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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From: Don Allen
To: All Msg #165, 15-Jan-92 08:54am
Subject: Showen:3Star
This came off Usenet from alt.alien.visitors
Article 3469 of alt.alien.visitors:
From: Don_-_Showen@cup.portal.com
Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
Subject: Three star tells all
Message-ID: <52694@cup.portal.com>
Date: 12 Jan 92 18:15:00 GMT
Organization: The Portal System (TM)
Lines: 75
Three star tells all..........
While I was in Phoenix Arizona, at the Alternate Alien and
New Age convention, I met Tim, (Mr.. UFO Beckley) the author of the
UFO Magazine, called UFO UNIVERSE. He seems like a very nice person,
and I enjoy reading his magazine.
One of the articles in his Oct-Nov 1991 issue of his
magazine, had to do with an unidentified 3 star general. Here are
some of the points he made; In regards to the book, (The Roswell
Incident) I was given some articles to look at, and was asked to
participate in the "AWARENESS PROGRAM", which is a means of
disseminating alien contact to the public. Although I had turned this
down, I later was shown some articles, a tape and still photographs.
In these I saw the alien craft, the frozen alien bodies, (from the
Roswell site) and the live alien which is a guest of the US
There have been several UFO crashes over the years. The
aliens really have no "invasion" planned for this planet. They have
visited on and off here, for thousands of years.
Our US guest is over 300 years old. The aliens use about 55%
of their brain capacity,or ability; they do have DNA. The alien which
is a guest of the US Government,is 5"3 tall, weighs 96 lbs., has a
large head (hairless) and large slanted eyes. Some of the aliens
abilities include moderate telepathy and telekinesis.
Cattle, as well as humans have been used in alien and US
research for various biological applications. Most humans are not
hurt in the research and experimentation. Some however have died due
to complications and downright carelessness.
Several cross breed young have been born to both human
females and alien females. We humans are fully biological with most
visiting aliens. Some we are not.(more than one type or species has
visited our planet) The US and Britain have made a secret treaty
agreement, with the aliens, in exchange for technology, and so-called
"recon" missions, during times of human conflict. Aliens agree to
stay out of human wars, and not to interfere with society. Also, there
are special "teams" which are designated to, eradicate, discredit,
harass and trump-up charges to control those humans which experience
contacts or visitations from aliens, including also those who make
verifiable sightings.
The alien crafts have been more-or-less copied by top
scientific experts, and are functional. The Awareness Program
(mentioned before) was designed to inform the public gradually, in a
systematic, logical way. This is a joint governmental-and-alien
program. It is coupled with the increased alien-human abductions and
contacts. If done correctly there will be little or no panic or
resistance. The worlds governments will retain control, avoiding
In some of the reports it was noted that our children were
mentioned as some of the cargo on the alien space crafts. There are
over a million missing children every year in the US alone. The aliens
take about 2,200 a year from the US and other countries combined. The
rest of the children are due to mankinds Darkside.
The children are used in several ways; Biological, to educate
and return; Experimentation, disease study, the same as adults.
Implants are being used on the humans taken aboard the alien crafts
and returned. Some of these implants are microscopic in size,(and
smaller) which influence the growth function and learning capabilities
of the individuals.
The A.P. (Awareness Program) calls for the funding of movies,
television series and specials, and books. These will be about
friendly alien contacts. There are disks, triangles and oblong-shaped
craft. They range from 30 ft, for the smaller recon disc, to over 730
ft, for the larger mother disc,(or flying saucers,if you will...) The
triangle shaped craft are 210 ft. in diameter. The oblong shaped craft
is the really big one of the 3. The only one ever found by the
military was in the late 60's; it measured 1,100 ft. long with a
circumference of 310 ft. There is some noise made, however, all craft
are almost totally silent.
In closing, these are my words; (John Winston) "These people
which were picked up at the Roswell are not my first choice of space
peoples to cooperate with. Ike turned down my friend, Valient Thor,
from Venus, so I guess I will have to work with the space peoples our
government has chosen." As the uneducated person who cussed all the
time was sent to England to be educated and saw a group of bow-legged
cowboys for the first time, I'll leave you with this saying; "Low and
behold what fools are these who wear their legs in parentheses."
this is being posted by Don Showen for John Winston. I am not
Don. Don is not me.
---End of Article---
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