 <|>                                                                        <|>  <|>                   Tomahawk  GS  Documentation                          <|>
 <|>                                                                        <|>  <|>          Typed by:GS Bard of The Illinois Pirates Guild                <|>
 <|>                                                                        <|>
 <|>    Date:May 30, 1988 12:26 PM                Cracked by:Master Blaster <|>
 <|>    The Terminator                            The Gryphon               <|>
 <|>                                                                        <|>

 Requirments:Apple ][gs 768k, mouse, RGB Monitor, Joystick

 Introduction:Tomahawk is one of the new Applefest Warez.  It is the best Helicopter Simulation I've seen yet.  It has the best sound and the best 3-d graphics I've seen yet for the ][gs.  Make sure you've got your sound turned up high for some real dazziling "Jet Engine" sounds.

 Getting off the Ground:Take your mouse and go to the very lower left hand corner.  You should see two little green triangles.  The "T" stands for tourque.  If you keep this on full the whole time, the little temp light up in the high left hand corner will light up and you will have to turn it down.  To move the triangle, use your mouse.  I don't know what the "C" stands for, but you must use your mouse to use that, too.  Put that almost to the very high and watch your ship take off the ground.

 The Cockpit:In the middle of the screen, of course, if your window.  Below that, you'll see now a little box with "ALT" (Altitude), "SPD" (Speed), "VSI" (Vertical climb per second or Vertical fall per/sec), "ETA" (Estimated Time Arrival to ground).  Right now, you should see the altitude climbing rapidly.  Get up to about 1000 ft, and then take your "C" down with your mouse untill the VSI is at 000.  If it's going up 1 or going down 1, you can make minor adjustments with the keys "A" and "S".

 Gaining or losing speed:Take your joystick and tap it just a little forward.  Your ship will go down just a tiny bit, but your speed will have increased by a few Knots.  Keep on doing this untill your speed is about 70-100 Knots.  It isn't as easy as it sounds.

 To fire rockets: