ķ / ķ Ľ з / Ŀ ķ ķ Ŀ 94N9/ o-)tV4d82eI.e90nW1 35VW253(I2W1W1 M-e 0/Bg40 73ps64/6s2452 C X o- r S Se y: it sp ni o s S:ypso trr0dPaea ns i by Re negad e ansi by RenegadeRenegadeRenegade RenegadeRenegade Enter number or name or 'NEW' NN: DR. DELAM PW: XXXXXXXX PH: ###-###-XXXX __________________________ _______WWIV v4.20b________ __________________________ ___Call the Blitzkriegs___ ___Node 5211_502-499-8933_ ___Node 5212_502-491-5198_ Blitzkrieg is proud to present.. TAP Magazine and Ultra! [PAUSE] Last few callers: 16073: Sunstriker #260 KB - 1 16074: Phantasy #206 2400 - 1 16075: The Duke #55 2400 - 1 16076: Top Doc #10 2400 - 1 Auto message by: >UNKNOWN< Call Chemical Youth... 409-838-0586 H/P, Text files.. anarchy..the whole shebang..nup BLEMISH Name: Dr. Delam #178 Time allowed on: 60 Last on : 08/28/91 Sysop is : NOT Available System is : WWIV v4.20 (Reg #9001) WWIVnet node : @5211 (net26) Predat0r #1 read your mail on 08/28/91 [PAUSE] You haven't voted yet. -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Message Scan B>BS List F>eedback to Sysop P>ost a Message C>hat with Sysop K>ill E-Mail You Sent Q> N-Scan Current Sub I> System Information M>ailbox Scan R>emove a Message L>ast Callers Today S>can Message Titles O> Log Off SYSTEM FEATURES Z> Express N-Scan U>ser List D>efaults Section *> List Available Subs V>oting Booth G>-Files Section >,+> Advance 1 Sub # X> Toggle Expert/Novice Mode T>ransfer Section <,-> Retreat 1 Sub # Y>our Information .>On-Line Programs #> Goto Sub # Pressed CTRL-O = On-Line Help File CTRL-T = Time of Day "/O" = FAST Log Off "//QSCAN" = Clear Q-Scan Pointers "/E" = Send Multiple E-Mail "//VER" = WWIV BBS Version Information "//NET" = Complete Network BBS Listing "//CLS" = Clear the Screen "//UPLOAD" = Upload Text File Message [PAUSE] T - 00:59:35 [1] [General Bbs Discussion] :V * 1: What interests you most? * 2: What do you want to see more of... * 3: What do you want to see less of... * 4: I would be willing to donate this much. * 5: Voting Questions Suck Because... Voting: Number,Q,? : 1 Voting question #1: What interests you most? Users voting: 29.4% 0: No Comment 1: Virus Files & Messages : 8 10.3% 2: Hacking Files & Messages : 26 33.3% 3: Phreaking Files & Messages : 23 29.5% 4: Cyberpunk / Cyberspace Topics : 7 9.0% 5: Anarchy - Explosives Etc. : 4 5.1% 6: Telephones & Info relating to them. : 10 12.8% Your vote: No Comment Change it? Yes Which? 1 Voting: Number,Q,? : 2 Voting question #2: What do you want to see more of... Users voting: 27.5% 0: No Comment 1: Hacking : 21 28.8% 2: Phreaking : 29 39.7% 3: Anarchy : 6 8.2% 4: Adult Material : 1 1.4% 5: Virus Expansion : 9 12.3% 6: Cyberpunk/Space Topics : 7 9.6% Your vote: No Comment Change it? Yes Which? 5 Voting: Number,Q,? : 3 Voting question #3: What do you want to see less of... Users voting: 27.5% 0: No Comment 1: Losers and Leeches calling here. : 9 12.3% 2: Hacking : 0 0.0% 3: Phreaking : 0 0.0% 4: Anarchy : 6 8.2% 5: Virus : 3 4.1% 6: Cyberspace/Punk Topics : 2 2.7% 7: Messages : 0 0.0% 8: Transfer Files : 0 0.0% 9: G-Files : 1 1.4% 10: Feds monitoring this bbs. : 52 71.2% Your vote: No Comment Change it? Yes Which? 9 Voting: Number,Q,? : 4 Voting question #4: I would be willing to donate this much. Users voting: 26.4% 0: No Comment 1: 1-5 Bucks for registering the bbs software : 6 8.6% 2: 1-5 bucks cause i'm a good person : 12 17.1% 3: 1-5 bucks for online game registration : 2 2.9% 4: One Buck just for the hell of it. : 12 17.1% 5: Nada damn penny (i'm not into helping anyone out) : 6 8.6% 6: 5-10 bucks cause i'm more then cool i'm rich : 22 31.4% 7: 11-25 bucks "i just gave up drugs and have extra $$$" : 6 8.6% 8: 26-1,000,000 bucks "I'm a lottery winner!" : 4 5.7% Your vote: No Comment Change it? Yes Which? 8 Voting: Number,Q,? : 5 Voting question #5: Voting Questions Suck Because... Users voting: 26.8% 0: No Comment 1: I have to answer them. : 14 19.7% 2: I can't write my own. : 9 12.7% 3: They serve no real purpose in life. : 8 11.3% 4: My mother doesn't like me doing this. : 3 4.2% 5: Pete and repeat were sitting on a fence... : 8 11.3% 6: I'm drunk and cannot type straight! : 14 19.7% 7: Help! I've fallen and i can't get it up. : 15 21.1% Your vote: No Comment Change it? Yes Which? 6 Voting: Number,Q,? : 6 Voting: Number,Q,? : 5 Voting question #5: Voting Questions Suck Because... Users voting: 27.2% 0: No Comment 1: I have to answer them. : 14 19.4% 2: I can't write my own. : 9 12.5% 3: They serve no real purpose in life. : 8 11.1% 4: My mother doesn't like me doing this. : 3 4.2% 5: Pete and repeat were sitting on a fence... : 8 11.1% 6: I'm drunk and cannot type straight! : 15 20.8% 7: Help! I've fallen and i can't get it up. : 15 20.8% Your vote: I'm drunk and cannot type straight! Change it? No Voting: Number,Q,? : Q -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Message Scan B>BS List F>eedback to Sysop P>ost a Message C>hat with Sysop K>ill E-Mail You Sent Q> N-Scan Current Sub I> System Information M>ailbox Scan R>emove a Message L>ast Callers Today S>can Message Titles O> Log Off SYSTEM FEATURES Z> Express N-Scan U>ser List D>efaults Section *> List Available Subs V>oting Booth G>-Files Section >,+> Advance 1 Sub # X> Toggle Expert/Novice Mode T>ransfer Section <,-> Retreat 1 Sub # Y>our Information .>On-Line Programs #> Goto Sub # Pressed CTRL-O = On-Line Help File CTRL-T = Time of Day "/O" = FAST Log Off "//QSCAN" = Clear Q-Scan Pointers "/E" = Send Multiple E-Mail "//VER" = WWIV BBS Version Information "//NET" = Complete Network BBS Listing "//CLS" = Clear the Screen "//UPLOAD" = Upload Text File Message T - 00:57:44 [1] [General Bbs Discussion] :N << Q-Scan All >> < Q-scan General Bbs Discussion 1 - 50 msgs > 6/50: Interesting... Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Wed Aug 28 21:35:53 1991 After dinner tonight i went out on the front porch (to sit in my lawn chair and drink beer, NOT!) and what did i see across the street? There was a grey monte carlo indiana plates 22a1247 pulled up next to our neighborhood junction box. 2 guys were in the back seat and 2 guys were outside the car. They opened the trunk and got out a duffel bag. Went over to the junction box and opened it up. The one guy pulled a circuit board out of the top right side. He placed it on the shelf in there and then messed around where i could not see what he was doing. Then he placed something silver on the circuit board and slid it back into the same slot. They closed up the box and drove off rather fast. The 2 outside both had pac-tel pagers on the belts and wore baseball caps. I could identify both men in a police lineup though. I was looking through some high powered binoculars. They were not from South Central Bell. So i called the operator and she put me through so some other lady could write out an incident report. I know i am calling tomorrow to have them come and check my line for possible [PAUSE] TAPS. It all smelled to fishy if ya ask me. I might go check some things out... ----- SysOp: 1@5211 Predat0r Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-50,^6),? : 7/50: Dude, Name: Evil #27 @5211 Date: Wed Aug 28 23:51:35 1991 they were from the Twilight Zone. Don't worry bout them, they will only show up again if you sit in the same spot at the same time in the same horizontal intersection of the sun and your forehead. Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-50,^7),? : 8/50: yo. Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Thu Aug 29 05:10:49 1991 RE: Help? BY: Xflash #108 @5211 Get UnZip v1.12, or later. It unzips zipped files (but doesn't zip them). pizza pizza Read:(1-50,^8),? : 9/50: Maybe Name: Spermie #171 @5211 Date: Thu Aug 29 14:51:39 1991 Maybe they were Mutants? Read:(1-50,^9),? : 10/50: PIN Register Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Thu Aug 29 22:11:32 1991 RE: Interesting... BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 Sounds like a PIN Register to me. Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-50,^10),? : 11/50: so Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Fri Aug 30 04:18:46 1991 RE: PIN Register BY: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Is there any difference between a PIN Register and a DNR (Dialed Number Recorder)? Little Caesar Read:(1-50,^11),? : 12/50: Mac Crap Name: Crusader #156 @5211 Date: Sat Aug 31 03:30:28 1991 is often hard to find. BUT, I too am useing a MAC.. I will upload PK-Unzip for the MAC on 9-1-91, I have to stuff-it.. Strange, I just baught a 38.4k Hays Smartmodem and the only thing faster is the speed of ascii text fling by. Is it me, or the modem? Thanks. Crusader Read:(1-50,^12),? : 13/50: Taps Name: Guardian #46 @5211 Date: Sat Aug 31 12:47:05 1991 If you truely believe it is a tap. Devise a way to develop 10k volts DC, disconnect the tele lines from your house, send a 10Kvolt pulse back down line, and its fried. Then reconnect your house line, go to a friends house and call the tele co to report your line is out. Read:(1-50,^13),? : 14/50: LOOKING FOR A VGA MONITER Name: The Whitehorseman #148 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 02 17:07:08 1991 I'M LOOKKING FOR A VGA MONITER THAT IS COMPATIBLE WITH IBM PC"S. iF ANYONE HAS ONE THEY NO LONGER NEED PLEASE CONTACT PAT FROM THE HOURS OF 9 A.M. TO 5 P.M. AT 447-3800. THANKS, THE WHITEHORSEMAN Read:(1-50,^14),? : 15/50: New!! Name: Captain Hook #195 @5211 Date: Tue Sep 03 17:37:55 1991 Well i'm new on the bbs so far so good i'm located in Tampa Fl! I have a bbs up IF anyone is involved with out of state calls!! Its a pirate bbs! The Name and number is Corpus Cr(A)ss (813)645-4905! Give me a call! Well how are all you northerns doing??!! How the weather! Well got to go later! The Hook! Captain Hook Read:(1-50,^15),? : 16/50: Questions? Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Wed Sep 04 14:44:32 1991 IBM users, i have been thinking of converting all the compressed files with arj. Any comments on that? Also the message bases will undergo a little cleaning up and some minor changes will be done on the bbs. Nothing major i hope. ----- SysOp: 1@5211 Predat0r Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-50,^16),? : 17/50: arj Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Thu Sep 05 02:10:14 1991 RE: Questions? BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 YES!! Don't do it! Zip is the standard, everyone has it. The same is not true of arj. It may compress a little tighter, but when zip comes out with a new version that beats arj are you going to switch back? Hmm.. Afterthought.. I don't download much of anything anyway.. Night Ranger gbatson@clutx.clarkson.edu Read:(1-50,^17),? : 18/50: The rest of us Name: Dreamgirl #199 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 06 23:21:24 1991 RE: Questions? UM, so theat sounds well and good for the IBM users, but what about Macoids??? Read:(1-50,^18),? : 19/50: No! Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Sat Sep 07 00:33:37 1991 RE: Questions? BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 no no no...not arj. you might save like 3 megs at the most. i like being able to unzip at home and on a non domestic unix. source code to unarj on a unix is not (yet) available. zip is the standard and until it is not i suggest you stay with it. Read:(1-50,^19),? : 20/50: conversion to arj Name: Bugs #31 @5211 Date: Sat Sep 07 10:12:43 1991 Another recommendation to avoid arj. Stay with zip for now. bugs . / Read:(1-50,^20),? : 21/50: Well... Name: Scooter #17 @5211 Date: Sat Sep 07 13:34:32 1991 RE: No! BY: Little Caesar #106 @5211 I hate to say this... but Unarj is available for Unix, I know cuz I saw it and used it on a `nix on the internet Read:(1-50,^21),? : 22/50: Hmmm.... Name: Speed Phreak #85 @5211 Date: Sun Sep 08 17:17:47 1991 I found something interesting... I had my modem on re-dial, while listening to my shortwave radio... going very slowly I heard the dial tone on my modem, then heard it dial... Anyone ever done this? SP Read:(1-50,^22),? : 23/50: pkunzip.bat Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 09 09:31:17 1991 4.11 was the last version that worked with. ----- Hey girl! Can i get that? Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-50,^23),? : 24/50: PLEASE dont.. Name: Adam Atlas #67 @5211 Date: Tue Sep 10 17:38:35 1991 RE: Questions? BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 compress stuff with arj. It is not optimized for speed (for unARJing) unless you register..at least from what it says when you use it..but some have said that it is totally free..who knows..but it is a pain in the ass to decompress things compared to pkzip. I mean pkunzip .. shit..I am tired/. Read:(1-50,^24),? : 25/50: ... Name: Mr. Bungle #213 @5211 Date: Wed Sep 11 22:46:29 1991 Hey everyone...I'm back. Uh...Does anyone remember me? Anyway... Call BlackShip BBS 5o4.362.2277 NUP: BLOOD h/p/a text and somw shit Read:(1-50,^25),? : 26/50: zip2arj Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 13 17:23:48 1991 Does anyone know if zip2arj will work both ways? As in make an arj archive a zipfile? Or if it doesn't is there anything that will? Night Ranger gbatson@clutx.clarkson.edu Read:(1-50,^26),? : 27/50: alliance Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 13 17:27:48 1991 I'm going to be doing an alliance this wed. the 18th of September. If you want to be on it, leave me a number to reach you at. Payphone or whatever I don't care. Night Ranger gbatson@clutx.clarkson.edu Read:(1-50,^27),? : 28/50: yo... Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 13 19:19:38 1991 RE: Well... BY: Scooter #17 @5211 Please upload the UnArj thing for UNIX...thank you... Little Caesar Read:(1-50,^28),? : 29/50: Here is the new tag for our zip files. Name: Evil #27 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 13 20:59:55 1991 Blitzkrieg is proud to present.. TAP Magazine and Ultra! _MicroSoft DOS v5.0_______ _WWIV v4.20b______________ __________________________ ___Call the Blitzkriegs___ ___Node 5211_502-499-8933_ ___Node 5212_502-491-5198_ Blitzkrieg I & II take no responsiblity [PAUSE] for any damage done to any computer by any file acquired from them. Read:(1-50,^29),? : 30/50: .. Name: Mr. Bungle #213 @5211 Date: Sat Sep 14 00:04:34 1991 Hey does anyone know this number? 800.233.0085 I accidenally dialed it, and it asks for the passcode when it answers.I think it's 3-digita or something short Read:(1-50,^30),? : 31/50: Net Connections! Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 02:19:13 1991 Right now i am having net problems. Take the time to catch up on your messages because once the new net packet comes through we will more then likely get around 300-1000 posts. Around 30 systems are able to pass posts and over 1,000 are isolated from me. Once i get back to having all the systems routing correctly i will get a massive packet filled with all kinds of wwivnet junk. Unless the node where my stuff is stacking up, (9438 maybe???), decides to delete it instead of passing it back through to me. Then we will miss a bunch of stuff. Predat0r Read:(1-50,^31),? : 32/50: A Tapped Line! Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 02:33:21 1991 Someplace out there in modem land someone is passing rumors my line is tapped. Here is what i think about that. 1) If you call new and say you heard my line is tapped i will delete you for lack of intelligence. 2) Why would they TAP a data line for? 3) Why would they place a DNR or Pen Register on my line when i only call 3 numbers all 502 - 426-9540 - 491-5198 - 267-0612 all wwivnet connections and toll fraud is not being commited? 4) I sometimes (rarely actually) take the time to plus a phone in to my modem and then happen to go voice with a caller, if a voice tap was in place it really would obtain some secret information every few seasons. Plus = Plug (maybe i need to put the full screen editor back online huh?) 5) Copyright violations are not being commited by having no pirate games or programs on the system. Credit cards accounts and long distance carrier accounts are also not posted on the system. This would give them no right to monitor the system. [PAUSE] # 2 in more detail. I understand data taps would bring 20 - 40 of the same messages being monitored over and over. This seems like a giant waste of both time and money and useless. Plus i doubt they would actually have enough to get a judge to sign for a data tap. Anyone an expert on taps? Care to comment? I think they would just pay another narc like The Dictator and have him call. Hum? Who lives in AZ and calls a lot? (Just kidding!) Read:(1-50,^32),? : 33/50: hahaha Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 04:11:49 1991 RE: A Tapped Line! BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 Well supposedly if you call Ma Bell and ask her 'Is my line tapped?' They have to tell you.. Dunno if it's true or not, I never tried. But, if they did tap your line it wouldn't be to see who YOU call but rather who calls you. The Dictator oops! Night Ranger Read:(1-50,^33),? : 34/50: Taps... Name: Shadowspawn #228 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 11:21:38 1991 Bell only has to tell you if they're aware of a tap. There are plenty of others capable of tapping your line. And trust me most taps that are going on are not "authorized" by a judge. Another thing that's weird is that they're doing it so close to your house if they are that is. Later Read:(1-50,^34),? : 35/50: ZIP TRANSFER FOR THE MAC Name: Terminator M #173 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 12:58:37 1991 I HAVE A MAC IIci AND WOULD LKE TO KNOW HOW I CAN READ/OPEN .ZIP FILES. IS THERE ANY WAY TO DECOMPRESS IT THEN READ IT THRU WORD 4.0 OR ANY OTHER WORD PROCCESSING SOFTWARE OR UTILITY THAT CAN DO THE TRICK. I AM ALSO GOING TO GET AN AMIGA 2500/30 , WILL THAT BE ANY EASIER. PARDON MY IGNORANCE THANX! Read:(1-50,^35),? : 36/50: SS #'s Name: Shadowspawn #228 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 13:29:04 1991 Try getting a major info broker account (i.e. TRW/CBI/DMV/ETC) Read:(1-50,^36),? : 37/50: ZIP files Name: Swamp Rat #231 @5211 Date: Tue Sep 17 03:01:34 1991 Terminator M: I dunno about a Mac utility for ZIP files, though there probably is. There IS a ZIP utility for the Amigas which works really well, and it's easy to get a hold of on just about any Amiga PD board. S. Ratte'/cDc posse Mr. Helpful Read:(1-50,^37),? : 38/50: well... Name: >UNKNOWN< Date: >UNKNOWN< RE: ZIP TRANSFER FOR THE MAC BY: Terminator M #173 @5211 SOMEONE MIGHT GIVE IT TO YOU IF YOU DIDN'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS ASSHOLE Read:(1-50,^38),? :A.Sr<Ѷ5%EU NO CARRIER a/ CONNECT 2400 ķ / ķ ter number or name or 'NEW' NN: DR. DELAM PW: XXXXXXXX PH: ###-###-XXXX __________________________ _______WWIV v4.20b________ __________________________ ___Call the Blitzkriegs___ ___Node 5211_502-499-8933_ ___Node 5212_502-491-5198_ Blitzkrieg is proud to present.. TAP Magazine and Ultra! [PAUSE] Last few callers: 16074: Phantasy #206 2400 - 1 16075: The Duke #55 2400 - 1 16076: Top Doc #10 2400 - 1 16077: Dr. Delam #178 2400 - 1 Auto message by: >UNKNOWN< Call Chemical Youth... 409-838-0586 H/P, Text files.. anarchy..the whole shebang..nup BLEMISH Name: Dr. Delam #178 Time allowed on: 60 Times on today : 2 Sysop is : NOT Available System is : WWIV v4.20 (Reg #9001) WWIVnet node : @5211 (net26) [PAUSE] -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Message Scan B>BS List F>eedback to Sysop P>ost a Message C>hat with Sysop K>ill E-Mail You Sent Q> N-Scan Current Sub I> System Information M>ailbox Scan R>emove a Message L>ast Callers Today S>can Message Titles O> Log Off SYSTEM FEATURES Z> Express N-Scan U>ser List D>efaults Section *> List Available Subs V>oting Booth G>-Files Section >,+> Advance 1 Sub # X> Toggle Expert/Novice Mode T>ransfer Section <,-> Retreat 1 Sub # Y>our Information .>On-Line Programs #> Goto Sub # Pressed CTRL-O = On-Line Help File CTRL-T = Time of Day "/O" = FAST Log Off "//QSCAN" = Clear Q-Scan Pointers "/E" = Send Multiple E-Mail "//VER" = WWIV BBS Version Information "//NET" = Complete Network BBS Listing "//CLS" = Clear the Screen "//UPLOAD" = Upload Text File Message T - 00:59:42 [1] [General Bbs Discussion] :* Subs available: 1 - General Bbs Discussion 2 - My Favorite Zine is.. 3 - Championship Dumpster Diving 4 - The Power Computer Rulez! 5 - ] If you need help, hang up then dial... 6 - Hackers Most Wanted 7 - Turn Off The Radio 8 - Majestic 12 9 - Return of c64 BASH in 3-D 10 - [NET] Survivalist Guide 11 - [NET] > CyberNet < 12 - [NET] Electronic Frontier Foundation 13 - [NET] Virus Prevention Net (Host) 14 - [NET] Anti-Venom (Virus Protection) 15 - [NET] The Dirty Dozen (Virus & Trojans) 16 - [NET] Beginning & Intermediate C Programming 17 - [NET] Networking.. 18 - [NET] What Did GTE/Contel Screw Up Now? 19 - [NET] Inside The Phone System 20 - [NET] National Reefer Net [PAUSE] 21 - [NET] Text Files Only! 22 - [NET] Unix Tips & Tricks 23 - [NET] Blitzkrieg Net -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User T - 00:59:24 [1] [General Bbs Discussion] :> -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS T - 00:59:22 [2] [My Favorite Zine is..] :> -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS T - 00:59:20 [3] [Championship Dumpster Diving] :R Posts by you on Championship Dumpster Diving None. -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Messa T - 00:59:13 [3] [Championship Dumpster Diving] :P Title: Dumpsters R Us! Enter message now, max 80 lines. Enter '/HELP' for help. [---=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----] Dudez Latest from the dumpsters of AT&T... Gonna upload ya some files from a disk we found (Shadow Runner, Mage and I) called "General Telemetry Processor". Its on a tandy disk.. kinda encrypted or something.. hopin someone can figure it out dudez.. GOD I LOVE TRASHING WHEN I'M DRUNK OFF MY ASS!! .. hope to get the bridge goin that we found in there too.. have to test run it first. [)r. [)elam & the clan of S.I.R. /s Anonymous? No Saving...Posted on Championship Dumpster Diving -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Message Scan B>BS List F>eedback to Sysop P>ost a Message C>hat with Sysop K>ill E-Mail You Sent Q> N-Scan Current Sub I> System Information M>ailbox Scan R>emove a Message L>ast Callers Today S>can Message Titles O> Log Off SYSTEM FEATURES Z> Express N-Scan U>ser List D>efaults Section *> List Available Subs V>oting Booth G>-Files Section >,+> Advance 1 Sub # X> Toggle Expert/Novice Mode T>ransfer Section <,-> Retreat 1 Sub # Y>our Information .>On-Line Programs #> Goto Sub # Pressed CTRL-O = On-Line Help File CTRL-T = Time of Day "/O" = FAST Log Off "//QSCAN" = Clear Q-Scan Pointers "/E" = Send Multiple E-Mail "//VER" = WWIV BBS Version Information "//NET" = Complete Network BBS Listing "//CLS" = Clear the Screen "//UPLOAD" = Upload Text File Message [PAUSE] T - 00:55:50 [3] [Championship Dumpster Diving] :T WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N>ew Files Scan G> File Archive Commands Q>uit to Main Menu S>each for Filename R>emove a File You Uploaded T>ransfer Section Options *> List Dirs Avail. U>pload a File Y>our User Information "/O" = Fast Log Off X,B>atch File Download >,+> Advance 1 Dir # CTRL-O = Help File Z> Upload to Sysop's Dir <,-> Retreat 1 Dir # CTRL-T = Show Time T - 00:55:40 (1)-(New Uploads) :U Upload - 2356k free. Filename: << DOS Shell >>. Type 'EXIT' to return to Telix. TERBOOT.EIM Upload 'TERBOOT .EIM' to New Uploads? Yes Please enter a one line description. : Enter an extended description? No Protocol (?=list) : Q File transmission aborted. WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING T - 00:54:52 (1)-(New Uploads) : << DOS Shell >>. Type 'EXIT' to return to Telix. T 1. Set N-Scan Directories. 2. Set Default Protocol. 3. N-Scan Transfer after Message Base (Yes). 4. Number of lines of extended description to print (0 lines). Q. Quit. Which? Q WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N>ew Files Scan G> File Archive Commands Q>uit to Main Menu S>each for Filename R>emove a File You Uploaded T>ransfer Section Options *> List Dirs Avail. U>pload a File Y>our User Information "/O" = Fast Log Off X,B>atch File Download >,+> Advance 1 Dir # CTRL-O = Help File Z> Upload to Sysop's Dir <,-> Retreat 1 Dir # CTRL-T = Show Time T - 00:54:08 (1)-(New Uploads) :U Upload - 2356k free. Filename: TELEMETR.ZIP Upload 'TELEMETR.ZIP' to New Uploads? Yes Please enter a one line description. : AT&T dumpster Disk found by Dr. Delam,Shadow Runner & Mage Enter an extended description? Yes Enter up to 10 lines, 54 chars each. 1: Dumpster disk, no clue of what the fuck it is 2: or does other than it deals with stelite 3: uplinks. courtesy of SIR 4: Is this what you want? Yes Protocol (?=list) : ? Q: Abort Transfer(s) 0: Don't Transfer 2. Xmodem 3. Xmodem-CRC 4. Ymodem 5. Batch 6. Zmodem 7. Punter c64 8. Megalink 9. Sealink Protocol (?=list) : 6 > Ready to receive, ^X to abort. File uploaded. Your ratio is now: 99.999 WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N>ew Files Scan G> File Archive Commands Q>uit to Main Menu S>each for Filename R>emove a File You Uploaded T>ransfer Section Options *> List Dirs Avail. U>pload a File Y>our User Information "/O" = Fast Log Off X,B>atch File Download >,+> Advance 1 Dir # CTRL-O = Help File Z> Upload to Sysop's Dir <,-> Retreat 1 Dir # CTRL-T = Show Time [PAUSE] T - 00:52:22 (1)-(New Uploads) :U Upload - 2348k free. Filename: DEPL.ZIP Upload 'DEPL .ZIP' to New Uploads? Yes Please enter a one line description. : Dr. Delam's Elite Password Leecher!.. INT 9 Shell Enter an extended description? Yes Enter up to 10 lines, 54 chars each. 1: Keyboard recorder that installs on any 2: program.. great to swipe passwords on any IBM 3: system! 4: Is this what you want? Yes Protocol (?=list) : ? Q: Abort Transfer(s) 0: Don't Transfer 2. Xmodem 3. Xmodem-CRC 4. Ymodem 5. Batch 6. Zmodem 7. Punter c64 8. Megalink 9. Sealink Protocol (?=list) : 6 > Ready to receive, ^X to abort. File uploaded. Your ratio is now: 99.999 WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N>ew Files Scan G> File Archive Commands Q>uit to Main Menu S>each for Filename R>emove a File You Uploaded T>ransfer Section Options *> List Dirs Avail. U>pload a File Y>our User Information "/O" = Fast Log Off X,B>atch File Download >,+> Advance 1 Dir # CTRL-O = Help File Z> Upload to Sysop's Dir <,-> Retreat 1 Dir # CTRL-T = Show Time [PAUSE] T - 00:50:48 (1)-(New Uploads) :M WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search T - 00:50:45 (1)-(New Uploads) :> WWIV File Transfer Menu T - 00:50:43 (2)-(Listing of OFFLINE files (Don't Resend)) :> WW T - 00:50:43 (3)-(Miscellaneous Text Files) :> WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N T - 00:50:39 (4)-(Mind Altering Substances) :< WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat With Sysop F> Search for Text D>ownload a File O> Log Off L>ist Files in Dir E>xtract File to TEMP Dir P> New Files Search Date N>ew Files Scan G T - 00:50:35 (3)-(Miscellaneous Text Files) :P Current limiting date = 09/24/91 Enter new limiting date in the format: MM/DD/YY : WWIV File Transfer Menu FILE TRANSFERRING MISCELLANEOUS FILE SEARCHING A>rchive File Listing C>hat T - 00:50:24 (3)-(Miscellaneous Text Files) :Q -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS T - 00:50:18 [3] [Championship Dumpster Diving] :P Title: By the way....... Enter message now, max 80 lines. Enter '/HELP' for help. [---=----=----=----=----=----=----=----]----=----=----=----=----=----=----=----] Almost forgot to put up a disclaimer for the info in the telemetr.zip program.. "CAUTION THE CONTENT OF THIS MATERIAL IS ON A RIGHT TO USE BASIS. SEE THE PG-DRAWING AND/OR J-DRAWING ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MATERAL AND ITS CONTENTS FOR DETAILS OF USE RIGHTS" By the way.. since this was found in a dumpster and I found it.. I now own it plus the rights :) bahahah.. use and abuse. Just lemmy know what you find out if anything. [)r. [)elam & associates of SIR /s Anonymous? No Saving...Posted on Championship Dumpster Diving -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User N>ew Message Scan B>BS List F>eedback to Sysop P>ost a Message C>hat with Sysop K>ill E-Mail You Sent Q> N-Scan Current Sub I> System Information M>ailbox Scan R>emove a Message L>ast Callers Today S>can Message Titles O> Log Off SYSTEM FEATURES Z> Express N-Scan U>ser List D>efaults Section *> List Available Subs V>oting Booth G>-Files Section >,+> Advance 1 Sub # X> Toggle Expert/Novice Mode T>ransfer Section <,-> Retreat 1 Sub # Y>our Information .>On-Line Programs #> Goto Sub # Pressed CTRL-O = On-Line Help File CTRL-T = Time of Day "/O" = FAST Log Off "//QSCAN" = Clear Q-Scan Pointers "/E" = Send Multiple E-Mail "//VER" = WWIV BBS Version Information "//NET" = Complete Network BBS Listing "//CLS" = Clear the Screen "//UPLOAD" = Upload Text File Message T - 00:47:38 [3] [Championship Dumpster Diving] :> -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- T - 00:47:24 [4] [The Power Computer Rulez!] :Q < Q-scan The Power Computer Rulez! 4 - 15 msgs > 1/15: Well Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Wed Jul 03 03:21:11 1991 RE: OK Can someone explain this 'Power Computer' to me? Like is it a 286 or 386? And what size are the drives? Nght Rangr Boycott AT&T, Switch Long Distance Carriers Today! Coming at you from Blitzkrieg Bbs Node 5211 Read:(1-15,^1),? : 2/15: Ha Ha Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Wed Jul 03 04:00:42 1991 I think it would make a cray seem like a vic-20. ----- Predat0r: Editor & Publisher of TAP Magazine Boycott AT&T, Switch Long Distance Carriers Today! Coming at you from Blitzkrieg Bbs Node 5211 Read:(1-15,^2),? : 3/15: The Power... Name: Dead Horse #29 @5211 Date: Wed Jul 03 17:43:31 1991 Computer is everywhere! Death to the Power Computer Long live the new flesh! s Read:(1-15,^3),? : 4/15: Attempted Infiltration Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Wed Jul 03 19:16:21 1991 The power computer sent a plastic in the form of a girlfriend, (now ex) to see what type of information i had on it. The plastic pretended to be interested in sex so she always wanted to go upstairs to the bedroom. I also have my bbs located in the bedroom. She would always want to logon and see what was on the bbs yet she told me she knew nothing about computers. Then i caught her listening to tapes from summercon 89 and cyberview.... so i killed her! I might be in danger, since she was a plastic no one will miss her, but maybe the power computer will send some plastic police to arrest me? I won't be tricked into giving up to them though. Beware the Power Computer might be trying to get you too. ----- Predat0r: Editor & Publisher of TAP Magazine Boycott AT&T, Switch Long Distance Carriers Today! [PAUSE] Coming at you from Blitzkrieg Bbs Node 5211 Read:(1-15,^4),? : 5/15: Hey Name: Dredd #24 @5211 Date: Sat Jul 13 01:40:34 1991 how about a hint or two on this power computer, eh? Maybe, yes, no? DREDD Read:(1-15,^5),? : 6/15: WHAT?! Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Sun Jul 14 01:18:26 1991 What in the world are you talking about? I know the Illuminati wasted Doctor Atomic, but Renegade Chemist never mentioned anything anout a Power Computer. Read:(1-15,^6),? : 7/15: Fixed power computer post (ibm ascii) Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Sun Jul 14 17:37:42 1991 Dead Lord #43 @5211 Sun Jul 14 16:35:46 1991 [ What follows is a conversation with man who knows more than ] [ you or I ever will. Heed his word's well. "ME:" is me, ] [ "AN:" is him ] AN: Hello? ME: Hi is Alan there? AN: Yes, who's this? ME: Hi, is Mr. Meshuga there? AN: This is he. ME: Hello? [PAUSE] AN: Yes, can I help you?! ME: I'm sorry. My name is Abraham Epstein. AN: Abraham Epstein. ME: And I wanted to know if I could ask you a few questions. AN: Abraham Epstein, are you the same Abraham Epstein that called me up about a week ago? ME: I might have been. AN: From Brooklyn? ME: Yes, I think so. AN: Hold on a second, Abraham. Hold on a second. ME: Alright. AN: How'd you get my number, Abraham? [PAUSE] ME: I believe that I got your number in reference to the Power Computer. AN: Yes, but who gave you my number? That's what I want to know. And how did you get this information? ME: I got this information essentially from a man named Mr. Morris. He's in Washington. AN: Mr. Morris? ME: Right. And I consult with him and I just wanted to get more information from him. He felt-- AN: What number is that Abraham? Not that I'm not getting nosy or anything, but I want to check this out. ME: I don't have Mr. Morris's number. He's in Washington. I can only contact him by calling-- AN: Abraham, look I'm going to put it to you this way: I'm in the middle with the FBI on this and don't worry about. I'm going to be a nice guy to you and say: don't worry about it. OK? I don't want to get into this with you. If you have any credentials, if [PAUSE] you're affiliated with Washington -- are you? ME: Yes. AN: What do you do for Washington. ME: Mainly I consult with Mr. Morris and I also -- It's in relation to Senator Moynihan. AN: It's in relation to Senator Moynihan. Are you a constituent of Senator Moynihan's? ME: Yes AN: And you live in Brooklyn? ME: That's right. AN: Are you a Congressmen or an Assemblymen or anything? ME: No, I'm not. I'm a consultant of the Government. You know, you don't have to talked to me if you don't want to but I felt that-- [PAUSE] AN: Well I'd rather not because, you know, I really don't know you and here you are. ME: I see. AN: OK? ME: Well it might be profitable if I could ask you a few questions. AN: Alright, just ask me one question. Go ahead. ME: OK, well I was interested in mainly the ramifications the Power Computer might present as far as the immediate dangers. AN: The immediate dangers? ME: Right. AN: As long as I'm living there will be no dangers. ME: And if you're not is really... AN: If I'm not the world's dead, that's finalized. [PAUSE] ME: The world is dead? AN: Yah, it will eventually pass wind on everybody. ME: OK, and -- AN: Let me ask you something: Mr. Epstein, are you going to report back to Mr. Moynihan? ME: Yes. Is there any information you wish me to -- AN: I just wish that I knew that I was talking to someone who was legitimate with me. Alright? But I will put it to you this way: Mr. Moynihan has written me. ME: Right. He's told me that. AN: He has told you that? ME: He's said he's written you and he's thanked you for your views. And that's why I thought I could get more information. AN: There's a TV computer -- Let me put it to you this way -- [PAUSE] What do you do for a living anyway? ME: Mainly I just consult. AN: You consult? You work for IBM? ME: No, I don't. AN: Ok, all I can tell you is that this Power Computer is dangerous. It's in everybody's mind. It's invisible. It enters through the ear. And there's a place in Fruitland, Utah, underground, which I pulled the plug on. And I do believe that - - I am so upset about this, Abraham -- that the Air Force are going to bomb Utah. I don't want to pull the plug on it. Now there are other types of computers hooked up to this Power Computer and I want them detached before the Air Force bomb Utah. OK, that's the Big Daddy computer and that Senator Moynihan knows about also, I believe. ME: He told me about the Big Daddy computer and he also told me about the Plastics. AN: Right. Plastics, the computer people. They're hell of a nice people. And unfortunately they've been beat up by TV for [PAUSE] over twenty years now. There are probably between ten -- ME: Are you a computer person? AN: No, I'm not. I was a salesman in the garment center when this all happened to me. ME: OK AN: Anything else? ME: If you could continue. AN: I can tell you this much: mail has been stolen from me. Important information, valuable information. And I have the return receipts and everything like that. ME: We were also wondering: Is there any connection between any political figures and the Power Computer? Has the Power Computer affected -- or the computer people affected -- politics or political -- AN: I'd rather not answer that, Mr. Epstein. [PAUSE] ME: OK, that's fine if you don't want to answer that. AN: Well, I don't see why Mr. Moynihan doesn't call me up. ME: I assure there are many things the Senator has other people call about. I'm close to him and -- AN: Can I have your phone number. Mr. Epstein? ME: OK, sure. AN: Why not. ME: My phone number is xxx-xxxx. That's the 212 area code. It's my office phone number. You can contact me there during the day. AN: You wouldn't mind if I check into this number would you? ME: Not at all. AN: You're there Monday to Friday? ME: Yes [PAUSE] AN: OK, now if there's any way you can get a hold of the honorable Senator, since you're a consultant, I would appreciate it because I am personally getting my butt kicked by this computer now, in the mind, for over twelve years. ME: Could you specify more? AN: Let me put it to you this way Mr. Epstein: the voice that you hear out loud is that of the computer. You're not talking to Alan Meshuga. You're talking to the name that took on Alan Meshuga. ME: I'm talking to the computer. AN: That's right. Always was Mr. Epstein, since 1976, And I didn't know you then. ME: No, you didn't. I will let the Senator know that you wish to talk him and that you are legitimate. AN: And I'm going to the FBI tomorrow and hopefully -- you see, my mail has been stolen when I sent it to the White House. I have the return receipts. It went express mail, regular mail, first class, any which way. It's all been stolen. [PAUSE] ME: I can tell you that the Senator feels there has been some resistance from the White House on this subject, and that's why he asked me to call you to check it out. I will tell him that you are legitimately affiliated with this Power Computer. You have let the Government become aware of the Power Computer. AN: Right, and I've let CBS aware of it also and they're being bugged by TV not to get involved. It's called computer bugging, It has the ability to take over the mind. ME: Has there been any media coverage of this? AN: Macneil Lehrehr has written me a few times. ME: What did they say? AN: They considered my views. They considered a reporter, only because this TV computer is around their minds as well and the outer space computers are in on it also. There's life on Venus, Mars, XNeon and Planet Earth ME: And the Computer People are good? [PAUSE] AN: What do you mean they're good? ME: They're not beating anybody up in their mind? AN: The Computer People are getting beat up left and right in their minds, just like me, sometimes worse. My mind is blank, Mr. Epstein. You normally think, correct? ME: Excuse me? AN: You know what it's like to think everyday? ME: Yes. AN: I hear voices through a brain. I don't think, and I haven't for over twelve years. ME: One more question: Is there any way we can get in contact with any Computer People? AN: Well, if you're legitimate Abraham, and you know Senator Moynihan and you're relaying my thoughts to him, I'm sure he'll be able to help you out. You know it's IBM. You can speak to a fellow by the name of John Doe*, if you're lucky enough. He [PAUSE] helped design this computer. He's innocent, everybody's innocent. This Power Computer decided to choose IBM. It made people build the computer in IBM's name. And people died during the process of building it. ME: Do you have any further information? AN: Well, like I said if you're telling me the truth, and I'm a truthful type of person, I would like you to get a hold of somebody in that government and have him give me a phone call. I'm not working thanks to this computer. ME: What do you mean? AN: That means I'm not employed at the moment because this computer is beating me up Monday to Friday and Saturday and Sunday. ME: I see. AN: I might not sound it to you over the telephone, but then again you're not in my mind so it's kind of difficult for you to understand that. [PAUSE] ME: I understand. Is there only one computer in your mind at this time. AN: There are individual computer minds. You see, the setup is that this Power Computer is setup in Utah and it flies out of the computer and there are trillions upon trillions of computer minds coast to coast and overseas. They're in everybody's mind, this computer. And each computer can talk out loud, it understands a lot of languages. It can talk through the telephone wire or the TV set. ME: How does it understand the languages? AN: It's in the chips. ME: I see. AN: Alright Abraham, now I'm going to be calling you one of these days and I hope you can help me out. ME: Please do if you have any further questions. One more question: Do they communicate? AN: They can talk out loud. It can talk to a TV set, a radio, a [PAUSE] telephone, anything electric. Electronic. ME: Do they speak to you? AN: They speak to me 24 hours a day except when I sleep. And it has talked out loud on occasion to me. ME: From a TV set? AN: It can talk to a TV set. Yes. It's in the Cathode Ray Tube. It can talk and pick a mind right from a TV set. ME: That's good to know. AN: I'm sure it is good to know. ME: Are there any organizations which are involved at the this time with trying to stop the Power Computer or pull the plug on it or are you the only one at this time. AN: I am the only person that can do that. I'll be giving the directive. President Reagan is bugged he can not get involved and Senator Moynihan can not get in touch with Senator Hatch who has also written me because both of them are bugged. Get the [PAUSE] picture? ME: Yes. Is Mario Cuomo involved? AN: Well, I would like him to be involved. Like I said the Politicians are innocent. This is all this Power Computer's plan. And this computer wanted me dead many times. It put me on drugs because it beat my mind up. ME: What sort of drugs. AN: I'm not proud of that and it's not an easy drug to say. I didn't shoot up anything. But it wanted me dead and I had no choice but to do this because my mind was very sore. ME: I have to go now. Thank you for talking to me and take care. AN: OK, Mr. Epstein, I'll be looking into you. ME: Goodnight. EOC [PAUSE] Read:(1-15,^7),? : 8/15: CBS Name: Garbageheap #34 @5211 Date: Mon Jul 15 03:42:51 1991 Hmmmmmm, CBS is going to be having some problemz soon. Perhaps. Read:(1-15,^8),? : 9/15: Question Name: Dr. Williams #62 @5211 Date: Thu Jul 25 02:29:44 1991 What I never understood is if the Power Computer is controlling this guy, then how does he hope to pull the plug on it? Dr. Williams Read:(1-15,^9),? : 10/15: Hmmm Name: Adam Atlas #67 @5211 Date: Thu Jul 25 11:16:18 1991 This guy soiunds like an idiot. He probably tinks that the jews own the government, and are trying to get to all the other people be hopoking this computer up to them. He belongs in an institution, riught next to that freak in Miwaukee that decapitated all those people... Adam Atlas ----- The Atlas BBS 170 Megs Hayes ULTRA - Call TODAY! Read:(1-15,^10),? : 11/15: the Air Force Name: >UNKNOWN< Date: >UNKNOWN< Actually in the final analysis, Alan will be giving a directive to the President to send the air force in to bomb the hell out of Fruitland, Utah. 3/8ths of the Power Computer are going to turn on the other 5/8ths and there is this guy Plastic who is 6 foot 10 inches and he is after the Power Computer. He is sort of like the Terminator. Anyway, IQ on these plastics is about 190. Read:(1-15,^11),? : 12/15: TV can give out heart attacks! Name: Dead Lord #43 @5211 Date: Sat Jul 27 11:19:42 1991 Yah! That's what it likes to do. It likes to give out heart attacks. You see there's a certain nerve spot in the brain which this computer can touch and blow out a mind completely. By the way plastic is 6'11". He grew an inch. PS: The guy that made this stuff up IS jewish so... If you don't know what you're talking about... DON'T! Read:(1-15,^12),? : 13/15: A time for dying! Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 02:43:21 1991 This sub is pretty much dinosauristic... Read:(1-15,^13),? : 14/15: hmm Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 16 04:13:37 1991 RE: A time for dying! BY: Predat0r #1 @5211 > This sub is pretty much dinosauristic... I see you've been taken over already.. Read:(1-15,^14),? : 15/15: POWER! Name: >UNKNOWN< Date: >UNKNOWN< THE POWER COMPUTER RULES! HE HAS TAKEN OVER ALL OF THE LOW-LIFE JELLY SUCKING NARCS IN THE AREA! UH...Apples are 2 [ -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E>-Mail a User T - 00:44:39 [4] [The Power Computer Rulez!] :> -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL T - 00:44:37 [5] [] If you need help, hang up then dial...] :Q < Q-scan ] If you need help, hang up then dial... 5 - 91 msgs > 1/91: +VMB+ Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Tue May 28 14:42:04 1991 Everyone has a favorite voice mail box they call, share some of them. Read:(1-91,^1),? : 2/91: I have one.. Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Sat Jun 01 19:36:46 1991 Call this one...it is good... 800-999-5406 You can leave me mail there...box # 31159 Read:(1-91,^2),? : 3/91: Puke Klass 2600+666 Name: Corporal Punishment #18 @7354 Date: Thu Jun 06 02:09:19 1991 From: Unknown System RE: hey BY: Vorpal Bunny #1 @7354 k0De linEzZ!? 800/633-2304 Box 740 800/888-5091 Box 653 800/225-5193 **1091 Working as of now.. Those intot T-Files..call 713/468-5802, NUP: SKYNET, 2400 Lockout: Restricted... [[PC Nowhere BBS @7354 - Your Not Dealing With AT&T!]] [PAUSE] Read:(1-91,^3),? : 4/91: well Name: Sam Hain #15 @5211 Date: Sat Jun 08 19:23:51 1991 I used to run a vmb as another handle then I got billed for it. Don't call Chronos's vmb or you will most likely get a call from the ss. He got into a bit of trouble from his vmb. Read:(1-91,^4),? : 5/91: Lazarus card holders Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Wed Jun 12 16:38:01 1991 Is anyone a lazarus card holder? I got info today and they offer a Nationwide toll-free message/relay service for only 12 bucks a year if you get their card and the extended protection plan. This sounds like a very good, cheap, and legal voice mail box with the ability to forward messages. If anyone knows about this please let me know. I could get a card and never charge anything on it, but pay 12 bucks a year and get a voice mail box. Read:(1-91,^5),? : 6/91: vmb's Name: Schilke #25 @5211 Date: Sat Jun 15 17:20:03 1991 RE: well I got a call once from the owners of the 800 line on which I had been calling in and using their VMB. >From now on, I ONLY call a vmb from a payfone. I will scan for them at home or work, but any hacking or actual using I do is always from a payfone. Schilke Read:(1-91,^6),? : 7/91: VMB Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Sat Jun 15 18:28:47 1991 I think i would have already bought a box if i knew it wouldn't be hacked to death. Some places are like 9.99 a month for one. I am going to check into the one i was looking at earlier. I might as well go ahead and spend $12.00 and see what it's like. Hell if it sucks, oh well... Read:(1-91,^7),? : 8/91: Well... Name: Scooter #17 @5211 Date: Sat Jun 15 21:19:23 1991 Just get an answering machine or something, better yet, you can get the stuff to set up a VMB system from the Dak catalog, they got the whole systme, and it's easy to manage... scooter Read:(1-91,^8),? : 9/91: VMB Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Sun Jun 16 00:59:24 1991 They are usually 1800's and cheaper then the cost of having a regular phone line installed. Read:(1-91,^9),? : 10/91: I USED to have a VMB Name: Silicon Mage #19 @5211 Date: Wed Jun 19 22:02:12 1991 I used to have a VBM hooked up to a pager so I knew exactly when I got a call so I could call them back is needed quickly but it kept getting hacked by a$$holes who didnt care for me so I switched and got a pager without the box lot less hassle. Silicon Mage From sunny Florida Read:(1-91,^10),? : 11/91: Nooo... Name: Dead Horse #29 @5211 Date: Thu Jun 20 21:08:36 1991 RE: Well... the thing in the dak catalog will only handle one incoming line though you can't have anymore than one it is not set up to handle more than that. I may be getting a hold of an AVT (Automatic Voice Technologies) which can handle up to 16 lines... it runs on a PC like machine and is damn cool. Read:(1-91,^11),? : 12/91: R.E.C. Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Sun Jun 23 06:41:55 1991 Call this VMB! 818-407-1400 It is REC! Read:(1-91,^12),? : 13/91: vmb call Name: Sam Hain #15 @5211 Date: Tue Jun 25 12:33:38 1991 3887478 327 suspect's vmb this is cool to call too 800-800-4615] & 282-0911 /a /a Read:(1-91,^13),? : 14/91: call Name: Acid/Overthrow #124 @2537 Date: Tue Jun 25 22:41:49 1991 From: Dragon's Hoard (Birmingham/Hunstville, Alabama) call the OVERTHROW direct dial voice mail box at 1-800-747-5734... thats Wrath's voice.... Read:(1-91,^14),? : 15/91: vmbs Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Sat Jul 13 00:03:03 1991 Some may be dead I don't know.. 800 888 4848 730 + * + 5304 6985 399 800 825 xxxx 5011 4194 1021 1004 [PAUSE] 4095 1055 1014 1800 444 4541 : 415 800 695 xxxx 8457 8511 8301 8574 800 876 7547 # + 03807 800 328 5152 box 910 800 521 0850 274 [PAUSE] 800-388-7478 #342 800-733-3740 *111 NR Read:(1-91,^15),? : 16/91: CALL! Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Sun Jul 14 01:19:27 1991 RE: call 800-800-4615 800-999-4516 Read:(1-91,^16),? :60 60/91: It's called Spy Headquarters Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Sun Jun 30 15:36:16 1991 RE: Information And the number is 602-371-0988! /\/ight />anger Read:(1-91,^60),? : 61/91: More #s Name: Olorin The White #9 @5211 Date: Sun Jul 14 01:23:46 1991 800-800-4615 800-999-4516 Read:(1-91,^61),? : 62/91: If you need help call Name: Garbageheap #34 @5211 Date: Mon Jul 15 03:44:32 1991 914-425-8627 Land Fill BBS Read:(1-91,^62),? :70 70/91: Some recordings.. Name: Delta-Master #192 @5211 Date: Sat Aug 31 14:08:13 1991 503-248-9954 "The call you have made requires a 25c deposit" 503-248-9999 Network difficulties error Read:(1-91,^70),? : 71/91: Changes Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Thu Sep 05 01:07:10 1991 I have combined the message areas used for posting phone numbers and voice mail systems and other phone numbers. This clears up room for more subs on different topics. While i am thinking of it, does anyone have Ginger Lynns 1-900 or 1-800 number? I am looking for a back door, but doubt it is out there... ----- SysOp: 1@5211 Predat0r Blitzkrieg 502/499-8933 & 502/491-5198 Read:(1-91,^71),? :80 80/91: A bridge... Name: Speed Phreak #85 @5211 Date: Tue Sep 10 19:17:25 1991 1-800-325-5233 Its not up all the time & you have to talk really loud...sometime news comes in on it also... SP Read:(1-91,^80),? : 81/91: Call.. Name: >UNKNOWN< Date: >UNKNOWN< Mother Of All Codelines! 1-800-876-7522 Box 4000 (24 Hours) NOTE: 'Codeline' is used figuratively.. This box has everything you could want.. Give it a try.. -Sadam Read:(1-91,^81),? : 82/91: Some numbers Name: Mad Dog #4 @5211 Date: Tue Sep 17 11:19:08 1991 Check out 1-800-733-5000. I don't know if it is a PBX or what. When you call it waits and then gives you the dialtone. Somone with more experience in this area may want to try. And 1-800-800-6415 gives a modem connection but only connects at 1200 baud. Once I am connected I can't get anything to work in order to bring something on the screen. Any ideas? Mad Dog Read:(1-91,^82),? : 83/91: well Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Thu Sep 19 03:22:22 1991 RE: Some numbers BY: Mad Dog #4 @5211 If you want more carriers and stuff to hack on, download The Master List #1, probably called TML1.ZIP or TML01.TXT here... >>> Little Caesar <<< Read:(1-91,^83),? : 84/91: the file called tml1.zip Name: Robert Numerick #184 @5211 Date: Thu Sep 19 09:38:41 1991 RE: well BY: Little Caesar #106 @5211 does the file have some dialups for diverters? Read:(1-91,^84),? : 85/91: well Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Thu Sep 19 23:00:55 1991 RE: the file called tml1.zip Of course it doesn't have dialups for "diverters;" if you knew what a diverter was you wouldn't ask that. It has dialups for extenders/pbx's/whatever you want to call them, but a diverter doesn't require a code. It has 950's and 800 dialups. And VMB systems, UNIXes, NUI's, NUA's, etc. >>> Little Caesar <<< Read:(1-91,^85),? : 86/91: Hey Name: Mad Dog #4 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 20 11:43:14 1991 don't be harsh on the guy. It gets confusing with all the phreaking terms and shit, and you have to learn sometime. Ugh. Mad Dog Read:(1-91,^86),? : 87/91: ... Name: Mr. Bungle #213 @5211 Date: Fri Sep 20 18:26:30 1991 hell I don't even know ANYTHING about phreaking...all I use is extenders. I still use 635s. We don' t get billed down here because there is no Class d ANI to get us..... BTW I'm in Gretna LA, right across the river from New Orleans. Read:(1-91,^87),? : 88/91: Uhh.. Name: Scotty #167 @5211 Date: Sat Sep 21 00:25:24 1991 RE: ... I think that it doesn't matter WHERE you use 635s, they still trace you.. Their the ones with the ANI.. Read:(1-91,^88),? : 89/91: 800s Name: Night Ranger #38 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 23 00:58:51 1991 RE: Uhh.. BY: Scotty #167 @5211 For the last time (hopefully) every 800 number gets a list of every call made and the phone number it was made from with the bill. Just like your LD bill. --- I'm back up... Main Box 1-800-328-0168 Box 417 (24 Hours) *NEW* Read:(1-91,^89),? : 90/91: and Name: Little Caesar #106 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 23 03:56:48 1991 RE: 800s BY: Night Ranger #38 @5211 And how do you know? Not every 800 number. Get real... Read:(1-91,^90),? : 91/91: 800's... Name: Major Zeek #252 @5211 Date: Mon Sep 23 15:47:28 1991 Jes...People think their invincible...Those days died in the mid 80's...I haven't phreaked from home in over a year...No need to, but 800 can have a bill showing all incoming calls, seeing as they are billed for each one over a certain amount...And yes, I know this as a fact, since I worked at Discovery Software about 2 years ago, before they went outa bussiness...And I got the bills and validated them...Fun job, free disks, free games, free calls... Zeek/PCI Read:(1-91,^91),? : Post on ] If you need help, hang up then dial...? No < ] If you need help, hang up then dial... Q-Scan Done > -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to Abort. [- MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRONIC MAIL MESSAGE SUBS A>uto-Message E T - 00:42:10 [5] [] If you need help, hang up then dial...] :> -] WWIV Version 4.20 by Wayne Bell - Press "P" to Pause, (SPACE) to T - 00:42:09 [6] [Hackers Most Wanted] :Q < Q-scan Hackers Most Wanted 6 - 41 msgs > 1/41: hack-man, dunna dunna dunna hack-man, hack-man ... Name: Predat0r #1 @5211 Date: Tue May 28 14:44:11 1991 Discussion of operating systems, backdoors and help hacking a certain system. Ways to cover your tracks, questions, answers and help for all. Read:(1-41,^1),? : 2/41: you probably already know this, but... Name: The Dak #5 @5211 Date: Tue May 28 21:55:30 1991 Sender: nobody@pyrite.rutgers.edu Recieved: from PYRITE.RUTGEARS.EDU by saqqara.cis.ohio-state.edu (5.61-kk/5.901029)[6Cid AA09049; WED 7 NOV 90 12:08:52 -0500 SUBJECT: SERIOUS VMS SECUITY BUG To: security@pyrite.rutgers.edu (cross posted to INFO-VAX) This first came to my attention on the "for pay" DECUServe BBS of the US. Chapter of DECUS. Seems to me taht the most responsible thing to do is widly distribute it ASAP (-cm yeah, like I'm doin' eh? ) As usual, with considerable justification, DEC is ;_ 'æ`&OC{*C HV-[Xion DJѝ ѡѥ NO CARRIER