(word processor parameters LM=8, RM=75, TM=2, BM=2) Taken from KeelyNet BBS (214) 324-3501 Sponsored by Vangard Sciences PO BOX 1031 Mesquite, TX 75150 There are ABSOLUTELY NO RESTRICTIONS on duplicating, publishing or distributing the files on KeelyNet except where noted! April 20, 1994 BROWN5.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- 121 [Message 1 of 1 in thread 121 of 130] alt.paranet.ufo FYI: T.T. Brown papers, Info from friend From: Senthil R. Kumar <SRK106@psuvm.psu.edu> Date: Wed, 9 Mar 1994 19:54:08 EST (3 screens) ****************** T. T. Brown Papers ****************** A very rare set of 2 reports issued in the 1950's on the classified work of T. T. Brown prepared by Aviation Studies Ltd. in London for the U.S. military, recently declassified in the U.S., is available from: Integrity Research Institute 1377 K Street NW Suite 204 Washington, DC 20005 202-452-7674 ------------------------ Electrogravitics Systems: ------------------------ A look into the simple yet effective principle of high voltage electrostatic creation of a local gravitational well, providing reactionless propulsion. Includes a 1993 electrogravitics paper "The U.S. Antigravity Squadron" by Dr. Paul LaViolette, presented at the Institute for New Energy 1st International Symposium on New Energy, who also unearthed these two Aviation Studies Ltd. reports. #P3; 100 pages. $15 + $2 S/H = $17.00 ($5 S/H overseas) Also request their four page catalog via sending them a one stamp SASE for additional publications in these areas: Energy and Propulsion Electrical Energy Energy Distribution Effects Bioenergy Department Solar Energy -------------------------------------------------------------------- If we can be of service, you may contact Jerry at (214) 324-8741 or Ron at (214) 242-9346 --------------------------------------------------------------------