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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
The Mayberry Family of Virus by HypoDermic!!!!
Legal BS!
HypoDermic is NOT responsible for any damages directly or
indirectly caused by the use of these alternative programs and
code. These virus were produced for educational puposes only! :>
These files are not to be distributed without the written consent
of HypoDermic nor are they to be used in any destructive form!
Who the Hell is this HypoDermic?
Good question! Some of you already know me either by my real
handle or if you are special you know me by my real name (oooh!)
but for those who have know clue I am a lamer newbie upcoming
alternative programer with realy no future doing anything else but
virus programming. Wow! What would my therapist say about that? I
make no claims to be good because I am just learning the trade with
no formal education. But maybe someday (daydreaming...) Ill be in
one of those k-rad groups, NOT!
Kissing Ass Section!
This is that section you always see at the end where I am
supposed to kiss ass to all those who help me out! Yeah right!
Well I am gonna tell ya the people who helped me know who they are
and need not be mentioned publically here except one and THIS IS
NOT A KISS ASS.....and the winner is MnemoniX for his cool beta of
Biological Warfare...You wanted some feed back check out these
files! I liked it and it is easy to use and pretty moron proof.
Cause I felt that the AVer world needed another virus family
:> to keep them busy naming these fucking things. Get a clue and
go back to the Number Naming scheme and make your life easier
HeHe!! And someone already did the Adams Family (Deathboy), damn!
But be sure to watch for other families in the future; such as, The
Brady Bunch with my favorite the Groovy Marsha Virus, Beaver
Cleaver Family, The Beverly Hillbilly Family, 90210 (make me vomit),
Melrose Place, Cosby Family (have to include all ethnic families),
The Family Ties Family, and any other fucking TV show with a family I
can think of. Maybe you AVers may just have to have a Parent Family
name and call it TV Spoof Virus (TSV!!) maybe Ill copyright that
parent name hmmmm!!! I should have mentioned that I watch way to much
TV and not enough time programming. This show is one of the classics
so I present you with the Mayberry Family.
How about a quick breakdown of the cast?
This will save some of you "researchers" especially you self
appointed ones some time which correct me if I am wrong but that
would be about all of you!
Andy: Memory resident, COM & EXE infector. Very simple Andy was
a example of a fine citizen of Mayberry a role model for
us all. Andy hated alternative programmer deep down
inside and vowed to lock us up in his maximum security
jail. Hehehe.
Barney: Non-Resident, COM infector, encryption, anti-trace,
directory transversal, with improved Dir stealth. One
bullet Barn is a sneaky little devil. I wonder if he
ever T-ed up Velmalou?
Opy: Memory resident, COM infector, anti-trace. What a little
rascal (hey there's another Family for me to create The
Little Rascals) that opy was always the loyal son. I bet
Opy wouldn't ever code virus in our times cause his Pa
wouldn't allow it.
AuntB: Non-Resident, COM & EXE infector, directory
transversal, with improved Dir stealth. Everone needs an
aunt like AuntB to wipe there asses, pack there
lunches, and make good 'ol family dinners. Hmmmm with an
aunt like that who needs computes and all this high tech
modern crap.
Floyd: Non-Resident, EXE infector. Would you let a Fuck
like that cut your hair?
Otis: Non-Resident, COM & EXE infector, encryption,
directory transversal. Be careful this fat sloopy drunk
is liable to infect your whole fucking system with one
looonnnggg belt of moonshine!
MissCrump: Memory Resident, COM & EXE infector, anti-trace,
Dir stealth. Miss Crump that little vixen, has always
turned my crank! I bet she's a go-er! Andy should have
tooled her when he had the chance.
Velmalou: Non-Resident, COM infector, directory stealth. She was a
little too mousey for me but I am sure one of you other
perverts thought she was the end all of country women.
Jethro: Non-Resident, COM infector, encryption. WAIT a Cotton
picking minute he ain't no member of the Mayberry Family,
you might say!!! Well Ill tell ya there is a lot of
inbreeding happening way down south and you can never be
to sure (Andy and him looked alot a like and he was as
dumb as GoMer and he let Floyd cut his hair you can tell
by the part on the side it is Floyd's trade mark!) We
may never know what realy happened by that cement pond???
I guess this could be one of those virus that could be
considered as part of several families until someone
renames it! :>
Goober: Memory Resident, COM & EXE infector, encryption,
anti-trace, improved Dir Stealth. Goober falls into the
same catagory as Floyd...would you let this fuck fix your
car if YES ill sell you my entire virus collection for
$100 dollars. I personally would let him fix my car
right after he performs brain surgery on one of my loved
one, NOT!!!
GoMer: Non-Resident, COM & EXE infector, Dir stealth. Well
Gooolllyyy!!! What a knob! He kinda reminds of a few of
the people I know in the virus scene not to point any
fingers but you know who you are.
Well Thats All!!
Well I hope I remembered all the Family if I find a few more Ill
be sure to send them on there way. You can never tell who is
truely related to who. Be Sure to watch for more Lame TV Family
Virus!!! Some of these scan and some don't some are lame and others
are lamer.
HypoDermic =============>PUT THE NEEDLE IN!!!!
P.S. BTW, there is no destructive routines in any of the Mayberry
Family! Could you honestly see anyone from the cast causing
harm to another person? It would be like someone actually dying
on the A-TEAM (hey hey there's another one for me!)
P.S.P.S. Hope you enjoyed this Spoof!