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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Archive-name: Changes/shower.txt
Archive-author: Susan Lafrance (c) 1989
Archive-title: Wedding Shower
I thought I had the world by the tail. In two weeks I
was going to marry the most beautiful girl in the world.....I
owned my own company.....and figured myself to by pretty much
the stud, if you know what I mean. Well, it's true that I did
like to engage in a little diversion. I'd been dressing in
ladies clothing for years now--I couldn't seem to give it up,
and it truly turned me on. Karen didn't know about it...and I
couldn't figure out how to tell her. It was too embarassing.
But no bother. I didn't have to tell her anyway.
The only thorn in the ointment (whatever the hell that
means) was my future mother-in-law. She hated my guts, and I
hers for that matter. But I wasn't marrying her so if she
didn'tlike me, too bad. Or so I thought.
I received a call at my office that afternoon, from
Stella, Karen's mother. Although it was odd that she seemed
nicer than usual, I readily agreed to see her that night at my
place. Maybe she wanted to bury the hatchet. In my soul she
was ready to bury it. When I arrived the conversation was brief
and to the point.
"Donald you know I've never liked you very much" she
said. "Karen is very special to me, and you're not nearly
special enough for her. So I figured before I permitted this
marriage I'd better check up on you....and you'll be amazed to
see what I found."
And with that she placed several 8 by 10 color
glossieson the table. Glossies of me.....with glossy lips, if
you will. Yep, she had hired a private eye and the bastard had
caught me through a crack in the curtains of my place. I was
dressed to the nines in my favorite dress....a black maid's
dress. It had avery abbreviated skirt with a large petticoat
underneath, sheer black panties with ruffles of white lace on the
bottom, and more lace ruffles all over the place, at the sleeves,
the round neck, the cap, apron, and skirt. It was adorable....at
least that is the word she used, with a broad grin on her face.
"I especially like your legs" she added. "Those four inch, or
are they five inch, black heels really do wonders for you" she
I was dumbfounded. Couldn't say a word. Finally I
croaked "What do you want."
"What I want you little sissy is to see you in this
uniform right this minute!" she sternly replied. I hung my
head....there was no way out. I couldn't stand the thought that
she could now force me to stop the wedding, but worse, she could
ruin my entire life. I slowly followed her to my bedroom to
face what was sure to be a disaster.
And it was. She explored my closet with glee, holding
up various outfits and bits of lingerie, cooing about how cute
I'd look in this or that. Unfortunately she also discovered my
corset, and when the time came, it was the first thing she made
me wear. Standing in front of her naked was terribly
embarrasingfor me, but worse yet was the fact that she had forced
me to shave my ENTIRE body below the neck first. She pulled the
corset tighter than I was ever able to get it and it squeezed me
terribly, to a slender 25 inches. I slowly dressed in each
item, hoping to God that this would end soon. She did my makeup
for me, and she was good. I'd never been able to get the effect
she accomplished. My false nails were superglued to my own nails
and painted a bright red to match my lips (and my cheeks). I was
finally ready to view myself in the mirror, and she stood to one
side with this incredibly superior, gloating smile as she
presented my image to me.
I could have DIED! I was more beautiful, attractive,
sexy, whatever word you could find, than I had ever believed
possible. She christened me Debbie, and laid down the law as I
was forced to stand and look at my subservient visage.
"You are now MY maid and will act accordingly, Debbie.
Do you understand?"
"Yes" I whispered.
"You mean `Yes Ma'am' don't you dearie?" she demanded.
"Yes Ma'am" I repeated.
And it continued. I was to act as a MAID, not as a
little sissy pretend man, but as a cute, sexy, demure, obedient,
girlie maid. And if I did exactly as I was told, and performed
as expected, I would not be exposed to my fiance. I couldn't
figure it out.....could I marry Karen still? After this? Was I
going to have to be under her thumb forever? I didn't have much
chance to think these things out because she decided that there
was work for me to do......at her house!
If I thought I'd died when I saw myself in the mirror
I don't know what I felt as I traipsed down the street in my
maid'suniform to her house a few blocks away. She had driven
ahead in her car, so I minced along by myself, deathly afraid
that someonein the neighborhood would recognize me. Some high
school girls were walking in my direction and stopped to stare at
the image ofa sexpot maid swishing down the street. I blushed
furiously as Ipassed them, trying my hardest to be as feminine as
possible. And it was thus that I came to Stella's house where
she met me at the front steps.
"Debbie dear" she said with a sugary sweet smile. "I
have a few guests inside and you're going to help me out with
them. Just remember, if you keep your part of the bargain and
act as the pretty little maid that you appear, then your secret
is safe with me!"
"But....but" I tried to protest. But I stopped as she
opened the door wide and gave me a shove into the house.
"Mother dear, you shouldn't have. Going to all of
that trouble, getting a maid for my wedding shower!" It was my
fiance, Karen, standing three feet away from me with a huge grin
on her face. I couldn't believe it but she didn't seem to
recognize me. For a few awkward moments I stared at the floor.
Stella prompted me to introduce myself. Somehow I gathered my
wits and dropped a pretty curtsey to her. "My name is Debbie.
I'm at your service Ma'am" I said softly, not daring to meet her
eyes with mine.
"Well get to work, honey. The refreshements are in
the kitchen, and I'm sure everyone is anxious to be served." It
was Stella, and I knew she meant what she said. But how could I
do this???? How could she do this to me??? I walked past the
foyer and looked into the large living room as I went to the
kitchen. Oh shit! There must have been at least 30 women in
there ...... including my mother and sister! I was doomed. I
just knew it.
But maybe she would keep her promise. Maybe I could
pull this off. I had no choice, and I knew it, so I picked up a
tray of canapes and minced into the crowded living room. Karen
was opening presents and most everyone's attention was focused
onher. For the first few minutes no one paid me much attention.
But I can't say it gave me much solace.
Karen opened a prettily wrapped gift and all of the
women ooohed and aaahed at the little pink baby doll nightie as
she lifted it from the box. "I'll bet Donald will go wild over
you in that" said her maid of honor, Annie. "You're so lucky to
be marrying such a hunk" she added. I couldn't help but blush
as her other friends joined in and agreed at what a great catch I
was. I never knew I was that popular with them....and now....if
they knew the truth!
More presents were opened until finally the attention
of the group began to focus on me. I had been swishing about
the room, curtseying properly and hoping that I could continue to
pull this off. I actually started to gain some confidence in my
efforts until I stood over Karen with a tray, offering it to
her. She looked at the tray, and then at my hand......slowly a
look of surprise came over her face, and she stood up. Karen
took the tray from me and stared at my face and then back at my
hand. And then I realized what was happening....she had
recognized a small scar I had on the back of my hand! I quickly
pulled my hand away and tried to retreat to the kitchen, but
Stella was standing right behind me and I couldn't get past her.
"Donald, is that you? It is, it IS you!" The ladies
started to crowd around me and the crowd buzzed with excitement.
My mother and sister stepped through the throng and joined
Karen. "It is Donald Mom. He's doing it again!" It was my
sister Judy. I simply stood there mute, nothing to say and
nowhere to go. Finally Karen pulled me to the center of the room
and demanded an explanation. Stella spoke up.
"I found him this way when I went to visit him. Can
you believe it? I figured it was better that you found out
first.... before you married ...that Donald is really a cute
little sissy maid.....a Debbie." "He used to do this all of the
time when he lived at home" joined in Judy.
By this time I was near tears, but things got worse.
My mother stepped up to me and demanded that I explain what was
going on. Stella stood off to the side with a real shit eating
grin on her face....she had fixed me but good.
I still couldn't talk and my Mother slapped my face a
few times. Finally I whispered that I liked to dress up like a
girl. Only Karen could hear me but she was beginning to get into
the flow of things. "What did you say Debbie? My friends didn't
hear you."
And so the group was reseated and I was forced to
stand in the middle of the room, wearing my cute little maids
uniform with the rows of frilly lace showing on my exposed,
pantied bottom, and tell everyone there how I liked to be a
"little sissymaid." Now that the secret was out all eyes in the
room were focused on me, and I was compelled to again begin
serving the ladies while the guests alternately teased me and
discussed what Karen should do with me.
"Kick the sissy out!"
"Let's see another darling curtsey Debbie. You do it
soooo well!"
"Let's spank his, I mean her, little butt!"
It went on and on, crashing over my ears as I
curtseyed to the guests and minced around the room. Finally
Karen spoke up. She made me stand next to her in a model's pose,
one knee bent forward, as she caressed my bottom. "No, I don't
think I'll kick little Debbie out. I think you ladies are
missing the great opportunity I have here. I'm going to marry
this little sissy."
"You're going to what????" shouted Stella, her triumph
apparently vanishing before her eyes. "Mom, don't you
see...this is perfect. I'm going to marry Debbie. She'll give
me her company......and I think I'll hire her as my secretary.
And then at night she can take care of the house and be my maid.
In fact,I think we'll move in here, with you. She can be OUR
maid. Now what could be wrong with that?" The anger slowly
disappeared from Stella's face as she realized the advantages of
Karen's plan.
At that moment my Mother walked into the room with
Karen's gorgeous white lace wedding dress on a hangar. "Shall
we have a fitting, ladies?"