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Dear SIIA - Anti-Piracy CORPERATION (March, 30, 2005)
When we are at school we are told to share our toys, our food and our
things. Before the mainstream computer usage of the late 90ties. There was
a computer community where we did share. And now that it is done worldly
it is bad? The movies that were downloaded didn~Rt hurt the ticket prices.
I mean it cost an arm and a leg to go then and they are almost doubled
now. Maybe if they dropped the prices it would be more affordable to go to
a movie, and the software? Microsoft office is 400 dollars, X P is 300
dollars. When Windows XP is a poorly written program and is so easily
hacked and manipulated with out the help of the owner? I mean do we really
have to get the barcodes on our arms to access the internet?
Your not Anti-Piracy. Your Anti-Sharing!!! Piracy Main Entry: pi<70>ra<72>cy
Pronunciation: 'pI-r&-sE
Function: noun
Inflected Form: plural -cies
1 : an act of robbery esp. on the high seas; specifically : an illegal act
of violence, detention, or plunder committed for private ends by crew or
passengers of a private ship or aircraft against another ship or aircraft
on the high seas or in a place outside the jurisdiction of any state ~Wsee
also AIRCRAFT PIRACY Article I of the CONSTITUTION in the back matter.
We are not breaking a copyright we are just sharing. Distribution of
software is stealing but as I said before do you want people to shoplift
it from stores? Your site has a baby on it with a shirt saying ~SMy Daddy
went to jail because of internet piracy and all I got was this lousy
shirt~T Well SIIA is the MONSTER that put that Babies daddy in jail for
downloading a little piece of happiness. What is the internet 1984? If I
downloaded a game and played it and put a game I bought out there is that
so wrong? I bet you shared a game with your friends? Than you should be
sitting next to that poor babies father for not a crime against humanity,
but a crime against Corporation. Downloading music, how is that a crime?
Why should I buy a 25 dollar cd, when I just want one song off of it? As I
said before you and your Corporation and the laws you have created are
Communistic and makes you all Monsters. 12 year old girl rots in jail for
sharing music with her friends. Is the youth to blame for this new lies?
Downloading doesn~Rt hurt anyone. Napster didn~Rt hurt anyone creating
Napster. But sales of 25 dollar cds went down. Which you can make 200 cds
for about 50 dollars with the cases and booklets. We have an inflation
problem in the US of A cause of greed and not the other reasons we hear
from politicians. When you charge 20 times of what something is worth,
that is Piracy of the populism. We are robbed and shifted like sheep well
SIIA you feed the real pirates their pray of poor kids wanting fun out of
their Dull and depressant lives. And from the Anarchist community I ask
that you stop you evil corporation against poor children and stop the
hammer for punishing the innocent. You Monsters.