use the help command for more information on the 'search' command. This is not recommended because, if accounting is on, chances are more than likely that the System Operator will notice the 'search' command. After you have found several disabled accounts, execute the 'Authorize' utility again. To list the disabled user you wish to modify type: "show <username>" This will show the user. The following is an example of a UAF field for a user: Username: JOHN Owner: SYSTEM MANAGER Account: SYSTEM UIC: [700,101] ([SYSTEM,DUDE]) CLI: DCL Tables: DCLTABLES Default: DUA0:[USERS.DUDE] LGICMD: LOGIN Login Flags: Primary Days: Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Secondary Days: Sat Sun No Access Restrictions Expiration: (none) Pwdminimun: 6 Login Fails: Pwdlifetime: 180 00:00 Pwdchange: 29-JAN-1990 09:26 LastLogin: 7-FEB-1990 11:16 (interactive), (none) (non-interactive) MaxJobs: 0 Fillm: 40 Bytlm: 32769 Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0 Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 18 JTquota: 1024 Prclm: 10 DIOlm: 18 WSdef: 256 Prio: 4 ASTlm: 24 WSquo: 512 Queprio: 0 TQElm: 20 WSextent: 2048 CPU: Enqlm: 200 Pgflquo: 20480 Authorized Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX Default Privileges: TMPMBX NETMBX Most users on the system only have 'TMPMBX' (temporary mailbox) and 'NETMBX' (network mailbox) privileges. Do the following to enable your new user to have its own system privileges: UAF>Modify <user> /FLAGS=NoDisUser <--Changes to enabled user UAF>Modify <user> /FLAGS=NOCAPTIVE <--Makes sure user is not in a shell UAF>Modify <user> /FLAGS=NOAUDIT <--Turns off Auditing features UAF>Modify <user> /PRIVILEGES=ALL <--Grants all privileges UAF>Modify <user> /PASSWORD=newpasswd <--changes password This should set your disabled account to an account with full privileges. I hope this file has been helpful. Although it does not cover all the ways of securing access on a VAX/VMS it does show one of the many. Look forward to more files on the VMS Operating System. ['HAPPY HACKING' STOLEN 1991 (C) BY DAMAGED BRAIN] Happy Hacking, Damaged- [SOUNDS LIKE ONE OF OOLON 'BLUE BALLS' BUDDIES] =============================================================================== ( 3 ) DEFEATING SECURITY 3000 ============================================================================== [SORRY, THIS FILE WILL NOT BE BROUGHT TO YOU DUE TO EXTREME BOREDOM] [I PRINTED THIS FILE OUT AND IT IS PRESENTLY SITTING AT THE BOTTOM OF MY BIRD CAGE] ============================================================================= ( 4 ) X.3 ITI PARAMETERS ============================================================================= *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* + X.3 ITI Parameters + * ------------------ * [<- WHATS WITH THE BOX?] + + * INFORMATION * + + * SUPPLIED BY: * + + * THE RENEGADE HACKER * [OHH NOOO NOT HIM AGAIN] + ------------------- + *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* [FOLKS, PLEASE CONSULT YOUR TELIX MANUAL FOR FURTHER DETAILS] [HERE WE GO] Parameter Description --------- ----------- 0 National Options Marker This parameter serves to mark the division between International (X.3) parameters and Network Dependent (e.g., Telenet) parameters in an X.28 or X.29 parameters list. All parameters preceding the marker are X.3, and those following are Network Dependent. Values may be: 0 CCITT specified value 33 Telenet permitted value Telenet accepts either value. Whenever possible, the CCITT specified value of zero should be used. 1 Escape to Command Level This parameter allows the terminal to initiate an escape from Data Transfer Mode, in order to send a command to the PAD. Values are: 0 Escape not possible 1 Escape possible (default) 2 Echo [YAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWNNNNNNN] This parameter provides for all characters received from the terminal to be transmitted back to the terminal, as well as being interpreted and forwarded by the PAD to the remote DTE. Values are: 0 No echo 1 Echo (default) 3 Data Forwarding This parameter allows the PAD to recognize defined character(s) received from the terminal as an indication to complete assembly of characters to forward a DATA packet to the remote DTE. Values may be OR-ed together (e.g., value of 3=1+2=Alphanumerics plus Carriage Return) 0 No signal [zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz] 1 Alphanumerics 2 Carriage Return (Default) 4 Escape 8 Editing Characters 16 Terminators 32 Form Effectors 64 Control Characters 128 Other Characters (Not valid according to CCITT recommendations) 4 Idle Timer Should the interval between successive characters received from the terminal exceed the selected Idle Timer delay, the PAD will terminate assembly of characters and forward a DATA packet to the remote DTE. Values are: 0 Timer disabled n multiples of 50 ms. (.05 seconds), where 1<=n<=255. n=1 n=1 and n=2 not recommended. (Default is 80, 4 seconds) 5 Auxiliary Device Control This parameter enables flow control between the PAD and the terminal. The PAD uses the XON and XOFF characters (decimal 17 and 19) to indicate to the terminal whether or not it is ready to accept characters. Values are: 0 No use if XON/XOFF (default) 1 Use XON/XOFF 6 Suppression of Service Signals This parameter provides for the suppression of all messages sent by the PAD to the terminal. Values are: 0 Signals not transmitted (messages not sent) 1 Signals transmitted (messages sent) (Default) 7 Break Options [SNORE] This parameter specifies the action taken on receipt of a Break signal from the terminal. The only valid values are: 0 Do nothing (Default) 1 Send INTERRUPT Packet to Host 2 Send RESET Packet to Host 8 Escape to PAD Command Stat 21 Flush-on-Break (Discard Output, Send Indication of Break and Send INTERRUPT) 8 Discard Output This controls transmission of data to the terminal. Values are: 0 Normal data delivery to the terminal (Default) 1 Discard all output to the terminal 9 Carriage Return Padding [WHEN IS THIS THING GONNA END] This parameter provides for automatic insertion by the PAD of null character padding after the transmission of a carriage return to the terminal. Values are: 0 No padding 1-31 Number of character delays 10 Line Folding This provides for automatic insertion by the PAD of appropriate format effectors to prevent overprinting at the end of a terminal print line. Values are: 0 No line folding n Character per line before folding, where 1<=n<=255 11 Binary Speed This parameter is set by the PAD when the terminal establishes a physical connection to the network. This allows the remote DTE or terminal user to examine the speed, as determined by the PAD. Values are: 0 110 bps 1 134.5 2 300 3 1200 4 600 5 75 6 150 7 1800 8 200 9 100 10 50 11 75/1200 12 2400 13 4800 14 9600 15 19,200 16 48,000 17 56,000 18 64,000 12 Flow Control of the PAD by the terminal This allows for flow control between the terminal and the PAD. The terminal indicates whether or not it is ready to accept characters from the PAD, via XON and XOFF characters. Values are: 0 No use of XON/XOFF 1 Use XON/XOFF 13 Linefeed Insertion This parameter instructs the PAD to routinely insert a linefeed (LF) character into the data stream following each appearance of a carriage return (CR) character. Values may be OR-ed together: 0 No LF Insertion (TP4 Default) 1 Insert LF after CR on output to the terminal 2 Insert LF after CR on input from the terminal 4 Insert LF after CR on echo to the terminal 14 Linefeed Padding This parameter provides for automatic insertion by the PAD of null character padding after the transmission of a linefeed to the terminal. Values are: 0 No padding 1-15 null characters 15 Editing This parameter enables local editing of text within the PAD before transmission through the network. Note, if editing is enabled, transmission on timers is disabled. Values are: 0 Editing disabled (Default) 1 Editing enabled 16 Character Delete Parameter 16 specifies the editing character which causes the PAD to erase the previous character entered by the terminal. Parameter 16 is only valid if editing is enabled. Default is 127. 17 Line Delete [CHRIST!!!!!!! WHEN WILL IT END!!!!!?!?!?!?!] Parameter 17 specifies the editing character which causes the PAD to erase the entire buffer. If data is forwarded on carriage return only, the buffer contains one line at a time. Parameter 17 is only valid if editing is enabled. Default is 24. 18 Line Display Parameter 18 specifies the editing character which causes the PAD to echo the entire buffer to the terminal. Parameter 18 is only valid if editing is enabled. Default is 18. [IF YOU THINK THIS WAS BAD, YOU SHOULDA READ THE SEC. 3000 FILE] ============================================================================= ( 5 ) TELCO INFORMATION (PART 1) ============================================================================= *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* + + * TELCO INFO PART 1 * + + *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* INFORMATION SUPPLIED BY: THE RENEGADE HACKER! [OH GOODIE] TRANSLATING ORDERS INTO ACTION ------------------------------ When computers have to talk to one another, correct translation is as important as it is at the United Nations. This is because each machine speaks a different language. For both people and computer programs, translation means taking instructions in one language or format and converting them to another. Putting instructions into a particular format is a primary activity in telephone companies. Changes in telephone services have to be put in a format that an electronic switch and its particular computer program can understand. This is done at the Recent Change Memory Administration Center (RCMAC). In these centers, translations are performed by personnel who process requests for changes in telephone services that come from the business offices in a variety of formats, and convert them into the languages used by the various types of electronic switches. As the number and type of switches continue to grow, too much personnel time is used up. Thousands of clerks are involved in hundreds of centers across the United States. To solve this problem, the regional companies asked Bell Communications Research (BELLCORE) for a solution: a computer program that could take most of the orders as they come in and translate them automatically into the form needed by each type of switch. The result of this request was the MIZAR system, formerly called the Memory Management System. As it is implemented by clients, it will help relieve the buildup of clerical staff and make labor- intensive operations less costly and more efficient to provide. Today's electronic switching systems, the result of specialized applications of computer technology, depend on software to preform functions like routing and completing calls. The MIZAR system has a template, essentially an order blank, for each order type for each switch and version of that switch. This is the basic dictionary for translation: a big matrix or array of possible messages in each of the languages or formats used by the switches. When a message is passed from the Facilities Assignment and Control System (FACS) it goes to the Work Manager, a dispatching system. The Work Manager provides both protocols and interfaces for the other systems, acting as a central communications point for the MIZAR, COSMOS (COmputer System for Mainframe OperationS) and FACS systems. It provides priority queueing and flow control, ensuring that the MIZAR system will not be flooded with more messages than it can handle at one time. The MIZAR system then searches its memory for the appropriate template for both the switch and the message type. It begins as a clerk would, by filling in blanks step-by-step, automatically skipping over blanks that aren't relevant to the particular change being processed. For example, one step may ask: "Is this order two-party?" In other words, does it involve a change affecting two phones? "If no, skip 20 lines and proceed to question 41." In this way, a template that may have 60 or 70 lines will be filled in with only six or seven entries in many cases. Using this process of elimination, the MIZAR system creates the proper translation for the service requested. Not all messages are translated by the MIZAR system. For the more complex ones, the system calls on COSMOS to generate an appropriate translated message. After these messages are generated, they can be called up on a screen, where a clerk can swiftly check through them, comparing them with the initial request and ensuring that they are complete and accurate. In some cases, COSMOS will be unable to generate all of the necessary information, but the operators can easily intercept those messages and correct them before they are sent to the switch. Once the orders are complete, they are sent off to a pending file together with their activation dates. The MIZAR system continuously scans this file, searching for messages that need to be activated. As it finds them, it sends them out to the appropriate switch. If the switch accepts the message and completes the change, the message is then sent to a history file for safekeeping. This feature has prevented the loss of essential change information when electronic switches have malfunctioned. If for any reason the switch rejects the order as incorrectly formatted or otherwise in error, the change is put into a file for a clerk to review and determine what went wrong. The MIZAR system automatically carries out the first two steps that previously were done manually. It checks to verify with the switch that the order is incorrect, and it coordinates information on the rejected change with that on related changes to see if there are any conflicts. All service orders (SERVORDS) are logged into the MIZAR system's switch log (located in /tmp/swXX.out, where XX is the numeric code assigned by the MIZAR system to that switch). That is, if it was entered on the MIZAR system. The MIZAR system has a number of significant benefits. It works with COSMOS, which reduces the amount of work that has to be done on the more complex orders. It also operates in four different modes: with or without COSMOS and with or without FACS so that the operating companies can choose what best suits their particular memory-administration needs. Two other MIZAR features are notable. All three systems, the Work Manager, COSMOS and the MIZAR system, run on the same type of computer. This allows fewer computers to be used for backup. In addition, administrative activities, such as editing messages and initializing switches, are made easier by flexible, user friendly MIZAR programs. The MIZAR system was first implemented in Pacific Bell's RCMAC in San Jose, California, in November 1985. This system relied solely on COSMOS for recent change messages. A second application, the first using FACS, occurred in Southwestern Bell's central RCMAC in St. Louis, Missouri, in February 1986. Today, close to a dozen clients are in the process of deploying the MIZAR software. The MIZAR system will not magically eliminate staff needs in the various RCMACS. People will still be needed for reviewing complex orders and in some cases completing orders that COSMOS can't handle. But the MIZAR system can help reduce the overall work load. The MIZAR system can help clients provide new services for customers. In many cases the customers can have "Instant Service," in which changes entered in the service-order processor terminals are processed automatically through FACS, COSMOS and the MIZAR system, implementing the changes at the switch almost as soon as the order-entry process is completed. Ultimately, new systems such as MIZAR system may help in making changes to the phone system as swift and automatic as dialing a phone number. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Information obtained from Bell Communications Research EXCHANGE. (BELLCORE EXCHANGE) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [THE LoST MEMBERS ARE CURRENTLY TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHERE HE STOLE THIS ONE] ============================================================================= ( 6 ) EQUIFAX (CBI) CREDIT INFORMATION ============================================================================= *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* + + * CREDIT BUREAU INCORPORATED * + + * EQUIFAX CREDIT INFORMATION * + + * SERVICES * + + * WRITTEN BY: * + + [REAL WINNER ALERT------------>>] KLUDGE * + + [WHO THE _FUCK_ ARE THEY?->]SCANTRONICS PUBLICATIONS * + + *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* There have been several [HUNDRED] files written on CBI/Equifax. Most have been written with the intent to show someone how to process inquiries on CBI. The purpose of this textfile is to allow the reader to understand the different parts of each type of report.[GEE WHAT A NEW CONCEPT] There are currently five services available to customers. They include: Arcofile, Arcofile-Plus, Safe-Scan, DTEC and an On-Line Directory. Equifax Credit's system is available in all 50 states. [HERE WE GO AGAIN] THE ARCOFILE ------------ Extension: P2. ARCOFILE * 001 Equifax Credit ATL 5505 P Tree Dunwoody RD STE 600 Atlanta GA 30342 404/123-4567 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | This line is the Consumer Referral Message | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * AAlred, John, A,,Gloria Since 08/15/72 FAD 04/10/90 FN-204 9412, Peachtree, RD, Atlanta, GA, 30302, DAT RPTD 03/90 410, Coosen, DR, San Jose, CA, 95119, CRT RPTD 01/90 46, Kennedy, DR, Detroit, MI, Tape RPTD 03/88 **** Also Known as-ALRED, JACK **** Sex-M,MAR-M,DEPS- 3, AGE-42,SSS-101-11-2131 +----(Person's Identity)-----------------------------------------------+ | SINCE-Date File Established FAD-Last Activity on file | | FN: For Equifax Credit Internal Use Only. | | Sex, Marital Status, Number of Defendants, Age or Birth, SS# | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ES-ENGR, Lockheed, Atlanta, GA, EMP 06/88 VER 02/90, $3500 EF-ENGR, Central Power, San Jose, CA,,,, Left 05/87 E2-ENGR, General Motors, Detroit, MI,,,, Left 05/78 +----(This is the Employment Information)------------------------------+ | ES-(Employment Subject) Position, Firm, Location | | Date-Employed, Date Verified, Monthly Salary. | | EF-(Employment Former) Position, Firm, Location, Date Left | | E2-(Employment Second Former) | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * Sum-05/76-04/90, PR/OI-Yes, FB-NO, accts:9,HC$300-37000, 5-Ones, 1-Two, 1-Three, 1-Five, 1-Other +-----(Summary of File Items)-------------------------------------------+ | 05/76-Oldest Opening Date of Trade 04/90-Newest Reporting Date | | PR/OI Yes-File Has Public Records | | FB-NO-No information obtained from other Credit Agencies | | ACCTS.9-File Contains 9 Trade Lines | | HC-High Credit Range ($300-37,000) | | 5-Ones-Five Trades in File CS 1 | | 1-Two-One Trade in File CS 2 | | 1-Three-One Trade in File CS 3 | | 1-Five-one Trade in File CS 5 | | 1-Other-One Trade in File With No CS | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ *****Public Records or Other Information***** 07/86 BKRPT 162VF473, 4563723, LIAB $25600, ASSET $10500, Exempt $100, INDIVID, Personal, VOL 04/90 COLL 12/89 401YC364 FOR DR WHITE, $532,02/90 PAYMENT BAL-04/90 $200, DLA: 11/89, I,32452 05/88 ST JD, 401VC121, $769, DEF-SUBJ, 88-30378, VISA, VER 01/89 Satisfied, 12,88 +----(Public Record or Other Information)-------------------------------+ | BKRPT(Bankruptcy) Date Filed, Court Number, Case Number, Liabilities| | Assets, Exempt Amount, Filer, Type, Intent | | COLL(Collection) Date Reported, Date Assigned to Collection Agency | | Agency ID Number, Credit Grantor Name & Number, Amount, Date & | | Status, Balance-Date of Last Activity WIth Creditor on Acct, | | ECOA Designator, Account Serial Number. | | STJD(Satisfied Judgement) Date Filed, Court Number, Amount, | | Defendant, Case Number, Plaintiff, Date Verified, Status, Date | | Satisfied. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ * INQS-Subject Shows 3 Inquiries Since 01/90 Sears 906DC20 04/10/90 ATL FIN VS 49FS20 03/15/90 RICH'S 401DC25 03/13/90 GMAC 906FA35 07/25/89 MORTG CRED 650FM1366 01/14/90 BENSON HON 650AN566 09/23/99 +----(Inquiries)-------------------------------------------------------+ | INQS-Alert Appears if three or more inquiries within the past 60 | | 90 Days. Member Name, Number and Date Inquired. Two Year | | Inquiry History Shown. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ *FIRM/ID CODE RPTD OPND H/C TRM BAL P/D CS MR ECOA ACCOUNT NUMBER ATL FIN VS *49fs28 04/90 03/87 2828 461 2828 974 R5 34 I 412179000445585 30(08)60(01)90(01) 04/90-R4,02/90-R4,01/90-R3 ACCOUNT CLOSED BY CREDITOR SEARS *906DC2 04/90 01/90 900 10 100 R1 59 J 52972348348 30(01)60(02)90(00) 07/88-R3,06,88-R2,02/84-R3 DLA 04/90 +----(Trade)-----------------------------------------------------------+ |FIRST LINE: | | Firm/ID Code-Name & member Number of Reporting Company | | *-Trade Information From Automated Tape Supplier | | RPTD-Date Item Was Reported | | OPND-Date Account Was Opened With Reporting Company | | H/C-High Credit (On "R" (Revolving) Accounts indicates Credit Limit | | TRM-Monthly Repayment Amount or Number of Months or Years | | BAL-Balance Owed as of Reporting Date | | P/D-Past Due Amount | | CS-Current Status of Account (R(evolving) O(pen) I(nstallments) | | 0-Too New to Rate;Approved But Not Used | | 1-Pays (or Paid) Within 30 Days of Payment Due Date, or Not Over | | One Payment Past Due. | | 2-Pays (or Paid) in More Than 30 Days From The Payment Due Date | | But Not More Than 60 Days. | | 3-Pays (or Paid) In More Than 60 Days From The Payment Due Date | | But Not More Than 90 Days, or Three Payments Past Due. | | 4-Pays (or Paid) In More Than 90 Days From Payment Due Date, But | | not More Than 120 Days, or Four Payments Past Due. | | 5-Pays (or Paid) In More Than 120 Days, or More Than Four | | Payments Past Due. | | 7-Making Regular Payments Under Debtor's Plan/ | | 8-Repossession | | 9-Bad Debt | | MR-Months Reviewed | | ECOA-Type Account (I-Individual, J-Joint, S-Shared, C-CO-Maker, | | A-Authorized Use, U-Undersiged, M-Marker, B-On Behalf of | | Another Person, T-Terminated | | ACCOUNT NUMBER-Subjects Account Number With Reporting Agency | |SECOND LINE: | | 30(01)60(02)90(00)-Number of Times Account Was 30,60,90 Days Late | | 07/88-R3,06/88-R2,02/84-R3-Exact Dates of last Two Delinquency | | Rating in Last Seven Years | | DLA 4/90-Date of Last Activity on the Account | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ARCO-PLUS --------- Extension: F. ARCO-PLUS- This is a very similar type of credit report. The form has most of the same headings as the above report. Some of the information in the report is located in different areas and there are a few additions. Here are the additions: * SUM COLL-YES---File Has Collection Items INQUIRY ALERT--Alert Appears if 3 or More Inquiries Within the Past 90 Days. ********COLLECTION ITEMS***** ECOA LIST AMT DLA AGENCY CLIENT SERIAL BAL RPTD I 12/89 $532 11/89 401YC364 Dr White 32452 $200 04/90 ***************************** +----(Collection Items)------------------------------------------------+ | ECOA-Equal Credit Opportunity Act Designator | | LIST-Date Assigned to Collection Agency | | AMT-Total Amount of Collection | | DLA-Date of Last Activity (Payment to Creditor) | | AGENCY-Collection Agency I.D. Number | | CLIENT-Credit Grantor Name or Industry | | SERIAL-Account Serial Number | | BAL-Balance as of Date Reported | | RPTD-Date Reported | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ Addition to Trade Information MAX/DEL--Most Recent, Highest Delinquency Beyond the 24 Month History 24 Month History-Rate History for 24 Months Prior to Current Status. Slash (/) Separates Two 12 Month Periods (Read From left to Right) *=No Delinquency Reported This Month GRAND TOTAL-Grand Totals for Limit, High Credit, Balance, Past Due, and Terms. SAFE-SCAN --------- A Safe-Scan inquiry automatically checks through the credit file to determine if irregular or unusual patterns exist. It examines the name, address, employment history, telephone number and Social Security number contained in each inquiry. Safe-Scan is a "red Flag"[B-DUH] system, designed to alert you to potential problems such as mail drop/prison/previously misused address. And Safe-Scan is a "living" database, one that is constantly growing through information-gathering. Safe-Scan is the Profiled Address warning. By monitoring every inquiry coming through the system, Safe-Scan warns you when, from a single address, someone is using different names or different Social Security numbers to apply for credit or employment. Another is True Name Fraud, which warns you if someone is attempting to obtain credit by stealing real identities of innocent consumers. [THANKS FOR THAT BRILLIANT CONCLUSION] DTEC ---- DTEC is a service that allows users of Equifax to make inquiries via Social Security Number, simple as that. It allows for more accurate inquiry entry. On-Line Directory ----------------- Extension: D The On-Line Directory contains the current phone numbers of creditors and inquiries which appear at the bottom of the credit report. Connection Process ------------------ Connection is established by several returns, then a <CTRL-S> to start the login process, prompting "(CB) Please Sign-on." The account should fit the format of: xxxyyxx-yx or xxxyyxxxx-yx (Y=Letter X=Number) There are extensions that you may add on to your account to pull different types of transactions. The format is as such.. IDnumber,password,user,extensions. One extension that you will always want to add on is Z. it allows you to view the companies name in the firm/ID section, instead of a alpha-numeric representation. For example, if I wanted to pull an Arcofile-Plus report with On-Line Directory assistance I would enter my account like: XXXYYXXXX-YX,James,DFZ. Extensions: D: On-Line Directory F: Arcofile-Plus Z: View w/names in FIRM/ID Field After entering the account information you should receive the prompt: A-XXX PROCEED: The X's represent a location where the database is located. here is a listing. WA 980-994 OR 970-979 CA 900-966 ID 832-838 UT 840-838 AZ 850-865 MT 590-599 WY 820-831 CO 800-816 NM 870-884 ND 580-588 SD 570-577 NE 680-693 KS 660-679 OK 730-749 TX 750-799 MN 550-567 IA 500-528 MO 630-658 AR 716-729 LA 700-714 WI 530-549 IL 600-629 MS 386-397 MI 480-499 OH 430-458 KY 400-427 TN 370-385 AL 350-369 OH 430-458 GA 300-319 WV 247-268 ME 039-049 NY 090-149 PA 150-196 VA 220-246 NC 270-289 SC 290-299 FL 320-349 NH 030-038 VT 050-059 MA 010-027 RI 028-029 CT 060-069 NJ 070-089 DE 197-199 MD 206-219 DC 200-205 HI 995-999 VI 008 GUAM 969 PR 006,007,009 Processing Inquiries -------------------- There are two ways in which I currently know how to process inquiries either through DTEC, or through Name & Current Address Lines. -----Name & Current Address Inquiry------ NM-last,first.<CR> CA-####,streetname,,city,state,zip.<CR> <CTRL-S> -----DTEC Inquiry----- DTEC-XXX-XX-XXXX.<CR> <CTRL-S> K L U D G E / S C A N T R O N I C S P U B L I C A T I O N S [JEEES, THAT WAS A REAL BONER THERE, LETS CHECK OUT THE TRW] ============================================================================= ( 7 ) TRW COMMERCIAL CREDIT REPORTS ============================================================================= ====================================== = = = = = TRW COMMERCIAL = = = = CREDIT = = = = REPORTS = = = = WRITTEN BY: = = = = KLUDGE/SCANTRONICS PUBLICATIONS! =[K-RAD!] = = ====================================== This is the second file on how to read a credit report. This one focuses on Commercial/Business credit reports that are released from TRW. I will be releasing a similar file on individual credit reports through TRW, and additional services if possible. PAGE RPT DATE TIME PORT TYPE 1 DEMO DEMO T140 TRAINING 030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROCKER INDUSTRIES TRW FILE NUMBER: 000653969 100 MAIN ST FILE ESTABLISHED PRIOR JAN. 1977 PHOENIX AZ 85026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * A C C O U N T S T A T U S * *** TRADE PAYMENT INFORMATION *** --------------------------------- +-----(Historical Payment Guide)----------------------------------------------+ | Six Month Account Balance Range: Total Amount owed by the firm for the past | | six months and the current total. | | Highest Credit Amount Extended: Largest individual amount of credit extended | | to the firm in the past 12 months and the | [THIS GUY REALLY KNOWS HOW TO WASTE SPACE!!] | median amount. | | Industry Payment Comparison: Six month historical payment prediction | | and comparison of the firm to its industry. | | Payment Trend Indication: Analysis of the firm's payment behavior changes | | during the past six months. | | Significant Derogatory Data: Summary of sufficient public record & | other data +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ P BUSINESS DATE DATE PAYMENT RECENT DAYS BEYOND TERMS COMMENTS R CATEGORY REPD LAST TERMS HIGH ACCOUNT CUR 1- 31- 61- O SALE CREDIT BALANCE 30 60 90 91+ F $ $ % % % % % -CHEMICALS 11-87 N30 4000 1800 67 22 11 SOLD 10YR +ELEC EQUIP 01-88 2/10PRX 13500 5900 100 +FAB METALS 09-87 DISC 3500 3500 100 -FACTOR 11-87 2/10N30 2500 600 55 9 18 9 9 SOLD 1YR +FACTOR 11-87 N30 8500 8300 85 12 1 1 1 +MACHINERY 01-88 2/10N30 10000 6100 100 COLLECT +MACHINERY 09-87 5500 <100 100 SECURED +PREC INSTR 01-88 VARIED 40000 34600 92 4 1 1 2 =PREC INSTR 11-87 NET +100000 30800 59 39 2 PAYS-SLO +RUBR&PLAST 01-88 NET 4100 3300 100 ADS 7 * A C C O U N T S T A T U S * P BUSINESS DATE DATE PAYMENT RECENT DAYS BEYOND TERMS COMMENTS R CATEGORY REPD LAST TERMS HIGH ACCOUNT CUR 1- 31- 61- O SALE CREDIT BALANCE 30 60 90 91+ F $ $ % % % % % ALL TRADE LINE TOTAL: 10 ACCOUNTS 94600 81 16 1 1 1 --------------------- PAYMENT TRENDS: --------------- +-----(Payment Trends)-------------------------------------------------------+ | Uses continuously reported trade lines to indicated new term changes in | | payment trends. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------| 30 DAYS AGO TOTALS WERE: 8 ACCOUNTS 91100 80 17 1 1 1 60 DAYS AGO 10 94600 81 16 1 1 1 90 DAYS AGO 10 94600 81 16 1 1 1 120 DAYS AGO 10 93500 83 16 1 150 DAYS AGO 10 94300 81 16 1 1 1 180 DAYS AGO 8 90700 80 17 1 1 1 TRW QUARTERLY CREDIT PATTERN ---------------------------- 4-Q-87 (OCT-DEC) 8 ACCOUNTS 91100 80 17 1 1 1 3-Q-87 (JUL-SEP) 10 94300 81 16 1 1 1 2-Q-87 (APR-JUN) 4 49900 93 3 2 1 1 1-Q-87 (JAN-MAR) 8 90200 81 17 1 1 4-Q-86 (OCT-DEC) 8 91100 80 17 1 1 1 TRW CURRENT PAYMENT GUIDE: ===> F1S <=== -------------------------- ACCOUNT BALANCE RANGE : F = $75,000 - $99,999 COMPANY PAYMENT PERFORMANCE: 1 = FASTER THAN INDUSTRY PAYMENT TREND INDICATOR : S = STABLE **CONTINUED** COPYRIGHT(C) 1988 TRW INC. TRW BUSINESS PROFILE PAGE RPT DATE TIME PORT TYPE 2 DEMO DEMO T140 TRAINING 030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROCKER INDUSTRIES TRW FILE NUMBER: 000653969 100 MAIN ST FILE ESTABLISHED PRIOR JAN. 1977 PHOENIX AZ 85026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *** INQUIRY INFORMATION *** --------------------------- INDUS SUPL 10-87 INQUIRY AUTO PARTS 11-87 INQUIRY ELEC SUPLR 11-87 INQUIRY BANK 01-88 INQUIRY COMMUN EQP 01-88 INQUIRY SERVICES 01-88 INQUIRY *** PUBLIC RECORD INFORMATION *** --------------------------------- +-----(Public Record Information)---------------------------------------------+ | Details of bankruptcies; federal, state and count tax liens; judgements; | | attachment liens and bulk transfers. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ UCC PROFILE ----------- UCC-FILED: 07-02-84 J37969 SECURED PTY: THE BENJ FRANKLIN LEASING CO INC, OR 97201 ASSIGNEE: FIRST INTERSTATE BK, BX 3438, PTLD, OR 97208 COLLATERAL: CERT DESCR COMPUTER EQUIP, PRODUCTS UCC-FILED: 07-19-84 J40849 SECURED PTY: THE BENJ FRANKLIN LEASING CO INC, OR 97201 ASSIGNEE: FIRST INTERSTATE BK, BX 3438, PTLD, OR 97208 UCC-ASSIGN: 08-13-85 J55461A ORIG FILING: 10-17-84 J55461 SECURED PTY: FIRST INTERSTATE BK, BX 3438, PTLD, OR 97201 ASSIGNEE: THE BENJ FRANKLIN LEASING CO INC, OR 97201 COLLATERAL: MACHINERY, PRODUCTS *** STANDARD AND POOR'S INFORMATION *** +-(Summary of Business Background---------------------------------------------+ | Contains key financial information on publicly and privately held firms. | | Description of products and services offered, including SIC codes. | | Approximate annual sales. | | | | Years in business. | | Name of company's accounting firm and primary bank. | | Names and titles of key officers. | | Balance sheet contains fiscal year and two years prior. | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ BALANCE SHEET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DEC 31 DATA CURRENT THROUGH 01-20-88 ($THOUSANDS) 1986 1985 1984 CASH AND EQUIVALENT 39 32 114 RECEIVABLES - NET 548 2,090 981 INVENTORY 740 2,112 1,237 OTHER CURRENT ASSETS 52 144 1,106 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 1,379 4,378 3,438 FIXED ASSETS - NET 1,068 2,610 1,408 INVESTMENTS 258 105 211 OTHER ASSETS 102 330 158 TOTAL ASSETS 2,807 7,423 5,215 DEBT DUE IN 1 YEAR 272 246 475 NOTES PAYABLE 340 2,273 1,331 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 706 1,313 929 TAXES PAYABLE 0 0 4 OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES 196 472 223 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,514 4,304 2,962 LONG TERM DEBT 693 1,837 833 OTHER LIABILITIES 0 0 29 NET WORTH 600 1,282 1,391 TOTAL LIAB AND NET WORTH 2,807 7,423 5,215 **CONTINUED** COPYRIGHT(C) 1988 TRW INC. [OH _GOD_ THIS IS STUPID] TRW BUSINESS PROFILE PAGE RPT DATE TIME PORT TYPE 3 DEMO DEMO T140 TRAINING 030 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CROCKER INDUSTRIES TRW FILE NUMBER: 000653969 100 MAIN ST FILE ESTABLISHED PRIOR JAN. 1977 PHOENIX AZ 85026 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-OPERATING STATEMENT -Provides profit/loss statement for fiscal & 2YRS prior-+ OPERATING STATEMENT FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DEC 31 ($THOUSANDS) DATA CURRENT THROUGH 01-20-88 1986 1985 1984 NET SALES 3,414 30,439 4,424 COST OF GOODS SOLD 2,698 27,415 3,084 GROSS INCOME ON SALES 716 3,024 1,340 EXPENSES 2,582 3,167 1,531 PRE-TAX INCOME -1,866 -143 -191 TAXES -402 -35 -81 AFTER TAX INCOME -1,464 -108 -110 EXTRAORD INC & DISCNT'D OPS 781 0 0 NET INCOME -683 -108 -110 CRITICAL DATA AND RATIOS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING DEC 31 ($THOUSANDS) +---(Critical Data and Ratios)------------------------------------------------+ | TRW calculates critical ratios for the most recently reported fiscal | | year and two years prior. [WHO CARES!?] | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ DATA CURRENT THROUGH 01-20-88 INDUSTRY 1986 1985 1984 TANGIBLE NET WORTH AVERAGES 600 1,282 1,391 NET WORKING CAPITAL SIC 2400 -135 74 476 CURRENT RATIO(TIMES) 2.2 .9 1.0 1.2 % TOTAL DEBT TO TANG NW 237.6 367.8 479.0 274.9 % CURRENT DEBT TO TANG NW 142.6 252.3 335.7 212.9 % AFTER TAX INC TO TANG NW -23.1 -244.0 -8.4 -7.9 % AFTER TAX INC TO NET SALES -3.8 -42.9 - .4 -2.5 NET SALES TO INVENTORY (TIMES) 6.8 4.6 14.4 3.6 CGS TO INVENTORY (TIMES) 5.1 3.6 13.0 2.5 AVG DAYS SALES OUTSTANDING(DAYS) 49.3 58.6 25.1 80.9 AUDITOR OPINION QUALIFIED QUALIFIED QUALIFIED FTNOTE:84,85,86-DATA REFLECTS A RECLASSIFICATION OF CERTAIN ITEMS FTNOTE:84,85,86-COST OF GOODS SOLD REDUCED BY NON-ALLOCATED DEPRECIATION INDUSTRY AVERAGES ARE BASED ON 20 COMPANIES *** BANK INFORMATION *** ------------------------ BANK-BORROWER-LARCHMONT NAT'L BANK,1130 7TH STREET,PHOENIX,AZ (602)555-8231 BANK-NAT'L BANK OF SAN MARINO,3471 LOS COYOTE PASS,SAN MARINO,AZ (602)555-3726 THE INFORMATION HEREIN IS FURNISHED IN CONFIDENCE FOR YOUR EXCLUSIVE USE FOR LEGITIMATE BUSINESS PURPOSES AND SHALL NOT BE REPRODUCED. NEITHER TRW INC., NOR ITS SOURCES OR DISTRIBUTORS WARRANT SUCH INFORMATION NOR SHALL THEY BE LIABLE FOR YOUR USE OR RELIANCE UPON IT. COPYRIGHT(C) 1988 TRW INC. I have also included the price listing for any of you who were curious. TRW Commercial Credit Reports Rose Canyon Business Park 4907 Morena Blvd.. # 17 San Diego, CA 92117 Basic Annual Service Subscription --------------------------------- # Contributor Non-Contributor 25-49 $17.15 $18.15 50-99 16.96 17.70 100-174 16.25 17.55 175-249 15.75 17.40 250-499 14.20 16.05 [IS THIS AN ECONOMICS TEXT?] 500-749 13.45 15.30 750-999 13.35 15.20 1000-2499 13.20 15.07 Non-Subscriber 24.20 27.50 Access Charge 2.40 4.40 Business Profile Report Executive Summary Days Beyond Term Score Historical Payment Guide Public Record Information Key Facts Information Banking Relationship Small Business Advisory Report (SBAR) $10.90 (Personal Credit report on owners of small businesses) Trade Payment Guide Identifying Information Years in File Days Beyond Term Score Public Record Indicator 1 Region $545.00 2 Regions $890.00 3 Regions $1220.00 4 Regions $1335.00 Call back: Verbal Summary of Phoned-in Inquiries: $4.00 FAX: $5-10 Dollars Other Charges : Here are numerous numbers for TRW. They do not all belong to the credit division. I added them for those of you who would like to research TRW further, or who deem it necessary to call. TRW 1 800 452-2987 (U) [OR] TRW 1 800 432-1327 (B) HOLLYWOOD, FL [FL] TRW 1 800 638-3418 (B) BALTIMORE, MD [DC DE NJ NY 212 516 718 914 PA VA WV] TRW 1 800 638-7011 (B) COLUMBIA, MD [MD] TRW [ALL I WANT, IS TO CARD A HARD DRIVE] 1 800 282-6758 (U) NORCROSS, GA [GA] TRW 1 800 642-2454 (U) BOTHELL, WA [WA] TRW APPRAISAL SERVICES 1 800 458-9977 (U) SAN DIEGO, CA [AZ CA NM NV OR UT] TRW BEARINGS DIVISION 1 800 672-7000 (U) ROBBINSVILLE, NJ [US] TRW CHILTON 1 800 526-4882 (U) DAVENPORT, IA [US] TRW COMPUTER RECONDITIONING SERVICE & PARTS 1 800 325-2707 (B) BALDWIN PARK, CA [US ex CA] TRW CREDIT 1 800 542-2314 (U) BOTHELL, WA [WA] TRW CREDIT DATA 1 800 447-9173 (U) [CO] TRW CREDIT DATA 1 800 962-0520 (U) [CO] TRW CREDIT DATA DIVISION 1 800 962-9871 (U) [CO] TRW CREDIT DATA DIVISION OF TRW 1 800 628-3489 (U) [CT] TRW CREDIT DATA DIVISION OF TRW 1 800 356-2325 (U) BRIDGEPORT, CT [CT] TRW CREDIT UNION 1 800 458-9904 (U) REDONDO BEACH, CA [US ex CA] TRW CUSTOMER 1 800 792-3515 (U) [IN] TRW CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 800 362-4485 (U) WALTHAM, MA [MA] TRW CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 800 354-4848 (C) OAKLAND, CA [CA] TRW CUSTOMER SERVICE DIVISION 1 800 432-1879 (B) GRAND PRAIRIE, TX [US] [WHAT A STUPID IDEA!!!] TRW CUTTING TOOLS DIVISION 1 800 544-7732 (B) AUGUSTA, GA [GA] TRW FASTENERS DIVISION 1 800 327-8361 (U) CAMBRIDGE, MA [US ex MA] TRW IMAGE PROCESSING 1 800 637-6812 (U) SACRAMENTO, CA [CA] TRW INCORPORATED RPLCMNT PRTS DVSN OF CSTMR SRVC 1 800 352-2273 (D) INDEPENDENCE, OH [US ex OH] TRW MEDICAL ELECTRONICS 1 800 446-6714 (U) MARLBORO, MA [CT MA NH RI] TRW MICROWAVE 1 800 822-5864 (B) SUNNYVALE, CA [US] TRW MORTGAGE CREDIT CUSTOMER SERVICE 1 800 633-8809 (U) MIAMI, FL [US] TRW NELSON STUD WELDING DIVISION 1 800 831-7425 (C) SAN LEANDRO, CA [US ex CA] TRW PLEUGER 1 800 438-0216 (B) STATESVILLE, NC [US ex NC] TRW REAL ESTATE INFORMATION 1 800 872-1288 (U) ORANGE, CA [CA] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICE 1 800 343-8745 (U) WHEATON, IL [US] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICE 1 800 458-7357 (U) TREVOSE, PA [US] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 321-1890 (U) CLEVELAND, OH [] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 228-7357 (U) CLEVELAND, OH [US] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 537-9320 (B) ANAHEIM, CA [US] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 842-2030 (U) TREVOSE, PA [PA] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 462-0750 (U) WARREN, OH [AK OH] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 922-7183 (B) RICHMOND, VA [VA] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 451-6887 (U) MIAMI, FL [FL] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 772-1720 (U) SUITE 109, [MS] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 321-1891 (U) CLEVELAND, OH [US ex OH] TRW REAL ESTATE LOAN SERVICES 1 800 962-2214 (B) JACKSON, MS [MS] TRW REIS 1 800 248-4879 (U) RIVERSIDE, CA [US CD] TRW RELS 1 800 448-9538 (U) SOUTHFIELD, MI [US] TRW RELS 1 800 843-0266 (U) DEDHAM, MA [US] TRW RELS 1 800 334-4594 (U) SOUTHFIELD, MI [US] TRW RELS 1 800 845-4331 (U) BROOKLYN, NY [US] TRW SYSTEMS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1 800 262-1545 (U) REDONDO BEACH, CA [CA] TRW SYSTEMS FEDERAL CREDIT UNION 1 800 421-6818 (U) REDONDO BEACH, CA [US ex CA] TRW TITLE INSURANCE 1 800 872-4349 (U) AUSTIN, TX [US] TRW TITLE INSURANCE OF NEW YORK 1 800 848-1801 (U) HACKENSACK, NJ [US] TRW TRANSPORTATION 1 800 255-6116 () FARMINGTON HILLS, MI [US] TRW/REAL ESTATE INFORMATION SERVICES 1 800 445-5201 (C) ENGLEWOOD, CO [US] I will be releasing a file on the individual credit as soon as it becomes available to me. It should be coming in the mail soon, so it will be released shortly thereafter. [I'M HOLDING MY BREATH] Till then, HASTA, RASTA, PARTY TIL' YA PUKE!!!! [WHAT AN ASSHOLE] K L U D G E / S C A N T R O N I C S P U B L I C A T I O N S [THAT WAS THE MOST BORING THING I'VE READ IN MY LIFE] ============================================================================= ( 8 ) HACK/PHREAK NEWS & RUMORS ============================================================================= ============================================================ = HACK/PHREAK NEWS & RUMORS = ============================================================ Rumor has it that New York Telephone will be changing the ANAC for New York (Currently 958) [OOOOOOH, NOW THERES NEWS] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Lost City Of Atlantis will be going back up again. It will have more than three nodes! [NO WAY! YOUR KIDDING, THE WHAT!?!] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Recently we received this note on our bulletin board (Realm Of Chaos), it would have made us nervous if it weren't for: 1. They left a number that does not belong to MCI. 2. There is no employee listed as Ted Jahnsen at MCI. This goes to show you just how low some people will go. Hope you get as good a laugh from it as we did! re: Toll Fraud Abuse Cases [HAHAHA] 4/29/91 5:58 pm EST Stem: Office of Communications/Data Integrity & Auditing Hello. My name is Ted Jahnsen and I am a representative at MCI telecommunications in Texas. My reason for calling you on this bulletin board system stems from a number of unauthorized calls coming from this installation address in the near-present and not-so distant past. Aside from that, there are also numerous attempts to call this system using MCI and subsidiary long-haul lines, with illegitimate calling cards, to this system. I have made a note to the Fraud Control and Communications office here in Texas and they in turn will contact your local office in New York. NYNEX has been very cooperative in providing us with the information we need in order to bring charges upon you, most specifically US Code 1030 which involves wire fraud and similar offenses. Please note, a racketeering charge is also possible being that you may have committed 2 or more violations in accordance with this statute. For some time we have also been aware of pro-hacker related activities on this system as well. We URGE you not to continue it unless you find it your court. Thanks for you time. [HOW MANY PEOPLE READING THIS THINK THESE GUYS ARE IN A SHITLOAD OF TROUBLE] We thank you ahead of time for your cooperation, Ted Jahnsen [OH YEA, THAT SOUNDED LIKE A HECKLING 12 YEAR OLD KODE KID] (MCI West Division Communications Control and Auditing) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has now been confirmed, DAVID LIGHTMAN (NPA 214) is a NARC. This information was verified when he threatened a member of N.A.S.T.Y.[HAHA] (JAMES BROWN) with calling up his friend at the Secret Service office and giving him his full information. (Besides, wouldn't you think a guy who ran a board called 'HACKERS' was a NARC anyway???) After JAMES BROWN politely told him to 'FUCK OFF' he then proceeded in calling the Secret Service. --[IF EVERYONE WHO INSULTED A NASTY MEMBER WAS A NARC, WE'D HAVE A REAL PROBLEM] It is a confirmed fact that Everlast (Julio Alverez NPA 305) is a narc. He has, on numerous occasions turned in people while on three-way with others. -[WHAT!?! TRY HANGING UP THE PHONE, ANYONE WHO LISTENS TO THEMSELVES GET TURNED IN ON THREE WAY HAS GOT TO BE A BOOB] Word is out on the upcoming raids stemming from the current investigations involving the abuse of BT-Tymnet. The investigation has an extremely large number of agencies working together: CIA, FBI, SS, Army Intelligence and several Bell companies are rumored to be working closely with Tymnet security to pinpoint the person(s) involved. The focus is believed to be on individuals in or around New York State. ---------------[CIA?! OH GOD]------------------------------------------------ New York Telephones INFO-LOOK Gateway will soon be discontinued. Court rulings related to the breakup of AT&T prohibit NYNEX and the six other regional Bell Operating Companies from providing their own information services or regulating the content of the services they transport on their networks. The Bell operating companies are seeking to overturn these restrictions preventing it from ensuring the quality and consistency of services offered on INFO-LOOK. (Censorship perhaps?) ----------------------[WHO CARES?]------------------------------------------- The rumors of a new-revised Legion of Doom have been thoroughly denied by still-surviving ex-member Erik Bloodaxe. Bloodaxe says that he had toyed with the idea of reforming the group with many of the still remaining active members, with several new additions. The group was to include: Erik Bloodaxe, Skinny Puppy, Prime Suspect, Jester Sluggo, Phantom Phreaker, Doom Prophet, Doc Holliday, Malefactor, Agent Steal, Epsilon, Pain Hertz, and Parmaster. The group was never formed due to a number of reasons. Bloodaxe assures everyone that the Legion of Doom is gone, and any rumors to the contrary are completely false. Any people claiming to be in any new LOD are liars and should not be believed. Bloodaxe added that he wishes people would stop 'flogging a dead horse' and lay the group to rest. ---------------[THANK YOU FOR THAT THOROUGHLY USELESS REPORT]---------------- JAMES BROWN received notice from BAGHEAD that he has been busted. All his notes and computer equipment were confiscated. ----------[WHO THE FLAMING FUCK IS BAGHEAD!?!?!?!? WHO CARES?!?!]------------ An as of yet unidentified hacker known as Dr. Doom is plaguing the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) with rather childish antics.[PROBABLY A NASTY MEMBER] on the GNU system POGO (pogo.gnu.ai.mit.edu) and is changing the system's message of the day to read various things having to do with "the new LOD." Because of the nature of the GNU system, and Richard Stallman's abhorrence to computer security, system administrators refuse to investigate the problem, but are becoming annoyed at having to continually change /etc/motd to its original message. Sources say that if the problem persists GNU may rethink its open policy somewhat, since deliberate abuse of the system's non-security defeats the nature of trust trying to be demonstrated in having such a system. [THE END MAYBE?] [GOD THAT SUCKED] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I think that N.A.S.T.Y. needs to slow down and try to learn whats going and figure out what people want to know about. There are about 20 CBI/TRW files out and they are ALL more detailed than these. The other files were just boring and useless. It's dead information and it has no use. Suggestions for N.A.S.T.Y.: 1. Get Ace in your group to lead you 2. Tell Renegade Hacker to change his handle to Phrackmaster 3. Tell Damaged to trash himself a brain 4. Try stealing some more interesting material next time 5. Get a real name for christ, try 'OoI' Organization of Idiots 6. Much like your rumour on LoD, you should lay N.A.S.T.Y. to rest for a looooong time. [LoST] has spoken LoST IS: - The Exploding Boy - Malcontent (And 20 other anonymous people)