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SATAN & THE LITTLE GREEN MEN!! - The Connection Exposed!
Val Dobson
Old Nick and the inhabitants of UFOs have a lot in common - although
there is no objective proof for the existence of either, both can
claim millions of fervent believers. These believers credit their
chosen belief-object with amazing powers, and a desire to rule the
world by covert means.
There is little cross-over between the two belief systems. Practically
all Christians ignore the UFO phenomenon - they're not in the Bible
and they are obviously demonic manifestations, anyway; UFO nuts are
interested only in "hard"-science explanations - what does religion
have to do with technology-advanced space beings? There is no mutual
interest, and the two camps refuse to even acknowledge one anothers
Yet there is much common ground. Take for instance the US cattle
mutilations mystery, where cattle in the American Southwest are found
mysteriously dead, with holes drilled in the bodies and blood and
organs apparently missing. Significantly, there may be no human tracks
The Satan-watching fundamentalists declare that these incidents are
the work of Satanist groups performing ghastly rituals upon the
hapless animals - helicopters and giant extending ladders make sure
there are no footprints to be found.
UFO enthusiasts insist the mutilations are the work of aliens
performing horrific vivisection experiments upon the hapless animals -
levitating force-beams make sure there are no footprints to be found.
As to why Satanists/aliens should want to do these things, both sides
offer identical conclusions: "Who knows the mind of a Satanist/alien?"
And both sides choose to ignore unexciting explanations involving
poachers, parasites, wild animals, and human error.
Then again, take many UFO abduction stories. Usually, somebody
contacts some well known UFO investigator and explains that one night,
they saw strange lights in the sky, felt unexplained terror and have
been suffering from nightmares and strange symptoms ever since. The
investigator talks to them, puts them through numerous hypnotic
regression sessions, analyses their dreams. From all this he deduces
that the person has actually been abducted into an alien spacecraft,
subjected to painful physical examination and probes (usually
concentrating on the sexual organs) and had their conscious memory of
the occasion wiped before being returned to Earth.
Compare this scenario to the numerous "I was a victim of evil
Satanists" stories. Someone contacts a Christian occult investigator,
explains that they once played with a Ouija board/tarot deck/sat on a
bus next to a witch, felt unexplained terror, since when they have
been suffering nightmares and strange symptoms. The investigator puts
the person through numerous regressions sessions, administers much
counselling and healing, and analyses their dreams. From all this, he
deduces that the person was forced to take part in horrible Satanic
rituals, where bizarre-looking people chanting in a strange tongue did
unpleasant things to their victims body (usually concentrating on the
sexual organs), afterwards administering drugs/hypnosis to wipe
conscious memories of the occasion.
Seen in this light, the story of American Kathie Davies' encounters
with aliens makes interesting reading for anybody aquainted with
"Devil worshippers-ate-my-baby" stories.
In 1983 "Kathie" (a pseudonym) contacted UFO investigator Bud Hopkins,
telling him that a UFO landed in her garden, leaving visible traces on
the ground. She also told him that she believed that this had not been
the first time she had had contact with aliens. Over the next four
years, hypnotic regression and dream analysis enabled Hopkins to
extract from Davies an incredible story. According to this story,
Kathie had experienced various types of alien contact from an early
At age two or three, her mother had protected her from a "threat from
the sky" by hiding her in a closet; at age six, she wandered away from
home and met a little grey-skinned alien (disguised as a small boy)
who cut her leg; at age sixteen, she went on a car ride with three
young men who acted strangely. Two years later, she was on another car
ride when she was abducted by little grey-skinned aliens, who
subjected her to a painful gynaecological probe; her two companions in
the car were kept unaware of her disappearance. Four months later,
she was abducted again by the same aliens and again intimately probed.
Hopkins interpretation of this was that Kathie had been artificially
inseminated at the first abduction and had had her unborn child
removed at the second abduction. He writes about this: "I guessed what
had happened, and shortly after I brought Kathie out of the trance she
conformed this. They had taken her baby. " (my italics). The next
year, when she was pregnant with her son Bobbie (she was married by
this time and Bobbies father was entirely human), she was abducted a
third time and had her nostrils probed. A year later, pregnant with
her second son, she received a series of peculiar phone calls
consisting of a guttural voice moaning something indecipherable; her
second child was subsequently born with a speech defect that made him
sound strangely like the unknown caller. In June 1983, the UFO landing
that caused her to contact Hopkins occurred; she was abducted a fourth
time and had her ear probed.
Hopkins believes that something was implanted in Kathie during both
this and the earlier nostril probing. Three months later she went into
a local shop for some shopping, to realise with horror that the
"shopkeeper" was an alien and his "shop" a spaceship. She hurried
home, to be later abducted for the fifth time. In the spaceship she
was medically examined, had a small cut made in her neck, and was
shown the artificially created child that had been taken from her in
1978. A month after this, she dreamed that the aliens came to her
bedroom and removed ova from her while she was sleeping, also
kidnapping her younger son. The child was abducted again in 1986,
after which Kathy had a final, momentous dream: she is taken into the
spaceship, shown two babies, told there are seven more and informed
that they are all hers. Later that year her elder son starts seeing
lights in the sky, has mysterious nosebleeds and dreams of red
Such is the Kathie Davies story. Regular ORCRO readers will notice a
familiar pattern. There are all the kidnappings (unnoticed by anyone
else), the forced insertion of various instruments into the various
orifices, the encounters with strange and threatening people who were
not what they appeared to be. Then there is the artificial
insemination which results in a pregnancy which even Kathie herself
notices at the time, followed by forced abortion of a foetus that is
used for unknown purposes. There is also the investigators treatment
of the case; Hopkins accepts the most outlandish and unsubstantiated
claims as facts, does not bother with independent corroboration for
any part of Kathies evidence, "interprets" her dreams and memories to
fit his preconceived beliefs and persuades her to accept his
interpretation as real, factual occurrences; she then goes on to
produce more "proof" for him in the form of dreams and strange
Largely for his work with Kathie Davies, Bud Hopkins is today honoured
and recognised as one of the worlds top UFO investigators. His books
are bestsellers, he is a consultant speaker at seminars and
conferences; he is the man to go to if you have ever been kidnapped by
aliens (especially the small grey-skinned type). "Kathie Davies" of
course also has a small niche in the UFOLOGIC hall of fame, as the
first human woman (there were others afterwards) known to have been
used by aliens for breeding purposes; she is justifiably a legend.
It is most tempting to wonder what might have happened if Kathie had
contacted not Bud Hopkins but (say) Larry Jones or Maureen Davies, or
any other of the "cult-cops" or self-styled "anti-satanists" who are
fervent believers in Satan and satanic abuse. In response to their
careful, sensitive questioning and expert therapeutic counselling,
would she still have produced a story of being kidnapped, probed and
inseminated by little grey-skinned aliens? Or would she (O foolish
thought!) have remembered that she in fact spent years being drugged,
abused and raped by baby-eating Satanists? O foolish, foolish
Bud Hopkins, Random House, 1987.
(The Kathie Davies Case).
Jenny Handles, Robert Hale, 1988.
(An Open Minded Look at UFO abduction phenomenon).
John Spencer Macdonald, 1989.
(A sceptical look at UFO abduction phenomenon).
Visions, Apparitions, Alien Visitors.
Hillary Evans, Aquarian Press, 1984.
(An attempt to explain the subjects of the title in psychological