+-+  +-+  +-+
         +-+--+-+--+-+     VOLUME EIGHT                  NUMBER TWO
         |           |    ==========================================
         +___________+     FFFFF   SSS   FFFFF  N   N  EEEEE  TTTTT
          |      ++ |      F      S      F      NN  N  E        T
          |      ++ |      FFF     SSS   FFF    N N N  EEE      T
          |         |      F          S  F      N  NN  E        T
          |_________|      F       SSS   F      N   N  EEEEE    T
         /___________\    ==========================================
         |           |      BITNET Fantasy-Science Fiction Fanzine
      ___|___________|___  X-Edited by 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE@MAINE>


            X-Editorial                          'Orny' Liscomb
           *Winds of Change                       Becki Tants
           *Reunion                               Ed Murphy
           *The Treasure: Part 2 of 4             John L. White

          Date: 071587                               Dist: 385
          An "*" indicates story is part of the Dargon Project
          All original materials  copyrighted by the author(s)

    While there  isn't a great  deal of news  to report, that  is most
probably due  to the fact  that this issue is  being sent out  no more
than a  week after  the previous  issue. For the  most part,  the news
which was  reported in  the xeditorial  for 8-1  is still  current. We
are  still working  on getting  a  mailing out  to prospective  postal
subscribers,  which  is late  due  to  the  fact  that I  exploded  my
printer in the  heat of our apartment. I have  received some responses
from readers  who will be  attending Pennsic, and also  some responses
from FSFnet  writers who  will be  there. The only  truly new  news is
that there has  been a change in issue naming  conventions. All issues
now have  the filetype  of VOLxxNy,  where 'XX'  is the  volume number
and  'Y' the  issue number.  This  change has  been made  on files  on
LISTSERV at TCSVM  and CSNEWS at MAINE as well.  When requesting files
from those sources, please be careful to get the proper filetypes.
    In this  issue we have part  two of John White's  "Treasure" story
which  was begun  in issue  7-5, and  two short  stories from  two new
Dargon Project  authors, Ed  Murphy and Becki  Tants. The  next issue,
8-3, should  be out  near the end  of July or  early August,  and will
contain  some  startling information,  as  well  as the  long-promised
(but  is  it   long-awaited?)  "Legend  in  the   Making"  which  I've
tantalized you with since February!
                    -'Orny' Liscomb  <CSDAVE@MAINE>


                            Winds of Change
    Ariel awoke  that morning in  a bed for  the first time  in weeks.
It was  a welcome, warm feeling  that had almost caused  her to forget
the knock  on the  door that had  awoken her in  the first  place. She
blinked  as the  knock came  again. In  a brief  moment of  panic, she
realized that no  one should know that  she was here. She  knew no one
in this city. Drawing her dagger, she moved silently over to the door.
    She  was about  to  open the  door when  she  heard the  innkeeper
outside it,  saying "Ma'am,  'tis mornin'. Breakfast  is ready  fer ya
down in the common room if yer up."
    Relaxing a  bit, she listened  as the  footsteps went on  down the
hall and  began the same strange  procedure again. It occurred  to her
that this  was not something that  had ever been done  in her father's
inn, but  she was quickly  distracted from  the thought as  she looked
around the room  for the first time. Her quick  flight there late last
night and almost  immediate collapse from exhaustion had  given her no
time to examine  her rather rich and elegant  surroundings. The carved
wood  furniture, beautiful  wall hangings,  painted ceramic  wash bowl
and pitcher,  and the  call to  breakfast by the  innkeep all  led her
quickly to the  conclusion that she would  have to find a  job soon to
pay for the place.
    She poured some  water into the bowl, rinsed off  her face to hide
the tell-tale  signs of her  long, hard journey, and  dressed quickly.
Looking up  at the  polished mirror  on the wall,  the surest  sign of
how expensive  the place was  that she had  seen so far,  she realized
just how much her  defense these last few weeks had  taken out of her.
Her skin looked  well tanned, but pale  below the tan, a  sure sign of
the  exhaustion she  still was  recovering from.  The area  underneath
her eyes had  some uncharacteristic lines caused by  the stretching of
her powers  beyond her own  limits of endurance  in an effort  to save
her own  life. Worse yet  were her eyes. They  still held the  look of
one hunted,  betrayed, and forsaken  in her  direst time of  need. The
change  was depressingly  obvious, and  had the  effect of  making her
look much older  then her mere 18 years. She  quickly turned away from
that other face  in the mirror, but  the thoughts of all  she had been
through still  followed her. With her  eyes not quite focused  out the
window into  the early morning  light, she began  to think of  all the
things  that had  happened  to her  in  the short  6  months that  had
passed since her 18th birthday.
    She had been working  at the time for her father.  He owned an inn
in a  small village  and had  eked out  a meager  living this  way for
many  years.  She  did  his  books, waited  upon  the  customers,  and
generally did  whatever was  needed. She  provided 'services'  for the
more  wealthy customers,  as well  as amusing  herself by  opening the
locks  on  things without  the  keys.  A  very  simple life,  but  not
satisfying. At 18, she  wanted to see more of the  world. When a rich,
handsome  young  man   came  into  town,  she   was  immediately  very
attentive. This one's  name was Stefan. The rumor about  town was that
he was a mage  of some sort and her father,  hearing this, advised her
to stay  away from  him. This  just whetted  her curiosity  more. They
spent much time  together and soon, as he was  leaving, he invited her
to join  him, saying  that a  young lady  of her  particular 'talents'
could be  very successful  in a  big city such  as Dargon.  Charmed by
the young  man so thoroughly,  she left without  a word to  her father
or a thought to the consequences.
    She  quickly  found  the  rumors  of his  magic  to  be  true  and
convinced him  to teach her. He  agreed, thinking it a  good chance to
practice for him  and an amusement for her. As  they traveled he began
to teach her  the powers of the  air. He soon realized that  she had a
strong streak  of talent  for this  running through  her, and  sped up
the training. As  they traveled, practiced, and  slept together, their
relationship grew.  Soon Ariel  began to  think she  was in  love with
Stefan and  he seemed to reciprocate  this feeling. She began  to hold
great  hopes  for  her  life  in  a new  city,  a  big  city  full  of
opportunities, and her life with Stefan.
    All  too soon,  however, the  training was  halted and  her dreams
were smashed.  The cult  of the  earth god,  Haargon, found  out about
the existence  of the two  mages and made  their plans to  attack. The
rivalry between Haargon  and Iliara, the goddess of the  air, had long
been  fierce,  but  only  recently  had  it  escalated  to  such  huge
proportions.  The  cults had  escalated  it  to blood-shed.  Haargon's
followers  had acted  first, killing  one  of the  air goddesses  high
priests, saying  naught but  that he had  blasphemed their  god beyond
permissible levels.  The cult  of the  air goddess  was quick  to take
its  revenge. Of  the existing  earth mages,  over half  were murdered
one night  in their sleep. Since  that night, the cult  of Haargon had
been killing  any air mages found  in an attempt to  "even the score".
Stefan had  told Ariel about this  cult before, so when  they attacked
in  the middle  of the  night, she  recognized them.  Before she  even
awoke,  Stefan was  dead by  the hand  of their  leader and  they were
coming  for her.  Calling all  her fury  and grief  to play,  she used
everything she had learned  so far to call up a  wind strong enough to
blow about the pine  needles on the ground and pull  the ones from the
trees, giving  her the cover to  escape. She ran, but  only far enough
to find  a place  to hide  before she  collapsed in  utter exhaustion.
She had  slept after that for  almost 18 hours. When  she awoke, still
exhausted  and emotionally  drained by  the  death of  her lover,  but
she found a bit of food and then began to travel toward Dargon.
    The  face  in  the  mirror  told   her  that  she  had  still  not
recovered.  Since that  night, almost  2  months ago,  she had  rarely
been able to  call anything more then a light  breeze. Slowly, though,
her power  had been improving.  For the  first month after  the fight,
she had  not even been able  to stir the breeze.  "Soon," she thought,
"soon, I will  be my old self".  But this thought had  been losing its
power  to console  her.  She was  beginning to  think  that she  might
never regain  what she had lost.  Still, the cult continued  to follow
her. Not  as viciously, but  they were watching,  and she had  to keep
her eyes open.
    "But first  I must eat." she  said to herself out  loud. Splashing
her face  with water once  more, quickly, to  get the dreamy  look out
of her eyes, she headed down to breakfast.
    As she  came down the stairs,  she was all but  overwhelmed by the
smell  of the  fresh cooked  bread. She  hadn't smelled  anything that
good since  she had left  her father's inn.  It seemed like  ages ago.
"It was." she  told herself. But the scent was  strong enough that she
hurried the rest of the way to the common room, her mouth watering.
    The  meal was  plain,  but wholesome.  Ariel  hadn't realized  how
hungry she'd  been until the innkeep  put the fresh, warm  bread, ripe
apples,  and  sharp cheese  before  her.  The food  tasted  fantastic.
After so long on the road, any fresh, warm meal was welcome.
    She  was just  finishing up  when a  small child,  approximately 6
years old,  wearing dirty,  torn clothing and  no shoes,  came running
in from  the street.  He scanned  the room  and, spotting  Ariel, came
running  over.  He looked  her  over  carefully  for a  moment,  then,
without a  word, dropped  a note  and a leather  pouch before  her and
ran out of the inn.
    Startled,  Ariel  reached for  the  note  and  the pouch.  As  she
opened  the pouch  and emptied  it's  contents, her  face went  white.
Stefan's ring,  the one that  he said  helped him to  concentrate, lay
there on the  table before her. Dragging her eyes  away from the ring,
she opened the note.

      "Ariel; Air Mage.......
              This ring  belonging to  your friend will  help you
          to overcome  those who still watch  and follow you...Be
          wary,  for  they will  not  give  up easily.  I  cannot
          interfere  directly, so  you  must have  faith in  your
          own  abilities. Stefan  has taught  you well.  Overcome
          this  obstacle  and  you   will  be  brought  into  our
          fellowship. Until  then, take  care, and trust  in your
          own strength.
              Cyrrwiddyn; Priest of Iliara......."

    As  she read  the  last words  in amazement,  the  writing on  the
parchment  disappeared.   Startled,  she   sat  with  the   now  blank
parchment in her  hands, wondering how these people had  found her and
where she could  find them. She had so many  questions. But the letter
had given no clue. She had no ideas on how to find the Priest.
    Soon her  attention turned back to  the ring. Placing it  upon her
finger, as one would  a wedding ring, she was surprised  to see it fit
perfectly.  Stefan's  fingers  were  nowhere near  her  size.  Quickly
however,  she realized  that there  was magic  involved here  and that
she should not question the ways of the Gods.
    "Stefan," she whispered,  "They took you away from me  too soon. I
will  extract a  price  on them  for  this. But  please,  give me  the
strength to live long enough to do it."
    Finishing the  last of  breakfast, she  got up  and left  the inn,
heading out  in search  of a  job, but  with the  words of  the letter
still  buzzing around  in  her  mind. So  occupied  was  she that  she
failed to notice  the shadowy figure that moved away  from the wall as
she went by and began to follow her.
                    -Becki Tants  <RETANTS@SUNRISE>


    Gellan  left  the  forest  just  after dawn.  The  dew  was  still
dripping  off the  trees  but the  chill  was leaving  the  air as  he
strode  across the  meadow just  outside the  city. He  stood for  the
moment at  the crest of  a small hill and  looked over the  expanse to
the city walls  of Dargon. Dargon. It  had been a long  while since he
had seen Dargon  and its high buildings and  crowded marketplaces. The
first time  he saw Dargon, he  was a young  lad, not even had  he seen
his tenth  year. He dimly  remembered looking  in wonder at  the great
colorful banners  of the  duchies and  kingdoms, for  it had  been the
time of  the great Festival that  was given in Dargon  every year. His
view now  was not  one of awe,  however. He had  been through  much in
the seventeen years  since his innocent days of  childhood. He shifted
the pack  that was slung over  his shoulder and settled  into a steady
gait made his way  to the main road that led  into Dargon. The morning
traffic had  picked up  while he  had been  approaching. As  he walked
along  the side  of  the road  he  drew stares  from  the coaches  and
wagons that passed.  He chuckled softly to himself as  he thought that
they  probably  considered him  some  type  of  barbarian due  to  his
homemade clothes and  unkempt hair and beard. But he  had never really
cared about others  or what they thought about him.  That had been one
of the  reasons he had left  his village, family and  all the security
that those  things implied.  If only  they'd understood...  if only...
ah, well. He  had come to the  archway of stone that  was the entrance
to Dargon.  He walked through  the high entranceway and  was astounded
by the  density of the  people and the  buildings. The people!  It had
been so  long since he had  seen so many people  bustling and crowding
in one  place. He  walked down  the streets and  alleys of  Dargon and
was  only able  to gaze  in  wonder at  the  large city.  "Well, "  he
thought to himself,  "I'd better take care of business  first. I'll be
here quite  long enough to sightsee...".  Then he was off  to look for
a place to live during his stay in Dargon...

    Night  was falling  over  the  city of  Dargon,  and  most of  the
businesses in  the lower  part of  the city  were closing.  The 'most'
however  didn't include  the  bars.  The city  was  going through  the
metamorphoses that  happened every  night around  dusk. The  nooks and
alley-ways  used during  the day  to get  from place  to place  in the
city were now  shunned at all costs.  A man could lose  much more than
his purse  at night  in Dargon, especially  in this  district. Merntik
was making his  way to Belisandra's for a night  of general debauchery
and  ruthlessness  which was  usually  what  he  did, when  he  wasn't
planning on  taking some poor  merchants livelihood. The salt  air was
drifting in  from the  water as  always. Merntik  entered the  pub and
immediately grabbed  the first  serving girl  that came  within reach.
There  were cries  and whoops  from all  around. "Hi  Mern!", a  group
called from  the end  of the  bar. He waved  and made  his way  to the
counter. "Ale!,  the strongest and  darkest you got, lady!"  he yelled
and then  turned with a twinkle  in his eye. That,  among other things
is what had made  him famous. Nobody knew just exactly  how he did it,
but there  are those who  say that he could  make his eyes  sparkle in
pitch  black  darkness. After  reciving  his  mug  he pushed  his  way
through the crowd at the end of the bar.
    "So,  you are  looking  as ratty  as ever,  Gauld!",  he said  and
delivered  a resounding  slap  to  his comrade.  "What  has the  night
brought this way?"
    "Bah,  only you,  you  old  abandoned horse,"  Gauld  said with  a
grin, and  then continued, "but,  nothing else as  yet. It has  been a
slow  night  thus far.  And  how  have you  faired  today?  I saw  you
earlier  on Ramit  Street  talking  to a  couple.  I  assume you  were
'helping them'?", and then his grin broadened.
    Merntik let  a little twinkle  enter his countenance  and replied,
"Well, they  were lost! And  not from this city,  I had pity  on them.
And besides,  I had no  idea how  well they would  pay for a  guide to
get  them to  their hotel",  he took  a gulp  of the  dark ale,  "as a
matter of  fact neither  did they!"  He laughed  loudly as  he ordered
another round  for the group and  threw the gold coin  on the counter.
Time went on  as he and the  men drank, laughed and  played games. The
serving maids  knew enough now  to stay out of  reach of the  group as
the night wore  on but always managed  a tease now and  then by coming
just out of reach.  The night wore on and Merntik  decided that he had
had quite enough  frolic to sustain him for this  night. "Besides," he
thought to  himself, "  I do  have an early  day tomorrow,  no telling
how  many  people I  will  have  to 'help'."  And  with  a chuckle  to
himself, he rose,  said his goodbyes and left. The  cool night air did
little to raise  him out of his drunken stupor.  He didn't even notice
the small dark figure that followed him from the front of the tavern.
    Merntik turned to  walk down a side street that  led to his living
place  and that  was when  the  man appeared  in front  of him.  "Stop
there  Merntik...". That  voice was  as familiar  to him  as any  ever
would be.
    "Jernan,  what finds  you here  this late  at night?  Scraping for
your dinner  in the gutter?". As  any could guess, Jernan  and Merntik
did  indeed know  one another,  and they  held more  hate towards  the
other than any thought possible.
    "Ahh, Merntik.  You're tongue still  has a fork  I see. I  have so
missed your conversation. And will forever, after you are dead."
    Every once  in a while Jernan  had tried a futile  attempt to kill
Merntik.  They  had studied  under  the  same  master when  they  were
young,  but  Jernan  became  impatient   with  what  he  thought  were
monotonous  studies and  left long  before he  was ready  to face  the
world that a  thief must face. And  as could be expected,  he was soon
arrested and  imprisoned for a  number of years.  After he got  out of
the  Lord's prison  he once  again  delved into  the criminal  element
where he  found that Merntik  had made quite  a name for  himself. The
jealousy that  he harbored  toward Merntik along  with a  few meetings
since then  was what  caused Jernan's  obsession with  the elimination
of Merntik.
    Merntik,  tired  and  not  wanting to  allow  Jernan  first  blood
feinted to the  left and produced a dagger from  beneath his cloak. He
then did  a quick  recovery and  lunged after  Jernan. But  missed. He
ended up  going tripping over  his cloak. As  quickly as he  could, he
got to  his feet  and managed  to strip his  cloak off  increasing his
maneuverability.  Jernan  had  already  drawn his  knife  and  whirled
around.  Jernan stabbed  at  Merntik. If  he had  been  a bit  faster,
Merntik might  had taken  it in the  stomach. As it  was, he  felt the
steel enter his leg.  Jernan gave the knife a twist  and the shock was
too  much  for Merntik.  His  knees  buckled  under  him, and  he  was
suddenly on  his back facing up  at Jernan. Jernan walked  over slowly
and kicked Merntik's dagger further down the alley.
    "I  would have  thought that  when this  time had  come you  would
have  given me  more of  a fight.  Tsk.... It  seems that  you slipped
once too  often, Merntik." He walked  over and Merntik saw  him take a
foot  long steel  pipe from  the ground  nearby. "There  is really  no
need to  be gentle  about this  I guess..." and  with that  he grabbed
Merntik by  the collar  of his tunic,  lifted him up,  and hit  him in
the stomach.  The pain was  almost to much for  him as he  tottered on
the  brink of  unconsciousness.  His  drunken state  and  the loss  of
blood had  left him unable  to focus.  He never should  have travelled
alone on  this night. His mistake  might have just cost  him his life.
Jernan  pulled back  for another  blow  when a  hand came  out of  the
shadow. The third  man grabbed the pipe and wrenched  it from Jernan's
hand in  one swift  move. Jernan whirled  around redrawing  his dagger
and jumped  for the man but  his hold on  the blade was broken  as the
stranger brought the  pipe down with blow that could  have only broken
Jernans  hand. The  stranger then  brought  the pipe  down on  Jernans
neck and the would be murderer crumpled, like paper, under the blow.
    Merntik had  seen this  all from  the ground  where he  had fallen
when Jernan  released him.  The stranger, his  face hidden  in shadow,
walked over to  Merntik and knelt down beside him.  Merntik could only
mutter, "Thanks..." before he was overtaken by unconsciousness.

    The  young thief  awoke an  unmeasured amount  of time  later. His
wounds had  been cared for and  he was bathed  and lying on a  cot. He
tried to  sit up  on his  elbows to  further survey  the room  but his
body had  already decided that  it was  in control at  this particular
time,  and  his  stomach,  bruised from  the  previous  skirmish,  had
knotted together.  He could only  groan and fall  back in the  cot. He
heard a movement  from across the room  and turned as far  as he could
and said,  "Hello? Who is there?".  He was silently wishing  he had so
much as  a bobby  pin for  protection. Then he  heard the  clinking of
dishes and  the smell of  an obviously strongly seasoned  stew waifted
over  from somewhere.  He was  suddenly ravenously  hungry. Still  the
man had  not yet  come into  view, so  Merntik thought  to get  him to
speak. "Who  is there? I want  to thank you  for you help, I  was sure
that I had  had my last drink....  Hello? Please, I would  like to pay
you for your  help....". At last he heard steps  coming toward him and
his eyes opened wide as a look of recognition came over his face.
    "Mern. Now how  would it look if I took  money for helping you....
brother", Gallen  said as he  knelt down  beside his brother  with the
steaming bowl.
    "Oh my God...",  was the only Merntik could think  to say. Then he
smiled and  reached out  to hug  his brother, but  fell back  in agony
once again.
    "You always were  headstrong when you were sick",  Gellan said, as
he offered a spoon on the stew.
    "Where have  you been? What have  you been doing? Why  did you not
come home?" Merntik asked, "I mean, Gellan... Seventeen years!...."
    "Shhhhh.. Mern.  I am  here now.  I will  tell you  everything but
first you must eat. Then we will talk of me."
                        -Ed Murphy  <MEMCR@UNO>


                              The Treasure

                                Part II
                              The Magician
    Roharvardenul  walked   away  from  the  Fighting   Unicorns  well
pleased with the  deal he and Ka'en had made.  Patting his side, where
the book  rested in the  folds of his cloak,  he walked slowly  to the
shadows of  a side alley.  Once hidden  from casual observers,  he let
the  'whore' illusion  that  hid him  fade,  as well  as  the 'man  in
brown'  one he  wore under  it. And  he smiled  in the  knowledge that
even should  the missing book be  somehow traced to that  most capable
thief  he had  hired, it  could not  be traced  further -  he did  not
believe in taking chances.
    Vard  (a  name  he  much  preferred  to  his  given  one  for  its
simplicity -  Roharvardenul was very difficult  to pronounce correctly
for  one   not  raised  with   it,  and   he  hated  it   when  people
mispronounced his  name) moved even  deeper into the shadows  until he
was  sure that  no  one could  see  him. He  began  to concentrate  on
building  up yet  another illusion.  This  would be  very difficult  -
invisibility  was  hard  to  achieve, and  even  harder  to  maintain,
especially when  moving. Vard  had practiced long  and hard  under his
erstwhile  masters,  and  he  knew   his  craft.  Soon,  even  careful
scrutiny  of  the shadows  wherein  he  hid  would not  have  revealed
Vard's presence - he was invisible.
    When he  had reached  an equilibrium within  himself, and  he knew
that he  was ready  keep the spell  going as he  moved, he  inched his
way  out  of  the  alley  and  around to  the  rear  of  the  Fighting
Unicorns, studiously  avoiding the  infrequent torch-  or lantern-cast
pools of  light that were  scattered about  - hiding himself  was hard
enough;  hiding  his  shadow  as  well  would  be  nearly  impossible.
Placing  his steps  as noiselessly  as possible,  Vard crept  into the
Fifth Quarter and its concealing darkness.
    Feeling  more secure  once  he  was three  streets  deep into  the
Fifth  Quarter,   Vard  began  to   move  faster,  but  kept   up  the
invisibility. He  knew that  he couldn't hold  the spell  much longer.
He wanted  to be  as far  as possible  from the  fringe Inn  before he
became visible again.  He was already weaving the  illusion that would
replace  the invisibility  -  he  tried to  be  himself  as little  as
possible outside the walls of his fortress home.
    Curiosity  has killed  more than  cats in  the Fifth  Quarter, but
anyone with a  little left might have seen a  child, an urchin, appear
running from  nowhere, clad  in scant  rags and  bare feet.  An urchin
was a  common sight  in the  Quarter, the  sudden appearance  was not.
Still, had  it been seen, the  incident wouldn't have passed  the lips
of the  observer, for  the insane  are dealt  with even  more severely
than the curious in the alleys of the Fifth Quarter.
    Threading  his way  through  the maze-like  inner  streets of  the
Fifth Quarter,  Vard eventually  reached a blank,  wooden wall  at the
end  of a  particularly narrow  alley.  The hidden  catches were  both
difficult to  find, even for  him, and hard to  press all at  the same
time  (to  prevent accidental  discovery).  Finally,  the wall  parted
just enough for  him to slip through, then slammed  shut seconds after
its opening, leaving Vard in total darkenss.
    He  stood  in  the  darkness  for  several  moments,  letting  the
disguise he  wore fade  away. Here,  he needed to  be himself,  for he
had set traps  to protect this secret  way into the heart  of his home
from  strangers.  Filling  his  mind   with  the  patterns  the  traps
expected,  he  strode  confidently  through  the  utter  lightlessness
towards  the  inner  sanctum.  It  seemed that  hours  passed  in  the
minutes  it took  him  to  reach the  final  curtain,  but finally  he
stepped into light.
    The small room  he had stepped into was deep  below the streets of
the city, although  the gradual slope of the corridor  was only barely
detectable  as one  walked it.  An ornate  chair was  set against  one
bare wall. There  was a soft carpet  on the floor, but  the only other
decoration in the  room was a large pattern of  lines surrounding what
looked like  a stylized door on  the wall opposite the  curtained real
door. The  decor of the room  was completed by two  lamps flanking the
door, and a medium sized chest resting near the wall pattern.
    Vard took  a deep  breath and  relaxed -  walking the  gauntlet of
that corridor  made even him  nervous. He  walked over to  the pattern
which was more than  a decoration. It was, in fact,  a portal into the
cellars of  Aahashtra, his fortress home.  With it, he could  make the
40 league trip to  and from Magnus in one step. It had  taken a lot of
effort  to create  the portal,  but his  frequent trips  to the  Crown
City made it necessary.
    Laying his  hands within the  terminal-circles at the edge  of the
pattern,  Vard began  to  prime  it, readying  it  for the  activation
spells. It  was just beginning to  glow faintly when he  heard someone
enter the  room behind  him. He  whirled, fire  beginning to  limn his
hands as  an attack  spell filled his  mind, but he  let it  slip away
when  he saw  that it  was only  his servant  Qrun returning  from his
errand. Qrun bowed  to his Master and took the  wrapped bundle that he
carried  over to  the chest.  Opening the  lid, the  servant carefully
placed the  bundle on top of  the many other oddments  that filled the
chest. He turned and bowed to Vard again.
    "Ah,  Qrun,  what   did  you  find  today?   Anything  of  special
interest? Have you completed your rounds?"
    "Master, yes, I  have visited all the shops you  told me to. These
last items  are the  most interesting I  found. They  registered eight
on the  meter." Qrun unwrapped the  bundle in the chest,  displaying a
leather-cased  harp and  a  slim-bladed sword.  "See,  Master, even  a
little above eight."
    The servant  produced a strange  device from the pouch  hanging at
his belt  and held  it next  to the harp  and sword.  It was  a simple
rectangle  of black  wood, with  a  tube of  glass set  into a  little
trough  on one  side.  There were  lines etched  across  the glass  at
regular  intervals, and  a number  was graven  into the  wood next  to
each  line. As  the device  neared  the two  objects in  the chest,  a
bright bar of  yellow light began to  move up the tube  from below the
mark labeled '1'.  When Qrun held the device almost  touching the harp
and the sword, the yellow bar had pushed past the mark labeled '8'.
    "Very  good, Qrun,  very good.  These  items will  serve me  well!
Let's  see if  they have  any identifying  markings, eh?"  Vard lifted
the  harp  case  from  the chest  and  examined  the  silver-decorated
leather  carefully. He  opened the  case and  removed the  beautifully
wrought  harp and  examined it.  Plucking a  few strings  that sounded
marvelously  in   tune,  he  said,  "It   names  itself  'Soft-Winds'.
Beautiful  name, eh,  Qrun?  Wonder  who the  owner  was? Belike  some
bard, down on his  luck. Well, his loss is my  gain, right?" He placed
the harp back in  its case and set it back in the  chest. He picked up
the sword.  "Matched set,  these were,"  Vard said.  "I can  feel they
had the  same owner. Wonder  what could have  parted a bard  from both
his  livelihood  and  his  protection?"   He  peered  closely  at  the
carvings  on the  sheath  and  drew the  blade  after unfastening  the
peace-bond. He read  the runes etched among the  delicate leaf pattern
that chased  up and down  the center of  the well crafted  blade. "And
this weapon  hight 'Leaf-Killer': an odd  name for a very  fine blade.
It  belonged  to   a  south-western  family  at  one   time,  and  was
transferred from son  to daughter last, if I read  my runes correctly.
So, the bard  who lost these was  a woman! No matter,  they will serve
as well in any case."
    Vard placed  the re-sheathed  sword back in  the chest  beside the
harp, and  bade Qrun secure  the chest  for travel. While  his servant
attended  to  that,  Vard  returned  to the  task  of  activating  the
portal. Presently,  the pattern  built of special  tiles and  set into
the very  fabric of the  wall began to  glow strongly, with  a slight,
pulsing beat. The portal was open.
    Vard took  one last look  around the room to  be sure that  it was
empty. With  a wave,  he extinguished  the lamps by  the door,  and by
the light of  the pattern he followed his servant  into the portal and
vanished from  Magnus. Immediately  after his  form vanished  into the
pattern,  its light  went out,  leaving  the secret  room in  darkness
until the next time Vard had to come to the Crown City.

                                The Book
    Lights  sprang on  of themselves  in  the room  in Aahashtra  that
mirrored  the one  hidden under  Magnus as  first Qrun  and them  Vard
stepped through  the center of  the glowing pattern. Vard  said, "Take
that to  the sorting room, Qrun,  and take care of  its contents. Tell
Eirul  to  bring me  something  to  eat in  my  study,  if she  hasn't
already." As  Qrun carried the  chest through  the curtain at  the far
end of  the room,  Vard followed him  as far as  the first  side door.
There, the magician  turned aside from the long hall  and went through
the door and up the stairs behind it that led to his study.
    He found  a bright and  cheery fire  burning behind its  screen in
his study and a  tray of tarts on a table in front  of it. He bit into
one and  smiled. Eirul was a  superb cook. The tarts  were a specialty
of hers and a favorite of his.
    Vard  removed the  Book from  the  folds of  his robe  and set  it
reverently on  his reading desk.  After lighting several of  the lamps
that stood  around it  he went  over to  a tall  bookcase to  get down
some  reference volumes.  He settled  into the  stiff-backed chair  at
his  reading desk  and  opened the  book  to the  first  page. He  was
pleased to  find that  it was  written in what  was called  Middle, or
Pure,  Fretheodan,  the  language  of that  empire's  most  productive
period. He  was conversant in the  language, so he began  to read, not
taking the  time to look up  words or usages he  didn't understand. He
wanted  to get  an  idea of  what  was contained  in  the book  before
analyzing it.
    Pausing only  to nibble at the  food he never saw  Eirul bring, he
read the  book from cover  to cover. By the  time he had  finished it,
almost  a full  day  had passed  and  he  was sure  that  the Tome  of
Yrmenweald was  exactly what  he had  hoped it  was. It  contained the
secrets of a  vast powersource that the Fretheod  Empire's wizards had
managed to  harness. It  gave details  on how  to duplicate  the feat,
and  exactly what  could  be accomplished  with  the harnessed  power.
Vard was  sure that he could  put the Yrmenweald  to as good a  use as
had the  Fretheod. He had  always dreamed  of being the  most powerful
wizard in the world, and with this book he could be.
    But, first  things first.  Vard had  gotten the  gist of  what the
Tome contained. Now  he wanted to know exactly. It  was essential that
he understand,  word for  word, the instructions  left by  the wizards
who  had  harnessed  the  Yrmenweald  the  first  time.  Patience  was
something Vard  had learned  long ago,  along with  thouroughness, and
now he put both to work studying the Tome.
    First, he  translated the  Tome into the  trade language  that the
Fretheod  Empire had  created.  It was  a language  that  was able  to
express  complicated ideas  very  clearly while  still  being easy  to
learn because  of its logical  structure: its rules had  no exceptions
since  it  was not  a  naturally  evolved  language.  He was  able  to
clarify to  himself what certain passages  meant by the way  they read
in the  trade tongue. Then  he translated  the trade version  into his
own  native tongue,  gaining even  more  insights into  the text.  The
last  step  was   a  detailed  examination  of   all  three  versions,
comparing them  and finalyzing the exact  meaning of the Tome.  He was
aided here by  his collections of material from  the Empire's history,
including  maps, journals,  and  books written  by Fretheod  scholars.
This helped him  pin down geographic references and fit  them into his
own frame of  reference. It also helped to clear  up idiomatic usages,
obscure  (to him)  literary references,  and the  other little  things
that kept him from total understanding of the Tome.
    He learned that  the source of the Yrmenweald had  been found by a
team  of  explorers  who  were  charting  the  continent  they  called
Gereon, which  was south  of their  homeland and  east of  Vard's. One
day, the  native guides they employed  showed them a taboo  area where
a  stone had  fallen  from the  sky.  They were  told  that the  first
people to go  near the place, soon after the  sky-stone had come down,
had  been burned  to death  by the  heat of  the earth.  Several weeks
later, when  the earth had cooled,  another group of people  had tried
to get to  the sky-stone. These had been driven  off by strange lights
in  the pit  where the  sky-stone rested.  When they  died later  of a
strange, wasting sickness, the area had been declared taboo.
    However,   the  Fretheod   explorers   insisted   on  seeing   for
themselves. The  tales of  the sky-stone were  several years  old, and
they  persuaded their  guides to  stay  with them  by suggesting  that
perhaps the 'evil spirits' inhabiting the place had gone by now.
    Jarl   Hremon,  the   leader  of   the  expidition,   entered  the
depression created  by the sky-stone  first. Burried in the  earth, he
found a  wall of silver metal  that sparked feebly when  he neared it,
then went  out. He  tripped on  a clod  of dirt  and fell  against the
metal.  When  he  did,  the  entire  wall  shimmered  and  faded  into
nothingness, revealing a large, dark cave.
    Hremon got  a torch and  led his men  into the strange  cave. They
found much  that they could not  describe or understand, but  they did
find - well,  something. The Tome used a strange  symbol for what they
found that  seemed to be enough  description for them. No  mention was
made of  exactly what  it was, or  what it looked  like, or  where the
symbol came  from. Vard could find  no other reference to  a symbol of
that type anywhere in  any of the books he had  collected. For his own
convenience he assigned a sound to the symbol. He called it 'keseth'.
    Somehow, Hremon  had recognized  that there  was potential  in the
keseth. He  had a  permanent camp set  up around the  pit, and  sent a
man back  to the capitol  with a message  informing the King  of their
discovery and  suggesting that the  Court's wizards send  someone back
to further examine what had been found.
    The  King sent  a full  legion of  his army  to Gereon,  escorting
most  of  the  Weavers  in  the  capitol  including  Swithwald,  their
master.  It was  Swithwald who  closeted himself  with the  keseth for
many days.  When he  emerged from  the cave, he  knew what  the keseth
was capable of, and to what use it could be put to.
    Swithwald left  for the capitol  after instructing his  wizards in
what preparations  to make for  the keseth's transportation.  When the
Master Weaver was  home, he set about building a  place for the keseth
deep in  a long  disused mine.  He had  the full  support of  the King
once he had informed  the monarch of his plan, and  being able to draw
on the  resources of the whole  Empire made the work  go quickly. Soon
the  vault  was ready.  In  an  exhausting  exhibition of  magic  that
required the  services of every Weaver  and a good many  of the lesser
mages, the  keseth was transported  from the  pit on Gereon,  into the
vault that  Swithwald had made  where it  would be safe  and available
for study.
    Years went  into that  study. Swithwald bent  all his  energies on
harnessing the  power that the  keseth held.  Finally, he found  a way
to keep  the keseth bound while  allowing it access to  its power. The
discovery of  cwicustan by another  exploration team probing  into the
northern  wastes of  their own  continent was  the deciding  factor in
harnessing  the  keseth's  abilities.  After much  research  into  the
strange, almost  living, crystal  called cwicustan, it  was discovered
that  any part  removed  from the  whole was  still  affected by  some
things  that  happened  to  what  remained.  It  was  thought  by  the
researchers to use  cwicustan as a magic channel, for  a spell cast at
the  heart-lode would  emanate  from  any and  all  fragments of  that
lode.  Swithwald   heard  of   its  properties,   and  set   teams  of
researchers to  finding out how to  apply that ability to  the keseth.
Finally, the  connection was  made, and the  Master Staff  was formed.
The Son  Staves that were  formed from the  master were linked  to it,
and the  Master Staff was  linked to  the keseth enabling  anyone with
access to a Son Staff access to the power of the keseth.
    And  that  power  was,  in the  main,  farseeing  with  incredible
clarity.  Commanders could  keep  an  eye on  enemy  movements from  a
considerale distance. Explorers  could view the terrain  they would be
crossing well before  reaching it. Ship captains could  spot land from
afar, as well  as keep an eye on weather  patterns using another minor
ability  of the  keseth.  And it  was  the power  of  the keseth  that
turned   the  agressive   and  formidable   Fretheod  Nation   into  a
world-spanning, invincible Empire.
    Finally, both Swithwald  and the King decided that  they needed to
safeguard  the  core  of  their newfound  power.  Once  Swithwald  was
certain that  the keseth was safe  and secure in its  vault, he sealed
it and  took a map, one  of his servants,  and the key across  the sea
to  one of  the  nation's outposts.  In the  cellars  of a  watch-keep
named Wudamund  he he burried  for safekeeping  the map to  the vault,
the  key to  enter  the vault,  and  the servant  who  knew the  traps
guarding the  vault. He  then instructed  the Tome  to be  written, to
hold all  of the  knowledge of  the Yrmenweald (as  they came  to call
the  power that  the keseth  gave to  Fretheod), the  keseth, and  the
Staves. And  lastly, he and  the Weavers  worked a greater  magic than
the one  that had moved the  keseth. All knowledge of  the keseth, its
whereabouts,  and the  source of  the Staves'  power was  removed from
the minds  of all the Fretheod  people. Only those with  access to the
Tome would  know the real  power behind  the staves, and  only someone
able  to raise  the dead  could  gain access  to the  vault where  the
keseth was  bound. With the  Tome entrusted  to the royal  bards, both
Swithwald  and the  King  were sure  that the  secrets  would be  kept
safe. No  one imagined  that treachery from  within would  finally end
the Empire.
    It was  almost by chance that  Vard had come across  the one thing
that  would enable  him to  take the  Yrmenweald for  himself. He  had
purchased what  turned out  to be  the seachest  of Tarhela,  the last
Skaldric of Fretheod,  from an illiterate hoarder who  didn't know the
value of  what he had sold.  Among the shreds of  rotted clothing, and
more  intact  books,  he  found the  Skaldric's  journal.  Within  the
journal was the  only written reference to the Tome  of the Yrmenweald
in existence.
    Vard immediately  began a magical  search for the tome.  He traced
its  path through  history from  the shipwreck  of Tarhela's  ship, to
its final  resting place  within the  walls of  the Bardic  College in
Magnus. Trickery,  magic, and  a lot of  favors had  eventually gotten
him the  keys to the  vault where it was  stored. It only  remained to
hire  Ka'en to  steal it  from under  the noses  of the  Bards without
their knowing.
    And now,  Vard was  even closer  to ultimate  power. He  knew that
Dargon Castle  had been built on  the partial ruins of  the watch-keep
that the Fretheod  had called Wudamund. With a little  research of his
own, he  knew he would  have no  trouble unlocking the  secrets hidden
in  the cellars  of Clifton  Dargon's  home. The  more difficult  task
would be  to find some  cwicustan, for he knew  that he would  have to
begin  from scratch  in constructing  a Master  Staff of  his own  and
that required  his own  supply of  the living  crystal. He  decided to
make that his first priority.

    It  was only  an  hour from  sunset as  the  good ship  Morcyfaill
dropped  anchor  in the  harbor  of  a  small fishing  village  called
Hadrom  on  the  east  coast  of  Duurom,  the  present  name  of  the
continent  that  was once  the  center  of  the Fretheod  Empire.  The
longboat was  lowered over the  side. Owain Garothsson took  his leave
of Captain  Camarond, and he  and his men  climbed down into  the boat
and were  ferried ashore. No  amount of  gold Owain could  offer would
get Camarond to  sail farther north. Owain was resigned  to making the
rest of the trek afoot.

    Vard  watched  the  disembarkation  from a  special  room  in  his
fortress.  It was  a small  chamber at  the top  of a  squatly conical
tower, with  barely enough  room for  himself and  a chair  and table.
The only  light in the room  came from an oblong  of translucent stone
that rested between  two silver plates on the table  and glowed with a
faint  turquoise light.  Vard's  hands rested  lightly  on the  silver
endplates and  his eyes were closed.  He watched the far  off scene in
Hadrom  in  his mind,  checking  on  the  progress  of his  pawn.  The
blue-green bar  of glowing stone bound  Owain to Vard's will  by means
of a  property of magic known  as Contagion. Stated formally,  the Law
of  Contagion  stated  that  'Things   once  in  contact  continue  to
interact from a  distance after separation'. This allowed  Vard to use
control magic on  an object that had once been  in Owain's possession,
and thereby control Owain.
    Of course,  this ordinarily wouldn't  have been enough for  him to
completely  control a  person  from  such a  distance.  The Law  alone
wasn't strong  enough to  allow him  to control  someone who  was just
across  the room  from him.  But Vard  had discovered  more about  the
intricacies of  the Law of Contagion  than any other mage  whose works
still  survived.  He   had  learned  that  the   stronger  a  person's
emotional bonds  were to the  object, the  stronger the Law  bound the
two. Once  he had isolated that  property in the object,  he had found
a  way to  magnify that  property  so that  he could  use his  control
magic  on  the  object  with  an almost  overwhelming  effect  on  the
subject. The strength  of the modified control depended  on the degree
of the  initial attachment, but  if that attachment was  strong enough
Vard could be assured of complete control with a minium of effort.
    At some  point in his career,  Owain had lost a  bamboo transverse
flute  that  had meant  a  great  deal to  him.  Vard  had invented  a
measuring  device  that  codified  the degree  of  attachment  between
object and  former owner. The tube  of yellow light in  the black wood
rectangle had  reached midway  between the marks  labeled '7'  and '8'
when held next  to the flute. Once  Vard had located the  flute in his
sorting rooms,  where all of the  items he and his  servants collected
were stored,  he had processed  it to magnify the  attachment property
to usable  levels. The  result was  the turquoise  bar that  rested on
the table before him in his control room.
    More  than  eighteen  months  had passed  between  the  time  Vard
resolved to obtain  some of the cwicustan and the  day he sat watching
Owain and  his band disembark from  the ship that had  carried them to
Hadrom. The  time had been spent  first finding a cache  of cwicustan,
and then  finding a  way of getting  hold of it.  Vard never  did such
things  for himself  as they  were far  too dangerous  and there  were
easier ways  of getting them done.  Even if he had  desired to venture
into the  northern wastes of Duurom  himself, he had no  patience with
traveling the  hard way.  And there  was no  way to  use his  magic to
travel the  distance with  ease. Teleportation  was a  difficult spell
and   it  required   either   vast  amounts   of   power  and   strong
enchantments, or  precise and  exacting knowledge of  the destination.
Vard had  neither at hand,  although one of  the uses he  could forsee
for  the  Yrmenweald  when he  had  harnessed  it  was  as an  aid  to
teleportation.  With the  ability to  view distant  places in  amazing
detail he would  be able to transport himself anywhere  on the face of
the globe  with little more  than a thought.  He would be  revered and
respected for having such power.
    The  thought crossed  his  mind  to hire  an  adventuring team  to
retrieve  the  magical stone,  but  he  knew  that wouldn't  work.  He
couldn't  afford to  pay  the team  enough gold  to  insure that  they
would return  the stone to  him. Cwicustan had enough  visibly strange
properties to  give an experienced  adventurer ideas about  selling it
in a better  market. When he had  hired Ka'en to steal  the Tome, Vard
knew that the  thief would have no  use for an old book,  and so would
not try to double-cross him.
    Vard  had to  search  for  someone whom  he  could control.  Where
money  might  fail,  his  magic wouldn't.  Using  specially  developed
future-scanning  spells designed  to locate  an object  that fulfilled
the  requirements  of the  castor,  he  had searched  his  storerooms,
eventually  finding  the flute  belonging  to  Owain. The  process  of
refining the flute  into a useable form took  six months. Fortunately,
he  had no  trouble  taking control  of Owain  once  his aparatus  was
ready. Ocaisionally, a  very strong will could put up  a fight, and he
had to  take care (and much  time) to insinuate his  control carefully
into the subject's body and mind.
    The  rest of  the elapsed  time was  taken up  in waiting  for the
expedition Vard  had caught Owain  in the  middle of preparing  for to
be  diverted to  Duurom, and  then  for the  two month  sea voyage  to
Hadrom. He  had had no trouble  getting Owain to change  the object of
his adventuring,  even over  the objections  of his  fellow explorers.
He was also able  to keep the man from revealing  the reason that they
were suddenly  going north  into Duurom, instead  of south  on Cherisk
into  the Skywall  Mountains  (which wouldn't  have  involved any  sea
voyaging at  all). He didn't have  the materials to control  all eight
of the adventurers, so he had to keep the cwicustan a secret.

    As the  longboat was rowed  to shore  by ship's men,  Owain looked
over the  seven he had with  him. Two of  them had been with  Owain on
other  adventures.  In  fact,  Auvgin  and Telrmun  were  two  of  his
closest friends.  But not one of  the adventurers was quite  sure just
what  they  were  doing  in  a  boat  bound  for  a  fishing  village.
Sometimes, that included Owain.
    Owain was  an adventurer. That wasn't  the only thing he  had ever
done:  only the  lucky  or short-lived  could  make adventuring  their
life's  work.  Owain had  held  many  jobs, from  guarding  merchant's
caravans to  hauling goods in a  warehouse. He did those  other things
to amass  enough money to  go adventuring. He  hoped one day  to bring
back such a big  find from some ancient temple or  ruined city that he
could  retire with his  riches and be remembered forever for his final
    Six months  previous, Auvgin had  come to Owain with  enough money
saved  up to  fund almost  half  of the  stake required  to outfit  an
adventure to  investigate some  maps and  tales of  strange happenings
in the  heart of  the Skywall mountains.  After some  negotiations, it
had been agreed that  Owain would put up the rest  of the money needed
to  investigate the  rumors of  vast treasure  that Auvgin  had heard.
With  the skill  of  much  practice, Auvgin  and  Owain  had soon  put
together  a  band of  people  and  the  necessary supplies  to  follow
Auvgin's plan.
    And  then,  almost  on  the  eve of  their  departure,  Owain  had
changed  that  plan. Now  they  would  be  traveling to  the  northern
wastes of  Duurom. He  had refused  to tell them  why, except  that he
had  heard  even  better  rumors  than  Auvgin  had  brought  of  easy
treasure to  be had there.  Since he had  the most money  invested, it
was easy  for him to  quell the grumblings  of Auvgin and  the others,
and they headed for Duurom.
    The reason Owain  hadn't told the others why he  had changed their
plans was  because he  couldn't. Something  had told  him to  go north
into  Duurom, enticing  him with  visions  of a  strange crystal  that
grew there.  What was really  frightening was that he  couldn't resist
the order. He  had no choice. He  would have gone alone if  the men in
his expedition  had refused to go.  But, he couldn't even  tell anyone
that he was  being forced to go north. Whatever  was cooercing him was
preventing him from talking about it.
    As  the  longboat  manuevered  alongside the  dock,  Owain  looked
first  back  at  the  Morcyfaill  and then  north  beyond  Hadrom.  He
wondered if whatever  was forcing him after the crystal  would let any
of them come back alive.
    Hadrom was well  prepared to outfit travelers going  north. It was
the northernmost village  on Duurom's east coast, a week  away by ship
from its  southern neighbor due  to an archipelago that  contained too
many  shifting shoals  and  shallows  to chart,  forcing  ships to  go
around,  and a  month away  overland due  to the  mountains that  grew
from  the sea  along  the line  of the  islands  and continued  inland
across half  the continent. The only  pass thru the mountains  was two
weeks away  from each village, although  a desperate man could  find a
shorter though much more dangerous route.
    The  self-sufficient fishing  village  also served  as an  outpost
from  which  to  explore  northward. It  offered  goods  and  services
needed for an  expedition at reasonable prices,  enabling explorers to
travel light until they reached Hadrom.
    Owain and  his band spent a  day and two nights  in Hadrom getting
supplies  and  information  for  their  trip.  When  Auvgin  suggested
hiring a guide,  Owain flatly refused. The force  driving him informed
him that it would  be their guide to the cwicustan, but  it left it up
to Owain to provide a reasonable explanation to his followers.
    They  left  Hadrom on  the  second  dawn  since their  arrival  on
Duurom.  Day after  day, which  became week  after week,  they walked,
ever farther  north. Duurom was  no longer settled much  above Hadrom.
Owain saw no  indication that it had ever been  inhabited save for the
occasional  rune-marked obelisk  which  were identical  to several  he
had seen at  home. When six weeks had passed,  the grumbling among his
men  was getting  dangerous. It  got  worse when  Owain informed  them
that  they were  still at  least  a month  away from  where they  were
going. And  then, as they  were gathered  around the camp's  fire, the
bird-thing attacked.
    It  took everyone  by suprise.  Having spent  six weeks  traveling
with not  the slightest problem  had dulled their reflexes  enough for
the bird-thing  to stoop  down on  them unawares,  its long  and sharp
talons grabbing  hold of Telrmun  and piercing  his body as  it lifted
the screaming  man off of  the ground a  short ways then  dropped him.
Telrmun gave  out a little  cry as he hit  the ground, then  lay still
and soundless, splashes of red dotting the front of his tunic.
    The  rest of  them  were  slow enough  drawing  steel and  nocking
arrows that  the bird-thing, its beak  now open and producing  a noise
like no  normal bird  any of them  had ever heard,  was able  to latch
its talons into Druorn.  That young man was able to  take a swing, the
first of  the party,  but his  blade didn't  even nick  the glistening
silvery hide of his attacker.
    Owain tried to  get an idea of what the  bird-thing looked like as
he  attacked it  during its  screeching  swoops. It  was huge,  larger
than a man by  half. It had no feathers, but  rather thick pebbly skin
that protected  it from  all but  the strongest  and truest  of blows.
The bows of  Maloc and Eergna were useless -  their pull wasn't strong
enough to drive  their arrows into the hide. Its  wings were stiff and
didn't seem  to move  at all. Its  head was long  and pointed  at both
ends, and it  had large intelligent-looking eyes. Owain  was sure that
it wasn't a natural creature.
    Owain and his  men were able to finish off  the bird-thing without
losing  anyone  else.  After  burying  Telrmun  and  Druorn,  the  six
remaining  decided to  put their  grumbling behind  them and  continue
the expedition in a more careful manner.
    The  remaining weeks  passed with  no more  arguments about  where
they were  going or why. The  far northern wastes were  populated with
all kinds  of strange  beasts and  birds, none  of which  seemed quite
natural, so  that they were  kept too  busy staying alert  for trouble
and defending  themselves to  argue. Owain was  reminded by  them that
the  Empire  which  had  once  spanned  all  of  the  land  they  were
traveling through had  been well supplied with  magicians and wizards.
He   supposed   that  the   monsters   were   byproducts  of   magical
experiments. He might even have been right.
    Finally, they came  to a rather small range of  mountains that the
voice in Owain's  head indicated was their destination.  The six spent
a night at  the foot of the  smallest mountain in the  chain, and were
up bright and early the next morning to find the treasure.
    Owain  led the  way up  and over  the mountain  that was  really a
medium sized hill.  On the other side  was a valley that  ran down the
center of  the whole  range. It looked  just the sort  of place  for a
hidden temple or  ruined city - always sources of  fabulous wealth. It
was heavily forested,  mostly by conifers which meant  that the valley
floor  was carpeted  with green  even  in the  semi-eternal winter  of
this frozen land.
    They  soon reached  the floor  of the  valley and  turned east  at
Owain's  lead.  The  valley  was   full  of  ordinary  sounds  as  the
adventurers moved silently  through it. Birds cried in  the trees, and
there were  rustles in the  undergrowth indicating small  animal life.
There was  absolutely no evidence  of man in  the valley, not  even an
obelisk anywhere.  The small fauna  seemed to have  no fear at  all of
the  six  humans  slipping  through   their  forest.  Owain  even  saw
something  that looked  remarkably like  a deer  just standing  in the
shadow of a tree, and it didn't flee when they walked by.
    It  took two  hours  to reach  the  east end  of  the valley.  The
forest  grew right  up to  the  foot of  the tallest  mountain in  the
range  and  no further.  The  slopes  of  the  mountain were  bare  of
everything but  rock. Owain pointed at  a dark hole in  the mountain's
flank and said, "That's where we are going."
    The voice  in his  head told  Owain that the  crystal grew  in the
back  of the  cave, but  it also  said that  there was  danger in  the
cave.  It still  refused to  let  him tell  about the  crystal. As  he
hesitated  about just  how to  get into  the cave  while avoiding  the
danger in  it, the voice  commanded him to  order the others  into the
cave. This  would lure out  the danger, and allow  him to slip  in and
get the  crystal. He had no  choice. Even as the  commands entered his
head, his mouth was giving them voice.
    He followed his  companions up the side of  the mountain, slipping
to the  side as  they reached the  mouth of the  cave. He  listened to
the  others  march  confidently  into  the  darkness;  the  voice  had
assured them through his lips that there was no danger at all within.
    The  footsteps had  almost  died  away when  there  came a  cawing
roar,  somewhere between  the  sound of  a  lion and  that  of a  huge
eagle. On  the heels of the  sound came startled yells,  one scream of
mortal pain, and then running.
    Four  of the  five who  had gone  into the  cave now  came tearing
out. They scattered as  soon as they were in the  open and turned back
to face  what they had  found within the cave.  As it bolted  into the
sun and  spread its  huge wings,  Owain recognized  one of  the fabled
gryphons of  legend. Half  lion and  half eagle,  it was  majestic and
terrible  as it  took  to the  air  cawing its  rage  and lashing  its
lion's tail.  There was blood on  one of its taloned  fore-feet and at
the tip of the beak.
    Although  Owain would  have rather  gone to  help his  companions,
the voice  had clamped  down on  him in total  control. He  could only
look back as  he was forced into  the darkness of the cave  to see the
gryphon land amid the  four men who were now armed.  He didn't see the
battle  begin,  but he  could  hear  it as  he  went  deeper into  the
darkness  - the  battle shouts  of  the men,  the roaring  caw of  the
gryphon, the sounds of wounds on both sides.
    Owain finally  reached the  nest of the  gryphon. He  was suprised
to find  that there was light,  provided by a mass  of strange-looking
crystal  against the  back wall.  In the  dim light,  he saw  the dead
body of Tellor lying where the gryphon had left it.
    The voice  that had control  of him cared  not at all  for Tellor,
alive or dead.  It directed Owain's body over to  the glowing crystal,
and  had him  remove a  hammer  and a  delicate chisel  from his  belt
pouch  that  he  didn't  even  know  was  in  there.  After  carefully
examining the growth  of crystal, he was directed to  place the chisel
carefully in  two places near  the base of one  large mass and  tap it
lightly with  the hammer. Placing the  tools back in the  pouch, Owain
was then made  to take hold of  the mass of crystal and  pull. Much to
his suprise,  it came away  from the wall with  no trouble at  all. It
was also  very light for  its size. Measuring  three feet long  by one
around,  it weighed  no  more than  five pounds;  an  easy if  awkward
burden for the trek home.
    A bag was  fished out of Owain's pack by  his own unwilling hands.
He  could feel  the voice's  intent  to leave  the other  four to  the
mercy  of the  gryphon. But,  though he  wanted to  help in  the fight
with every  fiber of his  being, the  voice's control was  too strong.
He had  no choice but to  place the crystal  in the bag, secure  it to
his pack, and then make his way back out of the cave.
    When he reached  sunlight, he saw that the battle  was still going
on. Telkor,  who was Tellor's  twin, had  not survived his  brother by
much. Lorth  was limping on a  bloodied leg, and had  hooked a crooked
bleeding arm in  his swordbelt. Of the three  remaining fighters, only
Auvgin  was  unmarked.   The  gryphon  was  faring   better  than  its
opponents, but  it too bore wounds.  Someone had managed to  disable a
wing,  preventing  the half-bird  half-lion  from  taking to  the  air
again.  Owain   hoped  that  his  three   remaining  companions  would
vanquish the monster.  As the voice controlling him  forced him toward
the  saddle between  this  mountain and  the next,  he  sent a  silent
'good luck' back to  the battle. It was a long  time before the sounds
of the conflict faded into the distance.
    The walk back  to Hadrom was a nightmare for  Owain. The voice was
no longer  in his  head constantly,  but it had  laid a  conpulsion as
strong as  a geas  on him  to return  to the  fishing village  where a
ship  would  be  waiting  to   take  him  back  to  Cherisk.  Detailed
instructions filled his  mind about how and where to  go once reaching
Marrak,  the ship's  first port-of-call  on Cherisk.  He finally  knew
that  he  was to  deliver  the  crystal to  a  wizard  named Vard.  He
secretly  cherished a  wish to  be  able to  make the  wizard pay  for
forcing  him north,  and  leaving  the three  to  make  it home  alone
assuming they survived the gryphon.

    Vard  was  sitting  in  a  rear booth  in  the  Fighting  Unicorns
disquised as a  somewhat tattered merchant when Owain  strode into the
bar. Vard  had chosen this as  a rendezvous again because  Baranur was
the closest city to Marrak wherein he had a hidden portal.
    Owain had  been ordered to  take a room  near the river  and clean
up  a  little   before  coming  to  the  'Unicorns.  It   was  a  very
presentable adventurer  who settled himself across  from the merchant.
Only  his  eyes bore  evidence  of  the six  month  plus  trek he  had
undergone, half of it alone.
    False small  talk was made  about Owain  wanting to hire  out with
the merchant on  a caravan while one of the  barmaids took their order
and came  back with  their drinks.  Once they  were alone,  Vard asked
for the  bag with the  crystal to be  passed under the  table. Keeping
up the  chatter, Owain did  so. Vard  hastily checked the  contents of
the  bag. Satisfied,  he fingered  two phials  he was  carrying in  an
inner  pocket.  One  contained  slow  poison,  and  the  other  was  a
powerful potion  that induced  amnesia. He wasn't  sure which  to give
the man who  sat talking across the scarred and  dirty table from him.
Finally, he  shuffled them  around and  took one  at random.  With the
ease  of a  practiced prestidigitator,  he slipped  the contents  into
Owain's bell  shaped stein of ale.  He proposed a toast  to seal their
fake  bargain, and  Owain  drained  his cup  in  one swallow.  Without
waiting around  to see which  phial he had  selected, Vard got  up and
left the  inn, slipping  with his  usual ease into  the depths  of the
Fifth Quarter and back to his fortress.

    Owain   ordered  and   drank  another   ale  before   leaving  the
'Unicorns. He made  his way back to  his own inn and  collapsed on the
bed  in the  room he  had rented.  Sometime in  the night,  two things
happened.  First,  the  control  that  Vard  had  exercised  over  him
vanished  as the  wizard  destroyed the  transformed  flute. And,  all
memory  of  what had  happened  to  him  from  the time  Auvgin  first
approached him about  an expedition he was planning  vanished. When he
awoke next  morning, he was very  puzzled about why he  was in Baranur
and where the past year had gone.

    Vard set about  preparing the cwicustan as the  Tome instructed so
that  it would  be ready  for use  when he  finally found  the keseth.
When  that was  finished,  he turned  his attention  to  the next  two
phases  of his  quest for  the Yrmenweald.  First, he  had Qrun  delve
into the  deepest vaults of  the fortress  wherein were kept  the most
dangerous and  powerful books  of lore  he had  managed to  acquire by
fair means  or foul. While his  servant was so employed,  he went into
the Sorting  Rooms and prepared a  location spell to help  him find an
object he  could use  to control  someone who  could get  the treasure
out of the hidden vault in Dargon Castle.
    The  ball of  light he  formed between  his hands  began to  drift
around the room  when he said the  last words of the  spell. It looked
like  a  drunk wil-o-the-wisp  as  it  darted erratically  around  the
room, from shelf  to shelf, object to object. After  making the rounds
of the  room three  times, it finally  settled around  something. When
Vard looked  at the objects, he  smiled. He picked up  the sword named
'Leaf-Killer' and the  harp named 'Soft-Winds' and  took them upstairs
to be processed.
                    -John L. White  <WHITE@DREXELVM>
