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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
From: aa245@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Robert Parish)
Alien Abduction Countermeasures
Part 1
They come in the middle of the night with stealth. They pray
on the frailties of human kind, our need for sleep and rest.
Using technology light years ahead of us and mental intellects
of Intelligent Quotas to our standards would read in the
hundreds, they think they have card blanch, a blank check to do
whatever to whom ever they want. It is time to put a kink in
their male of chain (their use of technology and our lack of use
of it) and a dent in their smug armor of intellectual
superiority (their planning abilities and our lack of
We as a whole, We the People of the American Public depend on
our government and our military to protect us from an Alien
Hostile Threat. That has meant, from invasion of our country by
foreign power and that has meant people of earth who are from
another country on earth who cross our borders to do us harm.
But what about Aliens not from another country on earth but from
another planet in another solar system many light years away or
as some think are from another space time continuum that invade
our space, (our placing of being at) at will? Now we may have
another definition of Alien Threat, Aliens that cross our space,
not our borders!
Some people who have spent years in the new field of Ufology,
the study of UFO's and UFO reports, speak of government cover up
and that our space (place of being) our earth, country and even
our homes where we live have been invaded by Aliens not of this
earth. Some reports have been made by people who say that our
government is well aware of not of earth Alien Abductions of our
fellow citizens of our country and of people abroad. Their are
some reports circulating in Ufology Files on Electronic Bulletin
Board Systems that not only that our government knows that this
going on, but a deal of some kind has been struck between our
government and the Aliens to not interfere as long as they
provide a list of who they have abducted. Their are also reports
that the Aliens have not kept their word with reporting who has
been abducted and that our government is really powerless to
make them keep it! If there is something of this nature going
on, you can trust our government not to let it out.
Many of these reports of abduction state that the victim
person/s taken are only taken for a short time. Sometimes only
minutes or for few short hours. All memory the (EVENT) is erased
from the subject victims memory to the point that they are not
aware that anything out of normal ever happened to them. Some by
chance of some quirk, have nagging strange nightmares that begin
to trigger flash back memory recall of the terrifying (EVENT) of
abduction by Aliens. Some after hypnotic regression, report that
they have had many of these (EVENTS) of abduction by Aliens and
others only a few or only once that they are now aware of. There
are some Ufology Researchers that state that as many as 1 out
every 10 of the American Public may have been abducted or will
be abducted at some point of time.
The only way to prove or to disprove these claims is to by
scientific means install Alien Abduction Countermeasures. Now,
if we are powerless to stop them, we might at least be able to
install methods of apparatus to record or to indicate that the
(EVENT) of Alien Abduction has occurred. We can devise
scientific methods of detection of an Alien presence and
incorporate into that design a method of recording that (EVENT)
as to the date and time of the (EVENT). By doing so, we will at
least be able to ascertain that at such and such date, time, an
unusual out the ordinary, not normal (EVENT) has occurred.
We can not depend on our government to take effective
countermeasures against Alien Abductions. First we must prove or
disprove that what we think is happening is a reality. To do
that, we must conduct a scientific study. For the Aliens to
physically be here to cause any physical effect we can only
assume that they must obey the laws of physics as we know them.
Based on that primes, we can devise methods of detection and
recording (EVENTS) of abnormality and attribute them to an Alien
presence because an alien or abnormal (EVENT) has occurred.
To do this we can utilize existing electronic apparatus,
namely, common off the self devices modified slightly to suit
our purpose. These items do not have be very complexed or
expensive. For one as an example, a magnetic disturbance (EVENT)
indicator/recorder can be constructed using simple normally open
switch doorlight switch auto alarm with the negative ground of
the switching connector wire ran to a series of small diameter
wire loops. Then run the positive connector of the switching
wire to an equal number small bare wires suspending strong
magnets with the bare wire passing up thru the small loops. Then
connect the alarm relay to an electric date time alarm clock so
that it switch it off when the bare wire suspending a magnet
thru any one of the loops, touches a loop, will set of the alarm
circuit and stop the clock. This will give you the date and time
of a magnetic field disturbance. Power should be supplied of an
AC to DC converter with a DC back up switch over supply.
Similar ideas and concepts can be used utilizing very low
frequency receivers, infrared detectors and various other
detection devices that don't require and electronics engineering
degree to hook up. More ideas coming in future parts of this
title file Work on your own concepts of (EVENT) logging
Written by: Robert Parish aa245 Freenet
aa245@cleveland.Freenet.Edu A Sinclair Computer owner/operator
A part time Ufologist and Electronic Gadget tinker..........
Film at eleven..........
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