COMCALL.EXE Ver 3.0 (August 1992) COPYRIGHT(C) 1991/1992 Clive Jones, 111 Deer Park Gdns, Mitcham, Surrey ENGLAND CR4 4DX. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED COMCALL is distributed under the SHAREWARE principles. The Author reserves all COPYRIGHTS (C) to the program and associated documentation. In using this program you agree to the terms that NO LIABILITY OF ANY KIND EITHER THROUGH DIRECT USAGE OR INDIRECT USAGE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PROGRAM OR FAILURE IN THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE AS DESCRIBED WILL BE PAYABLE OR DUE BY THE AUTHOR. You are granted a limited licence to use this program for a limited period of 30 days for evaluation purposes only. If you intend to use this program beyond the trial period you are requested to register your copy. Registered copies will receive postal support (telephone support provided where possible) and upgrade options as and when available. Failure to register your copy may result in further development into this and other packages not being under taken by the author as a result of financial restraints. Don't be a contributory factor to the demise of SHAREWARE. Assist the authors who have spent considerable time and effort by registering your SHAREWARE packages. --------------------- This package comprises of the following files:- COMCALL.EXE COMDO.EXE COMCALL.DOC COMBOOT.EXE COMBOOTS.EXE AUTOEX.BAT AT_SET.TXT. They are distributed within a single self extracting archive file called:- COMV2.EXE If you did not receive this package in this form then you should not use the programs. Once Comcall has been installed and ran at least once on your PC then three additional files will be automatically created:- CALLRING.DTL - a log file containing ring/action details COMCC.DTL - a comcall configuration file. COMVALS.DTL - holds default values for the comcall session -------------------- If you have a telephone, a Hayes command set modem and an IBM or compatible running under DOS or Windows, then COMCALL may be of use. COMCALL is a package that is designed to monitor your phone line in your absence. It will either call you at ANY other phone location that may be directly dialled to advise you when a pre-defined trigger is met or execute a command to start some alternative action. Alternatively Comcall will simply monitor and log any incoming calls such as when you are using an answerphone with no call time logger. Comcall is constantly under further development. For future versions it is intended to add even greater flexibility in Comcalls usage so as to include such possibilities as the remote control of physical actions such as video recorder control, light operations, curtains etc with the control being performed via a single telephone line that could be shared with other devices eg voice/answerphone/fax/data. Comcall will work with many existing telecommunications hardware devices such as existing phones, extensions, answerphones etc. No special hardware is required at the recipient end of the triggered call if a telephone advice action is selected. Any phone that may be DIRECTLY dialled is sufficient. This version of Comcall is distributed under the Shareware principles. Future versions may only be obtainable by users already registered under the Shareware release of the current version. The trigger for COMCALL is a range of counts of incoming rings to your telephone. You define this upon starting COMCALL and is totally variable. Such as one (and only one) ring being received (eg like a RINGBACK set up) or maybe between 2 and 4 rings (your answer phone would have received a message), or maybe all rings eg 1 - 999 (999 being the COMCALL limit). Only consecutive rings from one call are counted. If the trigger condition is not met then the ring count will be reset and Comcall will wait for subsequent calls. All incoming rings are logged to a file called CALLRING.DTL for later inspection if required. Useful if you've been out and would like to see how many calls you missed. Comcall may be individually configured to suit your own particular needs. Comcall now incorporates a dual trigger condition, so that two ranges of trigger options may be defined in order to perform two separate operations according to which trigger condition was encountered. Comcall Version 3 is distributed as a fully functioning version. In trust of its capabilities and of its users I have decided not to cripple or disable its functionality in any way. EXAMPLE USAGES OF COMCALL: 1. You have an answerphone but it does not have a time/date stamp option. You go away for the weekend only to return to a number of messages. When were these messages taken? Providing you had invoked Comcall then you will be able to see exactly when the messages were left (day and time). You will even be able to see how many calls resulted in messages not being left. 2. A family member may be ill in hospital or your wife may have been taken into maternity as her babies due date nears. You have an answer phone and you have to go out on some urgent business. You are fearful that you may receive that all important call whilst you are out. The answer phone will take the message but you won't know of this until you next return home or until you phone up and interrogate your answer phone next (assuming you have a remote access answer phone). Provided you either have a radio pager or know the telephone number of the person whom you are visiting worry no further. Simply invoke COMCALL to monitor your line, giving it the number of the person whom you are visiting (or the radio pager number). Go on out about your business and if a message comes in, then you will be automatically advised. 3. You are in the office late on a Friday evening. You still haven't met that all important deadline for your project and you really should come in over the weekend to finish of that draft overview. But your office is over 30 miles away. You are not permitted to take disks out of the office and no inward external network access exist into your PC system for security reasons. Your office PC does however have a modem for outgoing data transfer and you have a PC, Modem and Communications Software at home. Simply invoke your copy of COMCALL to trigger after say just one (and only one) ring of your office telephone. When this trigger is met you want it to start your comms package that has been set to autodial your home phone number. You can then go home in the knowledge that you do not have to drive all the way in tomorrow and can work from home. All that is required the next day is for you to call your office phone, hang up after just one ring, set your PC, Modem and Comms package to autoanswer data mode and then wait for the return call from your office PC. You should be confident that no one else will ring your office phone just once and then hang up. Even if then did it would be of little consequence as you would get an a simple call from your works PC which you could then just hang up on. Provided you have set up the triggering system correctly, your works PC would then resume waiting for another single ring. (See USING below). My set up :- I use Comcall for a threefold purpose. Firstly I am on occasions telephoned in the middle of the night with messages that have to be dealt with promptly. My answerphone will take these messages, but, being a sound sleeper, I am seldom awoken by the few rings prior to the answerphone starting. I set Comcall to a ring range count of 1 - 10 (eg any calls) and an action of E REM. Additonally I set the delay time to 360 and delay tone on so as to raise an alarm that continues beyond teh telephone ringing period. Any calls that come in during the night therefore raise a PC alarm tone. Secondly, as my office is over 15 miles away, I set comcall to call me with advise of any pending messages that may be left on my answerphone throughout the day. I utilise my answerphones remote interogation option to then respond to any important matters. Finally, I use Comcall to allow me to call into my home PC from my office. I only have the one telephone line sharing both the answerphone and modem. To use my home PC I simply set a trigger range of 1-2 rings and an action of X with an error level of 2. This error level is then picked up from within my modified autoexec.bat file in order to start my comms package in host mode and await my return data call. I utilise the re-boot option for this to ensure that I re-call within 5 minutes, otherwise the PC reboots and reloads Comcall via the autoexec.bat file. SET UP/ INSTALLATION. COMCALLs file should be ideally placed in the same single directory. Comcall consists of a number of files, these are described below:- COMCALL.EXE the executable file, COMDO.COM which is used to execute the desired commands/files and COMCALL.DOC - this manual. Once Comcall has been run once further new files will be automatically created called CALLRING.DTL - This file is used to hold details of COMCALLs actions (rings received, actions taken etc. It is an append mode file so you should therefore periodically monitor and delete it as necessary). COMCC.DTL - This file holds the configuration details that you may select for your comcall sessions. COMVALS.DTL - this file is used to hold initialisation values each time that comcall is invoked. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU MODIFY THESE .DTL FILES USING A TEXT EDITOR. Comcall relies upon these for its correct functioning. If they become corrupted with invalid data then Comcall may perform in an un-predictable fashion. COMBOOT.EXE is a Terminate stay resident program (TSR) that can be used to invoke a cold re-boot. COMBOOTS.EXE will stop an impending reboot requested started using COMBOOT. In addition to these files, a file called AT_SET.TXT is provided. This provides a basic list of Hayes Commands for those of you who might have mis-laid their modem manuals. This should not be taken as a definative list for your particular modem and is provided purely for the purpse of guidance. Finally the file called AUTOEX.BAT is provided as a basis upon which you could build your own file that utilised Comcalls X conditions (see usage). Prior to using COMCALL you must have a MODEM (Hayes Command Set) connected to the specified COM port. The modem must be powered on prior to the invoking of COMCALL. To install comcall for the first time simply type COMCALL and read the notice. Thereafter type COMCALL C and follow the guidance given. A new configuration file will be created automatically. You may modify this configuration now or at any other later time by re-using the Comcall C command. After this you can use Comcall as required using any of the available commands. The options that you may configure are described below:- COMCALL C COMMAND - CONFIGURATION OPTIONS To configure the Comcall options - enter <comcall c> at the dos prompt. You will then be presented with a number of options that may be modified. To select one of the options to modify, simply use the up and down arrow keys until that option is selected and then press the <ENTER> key to enter into the modify mode. In the modify option you will see the original value and be prompted for a new value. You may exit from this by pressing the escape key or by pressing the enter key without having entered a value for the new option. Entry of a new values do not come into effect until after the save option has been selected. Use of the escape key will therefore result in the previous values being maintained for the various options. The options that may be modified are:- 1. Modem Initialisation String. (Consult your modem manual). It is not recommended that you change this unless you are sure of what you are doing. The initial value that is supplied with comcall is ATE1V1H0S0=0 this will ensure that your modem is set into the required verbrose message mode and to never auto answer. These are standard Hayes command set commands. In some cases you may wish to add further Hayes modem control commands in order to suit you own particular needs. This is where you would add these as desired. 2. Delay Time This is the delay time (in seconds) between a trigger condition being met and the time that the action specified executes. For telecommunications actions it is recommended that this figure be set high enough to allow for any time that another person may be using your phone locally in order to complete an incomming call. The minimum delay period is 5 seconds, max = 999999. Any values entered outside of this range will have a default of 120 seconds applied. You will notice that delays are incorporated into a number of the functions of COMCALL. This delay is defined here. These delays are present to ensure that sufficient delay periods exists when modem functions are performed. For example the delay count prior to initiating the execution or advisory message is in place so as to ensure that any incoming messages should have completed (eg an answerphone) prior to COMCALL making the outgoing advisory call (after all you would be sharing the same telephone line). 3. Delay tone. Prior to Comcall starting an action following a trigger condition, the delay period (as of 2 above) may or may not have a warning tone sound. This is useful if you wish to advise local personnel of such an impending action so that it may be aborted if required. 4. Colour/Black White. If you have a black and white monitor then you should set this option to 'B'. Otherwise set it to 'C' for colour. 5. Tone/Pulse Dialling. If your local exchanges and modem can issue MF tone dialling then set this option to 'T' (tone). Otherwise set it to 'P' (Pulse). If you are not sure as to which type of dialling is local to you then it is recommended that the 'P' option is used as this usually works on both. 6. Com Port You should enter the number (1-4) of the com port that your modem is connect to. 7. Busy Tone Retries. COMCALL will re-issue a call if the BUSY tone is detected upon executing an advisory call. Define the number of re-tries here (max 10). Note that some modems come with a 'Blacklist' test for where a number may be dialled unsuccessfully on multiple occurences. If you have such a modem, then the number of actual retries performed will be the lower of the value set for busy re-tries and the blacklist limit. 8. Reverse Dialling Command. To enable some form of indication at the recipient end of the named telephone number this program issues a reverse ringback command signal to your modem when making an advisory call. If you are unsure about reverse dialling, do not worry too much, it basically means that the person answering the advisory call will hear DATA TONES. Thus implying that an advisory call is in progress. Without the reverse dialling mode, the person answering the call would hear nothing and may assume that a telecommunications error had occurred. Not all modems may support the ringback option, but the ones that do usually have a command sequence of R to invoke this option (consult your modem manual for further reference. In some cases this reverse ringback string is an '/R' eg with a forward slash). The reverse dialling command option should therefore be set to your particular modems command (consult your modem manual). The Hayes command set defines the Ringback command as a single R, so you will probably have to change the Comcalls default of /R. The default will probably be changed in future releases if so requested by popular demand - but as my modem expects a /R I have left the default to match this. COMCALL B COMMAND - BROWSE LOG FILE. This is a command that may be issued from the dos prompt in order to browse the comcall log file CALLRING.DTL. Callring.dtl is a text file and may also be browsed using other text editors. In the browse log mode you can use the up and down arrow keys to move about the display. To exit the browse mode simply press the <ESC> key. COMCALL M COMMAND - BROWSE MANUAL FILE. This command is issued at the dos prompt in order to browse through this file (COMCALL.DOC). It operates in a similar fashion to that of the COMCALL B option with the exception that the page up and down keys will scroll the text in page lengths. COMBOOT x COMMAND - REBOOT As some applications of Comcall can result in memory contention (eg where Comcall is used to invoke other packages) it is sometimes desirable to have an automated re-boot option so that Comcall may be re-initialised via your autoexec.bat file. Comcall now provides such an option by use of the COMBOOT x option that may be executed from the dos prompt or from within bat files. x is a value between 0 and 59 (minutes). Issuing such a command will result in a cold re-boot of your system after the time period of x minutes has elapsed. eg comboot 2 would result in a system reboot in (Approx) 2 minutes from now. In the mean time any other command or action could be performed without affecting this request (unless you execute a comboots request that is (see below)). Similarily comboot 0 would result in an immediate re-boot occuring. The reboot option results in a Terminate Stay Resident (TSR) being installed. Under some circumstances other applications may contend with this TSR. Always check your set ups thoroughly before relying upon them. For example, I have found that if I invoke windows (Win) following the setting of a reboot request, then at the reboot time the only action that is performed is that windowns is stopped (returns to the dos prompt). The way around this is to create a batch file (.bat) that will call another boot request eg . . cd \comcall comboot 1 { reboot after 1 min within windows} cd \windows win { start windows } comboot 0 { reboot immediate request } WARNING: COMBOOT will invoke a cold reboot no matter what!. This is usually described as a bad practice as the state of the machine at the time of the reboot request is unknown (resembles a power failure). Any files that may be open, or any I/O that may be occuring at the time of the reboot will thus be affected by the reboot. If you treat the reboot command as a similar effect to that of powering off/on your PC then you won't go to far wrong. If you decide to use the reboot option then treat the command with respect. COMBOOTS COMMAND - STOP REBOOT REQUEST. If the Reboot (COMBOOT) is invoked either in a bat file or from the dos prompt and you wish to abort this auto reboot then use the Comboots command, again from the dos prompt or within a bat file. This is useful where Comcall may be driven by a .bat file that invokes a Comms package awaiting for your return call in data mode. If a reboot request were contained within this bat file in order to reset your system back to Comcall if you did not recall within a time period of x minutes, then if you did call back in data mode then you would execute this Comboots command upon establishing your data link to stop such a reboot. COMCALL COMMAND - EXECUTE COMCALL By entering <comcall> alone at the dos prompt, you will be automatically taken into the main comcall process. Initially you will see a couple of time delayed introductory screens. Thereafter, you will be presented with the session configuration screen. Each time that you modify and save any of these then they will be applied to all future usages of Comcall until such times that they may be modified again. This entry configuration screen has a auto-entry delay count of 10 seconds. Pressing the <esc> key will by-pass this delay. If no other keys are pressed within this time then the main comcall process will be entered. This delayed auto entry enables comcall to be used in batch file processing (eg .BAT files) where it is known that the default session options have already been set to a suitable value. For each Comcall session, two trigger options are available. You may therefore define separate actions to be taken for each of two separate trigger conditions (ring ranges). The options that may be modified are :- COMCALL ENTRY OPTIONS LOWER AND UPPER RING COUNTS The ring counts (lower/upper) should be set to the range of FULL RINGS that you wish COMCALL to trigger an action upon receipt of. These values may be identical so as to stipulate an exact number of RINGS to trigger. The minimum number of rings that may be specified is 1. The maximum upper level is 999 RINGS. For ranges of RING COUNTS the values are considered to be inclusive. There should be no over lap between the ranges for OPTION 1 trigger action and OPTION 2. FULL RINGS varies from country to country. For example in the UK with the Brrr-brrrr ring Comcall will take all or any part of this to be a full ring. It is worth noting that in some countries that the ring heard by the caller and the ring heard by the called person may not be in phase. Comcall responds to the actual rings received locally. Comcalls ring counter will only increment when your modem detects such a ring. This can lead to cases of where say a caller hears only one ring cycle, whereas at the receiving end a two ring cycle could have occurred. For critical operations it is therefore recommended that you select a ring trigger range over a number of ring cycles. When you wish to trigger this remotely, then select a mid ring count between these two values when making the trigger call. EXECUTE/TELEPHONE/EXIT E/T/X OPTIONS These parameter should be set according to what the required trigger action should be eg 'T' a telephone advisory call should be made to the number defined in the command/telephone option (see later). The 'E' option enables the command as defined in the command/telephone option to be performed if the trigger condition is satisfied. Any dos command or program filename may be called (even a call to a .BAT file if required), together with any parameters required by that called program (there is a upper limit of 4 parameters that may be passed). The X option is used where it is desired to use comcall in .BAT files. In some cases using the E option will prevent the successful reload of comcall (eg if a trigger condition is met and another program is executed that takes all of the memory available for its own use). In using the X option, you can define an errorlevel at which comcall should halt with following the receipt of the desired trigger condition. This errorlevel should be defined in the command/telephone option (see later). A bat file can then pick up on this errorlevel in order to perform the desired operation using the bat file 'errorlevel' operand. COMMAND/TELEPHONE This is the action command itself. If a T options is selected for the action option (see previous) then this should contain the target phone number. If a E option is selected for the command action then this should be a dos command or program filename (filenames should be full filenames etc comcall.exe). Up to four parameters may be included with the command eg echo hello there. If an X command action is selected then this should be a numeric value (greater than one, less than 100) to which the desired exit errorlevel is to be set. For more information on BAT file processing and errorlevel values - consult your operating systems manual. For T options (telephone) you may be able to define delay periods by including an additional character in this string (consult yur modem manual). For example, when an advisory call is to be made out through an automatic switchboard eg requiring a prefix digit(s) to be dialled, followed by a short delay, then you can use this delay character to cater for this. Lets say that the delay charater is a comma (,), and your number for gaining an external line is 9. If you wish to call the number 123-4567 then your telephone command line value would be := 9,12345678. (Do not include any dashes in telephone number command actions.) On receiving a trigger condition, Comcall will then instruct your modem to dial the digit 9, followed by a short delay, followed by the number 1234567. This delay character can vary from modem to modem, so consult your modems manual for further advise. In some cases you may wish to concatenate a number of delays, usually this can be achieved by using two or more of the delay characters consecutively eg 9,,,1234567. USING COMCALL For COMCALL to work your PC and Modem must be left on. Any power loss to your system will result in the loss of the COMCALL monitoring. To ensure against power glitches you could copy the COMCALL command to the last line of your autoexec.bat file so that should the power fail and then be restored then the PC would reboot and re-execute the COMCALL command automatically. COMCALL liaises with your modem. You should use a HAYES compatible MODEM and command set. COMCALL requires that verbose commands are returned from your modem (not digit values) and that the modem is set to never answer. These can usually be set using the AT(tention) commands as defined for your modem once COMCALL has been invoked. The most commonly used AT commands within COMCALL is to set your modem to never answer (S0=0) and verbose listing (word messages). This is automatically sent within the initialisation process of COMCALL when invoked (providing you have not modified it using the Comcall C option). Once you have invoked COMCALL you will be in a terminal session with your modem. Type AT (attention) followed by the enter key directly at the terminal screen. You should then see the modems response of OK. If this does not occur then you should check your modem and COM port. Comcall now incorporates dual trigger definition. That is you can define two separate actions to be taken upon the receipt of two different ring ranges. If you do not want any actions to be taken, eg using Comcall purely as a logging device, then we suggest that you use trigger actions of 998/998 E(xecute) REM for option 1 and 999/999 E(xecute) REM for option 2. Comcall will thereafter only log any details of incomming calls to the log file (CALLRING.DTL) which may be browsed later using the Comcall B option from the dos prompt. Note that in this case then if a ring count in the range 998-999 rings is detected (extremely unlikely) then the only action performed would be that Comcall would log a remark (REM) statement in the log file. Once you enter Comcall then try typing in a Capitalised RING at the terminal screen. You should see the response of the time of the ring and the ring count. If further rings are entered in quick succession you should see the ring count increment. (Beware not to enter the same number of rings as defined for your trigger otherwise the trigger will occur at this test stage - unless you wish to test your set up that is.) If there are delays of over 10 seconds between the last and the next ring then the ring count will be seen to revert back to one (assumes a new call). If you utilise the program file execution option, then COMCALL may or may not be resumed upon completion of this depending upon the utilities called (memory space etc). Test your set ups prior to depending upon them. If COMCALL does not resume then try setting up the BAT file using the X command option and a suitable errorlevel (see below). Lets say that you have a comms package that you wish to invoke upon a selected ring count condition being met. We'll call your comms package compac for this example. Your compac program allows for the creation of script files. You have created a script file that will result in a comms link being automatically set up when the script is invoked. The compac package is assumed to allow you to invoke compac and the script directly from the dos command line eg if the script is called ringoff.scr - compac allows you to invoke it and the ringoff.scr by using the command compac ringoff.scr You want this comms package to be run every time that comcall detects only one ring (one and only one rings). We will also assume that your modem is connected to your COM port 2. Additionally, lets also assume that your comms package compac is in a directory called c:\comms and that your COMCALL package is in a directory called c:\comcall. Lets say that you want to make Comcall exit with an errorlevel of 2 when the trigger is met and invoke your comms package (await your return call in data mode). Finally lets also assume that if you do not call back within 5 minutes in such a data mode then you wish Comcall to restart again. Enter Comcall and selected the required options at the action screen. Your Upper and lower ring counts should be set to 1 and 1 (eg one and only one ring). Additionally your E/T/X option should be set to X and the Command/Telephone Option set to 2 (2 is the minimum 99 is the maximum errorlevel that may be set for this X option. Any other value outside of this 2-99 range will result in a default of 2 being applied). As you only want one ring range to be the trigger condition then set the Option 2 values to say 999/999 rings, E(xecute) REM command. Now save these using the Save/Exit option. Once at the terminal screen - exit Comcall using the ALT X option. Now each time that Comcall starts in future then these options will be automatically installed. Thus you can now include the command Comcall in a bat file (such as your autoexec.bat) at will. Once the bat file is run and the comcall command issued, then following a short delay Comcall will be automatically initialised and entered. You bat file (consult your dos manual for help regarding batch files) - may contain something like the following :- cd c:\comcall - your comcall directory comcall - start comcall if errorlevel 2 goto trig - if comcall exits with - errorlevel of 2 then goto - trig goto reboot - otherwise goto reboot :trig comboot 5 - reboot system in 5 minutes cd c:\comms - your comms directory compac ringoff.scr - start your comms package :reboot comboot 0 - reboot imdediately A similar bat file to that of the example above is included within the COMCALL package. (Note the description on the right is for descriptive purposes - do NOT include this in your bat file.) Saving such a command sequence to your Autoexec.bat file followed by a reboot (CNTL-ALT-DEL) would result in the continuous sequence of comcall being invoked and waiting for one and only one rings. Then once this trigger was met Comcall would stop with an errorlevel of 2 which would start a reboot request after 5 minutes followed by the Compac comms package being started using the ringoff.scr script file in order to wait for your return data call. Normal exiting from compac will result in your system rebooting as a result of the cold reboot Comboot 0 command. Once the system starts up again the whole process could be repeated. If you call into your comms package from a remote site you should immediately execute a dos shell command of COMBOOT in order to stop the re-boot countdown. If you didn't log into your computer then, after the 5 minutes delay stated in the COMBOOT 5 option your system would reboot and start the .bat file all over again. Thus preventing your system being possibly left in data mode for the rest of the day. The benefit of such a set up is that should your mains power supply fail for a brief period, then the set up would be re-entered once again after the power had been re-established. It also ensures that your system should not hang as a result of memory contention preventing Comcall from correctly working upon re-entry. (Note that Compac is a name chosen purely in an arbitary manner in order to provide a demonstration.) ----------- Occasionally you should browse the CALLRING.DTL file that is created automatically by COMCALL. This file contains all of the rings and the times that they were logged whilst COMCALL was active. This file will continue to grow until such times that you delete it. Once deleted a new copy will be started the next time you re-enter COMCALL. COMCALL has primarily be developed and tested in the UK. Some increase in the RINGING tone received whilst COMCALL and the Modem were active have been reported. This should not be a cause for concern. In theory the package should work as equally well on a multitude of telecommunications networks. We have (as of the current date) not received any reports of COMCALL failing to work on any given network. Some difficulty in the anticipated functioning of COMCALL may occur if another incoming ring is made at the same instant in time when COMCALL issues an advisory call command. However, the instances when this occurs should be extremely few in view of the small timeslot window when such conditions may occur. When COMCALL initiates an advisory call, the response messages from that call are monitored. If a BUSY message is received then the call will be retried after a short delay (providing the busy re-tries or modems Blacklist limit has not been reached). In all of the EXECUTE, X and ADVISORY CALL (T) modes, a delay from the time when the trigger ring receipt was received and the trigger function operates exists. This is via a counter level being decremented and displayed upon the terminal screen. If you wish to cancel the trigger function and resume RING monitoring, then the ENTER key may be pressed during this delay period (eg you may have answered your phone locally and you do not wish for the advisory call to progress to completion). To quit out of COMCALL use the combined keystrokes of ALT X. (Some limited help may be obtained by using the combined keystrokes of ALT H). REGISTRATION ENQUIRIES MAY BE MADE DIRECT TO THE AUTHOR AT THE ADDRESS BELOW OR VIA COMPUSERVE TO ID 100014,3141. If you found this package to be of some use and would like to continue to use it beyond the evaluation period of 30 days then remit your payment and details to the address below. Clive Jones 111 Deer Park Gardens Mitcham Surrey CR4 4DX Registration entitles you to support of the package (postal/electronic mail plus telephone where possible). As a registered user you will also be advised of upgrades as and when they become available. The suggested minimum registrational contribution is 10 UK Pounds Sterling or 20.00 US Dollars. This entitles you to a continuation in a single licence beyond the 30 day trial period and package support together with automatic upgrade to the next available version as and when this becomes available (don't forget to state your disk size/format). Currently registered users (prior to July 1992) need only send a stamped self addressed envelope and disk for return of a personal copy of the latest release. Alternatively you may register on a one-off basis for the current version for only 5 UK pounds (8 US Dollars). COMCALL.EXE source code and rights are available for sale. Contact the author for further details. ENHANCEMENTS. Upon proof of sufficient interest in the program (eg registrations/enquiries) then the author pledges to provide further releases of Comcall. Your registration contributions will ensure that such improvements see the light of day. Such later releases may only be available to currently registered users. HISTORY Dec 1991. Version 1 Released. April 1992. Version 2 Released. Modem Initialisation Modification. Pulse Dialing bug fix - thanks to Kevin Black Log file format modification - thanks to Dave Woolcock User definable delays/modem initialisation added. Key entry screen modified to delayed entry for auto recall Thanks to Dave Hickman (CA, USA). General minor changes. Configuration options added. Browse log option added. Delay tone toggle added. Delay time from real time and not machine specific. August 1992. Version 3. Moved from command line to prompted initialisation. Dual Trigger Conditions Added. Time display. Colour Options Warning Tone on/off Options Ringback string definition. Auto Delay Entry modification. Batch file option added. Browse manual option added. Busy tone retries level option added. Reboot option (TSR) ---------------------- CURRENT VERSION ---------------------- Comcall is continuously under further development. We appreciate comments and views with regard to possibly improving the package. If you do find any errors or have any constructive ideas then drop us a line. The author has put in considerable effort and time in creating Comcall. Its nice to know whether his endeavours are being appreciated. ------------------------------------ U N D E R D E V E L O P M E N T ------------------------------------ Unless you register for the current version of COMCALL, you may miss out on future developments. Currently Comcall is entering an exciting phase. Soon we hope to be bringing you a package that will be unique in its field. A package that will offer new meaning to the term 'remote control'. Operating over a single telephone line that may be shared with normal voice and answer phone set ups, you will be able to remotely control your video, stereo, tv, curtains, lights, garage doors etc. If you are registered with Comcall, then you will be automatically advised of when this becomes available. All in addition to Comcalls existing functionality. The next release of Comcall, may be released via Commercial methods or may still be via Shareware distribution. However, for all users registered under this current version, the next release will be offered as per the current terms. ----------------------- Do you use shareware software on a regular basis. If you do and you would like to be paid to receive and evaluate some of the latest and golden oldies programs then contact the author at the above address. This is a genuine offer where considerable payments can be received for less than ten minutes of your time each month. Could just be the best enquiry you make in your life. ---------------------------- EEEEEE NN N DDDDD E N N N D D EEEE N N N D D E N N N D D EEEEEE N NN DDDDD ----------------------------