Conspiracy Nation -- Vol. 9  Num. 26
                    ("Quid coniuratio est?")
               The President, Cocaine, and the CIA
                    A Matter of Irrelevance
                         by Chip Tatum
                       Codename: Pegasus
U.S. Federal Judge Henry  Lee  Adams,  Jr.  ruled on May 6, 1996,
that federal  documents  which  reveal  the  involvement  of  top
government  officials  and  the  CIA  in a drug manufacturing and
trafficking cartel are not relevant  in  the defense of a Florida
couple.  Transcripts reveal that defense attorneys argued  during
a  CIPA  (Classified  Information Procedures Act) hearing held in
U.S. District Court in Tampa,  Florida, that the defendants, D.G.
"Chip" Tatum and his wife Nancy Tatum, were targeted by the  U.S.
Department  of  Justice, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the
White House in  an  attempt  to  discredit  and  quiet the couple
concerning Mr. Tatum's  knowledge  and  direct  involvement  with
William  J.  Clinton,  George Bush, Manuel Noriega, Oliver North,
William Barr and  others  involved  in  cocaine manufacturing and
trafficking between Honduras, Panama and Arkansas  from  1983  to
Transcripts  additionally  reveal  Tampa attorney Dan Daly's vain
attempt to impress  on  Federal  Judge  Henry  Lee Adams and U.S.
Prosecutors, the threat  to  our  national  security  that  these
heinous  acts  by  top  government officials represent.  Mr. Daly
stated, "Without exception, Mr.  Tatum  is  probably the only man
still alive that can tie these men (Clinton, Bush, Barr, et  al.)
to  their  criminal  acts.  There is no doubt, your honor, if you
look at the facts, that this case is not about fraud.  The United
States suffered no loss at the hands of Mr. and Mrs. Tatum.  It's
about government corruption at the very top levels of our justice
Neither did the fact that  William  Luschinger of Virginia, a CIA
operative and friend of Oliver North, was the government's  prime
witness  against  the  Tatums, nor the fact that any offer by the
defense to produce  CIA  employees  and  deep cover operatives to
testify as to their  knowledge  of  the  obvious  obstruction  of
justice  being  perpetrated against the Tatums, cause Judge Adams
to sway in his decision.  "I'm going to disallow any testimony or
evidence concerning  this  governments' involvement, specifically
involvement of William Clinton, George Bush, or the CIA, in  drug
trafficking.   It  is  not  relevant.   If there is nothing else,
let's go and choose the jury," Judge Adams stated as he dismissed
the group  from  his  chambers  where  the  hearing  was held *in
camera* [in chambers] (outside of the public's eye).
Evidence offered by the defendants' included a taped conversation
between a retired Mossad agent who was in the employ  of  General
Manuel  Noriega  and  Governor Clinton's Chief of Security.  This
taped  conversation  outlined  the  CIA's  Honduran manufacturing
facilities,  capabilities,  and  who  was  involved  to   include
specific duties in the cartel.  The tape has been transcribed and
included  in an evidence package entitled "The Tatum Chronicles."
The Chronicles contain not  only  the transcribed audio tape, but
also the transcription of events recorded by a camera mounted  on
a  U.S.  military  aircraft  delivering  coolers  marked "medical
supplies" to Little Rock Airport.  This video shows then-Governor
Clinton receiving one of the two coolers.  The actual contents of
the cooler, as  recorded  earlier  in  the  video tape, was three
kilos of cocaine and a large amount of cash.
Perhaps the most frightening part of this government cover-up  is
the  response  of  top  politicians at both the state and federal
level.   Governor  Lawton  Chiles,  after  reviewing  an evidence
package from the Tatums, both Florida residents,  stated,  "These
are  not  matters under my jurisdiction or influence."  (However,
in  1986  then-Senator   Lawton   Chiles   was  given  this  same
information and, at that time, he stated it was a military matter
and beyond his scope.)
[Tatum  lists  top  government  officials  and others who he says
basically  did  nothing  after  receiving  the  evidence package.
Among those named by Tatum are:
  Janet Reno
  Harry Browne
  Ross Perot
  Jack Kemp
  Rep.  Wm. F. Clinger, Jr.
  Senator Sam Nunn
  Senator Connie Mack
  Senator Charles S. Robb
  Senator John Glenn
  Senator Thomas Daschle
  Senator Barbara Boxer
  Kenneth Starr]
To federal judges and top government officials,  the  trafficking
of   cocaine   to   our   children...   *is*  *a*  *matter*  *of*
*irrelevance*.  Can America  stand  for  this?   If so, then I've
been beaten, tortured and shot in defense  of  this  country  for
absolutely  nothing.   Please  take  up  arms in the form of your
telephone and  demand  action  against  these  heinous crimes and
(The Tatums can be reached by phone at (352) 787-9846; snail mail
at  PO  Box  895082,  Leesburg,  Florida  34789;  by  e-mail   at
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Aperi os tuum muto, et causis omnium filiorum qui pertranseunt.
Aperi os tuum, decerne quod justum est, et judica inopem et 
  pauperem.                    -- Liber Proverbiorum  XXXI: 8-9