O S / 2   B B S ' s   A C R O S S   T H E   W O R L D

This list is a compilation of OS/2 BBS's across the world.

This list is distributed to many FidoNet nodes found in this OS/2 BBS listing
via the Fernwood distribution network.  All BBS's listed are in alphabetical
order by country, state, and then by BBS name.  Unless otherwise noted, all
node addresses are FidoNet.

Volume No. 17 - December 06, 1994


                               --* Australia *--


        BBS Name: 3M Australia
           Sysop: Graham Stair
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-2-498-9184, 3:711/409, 9600 PEP MNP V.32
        Location: Sydney, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Genealogy Research
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992
        Comments: Importer in Zone 3 of OS2, OS2BBS, OS2PROG, and OS2LAN.
                : Home of the OS2_Z3 echomail conferences.  Receives the
                : Fernwood file distribution.


        BBS Name: BIZ-NICE! BBS!
           Sysop: David Wilson
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-8-269-7809, n/a, 2400
                : +61-8-269-7029, n/a, 2400 (4 lines)
                : +61-8-269-7685, 3:800/851, 9600 V.32/MNP
        Location: Gilberton, South Australia
   Primary Focus: Business and Programming
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Running Maximus 2.01wb under Netware 3.11.  Over 1.5GB of
                : quality IBM software on-line (over 16,000 files).  OS/2
                : message and file areas from the IBM Support BBS in Sydney
                : are mirrowed here, and I currently carry all available OS/2
                : file areas brought into Australia.  Over 80MB (800+ files)
                : of OS/2 software available.


        BBS Name: Custom Programming BBS
           Sysop: Alan Williamson
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-3-848-3331, 3:632/340, 2400
                : +61-3-848-3635, 3:632/341, 9600 V.32
        Location: Melbourne, Australia
   Primary Focus: Technical/Programming Oriented, General Interest
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Large number of DOS, Windows & OS/2 files. 18 OS/2 specific
                : file directories. Connected to Fernwood & other OS/2 file
                : distribution systems. (Note: 9600 Baud line for subscribers
                : ONLY!)


        BBS Name: Eastwood Systems
           Sysop: Mick Stock
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-3-870-4623, 3:632/300, 9600 MNP V.32
        Location: Melbourne, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Programming
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 files & conferences, general programming (especially
                : Pascal, 80x86 assembler, C/C++). Does NOT support Win/NT!
                : Runs under OS/2 2.1 (D'Bridge 1.54 + PCBoard 15.0).


        BBS Name: Hunter Connection OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Tony Terbizan
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-49-56-2052, 3:622/403, 9600 V.32
                : +61-49-57-1801, 3:622/403, 14.4k V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Adamstown (Newcastle), Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support, programming and networking.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Official IBM OS/2 DAP Shadow BBS. Carries all available
                : OS/2 file distribution and echomail areas.


        BBS Name: Lake Macquarie BBS
           Sysop: Matthew Taylor
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-49-562-853, 3:622/407, 9600 MNP V.32
                : +61-49-521-762, n/a, 2400 (2 lines)
        Location: Newcastle, NSW, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Sound Blaster Support
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: Carries all the main OS/2 Conferences from all the major
                : mail networks.  All the latest files from IBM.  Sysop
                : provides professional technical support to OS/2 users.


        BBS Name: Mbug Australia
           Sysop: Russell Coker
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-3-739-5238, 3:633/362, 9600, V32 with V42bis and MNP
        Location: Chirnside Park Vic, Australia
   Primary Focus: Melbourne Microbee Users Group
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: This BBS exists to support the Melbourne Microbee Users
                : Group.  This is a private BBS that offers limited visitor
                : access to non-members.  The club supports DOS, OS/2, and
                : CP/M operating systems.  Club membership costs $AUS30 per
                : year, or $AUS24 for students.  The club provides twice-
                : monthly meetings, a monthly magazine, and virtually
                : unlimited BBS access to members.  A listing of only OS/2
                : files can be freq'ed with the name of OS2FILES.


        BBS Name: Melbourne PC User Group BBS
           Sysop: Barry McMenomy
Phone/Node/Modem: (613) 699-6644, 3:632/998, Hayes Optima 28.8k
                : (613) 699-6611, n/a, Unknown
        Location: South Melbourne, Victoria
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Maximus BBS Utils
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The BBS caters for members of the Melbourne PC User Group. 
                : At present with a membership of 8000 it is the third
                : largest  user group in the world. Extensive file base
                : covering OS/2, Dos and Windows.  9 Phone lines.


        BBS Name: Midas-Net BBS
           Sysop: Neil Mclean
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-6-239-6920, Node1, 14.4 V.32b V.42b
        Location: Canberra, Australia
   Primary Focus: free access to Fidonet, OS/2 echos, and files.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: This is a small BBS, not many files and Fidonet only, but
                : access is free!  Very few non-OS/2 files online. Running
                : all OS/2 BBS software and utils.


        BBS Name: Multi
           Sysop: Russell Coker
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-3-739-7145, 3:633/363, 14400, V32bis, V42bis, and MN
        Location: Chirnside Park Vic, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Linux (PD UNIX) support.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: I started this BBS to focus on the support of the OS/2 and
                : Linux operating systems, but I also support DOS, Online
                : games and lots of other areas of interest.  I have 1 gig of
                : files online which includes over 200 megs of OS/2 files. At
                : this time donations are NOT required to gain access to all
                : areas.


        BBS Name: OS/2 At Homewood
           Sysop: Dan Griffin
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-02-65-9113, 3:670/215, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 - OS/2 echos and OS/2 files
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Stated purpose of the OS/2 At Homewood BBS is to "Support
                : and promote the use of OS/2". The BBS has over 600Mb of
                : OS/2 related files including the latest HOBBES OS/2 CD-ROM
                : .  Files may be downloaded from the BBS or may be file
                : requested.


        BBS Name: PC User's Group
           Sysop: Alan Salmon
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-6-259-1244, n/a, 2400 V.22bis
        Location: Canberra
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Partial focus on OS/2


        BBS Name: Programmer's BBS
           Sysop: Felix Tsang
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-2-875-1296, 3:711/809, 9600 PEP MNP V.32
        Location: Sydney
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2


        BBS Name: Programmers WorkBench
           Sysop: Tim Spray
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-77-213592, 3:640/715, Netcomm M11F 28.8k
        Location: Townsville, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2, UNIX
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 Support Site for North Queensland


        BBS Name: Prompt/2
           Sysop: Steve Carr/Sue Townsend
Phone/Node/Modem: +64-3-379-8522, 3:770/135, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Christchurch, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: 900+MB of files online, and cost $NZ 20 / year for full
                : access.


        BBS Name: STAR-BYTE BBs
           Sysop: Harry Oldenhuis.
Phone/Node/Modem: +09-4581255, 3:690/416, Rockwell Hornet2 28800
                : +09-4581255, 3:690/416, Netcom Automodem E7F 14000
        Location: West Australia
   Primary Focus: shareware, file distribution, Games
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Uses Maximus, Operating system OS/2.2 and supporting all
                : os/2 files.


        BBS Name: Serendipity Inc.
           Sysop: Poe Lim
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-63-411859, 3:623/630, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Full OS/2 BBS (one of the Aust BBS that shadow IBM Aust BBS
                : file areas for CSDs, EWS, and message areas).


        BBS Name: Spare Parts BBS, The
           Sysop: Andrew Doran
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-3-852-0404, 3:633/209, 9600 V.32 MNP4
        Location: Melbourne, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Primarily supporting OS/2.  Reasonable amount of files held
                : online primarily for OS/2 however some DOS & Win material
                : also held online.  Fido OS/2 message areas are also online.
                : Emphasis on sharing of OS/2 material with essentially
                : anybody requiring it.


        BBS Name: The OS/2 Cellar
           Sysop: Adrian Collings
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-7-216-2539, 3:640/208, Maestro 28.8k V.FC
        Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files, messages and support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Specifically aimed at the OS/2 community.


        BBS Name: The Poet's Dilemma
           Sysop: John Della-Torre
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-2-804-6412, n/a, V.32
        Location: Australia
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Not specifically focused on OS/2, but carry around 150 OS/2
                : files.


        BBS Name: Tiara Information Servies
           Sysop: Jason Meaden
Phone/Node/Modem: +61-9-454-6970, 3:690/354, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Perth, Western Australia.
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Support for OS/2 Software, Drivers, Updates. Fernwood,
                : Hobbes CD online, OS/2 Internet Files Daily. All the OS/2
                : Fidonet Message Areas Available Online. Zone 3 Registration
                : and Distribution site for FleetStreet, The OS/2 PM based
                : Message Editor and Reader for Squish and *.Msg areas. 
                : Entire BBS and all support software is native OS/2.


                                --* Austria *--


        BBS Name: La Bamba-1st Austrian OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Werner Baar
Phone/Node/Modem: +43-1-6083621, 2:310/14, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Vienna, Austria
   Primary Focus: OS/2, BBS and Communications, Fernwood and IBM files
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: This BBS offers the complete Fernwood OS/2 Library. IBM
                : Support BBS (EWS Files, bug fixes, drivers etc.... La Bamba
                : offers many OS/2 related files, 24 hours per day, using
                : BinkleyTerm/Maximus/Squish.


                                --* Belgium *--


        BBS Name: C.I.S. BBS Antwerp
           Sysop: Karel Peeters
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-3-3660159, 2:292/800, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Antwerp, Belgium
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: Central distribution point for Belgium of the Fernwood OS/2
                : files.  Forwarded to more than 15 other Belgian boards.


        BBS Name: Cormoran BBS, The
           Sysop: Alex Cleynhens
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-15-520279, 2:292/500, ZyXEL U1496E+ 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Belgium
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Running under OS/2 V2.0 with Maximus and BT 32-bit.  Host
                : OS2NET (81:432/1) for Belgium.  Supporting OS/2 files,
                : WINNET, PDN, Virnet...  Coordinator for Belgium shareware
                : programs.  Magic filenames: OS2FILES, FILES, NEWFILES, and
                : WINFILES.


        BBS Name: In Limbo
           Sysop: Kris Carlier
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-2-5826650, 2:291/702, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Lennik, Belgium
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993


        BBS Name: Morbitron/2 BBS
           Sysop: Rok Zitko
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-2-3752539, 2:291/711, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Brussels, Belgium
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming, Antivirus Software
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Public BBS, free access.


        BBS Name: Os/2 MANiA BELGIUM
           Sysop: Benoit HUON
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-2-3872021, 2:291/714, MultiTech 9600 V.32/V.22b/V.22
        Location: Belgium
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 27, 1992
        Comments: Dedicated OS/2.  OS/2 Belgium User Group BBS's.  Thanks to
                : Emmanual Sandorfi for her help to OS/2 Mania Belgium
                : development.  All Fernwood files available.


        BBS Name: The New York Soft Exchange
           Sysop: Alex Wyckmans
Phone/Node/Modem: +32-2-5366818, 2:291/716, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Huizingen, Belgium
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: This board is running under OS/2 V2.0 with Maximus/2 V2.01
                : and BinkleyTerm/2.  My board is open 24/24H for everyone
                : without charge.  Main purpose is Echomail support, support
                : on OS/2, Hardware and Virus detection.  Looking for an
                : import/export link to the States.


        BBS Name: The OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Bas Heijermans
Phone/Node/Modem: +03-3120545, 2:292/880, 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Zeorsel, Belgium, Europe
   Primary Focus: OS/2 software and user help
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The BBS is carrying OS/2 only no DOS no Windows.  Also
                : 81:432/200 (OS2NET).


                                 --* Brasil *--


        BBS Name: GigaSystem BBS
           Sysop: Paulo Santos
Phone/Node/Modem: +55 (27) 227.17, 4:8027/0, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vitoria - ES - Brasil
   Primary Focus: Large Msg areas, CDs, ShareWare, Suport Site
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running under OS/2 2.11.  PascalNet 115:5527/0, GlobalNet
                : 55:55/0


                                 --* Canada *--


        BBS Name: BBS Council
           Sysop: Herbert Tsui
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 275-6883, 1:153/922, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 40:649/1008, Same
        Location: Richmond, BC, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Focus is mostly OS/2 with ibmNET technical support, some
                : DOS and WIN.


        BBS Name: Baudeville BBS
           Sysop: Ian Evans
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 283-0114, 1:250/304, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (416) 283-6059, n/a, USR HST 9600
        Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: Carry all the Fidonet OS/2 echos as well as the Usenet
                : newsgroups.  Also a member of SDSOS2 and Fernwood.


        BBS Name: Bear Garden
           Sysop: Tony Bearman
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 574-0906, 1:153/920, USR V.34 Dual Standard
        Location: Cloverdale, B.C.
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Home of the Fernwood OS/2 Files Distribution Network. Over
                : 500 MB of OS/2 specific files & over 100 message areas
                : (including all available OS/2-specific areas, and some
                : Internet newsgroups) online with first-call open access
                : policy. Freqs honoured from listed nodes (file lists
                : available as FILES or NEWFILES). Charter member of ibmNet
                : (40:6491/1003); member of Team OS/2.
                : The BBS focus is technical support for OS/2, and has =NO=
                : online games, "adult" areas, or DOS files.


        BBS Name: Blue Moon BBS
           Sysop: Jorge Mariano
Phone/Node/Modem: (514) 723-3218, node1, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (514) 723-3099, node2, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/FAX
        Location: Montreal, Quebec
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Mainly OS/2 oriented. Host for ibmNET in Quebec Soon with
                : TEAM OS/2 french.Already with TEAM OS/2 Always latest OS/2
                : Shareware on-line.(650meg cd-rom) Need to use callback for
                : full access Locally. international calls validation upon
                : demand(2nd call) Montreal OS/2 Users Group HQ


        BBS Name: BlueMax BBS
           Sysop: Phil Calvert
Phone/Node/Modem: (506) 382-9220, 1:255/205.0, ZyXEL 1496B  16.8k
                : (506) 382-9220, 40:6483/0, ZyXEL 1496B  16.8k
        Location: Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2, IBMNet, FidoNet
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Established 01/94. 486SX33 running Maximus for OS/2. IBMNet
                : & FidoNet Echos. 1 GB of files and growing. Support and
                : shareware files for OS/2, Win, DOS, LINUX.


        BBS Name: Board To DEATH
           Sysop: Andrew Lozier
Phone/Node/Modem: (519) 679-8861, 1:2401/105, USR Sportster V.32b/V.42b
        Location: London, Ontario
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: FidoNet, WorldNet, ibmNET, and OS2NET echo areas. 
                : Approximately 400mb onling, most of which are made up of
                : OS/2 Box CD-ROM.  Over 14 doors, of which the most popular
                : is InterBBS Barron Realms Elite.


        BBS Name: Borealis Weyr
           Sysop: Oliver McDonald
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 477-7542, 1:340/41, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (604) 477-7570, n/a, 2400
        Location: Victoria, B.C., Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming, Echos, SF Fandom
    Last Updated: December 14, 1992
        Comments: At this time I do not have files available for request.
                : When a new 200 meg hard drive materializes, this will be
                : rectified.


        BBS Name: CAGE, The
           Sysop: Brian P. Hampson
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 261-2347, 1:153/733, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files and Conferences, Antivirus files and conferences
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: First time callers must go through a short application and
                : are given 20 minutes on that call.  Subsequent calls are
                : 45min/call.  Access to all message and file areas on first
                : call.  File requests from unlisted nodes allowed.  The CAGE
                : is part of the file distribution networks for ibmNET and
                : Fernwood.  We also participate with IBM Canada in various
                : support forums which include some IBM staff, and people who
                : have already fought through any wierd setups with OS/2.


        BBS Name: CAGE, The
           Sysop: Brian P. Hampson
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 261-2347, 1:153/733, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Antivirus, echos
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: First time callers must go through a short application and
                : will have access to File and Message areas on second call.
                : The CAGE receives the file echo, Fernwood.  We also
                : participate with IBM Canada in a support forum which
                : includes some IBM staff, and people who have already fought
                : through any wierd setups with OS/2. Hours: 3am-1am Pacific
                : Local Time (GMT-7, -8 in winter) ibmNET address 40:649/1007.


        BBS Name: CompUres/2
           Sysop: Mike Carr
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 224-8390, Node 1, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (416) 224-8389, Node 2, Hayes Optima 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 related Files and Message Bases (Support)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 2.7GB online of storage (OS/2 files only)


        BBS Name: Detached Process
           Sysop: Matthew Stein
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 447-5670, 1:250/742, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Messages Bases
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Ontario's Largest OS/2 BBS


        BBS Name: DomTech OS/2
           Sysop: Dominique Perron
Phone/Node/Modem: (819) 682-5400, 1:243/6, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Aylmer, Quebec
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.  Lexmark OS/2 files. 
                : IBM/Net OS/2 & DOS library distribution.  WinNet library
                : distribution.


        BBS Name: ECS Net
           Sysop: Evan Smith
Phone/Node/Modem: (403) 253-5996, 1:134/72, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 40:649/1013 (ibmNET), Same
        Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
   Primary Focus: Operating Environments
    Last Updated: July 28, 1992
        Comments: The intent of this system is to provide support for, and
                : promotion of new, robust operating environments.  The
                : primary focus at this time being on OS/2.
                : This system runs on OS/2 2.0 using BinkleyTerm and Maximus/2


        BBS Name: FreeBoard
           Sysop: Sandy Mayo
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 736-9309, 1:153/785, 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Vancouver B.C.
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running and supporting OS/2, via Fidonet and ibmNet
                : (40:6491/1037) Fernwood/2 File Hub Supports Web Explorer/2
                : as optional interface


        BBS Name: Green Zone, The
           Sysop: Jim Allonby
Phone/Node/Modem: (306) 789-9217, 1:140/023, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Regina, SK, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: Carry all the Fidonet OS/2 conferences, Fernwood, SDSOS2,
                : and UTILNET File Conferences.  Freqs accepted from anyone,
                : second call access to Message and File areas (allow 24
                : hours for confirmation of short application). This system
                : runs on OS/2 2.0 under Binkley 2.56 and Maximus 2.01wb.


        BBS Name: Grey Havens, The
           Sysop: Mark Kusec
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 273-1864, 1:153/969, USR HST DS 14.4 V.42b/V.42b
        Location: Richmond, Britich Columbia, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Open BBS with full access to first-time callers.  Over
                : 100mb of OS/2 files are available, fed by the Fernwood File
                : Distribution system; no downloading restrictions.  All OS/2
                : echos from Fidonet, OS/2 Shareware BBS, and Usenet
                : comp.os.os2.* newsgroups are carried.


        BBS Name: Hill City/2 BBS
           Sysop: Max Burke
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 451-0751, 1:153/7014, Zoom 14.4 VFX
                : (604) 439-0045, 1:153/7015, USR HST-DS 21.6 v.32t/v.32b
        Location: Vancouver, BC
   Primary Focus: General
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994


        BBS Name: Home Front BBS
           Sysop: Chris Ange-Schultz
Phone/Node/Modem: (514) 769-5174, 1:167/256, Hayes V-Series 2400
        Location: Montreal, Que
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2


        BBS Name: IBM Canada PS Support
           Sysop: Jean-Claude Desinor
Phone/Node/Modem: (514) 938-3022, 4 lines, USR HST 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Montreal, PQ, Canada
   Primary Focus: Support of IBM products, including OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: IBM Canada PS Support
           Sysop: Sonny Bessant
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 946-4244/4255, 8 lines, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (416) 492-1823, Forwarded line, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: Support of IBM products, including OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: IBM Canada PS/2 Support
           Sysop: Denis Tonn
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 664-6464, 8 lines (some HST), USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
   Primary Focus: Support of IBM products, including OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: ibmNET Host.


        BBS Name: INFODATA Service d'Information
           Sysop: Raymond Beriau
Phone/Node/Modem: (514) 438-3234, 1:242/90, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bellefeuille, Quebec, Canada
   Primary Focus: Telecommunications as well as OS/2 support
    Last Updated: December 14, 1992
        Comments: My system also receives and redistributes all the OS/2 file
                : areas (i.e., Fernwood and ibmNET).  Also a member of OS2NET
                : (81:900/10) and FrancoMedia (french only, 101:242/101).


        BBS Name: Interrupt ReQuest
           Sysop: Daniel Lynes
Phone/Node/Modem: (807) 343-6033, n/a, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: Programming
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Running 24 hours per day.


        BBS Name: KARICO BS-BBS
           Sysop: Kari Suomela
Phone/Node/Modem: 416-502-3611, 1:250/120, Zyxel U1496B 16.8k
        Location: North York, Ontario
   Primary Focus: Business, Computers, 12-Step Programs
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Business Oriented - For The Mature User


        BBS Name: MACH2/VULCAN OS/2 Systems
           Sysop: Richard Dodsworth
Phone/Node/Modem: (403) 489-4250, 1:342/61, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 89:701/600 (Imex), Same
                : Same, 40:6494/1022 ibmNET, Same
        Location: Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files/Messages
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: First call access to everything; Freqs accepted from
                : anyone. Hrs. 07:00 02:00 MST.


        BBS Name: Minas Tirith/2
           Sysop: Warren Schrey
Phone/Node/Modem: (905) 637-0188, node 1, GVC External FAXmodem 14.4 v3
        Location: Burlington, Ontario
   Primary Focus: None, see Comments
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running Maximus/2 2.01 using a unique full-screen user
                : interface. Message areas cover a wide variety of topics
                : from role-playing to TCP/IP support. FidoNet/ibmNet
                : echomail. File areas include DOS and OS/2 BBS software
                : support, doorgames, echomail utilities and more. Fernwood,
                : PDN, SDS, and IBM fileechos online.  File- requests always
                : accepted, f'req FILES from 1:259/124 (or TIRITH2.INF for
                : the INF version).  Points welcome. In operation since
                : September, 1993.


        BBS Name: Morning Star [OS/2] BBS
           Sysop: Richard Edge
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 888-0255, 1:153/309, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Langley, BC, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 only files, OS/2 messages, ibmNET support BBS
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Full access on first call.  ibmNET - 40:6491/1005


        BBS Name: One Less Car * powered by OS/2
           Sysop: Peter Kraiker
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 480-0147, 1:250/238, GVC 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Toronto, Ontario
   Primary Focus: OS/2, OS/2 and more OS/2; Bicycling/Human Powered Vehicles
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Yes, it's a dual personality board but that's one of the
                : joys of OS/2 <g> (Running since 1 September 1992).
                : Bicycling and related issues, from commuting to racing and
                : urban planning. Fidonet, UseNet and more... plus a number
                : of bicycle file areas. Local, Fidonet, ibmNET and Usenet
                : OS/2 message bases, Almost NO DOS files, it's a world of
                : OS/2! (including the Hobbes CD available on-line). Check
                : out the One Less Car Gopher site on the Internet,
                : (OLC.ISMCAN.COM, port 70)... it's powered by OS/2 too!  BBS
                : type:  BinkleyTerm/2, Maximus/2. Other nets: ibmNET
                : 40:6482/201, olc.gvc.com on the Internet (UUCP),
                : (pk@olc.gvc.com, pk@cyclist.ismcan.com)


        BBS Name: PowerHouse Point
           Sysop: Doug Shields
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 431-4569, 1:153/894, Zoom 14.4kbps v.32bis
                : (604) 431-9365, same, USR Sportster 14.4kbps v.32bi
        Location: Vancouver (Burnaby), BC
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Apps/Utils, OS/2 Programming (REXX/C/C++)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: With a hardcore Team OS/2er for a sysop, the Point has
                : everything you expect from an OS/2 BBS and more.  The Point
                : carries a large quantity of messages and files dedicated to
                : every aspect of OS/2 (will soon to be over 1.5Gb).
                : PowerHouse Point is also the electronic home of Spock's
                : Logic Information Systems, a Vancouver area OS/2 retailer.
                : There is also a selection of graphics files, DOS games,
                : online games, multimedia files, All Fernwood and ibmNET
                : files, OS/2 Games, and more. Watch for possible Internet
                : and vmodem support coming soon. ibmNET  : 40:6491/1028,
                : Fidonet : 1:153/894


        BBS Name: SOL 3
           Sysop: Peter Fitzsimmons
Phone/Node/Modem: (905) 858-8488, 1:259/414, 14.4 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: We like programmers. No games or picture files allowed.
                : Maximus for OS/2 was born here.


        BBS Name: Sentinel, The
           Sysop: Whitney Williams
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 433-4446, 1:153/733, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: Sound Stage BBS
           Sysop: Ken Kavanagh
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 944-6476, 1:153/770, 2400
                : (604) 944-6479, 1:153/7070, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
   Primary Focus: Music, Multitasking (OS/2)
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: ibmNET member (40:649/1006)  File Distribution site
                : Adultlinks (69:3600/123).  80 echos, special interests, 100
                : megs of files.  Online concert listings for Vancouver.


        BBS Name: TOTSE/2 - The Temple of the...
           Sysop: Paul Haggart
Phone/Node/Modem: (613) 658-5331, 1:248/306, 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Spencerville, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: General OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: TOTSE/2 - Spencerville's BIGGEST BBS! Fernwood OS/2 file
                : echos, OS2Net/IBMNet message echos Call and check us out!


        BBS Name: Telekon/2 BBS
           Sysop: Joe Lindstrom
Phone/Node/Modem: (403) 226-1157, 99:9305/55 (EggNet), USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (403) 226-1158, 99:9305/56 (EggNet), 2400 MNP
        Location: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Echomail, sound+music
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Running RemoteAccess BBS under OS/2 (DOS Sessions).  Online
                : Teleconference.  As many OS/2 file echos as I can glom
                : onto, even a few online games for those with lotsa spare
                : time.


        BBS Name: The Data Exchange
           Sysop: Rob Nelson
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 962-5591, 1:359/200, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (604) 962-6160, Node 2, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Prince George, British Columbia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: General interest BBS.  Fidonet, ibmNET, and Usenet message
                : areas.  Files available for OS/2 (Fernwood, ibmNET),
                : Windows, and DOS.  ibmNET: 40:6495/1


        BBS Name: The Idle Task
           Sysop: Gerry Rozema
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 275-0835, 1:153/905, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Richmond, British Columbia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: The Idle Task carries ONLY OS/2 related files and
                : discussions.  DOS files and discussion are not welcome or
                : tolerated.  First time callers get full access.  File
                : requests are accepted from anybody.


        BBS Name: The KCC BBS
           Sysop: Cedric Silvester
Phone/Node/Modem: (705) 748-0023, 1:253/122, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: User Group BBS
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Good selection of general OS/2 files. Most Fido OS/2 echoes
                : carried.  The KCC is The Kawartha Computer Club.


        BBS Name: The Locutory
           Sysop: Jerry Stevens
Phone/Node/Modem: (613) 722-0489, 1:163/182, QX/4232hs 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Ottawa, Ontario
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 27, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.  Also carry Programmers
                : magazine sources.


        BBS Name: The Next Level
           Sysop: James FitzGibbon
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 299-1164, 1:250/301, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Scarborough, Ontario, Canada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and RemoteAccess
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The Next Level specializes in support for OS/2 and
                : RemoteAcccess. We have a wide selection of OS/2 files of
                : interest to SysOps, and a variety for end users as well. 
                : We connect to the Fidonet, NAnet, and ibmNET OS/2 message
                : areas, allowing you to get help and tips from around the
                : country and around the world.


        BBS Name: The Nibble's Roost
           Sysop: Alec Herrmann
Phone/Node/Modem: (604) 526-7686, 1:153/918, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: New Westminster BC (near Vancouver)
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Primarily OS/2, Windows, some DOS files, and CD-ROM files.
                : Large selection of FidoNet, ibmNET, and OS2NET echomail
                : conferences including the OS/2 and Windows conferences
                : along with some local message conferences.  Maximus/2 ver
                : 2.01b and Binkley 2.56b mailer (running on Server #2)
                : Other address: 25:4604/194.0 SigNet, 40:649/1004.0 ibmNET,
                : 81:980/1004.0 OS2NET


        BBS Name: University of Saskatchewan
           Sysop: Kevin Lowey
Phone/Node/Modem: (306) 966-4857, 1:140/43, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
   Primary Focus: OS/2, MS-DOS, Windows
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: The U of S BBS is primarily a service to undergraduate
                : students at the University of Saskatchewan.  However,
                : anyone can call in and download files.
                : Our files are stored on our campus VAX/VMS computers. The
                : BBS accesses it using the DEC Pathworks networking
                : software.  Access to the files can be slow, which means
                : that during a File Request your BBS might time-out while my
                : BBS is locating the files.
                : The machine the files are stored on is down for backups on
                : Friday evenings, so don't try to get anything from me
                : Friday evenings.
                : The files may soon be moved to a Unix computer on campus.
                : This should speed up the file access.  In addition, we will
                : likely make the collection available via anonymous FTP on
                : the Internet at that time.


        BBS Name: iKon View
           Sysop: Herbert Kowalczyk
Phone/Node/Modem: (416) 635-1400, 1:250/816, 2400
        Location: Toronto, Ontario
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: May 28, 1991
        Comments: Full OS/2 support for population of Toronto area.  About 60
                : megs of OS/2 related files.  All FidoNet OS/2 Conferences
                : are here.  Fernwood library distributor.


                                --* Denmark *--


        BBS Name: >> Lavender Blue <<
           Sysop: Bjarke V. Lindberg
Phone/Node/Modem: +45-35821079, 2:235/335, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Concord BBS-software
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 1 Giga Online!! Concord Reg/Support site, Denmark


        BBS Name: JAM BBS, The
           Sysop: Jan Meldtoft
Phone/Node/Modem: +45-4280-6383, 2:234/100, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Member of FidoNet and OS2NET (81:445/12).  OS/2 conferences
                : and file distribution.  Only OS/2 related files online. 
                : Always latest Walnut Creek CD-ROM online.  Download allowed
                : for first-call users, and file-requests allowed from any
                : system.


        BBS Name: Josti-BBS
           Sysop: Jorgen Ollgaard
Phone/Node/Modem: +45-47-380524, 2:230/31, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-47-380120, 2:230/100, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-47-380501, 2:230/111, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Slangerup, Denmark
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: All Fernwood OS/2 files available
                : Den Stoerste danske BBS.


        BBS Name: NightCall BBS
           Sysop: Kaare Olsen
Phone/Node/Modem: +45-6220-2074, 2:234/87, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-6220-1450, 2:234/166, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Svendborg, Denmark
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DOS and programming
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 files from Internet and other sources.  Carry most
                : OS/2 echos from FidoNet and OS2NET (81:445/13).


        BBS Name: Rainbow BBS
           Sysop: Allan Mertner
Phone/Node/Modem: +45-3325-7322, 2:234/107, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-3325-7321, 2:234/158, USR DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-3325-7320, 2:234/157, 14.4k V.32b/V.42b
                : +45-3325-7319, 2:234/156, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Copenhagen, Denmark
   Primary Focus: All kinds of OS/2 programs, Cryptology, Computer Security
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 1.2GB online, with ISDN access to follow mid april 1994.
                : AMOS (HPFS read/write from DOS) support & registration
                : site. Imports OS2Net and Fernwood OS/2 conferences,
                : CryptoNet, etc.


                                --* Finland *--


        BBS Name: BLEVE
           Sysop: Tuomo Soini
Phone/Node/Modem: +358-0-2011154, 2:220/701, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Nurmijaervi, Finland
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 files, FOF (Finnish OS/2 File -echo) HQ.  Connected to
                : Fernwood file-echo.  FidoNet-Hub, BBS open 0400-2330 UTC.


        BBS Name: Empire BBS
           Sysop: Jani Patanen
Phone/Node/Modem: +358-(9)0-2731495, 2:220/273, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Tuusula, Finland
   Primary Focus: OS/2 shareware
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: BBS belongs to Finnish OS/2 File echo (FOF) all newest and
                : hottest OS/2 SW files arrive automatically here via FOF.
                : Carries also many international and domestic OS/2 echomail
                : areas.


        BBS Name: Hackers' Cave
           Sysop: Jari Nousiainen
Phone/Node/Modem: +358-0-259656, 2:220/841, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +358-0-259336, 2:220/842, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +358-0-2732476, 2:220/843, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Tuusula, Finland
   Primary Focus: OS/2 & DOS BBS utilities & Virus protection by Virnet
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Large OS/2 filebase. Connected to Fernwood file-echo, FOF
                : (Finnish OS/2 File -echo) and Virnet file-echo. Connected
                : also some BBS utility file-echos.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Base
           Sysop: Sami Putkonen
Phone/Node/Modem: +358-0-579449, 2:220/357, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
                : +358-0-4583349, 2:220/358, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Helsinki, Finland
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Large OS/2 filebase.  Connected to Fernwood file-echo, FOF
                : (Finnish OS/2 File -echo), and OS2NET (81:4358/10 and
                : 81:4358/11).


        BBS Name: Uko bbs
           Sysop: Jos Okhuijsen
Phone/Node/Modem: +358-697-43515, 2:228/228, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +358-697-43525, 2:228/229, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Ivalo, PL 101 Finland
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Large OS/2 Filebase but also DOS/Windows Files,
                : BBS/FidoNet-Hub.


                                 --* France *--


        BBS Name: ChaOS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Julien Pierre
Phone/Node/Modem: +33-1-30472762, 2:320/215, ZYX 16.8 V.32b/V.42b FAX
                : +33-1-30472772, 2:320/217, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: St Remy les Chevreuse near Paris
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 Net France host & Paris-Net Fidonet hub. Running
                : Maximus 2.01wb under OS/2 2.11. Very large number of
                : conferences, especially OS/2 echos. Home of OS2.FR Usenet
                : newsgroups and e-mail available for a small fee. Over 800MB
                : of files, mostly OS/2. Receives the Fernwood file
                : distribution through the internet. & much more to come ...


        BBS Name: OS/2 MANiA
           Sysop: Klaus Steinschaden
Phone/Node/Modem: +33-1-49817100, 2:320/5, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Creteil, France (near Paris)
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Help Maximus
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Connected with Fernwood European distribution (PC-Square
                : 2:512/4)


                                --* Germany *--


        BBS Name: APOLONIA
           Sysop: Peter Kaszanics
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-201-200382, 2:245/8, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-201-200381, 2:245/100, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-201-237509, 2:245/104, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: 4300 Essen 1, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2, ATARI
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Maximus Helpnode Germany.  Fernwood OS/2 library
                : distribution.  Maker of the AFN (Atari-File-Network). 
                : Maker of the OFN (OS/2-File-Network).  35 FileAreas for
                : OS/2, also for Atari!  Using Maximus, Binkley, Squish under
                : OS/2 2.0 with 4 ports (one private).


        BBS Name: CAMELOT OS/2 Support
           Sysop: Thomas Swoboda
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7033-35596, 2:241/7420, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Weil der Stadt, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Distribution of all Fernwood Areas OS/2.  Direct connected
                : to IBM Germany for new BETA's of all OS/2 products.


        BBS Name: CCWN-BBS
           Sysop: Romeo Bernreuther
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7151-68434, 2:244/40, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-7151-68233, 2:244/41, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: W-7056 Weinstadt-1
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Netware, Windows
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 support, all Fernwood OS/2 files and German Source
                : OS/2 available.  BBS of the ComputerClub Waiblingen.


        BBS Name: Charisma The Christian BBS
           Sysop: Heinz Mueller
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-261-17133, 2:241/5414, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Grafenau, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support with Hotline
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 files and other OS/2 Shareware.  Clipper.


        BBS Name: CheckPoint OS/2
           Sysop: Guenter Hahn
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7331-68221, 2:241/7340, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: D-7340 Geilsingen-Stg
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: Concentration on OS/2-Software.  Available File-Nets:
                : Fernwood and "German-Source" (a German OS/2-Net).


        BBS Name: CommPro Systems
           Sysop: Ulrich Roeding
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-89-6019677, 2:246/147, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-89-6062239, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-89-6011344, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-89-660011-52, 2:246/647, V.110/X.75/El301 (ISDN)
        Location: Munich, Fed.Rep.Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Nearly all Fido and Internet Newsgroups on OS/2, Fernwood
                : File Echos, focus on tools/info for programmers and LANs. 
                : Some additional private lines.


           Sysop: Martin Marschand
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-231-9821071, 2:2444/4513, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-231-9821072, 2:2444/4514, ISDN
        Location: Dortmund, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Forwarding Fernwood OS/2 files to 7 Points.


        BBS Name: Hacker Baer Wanlo
           Sysop: Andreas Miers
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-2166-51638, 2:242/108.2, ?
        Location: Baer Wanlo, Germany
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992


        BBS Name: Highspeed Duesseldorf
           Sysop: Carsten Schroeer
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-211-752734, 2:242/108, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: D-4000 Duesseldorf, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: This is a Maximus CBBS System running under OS/2 2.0.  All
                : Fernwood OS/2 files are available.  The BBS is not
                : interested in Windows files.


        BBS Name: IBM Mailbox
           Sysop: Peter Plischka
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-201-210744, 2:245/110, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
                : +49-201-295181, 2:245/111, USR HST 9600 V.42b
        Location: Essen, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.  First callers have
                : full download privileges immediately.  Request OS2NEW for
                : list of latest new files.  Also Windows and music files.


        BBS Name: IRD-BBS Schoeningen
           Sysop: Rolf Dobrig
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-5352-58200, 2:240/560, Telebit WB V.32b/V.42b/PEP+
        Location: 3338 Schoeningen, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2, LAN- and WAN-Networks
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Distribution of the Fernwood OS/2 File echos and many other
                : file echos.


        BBS Name: JERRY'S OS/2-BBS
           Sysop: Juergen Berger
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6134-26563, 2:249/115, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Mainz-Kostheim, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: I'm carrying 'German Source OS/2' and the Fernwood file
                : echo, the OFN-File net.  Host of the OS2UPD File-Net, which
                : always distributes the latest updates and fixes from IBM. A
                : lot of other OS/2 file areas, 600mb OS/2-CDROM online with
                : Fernwood-stuff and all important OS/2 message areas.
                : Will be running two line in February, 1993.


        BBS Name: LRZ-System
           Sysop: Oliver Lass
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-228-331214, n/a, Intel MC2400
                : +49-228-334372, n/a, Intel 9600 EX V.32/C.42bis
        Location: Bonn, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992
        Comments: This BBS is a Magnum BBS which runs under OS/2 2.0 at the
                : time of this writing.  This BBS is interested in serious
                : users only and will not accept DOS or Windows files.
                : (Note:  The second line is only available 8PM-10PM Mon-Fri,
                : 8PM-12AM Sat, Sun.  All times are CET.)


        BBS Name: MAUS Aachen 3
           Sysop: Achim Reinhardt
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-241-514646, ac3.maus.de (Usenet), USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: 5100 Aachen, Germany
   Primary Focus: Information exchange, OS/2, MS-DOS, ATARI
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: About 20 OS/2 newsgroups from MausNet, Usenet, Fido.  Large
                : and up-to-date OS/2 file collection.


        BBS Name: MM's Spielebox
           Sysop: Matthias Meyser
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-5323-3515, 2:241/3420, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-5323-3516, 2:241/3421, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-5323-3517, 2:241/3422, Fury 9600 V.32/MNP
        Location: Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 LINUS GAMES SOURCEN
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Home of many Play by mail games.


        BBS Name: MoonFlower
           Sysop: Oliver Schwabedissen
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-5137-92366, 2:241/53, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: D-30926 Seelze, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2, OS/2 and OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All German and international OS/2 related message echos
                : available online.
                : The BBS is free and even first time callers can download.


        BBS Name: Mudges Box
           Sysop: Lars Nowak
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-030-8336124, n/a, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Berlin, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The OS/2-Box in Berlin.  No Upload/Download Ratio.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Box Herrenberg
           Sysop: Thomas Muenz
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7032-34594, 2:244/66, Hayes 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Herrenberg, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Over 44 MB (440+) of mainly OS/2 Shareware.  Request FILES
                : via network mailer, or 224466.LZH via BBS for complete
                : files listing.  Many OS/2 echos available.  Connected to
                : NETWIRE and FERWOOD FileNet.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Express
           Sysop: Richard Clement
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6183-74270, 2:249/7, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Erlensee, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and nothing but OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: German Gateway for Fernwood File Areas


        BBS Name: OS/2 Point
           Sysop: Harald Kipp
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-234-9388326, 2:243/4012, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: 44801 Bochum, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Free downloads without sysop confirmation.


        BBS Name: OSHalbe-Box
           Sysop: Hermann Reissig
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-9852-4654, 2:2400/651, 14.4 V.32b
        Location: W-8805 Feuchtwangen, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 2.x support
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood-Library Online, OS/2-PD-Distribution


        BBS Name: PC Softbox OS/2
           Sysop: Michael Breukel
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6196-27799, 2:243/17, 2400
        Location: Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


        BBS Name: Portals of Brunswick
           Sysop: Michael Siebke
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-911-4097776, 2:247/2099, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Nuernberg, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Over 500 MB of OS/2 software, all OS/2 related fidonet
                : echos available. The system is connected to over 20 OS/2
                : file echos including Fermwood and OS2UPD. Special areas are
                : provided containing OS/2 sample code and development tools.
                : The BBS is interested in serious users only and will not
                : accept DOS or Windows files.
                : Note: The BBS has limited online times: 18:00-02:00, crash
                : mail and fax is accepted: 18:00-06:00


        BBS Name: ProBit BBS Bonn
           Sysop: Thorsten Rossner
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-228-257271, 2:2402/313, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bonn, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Support OS/2 pd-soft.  Running under OS/2 2.1 Beta with
                : BinkleyTerm 2.50 EE/Beta and Maximus 2.01.


        BBS Name: Pub, The
           Sysop: Heinrich Kern
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6157-87660, 2:2405/50, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: 6102 Pfungstadt, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 support. OS2UPD, OS2GS (german source OS/2) all SDS
                : and Fernwood files. Also a lot of OS/2 message echos.


        BBS Name: RhinozerOS/2-Box
           Sysop: Michael Rurainsky
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-261-17133, 2:241/5414, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Koblenz, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 files and other OS/2 Shareware.


        BBS Name: Sailor's Inn
           Sysop: Rolf Schalmann
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-9544-2214, n/a, ZyXEL U-1496E 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Baunach-Reckenneusig,Germany/Bavari
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows, DFUE, Sounds
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Full Support for OS/2, I want help and search for users to
                : support the BEST SYSTEM in the World "OS/2" not WINDOWS!!! 
                : My BBS is 24 hours online.   The Sailor's Inn has 6
                : CD-ROM's online.


        BBS Name: Second Source
           Sysop: Markus Noller
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7191-56267, 2:244/7056, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: 7153 WeiBach im Tal, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 programming
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Home of PMFORMAT, CPMZ80, TETRIS/2 DHRYMON, and (soon)
                : POLY_COM.  Support for installation of Binkley, Maximus,
                : SQUISH and related files.  (Limited ONLINE time: 8pm - 6am,
                : CET)


        BBS Name: ShutDown BBS Bochum
           Sysop: Peter Bankmann
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-234-283902, 2:245/31, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
                : +49-234-283902, 2:245/30, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-234-289019, 2:245/303, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-234-294864, n/a, Unknown
        Location: 4630 Bochum 1, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood library distribution.  OFN (OS/2-File-Network)
                : library distribution 35 FileAreas for OS/2. Using Maximus,
                : Binkley and Squish under OS/2 2.0 with 3 ports.  (digiboard
                : pc 4/e)


        BBS Name: Simple OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Michael Roedeske
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7151-75327, 2:246/1409, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : +49-7151-977901, 2:246/1438, TELES ISDN X.75 64000bps
                : +49-7151-977902, 2:246/1439, TELES ISDN X.75 64000bps
        Location: Remshalden (near Stuttgart)
   Primary Focus: OS/2, OS/2, OS/2, OS/2, OS/2, OS/2, OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994


        BBS Name: Stonys Corner
           Sysop: Harald Steinmetz
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6172-23973, 2:2461/321, ZyXEL 16.8 V32b/V.42b
        Location: D-61348 Bad Homburg, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and only OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All german and international OS/2 FIDO Areas are available
                : online. Member of GAMESNET and FIDONET.
                : !!!  Stonys Corner is an OS/2 only system  !!!
                : More than 1 GB of OS/2 stuff in about 150 Fileareas. Lots
                : of files from CIS, IBM NSC and IBM Germany. All Fernwood
                : OS/2 Fileechos and the Electronic Chair OS/2 FILENET are
                : available, as well as the GAMESNET Fileechos.
                : The most recent HOBBES CD is always available online.
                : The BBS has no Fileratio and is free of charge. First time
                : callers have 45 Minutes with full DL


        BBS Name: Terrania City
           Sysop: Kalle Braun
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-228-317752, 2:241/5302, USR HST 14.4
        Location: Bonn, Germany
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992


        BBS Name: The CAT
           Sysop: Thomas Tegel
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-7971-72446, 2:244/46, CAMCOM 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Backnang
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: May 14, 1992
        Comments: Online from 20h to 6h30 Central European Time.  F'req from
                : 20h to 3h CET.  Running on a 486/33, 125 MB HD, using
                : Maximus and BinkleyTerm.


        BBS Name: The_File_Store
           Sysop: Karlheinz Kissel
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-6106-22266, 2:244/1422, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32/V.42b
        Location: D-63110 Rodgau 2, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


        BBS Name: WCI Stade
           Sysop: Ralph Theren
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-4141-82638, 2:240/113, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-4141-82648, 2:240/114, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Stade, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Still another good OS/2 BBS.


        BBS Name: Zaphod BBS
           Sysop: Chris Leuder
Phone/Node/Modem: +49-228-262894, 2:241/5306, USR HST 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +49-228-229147, 2:241/5312, 2400 MNP
        Location: Bonn, Germany
   Primary Focus: None
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992


                                 --* Greece *--


        BBS Name: Russians On Line Underground
           Sysop: Markellos Diorinos
Phone/Node/Modem: +30-31-300-170, 2:244/7056, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Thessaloniki, Greece
   Primary Focus: OS/2, others
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 files (received on diskette)


                               --* Hong Kong *--


        BBS Name: Abyss/2
           Sysop: C.K. Lam
Phone/Node/Modem: +852-415-1418, 6:700/665, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Hong Kong
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 Support BBS in Hong Kong.


        BBS Name: Ashley Board
           Sysop: Ashley Cheng
Phone/Node/Modem: +852-871-0272, 6:700/130, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: System runs Binkley/Maximus/Squish under OS/2 2.0.


        BBS Name: Simon & Pat Board
           Sysop: Simon Ma
Phone/Node/Modem: +852-568-5593, 6:700/443, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Hong Kong
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: Special Interest has been placed on those 15 Fidonet OS/2
                : echos, together with the SIO comm driver help echo.  We
                : are, in addition, getting new sharewares for OS/2 from
                : Internet and other possible sources.


                                --* Hungary *--


        BBS Name: Vertigo OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Ferenc Pal
Phone/Node/Modem: +36-46-344956, 2:370/25, ZyXEL U-1496E+ 19200bps
        Location: Miskolc, Hungary
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All Fernwood file areas available. My sytem runs on OS/2
                : 2.11 under Maximus/2 and BinkleyTerm/2 : or Xenia/2. Freqs
                : accepted from anyone. No upload/download ratios. Working
                : hours: 22:00-12:00 CET Coordinator of OS2NET in Hungary. 
                : Also 81:436/1 (OS2NET)


                                 --* Italy *--


        BBS Name: FastForward BBS
           Sysop: Pasquale Cantiello
Phone/Node/Modem: +39-823-812099, 2:335/2, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Santa Maria, Italy
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


        BBS Name: Italy Network
           Sysop: Luigi Ravina
Phone/Node/Modem: +39-11-89899069, 2:334/200, USR HST 9600
        Location: Torino
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


        BBS Name: Italy Network #5
           Sysop: Fabrizio Bogli
Phone/Node/Modem: +39-11-3174440, 1:334/205, 2400
        Location: Torino, Italy
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


        BBS Name: Runnin' with The Devil
           Sysop: Roberto Sonzogni
Phone/Node/Modem: +39-363-302798, 2:331/205, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Treviglio, Italy
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: I've found that Italy is not very interested to OS/2
                : already....  instead of me !!!


                              --* Netherlands *--


        BBS Name: BBS The Experiment
           Sysop: Peter Smink
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-1150-15245, 2:285/403, V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-1150-14498, 2:285/405, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-1150-30679, 2:285/2, ZyXEL U-1496E 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Terneuzen, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: DOS, Amiga, Graphics and OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Our system carries the Fernwood file echo.  Files from the
                : Walnut Creek OS/2 CDROM are available on request.


        BBS Name: Bamestra RBBS
           Sysop: Jan Terpstra
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-2998-3602, 2:280/201, USR HST 9600
                : +31-2998-3603, 2:280/216, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Beemster, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, viruses, computer security
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Primary feed for the European part of OS2NET.  OS/2 CSD
                : distribution site with direct feed from IBM.


        BBS Name: Bommel's
           Sysop: Nitz Neder-Helman
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-10-4709577, 2:285/80, Lightcom 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Schiedam, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: Memory Management
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Bommel's Makes computing fun!  From Memory Management to
                : Games and Toys, we got it all!


        BBS Name: Buggy Place
           Sysop: Maarten Ruigrok
Phone/Node/Modem: 31-73-221251, 2:284/107, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Den Bosch, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2 stuff
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Lots of OS/2 stuff going round.. Running under OS/2 with
                : OS/2 BBS software.


        BBS Name: Chat OS2BBS
           Sysop: Lody Caenen
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-75-704045, 2:280/801, 28.8k V32b/V42b/VFC
                : +31-75-314321, 2:280/8, USR HST DS 16.8k V32b/V42b
                : +31-75-123671, 2:28/902, ISDN 64 Kb line
        Location: Koog a/d Zaan, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DOS
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library on line, Tick redistribution,
                : hatching facilities, Hobbes online, various OS/2 file-
                : echo's, Home of the OS/2 User Group NL.


        BBS Name: DataLink NL
           Sysop: Ronald Faber
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-50-735035, 2:512/159, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Groningen, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DESQview, Windows
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: First users have direct access to the OS/2 Fernwood
                : library. Also lots of SDS/SDN/PDN etc. files available.


        BBS Name: Develsteyn Castle
           Sysop: Henk Heidema
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-78-196010, 2:285/304, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, PDN, Imail
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Request FILES for what's available.  Imail Registration
                : site.  I run a Mail Only system.


        BBS Name: ENSING-BBS
           Sysop: Gert Ensing
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5904-2135, 2:512/164, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-5904-2733, 2:512/164, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-5904-1913, n/a, 2400bd
                : +31-5904-1388, n/a, 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Harkstede (GR), The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2 + MS-Windows
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: I like to offer my users every possible utility and
                : information concerning OS/2.


        BBS Name: HCC IBM gg.
           Sysop: Kees Pijnenburg
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-8857-1865, 2:500/101, 9600 V.32/MNP
        Location: Rijkevoort, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: DOS, Windows
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Now carries all Fernwood OS/2 files from January 1, 1992.


        BBS Name: HIO-BBS Groningen
           Sysop: Jan Berends
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-50-712756, 2:282/500, 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Groningen, Holland
   Primary Focus: EchoMail, Windows, OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: HyperCUBE
           Sysop: Donald Heering
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-70-3360664, 2:281/528, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: The Hague, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programmer's Distribution Net
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: HyperCUBE is a small but up-to-date BBS. It's connected to
                : Fernwood, PDN and a DOS utility file distribution net. It
                : also carries FidoNET and OS2Net (81:431/21) echomail.
                : HyperCUBE is an OS2Net hub for the The Hague area.


        BBS Name: IBM OS/2 support BBS
           Sysop: Bart van Leeuwen
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-30-334711, 81:431/901 (OS2NET), Robocom 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: INFOBOARD
           Sysop: Joop Mellaart
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-4752-6300, 2:512/8, USR HST 9600
        Location: Herkenbosch, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.  "Anything" else also.
                : Infoboard has 50+ lowspeed lines on phone number
                : +31-4752-6200.


        BBS Name: Lighthouse BBS
           Sysop: Onno Tesink
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-1834-2427, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Almkerk, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: Magic Land #1
           Sysop: Rob Stevens
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-73-430261, 2:284/103, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-73-420529, 2:284/103, 2400
        Location: 's-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: MasterBrains
           Sysop: Arie Rietkerk
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5130-10482, 2:282/331, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Heerenveen, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: MasterBrains BBS
           Sysop: Arie Rietkerk
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5131-807, 2:282/331, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Tjalleberd, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distritbution.  First callers have
                : full download privileges immediately.  Request OS2NEW for
                : list of latest new files.


        BBS Name: Medusa BBS
           Sysop: Winston van Oosterhout
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-1650-46107, 2:512/63, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Roosendaal, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, and programming
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 files, Windows files, Programming, GIFs, SoundBlaster
                : utilities and a lot more.  OS2NET 81:431/8


        BBS Name: Multiserver
           Sysop: Jos Bergman
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-38-541358, 2:512/54, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-38-540882, 2:512/315, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Zwolle, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows, BBS's/Mailers
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: Owl's Nest, The
           Sysop: Arthur Mol
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-2155-10921, 2:512/39, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Soest, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: PC-Square
           Sysop: Lody Caenen
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-75-175560, 2:512/4, USR HST DS 16.8 V32b/V42b
        Location: Koog a/d Zaan, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2, PS/2, Maximus
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: European distribution point for Fernwood OS/2 library.
                : PC-SQUARE is the 'Base system' which carries new files as
                : soon as they arrive daily from the USA.  The file OS2NEW
                : contains the latest update list, OS2FILES contains the
                : complete OS/2 file list.  81:431/5 (OS2NET)


        BBS Name: Power System BBS
           Sysop: Harm Lukas Scheltens
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5978-14897, 2:512/170, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-5978-12307, 27:5331/305, 2400 (22.00 - 7.00)
        Location: Oude Pekela, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: Clipper, Pascal, OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: Power Systems BBS
           Sysop: Harm Lukas Scheltens
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5978-14897, 2:512/170, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-5978-12307, 27:5331/305, 2400 (22.00 - 7.00 local)
        Location: Oude Pekela, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: Clipper, Pascal, OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993


        BBS Name: Superior by Design BBS
           Sysop: John van.Eck
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-3408-71529, 2:512/162, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b/MNP
        Location: IJsselstein, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993


        BBS Name: TJD Support BBS, The
           Sysop: Dave Jones
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-1720-38558, n/a, USR HST 9600
        Location: Alpen a/d Rijn, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and TJD Software
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 support mainly directed at programmers, and support
                : provided for TJD Software's shareware products. Running
                : Magnum BBS for OS/2.


        BBS Name: Target BBS
           Sysop: Lammert Doddema
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-5970-12235, 2:512/165, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : +31-5970-12142, 27:5331/301 (signet), USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Winschoten, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 files, 1st callers have full download immediately.
                : Also Windows/ANSI/DESQview and more files.


        BBS Name: TempoSys
           Sysop: Jelle Boot
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-1726-11190, 2:281/609, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bodegraven, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fernwood fileareas and Hobbes CDROM online. AKA
                : 81:431/10.0@os2net


        BBS Name: The Gauntlet #1
           Sysop: J.F. Nipshagen
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-73-569797, 2:512/37, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
                : +31-73-571511, n/a, 2400
        Location: Vught, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Carries all Fernwood OS/2 files


        BBS Name: The Mailbox [SDN]
           Sysop: Vincent Veeger
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-40-122083, 2:284/200, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: SDN distribution.  All Fernwood OS/2 files.
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Official SDN distribution site.  Tick redistribution of
                : Fernwood OS/2 files.


        BBS Name: UltiHouse/2
           Sysop: Floor Naaijkens
Phone/Node/Modem: +31-13-638709, 2:512/195, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Tilburg, The Netherlands
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


                                 --* Norway *--


        BBS Name: PerlePorten I & II
           Sysop: Terje Slydahl
Phone/Node/Modem: +47-83-33003, 2:502/802, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +47-83-33004, 2:502/803, 2400 MNP4
        Location: Tromsoe, Norway
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Opus
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood OS/2 library distribution.


                                --* Portugal *--


        BBS Name: Lost Files BBS
           Sysop: Jorge Fontes
Phone/Node/Modem: 351-02-721111, n/a, 14.4k V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Espinho, Portugal
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carrying FidoNet, MagicNet, LusoNet OS/2 Conferences.
                : Fernwood Files. Over 150 File areas & 130 EchoMail Areas.
                : Free Access System


                               --* Singapore *--


        BBS Name: Miqas/2 [Singapore]
           Sysop: Ivan Leong
Phone/Node/Modem: +65-755-6463, 6:600/500 (aka /510), USR HST DS 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Singapore
   Primary Focus: OS/2, C, Fidonet utils
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Carries Fidonet's OS2xxx and usernet's comp.os.os2.xxx
                : conferences.  Files on OS/2, C programming and Fidonet -
                : file request 'FILES' for master listing.


        BBS Name: NyperLink BBS
           Sysop: Li Weiguo Adrian
Phone/Node/Modem: +65-776-8003, 6:600/348, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Singapore
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: OS/2 Centre
           Sysop: Walter Wu
Phone/Node/Modem: +65-274-0577, 6:600/513, USR Sportster 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Singapore
   Primary Focus: OS/2, MS LAN Manager
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: First time callers have access to file system.  Carry
                : mainly files pertaining to OS/2.


        BBS Name: Open Connection
           Sysop: Lai Zit Seng
Phone/Node/Modem: +65-481-1345, 6:600/200, USR Sportster 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Singapore
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Member of Team OS/2.


                                --* Slovenia *--


        BBS Name: IBM OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Miha Kralj
Phone/Node/Modem: +386-61-1763375, 2:380/106, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Slovenia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: IBM OS/2 BBS is backbone for Slovenian OS/2 Users Group,
                : carries all of international OS/2 echoes, Fernwood files
                : archive and local (slovenian) OS/2 technical support. 
                : Software: OS/2 2.11, Binkley/2 2.95, Maximus/2 2.01wb,
                : Hardware: IBM PS/2 85, 32 Mb RAM, 2 Gig disk, 2x US
                : Robotics V.everything, Addresses: 2:380/106.0@FidoNet.org,
                : 81:4386/81.1@OS2NET.ftn (Sysops: Miha Kralj, Gregor
                : Jeromen, Luka Frelih)


                                 --* Spain *--


        BBS Name: Enchufe
           Sysop: Santiago Crespo
Phone/Node/Modem: +34-1-5477210, 2:341/24, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Madrid, Spain
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: All Fernwood OS/2 files


        BBS Name: Lone Star OS/2
           Sysop: Fidel Leon
Phone/Node/Modem: +34-3-790-6630, 2:343/118, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Mataro (Barcelona), Spain
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Also dedicated to radio and HAM utilities


                                 --* Sweden *--


        BBS Name: Lanthandeln
           Sysop: Jan Sevelin
Phone/Node/Modem: +46-480-32393, 2:200/306, USR HST DS 9600 V.32
        Location: Kalmar, Sweden
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: All Fernwood OS/2 files


        BBS Name: OS2You Support BBS
           Sysop: Mikael Wahlgren
Phone/Node/Modem: +46-31-196406, 2:203/302.5, 9600 V.32
        Location: Gothenburg, Sweden
   Primary Focus: OS/2 dedicated
    Last Updated: December 14, 1992
        Comments: Support BBS for OS2You and other products from Ridax
                : programutveckling, but is free for anyone and contains
                : general purpose OS/2 files (carrying the OS/2 Fernwood file
                : echos).


        BBS Name: Quebab Corner
           Sysop: Johan Hellman
Phone/Node/Modem: +46-8-6676206, 2:201/291, USR HST 14.4
        Location: Stockholm, Sweden
   Primary Focus: OS/2 related programs/utilities
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Carrier of all the Fernwood File Echos, most of the
                : International/National OS/2 related echos.  Running
                : Maximus/2 + Binkley/2.


        BBS Name: SoftSpeed
           Sysop: Anders Brink
Phone/Node/Modem: +46-291-10158, 2:205/203, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Hedusunda, Sweden
   Primary Focus: OS/2 related programs/utilities
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Fernwood library, 230 MB OS/2 files Running Binkley/2,
                : Max/2 and Squish/2 beta Hobbes and Novell Internet CD-ROM
                : Archive on-line


        BBS Name: Tanken FAMS
           Sysop: Simon Josefsson
Phone/Node/Modem: +46-8-7043276, 2:201/220, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b/MNP
        Location: Stockholm, Sweden
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming and echoareas.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carries the Fernwood files and 31 international (and 4
                : domestic) OS/2 specific echos, including UseNet's
                : (internet) comp.os.os2.*. Have internet e-mail send/receive
                : facility and unlimited dl. No charges.


                              --* Switzerland *--


        BBS Name: Gepard's Oracle Zuerich
           Sysop: Alex Wyss
Phone/Node/Modem: +41-1-3637037, 2:302/801, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 27:1341/100 (SIGNet), Same
                : Same, 9:412/801 (VirNet), Same
        Location: Zurich
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Modula-2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS2 German Source = Fernwood Library Ticker BBS running on
                : OS/2


        BBS Name: MICS OS/2 Forum
           Sysop: Michael Buenter
Phone/Node/Modem: +41-41-538627, 2:302/6, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 2:302/602, Same
        Location: Lucerne
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Large OS/2 Filebase but also DOS/Windows Files, Connected
                : to Fernwood TICK, largest Swiss OS/2 BBS/FidoNet-Hub.


        BBS Name: PC-Info
           Sysop: Ernesto Hagmann
Phone/Node/Modem: +41-61-9412204, 2:300/0, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: 4132 Titterten
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Games, SDN, SDS, PDN, Windows
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: I am Waiting for the OS/2 2.0 (hihi)


        BBS Name: SWISS OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Martin Sch�fer
Phone/Node/Modem: +41-1-2019650, n/a, USR 14.4
        Location: Z�rich, Switzerland
   Primary Focus: Everything about OS/2 (and only about OS/2!!)
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: In the near future we try to establish anOS/2 User Club. 
                : Co-sysop: Igor Berchtold


                                   --* UK *--


        BBS Name: Abbey, The
           Sysop: Chris Durham
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-202-873911, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : +44-202-873916, 2:255/42, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Ferndown, Dorset, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Help
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Collect as many OS/2 echo as possible as well as providing
                : the full range of Fernwood Areas, always happy to help with
                : OS/2 problems. Sysop is a member of the EMEA DAP program.


        BBS Name: Air Applewood
           Sysop: Vince Coen
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-279-792300, 2:440/103, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Roydon Essex, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: We currently have over 100mb of shareware on hard drive as
                : well as 1gb offline and CD-ROM - mostley v2.0 shareware.


        BBS Name: BACKROOM/2
           Sysop: Martin Davies
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-1222-733093, Single Line, US Robotics Sportster 14400
        Location: Cardiff, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2 (Of Course!)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: FidoNet 2:442/617, OS2Net 81:444/14. Over 2600 OS/2 related
                : files available for freq or download from first call. No
                : Subscriptions, no ratios. Running Lora-OS/2 v2.40b3 under
                : OS/2 2.99 WB II (soon to be v3.0). Chatty SysOp, will
                : always answer page if about.
                : ****************HOURS 22:00-07:30 GMT ONLY***************


        BBS Name: Barnabas The Caring BBS
           Sysop: John Barton
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-708-670068, 2:257/168, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: South Ockendon, Essex, UK
   Primary Focus: disABLED issues, Christian, OS/2, RA, FD, VFD
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Running latest �lpha/�eta RemoteAccess and FrontDoor with
                : latest version of VFD (Virtual Fossil Driver) under OS/2
                : 2.1�


        BBS Name: Cray, The
           Sysop: Bill Hayless
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-81-300-5971, 2:254/212, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Foots Cray, Kent, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Carry almost all OS/2 conferences from Fidonet, OS2NET
                : (81:444/3) and Mercury (240:100/6).  Latest Hobbes CD-ROM
                : always on-line.


        BBS Name: DoNoR/2
           Sysop: Richard McGillivary
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-1483-725167, 2:440/4, USR V.everything
        Location: Woking, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All Fido OS/2 echoes carried All OS2NET echoes carried
                : (imported from Europe) All Fernwood OS/2 fileareas carried
                : plus numerous other OS/2 related files. Also carry all UK
                : Fido programming echoes. Access to all above on first
                : access.
                : After validation additional access to all OS/2 Usenet
                : groups, Fido netmail and Internet e-mail.


        BBS Name: Mildew Hall BBS
           Sysop: Peter Garner
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-420-543542, 2:251/47, Octocom 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Alton, Hampshire, UK
   Primary Focus: Data communications and anything technical/interesting
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Running Maximus/2 2.01wB, and Intermail 2.27.
                : No upload/download ratios, extra time/bytes for active
                : message writers, UK hub for the Taconet International mail
                : network, full access on first call. OS/2 file collection
                : growing steadily. Teletext data files soon.
                : CD-rom "real soon now"..


        BBS Name: MonuSci BBS
           Sysop: Mike Gove
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-454-633197, 2:252/10, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Bristol, UK
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Developers, Users and Support Staff
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: Support centre for the International OS/2 User Group


        BBS Name: TJD Support BBS, The
           Sysop: Phil Tuck
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-535-665345, n/a, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : +44-535-665345, n/a, USR HST 9600
        Location: England
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and TJD Software
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 support mainly directed at programmers, and support
                : provided for TJD Software's shareware products. Running
                : Magnum BBS for OS/2.


        BBS Name: UK File Echo Coord.
           Sysop: Phil Burden
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-61-483-4105, 2:250/101, USR HST DS 9600 V.32
        Location: Manchester, U.K.
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: All Fernwood OS/2 files


        BBS Name: Usrsus Fremens Rexx
           Sysop: Colin Adams
Phone/Node/Modem: +44-772-828975, 2:250/121, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42
        Location: Preston, Lancashire, UK.
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and IBM mainframes
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: Rexx friends welcome here.


                                  --* USA *--


        BBS Name: TSW Online Information Service
           Sysop: Lori Martin
Phone/Node/Modem: 907-372-1624, node 1, Microcom DeskPorte ES 28.8
        Location: Eielson AFB, Alaska (AK)
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carries all OS/2 Support conferences from 3 networks- FIDO
                : (1:355/20), WildNet & OS2NET (81:312/5).  Belongs to
                : OS2NET's FDN which includes Fernwood FDN areas. 6 CD-roms
                : available, most with OS/2 directories on them. Running
                : WildCat under OS/2 2.1 with RIP graphics enabled & D'Bridge
                : front end.  Crash Mail & File Requests accepted from
                : unlisted nodes.  BBS is free to long distance callers,
                : local user supported. SysOp is a member of Team OS/2.


        BBS Name: Occam's Razor BBS
           Sysop: Conan Dickson
Phone/Node/Modem: (205) 883-1308, 1:373/18, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Huntsville, Alabama
   Primary Focus: OS/2 - All aspects including programming
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Occam's Razor BBS is a BBS run for the benefit of OS/2,
                : there are not any fees, all users have full access on their
                : first call.  Occam's Razor has 330 Meg online and uses
                : PCBoard 14.5a/D.  Occam's Razor carries all FIDO
                : conferences on the Backbone.


        BBS Name: Scriptorium/2 Adept-XBBS
           Sysop: David Prentice
Phone/Node/Modem: (907) 248-5985, 1:3550/545, Microcom V.FC 28.8
        Location: Anchorage, Alaska
   Primary Focus: OS/2 files, messages, networking & technical support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running Adept-XBBS native OS/2 BBS software.  Supporting
                : OS/2, Desqview, and HP 48gx programmable graphing
                : calculators.  Hobbes CD always 100% online and FREQable.
                : New files from internet uploaded daily.  No fees or upload
                : ratios.  Sysop provides tech support for OS/2 users, and
                : sympathy support for all others.  Home of Team OS/2
                : Anchorage.  Online 24hr/day.


        BBS Name: The Computrion BBS
           Sysop: Efrem Stringer
Phone/Node/Modem: (205) 595-0183, 1:3602/27, Zoom VFX 14.4k
        Location: Birmingham, Alabama
   Primary Focus: Remote Access Sysops and OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The Computrion bbs is a support board for Remote Access
                : sysops that want to set up their bbs to run under OS2. Also
                : supporting general OS/2 Users Support is provided through
                : Internet NewsGroups relating to OS/2 topics, OS/2
                : Shareware, local techs and other Mail network conferences.


        BBS Name: Analog Gate, The
           Sysop: Mike McGuire
Phone/Node/Modem: (602) 458-0451, 1:309/9, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : (602) 452-0269, 1:309/10, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Sierra Vista, Arizona
   Primary Focus: OS/2, SDN, Apogee
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: 2 Node BBS running Maximus/2 with 670 megs. Carries OS2DOS,
                : OS2HW, OS2BBS, and OS2 fidonet echos. Also carries the
                : Fernwood file distribution. FREQ's 23 hours a day, and
                : first time caller access.


        BBS Name: Emerald Isle, The
           Sysop: Mike Mahoney
Phone/Node/Modem: (602) 749-8638, 1:300/14.0, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Tuscon, Arizona
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Conferences from Fidonet, ibmNET and Usenet
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 Version 2.0, BinkleyTerm 2.56, Maximus 2.01.  Internet
                : Gateway for Network 300.  A little bit of Ireland in the
                : Desert


        BBS Name: Encounter, The
           Sysop: Frank Ward
Phone/Node/Modem: (602) 814-1491, 1:114/95, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Gilbert, Arizona
   Primary Focus: UFO Research
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The main focus of The Encounter is honest research into
                : UFO's by a skeptic (me).  UFINET, PARANET, MUFONET, and
                : others are but a few of the net's into this BBS.  Besides
                : being a Hub (1:114/800), The Encounter is also state Host
                : for Paranet, MUFON, UFInet and others.


        BBS Name: ORAC/2
           Sysop: Eugene Glover
Phone/Node/Modem: (602) 277-1334, 1:114/12, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 5602/12 (EchoNet), Same
                : Same, 81:301/1 (OS2NET), Same
        Location: Phoenix, Arizona
   Primary Focus: OS/2 (also Science Fiction, secondary)
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Carry OS/2 message and file areas.


        BBS Name: AsmLang and OS/2
           Sysop: Patrick O'Riva
Phone/Node/Modem: (408) 259-2223, 1:143/37, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: San Jose, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Assembly Language programming
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: 60+megs files (no games or GIF's).  Open Access policy


        BBS Name: Automation Central
           Sysop: Radi Shourbaji
Phone/Node/Modem: (408) 435-2886, 1:143/110, ZyXEL 19.2
        Location: San Jose, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Enterprise Systems
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Home of the Enterprise Systems Network.  Over 600Mb of
                : Files and Messages on-line.  Featuring the Hobbes OS/2 CDROM


        BBS Name: Bob's BBS
           Sysop: Bob Madden
Phone/Node/Modem: (619) 222-1202, 1:202/921, Digicom Scoutplus V32b
                : (619) 222-5204, 1:202/921, Digicom Scoutplus V32b
        Location: San Diego, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, and LoraBBS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Moderator LoraBBS Support (echotag LORA) on Fido Backbone.


        BBS Name: CircusMaximus OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Dave Lord
Phone/Node/Modem: (310) 782-7580, 1:102/338, HAYES ISDN System Adapter
                : (310) 787-0109, 1:102/339, HAYES OPTIMA 28.8Kbps V.FC
                : (310) 787-1469, 144:144/0@circus.net, HAYES ACCURA 28.8Kbps V.FC
        Location: Torrance, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Networking, and internetworks, ISDN, Hayes Products
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: SDN, SDS, WinNet, OS2 Fernwood File Areas, CircusMaximus is
                : a general enjoyment BBS with lots of nook's and crannys to 
                : climb around in. Our Message Base is now over 2,000 Message
                : areas and will continue to grow. we also have 165 File
                : areas to  choose from. We operate 23 Hours 7 Days a week.
                : Give us a call


        BBS Name: Computer Education Services
           Sysop: Rollin White
Phone/Node/Modem: (714) 965-9963, 1:103/132, Hayes V.FC 28.8 (3 Lines)
        Location: Huntington Beach, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Programming
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carrying OS/2Net, ibmNet, Fidonet, and Usenet including all
                : OS/2 conferences.  Official BBS of the Southern California
                : OS/2 User Group.  Also a support BBS for Sundial Systems,
                : the authors of Relish.


        BBS Name: Data Field BBS
           Sysop: David Levin
Phone/Node/Modem: (818) 966-3305, n/a, Zoom 28.8
                : 818-966-4274, n/a, USR DS 14.4
        Location: Covina, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DOS, Programming
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running VBBS for OS/2.  Supporting for OS/2, DOS,
                : Programming  GIF's.  50+ Online Games.  Adult access
                : available.  Free Access 24hrs.


        BBS Name: Data Field BBS
           Sysop: David Levin
Phone/Node/Modem: (805) 376-9191, n/a, Zoom 28.8
        Location: Newbury Park, CA
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DOS, MAC, Programming, Adult, Online Games
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 24hrs.  Free Acess.  50+ Online games.  1 Gig storage. 
                : Multi language, Multi Menu, ASCII, ANSI, and RIP
                : interfacing.


        BBS Name: Data Port BBS
           Sysop: Ian Robertson
Phone/Node/Modem: (408) 259-3019, 1:143/106, ZOOM 14.4 V.32b/V.42b/Faxmodem
                : Same, 8:914/414 (RBBSNet), Same
        Location: San Jose, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: Connected to IBM and Fernwood automatic file distribution
                : networks (all areas). InterNet:
                : ian.robertson@f106.n143.z1.fidonet.org UUCP: 
                : uts.amdahl.com!kennel!106!ian.robertson


        BBS Name: Kami Seya Kornerz
           Sysop: Mark Robert Zembrzuski
Phone/Node/Modem: (805) 492-4409, 1:102/1017, Practical Peripherals 14.4K
        Location: Thousand Oaks, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and BBS support.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Large collection of OS/2 shareware and freeware utilities
                : and applications.  Also in-depth personal technical support
                : support from the SysOp himself.  Large collection of
                : FidoNet and ITCNet echos including, but not limited to,
                : OS/2 support.  Front-end mailer (BinkleyTerm/2) and BBS
                : software (Maximus/2) both naitive OS/2.  SysOp is a novice
                : developer of OS/2 utilities helpful to fellow System
                : Operators running under OS/2.  Electronic addresses:
                : 1:102/1017@fidonet.org, 85:805/157@itcnet.org


        BBS Name: Magnum BBS
           Sysop: Chuck Gilmore
Phone/Node/Modem: (805) 582-9306, n/a, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: California
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Support BBS for Magnum BBS software


        BBS Name: OS/2 Connection
           Sysop: Craig Swanson
Phone/Node/Modem: (619) 549-4215, 1:202/354, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Mira Mesa, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Our open access download areas have over 4000 OS/2 files
                : totalling over 500MB.  Publically accessible message areas
                : include all OS/2 related Fidonet echos and Usenet
                : newsgroups plus many other technical areas covering topics
                : like hard disk drives, CD-ROM, SCSI, and modems.  No
                : upload/download ratios are enforced.  Bonus time is given
                : for those who upload OS/2 files.
                : Contributors receive additional time (90 minutes per call,
                : 100 minutes per day), use of netmail, and access to a
                : second BBS line using a ZyXEL U1496S+ modem that offers
                : V.32bis, V.42bis, and ZyXEL 16800 and 19200 protocols.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Desktop
           Sysop: Dan Cook
Phone/Node/Modem: (619) 743-2511, Node 1, Hayes Optima 288, 28.8k bps
                : (619) 743-0103, Node 2, Hayes Optima 288, 28.8k bps
                : 619-743-0359, Node 3, ZyXEL U-1496S 16.8k bps
                : (619) 855-9639, Node 4, San Diego County Toll Free!
        Location: Escondido, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Operating System
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: FREE system, online 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
                : First time callers have download privileges, 60 minutes per
                : call, 120 minutes per day.  F'Reqs from points and unlisted
                : systems welcome.  Carries Fidonet, OS2net, ZyXELnet, and
                : Usenet.  Hundreds of echos, news groups, and file areas,
                : plus the entire Filebone including all the IBMnet and
                : Fernwood OS/2 areas.  Latest Hobbes (ftp.cdrom.com) OS/2
                : CDROM online at all times. A Maximus/2 CBCS in operation
                : since February 1992. Fidonet node number 1:202/1207.


        BBS Name: Omega-Point BBS
           Sysop: Unknown
Phone/Node/Modem: (714) 963-8517, n/a, 2400
        Location: California
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Home of Omega-Point BBS software


        BBS Name: PCAware OS/2
           Sysop: David Lents/Sue Lin Poh
Phone/Node/Modem: (619) 291-9791, 1:202/918, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (619) 291-2963, n/a, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (619) 291-9716, n/a, Pract Periph 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (619) 291-9792, n/a, 2400 (5 lines)
        Location: San Diego, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Political disc., Cat. of OS/2 apps, Hardware sales/sup
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Our 8-node Maximus/2 system is unique among OS/2 boards.
                : First time callers can download from our library of over
                : 2500 files.  New files are received each day from Fernwood,
                : SDSOS2, PDNOS2, as well as many other file echos (we carry
                : ALL OS/2 file echos!)  We carry over 160 FidoNet and UseNet
                : message areas, including all OS/2 topics.  Our system is a
                : Co-Host for the San Diego Area OS/2 User Group.
                : Registration (available on-line for 1st time callers)
                : brings increased access, and all contributors can choose to
                : increase privileges up to 3 hrs & 10 Megs DL per day; or
                : choose "by the hour" chunks of unlimited time/DLing!  San
                : Diego's first and only multi-line Chat board continues to
                : improve and offer more services to our users from all over
                : the world!  An extensive list of OS/2 Commercial
                : Applications (on-line price list), and wide assortment of
                : quality PC Hardware can be ordered On-Line via mail order
                : (check out our prices!!).


        BBS Name: SeaHunt BBS
           Sysop: Michael Nelson
Phone/Node/Modem: (415) 431-0473, 1:125/20, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 8:914/501 (Rbbs-Net), Same
                : (415) 431-0227, No mailer, BBS Only, USR HST 14.4
        Location: San Fransisco, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming, echos
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Several Internet conferences, including several that are
                : OS/2 specific.  With a growing collection of OS/2 files.
                : Running on an i486/33, 650MB, under OS/2 2.0.  Maximus/2
                : OS/2 BBS Software and BinkleyTerm 2.55 OS/2 Mailer.


        BBS Name: Spectre's OS/2 Technical Exch.
           Sysop: Jay Zebb
Phone/Node/Modem: (714) 751-9307, 1:130/530 (Node #1), USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : (714) 751-6534, n/a, Hayes V-Series 9600
        Location: Santa Ana, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Been online for 8 years (OS/2 for past 4 years).  Started
                : in New Hampshire, moved to California 3 years ago.  CD-ROM
                : online.  No Validation required.  More lines will be added
                : soon because of the volume of calls.  Board is OS/2 only.


        BBS Name: T.E.L. Net Systems #2
           Sysop: Chris A. Epler
Phone/Node/Modem: (714) 597-7858, 1:207/107, USR HST 14.4
        Location: Chino Hills, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2, HAM Radio Support
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Several OS/2 and HAM Radio related discussion and file
                : areas.  Fidonet, RBBSNet, CalNet, and UserNet message
                : areas. Running Maximus under OS/2.
                : NOTE:  The area code (714) will be soon changing to (909).


        BBS Name: The Pyramid/2
           Sysop: Sven Sampson
Phone/Node/Modem: (415) 494-7497, n/a, BocaModem 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (415) 494-7498, n/a, BocaModem 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (415) 494-7499, n/a, BocaModem 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Palo Alto, California
   Primary Focus: All areas related to OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The Pyramid/2 's goal is to become the BBS for OS/2 users. 
                : First time callers can download from our extended library
                : of OS/2 files.  Registration brings increased access and
                : download privileges.  The Pyramid/2 runs 24 hours a day and
                : currently has three incoming lines.  New files are added
                : every day.  The Pyramid/2 is currently running on Magnum
                : BBS 7.00 on a 486/50 with 860MB of HPFS storage.


        BBS Name: VIKING
           Sysop: Zwitterion
Phone/Node/Modem: (805) 968-5176, n/a, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Santa Barbera, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2/Windows/other
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: WWIV/SynchroNet/others -using Front Porch


        BBS Name: Vortex
           Sysop: Pam Lunsford
Phone/Node/Modem: (916) 332-7141, 1:203/726, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Sacramento, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fidonet, OS2net, and gated internet OS/2 message areas.
                : Lots of os/2 files, with a recent Hobbes OS/2 cdrom online
                : for downloading and files from Fernwood. Also games,
                : crafting and pet echos/files.


        BBS Name: Walk on the Wild Side
           Sysop: Sandeleh Francis
Phone/Node/Modem: (209) 454-1734, 1:205/31, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (209) 454-1840, n/a, Intel 400e 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Fresno, California
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support, some DOS and Windows files
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fresno's premier OS/2 Support BBS, Fidonet, OS2net, IBMnet,
                : RBBSnet.  Over 80 echoareas, many devoted to OS/2. 3 CDs
                : online, over 17,000 files available for download. Running
                : all native OS/2 software! Sysop also leads Fresno's OS/2
                : Users SIG


        BBS Name: Zzyzx Road OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Michael Cummings
Phone/Node/Modem: (619) 579-0135, 1:202/338, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: El Cajon, county of San Diego, CA
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Message bases and files with some business echos
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: This BBS is online 24 hours daily 7 days a week and is a
                : member of FidoNet (1:202/338) and BizyNet (70:1/15).  Our
                : file areas are devoted to OS/2 shareware of all sorts and
                : we carry a few business echos for those interested in
                : conducting real business in a network environment.


        BBS Name: Canadian Connection, The
           Sysop: Preson Smith
Phone/Node/Modem: (719) 599-4568, 1:128/77, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 81:300/1, Same
        Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
   Primary Focus: OS/2, C/C++ Programming, Canadian Echos
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: First time access to downloads, No Ratios.


        BBS Name: Cuerna Verde
           Sysop: William Herrera
Phone/Node/Modem: (719) 545-8572, 1:307/18, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Pueblo, Colorado
   Primary Focus: Health Care, OS/2
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: We carry OS2NET and the OS/2 support echos as well as one
                : of the most complete groupings of FidoNet health oriented
                : echo conferences anywhere!


        BBS Name: The CS-DEPOT
           Sysop: Dan O'Reilly
Phone/Node/Modem: (719) 282-1959, 1:128/58, UDS V322 14.4kbps
        Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
   Primary Focus: OS/2 files and echos, DEC system echos
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Over 1gb of files, mostly OS/2.  This is also the only
                : DEC-related board in Southern Colorado.


        BBS Name: The Canadian Connection
           Sysop: Preston Smith
Phone/Node/Modem: (719) 599-4568, 1:128/77, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Colorado Springs, Colorado
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and C/C++ Programming
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: First Time Downloads. Other addresses: 81:300/1


        BBS Name: The Wild Thang!
           Sysop: Steven P. Crandall
Phone/Node/Modem: (303) 933-3472, 1:104/326, [28.8] (New User)
                : (303) 973-7646, 1:104/641, [28.8] (two roll over lines)
        Location: Denver, Colorado
   Primary Focus: Adult BBS & OS/2 Support (Fun Combination)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Featuring Internet Newsgroups on all ALT.SEX and
                : COMP.OS.OS2 areas.  Over 6 Gig of Drive Space with over
                : 6,000 Gifs.  Carrying all of the latest in OS/2 Support
                : files.  The BBS is running Maximus 2.01 with 3 Nodes under
                : OS/2.


        BBS Name: Ascii Neighborhood I & II
           Sysop: Bob Morris
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 934-9852, 1:141/332, 9600 PEP
                : (203) 932-6236, 1:141/333, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: West Haven, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: General Purpose OS/2 and MS-DOS File Areas
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Contains "Fernwood Collection" OS/2 Files.  Running
                : BinkleyTerm and Maximus.  Many OS/2 related echos available.


        BBS Name: Bullet BBS
           Sysop: Steve Lesner
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 329-2972, 1:141/260, USR HST 9600 V.32
                : (203) 322-4135, 1:141/261, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Stamford, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Lans, Programming
    Last Updated: May 14, 1992
        Comments: These boards focus on OS/2 and narrow in on running OS/2
                : Novell Network Software.  Both nodes are running Maximus
                : and have the ability to spawn a copy of Simplex.  Lots of
                : PD files for DOS, Windows, and OS/2 as well as Novell
                : software (much acquired from the CIS NOV forums).


        BBS Name: Caladan
           Sysop: Rob Schmaling
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 622-4740, 1:141/243, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Greenwich, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Running under OS/2 and Maximus 2.01.


        BBS Name: Excelsior, The
           Sysop: Felix Tang
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 239-5894, 1:141/222, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (203) 239-5916, n/a, 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: New Haven, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Amiga, Virtual Reality, DOS, Windows-in that order :-)
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: 1.1Gb online capacity.  Fernwood distribution. Running
                : Maximus/2.


        BBS Name: Fernwood
           Sysop: Emmitt Dove
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 483-0348, 1:141/109, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : (203) 481-7934, 1:141/209, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Branford, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Origin of the Fernwood Collection.  All first-time callers
                : have full access and 90 minutes per call. All files are
                : file-requestable - request OS2FILES for a listing of all
                : OS/2-related files, or FWOS2INF.ZIP for a VIEWable listing.


        BBS Name: HOBO'S AERIE
           Sysop: Bill Hemenway
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 881-2193, 1:141/570, 28.8 VFC SupraFaxModem
        Location: Seymour, CT
   Primary Focus: EVERYTHING
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Hobo's Aerie has over 300 megs of OS2 >                 :
                : files on the harddrive, plus the >                 :
                : lastest HOBBES CDROMS online. We also >                 :
                : carry all the OS2 fidonet echo areas. We also have alot of
                : DOS and Windows files too! Altogether with the CDROM area
                : +5 gigs. Also have many DOS doors on-line. Running Maximus
                : 2.01wb.


        BBS Name: Phone Henge BBS
           Sysop: Scott Livingston
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 673-6247, 1:142/212, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Unionville, CT
   Primary Focus: OS/2 & RemoteAccess (DOS BBS)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Over 10,000 files Online (Includes Hobbes OS/2 CDROM).
                : Receiving Fernwood Message & File Echos, plus dozens more
                : Fidonet Echos. If you want the latest & greatest for OS/2,
                : RemoteAccess (or BBS related stuff), or anything else, you
                : have to stop in! Adult areas for contributing users.
                : Something for Everyone. Please Be Patient! Very busy until
                : I can afford a second public line.


        BBS Name: Sea of Noise
           Sysop: Rob Szarka (Mr. Noise)
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 886-1441, 1:320/42, Zoom 28.8k
        Location: Norwich, CT
   Primary Focus: Text, viruses, privacy
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Messages & files (about 70 megs) devoted to privacy,
                : encryption, viruses, hacking (original sense), online
                : culture, & the like.  Well-stocked on anti-virus programs,
                : PGP, public keys, CUD, & Phrack, as well as a modest
                : collection of utilities for DOS & OS/2 & source for 3B2. 
                : Come ride the Sea of Noise in an OS/2 VDM...


        BBS Name: Storm Front - OS/2, The
           Sysop: Chris Regan
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 234-0824, 1:141/600, USR HST 9600
                : Same, 1:141/565, Same
        Location: North Haven, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992


        BBS Name: Treasure Island
           Sysop: Don Dawson
Phone/Node/Modem: (203) 791-8532, 1:141/730, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Danbury, Connecticut
   Primary Focus: Something for everyone
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: 400+meg of files, including BBS, ANSI, OS/2, DV, Windows,
                : SDS/SDN/PDN/WinNet/UtilNet.  200+ Fidonet echos.  Running
                : BinkleyTerm/Maximus/OS/2 under two phone lines.


        BBS Name: Eastern C Board
           Sysop: Todd Lehr
Phone/Node/Modem: (302) 764-2829, 1:150/180, GVC 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (302) 764-2839, n/a, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Wilmington, Delaware
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Over 800Megs of files, includes 150Meg of OS/2 related
                : downloads.  2 Lines with CDROM available on each, focus on
                : OS/2 Files and Conferencig via FIDONET.


        BBS Name: Singer Bear BBS
           Sysop: John Tarbox
Phone/Node/Modem: (302) 984-2238, 1:150/130, USR HST 9600
        Location: Wilmington, Delaware
   Primary Focus: Technical, including OS/2, Client/Server and programming
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: System has over 1700 files available for download by first
                : time callers.  Running BinkleyTerm and Maximus under OS/2.
                : On-line since 1988.  (Will soon be using a USR Dual
                : Standard modem)


        BBS Name: Space Station Alpha
           Sysop: Scott Street
Phone/Node/Modem: (302) 653-1458, 1:2600/135, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Smyrna, Delaware
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Programming OS/2
    Last Updated: July 28, 1992
        Comments: Primary focus on OS/2 FidoNet echos.  Fernwood files are
                : available.


        BBS Name: 19th Hole, The
           Sysop: Rusty Plant
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 479-8538, 1:3612/612, 9600 V.32
        Location: Pensacola, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2 + Programming
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Carries all the Fido Backbone OS/2 echos and co-moderates
                : the local OS/2 echo.  Keep the latest OS/2 shareware CD-ROM
                : online.


        BBS Name: Apothecary's Archives, The
           Sysop: Kathy Todd
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 934-3146, 1:3612/298, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b/MNP
        Location: Gulf Breeze, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Programming
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Carries all the Fido Backbone OS/2 echos in addition to the
                : local OS/2 echo.


        BBS Name: Disintegrated Cirucuit OS/2
           Sysop: Richard Todd
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 934-9796, 1:3612/299, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Gulf Breeze, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: All fido backbone OS/2 echos - local OS/2 echo - ibmNET -
                : 1000+ OS/2 files.  Other network addresses: 40:437/299,
                : 8:925/299


        BBS Name: OS/2 Exchange BBS
           Sysop: Dan Rhoades
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 269-0600, 1:112/37, ZYXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Jacksonville, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: We carry all FIDO and OS2NET message areas dealing with
                : OS/2. Over 750MB online, including the latest HOBBES OS/2
                : Shareware CD-ROM.  Open access, full priveledges on first
                : call.  We specialize in keeping up with the latest drivers
                : and fixes.  (OS2NET 81:105/1)


        BBS Name: Other World, The
           Sysop: Troy Kraser
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 893-2404, 1:3605/56, Cardinal 9600 V.32
        Location: Tallahassee, Florida
   Primary Focus: DOS and OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Have file areas for both DOS and OS/2, hoping to focus on
                : the OS/2 sections by collecting new OS/2 shareware that is
                : released.  No registeration requirements (except real
                : names).


        BBS Name: SandDollar, The
           Sysop: Mark Wheeler
Phone/Node/Modem: (407) 254-3826, 1:374/95, USR HST 9600
        Location: Cape Canaveral, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Windows 3.0
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Carry a lot of OS/2 and Window programs


        BBS Name: Tampa Bay OS/2 Users' Group
           Sysop: Greg Dodge
Phone/Node/Modem: (813) 562-2249, n/a, ?
        Location: Clearwater, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Non-profit vendor independent users group dedicated to OS/2
                : in the Tampa Bay area.


        BBS Name: The "PRIDE" Network
           Sysop: Paul Wylie
Phone/Node/Modem: (813) 786-4864, n/a, ?
        Location: Palm Harbor, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: MBA's corporate BBS where we discuss methodologies and
                : tools for Information Resource Management (IRM) with an
                : emphasis on OS/2.  MBA is a management consulting firm
                : specializing in OS/2 based products.


        BBS Name: The Bear's Den
           Sysop: Lloyd Buchfinck
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 864-5327, 1:366/22, Hayes Optima 28.8
        Location: Fort Walton Beach, Florida
   Primary Focus: Mail Wildnet; FIDO; ChateauNet; Vnet
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Six disk Pioneer changer online with cdroms.  Internet
                : email and newsgroups.  Games and conferences...


        BBS Name: The Program Exchange
           Sysop: Fred Kushner
Phone/Node/Modem: (407) 870-2735, 1:3633/133, Zoom 1414VE 14.4
        Location: Kissimmee, Florida
   Primary Focus: Files, Message Base's, and a few games
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Member Team OS/2 - BBS carries all available OS/2 Fido
                : Echos. BBS supports OS/2, any files not currently on line
                : can be requested via mail to SysOp. Currently working on
                : setting up MAXIMUS for OS/2.  With my busy work schedule I
                : do not know when it will become a reality.  Current BBS is
                : MAXIMUS run under DOS.


        BBS Name: The RoadKill Cafe
           Sysop: Jack O'Neill
Phone/Node/Modem: (904) 628-6179, 1:3653/888, PPI 28.8
        Location: Homosassa, Florida
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Hobbes CD-ROM online, DL on first call, Freq welcome 23hrs.
                : OS2net (81:105/2) and all Fidonet OS/2 message bases


        BBS Name: Information Overload
           Sysop: Ed June
Phone/Node/Modem: (404) 471-1549, 1:133/308, ZyXEL 19.2 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Riverdale, Georgia
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Linux
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Atlanta's OS/2 Users Group BBS.  First time callers have
                : full access, 90 minutes per day for LD callers, 60 for
                : locals.  Carries ALL OS/2 FIDO net echos, along with
                : newsgroups from the Internet. Receives the Fernwood and
                : ibmNET file distributions.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Tower
           Sysop: Claud Cutler
Phone/Node/Modem: (912) 439-4054, 1:3617/12, Hayes Optima 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Albany, Georgia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Collection of OS/2 files.  Carrying all OS/2 echos.  Also
                : carry DOS and Window files.  Over 100 meg, 600 files online
                : and adding more daily.  Open access policy.  All files
                : Freq'able, 23 hours.  Magicname FILES.  Running Maximus/2
                : v2.01wb, Binkley/2 v2.56 & Squish/2.


        BBS Name: HQS Hamburg
           Sysop: Torsten Grimme
Phone/Node/Modem: 49-40-2196834, 2:240/5200, 14.4k V.32b/V.42b
                : 49-40-2109092, 2:240/5202, ISDN X.75
        Location: Hamburg, Germany
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: German File Distribution - FileServer OS2Net Hub Hamburg
                : MxBbsNet EchoServer Europe


        BBS Name: "Operating System BBS"
           Sysop: Richard T. Landon
Phone/Node/Modem: (671) 564-2975, 1:345/3021, ZyXEL 16.8
        Location: Santa Rita, Guam
   Primary Focus: All OS/2 programs and utilities
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The "Operating System BBS" running Wildcat! and Front Door,
                : 750 Meg Online, CD-ROM, Adult, Doors 1-11, Wildcat! MSI Net.


        BBS Name: DogHouse BBS, The
           Sysop: Patrick McCormick
Phone/Node/Modem: (671) 565-6707, 1:345/3007, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (671) 565-1013, 1:345/3024, 9600 V.42b
        Location: Santa Rita, Guam
   Primary Focus: All areas
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The DogHouse BBS is a very fast growing system that trys to
                : supports every aspect of BBS'ing.


        BBS Name: Ghostcomm Image Gallery
           Sysop: Craig Oshiro
Phone/Node/Modem: (808) 456-8510, 1:345/14, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 8:908/23 (RbbsNet), Same
        Location: Pearl City, Hawaii
   Primary Focus: Imaging and Graphics, OS/2, some Macintosh and MSDOS
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: Free access to OS/2 Fidonet conferences and OS/2 file
                : areas. File retievals from Internet ftp archives such as
                : ftp-os2.nmsu.edu are preformed on a daily basis.  Lastest
                : patches and fixes from software.watson.ibm.com as they are
                : made available.  Fernwood retrievals from zues.ieee.org.
                : Currently running in a DOS 5.0 boot image.


        BBS Name: Adventurer's Corner OS/2
           Sysop: Scott Kuntzelman
Phone/Node/Modem: (309) 664-0881, 1:232/314, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Bloomington, Illinois
   Primary Focus: Dedicated OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Nearly 1 Gigabyte of OS/2 support files available,
                : including the Hobbes internet CD-ROM archive (over 600MB)
                : which is updated quarterly (latest issue always online!).
                : All FidoNet, OS2net and ibmNET OS/2 support message echos.
                : All FidoNet and ibmNET OS/2 support file areas updated
                : regularly via satellite. BBS operates under OS/2 using
                : Maximus/2 and BinkleyTerm/2. FidoNet 1:232/314, OS2net
                : 81:211/1, ibmNET 40:4377/314 All files F'Reqable, points
                : and unknowns allowed! Iron Ox for OS/2 door game
                : distribution site. Apogee / Software Creations Distribution
                : Node #5 Latest Apogee games always online!


        BBS Name: Boomtown BBS, The
           Sysop: Kevin Zimmerman
Phone/Node/Modem: (815) 868-2422, 1:2270/868, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: McConnel, Illinois
   Primary Focus: OS/2, EchoMail, Tech Talk
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: The Boomtown BBS is running FrontDoor 2.10/Commercial with
                : RemoteAccess 1.11/Pro in an OS/2 2.01 MVDM on a 386/33Mhz
                : with 16MB RAM.


        BBS Name: GREATER CHICAGO Online!!
           Sysop: Bill Cook
Phone/Node/Modem: (708) 895-4042, 1:115/895, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
                : (708) 895-4083, n/a, USR HST V.42b
        Location: Chicago, Illinois
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Home of OS/2 BookStore Online!!  Order your favorite OS/2
                : Books and Shareware at significant discounts.  Message
                : Networking includes: OS2Net (81:201/1), FidoNet, IBMNet
                : (40:4375/1), the Internet (OS/2 Related NewsGroups), and
                : OS2Chicago.  Approximately 2000 active users.  OS/2
                : Accredited.  Member: North Suburban Chicago OS/2 User
                : Group, West Suburban Chicago OS/2 User Group, Downtown
                : Chicago OS/2 User Group.  Home of Illinois OS2Net and the
                : MidWestern OS/2er's GrassRoots Gazette.  Running Wildcat!
                : Professional BBS software on OS/2 2.1 with Novell 3.11 and
                : Novell 2.2 servers.


        BBS Name: I CAN! BBS
           Sysop: Bogie Bugsalewicz
Phone/Node/Modem: (312) 736-7434, 1:115/738, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32/V.42b
                : (312) 736-7388, n/a, PP 2400SA MNP
        Location: Chicago, Illinois
   Primary Focus: Disability Topics, Max/Squish Support, OS/2
    Last Updated: December 14, 1992
        Comments: ADAnet Regional Hub (94:107/0).  Large collection of
                : message bases (150) on assorted topics, including technical
                : forums. Nominally disability oriented, but extremely
                : eclectic. Other network address: 96:207/738.


        BBS Name: Megadodo Publications OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Darius Vaskelis
Phone/Node/Modem: (708) 956-9565, 1:115/302, PPI 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Arlington Heights, Illinois
   Primary Focus: OS/2 (discussion and files)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: No fees.  Lots of OS/2 messages and files. Other addresses:
                : OS2NET, 81:201/302


        BBS Name: My House BBS Inc.
           Sysop: Sam Watson
Phone/Node/Modem: (708) 739-9355, 1:2235/175, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (708) 739-9366, n/a, Zoom 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Bolingbrook, IL
   Primary Focus: General / New users
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carring FIDO net, AccessNet, and TriBBS Net. 5 CDRom's on
                : line. Internet mail. Operational 24 hours a day since 1991


        BBS Name: Bits, Bytes & Bull
           Sysop: Joe Wixted, Tony Kline
Phone/Node/Modem: (219) 356-5478, 1:236/34, Supra 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Huntington, Indiana
   Primary Focus: General Interest
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 3 CD's on line, Fidonet MSG areas, OS/2 support, DOS
                : Windows, and Amiga files.  Download on the first call!


        BBS Name: Catacombs, The
           Sysop: Mike Phillips
Phone/Node/Modem: (317) 525-7164, 1:231/380, USR HST 9600
                : Same, 8:74/1, Same
        Location: Waldron, Indiana
   Primary Focus: DOS, OS/2, Programming, Technical
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Full access to first time callers, no FEE.  Open 24 hours,
                : File Requests honored 24 hours.


        BBS Name: Fortress BBS
           Sysop: Stephen Gutknecht
Phone/Node/Modem: (219) 471-3918, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (219) 471-4016, n/a, Unknown
        Location: Indiana
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: Running two lines 24-hours per day, 7 days per week.


        BBS Name: Indiana On-Line (tm) BBS
           Sysop: Greg Rumple
Phone/Node/Modem: (812) 332-7227, n/a, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bloomington, Indiana
   Primary Focus: Graphics, OS/2, Networking, MS-DOS
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: We are running Magnum BBS software with 5 dial up lines. 
                : All lines support connects of up to 16.8K.  The BBS is
                : running under OS/2 2.1 on a Novell 3.11 Lan.  We have over
                : 5.5 gigs of files online, plus 8 CD's.  We support MS-DOS,
                : Adult Graphics, OS/2, UNIX, and Networking.
                : Sysops are John Taylor & Greg Rumple.
                : Indiana On-Line (tm) BBS has been running since July 4,
                : 1984, and is a very established PC based BBS.


        BBS Name: Play Board, The
           Sysop: Jay Tipton
Phone/Node/Modem: (219) 744-4908, 1:236/20, USR HST 9600
                : Same, 60:4800/1, Same
                : Same, 60:3/220, Same
        Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 support for Fort Wayne and contact point for Fort
                : Wayne's OS/2 users group.  We carry most of the FidoNet
                : OS/2 echos along with alinks and voyager echos.


        BBS Name: The I.O. Board
           Sysop: Bert Happel
Phone/Node/Modem: (317) 644-3039, 1:2255/10, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Anderson, Indiana
   Primary Focus: General Telecommunications
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The I.O. Board is the oldest system in east central Indiana
                : (founded 8/86).  It runs on Maximus under OS/2 and has over
                : 450 echos plus 1Gb of files for downloading.


        BBS Name: Byte Bus, The
           Sysop: Troy Majors
Phone/Node/Modem: (316) 683-1433, 1:291/13, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Wichita, Kansas
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files, Messages, Information
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992
        Comments: Over 150 megs of OS/2 files.  Member of Fernwood OS/2
                : Distribution Network, OS2NET, and ibmNET Echo and File
                : Distribution Networks.


        BBS Name: The Spawning Ground!
           Sysop: Jeffery Arnold
Phone/Node/Modem: (913) 268-4377, 1:280/304, GVC 300bps - 14.4kbps
        Location: Shawnee, KS (Kansas City, KS)
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 support through echo mail; device drivers, CSDs,
                : shareware, freeware, and demo applications; and posting
                : local OS/2 events (SIG meetings, IBM sponsored events,
                : etc.).  We also host a sub-board for comic book collectors,
                : which gets updated every once in a while (our over-riding
                : concern is for the OS/2 user).  Our users are given
                : immediate access to all essential OS/2 related files and
                : read-only access to all OS/2 related mail conferences. 
                : Upgraded access is granted by reading the opening posts
                : closely enough to locate a "magic word" "hidden"  therein
                : (and then mentioning that word in a message to the SysOp). 
                : Access is free, although we have implemented a
                : cost-recovery program for net-mail privileges. OS2NET:
                : 81:212/304, ibmNET: 40:4372/400


        BBS Name: Vir
           Sysop: Richard Kissick
Phone/Node/Modem: (316) 942-3736, n/a, USR HST 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Wichita, Kansas
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support files from 1.x 2.11 (All areas)
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Official ZOC support site!  Over 10,000 OS/2 files ON LINE!
                : FULL RIP support using searchlight v4.0a.  Also Dos and WIN
                : files.  Over 6 Gigs. of files to download.  We have file
                : Support for the older OS/2 from v1.x - v2.x.  Vast
                : directories containing: Communications, Games, Editors,
                : Disk utilities, PMShell utilities, WIN-OS/2 utilities,
                : UNIX-OS/2 utilities, DOS_OS/2 utilities.  Over 200
                : Directories, And ADDing all the time!!!


        BBS Name: OS/2 Zone, The
           Sysop: Thomas Hatton
Phone/Node/Modem: (606) 887-2277, 1:2370/12, Intel 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Nichlosville, Kentucky
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Content OS/2 CD-ROM (hobbes) online as well as updated
                : files from the hobbes ftp site. OS/2 messages from three
                : networks. Over 300meg online with message areas containing
                : the last 1000 messages availible (each).  Usenet
                : os2zone.uucp, Hours 24.


        BBS Name: The Dark Side of the Moon
           Sysop: Nathan Obert
Phone/Node/Modem: (502) 375-2851, 1:2320/320, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Louisville, Kentucky
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Pink Floyd, Music, Poetry
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: This BBS Was Originally Established to serve the users for
                : Northern Kentucky for all there OS/2 needs. From there we
                : have expanded and now carry a array of Nets, from Fidonet,
                : OS2net, IBMnet, DOVEnet, Disciplenet, PsychedelicNet,
                : FreedomNet, and the list seems to constantly increase. 
                : Alot of users enjoy the various VGA Planets games we are
                : involved in, while others just enjoy reading and writing
                : poetry and discussing the deeper meanings of Pink Floyd
                : songs. We take pride in trying to offer any thing a user
                : wants. We are here to serve users.  Even if it means a
                : Staff member needs to FTP something special for one user,
                : Satisfaction to users is are goal.


        BBS Name: HelpNet of Baton Rouge
           Sysop: Stan Brohn
Phone/Node/Modem: (504) 273-3116, 1:3800/1, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : (504) 275-7389, 1:3800/2, USR HST 9600
        Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Carry OS/2 files and downloadable programs.  The second
                : line is echos only.


        BBS Name: Information Exchange
           Sysop: Steven Cox
Phone/Node/Modem: (504) 872-4275, 1:384/14, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Houma, LA
   Primary Focus: OS/2 & LoraBBS Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The Information Exchange supports OS/2 & LoraBBS through
                : FidoNet International support conferences & file areas.
                : Community involvement in BBSing is also encouraged by
                : providing FidoNet & Local Message Areas of interest to all.
                : Running OS/2 2.1 &  LoraBBS OS/2 2.40b3+


        BBS Name: My Secret Garden BBS
           Sysop: Roger & Patty Morris
Phone/Node/Modem: (318) 865-4503, 1:380/5 or 25, USR HST DS V.34/V.FC
                : (318) 865-0788, 1:380/5 or 25, USR HST DS V.34/V.FC
                : (318) 869-4006, 1:380/5 or 25, USR HST DS V.34/V.FC
                : (318) 686-0118, 1:380/5 or 25, ISDN 64000
        Location: Shreveport, LA
   Primary Focus: General purpose BBS catering to serious users.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Online since 1990.  Supporting Amiga, DOS, OS/2, Windows,
                : and Windows NT with emphasis on OS/2 support.  The system
                : also acts as a Filebone hub, Net & Regional Mail hub within
                : FidoNet as well as participating in Fernwood OS2 file
                : distribution and a release site for the most current
                : versions of FileManager/2 by shareware author Mark Kimes. 
                : 4 gigabytes of *live* storage, 6 CD-ROMS, all operating
                : under native OS/2.  Interactive Internet access.


        BBS Name: Padded Cell BBS, The
           Sysop: Jim Sterrett
Phone/Node/Modem: (504) 340-7027, 1:396/51, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Marrero (New Orleans), Louisiana
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Sysop Support
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 shareware, FileBone File Echo Hub, SDS.  Open access
                : policy.  Request FILES for complete listing.


        BBS Name: Simple Board, The
           Sysop: Rick Ferguson
Phone/Node/Modem: (504) 664-2524, 1:3800/24, PPI 14400FXSA V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Denham Springs, Louisiana
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support - Internet - Trek
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running Binkley/2 2.59, and Maximus/2 2.01wb with OS/2 2.11
                : - Fidonet 1:3800/24.0 - OS2Net 81:206/1.0 NC - ibmNET
                : 40:4372/24 - SwampNet 18:2000/1 RC - UniverseNet 171:540/1
                : NC - Internet @simple.com - File area's include Fernwood,
                : ibmNET, TFDN(TREK), SDS, and others. Hobbes Cd on-line,
                : Internet UUCP, Info on the Baton Rouge OS/2 User Group,
                : Full access to subscribers only. Soon to add PPI 28.8 LCD
                : V.34 and Full Internet slip access with more lines coming
                : soon.


        BBS Name: Lost in the SuperMarket
           Sysop: Jim Marrs
Phone/Node/Modem: (508) 531-8416, Node 1, Hayes 28800 Optima
                : (508) 531-0798, Node 2, AT&T 14440
        Location: Peabody, MA
   Primary Focus: Amateur Radio, OS/2, Messaging
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Online Since 1989 (a long time in Cyberspace) Fidonet
                : 1:330/175, OS/2 net 81:150/175. Free and full Access on
                : first call after filling in short questionaire. Featuring
                : multiple Networks Including Fidonet, OS2Net, Safnet. 
                : Intelec, Some Usenet Newsgroups and soon RIME.  Planet
                : Connect Satellite feed for Echomail and Files.  OS/2
                : Support areas and Files Including Hobbes CD online


        BBS Name: New World OS/2
           Sysop: Burce Budd
Phone/Node/Modem: (508) 372-2399, 1:324/117, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (508) 372-2884, n/a, 2400
                : (508) 372-1985, n/a, 14.4 Sportster
        Location: Haverhill, Massachusetts
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows, Novell, and DOS
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: We have the complete OS/2 Shareware collection as of
                : 11/15/92.  We are also on Fernwood Distribution, WinNet,
                : Novell SDN, and SDN for DOS.


        BBS Name: Polish Home, The
           Sysop: Vladek Komorek
Phone/Node/Modem: (617) 332-9739, 1:101/316, ZyXEL 19.2k V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Newton, Massachusetts
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Polish related echomail/lists.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Over 100 Mb OS/2 files, free acccess.


        BBS Name: Bifrost
           Sysop: Kevin Carlin
Phone/Node/Modem: (301) 779-9381, 1:109/564, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Mount Ranier
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994


        BBS Name: Last Relay, The
           Sysop: James Chance
Phone/Node/Modem: (410) 451-0813, 1:261/1120, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 100:904/0, Same
                : Same, 100:904/1, Same
        Location: Crofton, Maryland
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Windows, and Desktop Publishing
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: Over 100 megs of OS/2 & Windows files, complete SDS load


        BBS Name: OS/2 Mistress, The
           Sysop: William Moussiaux
Phone/Node/Modem: (301) 620-7138, n/a, Hayes Optima 28.8
        Location: Frederick, Maryland
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Home of KbStuffer - An OS/2 Full Screen KeyBoard Buffer
                : Stuffer.  Hobbes CD-ROM Conference.


        BBS Name: Mystic Seaport Inn OS/2
           Sysop: Gary Chambers
Phone/Node/Modem: (207) 721-3258, 1:326/426, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Topsham, ME
   Primary Focus: Sailing, Navigation, OS/2 Programming, OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Proudly running OS/2 using BinkleyTerm/2, Maximus/2, and
                : Squish/2. System is running OS/2 2.11 on a 80486DX2-66 with
                : 16MB RAM, 800MB disk space, and a Diamond Stealth 24 VLB
                : video card. File requests are honored, and system is
                : completely Comments:  free of *ALL* access fees. *FULL*
                : access on full call!


        BBS Name: Ballroom, The
           Sysop: Joe Kastura II
Phone/Node/Modem: (313) 295-7279, 1:2410/505, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Taylor, Michigan
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Running OS/2 2.1GA, 2 Gigs, T.A.G. Beta, Three nodes.


        BBS Name: Cornerstone BBS, The
           Sysop: Dave Shoff
Phone/Node/Modem: (616) 465-4611, 1:2340/110, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bridgman, Michigan
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: Carry all OS/2 echos (except OS2PROG).  Member of Fernwood
                : File Distribution.


        BBS Name: Crystal Palace/2
           Sysop: John Crossno
Phone/Node/Modem: (810) 476-5993, 1:120/459, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Farmington Hills, Michigan
   Primary Focus: OS/2 ... What else?
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: System is completely open to first time callers.  F'Reqs
                : are honored 23 hours/day (not during NMH).


        BBS Name: Inside Technologies BBS
           Sysop: John Quoziente
Phone/Node/Modem: (313) 283-1151, n/a, Zoom 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Southgate, Michigan
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: All of the latest OS/2 files, programs, and news.  Also
                : some DOS and Windows files.
                : This is an open BBS for all types of users.  Inside
                : Technologies is a public, non-profit bulletin board.  Its
                : main objective is to make available news of merging
                : technologies in a variety of fields and to support those
                : computer users using OS/2.
                : This BBS has NO provision for X-rated material and is a
                : family oriented board for all age groups.  Everyone is
                : welcome and instantly validated.


        BBS Name: Off The BacK BBS
           Sysop: Phil Geer (Team OS/2)
Phone/Node/Modem: (517) 764-4106, 1:2330/8, USR V.everything 28.8
                : (517) 764-4106, 81:20/55 (OS2NET), USR V.everthing 28.8
        Location: Jackson, Michigan
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Off The BacK BBS has all the FernWood OS/2 file echoes plus
                : all the Fidonet backbone Os/2 message echoes.  We also have
                : OS2NET which is all Os/2 all the time. First time callers
                : can download files and read the message echoes.


        BBS Name: The Dart Board
           Sysop: Brad Shelton
Phone/Node/Modem: (810) 264-7051, 1:120/54, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Sterling Hts., MI
   Primary Focus: Variety, OS/2, Hobbies
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: System is available 24 hours, seven days. First time users
                : may download files in the FernWood distribution areas if
                : they fill out a short, online registration. System is
                : currently running on OS/2 Warp using a DOS based mailer,
                : Maximus/2, with Squish/2. Looking for a good OS/2 based
                : Mailer (Binkley not up for consideration)


        BBS Name: The Treasure House BBS
           Sysop: Tom Williams
Phone/Node/Modem: (810) 548-7979, Node 1, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Hazel Park, Michigan
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The Treasure House is an all-around support BBS, that
                : carries over 100 message areas, (mostly technical) from
                : programming, to OS/2 support.  We run a native OS/2,
                : (Max/2) for our BBS software.  As a SQGroup Beta site, we
                : 'GATE' many File Echo areas, over to GroupMail 'File Group'
                : areas.  Over 900 megs of files are online and ready for
                : download.  We also have a large CD-ROM library, with
                : thosands of files for both OS/2 and DOS based operating
                : systems. OnLine games and much more!


        BBS Name: Oberon Software
           Sysop: Brady Flowers
Phone/Node/Modem: (507) 388-1154, 1:292/60, USR HST 14.4
        Location: Mankato, Minnesota
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992
        Comments: User support BBS for Oberon Software products (TE/2, fshl,
                : etc.) however everyone's welcome.


        BBS Name: Warehouse BBS, The
           Sysop: Travis Carter
Phone/Node/Modem: (612) 379-8272, n/a, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
   Primary Focus: Shareware - ASP  Home of Jibben Software
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Home of the Minnesota OS/2 User Group, Home of Jibben
                : Software.  Running WildCat 3.6M on 10 Lines - all USR DS
                : 14.4.  ASC Distribution site.


        BBS Name: Gateway/2 OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Ron Gines
Phone/Node/Modem: (314) 554-9313, 1:100/220, 9600 V.32/V.42b
                : Same, 81:200/1 (OS2NET), Same
        Location: St. Louis, Missouri
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992


        BBS Name: Multitasking Systems
           Sysop: Bill Hirt
Phone/Node/Modem: (816) 587-5360, 1:280/304, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Kansas City, Missouri
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Both Fidonet and Usernet message areas.  Internet private
                : mail available to registered users.  Full access requires
                : mail-in registration.  No fee.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Woodmeister, The
           Sysop: Woody Sturges
Phone/Node/Modem: (314) 446-0016, 1:289/27, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Columbia, Missouri
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 27, 1992
        Comments: Carry all the major OS/2 echos and files areas.  Free
                : access, no ratios.


        BBS Name: Backdoor TBBS
           Sysop: Thomas Bradford
Phone/Node/Modem: (919) 350-0180, n/a, 14.4 V.32b (resrv for members)
                : (919) 799-0923, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (919) 350-8061, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (919) 350-0859, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
   Primary Focus: Files, Messages, OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The Backdoor TBBS supports OS/2 by carrying the Fidonet
                : OS/2 echos, maintaining the latest Hobbes OS/2 CD disc, and
                : carrying several of the Frenwood OS/2 file areas.  DOS,
                : Windows, Amiga, and Macintosh formats are also supported.


        BBS Name: Entertainment Club BBS
           Sysop: Brian Womack
Phone/Node/Modem: (919) 544-7811, n/a, Zyxel U-1496E+ V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Research Triangle Park, NC
   Primary Focus: Cross-Platform programming, Games, Social Email/Chat
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: * Four Phone Lines * All Zyxel U1496+ Modems (to 19.2 kBPS)
                : * 500++ Message Sections   * 800++ File Bases (6 CD-ROMs +
                : 4GB)  * Net-Mail VERY soon  * SYSOP with 12 YEARS
                : Experience on BBSes, Former WildCat Pro Sysop Door
                : MultiUser Door Games including new TradeWars/2, StarFight, 
                : SRE, BRE, BattleGrid, GW, Land of Devastation, Emperor, EC,
                : ..... I REGISTER ALL the Games that are Popular!!!  *
                : Gaming against other BBSes : TradeWars/2, BRE, SRE  * Meet
                : other Singles in the Area and Attend Socials  * Play
                : MatchMaker Doors to meet compatible people  * Adult
                : Interest Areas* OS/2 Pentium/60 w/ 64 MB RAM, 4GB SCSI, 6
                : CD-ROM drives, DigiBoard PC/X8e for SOLID & FAST
                : communication (room for 4 more lines)  * Color Scanner
                : service (get those photos turned into GIF,BMF,JPEG,...)  *
                : Best Bargain around! For once a week 70-min call = $8 per
                : YEAR !!!


        BBS Name: Programmer's Oasis BBS, The
           Sysop: Chris Laforet
Phone/Node/Modem: (919) 226-6984, 1:3644/1, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (919) 226-7136, 1:3644/2, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Graham, North Carolina
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Programming (C, Pascal, Assembler)
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Hooked into Fernwood OS/2 file distribution.


        BBS Name: Psychotronic BBS
           Sysop: Richard Lee
Phone/Node/Modem: (919) 286-7738, 1:3641/1, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (919) 286-4542, 1:3641/224, ZyXEL
        Location: Durham, NC (Research Triangle Park)
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Focusing on OS/2 since late '91 with OS/2 conferences from
                : FidoNet, Usenet, Bitnet, Intelec, Smartnet and private
                : distirbution. Also Amateur Radio, Genealogy and Comic
                : Books. 4,000+ conferences altogether. Internet address:
                : psybbs.durham.nc.us Free access always & forever.


        BBS Name: The Backdoor
           Sysop: Errol Casey
Phone/Node/Modem: (919) 460-7903, 1:151/160, Microcom ES 28.8
        Location: Morrisville, North Carolina
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Ham Radio, Disability Echoes, Linux
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The Backdoor is a free BBS supporting OS/2 users and
                : Amateur  Radio operators in the local area.  The system
                : runs under  OS/2 (maximums/2 bbs software).  Files from
                : FERNWOOD are  available as well as those found on
                : ftp.cdrom.com


        BBS Name: The Coconut Telegraph/2
           Sysop: Greg Vandergriff
Phone/Node/Modem: (910) 395-6726, 1:3628/21, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Wilmington, North Carolina
   Primary Focus: OS/2 !!!!
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Have some dos & windows stuff online (online Nov. 94 USR
                : 14.4 till then)


        BBS Name: The Pro Shop/2
           Sysop: Mark Yoder
Phone/Node/Modem: (910) 864-9989, 1:3634/22, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Fayetteville, NC
   Primary Focus: OS/2 & Sports Files/Echos
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: 1 Gb OnLine running Lora/2 (Mailer) and Maximus/2 (BBS)


        BBS Name: ONLINE.SYS BBS
           Sysop: Cindi Magnusson
Phone/Node/Modem: (701) 343-2147, n/a, Hayes Optima 288 -28,800
        Location: Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: RIPscrip support, Wildcat! Support, Official Dist. Site
                : #1245 for Apogee & EPIC MegaGames. Live chat, free access,
                : friendly SysOp and comfortable atmosphere.  Military and
                : civilian interests. FIDOnet, WILDnet!, IBMnet, OS2net, and
                : much more!  Two phones which roll over.


        BBS Name: Capital City BBS
           Sysop: Bob Germer
Phone/Node/Modem: (609) 261-0689, 1:266/21, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Mount Holly, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 20, 1993
        Comments: Primary focus is OS/2, OS/2 files distribution with a
                : strong secondary focus on echos for handicapped sysops and
                : users.


        BBS Name: Capital City BBS
           Sysop: Bob Germer
Phone/Node/Modem: (609) 261-0689, 1:266/21, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 8:950/10, Same
        Location: Mount Holly, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Word Perfect, Disabilities
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Users who answer 10 question registration form get download
                : privileges on first call.  QWK format message download
                : supported.


        BBS Name: Dog's Breakfast, The
           Sysop: Mike Fuchs
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 506-0472, 1:266/71, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (908) 506-6293, n/a, Intel 2400 MNP-5
        Location: Toms River, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: Business and Professional Microcomputer Users
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Over 50 Networked Echomail conferences, and participation
                : in numerous File Distrubution Networks, including:
                : Fernwood, WinNet, PDN, SDN, SDS, bringing in a continuous
                : flow of the latest in OS/2, Windows, Program development
                : tools and code, and high quality Shareware.  No fees. 
                : First time callers get full read-only access to EchoMail
                : and all file areas.


        BBS Name: Home Base BBS
           Sysop: Matthew Androlowicz
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 355-3592, 1:107/948, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Elizabeth, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: Speciality forums
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Growing os/2 support forum. Includes several echos and file
                : areas.  Expanding to newsgroups if there's an interest.


        BBS Name: MACnetics BBS, The
           Sysop: Ralph Merritt
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 469-4603, 1:2605/611, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bound Brook, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: Machintosh, OS/2, and Windows
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: All backbone/non-backbone OS2* echos + gated Internet
                : NewsGroups (COMP.OS.OS2.*).  Member of Fernwood OS/2 File
                : Distribution Network.  Open Access.  File-request OS2FILES
                : for a list of OS/2-specific files for download/FREQ.
                : Originally Machintosh focus, we have expanded to include
                : OS/2 and Windows.


        BBS Name: Maven's Roost
           Sysop: Alan Rackmill
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 821-4533, 1:107/101, Hayes 28.8
                : (908) 940-8810, 1:107/120, Zoom  28.8
        Location: Kendall Park, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: Non Specialized
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: BBS runs Maximusp/Binkleyp/Squishp. Under OS/2 2.1
                : All files hatched through FERNWOOD will be available on the
                : BBS, along with any other OS/2 files I find. New callers to
                : the BBS have immediate access to all areas and full
                : download priviledges.


        BBS Name: Monster BBS, The
           Sysop: Bob Hatton
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 382-5671, n/a, USR HST 9600
        Location: Rahway, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Running Magnum BBS software with drive storage of 1.1G (not
                : counting the system drive).  The BBS is free limited access
                : on node 1, all that is required to be a regular user is an
                : introduction message.
                : Background tasks include File list creation, message list
                : creation (for offline editing,replying...), and soon to be
                : added- on-line FAX send/receive capability.
                : The BBS is OS/2 based running a BETA 2.0, but DOS users as
                : well as Apple, Amiga, CoCo, and Commie users are welcome. 
                : Few games, lotsa files, and the Original HotRod/Musclecar
                : message base, as well as tech topics and others.


        BBS Name: Sorcery Board BBS, The
           Sysop: B.J. Weschke
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 722-2231, 1:2606/403, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
                : (908) 704-1108, 1:2606/407, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bridgewater, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: File echos
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Carry File Echos catering to any type of user up to and
                : including OS/2.  Also, have echos available on OS/2 BBSing.


        BBS Name: The Vampyre Bar! BBS
           Sysop: Darryl Pierce
Phone/Node/Modem: (609) 453-9096, Node #1, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bridgeton, NJ
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming, Networking
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Downloads on first call after upload one file. Constanly
                : receiving new files via Fidonet OS/2 file echoes. Multiple
                : OS/2 conferences available.


        BBS Name: dr. One's Operations room
           Sysop: Bob Berto
Phone/Node/Modem: (908) 247-5787, n/a, AT&T DataPort 14.4
        Location: New Brunswick, New Jersey
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Geography
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: dr. One's Operations room is and OS/2 BBS dedicated to the
                : proliferation of OS/2 throughout the desktop world.
                : Running MAGNUM BBS for OS/2, version 7.  First call
                : received April 11, 1993.


        BBS Name: The Cerebral Hemmorrage!
           Sysop: Jim Harvey
Phone/Node/Modem: (505) 299-1732, n/a, IBM 7855-010 V.32
                : (505) 888-2132, n/a, IBM 7855-010 V.32
        Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: We have been open since July 1992, running Magnum6 BBS
                : software under OS/2 2.1 beta code.


        BBS Name: Caddis OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Kerry Flint
Phone/Node/Modem: (702) 453-6981, 1:209/705, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files and Echos
    Last Updated: October 22, 1992
        Comments: Carry all available OS/2 file and message echos.  Running
                : BinkleyTerm and Maximus under OS/2. Full file access on
                : first call. Freq FILES for file listings (except during
                : ZMH).


        BBS Name: Choice BBS, The
           Sysop: Mark Woolworth
Phone/Node/Modem: (702) 253-6527, 1:209/710, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : (702) 253-6274, n/a, 9600 V.32/MNP
        Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
   Primary Focus: Files and Messages
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: We will be adding 6 more lines in late January '93.
                : 702-253-6527 will expand to a 4 line USR HST DS 16.8k baud
                : rotary.
                : 702-253-6274 number will change to a 5 line rotary with
                : 2400 baud modems.
                : This BBS has hundreds of file areas available, some of
                : which include the Fernwood OS/2 file echos, SDN, PDN, SDS,
                : WinNet, SkyNet, DDS, etc...  In all, we ahve several
                : thousand files online.  We have 750 Megs online now, and
                : will be expanding that to several gigabytes during the
                : first quarter '93.
                : We also have dozens of message echos online.  Everything
                : from programming to languages to general interest echos.
                : There is NO registration process.  Call in, and you have
                : full access, plus a full hour to browse the system.


        BBS Name: Communitel OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Dennis Conley
Phone/Node/Modem: (702) 399-0486, 1:209/210, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
   Primary Focus: OS/2 (Files/Messages/Information)
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: FREQ "FILES" for list of available list of files to
                : download or from BBS download "F209-210.ZIP".


        BBS Name: Lightning System III
           Sysop: Bill Martin
Phone/Node/Modem: (702) 588-0315, 1:203/36, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (70) 588-5924, 1:203/37, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Stateline, Nevada
   Primary Focus: Support for OS/2, Mac, Amiga. NO WINDOZE!
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fast, friendly, always free! Running Maximus & OS/2.
                : Running many DOS doors others cant seem to run.


        BBS Name: Bill's Overdue
           Sysop: Bill Brown
Phone/Node/Modem: (716) 256-3687, 1:2613/246, Hayes Optima 288 (28,800)
        Location: Rochester, New York
   Primary Focus: Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running under OS/2, as well as supporting it


        BBS Name: BlueDog BBS
           Sysop: Philip Perlman
Phone/Node/Modem: (212) 736-2482, 1:278/304, Hayes V.FC 28.8
        Location: NYC, New York
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: FileBone Hub for Distribution of many File Distribution
                : Nets, including FernWood, SDN, PDN, WINNET, SDS, + more
                : Soon to be adding additional lines.


        BBS Name: Compu-Ray BBS
           Sysop: Raymond Kenniston
Phone/Node/Modem: (315) 894-0951, 1:2609/202, Hayes Optima 28.8
        Location: Ilion, New York
   Primary Focus: OS/2 files, message areas.
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: The board is run under OS/2, using OS/2 software for most
                : functions. Non-OS/2 areas are available as well, but
                : concentration is on OS/2.  BBS software is Maximus for OS/2.


        BBS Name: Kind Diamond's Realm
           Sysop: Mikel Beck
Phone/Node/Modem: (516) 736-3403, 1:107/218, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Coram, Long Island, New York
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and VAX/VMS
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: Carrying the following Fidonet conferences:  OS2, OS2BBS,
                : OS2DOS, OS2HW, OS2PROG, OS2LAN.  Carrying the following
                : Usenet newsgroups: comp.os.os2.misc, comp.os.os2.programmer


        BBS Name: New York City OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Cesar Lillo
Phone/Node/Modem: (718) 699-1148, n/a, PP 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Queens, New York
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Running MultiNet OS/2 BBS; available 24hr / 7days.  First
                : call access to everything, including some BETA programs;
                : member of the NY Westchester Users Group.  Get the latest
                : OS/2 shareware applications, fixes, device drivers, service
                : pack, IBM CSD's, IBM employee written software, and more...


        BBS Name: Stromi's Place
           Sysop: Tony Arcadi
Phone/Node/Modem: (914) 234-1284, 1:272/21, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : (914) 234-1282, n/a, AT&T Paradyne 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bedford, New Yor
   Primary Focus: General Interest, 3.5 Gigs
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OS/2 Support-Fernwood OS/2 File Distribution.  Over 9 other
                : Nets.  20 Megs of new files weekly via file-distribution
                : networks.  Special Renegade BBS Support. Home of [LOS].


        BBS Name: Virtual Mode OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Charles Suhr
Phone/Node/Modem: (518) 885-5962, 1:267/133, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Ballston Spa, New York
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Virtual Mode OS/2 BBS in Upper State New York has
                : connections to ibmNET, OS2NET, and Fidonet.  We are new to
                : the area but we are on the grow.  Other addresses:
                : 81:100/5, 40:4371/133


        BBS Name: Avon Lake BBS
           Sysop: John Doughtry
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 933-6165, 1:157/403, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Avon Lake, Ohio
   Primary Focus: Family Oriented
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Maximus/2 BBS software run under OS/2. The latest OS/2 files


        BBS Name: Dark Shadows CS/O
           Sysop: John Folden
Phone/Node/Modem: (513) 324-0107, 1:110/535, USR HST DS 16.8k/14.4k
                : (513) 324-0108, N/A, US Robotics Sportster 14.4k
                : (513) 324-0109, N/A, US Robotics Sportster 28.8k
        Location: Springfield, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support, vampire/horror mythology
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Online since August 1, 1991. Oldest operating BBS in town.
                : Running Binkleyterm/2 & Maximus/2 under IBM OS/2. Large
                : collection of OS/2 related file & mail areas online. Online
                : doors available including several OS/2 based games.
                : Supporter of VampNet - Vampire related Mail network.
                : FidoNet address # 1:110/535, VampNet address # 300:513/2
                : TechNet address # 87:1001/15


        BBS Name: Entropy BBS
           Sysop: Daniel Pigford
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 492-5620, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Canton, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Visual Programming, BBS Nets, Files
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Over 500MB of directory space, CD-ROM Online, PC-SIG 12,
                : VirtualNet, FidoNet, Internet.  FREE, Callback Verifier,
                : FREE Downloads, Daily Weather forcast.  Visual Rexx,
                : Realizer, Visual Basic, C, C++ support, conferences, files.
                : Plenty of Windows files as well.  GIFs, TIFs, BMPs, EPS.
                : Desktop Publishing support with over 1000+ True Type fonts
                : online.  Clip-Art, Images, Scans.  Running VBBS for OS/2
                : version 6.11.


        BBS Name: SLASH/2
           Sysop: Doug Cullen
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 673-4906, 1:157/639, USR Sportster V.34
        Location: Kent, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All FidoNET OS/2 area and Most Fernwood File Echo online


        BBS Name: SoftLink BBS
           Sysop: Garey Smiley
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 864-1445, 1:157/628, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Akron, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: OSNET 81:10/19


        BBS Name: The New Frontier II
           Sysop: Charles Stephenson
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 733-0979, 1:2215/260, Viva Internal 14.4
        Location: Akron, Ohio
   Primary Focus: Role Playing Games, Online Entertainment, & Files
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: No Ratios, No Fee, Free to all. Only price is to have fun!


        BBS Name: The One Stop BBS
           Sysop: Anthony Cogan
Phone/Node/Modem: (513) 254-4791, 1:110/775, Supra 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Dayton, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Over 700+ Megs. of OS/2 Shareware Over 2000+ OS/2 related
                : msgs. a day! One of the best mid-western OS/2 Based BBS's
                : Home of the DMA's OS/2 SIG! OS2NET's Ohio NC, OS2NET:
                : 81:155/0, IBMNET: 40:4370/775


        BBS Name: Wind-Aided
           Sysop: Darrick Jones
Phone/Node/Modem: (216) 864-0313, n/a, 14.4 V.32b
        Location: Akron, Ohio
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Wind-Aided is an OS/2 BSS with many, many files


        BBS Name: Asylum BBS, The
           Sysop: Bill Schnell
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 832-1462, 1:170/200, USR HST 14.4 V.42b
        Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Windows Support
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: F'reqable 23 hours.


        BBS Name: BSOOM!!!
           Sysop: gil Mitchell
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 241-5405, 1:170/306, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Sand Springs, OK
   Primary Focus: OS/2, MS/DOS and Windows
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Latest Hobbes, OS/2, CD-ROM, Simtel DOS CD-ROM, OS2NET Echo
                : Areas, IBMNET Echo Areas. FReq magic name, FILES for a
                : complete listing of files on-line. Users may request
                : additional files from off-line listings.


        BBS Name: Cutting Edge, The
           Sysop: Rad Craig
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 494-5624, 1:170/813, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b/MNP3-5
        Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: YaleBBS beta site and Mid-Western U.S. HQ
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: Avid interest in OS/2, Programming, LAN's, Files, Echos,
                : and development of utilities for YaleBBS.


        BBS Name: Digital Impressions
           Sysop: Brandon Gabbard
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 437-3754, 1:170/255, Intel Internal 14.4 Faxmodem
        Location: Tulsa, Ok
   Primary Focus: OS/2 2.99 Beta Site, networks, file networks
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994


        BBS Name: HAL OS/2 Internet Site
           Sysop: Lloyd Hatley
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 682-7337, 1:3813/304, ZyXEL 19.2k
        Location: Muskogee, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Support, Sysop Support, Programming
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Team OS/2 member Beta site for Lora/2 Home of HALSoft/2
                : Doors for DOS and OS/2. Internet UUCP acconts available. 
                : Full USENET in near future (1/95)


        BBS Name: IKE-2000
           Sysop: Michael Keller
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 583-9456, 1:170/905, Microcom DeskPorte Fast 28.8
        Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: Messaging
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994


        BBS Name: LiveNet OS/2 BBS
           Sysop: Dave Fisher
Phone/Node/Modem: (918) 481-5715, 1:170/110, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Tulsa, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Over 780 megabytes (5700+ files) of OS/2 shareware,
                : articles, and technical information.  Request FILES via
                : network mailer, or ALLFILES.ZIP via BBS for complete files
                : listing.  Many OS/2 echos are archived weekly and available
                : for downloading.  Open access policy.
                : Fernwood OS/2 file distributor, South US Host for ibmNET,
                : and member of OS2NET.
                : The OS/2 World BBS List is maintained and distributed from
                : LiveNet.
                : Other addresses: 40:4372/0 (ibmNET) and 81:202/201 (OS2NET)


        BBS Name: Systems Programmers BBS
           Sysop: John Chase
Phone/Node/Modem: (405) 386-3551, 1:147/390, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Newalla, OK, OKC Local Dialing Area
   Primary Focus: IBM platforms, mainframe to desktop
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All FIDONET OS/2 related echomail areas, MAINFRAME,
                : MIDRANGE, VAX, UNIX, and several programming echomail
                : areas, FERNWOOD and IBMNET file areas (among others). Local
                : message areas for IBM Mainframe-related hardware and
                : software products, including MVS, VM and VSE.  File Hub
                : with Planet Connect feed.  Applications pending for OS2NET,
                : IBMNET and ESN (Enterprise Systems Network).


        BBS Name: The Forbidden Fruit
           Sysop: Jason Turley
Phone/Node/Modem: (405) 377-6876, Node 1, USR Sportster 14.4 V32b/V42b
        Location: Stillwater, Oklahoma
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 Hobbes CD ROM in files area with other miscellaneous
                : OS/2 areas


        BBS Name: Integrated Media Services
           Sysop: Bill Taylor
Phone/Node/Modem: (503) 254-2817, 1:105/69, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Portland, Oregon
   Primary Focus: General Purpose BBS
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Carry FidoNet backbone OS/2 echos, SDSOS2, Fernwood file
                : echo plus Windows, DV, and DOS files.  Runs under
                : BinkleyTerm and Maximus for OS/2.  Access to all but adult
                : areas for first time callers.


        BBS Name: Multi-Net
           Sysop: Paul Breedlove
Phone/Node/Modem: (503) 883-8197, n/a, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Lakeside, Oregon
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Support BBS for Multi-Net BBS software and PM Comm
                : communications software.


        BBS Name: On-Site PC Services BBS
           Sysop: Jim Plunkett
Phone/Node/Modem: (503) 287-6029, 81:312/7 (OS2NET), Supra 28.8 V.FC
        Location: Portland, Oregon
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Graphical BBS Programs, Messaging
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Community Demos w/TeamOS/2, Latest OS/2 files made
                : available from Fernwood, OS2Net, Hobbs CDs, and numerous
                : other OS/2 CD-ROMs.  Help beginners with installation,
                : cofiguration, and use of OS/2.


        BBS Name: OS/2 Source BBS, The
           Sysop: Ben Bowers
Phone/Node/Modem: (215) 948-4089, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Philadelphia Area, Pennsylvania
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: Mostly current OS/2 files for download.  No Fee.  24 hours.


        BBS Name: Quantum Leap
           Sysop: Louis F. Ursini
Phone/Node/Modem: (215) 536-8823, 1:2614/205, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Quakertown, Pennsylvania
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: CD-ROM and over 2 gig of drive file space.  (3 tied lines -
                : going to 4 shortly)


        BBS Name: SFA Programming
           Sysop: Nick Balog
Phone/Node/Modem: (610) 935-3834, 1:273/321, TwinCom 14.4k
                : 610) 935-5754, Node 2, Compudyne 14.4k
        Location: Phoenixville PA
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files Programming Team OS/2 BBS
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Many OS/2 Files for beginner and Expert, Team OS/2 Subs and
                : Fidonet Areas, Multi-Line Chat and games


        BBS Name: System-2 RBBS
           Sysop: Ed Barboni
Phone/Node/Modem: (215) 631-0685, 1:273/714, 9600 V.32/V.42bis
                : (215) 584-1413, 1:273/724, 9600 V.32/V.42bis
                : Same, 8:952/4 (Rbbs-Net), Same
        Location: Norristown, Pennsylvania
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 is not the primary interest on the board, but growing!


        BBS Name: The Lyceum
           Sysop: Chris Shontz
Phone/Node/Modem: (215) 326-0925, n/a, PPI 14.4 V.42b/V.42b
        Location: Pottsgrove, Pennsylvania
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and BBS support
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The Lyceum is a BBS running under OS/2 full-time with loads
                : of OS/2 support files, as well as EZYCom support files.


        BBS Name: U.S. Telematics
           Sysop: Richard A. Press
Phone/Node/Modem: (215) 493-5242, 1:273/201, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Yardley, Pennsylvania
   Primary Focus: Medical, Handicap, & Transportation Issues; OS/2 echos/files
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Regional outlet for ADAnet.  Running TBBS, TIMS, TDBS, and
                : BinkleyTerm.


        BBS Name: PMSC OnLine Resource
           Sysop: Paul Beverly
Phone/Node/Modem: (803) 735-6101, 1:376/32, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Columbia, South Carolina
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: First time callers have very limited access.  You must
                : follow the directions when you first call to gain access.
                : Fairly large OS/2 file collection which is growing rapidly.
                : File Requests welcome.  No file ratios.  Carry all OS/2
                : FidoNet, USENET, OS2NET, and IBMNET echos. FidoNet:
                : 1:376/32 ibmNET:  40:4370/32 OS2NET:  81:140/2


        BBS Name: COMM Port One OS/2
           Sysop: Bob Juge
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 980-9671, 1:106/2000, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
                : (713) 980-1002, Inter., VMODEM
        Location: Sugar Land, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2 & DOS Communications
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Distribution site for Ray Gwinn's SIO OS/2 Comm Drivers
                : Internet accessible via SIO 1.35 VMODEM


        BBS Name: BLUFF CITY BBS
           Sysop: Sandy Whetherholt
Phone/Node/Modem: (901) 763-3742, 1:123/70, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Memphis, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Echos, files, etc.
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: BinkleyTerm 2.50, Maximus 2.0, Squish 1.01, OS/2 2.1.
                : Operating 24 hrs/day.  Featuring Sailing, Piano, and
                : Self-employed persons sections.


        BBS Name: Lonnie Wall
           Sysop: Operand BBS
Phone/Node/Modem: (901) 753-3738, n/a, 2400
                : (901) 753-7858, 1:123/58, Galaxy UFO 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Germantown, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DOS, Windows 3.1, Adult GIF's and Animations
    Last Updated: September 7, 1992
        Comments: Running Maximus 2.01wb under OS/2 2.0


        BBS Name: Looking Glass, The
           Sysop: Edward Owens
Phone/Node/Modem: (901) 872-4386, 1:123/81, SupraFax 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Millington, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and C, C++, and Pascal Programming and OS/2 DN Files
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Software running is BinkleyTerm and Maximus under OS/2.
                : Have lots of OS/2 files for downloads.  I am working on
                : door games that will run under OS/2 so you don't have to
                : interface to DOS and multiple other utilities.  Carry
                : Programming echos and files of all kinds.  Will be putting
                : in second node that will hunt from first line to keep up
                : with traffic.


        BBS Name: Nut N' Much
           Sysop: Brien Page
Phone/Node/Modem: (615) 868-8370, 1:116/305, AT&T DataPort 14.4k
                : (615) 868-8370, same, Hayes ISDN Terminal Adapter 5
        Location: Madison, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files and Message Bases
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: All OS/2 BBS software: Maximus, BinkleyTerm, Squish
                : Operating under OS/2 2.11 One of Tennesse's first ISDN
                : capable BBS's.


        BBS Name: Strictly OS/2
           Sysop: Stan Gammons
Phone/Node/Modem: (615) 449-3579, 1:116/66, USR HST 9600
        Location: Lebanon, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Programming, Echos, OS/2 files
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Echos carried are: OS2, OS2BBS, OS2HW, and OS2PROG.


        BBS Name: Talkin' Ring Network, The
           Sysop: Charlie Coffman
Phone/Node/Modem: (615) 385-2316, 1:116/71, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Nashville, Tennessee
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 18, 1993
        Comments: Intended to be a support BBS for users of OS/2 and for
                : professionals who support OS/2.  Running all OS/2 software
                : under OS/2 version 2.00.
                : OS/2 shareware, OS/2 echos, and other international echos
                : of interest to computer professionals.


        BBS Name: Alternate Escape (I and II)
           Sysop: Bob Fudge
Phone/Node/Modem: (903) 883-4441, 1:19/26, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
                : (903) 883-4444, 1:19/27, USR HST 9600
        Location: Greenville, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 11, 1992


        BBS Name: Balcones Fault Line BBS
           Sysop: Steve Means
Phone/Node/Modem: 512-452-2135, 1:382/41.0, Zoom 28.8
                : 512-452-0306, Node 2, USR Sportster 14.4
        Location: Austin, TX
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Files and Support, Hobbes OS/2 CD-ROM on-line
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Team OS/2 member


        BBS Name: Cache Flow
           Sysop: Kevin Cook
Phone/Node/Modem: (817) 483-2283, 1:130/403, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Arlington, Texas
   Primary Focus: Windows, OS/2, Motif, X-Windows, GUI's in general
    Last Updated: October 11, 1992
        Comments: Carry most TIC areas related to GUI's and all the Fidonet
                : message areas also related.


        BBS Name: Code 3 BBS
           Sysop: Tracy Perry
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 436-8753, 1:124/6106, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (214) 221-7139, 1:124/6206, Wang 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Lewisville, Texas
   Primary Focus: Law Enforcement Targeted - but all welcome
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Participant in Fernwood file area and OS/2 FidoNet echos.


        BBS Name: DOOGER'S Place OS/2
           Sysop: Jim Dailey
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 469-3689, 1:106/202, ZyXEL 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Houston, TX
   Primary Focus: OS/2, OS/2 Related Echos
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: The BBS is dedicated to the usage of OS/2.  Over 1500 OS/2
                : files available.


        BBS Name: Digital Works & OS/2
           Sysop: Byron Miller
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 251-9757, n/a, Digicomm 19.2 v.terbo
        Location: Spring, Texas
   Primary Focus: Programming, BBS Software, MIDI/Mod's
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: OS/2 files, Fernwood, SDS, 19.2k speed, running the new
                : Lora BBS for OS/2.. operating under OS/2 2.1 on a 386/40
                : with 16 megs of ram run by a 17 year old.. Working on
                : "PmPoint".. Point/mail software for the OS/2 presentation
                : manager... will be beta testing shortly!


        BBS Name: Dugout BBS, The
           Sysop: Shawn Haverly
Phone/Node/Modem: (817) 773-9138, 1:396/12, USR HST DS 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
                : (817) 773-9140, n/a, 2400
        Location: Temple, Texas
   Primary Focus: DOS and OS/2
    Last Updated: August 14, 1992
        Comments: Running under OS/2 2.0 and Maximus/2 on a 340MB drive.
                : Still supporting DOS heavily with OS/2 support up and
                : coming on strong.


        BBS Name: Electronic Information Service
           Sysop: Tom Frohnapfel
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 296-3848, n/a, Practical Peripherals, 14.4K
        Location: Duncanville, Texas
   Primary Focus: CISC Computer hardware/software
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Serving computer users/programmers, radio amateurs, and the
                : citizens of the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas metroplex area.


        BBS Name: Fire Point BBS
           Sysop: Joe Noel
Phone/Node/Modem: (817) 592-9414, 1:3805/4, Hayes Optima 28.8
        Location: Iowa Park, Texas
   Primary Focus: Fidonet Msg Bases
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Fidonet Hub for Net 3805.  Message bases and files with
                : main emphasis on Religion, software support and OS/2
                : Utilities and Programs.  Full access available on first
                : logon.  CD-ROM online.  BBS Runs on OS/2 with FrontDoor
                : 2.30 ml beta mailer and TAG 2.7 software. No upload to
                : download ratio.


        BBS Name: HUB/2
           Sysop: John Dierdorf
Phone/Node/Modem: (512) 346-1852, 1:382/1201, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Austin, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: More than 4000 OS/2 specific files, over 300 megabytes. 
                : Carrying more than 30 OS/2-related message conferences from
                : Fidonet, IBMNet, UseNet.  Running OS/2 2.1, Maximus/2,
                : Binkley/2.  Sponsored by the OS/2 SIG of the Central Texas
                : PC Users Group.  CTPCUG membership is $36/year, which also
                : provides access to a second (DOS/Windows) BBS.


        BBS Name: Hacker's Haven BBS
           Sysop: Charles Riley
Phone/Node/Modem: (210) 653-3056, Node 1, 28.8k V.FC Zoltrix
                : (210) 653-4366, Node 2, 14.4k Zoltrix
        Location: San Antonio, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Flightsims
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Member of Fidonet and SimNet. The latest release of the
                : OS/2 Hobbes CD is kept online, and older releases are
                : available through an off line cd request door.


        BBS Name: Jumbo's Joint/2
           Sysop: Joe Johnson
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 306-0788, 1:124/1007, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Dallas, Texas
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993


        BBS Name: Live-Wire
           Sysop: Robert McA
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 307-8119, 1:124/5105, USR HST 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Dallas, Texas
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992


        BBS Name: Message Board, The
           Sysop: Gary Butters
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 554-0243, 1:124/2342, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (214) 554-8038, 81:209/2342, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Irving, Texas
   Primary Focus: Messages
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: I have abnnout 200 messages areas, 872 Meg of files, 25
                : doors including networked BRE, SRE, TW2002, IronOx/2.


        BBS Name: Nibbles & Bytes
           Sysop: Ron Bemis
Phone/Node/Modem: (214) 231-3841, 1:124/1113, USR HST 9600
        Location: Dallas, Texas
   Primary Focus: ?
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Carry a number of BBS-related OS/2 utilities.


        BBS Name: Pit Bull Bizarre!
           Sysop: Steve Lang
Phone/Node/Modem: (512) 392-1377, n/a, Hayes 28.8
        Location: San Marcos, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2 Info/Support
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carring OS/2 Hobbbs CD With various OS/2 fido file bone
                : fernwood, Etc


        BBS Name: Roach Coach, The
           Sysop: David Dozier
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 343-0942, 1:106/3333, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Richmond, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2, echos, cooking
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: We carry FidoNet and Internet OS/2 echos.  OS/2 files all
                : available for file request or first time download, everyone
                : is welcome.


        BBS Name: Rock BBS, The
           Sysop: Doug Palmer
Phone/Node/Modem: (210) 654-9792, 1:387/31, ZyXEL 1496S+
                : (210) 654-9793, n/a, Boca M2400E
        Location: San Antonio, Texas
   Primary Focus: Religion, Debate, Literature and Technical Issues
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: Two nodes, one High Speed, one 2400/ARQ.  Over 100 echos
                : from all over the States.  Multi-line chat available, some
                : files.  Focus is on message traffic and religious issues.
                : Equipment: i486/33 20Meg RAM 428Meg HD, OS/2.  Specializes
                : in Point support as well.  NC 387Net.


        BBS Name: RucK's Place/2
           Sysop: Ken Rucker
Phone/Node/Modem: (817) 485-8042, 1:130/65, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Fort Worth, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992
        Comments: All first-time callers have full access and 60 minutes per
                : call.  All files are files-requestable - request 130-65.ZIP
                : for a listing of all files, or RucK2BBS.ZIP for a VIEWable
                : listing.


        BBS Name: Soldier's Bored, The
           Sysop: Art Fellner
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 437-2859, 1:106/437, USR HST DS 9600 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Missouri City, Texas (Houston)
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: April 5, 1992
        Comments: First time callers have full access.


        BBS Name: Stadium Club OS/2, The
           Sysop: Ed Baldwin
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 458-2037, 1:106/1028, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32/V.42b
        Location: Houston, Texas
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Echos
    Last Updated: December 13, 1992
        Comments: Member of Fidonet and OS2NET (81:202/2).  Running
                : BinkleyTerm/2 and Maximus/2 under OS/2 2.01.


        BBS Name: The Politically Incorrect
           Sysop: Lee Lawson
Phone/Node/Modem: (713) 550-1070, 1:106/1010, Intel/400 14.4
        Location: Houston, Texas
   Primary Focus: Conservative politics
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running Binkley/2 and Maximus/2


        BBS Name: OS2-4U
           Sysop: Leo Tornow
Phone/Node/Modem: (801) 299-8692, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bountiful, Utah
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 10, 1994
        Comments: Thousands of OS/2, DOS, and Windows shareware.


        BBS Name: Digital Underground/2 BBS
           Sysop: Stefan Dozier
Phone/Node/Modem: (804) 495-7252, 1:275/33, PPI14400FXMT
        Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Carry Fidonet Backbone OS/2 echos, complete OS/2Net echos,
                : Fernwood file echos, latest Hobbes OS/2 CD online. Runs
                : under BinkleyTerm and Maximus for OS/2. Access to all areas
                : for first time callers with ul/dl ratios.


        BBS Name: JANUS BBS
           Sysop: Sean McClanahan
Phone/Node/Modem: (703) 869-3843, 1:109/913, USR HST DS 28.8 V.34/V.FC
        Location: Stephens City, Virginia
   Primary Focus: Messaging & OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Bringing FidoNet, IBMNet, and OS/2Net to the Northern
                : Shenandoah Valley.  Running Maximus/2, Bink/2, and
                : Squish/2.  Also providing the area with a supply of OS/2
                : shareware files.  Other addresses: 40:4370/913, 81:125/401


        BBS Name: Max's Doghouse
           Sysop: Joe Salemi
Phone/Node/Modem: (703) 548-7849, 1:109/136, 2400 MNP
        Location: Alexandria, Virginia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: Also support LANs.


        BBS Name: Mid-Atlantic OS/2 User Group
           Sysop: Steven Grim
Phone/Node/Modem: (804) 422-8462, 1:275/12, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Virginia Beach, VA
   Primary Focus: All aspects of OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Small BBS but growing. Carries FidoNet, IBMNet and OS2Net
                : OS/2 echoes. Fernwood file areas. Hobbes OS/2 CDROM online,
                : after validation. Initially started for the User Group, but
                : now open to anyone interested in OS/2.


        BBS Name: Systems Exchange, The
           Sysop: Bill Andrus
Phone/Node/Modem: (703) 323-7654, 1:109/301, USR HST 9600
        Location: Fairfax, Virginia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: March 1, 1992
        Comments: OS/2 ASYNC Comm software, with source.  Also graphics
                : conversion software, gobs of it.  OS/2 games, most with
                : source.


        BBS Name: The Hole BBS
           Sysop: Stu Grant
Phone/Node/Modem: (804) 431-1800, 1:275/71, BEC 28.8
                : (804) 431-0475, 1:275/72, USR 14.4
        Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia
   Primary Focus: International Geoworks Support Board
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Running LoraBBS-OS/2.  Carry FidoNet OS/2 echos.  Recieve
                : the FW File Distributions


        BBS Name: OS/2 Shareware
           Sysop: Pete Norloff
Phone/Node/Modem: (703) 385-4325, 1:109/347, Microcom Deskporte Fast 28.8
        Location: Fairfax, Virginia
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Collection of over 8400 OS/2 specific files totaling over
                : 1.5 gigabytes in 43 file areas.  7100 callers from 30
                : countries. 18 phone lines. Currently taking over 30,000
                : calls a month.  Connected to four computer networks. 
                : Carrying 64 OS/2-related message conferences.  Open access
                : policy on public nodes, subscriber lines available.


        BBS Name: OS/2@Manassas
           Sysop: David Bannister
Phone/Node/Modem: (703) 369-0672, 1:265/101, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Manassas, Virginia
   Primary Focus: All facets of OS/2
    Last Updated: December 14, 1992
        Comments: Over 3000 files totaling 220meg online.  All Fido and
                : ibmNET OS/2 related conferences.  Also a member of ibmNET
                : (40:4370/101).


        BBS Name: Blue Bird Of Prey
           Sysop: Bill Parker
Phone/Node/Modem: (802) 877-6912, 1:325/207, PP 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Vergennes, Vermont
   Primary Focus: Assisting New OS/2 Users
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: BBOP carries FIDO OS/2 echoes and has several users with a
                : ton of OS/2 experience just waiting to help out.


        BBS Name: Mission Board BBS, The
           Sysop: Ben Armacost
Phone/Node/Modem: (802) 258-2463, n/a, Zoom 14.4
        Location: Brattleboro, Vermont
   Primary Focus: Church support, OS/2, shareware, general interest
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Full user upgrade on first call.  No fees.  QWK mail
                : download.  Special features include a time bank, online
                : database, reading library, multi-language support. Visiting
                : SysOp privileges (no download ratio).


        BBS Name: Ozone Layer, The
           Sysop: Bill Bond
Phone/Node/Modem: (802) 879-4753, 1:325/118, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Williston, Vermont
   Primary Focus: OS/2 and Desqview
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: The system runs under OS/2 2.x. I carry most of the
                : Fernwood file areas as well as most of the Fidonet OS/2
                : echo areas.  I also carry the DVNet file areas.


        BBS Name: Socialism OnLine!
           Sysop: Randy Edwards
Phone/Node/Modem: (802) 626-4103, 1:325/805, 28.8k V.FC
                : (802) 626-5806, 1:325/806, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Sheffield, Vermont
   Primary Focus: OS/2
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Full suite of OS/2 echomail conferences online; hundreds of
                : megs of OS/2-related files, including the Hobbes OS/2
                : CD-ROM; 2+ gigs of total hard drive space; download access
                : on your first call, no up/download ratio; other interests
                : besides OS/2 include left politics and DOS/Windows support
                : with the entire set of FidoNet backbone echos carried
                : online via a direct feed from the Planet Connect data
                : satellite link.


        BBS Name: Gold Pegasus, The
           Sysop: Adolph Weidanz
Phone/Node/Modem: (206) 698-8404, 1:1350/30, Supra 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : Same, 255:1206/0, Same
                : Same, 255:1206/101, Same
        Location: Silverdale, Washington
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Amiga and Programming Echos
    Last Updated: January 10, 1993
        Comments: I support the OS/2 and Amiga operating systems with Echo
                : and file support.  I run the only Native OS/2 BBS and
                : mailer software (Binkley and Maximus).  All callers are
                : welcome !!! P.S.  If you don't run OS/2 or an Amiga then
                : beware I will try and convert you to either..


        BBS Name: MOONFLOWER BBS, The
           Sysop: Pete Link
Phone/Node/Modem: (509) 891-6789, 1:346/10.21, Supra 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (509) 891-6148, n/a, ZyXEL 16.8 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Spokane, Washington
   Primary Focus: OS/2, Spirituality, Sexuality, Cyberspace
    Last Updated: March 19, 1993
        Comments: Full access first call, High-speed callers get preference.
                : We are a nde for 14 different networks and carry OS/2
                : Conferences from many of these nets.  OS/2 walnut creek
                : hobbes image CD-ROM online along with the newest OS/2
                : files. DOS Cd-ROM online as well.  2.1 gigabytes total
                : online storage.  Other addresses include: 40:4372/100
                : (ibmNET), 81:304/2 (OS2NET).


        BBS Name: OS/2 Northwest
           Sysop: Dennis Peterson
Phone/Node/Modem: (206) 957-4513, 1:343/179, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
                : (206) 747-6451, 1:343/100, USR HST DS 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Bellevue, Washington
   Primary Focus: OS/2 support, home of the Pacific Northwest OS/2 User Group
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Full support for OS/2 - all Fidonet OS/2 echos carried -
                : all Internet Usenet OS/2 coferences carried. REXX,
                : programming, drivers, shareware galore, and very large
                : amateur radio file area. Free internet mail address. No
                : charge for anything, no verificaion required. 1 hour/day
                : and 2 meg/day dl are the only restrictions!


        BBS Name: Sno-Valley Software Exchange
           Sysop: LeRoy DeVries
Phone/Node/Modem: (206) 880-6575, 1:343/108, USR HST DS 9600 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: North Bend, Washington
   Primary Focus: Files and messages for OS/2
    Last Updated: June 1, 1992
        Comments: Hub distribution for FidoNet Backbone files.


        BBS Name: <<The Escape Place >>
           Sysop: Bud Moore
Phone/Node/Modem: (414) 259-1885, 2 nodes, PPI 14400
        Location: Milwaukee, Wi.
   Primary Focus: OS/2, DesqView and other mulitaskers
    Last Updated: December 6, 1994
        Comments: Files for OS/2 Sysop TEAM OS/2 member


        BBS Name: Live Wire BBS
           Sysop: Joey Ratzsch
Phone/Node/Modem: (414) 335-2799, n/a, 14.4 V.32b/V.42b
        Location: Kewaskum, Wisconsin
   Primary Focus: Fun, games, downloading... EVERYTHING
    Last Updated: October 7, 1993
        Comments: Full access on first call, MANY on-line games, off line
                : mail reader, contestes, graffiti walls, message posting
                : ration, time bank, time gabling features.


If you wish to make an addition or correction to this list, please send the
information to me using any of the following addresses:

    BBS      : LiveNet OS/2 BBS, (918) 481-5715
    Nodes    : 1:170/110@fidonet.org, 40:4372/0 (ibmNET),
               81:202/201 (OS2NET)
    Sysop    : Dave Fisher
    Location : Tulsa, OK, USA

Please use the following template when sending additions or updates:


        BBS Name:
Phone/Node/Modem: [phone number], [node, if applic.], [modem type & baud]
Phone/Node/Modem: [up to four modems/nodes]
   Primary Focus:
                : [up to 15 lines]


A current list can always be file-requested from LiveNet as `OS2WORLD'.

If you wish to include this list in a publication of paper or electronic form,
you MUST obtain permission from the author of this list, Dave Fisher, either
via E-Mail or the regular postal service at:

    Dave Fisher
    5131 East 88th Court
    Tulsa, Oklahoma  74137

Copyright 1992, 1993, 1994 by David G. Fisher.  All rights reserved.