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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
A single word, "REVOLT" issued from several listeners simul-
taneously but Cooper responded, "Don't revolt. What you need to
do is what you should have been doing all along. You need to get
involved with your government. The first thing you need to do is
purchase a copy of the Constitution, which I know that most of
you don't have anywhere in your house, and if I were to go
around this room and ask each person what the Constitution says,
most of you couldn't tell me what the Constitution says from
your grocery bill. And that's the truth! And that IS your coun-
try! So if you don't know what your Constitution is you're dead
already, so the first thing you do is you get a copy of your
Constitution. The second thing you do is you learn it! The third
thing you do is you start calling your senators and your repre-
sentatives, and the President of the United States and you start
leaning on them, and you tell them, `Unless you straighten up
the government, and unless we start getting the truth, and I
mean the whole truth, and no more of this baloney, this's the
last job you're ever gonna have, period. And I'll do everything
in my power to make sure that comes true.' And then write them,
frequently, saying the same thing. And then when they're in your
area, in their area offices, take a little delegation and go see
them, and make them understand that they're gonna be living in
poverty because they're not gonna have a job anymore come elec-
tion day. You see, the secret government may own the executive
branch, but you people, all of us, we own the Congress, and the
Congress makes the laws, and the Congress can impeach the entire
executive branch! You also have the right to petition the gov-
ernment for a redress of injuries. So you ARE powerful, you've
just forgotten that you're powerful, you've forgotten that that
vote that you haven't been doing every time election comes
around, that vote has abdicated your power. That vote you did
not cast abdicated your power and gave it to those who are
subverting the Constitution and are ruining this country."
A gentleman then asked, "What was traded to the aliens for
their technology?"
"People and animals," replied Cooper succinctly.
Another man asked, "Is the Soviet Union in on any of this?"
"The Soviet Union and the United States of America have been
close allies since the end of World War II and have been closely
participating in the secret space program all this time. The
Soviets have the same thing we have, yes. What you see happening
in the Soviet block right now is not the result of people stand-
ing up and saying, `We want to be free.' It's the result of the
international bankers saying, `You tear down these barriers, and
you meet the West half way, give your people some freedom, the
West is gonna take some freedom away from their people so that
we can put together a one-world economic system ...and have all
the power. That's what's happening! If you don't believe it,
stick around and watch it!"
A dubious woman then asked, "Why was the shellfish poison
necessary? A lot of his brain was blown off anyway."
Cooper: "The shellfish poison? If you go to kill someone, one
thing I've learned, I learned it real good, I learned it espe-
cially good when I went to Viet Nam; just `cause you shoot some-
one doesn't mean they're gonna die. And if they don't die,
they're gonna be MAD. And if they've got a gun, you're dead. So
you want the first time to be the last time. So if you really
want to to kill somebody you don't play around. If you REALLY
want to kill somebody ...you KILL them, you don't play, you make
sure that when you shoot them, they're dead. That way they can't
hurt you, can't hurt you at all."
Regrettably, the next question was totally unintelligible, I
was thankful however that Mr. Cooper had a good public address
system to amplify his reply, "The first moon landing was May the
22nd, 1962... or excuse me, that was the first landing on Mars.
I'm sorry, May the 22nd, 1962 was the winged probe that used a
hydrozine propeller, flew around approximately 3-orbits and lan-
ded on May the 22nd, 1962, was a joint United States / Russian
endeavor. The first time that we landed on the moon was sometime
during the ...probably middle 50's, because at the time when
President Kennedy stated that he wanted a man to set foot on the
moon by the end of the decade we already had a base there."
"What about Mars?" came another quick question.
"We have a base on Mars also," Cooper calmly replied.
"When did that happen?"
"I don't know the exact date but I know the project's name, it
was `Adam and Eve'."
"How long have you known about this?"
"Well, I revealed it publicly for the first time on July the
2nd, 1989, and within 3-weeks of the time I revealed it public-
ly, the government, to get the American people not to listen to
me, came out and said that they planned to build a base on the
moon and a colony on Mars. Now, 3-days previous to my speech,
representatives from NASA said, `We can never have a colony on
Mars, it's impossible that there's a colony on Mars because Mars
is a dead planet.' And it's NOT a dead planet, they've lied to
you about Mars."
Continued in part 9
* THE U.F.O. BBS - http://www.ufobbs.com/ufo *