nice netsplit tz!#@ hahaha w/whos viper who here HASNT read cuko stol, you havent logged on since friday 7:29 pm os egg? > who here HASNT read cukoos egg? so, why would cliff stoll waste his time on irc? cliff, why do you condemn hackers? In your own words... he isnt using that account. he doesnt condem hackers > he doesnt condem hackers I haven't read it. I avoid books about "the hacker culture", except +for, maybe, "The New Hacker's Dictionary" or is he.. hmm been logged in SINCE 7:29.. hmm > *** mayhem has changed the topic to "ITS REALLY HIME!!" hahahahahaha what a liar. is it? *** Nelson has changed the topic to "memorex" *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Clifford STSoll live from berkeley" Is it who? *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Clifford" *** Nelson has changed the topic to "flipper" you guyes OK gang ... it's me. I believe me, even if nobody else does. s wanna *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Clifford Stoll, live from Berkeley" find out if its him.. ask but why would you waste your time on irc, stoll? q why aren't you tripping out then? uestions from the book > you guys wanna find out if its him.. ask questions from the book NO DIAL TONE yeah..catching cuckoo's? derrrrrrrr rip on What was your girlfriends name??? cilff sessio *** rokstar has joined channel +hack n. Nelson: not wasting my time. Just up late & scarfing some leftovers +from the fridge quick!` good goin *** avatar has joined channel +hack g > derrrrrrrr rip on cilff session. good going come o stoll... If this is you, and I have no reason to believe it +isn't.. WHY do you persecute hackers? n ask some good q's > come on ask some good q's My sweetie usedta be Martha. awwww what did that german guy call you on that tv show you did? (and, alas, is no longer) he called you a phreak! hahahahjaha ;) of course, its difficult to ask questions from the book - anyone can +read it. howdy all, whats happenign up there in the USA !! *giggle* interesting problem of verification, actually. no stoll - where's your home workstation at berkeley? longer? > no longer? hey avatar! Now, in berkeley: I'm on a mac in my house. hehe just a and why are you logged into 14 different apollos? geez. s in the book > hehe just as in the book stoll: arent you afriad that *whistles along with the wall* howdy all, hows it going over ther in yankee land !! Nelson, I'm dialed into the Berkeley OCF network. someone will want to stoll: stoll do a /exec netstat hack YOUR account? > stoll: arent you afriad that someone will want to hack YOUR account? yeah. err /exec -out netstat seems the thing to do > seems the thing to do and while you're at it, do an "/on ^msg nelson $1-" then we can see all the connects to yur machine :0 better still .. tell us your phone number kalaal, hes familar with the hacking te *** track has joined channel +hack q gimme your creditcard number!#@ nie My phone's listed in the Oakland phone book. Call directory +assistance ues got any NUI's, stoll? :) icni heheh ques > kalaal, hes familar with the hacking ticniques t.stoll01 I eed some help please masshole you dont say I think mayhem whatcha need, track? likes tymnet :) > I think mayhem likes tymnet :) i wuv tymnet!! so annex4 is the terminal server, stoll? stoll has gone quiet I want to know how to start IRC whn connected to an open client? *** avatar has left channel +hack lts me call gatech, when i'm not even in the statez!! lts=lets quiet? oh, I'm just finishing writign another note. are you writing something new? > are you writing something new? Mass: I'm writing another book. heyy? stoll Cliff Stoll earthquake p2 20 Sat 02:16 +annex4 no way, what on? > no way, what on? put us in it!@# aw, stoll's password isn't "stoll" idle 20 min!!!!! heh don't get fooled..i't got something to do with the utmp! nelson: if you read the book you don't be a twit, deepsleep 'd login:stoll pwd:^U$dhW234D^Ldas& know what ti yeah its an apollo yp just do a few netstats e passwords assholes... he uses. > nelson: if you read the book you'd know what type passwords he uses. *** Signoff: track fooles! I don't want to read the book. annex4 is cool.. netsat his system and the annex he is suppose to be on. stoll is a media-milker I'm not familiar enough withi UCB - what are the annex? machines? Stoll, from a serious point of view, I'd like to talk with you. bel: I'm wityh you > bel: I'm wityh you I'm maybe he is using irc:+hack to get sum inpho for a new book? drunk too > I'm drunk too :) > :) I was drunk but I'm sobering rapidly.... same here, but id like to know if its the real dude or just someone +pranking, it does seem a bit weird does it not? I've read the two I don't wanna insult/persecute/insult anyone.... just wanna talk. things that cilff put out.. the ACM article and the le and the book.. do finger earthquake... he IS online... nt thin *** Signoff: stoll k theres anything else > I've read the two things that cilff put out.. the ACM article and the book.. +dont think theres anything else bampf I think he was legit proba *** Signoff: Belgorath bly *** Signoff: Gellor he should do a thing on tymnet > probably got scare shit, berkeley dropped off the net. d > got scared hey did u guys reallu beleibbe it was him???? how easy it is to hack. dude is back > dude is back stoll pal buddy! nark *** Gellor has joined channel +hack chill dudez hi > chill dudez *** Mode change "+o stoll " on channel +hack by DrYueh yes! > yes! *Source* which was the lastest version I could find... cliffster! cliffmeister! chatting on the +hack channel with +cliffopolous! totalli outrageous clifferoonie clif Hey, DrYueh....why'd you betray the Atriedes family....:^) f, want an account on the GNU project :) > cliff, want an account on the GNU project :) Gellor: the baron pays well *nukes another couple files* No thanx, Mass. :) heheh got a virgin [] one today > :) heheh got a virgin one today finger: can't read //lightning/sys/node_data/etc/utmp. Sat Nov 30 02:52:09 1991, 16 users Login Name Machine TTY Idle When Where asun Adrian Sun planecrash *p1 16:36 Fri 10:15 +annex4 byron Byron C. Go hailstorm p0 25 Sat 02:27 +annex2 danyu Daniel H. Yu tsunami p1 14 Sat 02:37 +annex4 erikred Erik Nielsen planecrash p5 3 Sat 00:54 :0.0 gchu Gary Chu bigbang p4 56 Sat 01:55 +ts-eva6 goldfarb David Goldfarb bigbang p3 1:09 Sat 01:42 :0.0 handtran Han Dai Tran bigbang p6 13 Sat 02:38 +annex4 ianb Ian Barkley hailstorm p1 46 Sat 02:05 +physics20 jimleung James Leung planecrash p2 2d Wed 19:34 +annex1 lewayhun Wayne Hun Lee tornado p3 2d Wed 01:41 +annex2 mehlhaff Eric Mehlhaff maelstrom p0 2:36 Sat 00:07 +annex2 mohannv Mohan N. Viswanathan headcrash p1 6 Tue 17:06 +annex3 sgladney Stephanie Gladney headcrash p9 2d Wed 16:20 +violet stoll Cliff Stoll earthquake p2 35 Sat 02:16 +annex4 tlee Tom Chen-Ming Lee earthquake p0 44 Sat 02:07 +sphere hey hey vannm Vann Miller locusts p0 1 Sat 02:51 +annex2 kalaal > hey hey kalaal fuuuuuuuck sorry!!! holy shit! ITS HIM!!!! who? mayhem, not so fast, finger the annexx [] *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Cliff Soll, live!" yeah finger: can't read //lightning/sys/node_data/etc/utmp. Login: stoll Name: Cliff Stoll Directory: //sandstorm/accounts/stoll Shell: /bin/csh Office: The Web Mail spool is 0k. On earthquake since Sat Nov 30 02:16 on ttyp2 from +annex4.Berkeley.EDU Plan: *** mayhem has changed the topic to "HACK" *** kalaal has changed the topic to "Cliff Richard is better" NOT heh nice directory cliff working on a new book called sandstorm? tell us about the book dude. > tell us about the book dude. stoll .. no .plan either :( *Source* when will you be able to upload telegard src? belg: feel free to send e-mail to me; I answer most of what comes +in. stoll: are you working on a new book? *** Belg0rath is now known as belgorath /msg source shit, I'm *Source* (I assume after stoll leaves, of course!:) Ok... fairly busy ..:.. .. : : .. rok: I'm writing a book on astronomy gim hmm! my time to talk to cliff -> *source* shit, I'm fairly busy.. gimmy time to talk to cliff /msg source you phreak? -> *source* you phreak? stoll ... astronomy?!@# heh, gonna b3 a best seller? > heh, gonna b3 a best seller? *** mayhem has changed the topic to "#@" nice topic > nice topic *** mayhem has changed the topic to "!#@" .....will she tear your little body apart.. Naw, you don't write bestsellers; you write what grabs you. *Source* you talking to me? [nope] *** Jol has joined channel +hack :) Hi > :) stoll: yup, cuckoo's egg grabbed a lot of ppl tho :) Weird ... i was amazed at how many people read it... how much $$$$ Yeah, stoll himself grabed some people... $4 yo make.. just curious > how much $$$$$4 yo make.. just curious I wrote it for a bunch of reasons, but one reason yeah :) gel: Heh! I sentence you to be exposed, before you peers! TEAR DOWN THE WALL! just another brick in the Wall.... stoll: im curoius ,, what was the reason you wrote cuckoo's egg? +money or ethical reasons? [ie hacking etc] heh > heh not money dude.. course not. i'd do it for the dough. but he did make a few I never read it, i just saw that fucked Nova program... laughed my +head off $$ > not money dude.. course not. but he did make a few $$ yea, the nova program was interesting. was kewl > was kewl one of those german guys got killed?.. they found his body, it had +been burnt? cliff: were you on the geraldo lesse, what's sh test to see if a file exists? show I missed? > cliff: were you on the geraldo show I missed? CIA murder plot!!! they said it was suicide.. bs suicide for who? > suicide for who? pengo? > pengo? Bull... yup. Damn feds!! think he;s workin for the feds under an *** fonephuz has joined channel +hack a it was the kgb.. or the cia ssumed name? > think he;s workin for the feds under an assumed name? hi mayhem There is some hell'a lag on here... I mean.. som what's up? eone chard beyond recognition.. > I mean.. someone chard beyond recognition.. fone: cliff stoll is here! the *real* cliff stoll! ? heheh.. he dont even the nets been bad 2nite! know > heheh.. he dont even know bahhaah > bahhaah .2 in person even! *** belgorath is now known as Belgorath *** Signoff: stoll *** Signoff: Jol *** Signoff: kalaal *** Signoff: DrYueh *** Signoff: Source shit > shit /who * Channel Nickname S User@Host (Name) +hack fonephuz H (Ron Allen) +hack Gellor H (Belgorath the Warrior) +hack Belgorath H (Belgorath the Warrior) +hack rokstar H daemon@BRADENVILLE.ANDREW.CMU.EDU +( +hack Masshole H (Walter Poxon) +hack peecee H@ (da peyote coyote) +hack mayhem H@ (Metallica wuz elite!#@) netSplit!!!!!1!111!!!!! hah.. there goes australia craaaaash yup > yup burk p > burp hey im still here , australia aint ded~! I hate /<-Rad Talk.... australia?!? that where you r? > australia?!? that where you r? err, well the NET aint dead, IRC certainly died in the ass *** ProfPaket has joined channel +hack *** Cylon has joined channel +hack *** DrYueh has joined channel +hack *** kalaal has joined channel +hack hello mass: phsycially im in australia here they come > here they come DNA... does anyone klnow where I could beg a net account in *8012) or +there abouts? dude is b *** Source has joined channel +hack akc > dude is bakc re cliff! stool is a fool! re all re all! prof: *** RRunner has joined channel +hack rehi hire > hire *** Black has joined channel +hack Hiya cliff, what r u doing here? narking? *** Jol has joined channel +hack p *** Cylon has joined channel +hack *** DrYueh has joined channel +hack *** kalaal has joined channel +hack rof: *** Mode change "+oo kalaal DrYueh " on channel +hack by chill > prof: chill getting crowded in hererr.... /who * Channel Nickname S User@Host (Name) +hack kalaal H@ (kalaal) +hack DrYueh H@ (DNA) +hack Cylon H (Jim) +hack Jol H u1040057@sg05.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (jol) +hack Black H (Christer Jansson (ST90)) +hack RRunner H (William Bishop) +hack Source H (T. Alpert) +hack stoll H stoll@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (Cliff Stoll) +hack ProfPaket H (Generic Account 0557) +hack fonephuz H (Ron Allen) +hack rokstar H daemon@BRADENVILLE.ANDREW.CMU.EDU +( +hack Masshole H (Walter Poxon) +hack peecee H@ (da peyote coyote) +hack mayhem H@ (Metallica wuz elite!#@) p.).)""23"<==> yeah the biggest channel so What's happening in here? letz get an intelligent convo *Source* you've got's abt telegard...want to tell me why they +stopped writing it?? [you can v/a email if it's LONG] going with cliff > so letz get an intelligent convo going with cliff not much just chatting with stoll ask him about the book <<"""""3323229"<=>=>7>7777>>>=====<<<<<=<=<=<====<=<>=<=<=<=<==== > ask him about the book meep meep! heh > heh *** Nosdivad has joined channel +hack btw *** Mode change "+o Nosdivad " on channel +hack by DrYueh what time is it in cali? > btw what time is it in cali? intelligent cliff? bahahahahaha he dose not know his ass from a +hole in the ground! special? naw -- a few weirdnesses, but still trying to do astronomy. ptptptptptptpt the attention gets in the way; some of the things cliff: what was *** Mode change "+o rokstar " on channel +hack by DrYueh it like when you v later all, this dont seem to get anywhere. is *** Signoff: DrYueh *** Signoff: Black ited with the fbi dissagreed with some of the tatctics.. that you usually can do are tough when there's people watching. in Cliff: what do you know about Communications of the ACM? the room. Big Mac Attack > cliff: what was it like when you visited with the fbi in the room. source: I have that issue > source: I have that issue I'd be wiggin out source: I published a couple papers in the CACM, if that's what you +mean? > I'd be wiggin out heh.. da fedmeisterz masshole: May 1988 issue of the CACM. They did a nie cover. iss *** Cylon has left channel +hack ue 479 source > issue 479 source "stalking the wily When I visted the FBI? Huh? You mean a coupla years ago? hacker > "stalking the wily hacker yeah when they had the red page 484 light in the room.. > yeah when they had the red light in the room.. > hell: stoll is here > hell: stoll is here Naw, not the fbi. That's the NSA at fort meade. but, why dont you do another book on hackers? ->497 the loser? ah > ah no issue 479 > no issue 479 hehehe yeah we need more hints! number 5, volume 31 > number 5, volume 31 rokstar: i did my best to describe my involvement in computer security *** Belgorath has joined channel +hack page 484 > page 484 masshole: yep! hey cliff i liked your book, i do not think i stopped hacking +(after reading) for several months... *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Cliff Stoll, LIVE!" in the book; I do a bit of lurking & suchnot nowadays, but hahahah hey guys what phone # did he dial to connect to the UNIX? I'm back in astronomy. *** fonephuz has changed the topic to "Cliff" cliff: do you think tyat you have helped the hacker in *** fonephuz has changed the topic to "Cliff_Stoll,_Somewhat_Liveish" crea fone: do /topic :topictext increase the # of hackers ou hackers ou t there? > cliff: do you think tyat you have helped increase the # of hackers out +there? use a colon Inside The Inner Circle I don't think he has... *** ProfPaket has changed the topic to "Cliff is a nut case!" prof: cukoo take it rruner -- that's a book written a couple years before ez dude > prof: take it ez dude anyone know of any good phreaking files specifically for oz? *GreenHell* i got some neat mail lists He has merely influenced the public image that hackers are +hardened criminals.. i got a little black book with me poems in! /msg greenhell hehe -> *greenhell* hehe /msg ge cuckoo's egg; I consciously decided not to write in the same style. reenhel *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Pink Floyd, The Wall" l whatta you think of this? -> *greenhell* whatta you think of this? I got my bag, toothbrush and comb ... mayhem .. we can put them in stoll's book ... the hacker turned poet! Mass: Did I increase the nubmer of hackers? Hmmmm... *ProfPaket* why? heh /msg profpaket he dont show up to often jol = titus = why you here when it says your taking a shower? :> .. ask some kewl questions -> *profpaket* he dont show up to often.. ask some kewl questions *** fonephuz has changed the topic to ":Pink" I think Stoll created a swell little hacking primer with thiose +books. My idea was to describe what I saw - *** Signoff: Belgorath looking for any names of textfiles on phreaking in Oz specifically. Jol = Jol this time ... :-) awww.. c'mon fuzz.. get with it! :) you said something in your book about *** ValleyBoy invites you to channel +gblf ? showing people how to Jol, where's your towel? make a bo make a bo m and to do my best to describe the problems involved. b or somehting "jol = jol" sure thang! *** ProfPaket has changed the topic to "Stoll is a Nut Case!!" sorry, it's been a while since i've irc'd regularly.. > you said something in your book about showing people how to make a bomb or +somehting be bac in a bit stoll: What was the thrill in entering into computer systems and how that rela *** fonephuz has left channel +hack tes to the book its yea, the new servers do that self > and how that relates to the book itself yyou didnt have auth for? RRuner ... for me, the thrill is in *** kalaal has changed the topic to "A Rich One!" who is stoll anyway? some nark! *** Signoff: ProfPaket HEY THE LIFE OF BRIAN IS ON! coool "He's not the massiah, he's just a very naught boy!" getting a system to work, not to break in... that valleyboy should be shot Sorry Green? stoll your now fun then Hell, I get a charge out of displaying images of martian craters. *** fonephuz has joined channel +hack stoll: are you I always wqanted to ask that... jol, a truely together d00d always knows where his towel is kallaal whatchannel? stoll wha? : +2600 life of brian? A few people I knew years back were into the same thing Greenhell 9 do you think the holes will ev a network? er be 100% plugged in systems? ya in OZ I systems? I figure that's g Whoa! Bizarre concept, eh Green! :-) oing to be the only time there will be no s ll be no s ystm kalaal what cahnnel? hackers.. just soci heheh, and if I tweak my antenna I might bring it in... al en bye gineers > stoll: do you think the holes will ever be 100% plugged in systems? I figure +that's going to be the only time there will be no systm hackers.. just social +engineers 9 9 9 9 bye * *** Signoff: fonephuz shit. i forgot to go to qsd ... arg! shinobi will be pizzed!! Yeah Cliff, why fix the software when you can just fix the users? +Hello, Aldous ... mass: as long as people are in control , nothing will be secure, +people are the REAL secuirty problems masshole social engineers will put the holes back in right? :) yeah "if theres a willll theres a way Mass: most of the problems are due to idiots, rather than s/w holes. " > yeah "if theres a willll theres a way" garage days revisited, green hell!!!!! METALLICA! Alot of people are more into coping software, not breaking into +systems ppl who have passwds like COMPUTER what later are you consi *** Signoff: mayhem dering masshole: there is no way that I can see that all of the holes will +EVER be plugged..because people have stupid passwords.... an idiot? someone who finds problems with a ms with a system, or someone who trashes a system? > what are you considering an idiot? someone who finds problems with a system, +or someone who trashes a system? *GreenHell* I got a Yello, Art Of Noise, and beer making mail lists I think that hackers can be considered the same as Idiots? Oh, people who set trivial passwords that should be the sys admin's dudty to make suere he doesnt have idi t have idi ots on his To get in just to look without trashing anything could be concidered +ok because, noone gets hurt system > that should be the sys admin's dudty to make suere he doesnt have idiots on +his system would only take a simple progr You've read my cacm paper -- you know my feelings there. am to take care of that. > would only take a simple program to take care of that. rruner: only if it was unpassworded fire against fire: if you want a safe system, use what the u rrunner: as long as too many people don't start doing that and +clogging the ports... hackers us hackers us e except if you were to use information gained from looking for +personal financial gain. > fire against fire: if you want a safe system, use what the hackers use rrunner as far as the law goes masshole yeah but then somone lends his account etc etc rrunner: we disagree with each other. you cant expect to keep a safe system if you dont keep up > with rev > i > si ith revisi on > s > a > Alternatives for describing someone who breaks into computers nd > are: the English word "Cracker," and the Dutch term *** NYROSEN has joined channel +hack > "Computerredebrenk" [14#footnote], (literally, computer peace w > disturber). The author's choices include "varmint," hat the > "reprobate," "swine," and several unprintable words. > hackers are exploring. > you cant expect to keep a safe system if you dont keep up with revisions and +what the hackers are exploring. Looks like stoll is in a pig-pen right now.. hahahah source! see you round guys *** Signoff: Nosdivad mass: if you've plugged all of the current sec. problems..WHY +UPGRADE? duh > duh cau hellow do I have to answer that one > do I have to answer that one because only the system software itself is secure, you can start kick +users ..until they pick long passwords... But people just shouldnt be getting into places that they have no +need to know [or use a password program replacment]... *** NYROSEN has left channel +hack but the whole idea of passwords is insecure! rok: yeah we need retina scanning! what [or do away w/ passwords and do something like finger print +scanning... do you suggest in place? > rok: what do you suggest in place? rok: what else is there that isn't cost prohibitive? you gotta get rid of the backdoors in a system though kal: what about people dialing up then? nope, have you known about the secuitry on the thinking machines +corporation? at least they are getting source voice smarter and not making it so that when you when you log in and use an invalid you are asked 12 digit passcode that is GENERATED when you login it +is only valid for 60seconds user id it doesnt say "wrong ID" wrong ID" you carry a handheld device that generates the same number, if they +match you login > at least they are getting smarter and not making it so that when you log in +and use an invalid user id it doesnt say "wrong ID" why nt use computer call-back? computer call back? heh > computer call back? heh rok: it's similar to my login device to get into an nsa computer. call back verification can be evaded I its a pain. green: knew it takes a bit more money (for the pocket devices) but is virtually +impossible to bbeat youd say it :) > green: knew youd say it :) but still can be done :) kor: [problem, all someone has to do it steal the handheld +thing...(If someone like the cracker stoll was following wanted in... stoll: why do you have access to nsa computers? *** phoenix has joined channel +hack *** NOTspam has joined channel +hack lo... i didn't think you liked the "gendarmes" r u refering to spam at ut? The "spooks", Green ... :-) hehehe source: yep, but how easy is it gunna be to mugg the dude and steal +his device ? 48hrs later they kill your acnt , what can u do then? (etc) "groovy" phoenix: not necessarily...but it does work. peecee - i've an account on a system called dockmaster. it's nsa's +machine for compusec stuff. I know 8) heheh dockmaster.. that was funny what you though that was in the beg in the beg ining > heheh dockmaster.. that was funny what you though that was in the begining Ahhh yes, the Naval shipyard wasn't it Cliff? :-) heheheyh Jol! rok : so you create a copy of a device and return it/... jol has it :) > jol has it :) source: yeah, it cant be more diffivcult than a sattelite +scrambler weird thing was that they gave me an account on dockmaster after i was +no longer interested in it. heh > heh probably afraid of you cliff :) > probably afraid of you cliff :) /who * Channel Nickname S User@Host (Name) +hack NOTspam H eww! (Revenge is a dish...yummy.) +hack phoenix H (phoenix) +hack GreenHell H () +hack kalaal H@ (kalaal) +hack Jol H u1040057@sg05.csd.unsw.OZ.AU (jol) +hack RRunner H (William Bishop) +hack Source H (T. Alpert) +hack stoll H stoll@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (Cliff Stoll) +hack rokstar H@ daemon@BRADENVILLE.ANDREW.CMU.EDU +( +hack Masshole H (Walter Poxon) +hack peecee H@ (da peyote coyote) Government departments - what do you expect? you said it, Jol source: mebbe, but you got to admit that if u did that youd be prob +that only person ever to hack the system etc... its not impossible BUT makes +the system 99% secure *** amsterdam has joined channel +hack Computer systems will always be inscure as long as they are tied +into a network that goes offsite. /n brb ick Dr. yep...I couldn't do it... Delam *** Signoff: phoenix you can do it by buffering a connec t to the system and doing a +simulateasus login as the same dude , thats another way :) After all, Cliff - what are they really after? They want more free info +from you without having to give anything back ... _Delam Dr_Delam Chn: +hack (I) *** *** Masshole is now known as Dr_Delam hehehe hehe > hehe ... and what better way for you to get the info to them than via an +account on their own systems? guest *The Evil Dr. Delam* acc alas, Jol, you're probably right. ounts rule > guest accounts rule corporate crime you mean jol? green: got anot *** mayhem has joined channel +hack her virign *** danius has joined channel +hack runner: taking it off ALL netwroks, inclduing pstn! gin Info on such, yes kalaal ... a rehi cct mayhem!! here at GNU > green: got another virgin acct here at GNU /msg greenhell bahahah love boarsting infront of #1 hacker killer true sto killer sto ll -> *greenhell* bahahah love boarsting infront of #1 hacker killer stoll *** Mode change "+o mayhem " on channel +hack by kalaal *rokstar* is phun line back up? danke /msg rokstar dude! hehe didnt know you knew me. dunno.. always busy -> *rokstar* dude! hehe didnt know you knew me. dunno.. always busy *rokstar* busy, it must be up :) /msg rokstar whens the last time you called it? -> *rokstar* whens the last time you called it? *** phoenix has joined channel +hack delam: shhh Uncle Cliffies on! heh. not to worry I have 20 accounts > heh. not to worry I have 20 accounts GREENHELL! *rokstar* bout 1 month ago, i live in australia so only kall it everyonce in a +while (when i get a at&t or somethin) /msg rok So you think the weak link into systems is at the front end. But +what about data interception? star yeah, bout the *whips out guitar and starts jamming* last time I called So what have you been astronimizing lately stoll? too.. tried about Use encryption, RRunner? 10 t about 10 t imes in the last month though -> *rokstar* yeah, bout the last time I called too.. tried about 10 times in +the last month though mayhem! *Source* read the email sent the that one before you logoff or they will know +something is up.... runner: data interception is just as dangerous :: just back from a phone call :: has he arried the hippy chick yet? *** mayhem has changed the topic to "Garage daze revisited" /msg source eh? -> *source* eh? Anyone know what ErikB's real name is? yeah! Chris Goggins == erikb I gotta go. Fun yacking with ya. wheres erik? runner: but a good frontdoor will mean you are limited to what you +can intercept (ie basically only what they 'use') > wheres erik? I see.. Bye Cliff - likewise ... phoenix? uh huh it was grrovy, dude! *Source* I send your current account email abt telegard [requesting you to +post it...] the one.. l8r c Stoll: Like your book, and saw the PBS special... liff > l8r cliff bye cliff! HCliff Burton!! thanx, RRuner! Cliff Orwell. Obviously cliff has nothing to say to me.. 8) MisFits! bye stoll Phoenix :: were you looking for me? (likely I mised it) =) stoll uses an X in his thanx????? stoll: can we all call you later? *** GreenHell has changed the topic to "Uncle Cliffie is your freind!" heheheheheh > heheheheheh *** NOTspam has changed the topic to "Uncle Cliffie is your friend" I'm randomly on the system; mostly writing. Pedant, NOTspam! :-) d00d! so like we can all call hmmmm this weekend > so like we can all call this weekend cliff: arent at 1am? you afriad of anyone running yoru trw history? > cliff: arent you afriad of anyone running yoru trw history? Pacific Time? letz setup an alliance! rok: yes! > rok: yes! heh if cliff wants > if cliff wants Nope... stoll is not stoll.. dr delam: it's 3:40 over here; you can call me in the next 10 +minutes, then I'm crashing & you'll get the answering machine. But I could be wrong 8) lets CONFERENCE call with clifford!@# yea.. it IS 340 here Alliance! yup > yup Nope.. last time I talked to him.. he was relatively uninteresting.. itz 22:38 here on the flip side heh its as dopey as the movie made him look? 6:4 *** TANDY has joined channel +hack 2 here > heh its 6:42 here Hi hmm. it's lunch time Sat Nov 30 06:42:45 EST 1991 3:43 in San Jose time california 6:42 in atlanta Well stoll.. if u are stoll. . kindly tell us all when you and I did +talk last time.. *** BelgoBot has joined channel +hack 12:42n Germany 3:44 in Vancouver BC phoe 22:38 Australian Eastern Standard time. nix.. we 12:42 Mid European Time figure phoenix, I haven't the slightest idea who you are. d its he's stoll, hes at the right place him already > phoenix.. we figured its him already ^ Summer Savings time Cuckoo nest /topic +hg I dunno... he made mention of me in his paperback release of cuckoos +egg... I would have thought hed remember.. ack Coo *** BelgoBot is now known as Hackbot Cuckoo Nest *** Dr_Delam has changed the topic to "+hack :Cuckoo Nest" But it looks like his either got a real bad memory.. oops > oops /topic "Cuckoo has egg on his face" " 8) Cuckoo hahahaha cls Anyway Cliff, we *will* let you go ... :-) I believe phoenix: GOd, I always wanted to met Stoll yes > phoenix: yes OK & I'm knocking off for the night. *** Signoff: stoll