#C<1]:Dream) get some 7404's
7404's function is what?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) 7404's function is what?
#C<1]:Dream) inverter
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ok
#C<1]:Dream) actually your best deal would be an open collector hi voltage
 version of the 7404
how many 77404's?
#C<1]:Dream) they got them, but I don't remember the #...  7414 I think
#A[1]:Dr Delam) how many 77404's?
#C<1]:Dream) Just like 1 or 2
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ok
#C<1]:Dream) unplug the 1488 and 1489 out of the sockets
heh ok
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh ok
sounds like fun
#A[1]:Dr Delam) sounds like fun
#C<1]:Dream) take the signal from the midi... (pins 2 & 3)
#C<1]:Dream) and from the ground (pin 1 I think, its the center one)
#C<1]:Dream) Damn, wish I had my books here
ok, the outer sheidling would be 1?
#C<1]:Dream) its a simple wiring job
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ok, the outer sheidling would be 1?
#C<1]:Dream) the hardest part is, you have to replace the 1.83 Mhz oscillator
 in the serial card, with a 1mhz oscilator
hmm, it's a crystal?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) hmm, it's a crystal?
#C<1]:Dream) no, its an oscilator, crystal is inside of it
ok, those are EZ to find?
#C<1]:Dream) it takes 5 volts, ground, and output is a 1mhz clock signal
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ok, those are EZ to find?
#C<1]:Dream) fairly
#C<1]:Dream) matter of fact...
#C<1]:Dream) if I have a spare card, I'll just send it to you
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
#C<1]:Dream) make life easier
#C<1]:Dream) either that or spring the 75$ and get one
only 75$?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) only 75$?
#C<1]:Dream) you can get true MPU401 cards for about 75$ now
wow, I remember sometning like $400
#A[1]:Dr Delam) wow, I remember sometning like $400
.. just got out my newark electronics catalog
#A[1]:Dr Delam) .. just got out my newark electronics catalog
#C<1]:Dream) ahh
#C<1]:Dream) heh, newark
#C<1]:Dream) they're expensive
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
dunno.. found them in the  phnoe book
#A[1]:Dr Delam) dunno.. found them in the  phnoe book
#C<1]:Dream) yeah, they're everywhere
#C<1]:Dream) I got one here too
#C<1]:Dream) Catalog #112?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) yep
I don't see oscilator
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I don't see oscilator
#C<1]:Dream) looking
#C<1]:Dream) 196
#C<1]:Dream) page
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ok
#C<1]:Dream) 2mhz will do
#C<1]:Dream) holy shit 6.47$
#C<1]:Dream) I only paid 50 cents for mine
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
I see the 1st is 1.544 Mhz
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I see the 1st is 1.544 Mhz
#C<1]:Dream) previous page they have 1 Mhz
#C<1]:Dream) but any multiple of 1 will do
#C<1]:Dream) 1,2,4,8 etc
#A[1]:Dr Delam) huh
that regulates the baud or soemtnhing?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) that regulates the baud or soemtnhing?
#C<1]:Dream) 1mhz 2mhz 4mhz 8mhz 16mhz
#C<1]:Dream) yep
#C<1]:Dream) and the 8250 has a built in cascade divider, so it only changes
 what you divide it by
#A[1]:Dr Delam) hmm
#C<1]:Dream) wouldn't go much over 8mhz tho
#C<1]:Dream) the 8250 itself isn't designed for much higher
the two chips that get taken out are then replaced with the 7404?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) the two chips that get taken out are then replaced with the
#C<1]:Dream) nope
#C<1]:Dream) not directly, requires some wiring, and piggy backing
#A[1]:Dr Delam) ah
#C<1]:Dream) easy to do
I need to get a 25 watt iron.. I have a 40.. it sux
#C<1]:Dream) ya just find another 14 pin 74 series chip, and solder pins 7
 and 14 to the chip underneath.   Bend all other pins up.  :)
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I need to get a 25 watt iron.. I have a 40.. it sux
#C<1]:Dream) you should have seen my 1st computer.   It had so many pigggy
 backed chips, it wasn't even funny.
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
#C<1]:Dream) sucks, gotta do without my bike for a week
#C<1]:Dream) takin it in for some repair work
didn't know you had one
#A[1]:Dr Delam) didn't know you had one
#C<1]:Dream) I haven't even driven a car now for almost a month
#C<1]:Dream) yeah...
#C<1]:Dream) I'm strictly 100% biker now
heheh kewl
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heheh kewl
#C<1]:Dream) kinda look hells angleish too
what kind?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) what kind?
#C<1]:Dream) this one is a Yamaha XS1100GS midnight special
1100?  cc?
#A[1]:Dr Delam) 1100?  cc?
#C<1]:Dream) but am getting a Harley 1500 '81
#C<1]:Dream) yeah
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
I've driven a 700cc.. that's the biggest I've gone
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I've driven a 700cc.. that's the biggest I've gone
1100 must throw you off with the accelleration
#C<1]:Dream) they're awesome
#C<1]:Dream) I had a passanger the other day, and went 0 to 70 in 3 seconds
#A[1]:Dr Delam) 1100 must throw you off with the accelleration
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh
#C<1]:Dream) its like nothing under the sun
I had a friend who had a umm FJ1100?  anyway he said he'd outrun cops with it
#C<1]:Dream) been ridin bikes now since March
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I had a friend who had a umm FJ1100?  anyway he said he'd
 outrun cops with it
#C<1]:Dream) easy
scary! hehe
#A[1]:Dr Delam) scary! hehe
#C<1]:Dream) cops don't even try to give ya a ticket when you're on something
 like that
-=>[MPC-01]   Time Limit reached, 60 seconds left.
-=>[MPC-01]   Line #A is timing out.
#C<1]:Dream) I got a bad shake in the front, so I don't take it over 118
 right now, but it will go clear up to 150
-=>[MPC-01]  Extra time Granted.
cool.. 150 is fast enough for me
#A[1]:Dr Delam) cool.. 150 is fast enough for me
on a bike it looks real fast anyway
#C<1]:Dream) heh, same here
#A[1]:Dr Delam) on a bike it looks real fast anyway
#C<1]:Dream) you end up with a lump in your pants when you go that speed
I'd suppose so! heh
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I'd suppose so! heh
how much did you say a midiverb or quadraverb is?
#C<1]:Dream) these little leds are awesome
#A[1]:Dr Delam) how much did you say a midiverb or quadraverb is?
effects are the next thing on my list
#A[1]:Dr Delam) effects are the next thing on my list
#C<1]:Dream) MidiVerb = 300$ about.   QV Plus = 450-480$
#A[1]:Dr Delam) hmm
that's a good couple weeks pay
#A[1]:Dr Delam) that's a good couple weeks pay
heh, I'll need to get a mixer soon too
#C<1]:Dream) heh yep
#A[1]:Dr Delam) heh, I'll need to get a mixer soon too
#C<1]:Dream) but they ARE nice
the 4 track isn't enough for the stuff I'll have hooked up
#A[1]:Dr Delam) the 4 track isn't enough for the stuff I'll have hooked up
#C<1]:Dream) Which place do you go to Thoroughbred?
I went to paragon
#A[1]:Dr Delam) I went to paragon
the drum machine I got for 239$
#C<1]:Dream) they're good too.
#A[1]:Dr Delam) the drum machine I got for 239$
#C<1]:Dream) Thoroughbread is somewhat cheaper though than Paragon in most
#C<1]:Dream) but paragon specializes in Yamaha
yamaha is nice.. I nca't think of any bad yamaha products
#C<1]:Dream) so Yamaha stuff they get cheaper
#A[1]:Dr Delam) yamaha is nice.. I nca't think of any bad yamaha products
#C<1]:Dream) nope
#C<1]:Dream) Only thing is, more and more nowadays is going to Digitized