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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
4th Edition
By Shaun Hately
This guide is (c) 1996 Shaun Hately 1996, except where copyright is
already owned by someone else. Portions of this guide are (c) Druann
Pagliasotti 1996, and are used with permission. These sections are
indicated and no challenge is made to their copyright status. All Rights
are reserved on this guide. However permission is granted to distribute
this guide in any way or form provided the following conditions are met.
1) no charge is made for the guide. A charge for materials, such as
paper is permitted, but no profit is to be made.
2) the guide is distributed in its entirety. In particular this
copyright statement is attached, and the list of contributors is left
Obviously, I have no way of enforcing these conditions, but I have put a
lot of work into this guide and I believe it is only fair that other
contributors and myself get the credit (or the abuse!) we deserve.
This guide has been inspired by games systems owned and copyrighted by
others, most notably `Dungeons & Dragons', and `Advanced Dungeons and
Dragons' owned by TSR Inc, `Middle-Earth Role-Playing' owned by ICE,
`Maelstrom' written by Alexander Scott and published by Penguin, and
`Dragon Warriors' written by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson, and
published by Corgi. The author of this guide acknowledges this
inspiration but does not believe that this guide infringes on their
copyright. No challenge is made to the copyright status or ownership of
any work.
The author of this guide wishes to indicate his support of copyright
laws, and the efforts of game companies to protect their rights. This is
the opinion of the author (Shaun Hately) only, and is not necessarily
the opinion of other contributors to this guide.
"Anything green that grew out of the mould
Was an excellent herb to our fathers of old."
-Rudyard Kipling
Welcome to the fourth edition of "The Guide to Herbs for RPGs", the
second edition of this guide to be distributed by e-mail and across the
Internet. Herbs have been a staple of fantasy literature for many years.
Striders use of Athelas in "The Lord of the Rings" to cure Frodo, and
Polgara's herb lore in "The Belgariad" and "The Mallorean" are two
examples that come to mind. The first edition of this guide was written
in response to a request by one of my players for more detailed use of
the Herbalism proficiency than that supplied in the core AD&D rules, and
also to provide a general system which can be converted to other rules
systems fairly easily. This was in 1990 or 1991 and that edition was
nothing more than an adaptation of the herbs contained in Alexander
Scott's Maelstrom RPG adapted to AD&D rules, a description of each herb,
the chance of finding it, its preparation time, and its cost. This guide
was quite useful, though several problems were found with it. The guide
was used for a few years and my printed copy (done on a Commodore 64 and
a 9 pin printer) became covered in pen and pencil additions and
clarifications. In early 1995 I began GMing a new campaign and I decided
to rewrite my herbal on my new 486. This second edition contained the
same herbs as the first edition but with the addition of clearer
descriptions, the addition of the Locale in which each herb could be
found, and an Ability Check roll required to use each herb successfully.
This herbal was much more useful than the previous one. In mid 1995, I
gained net access for the first time, and discovered the phenomena of
NetBooks, and unofficial supplements to various role playing games. I
downloaded these and began to use them in my games. As a student I can
not afford to buy all the commercially produced supplements for use in
my games, and so these unofficial (and free!) supplements were a gift
from the Gods. In December 1995 and January of this year (1996), I
revised my Herbal once again, incorporating herbs from the RPG
Middle-Earth Role Playing (MERP), and on returning to University at the
start of March, subscribed to the ADND-L e-mail list, and offered the
Herbal to the inhabitants of that list. I received over 300 requests for
the Herbal, and was informed that there was interest in Herbalism on the
REALMS mailing list. I subscribed to this list as well, and offered the
Herbal once again. I received more requests from this list. I have
received e-mail (both praise and criticism) from many of the people who
are using my herbal, and this has encouraged me to put together a new
revised edition. In particular, special mention must go to Druann
Pagliasotti whose assistance in compiling this new edition has been
considerable. Druann has contributed new herbs, as well as sending me a
list of suggested clarifications, and amendments to over forty herbs
that I had designed. This edition includes herbs that other people have
added to my rules, and new herbs that I have developed. It also includes
more detailed physical descriptions of some of the herbs from previous
editions where I have been able to find them. I welcome the
contributions I have received to this guide, but as always all
responsibility for any errors and discrepancies is mine and mine alone.
I welcome contributions, criticisms and comment on my guide, and will
try to incorporate these in any future editions of the guide. Some
people may have noticed that the title of the guide has changed from
"The AD&D Guide to Herbs" to "The Guide to Herbs for RPGs". This
occurred because of advice that the original title was not compatible
with the guides status as unofficial. Please feel free to distribute
this guide in unedited form in any format that you desire. I only ask
that my contribution and that of other people is acknowledged and that
the guide is distributed free of charge.
NOTE: In my guide I have used the term "Autumn" instead of "Fall" to
describe the seasons between Summer and Winter. I have also used the
correct Australian English spelling for words. I have altered
contributions received from other people for the sake of consistency. I
have received e-mail criticising me for this, saying "you should use the
American conventions, because most AD&D players are American." (By the
way, this was not intended as a flame, but was part of some useful
constructive criticism.) I have been taught English as it is spoken and
written in my native country, and I will write and speak in that way.
There are several reasons for this.
1) If I was attempting to write for a specific country, I would use
their own conventions. I am not. I am writing this guide for everyone
who requests it. I received requests for the last edition of this guide
from the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Spain,
France, Belgium, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa,
Argentina, Chile and Zaire and possibly from other countries as well.
2) If I decided to write this guide in `correct' English, I would be
faced with the problem of what is `correct'. Is it American English,
that of the largest English speaking country on Earth or British
English, the source of the language.
3) I believe that the differences in English from country to country are
so minor that all English speaking people on Earth will be able to read
my guide with no problems.
I should note here that this herbal is not `accurate' in terms of the
real use of herbs in our world. This is because my skills in Herbalism
are very limited. I am not a professional herbalist just someone with an
interest in the topic (especially from a gaming point of view). I have
endeavoured to be as accurate as possible in terms of descriptions, but
sometimes I am trying to describe a herb after seeing a black and white
drawing. I have tried to be accurate in terms of naming the herbs, but
some herbs have many different names. Bilberry for example is also known
as Huckleberry, Whortleberry, Hurtleberry, Whin-berry, Wimberry, Black
heart, and Hurts. I have also ascribed to some herbs powers that do not
exist in the real world. For example there is no herb that bestows
infravision on a person in our world (as least I assume there isn't!)
but such herbs do exist in the guide. This is because the guide has been
written for a fantasy game, and I felt that the powers ascribed to these
herbs in legend and tradition could actually exist in fantasy worlds. I
would also like to apologise for the fact that some of the herbs
contained within have no physical descriptions. This is because I just
can't find any. If anyone feels that I have made mistakes in identifying
herbs, or their curative properties, they should feel free to contact
me, either by e-mail or by mail.
For anyone who wants to find accurate books on Herbalism and its real
life applications, please refer to the books in the reference section.
This guide was written in order to allow a more detailed method of using
the Herbalism Non Weapon Proficiency than that provided in the PHB. It
may be used only by characters with the Herbalism proficiency. The
description of each herb contains the following information:
NAME: This is what the herb is called. In brackets after each
name is the name of the person who developed the herb
for the guide, and the source of the herb if applicable.
Available: This is the time of year when the herb is available, and
the percentage chance for a person who searches for the
herb for one day finding it.
Locale: This describes the region in which the herb can be found.
Preparation: This describes how long a herb needs to be prepared
before it can be used.
Cost: The cost before the / is the cost of the herb in raw
form. The cost after the / is the cost of buying the
herb ready to use.
Uses: The number of uses indicates how much of the herb can be
found at any one time.
Ability Check: The ability check is the value that must be rolled under
on a d20 for the use of the herb to be successful. If
the ability check is listed as `?' it means that the
herb may or may not have the powers attributed to it. If
the ability check is listed as `-' then no ability check
is needed for success. The GM should decide what effects
these herbs have if any.
Description: This section describes what the herb can do.
The GM who uses or allows this guide in their games should examine it
carefully before use, and remove or modify any herbs that they wish.
This is particularly true for those herbs that have quite major powers.
It will be noted that very few poisons are listed in this guide. This is
for two reasons.
1. I believe that a Herbalist should not use their art for nefarious
2. I believe that allowing players access to too many poisons can
severely effect game balance.
Any GM who wishes to have detailed poisons in their games is referred to
the "Netbook: Poisons of the Realm", (author unknown to me) which I find
to be excellent for the purpose.
It should also be noted that I have tried not to include herbs that
could be classed as "Drugs" with the connotation of illicit use. This is
because I do not wish to be seen to be supporting illicit drug use.
Having said that, for anyone who wishes to use drugs in their games, I
refer them to "The AD&D Guide to Drugs" written by Desmond Reid which
has excellent rules on all aspects of drug use including addiction and
its effects. The drugs contained within it could be converted to my
system fairly easily.
Shaun Hately, 1st July, 1996
Players with access to the 1st level Priest Spell "Locate Animals or
Plants" will try to use it to locate specific herbs. If this occurs I
would suggest that the Dungeon Master uses the percentage score given
under "Available" in each herbs description as the chance that the herb
will be detected each round, subject to the local environment and
season. However I would remind the GM that according to the PHB, the
results of this spell are always determined by the GM. If the GM does
not want the herb to be found, it should not be found.
by Druann Pagliasotti and Shaun Hately
Unless otherwise indicated in text, any cut herbs and preparations of
herbs only have a shelf life of 3d6 weeks. Dried herbs have a shelf life
of 1d4 years if kept in a sealed container away from moisture (but not
all of these herbs can be used in a dried form). Potions, on the other
hand, have an indefinite lifespan - which is why they're more expensive
yet still desirable.
A rule of thumb for purchasing is that the chance of purchasing an herb
in a large city WITHIN its native region is equal to the chance of
finding it in the wild (and the price will remain the same); the chance
of purchasing an herb in a large city OUTSIDE of its native region is
equal to half the chance of finding it in the wild (and the price will
be half again as much); and the chance of purchasing an herb in a large
city OPPOSITE of its native region (eg., artic vs. desert) is one
quarter of the chance of finding it in the wild (and the price will be
doubled or tripled).
The GM of an individual campaign must rule on the use of this guide.
They must decide whether or not they wish it to be used at all, and they
must modify it to fit their campaign. Some of the herbs contained in
this guide are extremely powerful, and if they are overused they will
unbalance the game. The prices given for herbs are only guidelines and
must be treated with common sense. In plague years, for example the cost
of herbs that protect against plague will increase incredibly. And if
the characters stumble into a herbalist while supporting a friend who is
on the verge of death from snakebite, the herbalist may decide to charge
well above the going rate. Some apothecarists are nothing but charlatans
and will sell anything while saying it is a wondrous herb.
Once again, I must point out that this guide is intended for use in
games only. Do not use it as a guide to herbal medication. Many plants
are highly poisonous and experimenting can be extremely dangerous.
ADDER'S TONGUE (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 10%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 5 gp/ 15 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The herb has one leaf which grows from a stalk about three inches from
the ground. It's appearance gives it its name. The leaf must be boiled
in olive oil and set in the sun for three days. At the end of that time
the infusion can be used as a balm for wounds. In the event that the
wound is infected the balm will draw out the infection within one day.
However for that one day the damage caused by the infection will be
twice as severe. If the wound is not infected the balm will increase the
rate of healing by 1 hp for that day.
AGRIMONY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 2 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
Agrimony reaches a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has leaves up to seven
inches long, which are serrated, green on top and white underneath. It
has yellow flowers with five petals which are arranged in a spike on top
of the stem. Its dried leaves must be boiled in a pint of red wine for
five minutes, and then left to stand for an hour. It should then be used
on sprains and bruises in a compress. A successful application will cure
sprains and bruises in half the normal time.
ALDAKA (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 5%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 100 gp/ 1000 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and
the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, sight will be
restored to the recipient provided the eye remains.
ALKANET (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: none
Cost: 2 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
This plant has a thick red root, narrow hairy leaves, and small red or
blue flowers. The root can be eaten directly upon being drawn out of the
ground but will only keep for a week or so. The herb allows a +1 bonus
to any saving throw vs ingested poisons for 1d8 hours after eating.
ALL-HEALE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Autumn 75%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 7
Ability Check: Intelligence +1
When All-heale is mixed in a pint of olive oil and applied to a wound,
(one application per day), the recipient will heal even if still working
as normal. With rest, the recipient will heal at three times the normal
ALOE (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn, Winter 55%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 cp/ 5 cp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
The leaf of Aloe applied to a wound, will double the natural healing
rate of burns and minor cuts.
AMRANS (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring 40%
Locale: Rivers, Rural
Preparation: 3 days/ 1 week
Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intlligence -2
The lilac flowers can be prepared into a potion that rapidly cures
wounds (3d6 if properly prepared (for 1 week), 1d4 if poorly prepared
(for 3 days))
ANGELICA (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 5 sp/ 1 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
Angelica's root should be boiled in water for an hour and then drunk in
order to relieve coughs. The plant can grow to a height of eight feet.
It has a hollow stem and has large, broad pointed leaves at the base of
the stem. It has a cluster of white or pink flowers at the top of the
stem. The herbs does not in any way act as a cure for any disease
causing a cough, it merely reduces the amount of coughing.
ANSERKE (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 75 gp/ 75 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
The root must be applied to a bleeding wound. Within three rounds it
will have stopped the bleeding. The recipient must not move for one turn
or risk the wound reopening.
ARCHANGELICA (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Swamp
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 sp/ 5 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This white flowering plant has black seeds and roots with a sharp taste.
The root, when brewed, makes a hot, peppery decoction that helps
alleviate common colds, flu and congestions (doubles recovery time, adds
+2 to Constitution rolls to prevent colds in bad weather).
ARFANDAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn, Winter 50%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 2 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
If the stem of Arfandas is bound up in the dressing of a fracture, it
will double the rate of healing for that fracture.
ARKASU (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 55%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 12 gp/ 12 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
When the sap of the Arkasu plant is applied to wounds, it doubles the
rate of healing. The effect is not cumulative.
ARLAN (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 60%
Locale: Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 20 sp/ 20 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
The leaf of Arlan when applied to a wound will heal 1 hp of damage if it
is used within 5 rounds. Arlan will also speed a persons recovery from
respiratory illness by five times.
ARNICA (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 25%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 1 gp/ 1 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
This plant grows to a height of 1 to 2 feet. It has a hairy stem on
which its leaves are arranged in pairs. It has orange flowers. These
flowers should be plucked and dried, and then boiled in a litre of beer.
This should be applied to a compress which is wrapped around a bruise. A
successful application will cause the bruise to fade within one day. The
pollen of the flowers if inhaled will cause uncontrollable sneezing. A
phial of arnica carried in a persons pocket is also reputed to help a
person quit smoking.
ARNUMINAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 70%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 6 gp/ 6 gp
Uses: 5
Ability Check: Intelligence -1
The leaf of this plant should be applied to the site of ligament,
cartilage, or muscle damage. If used successfully, it will double the
speed of healing of such damage.
ARPUSAR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 40%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 7 gp/ 30 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
The stalks of this plant must be brewed for one week in fresh water at
the end of which time it may be drunk. If it is successful, it will heal
any damage to a persons muscles that are capable of healing naturally
within one day.
ASARABACCA (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 10%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 3 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Asarabacca is a creeping vine with many small leaves each on their own
small stalk. It also has small purple flowers. These flowers must be
brewed up on a fire and left to stand. When administered successfully to
someone, they must save vs poison or be rendered docile, and incapable
of violence for 3d8 hours. The brew has a distinctive purple colour, and
bitter taste, so to be given secretly in food, the food must be able to
hide these attributes.
ASH (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 50%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 5 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
The bark of the ash tree must be stripped from its branches and boiled
in clear water for one day. It should then be drunk as a cure for
fevers, especially those caused by diseases such as malaria. It does not
cure the cause of the fever but merely brings it under control within
2d6 hours. The ash tree is sacred to worshipers of Thor, who use its
wood to make spears. The wood of the ash tree could possibly be used as
an essential item in the manufacture of magical spears. Ash leaves
should be boiled in water and drunk as a cure for the poison of viper
bites (cures poison in 2d6 turns, any damage already incurred remains).
The ash tree has ash grey bark, and black buds. Its flowers have no
ATHELAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 45%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 200 gp/ 200 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: ?
Also known as "Kingsfoil". It appears as a vine with dark green leaves
divided into four parts. According to legend, the leaves of Athelas when
crushed by the hands of a King over the afflicted person are capable of
curing anything.
"When the black breath blows
and death's shadow grows
and all lights pass,
come athelas! come athelas!
Life to the dying
In the King's hand lying!"
from "The Return of The King"
ATIGAX (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 40%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 40 gp/ 70 gp
Uses: 5
Ability Check: Intelligence
The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one day, and
the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, sight will be
protected from glare or blinding light for a period of nine hours. This
herb can thus be used to limit the ill effects suffered by subterranean
creatures (such as drow) in full sunlight.
ATTANAR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn, Winter 45%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: none
Cost: 8 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Attanar is a moss, which when applied to the forehead of a stricken
person, will cure fevers. It takes effect 2d6 hours after it is
successfully administered.
BALM (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 20%
Locale: Sub-tropical Forest
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 3 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
Balm is a plant about 2 to 3 feet tall with squarish stems. It has oval,
serrated leaves. It has small flowers which can be any shade from white
to blue, which form small clusters at the base of the leaves. The herb
should be boiled and given to women suffering menstrual pains (hey,
someone has gone to the trouble of writing "A Guide to AD&D Sex" so this
might be useful!) It also reputedly has properties of bestowing
longevity, and so could be used as an ingredient in "Potions of
Longevity" and the like.
BARBERRY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 20%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 3 hours
Cost: 4 gp/ 9 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check Intelligence -11
The Barberry plant has sharp thorns on its twigs. It can obtain a height
in excess of eight feet. It has roughly oval shaped leaves, which are
smooth with toothed edges. It has pale yellow flowers which produce oval
red berries, with a small black dot at their tip. Barberries should be
ground up in cold water and be left to stand in cold water, and then
boiled quickly. This mixture should be drunk as a cure for liver
disorders such as jaundice. If successfully administered the cure should
take effect within two weeks. However three failed applications mean
that there is never any hope of cure by this method.
BASE MULLEIN (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 90%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: none
Cost: 10 sp/ 10 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
Base Mullein is very easily found due to the fact that its flower stalks
often obtain a height of 8 feet or more. Its clear yellow flowers cover
about 3 feet of the top of the stalk, and form a long funnel about an
inch or tow in diameter. If the leaves of this herb are applied to a
burn within one hour, it will reduce the damage taken from the burn, by
BASIL (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: none
Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
Basil must be used almost immediately on being picked. The leaves should
be applied to the bite of a venomous creature, and it will then have the
effect of drawing out the poison. It will give a bonus of +4 to the
saving throw vs poison, or if the save has already been made and failed,
it will allow a second saving throw at normal values. Any damage already
sustained will remain. The herb has one upright stalk, and small white
BASTIT (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Always 20%
Locale: Temperate
Preparation: none
Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence +2
A small succulent that, when crushed, tends to repel parasitic insects,
including mosquitoes and the like. It has a pungent but not unpleasant
odour. (Lasts 1d6 hours but can be washed or sweated off. Easily
noticed by tracking animals.)
BELAN (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 35%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 40 gp/ 40 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
The nut must be eaten to stop bleeding (including internal bleeding).
Within two hours it will have stopped the bleeding. The recipient must
not move for one additional hour or risk the bleeding restarting.
BELRAMBA (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 60 gp/ 180 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
Belramba is a lichen. It must be brewed in water, and then drunk three
days later. If used successfully, all nerve damage capable of healing
naturally will be healed, at three times the normal rate.
BILBERRY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 1%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 15 days
Cost: 500 gp/ 3000 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -13
Bilberries are small black berries. They must be mixed with pure alcohol
and left to stand for fifteen days, at the end of which time they must
be drunk. A successful application will give a human the same
infravision ability as half elves, but a failed application may lead to
the death (save penalty -4) of the person who drinks it, as if they had
drunk a class J poison (Death/ 20 hit points, onset 1d4 minutes).
BIRTHNOT (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Always 30%
Locale: Temperate Hills
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 2 cp/ 2 cp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
Birthnot is a dark-leaved, flowerless vine. The dried leaves can be used
to create a contraceptive tea effective on most humans, demihumans and
humanoids, male or female. Must be ingested between 1 hour - 30 minutes
before properties invoked. (70% effective; causes mild impotence in
males 15% of the time.)
BISHOP'S WEED (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 45%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Bishop's weed is a small plant with pale blue flowers, and small pale
green leaves. This herb will protect people from Plague (+5 bonus to
saves vs disease). It is drunk in wine, and is effective for one week.
In plague years, its price increases rapidly.
BITTERMOURN (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Winter 5%
Locale: Artic
Preparation: 2 hours
Cost: 1000 gp and up
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -14
A rare, colourless lichen that grows on rocks beneath year-round ice.
When crushed and strained, it creates a clear gel at freezing
temperatures that melts into liquid when warmer. Imbibing a pint slows
the aging process and grants a lifespan of twice normal length.
BLACKBERRY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 65%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: none
Cost: 1 gp/ 1 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The leaves of these small black berries should be crushed and applied to
small wounds, where they can stop minor bleeding very quickly (within
one round).
BLACKROOT (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate
Preparation: none
Cost: 4 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A tall plant with small, bell-shaped violet flowers and complex roots
that are black on the outside and white on the inside. Blackroot's roots
can be applied to fresh wounds in order to promote quick healing
(applied immediately, gives 1d4 back to character at once).
BLACK ROSE (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring, Summer 5%
Locale: Temperate
Preparation: none
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This rare rose is easily identified by its black, velvety flower and
long white thorns. The thorns are hollow and absorb liquids at a rate of
a pint every 5 minutes. The liquid is stored in the plant's fibrous
roots. The black rose's roots are often used to draw poison from wounds
or, placed under the tongue, to absorb alcohol and prevent intoxication.
Sometimes victims are tied down and pierced with the thorns to cause
prolonged and painful exsanguination.
BLOODKEEP (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring 20%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 4 sp/ 4 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
Tall stalks with jagged leaves and purple-red flowers, bloodkeep's fresh
leaves can be bound to a wound to stop bleeding at once and quicken
coagulation (apply within 2 rounds of injury to stop bleeding; character
regains 20% - rounded down - of lost hit points at once).
BORAGE (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 30%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 5 days
Cost: 1 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
This plant has hollow, hairy cylindrical stalks which grow to a height
of 1 to 2 feet. It has drooping flowers, red or blue in colour, which
are shaped as a five pointed star at the top of the stem. The dried herb
should be boiled in water and the infusion drunk. It is used to cure
minor fevers such as those caused by chills, and influenza. It will
relieve the fever in 1d3 hours.
BRELDIAR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 35%
Locale: Volcanoes
Preparation: none
Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This flower, when eaten, alters the way a person judges distance for a
period of one hour. While under the influence of the flower, a person
can add a bonus of two to ranged combat attacks, while subtracting two
from melee attacks.
BULL-RUSH (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 55%
Locale: Swamp
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 2 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence +3
Bull-rushes are tall straight stemmed plants with many small flowers at
the top of the stalk. These flowers must be ground into an ointment
which is applied to a persons eyes or tongue. This herb will put someone
to sleep for 3d12 hours. A roll of 1 on the ability check will put the
person into a coma.
BURDOCK (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 35%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 10 gp/ 30 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
This plant grows to about 3 feet tall. It has huge leaves with a whitish
underside, and purple flours. Its root must be boiled in water and then
the root eaten and the water drunk as a cure for syphilis. The person
will be cured within a week.
BURSTHELAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 5%
Locale: Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 110 gp/ 1000 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
Bursthelas must be brewed for one week in fine red wine before it can be
used. It must then be drunk within one month or spoil. A successful
draft will heal any fractured bones within the body within one to three
CAFFAR (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer, Autumn 5%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
Caffar is made of the small caffar nut that is ground into a powder and
brewed into a dark, sweet-smelling beverage, traditionally with a goat's
milk base. Like kaffe or black tea, caffar can be used to delay sleep,
but it has the side effect of making the ingester more psychically
sensitive; psionicists' skills are greatly enhanced and even the
unpsyighted are more sensitive to nuances in the environment and in
others' manners, sometimes even to the point of detecting "auras" around
certain objects. (Raises Wisdom [Intuition] by 1 for every 2 cups
imbibed, to maximum of 19. Drinking 3-4 cups in one day causes jumpiness
that increases as more is imbibed. Those who drink 5 or more cups in
one day become slightly physically addicted to the substance and suffer
headaches and mild stomach pains when their usage is cut back.)
CALLIN (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Autumn 30%
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 5 gp/ 25 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A dark nut that grows on the Callin tree in tropical jungles. When the
husk is dried, ground and ingested, it thins the blood and strengthens
internal organs, helping to prevent heart attacks. (If taken regularly,
prevents heart attacks except under extreme duress. Addictive; causes
nausea, dizziness and an increased chance of cardiac arrest if quit
under unsupervised conditions after repeated use.)
CAT'S TAIL (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 75%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Cat's tail is a small plant with long thin spear shaped leaves rising
from its base, and a single long, thin, soft flower at the top of the
stalk. This herb when made into a salve, will heal all damage to a
person's heel.
CEPHALOPHAGE (Druann Pagliasotti, from Gene Wolfe's "Torturer" series.)
Available: Always 5%
Locale: Temperate
Preparation: none (if growing in correct area)
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
A pale, fleshy fungus with a tough, rubbery consistency that is commonly
found growing near carnivorous plants. The fungus grows upon corpses,
absorbing the cadaver's life memories and personality; up to 10
different minds have been found absorbed by one cephalophage mushroom.
Eating cephalophage will transfer those memories and personality quirks
to the eater. (Effects last 1d3 hours and while they last the eater can
access all of the dead person's mind. After the effects wear off, the
eater may still succumb on occasion to "flashbacks" or personality
instability; save vs. Intelligence when under intense stress or in a
situation liable to cause such flashbacks.) This plant is condemned by
some religions as unholy, believed to prevent a soul/spirit from
attaining the afterlife. (from Gene Wolfe's Torturer series)
CHERVIL (Shaun Hately)
Available: Always 10%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
Chervil is used to dissolve blood clots, which can help to prevent
complications caused by injury. The clots are dissolved within 1d3
CINQUEFOIL (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 10%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 10 gp/ 15 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
This plant creeps along the ground on long slender stringlike stalks. It
has five or seven part leaves, and small yellow flowers. The stalks must
be boiled in white wine or vinegar and then drunk. The herb will then
act as an aphrodisiac, and increase the recipients Charisma [Appearance]
by 1 for 1d4 hours.
COLEWORT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 70%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 6 sp/ 6 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
Colewort is a small plant with a single large glossy leaf, and small
white flowers with four petals. Anyone who chews on the flowers before
drinking will remain sober for the entire evening. Its effects protect
only against alcohol, and not against any other drug or toxin.
COLTSFOOT (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring, Summer 25%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
The plant has a single golden yellow flower borne at the top of a six
inch tall stem with long pinkish woolly scales. These flowers are
crushed and mixed with honey, and applied as a poultice to infected
wounds in a effort to draw out the infection. It does not cure any
COMFREY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 50%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 4 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
Comfrey grows to a height of up to 3 feet. It has stiff, angular and
hollow stalks which are covered with rough hairs. It has pink, mauve
white or cream flowers. Its thick black root is the portion used in
Herbalism. It should be boiled and wrapped in a poultice which is then
wrapped around a broken limb and increases the speed of healing by fifty
percent. It can also be used in a bath by women in order to give the
impression that they are virgins on their wedding nights.
COW PARSNIP (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 45%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 6 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 7
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Cow parsnip has small leaves covered with tiny hairs. These hairs must
be made into a salve. Cow parsnip will cure madness for a short period
(a few hours). Repeated application over a two week period may cure
insanity altogether.
COW-WHEAT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 50%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 2 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
Cow wheat is a small straight stemmed yellow-green plant. Its pale
yellow flowers produce a white powder when crushed, between two hands.
If this powder is placed into food or drink it will cause a person to
act as if drunk. For those who desire game mechanics to deal with
drunkenness, please consult the Intoxication Table in the 1st Edition
AD&D DMG, page 82. Each dose of this herb successfully administered will
increase the level of drunkenness by one step.
CULKAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Always 40%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: none
Cost: 35 gp/ 35 gp
Uses: 10
Ability Check: Intelligence
Each application of Culkas will cure one square foot of sunburn.
DAGMATHER (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 40%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 6 gp/ 28 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
The spine of this plant must be brewed for one week in fresh water at
the end of which time it may be drunk. If it is successful, it will heal
any damage to a persons cartilage that are capable of healing naturally.
DARNELL (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Autumn 40%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
These tiny yellow flowers will, if eaten, cause dimness of the sight for
several hours. This dimness means that in full light the character will
see as if on a moonlit night. This herb does effect those with
infravision or ultravision.
DARSURION (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 50%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
The leaves of Darsurion when applied to a wound will heal 1 hp of damage
if used within 3 rounds. The effect is not cumulative.
DEADLY-NIGHTSHADE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 75%
Locale: Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 4 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence +3
This plant can grow up to five feet tall. It has soft green spreading
leaves, and purple flowers and berries. The berries must be left to
stand in water for a week and the distillation drunk. Deadly nightshade
will put someone to sleep for 4d8 hours. They cannot be woken. A roll of
1 will kill them, a roll of 20 will render them insane.
DEGIIK (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 25%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
Degiik leaves must be given to someone at the point of death (at -10 hp
and not losing any more hit points). They will keep the person alive for
one day.
DELREAN (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 80%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 3 sp/ 3 sp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: -
The bark of Delrean should be boiled into a paste and then smeared on
the skin. It will then repel any insect from coming near the recipient,
but the foul stench will reduce their Charisma (Appearance) by 1d2. It
is effective for 5d6 hours.
DITTANY (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer, Autumn 55%
Locale: Temperate River
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb grows six or eight inches high with square stalks and sort
round leaves. The leaves must be dried for two weeks and then be boiled
in ale or wine. It is then applied as a lotion. Dittany can be used to
draw splinter and bone fragments from a wound. It is also an effective
antiseptic for cleaning wounds, and can therefore prevent infections
caused by dirty water etc.
DRAAF (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 60%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 sp/ 5 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
The leaves of Draaf must be eaten in order to restore 1d3 hit points, as
long as they are eaten within 10 minutes of the damage being inflicted.
DRAGONTEARS (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring 10%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This rare, small, translucent succulent grows primarily in the low
desert. When crushed, it exudes a sweet, milky white substance with
numbing properties. Properly prepared, dragontears promotes rapid
healing and prevents scarring from wounds. Drinking dragontears can be
fatal, as its numbing properties can cause choking or heart failure.
(Cures 1d8 hp, always prevents scarring.)
DRAGONWORT (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 25%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 100 gp/ 300 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
This plant has a gnarled, erect and cylindrical stem. It has wavy
leaves, dark green on top, bluish green underneath. It has pink flowers
that cluster in a spike at the top of the stem. The root of this herb
should be boiled over a low heat for three days, and the infusion drunk
by people with smallpox and the plague in order to effect a cure. The
value of this herb increases greatly in times of plague.
EBUR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 45%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 22 gp/ 22 gp
Uses: 5
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The flowers of Ebur must be eaten each day. If the treatment is
successful the rate of healing for a sprain will be doubled for that
EDRAM (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 15%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: none
Cost: 30 gp/ 30 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence -10
Edram is a moss which when eaten will cause bones to heal at one and a
half times their normal rate.
ELDAAS (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring, Summer 5%
Locale: Temperate Coastal
Preparation: 2 days
Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -1
This tall, blue-flowered plant with spike-shaped leaves is the base for
medicines against nausea, usually taken in the form of a bitter-smelling
and - tasting herbal tea. Eldaas is used to counteract the nausea
associated with hangovers, motion sickness, morning sickness, and more
common illnesses. (Adds +2 to saves versus Constitution for each level
of potency the herb is brewed at, to a maximum of +6 - however, at this
strength eldaas can cause dry mouth and constipation. Lasts 1d6 hours
regardless of potency level.)
ELVISH GALINGALE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 35%
Locale: Artic Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 5
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
Elvish Galingale grows to about four feet in height. It has a triangular
stem on which grows a tuft of grass like flowers. The roots are boiled
and left to stand for a week and the resulting decoction is then drunk.
This herb increases the flow of blood. This is very useful when a person
is cold. However if a person is bleeding, either internally or
externally, or is wounded it will double the speed of loss of blood. Its
effect lasts 1d6+1 hours.
ENTRISTE (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: none
Cost: 25 gp/ 25 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
A small-leafed ivy that hugs the ground. Entriste's leaves absorb liquid
and, when crushed, may be used to draw poison from a wound. (1 leaf
absorbs a quarter- pint of liquid. Causes 1d4 damage but draws 100% of
poison from a wound if applied within 5 rounds of insinuative poisoning,
-25% for each round thereafter. Does not work against gases or
"instant-death" poisons. Most poison effects are weakened if the poison
is at least partially removed.)
FALSIFAL (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring 30%
Locale: Swamp
Preparation: 1 hour or less
Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A wide-leafed plant with large pink flowers and thick roots containing a
slimy gel. When the root is pulped, mixed with water and used as a
poultice, it is effective against fresh burns, aiding rapid healing. The
root-gel can also be thinned and drunk as a thick tea to counter the
effects of blood loss. (On burns, add 2 hp/day for each of the first 3
days of rest the character takes. Used to counter blood loss, victim
regains 1d3 hp/day instead of 1.)
FEBFENDU (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 5%
Locale: Coastal Regions, Rivers
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 90 gp/ 900 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and
the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, hearing will be
restored to the recipient.
FELMATHER (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 30%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
The leaves of this plant should be placed under the tongue of a person
in a coma. If successful, the person will awake in 1d6 hours. If a roll
of 20 is made, the persons mind will be destroyed.
FETHERFEW (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 65%
Locale: Forest
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence +3
This herb grows to about 18 inches in height. It has many small white
flowers. The flowers must be dried and then boiled in white wine. The
resulting mixture must be drunk. This herb will remove the effects of
vertigo from a person for up to twelve hours. It does this by
stabilising the persons inner ear.
FLOURE-DE-LUCE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 60%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
The Floure-De-Luce is also known as the Blue Flag. It has broad and flat
leaves shaped rather like a sword. The flowers are purplish blue and the
roots which tend to stretch themselves along the surface of the ground
are reddish brown on the outside. The root must be mashed and boiled in
water and left to stand for at least twenty days before drinking. This
herb removes bruises from a body very quickly (within 1d4 hours).
FUMITORE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 80%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 6 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
The stems of fumitore are angular and branching, and grow to a height of
about 1 foot. It has grey-green divided leaves, and small pinkish-white
flowers with purple tips. This herb prevents hair growing on a
characters eyelids. (SEE: MOUNTAIN SETWALL)
GARDEN FLAX (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 55%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 6 gp
Uses: 5
Ability Check: Intelligence +3
The brown seeds of this herb (which has deep blue flowers) if chewed
remove all pain from a characters wounds. It will also prevent a
character from feeling anything. He could walk through a fire and feel
no pain. There is a 10% chance per hour that a character moving normally
will suffer 1d2 hp damage, while under the influence of this herb. This
occurs because the character doe not notice minor bruises or scratches.
GARIIG (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 55 gp/ 70 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -10
Gariig is a small cactus. It will restore all hit points to a wounded
person if eaten within two days of being harvested.
GEFNUL (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Volcanoes
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 200 gp/ 500 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
Gefnul will totally cure and heal the recipient if eaten within one week
of harvesting. A roll of over the Herbalists intelligence will kill the
recipient, a roll of twenty will kill the recipient beyond the ability
of a raise dead spell to revive him.
GOAT'S RUE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 6 gp/ 15 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -10
This herb will cure poison if ingested within one hour of the poisoning.
Any damage already taken, including death, remains. Goat's Rue grows to
about 3 feet tall. It has hollow branches and pale whitish blue flowers
that hang down in spikes. The flowers must be dried before use.
GOLDEN LUNGWORT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 80%
Locale: Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 6
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
Lungwort has large oval leaves, covered with small hairs, and small pale
blotches. It grows to a height of about 1 foot, and has small bell
shaped flowers with five petals which change colour from pink, to mauve
to blue. Flowers of different colours are often found on the same plant.
This herb heals the ears of all aches and pains.
GYLVIR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 10%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This is an algae. When eaten it allows a person to breathe underwater
(and only underwater!) for a period of four hours.
HARE'S EARS (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 55%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
This herb cures skin diseases.
HARFY (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 10%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 150 gp/ 150 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
The resin of this herb must be applied to a bleeding wound. It will
immediately stop any bleeding.
HAWKWEED (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 75%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 6 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb increases a character eyesight for 1d4 turns. They can see
twice as far, and when in missile combat, all ranges are treated as if
one less. Hawkweed has oval leaves, covered with small hairs on the
underside, and green on the top. These leaves surround the plant at the
base of the stem, and small yellow flowers tinged with red at the tips.
HEALWELL (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate All
Preparation: none
Cost: 1 sp/ 1 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
A common enough herb to make it into most gardens, healwell is a small
flowering plant with bright yellow flowers. Its pale green leaves
secrete an oil that can be rubbed on small injuries. (Cures 1 hp/oz of
oil, 1 round/oz to apply; not useful on wounds over 2 hp.)
HENBANE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer, Autumn 90%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb will reduce the effects of poison weapons, but only if taken
before the weapon strikes. In the case of non fatal poisons the effect
is completely nullified, but in the case of fatal poisons, the only
benefit is a +3 to Saving Throws. Henbane has large, thick, soft woolly
leaves, and thick stalks about 2 to 3 feet tall. It has hollow pale
yellow flowers at the top of the stalk. Either the seed or the flowers
must be dried and then eaten. The effect last 1d8 hours.
HOREHOUND (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 90%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: 4 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This plant has angular greyish stems and grows to a height of three
feet. It has oval shaped tooth edged, ash green leaves. It has small
creamy white flowers which group at the base of the leaves. This herb
will cause the recipient to vomit up any poison in their system. It is
effective only against ingested poisons. The person will be
incapacitated by nausea for 1-3 days. In the case of an `instant death'
poison, the person can be saved if the herb is successfully administered
within one round, but they will be incapacitated for the full three day
JAFFRAY (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 10%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 2 days
Cost: 10 gp/ 15 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A clove-like herb that is normally ground up and sprinkled into other
dishes or drinks as flavouring, Jaffray also acts as a mild aphrodisiac,
increasing sexual interest and general sensitivity to the surroundings.
Face flushes, pupils dilate, breathing quickens, and skin becomes
preternaturally sensitive. The herb has a mildly cinnamon-like flavour
and its potency is not affected by being cooked. The herb is also
sometimes used to counteract suspected poisoning, since it increases
resistance to poison yet is so common as to be inoffensive if added to a
meal. (Wisdom -2, Constitution +2, causes mild, pleasant sense of
intoxication. Effects last 1d4 hours. Regular usage will build the
user's tolerance to the drug, requiring greater amounts to achieve the
same effects. Immunity is possible.)
JOJOJOPO (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 60%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 9 sp/ 9 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
The leaf of this herb, when applied to frostbite will cure 2d6 points of
frostbite damage.
KATHKUSA (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 30%
Locale: Wasteland
Preparation: none
Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
This plant is found only in the most inhospitable regions. When a leaf
of the plant is eaten, it will (if used successfully) raise a persons
strength +2 (or 20 percentage points in the case of exceptional
strength) for 1d10 rounds. However if the Intelligence check is failed
by more than three, the person will collapse into unconsciousness for
one hour.
KELVENTARI (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Always 50%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 19 gp/ 19 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
If the crushed Kelventari berries are applied to a burn within one turn
on its infliction it will heal 1d3 quarters of all damage caused by the
burn, no matter how much damage was taken.
KILMAKUR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 45%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 65 gp/ 300 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
The roots of this plant must be brewed over a low fire for one week, and
the resulting distillation drunk. If used successfully, the recipient
will gain a bonus of +2 to all saving throws versus fire based attacks
for 1d10 hours.
KLAGUL (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 30 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The buds of this plant must be boiled for a day and then eaten. After
boiling they will keep for six weeks. When eaten, they will if
successful give the recipient infravision for six hours.
LAND CALTROPS (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Tropical Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -1
If applied to a snake bite within one turn, it will draw out the poison.
Some very venomous snakes give bites that are incurable by this method,
and so the herb has no effect against `instant death' poisons. It may
(at the GMs discretion) provide protection against other, non-fatal
animal poisons.)
LEOPARD'S BANE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 25%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
This is a poison that kills animals (but not monsters) that eat it, but
has no effect on humanoids, demi-humans or humans.
Available: Summer 25%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
This plant has rosy-pink flowers, which are splayed out like a five
pointed star. These flowers if eaten within one day of being picked will
cause the recipient to vomit up any ingested poison within their body.
The person will remain very weak for 1d3 days, can only move with great
difficulty and is totally able to perform any useful actions.
MAKEBATE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 35%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/2 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
This herb will counteract the poison of scorpions if taken within 2
turns of the bite. Any damage, including death, already taken will
MANDRAKE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring 40%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Cost: 3 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence +1
The root of this herb sends the recipient to sleep. The sleep will last
five hours, during which time the person cannot be woken except by a
neutralise poison spell or potion. The root is said to bear a
resemblance to the naked male form, hence its name. The plant has
several dark green leaves which are about 1 foot long. The purple
flowers of the plant are bell shaped. The root of the plant must be
boiled on the night of a full moon and left to sit for an entire month
before use.
MARJEROME (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 35%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 6 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 6 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This herb removes the colour from the skin of a person who has had
yellow jaundice. The herb has angular stems which grow to a height of 1
to 2 feet, which are reddish in colour and are covered in small hairs.
It has ovate shaped leaves which surround the stem and grow smaller and
smaller towards the top of the plant. It is topped by pale pink flowers.
MARSH MALLOW (Shaun Hately)
Available: Always 20%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 5 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
This plant has a green fleshy stem and broad egg shaped leaves, both of
which are covered with downy hairs. It has five petalled, pale pink
flowers which sit at the base of the leaves. The root must be boiled and
the resultant distillation applied to burns. If used successfully the
herb will double the rate of healing for the burn.
MASTERWORT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 95%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 7
Ability Check: Intelligence -15
Masterwort grows to be about three feet tall and bears umbels of white
flowers. It has winged dark green leaves like those of a maple tree. The
leaves must be boiled and left to stand for at least twenty days before
use. This herb is used as a protection from plague, giving a +2 bonus to
any saves vs disease.
MEGILLOS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 75%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
The leaves of this herb increases a character eyesight for 1 turn. They
can see twice as far, and when in missile combat, all ranges are treated
as if one less.
MELANDER (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 65%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 12 sp/ 20 sp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence
Melander is a moss that must be brewed in clear water. The resultant
distillation must then be drunk. It will then add +1 to all saving
throws vs disease for a period of 1d10 days.
MILKWORTE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 95%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 8 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -16
This herb protects from (for 1d4 days) and treats cholera (cures cholera
in 1d4 days).
MIRENNA (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 60%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: none
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The berries of Mirenna will heal 1d2 hp when eaten.
MOUNTAIN GARLICK (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 30%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 8 gp/ 9 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: ?
This herb is said to repel evil spirits.
MOUNTAIN SETWALL (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 40%
Locale: Mountains
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
This herb cause hair to grow on a characters eyelids. (SEE: FUMITORE)
MUGWORT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 55%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
The effects of this herb last for two hours. During this time the
character can function at negative hit points, or beyond the point of
exhaustion. Mugwort can grow to be taller than a man. It has a stiff and
angular stem, reddish brown in colour. It has deeply incised smooth
leaves which are dark green on top and silvery white underneath. It has
small, yellow-green or yellow-red flowers arranged in long spikes at the
NAVEW (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Winter 60%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: 5 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 12 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: 50%
The seeds of Navew dropped in a drinks or on to food before it is eaten
acts as counteragent to ingested poisons. It prevents the death of a
person poisoned in that meal, though they may still be very ill.
NIGHTCALL (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 10%
Locale: Desert
Preparation: 2 days
Cost: 50 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A blue-grey herb smelling faintly of nutmeg that heightens the user's
senses. Overdosage or prolonged usage causes photosensitivity,
distraction and nervousness; on the other hand, prolonged usage can also
make the effects permanent. Nightcall gradually dyes the long-term
user's hair, teeth, nails, horns, or scales midnight blue. (The minimum
dose of 1 tsp gives the eater +100' sight range, +10% hearing, and +1 to
Wisdom/Intuition and Dexterity scores. The effects increase
proportionately to the dosage, to no more than +400/40/+4. Dosages over
1 tsp, or 1 tsp taken several days in a row, will cause addiction.)
OIOLOSSE (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 1%
Locale: Elven Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 1200 gp/ 1200 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -10
This herb will restore an Elf to life if given within seven days of
OLVAR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 30%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 300 gp/ 300 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -8
The flower of the Olvar bush must be given to a person on the point of
death (at -10 hp, and not losing any more). It will then keep them alive
for 2d10 days.
ORACH (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 45%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 6 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
Orach grows to about 3 or 4 feet in height. It has a whitish stalk, pale
green leaves and greenish-white flowers. The seeds must be gathered,
bruised and left to stand in pure alcohol for six weeks. The mixture
must then be drunk, one spoonful a day for a week. The herb will cure
yellow jaundice. It leaves a yellow colour in the skin.
PALLAST (compound) (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Swamp
Preparation: 2 hours
Cost: 5 sp/ 1 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
"Pallast" is a compound made of the pale, papery bark from willows and
the roots of marshmallows. When ground together and imbibed, pallast
cures minor aches and pains, especially headaches and pain from
abscessed teeth, sore muscles, and so forth. Pallast itself is a very
bitter pale powder, and is usually served in a heavily sweetened tea.
(Relieves minor pains but does not restore lost hit points.)
PALMA ELDATH (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 60%
Locale: Mountains & Artic
Preparation: none
Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
This herb keeps a person warm for one night or one day, and prevents
them suffering from exposure. This can mean the difference between life
and death.
PARGEN (Shaun Hately from Alexander ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 1%
Locale: Jungle
Preparation: none
Cost: 2000 gp/ 2000 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -15
A single berry from the Pargen Tree will restore a person to life (-1
point of Constitution) if given within 4 days.
PATTRAN (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 20%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 3 days
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The root of a small, shrub-like plant with dark green, shiny leaves and
thorns, Pattran is used to relax the muscles and encourage sleep. In
mild dosages, Pattran causes a general feeling of relaxation, eases
sore, strained or sprained muscles, and similar aches. In larger doses,
Pattran causes sleepiness. Pattran tastes like a combination of mint
and rich soil. (For sleep dosages, user may voluntarily choose to sleep
well or, if resisting, save versus poison at +3. Effects last 2d4 hours;
if asleep, the user will sleep and awaken normally.)
PERIWINKLE (Shaun Hately)
Available: Spring 45%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 1 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -8
The plant is a creeping vine with dark, green shiny leaves and pale blue
flowers. The flours must be crushed into a powder and administered
orally. If used successfully the herb will stop all bleeding, both
internal and external in one turn. The recipient must not move for one
hour or risk reopening the wounds.
Available: Summer, Autumn 45%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -6
This herb has red-green leaves and long pink flowers. The flowers must
be beaten into powder and eaten by the recipient. If successful, the
herb will halve the rate of internal bleeding within 1 turn.
RAMPALT (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 20%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 5 cp/ 5 cp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
This dark-colored root grows on a plant distinguished by its waxy dark
green leaves. When the root is boiled down, it turns into a thick,
strong-smelling greyish liquid that cures congestion when boiled in
water and inhaled. (Relieves stuffy head, opens sinuses, for as long as
the steam is breathed + 2d6x10 rounds.)
REWK (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 60%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 9 sp/ 1 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
The nodules of the stem of Rewk must be brewed in clear water for one
whole day before drinking. It will then cure 1d3 points of damage.
ROSE CAMPION (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 80%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 3 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 6
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
This herb will protect against scorpion stings for three days. It will
protect against only one sting. It will protect against `instant death'
SAFFRON (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Autumn, Winter 60%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 20 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
The plant has a tuberous root, and large purplish flowers with
yellow-red centres. The pistils of the flower must be pounded into a
paste which is left to dry for a week. The resulting powder is taken as
snuff. This herb raises all attribute scores by one for one hour. NOTE:
SANICLE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer, Autumn, Winter 90%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 5 gp/ 30 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence +2
Sanicle leaves should be crushed and left in white wine, the strained
through a cloth and drunk. It has the effect of binding wounds so that
they are not reopened by action. It is a small plant with glossy green
leaves, with long leaf stalks which are divided into three or five
lobes. It has small white or pink flowers which sit at the top of a
slender stalk.
SARACEN'S CONFOUND (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 80%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 11 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 20 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence +3
This herb cures fevers within 1d4-1 turns.
Available: Summer 40%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 8 gp/ 15 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -3
Scented mayweed grows to a height of about 2 feet. It has erect and
branching stems. It has small leaves, white flowers with a yellow
centre. The flowers must be crushed, emitting a pungent odour and should
then be applied to the eyes in order to heal damage to them caused by
acid. If used within a day of the injury, they can prevent blindness.
SERAPIAS TURBITH (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 45%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 4 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
This herb will place the recipient into a deep sleep for one day. The
recipient CANNOT be woken. At the end of the day, all wounds will be
healed. It does not, of course, resurrect a dead person, or regenerate
lost limbs.
SHEPHERD'S PURSE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 85%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 week
Cost: 5 gp/ 12 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence +2
This herb rarely grows to a height of more than one and a half feet. It
has small greyish green leaves, growing smaller towards the summit of
the plant. It has small four petalled dirty-white flowers at its peak.
If applied to wounds it will stop their bleeding for one hour, and
temporarily removes the need to bandage.
SNAKESPIKE (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Spring 15%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: 1 hour/ 3 hours
Cost: 5 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
A thin stalk covered with yellow-green flowers. The leaves can be
steeped in water to make a tea that, when imbibed 3 times a day, reduces
inflammation and restores strength; when made into an ointment,
snakespike soothes and promotes rapid healing. (Tea gives 1d3 hp/day
instead of 1; ointment restores 1d2 hp immediately per application but
can only be administered to the same character once a day.)
SPANISH NUT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 80%
Locale: Forest
Preparation: 25 weeks
Cost: 10 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
This herb is a powerful aphrodisiac. If successfully administered I
would suggest that the GM or player roleplays the recipient accordingly.
However if a method of using dice to simulate its effect is wanted, I
suggest that anyone who attempts to seduce the recipient should have a
bonus of 1d4 to their Charisma (Appearance) for a period of 2d10 turns.
SPIDERWORT (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 50%
Locale: Chalky Soil
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 4 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb will cure spider poison if applied within 2 rounds. Any damage
already incurred, including death remains.
SUAEYSIT (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Autumn 20%
Locale: Artic
Preparation: none / 1 week
Cost: 10 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
A dark black mushroom with greyish markings along the undersides, this
fungus grows in shadowed forests in cool to cold climes. Suaeysit
mushrooms can be eaten directly or dried and ground into tinctures or
otherwise prepared. The mushrooms give the imbiber a rush of energy,
clearing the mind and raising the spirits. However, they are highly
addictive, and care must be taken when preparing and prescribing
dosages. Often used to counteract shock in emergency situations.
(Temporarily adds +1 to all statistics - no top limit to natural
statistics, but it does not add to magically enhanced statistics - and
saving throws, and relieves effects of fatigue. This effect lasts for
1d4 hours, after which the user operates at -1 to all statistics and
saving throws, and feels even more fatigued. The negative effects of
"coming down" can, of course, be counteracted by taking more the drug,
with resultant addictive effects.)
SWEET TREFOILE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 60%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 6
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
This herb will halve falling damage if applied within one turn of the
TAMARINDES (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 85%
Locale: Tropical Forest
Preparation: 4 weeks
Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 7
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb will quench the thirst. However it does not replace the water
in their system. A person can still die of thirst, they just won't feel
thirsty. Because of this fact, its use can be dangerous.
TAMARISKE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Always 20%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 5 gp/ 7 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
This herb will cleanse wounds, removing all infection. It does not cure
lost hit points.
TEMPIN (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Summer 20%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A bushy climbing vine with tubular yellow flowers, the leaves and
flowers of tempin can be boiled and made into a poultice that will draw
out poisons from bites and stings and allow the wound to heal cleanly
and without complications. (When poultice is applied promptly, gives an
additional +2 save vs. poison, once on any particular poison attack.
Also gives back 1 extra hp/day for the first 2 days after poultice is
TERBAS (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 75%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 2 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
The leaf of this plant must be applied to the site of nerve damage. If
successful, the rate of healing for such damage will be doubled on each
day of use.
THROW-WAXE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Spring, Summer 45%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 7 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 8
Ability Check: Intelligence -4
This herb will heal any scars in a year if applied every week.
THURL (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 90%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 1 sp/ 2 sp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence
The clove of Thurl must be brewed for one whole day. When the mixture is
drunk it will restore 1 hp of damage.
UR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 70%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 3 gp/ 3 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence
Ur can be used as a substitute for one days food. It cannot be used for
more than three days or a character will begin to suffer -2 to all
statistics. When any statistic is less than 3 the character become
comatose, when any statistic reaches 0 they die. A character will regain
1 statistic point per day with food and medical care, but will remain
incapacitated until all statistics reach normal levels.
VINUK (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 8 sp/ 8 sp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
If this herb is given to an unconscious person, it will immediately
awaken the person. It will only wake up a person who is unconscious due
to alcohol or fainting etc, not that caused by physical damage. And just
because the person is conscious does not mean that they are coherent.
WHITE BRYONY (Shaun Hately)
Available: Autumn 30%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 1 gp/ 2 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -5
This climbing vine has greenish white star shaped flowers, each bearing
five petals, and has green berries which turn red when ripe. It has a
root, something like a huge turnip, and this root should be ground up
and boiled in water and drunk as a cure for pneumonia.
WHITECANDLE (Druann Pagliasotti)
Available: Autumn 30%
Locale: Temperate to Sub-Tropical
Preparation: 1 hour
Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
A tall, flowered plant with silvery-green leaves. When the flowers are
mixed with water or wine and applied directly to a wound, they act as a
painkiller. (Restores 1d4 immediately, but these points are lost as the
effect wears off in 2 hours Further applications before the previous
one has worn off are ineffective.)
WILLOW-HERB (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 5 gp/ 5 gp
Uses: 4
Ability Check: Intelligence -2
The plant grows to about three feet in height. It has long hairy leaves
and large purplish-pink flowers. The smoke of this herb will keep away
snakes. One dose burns for about five minutes.
WINCLAMIT (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Spring 1%
Locale: Temperate Forest
Preparation: none
Cost: 100 gp/ 100 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
Each Winclamit tree bears but one fruit per year. When this fruit is
eaten it will restore 1d100 hp to the recipient. The fruit can be stored
for up to 2 months in a dry sealed container.
Available: Summer 25%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: 1 day
Cost: 5 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence -7
This is a small plant, about 1 foot tall with pale, divided green leaves
and hooded yellow flowers. The stem if rather hairy. The root must be
boiled in water and then applied to a bite from a venomous creature
within 5 rounds of the bite. If used successfully, the damage caused by
the venom will be reduced by half.
WOODROSE (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer 60%
Locale: Rivers
Preparation: none
Cost: 1 gp/ 1 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
If drunk in wine, this herb cause people to become very merry. Anyone
who wishes to resist its effect can do so, if they save vs poison (+2
WOOD SORREL (Shaun Hately from Alexander Scott's "Maelstrom" RPG)
Available: Summer, Autumn 80%
Locale: Tropical & Desert
Preparation: 2 weeks
Cost: 2 gp/ 4 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
This is a small plant with leaves in three parts, like a shamrock. The
flowers are bell shaped and are white with a dash of blue. The leaves
must be crushed and dried for two weeks before use. This herb keeps
people cool. It is obviously invaluable in desert regions. It doubles
the persons ability to endure heat effects, but does not counteract
dehydration, etc.
YARAN (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 80%
Locale: Temperate Grassland
Preparation: none
Cost: 8 sp/ 8 sp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
The pollen of this flower must be inhaled. A successful roll means that
a persons sense of smell and of taste are doubled for one hour. The herb
must still be growing or have been cut in the last 10 minutes.
YARROW (Shaun Hately)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Temperate Rural
Preparation: none
Cost: 10 gp/ 10 gp
Uses: 3
Ability Check: Intelligence
The small white flowers of this herb, which cluster at the top of its
one to two feet tall straight stem, should be crushed and applied to
wounds. If successfully used it will stop minor bleeding, and reduce
major bleeding to the minor level. A second application can then be used
to stop the minor bleeding.
YAVETHALION (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Autumn 40%
Locale: Coastal Regions
Preparation: none
Cost: 45 gp/ 45 gp
Uses: 1
Ability Check: Intelligence
When the fruit is eaten, it will restore 1d3 hp to the recipient.
Yavethalion keeps for only two weeks.
ZULSENDRA (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Summer 30%
Locale: Underground
Preparation: none
Cost: 70 gp/ 70 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
When this mushroom is eaten, it doubles a persons rate of movement, and
rate of attack for three rounds. At the end of that time the person must
save versus poison or collapse in exhaustion for 1d6 turns.
ZUR (Shaun Hately from ICEs "MERP" RPG)
Available: Winter 60%
Locale: Underground
Preparation: 6 hours
Cost: 12 gp/ 50 gp
Uses: 2
Ability Check: Intelligence
This fungus must be brewed for six hours. A successful roll means that a
persons senses of smell and of hearing are doubled for one hour.
Adder's Tongue Spring Rural 5gp/15gp anti-infection
Agrimony Summer Forest 2gp/8gp bruises,sprains
Aldaka Winter Mountain 100gp/1000gp blindness
Alkanet Summer Rural 2gp/2gp antidote
All-Heale Autumn Forest 2gp/10gp healing
Aloe Autumn/Winter Grassland 5cp/5cp healing,burns
Amrans Spring River/Rural 50gp/50gp healing
Angelica Summer Mountain 5sp/1gp coughing
Anserke Summer Coast 75gp/75gp bleeding
Archangelica Summer Swamp 5sp/5sp colds,flu
Arfandas Autumn/Winter River 2sp/3sp fractures
Arkasu Autumn Grassland 12gp/12gp healing
Arlan Autumn Grassland 20sp/20sp healing
Arnica Summer Mountains 1gp/1gp bruising
Arnuminas Autumn Grassland 6gp/6gp tissue damage
Arpusar Autumn River 7gp/30gp muscle damage
Asarabacca Spring Forest 3gp/7gp renders docile
Ash Spring Forest 5gp/8gp fevers,snakebite
Athelas Autumn Forest 200gp/200gp ???
Atigax Winter Grassland 40gp/70gp protects sight
Attanar Autumn/Winter Grassland 8gp/8gp fevers
Balm Summer Forest 3gp/5gp menstrual pains
Barberry Summer Rural 4gp/9gp liver disorders
Base Mullein Always Rural 10sp/10sp burns
Basil Summer Rural 3sp/3sp antidote
Bastit Always All 3sp/3sp repels insects
Belan Summer Coast 40gp/40gp bleeding
Belramba Summer Forest 60gp/180gp nerve damage
Bilberry Spring Forest 500gp/3000gp infravisiom
Birthnot Always Hills 2cp/2cp contraceptive
Bishop's Weed Summer Rural 4gp/10gp plague
Bittermourn Winter Artic 1000gp up longevity
Blackberry Spring Rural 1gp/1gp bleeding
Blackroot Summer All 4gp/4gp healing
Black Rose Spring/Summer All 100gp/100gp liquid absorption
Bloodkeep Spring Coast 4sp/4sp bleeding
Borage Spring Forest 1gp/10gp fever
Breldiar Spring Volcanoes 50gp/50gp alters perception
Bull-Rush Always Swamp 2sp/3sp sleep
Burdock Spring Rural 10gp/30gp syphilis
Bursthelas Summer Grassland 110gp/1000gp fractures
Caffar Summer/Autumn Desert 10gp/10gp psi enhancement
Callin Autumn Jungle 5gp/25gp heart attacks
Cat's Tail Summer Forest 1gp/3gp heals heels
Cephalophage Always All 100gp/100gp see description
Chervil Always Forest 10gp/10gp dissolve clots
Cinquefoil Summer Rural 10gp/15gp aphrodisiac
Colewort Spring/Summer Forest 6sp/6sp sobriety
Coltsfoot Spring/Summer Mountains 2gp/4gp anti-infection
Comfrey Spring Rural 4gp/10gp fractures
Cow Parsnip Always Forest 3gp/10gp madness
Cow-Wheat Summer Grassland 2gp/3gp intoxication
Culkas Always Desert 35gp/35gp sunburn
Dagmather Summer Grassland 6gp/28gp tissue damage
Darnell Autumn Forest 3gp/7gp dims sight
Darsurion Winter Mountains 3sp/3sp healing
Deadly-NightshadeSummer Forest 4gp/8gp sleep
Degiik Summer Coast 100gp/100gp maintains life
Delrean Winter Forest 3sp/3sp repels insects
Dittany Summer/Autumn River 1gp/5gp anti-infection
Draaf Spring Coast 5sp/5sp healing
Dragontears Spring Desert 100gp/100gp healing
Dragonwort Spring Mountain 100gp/300gp smallpox,plague gp
Ebur Spring Coast 22gp/22gp healing
Edram Winter River 30gp/30gp fractures
Eldaas Spring/Summer Coast 2gp/4gp nausea
Elvish Galingale Spring/Summer Forest 1gp/2gp raise bloodflow
Entriste Summer Desert 25gp/25gp antidote
Falsifal Spring Swamp 3gp/3gp burns,bleeding
Febfendu Winter River/Coast 90gp/900gp deafness
Felmather Spring Coast 10gp/10gp awaken
Fetherfew Summer Forest 2gp/4gp vertigo
Floure-De-Luce Always Grassland 3gp/10gp bruises
Fumitore Spring/Summer Coast 3gp/6gp hair prevention
Garden Flax Spring/Summer Forest 3gp/6gp pain relief
Gariig Summer Desert 55gp/70gp healing
Gefnul Summer Volcanoes 200gp/500gp healing
Goat's Rue Summer Forest 6gp/15gp antidote
Golden Lungwort Summer Forest 1gp/2gp heals ears
Gylvir Autumn Coast 100gp/100gp breathing
Hare's Ears Summer Mountain 2gp/5gp skin disease
Harfy Summer Grassland 150gp/150gp bleeding
Hawkweed Always Forest 4gp/6gp improves sight
Healwell Summer All 1sp/1sp healing
Henbane Summer/Autumn Rural 1gp/3gp antidote
Horehound Summer Coast 1gp/5gp antidote
Jaffray Summer Desert 10gp/15gp antidote
Jojojopo Autumn Mountain 9sp/9sp frostbite
Kathkusa Winter Wasteland 50gp/50gp raise strength
Kelventari Always Forest 19gp/19gp burns
Kilmakur Summer Grassland 65gp/300pg fire proetction
Klagul Summer Grassland 30gp/50gp infravision
Land Caltrops Summer Forest 2gp/5gp snakebite
Leopard's Bane Summer Grassland 5gp/5gp poison to animals
Lesser Centaury Summer Mountains 5gp/5gp antidote
Makebate Always Desert 1gp/2gp scorpion stings
Mandrake Spring Forest 3gp/5gp sleep
Marjerome Always Grassland 2gp/6gp jaundice
Marsh Mallow Always Coast 5gp/8gp burns
Masterwort Summer Rural 2gp/7gp plague
Megillos Winter Mountains 1gp/3gp improves sight
Melander Winter River 12sp/20sp resist disease
Milkworte Spring/Summer Rural 4gp/8gp cholera
Mirenna Winter Mountains 10gp/10gp healing
Mountain Garlick Always Mountains 8gp/9gp repels spirits?
Mountain Setwall Always Mountains 1gp/3gp hair growth
Mugwort Summer Rural 2gp/4gp prevents collapse
Navew Winter River 4gp/12gp antidote
Nightcall Summer Desert 50gp/50gp enhances senses
Oiolosse Winter Forest 1200gp/1200gpsee description
Olvar Winter Coast 300gp/300gp prevents death
Orach Summer Forest 2gp/10gp jaundice
Pallast Summer Swamp 5sp/1gp pain relief
Palma Eldath Always Mountains 3gp/3gp warmth
Pargen Summer Jungle 2000gp/2000gpresurrection
Pattran Summer Forest 10gp/10gp sleep
Periwinkle Spring Rural 1gp/10gp bleeding
Prince's Feather Summer/Autumn Rural 1gp/2gp bleeding
Rampalt Summer Forest 5cp/5cp congestion
Rewk Autumn Rural 9sp/1gp healing
Rose Campion Summer Forest 1gp/3gp scorpion stings
Saffron Autumn/Winter Forest 20gp/100gp attributes
Sanicle All but SpringForest 5gp/30gp bleeding
Saracen Confound Summer Rural 1gp/20gp fevers
Scented Mayweed Summer Forest 8gp/15gp blindness
Serapias Turbith Spring/Summer Grassland 4gp/7gp healing
Shepherd's Purse Always Grassland 5gp/12gp bleeding
Snakespike Spring Coast 5gp/7gp inflammation
Spanish Nut Always Forest 10gp/100gp aphrodisiac
Spiderwort Spring/Summer Chalky soil 4gp/10gp spider bites
Suaeysit Autumn Artic 10gp/50gp energy
Sweet Trefoile Spring/Summer Forest 1gp/3gp falling damage
Tamarindes Always Forest 1gp/2gp quenches thirst thirst
Tamariske Always Rural 5gp/7gp anti-infection
Tempin Summer Forest 5gp/5gp antidote
Terbas Spring Forest 2gp/2gp nerve damage
Throw-Waxe Spring/Summer Forest 2gp/3gp scarring
Thurl Autumn Forest 1sp/2sp healing
Ur Winter Grassland 3gp/3gp food substitute
Vinuk Summer Grassland 8sp/8sp awaken
White Bryony Autumn Forest 1gp/2gp pneumonia
Whitecandle Autumn All 5gp/5gp pain relief
Willow-Herb Summer Forest 5gp/5gp snake repellent
Winclamit Spring Forest 100gp/100gp healing
Wolfsbane Spring Forest 100gp/100gp antidote
Woodrose Summer River 1gp/1gp makes merry
Wood Sorrel Summer/Autumn Desert 2gp/4gp cools
Yaran Autumn Grassland 8sp/8sp enhances senses
Yarrow Summer Rural 10gp/10gp bleeding
Yavethalion Autumn Coast 45gp/45gp healing
Zulsendra Summer Underground 70gp/70gp increases movement nd
Zur Winter Underground 12gp/50gp enhances senses
Agrimony Alkanet
Angelica Anserke
Archangelica Arnica
Balm Barberry
Base Mullein Basil
Bastit Belan
Belramba Birthnot
Bishop's Weed Blackroot
Black Rose Bull-Rush
Bursthelas Caffar
Cat's Tail Cephalophage
Chervil Cinquefoil
Colewort Coltsfoot
Cow Parsnip Cow-Wheat
Culkas Dagmather
Deadly-Nightshade Degiik
Dittany Eldaas
Elvish Galingale Entriste
Fetherfew Floure-De-Luce
Fumitore Garden Flax
Gariig Gefnul
Goat's Rue Golden Lungwort
Hare's Ears Harfy
Hawkweed Healwell
Henbane Horehound
Jaffray Kelventari
Kilmakur Klagul
Land Caltrops Leopard's Bane
Lesser Centaury Makebate
Marjerome Marsh Mallow
Masterwort Milkworte
Mountain Garlick Mountain Setwall
Mugwort Nightcall
Orach Pallast
Palma Eldath Pargen
Pattran Prince's Feather
Rampalt Rose Campion
Sanicle Saracen's Confound
Scented Mayweed Serapias Turbith
Shepherd's Purse Spanish Nut
Spiderwort Sweet Trefoile
Tamarindes Tamariske
Tempin Throw-Waxe
Vinuk Willow-Herb
Woodrose Wood Sorrel
Yarrow Zulsendra
All-Heale Aloe
Arfandas Arkasu
Arlan Arnuminas
Arpusar Athelas
Attanar Base Mullein
Bastit Birthnot
Caffar Cephalophage
Chervil Cow Parsnip
Culkas Darnell
Dittany Flour-De-Luce
Gylvir Hawkweed
Henbane Jojojopo
Kelventari Makebate
Marjerome Marsh Mallow
Mountain Garlick Mountain Setwall
Palma Eldath Prince's Feather
Rewk Saffron
Sanicle Shepherd's Purse
Spanish Nut Suaeysit
Tamarindes Tamariske
Thurl White Bryony
Whitecandle Wood Sorrel
Yaran Yavethalion
Aldaka Aloe
Arfandas Atigax
Attanar Base Mullein
Bastit Birthnot
Bittermourn Bull-Rush
Cephalophage Chervil
Cow Parsnip Culkas
Darsurion Delrean
Edram Febfendu
Floure-De-Luce Hawkweed
Kathkusa Kelventari
Makebate Marjerome
Marsh Mallow Megillos
Melander Mirenna
Mountain Garlick Mountain Setwall
Navew Oiolosse
Olvar Palma Eldath
Saffron Sanicle
Shepherd's Purse Spanish Nut
Tamarindes Tamariske
Ur Zur
Adder's Tongue Amrans
Asarabacca Ash
Base Mullein Bastit
Bilberry Birthnot
Blackberry Black Rose
Bloodkeep Borage
Breldiar Bull-Rush
Burdock Cephalophage
Chervil Colewort
Coltsfoot Comfrey
Cow Parsnip Culkas
Draaf Dragontears
Dragonwort Ebur
Eldaas Elvish Galingale
Falsifal Felmather
Floure-De-Luce Fumitore
Garden Flax Hawkweed
Kelventari Makebate
Mandrake Marjerome
Marsh Mallow Milkworte
Mountain Garlick Mountain Setwall
Palma Eldath Periwinkle
Serapias Turbith Shepherd's Purse
Snakespike Spanish Nut
Spiderwort Sweet Trefoile
Tamarindes Tamariske
Terbas Throw-Waxe
Winclamit Wolfsbane
Bittermourn Suaeysit
Coastal Regions
Anserke Bastit
Belan Black Root
Black Rose Bloodkeep
Cephalophage Degiik
Draaf Ebur
Eldaas Febfendu
Felmather Fumitore
Gylvir Healwell
Horehound Marsh Mallow
Olvar Snakespike
Whitecandle Yavethalion
Bastit Blackroot
Black Rose Caffar
Cephalophage Culkas
Dragontears Entriste
Gariig Healwell
Makebate Nightcall
Whitecandle Wood Sorrel
Agrimony All-Heale
Asarabacca Ash
Athelas Balm
Bastit Belramba
Bilberry Blackroot
Black Rose Borage
Cat's Tail Chervil
Colewort Cow Parsnip
Darnell Deadly-Nightshade
Delrean Elvish Galingale
Fetherfew Garden Flax
Goat's Rue Golden Lungwort
Hawkweed Healwell
Kelventari Land Caltrops
Mandrake Oiolosse
Orach Rampalt
Rose Campion Saffron
Sanicle Scented Mayweed
Spanish Nut Sweet Trefoile
Tamarindes Tempin
Terbas Throw-Waxe
Thurl White Bryony
Willow-Herb Winclamit
Aloe Arkasu
Arlan Arnuminas
Atigax Attanar
Bastit Blackroot
Black Rose Bursthelas
Cephalophage Cow-Wheat
Dagmather Floure-De-Luce
Harfy Healwell
Kilmakur Klagul
Leopard's Bane Marjerome
Serapias Turbith Shepherd's Purse
Ur Vinuk
Whitecandle Yaran
Bastit Birthnot
Blackroot Black Rose
Cephalophage Healwell
Bastit Blackroot
Black Rose Callin
Cephalophage Healwell
Pargen Whitecandle
Aldaka Angelica
Arnica Bastit
Blackroot Black Rose
Cephalophage Coltsfoot
Darsurion Dragonwort
Hare's Ears Healwell
Jojojopo Lesser Centaury
Megillos Mirenna
Mountain Garlick Mountain Setwall
Palma Eldath Whitecandle
Amrans Arfandas
Arpusar Bastit
Blackroot Black Rose
Dittany Edram
Febfendu Healwell
Melander Navew
Adder's Tongue Alkanet
Amrans Barberry
Base Mullein Basil
Bastit Bishop's Weed
Blackberry Blackroot
Black Rose Burdock
Cephalophage Cinquefoil
Comfrey Healwell
Henbane Masterwort
Milkworte Mugwort
Periwinkle Prince's Feather
Rewk Saracen's Confound
Tamariske Whitecandle
Archangelica Bastit
Blackroot Black Rose
Bull-Rush Cephalophage
Falsifal Whitecandle
Zulsendra Zur
Breldiar Gefnul
Aphrodisiac Cinquefoil, Jaffray, Spanish Nut
Arouse Felmather, Vinuk
Attribute, raise Saffron
Bleeding Anserke, Belan, Blackberry, Bloodkeep, Falsifal, Harfy,
Periwinkle, Prince's Feather, Sanicle, Shepherd's
Purse, Yarrow
Blindness Aldaka, Scented Mayweed
Blood Clots Chervil
Bruising Agrimony, Arnica, Floure-De-Luce
Burns Aloe, Base Mullein, Culkas, Falsifal, Kelventari, Marsh
Cartilage damage Arnuminas, Dagmather
Collapse Mugwort
Cholera Milkworte
Congestion Archangelica, Rampalt, White Bryony
Contraceptive Birthnot
Cools Wood Sorrel
Coughing Angelica
Deafness Febfendu
Death,prevention Olvar
Disease Melander
Distance Breldiar
Energy Suaeysit
Eyesight Hawkweed, Megillos
Falling Sweet Trefoile
Fevers Ash, Attanar, Borage, Saracen's Confound
Fire, protection Kilmakur
Fractures Arfandas, Bursthelas, Comfrey, Edram
Frostbite Jojojopo
Hair, growth Mountain Setwall
Hair, prevention Fumitore
Healing All-Heale, Aloe, Amrans, Arkasu, Arlan, Blackroot,
Cat's Tail, Darsurion, Draaf, Dragontears, Ebur,
Gariig, Gefnul, Golden Lungwort, Healwell, Mirenna,
Rewk, Serapias Turbith, Thurl, Winclamit, Yavethalion
Heart Attacks Callin
Hunger Ur
Infected Wounds Adder's Tongue, Coltsfoot, Dittany, Tamariske
Inflammation Snakespike
Infravision Bilberry, Klagul
Insanity Cow Parsnip
Insect Repellant Bastit, Delrean
Jaundice Barberry, Marjerome, Orach
Life Degiik
Ligament Damage Arnuminas
Movement Zulsendra
Menstrual Pain Balm
Muscle Damage Arnuminas, Arpusar
Nausea Eldaas
Nerve Damage Belramba, Terbas
Pain Relief Garden Flax, Pallast, Whitecandle
Plague Bishop's Weed, Dragonwort, Masterwort
Pneumonia White Bryony
Poisoning Goat's Rue
Poisoning, bite Basil, Black Rose, Entriste, Land Caltrops, Makebate,
Rose Campion, Spiderwort, Tempin, Wolfsbane
Poisoning,ingest Alkanet, Horehound, Jaffray, Lesser Centaury, Navew
Poisoning,weap Henbane
Psionics Caffar
Respiratory Arlan
Scarring Throw-Waxe
Sedation Asarabacca, Bull-Rush, Deadly-Nightshade, Mandrake,
Senses Nightcall, Yaran, Zur
Sight,protection Atigax, Darnell
Skin Conditions Hare's Ears
Smallpox Dragonwort
Snake,repellent Willow-Herb
Sobriety Colewort
Sprains Agrimony
Strength Kathkusa
Syphilis Burdock
Thirst Tamarindes
Underwater Gylvir
Vertigo Fetherfew
Warmth Elvish Galingale, Palma Eldath
The following table identifies which herbs exist in this world, and
which only exist in fantasy worlds. I have made every effort to be
accurate, but it is possible that the table may contain some errors. The
herbs that do exist in our world do not necessarily have the powers
ascribed to them in this guide.
Real World
Adder's Tongue Agrimony
Alkanet All-Heale
Aloe Angelica
Arnica Asarabacca
Ash Balm
Barberry Base Mullein
Basil Bilberry
Bishop's Weed Blackberry
Borage Bull-Rush
Burdock Cat's Tail
Chervil Cinquefoil
Colewort Coltsfoot
Comfrey Cow Parsnip
Cow-Wheat Darnell
Deadly-Nightshade Dittany
Dragonwort Elvish Galingale (English Galingale)
Fetherfew Floure-De-Luce
Fumitore Garden Flax
Goat's Rue Golden Lungwort
Hare's Ears Hawkweed
Henbane Horehound
Land Caltrops Leopard's Bane
Lesser Centaury Makebate
Mandrake Marjerome
Marsh mallow Masterwort
Milkworte Mountain Garlick
Mountain Setwall Mugwort
Navew Orach
Palma Eldath (Palma Christi) Periwinkle
Prince's Feather Rose Campion
Saffron Sanicle
Saracen's Confound Scented Mayweed
Serapias Turbith Shepherd's Purse
Spanish Nut Spiderwort
Sweet Trefoile Tamarindes
Tamariske Throw-Waxe
White Bryony Willow-Herb
Wolfsbane Woodrose
Wood Sorrel Yarrow
Aldaka Amrans
Anserke Archangelica
Arfandas Arkasu
Arlan Arnuminas
Arpusar Athelas
Atigax Attanar
Bastit Belan
Belramba Birthnot
Bittermourn Blackroot
Black Rose Bloodkeep
Breldiar Bursthelas
Caffar Callin
Cephalophage Culkas
Dagmather Darsurion
Degiik Delrean
Draaf Dragontears
Ebur Edram
Eldaas Entriste
Falsifal Febfendu
Felmather Gariig
Gefnul Gylvir
Harfy Healwell
Jaffray Jojojopo
Kathkusa Kelventari
Kilmakur Klagul
Megillos Melander
Mirenna Nightcall
Oiolosse Olvar
Pallast Pargen
Pattran Rampalt
Rewk Snakespike
Suaeysit Tempin
Terbas Thurl
Ur Vinuk
Whitecandle Winclamit
Yaran Yarrow
Yavethalion Zulsendra
Bishop, Allen. "Fancy a Quick Snifter, Old Chap?". Games Master
International. No 3, October 1990, p52-53.
Boxer, Arabella & Back, Philippa. The Herb Book. London, Octopus Books
Ltd, 1980.
Boxer, Arabella et al. The Encyclopedia of Herbs, Spices and
Flavourings. London, Octopus Books Ltd, 1984.
Cook, David "Zeb". Advanced Dungeon & Dragons: Dungeon Master's Guide.
2nd Edition. Lake Geneva WI, TSR Inc. 1989.
Cook, David "Zeb". Advanced Dungeon & Dragons: Player's Handbook. 2nd
Edition. Lake Geneva WI, TSR Inc. 1989.
Day, David. Tolkien: The Illustrated Encyclopedia. London, Reed
International Books Ltd, 1993.
de Bairacli Levy, Juliette. The Illustrated Herbal Handbook. London,
Faber and Faber Ltd, 1974.
English, Scott. "Poisons and Venoms of the Forgotten Realms". Australian
Realms. Issue 18, July/August 1994, p34-36.
Gygax, E Gary. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons: Dungeon Masters Guide. 1st
Edition, Lake Geneva WI, TSR Games, 1979.
Johnson, Oliver. Dragon Warriors: Book Three: The Elven Crystals. Great
Britain, Corgi Books, 1985.
Johnson, Oliver. Dragon Warriors: Book Five: The Power of Darkness.
Great Britain, Corgi Books, 1986.
Ket, Gregory Ah. Herbal Treatment for Common Ailments. Victoria,
Australia, 1983.
Manniche, Lise. An Ancient Egyptian Herbal. 2nd Impression, London,
British Museum Press, 1993.
Middle-Earth Role Playing (MERP). 2nd US Edition, Charlotteville VA,
Iron Crown Enterprises Inc, 1986.
Morris, Dave. Dragon Warriors: Book One: Dragon Warriors. Great Britain,
Corgi Books, 1985.
Morris, Dave. Dragon Warriors: Book Two: The Way of Wizardry. Great
Britain, Corgi Books, 1985.
Morris, Dave. Dragon Warriors: Book Four: Out of the Shadows. Great
Britain, Corgi Books, 1986.
Morris, Dave. Dragon Warriors: Book Six: The Lands of Legend. Great
Britain, Corgi Books, 1986.
Palaiseul, Jean. Grandmother's Secrets: Her Green Guide To Health From
Plants. English Language Edition. Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd, 1973.
Potterton, David (ed). Culpepper's Colour Herbal. London, W. Foulsham &
Co. Ltd, 1983.
Pulver, David. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition: The Complete
Druid's Handbook. Lake Geneva WI, TSR Inc, 1994.
Scott, Alexander. Maelstrom. Middlesex, Penguin Books Ltd. 1984.
Smith, Keith Vincent. The Illustrated Earth Garden Herbal: A Herbal
Companion. Revised Edition. Port Melbourne Victoria, Thomas C
Lothian Pty Ltd, 1994.
Thomson, William A.R. (ed). Healing Plants: A Modern Herbal. London,
MacMillan London Ltd, 1978.
Tolkien, JRR. The Return of the King. Revised Second Edition, London,
George Allen & Unwin (Publishers) Ltd, 1966.
Tolkien, JRR. The Silmarillion. 1st Edition, London, George Allen &
Unwin (Publishers) Ltd, 1977.
Special thanks are owed to Druann Pagliasotti who contributed a number
of herbs to the new edition of this guide, as well as making extensive
notes on the herbs contained in previous editions and notes on the
storage and availability of herbs.
Thanks are also owed to Michael Bertalan who compiled a table of Name/
Region and Time/ Cost/ Result based on the third edition of this guide.
This table has formed the basis for the table: General Information on
I would also like to thank many other people for their comments,
criticisms and encouragement concerning my guide. I would like to
mention them all by name, but unfortunately my computer ate my list.
Special thanks however go to Viola Krings for her comments and
I would like to thank all of the people I have gamed with over the last
fourteen years, in particular the members of the Ambulant In Fabulam
RPGamers Society, the original inspiration behind this guide.
This guide is based in large part on Appendix 1 of Alexander Scott's
MAELSTROM roleplaying game, published by Penguin in 1984, and worth
getting just for this section. No challenge is made to any copyright
status held on this work.
This guide was partly inspired by the game MIDDLE-EARTH ROLE PLAYING<4E>, c
1986 Tolkien Enterprises. No challenge is made to any copyright status
held on this work.
This guide was also partly inspired by the DRAGON WARRIORS game by Dave
Morris and Oliver Johnson which was published by Corgi Books, from
I would like to thank Daniel Mayes for his playtesting the first edition
of this guide, Paul Mathews for playtesting the second edition of the
guide and David Gillet for playtesting the third edition of this guide.
I used for background information a document called `The Great Net Herb
Pamphlet.' I have been unable to identify the author(s) of this
I would like to thank the denizens of the e-mail lists ADND-L, REALMS
and GMAST- L, and members of the IRPS for their comments, criticisms and
advice concerning this herbal and their discussions on many aspects of
role playing.
I would like to thank all people who have written or contributed to
official or unofficial rules supplements on the Net and elsewhere for
their inspiration in particular Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, authors and
originators of "Dungeons & Dragons", Ed Greenwood, the creator of "The
Forgotten Realms", Desmond Reid, author of "The AD&D Guide to Drugs"
and the author(s) of the "Netbook: Poisons of the Realm", but I don't
know who they are.
I welcome criticisms about this guide and contributions to future
editions. Any contributions that I incorporate will be acknowledged in
the guide.
I can be e-mailed at:
or by normal mail:
Mr Shaun Hately
45 Moreton St
Frankston North
Victoria 3200