 BBSHOW: the hi-res picture display program created by the [loak
                Documentation for version 1.0 of Mar. 3, 1985
     BBSHOW will let a person create a certain pattern on the text screen and use the pattern to display a hi-res picture. The program 'BBSHOW CREATE' will let a person create a pattern and save it to the disk. 'BBSHOW DISPLAY' will a picture from hi-res page two to page one using the pattern. The pattern has to be at $6000 (if you have the macro assembler Merlin, you can change this requirement). The program 'BBSHOW DISPLAY' resides at $60F0. It converts the hi-res page into a 40 by 24 screen. This fact makes it possible for 'BBSHOW DISPLAY' to show a pattern from the text screen, which is also 40 by 24.
     'BBSHOW CREATE' accepts the following keys.

movement keys:          scroll keys:           disk I/O keys:
--------------          ------------           --------------
      up                      up               ctrl-S - save pattern to disk
      I                       I                ctrl-L - load pattern from disk
left J K right          left J K right
      M                       M            
     down                    down
                       ( note: the scroll keys scroll
                        everything from the cursor's
                        position up,right,down, or

quit keys:             memory management keys:
----------             -----------------------
ctrl-Q - Quit          ctrl-T - temporary save to memory
reset  - "  "          ctrl-R - restore temporary save

order of display keys:
1   - make this box on hi-res page appear first
2   - "                                 " second
3   - "                                 " third
spc - "                                 " last

     Here is an example of how to make a picture appear on the first hi-res screen using the two BBSHOW programs.

step     what to do
----     ----------
 1       brun 'BBSHOW CREATE'
 2       make a pattern, save it, and quit from BBSHOW
 3       bload your picture at $4000 (hi-res page 2)
 4       bload 'BBTXT. [your pattern's name here]'
 5       brun 'BBSHOW DISPLAY'
 6       enjoy watching your pattern come up

     That's all one has to know in order to usr BBSHOW. There are some patterns on the disk already that you can use. If you feel like it, put 'Display created by BBSHOW' on your title page. The pattern and the 'BBSHOW DISPLAY' combined take up less than $200 bytes. A person can easily put a neat hi-res display in their title pages.
     For you the crackers out there; try to crack the code. Leave me a message on the Adventurer's Tavern or the SpecElite; I'm interested in finding out how many people can actually know what they are doing. The code protection is similar to EOA's protection method. If you have cracked EOA stuff before it should be easy. The code protection is there to discourage those little assholes (excuse me) who always seem to want to put their name on title pages. How about this as a reward; I will give anyone who cracks the code the source for the protection method so that they can use it in theire title pages? I will, of course, ask you to give a semi-detailed explanation of how you cracked it. Think of ths excursion as a preliminary exercise for cracking EOA stuff (which is a bit harder). Enjoy.

the [loak
Black Bag

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