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( Some Food For Thought )
November 28, 1990, The East Coast Power Point
Commander Kortron
Many of you are now experiencing more confusion as change is
accelerating on this planet. Your reaction is normal in that
these changes are now effecting your lives and are altering your
perspective of the future. Your existence is threatened.
What many of you are now erroneously doing is looking at your
personal lives but not looking at the part you play to support
those creating and organizing viable means to get beyond these
changes. On every level change will have to be met with new ways
of doing things. New information which is now available needs to
be used at this time in order to insure a means of survival.
Without group support of these new technologies and ideas the
survival of all will not be accomplished. Individuals cannot
provide the necessary configuration by themselves to insure the
stability of the whole.
Amassing information of the evolving new is one thing, but
making use of and taking this information into operational modes
means group cooperation. Many who are doing or are aware of
their particular part are being held back by those who are merely
focusing their attention on the specific changes occurring in
their own lives as their security blankets erode. In so doing
they are totally forgetting about the things which are in place
but are underfunded and under supported which are necessary for
group survival.
In saying the Islands of Light must now form, this does not
mean ignore one situation because of another. If little support
to the foundation efforts continues then any useful outcome to
weather the changes will not occur. There is already enough
technology to complete the change over into the New but this will
only take place if groups raise the needed revenues to forge
ahead and then acquire land needed for the "hands on" efforts to
implement the changes.
Orvotron is designed as one of the points for these ideas to
evolve and to be implemented, thus showing others a working
community of the New. In my role as East Coast Commander I see
our support group tightening up instead of loosening donations
which are needed to create these things. Fear is locking up many
in its grip.
This is sad because our efforts are designed to create a
feeling of security in Spirit not the illusion which is now
creating your present fear of what's taking place. Many of you
need to release the old as stagnant water is filling your vessel.
You need to empty this to make room for Spirit's pure renewal
essence which is now coming to Earth. Remember, God helps those
who help themselves. This statement will be reflected in all
outcomes of your next experience.
As your Commander I need address this as a very serious
situation soon to become critical by your lack of support. This
directly effects your choice to weather the storms now brewing
and the needs you are allowing to slip through your fingers as
time collapses at a furious pace.
We know the banks are out there but as of yet they have not
released the needed funds due to their fears. The need is to
forge ahead and to create the Islands of Light and new technolo-
gies by and through the Light Workers. This is our way to help
ourselves and all the rest get through the times ahead. If we
are derelict then our fulfilling our jobs here fall drastically
short of our agreed purpose for coming here. If this occurs then
we are in the same boat and subject to whatever these souls will
experience by our selfish lack of giving, loving and creating in
No longer can any of us afford the luxury of wollering in
our constant nagging doubt as to whether it is really happening,
because it is. The decision was and still is whether to follow
Spirit or the Illusion which is now being put under, eroded and
destroyed for what it is.
In Sananda's words, "You are much more than you realize, and
will do even greater things than I". Now is that time to be what
you are by giving in the essence of Spirit, as Spirit supports
those doing Spirit's work. In giving over to fear, in holding
fast to the Illusion, what you will have left is nothing of value
because your faith was on a rock not in fertile ground and there-
fore easily dislodged. Those that have firmly put their roots in
fertile ground will get beyond all coming change effecting all
life on Earth.
When these times came and went in the past change times
effecting Earth there came Souls creating foundations bringing in
the new. These Souls created the needed things for survival of
the planet and all life forms. We are those Souls creating in
the light to bring all those who wish it out of the darkness. We
are the torch barriers creating new hope where hope was shattered
in the darkness. Will you give this ground we stand on over to
those creating No Hope for those not realizing the illusion? Is
that your reason for being here? It is not mine as I bring hope,
for when there is no hope there is nothingness versus knowingness
in Spirit.
All of you still clinging in fear about Earthquakes, aster-
oids and tidal waves are missing the point of these occurrences.
Why are they happening? Those who refuse to release fear can
only do so by experiencing their fears as a means of releasing
them. Another reason is that eyes will open to understand and
release doubt by finally realizing it really is happening and it
is not some illusion that they had.
My directive for your review is to release the illusion then
turn about and help us create the New to fill the cracks made by
the eroding old. Stop supporting what is now destroying this
world. Put your personal power, resources and all your special
abilities into opening new avenues of hope for a rapidly deterio-
rating situation based on false and nonsensical illusion.
There is a very large group of scientists, engineers, horti-
culturists and medical staff (just to mention a few) with the
knowledge it takes to create Heaven on Earth. Many of these are
not in touch with each other. All have pieces that will create
the evolving new world that needs to be put together now. Hiding
out or dropping out won't get you support. The support comes
from groups that form around you to help create the new technolo-
gies but they can't if you remain hidden.
Getting found has now been made easy. Spirit B.B.S was
created for your use in any aspect that needs recognition, right
down to support. Not using it is like taking a tool such as a
wrench and leaving it in the rain to rust until it has no value.
Your area of interest now awaits your special talents. If you
are a physicist painting houses it's time to do what you were
trained to do. No one is asking you to create weapons or the
like, but we are asking your assistance in creating Heaven on
Earth. In the end anything missing or not complete will reflect
and relate back to those choosing not to do their part. It's
time people to create a new world - LET'S DO IT. We need only
follow Spirit and form as one group. "Now Is The Time".