Ü Ü Ü      Mighty           Issue #47
   Ü Ü    Û Û Ü    illicit          "Eat Pills"
  Û ß Û Û Û ÛÛ     Liquid           -By Epic
  ß   ß ß ß ß ß    Kollections                    
         Well, it's a tough world out there. You know it as well as I do. Long 
hours with crazed co-workers... Bills to pay... Food to buy... Having to 
floss... all these things can't be good for your sanity. Existing in a world 
of tension and stress is quite difficult. We all need a way to cope. 

        We need pills.

        Today, at this moment (right now, if you will), lots of people are 
searching through their medicine cabinets (or perhaps, their neighbor's 
medicine cabinets) for some tasty pills to gobble down. Pill consumption is 
on the rise everywhere.

        We need these pills. Vitamins and minerals are often packaged into 
simple pill form. These vitamins and minerals assist the body in performing 
"life tasks", like repairing cells, and growth. Pills help you grow. Even at 
the awkward age when the child can still got successfully swallow pills -
bright, tasty, dino the dinosaur shaped, CHEWABLE pills are available to 
help. Even a baby can enjoy this form of pills, ground up into his gerber 
tapioca meal.

        Pills. Pills need to be eaten. Pills can make you sassy.

        Pills can ease your pain. In your head, your stomach, your bowels, 
your liver, your thorax, or in your soul. Pills are small, smooth, and 
pleasant to the touch. Take a few.

        Pills. Pills digesting in your stomach, releasing their energy, and 
potent chemicals throughout your body. What a rush. Think of how pills are 
used. Pills help dying people in the hospital recover to their former health. 
Pills give athletes a "boost". Pills are part of a healthy breakfast. YOUR 

        Even Pac-Man ate pills. Think, Pac-Man, a root in our society, was a 
total consumer of pills. No one knows exactly what kind.. perhaps they 
weren't even any good, but they were pills nonetheless.
        From Ibuprofin, Riboflavin, Zoloft, and AZT to your standard generic 
buffered analgesic, we all need pills. So don't hold back. Just swallow some.
But remember: USE AS DIRECTED. You see, if you take too many pills at one 
time, you might die, and not be able to eat any more pills. Wouldn't want 
something nasty like that to occur. Moderation in all things.

           |                  **** QUICK TIP ****                 |
           |                                                      |
           |           To open "child-proof" containers,          |
           |          simply apply pressure to the top of         |
           |        the lid of the container when you twist       |
           |    it off. This will faciliate opening of the jar.   |

        If you too want to be in on all the fun and excitement that pills 
offer, go out to your pharmacy, medicine cabinet, columbian cartel leader, or 
mommy and request some pills. Try and get purple ones if you can. Then bring 
them to your kitchen and whip up tasty meals like "PillsN'Bisquick" for a fast
breakfast, or "FiletO'Prozac" for your lunch meal. Perhaps a "Minty PillShake"
to wash it all down. And top it off with some "Chocolatepillswirl Custard" for
a tempting dssert. Num Num. 

        But enough about pills. Now it's time to move on to the topic of your 
body. Besides your hairy genital regions, the only part that really matters to 
you right now is your stomach. And you know what would make your stomach happy?

        I do. And I think you do too. Eat pills.

                'one pill makes you big
                 the other makes you small
                 and the ones your mother gives you
                 don't do anything at all

                 feed your head'

        GReATeNGZ go out to: All Thin Lizzy Fans, The Hardees Franchise,
                             Robert Egashpoor, and Officer Stover...

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