%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % DUELING DIGITS % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Joystick or paddles. The object is to shoot the floating numbers and mathematical operands and place them down below in a balanced mathematical expression such as 234+14=248. Blank spaces don't matter, so 2 34+1 4=2 48 is acceptable. No operands may be on the right side of the '=' sign and the result can't be equal to 0. The scarabs to the side indicate how many machines you have left. You may shoot and be shot by the other player which results in an award of 10 points to the shooting player and the loss of a piece to the victim. Press the paddle button to shoot a number, then move your scarab down below the main screen and drop your number in one of the slots available. If you accidently pick up a number or operand you don't want, then you must position yourself above the 'garbage' hole toward the bottom center of the screen, then press the paddle button to drop the unwanted digit. If at any time you accidentally drop a number or operand in the wrong place so that your expression shows little chance of balancing, move your scarab as close to the bottom center of the screen as possible and press the paddle button. This will release all of your numbers and allow you to start over. Scoring: The four operands are + (addition), - (subtraction), x (multiplication), / (division). These are worth 1,2,3 and 4 points respectively. The computer goes through the equation and adds the value of the operands, multiplies this by the length of the smallest number, and multiplies that by 10. You also receive 10 points for zapping the other player. CTRL-S will toggle sound on/off. �