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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
-----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====-----
(313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517
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RPGNet GM File Archive Site
Subject: torg cards - quick reference
Conflict Lines: S and D, for Standard and Dramatic scenes. All
(dis)advantages on the Conflict line affect every person on the
indicated side.
Each character gets 2 rounds of action before other side can
Removes all shock damage and KO conditions.
All get an additional roll as if they had spent a possibility. May
not be countered by a possibility.
Villains only. damaged characters who fail to hit will flee.
No player may activate a card from her pool.
all characters take 2 points of shock damage.
Triggers setback event, or prevents affected side from taking
action against their opponents.
All characters lose one chance to roll a die again for an action.
Taunt, Test, Trick, and/or Intimidate
If villain succeeds in a skill use, may remove card(s) from
opponent's pool.
Dramatic Skill Resolution
Possible Setback
Character in Dramatic Skill Resolution who fails this step loses a
Character in Dramatic Skill Resolution who fails this step, all
subsequent steps get 1 harder.
Critical Problem
Character in Dramatic Skill Resolution who fails this step must
use a new skill to complete Dramatic Skill Resolution.
Subplots (Martyr, Mistaken Identity, Nemesis, Personal Stake, Romance,
Suspicion, True Identity)
All remain in the pool once placed. Does not count against limit of
four cards in player's hand. If discarded by GM 1 possibility point
awarded to PC. If accepted then PC gets one bonus possibility point
per act. If a Campaign card is placed on an accepted subplot and
accepted then the subplot is permanent and the PC gets one bonus
possibility per act whenever the subplot is active in the future of
the campaign.
may be played on top of a Subplot card to make it permanent. If
discarded is worth 1 Possibility point.
Remains in the pool once you have placed it there. Does not count
against the limit of four cards in the player's hand. Lets a PC
notice an item or clue which she otherwise missed.
Remains in the pool once placed. Does not count against limit of four
cards in player's hand. Lets a PC know someone in the area who can
give aid.
Increases bonus number for an action by 3. Active skill use only.
Adrenalin, Willpower, and Presence
Add directly to an attribute number for one round.
Coup de Grace
Increases the effect value for an action.
Can be played as an extra possibility point.
Can be played as an extra possibility point. If saved until end of
adventure can be turned in for 3 bonus possibility points.
Must be played into pool during first round of encounter. Allows
entire party to escape the encounter.
Gives an extra action *at any time* during the round, even during
villain's turn.
If played after rolling 60+ for a key action during a dramatic scene,
increases possibility award for all players in adventure by 3.
Master Plan
This may be exchanged for any card which has just been placed on the
discard pile.
All hostile action stops while PC makes a speech for a round.
Opponent Fails
An enemy action which has just succeeded fails instead.
Second Chance
May retry an action after failing to accomplish it.
Seize Initiative
May keep current card on the stack for next round or immediately flip
a new card onto the stack. Player choice.
May add 3 to another player's total after dice roll but before GM
announces the result.
All players may discard as many cards as they wish and immediately
fill up hand to 4 cards, not counting cards in the pool.
May play up to 2 cards from your hand or pool into other's hands or
pools, and may discard from your hand if wish and then refill up to 4
When the player is stumped by a problem, explain your confusion, play
this card, and the GM will give a hint.
The Subplot Cards
The PC playing this card may sacrifice her life and automatically
produce a victory from disaster. Anyone holding it at the end of
adventure loses 3 (is this right?) possibility points.
Mistaken Identity
A PC is thought to be someone else, or believes another character to
be someone she isn't.
There is, or will be, someone in the adventure who has a grudge
against the PC, or vice versa.
Personal Stake
The PC turns out to be emotionally tied to the major plot at hand.
The PC becomes emotionally involved with a GM character. Maybe one
sided, maybe more, but definitely problematic.
Someone suspects the PC of some crime or terrible action.
True Identity
The PC is somebody who matters to a GM character, but this is not
common knowledge.