+-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ /oOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------] \\\\ //// **! A N A R C H Y R U L E S !** \\\\ //// \\\\______//// /==================================\ \\\\______//// \\\\~~~~//// | Phuckin' Phield Phreakers Of 619 | \\\\~~~~//// \\\\ //// \----------------------------------/ \\\\ //// [[[==]]] ] PHUN WITH B-B-GUNS! [ [[[==]]] //// \\\\ /----------------------------------\ //// \\\\ ////____\\\\ | An Official PPP-619 Presentation | ////____\\\\ ////~~~~~~\\\\ \==================================/ ////~~~~~~\\\\ //// \\\\ **! A N A R C H Y R U L E S !** //// \\\\ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------] \ This Phile Completed On October 17, 1989 5 Hours After The Earthquake! / +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Our Intro: ---------- Well, you're sitting there at home, sitting, sitting, waiting, waiting, sitting, waiting, and slowly mutating into an over-sized vegetable. There you are, sitting there, maybe with a few phriends, just wondering what you should do. A few suggestions arise. Movies? Nah, you saw one last week. Dance clubs? Nah, your favorite club is closed for another week, and you don't feel like goin' dancing anywhere else. Arcade? NAH! This is a weekend night, and you want to do something EXCITING... not sitting there and becoming a slow cucumber! What to do... you don't have enuff gas to go out driving in your fleet of cars and terrorize the freeways... Hmmm.... Hey! Why not go out and TERRORIZE your favorite neighborhood then? Yeah! Remember that BB gun you bought down at "Big-5" last month? Well, it has many more uses other than plinking at cans and shooting at those fine feathery friends of ours... yeah! that's the ticket! So, you wanna be Rambos, get your guns out and get ready to have a helluva time! Disclaimer: We hope you try all of these things and have a helluva time, but we're not responsible, so ha ha! Wanna-Be Rambo's Survival List: ------------------------------- BB Guns................................Rifles, Pistols, Home-made, etc BB's...................................At least 3000 BB's for phun! Gun Scope..............................For even more phun! Steel Pipe & Cap.......................For our home-made BB gun M-80/100's.............................For home-made BB gun, or destroying Matches/Lighter........................Necessary all of the time Knife..................................At least 5" blade and REAL sharp! Gloves.................................Keep your fingerprints outta there! Flashlight.............................Don't get lost now... Dark Clothes...........................A MUST for phuckin' around. Home-Made Anarchy......................If it's availible A Few Human Beings.....................IQ over 5, at least At Least One Automobile................MUST be capable of speeds over 100 Attack Plan 1: -------------- Numero Uno, put on your dark clothes, and I suggest you do it after you see your parents for the night, unless you wear dark clothes often; just don't make yourself too conspicuous. Then, you're ready to do the real thing. Ok, you've got eveything set, and are ready to go out "punkin'". So, in order to get yourselves pumped up for the following events without getting high or drunk, you and your friends get in that automobile. Okay, get the best driver behind the wheel and begin a short cruise (via a freeway route) to a nearby movie theater or arcade. Ok, no go watch a movie or mess around at the arcade for awhile, until it gets late enough to do what you're gonna do. Also, BE SURE to have all your shit (guns, explosives, knives, etc) in the trunk or back of the car where it CANNOT be seen from the outside, because if you happen to get pulled over by a cop for any reason, you don't want them wondering what the arsenal in your car is for... ("Yeah officer, I swear I saw some man-eating dogs around here... we're just playin' it safe... or "Just in case someone tries to give us a highway shooting...." yeah right...) Now, the movie is over or you ran outa quarters at the arcade and it is 12:13am. Cool, time to rock and roll... hehe... Jump in the car, get that good driver behind the wheel and kick it! Speed outta the parking lot, speed onto the freeway, turn on your radio and blast it so you can't hear anything besides the roaring of the engine and the blasting of the speakers. Keep accelerating ... 75...85...95...100...103...110....115... wow... your heart's beating really quick as you floor that muther to the max... now keep the car maxing for a minimum of 3 minutes.... watch all those slow cars go bye bye... Now slow down but keep the music and everything blasting and get off at an exit near the neighborhood you want to terrorize. Ok, your blood's pumping, and you are in the mood for some phun! While you're still driving, have some friends break out the BB pistols and shoot at everything in sight... Hey, that car's parked in my parking spot... oops... he has a hole in his car now. Hey, I don't like that car, it goes faster than mine... oops... I don't think he's going anywhere with his windshield like that! Not only cars, but don't you hate those track homes that piss you off cuz the neighborhood around them is sooo bright cuz they all have the same stupid lights sitting outside on their lawn? Well... Here's a cool game, get those pistols and then try shooting out those annoying lights outside of all those houses. Make up a point scale, hey, you get one point for every house-lamp! Attack Plan 2: -------------- Yeah, Yeah Yeah, you're getting bored of just shooting at cars and those damned street lights. Well, here's another game... try to shoot out a street light (those ones on those huge poles). They are a bitch... but if you get enough guns out, you might be able to take a few out. Then again, there is always the phun of scaring the shit out of those gas station workers that work in those little cubbies with the plexiglass surrounding them. When you are driving by, take a few pot shots at the plexiglass with your strongest BB gun, watch them "phreak" out. Then, there are always those jerks who really suck at driving, either too slow, or just cut you off for no phuckin' reason (even though you might do the same...). You get pissed off and take a few pot shots at their car, (not the glass... yet) and get a few holes in there.... hey, they have free air-conditioning now! Ok, if these cars REALLY piss you off and you have a RAD car and took/replaced the licence plates for the night, take a shot at their rear-window with your weak BB guns (you want to terrorize, not kill... or maybe you do... you're opinion... heheh) and race by! Or, you could follow them home, and if they leave their car outside, practice some of your home-made anarchy on their car, or just give them free air-conditioning, or, if they park their car inside a garage, you can always shoot up the house and give it free air conditioning! Attack Plan 3: -------------- Ok, you shot up a bunch of shit, and now you remember that dick who really pissed you off the other day, month, or year. Maybe some store or someone pissed you off, so it's time to pay them a visit. If you're going in for revenge against a store, go real late, and hope the business has lots of windows. Then, drive as far away as possible but still pluck the windows away with your most powerful BB gun and a scope would come in handy here. If you're going in for a person or his/her house, go to their house, give their mailbox a quick air-conditioning job, and then do the same to their car (if it is parked outside), or (like above) drive as far away as possible but still be able to pluck those windows out with a powerful BB gun and a scope if you have one. Attack Plan 4: -------------- Now, you're sick of driving, so it's time to go out on foot. Park the car somewhere away from the immediate area you are going to trash. Then, walk in the shadows or around bushes to the prospective target area. If Fido behind the fence starts barking, give him something to bark about.... hehe... I think Fido wouldn't like it too much if he was force fed 100 BB's intraveneously through the chest. Also, make sure you have a flashlight so if you're lame, you don't get lost! Ok, now, lets play a good game. Put your gloves on and go scouting around for the local telco boxes (cans, green bases, etc) and open them. Then, you can take your knife, and quickly disconnect all of the phones to the immediate area. If there are more boxes in the area (cans, green bases, etc) open those and kill all the lines with a quick flick of the wrist and knife... leave your mark by putting a few holes in the telco's boxes... Ok, since no-one can call the police, shoot as many windows as you can for points, cars, houses, glasses on people's faces, ANYTHING! Make SURE you don't get seen, as someone with a shotgun might come running out of his air-conditioned house hollering bloody-murder. So, count up your points, and remember who won. Get back to your car, and drive away, calmly. Attack Plan 5: -------------- Ok, you have (ready) prepared a home-made "BB" gun. What you would have done is take a steel pipe (thick and strong) of approximately 4 feet in length, and a cap that fit one end of the pipe. Then, drill a hole in the cap, enough to stick a fuse through. THEN, place the M-80/100's fuse through the cap, and place the M-80/100 in the end of the pipe. Screw the cap on as tight as possible, and press a small amount of toilet paper down the open end of the pipe. Then, add about 200-500 BB's to your "barrel" and then push in more tissue paper after them in order to keep them in place. Now, test your BB gun by proping it against a tree or something so it won't move, light the fuse, and get the hell away. If the pipe holds, you have a working gun, if not, go get a thicker pipe. If it worked, re-load and get ready to have some real phun. Ok, the person with the most points from PLAN 4, he gets to fire the home-made gun. Point it at anything... a car.... a house... your school... your favorite pet, or teacher.... it's your choice... Then fire it.... Attack Plan 6: Conclusion ------------------------- So, you thrashed a few neighborhoods, max'ed your car, and got some fresh air & maybe a movie or a few arcade games. What a night... kick back in he car, and drive calmly back home, and get a few shots off to anywhere you feel like as you pass by parked cars, houses, and lights. And like it Plan 1, try to keep the bulk of your equipment in the trunk or rear of the car where it cannot be seen, cuz if you get pulled over by a cop, you'll be in deep shit. By now, your blood should have slowed down considerably, so go home and get a good night's rest... and DON'T forget... DO NOT tell anyone but you're little group about your night's activities... there are a lot of stupid narcs out there.... Wake up the next morning, and get in a DIFFERENT car, and then have some- one else drive from the night before. Go drive around to the places you messed up and check out the damage... way to go... ANARCHY RULES! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file compiled by Doctor Dissector and Killer Korean - PUD of PPP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moral Of The Phile: ------------------- Soooo.... if you are ever bored and are wondering what to do, get yourself a BB gun (unless you have one) and go have some real phun.... the anarchist's way............ enjoy yourselves......... and don't get caught... have a helluva time with this shit.... bye bye..... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - This Has Been A PHUCKIN' PHIELD PHREAKERS - 619 Presentation - ANARCHY!!! - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PPP are....... Doctor Dissector, Killer Korean, M.I.T., Phortress Phreak, White Boy, Dark Helmet, The Lode Runner, Tak/Scan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Closing Notes: -------------- Greetings: cDc, ex-Phortune 500 members, CHiNA (we don't sit around like NAP/PA either!) and any others I should have put here but forgot. Hello: Wayne Bell - We love your WWIV software... and the mods WE put into it... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������