H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H N N E ** H-Net Magazine ** E T T H Volume One, Issue 1, File #12 of 20 H N N E Hacking DATASTREAM,logfile by Minotaur E T T H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H-NET H Below is a logfile of my hack of the DATASTREAM online service on the 9th of March, 1990. DATASTREAM is a financial database used by BANKS, BUILDING SOCIETIES, but mainly by stockbrokers. Needless to say that much of the information found during this hack was very confidential indeed (I captured over 300k of data on my hard drive). DATASTREAM is used to store details of clients share portfolios as well as to provide financial news and analysis for stockbrokers. I have edited this logfile so that none of the clients portfolios have been included as I regard these as highly confidential and not to be bandied about. Minotaur [Hackers Hideout on Hackernet BBS] Source Name: ******* *** *** ***** *** *** ***** **** **** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * ***** * ***** *** * **** *** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * *** * * * **** * * * * WELCOME TO DATASTREAM PLEASE TYPE DS THEN PRESS ENTER: DS WELCOME TO DATASTREAM --------------------- PLEASE ENTER YOUR USER IDENTITY ********* AND PASSWORD ACF01137 ****** LAST SYSTEM ACCESS 15.31-09/03/90 FROM ******* ******* LOGGED ON AT 17.24.13 ON 9/ 3/90 REQUEST NEXT PAGE TO CONTINUE DATASTREAM: 99Z INTERNATIONAL NEWS SERVICE U.S. Home The average interest rate for a 30 Year fixed mortgage was Mortgage 10.29% for the week ended 9th March, increasing from 10.23% last week. East Germany East German Economics Minister, Christa Luft, said in a Swiss newspaper interview that East Germany will most likely adopt the West German Mark as its official currency sometime in 1990. Federal A spokesman for the Federal Reserve Board said the Board Reserve had no comment on a Los Angeles Times story which claimed that President Bush will not reappoint Alan Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve when his term expires in August 1991. UNIT TRUST CLIENTS PLEASE SEE 99FMUK 14.30 GERMAN LEASE LINE USERS - SEE 99INFO Austrian State-controlled Austrian Airlines said that it is in the Airlines middle of talks with Scandinavian Airlines System on possible cooperation on certain routes. An agreement is expected later this month. East Berlin The meeting on security arrangements for a united Germany between East and West Germany ended after three hours of talks but no details have yet been given of the result. Sweden The Swedish government said that it proposed a new holding company for its equity portfolio and that it may sell a maximum of 15% of it to domestic institutions. U.S. The U.S. civilian unemployment rate was 5.3% in February and Unemployment the following data has been released by the Labour Rate Department: February January Feb '89 Jobless rate(%) 5.3 5.3 5.2 NOn-farm payroll 372,000 332,000 n/a Goods-producing 151,000 - 19,000 n/a Hungary According to the economic newspaper, Vilaggasdasag, Hungary is on the verge of signing a letter of intent on ties with the six-nation European Free Trade Association. Thatcher A spokesman for the British Government stated that reports in the Independent newspaper that some ministers had been meeting to discuss replacing Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister were groundless. Heineken NV Customers are advised that a summary of the company's final results is available on 99Y. South Africa In an effort to stop political violence spreading through South Africa the police have detained dozens of blacks. These people who are being detained are believed to be the troublemakers causing the violence. Financial Clients are informed that figures relating to today's Futures trading in the Financial Futures markets are now availiable on 99FUTR. Bank Of The Bank of England bought pounds for dollars this morning, England according to dealers in London. The central bank declined to comment but dealers said that the Bank of England bought Sterling at about $1.6300. Foreign Foreigners were net sellers of Japanese stocks on the Tokyo, Sellers in Nagoya and Osaka stock exchanges in the period 5th February Japan to March 2nd. Details are as follows: Total foreign buying 1.52 trillion yen Total foreign selling 2.55 trillion yen Net selling 1.03 trillion yen Hong Kong The total exports in Hong Kong rose 10% in volume in 1989 over 1988's value. The 1989 trade index rose by 1%, but does not include a year-on-year percentage rise or fall for total exports by value. Imports rose 9% in volume year-on- year and prices increased by 4% over 1988. Malaysia Primary industries Minister, Lim Keng Yaik, told a news conference that Malaysia will impose an export tax of 60 to 120 Ringitt per cubic metre on 20 types of sawn timber and veneer to support local industry. West German The West German retail turnover provisionally increased 5.9% retail in real terms in January from the same period last year. turnover This compares with December's fall of 1.1% in real terms from its year-ago level. North Korea According to the Japanese news agency, Kyodo, the leader of North Korea, Kim-Il-Sung, will step down after his 78th birthday on April 15th. Kim-Il-Sung is to hand the Leadership over to his son, Kim-Jong-Il, according to the news agency. Bank of Japan The Bank of Japan stated in its monthly report that capping inflation is necessary in order to reform financial systems in Asia. Hong Kong The Hong Kong Association of Banks said that it decided to leave interest rate unchanged at 10%. This was decided at its weekly meeting today. Swiss car The Swiss Automobile Importers Association said that a sales total of 52,279 cars were sold in Switzerland in the first two months of 1990. This was an increase of 1.8% from 51,344 in the equivalent period last year. London Money At 0930 hours the 3 month Dollar Deposit rate was quoted at Market 8 27/64%, compared with 15 1/8% on 3 month Sterling C.D.'s. A full money market report is now available on 99SMR1. East Berlin Formal talks between East and West Germany will take place today. The talks will be regarding the union of both German states and will decide the future for some 750,000 foreign troops from both military blocs on opposite sides of the border. Manila The Philippine government has pressed corruption charges against opposition leader Juan Ponce Enrile. This is on top of the existing rebellion and murder case he is already charged with following his alleged part in the coup attempt last December. Kabul The president of Afghanistan, Najibullah, has disbanded his ruling party after Defence Minister Shahnawaz Tanai led the unsuccesful coup attempt this week. Reckitt & Customers are advised that a summary of the final results Colman for the year end to 30/12/89 is available on 99Y. Lithuania The new parliament in the Soviet Republic of Lithuania is to declare independence from the Soviet Union this weekend. This will reassert the declaration of independence made in 1918. The meeting at which the declaration is to be made is being held ahead of the scheduled Soviet Parliament debate which Sajudis feel could pass constitutional changes which could prevent their secession. Taiwan A fire hit Taiwan's Parliament building early this morning and police are investigating the possibility that it was an act of arson by extremists seeking independence. 09/03/90 DATASTREAM: SV DATASTREAM SV SHAREVIEW MENU 09/03/90 ============= ============== ENTER ? WHERE HELP IS REQUIRED EQUITY 1. Basic Equity Data 2. Company Profile 3. Accounts Data GRAPHICS 4. Price and Price Relative 5. Price for 1 or 2 Equities 6. Price Switching MARKETS 7. UK Price Changes - Today's Latest 8. World Indices - Latest Close 9. Recent Price Performance LISTS 10. Equity Maintenance Facility CODES 11. Equity Code and Mnemonic Retrieval ****************************************************************************** * ENTER REQUEST NUMBER(S) 1-11 1 2____________________ SEPARATED BY SPACES * * ENTER EQUITY CODE (1-6&9) HNSN__ ENTER LIST/INDEX CODE (4&9) ________ * * ENTER 2ND EQUITY CODE (5&6) ______ ENTER START DATE (4-6) -1Y_____ * * ENTER EQUITY NAME (11) __________________________________ * ****************************************************************************** DATASTREAM SV1 BASIC EQUITY DATA 09/03/90 HANSON 0.25 PRICE(P ) % PRICE CHANGE OVER CURRENT RANGE(12MTH) 1MTH 3MTHS 12MTHS 232.75 241.00-178.50 +1.5 +1.4 +29.7 HISTORIC HISTORIC % PRICE CHANGE RELATIVE DY PER TO LONDON ALL SHARE 1MTH 3MTHS 12MTHS 5.96 13.2 +5.8 +7.5 +25.9 NET ASSETS VALUE MARKET VALUE NUMBER OF SHARES (MILLIONS) (MILLIONS) ('000S) 1046.000 10983.469 4719000 NEXT DECLARATION : MAY 1990 DATASTREAM SV2 COMPANY PROFILE 9/ 3/90 HANSON GENERAL ACTIVITIES AS AT 30/ 9/89 INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT COMPANY. SUBS. ARE ENGAGED IN THE PRODUCTION OF BRICKS & OTHER BUILDING PRODUCTS, DRY CELL BATTERIES, CONSUMER PLASTICS, INDUSTRIAL CHEMICALS ALSO IN THE TOBACCO AND ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES. TRADE NAMES INCLUDE EVER READY, LONDON BRICK, ARC CRUSHED STONE, AMES TOOLS. JACUZZI, SCM CHEMICALS AND FARBERWARE COMPANY ADDRESS 1, GROSVENOR PLACE, LONDON SW1X 7JH AUDITORS BANKERS ERNST & WHINNEY LLOYDS BANK CHAIRMAN'S NAME LORD HANSON DATE OF AGM : 10/ 1/90 DATASTREAM SV2 COMPANY PROFILE 9/ 3/90 HANSON (�'000) PRODUCT ANALYSIS AS AT 30/ 9/89 PUBLISHED 12/12/89 % OF PRE TAX % OF COMPANY DESCRIPTION SALES TOTAL PROFITS TOTAL UK CONSUMER 2,785,000 40 247,000 23 UK BUILDING PRODUCTS 458,000 7 109,000 10 UK INDUSTRIAL 502,000 7 133,000 13 US CONSUMER 1,113,000 16 100,000 9 US BUILDING PRODUCTS 736,000 11 84,000 8 US INDUSTRIAL 1,404,000 20 203,000 19 CENTRAL EXPENSES 0 0 188,000 18 TOTAL 6,998,000 1,064,000 DATASTREAM SV2 COMPANY PROFILE 9/ 3/90 HANSON (�'000) GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS AS AT 30/ 9/89 PUBLISHED 12/12/89 % OF PRE TAX % OF COMPANY DESCRIPTION SALES TOTAL PROFITS TOTAL UNITED KINGDOM 3,745,000 54 489,000 46 U. S. A 3,253,000 46 387,000 36 CENTRAL EXPS. & INTR. LESS INCOME 0 0 188,000 18 TOTAL 6,998,000 1,064,000 DATASTREAM: 59? DATASTREAM 59 SELECTED ECONOMIC INDICATORS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM DATASTREAM 59A SUMMARY OF ECONOMIC INDICATORS AGGREGATE ECONOMIC INFORMATION 59B RETAIL PRICES 59C FOOD PRICES 59D WAGES 59E UNEMPLOYMENT 59F RETAIL SALES 59G INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION 59H OVERSEAS TRADE 59I CORPORATE PROFITS DATASTREAM 59 SELECTED ECONOMIC INDICATORS FOR THE UNITED KINGDOM DATASTREAM 59J HIRE PURCHASE 59K SAVINGS 59L BANKING 59M MONEY SUPPLY 59N ENERGY 59O STEEL 59P MACHINE TOOLS 59Q CHEMICALS 59R MOTORS 59S CONSTRUCTION 59T COMPONENTS OF GDP 59X ECONOMIC COMMENTARY DATASTREAM: 59D WAGE EARNINGS INDICES *1988=100 1985=100 (S)=SEASONALLY ADJUSTED (U)=NOT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED 1989 DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY WHOLE ECONOMY (S)* 113.4 112.8 112.2 110.9 108.9 109.1 108.4 107.6 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +7.2 +9.2 +9.8 +9.7 +8.8 +8.9 +9.3 +9.2 WHOLE ECONOMY (U)* 114.6 113.2 111.7 110.7 109.1 110.3 109.1 107.5 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +7.2 +9.2 +9.8 +9.7 +8.8 +8.9 +9.3 +9.2 MANUFACTURING IND.(U)* 113.9 112.2 110.6 109.5 108.3 110.3 109.4 108.0 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +8.0 +8.3 +8.6 +9.3 +8.8 +9.1 +8.7 +8.8 MANUFACTURING IND.(S)* 113.0 111.6 111.0 110.5 109.3 109.2 108.0 107.9 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +8.0 +8.2 +8.6 +9.2 +8.9 +9.2 +8.8 +8.8 UNDERLYING INDEX * 114.3 112.8 111.8 111.0 109.9 109.0 107.8 107.7 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +9.3 +9.3 +9.2 +9.1 +8.8 +8.7 +8.8 +9.0 UNIT LAB.COSTS(MANF.) 116.6 115.1 114.0 114.7 112.6 113.0 112.0 111.8 % CHANGE YEAR AGO +4.6 +4.6 +4.2 +6.8 +4.3 +4.8 +3.6 +2.3 RESPECTIVE MNEMONICS - UKAVEARNE,UKAVEARNF,GBMANAVEF,GBMANAVEE,UKERNUNDE UKWSUOMNE WAGE EARNINGS INDICES JANUARY 1980=100 METAL CONSTRUCTION MINERAL OIL TEXTILES HOTELS AND GOODS & NATURAL GAS CATERING 1986 85.0 83.6 82.3 86.7 85.2 1987 91.8 90.3 90.3 93.9 91.9 1988 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1989 N/A N/A N/A 107.3 N/A 1989 I 104.8 107.3 104.9 102.5 104.6 1989 II 107.2 109.9 107.9 107.5 105.9 1989 III 108.9 111.9 111.9 108.7 107.4 1989 IV N/A N/A N/A 110.5 N/A 1989 NOV 111.0 118.6 121.1 112.6 111.0 1989 DEC N/A N/A N/A 109.7 N/A % CHANGE LAST 6 MTH/ +3.8 +5.3 +5.6 +4.4 +2.3 PREV 6 MTH. DATASTREAM: 59E UNEMPLOYMENT SEASONALLY ADJUSTED, U.K., 000'S 1990 1989 JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN WHOLLY UNEMPLOYED 1611.4 1634.6 1652.0 1674.9 1694.3 1745.3 1787.2 1810.3 CHANGE ON YEAR AGO -376.4 -402.8 -453.2 -483.0 -497.4 -480.3 -480.1 -513.8 MALES 1179.7 1194.4 1201.8 1216.6 1230.3 1262.5 1284.8 1296.1 CHANGE YEAR AGO -225.7 -245.0 -282.8 -305.8 -312.8 -300.2 -301.9 -327.9 FEMALES 431.7 440.2 450.2 458.3 464.0 482.8 502.4 514.2 CHANGE YEAR AGO -150.7 -157.8 -170.4 -177.2 -184.6 -180.1 -178.2 -185.9 UNEMPLOYMENT RATE 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.9 6.0 6.2 6.3 6.4 CHANGE ON YEAR AGO -1.3 -1.4 -1.6 -1.7 -1.8 -1.7 -1.7 -1.8 UNFILLED VACANCIES 199.3 195.4 209.5 214.6 220.7 219.5 220.6 224.4 CHANGE ON YEAR AGO -31.6 -42.9 -35.7 -36.6 -19.6 -23.3 -29.1 -30.7 RESP. MNEMONICS -UKWHLUNPE, UKWHUMALE, UKWHUFEME, UKWHUNRTE,UKTOTVACE UNEMPLOYMENT ] UNADJUSTED, U.K., 000'S TOTAL TEMPORARILY ADULT GRAND UNEMPLOYMENT STOPPED STUDENTS TOTAL LEVEL % RATE 1986 3289.1 11.8 9.801 53.9 3352.8 1987 2952.6 10.6 6.510 55.2 3014.4 1988 2370.4 8.3 5.312 29.3 2405.1 1989 1798.7 6.4 5.328 29.4 1833.4 1989 I 2017.5 7.2 6.818 0.9 2025.3 1989 II 1809.7 6.4 6.938 2.6 1819.3 1989 III 1738.4 6.2 3.375 86.8 1828.6 1989 IV 1629.0 5.8 4.182 27.2 1660.4 1989 DEC 1638.9 5.8 5.145 1.3 1645.4 1990 JAN 1687.0 6.0 6.287 1.0 1694.3 RESPECTIVE MNEMONICS - UKTOTUNP, UKALLUN%F, UKTEMSTP, UKADSUNP, UKGTUNP. UNEMPLOYMENT ] WHOLLY UNEMPLOYED BY REGION (RATES ON THE NEW BASIS) SEASONALLY ADJUSTED,UNITED KINGDOM,000'S TOTAL WHOLLY EAST SOUTH EAST WEST UNEMPLOYED SOUTH EAST ANGLIA WESTERN MIDLANDS MIDLANDS NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % 1986 3107.2 11.1 750.2 8.2 78.8 8.1 195.8 9.5 191.3 9.9 327.7 12.6 1987 2822.3 10.1 657.9 7.0 69.4 6.8 172.3 8.2 175.8 9.0 292.1 11.1 1988 2294.5 8.1 496.1 5.3 50.4 4.8 133.8 6.3 143.2 7.2 230.2 8.6 1989 1795.5 6.4 366.5 3.9 35.0 3.4 97.9 4.6 108.7 5.5 168.2 6.3 1989 I 1951.0 6.9 395.9 4.2 37.5 3.5 106.7 5.1 120.1 6.0 186.7 6.9 1989 II 1834.7 6.5 373.0 4.0 35.2 3.3 100.9 4.8 111.6 5.6 171.8 6.4 1989 III 1742.3 6.2 354.3 3.8 34.0 3.4 95.0 4.5 105.4 5.4 160.2 6.1 1989 IV 1653.8 5.9 342.7 3.7 33.4 3.5 88.9 4.1 97.7 5.1 154.1 6.0 1989 DEC 1634.6 5.8 342.1 3.7 33.4 3.5 88.1 4.1 96.3 5.0 152.9 5.9 1990 JAN 1611.4 5.7 338.7 3.6 33.0 3.4 87.3 4.1 94.3 4.9 151.2 5.9 % CHANGE LAST 12 MTH -21.6 -25.3 -26.2 -24.2 -26.7 PREV 12 MTH. UNEMPLOYMENT ] WHOLLY UNEMPLOYED,BY REGION SEASONALLY ADJUSTED,UNITED KINGDOM,000'S YORKSHIRE NORTH NORTHERN & HUMBERSIDE WESTERN NORTHERN WALES SCOTLAND IRELAND NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % NO. % 1986 294.3 12.4 423.1 14.1 221.5 14.8 169.3 13.9 332.7 13.3 122.6 17.5 1987 270.5 11.3 385.1 12.7 203.9 14.0 149.9 12.5 323.3 13.0 122.1 17.5 1988 226.0 9.5 322.1 10.7 173.9 11.9 125.8 10.5 280.1 11.2 113.2 16.4 1989 178.4 7.5 262.2 8.6 141.8 9.8 96.9 7.9 234.3 9.4 105.6 15.1 1989 I 193.4 8.1 284.5 9.4 156.0 10.7 107.2 8.9 253.5 10.1 109.5 15.9 1989 II 181.3 7.6 268.4 8.9 146.4 10.0 99.9 8.3 239.3 9.6 106.9 15.5 1989 III 174.2 7.3 254.7 8.3 137.3 9.5 93.3 7.5 229.5 9.2 104.5 14.9 1989 IV 164.7 7.0 241.4 7.8 127.6 8.9 87.0 6.9 215.0 8.6 101.3 14.3 1989 DEC 162.5 6.9 237.6 7.7 124.8 8.7 85.7 6.8 210.5 8.5 100.4 14.2 1990 JAN 159.8 6.8 233.7 7.6 123.0 8.6 84.5 6.7 206.7 8.3 99.2 14.0 % CHANGE LAST 12 MTH-21.1 -18.7 -19.0 -23.3 -16.8 -7.0 PREV 12 MTH. DATASTREAM: 59R MOTOR INDUSTRY VEHICLE PRODUCTION SEASONALLY ADJUSTED,MONTHLY AVERAGES,000'S 1990 1989 JAN DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN CARS 112 107 92 111 114 88 123 106 % CHANGE YEAR AGO -4.3 +8.1 -17.1 +4.8 +12.6 -14.3 +15.9 -6.5 COMMERCIALS 24.5 26.4 28.5 32.8 27.2 25.5 17.4 25.2 % CHANGE YEAR AGO -21.7 -9.0 -4.7 +12.7 -3.2 -23.2 -40.0 -13.7 NEW CAR REGISTRATIONS 181.0 193.0 175.0 196.0 174.0 193.0 % CHANGE YEAR AGO -1.1 +12.2 -13.8 +1.0 -2.8 +8.4 CARS - HOME MARKET 82.0 83.0 69.0 88.0 90.0 66.0 97.0 85.0 % CHANGE YEAR AGO -11.8 -0.4 -22.4 +5.8 +11.1 -21.1 +10.2 -10.9 COMMERCIALS-HOME MKT. 15.9 20.6 16.5 22.3 17.8 17.3 13.2 18.3 % CHANGE YEAR AGO -28.4 -2.8 -25.0 +5.7 -12.7 -32.7 -35.6 -12.0 RESPECTIVE MNEMONICS - UKPASSCRE, UKCOMMVCE, GBCARREGE, UKHPSSCRE, UKHCMMVCE MOTOR INDUSTRY ] VEHICLE PRODUCTION SEASONALLY ADJUSTED,MONTHLY AVERAGES,000'S PASSENGER CARS COMMERCIAL VEHICLES HOME EXPORT TOTAL HOME EXPORT TOTAL 1986 69 15.6 85 14.9 4.1 19.0 1987 76 18.8 95 15.5 5.1 20.5 1988 84 17.8 102 19.5 7.0 26.5 1989 85 23.4 108 19.2 8.0 27.5 1989 I 87 22.5 110 21.1 8.0 29.3 1989 II 88 23.7 111 20.0 8.0 28.1 1989 III 84 23.2 108 16.1 7.5 23.4 1989 IV 80 24.2 103 19.8 8.3 29.2 1989 DEC 83 25.2 107 20.6 5.9 26.4 1990 JAN 82 N/A 112 15.9 N/A 24.5 % CHANGE LAST 3 MTH/ -4.1 +4.0 -0.6 -7.7 +11.1 -7.1 PREV 3 MTH. MOTOR INDUSTRY ] U.K NEW CAR REGISTRATIONS BY MODEL. % OF TOTAL MARKET. BRITISH LEYLAND 1989 DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY MINI 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.6 ROVER JAGUAR/DAIMLER 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.4 TOTAL BLM 15.5 11.7 11.2 14.3 12.6 16.9 14.2 13.5 MOTOR INDUSTRY ] U.K. NEW CAR REGISTRATIONS BY MODEL. % OF TOTAL MARKET. 1989 DEC NOV OCT SEP AUG JUL JUN MAY ESCORT 8.3 7.3 7.5 5.3 7.9 8.3 9.8 7.5 CORTINA CAPRI TOTAL FORD 27.6 25.7 27.1 20.0 26.1 29.3 28.6 27.3 TOTAL TALBOT 5.8 4.7 3.8 9.0 6.4 4.8 6.5 5.6 TOTAL VAUXHAUL 16.4 17.6 16.5 15.3 13.9 16.9 15.3 15.3 FIAT 2.7 2.6 2.3 2.5 3.8 2.4 3.2 2.9 RENAULT 4.7 4.2 4.2 3.6 3.7 3.1 3.4 3.8 VOLKSWAGEN 3.5 5.7 6.2 5.9 5.5 3.6 5.0 5.3 VOLVO 3.2 3.9 3.8 4.9 3.1 2.1 4.1 3.2 TOYOTA 1.0 2.6 2.2 1.8 2.3 2.4 1.4 2.0 DATSUN 3.5 4.7 5.8 6.9 5.7 6.3 6.8 7.6 TOTAL IMPORTS 53.9 56.5 56.1 59.9 60.2 52.4 55.2 55.8 DATASTREAM: 99INDX MAJOR WORLD INDICES =================== CLOSE CHANGE MNEMONIC 09/03/90 ----- ------ -------- ----------- Nikkei Dow Jones Average 33,993.12 +302.23 JAPDOWA Tokyo New S.E. 2539.89 + 3.35 TOKYOSE PACIFIC Australia All Ordinaries 1579.20 + 8.70 AUSTALL BASIN Hong Kong Hang Seng 2912.67 - 3.06 HNGKNGI --------- Singapore Straits Times 1568.18 - 7.80 SNGPORI * Amsterdam CBS-All Share Gen. 192.40 + 2.20 CBSKGEN Frankfurt FAZ Aktien 779.14 - 0.07 FAZINDX Milan Banca Com. Ital. 666.25 + 3.12 MILANBC EUROPE * Swiss Index 1111.98 + 5.60 SITOTMK Swiss Bank General 644.50 - 2.20 SWBKGEN Paris CAC General 520.70 + 11.20 PARCACG * Madrid Stock Exchange 271.18 - 0.48 MADRIDI * London FT-SE 100 share 2250.00 + 19.70 FTSE100 * London FTA All Share 1116.70 + 9.19 FTALLSH --------- * Dow Jones Industrials 2696.17 + 26.58 DJINDUS AMERICAS * S & P Composite 340.27 + 3.32 S&PCOMP --------- * Toronto SE Composite 3752.00 + 23.40 TTOCOMP * Johannesburg SE Industrial 2956.00 - 21.00 JSEINDS * Indices marked with an asterisk (*) carry yesterday's values. The FT 30 & FT-SE 100 are available throughout the day on 99S. DATASTREAM: 99K LARGEST PRICE CHANGES IN THE LAST HOUR 9/ 3/90 THIS PROGRAM DISPLAYS THE LARGEST PRICE CHANGES OCCURRING IN THE LAST HOUR IN LEADING STOCKS PRICE CURRENT % % DIV. COMPANY HOUR AGO PRICE RISE FALL YIELD PER BERISFORD INTL. 124.00 145.00 +16.9 5.70 14.1 PML GROUP 12.00 14.00 +16.7 9.52 7.2 MERLIN INTL.PROP 20.00 17.00 -15.0 15.69 6.9 EXECUTEX CLOTHES 23.00 26.00 +13.0 0.00 RICARDO GROUP 154.00 138.00 -10.4 5.36 12.3 BETACOM 17.00 18.00 +5.9 19.26 3.3 ARLEN 54.00 57.00 +5.6 5.15 8.2 BENLOX 19.00 18.00 -5.3 4.44 WILTON GROUP 4.75 5.00 +5.3 0.00 HEADLAND GP. 38.00 40.00 +5.3 0.00 18.4 CORTON BEACH 40.00 42.00 +5.0 1.98 5.6 OCEONICS GROUP 23.00 22.00 -4.3 0.00 81.5 ARCOLECTRIC 'A' 48.00 46.00 -4.2 2.90 11.2 ASSD.BRIT.FOODS 382.00 397.50 +4.1 3.29 10.8 COWIE,T. 51.00 53.00 +3.9 10.57 6.3 EXPEDIER LEISURE 53.00 51.00 -3.8 0.00 12.2 LARGEST PRICE CHANGES IN THE LAST HOUR 9/ 3/90 THIS PROGRAM DISPLAYS THE LARGEST PRICE CHANGES OCCURRING IN THE LAST HOUR IN LEADING STOCKS PRICE CURRENT % % DIV. COMPANY HOUR AGO PRICE RISE FALL YIELD PER ] ACORN COMPUTER 27.00 28.00 +3.7 0.00 11.4 ISOTRON 190.00 197.00 +3.7 1.88 14.3 WILSHAW 14.00 13.50 -3.6 2.96 7.1 ROCKWOOD HDG. 28.00 29.00 +3.6 4.14 4.3 ROSEHAUGH 229.00 237.00 +3.5 1.13 8.5 CONRAD CONT. 29.00 28.00 -3.4 14.29 5.7 LEVERAGED OPPOR. 61.00 63.00 +3.3 0.00 OSBORNE & LITTLE 130.00 126.00 -3.1 5.29 6.5 BAYNES,CHARLES 34.00 35.00 +2.9 3.81 13.3 FLEXTECH 148.00 152.00 +2.7 0.66 26.0 UNIGATE 262.00 269.00 +2.7 7.09 9.7 EUROPA MRLS.GP. 82.00 80.00 -2.4 1.67 CLARKE,T. 133.00 130.00 -2.3 4.33 5.8 DAKS SIMPSON 'A' 458.00 448.00 -2.2 3.26 8.6 SHILOH 93.00 91.00 -2.2 3.48 6.4 SALE TILNEY 98.00 100.00 +2.0 14.67 6.0 And on and on and on for another 350k of data........ Minotaur [Hackers Hideout on Hackernet BBS]. =============================================================================== [Hackernet BBS,LEEDS,UK(0532)557739, 24hrs. Home of H-Net Hacking magazine]