Racine BBS Listing(c) for Spring 1997 
			Produced by Derek Thurman 
Name: Metropolis Uptown BBS            Number: 835-2257
Hours: 24 Hours/7 Days                 Baud Support: 2400-14400 
Sysop:                                 Established: 3/95 
Co-Sysop:                              Support: MS-DOS/Netware/Windows
Hardware: Pentium Wide Area Network    Software: Major/Worldgroup BBS         
Internet Domain Name: Metrouptown.com
Description: [03/98]
Metropolis Uptown BBS now sponsors a Nationwide Multi-user Dungeon(MUD) Game!
Now CD-ROM Collections and Usenet Newsgroups are available to new Subscribers!  
Metropolis BBS systems are also available to Users by way of Credit Transfers!
Additional CD-ROM Selections have been added to Metropolis BBS! See Bulletins!
Over 30 Numbers in the  Big 10 area, including: Milwaukee ; Madison,WI; Cleve-
land, OH; St. Louis, MO; and Minneapolis, MN to name a few.(See BBS Note) BBS
regularly posts local and regional BBS events for Metropolis Big 10 subscribers 
Major 6.2X BBS offers FULL INTERNET ACCESS (Telnet, FTP, Gopher, Finger, and 
WWW via PPP!). BBS System provides Weather, Sports, News, and Reviews Daily.
Metropolis also offers access to CHATLINK(R) and MAJORLINK as well as News, E-
Mail Conferences, CD-ROM Libraries, Online Games, and an Online Shopping Mall. 
Metropolis provides Majornet(R) and Usenet Newsgroups, along with Local area 
message Forums. Instant Credits via 900 Number Access or through Online Check-
ing now provided by Metropolis to callers, otherwise access is obtained by Paid 
Registrations by Mail. 
Name: Online Data Systems              Number: 835-8439                     
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 2400-33600 
Sysop:J. Saurer                        Established: 12/97  
Co-Sysop:                              Support: MS-DOS, Windows, Internet, Games
Hardware: Pentium Network              Software: Worldgroup  
Internet Domain Name: ods.ods.net

Description: [03/98] 
Online Data Systems (ODS) is now under NEW Ownership: Haven Systems Inc.!
Recent Updates of Modems allows Online Transmission speeds up to 33.6K! Internet
Access has been improved with new hardware for faster response times. ODS  
Teleconferences include Local Majorlink, Chatlink, and Worldlink, and IRC for online discussion options.
Online Data Systems sponsors Multi-User Dungeon Games for Users! (See Articles)
Several Additional CD-ROM's have been added to the BBS for Users to Download!
Forums are available from Local, Majornet(tm), and Internet Usenet Newsgroups!
Registration to the System is Online via 900 Number Service, Mail, or via the
Internet for a Subscription.


Name: Edge of oblivion                 Number: <414>619-9175                       
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 1200-33.6  
Sysop:-oblivious-                      Established: 4/22/97
Co-Sysop:-Commodore-                   Support: MS-DOS, ANSI, Games,utils
Hardware:486,33.6 zoom modem,          Software: iniquity 1.x netserver
4 gig. hd space,cd rom drive 
Internet Domain Name:n/a               
Description: [03/98] 

*FREE* Racine Area BBS with emphasis on File Areas and the bbs scene in
general. Adult files, Adult doorgames to those that qualify. Always in 
the process of Reviewing new BBS Door Programs. UNLIMITED downloads to those
who qualify. ANSI/Color Emulation Systems ONLY. Registered planets, lord ,  
and the only board in town with a registered LORD 2 New World.Future projects 
include rotating cd rom's and expansion to fido net mail.
Access on the first call, upgraded later to full access by Sysop.

Name: Upper Level BBS                  Number: 637-3677             
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 1200-33600 
Sysop: Dave Kober                      Established: 3/95 
Co-Sysop:                              Support: MS-DOS, GIF, Windows, BBS        
Hardware: Gateway 2000, Muli-CD-ROM    Software: Tribbs        
Internet Domain Name: None
Description: [03/98] 
The Upper Level BBS Now has multiple CD-ROMS available for downloading! CDs
online include CREAM OF THE CROP(tm), VOYAGER ONLINE(tm), and NIGHT OWL(tm)!               
A BBS Listing is also available to Sysops for Advertising their Bulletin Boards!
Tribbs 11.0  System with File Areas for IBM, Windows, GIFs, BBS Software and BBS 
DOOR Programs available for Downloading by registered users. Local, National, and Telnet 
BBS Listings also available from the File section. Fidonet and Local message  
Conferences updated daily. Largest Selection of Online BBS Door Games such as 
LORD(tm), Frachise Basketball(tm), Lunatix(tm), Tradewars 2002(tm), and Yanks
and Rednecks(tm). BBS Sysop tests new BBS Doors on a monthly basis also.
Online Registration to BBS with Callback Verification by the Sysop. 
Name: S.M.U.G.R BBS                    Number: 835-7754 
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 2400-14,400  
Sysop:   Thomas Mahnke                 Established: 7/92 
Co-Sysop:                              Support: Hobbyist/Technical 
Hardware: IBM Compatible 386SX-25      Software: Maximus V2.02  
Internet Domain Name: N/A
Description: [03/98] 
Now the BBS provides users with instant Validation after your first call!
The SMUGR BBS now offers Internet Mail via their RIME(tm) Internet Mail Forum!
Additional SMUGR BBS RIME Conferences NOW include UNIX and Desktop Publishing! 
FREE ACCESS System running under Maximus BBS Software. Network Mail Service 
via Relaynet with areas for OMEN Technology, PCDOS, MSDOS, NovellDOS, PkWare, 
TELIX Communications, and the Information Superhighway among others. IBM File 
Areas are also available here. Publications such as Computer Underground 
Digest are Online. Several File areas available to registered Users. Online 
Registration to BBS.
Name: WTFO BBS                         Number: 878-0955     
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 2400-28,800 
Sysop: Radiohead                       Established: 5/97 
Co-Sysop:                              Support: MSDOS, Games 
Hardware: IBM Compatible 486           Software:Wildcat 4
Internet Domain Name: none
Description: [03/98] 
The sysop has announced NEW CD-ROM and High-Speed Modem to be added to the BBS! 
A CD-ROM has been added to WTFO BBS for file downloads by registered users.
New Door Programs are available to Users, including Legend of the Red Dragon.
Union Grove BBS has File Bases for MSDOS, Windows,  Games, and Miscellaneous.   
Sysop plans to offer New DOOR Programs in the near future. E-Mail Messaging for 
Classifieds, For-Sale Items, etc. Registration to the BBS is by Online Applicat-
ion to the Sysop for approval. 

Name: EXEC-PC BBS                      Number: 552-6000
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 2400-14400 
Sysop: Bob/Tracy Mahoney               Established: 12/83  
Co-Sysop: Greg Ryan                    Support: IBM, MAC, Windows, OS2, Games 
Hardware:Network, ISDN, Linux          Software: Custom 
Internet Domain Name: bbs.execpc.com
Description: [03/98]
Paid Users can now receive World Wide Web Browsers directly from EXEC PC BBS!!!
EXEC-PC BBS now offers INTERNET Dialup Access via SLIP, PPP, or ISDN! Over half 
a million files online for download to paid subscribers (Quarterly or Yearly). 
Full Internet access(Telnet, FTP, Archie, Gopher, WAIS, Finger, WWW, etc.) 
System runs 280 modem connections, 30 direct Internet Connections, and Nation-
wide local access via Compuserve(tm), Global Access(tm), and Telnet. Access to 
Chatlink(R)  as well as Worldlink(R)is also available to registered users.  
Online Magazines such as BoardWatch(tm) and USA Today(tm) are acccessible to 
paid Subscribers. Message Areas, including WANT ADS are available, along with
Private and Internet E-Mail. Over one hundred BBS DOOR Games can be accessed, 
including such titles as Legend of the Red Dragon, Doom II, and Usurper. Paid
Registration to the System is by Mail

Name: Space Odyssey BBS                Number: 552-7848                        
Hours: 24                              Baud Support: 1200-28800   
Sysop: S. Premeau                      Established: 2/93
Co-Sysop:                              Support: Msdos, Mcafee, Crafts
Hardware: IBM 486 Compatible           Software: Teleguard 
Internet Domain Name: N/A 

Description: [03/98]
Parkside Area BBS which is a local call to Racine and Kenosha. Extensive Message areas
ranging from the Kenosha Computer User Group to Crafts for Sale. Also carries  
some Fidonet(tm) Forums including Upper Wisconsin, DOORS, and Crafting/Stiching. 
Numerous BBS DOOR Programs available such as Bowling(tm), Global War(tm), etc.
Kenosha Area User Group Conferences are also carried in the local message area.
Registration to BBS is a Two Step Process, listed on the BBS.  

Name: Cosmic Chaos BBS                  Number: 886-4508
Hours: 24                               Baud Support: 2400-14400
Sysop: M.larsen                         Established: 12/96 
Co-Sysop: B. Hellesen                   Support: IBM, MSDOS Windows
Hardware: IBM 386 Compatible            Software: Wildcat!
Internet Domain Name: N/A

Description: [03/98]


Name: New World Order BBS                Number: 638-0666
Hours: 24                                Baud Support: 2400-33600
Sysop: Warlock                           Established: 3/97
Co-Sysop:                                Support: BBS Lists, DOS, Windows
Hardware:                                Software: Wildcat 5          
Internet Domain Name:             

Description: [03/98]
New World Order BBS is an alternate online commuity of computer users! Several  
CD-ROM and File Areas for DOS and Windows are available for downloading from users. Online Doors
(16 and 32 Bit) are available to users to test their trivia skills. Registration
to the BBS is by way of Online Questionaire and Callback Verification by Sysop(s).

Name: New World Order-Westside           Number: 638-0603
Hours: 24                                Baud Support: 2400-28,800
Sysop: Ghostman                          Established: 6/97 
Co-Sysop:Iceman                          Support: DOS, Win3X, Wi95 
Hardware: IBM '486 DX4 Network           Software:Wildcat 5      
Internet Domain Name:  

Description: [03/98]
Networked Wildcat!(tm) BBS with 28.8 Modem Lines for Maximum Speed! Internet 
Access via TELNET is also in the Works!(See Online Newsletter) BBS has the 
newest BBS Door Games such as LORD II, Armaggeddon, South Bronx, TV Trivia,
and Globaal War! File Areas for BBS, DOS, and Windows, along with an Online
CD-ROM! Home of the Wolfpack Software Development Group of Racine, Wisconsin. 
User Registration to the BBS is via online registration with a Callback 
Verification by the Sysop.

**System Disclaimer**            
If you know of an existing BBS system and do not see the system on this 
list, use the template below to fill in information and submit it to 
Derek Thurman via E-Mail on the SMUGR BBS (835-7754), WTFO BBS(878-0955), or 
Space Odyssey BBS(552-7848). Only sysops of the system may submit descriptions 
(maximum 5 lines). User supplied descriptions will be voided. Any persons 
wishing to submit information on a future BBS system may do so, however the 
information will not be released untill the number and information has been 
verified. Please Note that any references to adult pictures, Warez, and anti- 
government files  or software submitted in descriptions will be omitted as
the U.S. Government deems these activities as "illegal" per the Computer 
Decency Act.
    Re-distribution of this bbs list, 'RACINE.LST', is permissable as long 
as no remuneration of ANY kind is requested. Modification of this bbs list 
in any way or form is in violation of copyright laws. 
			      New BBS Form   


Name :                                 Number:                                 
Hours:                                 Baud Support:              
Sysop:                                 Established: 
Co-Sysop:                              Support: 
Hardware:                              Software: 
Description: [please don't be lengthy] 