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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
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Armor class is split into two numbers: Evasion class, and armor rating.
(EC & AR) Base evasion class is 5, Base armor rating is 0.
Base Evasion class gets better as a character raises levels, and is determined
by a character's THAC0:
THAC0 20-16---------- EC 5
THAC0 15-11---------- EC 4
THAC0 10-06---------- EC 3
THAC0 05-01---------- EC 2
Evasion class, just like armor class, determines whether or not you're hit
Armor rating absorbs damage on a 1:1 ratio (AR 1 absorbs 1 dmg per hit)
When armor is put on,a number is added to EC and AR (worsening EC, bettering AR)
So a man in chainmail would have EC 9, AR 4
When armor absorbs damage, the damage is subtracted from ARMOR POINTS (the
armor's hit points) up to the AR (if a man wearing studded armor was hit by a
sword for six damage, his armor would absorb two points, subtracting two from
AP, and the character would take four damage)
Dexterity modifies EC just like it would modify AC
At this point, in the creation of the system, I saw that a man with a dagger
would never be able to harm a man in chainmail or better, so I invented a bypass
system. Armor can be BYPASSED by hitting...
-an EC of SIX better than needed when using a size S weapon(or natural attack)
-an EC of EIGHT better than needed when using a size M weapon(or natural attack
by a size L creature)
-an EC of TEN better than needed when using a size L or missile weapon.
When armor is bypassed, the armor takes no damage, and the character hit takes
the full amount inflicted by the attack.
Shields add one to EC, but have no AR; they can be used to grant extra parries.
If an extra parry is used, as normal, the character's attacks are at (-2/-4),
but a shield grants +2 to parry, so the penalty drops to (-2/-2) which can be
further lowered by a high DEX's reaction adjustment. A buckler (target shield)
will allow one parry to a frontal attack. A small shield will allow two parries
to frontal attacks. A medium shield will allow the owner to parry all incoming
frontal attacks, and one attack from his shield-side flank. (roll one parry for
each incoming attack) A body shield will allow the owner to parry all frontal
melee AND MISSILE attacks as a medium shield, and also up to three attacks from
the shield-side flank.
Area-affect attacks' effects ARE absorbed by armor, but the armor takes not only
the absorbed damage, but also the full damage of the attack (item save for half)
If a man in studded leather was hit by a fireball which inflicted 38 damage,
he would take 36 (save for half) and his armor would take 38 (item save for
leather for half damage)
Any time a character fights with two weapons, his evasion class is penalized by
one (this is not cumulative with the +1EC from use of a shield) because of his
stance, which presents a larger target to the foe.
Buckler 1 X 35
Small shield 1 X 45
Medium shield 1 X 55
Body shield 1 X 65 (can "parry" missile attacks)
Leather 1 1 25
Padded 1 1 20
Studded leather 2 2 60
Ringmail 2 2 40
Brigandine 3 3 60
Scale 3 3 90
Hide 3 3 75
Chainmail 4 4 140
Elven chainmail 3 4 125
Splint 5 5 100
Banded 5 5 150
Plate 6 6 210
Field plate 7 7 210
Full plate 8 8 210
I believe I've included everything here. If yu have any more questions about the
system, I'll respond or add the information to this document and send you a new
copy. If you're interested I also have new systems for...
-Parrying using fighters' handbook rules, where a character's weapon skill and
not his armor decides whether or not the parry is successful.
-Negative HP value a character can go to before death. Some people say
characters die at 0hp, some say characters die at -10hp, some people use
negative CON or negative half CON. I use a survival check system based on CON
and the character's level, so that noone can say "bandage me THIS ROUND or I'll
die!" There is no exact cutoff point.
-Priest spellcasting. In my system, a priest doesn't have to memorize spells.
This differentiates priest magic from wizardly magic. Priest spells are granted
directly from the preist's diety, and there is never a 100% chance of success
or of failure. If there is a spell failure, it is most likely becuase of a
shortcoming on the part of the priest. If a priest complains when a spell
fails, he is penalized (by his diety) This system actually makes priests much
more versatile, giving them access to higher level spells earlier, but only if
they role-play and use spells less frequently.
Hope you enjoy the info, and hope it's useful! I'd love your comments, etc...
-Greg Howley
Bristol, CT (@Central CT state U)