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1. Introduction
2. Character Generation and Development
2.1 Abilities
2.2 Races
2.3 Alignments
2.4 Levels
2.5 Levels & Ranks
2.6 Earning Experience Points
3. Action Resolution
3.1 Skill Rolls
3.2 Skill vs Difficulty
3.3 Skill vs Skill (Opposed Actions)
3.4 Automatic Failure or Success
3.5 Resistance Rolls
3.6 Action Points
3.61 Combat
3.62 Movement
3.63 Reduced Action Point Expenditure
3.64 Increased Action Point Expenditure
3.7 Altering Rolls
3.8 Penalties Due to Damage and LEL Loss
4. Skills
4.1 Skill Point Costs
4.2 Fractional Skill Advancement
4.3 Skill Descriptions
5. Magic & Psionics
5.1 Spell Casting and Psionic Use
5.11 Spell & Psionic Power Points
5.12 Power Point Recovery
5.13 Chance of Failure
5.14 Ability Requirements
5.141 Mage Spells
5.142 Priest Spells
5.143 Psionic Abilities
5.15 Required Time
5.151 Spell Casting
5.152 Psionic Use
5.16 Canscellation
5.2 Realms
5.21 Magical
5.22 Psionic
5.3 RR Bonuses
5.4 Magical & Psionic Devices
5.5 Spell System Conversions
5.51 Dungeons and Dragons
5.52 RoleMaster
5.6 Combined Spell Casting and Psionic Use
5.7 Joint Spell Casting and Psionic Use
5.8 Spell and Psionic Aquisition by Non Spell/Psionic Users
6. Additional Spells
6.1 Purposes for Magic Items
7. Psionics and Mutant Powers
8. Mutants and Altered Beings
9. Combat
10. Time and Space (The MultiVerse)
1. Introduction
It's been some time now since I have actively participated in any long ongoing
RPG campaign. Like many gamers, my first introduction to the world of role
playing was the Dungeons and Dragons RPG, which soon led to AD&D. Never seeing
any other RPG's before, as this if I am correct was one of the first, I thought
it was the only thing worth playing. After many years of the seemingly redundant
adventures, playing in everything from "Oh wow, I we found a copper piece!" to
"I use my scroll of Death Star to destroy The Chaos Shield" and even campaigns
that had five players but no DM that went something like, "I killed you."
"No you didn't." "Yes I did." I began to find a number of problems with the AD&D
game. Problems like:
1. Why can I only attack once in a one minute period?
2. Why do all mages have to be poor fighters?
3. Why can't a chaotic evil cleric of Vorg, the god of child molesting and nun
raping use edged weapons that shed blood?
4. If I cracked someone's skull open with my mace can't I assume that some blood
will be shed?
5. Why can't I learn how to track without being good aligned, (Ranger) what is
a bounty hunter then?
6. Why can't there be paladins of other than Lawful good or Chaotic evil
7. That dragon is 100' long. How could I miss him. Is what you meant that I hit
but did no damage?
8. How do I make magic items.
9. Do all assassins have to be evil? What if I only kill evil people?
10.If elves are seemingly superior to humans in almost every aspect, why are
they limited in what maximum level they can attain.
Well, those were just a few of my qualms with the AD&D game. Don't get me wrong,
if it wasn't for AD&D I probably wouldn't be writing this. However, what was
wrong with AD&D probably more that what was right was what led me to make this
game. I looked through many other RPG's, and although they all offered
something of value, I felt that no one RPG had everthing I wanted in a game.
Some were too generic, while others were too complex. This gmae is by no means
an original achievement. It is basically an amalgamation of what I thought
to be the best parts of many different RPG's like Marvel Superheroes,
BattleTech, RoleMaster, Traveller, and of course AD&D.
COSMOS is my attempt at creating a truly universal role playing system that
would give sufficient rules for running any type of RPG campaign. The COSMOS
system allows players to create any type of character be it fantasy, Sci-Fi, or
reality, and use that character in any setting. Many game systems can similate
one individual setting fine, but fall apart if different genres are combined.
The COSMOS system supports individual settings as well as the combination of
multiple settings. I should probably now warn you that this games contains a
plethora of Star Trek and Star Wars references. If you have a great adversion
to them or if you are pregnant, have lower back or heart problems, then get
off the ride while you still can. This is by no means the finished version
off the COSMOS system. Consider it to be more of a prototype. (It hasn't even
been play tested.) This game assumes that the reader is already ready
familiar with standard role playing conventions like dice rolling, GM (game
master), classes, skills, etc.
Since characters are what make any story and any RPG interesting, without
further adue let's begin by delving into the sometimes frightening, sometimes
shocking, but always enlightening world of character development.
2. Character Generation
Character generation and development in COSMOS uses a skill based system
in which character points are used to buy skills which define the character.
Every character has a character level which is a statement about the general
level of power of the character, regardless of what skills the character may
possess. Character levels are based solely on experience points. Two characters
with the same number of experience points have the same character level. Skill
levels differ from character levels in the fact that they represent the
expenditure of character points, which are based on experience points, to buy
certain skills. Thus, for two characters who are equal level, one character may
have a high skill level in a few skills, while the other character has a low
skill level in many skills, all depending on how their character points were
spent. All characters begin with up to 200 character points, at 1st level, with
zero experience points. Every 10 experience points are equal to 1 character
point. Character level is dependent on the amount of experience points earned.
When these experience points are used they are not subtracted from the total
earned. Thus, a character who has earned 1001 experience points would 2nd level
and would have 100 character points to spend in skills, raising abilities, or
augmenting die rolls during the course of the game. A character can use some,
all, or none of his accumulated character points at any time. It is beneficial
for all characters to have some unused experience points that can be used
during gameplay to augment die rolls. Often this will mean the difference
between life and death in certain situations.
All character's should start with between 100 and 200 character points
initially during character creation. It is up to the GM to decide if all
character's begin with the full 200 character points, a fixed number within the range, or if players roll r
andomly to see how many character points they receive. Some options for this
are rolling percentile dice, 10D10's, 5D20's, etc, and adding this total to
The next step is to roll for character abilities. There are six primary
character abilities, three physical and three mental. The physical stats are
strength, constitution, and dexterity. The mental stats are intelligence,
wisdom,and charisma. Initial human stats fall into the range of 1-20. The best
way to roll these would be with 5D4's. Other ways are by rolling 2D10's, 1D20,
or percentile dice divided by 5. Some GM's may allow rolling extra dice and
discarding the lowest rolls. For example, 7D4's are rolled, and the lowest 2
are discarded. Players should not be too worried about rolling low initial
stats since they can be raised by the expenditure of character points. One
ability can be raised by lowering another at the GM's option. For example, a
player with 14 strength and 17 intelligence could opt to lower his intelligence
by 1 to 16, and raise his strength by 1 to 15. Some GM's may allow this at a 2
point deduction per 1 point increase, thus the 17 intelligence would be
lowered by 2 to 15, and the 14 strength would be raised by 1 to 15. Some GM's
may wish to separate the primary abilities into secondary abilities, each of
which cover a small area the the primary ability. This is described in the
Abilities section. Some other physical attributes like the five sences, sight,
hearing, touch, taste, and smell can be rolled for in the same 1-20 range. If
they are not rolled for they are all considered to be at average level and
have a score of 10.
After abilities have been rolled, skills are purchased. What skills that
can be purchased depend on the type of campaign the GM is running and the type
of environment the character is from. Characters from a fantasy setting may
have access to magic skills but not access to technological skills such as
building warpdrives and laser rifles, etc. Basically, if a skill does not exist
in an environment it cannot be learned. On certain occasions the GM may allow
character's to invent certain skills in their setting which don't exist. A high
level and very knwoledgable mage may wish to study the laws of physics and
discover a method of space travel that does not require magic, just as a
scientist may try to study the laws of magic and utilize its powers.
Even though the COSMOS system is skill based as opposed to class based,
this does not mean that there are no classes per say. A character's class is
defined by the types of skills he chooses to learn. A character who spends
most of his character points in learning magical skills would be considered to
be a mage. A mage who learns mostly illusion spells would be an illusionist
while a mage who learned mostly summoning spells may be called a conjuror. A
priest who worshiped a nature diety may be called a druid, etc. Characters who
spend about an equal number of points in two or more areas can be considered
multiclassed. Thus there can exist warrior mages, warrior priests, priest
mages, or any other combination. A paladin would be mainly a warrior but would
also have limited priest abilities. A Jedi knight could be a warrior and/or
pilot who also possessed psionic abilities. Instead of destroying the
character classes, the skill based character system allows any character class
to be created without making any one class more powerful than another since
every power or skill is "payed for" in character points. Players and GM's
should work together to create new character classes for their campaigns. Since
most skills will have to be learned from a teacher, that teacher will only be
able to teach those skills which he possesses thus creating a pattern as to
what proffesions possess what skills. A multi-classed character will often
have to find multiple instructors to learn all necesary skills.
All abilities have a numerical score and a rank, which applies to a certain
range of numerical scores. For instance, one character has 20 dexterity
and the other has 24 dexterity. They both have a dexterity rank of excellent
but the character with 24 dexterity is slighly more dextrous than the character
with 20 dexterity. As for bonuses on certain actions, they both have the same
rank and therefor the same bonus.
Each of the six primary abilities, except for strength, has several
secondary abilities. If only the primary abilities are used, then the score
for that ability indicates that score in all of its secondary abilities. A
character with 15 Constitution has 15 health,endurance, phitness, etc. Since all
secondary abilities are related but not identical, they should only differ
by about three ranks (not points) at the most. A person can have more hand eye
coordination than agility, but cannot lack total bodily dexterity and still
be proficient with his hands.
STRENGTH: Strength is defined simply by the amount of force the character
can generate. It is basically a measure of the raw physical power of the
character. It dictates how much weight the character can lift and carry, and
the amount of damage he will do armed and unarmed mellee combat as well as with
self powered missile weapons. Strength has no secondary traits.
Strength Score Max Lift (kg) Max Carry (kg)
1 10 3
2 20 5
3 30 8
4 40 10
5 50 13
6 60 15
7 70 18
8 80 20
9 90 23
10 100 25
11 110 28
12 120 30
13 130 33
14 140 35
15 150 38
16 160 40
17 170 43
18 180 45
19-25 200 50
26-35 450 113
36-45 1000 250
46-55 2500 625
56-65 3600 900
66-75 5000 1250
76-85 6400 1600
86-95 8000 2000
96-112 10000 2500
As is can be seen from the above chart, a character can carry 25% of what it
can normally lift. The following shows the chances for a character trying
to lift different weights that fall into his strength rank.
Relative Rank of Weight Chance to Lift
Rank -3 99%
Rank -2 95%
Rank -1 90%
Rank 75%
Rank +1 50%
Rank +2 25%
Rank +3 10%
Rank +4 5%
Rank +5 1%
Encumberance: Characters carrying any additional weight will naturally
not move as fast as unencumbered characters.
% Max Carry Movement and Action Points
5% 100%
10% 95%
20% 90%
30% 80%
40% 70%
50% 60%
60% 50%
70% 40%
80% 30%
90% 20%
95% 10%
100% 5%
Thus a character who could carry a maximum of 50 kg who was carrying
25 kg (50%) would be at 60% of his total movement and action points.
CONSTITUTION: constitution is defined as the summation of the following
secondary traits:
Health: applies to resistance to disease, toxins, and rate healing, and
minimum number of DC (damage capacity) the character can fall to before death
occurs. A character who reaches 0 DC is unconscious. A character can fall to
a negative number of his DC before dying. Thus a character with 10 Health
would die once -10 DC were reached. The health bonus or penalty also applies
to the amount of DC that is added or subtracted from each DC purchace. Note
that no DC purchase can be reduced to less than 1 by any penalty. A character
had 20 health who gained 10 DC would have 14 DC total with the health bonus.
Fitness: The above apply to the duration for wich physical exertion can be
maintained, such as long distance running, holding ones breath, and the chance
of surviving ressurrection and system shocks.
Agility: applies to acrobatics, dodging, actions which require full body
movement as opposed to only hand movements.
Coordination: everything but reflexes and speed.
Hand-eye Coordination: includes all manual actions such as weapon
proficienciesss, gunnery skills, lock picking, etc.
Balance: climbing, tightrope walking, acrobatics, etc.
Reflexes: initiative, dodging
Speed: movement rate
Memory: bonus/penalty applies to adjustment on number of spells levels a mage
can memorise
Learning: percentage bonus/penalty when learning educational and technical
skills. Score of 20 in learning has a +4 bonus or a +4% decreased
in the amount of character points it takes to learn those skills
Reasoning: analytical thinking, logical thought
WISDOM: wisdom is not intelligence, it is how a character uses his intelligence
to guide his actions and make decisions
Intuition: sixth sence, instincts
Judgement: making decisions
Perception: finding clues
Empathy: intuition about others' emotions
Self Discipline
Mental Endurance/Strength: resist mental attacks or control
Persuasiveness: encouraging other people's actions
Charm: attracting others
Leadership: ability to lead others
Personality: interacting with others
This is more of a trait than an ability. Although I do not recomend its use
I have still included it here just incase anyone wants to use it. I find
comliness to be more of an opinion based in the viewer of the character than
in the character himself. Elves are usually considered attractive to other
elves and to humans as well. Orcs may be attactive to eachother but are usually
not seen as such by other races. Too often male players will have female
characters with 30 comliness. Besides the abundance of Freudian overtones
they also feel that their character should be able to control anyone they
meet merely by their sheer beauty. I find it a better system just to describe
the characters physial appearance and work from there. If this ability is not
used then all characters are assumed to be of an average comliness for their
PSIONIC APTITUDE: if this ability is used the penalty or bonus applies to the
number of psionic points, the character point reduction, and the Skill Roll
bonus when attempting any psionic action. If this ability is not used all
characters are assumed to have an average psionic aptitude of 10.
MAGICAL APTITUDE: as above but applies to mages
CHANNELING APTITUDE: as above but applies to priests
SPEED 5 meters/round/speed score
SENCES: Unless otherwise specified, all characters have average scences, ie.
a score of 10 in all of the five sences.If the GM chooses, characters can
roll for their sences and use the appropriate penalties or bonuses from them.
Any perception based skill that uses one or more of the sences can have a
bonus or penalty from a high or low sence score. For example, a character
who had a hearing score of 16 would have a +2 LS on the hear noise skill.
Sight: 10 indicates average human sight. This is for a distance of 10 meters.
A sight score of 20 would indicate that the character could see at 20 meters
how most people would see at 10 meters.
Ability Scores
Score Range Rank Bonus/Penalty
1-4 Feeble -5 (-3 at 4, -4 at 3, -5 at 2)
5-7 Poor -2 (-1 at 7, -2 at 5)
8-12 Fair 0
13-14 Good +1
15-16 High +2
17-18 Exceptional +3
19-25 Excellent +4
26-35 Remarkable +5
36-45 Incredible +6
46-55 Amazing +7
56-65 Immence +8
66-75 Awesome +9
76-85 Monstrous +10
86-95 Supreme +11
96-105 Unearthly +12
2.11 Increasing Abilities
When initially rolled, no ability may be higher than 20, not including and
racial bonuses. Abilities can be raised by spending an amount of the initial
200 character points, or later by spending earned character points that are
gained with experience. Spending initial character points allows abilities to
be raised no greater than 30, at a char pt cost equal to the point being raised
to. Example, a character with 16 Dexterity wants to raise it to 18. It would
cost 17 points to raise it to 17, and then 18 points to raise it to 18, for a
total 35 char pts. If abilities are raised at later levels, once experience pts
are gained, then the cost is 100 times above. So the above character would have
to spend 1700 char pts (17000 exp pts.), plus 1800 char pts (18000 exp pts) for
a total of 3500 char pts. (35000 exp pts). GM's may opt to allow increase
beyond normal racial limits, possibly at double the point cost. Normal human
limits are a score of 30.
DAMAGE CAPACITY: Damage capacity indicates the amount of damage a character can
sustain before being killed. For 0 level characters their damage capacity is
the sum of their constitution scores and any strength bonuses, thus the average
person will have 10 DC points, player characters can roll up to 20 in strength
and constitution for a total of 24 DC points, and raising strength and
constituion to maximum human limits will yield a DC of 35 points. For every
level greater than zero, the character can spend character points to buy more
DC. This can only be done once per level. If the character misses a level, ie.
does not by any DC for that level, he can buy it twice the next level. Thus the
number of DC purchases can never excede the character's level. Note that this
has nothing to do with individual skill levels. A 10 level character can have
10 DC purchases, regardless of whether his highest skill level was above or
below 10th level.
EXPERIENCE POINT LOANS: Many times GM's may have a new character enter an
already existing campaign, who's character's are above 1st level. In many
cases, players who do not work their own characters up from 1st level do not
play them as well because they have invested no time in developing that
character. To remmedy this problem GM's can use an experience point loan
system. Character's can start out at any level the GM chooses. The character,
however has 0 experience points. Before he can advance a level or buy any
additional skills he must pay off the loan at double the experience point cost.
Example, a character starts off at 4th level. A 4th level character has 4001
experience points. This character will have 400 character points for his level,
plus the 100-200 character points for a beginning character to buy any skills
he wishes. Before gaining any new experience, the character must earn 8001
experience points at which point he will actually be at 4th level with 4001
experience points. From there on he can earn experience points normally and
advance in skills and levels. Any magical items which the character is given
initially must also be paid back in experience points. The cost is 1 exp pt
per spell point cost of making the item. Monetary items should be paid back at
1 exp pt per 10 monetary units.
Every player character must choose what race or species he is. In many
campaigns most races will be humanoid in form but this does not need to be the
case. It is quite possible to have player character races that little or no
resemblance to any humanoid form. Some may even be able to take on human form.
This game system uses humans as the basis from which all other races are
compared. All human ability scores have an initial maximum of 20 and can be
raised up to a maximum of 30. Other races may have bonuses or penalties to the
six primary abilities. If the bonuses and penalties are equal, and the maximum
rank is 40, (1 rank higher than human maximums) then there should be no
additional experience point cost for that race. For example, a GM may wish to
devise an elven race that a +5 bonus on dexterity with a maximum score of 40,
and a -5 penalty on constitution. For these abilities alone there is no extra
experience point cost. For every bonus point that is not balanced with a
penalty, the experience point penalty is 1%. Thus having +5 on strength with
no other penalty would give the character a 5% experience point penalty, and
he would only receive 95% of all earned experience. Depending on the type of
campaign the GM is running, he may wish to have all races possess some
abilities superior to normal human abilities, without an equal amount of
penalties. If this is the case then there does not have be an experience point
penalty as it is likely that the opponents these characters are facing have
similar abilities. No one character race should be greatly more powerful than
another. The GM may decide to give a certain amount of points in designing an
race. Any amount of abilites that excede this point limit must be balanced
with experience point penalties.
There are three types of skills or powers that races can possess, innate
learned, and developed. Innate powers are powers that are not learned by a
member of a race but are in the biological makeup of that race. For instance,
dwarven races may possess an innate resistance vs magic, while elven races may
possess an innate resistance vs sleep and charm spells. These powers may start
out at a certain level and stay fixed at that level, or start out at first
level and increase with the level of the character. Most powers should affect
only the character and not other beings. Some typical innate powers are
protections and resistances vs various attack forms, and the abililtes to heal,
regenerate, change form, see in different parts of the EM spectrum, etc. Races
with extended biological powers should be treated as mutants in terms of
character point costs.
Some races may also have skills which are not inborn but a learned by all
members of a race at an early age. Many of these skill will be related to the
type of environment the race is in. Dwarves may have skills related to mountain
climbing, mining, smithing, etc. For skills such as these the experience point
loan system should be used. When the experience point loan system is use
for a few skills, but not the entire character, then experience points can
be earned normally, but the character must pay back skills at the same
doubled cost but has until he reaches the level of that skill to do so.
For example, a dwarf character is given 5th level mining skill at the start.
He will earn experience points normally but must pay back double the
character points it cost for the mining skill by the time the character
reaches 5th level. If he does not pay it back by that time, the all further
experience goes into paying back that skill and he will not gain an actual
level experience to 6th level until it is payed, regardless if his actual
amount of accumulated experience would put him at 6th level.
Developed powers are powers that are not inborn to a particular race but
the potential for them is. For example, the Deryni are a race of psionic
beings. Although all have psionic ability they do not all have the same degree
of ability. The ability they have is developed. Developed skills should be
able to be self taught by the individual at the same spenditure of experience
points. Any magical or psionic ability given to a certain race should never
except in a very few special cases go beyond eight level in power. Most races
should also not be allowed to use any power until they are of equal or greater
level to that power. A drow elf who has developed the know alignment power
should be at least 6th level.
2.3 Alignments
Alignment represents a beings general moral and ethical outlook. Alignment
does not control a characters actions but does guide how the being will
respond to certain ethical and moral situations. A character's actions should
not be based on alignment, rather, his alignment should be based on his
actions. Just as people can develope and change, so can their alignment as
certain experiences in their life change their view of the world. Time for
a Star Wars reference, Darth Vader was originally good but experiences in
his life (the emperor) caused him to turn evil, and later other experiences
(Luke) caused him to become good again. There are two components to alignment,
the first applies to the beings position to law or chaos. The second more
important part applies to the beings position of good or evil. This is the
dominant part of alignment and will usually decide what "side" a being is
on and what groups will work together. Beings good alignment, but who differ
in their views of law and chaos will work together much more easily than
beings who agree on law or chaos but differ in their views of good and
LAWFUL GOOD: believe that law an order are most important to achieve the
greatest good. Lawful Good beings will not lie, cheat or steal. They will
never kill an unarmed foe or otherwise defenceless foe. The lawful good
being believes that some personal freedoms may have to be sacrificed to endure
good for the whole. To quote Spock, "The needs of the many, out weigh the needs
of the few."
LAWFUL NEUTRAL: Concepts of good and evil hold little importance to the lawful
neutral character. Above all else, order must be maintained if it means
sacrificing the livelyhood of a few. Trust, honesty, honor, and loyalty are
vital to a being of this alignment. The samurai from medieval Japan and the
Klingons from Star Trek (TNG) can be considered to be of lawful neutral
LAWFUL EVIL: Order and control is key to this alignment. There is a hiearchal
structure to the world, with the strong controlling the week. Goods holds no
meaning as long as order is preserved. While a lawful evil being will steal,
kill, and torture, he will not lie or cheat, he will always keep his word,
even if it does not benefit him, and will always prefer a fair fight. A
lawful evil character will not kill without reason, and will often not be
concerned with les powerful beings who do not interfere with him.
NEUTRAL GOOD: This alignment holds that their must be a balance of law and
personal freedom to ensure the greatest good for all. Personal freedom is
necesary, but laws are also necesary to ensure the stability of good.
NEUTRAL: This alignment holds that there must be a perfect balance in the
universe between good and evil, between law and chaos. All these forces
are important as no one can exist without the other. This does not mean that
a true neutral character can not commit solely good or evil actions, or can
have no loyalties. It means that the neutral character chooses a place for
himself in this cosmic balance and acts to maintain this balance. He may
change sides over time but will not be erratic in his actions, acting good
one moment, and evil the next.
NEUTRAL EVIL: personal gain is of most important to the neutral evil being.
They have no true allegiance but will ally themselves with groups if it
suits their interests, and will act alone at other times.
CHAOTIC GOOD: personal freedom is most important to ensure the greatest good
for all. This belief holds that people are basically good and will make the
correct dicisions if allowed to govern themselves. Law and order only seek
to take away personal freedom and place power into evil hands. Chaotic good
beings will still be loyal to another being, but they will base their loyalties
on what serves the greatest good, and will not be loyal to someone whom they
believe to be evil. They will lie when necesary if the outcome is good.
CHAOTIC NEUTRAL: good and evil hold no relevance to life, personal freedom
and individuality is most important. Life and nature is order enough for
beings of this alignment. This is often the most misplayed alignment as
players use it as a way to have no governing motives for their actions.
CHAOTIC EVIL: chaotic evil beings hold personal freedom as the essence of
personal gain. Other life has little or no meaning to them. They will lie,
cheat, steal, kill, and torture if it serves their interests or simply
amuses them. They trust no one and themselves are the farthest from being
trustworthy. The only order which appeals to them is controlling other
beings through fear and personal might.
AMORAL: This alignment is usually not allowed for players but often only
applies to beings of unimaginable power who trascend all concepts of good,
evil, law and chaos. Their is some higher purpose to their actions which
mere mortals could not possibly begin to understand. The being Q from Star
Trek and the being Galactus from Marvel comics are good examples of this.
Many alien races of vastly superior intelligence and technology may also
fall into this category.
TENDENCIES: alignments may also include tendencies which show what other
part of the alignment a being may tend to. Tendencies may only be one step
removed from the actual alignment. For Example, a Lawful Good being could tend
towards neutral good, or lawful neutral. The being could not tend to
lawful evil or chaotic good as this indicates a change in alignment of
2 steps. Lawful to neutral is one step, lawful to evil is to steps. A chaotic
neutral being could tends towards good, evil, or true neutral.
CHANGING ALIGNMENT: Since characters are not static entities, neither are
alignments. If a player or GM wants to change the alignment of a character
there must be a reason in the character's life that would cause him to due
so. Some reasons may include the death of a close friend or loved one,
betrayal, being under the tutiledge of soemone with different views, etc.
Alignments can only be changed by one 1/2 step per level or year, whichever
amount of time is less. For example, Darth Vader is initially of Lawful Good
alignment at 15th level before he encounters the emperor. After some study
under the emperor his alignment slowly changes to LG with LN tendencies at
16th level, LN at 17th level, LN with LE tendencies at 18th level, and LE at
19th level.
2.4 Levels
As stated previously, character level is determined by the total amount of
earned experience, regardless of what skills the character possesses. It is
possible, although highly unlikely that a character could be high level but
have no skills, possibly using all of his experience points to augment die
rolls. Basically, the level of character or any being is a good estimate of
their power. Although the COSMOS system supports beings from 0 level to 50th
level, characters between 10th and 20th level are considered high level, with
10th level equalling name rank level, knight or mage status for those two
medieval archetypes, and 20th level would indicate lord or archmage status
respectively. Players should rarely reach greater than 20th level, and then
only after extended amount of gameplay. For another and hardly the last
Star Wars reference, Luke Skywalker would be around 15th level, Darth Vader
would be around 20th level, and the Emperor and Yoda would be about 30th
level. The needed experience points per level are as follows:
Level Experience Points
1 0 - 1000
2 1001 - 2000
3 2001 - 4000
4 4001 - 8000
5 8001 - 16000
6 16001 - 32000
7 32001 - 64000
8 64001 - 128000
9 128001 - 256000
10 256001 - 512000
256,000 Experience Points Per
Level Beyond the Tenth
2.5 Levels & Ranks
Along with character levels, COSMOS also uses the rank system to dscribe
a level of power or complexity. Those who have played the Marvel Superheroes
game will be familiar with this system, although it is changed slightly in
COSMOS. Ranks often apply to technology to describe how advanced an item is.
All materials have ranks to determine how strong they are and how resistant they
are to certain types of damage. Poisons have ranks associated with their
potency. Character abilities also have ranks as they are often used against
or in conjuction with other ranks. The term level rank refers to the rank
associated with that particular level. For instance, from the chart below it
can be seen that the level rank for 6th level is rank 50. Conversly, the
Rank Level for rank 50 is 6th level. In general, Tech Level 50 weapons do
50 points damage for a human sized rifle weapon, a 6th level magic spell
could do about 50 points damage, an 11th level engineer could build and
repair technological items in their field of Tech Level 100, a poison of about
rank 50 intensity. Rank is also sometimes refered to as class, ie, class 50
and rank 50 metals are of the same strength.
Level Rank
1 5
2 10
3 20
4 30
5 40
6 50
7 60
8 70
9 80
10 90
11 100
12 125
13 150
14 200
15 250
16 300
17 400
18 500
19 750
20 1000
21 1250
22 1500
23 1750
24 2000
25 2500
26 3000
27 3500
28 4000
29 4500
30 5000
32 5500
34 6000
36 6500
38 7000
40 7500
42 8000
44 8500
46 9000
48 9500
50 10000
Rank Number Range Average Rank Number
0 0
1-4 3
5-7 6
8-12 10
13-14 13
15-16 15
17-18 17
19-25 20
26-35 30
36-45 40
46-55 50
56-65 60
66-75 70
76-85 80
86-95 90
96-112 100
113-137 125
138-162 150
163-187 175
188-212 200
213-237 225
238-262 250
263-287 275
288-312 300
313-337 325
338-362 350
363-387 375
388-412 400
413-437 425
438-462 450
463-487 475
488-512 500
513-537 525
538-562 550
563-587 575
588-612 600
613-637 625
638-662 650
663-687 675
688-712 700
713-737 725
738-762 750
763-787 775
788-812 800
813-837 825
838-862 850
863-887 875
888-912 900
913-937 925
938-962 950
963-987 975
988-1125 1000
1126-1375 1250
1376-1625 1500
1626-1875 1750
1876-2125 2000
2126-2375 2250
2376-2625 2500
2626-2875 2750
2876-3125 3000
3126-3375 3250
3376-3625 3500
3627-3875 3750
3876-4125 4000
4126-4375 4250
4376-4625 4500
4626-4875 4750
4876-5125 5000
5126-5375 5250
5376-5625 5500
5626-5875 5750
5876-6125 6000
6126-6375 6250
6376-6625 6500
6626-5875 6750
6876-7125 7000
7126-7375 7250
7376-7625 7500
7626-7875 7750
7876-8125 8000
8126-8375 8250
8376-8625 8500
8626-8875 8750
8876-9125 9000
9126-9375 9250
9376-9625 9500
9626-9875 9750
9876-10125 10000
2.6 Earning Experience Points
Experience points are a numerical representation of a character's experiences
which pertain to a character's particular profession or individual areas of
study. It is through earning experience points that character's improve
their skills, learn new ones, and gain levels. Earning experience points
represents the fact that characters are practicing their skills in real life,
practical situations. Training in a particular skill is an important
component of learning skills but it is the actual experience in using these
skills real life situations that is the key component in learning and
improving skills. Often, the action which earns a character experience must
be one that has something at state or has some danger involved. A warrior
practicing sword techniques against a straw dummy is not going to be earning
experience points. A fighter who is using a sword to defend his life will
earn experience. A thief who practices picking the lock to his own home will
not earn experience while the same thief who picks the lock of a king's
vault in order to procure vast quantities of gold will earn experience.
The experience point system in COSMOS is geared at encouraging players
to use their skills creatively to solve problems. In many RPG's, experience
is earned through conflict with other living creatures, usually combat. This
is usually not a problem as players will each use their individual skills the
best way they know how to overcome the creature. Warriors will fight, mages
will cast spells, priests will heal wounded party members, etc. Character's
should only be able to improve skills that they actually use when they are
needed. A priest who never heals his comrades should not be able to gain any
more healing spells. A fighter who never uses a particular weapon should not
be able to improve his skill in that weapon. In short, players are allowed
to spend character points any way they choose as long as it coincides with
the skills they used during an adventure.
One often abused method of earning experience is through the finding
of treasure, be it money, magical or technological items. The act of finding
treasure itself does not give a character experience. The rewarding of
experience points for finding treasure is meant to reflect the actions that
took place in order to find the treasure, avoiding obstacles, making
crucial decisions, etc. A 0 level farmer who walks into a deserted castle
and finds 3 billion mithril pieces does not earn any experience points.
There was no danger and he didn't utilize any skills. A thief who breaks
into an ancient tomb and avoids all the traps in his path will earn
experience for treasure found. The experience for individual actions are
shown below.
KILL FOE Level Of Foe Experience Point Value
1 5 X DC
2 10 X DC
3 15 X DC
4 20 X DC
5 25 X DC
6 30 X DC
7 35 X DC
8 40 X DC
9 45 X DC
10-11 50 X DC
12-13 75 X DC
14-15 100 X DC
16-17 125 X DC
18-19 150 X DC
20-24 200 X DC
25-30 300 X DC
31-35 400 X DC
36-40 500 X DC
41-45 750 X DC
46-50 1000 X DC
SUBDUE FOE - Same as kill foe. Often good aligned characters will only kill
foes when necesary and will usually not kill a sufficiently weaker or
unarmed foe. Subduel includes causing an opponent to surrender, or causing
the foe to be in a situation where the player could kill hi if he chose but
does not, ie knocking a foe unconcious for an extended period of time. This
rule is added to decrease the murder rate since most players will kill foes
that their character's normally wouldn't since killing is the only way to
earn experience points.
CAPTURE FOE - Same as kill for. Includes any time when a foe is trapped by
the player in a confined area and is at the mercy of the player.
CAUSE FOE TO RETREAT - 1/2 kill value. If foe is reduced to 25% or less of
his DC, then the experience points are 3/4 kill value.
USE SPELL, PSIONIC, OR INNATE POWER - This applies to the use of such powers
outside combat situations. The experience point value is the same as the
power points spent.
USE SKILL SUCCESSFULLY - This also applies to situations outside combat.
The experience points earned are equal to the SR roll of the skill. For
example, a player uses a find traps skill at 5th level. He rolls a 45 on the
percentile dice. The actual SR he rolled was 65 so he earns 65 experience
points if that skill is successful. Unsuccessful skill attempts earn no
FIND TREASURE - Experience point value equals the total levels of the foes
divided by the total levels of the party members, times the
monetary value of the treasure. For example, a party with members of 10th,
12th, 14th, and 15th level, find 10,000 monetary units of gold which was
guarded by a 20thlevel dragon. In addition from any experience points gained
from slaying the dragon, the party receives 20/51*10,000 for a total of
3921 experience points, or 980 experience points per each of the for
NEAR DEATH - any time a character goes below 10% of his maximum DC he gets
1/4 his kill value in exp. pts. if he does not die during that particular
encounter. For example, a 10th level character with 100 DC is reduced to
10 DC, if he survives the encounter he receives an additional 1250
experience points, ie 10*50*100/4 = 1250.
KILLED AND RESSURRECTED - any time a character dies and is brought back
from death he receives his full kill value in experience points.
3. Action Resolution
Action resolution in COSMOS is performed with one all powerful universal chart.
Almost every action has a necessary skill roll, refered to as SR, to ensure its
success. Most SR's are in the range of 5 to 95, while some extremely difficult
tasks might have SR's well over 100. The necesary SR is indicated in each skill
in the skill description section. Any skill that is not given a SR (excluding
combat skills which will be dealt with later) can be judged as having an SR
of 75, yielding a 25% chance of success at 1st level in the indicated skill.
No matter what the difficult for any skill is, rolling a natural 5 or less
on percentile dice indicates automatic failure. Rolling a natural 96 or above
on percentile dice indicates automatic success. The chance for automatic
success or failure increases and decreases respectively with level which
will be described later. For dice rolls, percentile dice (2 10 sided dice)
are almost exlusively used. Other dice such as D4, D6, D8, D12,and D20, are
also used, usually for determining damage from weapons. Any number can be
randomly rolled by first rolling percentile dice and then multiplying that
percentage by the maximum possible value. For example, a phaser rifle can
do up to 200 points damage. Percentile dice are rolled and a 35 is the result.
35% times 200 maximum points yields a total of 70 points of damage.
3.1 Skill Roll Chart
Roll 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
0 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77
1 -4 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78
2 -3 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 51 55 59 63 67 71 75 79
3 -2 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80
4 -1 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81
5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82
6 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 55 59 63 67 71 75 79 83
7 2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84
8 3 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85
9 4 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86
10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87
11 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88
12 7 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89
13 8 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90
14 9 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91
15 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92
16 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93
17 12 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94
18 13 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95
19 14 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96
20 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97
21 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98
22 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99
23 18 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100
24 19 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101
25 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 102
26 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 103
27 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104
28 23 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105
29 24 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 102 106
30 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 103 107
31 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108
32 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109
33 28 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 82 86 90 94 98 102 106 110
34 29 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 83 87 91 95 99 103 107 111
35 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112
36 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113
37 32 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 86 90 94 98 102 106 110 114
38 33 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 87 91 95 99 103 107 111 115
39 34 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116
40 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 117
41 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118
42 37 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 91 95 99 103 107 111 115 119
43 38 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120
44 39 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 93 97 101 105 109 113 117 121
45 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122
46 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 95 99 103 107 111 115 119 123
47 42 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124
48 43 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 97 101 105 109 113 117 121 125
49 44 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126
50 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 99 103 107 111 115 119 123 127
51 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128
52 47 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 101 105 109 113 117 121 125 129
53 48 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130
54 49 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 103 107 111 115 119 123 127 131
55 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132
56 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 105 109 113 117 121 125 129 133
57 52 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 106 110 114 118 122 126 130 134
58 53 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 107 111 115 119 123 127 131 135
59 54 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136
60 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 109 113 117 121 125 129 133 137
61 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 110 114 118 122 126 130 134 138
62 57 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 111 115 119 123 127 131 135 139
63 58 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140
64 59 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 113 117 121 125 129 133 137 141
65 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 114 118 122 126 130 134 138 142
66 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 115 119 123 127 131 135 139 143
67 62 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144
68 63 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 117 121 125 129 133 137 141 145
69 64 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 118 122 126 130 134 138 142 146
70 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 119 123 127 131 135 139 143 147
71 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148
72 67 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 121 125 129 133 137 141 145 149
73 68 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 122 126 130 134 138 142 146 150
74 69 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 119 123 127 131 135 139 143 147 151
75 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152
76 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 125 129 133 137 141 145 149 153
77 72 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 126 130 134 138 142 146 150 154
78 73 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 127 131 135 139 143 147 151 155
79 74 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 128 132 136 140 144 148 152 156
80 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 129 133 137 141 145 149 153 157
81 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 130 134 138 142 146 150 154 158
82 77 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 131 135 139 143 147 151 155 159
83 78 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 160
84 79 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 129 133 137 141 145 149 153 157 161
85 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 134 138 142 146 150 154 158 162
86 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 135 139 143 147 151 155 159 163
87 82 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 132 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 164
88 83 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 133 137 141 145 149 153 157 161 165
89 84 89 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 129 134 138 142 146 150 154 158 162 166
90 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 139 143 147 151 155 159 163 167
91 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 168
92 87 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 132 137 141 145 149 153 157 161 165 169
93 88 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 133 138 142 146 150 154 158 162 166 170
94 89 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 129 134 139 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 171
95 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172
96 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 145 149 153 157 161 165 169 173
97 92 97 102 107 112 117 122 127 132 137 142 146 150 154 158 162 166 170 174
98 93 98 103 108 113 118 123 128 133 138 143 147 151 155 159 163 167 171 175
99 94 99 104 109 114 119 124 129 134 139 144 148 152 156 160 164 168 172 176
100 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 149 153 157 161 165 169 173 177
Roll 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
0 81 85 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129
1 82 86 89 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
2 83 87 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131
3 84 88 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132
4 85 89 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133
5 86 90 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 134
6 87 91 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135
7 88 92 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 124 126 128 130 132 134 136
8 89 93 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137
9 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 126 128 130 132 134 136 138
10 91 95 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139
11 92 96 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 128 130 132 134 136 138 140
12 93 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141
13 94 98 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 130 132 134 136 138 140 142
14 95 99 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 143
15 96 100 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 132 134 136 138 140 142 144
16 97 101 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 133 135 137 139 141 143 145
17 98 102 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 134 136 138 140 142 144 146
18 99 103 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 135 137 139 141 143 145 147
19 100 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 136 138 140 142 144 146 148
20 101 105 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 137 139 141 143 145 147 149
21 102 106 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150
22 103 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 139 141 143 145 147 149 151
23 104 108 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152
24 105 109 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 141 143 145 147 149 151 153
25 106 110 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154
26 107 111 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 143 145 147 149 151 153 155
27 108 112 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156
28 109 113 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157
29 110 114 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158
30 111 115 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159
31 112 116 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160
32 113 117 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161
33 114 118 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 162
34 115 119 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163
35 116 120 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 152 154 156 158 160 162 164
36 117 121 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165
37 118 122 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 154 156 158 160 162 164 166
38 119 123 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167
39 120 124 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 156 158 160 162 164 166 168
40 121 125 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169
41 122 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170
42 123 127 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171
43 124 128 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 155 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172
44 125 129 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173
45 126 130 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 162 164 166 168 170 172 174
46 127 131 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 155 158 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175
47 128 132 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 164 166 168 170 172 174 176
48 129 133 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177
49 130 134 137 140 143 146 149 152 155 158 161 164 166 168 170 172 174 176 178
50 131 135 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179
51 132 136 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 168 170 172 174 176 178 180
52 133 137 140 143 146 149 152 155 158 161 164 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181
53 134 138 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 182
54 135 139 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183
55 136 140 143 146 149 152 155 158 161 164 167 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184
56 137 141 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185
57 138 142 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186
58 139 143 146 149 152 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187
59 140 144 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188
60 141 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189
61 142 146 149 152 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190
62 143 147 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191
63 144 148 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192
64 145 149 152 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193
65 146 150 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194
66 147 151 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195
67 148 152 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196
68 149 153 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197
69 150 154 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198
70 151 155 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199
71 152 156 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200
72 153 157 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201
73 154 158 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 190 192 194 196 198 200 202
74 155 159 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 191 193 195 197 199 201 203
75 156 160 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 192 194 196 198 200 202 204
76 157 161 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 193 195 197 199 201 203 205
77 158 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206
78 159 163 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 195 197 199 201 203 205 207
79 160 164 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208
80 161 165 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 197 199 201 203 205 207 209
81 162 166 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210
82 163 167 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 199 201 203 205 207 209 211
83 164 168 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212
84 165 169 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 201 203 205 207 209 211 213
85 166 170 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214
86 167 171 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 203 205 207 209 211 213 215
87 168 172 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216
88 169 173 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 205 207 209 211 213 215 217
89 170 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218
90 171 175 178 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 205 207 209 211 213 215 217 219
91 172 176 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220
92 173 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 204 207 209 211 213 215 217 219 221
93 174 178 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 205 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222
94 175 179 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 206 209 211 213 215 217 219 221 223
95 176 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 204 207 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224
96 177 181 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 205 208 211 213 215 217 219 221 223 225
97 178 182 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 206 209 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226
98 179 183 186 189 192 195 198 201 204 207 210 213 215 217 219 221 223 225 227
99 180 184 187 190 193 196 199 202 205 208 211 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228
100 181 185 188 191 194 197 200 203 206 209 212 215 217 219 221 223 225 227 229
Roll 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
0 131 133 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145
1 132 134 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146
2 133 135 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
3 134 136 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
4 135 137 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
5 136 138 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150
6 137 139 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151
7 138 140 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152
8 139 141 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153
9 140 142 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154
10 141 143 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155
11 142 144 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156
12 143 145 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157
13 144 146 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
14 145 147 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
15 146 148 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160
16 147 149 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161
17 148 150 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162
18 149 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163
19 150 152 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164
20 151 153 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165
21 152 154 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166
22 153 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
23 154 156 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168
24 155 157 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
25 156 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170
26 157 159 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171
27 158 160 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
28 159 161 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
29 160 162 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
30 161 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175
31 162 164 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
32 163 165 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177
33 164 166 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178
34 165 167 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
35 166 168 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180
36 167 169 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181
37 168 170 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
38 169 171 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183
39 170 172 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184
40 171 173 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185
41 172 174 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
42 173 175 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187
43 174 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188
44 175 177 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
45 176 178 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190
46 177 179 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191
47 178 180 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192
48 179 181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193
49 180 182 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194
50 181 183 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
51 182 184 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
52 183 185 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197
53 184 186 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198
54 185 187 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
55 186 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200
56 187 189 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201
57 188 190 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202
58 189 191 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203
59 190 192 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204
60 191 193 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205
61 192 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206
62 193 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207
63 194 196 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208
64 195 197 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
65 196 198 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210
66 197 199 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211
67 198 200 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212
68 199 201 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213
69 200 202 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214
70 201 203 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215
71 202 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216
72 203 205 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217
73 204 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218
74 205 207 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
75 206 208 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220
76 207 209 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221
77 208 210 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222
78 209 211 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223
79 210 212 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
80 211 213 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
81 212 214 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226
82 213 215 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227
83 214 216 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228
84 215 217 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
85 216 218 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230
86 217 219 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231
87 218 220 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232
88 219 221 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233
89 220 222 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
90 221 223 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235
91 222 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236
92 223 225 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237
93 224 226 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
94 225 227 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
95 226 228 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240
96 227 229 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241
97 228 230 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242
98 229 231 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243
99 230 232 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
100 231 233 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245
To use the SR table, roll percentile dice and cross reference the die roll
with the character's level in that particular skill. There are two main types
of SR's. These are skill vs difficulty and skill vs skill.
3.2 Skill vs Difficulty (Unopposed Action)
A character has 5th level find traps skill. The SR for success is 80. The
character must roll a 60 or above on percentile dice as 60 cross referenced
with 5th level gives an SR of 80, the necessary score needed to accomplish the
skill. Often their will be bonuses or penalties applied to a skill. These
bonuses or penalties are described in terms of Level Shifts, abbreviated as LS.
A positive level shift indicates that number is added to the characters skill
level when trying to accomplish that skill. For instance, if the above character
had a perception score of 16 he would have a +2 LS bonus to his skill roll.
When he rolled he would cross reference the die roll with 7th level because
5th level +2 level shifts equal 7th level. In this case he would only need
to roll a 50 to accomplish the skill. If the trap was unusually hard to find,
there might be a penalty, say a -1 LS,so the character would roll as if
he was only 4th level in that skill.
3.3 Skill vs Skill (Opposed Action)
Skill vs skill is when the success of one action is determined by the
success or failure of another's action. Combat is a common example of this.
If character A is attacking character B then A makes a SR to hit B. If B is
defending then B makes a SR to defend against A, be it to block, parry, or
dodge. As long as no one SR indicates automatic failure, the higher SR wins.
If the attacker wins, then he hit the defender. If the defender wins, then he
successfully evaded the attack.
Another example would be the tracking and covering tracks skills. If the
trackers SR is higher, then he successfully tracked the individual. If the
track coverer's SR is higher, then he successfully eluded the tracker.
3.4 Automatic Failure or Success
Depending on the character's level in a particular skill, a natural die roll
on the precentile dice (not an SR from the chart) will indicate automatic
failure or automatic success. The following gives the natural die rolls acording
to level wich indicate automatic success or failure.
Skill Level Automatic Failure Automatic Success
1-5 01-05 96-100
6-10 01-05 94-100
11-15 01-04 92-100
16-20 01-04 90-100
21-25 01-03 88-100
26-30 01-03 86-100
31-35 01-02 84-100
36-40 01-02 82-100
41-45 01 80-100
46-50 01 76-100
No special outcome other than the normal success for a specific task is given
by the automatic rolls. For example, regardless of what SR was necesary for a
character using a longsword with 10th level skill, if he rolled a natural 94 or
higher on the percentile dice he would automatically hit his target. Likewise,
if he rolled a natural 5 or lower he would automatically miss his target. The
GM may opt to use critical failures and critical successes which indicate an
excepional success or failure in an action. These are most commonly used in
combat. A list of possible criticals is given in the combat section. Any type
of criticals can be used, but both critical successes and failures must be
used, the GM should not use just one or the other. They should also be equal
in their helpfulness or harmfullness. For instance, if a roll of 100 on a
critical success chart in combat kills the opponent automaticaly, then the same
roll of 100 in the critical failure chart should kill the player automaticaly.
3.5 Resistance Rolls
Resistance rolls noted as RR's are similar to SR's but they differ in the
fact that they depend mainly on the character's level and not any one skill
level. RR's are made to avoid or resist the effects of certain attacks, usually
spells, psionics, poisons, etc, that allow a chance of resisting them. For
example, Obi Wan Kenobi is with Luke when they get stopped by some Storm
Troopers. Obi Wan uses his suggestion power and says, "You don't need to see
his papers, these aren't the droids you're looking for, we can go about are
The Storm Troopers must make a RR to resist the attack. They roll percentile
dice and cross reference their character level with Obi Wan's level of skill
in his suggestion power. If their percentile roll is less than the indicated
number, then they say,"We don't need to see his papers, these aren't the
droids we're looking for, you can go about your business." If the number
rolled is equal to or greater than the indicated number, then Obi Wan better
hope that his Jedi Robes are blaster proof.
Often character abilites will give LS's to a RR. In the above example,
if the Storm Troopers had high scores in Wisdom (mental strength) as opposed
to weak minds, then would receive a positive LS on their die roll and would
make RR's as if they were of a higher level.
Another example refers to making RR vs poisons. If the character's
constitution is equal to the poison rank then there is no bonus or penalty and
the character's level is use alone to determine the roll. If the character's
constitution was of a higher rank than the poison then he would get a positive
LS in his roll. A 5th level character with 20 (Excellent) Constitution would
save as if he was 7th level, +2 LS, vs a 16 (High) rank poison since his
constitution is 2 ranks higher than the strength of the poison. If his
constitution was High and the poison was Excellent, then he would make an RR
as if he were only 3rd
level, -2 LS.
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 50 55 60 65 70 75
1 45 50 55 60 65 70
2 40 45 50 55 60 65
3 35 40 45 50 55 60
4 30 35 40 45 50 55
5 25 30 35 40 45 50
D 6 20 25 30 35 40 45
E 7 15 20 25 30 35 40
F 8 10 15 20 25 30 35
E 9 5 10 15 20 25 30
N 10 4 5 10 15 20 25
C 11 4 4 5 10 15 20
E 12 4 4 4 5 10 15
13 4 4 4 4 5 10
L 14 4 4 4 4 4 5
E 15 4 4 4 4 4 4
V 16 4 4 4 4 4 4
E 17 4 4 4 4 4 4
L 18 4 4 4 4 4 4
19 4 4 4 4 4 4
20 3 4 4 4 4 4
21 3 3 4 4 4 4
22 3 3 3 4 4 4
23 3 3 3 3 4 4
24 3 3 3 3 3 4
25 3 3 3 3 3 3
26 3 3 3 3 3 3
27 3 3 3 3 3 3
28 3 3 3 3 3 3
29 3 3 3 3 3 3
30 2 3 3 3 3 3
31 2 2 3 3 3 3
32 2 2 2 3 3 3
33 2 2 2 2 3 3
34 2 2 2 2 2 3
35 2 2 2 2 2 2
36 2 2 2 2 2 2
37 2 2 2 2 2 2
38 2 2 2 2 2 2
39 2 2 2 2 2 2
40 2 2 2 2 2 2
41 2 2 2 2 2 2
42 2 2 2 2 2 2
43 2 2 2 2 2 2
44 2 2 2 2 2 2
45 2 2 2 2 2 2
46 2 2 2 2 2 2
47 2 2 2 2 2 2
48 2 2 2 2 2 2
49 2 2 2 2 2 2
50 2 2 2 2 2 2
6 7 8 9 10
0 80 85 90 95 96
1 75 80 85 90 95
2 70 75 80 85 90
3 65 70 75 80 85
4 60 65 70 75 80
5 55 60 65 70 75
D 6 50 55 60 65 70
E 7 45 50 55 60 65
F 8 40 45 50 55 60
E 9 35 40 45 50 55
N 10 30 35 40 45 50
C 11 25 30 35 40 45
E 12 20 25 30 35 40
13 15 20 25 30 35
14 10 15 20 25 30
L 15 5 10 15 20 25
E 16 4 5 10 15 20
V 17 4 4 5 10 15
E 18 4 4 4 5 10
L 19 4 4 4 4 5
20 4 4 4 4 4
21 4 4 4 4 4
22 4 4 4 4 4
23 4 4 4 4 4
24 4 4 4 4 4
25 4 4 4 4 4
26 3 4 4 4 4
27 3 3 4 4 4
28 3 3 3 4 4
29 3 3 3 3 4
30 3 3 3 3 3
31 3 3 3 3 3
32 3 3 3 3 3
33 3 3 3 3 3
34 3 3 3 3 3
35 3 3 3 3 3
36 2 3 3 3 3
37 2 2 3 3 3
38 2 2 2 3 3
39 2 2 2 2 3
40 2 2 2 2 2
41 2 2 2 2 2
42 2 2 2 2 2
43 2 2 2 2 2
44 2 2 2 2 2
45 2 2 2 2 2
46 2 2 2 2 2
47 2 2 2 2 2
48 2 2 2 2 2
49 2 2 2 2 2
50 2 2 2 2 2
11 12 13 14 15
0 96 96 96 96 96
1 96 96 96 96 96
2 95 96 96 96 96
3 90 95 96 96 96
4 85 90 95 96 96
5 80 85 90 95 96
D 6 75 80 85 90 95
E 7 70 75 80 85 90
F 8 65 70 75 80 85
E 9 60 65 70 75 80
N 10 55 60 65 70 75
C 11 50 55 60 65 70
E 12 45 50 55 60 65
13 40 45 50 55 60
14 35 40 45 50 55
L 15 30 35 40 45 50
E 16 25 30 35 40 45
V 17 20 25 30 35 40
E 18 15 20 25 30 35
L 19 10 15 20 25 30
20 5 10 15 20 25
21 4 5 10 15 20
22 4 4 5 10 15
23 4 4 4 5 10
24 4 4 4 4 5
25 4 4 4 4 4
26 4 4 4 4 4
27 4 4 4 4 4
28 4 4 4 4 4
29 4 4 4 4 4
30 4 4 4 4 4
31 3 4 4 4 4
32 3 3 4 4 4
33 3 3 3 4 4
34 3 3 3 3 4
35 3 3 3 3 3
36 3 3 3 3 3
37 3 3 3 3 3
38 3 3 3 3 3
39 3 3 3 3 3
40 3 3 3 3 3
41 2 3 3 3 3
42 2 2 3 3 3
43 2 2 2 3 3
44 2 2 2 2 3
45 2 2 2 2 2
46 2 2 2 2 2
47 2 2 2 2 2
48 2 2 2 2 2
49 2 2 2 2 2
50 2 2 2 2 2
16 17 18 19 20
0 96 96 96 96 97
1 96 96 96 96 96
2 96 96 96 96 96
3 96 96 96 96 96
4 96 96 96 96 96
5 96 96 96 96 96
D 6 96 96 96 96 96
E 7 95 96 96 96 96
F 8 90 95 96 96 96
E 9 85 90 95 96 96
N 10 80 85 90 95 96
C 11 75 80 85 90 95
E 12 70 75 80 85 90
13 65 70 75 80 85
14 60 65 70 75 80
L 15 55 60 65 70 75
E 16 50 55 60 65 70
V 17 45 50 55 60 65
E 18 40 45 50 55 60
L 19 35 40 45 50 55
20 30 35 40 45 50
21 25 30 35 40 45
22 20 25 30 35 40
23 15 20 25 30 35
24 10 15 20 25 30
25 5 10 15 20 25
26 4 5 10 15 20
27 4 4 5 10 15
28 4 4 4 5 10
29 4 4 4 4 5
30 4 4 4 4 4
31 4 4 4 4 4
32 4 4 4 4 4
33 4 4 4 4 4
34 4 4 4 4 4
35 4 4 4 4 4
36 3 4 4 4 4
37 3 3 4 4 4
38 3 3 3 4 4
39 3 3 3 3 4
40 3 3 3 3 3
41 3 3 3 3 3
42 3 3 3 3 3
43 3 3 3 3 3
44 3 3 3 3 3
45 3 3 3 3 3
46 2 3 3 3 3
47 2 2 3 3 3
48 2 2 2 3 3
49 2 2 2 2 3
50 2 2 2 2 2
21 22 23 24 25
0 97 97 97 97 97
1 97 97 97 97 97
2 96 97 97 97 97
3 96 96 97 97 97
4 96 96 96 97 97
5 96 96 96 96 97
D 6 96 96 96 96 96
E 7 96 96 96 96 96
F 8 96 96 96 96 96
E 9 96 96 96 96 96
N 10 96 96 96 96 96
C 11 96 96 96 96 96
E 12 95 96 96 96 96
13 90 95 96 96 96
14 85 90 95 96 96
L 15 80 85 90 95 96
E 16 75 80 85 90 95
V 17 70 75 80 85 90
E 18 65 70 75 80 85
L 19 60 65 70 75 80
20 55 60 65 70 75
21 50 55 60 65 70
22 45 50 55 60 65
23 40 45 50 55 60
24 35 40 45 50 55
25 30 35 40 45 50
26 25 30 35 40 45
27 20 25 30 35 40
28 15 20 25 30 35
29 10 15 20 25 30
30 5 10 15 20 25
31 4 5 10 15 20
32 4 4 5 10 15
33 4 4 4 5 10
34 4 4 4 4 5
35 4 4 4 4 4
36 4 4 4 4 4
37 4 4 4 4 4
38 4 4 4 4 4
39 4 4 4 4 4
40 4 4 4 4 4
41 3 4 4 4 4
42 3 3 4 4 4
43 3 3 3 4 4
44 3 3 3 3 4
45 3 3 3 3 3
46 3 3 3 3 3
47 3 3 3 3 3
48 3 3 3 3 3
49 3 3 3 3 3
50 3 3 3 3 3
26 27 28 29 30
0 97 97 97 97 98
1 97 97 97 97 97
2 97 97 97 97 97
3 97 97 97 97 97
4 97 97 97 97 97
5 97 97 97 97 97
D 6 97 97 97 97 97
E 7 96 97 97 97 97
F 8 96 96 97 97 97
E 9 96 96 96 97 97
N 10 96 96 96 96 97
C 11 96 96 96 96 96
E 12 96 96 96 96 96
13 96 96 96 96 96
14 96 96 96 96 96
L 15 96 96 96 96 96
E 16 96 96 96 96 96
V 17 95 96 96 96 96
E 18 90 95 96 96 96
L 19 85 90 95 96 96
20 80 85 90 95 96
21 75 80 85 90 95
22 70 75 80 85 90
23 65 70 75 80 85
24 60 65 70 75 80
25 55 60 65 70 75
26 50 55 60 65 70
27 45 50 55 60 65
28 40 45 50 55 60
29 35 40 45 50 55
30 30 35 40 45 50
31 25 30 35 40 45
32 20 25 30 35 40
33 15 20 25 30 35
34 10 15 20 25 30
35 5 10 15 20 25
36 4 5 10 15 20
37 4 4 5 10 15
38 4 4 4 5 10
39 4 4 4 4 5
40 4 4 4 4 4
41 4 4 4 4 4
42 4 4 4 4 4
43 4 4 4 4 4
44 4 4 4 4 4
45 4 4 4 4 4
46 3 4 4 4 4
47 3 3 4 4 4
48 3 3 3 4 4
49 3 3 3 3 4
50 3 3 3 3 3
31 32 33 34 35
0 98 98 98 98 98
1 98 98 98 98 98
2 97 98 98 98 98
3 97 97 98 98 98
4 97 97 97 98 98
5 97 97 97 97 98
D 6 97 97 97 97 97
E 7 97 97 97 97 97
F 8 97 97 97 97 97
E 9 97 97 97 97 97
N 10 97 97 97 97 97
C 11 97 97 97 97 97
E 12 96 97 97 97 97
13 96 96 97 97 97
14 96 96 96 97 97
L 15 96 96 96 96 97
E 16 96 96 96 96 96
V 17 96 96 96 96 96
E 18 96 96 96 96 96
L 19 96 96 96 96 96
20 96 96 96 96 96
21 96 96 96 96 96
22 95 96 96 96 96
23 90 95 96 96 96
24 85 90 95 96 96
25 80 85 90 95 96
26 75 80 85 90 95
27 70 75 80 85 90
28 65 70 75 80 85
29 60 65 70 75 80
30 55 60 65 70 75
31 50 55 60 65 70
32 45 50 55 60 65
33 40 45 50 55 60
34 35 40 45 50 55
35 30 35 40 45 50
36 25 30 35 40 45
37 20 25 30 35 40
38 15 20 25 30 35
39 10 15 20 25 30
40 5 10 15 20 25
41 4 5 10 15 20
42 4 4 5 10 15
43 4 4 4 5 10
44 4 4 4 4 5
45 4 4 4 4 4
46 4 4 4 4 4
47 4 4 4 4 4
48 4 4 4 4 4
49 4 4 4 4 4
50 4 4 4 4 4
36 37 38 39 40
0 98 98 98 98 99
1 98 98 98 98 98
2 98 98 98 98 98
3 98 98 98 98 98
4 98 98 98 98 98
5 98 98 98 98 98
D 6 98 98 98 98 98
E 7 97 98 98 98 98
F 8 97 97 98 98 98
E 9 97 97 97 98 98
N 10 97 97 97 97 98
C 11 97 97 97 97 97
E 12 97 97 97 97 97
13 97 97 97 97 97
14 97 97 97 97 97
L 15 97 97 97 97 97
E 16 97 97 97 97 97
V 17 96 97 97 97 97
E 18 96 96 97 97 97
L 19 96 96 96 97 97
20 96 96 96 96 97
21 96 96 96 96 96
22 96 96 96 96 96
23 96 96 96 96 96
24 96 96 96 96 96
25 96 96 96 96 96
26 96 96 96 96 96
27 95 96 96 96 96
28 90 95 96 96 96
29 85 90 95 96 96
30 80 85 90 95 96
31 75 80 85 90 95
32 70 75 80 85 90
33 65 70 75 80 85
34 60 65 70 75 80
35 55 60 65 70 75
36 50 55 60 65 70
37 45 50 55 60 65
38 40 45 50 55 60
39 35 40 45 50 55
40 30 35 40 45 50
41 25 30 35 40 45
42 20 25 30 35 40
43 15 20 25 30 35
44 10 15 20 25 30
45 5 10 15 20 25
46 4 5 10 15 20
47 4 4 5 10 15
48 4 4 4 5 10
49 4 4 4 4 5
50 4 4 4 4 4
41 42 43 44 45
0 99 99 99 99 99
1 99 99 99 99 99
2 98 99 99 99 99
3 98 98 99 99 99
4 98 98 98 99 99
5 98 98 98 98 99
D 6 98 98 98 98 98
E 7 98 98 98 98 98
F 8 98 98 98 98 98
E 9 98 98 98 98 98
N 10 98 98 98 98 98
C 11 98 98 98 98 98
E 12 97 98 98 98 98
13 97 97 98 98 98
14 97 97 97 98 98
L 15 97 97 97 97 98
E 16 97 97 97 97 97
V 17 97 97 97 97 97
E 18 97 97 97 97 97
L 19 97 97 97 97 97
20 97 97 97 97 97
21 97 97 97 97 97
22 96 97 97 97 97
23 96 96 97 97 97
24 96 96 96 97 97
25 96 96 96 96 97
26 96 96 96 96 96
27 96 96 96 96 96
28 96 96 96 96 96
29 96 96 96 96 96
30 96 96 96 96 96
31 96 96 96 96 96
32 95 96 96 96 96
33 90 95 96 96 96
34 85 90 95 96 96
35 80 85 90 95 96
36 75 80 85 90 95
37 70 75 80 85 90
38 65 70 75 80 85
39 60 65 70 75 80
40 55 60 65 70 75
41 50 55 60 65 70
42 45 50 55 60 65
43 40 45 50 55 60
44 35 40 45 50 55
45 30 35 40 45 50
46 25 30 35 40 45
47 20 25 30 35 40
48 15 20 25 30 35
49 10 15 20 25 30
50 5 10 15 20 25
46 47 48 49 50
0 99 99 99 99 99
1 99 99 99 99 99
2 99 99 99 99 99
3 99 99 99 99 99
4 99 99 99 99 99
5 99 99 99 99 99
D 6 99 99 99 99 99
E 7 98 99 99 99 99
F 8 98 98 99 99 99
E 9 98 98 98 99 99
N 10 98 98 98 98 99
C 11 98 98 98 98 98
E 12 98 98 98 98 98
13 98 98 98 98 98
14 98 98 98 98 98
L 15 98 98 98 98 98
E 16 98 98 98 98 98
V 17 97 98 98 98 98
E 18 97 97 98 98 98
L 19 97 97 97 98 98
20 97 97 97 97 98
21 97 97 97 97 97
22 97 97 97 97 97
23 97 97 97 97 97
24 97 97 97 97 97
25 97 97 97 97 97
26 97 97 97 97 97
27 96 97 97 97 97
28 96 96 97 97 97
29 96 96 96 97 97
30 96 96 96 96 97
31 96 96 96 96 96
32 96 96 96 96 96
33 96 96 96 96 96
34 96 96 96 96 96
35 96 96 96 96 96
36 96 96 96 96 96
37 95 96 96 96 96
38 90 95 96 96 96
39 85 90 95 96 96
40 80 85 90 95 96
41 75 80 85 90 95
42 70 75 80 85 90
43 65 70 75 80 85
44 60 65 70 75 80
45 55 60 65 70 75
46 50 55 60 65 70
47 45 50 55 60 65
48 40 45 50 55 60
49 35 40 45 50 55
50 30 35 40 45 50
3.6 Action Points
All physical actions have an action point cost that indicates how much time a
character needs to spend to complete that action. Spells and psionics have a
certain amount of actual time that is required which can be translated into
action points to see what other physical actions the character can complete
along with spell casting and psionic use.
All characters begin with 10 action points at 1st level. Zero level beings
have 5 action points. Action points increase by 1 point/level, ie 10th level
character has 20 action points. Action points indicate what kinds and how much
activity the character can carry out each 6 second round. All activities have
an action point cost.
3.61 Combat
The area where actions points are most crucial is during combat. Attacking,
drawing weapons, loading weapons, dodging, evading, blocking, and parrying
are all aspects of combat which require the expenditure of action points.
All weapons have their own specific action point cost/weapon. The action point
cost reflects the size and weight of the weapon, as well as the general
complexity in using it. The cost to draw and sheath a weapon is given as a
fraction of the action point cost for attacking with the particular weapon.
Parrying with a weapon costs they same as an attack. Shields are used for
blocking attacks and can also be used as weapons. The action points for these
manuevers are the same. Ancient missile weapons that use ammunition, ie bows,
crossbows, slings, blowguns, etc, have separate action points to load and fire
the weapon. Arrows are bolts can be loaded, knocked, and then fired. Although
the time for the complete action is usually more than most mellee weapons,
once an arrow is knocked and aimed at a target, it can be released almost
immediately, usually before and mellee attack can occur.
Dodging and Evading cost 5 action points to perform. Weapon and shield
proficiencies will decrease the amount of action points necesary for the
related action, so more actions can be performed in a single round.
3.62 Movement
one's full movement rate for 1 full round takes all of a character's action
points. Moving at full rate for 1/2 round takes up 1/2 action points, 1/4
movement equals 1/4 action points, etc. Trying to accomplish any actions not
related to movement (actions other than jumping, tumbling, acrobtics, etc)
will be accomplished at 1/2 the character's level in the particular skill or
3.63 Reduced Action Point Expenditure
The actions points listed for any action indicate how many points are required
to perform the action at the normal level of skill and effort. A character can
choose for any action to spend less points than are necesary. This reflects
that the character is spending less time and effort on the action. An
appropiate instance of this might be when attacking a large and unarmored
creature. The creature is very easy to hit and so attacks require less skill
and effort. A character would put his effort into the quantity of attacks as
opposed to the quality of each individual attacks. The penalties for reduced
action point expenditure are as follows:
Action Points Reduction Penalty
1/2 -1 LS
1 -2 LS
2 -3 LS
3 -4 LS
4 -5 LS
5 -6 LS
6 -7 LS
7 -8 LS
8 -9 LS
9 -10 LS
10 -12 LS
No action can be reduced below 1 action point.
3.64 Increased Action Point Expenditure
This is just the opposite of reduced action point expenditure. It reflects the
fact that the character is spending more time and effort into a particular
action, and is trading the quantity of actions for the quality of an action.
The bonuses for increased action point expenditure are as follows.
Action Point Increase Bonus
x 1.5 +1 LS
x 2 +2 LS
x 2.5 +3 LS
x 3 +4 LS
x 3.5 +5 LS
x 4 +6 LS
x 4.5 +7 LS
x 5 +8 LS
3.7 Altering Rolls
At any time during the course of the game, players may use any extra experience
points that their character has to alter die rolls, usually involving SR's
and RR's. They must announce before the roll wether or not they are going to
spend experience points the augment the die roll. Some may view this as buying
luck, others may view this as glorified cheating. In any apsect, the player's
character forfeits experience points in return for raising a die roll. The
experience points necesary to raise any given roll by the folling amounts are
as follows.
Level Shifts Experience Points
1 50
2 100
3 250
4 500
5 750
6 1000
7 2500
8 5000
9 75000
10 10000
In rolls that don't directly apply to level shifts such as outcomes that are
pure chance such as lotteries, rolling to see which member of the party get's
a certain pick of the treasure, etc, each level shift is equivalent to +5 on
the percentile dice. A player who spends 50 exp pts before rolling for treasure
who rolls a 56 actually gets a 61 because of the +5 points added by his exp pt
3.8 Penalties Due to Damage and LEL Loss
Characters who have suffered damage and Life Energy Level drains do not
function at their maximum abilities and thus have a penalty on all actions.
% Damage Capacity or LEL Penalty
100% 0 LS
90% -1 LS
75% -2 LS
50% -4 LS
25% -6 LS
10% -8 LS
5% -10 LS
Note that the penalties are cumulative. If a character was at 75% of his
damage capacity and 90% of his LEL's then he would have a total penalty
of -3 LS on all actions.
4. Skills
Skills are the heart of the COSMOS character generation system. Skills are
what make a character what he is and are what distinguish him from other
characters. In any campaign, the characters should select skills that together
with other characters in the group help them in their adventures in a specific
4.1 Character Point Costs for Skills
The number before each skill description indicates the number of character
points for level 1 of that skill. The cost for a the first level of a skill is
used to figure out the cost for successive levels for that skill by consulting
the following chart.
Skill Level Character Points
1 5 6 8 10 12 15
2 5 6 8 10 12 15
3 10 12 16 20 24 30
4 20 24 32 40 48 60
5 40 48 64 80 96 120
6 80 96 128 160 192 240
7 160 192 256 320 384 480
8 320 384 512 640 768 960
9 640 768 1024 1280 1536 1920
10 1280 1536 2048 2560 3072 3840
1 20 25 30 35 40 45
2 20 25 30 35 40 45
3 40 50 60 70 80 90
4 80 100 120 140 160 180
5 160 200 240 280 320 360
6 320 400 480 560 640 720
7 640 800 960 1120 1280 1440
8 1280 1600 1920 2240 2560 2880
9 2560 3200 3840 4480 5120 5760
10 5120 6400 7680 8960 10240 11520
1 50 60 75 100 125 150
2 50 60 75 100 125 150
3 100 120 150 200 250 300
4 200 240 300 400 500 600
5 400 480 600 800 1000 1200
6 800 960 1200 1600 2000 2400
7 1600 1920 2400 3200 4000 4800
8 3200 3840 4800 6400 8000 9600
9 6400 7680 9600 12800 16000 19200
10 12800 15360 19200 25600 32000 38400
1 175 200 250 300 400 500
2 175 200 250 300 400 500
3 350 400 500 600 800 1000
4 700 800 1000 1200 1600 2000
5 1400 1600 2000 2400 3200 4000
6 2800 3200 4000 4800 6400 8000
7 5600 6400 8000 9600 12800 16000
8 11200 12800 16000 19200 25600 32000
9 22400 25600 32000 38400 51200 64000
10 44800 51200 64000 76800 102400 128000
1 750 1000
2 750 1000
3 1500 2000
4 3000 4000
5 6000 8000
6 12000 16000
7 24000 32000
8 48000 64000
9 96000 128000
10 192000 256000
All skill levels 11th level and above cost the same as as the skill at 10th
level. Example, a base 50 character point skill costs 12800 character points
at 10th level, 12800 character points at 11th level, 12800 at 12th level, etc.
From that above chart it can be seen that if 50 is the number before Priest
Skill in the skill descriptions, then 1st level for that skill costs 50
character points, 2nd level cost another 50, 3rd level costs 100, 4th costs
200. etc.
4.2 Fractional Skill Advancement
If the player or GM wishes, skills can be increased by a fractional amount
instead of only a complete level. Some skills will offer no benefit from
fractional increases while other, usually technologicaly based, will. For
example, a character who has 16th level warp engineering skill can manufacture
Tech Level 300 warp drives. At 17th level he will know how to manufacture warp
drives of Tech Level 400. If the player wishes he can spend a fraction of the
character points needed to attain 17th level in skill. Spending 1/4 the
required amount of character points will put him at 16.25 level and allow him
to make Tech Level 325 warp drive. 1/2 char pts. attains 16.5 level and
allows for Tech Level 350 drives, etc. Another example which does not apply to
technology would be a weapon proficiency in longswords. At 1st level in
lonsword skill the percentile roll is equal to the actual skill roll, ie
rolling a 50 on the dice means a SR of 50. At 2nd level the skill is increased
by 5% so rolling a 50 would actually be a SR of 55. If fractional skill
advancement is used the character could spend half the required points to
attain 2nd level in ability and therefor raise his skill by 2.5% to level 1.5.
In the case above, then, rolling a 50 would equate to an SR of 52.5.
4.3 Skill Descriptions
Each level, beginning at level 1, the character can opt to buy an additional
number of DC points. This applies to character level, not any particular skill
level. The point costs are as follows:
2 1/1
3 1-2
5 2-4
7 2-5
10 3-6
20 3-7
25 4-8
40 4-9
50 5-10
55 5-11
60 6-12
75 10-20
100 15-30
125 20-40
150 25-50
The first number indicates the minimum amount of points the character can
recieve when buying that point range. The second number is the maximum.
Example, if a character chooses to purchace points in the 5-10 range, it will
cost him 50 character points at first level. He can roll a D10 and if 5 or
higher is rolled, he recieves that number in a Damage Capacity. If lower than
5 is rolled, then 5 is taken, since 5 is the minimum number of points for that
range. Only 1 set of points can be purchased each level, although the
different ranges can be purchaced each level, so a character could buy 5-10 on
one level, 6-12 on another level, and so on. The level of purchasing in terms
of how many character points they cost is the same as the level of the
character purchasing them. For example, a 3rd level character purchasing DC in
the 5-10 point range, it would cost him 100 character points, ie 50 char pts
at 1st level, 50 at 2nd level, and 100 at 3rd level.
6 Climb Walls SR:40 1/Every 10 meters. -1 LS/Rank of surface slickness.
5 Athletics: SR:50: gives ability in any 1 atheltic game and will allow
performance in other games once their rules are learned at -5 LS
8 Fall: SR 75: Allows player to fall 2 meters/level without taking damage as
long he is within 1/2 meter/level of a verticle to slow his fall. For every
5% failure the max distance without taking damage is reduced by 1 level.
Example, a player with 5th level falling skill makes a SR of 70. This means
he can fall only 8 meters without taking damage.
5 Tightrope Walk: SR 80: allows walking on ropes or narrow beams or ledges at
no greater than a 45 degree slope. Every 5 degrees is a -1 LS penalty.
Movement is 5 meters/round. SR made every round. Using a balancing item
such as a pole or staff weapon will increase chance by 2 LS.
5 Pole Vault: SR 75: using a pole and at least a 10 meter running start, the
player is able to vault upwards. Pole used must be at least 1.5 times
character's hight. Verticle distance is 1.25 character's hight at 1st level
plus .25 character's hight/level above the 1st. Every 5% failure indicates
-1 LS in height.
5 Highjump: SR 75: 5 meter running start. Verticle distance is 75% character's
height at 1st level plus 25% per additional level. Every 5% failure
indicates -1 LS in height.
5 Broadjump: SR 75:standing broadjump allows horizontal jump of charcter's
height plus 1/3 height/level. Running broad jump requires a 5 meter running
start and doubles distance covered. Penalty of -1 LS in distance per 5%
10 Tumbling-Attack: SR 95: adds +1 LS to hit/2 skill levels in attack
maneuver's utilizing tumbling.
10 Tumbling-Evasion: SR 90: similar to dodge skill, adds +1 LS per level of
this skill to dodge or evade skills if successful.
20 Dodging: if SR excedes SR of attacker, a missile attack is dodged. -5 LS
for bullets and energy weapons
25 Evasion: if SR is higher than attacker's a mellee attack is successfully
2000 Ambidextrous: Allows the character to use two both hands with equal
skill. The off hand is used at -6 LS. When both hands are used
simultaneously in actions that are normally used with only the primary
hand (usually combat) the primary hand is at -4 LS along with the
secondary hand at -6 LS. The penalty is rediuced by 1 LS/level of skill
until zero penalty is reached in both. No bonus is achieved at higher
10 Equestrian SR 50: skill of riding particular animal and creatures. Player
must pick one main creature to specialize in. Other related creatures can be
ridden at a -1 LS - -5 LS penalty depending on how different the creature
8 Herding: SR 60
5 Billiards: skill of playing pool
15 Wrestling:
Grappling: see Hold below under unarmed attacks
Overbear: if SR is 25 greater than defender's SR the opponent is knocked
down. The opponent will lose all actions that round and will lose
initiative the next round. Once an opponent is knocked down a grappling
attack can be made at +5 LS.
6 Climb Cliffs & Trees: SR 40
5 Kayaking,Rafting: SR 75
5 Swimming: SR 50
6 Scuba: SR 60: skill of smimming underwater with or without breathing
equipment. Effective constitution is increased by 1 rank/ 4 levels for
maximum time to hold one's breath.
6 Diving: SR 60: 2 meter hight + 1 meter/level. Requires 1 meter of water/ 2
meters of height
10 Surfing
10 Skiing
5 Rowing
15 Hangliding
8 Skating
5 Stilt Walking:
10 Athletic Games
10 Distance Running: Raises effective constitution for long distance running
by 1 rank/4 levels.
10 Sprinting: raises effective speed by 1 rank/4 levels for a duration of 1
round, then 1 round/rank increase of speed must be spent in rest.
5 Juggling
4.32 Magic and Psionics
50 Priest Skill
This skill involves the worship of and service to a diety or dieties, or some
form of powerful entity. In return for this service, the priest gains the
power to cast the spells which he has learned through his studies. This source
of this power is the diety itself, or other powerful being who serves it. Most
priest spells will serve to strengthen and defend himself, his comrads, and
above all else, his diety's cause. Depending on the particular diety the
priest worships, certain spells will be made available to him that normally
would only be available to a mage or another priest of higher level. For
instance, a priest who worships a fire diety should be allowed all fire spells
at the lowest level possible. Fireball, flame arrow, and wall of fire are a
small example of spells that would be readily available to this type of priest.
Poor service to a diety should be penalized in the form of losing an amount of
spell abilities in concordance with the priest's performance or lack there of.
Priest magic is more of a metamagic, lying somewhere between normal magic and
psionics. The collective consciousness of a diety's worshippers give that diety
his power. This collective consciousness is similar to psionic energy. The
priest then channels tis power from his diety into the form of various spells.
The base 50 character point cost for the priest skill indicates that the
character has all the normal spell realms available to him. At a base cost
of 45 char pts, the priest has 20 realm points to choose realms. A base char pt
cost of 40 gives the priest 10 realm points to choose realms.
75 Mage Skill
This skill involves the truest source of magic, while the priest, as stated
above uses a form of meta-magic, a combination of magic and psionic energy. As
opposed to priest magic which comes from a certain diety, the source of power
for mages most often comes from another plane where magical energy is in its
natural state. This plane could be the positive or negative material plane, as
well as some other magical dimention. The mage skill involves the arcane
knowledge of spell casting. With this skill, the mage learns how to summon this
power from a distant source, and then to focus, shape, and direct this energy
in the form of a particular spell. Each individual spell must be learned as a
separate skill, the mage skill allowing the knowledge and the power to cast a
particular level of spells. Similar to priest skill, the base 75 character
point cost allow the entire range of mage spells. The base 60 point mage skill
gives the mage 50 realm points. The base 55 char pts gives 40 realm points,
50 char pts gives 30 realm points, the 45 char pts give 20 realm points,
and the 40 char pts gives 10 realm pts.
Solar Mage (Solamancer): as opposed to normal mages who regenerate spell
points over time with rest, the solar mage does not require rest but requires
to be in sunlight to regenerate. While indoors and not exposed to light no
regeneration will occur. The regeneration multipliers are as follows:
Normal Daylight x 1
Bright Sunlight,Noontime x 2
Dusk,Sunset x 0.5
Sunrise x 1.5
Cloudy,Overcast x 0.25
Nightime, Solar eclipse x 0
Artificial Light x 0.5
Lunar Mage (Lunamancer): as above with following conditions:
Dusk x 1.5
Nightime x 1
Cloudy,Overcast x 0.5
1/2 Moon x 1.5
Full Moon x 2
Daylite,lunar eclipse x 0
Hydro Mage (Hydramancer):as above with following conditions:
Light Rain x 0.5
Heavy Rain x 1
Small Stream or Lake x 1
River, Sea x 1.5
Ocean x 2
Normal Land x 0.5
Desert x 0
Geo Mage (Geomancer): as above with following conditions:
Spring x 1.5
Summer x 1
Fall x 1
Winter x 0.5
Desert x 0.25
Savana x 0.5
Forest x 1
Icelands x 0.25
Rain Forest x 2
Astral Mage (Astramancer): will regenerate normally while in all planes other
planes only one plane removed from the astral, will regenerate at -25% per
additional plane removed. A plane bordering the astral counts as one plane
removed. Two planes removed equates a 25% reduction in regeneration. At 5
planes removed their is zero regeneration.
Ethereal Mage (Aethamancer): as Astal Mage
Planar Mage: this type of mage picks 1 plane as his primary plane. Otherwise,
the effects are the same as for astramancers and aethamancers.
* Note that the above mage options cost no skill points as they replace the
normal regeneration methods. At the GM's option priest's can also pick the
above powers if their diety's sphere of influece coincides with them. Thus a
priest of a sun goddess could duplicate the powers and penalties of a solar
mage. It is also possible for psionicists to use the above options, again at
the GM's discretion.
10 Magical Devices: this raises the chance to successfully use magical devices
by +1 LS/4 skill levels.
10 Psionic Devices: as above but applies to psionic devices.
10 Endurance Reserves: this skill allows mages, priests, and psionicits to use
their endurance in the form of damage capacity points to add to their spell
or psionic points. This skill can be utilized for magic or psionic energy
and does not have to be learned separately for the two. The character can
forfeit 2 of his damage points per each level of this skill. For every hit
point forfeited, he gains 2 spell points or 5 psionic points. Thus a 10th
level caster could lose 20 damage points in return for 40 spell points. A
10th level psionicist could lose the same 20 damage points in return for
100 psionic points. The chance for failure is the same as the chance for
spell failure with the level of the skill being equal to a spell level.
Having this skill at 10th level and it at 10th level gives a 25% chance of
failure. Failure indicates that the damage points are lost, but no spell or
psionic points are gained.
Spell and Psionic Aquisition
Char Pts Spell/Power Level Char Pts Spell/Power Level
10 1 4096 16
15 2 4352 17
20 3 4608 18
40 4 4864 19
80 5 5120 20
160 6 5632 21
320 7 6144 22
640 8 6656 23
1280 9 7168 24
2560 10 7680 25
2816 11 8192 26
3072 12 8704 27
3328 13 9216 28
3584 14 9728 29
3840 15 10240 30 - 50
15 New Spell Development
The knowledge of researching and developing new spells. Mages without this
skill can still conduct spell research, but having this skill will add to
the chances for success. +1 LS/level on researching new spells.
20 Spell Summoning
All spells have verbal components, some have material and somatic as
well. This spell allows the caster to summon and "mentally" cast a spell
which he knows. Using this skill means that any and all of the normal
components (V,M,S) are not necessary. Casting time is also reduced for this
reason. This is a base 80 feat. For each spell level of the spell being
summoned below the max spell level the mage can cast, the level of this
feat is reduced by 5 down to a minimum of 50. Because of the lack of
components, spells summoned in this manner cost 50% more than their normal
spell pt. cost. A spell must be known by the caster, but not memorized to
use this power.
25 Reduce Spell Point Cost: SR 75: allows spells to be cast at a power point
cost 2 levels less than normal, 1st and 2nd level spells cost the same as
cantrips. The caster can reduce the cost of any spell equal or under his
level in this skill. For every level higher than this skill trying to be
reduced the penalty is -2 LS. Example, a caster has this skill at 6th level.
He can cast a 6th level spell normally costing 6 points at the cost of only
3 points if the SR is successful. That same caster trying to reduce the
cost of a 7th level spell would need a SR of 85 (2 LS). If the SR fails,
the point cost is doubled, a 6th level spell would cost 12 points. Failure
by more than 50% means a spell fumble. This skill must be taken separately
for priest and mage magic.
10 Power Channeling
There are three separate versions of this skill, one for mages, priests, and
psionicists. This skill allows a character to transfer power points from
himself to another being. The power points transfered must be of the same type,
ie mage spell points to mage spell points, psionic points to psionic points,
etc. The character can transfer a number of power points equal to the cost for
using a spell or psionic power of a level equal to his level in this skill
each round. For example, a mage who had this skill at 8th level, could transfer
10 power points per round as an 8th level spell cost 10 power points to cast.
A character using this skill can transfer up to half of his power points without
penalty. If he transfers between 51-75% of his power he must make a RR or fall
unconscious for 1 turn/5% failure. Transfering over 75% puts a -1 LS on the RR
for every 5% of the total power transfered over 75%. Range is 1 meter/level.
10 Spell/Power Perception
This skill also has three separate types like above. This skill allows a
character to perceive the general nature and effects of spells or psionics while
they are being used or cast. The SR is 75, + or - 1 LS for each level of the
spell/power trying to be perceived below or above the user's highest level
spell or power he can use. Range is 5 meters/level.
20 Spell Mastery
This is a form of specialization for one specific spell. If a mage wishes to
gain mastery in multiple spells he will have to purchase this skill multiple
times for each spell and each level of mastery of that spell. The character pt
cost is that of a 20 pt. skill of the spell level. For example, 1st level
mastery of a first level spell, like sleep for instance, would cost 20 pts. It
would cost another 20 pts for 2nd level mastery of sleep, another 40 pts for
3rd level mastery, and so on. First level mastery of fireball, since it is a
3rd level spell would cost 80 pts (20 + 20 + 40 = 80). The 2nd level of mastery
for that spell would cost 240 pts (80 +160). There are a number of increased
effects applicable to different types of spells depending on the level of mastery. The effects for
each level of mastery are:
Save +/- 1 (for every 2 levels of mastery)
Damage Caused/Healed +10%
Range/Area of Effect +20%
Duration +20%
If the spell is an offensive spell which requires a save, all saves against
are made at -1 for 2 levels of mastery. If it is a protection spell which
gives the recipient a save, the save is at +1 for every 2 levels of mastery.
Damage caused is for fireball, lightning bolt, cause light wounds, etc. Damage
healed applies to all healing spells. In both cases, the 10% bonus applied.
The range/area of effect, and the duration is increased by +20% per level of
Spell Specialization
Allows individual spell advancment, in other words it raises level at which
spell is cast by 1 for each level of specialization, a 5th level caster with
1st level speciallization in fireball casts that fireball as a 6th level
caster. The point cost is the cost of a spell 1 level higher than the
current level of that spell. To raise the power of a 5th level spell to 6th
level it costs the same as buying a 6th level spell.
50 Realm Mastery
This is very similar to the spell mastery skill. All spells are divided into
eight main areas. These are: Divination, Necromantic, Evocation, Conjuration,
Enchantment, Alteration, Phantasm, and Abjuration. Choosing this skill gives
the same bonuses as spell mastery, except that the bonuses apply to a specific
area of spells and not just one particular spell. Bonuses for this skill and
spell mastery are cummulative. The judge may also decide to allow other types
of specialization. An example of this could be elemental spells, possibly
divided into earth, air, water, and fire spells. Other examples are protection
spells, or travelling spells like levitation, flying, teleport, planeshift, etc.
10 Gem Tapping
This power can be used by mages, priests, and psionicists to tap the innate
magical or psionic energies that exist in certain gems and crystals. This
skill must be learned separately for each type of energy to be tapped: mage,
priest, or psionic. The GM should decide which type of gems and crystals can
be tapped, and which kind of energy can be absorbed from them. For each level
of this skill, the character can drain up to the number of spell points of a
spell of equal level from the gem. An 8th level mage with 8th level gem
tapping skill could absorb up to 10 spell points at a time. This skill takes 1
round/use but can only be used 1/turn. For every 100 CR value of the gem, 1
spell/psionic point can be absorbed, but for every spell/psionic point absorbed,
the gem is reduced in value by 100 CR. The skill roll is the same as for
casting a spell or using a psionic power of equal level.
15 Gem Storing
This skill is similar to gem tapping, but instead of draining power from a gem
or crystal, this allows the character to use the innate magical/psionic
properties of the gem to store points. For every 100 CR value, 1 point may be
stored. If the SR fails up on storage, the gem is rendered flawed and
worthless. In all other aspects, this skill functions the same as above.
20 Circle Magic
This is a subset of magic craft that deals specifically with the construction
of magic circles. The effects of most circles serve to protect, summon, gain
knowledge, an increase a mages power. The circle can be designed like any
other magic item, permanent or non permanent. The powers of the circle are
only activated when a being enters, or attempts to enter, the circle. Basically
circle magic acts the same as item enchantment except the magic affects a
stationary area as opposed to an item. Almost any spell that affects an area
can be learned as a separate circle magic spell. The titles of friend or foe
can be defined by the creator when constructing a circle. A circle of
protection from magic could give +3 on saves vs. magic to all allies of the
creator, including the creator himself, while inside the circle. Beings with
magic resistance who are considered to be foes of the creator can make a RR
against the level of the caster to enter the circle. If the RR is successful
even a enemy of the caster can gain beneficial powers of a circle. Note, if a
spell system is used in which spells cover circle magic, this skill can be
replaced by learning the required spells.
10 Read Scrolls(Magical) SR:95 This skill is aimed at non-spell users, or
users of magic which differs from the type embedded in a particular scroll.
-1 LS/level of spell, plus a -2 LS/level of spell above reader's level. +1
LS / level of user's mage or priest skill that may lies in a different area
of magic than that embedded on the scroll.
10 Magical Languages SR:50 This skill involves learning the runes and symbols
in which magic is written. A character's level in his native magical
language is considered to be the same as his mage skill level and he does
not require this skill in order to read his native magical language.
This skill is for other possible languages in the surrounding region of the
mage. -1 LS/Level of spell above the language skill. -1 LS/each plane
removed from native plane. This skill must be taken once for each knew
language desired to be learned.
60 Psionics
This area of skill deals with powers that are derived from the mind itself.
Every living creature is assumed to have some lifeforce. The psionicist draws
upon the energy of this lifeforce to perform certain powers. At low levels, the
power comes from the psionicist himself, at higher levels, the psionicist draws
this energy from the ambient energy of the cosmos itself. In some ways this
area of knowledge is similar to magic skills of the priest and mage. The laws
governing magic and psionics are very different however. The psionicist is more
consciously in control of his powers. His powers do not come from an outside
source until higher levels. Psionicists still live in and must abide by the
laws of physics. For any power of the psionicist there is a physical
explanation for it. The forces normally involved in the physical world are
produced by the psionicist's own mental energy. When a mage transforms a target
into into a frog he does not have to know anything about the frogs biology as
the laws of magic do not require this. The psionicist is mentally transforming
the form of a being to a frog, down to the very cellular level. Many psionic
powers duplicate the effects of technological items. In all other ways,
psionics closely resemble the powers of the mage and priest skills. Psionics
also has reduced base char pt costs for reduced realms. They are as follows:
55 char pts = 40 realm pts
50 char pts = 30 realm pts
45 char pts = 20 realm pts
40 char pts = 10 realm pts
10 Ki, Skill: SR 75: gives a +1 LS/4 Levels when performing any skill. Can be
used 1/day/4 levels.
10 Ki, Strength: as above except strength is raised by 1 rank/4 levels for 1
10 Ki, Dexterity: as above
10 Ki, Constitution: as above
10 Ki, Intelligence: as above
10 Ki, Wisdom: as above
10 Ki, Charisma: as above
10 Ki, Resistance: as above except the bonus is for and RR
50 Enchant Weapons: magic skill which applies only to the enchantment of
magical weapons. Usable by non-magical races like dwarves known to create
weapons of great power. All spells particularly related to weapons can be
45 Enchant Armor: as above, applies to armor
Spell Casting in Armor
This skill is similar to wearing armor except that it decreases the penalties
for spell casting in armor as opposed to other actions. Penalties decrease the
same as in the wear armor skills. Note that certain materials will add
additional penalties as they may have properties that inhibit the use of magic.
The types of armor only apply to classes of armor, not the material which the
armor is made of. Note that any spell that has somatic components requires at
least one hand to be free.
10 Padded,Leather,Studded Leather: -3 LS on all spell casting
15 Ring,Scale,Chain: -4 LS on all spell casting
20 Banded,Splint,Plate Mail: -5 LS on spell casting
25 Plate Armor: -8 LS on all spell casting
40 Bard Songs
30 Alchemy: This skill is a combination of chemistry and magic. This form of
magic has at its heart the need for material components, potions, salves,
etc. Spells which affect a user of a substance produced may be duplicated
with alchemy. The GM will have to judge what spells fall under this skill.
Some common spell types that should be included are healing spells, mind
altering spells like divination, confusion, telepathy, etc. Drugs that
raise or lower a persons attributes, or alter his physical structure,
protecting him from elemental attacks. Alchemy can also be used to create
poisons and antidotes, as well as affecting materials. It can be used to
create, alter, or destroy different types of matter. It takes 1 week per
level of spell to be produced if the alchemist is equal in level. If the
alchemist is higher in level than the spell he is trying to produce, the
time is reduced by 1 week per level down to a minimum of 1 day.
4.33 Combat
Weapon Proficiencies
These skills involve the knowledge of using weapons in mellee and missile
combat. The level in each skill is the level at which the player attacks (and
parries in the case of mellee weapons) with that weapon. For weapon areas that
have more than one weapon, only 1 weapon is chosen as the main weapon. The
player chooses in what order he will learn the use of the other weapons. Each
weapon is used at -1 LS preference below the main weapon. For thrown weapons,
the player could choose to learn them in the order of preference of daggers,
darts, and shurakin. At 3rd level he would attack at 3rd level with daggers,
2nd level with darts, and 1st level with shurakin. Damage for all weapons is
increased by 1 rank/4 levels of skill. If the GM wishes, the damage bonus for
inbetween levels can also be computed. Action point cost is reduced as followed:
Proficiency Level Action Point Cost
4 0.9
8 0.8
12 0.7
16 0.6
20 0.5
24 0.45
28+ 0.4
The penalty for using weapons that the character is not proficient in
is proportional the the character point cost. The penalties are as follows:
Char Pts Penalty
10 -1
20 -2
30 -3
40 -3
50 -4
60 -6
70 -8
40 Shortsword
50 Sword(Long,Broad,Bastard(1 handed)
50 Katana,Wakizashi
70 Sword Two-Handed,Bastard,Flamberge
60 Sabre,Scimitar,Falchion,Cutlass,Kopesh
20 Daggers,Knives
30 Thrown Weapons (Daggers,Darts,Shurakin,Discs,etc.)
30 Blunt
20 Chain (flail,nunchaku,morningstar)
30 Staves & Spears (staves, spears)
60 Bows(Archery)
70 Crossbow
40 Axe
70 Pole Arm
40 Lance
70 Whip,Lasso,Bola,Rope (these weapons can entangle 1 non weapon arm if the SR
is 25 greater than the defenders, weapon arm at 40 greater, legs at 50
greater, both arms at 60 greater, or head at 75 greater. The defender must
beat the attacker's SR to break free at -1 LS for 1 arm, -2 for weapon arm,
-3 for legs, -4 for head, and -5 for both arms.)
50 Siege Weapons (Ram,Catapult,Ballista,etc.)
20 Pistol
10 Grenade
30 Rifle,Mellee (includes the ability to use a rifle as a melee weapon using
rifle buts and bayonet attacks)
30 Rifle
20 E-Pistol
30 E-Rifle
Energy Mellee Weapon
50 Sword
40 Hafted Weapon (axe,mace,hammer, etc)
30 Staff Weapon (spear,staff,lance,etc)
40 Missile Launchers
50 Jousting (Combines skill for all lances and equestrian skill of equal level
for a given type of steed.)
50 Fencing (Foil,Eppe,Sabre)
1000 Two weapons: skill in use of any two weapons at a time, each of which
must be able to be held normally in 1 hand depending on the character's
size and strength. Normal penalties for characters not skilled in two
weapons are -6 LS for the off hand, and -4 LS for the main hand. For
every level of this skill, the penalty is reduced by 1 LS. After zero
penalty is reached, the player begins to receive a bonus of 1 LS each
level to hit.
750 Paired Weapons: as above except applies usually to using two identicle
weapons (2 shortswords,2 daggers, etc). Some GM's may allow special pairs
of different but similar weapons like the katana and wakizashi used by the
5 Quickdraw: picked once for each weapon, reduces the point cost for drawing
a weapon by 1 action point/2 levels down to a minimum of 1 point.
10 Sniping: +1 LS to hit/ 2 levels of skill. +1% chance of critical/level of
Wear Armor
Manuvering in armor is not instinctal and has to be learned. The penalties
after each armor catagory are for those who are unskilled in the use of such
armors. The penalties decrease by 1 LS/2 skill levels until zero penalty is
reached. Note other penalties due to encumberance may still occur. The armor
types below only apply to the type of armor and not the material. Armor made
from the exoskeleton of a giant arthropod would probably fall into the area of
plate mail or plate armor. Animal hides could fall into the category of
leather or scale armor.
10 Padded,Leather,Studded Leather: -3 LS on all physical actions
15 Ring,Scale,Chain: -4 LS on all physical actions
20 Banded,Splint,Plate Mail: -5 LS on all physical actions
25 Plate Armor: -8 LS on all physical actions
Shield Proficiencies
25 Buckler: bucklers give a +2 LS to block mellee and missile attacks. Most
mellee attacks and blunt missiles like slings stones which aren't criticals
can be deflected by the shield. This does no damage to the shield. Missiles
such as arrows, bullets, energy weapons, etc, will do damage to the shield
on a successful hit, just like any other form of armor. For all shields
except bucklers, attacks from the side are at -2 LS to block. Thus a medium
shield is only +3 LS to block side attacks. Attacks from behind cannot be
20 Small: as above, +4 LS
25 Medium: as above, +5 LS
20 Large: as above, +6 LS
20 Tower: as above, +10 LS
* Note that shields follow the same proficiency rules as for weapons
10 Brawling: damage from unarmed attacks increased by 1 rank/4 levels. Action
point cost reduced 10%/level.
15 Boxing: damage from punching attacks(not kicks) is increased by 1 rank/2
levels. Action point cost is reduced by 20%/level.
15 Wrestling:
Grappling: see Hold below under unarmed attacks
Overbear: if SR is 25 greater than defender's SR the opponent is knocked
down. The opponent will lose all actions that round and will lose
initiative the next round. Once an opponent is knocked down a grappling
attack can be made at +5 LS.
15 Armed: opponent must make a SR vs player's SR. If opponent fails by more
than 50%, he loses his weapon. Compare player's weapon class to opponents
and use the difference as a penalty or bonus. Action point cost is the same
as a normal attack. This skill must be learned separately for every type of
weapon just as weapon proficiencies.
20 Unarmed: as above but does not require the use of a weapon. Failure on part
of the player by more than 50% means he has taken damage from the weapon.
If the player is using two hands he may opt to gain possession of the
weapon if the disarming is successful.
20 Subduing: SR 75: usable on beings with an intelligence and wisdom in the
5 - 18 range. Being of lower intelligence cannot be subdued, those with
higher intelligence must decide wether or not to surrender. Subdual must be
declared before combat. Only blunt attacks can be used, including pommels
and flats of swords. Only 1/4 damage is actual, 3/4 is subdual. A SR must
be made for each attack. If the SR fails, all damage is actual. If more than
half the beings remaining hit points is suffered in actual damage, the
subdual fails.
10 Unhorsing: if the SR is greater than the rider's, he falls from his horse
taking normal falling damage, losing all actions that round and initiative
the next round. Weapons aproximately 1 meter or longer must be used.
Martial Arts
50 Unarmed Attacks: as weapon proficiencies but applies to attacking and
defending without the use of weapons. Damage is increased by 1 rank/2
levels. Action point cost is reduced 20%/level, this equates to about 1
extra attack every five levels, not including any other action point
10 Double Punch: SR 50: if successful lands two punches on a target, action
point cost of only one attack. If unsuccessful by less than 50, one attack
misses but a SR can still be made for the other. If failure is greater than
50, both automatically miss.
20 Crushing Blow: SR 75: takes 1 round preparation. If succesful, damage is as
skill level -1 rank strength.
10 Circle Kick: SR 75: double damage if successful, lose next allowed attack
if unsuccesful.
15 Leaping Kick: SR 80: triple damage, lose 1 full round if unsuccessful
10 Back Kick: SR 75: attack rear without penalty, no need to turn around.
20 Scissors Kick: SR 80: Attack to opponents on either side in 1 attack, lose
1/2 action points if unsuccessful.
15 Body Flip: SR 75: opponent loses all remaining action points for the round
and loses next initiative, as well as suffering damage.
20 Throw: SR 80: double damage as body flip, opponent thrown 2 meters plus
1/2 meter/level. Loses all remaining actions and next initiative.
15 Pain Touch: SR 75: opponent is -1 LS/level of attacker for up to 1 round/2
20 Stun: SR 50 greater than defenders indicates defender is stunned for up to
1 round/level.
25 Paralize: SR 50 greater than defender means defender is paralysed for up to
1 turn/level
25 Quivering Palm: SR 95: death if RR is failed. Requires 1 round of
preparation, usable 1/day/5 levels
15 Weapon Catch: SR 25 greater indicates opponent's weapon is caught.
Additional SR's made each round to see who has control over the weapon. An
SR of 50 greater will allow the character to take the weapon from the grasp
of its weilder.
20 Weapon Breaker: SR 90: If successful, weapon must make a RR vs the
characters level rank strength or be broken.
15 Hold: if SR is 50 greater then defender's, defender is held and unable to
move. A SR must be made each round against the defender's SR. Once held,
the defender's SR is at -5 LS. Include all bonuses for strength and agility
for both sides.
20 Pain Hold: as above except attacker has 1 arm and both legs free. Defender
is held in such a way that any movement trying to get out of the hold will
cause him great pain. +5 LS to strike with free hand and legs.
10 Lock: as above, if SR is 50 greater than opponent, a weapon or shield arm
is locked by the character and unable to be used. +5 LS to strike as above.
15 Choke Hold: SR 80: opponent will feint from lack of breath as if his
constitution was 1/5 of normal. Attempts to break free are at -5 LS, plus
-1 LS per each round of choking.
20 Incapacitate: SR 80: one limb or part of a limb can be rendered useless for
up to 1 hour/level.
10 Immovability: If SR is 25 greater than attacker's, character cannot be
knocked down by overbearing or similar atttacks.
20 Missile Deflection: SR 85: missiles such as arrows, spears, daggers,
shuriken,etc, are deflected.
25 Missile Catching: SR 95: as above except missile is caught
15 Vital Area: same as assassination skill but only includes unarmed attacks
20 Speed Attack: SR 80: requires 1 round of preparation, after that the
characters speed and action points are increased by 20%/level. Speed can be
maintained for 1 round/2 levels. For every round of increased speed the
character must rest for an equal number of rounds. 1/2 constitution bonus
if any can be added to the max number of rounds the speed may be maintained.
If the SR is successful there is no penalty on actions. Applies only to
physical attacks, spells and psionics are not affected.
20 Blind Fighting: penalty for fighting while blinded or in total darkess is
reduced by 1 LS/level.
8 Ambush: SR 75
6 Detect Ambush: SR 75
10 Tactics: skill of strategy and planning, as 1 LS/4 levels in all large
scale combat
25 Gunnery: skill of firing large, vehicular weapons
20 Artillery: skill of using large land based, non-vehicular weapons
4.34 Subterfuge
6 Pick Pockets SR:70 - 1 LS /Level of victim. Failure greater than 25
indicates character is noticed
10 Open Locks SR 75 +- 1 LS /Level of difficulty of lock below or above the
skill level. 1 Attempt/Lock each level.
5 Find traps SR:80 -1 LS /Level of trap setter above searcher's skill level.
1 Attempt/Trap each level
6 Hide In Shadows SR:30 Assumes standard darkness level of class 20. +- 1 LS /
Darkness rank above or below this standard level.
15 Stealth: SR 80: chance of being undetected
10 Remove Traps: SR:80 As find traps.
6 Move Silently SR:85 1/5 meters of movement. Penalties applicable for
wearing specific materials. Bonuses applicable for general noise levels in
the area.
6 Hear Noise SR:90 +1 LS/Hearing Rank above 10.
6 Climb Walls SR:40 1/Every 10 meters. -1 LS/Rank of surface slickness.
25 Assassination SR:75 +- 1 LS/Level above or below victim. Acts as a critical
hit. Assumes target is surprised, stunned, blinded, paralized, etc. Also
grants a +1 % chance /level of a critical on any normal attack.
20 BackStabbing
Assumes target is suprised, stunned, etc, as for assassination. Damage is
increased by 100% at level 1, + 50% /level thereof. For example, double
damage at 1st level, triple damage at 5th level, etc. Base chance to hit is
also increased by %5 per level in addition to any normal bonuses for back
20 Knockout: SR 75: this skill is used when death or injury is not wished on
the opponent, but rather capture or incapacitation is desired. If the SR is
successful, and the victim fails a RR vs the attacker, the victim is
knocked unconscious for 1 turn/ 5% failure. On any successful knockout
their is a chance for an unwanted critical. The base chance is 20% -2% per
level above the 1st.
4 Begging SR:50 Character receives 1 base monetary unit for every 5 pts
greater than the base success roll. +1 LS/Charisma rank above 10. Failure by
more than 25% means the target acts in a hostile manner.
6 Bribery SR:70 -1 LS/Wisdom rank of target above character's Intelligence.
-25 Against Lawful targets, -20% against good targets. Bonuses applicable
depending on amount of compensation player is offering in comparison to
targets wealth, social status, etc. Targets of high social status or who
possess great wealth will need more compensation than targets of lower
status and who possess less wealth.
6 Trickery(Duping) SR:80 -1 LS/Intelligence and Wisdom ranks of targets above
the character's intelligence.
10 Counterfitting SR:80 -1 LS/Counterfitting or Minting skill of target above
the characters skill. The bonus for targets possessing the minting skill
assumes they are familiar with the item. SR:60 To detect counterfeits. -1
LS/level of counterfitting skill of target above character's skill level.
8 Covering Tracks: SR 75
20 Stalking: SR 75: target remains in sight of player. Failure means target is
lost. Failure by more than 50% means player is noticed.
15 Forgery: SR 75: also includes the ability to detect other forgeries.
Chance is reduced by 1 LS for wisdom bonus of viewer
15 Disguise: SR 80
12 Escape: SR 90
8 Set Pits & Snares: SR 60
10 Set Traps: SR 75
8 Ambush: SR 75
6 Detect Ambush: SR 75
30 Spying: SR 90
25 Intelligence: SR 75: includes accessment of enemy's strength, numbers,
type of arsenal, location of prisoners and other specific individuals
25 Counter Intelligence: SR 75: chance of allows misinformation about actual
facts, or covering up facts. If used against someone using intelligence or
spying to gain information, a SR higher than the subject trying to find out
information must be made
6 Palming: SR 75: items which can fit in hands
10 Interrogation: SR 75: chance of extracting information from prisoners
10 Torture: SR 65: as interrogation but a failed SR by more than 50 indicates
serious harm, possibly death to the individual
5 Magic Tricks: SR 60
6 Concealment: SR 80 (small items, about 30 cm in length)
15 Impersonation: SR 75 (general) SR 90 (specific individual)
8 Immitation(Mimicry): SR 75: as impersonation but applies to only voice and
not actual appearance
6 Hide in Natural Surroundings: SR 30
10 Surprise: SR 90: chance to surpise an oponent
10 Surveilance: SR 75: failure by more than 50 indicates that the player is
4.35 Crafting
6 Minting SR:60: the skill of making monetary units, roll against minter's
level when trying to counterfeit
4 Glassblowing SR:95
15 Weapons Smith: SR 80: Skill of making anchient weapons. Does not include
bows but does include crossbows.
10 Swordsmith: as above, applies only to swords and daggers
10 Boyer/Fletcher: as above, applies to bows and arrows (crossbows not included)
20 Siege Engineering: skill of making siege weapons such as catapults,
ballistas, battering rams, etc
50 Enchant Weapons: magic skill which applies only to the enchantment of
magical weapons. Usable by non-magical races like dwarves known to create
weapons of great power. All spells particularly related to weapons can be
45 Enchant Armor: as above, applies to armor
25 Armorer: SR 85: skill of crafting anchient armor styles. Can used modern
material in construction.
5 Blacksmith: SR 70: skill in crafting common metal items
5 Leatherworker: SR 75: skill in crafting items of leather such as bags,
pouches, and leather armor
10 Locksmith: SR 85:skill in making locks, grants pick lock skill at -5 LS
10 Gemcutter: SR 90: skill in cutting gems and appraisal of them.
8 Jewler: SR 80: skill of making jewlry from precious metals, does not
include gemcutting skill but does include appraisal of jewlry and gems
25 Poison: SR 90: allows manufacture of poisons equal to player's level rank
in potency. Each dose takes 10 mintues/rank number in strenth. Rank 5
poison takes 50 minutes to create 1 dose. Skin contact poisons are at level
-2 in strength. Poison Gas is at level -5 Strength. Every 5% failure means
-1 LS in poison strength.
15 Antidote: SR 90: as poison except this skill deals with the production of
antidotes to poisons. An antidote of lesser strength than the poison it is
trying to cure will cure up to its own strength in damage. If the specific
type of poison is knowm, then a specific antidote to that poison can be
made. If an antidote is used for a poison it was not specifically designed
for it has a 50% chance of working if it is at least equal in strength to
the poison. For every rank of the antidote above the poison strength the
chance of it being effective increases by +5%.
15 Herbalry: SR 90: This skill uses herbs to produce a variety of alchemy
effects. It is equal to poison and antidote skill of 1/2 level. Healing
herbs can also be produced that act as healing spells of equal level. Herbs
can be used that produce other spell effects such as strength, increased
stamina, weakness, sleep, etc. The judgement is up to the GM. Most spells
effect should be able to be reproduced by a herbalrist of equal or slightly
higher level.
30 Alchemy: This skill is a combination of chemistry and magic. This form of
magic has at its heart the need for material components, potions, salves,
etc. Spells which affect a user of a substance produced may be duplicated
with alchemy. The GM will have to judge what spells fall under this skill.
Some common spell types that should be included are healing spells, mind
altering spells like divination, confusion, telepathy, etc. Drugs that
raise or lower a persons attributes, or alter his physical structure,
protecting him from elemental attacks. Alchemy can also be used to create
poisons and antidotes, as well as affecting materials. It can be used to
create, alter, or destroy different types of matter. It takes 1 week per
level of spell to be produced if the alchemist is equal in level. If the
alchemist is higher in level than the spell he is trying to produce, the
time is reduced by 1 week per level down to a minimum of 1 day.
20 Ship Building: SR 85: Includes the ability to make any sea going vessel,
depending on the area's tech level
6 Minting SR:60: the skill of making monetary units, roll against minter's
level when trying to counterfeit
4 Glassblowing SR:95
6 Drawing: SR 75
8 Painting: SR 80
8 Sculpting: SR 85
10 Metalurgy: SR 80
5 Sewing
5 Weaving
5 Carpentry: SR 75
5 Brewery: SR 75
8 Wine Making: SR 85
6 Masonry: SR 80
5 Pottery: SR 75
5 Ceramics
5 Barber
5 Book Making
5 Candle Making
5 Knitting
5 Messenger
5 Tailoring
5 Taxidermy
6 Drafting: SR 85
6 Scribe: SR 85
8 Caligraphy: SR 85
5 Skinning: SR 60
5 Cooking
* For all crafts, arts, and smithing skills, a SR of twice the require SR
indicates an item of superior quality. This means a higher monetary value
for gems, jewlry, art. etc, and a higher armor class, damage,
weapon class, and range for ancient weapons and armor. For example, the
weaponsmith skill has a SR of 80, so a SR of 160 is needed for an item of
superior quality. Note that an automatic success roll will also count as
a superior quality roll if criticals are used. For an item of superior
quality, roll percentile dice and consult the following chart.
Roll MC Rank MU Damage Rank WC Rank Time
01-25 +1 x10 +1 +1 x2
25-50 +2 x25 +1 +2 x2
51-75 +3 x50 +2 +3 x3
76-90 +4 x100 +2 +4 x3
91-95 +5 x250 +3 +5 x4
96-99 +6 x500 +3 +6 x4
00 +7 x1000 +4 +7 x5
If the player decides to spend less extra time than is necesary in making the
item of quality, then the bonuses are limited to the time spent. For example, a
player who rolled 51 but only spent twice (x2) the time in making the item would
have the item limited to +2 MC rank, x25 MU, etc, and if no extra time is spent
at all, then the item is of normal quality.
4.36 Social
4 Begging SR:50 Character receives 1 base monetary unit for every 5 pts
greater than the base success roll. +1 LS/Charisma rank above 10. Failure by
more than 25% means the target acts in a hostile manner.
6 Bribery SR:70 -1 LS/Wisdom rank of target above character's Intelligence.
-25 Against Lawful targets, -20% against good targets. Bonuses applicable
depending on amount of compensation player is offering in comparison to
targets wealth, social status, etc. Targets of high social status or who
possess great wealth will need more compensation than targets of lower
status and who possess less wealth.
5 Investigate SR:80: More than 25% failure indicates misinformation. Skill of
finding out information on people's. Use Int and Wis mods when dealing with
physical evidence, use Charisma mods when dealing with people
5 Summon Aid SR:75: Character can summon up to 1 level of aid/level. For
every 5% above the SR, 1 extra level is summoned. Number of beings will
never be higher than character's level. Summoning time for full aid is 1-10
days. Time can be shorted at a sacrifice of the amount of aid summoned.
15 LeaderShip: Effective charisma is increased by 1 rank/5 levels in leadership
10 Interrogation: SR 75: chance of extracting information from prisoners
10 Torture: SR 65: as interrogation but a failed SR by more than 50 indicates
serious harm, possibly death to the individual
15 Impersonation: SR 75 (general) SR 90 (specific individual)
8 Immitation(Mimicry): SR 75: as impersonation but applies to only voice and
not actual appearance
15 Contacts: up to the character's level in contacts can be maintained. Thus a
character with 10th level contacts could have either 1 10th contact, 2 5th,
or 5 2nd, etc. Contacts will usually not fight with the character or
endanger themselves in any way. Usually they are profecionals be them
engineres who can repair the character's equipment, and cybermedic who can
help repair a cybernetic character who install additonal parts, a person
who may loan the character money, equipment, or vehicles, ect. Any service
of the contact is free, and additional parts they need, possibly to repair
items will be at the lowest possible cost.
8 Literature
6 Poetry
10 Music
10 Speak
15 Read/Write
20 Speak,Read/Write
* 5th level incicates ability to communicate most information, but not fluently
10th indicates fluency
15th level indicates native speaker
20th level indicates ability to reproduce different styles and dialects of a
language, from different subcultures of a larger culture
5 Fortune Telling: SR 75
10 Teaching/Instructing: allows the teaching of any skill the character
possesses, up to the max level of his teaching skill
5 Animal Handling: SR 60
10 Animal Training: SR 75 :skill of training animals to respond to simple
verbal and visual commands
12 Falconry: SR 80: as animal training but applies to falcons or any other
trainable avian
12 Protocal(Etiquette)
15 Diplomacy
12 Charm/Impress: SR 75: If subject fails his save he acts as if under a charm
person spell or psionic power. Add any charisma bonuses. Any penalties
count doubly.
15 Intimidate: SR 75: if the subject fails his RR he acts submissively to the
character. His main interest will be to avoid any possible conflict and to
protect his well being. This skill is only effetive at up to 50% greater
then the character's level. Thus a 10th level character could have a
maximum level in intimidation skill of 15th level.
8 Story Telling
10 Public Speaking
6 Trading
6 Signaling
10 Ventriloquism
10 Lip Reading
8 Singing
6 Gaming
10 Gambling
10 Streetwise
12 Hypnosis
8 Acting
6 Advertising
4.37 Perception
10 Spell/Power Perception
This skill also has three separate types like above. This skill allows a
character to perceive the general nature and effects of spells or psionics while
they are being used or cast. The SR is 75, + or - 1 LS for each level of the
spell/power trying to be perceived below or above the user's highest level
spell or power he can use. Range is 5 meters/level.
6 Hear Noise SR:90 +1 LS/Hearing Rank above 10.
15 Tracking: SR 75: -2 LS/day elapsed, -5 LS/hour precipitation. Player can
also infer mass and size of creature, movement rate, possible physical
condition, etc. Player picks 1 type of terrain (forest, desert, etc) to
specialize. All other terrains are at -2 LS. This skill can be taken
multiple times to specialize in all types of terrain.
5 Identify Tracks: SR 75: assumes creature is common to area. Each degree or
rarity decreases chance by -2 LS. (common, uncommon, rare, etc.) Skill
counts for only one region. To learn to identify tracks in other region or
terrain types, possibly even other worlds or planes, skill must be taken
multiple times.
8 Mapping SR 80
8 Appraisal: SR 75: grants knowledge of the monetary value of objects. Each
type of object counts as a separate skill.
8 General Appraisal: SR 95: as above but applies to all types of objects.
5 Poison Detection: SR 90
5 Identify Pure Water: SR 50
6 Detect Ambush: SR 75
30 Spying: SR 90
25 Intelligence: SR 75: includes accessment of enemy's strength, numbers,
type of arsenal, location of prisoners and other specific individuals
8 Alertness: Decreases chance to be surprised by 10%/level, minimum of 5%
10 Surprise: SR 90: chance to surpise an oponent
10 Surveilance: SR 75: failure by more than 50 indicates that the player is
8 Tactical Games
20 General
5 Regional
5 Mineral
5 Metal
8 Flora
8 Fauna
15 Demons
10 Undead
8 Lycanthropes
15 Dragons
15 Demi-Human
10 Elven
10 Dwarven
8 Hafling
8 Gnomish
15 Humanoid (orcs,goblins,etc);
10 Fairie
20 Planar
10 Misc Race: includes any race other than those stated above from any
setting, fantasy or science fiction.
* For miscellaneous lores, the GM should set SR's depending on how specific
the information is. Suggested SR's are:
General: SR 50
Specific: SR 75
Exacting: SR 95
6 Heraldry: SR 75
6 Speed Reading: SR 75
6 Mnemonics: effective intelligence for the purpose of memorization is
increased by 1 rank/4 levels
6 Signaling
10 Ventriloquism
10 Lip Reading
8 Sence Time
5 Sense Direction: SR 75
5 Detect Grade or Slope: SR 50
5 Detect New Construction: SR 50
6 Detect Sliding Walls: SR 60
5 Detect Depth/Altitude: SR 75
6 Detect Unsafe Construction: SR 80
4.38 Science
20 Mathematics
25 Law
20 Psychology
15 Philosophy
15 Sociology
15 Business
10 Religion/Mythology
15 Oceanography
10 Paramedic
15 Dentistry
20 Criminology
25 Forensics
25 Physics
25 Astronomy
10 Astrology
15 Military Science
15 Aerodynamics
15 Biology
15 Botany
15 Zoology
20 Chemistry
15 Geology
15 Meteorology
15 History
15 Architecture
8 Acupuncture: SR 85
20 Computer Programming
10 Computer Operation
20 Anthropology
25 Genetics
25 Medicine
20 Pathology
* Note: For educational skills there is no set SR. SR's are dependent on the
difficulty of the task. The level of educational skills can be compared to 20th
century educational degrees. Levels 1-5 indicate up to highshool level of
knowledge with level 5 being equivalent to a highschool diploma. Levels 6-10
are equivalent to 4 years of college with 10th level equal to a B.S. degree.
Levels 11-15 are equivalent to graduate school with level 15 equalling a
masters degree. Level 15-20 is equivalent to additional schooling, levels 20+
indicate a doctorate degree. SR's should be made with this taken into acount.
If some information should only be known by a highschool graduate, give a SR
for that info to be a SR of 75. This gives a 50% chance to a 5th level
individual since rolling a 50 on the universal chart will give a result of 75
because there is a 5% increase in all skills up to the 10th level. 5th level
would be +25% so 50 + 25 = 75.
4.39 Piloting
10 Car
15 Motorcycle
15 Truck/Bus
20 Tank
20 Hovercrft
25 Aircraft(Propeller,Jet)
50 Combat Aircraft
25 Helicopter
50 Combat Helicopter
15 Seacraft(Sail,Motor)
30 Aerospace
50 Combat Aerospace
25 Mech(land)
50 Mech(Transformable 2)
75 Mech(Transformable 3)
50 Combat Mech(Land)
75 Combat Mech (Transformable 2)
100 Combat Mech (Transformable 3)
15 Power Armor
30 Combat Power Armor
10 Cybernetic Devices
15 Air
12 Land
15 Sea
20 Space
20 Hyperspace
4.3A Engineering
15 Civil
15 Mechanical
15 Automotive
20 Electrical
10 Demolitions
25 Computer
40 Robotics
25 Chemical
25 Biomedical
40 Bionics (Cybernetics)
75 Mecha
100 StarShip
15 Chemical
25 Nuclear
20 Solar
20 Electrical
15 Geothermal
10 Kinetic
25 Matter/Antimatter
30 Bio Energy
40 Aerospace
25 Warp Drive
30 Hyper Drive
20 Fusion Drive
15 Photon Sail
15 Repulsor Drives
15 AntiGrav Drives
20 Transporters
30 Time/Space Distorters
20 Shields
25 Sensors/Cloaking Devices
10 Tractor/Pressure Beams
45 Life Force/Psionic Generators
30 Terraformers
10 Life Support Systems
15 Chemical Projectiles
20 EM Projectiles
20 Rockets,Missiles
20 Chemical/Biological
25 Energy(Lasers,Phasers,Disrupters)
25 Particle,Nuclear
30 Bio(Cosmic) Energy
15 Chemical
20 Nuclear
25 Antimatter
* For enginering skills, for all technologies up to tech level 95, 10th level
indicates knowledge to build and repair items of that tech level. For
technologies of tech level 100 and above, the level rank of the player's skill
in that area indicates what type of items he can build and repair. Warpdrives
of tech level 200 can be made by a character who is level 14 in warp drive
enginering. To make warp drives of tech level 400 he must be 17th level, etc.
These rules also can apply to other technical skills like armor making. The
level rank should coincide with the strongest material the player can forge.
A 5th level armorer could make armor of metal class 40. The GM may opt to have
a maximum meterial class in his fantasy setting. Say he opts for material
class 100 as the maximum. A character he is greater than level 11 would not be
able to make armor stronger than material strength 100, but no knowledge of it
exists. If that character somehow travelled to another setting, possibly
anothet world, he could learn how to make metals up to his level rank if
knowledge of how to make them existed in the area. At a level equal to the
tech level rank of the item, the chances for accomplishing different feats
are as follows:
Construct: 50% +5%/level above. Note that tech level ranks increase
differently than skill level ranks. At 17th skill level, a character has a 50%
chance of successfully constructing a TL 400 warp drive. His chance for
constructing a TL 375 (1 tech level rank below) is 55%. TL ranks greater that
the character's skill rank cannot be built.
Repair, Light: 75% chance with bonuses as above. Light damage is considered to
be 10% damage or under. A 100 Damage Point item that has 90 Damage Points left
is considered to have light damage. Note that items of a higher TL rank than
the skill level rank can be repaired, but the chance is at -10% per greater
rank. Thus a character with 17th level warp drive enginering would have a 65%
chance to repair light damage on a TL 425 warp drive.
Repair, Moderate: 50%, as above with moderate damage at 25%
Repair, Heavy: 25%, as above with heavy damage being at 50%
Repair, Severe: 10% with severe damage being 50%
Inventing: characters can normally only build items that are within the tech
level of their society. If a character only has TL 400 devices available, he
cannot readily create TL 500 items just because he is 19th level. At a level
who's rank is higher than the present tech level available to the player,
there is a base 5% chance of inventing or advancing to the next tech level.
Intelligence bonus count at an additional 1%/bonus point. For every level
above a certain tech level, the character gets a roll to see if he achieved
the new tech level. Example, a character with skill level 18 tries to improve
a warp engine. The rank for 18th level is 450, this is 2 tech level ranks
above 400, the normal rank available to him. He gets two rolls. If a 96 or
higher is rolled, the TL is increased 1 rank to TL 425. If both rolls are
successful, he will have succeded in increasing it to TL 450, his skill level
rank. If none of rolls were successful, he would get another series of rolls
at 19th level. At 19th level, the level rank is 500. This is 4 ranks above TL
400 so he would get 4 rolls to see if he increased the TL. If he had already
increased the TL to TL 450 when he was 18th level, he would only get 2 rolls,
since level 19 rank is 500, only 2 TL ranks above 450.
Exceding Normal Limits: engineers can temporarily excede the normal limits of
technological items for short periods of time. If the engineer is a higher
skill level than the TL rank of the item, he can increase it by a number of
ranks up to his skill level. A 17th level warp drive engineer could increase
the power of a TL 200 warp drive up to 8 ranks, to TL 400 rank. The chance for
success and the time limits are as follows:
1 sec 1 rnd 1 trn 5 trn 10 trn 1 hour
+1 TL Rank 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%
+2 TL Rank 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40%
+3 TL Rank 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%
+4 TL Rank 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20%
+5 TL Rank 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10%
+6 TL Rank 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 4%
+7 TL Rank 20% 15% 10% 10% 4% 3%
+8 TL Rank 15% 10% 5% 4% 3% 2%
+9 TL Rank 10% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%
+10 TL Rank 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 1%
For every rank that the engineer could raise the TL but doesn't, the chance
for success increased by 5%. A 17th level enginere could raise a TL 200 warp
engine to TL 400, up to 8 levels. He he chooses to only raise it to TL 300,
his chance is increase by 20%, since he raised it by 4 ranks less than he
could, at +5%/rank.
5. Magic & Psionics
5.1 Spell Casting and Psionic Use
5.11 Power Points
Spell/Power Level Point Cost Spell/Psionic Points
Cantrip 1/2
1 1 1
2 1 3
3 2 6
4 3 10
5 5 15
6 6 21
7 8 28
8 10 36
9 13 45
10 15 55
11 18 66
12 21 78
13 25 91
14 28 105
15 32 120
16 36 136
17 41 153
18 45 171
19 50 190
20 55 210
21 61 231
22 66 253
23 72 276
24 78 300
25 85 325
26 91 351
27 98 378
28 105 406
29 113 435
30 120 465
31 128 496
32 136 528
33 289 561
34 153 595
35 162 630
36 171 666
37 181 703
38 190 741
39 200 780
40 210 820
41 221 861
42 231 903
43 242 946
44 253 990
45 265 1035
46 276 1081
47 288 1128
48 300 1176
49 313 1225
50 325 1275
The column titled Point Cost is the point cost for using a spell or power at
that particular level. The column titled Spell/Psionic Points the base number
of power points that a priest, mage, or psionicist can use when casting spells
or using powers. It is also the number of spell levels a priest or mage can
memorise. For example, a 6th level mage can memorise up to 21 spell levels at
a time, not including any bonuses for intelligence. A 6th level mage them
could choose to memorise 3 6th level and 1 3rd level spells, or 5 4th level
and 1 1st level spells, or any combination not exceding 21 spell levels.
Priests and mages can have a bonus to how many levels they can memorise based
on their wisdom or intelligence respectively. Psionicists add the average of
their intelligence, wisdom, and charisma scores to their power point total
each level. For example, a 6th level psionicist with an average of 15 in the
above three stats, would have a base of 21 psionic power points plus 90
(6th level x 15) for a total of 111. This greater point total than mages or
priests is because many psionic powers that have a duration must be constantly
concentrated on, and therefore require a power point expenditure each round of
duration of the power, where as mage and priest spells last their full
duration on only 1 expenditure of spell points when the spell is initially
cast. For instance, a mage casting telekinesis expends power points once and
then the spell lasts for the duration. A psionicist could use that power for
as long as he concentrated as long as he had enough psionic points to do so. A
psionic power like transfer consciousness would require point expenditure
every time the subject had a RR vs him, since he would have to expend power
points to keep his hold on the subject only at those times when he was
resisting. For every additional 100% point expenditure for spells or psionics,
the RR vs it is as if the user was 1 level higher. An 8th level mage needs 10
spell points to cast an 8th level spell. If 20 power points are used, the RR
vs the spell is as if he was 9th level, if 30 points are used, the RR isas if
he was 10th level, etc. For spells/powers that increase in power with the
users level, the caster/psionicist can use the spell or power at a lower
level, no lower than the level of the spell or power, and only pay the point
cost for that level. For example, fireball is a 6th level spell, but it
increases in power with the level of the mage. A 10th level mage could cast
this spell at his full power, costing 10 spell points, or cast it at a lower
level down to level 6, the minimum to cast this spell, at which it would cost
only 6 points to cast. Priest spells and psionic powers work in the same way.
5.12 Power Point Recovery
Spells take 10 minutes/ spell level to memorise. A 6th level spell takes 1
hour to memorise. Cantrips take 5 minutes to memorise.
Spell points regenerate at the caster's level/hour. A 6th level caster
regenerates 6 spell points/hour.
Psionic Points regenerate at the psionicist's level/half hour. A 6th level
psionicist regenerates 6 psionic points/half hour or 12 psionic points/hour.
The above regeneration times apply to when the player is at rest. Moderate
walking with little exertion will not affect the regeneration time. Heavy
exertion like running or combat will slow the regeneration time to 1/2
normal. Meditation will increase regeneration by 1.5 times normal. Sleeping
will double regeneration rate; 2 times normal. Note that if the player does
not have a restful sleep, such as nightmares possibly caused by spells or
psionic powers, he only regenerates at 1/2 normal, just as in heavy exertion.
5.13 Chance of Failure
Spell and psionic use require a percentile roll to indicate success.
All spells and psionics have a base chance of failure of 25% (natural roll of
25), for all spells and powers of equal level than the user. For every level of
the user greater than the spell or power, the chance of failure decreases by 5%
to 4 levels greater than the power, and then decreases by 1% every 2 additional
levels. Their is a base chance of 5% (natural roll of 96+)for a spell or
psionic critical for a spell or power of equal level. The chance increases by
1% per additional level above the spell or power. When the user increases in
level incomparison to the spell or power, the chance of failure goes down.
Spell users and psionicists can also attempt to cast spells or use powers
higher than their level, or spells or powers whithin their level that they
have not yet learned. A spell user will have to have some information on the
spell, be it a written text or observation of another casting that spell.
The base chance for using spells or power "on the fly" is 25% for a spell or
power of equal level. For every level of the attempted feat below the skill
level, the chance is increased by 5% up to 95%, at which point it increases by
1% per level until a maximum of 99% is reached. Example, a 10th level mage
trying to cast an 8th level spell which he does not know has a 35% chance of
success. The character can also cast spells which he knows but does not have
curently memorised. Use the above system but treat every level of the
character character above the spell as 2 levels. In this case, a 10th level
mage trying to cast an 8th level spell which he knows but does not have
memorised has a 45% chance of success. The chance of attempting a feat above
the character's skill level is 25% - 5% per level of the spell or power higher
than the character's skill level. A 10th level mage trying to cast a 12th
level spell would have only a 15% chance of success. When only a 5% chance is
reached success chance only goes down by 1% per additional level. Example, a
10th level mage trying to cast a 15th level spell would have a 4% chance, not
a 0% chance of success.
5.14 Ability Requirements
5.141 Mage Spells
Intelligence must be equal to the the level of spell to be cast,
with a minimum intelligence of 10 required for spells of levels 1 through 10.
Example, a 15th level spell requires 15 intelligence, an 8th level spell
requires 10 intelligence. For every point of intelligence below the required
level down to ten, the chance for spell failure is increased by 5%. A 12th
level mage with 10 intelligence trying to cast a 12th level spell has a 35%
chance of spell failure. For every point of intelligence below 10 the chance
for failure is increased by 10%. For example, the same 12th level mage trying
to cast a 12th level spell with 8 intelligence has 55% chance of failure; +10%
for the 2 points of intelligence below 12, and +20% for the 2 points of
intelligence below 10. Note that it is very uncommon for mages to have an
intelligence below 10, usually an intelligence of this rank is the result of
some outside force and is often only temporary.
5.142 Priest Spells
Same as mage but use wisdom instead of intelligence
5.143 Psionic Abilities
as mage but only one of the three mental stats, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma needs to be of the required level. The
average of the other two must be 10 or greater. The same +10% chance of
failure is given for having the average fall below 10. Thus, a 14th level
psionicist with 14 charisma, 12 intelligence, and 8 wisdom could use psionic
powers with no increased chance of failure. If his charisma (the highest stat)
fell to 12, his chance of failure would be increased by 10%. If the average of
the other two stats fell to 8, his chance of failure would be increased an
additional 20%.
5.15 Required Time
5.151 Spell Casting
Unless the casting time is specified to take a extended period of time, to
compute the necesary time for casting a certain spell divide the spell level by
the caster's level. The result times 2 is the number of rounds needed to cast
the spell. Thus a spell of equal level to the caster takes 2 rounds to cast.
Spells 1/2 the level of the caster take 1 round to cast. Note that this is not
equal to the number of action points needed to cast the spell. To figure out
the number of action points multiply the number of rounds needed to cast the
spell times the caster's number of action points per round. Example, a 10th
level character who also had 10th level in mage skill would have 20 action
points. Casting a 10th level spell would take 2 rounds, or for that caster,
take 40 of his action points. A 5th level spell would take 1 round and cost him
20 action points. A 2nd level spell would only take 1/5 of a round, or for the
mage in question, only 4 of his action points in a single round. Multiple
spells can be cast in a single round. Spells and psionics can be cast or used
in less time than is required, but at a penalty. To find the penalty, find the
level that the character would have to be to use that power in a certain amount
of time. For each level he would have to be above his actual level, their is a
5% penalty. Example, a 10th level mage wants to cast a 10th level spell in
round as opposed to 2 rounds. He would have to be 20th level to cast that spell
in round (half the time) so there would be a 50% penalty in his skill roll, or
+50% to hi chance of spell failure.
5.152 Psionics Use
Same as for spells except multiply by 1 round as opposed to 2 rounds. Thus a
10th level psionicist using a 10th level power only requires 1 round, not 2
rounds. Many powers require continuous concentration so even though they have
already begone to take effect, the psionict must continue to concentrate on
them and is not allowed any other activity.
5.16 Canscellation
Cancellation of Spells and Psionics can occur whenever a spell caster or
psionicist takes damage while he is in the process of casting a spell or
using a power, he must make a RR to avoid having the power fail. Every 2 points
of damage the character receives from an attack is equivalent to 1 attack
level against which he must make an RR. Example, a tenth level mage is hit for
20 points damage. 20 divided by 2 gives an attack level of 10. Since the mage
is 10th level he has a 50% chance to avoid can cellation of the failure. If
the mage suffered 26 points of damage, he would need to make an RR vs a 13th
level attack.
5.2 Realms
Magic and psionics can be divided into a individual of realms, each realm
containing spells or powers which all possess similar characteristics. The
normal character point costs for priest, mage, and psionic skills indicate that
all spells/powers in their realms can be learned at the normal character point
costs and levels. Spells ouside a certain realm can be learned by mages and
priests, but at a higher level and a higher char pt cost. There are also
reduced char pt versions of the above three skills, indicating that the
character has access to fewer realms than normal, and that powers from other
realms cost more char pts. Each realm has a certain point cost. Each reduced
version of the above skills has a point value used to buy individual realms.
Once again, the base skill costs indicate that the entire range of realms are
known. Some realms may overlap others as to what spells or powers are contained
within them.
5.21 Magical
Realm Points Description
Alchemy (M) 10 changing matter, making magic items
Alteration (M) 10 changing living things
Change (M) 15 change all things
Charm (M) 10 mental alteration on beings
Light & Color (M,P) 10 light, prismatics, change color, sight, detection
Darkness (M,P) 10 darkness, undetectability
Evocation (M) 10 summoning energy and magically created objects
Summoning (M) 10 summoning living things
Elements (M) 20 air, earth, fire, water, lightning, elementals,etc
Air (M,P 5 gases, wind, breathing, smoke, fog
Earth (M,P) 5
Fire (M) 5
Water (M,P) 5
Ice (M) 5
Lightning (M) 5
Illusion (M) 30
Enhansments (M) 10 spell alterations-range,duration,effect,etc
Mind (M,P) 20 knowledge and alteration of mental processes
Necromantic (P) 20 life,death,healing,curing,disease,etc
Divination (M,P) 20 aquiring knowledge
Sences (M,P) 5 sight,hearing,touch,taste,smell,intuition,etc
Undead (P) 10 summoning,control,creation,protection,abilities
Nature (P) 10 plants,animals,weather,earth,water,air
Animal (P) 5 animals, not monsters or rare creatures
Plant (P) 5 plants,herbs,wood
Weather (P) 10 prediction,altering,controlling
Creation (M,P) 10 create non magical items
Protection (M,P) 10 all forms of protection
Wards (M,P) 10 keeping harm at bay,repulsions
Healing (P) 10 curing wounds,disease,poison, NOT resurrection
Love/Fertility (M,P) 10
Control (M,P) 10 controlling living things
Malady (P) 10 causing wounds,disease,poison
Luck (M,P) 5 Increasing SR's and RR's,wishes
Curses (M,P) 5 Decreasing "
Movement (M,P) 10 any Non-extra planar, running,flying,teleport
War (P) 10 combat,bravery
Time (M,P) 10 altering,stopping, and traveling in time
Planes (P) 10 extra-planar movement,protection,space alteration
The "M" or "P" in parenthesis indicates what skill, mage or priest, the realm
is most associated with. A mage or priest can aquire spells outside his realm,
but they are at +4 levels than normal, and the char pt cost to learn them are
doubled. The only exception is that Mages can NEVER learn resurrection as this
power is a major defining element of the priest as the bridge between the
worlds of life and death. The 45 char pt version of the priest skill has a
realm pt value of 20. A druid character could be created by choosing nature
and healing realms, each costing 10 pts for a total of 20.
5.22 Psionic
Note that COSMOS already has its own psionic system and the power descriptions
are already divided into realms.
Realm Points
Alter Attributes 10
Biomanipulation 20
Enhansed Sences 10
Resistances 10
Alter Physical Structure 20
Energy Manipulation 20
Matter Manipulation 20
Time/Space Manipulation 20
Mental Manipulation 30
5.3 RR Bonuses
Mages, priests, and psionicist make RR's vs spell and psionics at a level
equal to their character level, +1 LS/ 4 skill levels against their own type of
power. Thus, a 12th level mage would make RR's at +3 vs all mage spells, a 12th
level priest would be at +3 LS vs priest magic, and a 12th level psionicist
would be a +3 vs. psionics. Note that mages. priests, and psionists gain the
same RR bonus against other attack forms if that attack form duplicates their
type of power. For example, a priest would still get a RR bonus against a mage
casting a drain life energy level spell, since control over life and death are
predominately the realm of priests. Also, a psionicist would get a RR bonus vs
spell that effect the mind like charm person, suggestion, magic jar, etc, since
control of the mind is a major part of the realm of psionics.
5.4 Magical and Psionic Devices
All character using psionic and magical devices must make an RR vs the spell
or power level that's trying to be used. Mages, priests, and psionicists get
the same RR bonuses as above when using items that duplicate their own powers.
5.5 Spell System Conversions
Instead of creating an entirely new list of spells, spells from other game
systems can be imported to COSMOS with little change. The spell system for
COSMOS is used while the spell effects are the same as in the original system
with a few exceptions. This was done because creating an entirely new list of
spells would probably hinder and restrict the possibilities of the game. There
is a wealth of spells in various game books, many, like AD&D for instance,
almost every one possesses. Instead of wasting these resources COSMOS utilizes
them. One may think it strange to combine unrelated spell systems into a single
game but this is actually more realistic given the universal nature of the
COSMOS system. In the entire universe, in all of its different planes and
parrallel dimentions there should be millions of different spells and the rules
of magic should differ slightly fro different environments. Since many people
probably already have AD&D books, which don't include many important spells
that could be used for constructing magic items, COSMOS includes such spells.
This takes the guess work out of what type of magic items can be made and who
can make them. Other systems like Rolemaster already include such rules but one
will probably find that the COSMOS rules are a little more generous and may
wish to use those instead. Magic construction systems which give more powerful
items to weaker characters than in COSMOS should probably not be used as they
may unbalance gameplay.
5.51 Dungeons & Dragons
D&D, AD&D Player's Handbook and Oriental Adventures, as well as 2nd edition
AD&D spells and spells appearing in Dragon magazine can be converted fairly
easily. In AD&D, new spell levels are gained for about every 2 character
levels, so a 5th level character can learn 3rd level spells, thus the character
level is about twice the spell level. In COSMOS, the character level is equal
to the spell level. Except for 1st and 2nd level AD&D spells, the spell level
is merely doubled. 3rd level AD&D spells are 6th level cosmos spells, 5th level
become 10th, and 9th level become 18th. Where as AD&D spells stop at level 18,
COSMOS spells go to level 50. With 1st and 2nd level spells the GM can keep all
1st level spells at 1st level and make all 2nd level spells 4th level COSMOS
spells, or he could divide them into weaker and stronger spells. Some stronger
1st level AD&D spells like sleep, familiar, shocking grasp, protection from
evil, etc, could be used as 2nd COSMOS spells. Some weaker 2nd level AD&D
spells could be used as 3rd level COSMOS spells while the more powerful 2nd
level spells would be 4th level COSMOS spells. Also, all 7th level cleric
spells in AD&D are received by the character when he is 16th level as opposed
to mages who receive them at 14th level. In COSMOS some or all of these 7th
level AD&D spells should be 16th level COSMOS spells, especially ressurrection,
restoration, and regeneration. All cure wounds spells in AD&D not including
heal should heal D5's in damage per level and not D8's. Example, a 4th level
cure wounds spell should cure from 1 - 20 points of damage (4th level x 5
points per level). Elemental spells like fireball, lightning bolt, etc, should
do 1 - 10 points/level. A 6th level mage could cast a fireball doing up to 60
points damage.
5.52 RoleMaster
Since RoleMaster level progression is more linear than COSMOS level
progression, higher level RM spells are usually much lower level spells in
COSMOS. These are the conversions, otherwise the spells are not changed.
RM Spell Level Cosmos Spell Level
1 - 10 1 - 10
11 - 13 11
14 - 16 12
17 - 19 13
20 - 22 14
23 - 24 15
25 - 29 16
30 - 39 17
40 - 44 18
45 - 49 19
50 - 53 20
54 - 55 21
56 - 57 22
58 - 59 23
60 - 61 24
62 - 63 25
64 - 65 26
66 - 67 27
68 - 70 28
71 - 72 29
73 - 75 30
5.6 Combined Psionic Use
Unlike spells, psionics do not have verbal, somatic, or material components,
and more than one power can be used simultaneously. The chance of failure is
double that of the highest power used, ie a 25% failure becomes 50% failure.
The maximum number of power levels that can be used in conjunction cannot
excede half the users level, and the number of individual powers used cannot
excede 1/4 of the users level. Example, an 8th level psionicist can use 2 2nd
level powers simultaneously. A 4th level psionicist could use 2 1st level powers
simultaneously. The total power point cost for all the powers used must still
be spent.
5.7 Joint Spell Casting and Psionic Use
Spell and psionic users can join their powers to augment their abilities.
They must each make the normal failure rolls and then they can combine and
number of power points to increase the power of their spells, or use powers
which each of them alone didn't possess enough power points for the power.
In any case, both users must know the spell or power, but the effect occurs
at the level of the highest of the users.
5.8 Spell and Psionic Aquistion for Non Spell/Psionic Users
In some instances it may be more practical for a character to only learn a few
spells or psionic ability, but not need the entire range of that skill. The GM
should decide what classes should have limited magic or psionic ability. For
example, paladins may learn only a few priest spells, and martial artists will
learn a limited number of psionic abilities. In most cases, these characters
should not be able to learn spells or powers beyond eighth level in power. To
learn any 1 individual spell or power they spend 5 times the character point
cost for that spell or power, not the cost for buying the skill for that spell
or power.If only learning a few powers, then this system is most efficient. If
the player wishes to learn a number of powers, then it is more cost efficient
in character points to take the normal priest, mage, or psionic skills.
The number of power points that character has to use the limited number of
powers are identicle to the number he would have if he were that level in
a particular skill. For example, a paladin who learned the priest spell
know alignment (8th level spell) would have as many power points as an 8th
level priest would have, or 36 points without any bonuses.
5.9 Altering Rolls
5.91 Spending Experience Points
Experience points can be used to alter the rolls for magic and psionic success
similar as to with skill rolls, but with a few differences. Where a +1 LS meant
a +5% increase in the roll, a +2 LS indicates a +5% increase in the roll. The
natural rolls for automatic failure and success still hold. If experience
points are used to alter the roll to achieve a critical, a modified roll of
1.5 times the natural is needed. Example, if a natural 96 indicated a critical,
a modified 144 indicates a critical.
5.92 Spending Extra Power Points
Spending more power points than necesary can also alter the success roll.
Power Points Used Bonus
x1.5 +5%
x2 +10%
x3 +15%
x4 +20%
x5 +25%
x6 +30%
x7 +35%
x8 +40%
x9 +45%
x10 +50%
From the above table it can be seen that if a 8th level mage casting an 8th
level spell (10 points) spent 20 points, his chance of failure would be only
15%, in other words he would have to roll 35 or below for the spell to fail
as opposed to rolling 25. In any case, no failure chance can be reduced below
2%. The bonus also works for critical as stated above.
6. Additional Spells
Imbed Spells allow spells to be imbedded in items, needed to produce temporary
or permanent magical items.
Spell Spell Point Multiplier Spell Level
6 Imbed Once x 5 Level
10 Imbed 1/Millenia x 25 Level
10 Imbed 1/Century x 50 Level
10 Imbed 1/Decade x 75 Level
10 Imbed 1/Year x 100 Level
10 Imbed 1/Month x 300 Level -1
10 Imbed 1/Week x 400 Level -2
11 Imbed 3/Week x 450 Level -2
11 Imbed 5/Week x 500 Level -2
11 Imbed 7/Week x 550 Level -3
11 Imbed 1/Day x 500 Level -3
12 Imbed 3/Day x 600 Level -3
12 Imbed 1/Hour x 750 Level -4
12 Imbed 1/ 1/2 Hour x 775 Level -4
12 Imbed 1/10 Turns x 800 Level -4
12 Imbed 1/Turn x 850 Level -4
13 Imbed 1/2 Rounds x 875 Level -5
14 Imbed 1/Round x 900 Level -5
12 Imbed 1/Hit x 900 Level -5
15 Imbed On Command x 1000 Level -6
16 Imbed Constant x 2000 (1000) Level -6
* For the above imbed spells, the spell point multiplier is used to determine
how long it will take to imbed a certain spell in an item. Multiply the cost
in spell points for the spell to be imbeded by the spell point multiplier.
Divide this number by the number of spell points the caster has to find the
length of time in days. Example, a 15th level caster wants to imbed an item
with a teleportation spell that will function on command. Teleportation is a
10th level spell an costs 15 spell points. The spell point multiplier for an
item which functions on command is 1000. 15 times 1000 = 15,000 spell points.
The average 15th level caster will have 120 spell points. 15000 divided by 120
spell points equals 125 days required to manufacture the item. The cost for
imbedding multiple spells will increase the manufactoring time. The maximum
number of spell levels that can be imbeded in any 1 item can be no greater
than twice the caster's level. The item must have a monetary value equal to
the total spell point cost of making the item. The imbed once spell can be
used several times, each use meaning that the spell can be used once. This
duplicates items that have charges such as wands, staves, and rods. The column
titled spell level indicates the level of spell that can be imbeded. Level
indicates that a spell of equal level to the caster can be embeded. Level -2
means that spells 2 levels below the caster's level can be embeded. Instead of
embedding actual spells, spell points that can be used by the weilder of the
item can be embeded. For example, a 10th level spell costs 15 spell points.
Embedding 15 spell points into an item that could be used 1/day would cost 15
spell points x 500 for the spell point multiplier for a total cost of 7,500
spell points. Also, spells which apply particularly to weapons like vorpal,
sharpness, return, etc, cost half the listed spell point cost. A vorpal sword
that is continuously vorpal would have a spell point multiplier of 1000 instead
of 2000. Attack spells that function 1 round or more should be at twice the
normal point cost. Spells that grant immunity to general attack forms such as
the "hit only by magical weapons" spells cost four times normal. Healing spells
that function 1/10 turns or more cost twice the normal point cost.
12 Imbed Empathy: imbeds an item with empathy, equivalent to the spell or
psionic power
14 Imbed Low Intelligence: imbeds intelligence up to 5
16 Imbed Intelligence: imbeds intelligence up to 10
18 Imbed High Intelligence: imbeds intelligence up to 15
20 Imbed Very High Intelligence: imbeds intelligence up to 20
25 Imbed Genius Intelligence: imbeds any amount of intelligence, no greater
than the casters.
14 Imbed Purpose : imbeds a purpose into the item. Certain powers that the item
possesses can be made only to function when combatting or protecting against
a certain purpose. See the purpose listing for spell point cost reductions
for powers that only function for a given purpose.
14 Imbed Alignment: Imbeds a certain alignment into an item. Every 5% failure
indicates 1 step alteration of the alignment.
Power Word: A power can be learned for every spell. Power words still need to
be prepared before casting. The preparation itself is almost identicle to
casting the actual spell but once the spell casting is actually completed, the
magical energy is sealed, and will only be released when the power word is
spoken. Power words themselves only take 2 action to cast. The actual
preparation of the spell takes the normal casting time. The magical energy
sealed in the power word can last indefinately until the caster speaks it. A
power word for any spell has a level equal to 4 levels higher than that spell.
A 1st level spell has a 5th level spell as its power word. A 6th level spell
has a 10th level spell as its power word, etc. Note that the initial
preparation costs no spell points. Spell points are only spent went the power
word is actually spoken.
20 Vorpal: raises WC by 5 ranks, adds 10 level shift to critical percentage as
well as raises critical hit effects by 25%
18 Sharpness: as above but WC increase by 3 ranks, + 5 level shifts to
critical percentage, +10% on critical effects
8 Piercing: applies to pointed missile weapons, such as daggers, darts,
spears, arrows, ballistas,etc. Catapults, sling stones, or other blunt are
not affected by this spell. When a thrown or fired the weapon will do damage
as if it was fired with a strength of 20, plus 1 rank/5 levels above the
Return: this causes a missile or any thrown weapon to return by flight to its
wielder's hand the following round after it is used.
Return if Miss: as return but only returns if it misses its target
Return, Same Round: as return except it will return in the same round assuming
the character didn't use up more than 1/2 his actions points that round up to
the time it was thrown or launched.
Return by Teleportation: as return except it does travel normally but teleports
back to the user. This prevents any creature or object blocking its return.
Return by Teleporation,Same Round: as above but teleports back in the same
Distance: Increased all ranges (short, medium, long, etc) of missile weapons
by 1 rank/4 levels
Submission: subject will surrender to caster if RR is not made for 1 turn/level
Change Blade: allows any bladed weapon to be changed into another of
proportional size. Magical items must make a RR of 100 or become disenchanted.
Change Hammer: as above but applies to any blunt weapon
Change Weapon: as above but applies to any ancient weapon
Duration of 1 round/level with up to 6 changes/round.
Rust: all metallic objects that undergo oxydation will rust and be useless.
Objects save as their material class or their power level for magic and
psionic objects. 1 item of up to 1 space/level in volume may be affected.
Decompose: as rust but applies to organic compounds
10 Animate Weapon, Lesser: A weapon can be made to fight on its own up to a
maximum number of rounds equal to 1/4 the caster's level. The weapon will
attack at 1/2 the mage's or weilder's level, or 1/2 the skill level in the
weapon, whichever is higher. This includes chance to hit, damage, and number
of attacks per round.
15 Animate Weapon: Same as above except weapon fights at full level of the
mage, weilder, or weilder's skill level with that weapon. Duration is 1/3
casters level.
Lesser Dancing: On the first action with the weapon (attack or parry) the
weapon is +1. Each successive action raises it an additional +1 until the
maximum plus is achieved. This magical bonus applies to the bonus to hit, not
to damage. This acts in a way to "charge" the sword. At any point after the
first action the character can release the weapon and it will attack at his
level and skill for 1 round/ current plus of the weapon. For example, a
character has a +4 sword of lesser dancing (wether by magic item or a temporary
enchantment on it) the first action it is +1, then +2,+3,+4. Any time after it
has reached a certain plus, before being sheathed, it can be released. The
first round it is at its current plus, the next round it is one plus lower.
When its plus reaches zero it will fall to the ground unless grasped by the
wielder. A weapon does not have to be used until its max plus is reached. A
+4 sword could be used for 2 actions and the released to fight for 2 rounds,
the first round at +2, the second round a +1.
Dancing: Same as lesser dancing except the magical bonus does not change. A +4
weapon is always +4, but it can be charged up to 4 actions to fight for 4
Continual Dancing: As Dancing except the weapon does not have to be charged.
It will fight for a number of rounds up to its magical bonus and then have to
rest for a number of rounds equal to how many it fought. A +5 sword used for
3 rounds would require 3 rounds of rest. Note that these rounds of rest mean
only that it cannot dance, it can still be wielded normally by the user and be
considered resting.
Sphere/Cube of Force: as wall of force except it creates a 1 meter/level
diameter sphere, or a 1 meter/level wide cube.
Luck: +1 LS/5 levels on all RR's and totally random rolls such as gambling,
dividing treasure, and anything that only applies to probability and not
skill or power.
Force Field: as psionic power
Energy Field(all): as psionic power
Energy Bolt (all):as psionic power
Plague: as cause disease but affects a 1 km/level square area.
Cure Plague: as above but allows the caster the make a RR against the power of
the plague that affects all within the area as if they all made their RR as
the caster.
Viscid Globs
Pre-incarnate: this will bring a former incarnation of the subjects spirit
back in its original form or can be use to bring a former spirit back in the
subjects current body. Unless the former incarnation, the results are
completely random. Up to the caster's level/2 in incarnations can be
pre-incarnated. Example, a 20th level caster could bring back the spirit of a
being from 10 incarnations before him.
Genesis: as psionic power
18 Slay: This spell must be learned individually for each type of creature to
be affected. A slay vampire spell and a slay titan spell are two different
spells which must be learned separately. If the RR is failed the creature is
slain. The only type of magic which can protect against this is protection vs
Death Magic. For instance, Golems which may be immune to most spells are
affected by a slay spell. All saves vs this are made at 1/2 the subjects level.
Magic resistance is treated normally.
15 Slaying: As above, this spell must be learned for each type of creature.
When this spell is cast, all damage that the target recieves is increase by
100%/ 5 levels above 10th, ie. double damage at 15th level, triple damage at
20th, quadruple at 25th, and quintuple at 30th. Duration is 1 round/level.
Time Travel: as temporal distortion power
Warp Space: as psionic power
Hyperspace: as psionic power
10 Encumber: increases apparent weight of an object (1 space/level in size) or
person by 10%/level.
10 Unencumber: as above but decreases at 5%/level.
16 Death Servant: caster can summon a death servant which will stay with him
for a duration of of 1 year/level. The death servant is uncorpeal and
invisible. The death servant will prevent the caster from dying any 1 time,
then he will leave the service of the caster. This prevention can be blocking
the blow of a weapon that would cause enough damage to kill the caster, not
allowing him to drink a potion that would prove deadly, moving him clear of a
trap, etc. It is only in the time of eminant death that the death servant will
become corpeal although will still remain invisible.
25 Death Army: acts as a raise dead spell with up to the caster's level times
5 rank in levels of dead can be raise and will fight for the caster. Duration
of 1 hour/level
Spirit Army
12 Store Spell: This allows the caster to store any spell or number of spells
which he knows within an item that is of the proper construction to accept it
(see magical construction). The total spell levels stored that can be stored
cannot excede the caster's level. If this spell is used multiple times to
store a greater number of spell levels into a item, a RR must be made each
additional time it is cast on an item already containing spells to see if they are cancelled by the new spell. The spell
can remain in the item for up to 1 day/level. Any time before then, it can be
cast from the object instantly at a cost of 1 action point.
Spell Turning: this spell will turn part or all of a spell back unto its
caster. The caster of this spell makes a RR vs the cast spell. If the RR is
equal or within 10% of the required roll, the spell is cancelled, having no
effect on the target or the caster. For every 5% greater the RR is, 5% of the
spell is turned back upon the user. If the SR of the attacker was 105, and the
RR of the mage was 110, then 5% of the spell would be turned unto the
attacker. If damage rolled was 100, then the attacker would receive 5 points
damage and the mage would receive 95 points damage. This percentage also
applies to the level of the spell. In the case above, if a 20th level spell
was cast, the attacker would recieve the spell himself at only 5% of its level,
equalling 1st level. If he fails his save against a 1st level spell, the
spell effects him at 5% intensity and duration. Duration of 1 round/2 levels.
Spell Reflection: as spell turning but is all or nothing. A RR indicates the
entire spell is turned back on the caster at the same level of power he casted
it. If the RR is failed by any ammount, the mage recieves the full effect. Same
duration as above.
Weapon Turning: as spell turning but applies to damage from mellee weapon
attacks. RR's are made against the SR of the attacker. SR's are totalled with
all bonuses to hit including magic.
Weapon Reflection: as above but reflects mellee weapon attacks
Weapon Deflection: as reflection but only deflects attacks, it does not turn
them back upon the attacker
Blade Turning: as weapon turning but affects only edged mellee weapons
Blade Reflection: as above
Blade Deflection: as above
Missile Turning: as above but affects only missiles
Missile Reflection: as above
Missile Deflection: as above
Attack Turning: as above but effective against all physical attacks, mellee,
missile, claws, bite, etc
Attack Reflection: as above
Sword Destruction: this is a special type of destruction spell that affects
and weapon an being is currently using. Weapons that are not drawn and ready
for battle are not affected by this spell. If the target fails his RR, his
weapon must make a RR vs the spell or be destroyed. Weapons are not totally
disintegrated, but they are broken and unusable. Mending or magical mending
will restore weapons affected by this spell.
Shield Destruction: as above but affects shields
Armor Destruction: as above but affects armor.
Change Alignment: a new alignment is randomly rolled for the subject. Duration
is permanent until restored or changed back to the original alignment.
Changing Alignment to original status by this spell is 100% successful if the
SR is made. Failure by 50% or less indicates that 1 part of the alignment is
returned to normal while the other part remains the same. Thus a LG creature
changed to CE would be LE or CG if failure was within 50%.
Reverse Alignment: alignment is reversed, Newtral components are not affected.
CG becomes LE, LN becomes CN, NG becomes NE, N is unaffected. Any extra
alignment tendacies are also reversed; NG with chaotic tendacies becomes NE
with Lawful tendacies.
Change: the subject must make separate RR's to avoid a change in species
(treat as a random transformation spell) sex, and alignment. Change in sex
will be that of the opposite sex unless subject is hermaphrodiric where a
change to one sex will occur. Asexual creatures will be unaffected by this
change. The change in alignment is also random, but if the RR is failed some
change must occur. If a LE being rolls LE for the change, the change should be
rerolled. Note that the mind of the subject is still intact, save for possible
change in alignment.
Contrariness: the subject will be against any idea proposed to him. Harmful
effects allow a save. For instance, knowing a enemy was under contrariness and
telling him not to kill himself would allow him a save in order to avoid the
effect. Duration of 1 turn/level.
15 Increase Ability: will increase any of one the subject's abilities by 5
points. Each ability is a separate spell. Duration of 1 round/level.
20 Increase Ability Rank I: as above but increase is by 1 rank
25 Increase Ability Rank II: as above, 2 ranks
30 Increase Ability Rank III: as above, 3 ranks
35 Increase Ability Rank IV: as above 4 ranks
40 Increase Ability Rank V: as above, 5 ranks
20 Increase Ability to Rank I: as above, ability is increased to rank 20.
Usuable only 1/month and 1/year/person.
25 Increase Ability to Rank II: as above, rank 30
30 Increase Ability to Rank III: as above, rank 40
35 Increase Ability to Rank IV: as above, rank 50
17+ Increase Prime Requisite/Rank/to Rank: duplicates all above effects but
affects the prime requisite of the character. Level is +2 on all above levels.
Example, learning Increase Prime Requisite Rank I would be a 27 level spell.
Again, each spell is a separate spell.
* Note that only 1 type of the above spells can be used on any 1 subject. A
subject could have an ability raised to a rank, but then not raised by a rank
or by a number of points.
18 Prismatic Sphere: This spells creates a sphere of 1 meter/level in diameter
of 7 concentric shells, each shell colored from red to violet in order of
the rainbow. The caster can assign a particular offensive spell to each shell
of the sphere. The total levels of spells can be up to three times the mages
level. For example, the mage at 20th level could make the shells have the
effects of a 2nd, 3rd, 5th,8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th levels spells.
(4+4+6+8+10+12+16 = 60) All spells must be arranged from lowest to highest,
the lowest being on the outside layer, and the highest being on the inside
player. Also, the mage can give each shell a protection or resistance spell,
with the same number of levels to work with and the same arrangment. The
mage must also decide upon one spell per shell,that will take down that
shell, regardless of at what level the spell was cast. The spell to take
down the shell layer cannot be a higher level than the offensive or
defensive spell that is cast into that shell. Duration is 1 turn/level. The
mage is immune to the effects of his own sphere. If the sphere is created
upon a being, or a being teleports into the sphere, decide which layer he
falls into considering that the shells are equally spaced. Note that each
layer must be brought down before the next can be affected. Each prismatic
sphere with its individual properties is considered a separate spell.
Effects of the sphere are decided when the spell is initially being learned,
not while it is being casted.
14 Prismatic Spray: Causes a multihued spray that has a range of 1 meter/2
levels and is 1 meter wide. All in path must make a RR to avoid the effects.
The affects that can be produced are the same as in prismatic sphere. Any
number of spell affects, 1 per color, can be produced, the total levels not
exceding the caster's level times 3. Roll % for all in path:
Roll Hit By Roll Color
01-25 1 color 01-15 red
26-50 2 colors 16-30 orange
51-75 3 colors 31-45 yellow
76-85 4 colors 46-60 green
86-90 5 colors 61-75 blue
91-95 6 colors 76-90 indigo
96-100 7 colors 91-100 violet
16 Prismatic Wall: as sphere except it creates wall up to 10 square meters
in surface area/level.
16 Prismatic Ray: as spray except affects only 1 target but at a range of 5
20 Prismatic Protection: grants protection vs any prismatic effect
12 Defense: decreases all mellee attacks upon recipient by 10% (2 LS's) +5%
per level above 12th up to a maximun of 75% at 25th level.
Protection I - X: the various protection spells include protection vs attacks,
magic, good, evil, undead, demons, devils, etc. Just about any purpose that
a magical item can have can have a protection spell counterpart. The
protection spell grants a +1%/level bonus against the force to be protected
against, or can also subtract that percentage from all attacks from that
force. Example, 10th level protection vs undead would give the character
+10% on all RR's vs undead, and all undead would subtract 10% from their
offensive rolls against the character. Each type of protection counts as a
separate spell.
Protection, 1 Meter Radius: as above except 4 levels higher than each.
Protection, 2 Meter Radius: as above except 6 levels higher than each.
Protection, 5 Meter Radius: as above except 8 levels higher than each.
Resistance: as above but grants resistance (RR) vs a type of attack form, at
the level of the spell. Examples of resistances are magic, disease, poison,
fire, lighting, cold, breath weapons, death magic, etc. A sucessful RR at
the appropriate level indicates the attack form had no effect.
Resistance, 1 Meter Radius: as above
Resistance, 2 Meter Radius: as above
Resistance, 5 Meter Radius: as above
10 Power: increases all SR's and RR's by 5%, mellee and missile damage
increased by 1 rank (self propelled missiles such as guns and beam weapons not
included), opponents are -5% to hit. Duration of 1 round/level.
15 Immense Power: as above but at 10% and 2 ranks
20 Grand Power: as above but at 15% and 3 ranks
23 Supreme Power: as above but at 20% and 4 ranks
25 Unearthly: as above but at 25% and 5 ranks
30,35 Divine: as above but at 30% - 35% and 5 ranks
40,45,50 Cosmic: as above but at 40%-50% and 5 ranks
16 Transfer Enchantment: caster is able to transfer the magical enchantment
from one object to another. The object receiving the enchantment must be of
the proper construction and materials to receive the enchantment as in
normal enchantment. Items which already possess magical properties can have
enchantments transfered to them, but an additional SR for each power
allready existing in them must be made to see if the are cancelled. A SR
for every power being transfered must also be made. Spells higher than the
caster's level lower the SR by 5% per level higher than his own. Thus a +5
Longsword could be made into a +5 dagger or bow or axe, etc. A ring of fire
resistance could be made into a necklace of fire resistance.
12 Displacement: character appears up to 1/2 meter/5 levels from his actual
position. First attacks will always miss unless the area of effect is equal
or higher than the amount of displacement. Attacks start at -5 LS to hit
then increase by 1 LS per attack until after 5 attacks there is no more
10 Missile Attraction/Repulsion: all missiles are + or - 5%/5 levels to hit a
given target. Duration of 1 round/level
10-30 Immunity to Edged Weapons I-V: Grants a RR vs the SR of the attack,
including all magical bonuses. A sucessfull RR indicates the weapon had no
10-30 Immunity to Missile Weapons I-V: as above
10-30 Immunity to Blunt Weapons I-V: as above
16 Weapon Pact: subject is totally immune to any 1 type of weapon. Types
include swords, daggers & knives, arrows, spears & javelins, hammers, maces,
clubs, axes, etc. Each pact is a separate spell. Duration of 1 round/level.
14 Spell Transference: allows spells which act on touch to be transfered to an
item. When the item touches a target the spell takes effect. For instance, a
priest who had the slay living spell which acts upon touch could transfer it
to a staff which he was more proficient in than his bare hands. When the staff
touched a target, it would take the effects of the spell as if it was touched
by the caster. The spell lasts for a duration of 1/round per level or until
the object of the spell touches a target.
6 Speed: increase movement speed by 100%/6 levels. Action points are not
10 Striding & Springing: allows subject to make verticle and horizontal leaps
and strides as if his strength to weight ratio was 1 rank higher/ 5 levels.
5 Move Silently: as silence spell but only affects subject and his
6 Camoflauge: allows character to change pigment and blend in with suroundings
at level -3 rank. If the target moves the camoflauge is reduced by 2 ranks.
5-25 Increase Skill I-V: Increases one skill by 5%/5 levels. Increase Skill I
gives 5% increase, II gives 10% increase, etc. Applies to only one skill.
Each separate skill counts as a separate spell. Duration of 1 turn/level.
10-30 Increase Skill Area I-V: as above except an entire skill area is
increased. Some examples of skill areas are weapon skills, mage skills,
unarmed combat skills, acrobatics, theivery, lore, engineering, etc.
10-30 Grant Skill I-V: as increase skill but can grant skills to subjects who
don't have them. At 10th level a caster could grant level 1 mage skill to a
20-40 Grant Skill Area I-V: as above except an entire skill area is granted.
* note that the above increase and grant skill powers can be taken as a 1
general spell that will affect a random skill or skill area.
7+ Increase Prime Skill/Area: as above except at 2 levels higher than each.
15 Double Critical Chance: normal chance for a critical is doubled. For
instance, if subject needed to roll a natural 96+ (5%) he would now only have
to roll a 91+ (10%). Duration 1 round/level.
20 Triple Critical Chance: as above but tripled, 5% becomes 15% etc.
25 Quadruple Critical Chance: as above, times 4
30 Quintuple Critical Chance: as above, times 5
16 Damage +1/2: raises all physical damage caused by 50%, duration 1 round/level
20 Double Damage: as above, damage x2
25 Triple Damage: as above, damage x3
30 Quadruple Damage: as above, damage x4
40 Quintuple Damage: as above, damage x5
6 Water Walking: allows being to walk over normal water or liquids without
sinking as it was normal ground. Note that the subject is still touching the
liquid so that walking over acid or lava would cause some damage.
12 Enchant Weapon to Hit I: adds +1 LS to hit
14 Enchant Weapon to Hit II: + 2 LS
16 Enchant Weapon to Hit III: +3 LS
18 Enchant Weapon to Hit IV: + 4 LS
20 Enchant Weapon to Hit V: +5 LS
22 Enchant Weapon to Hit VI: +6 LS
24 Enchant Weapon to Hit VII: +7 LS
26 Enchant Weapon to Hit VIII: +8 LS
28 Enchant Weapon to Hit IX: +9 LS
30 Enchant Weapon to Hit X: + 10 LS plus 1 LS/ 2 levels of caster above the
12 - 30
Enchant Weapon to Damage (Rank) I - X: as above except damage rank and weapon
class is raised by 1 rank for each plus stated above Weapons will do their WC
in damage against non - living objects or the objects material strength,
whichever is less.
12 - 30 Enchant Weapon to Damage (Points)
12 -30
Enchant Armor I - X: As enchant weapon to hit, raises rank of material
strength and hence armor class
* Note that the above enchantment spells must be learned successively. Enchant
to hit +1 must be learned before enchant to hit +2.
26 Create Lifeforce: as psionic power
24 Create Flesh: as create organism power except only a physical body is
created without any lifeforce. Physical traits cannot excede the casters level
12,16,20,25,30 Control I-V: as psionic domination power. affects a certain
type of creature wether it be undead, demons, devils,dragons, humanoids, etc.
Each type of control counts as a separate spell.
12 Wound Closure: all wounds are closed the following round after they are
inflicted. Half damage from edged weapons is healed the following round
assuming the subject is not dead. Example, a player who received 10 points
damage from a sword would have 5 points of that damage healed the following
round. Bleeding which would persist after the wound was inflicted will be
prevented by this power. Duration of 1 turn/level
16 Call Spirit: as resurrection except only the spirit or soul is called, the
physical body remains in its present condition. When called the spirit can be
imbued in a body that is ready to receive it.
14 Absorbtion, Magical: allows the mage to absorb spell levels up to his
level/round. Thus a 15th level mage could absorb 1 14th level spell in a round,
or any combination of spells who's level did not excede 14. The absorbed
spell levels can be used to restore the mage's spell points; a 14th level
spell would restore 28 spell points to the mage. Note that the mage can excede
his max spell points by 50%, but extra spell poinst dissipate ate the rate of
5/round. Duration of 1 round/level.
15-30 Physical Absorbtion I-IV: absorbs 25% plus 5%/level above the 15th of all
damage caused by physical attacks (swords, bullets, etc) and from elemental
attacks such as fire and lightning. Duration of 1 round/level.
Convert Matter/Antimatter
10 Heroism: temporily raises the LEL of the character by 1 LEL/5 levels of the
caster. Also gives level rank resistance to fear.
25 Phoenix: same as psionic discipline, Alter Physical Structure, Energy.
Duration of 1 round/level.
16 Absorb LEL Draining: The subject can absorb 1 draining of a LEL/4 levels of
the caster. Thus a 16th level caster could protect a subject from up to 4
levels of draining with no effect on the subject. Duration is 1 turn/level or
until the max number of LEL's are drained.
18 Life Protection: when the character dies his soul enters a specially
prepared cell, having the same specifications as in the trap the soul spell.
The soul is protected there for 1 day/level of the caster, immune to any
outside harm save physical destruction of the holding cell. This spell also
give level rank resistance to domination, possession, magic jar spells and
the like. The enchantment will last on subject for 1 day/level of the caster.
12-30 Disrupt Undead I-X: a beam of positive energy is emited from the
caster's hands up to a range of 1 meter/level. Any undead struct by it must
make a RR of be destroyed.
Heal All: as psionic power
Mass Destruction: as destruction but effects up to 1 level in being/level of
the caster.
Weakness: as psionic power
Insanity: roll for random insanity if RR is failed
16 Loneliness: subjects charisma reduced to a score of 1-5 until restored
20 Poverty: all characters monetary wealth which he possesses on his person or
elsewhere vanishes completely
Death Star: produces a beam equal to a tech level 5000 energy rifle.
Steal Soul: as soul stealing power
Evolve: as psionic power
Deevolve: as psionic power
Accelerate Growth: as psionic power
Wall of Annihilation: as psionic power, up to a 1 square meter/level can be
Sphere of Annihilation:as psionic power
Recharge Item: specially prepares a magical item to receive spell points to
recharge it. Every 5 spell points put into the item will restore 1 of the
item's spell point, the same as for the imbed once spell. Note that
electrical items can also be recharged, each spell point equaling 10 power
points. Mass Flying: as flying except up to 1 being/level or an object equal
or less than the caster's level rank in size.
Mass Teleport: as teleport with specifications as for mass flight above.
Mass Telepathy: as telepathy, up to one being/level can be affected.
Telepathic Bond: as psionic power
10-30 Wounding I-V: when cast upon a weapon, for every hit that the weapon
inflicted, 1-5 (depending on type of I-V) points of damage will be suffered
each round until healed or a cure disease spell is cast upon the subject
Feed Item: allows a magical item to feed upon the quasi-magical properties of
gems, crystals, and precious metals. Every 10 CR (credits) in monetary value
fed upon restore 1 spell pt of power to the item. A maximum of level rank in
CR can be fed upon 1/turn. For every level rank in CR, a RR must be made to
see if the item rejects the power source. Any gems, metals,etc, fed upon are
left decayed, corroded, etc, worthless without any value or special
20 Magical Mending: allows the mending of any 1 magical item that is broken
but not totally destroyed,and restores all magical properties.
16 Duplicate: allows the duplication of any item up to 1 space/level in size
or 1000 CR/level in monetary value. Magic items can bu duplicated but the
duplicates are non-magical. The caster must make a RR for the item. If it
fails,the item is destroyed.
Golem Magic
18 Build: as duplicate except items can be built from scratch
14 - 30 Giant Strength I-VIII: grants strength of ranks 30 through 100 for 1
32 - 38 Giant Strength IX - XII: as above for ranks 125-200
40 - 50 Giant Strength XIII (xxx ? )
5 Armor I: grants armor class equal to AC 10. Damage absorbtion is not granted,
only the A.C. Any weapon which would penetrate the magical armor does full
normal damage. If the recipient already wears armor, the the better of the
two A.C.'s is used, but the normal will still absorb any damage up to its
capacity, even if the magical armor granted a greater A.C. Duration of 1
10 Armor II: as above, AC 20
15 Armor III: as above AC 30
20 Armor IV: as above AC 40
25 Armor V: as above AC 50
30 Armor VI: as above AC 60
32 Armor VII:as above AC 70
34 Armor VIII:as above AC 80
36 Armor IX: as above AC 90
40 Armor X:as above AC 100
5 Holding I: imbues a container with extradimential space equal to 1
space/level above the 4th, Duration 1 hour/level
10 Holding II: as above, but at level rank/5 in spaces
15 Holding III: as above
20 Holding IV: as above
25 Holding V: as above
30 Holding VI: as above
35 Holding VII: as above
40 Holding VIII: as above
45 Holding IX: as above
50 Holding X: as above
Age: as psionic power
Youth: as psionic power
16 Drain Magic: as aborbsion but can drain magical energy from items which
have charges
18 Canscellation: range 1/2 meter/level. A given magic item of the caster's
choice that is within range must make a RR or be totally drained of its
magical power, becoming a normal item. Magical items within or behind other
magical items cannot be affected until the item blocking them is canscelled.
This spell will pass right through normal objects.
25 Magical Restoration: restores the magical powers to any one object that has
been drained, cancelled, or lost its magic in any other way.
20 Vampiric Regeneration: caster has half of all physical damage he causes in
mellee combat to be restored to him. Example, doing 10 points of damage will
heal the caster of 5 points. Duration of 1 round/level.
12 Hit Only By Magical Weapons: caster is only affected by magical weapons,
spell and psionics have normal effects, but only physical attacks which are
magical may hit. Beings which possess some magical powers can affect the
caster if they are at least 1/2 the casters level
14 Hit Only By Silver Weapons: as above except applies to only magical or
silver weapons (or some other composition such as mithril or cold, unforged
16 Hit Only By Magical Weapons I: as above but applies to +1 weapons
20 Hit Only By Magical Weapons II: as above, +2 weapons
25 Hit Only By Magical Weapons III: as above, +3 weapons
30 Hit Only By Magical Weapons IV: as above, +4 weapons
35 Hit Only By Magical Weapons V: as above, +5 weapons
40 Hit Only By Magical Weapons VI: as above, +6 weapons
44 Hit Only By Magical Weapons VII: as above, +7 weapons
46 Hit Only By Magical Weapons VIII: as above, +8 weapons
48 Hit Only By Magical Weapons IX: as above, +9 weapons
50 Hit Only By Magical Weapons X: as above, +10 weapons
Mass Plane Shift: as psionic power
Transfer Plane: as psionic power
6.1 Purposes for Magical and Psionic Items
Purposes for magical and psionic items are used as a contingency to dictate
when a certain power will function, ie that power will only function when
acting to carry out the purpose it was designed for. Adding purposes to a
power reduces the total power point cost for imbedding that power in an
item. Different purposes give different power point reductions depending
on how general or how specific the purpose is. The fraction shown in
parenthesis after the purposes below show what fraction of the total power
point cost is takes to imbed a given spell. For example, the power point
multiplier for imbedding a power that works 1/Hit is 900. If a power was
imbedded to work once per hit when used against dragons the power point
multiplier would be 1/3 of 900, or only 300 times the normal cost for
imbedding that spell since the power point reduction is 1/3.
Slay Evil (1/2)
Slay Good (1/2)
Slay Law (1/2)
Slay Chaos (1/2)
Slay Non Neutrals (3/4)
Slay Non Good (3/4)
Slay Non Evil (3/4)
Slay Non Lawful (3/4)
Slay Non Chaotic (3/4)
Protect Balance (1/2)
Slay Specific Alignment (1/5)
Slay Diametrically Opposed Alignment (1/4)
Slay Race (Elves, Dwarves, humans, Orcs, etc) (1/4)
Slay Sub-Race (Drow Elves, mountain dwarves, etc) (1/6)
Slay Humanoids (any humanoid race including elves, humans, orcs, trolls, etc)
Slay Specific Species (Red Dragon is a specific species while Dragons are a general class of creatures)
Slay Mages (1/5)
Slay Priests (1/5)
Slay Fighters (1/5)
Slay Spell Users (1/4)
Slay Magic Using Creatures (1/5)
Slay Non Spell Users (1/3)
Slay Non-Mages (3/4)
Slay Non-Priests (3/4)
Slay Psionics (1/6)
Slay Non-Psionics (3/4)
Slay Conjured Creatures (1/6)
Slay Outer Planar Creatures (1/5)
Slay Planar Specific Creatures (Positive, negative, abyss, etc. Note that slay
prime material creatures can only be imbeded from a plane other than the
prime material. Each individual plane counts as one purpose) (1/5)
Slay Golems (1/5)
Slay Lycanthropes (1/5)
Slay Shapechangers (1/4)
Slay Elementals (1/4)
Slay Fire Using/Dwelling Creatures (1/4)
Slay Cold Using/Dwelling Creatures (1/5)
Slay Regenerating Creatures (1/5)
Slay Non Humanoids (3/4)
Slay Demons (1/4)
Slay Devils (1/4)
Slay Daemons (1/4)
Slay Undead (1/4)
Slay Vampires (1/5)
Slay Life Draining Creatures (1/4)
Slay Giants (1/4)
Slay Dragons (1/3)
Slay Good Dragons (1/4)
Slay Evil Dragons (1/4)
Slay Reptiles (1/4)
Slay Avians (1/5)
Slay Mammals (3/4)
Slay Aquatic Creatures (1/5)
Slay Amphibians (1/6)
Slay Dieties (3/4)
Slay Servants of Specific Diety (3/4)
7. Psionics & Mutant Powers
Alter Attributes
All attributes last for a duration of 1
turn/level is psionically based, or indicate the new level of ability of a
biologically enhansed/mutated creature.
8 Enhansed Strength: ability is raised 1 rank for every 4 levels above
4th, 1 rank at 8th level, 2 ranks at 12th level, etc.
8 Enhansed Dexterity: as strength
10 Enhansed Intelligence: as strength but a 1 rank for every 5 levels
above 5th. 1 rank at 10th, 2 ranks at 15th, etc
10 Enhanced Wisdom: as intelligence
8 Enhansed Constitution: as strength
10 Enhansed Charisma: as intelligence
6 Enhanced Speed: as strength but at 100% increase/ 6 levels. Includes
multiplication of action points. Double speed at 6th level, triple at 12th
level, etc.
Enhansed Senses
4 Night Vision: Grants normal daylight vision in nightime conditions
6 Telescopic Vision: Increases distance vision by 1 rank/level
10 X-ray Vision: Grants normal vision through materials. Range =
0.5/Density Class of Material x level / round
6 Microscopic Vision: Increases vision of minute objects by 1
6 Infra-Vision: Allows vision in the infra-red spectrum at normal
vision range
4 Ultra-Vision: as above, allows for vision in ultra-violet
10 Radar: Allows projection and sensing of radiation in the radio
wavelength at level rank range
8 Sonar: Allows projection and sensing of sound waves at full range
of frequencies at level rank -2 range
5 Side Vision: Allows normal vision in a 300 degree arc, +5 on all
suprise rolls dependent on vision
6 Parabolic Vision: Allows normal vision in a 360 degree arc, + 8
LS on all suprise rolls dependent on sight
6 Microwave Vision: allows vision in the microwave spectrum at
level rank range
10 Gamma Vision: Allows vision in the gamma wavelength at level
rank range
12 EM Vision: Allows vision in the entire EM spectrum at level rank
Extra Planar Vision
14 Astral Sight: Allows normal vision into the astral plane while
corpeal body remains in another plane. Range is reduced by 1 rank for each
plane greater than 1 removed from the astral plane
12 Ethereal Sight: As astral sight
16 Negative Plane Sight: As astral sight
16 Positive Plane Sight: As astral sight
Extra Planar Hearing
12 Astral Hearing: As astral sight but allows for hearing
10 Ethereal Hearing: As astral hearing
10 Empathic Vision: Allows user to see through the eyes of another
being if that being fails its RR. Note that the link also serves as
a medium for gaze attacks. Range for the empathic link is at level rank
range with the following adjustments:
Target never seen: - 4 Ranks
Target only seen briefly: -2 Ranks
Target Known: + 1 Rank
Target Well known: +2 Ranks
Target known closely: + 4 Ranks
9 Empathic Hearing: Same as empathic vision, with suseptability to
sonic based attacks
14 Empathic Sence: Same as empathic vision but includes all forms
of sensory input. All effects which the target is exposed to are
transmited through this power including damage
4 Enhansed Hearing: Increases hearing 1 rank/level, includes
distance and frequency
4 Enhansed Smell: as above
4 Enhansed Taste: as above
4 Enhansed Touch: as above
For attacks which cause damage, resistance negates all damage up to the level
rank of the power if it is above the the Weapon class or intensity of the
powrer's level rank. For example, at 6th level resistance, up to be 50 points
damage can be negated if it's intensity is greater than rank 50. If the
intensity is rank 50 or below, then no damage is suffered regardless of if the
actual amount of damage is greater than 50. In most cases, the damage and
intensity will be fairly equal. Any damage received above the level rank is
suffered, so 6th level resistance against 100 points of damage at rank 100
intensity will cause the character to suffer 50 points of damage.
6 Heat: Grants Level Rank -4 resistance to heat based attacks
6 Cold: As above
6 Electricity: As above
6 Energy: As above
8 Mental Attacks: As above
Alter Physical Structure
8 Metal: user can change his body into a metallic compound of level
rank -5 material strength, also grants the armor class of that material,
physical strength equal to that material, and an additional 5 time the
material class in hit points. Example, a 10th level character tranforms
his body into a class 40 metallic substance. That character now has 40
strength, armor class 40, can absorb 40 points of damage per hit without
losing hit points, and gains an additional 200 hit points. Physical
damage remains after transformation to original form. Physical damage
retained is proportional to the factor by which hit points were increased.
If hit points were increased by a factor of 3, that for every 3 points of
damage received in metallic form, 1 point of damage will remain in the
original form. Note that while transformed the user is susuptable to
attacks which affect metals such as magnetism and corrosion.
8 Mineral: Same as above
8 Vegetation: While in vegetation form the character can carry on
photosynthesis and will not require food as long as there is a source of
organic compounds nearby. Also grants minor regeneration while in sunlight.
Carbon dioxide, not oxygen is required for respiration.
8 Animal: Grants complete transformation into animal form while
retaining mental properties.
8 Water(Liquid): Character's body completely transforms into water,
or some other liquid if the character's body is not water based.
While in water form character can take on any shape, sliding under doors
or moving through any substance permeable to water. Strength is 1/4 normal.
Edged and blunt attacks do no damage. Heat and energy attacks do double
damage. Cold attacks do no damage but act to slow or even freeze the
individual. A character while in water form has his speed reduced
in proportion to how much cold damage he takes. If the character takes
1/2 his hit points in cold damage, he is at have his movement rate and his
action points are halved as well. If his total amount of hit points are
taken in cold damage the n the character is frozen solid and is
effectively unconcious. Edged attacks while frozen do normal damage and
blunt attacks do double damage.
10 Gel: Character's body takes on a state that is between solid and liquid,
having a consistancy much like toothpaste. Blunt and edged attacks do no
damage. Heat and energy attacks do normal damage. Cold attacks have the
same effect as above. Strength is halved. Character can change shape and
slip through small crevices as described above, but likes that ability to
permeate as above.
8 Air(Gas): Character assumes a gasseous form and is totally immune to
kinetic and energy attacks. Character has no strength so to speak but can
push and repel objects as a pressure beam at power rank -4 LS. Character
can use his gasseous form to suffocate beings as suffocate power listed
under biomanipulation. Character can pass through any object permeable to
air. Severe cold can affect the character while in gasseous form. Taking
total hit points in cold damage from cold sources of 100 intensity or
greater will cause the character to change into liquid form. Taking total
hit points in cold damage from sources of intensity 500 or greater turn user
into gel, and intensities of 1000 or greater will freeze character.
10 Fire: Characters body turns into a living fire entity equal to a energy
field produced by a 0.1 space generator of level rank tech level. User has
energy absorbtion power except that excess energy has no effect and will
not cause damage. Physical attacks do no damage and all weapons must make
an RR vs heat at level rank -4 intensity. Cold based attacks do double
damage. Tachyon and all energy absorbtion effects do full damage. While in
fire form, user can also be effected by pyrokesis.
10 Electricity: same as above except that cold based attacks have no effect.
User can be effected by electrical and magnetic control.
14 Plasma: same as fire except that cold based attacks under level rank
intensity do no damage and intenisty of the plasma is at full level rank
16/20/20 Energy(Normal,Positive,Negative)
As above except the normal energy form can only be harmed by tachyon
and energy absorbtion. The positive energy form can only be effected by
negative energy or by energy absorbtion.The character can use his positive
energy form to heal and res tore life levels. Likewise, the negative
energy form can be used to drain life levels.
6 Expansion: Allows increase in volume by a factor of power rank -5 in
spaces. For example, at 6th level a human sized being (1 space) could
increase his volume by a factor 5, expanding to a volume of 5 spaces. A
being who's normal size was larger, for instance 4 spaces in size, would
expand to 20 spaces at 6th level. Note that only volume is increased,
not mass or strength.
6 Reduction: Allows reduction in volume but not in mass. Although
strength is not inherently reduced, there may be some loss of
strength in certain situations due to a loss of leverage caused by
the reduced size. A 6th level the character can reduce
himself to 75% of his original size. Thereafter, the character can reduce
himself to a fraction of 1/(level - 5) in size. Therefore at 7th
level, the character could reduce himself to 1/(7 - 5) or 1/2 his
original size.
8 Increase Mass/Density: Allows increase in mass and size if density
is not changed, or mass and density if size remains the same. Factor
of increase equals power rank -7.
8 Decrease Mass/Density: Allows decrease in size and mass if density
remains the same, or decrease in mass and density if size remains
the same. Fraction of mass is equal to 1/(level - 6). Strength is
also reduced through this discipline.
2 Alter Appearance: Allows user to polymorph slightly to change
his appearance. The new appearance must still be one that belongs
to the same species as the character. For example, a human
character could change the appearance of his or her sex, skin
tone, hair color, eye color, hight or weight. A human character
could not appear any humanoid such as an orc or alien lifeform.
8 Polymorph: Allows the character to change his form to any creature
he has seen or encountered which does not excede his size by any
more than a factor of 10. This ability only grants form and not
the true biological structure. A player polymorphed into a cobra
would look and move like a cobra but would not have a venomous bite. A
player transformed into a bird could learn how to fly but this ability
would not come instantly to him the first time this form is assumed.
12 Shapechange: Same as polymorph but also allows assumption of
non-living forms as well. Thus a person could change into
something that would resemble a rock or a tree, but that
character would still be affected normally be attacks and would
not assume the mineral hardness of rock.
16 Transformation: as polymorph except all physical traits are
duplicated while original mental traits are retained. A character
transformed into a cobra would still have his mental abilities including
psionics and skill, and would have the physical traits of a cobra,
including a venomous bite, and be cold blooded. Use of the new form is
considered second nature to the character. Use of flight in a bird form
would not require any practice.
10 Metamorphasis: this power is intended to be used with biological mutations
although it could possible be used with psionic as well. When this option is
chosen when creating a mutant character, the characters powers function only
in the new form. When he is in his normal form, he has no special biological
powers although all skills and other powers remain. Several rolls can be
made on the physical mutations table to determine the effect of the
metamophasis. If the metamorphasis in uncontrollable, then taking this
option actually grants the character the number of character points for
a 10th level power each character level it is in effect. If the power is
controllable then the time for metamorphasis is 1 round - 1 second/2 levels
above the 10th.
6 Camoflauge: Allows user to change the pigment of himself and his
belongings to blend in with surroundings at level rank -3 ability.
Level of camoflauge is reduced 2 ranks if the character moves while
under observation.
8 Elasticity: User's body becomes elastic and maleable. Serves as power rank
-6 body armor vs blunt attacks, and power rank -6 body armor
vs edged attacks. Also grants level -6 falling skill and +5 LS on escape
8 Elongation: Allows user to elongate his body to the following
lengths per level:
Level Length in meters
8 1
10 2
12 5
15 10
20 25
25 50
30 100
40 500
50 1000
5 Adhesion: Allows user to adhere to objects with level rank -2 strength.
Note that the adhesion strength does not effect the character's strength
and it is possible for the user to damage himself and even tear off limbs
by uing this ability.
4 Increase Muscle Density: as Increased Strength
4 Skeletal Enhansment: as increased strength but applies to material
strength of skeleton.
6 Body Armor: If psionically based this acts somewhat like a personal force
field. If biologically based the body's physical structure is altered.
In either case this power gives the equivalent of 1 layer of body armor at
level -5 rank.
5 Invisibility: Character's body is completely transparent to visible light
but can be detected by other means such as infra and ultra vision.
9 Mass Invisibilty: renders invisible (as above) a number of beings equal
to the character's level or a volume of living/non-living material of level
rank size in spaces, which ever is less. Example, a 9th level character
could render 9 human sized creatures invisible, or 1 giant creature or
material having a size of 80 spaces or any number of creatures/objects
whose total size is no more than 80 spaces.
Energy Manipulation
4 Energy Generation (Touch): can generate level -3
rank in power points/round at a cost of 1 psionic point/ 10 power points.
1 Light: illuminate a 10 square meter area/level to normal daylight
conditions. 1 Darkness: darken a 10 square meter area/level to normal
nightime conditions
Energy Projection
5 Heat: project heat at level rank range and damage
5 Cold: project cold at level -2 rank range and damage
12 Electron:project an electron beam at level rank tech level damage and range
as for a 0.1 space device
14 Positron: as above
5 Fire: as above
16 Fission: as above
18 Fusion: as above
14 Proton: as above
16 AntiProton: as above
5 Electricity: as above
18 Newtron: as above
20 AntiNewtron: as above
9 Energy(EM radiation): as above
10 Ion: as above
9 Plasma: as above
16 Phaser: as above
20 Tachyon: as above
17 Disruption: as above
15 Bio: as above
30 Cosmic:as above
24 Extra-Dimentional: as above
16 Positive: as above but with level -5 rank effect and range
16 Negative: as positive
7 Paralytic: projects a beam of paralytic energy at level -3 rank range and
Energy Field level +2 (all of above types): as 0.1 space energy field
device at level rank tech level
4 Charge Object: charge object with level rank number of power points per
round, 10 round charging time max. Energy decreases at rate of level rank
in power points per turn.
30 Annihilation Field: totally annihilates any and all matter it comes into
contact with, minimum of 5000 pts damage on contact. Covers 1 square
28 Annihilation Sphere: As above but creates a sphere of up to 1 space/level
in volume and can be moved at a rate of 1 meter/round/level.
10 Energy Absorbtion: absorb level -5 rank in damage points/round. Energy
absorbed up to the characters maximum can be used to heal the character or
be converted into psionic points. Energy beyond the absorbtion amount will
cause damage. Energy absorbed will dissipate at a rate of 10 points/round.
8 Physical Absorbtion: as above but only applies to physical or kinetic based
Energy Draining (non-lifeforce) (Touch,Distance,Field)
5 Touch: as energy generation except energy is drained. As with absorbtion
this power can be used for healing or for psionic strength points.
7 Distance: as above but at level -5 rank distance in meters
9 Field: as above but per square meter covered. For example a 9th level
character could create a 1 square meter field covering himself that could
drain up to 50 power points per round that the field comes in contact with.
The character could also create a larger field that covers 10 square meters
that could absorb only 5 power points (50 power points/ 10 square meters)
per round.
9 Energy Amplification: Amplifies all energy and energy effects such as damage
caused by energy weapons in a 1 meter/level radius by 20%/level. Includes
kinetic energy such as projectile and melee weapons. The user can actively
choose to amplify certain energies and not others like raising energy
produced by allies' energy weapons but not the energy produced by shields
of foes. The character can do this but at 1/2 level and can only affect a
number of energy sources equal to 1/2 his level. For instance, a 10th
level character could amplify 5 energy sources 100% effectively doubling
6 Energy Dampening: same as above but energy and energy effect are reduced
by a certain percentage. 12 Energy Rechanneling: Same as energy absorbtion
except absorbed energy cannot be incorpated for use in healing or psionic
point gain. Instead, the energy can be rechanneled back at any given
target. Energy will dissipate over time just as with energy absorbtion and
the character can rechannel what ever amount of energy he has stored at
any time. The energy concentration (weapon class) upon rechanneling is not
the same as it was upon absorbtion but can be greater or less than
depending on the character's level rank. The to hit roll required is based
upon the highest skill level the character has in any ranged weapon.
10 Energy Reflection: same as energy absorbtion except that instead of
absorbing and storing energy, energy is imediately reflected at a given
target. Excess energy that cannot be reflected is taken as damage. To hit
roll is the same as above. The character can also choose to split the
reflected energy to hit multiple targets. The penalty to hit is -4 LS
cumulative per multiple targets. Example, firing at 3 targets at once
gives each to hit roll a -8 LS penalty.
8 Kinetic Energy Reflection: Same as above but applies to kinetic energy
weapons such as projectiles, particle beams, and most melee weapons.
14 Energy Conversion: can change any form of energy (electricity, heat, bio,
etc) into another. The amount of energy that can be converted per round is
equal to the character's level rank in power points. Unless used up, the
energy will stay in its new form for 1 turn/level and then change back into
its original form.
7 Wave Alteration: This power can duplicate the powers of energy
amplification and dampening but only one waves such as sound and EM
radiation. It also allows for change in wavelength and frequency. Thus
radio waves could be changed into visible light to extract
information. Normal sound waves could be amplified to produce sonic
5 Sonic Manipulation: similar to above but applies only to sound
waves. Area of effect is 1 meter/level radius. Within area of effect it
also allows the character to create an area of silence, it can also be
used to mimic and produce sounds and voices with mimicry success same as
for mimicry skill of equal level.
16 Cloaking Field: produces same effect as 0.1 space cloaking device of level
rank tech level.
12 Displacement: character appears up to be 1/2 meter/level from where he
actually is. First attacks will always miss unless the weapon or area of
effect is as large as the amount of displacement. Consecutive attacks
begin at -5 LS to hit and the increase 1 LS/attack until after 5 attacks
there is no more penalty.
10 Magnetism: same effect as adhesion but only affects magnetic and
para-magnetic substances. Also, the power can act at distance as a tractor
or repulsor beam. Power can also be used as a magnetic force field equal in
power to a 0.1 space device of level rank tech level. Can also be used to
affect magnetically based computers and devices as an ion beam of level
rank intensity.
8 Force Field: as 0.1 space device of level -2 rank
9 Particle Shield: as above at level -3 rank
10 Energy Shield: as above at level -4 rank
8 Force Field Other(Hold): as grappling attack at level -5 rank strength and
Matter Manipulation
6 Molecular Agitation: raises temperature of a material to level -5 rank in
heat intensity. Affects level -5 number of spaces in volume. Materials
raised to a heat intensity greater than their heat resistance (usually
material strength) begin to take damage. Items in contact with such
materials will also take damage each round they are in contact.
9 Matter Creation: able to create an amount of any form of matter
equal to level -8 spaces in volume. The material strength of the material
able to be produced is equal to level -7 rank. For each rank above 10 the
volume is reduced by 1 space. Complex synthetic materials have their
amount limited to a number of cubic centimeters, not spaces. Such
materials include energy crystals or nuclear reactor fuels.
20 AntiMatter Creation: able to create 1 gram/level of antimatter.
18 Matter/Antimatter Conversion: able to convert 1 gram/level of matter into
anti-matter or one kg/level of anti-matter into matter. In a universe where
antimatter is the common state of matter this power is reversed and 1
gram/level of antimatter can be converted into matter and 1 kg/level of
matter can be converted into antimatter.
12 Matter Projection: as matter creation except the matter can be
projected at up to level -4 rank range and strength. The creator can have
the projected matter take any form he wishes (bridge, wall, battering ram,
cage, etc) after it has been projected or reaches a specific destination.
6 Matter Absorbtion: allows the character to absorb matter into his body
upon contact. The amount of matter being absorbed is equal to the
character's level -6 rank in kg. At 6th level 1 kg can be absorbed. The
strength of materials that can be absorbed is equal to level -5 rank.
Antimatter cannot be absorbed without taking damage. The character will
gain mass from absorbing matter. If too much matter is absorbed, more than
the character can bear according to strength, the character will be unable
to move, possibly even taking damage. This power can be used in normal
situations or it can even be used to aborb bullets and other projectiles
as well as damage from matter based energy weapons (particle beams,
plasma,etc) equal to the character's level rank. Magical items receive a
resistance roll to see if they are absorbed.
10 Molecular Manipulation: this is a king of telekinesis that is used to alter
the structure and shape of matter. The character can affect 1 space/10
levels or 0.1 spaces/level of material with a material strength no greater
than the characters level rank. For each rank below the maximum material
strength the character can affect, the volume affected at 1 level higher
per rank. An 11th level character could affect 2 spaces of rank 5 material.
This power will not destroy matter but it can bend bars, create holes in
armor, etc.
9 Repulsion/Attraction: equal to a 0.1 space pressure/tractor beam
12 Repulsion/Attraction field: equal to a 0.1 space tactor/repulsor
field device
14 Molecular Alteration: affects 10 kg/level above 13th. Able to rearrange
atoms to form new molecules. Atoms themselves cannot be changed. Thus
water could be separated into hydrogen and oxygen. Coal could be turned
into diamond. Oxygen could be turned into ozone, etc.
7 Increase/Decrease Object Density: This power applies to innanimate,
non-living objects. Otherwise it is the same as the two increase and
decrease mass/density disciplines. 16 Quantum Manipulation: This power
allows one to rearrange subattomic particles to transform 1 element or
substance into another. Thus by the use of this power lead could be turned
into gold and vice versa. 1 kg/level can be affected.
5 Expansion/Reduction (object): same as expansion and reduction
disciplines but applies to inanimate objects. Can affect level -4 rank in
material strength.
10 Dematerialize/Materialize: character is able to convert
his body into a molecularly debonded matter stream similar to a
transporter. The character is able to pass through unshielded matter which
does not have a density greater than the character's level. Shields can be
passed through with a SR of 75 -1 LS for each rank of damage the shield
can absorb above the character's level rank. If the SR is unsuccessful,
the character takes damage equal to the shield's damage capacity, most
likely killing the character. Energy and particle weapons have full
effect. Character is also able to transport himself or other matter as a
1 space level rank transporter device.
25 Energize: The character is able to convert his entire body into energy,
equivalent to a level rank 1 space energy field device. Also grants
energy aborbtion,reflection,draining(by contact) and projection powers at
level ability. Character is also able to move a lightspeed and has no mass.
12 Gravity Manipulation: Able to increase/decrease the gravity of an object by
50%/level. Reduction below 100% indicates antigravity allowing for
levitation and flight. Can affect level rank in kg. Note that only weight,
not mass is affected by this power.
25 Genesis: Can affect 1 square kilometer/level/use. Able to transform
geological and climate conditions to such that could support
life, not necessarily earth based life. Can affect already life supporting
areas to support different kinds of life, like changing a desert region
into a tropical rain forest.
9 Telekinesis: Similar to repulsion and attraction powers, this power allows
for the mental movement of objects. Objects can be moved and manipulated
just as they would be physically. The mass that can be manipulated is equal
to the level rank in kg. The dexterity at which objects can be manipulated
is equal to the character's level -8 rank in dexterity or his natural
dexterity, whichever is higher. Weapons can be used at the character weapon
skill level or psionic level, whichever is lower.
5 Telekinetic Bolt: This projects a bolt of telekinetic force of level -4
rank damage, weapon class, and range. 5 Flying: Allows flight at level
rank in meters/second speed.
4 Levitation: allows character to move vertically at a rate of 10
meters/round, or move another object or person no more than 100 kg in mass.
16 Control Weather: Character has complete control over weather conditions
in a 5 square kilometer/level range. Character may increase/decrease
temperature by 1 degree celsius/level, raise/lower wind velocity by
2 kmph/level, alter humidity levels, create precipitation, fog, thunder
storms, etc.
7 Hydrokinesis: Character has telekinetic control over water or other liquids.
Able to manipulate 1 space/level of water with level -6 rank strength and
use it to act as a shield to absorb level -6 rank damage.
12 Terrakinesis:same as above except at level -9 rank strength and can create
a level -9 rank shield.
7 Aerokinesis: control all gases in a 2 meter/level radius. Able to
manipulate gases with level -6 rank strength.
10 Pyrokinesis: Able to fuel and control all fire in a 2 meter/level radius.
Able to project flames or use as a shield. All fire in range can be raised
or lower by level -4 ranks in intensity.
8 Cryokinesis: Able to control temperature in a 2 meter/level radius. Ability
to create water or ice from atmospheric humidity. Cold projection power.
Create ice shield of level -5 rank. Raise or lower cold intensity by level
-4 ranks.
10 Plant Control: allows telekinetic control (as telekinesis power) of all
plants within a 1 meter/level above the 9th radius.
7 Project Adhesive: project a level -2 rank strength adhesive to cover a level
rank number of spaces at a level rank range.
7 Project Corrosive: as above
9 Etherealness: Character is able to project up to 1 human sized being or up
to 100 kg into the ethereal plane. If the character projects himself, he can
fully enter the ethereal plane and therefore be out of view and danger from
those occupying the same area in the prime material plane. Note that this
means the character cannot see or interact with anything in the prime material
plane either. If he chooses to be on the border ethereal, he can see into
the prime material plane but not interact or be interacted with it.
14 Mass Etherealness: as above but limit is 1 space/2 levels.
11 Phasing: similar to etherealness, but this ability allows the character to
remain in the prime material plane but be slightly out of phase with normal
matter. The character looks solid but is able to pass through all matter
and shields of less than 10 times the character's level rank.
14 Ectoplasmic Form: creates a quasi-material form, part of which lies in
the material plane and part of which lies in some other plane, most likely
astral or ethereal. The fraction of the form which lies in one plane or
the other can be controlled by the character. Thus the object can be
seemingly ethereal in nature and can pass through matter, or solid and
manipulate objects with level/5 rank strength and dexterity. Range is 1
meter/level radius.
9 Explode: explode objects of to level -8 rank in spaces and at level -7
rank strength. Exploded objects do their material strength in damage in a
level/3 radius in meters.
9 Implode: same as above except object is crushed. Damage is taken to all
beings and objects within the imploded object.
Time/Space Manipulation
18 Time Stop: able to stop time in a 1 meter/level radius sphere for a
duration of 1 round/level. This discipline can also be used to restart
the normal flow of time in an area where it has been stopped.
14 Slow Time: able to slow the passage of time in a 1 meter/level radius by
50% plus 5%/level above the 14th.
14 Speed Time: same range as above, able to speed time by 100%/level above
the 13th.
22 Temporal Distortion: as 1 space device
18 Temporal Shield: character is able to create a 1 meter/level zone of
protection against all time and space alteration/distortion powers.
9 Time Sence: Character can sence distortions in time and wether certain
beings or objects are from a the time, or are from a future or past time,
and how far into the past or future.
14 Duo-Dimention: character can exist in two of the three dimentions.
He can choose to have no length, width, or height. In essence,
he exists as a 2 dimentional plane. Attacks from the front or rear of the
plane will hit normally. Attacks from the other two sides, possibly the
sides or top are unable to hit, and will seemingly pass right through the
character. This skill can also be used to fit between small crevices.
Which attacks can hit are relative to what dimention he is not existing
in. A character with no height can only be attacked from above or below. A
character with no length can only be atacked from the sides. A character
with no width can only be attacked from the front or back. If the
character makes a SR he can move through objects at the proper angle.
Duration of 1 round/level.
20 Dimention Door: creates a gateway 1 meter/4 levels square (5 meter x 5
meters at 20th level) between current dimentionand any other desired
dimention. 1 turn/level duration.
9 Teleportation: teleport up to 10 km/level
13 Exoteleportation: teleport object within sight no more than 10 kg/level
up to a 10 km/level distance.
22 Spacial Distortion: as 1 space device
15 Astral Projection: Character can project himself into the astral plane
18 Mass Astral Projection: as above except 1 being/2 levels can be transported
16 Warp Space: as 1 space device
22 Create Wormhole: create a 5 meter diameter wormhole connecting
two points in space which are up to level rank/10 lightyears distant from
eachother. For every 5 meters greater in diameter the wormhole is, its
distance decreases by 1 rank.
20 Enter Hyperspace: as 1 space device
14 Plane Shift: character able to enter any plane of existance
18 Mass Plane Shift: as above except 1 being/2 levels can be transported
26 Transfer Plane: a portion of any plane measuring 100 meters/level square
is exchanged with an equal portion of the plane the character is allready on.
Thus a 26th level character could transport a 2600 meter x 2600 meter area
of the astral plane onto the material plane. Duration of 10 turns/level.
18 Gate: as dimention door except the portal is only one way, character's
Alter Planar Existance
25 Positive: character can alter his being so he can exist normally in the
positive material plane as if he were native to that plane
25 Negative: as above
20 Elemental: as above
22 Quasi Elemental: as above
22 Hyperspace: as above
24 Astral: as above
23 Ethereal: as above
1 Bioluminescence: character can make his body glow at level rank intensity
up to a maximum of rank 20.
6 Blind: opponent is blinded for 1 turn/5% RR failure
4 Deafen: opponent is deafened for 1 turn/5% RR failure
5 Mute: opponent unnable to speak or produce any vocal
sounds for 1 turn/5% RR failure 4 Cancel sense of taste: opponent has no
sence of taste, duration is 10 turns/5% RR failure
8 Cancel sense of touch: no feeling, opponent at -5 dexterity ranks for 1
turn/5% RR failure
4 Cancel sense of smell: opponent has no sence of smell for 1 turn/5% RR
9 Choke: opponent trachea is immediately obstructed,
unconsciousness will occur after opponent can no longer hold his breath
and then eventually death. If the power is released before this time opponent
will be unharmed
5 Sufficate: as above except power takes 1 round/constitution rank of
opponent to reach full effect and then is equal to choke power.
6 Increase/Decrease Metabolism: allows psionicist to increase or decrease
the rate at which his body functions. Increase is 50% plus 10%/level above
6th. Decrease is 50% plus 5%/level above 6th. Increase grants increased
speed, although more food in take is required in proportion to metabolism
increase. Also, poisons and medications work faster. Decrease slows down
speed, effectiveness of poisons and medications, as well as decreases food
6 Increase/Decrease Heart Rate: character can decrease his own or someone
else's heart rate so as to appear dead, or spead up someone's heart rate
to speed poison or medication effect, or to kill him. Character's heart
rate can be raised one rank per round of concentration, each round allowing
a RR. When then the constitution rank is exceded an RR must be made to
avoid cardiac arrest.
9 Alter Sensory Perception: can alter a being sensory perception so he can
be made to believe he is or is not seeing, hearing, tasting, or touching
something that is not real.
5 Pain: opponent is at -2 ranks in dexterity and at -1/2 levels of attacker
on all physical rolls including attacking, defending, piloting, etc.
8 Paralysis: opponent is paralysed for duration of concentration
6 Limb Paralysis:as above except on ly 1 limb is paralyzed.
9 Stun: opponent is stunned until concentration is stopped, allowing an RR
each round, or for round/5% RR failure. All actions at -10 LS.
18 Kill: death unless RR is made
9 Weakness: strength reduce 1 rank/5% failure down to a minimum of 1,
duration of 1 round/5% failure, strength returns at 1 rank/round there
12 Exhaustion: as weakness except constitution is also affected
7 Sleep: opponent falls asleep for 1 turn/5% failure
9 Bioscan: character gains all biological information concerning target,
including heart rate, metabolism, temperature, cerebral activity, immune
system, etc.
7 Clumsiness: as weakness, dexterity is affected
5 Slow: opponent slowed to 50% his normal movement rate at 5th level, plus
5%/level above the 5th. Action points are also reduced.
5 Haste: as slow except movement and action points are increased by 100% at
5th level, plus 10%/level above the 5th.
16 Temporal Stasis: all biological processes are stopped on any
creature. Creature is in perfect suspended animation for 1 day/level.
5 Adrenaline stimulation: character can stimulate adrenal glands to increase
strength, constitution, and speed by 1 rank/2 levels for a 1 round
6 Cure Disease: allows user to cure disease
6 Cause Disease: allows user to cause disease with level rank severity.
10 Accelerate Growth: allows growth rate of an organism to be accelerated by
50% at 10th level plus 50%/level above the 10th. Duration is 1 day/use.
10 Regeneration, Minor: Allows healing of damage equal to Level/2 every turn.
If power is biologically based, healing rate is based on Constitution/4.
15 Regeneration: As above except rate is level or Constitution/2.
20 Regeneration,Major: As above except rate is level x2 or Constitution.
25 Instant Regeneration: As major regeneration except rate is per round
instead of per turn.
8 Hyper Intake/Expulsion: Character is able to inhale
and exhale large volumes of gas at high pressure. Force is equal to a
tractor/pressure beam of corresponding tech level rank. Short range is 1
m/level. Medium range is twice short range but at 1/2 power. Long range
is at 3 times short range but at 1/4 power.
1 - 10 Heal I - X: Heals level in hit points/round
15 Heal All - 2 meters: as heal x but heals any number of individuals in a
2 meter radius
20 Heal All - 5 meters: as above
25 Heal All - 10 meters: as above
30 Heal All - 50 meters: as above
40 Heal All - 100 meters: as above
50 Heal All - 1 km: as above
22 Evolve: This discipline can transmute an organism to a higher
stage of evolution. The new form does not have to be an exact species that
exists or could exist in the organism's evolutionary chain but must be
similar to one. For example, a fish could be evolved into an amphibian.
That amphibian would not have to be a frog or salamander as such, but
would have to have amphibian properties such as water permeable skin and
be cold blooded. Some judgement has to be used for organisms at the top of
their evolutionary chain, such as humans. For humans, to evoltionary paths
are possible, one path which gives way to physical evolution: greater
size, increased health, stamina, and life span. The other possible path
would still increase health but would probably give up physical strength
for increased intelligence and possible psionic abilities. Point cost is
50 pts/ family removed, 100 pts/order removed, 500 pts/class removed, 1000
pts/phylum removed, and 5000 pts/kingdom removed.
22 Deevolve: Similar to evolve. A human could be deevolved into a frog or
into a humanoid amphibious creature.
8 Poison: Character is able to psionically manipulate chemicals in target
to induce a poison into the targets bloodstream. Poison strength is equal
to level -7 rank.
16 Clone: Given a tissue or blood sample to work with, this discipline allows
the character to make a clone of an organism. The clone when completed
will be at the infant stage of growth. Other disciplines can be used to
increase the age of the organism. When the organism reaches the age if the
template organism it should be identicle in appearance and have physical
attributes which are no more than 2 ranks removed from the original
organism. Biological mutations are also duplicated by this process.
6 Water Breathing: Allows extraction of oxygen from normal water for
respiration. This discipline also applies to creatures who may use a
different substance for respiration such as carbon dioxide or other gasses.
8 Adaptation: character can physically adapt to any climate extreme that
could support some form of life. Duration 1 day/use.
18 Longetivity: biologically based power, always in affect. if psionically
based it must be used constantly. Aging rate is decreased by 50% at
18th level, plus 5% level above 18 until 26th level, and then by 1% per
level until aging stops completely at 36th level.
26 Immortality: character does not age and is immune to desease and toxins
below his level rank in intensity, but can be killed by normal means. If
this power is not biologically based but psionically based, then the
psionicist must expend enough power points as if he was making a permanent
(constant) psionic item with the power of Immortality.(see Empower Object
under Mental Powers and Imbed Spells) This means that learning the power
does not give instant mortality but that it must be attained gradually
through power point expenditure over time.
16 Age: Character can age a creature by 1 year/level.
16 Rejuevenate: as age except age is reduced
14 Wither: one limb of a creature is withered and useless, or one space/level
of plant/fungus life is withered and dead.
25 Create Organism: character can actually create any type of organism of his
choice having no more than his level in spaces and whose total attributes
are not greater than 1/10 of his level rank. Any special powers count at
attributes at their level rank power.
Mental Manipulation
7 Psionic Blast: projects a cone of psionic force 5 meters
wide plus 1 meter/level above 7th, and 10 meters long plus 2 meters/level
above the 7th. Affects are as follows per % RR failure. Note that the % RR
failure is the difference betweens the attackers skill roll and the
defenders skill rolls, taking into account all LS.
01-05: stunned 1 round, -1 LS all actions
06-10: as above, 2 rounds, -2 LS
11-15: as above, 3 rounds, -3 LS
16-20: as above, 4 rounds, -4 LS
21-25: as above, 5 rounds, -5 LS
26-30: as above, 6 rounds, -6 LS
31-35: as above, 7 rounds, -7 LS
36-40: as above, 8 rounds, -8 LS
41-45: as above, 9 rounds, -9 LS
46-50: as above, 10 rounds, -10 LS
51-55: Confused 1-8 rounds
56-60: Fear
61-65: Enraged
66-70: Sleep 5-50 turns
71-75: Coma 1-10 days
76-80: Loss of 1 sence (sight,taste,touch, smell,hearing)
81-85: Amnesia
86-90: Random Insanity (Kleptomania,Schizoid, Schizophrenia,
Pathological Liar, Monomania, Dementia
Megalomania, Mania, Lunacy, Manic-Depressive, Halucinatory Insanity,
Catotonia Sado-Masochism, Homicidal Mania, Hebephrenia, Suicidal
91-95: Feeblemind
96-100: Physic Wound ( 1 random ability is lost)
101-105: Severance ( 1 skill area)
106-110: Death
111-115: Under control of character for 1-10 weeks
115-120: Death plus loss of 1 psionic ability
121-125: Death plus all psionic ability lost
126+ Death but psionic ability is gained upon ressurection
Note that on any natural 100 roll, at the GM's discretion, the defender
should roll to see if he or she has gained psionic ability.
4 Mind Thrust: as psionic blast except attack is individual
10 Psychic Crush: as mind thrust except +25 on all effects, ie. a RR failure
of 100 is treated as 125.
1 Mind Blank: +2 vs mental attacks
18 Psychic Wind: creates psychic wind in the astral (or possibly ethereal)
20 Psychic Storm: as psionic blast except +25 on all effects
9 Psychic Blade: creates a blade of psychic force that the creator can
control telekinetically at a range of 2 meters plus 1 meter/level above
the 9th. Does level -9 rank damage per round. Damage can be divided among
individual attacks in any way the character wishes. Example, at 9th level a
character can attack once in a round for 20 points damage, twice for 10
points damage, 4 times for 5 points damage, up to the number of attacks the
user has.
14 Emotion Feed: user is able to regenerate psionic ability points through
feeding on the emotional energy of others. Range is 5 meters/level. Typical
emotional states that can be fed upon are happiness, sadness, fear, and
anger. From 1-10 points per round/person can be regenerated through this
process. The characters maximum psionic point total can be excede by 50%
plus 5% per level above the 14th. Points above the character's maximum will
decay at a rate of 5 points/round once the source of emotion has ceased.
The amount of points gained from each individual (1-10) must be decided
upon by the GM according to the degree of emotion in the area of effect.
Opposite emotions will cancel. 5 points of fear will cancel 5 points of
9 Psychic Hammer: as psychic blade except a hammer is created
14 Inhibition: character can plant an inhibition in the target's mind to
prevent him from doing any one activity. Such activities which can be
prevented are eating, sleeping, talking, attacking, defending, spell
casting, moving, breathing, etc. The target gets one RR when the power is
first used and then 1 RR each week there after. Multiple inhibitions can be
planted into a single target. Most inhibitions will not be imediately life
threatening. An inhibition against defending will not prevent a character
from attacking or from running away. Preventing a character from breathing
will cause him to stop breathing until he feints at which time he will
resume breathing. Only conscious control will follow inhibitons. A
character who transfers his mind into a character who has an inhibition
will not be subjected to that inhibition.
12 Obligation: target is obligated to attempt any action to the best of his
ability that is not immediately life threatening. For instance, a character
could not be obligated to stab himself with his sword, but he would be
obligated to seek out and slay a dragon. If the user wanted the to target
to return the treasure as well, another obligation must be used. Duration
is until one full attempt has been made. The target will start the action
at the soonest possible time.
14 Geas: As obligation but for every week his actions at at -1 LS/week after
the power takes affect until it is completed or failed. Compound instructions
may be given so a target could be forced to slay a dragon and return with
its treasure. If it is failed, the present action penalty, depending on
how long the duration was, will stay in effect for 1 month plus 1
20 True Geas: as Geas but if the task is failed instead of an action penalty
the target must make a RR vs death or die. Ifthe save is made the penalties
are gone.
18 Power Absorbtion, Physical: character can absorb by physical contact only,
all physical powers and attributes of a target, each can be absorbed up to
the maximum level/rank of the character's level/2. Physical powers include
strength, constitution, dexterity, and all powers that are biologically
(not psionically) based. Thus an 18th level character could have his
strength, constitution, and dexterity raised to a maximum of 80 if the
target had 80 in these stats. Also, he could aborb biolical powers up to
the 9th level in power. This absorbtion is drained from the target. If the
target had 100 strength in this case, it would now have 20 stength. A 10th
level power would now be reduce to 2nd level. The character retains these
absorbed powers for 1 turn/level. At the end of this duration the target's
powers return to him.
22 Power Absorbtion, Mental: as above except all mental abilities like
intelligence, wisdom, charisma, memories, skills, spells, psionics, etc
are aborbed.
26 Power Absorbtion, All: as above, absorbs both physical and mental abilities.
6 Euphoria: target is in a state of absolute bliss, lacking all fear
inhibitions, and mistrust. If the target is not threatened in any way this
state will last for 1 round/level. During this time the target will not
attack and will believe almost anything that is told to him and will trust
all. For every threatening action that is directed at the target the target
gets an additional RR to break out of his euphoric state.
12 Transfer Emotion: This allows the psionicist to transfer one emotion per
use to a recipient. The psionicist will be totally unaffected by powers
that effect that emotion for he no longer has it. The subject will suffer
doubly from the effects of the emotion or in otherwords resist attacks at
1/2 his level of ability. A psionicist who transfered fear would be immune
to all fear powers. If the subject was level 10, or had 10th level
resistance to fear, he would make all RR's at 5th level of ability.
Duration is 1 day/level.
16 Mind Merge: this power allows the psionicist and another being to
merge their minds together as one. While merged they totally share each
others thoughts and knowledge. All mental powers, abilities, and skills
can be used interchangably between the two. The duration is 1 turn/level
and the maximum distance between the two is 1 meter/level.
16 Mind Meld: all knowledge and memories (but not skills) are exchanged
bwtween 2 individuals. The meld takes round/ max year of age of the
recipient. Thus the younger of the two can have his thoughts exchanged
prior to completion of the member. Memories are not lost, buteach retains
their own plus eachothers.
20 Mass Mind Meld: as mind meld except up 1 being/level can be affected.
25 Mass Mind Merge: as above except up to 1 being/2 levels can be merged
20 Merge: This power allows two beings to merge together as one. All powers,
attributes, and abilities are combined in the new form. Only the best of
all attributes, powers and abilities are kept. A being with 20 intelligence
and a being with 30 intelligence will merge to have 30 intelligence, not an
average of 25. The same holds true with powers and skills. Note that
personality, alignment, as well as physical appearance are molded together
into a new form, reflective of the two original forms. If this power is
used against an unwilling target he gets an RR, and an additional RR each
day to break free of the merged form. Note that the merge can be broken
anytime between wiling individuals, but another merge cannot be attempted
by either of them for an amount of time equal to the duration of the merge,
no sooner than 1 month regardless of wether the merge lasted shorter than
that. Any attempts before that time period yield a high chance of insanity
and system shock possibly leading towards death.
30 Mass Merge: as merge except 1 being/level can be merge together into the
new form.
18 Body Merge: as merge except only the physical traits are merged, including
any and all powers which are biologically based, even if they are of a
magical nature. Unwilling targets get an initial RR. If they fail their RR
the consciousness is repressed as in the transfer consciousness power.
Target's get an additional RR each day to break free. If they do, both
bodies are returned to their normal physical and mental states. It is more
common to use this power once a sever consciouness, trap the soul, destroy
soul, or like power has been used to ensure the merge is permanent. A
willing target will still have its mind repressed by the psionicist but
can be freed and time it tries it the psionicist allows it, or if it makes
a RR.
12 Insanity: causes a random insanity in the target which will last
until cured by magical, psionic, or conventional means such as medicine
and psychology.
4 Thought Shield: +2 vs all mental attacks, psionic or magical
14 Cure Psychic Wound: able to cure effects of psionic combat such as
feeblemind and ability loss
6 Mental Barrier: as thought shield, +4
16 Mental Trigger: places a trigger in the target's mind so that if it is
tampered with in a certain way, decided upon by the character, feeblemind
or death will result. The character decides wether a feeblemind or death
trigger is to be placed. The RR is made when the power is used, not when
the target's mind is tampered with. The RR vs death trigger is +5 LS. If
the target makes the RR vs death he may still fail the RR vs feeblemind.
Possible actions on a target which will set off a trigger are telepathy,
esp, mental attack, thought steal, charm, etc. Usually these triggers are
to prevent the target from giving up certain information. Once the
original RR has been failed, the only way to cancel the trigger is through
psionic cancellation.
12 Cancellation: this acts similar to dispel magic but applies to psionically
caused effects. Effects can only be cancelled in the duration of the power.
For example, a victim of a psionic blast could not have a feeblemind effect
cancelled, but could have it cured through other means. Alteration of a
substance that has a permanant duration and instantaneous effect cannot be
cancelled. A being who is still under the influence of a charm, blindness,
geas, trigger, obligation, etc, could have these effects cancelled.
18 Amplification: The character can use the mental energies of all being
in a 1 meter/level range to augment his own psionic abilities. If a RR is
not made the subject falls into a deep sleep which lasts up to 1/2 of the
character's level in hours. Subjects under amplification by an 18th level
character will be in asleep for 1-9 hours. For every point of
intelligence, wisdom, or charisma drained the character's psionic point
total increases by 2 points. Draining 10 points (not ranks) of
intelligence will add 20 points the character's psionic ability total.
Also, the character can drai up to 50% of any subjects psionic ability
points without danger to the subjetc. Any more than 50% yields the
following affects if an additional RR is not made:
51-60% = temporary amnesia (1-level in weeks)
61-70% = permanent amnesia
71-80% = feeblemind
81-90% = coma for 1 - level days, must make system shock RR each day
or die
91-100% = death
12 Intellect Fortress: as thought shield, +6 at a 5 meter radius, plus 1
meter/level above the 16th.
16 Tower of Iron Will: as thought shield, +8 at a 1 meter radius, plus 1 meter
every 4 levels above the 16th.
20 Endowment: character can imbue a willing subject with psionic ability.
Psionics will still have to be learned normally, this just grants the
ability to possess them. The character must make a RR to gain psionic
ability. Also, the character can give up some of his own powers and bestow
them upon the subject. The subject must be at the proper level to gain
each power, and that power will function at the subject's level. The
subject must make an RR to gain each abilty, and the character must make a
SR at -1 LS per level of power being bestowed. The character can also
bestow psionic ability points. For every 10 points bestowed from his own
point total, a SR at -1 LS/10 points must be made, even if points are
bestowed over a period of time. If 10 points are bestowed on 1 use, the SR
is at -1 LS. Another 10 points makes the SR at -2 LS. All bestowed
abilities and points are lost and must be relearned normally.
16 Temporary Endowment: as above except bestowed powers last 1 turn/level and
the are returned to the bestower.
12 Mind Bar: as thought shield, +6
14 Empower Object: this ability is used to create psionic objects of power,
much in the same way that magical items are enchanted. Each day that the
item is worked upon it must be prepared with an expenditure of 50 psionic
points. Psionic powers cost 20 points/level at which they are transfered.
Example, mind bar is a 12th discipline, so it costs a minimum of 240 points
to install. If the character was 16th level, he could install this power
at 16th level at a cost of 320 points. The psionicist can also choose to
install powers that function at the level of ability of the possessor.
Installing each power cost 20 points/level of the power. For instance, a
10th level possessor in this case could not use the mind bar power of an
item because mind bar is a 12th level power. A 16th level possessor could
use mind bar at 16th of power. Possessors of psionic objects who
possess psionic ability can use their own psionic points instead of the
items to utilize its powers. Power points can be installed that regenerate
with time, the same way the normal psionic points do. It costs 1000 power
points/level/point installed that will regenerate with time. As with above,
the psionicist can choose whether these points regenerate as the psionicist
who installed them or as the possessor of the object. The objects power can
be sealed with an application of permanency. If the object is not sealed it
will lose 10% of its power points and 1 power per day. Unless the creator
of the object mistakenly installs it with an intellience which conflicts
his own, the psionicist has power over his object any time it is within a
range of 1 meter/level. If the object is in another's possession, SR's must
be made each round to control the object. An intelligent object will usually
fight it's possessor if that possessor conflicts with its creator. Power
can also be installed that are usable 1/time period. The costs for these
Power Psionic Point Multiplier Psionic Level
Imbed Once x 5 Level
Imbed 1/Millenia x 25 Level
Imbed 1/Century x 50 Level
Imbed 1/Decade x 75 Level
Imbed 1/Year x 100 Level
Imbed 1/Month x 300 Level -1
Imbed 1/Week x 400 Level -2
Imbed 3/Week x 450 Level -2
Imbed 5/Week x 500 Level -2
Imbed 7/Week x 550 Level -3
Imbed 1/Day x 500 Level -3
Imbed 3/Day x 600 Level -3
Imbed 1/Hour x 750 Level -4
Imbed 1/ 1/2 Hour x 775 Level -4
Imbed 1/10 Turns x 800 Level -4
Imbed 1/Turn x 850 Level -4
Imbed 1/2 Rounds x 875 Level -5
Imbed 1/Round x 900 Level -5
Imbed 1/Hit x 900 Level -5
Imbed On Command x 1000 Level -6
Imbed Constant x 2000 (1000) Level -6
For the above imbed powers, the psionic point multiplier is used to
determine how long it will take to imbed a certain spell in an item.
Multiply the cost in psionic points for the power to be imbeded by the
psionic point multiplier. Divide this number by the number of psionic
points the caster has to find the length of time in days. Example, a 15th
level user wants to imbed an item with a teleportation power that will
function on command. Teleportation is a 10th level power and costs 15
psionic points. The psionic point multiplier for an item which functions
on command is 1000. 15 times 1000 = 15,000 psionic points. The average
15th level user will have 270 psionic points. 15000 divided by 270
psionic points equals 55 days required to manufacture the item.
The cost for imbedding multiple powers will increase the manufactoring
time. The maximum number of power levels that can be imbeded in any 1 item
can be no greater than twice the psionicit's level. The item must have a
monetary value equal to the total psionic point cost of making the item.
The imbed once power can be used several times, each use meaning that the
power can be used once. This duplicates items that have charges such as
wands, staves, and rods. The column titled power level indicates the level
of power that can be imbeded. Level indicates that a power of equal level
to the caster can be embeded. Level -2 means that spells 2 levels below
the psionicits's level can be embeded. Instead of embedding actual powers,
psionic points that can be used by the weilder of the item can be embeded.
For example, a 10th level power costs 15 psionic points. Embedding 15
psionic points into an item that could be used 1/day would cost 15 psionic
points x 500 for the psionic point multiplier for a total cost of 7,500
psionic points. Attack powers that function 1 round or more should be at
twice the normal point cost. Healing powers that function 1/10 turns or
more cost twice the normal point cost. Note that embedding is inluded in
the empower object discipline, whereas in spells it is separate from
the enchant an item spell. Otherwise, it functions identically to
enchanting a magic item.
18 Power Emulation, Physical: same as power absorbtion except the powers
are not drained from the subject, they are merely copied or emulated. The
subject does not lose any powers or abilities.
22 Power Emulation, Mental: as above but applies to mental powers and
26 Power Emulation, All: as above but applies to both physical and mental
powers and abilities
16 Power Parallelism, Physical: similar to power absorbtion and emulation
in effects and duration, except that powers are not drained or duplicated,
merely the level of those powers are duplicated. Example, a subject has
strength of 30, constitution of 40, and dexterity of 50. These will all be
duplicated up to the character's level in ability. In addition, if the
subject had a biologically based power of enrgy absorbtion at the 18th
level in ability, the character could have any of his physical powers
raised to 18th level in ability, up to his maximum level in power
parallelism. at 16th level, his physical stats and powers could be raise
up to a rank of 70 (16/2 = 8, rank for level 8 is 70), or to a level of 8.
Hit dice can also be parallelled.
20 Power Parallelism, Mental: same as above except mental stats, intelligence,
wisdom, and charisma, as well as skills, spells, and psionics are
24 Power Parallelism, All: as above but applies to both physical and mental
abilities and stats
16 Power Dampening: as energy dampening but applies to biologically based or
psionic powers. If this power is biologically based it will affect
biologically based powers. If it psionically based it can affect either
biologically based or psionic powers, but each one counts as a separate
power, both must be learned to dampen both types of powers.
18 Power Disruption: as above except this ability does not dampen powers, it
prevents the use of them if a RR is not made for each individual. The user
of this discipline is of course immune to its affects.
10 Read memories: allows reading of subjects memories if a RR is failed, at
the following costs:
general recolections = 10 points/month,
major events = 20/year,
detailed examination of shielded memory = +50 in addition of normal cost.
14 Siphon Memories: similar to above but applies to deceased subjects. The
amount of the subject's memories that can be siphoned is equal to a
percentage of the psionicist's level x 10, - 10% per minute the subject
has been dead. A 14th level psionist could siphon 100% of the memories
within 4 minutes after death, 90% after 5 minutes, 80% after 6 minutes,
etc. The least recent memories are lost first, and the most recent
memories are siphoned first. The character can also choose to assimilate
these memories. These memories will last for a duration of 1 day/level.
The character can assimilate these at a SR of 100, -1 LS/day. If the
assimilation is successful, the character can incorporate these memories
to mimic the individual's personality and aura, including projected
alignment. If the SR fails, the character goes insane.
16 Erase Memories: character can erase any one memory of any one occurance
16 Adjust Memories: similar to above, except the memory cannot be erased but
it can be altered. For example, the memory of a witnessed murder cannot be
erased, but the identity of the murdered could be altered in the subject's
12 Discord: all subjects who fail their RR in a 1 meter/2 levels radius stop
all their present actions and start arguing and bickering with each other.
They will be so caught up in their arguments that they will not notice non
threatening actions. Once a threatening action is made on an individual,
the effect is cancelled for that individual. If the subjects are chaotic in
alignment their is 25% chance the argument will lead to violence, evil
alignments yield a 50% chance. Thus their is a 75% chance for chaotic evil
individuals to enter a violent dispute.
12 Feeblemind: subject must make two RR's, one for intelligence and one for
wisdom. If either is failed, that stat is reduced 5 ranks plus 1 rank for
every 5 levels above the 10th, ie -6 ranks at 15th level, -7 ranks at 20th
level, etc.
8 Comprehention: this power is similar to a form of telepathy, it allows the
character to comprehend any spoken language that he hears, but not speak it.
18 Power Amplification: similar to power dampening, but it affects increases
the levels at which biological and psionic powers function. Again, there
are two types of this power and both can be learned as two separate psionic
6 Animal Telepathy: the user can communicate telepathically with the
following forms of animal life at the following ranges:
Level Range Animal Life
6 6 meters + 1/level mammals
8 5 meters + 1/level marsupials
10 3 meters + 1/level avians
11 2 meters + 1/level reptiles
12 1 meter + 1/level amphibians
13 1 meter/level fish
15 2 meters + 1/2 levels arthropods, mulusks, etc
17 1 meter + 1/2 levels monsters which don't fall
into above catagories
20 1 meter/2 levels plants
10 Telepathy: allows mental communication with any creatures in sight, or
well known creatures in a range of 300,000 km + 100,000 km/level above the
10th. In either case the subject must have an intelligence of 5 or higher.
14 Telepathic Bond: this creates a telepathic link between the psionicist
and another being which can increase the range of telepathy or allow for
any other mental abilities to be used over this range. The range is 100
km/level for all psionic abilities except telepathy where it efectively
doubles the range. Through this telepathic link psionics can be used such
as attacks, empathic sight, or any other power. If the target is unwilling
he gets a RR vs the link and a normal RR for each power sent through the
9 Preserve: preserve a dead body from decay for 1 day/level
16 Trap/release Soul: This ability allows the psionicist to trap a beings
soul within a specially prepared prison. The type of prison which can be
used is up to the GM, but usually they are gems or crystals, or some other
valuable object, preferable with psionic capacitating properties. The
prison must have a monetary value of 1000 CR/level of the victim being
imprisoned. Prisons can always be used on subjects lower than the level
they can accomodate. The psionist must also expend 1000 psionic
points/level of the intended subject to prepare the prison to receive the
subject's lifeforce. Subjects can also be trapped without previous point
expenditure to prepare a prison if a SR 0f 150 is made, but this requires
that the subject be within sight. The psionicist can use this this power
at the time he wishes to imprison a subject, or he can use this power to
set a trap when it is triggered in a certain way. Certain triggers can
include touch, high energy levels, psionic activity, etc, and the trap can
be set to attack certain individuals or certain types. If an attempt at
entrapment fails, the prison does not lose its powers and can be used
again. Once a being's soul is trapped, is it trapped indefinately, or
until the trap is either broken or he is freed. Once the soul is trapped
the body is dead, but it can regain life if the trapped soul, or some
other soul, is transferred to it, assuming the body is still in proper
physical condition to maintain life.
18 Imprisonment: this power entombs the subject in a psionically created
prison existing in another plane, most likely the atsral plane. While
imprisoned, the subject is in a perfect state of suspended animation, he
will be kept in perfect health, or whatever is present state was before
being imprisoned, and will not age. Also, the subject is totally impervious
to all normal and psionic attacks. The only powers which can affect the
prison is cancellation and the opposite power of imprisonment; freedom.
Note that freedom is not a separate power that must be learned but is
included as the opposite of imprisonment.
6 Clairaudience: This power allows the psionicist to concentrate upon a known
loction at the same range as telepathy, 300,000 km + 100,000 km/level above
to 6th. While concentrating upon this location he can hear all sounds he
would normally be able to hear if he was actually at that location. The
location must be on the same plane as the psionicist unless some form of a
gateway to that plane is opened.
6 Clairvoyance: same as above but allows for sight
10 Beyond Sence: combines powers of clairvoyance and clairaudience.
14 Dying Stasis: this power maintains the soul or lifeforce of a being
within the physical body for a duration of 1 day/level. This power does
not include preservation of the body which must be maintained by other
means. The character is still dead. Even though his lifeforce has not left
his body (and possibly gone to another plane) it is not properly
integrated with the body and theirfore cannot return living status.
5 Detect Good/Evil: Allows detection of good or evil at a range of 5
meters/level. Detecting the aura of objects decreases the chance for
success by 5 LS. Finding the bend of the aura towards law of chaos can be
done at a -10 LS penelty
5 Detect Law/Chaos: as above
5 Detect Magic: range as above, detection of specific type or nature of magic;
conjuring, elemental, necromatic, protection, etc, can be done at a -5 LS
penalty. The relative power can also be detected. A separate SR is made,
for each 5% failure the relative power level is incorect by + or - 1 level
(or rank).
5 Detect Psionics: same as detect magic
5 Detect Energy: same as above
5 Detect Life: same as above
7 Detect Lie: same range as above, allows user to detect any lie he hears.
12 Force Truth: forces the subject to answer all questions of the psionicist
to the best of his ability while the power is in effect. Psionic points
must be expended each round, and the subject gets a RR for each question he
is asked. The questions can be asked vocally or telepathically.
7 Detect Alignment: combines powers of detect good/evil/law/chaos with no
6 Speak with dead/living: allows the psionicist to converse with a
deceased being whos body is within a range of 1 meter/2 levels. The
maximum length of time dead of the subject to be conversed with as long as
the duration and number of questions that can be asked depends on the
level of the psionicist:
Level Max Time Dead Time Questioned No. of Questions
6 1 day 1 round 1
8 1 week 5 rounds 2
10 1 month 1 turn 3
15 1 year 5 turns 4
20 10 years 10 turns 5
25 100 years 30 turns 6
30 1000 years 60 turns 8
The Max time dead increases by a factor of 10 for every 5 levels beyond
the 30th, but the time of questioning and number of questions does not
change. If the subjects body is not in range but is well known, the power
can still be used but at a 1 rank lower in max time dead, duration, and
number of questions. Thus a 20 level psionicist could question a well
known individual who's body was not in range for a time of 5 turns, ask 4
questions, and who has not been dead more than 1 year. The max time dead
is also up to judgement by the GM. The GM may decide that in his world a
beings spirit changes shortly after death so it is not in a form to be
questioned as much or at all. The speak with living power is also up to
discretion by the GM. It allows a deceased psionicist who's spirit is
intact to converse with the living.
14 Material Projection: similar to speak with living, but this power allows
the psionicist to project and image of himself as long as his voice,
including creating a medium to transmit psionic powers into the material
world. Max time dead is 1 month/level of psionicist before death. The max
duration is 1 turn/level. The level at which this duration is dependent on
decreases by 1 turn/month dead. Thus a 20 level psionicist could converse
for 20 turns at 1 month, 19 turns at 2 months, etc.
10 Domination: allows the psionicist to mentally control another being thus
causing the being dominated to follow the psionicist's mental commands.
The psionicist can dominate one being of equal or lesser level than himself.
For every level of the being attempted to be controlled greater than the
psionicist's level, his SR is reduced 1 LS. If the RR is failed, the subject
will follow any instructions which are not dangerous to its survival. The
subject can be commanded not to attack,if he is not already being attacked,
to give away an item with is not needed to sustain its life. Money, for
instance could be given away but a breathing apparatus that the subject
needs to survive would not. Such potentially fatal commands (like stab
yourself, jump off that ledge, etc) require double the point expenditure
and are resisted at +5 LS.
14 Mass Domination: as domination except a number of beings who's
level does not excede twice the psionicist' level can be dominated. Every
level more than the psionicist's that is trying to be dominated reduces
his SR by 1 LS.
22 Severence: this power allows the psionicist to delve into a subject's mind
and block the use of certain abilities. Severing spell abilities cost 20
points/spell level being severed. Severing the spell abilities of a 10th
level caster would cost 200 points. To sever any one level of spell ability
and to leave the others intact cost 5 point/spell level being severed.
Psionic severence works the same as for spell abilities. Severence of
skills costs 20 points/level of skill severed. Thus a 10th level skill
would cost 200 points to sever totally, or could be lowed to be performed
at level nine at the expenditure of 20 (20 points x 1 level) points.
Innate magical or quasi psionic (biological based, mutant powers) cost
20 points/level severed per ability. The duration is permanent until
cancelled or normal abilities are restored.
16 Drain Lifeforce, Touch: Drains 1 life energy level if a RR is not made
upon touch. Also, for every additional 5% failure above 50% (if any), an
additional life energy level is drained. Thus if the RR failure is 55, 2
LEL's are drained. For every LEL drained of the subject, all his actions
are at -1 LS. In addition, his strength and constitution are reduced by
one rank, and his total damage capacity (Hit points) is reduce by one
level, usually the average being the total hit points divided by his
level. Thus a 10th level mage would still be able to cast 10th level
spells as his knowledge is unaffected, but his SR's are at -1 LS. A
warrior would not lose multilple attacks but his attack roles would also
be at -1 LS. For the psionicist who drained the LEL, all his actions are
increased by 1 LS, although his level remains the same. His strength and
constitution are increased by 1 rank, although their ranks cannot excede
the character's level rank. His hit points are also raised by the same
amount the subject lost. The drained levels, stats, and hit points remain
for 1 turn/5% failure, after that duration, they return to the subject and
dissipate from the psionicist at the rate of 1 LEL/turn. If the defender
roles a zero on his RR, the LEL is permantly lost to the psionicist, and
can only be restored by magical or psionic restoration or other life force
increasing powers. Instead of the temporary effects stated above, the
psionicist can also choose to use the drained LEL's to increase his
psionic points by 50 points/LEL drained, or increase his spell points if
he possesses spells by 25 spell points/LEL drained. If this power is used
to restore power points, any amount of points of to the character's
maximum will remain permanently until used, although the victim will still
regain lost LEL's over time. Any amount over the character's maximum up to
50% greater than his maximum will remain for 1 turn/5% failure of the
subject. This form of absortion is the typical way that suchs beings as
undead creatures sustain themselves and absorb the energy necessary to
maintain their undead abilities. Note that if an undead or other negative
energy being is drained, that subject will still suffer the normal effects
of energy draining, but the psionicist will suffer those effects as well
for the duration since he has drained negative energy. A being totally
drained of LEL's has a chance of becoming an undead or similar negative
energy creature.
18 Drain Lifeforce, Distance: as above except functions
at a range of 1 meter/2 levels.
22 Drain Lifeforce,Field: as above except it creates a 1 meter/4 levels radius
sphere that has the same effect on any being passing through it on either
1 Empathy: allows sensing of the basic needs, drives, and emotions of a
subject such as thirst, hunger, fear, anger, hatred, rage, pain, happiness,
sadness, etc. Range is 1 meter/level.
16 Psionic Energy Drain: allows pionicist to drain psionic
points from a subject and add these points to his own point total. The
psionicist can drain up to his level rank in psionic points from a number
of sources not greater than his level/2; 8 sources at 16th level, 9
sources at 18th level, etc. The effects of draining more than 50% of a
single subject's point total are the same as for the power of
18 Restoration: allows the restoration of lost life energy
levels, psionic, biological, or magical abilities, decreased physical and
mental abilities, including skills. The level or rank being restored
cannot be greater that the psionicist's level or rank. For each level or
rank greater, the SR is reduced by 2 LS. Only 1 level can be restored per
each use of this power. Multiple levels require multiple uses of this
6 Telempathic Projection: allows projection of the same thoughts as
can be detected under the empathy power. range is the same as telepathy.
8 Telepathic Projection: same as telepathy except thoughts can only be
projected to the subject, the psionicist cannot read thoughts of the
30 Soul Stealing: this power is similar to lifeforce draining. It works
only on touch. If the RR is failed the subject loses 50% of his LEL's,
plus 1 additional level/5% failure. All the affects are the same as for
Drain Lifeforce, except that although the LEL's will be lost over time by
the psionicist, the subject does not regain these levels naturally over
time as they are lost permanently until restored. Beings totally killed by
soul stealing cannot be ressurected as their soul is gone, but can be
brought back by oter means such as a wish. The caster of this wish must
make a SR against the psionicist who stole the LEL's.
30 Destroy Soul: similar to soul stealing except the lifeforce is not gained
temporarily by the psionicist as the only purpose of this power is to
destroy a being soul. RR failure greater than 50 indicates the soul is
totally destroyed and the being cannot be ressurected. For every 5%
failure below 50, 1 the being has 1 LEL. For instance, failure of 45%
indicates 1 LEL left, 40% indicates 2, up to a maximum of 10 LEL's at 1%
22 Destroy Life Level: same as above except 1 LEL is destroyed. For every 5%
failure greater than 50, an additional LEL is destroyed.
4 ESP: allows reading of surface thoughts of any individual who possesses an
intelligence that is comprehendable by the psionicist at a range of up to 1
12 Dream Projection: the psionicist is able to project himself into the
dreams of another being. If the being is known then the range is the same
as for telepathy. If the being is not known then the range is 1
meter/level. The psionicist can remain in the being's dream for 1
turn/level or until the being awakens. The dream can be used as a way to
transmit information or a vision to the target. While inside the dream the
psionicist is fully concious and can do just about anything in the dream,
including feats which are beyond his normal abilities such as flight,
spell casting, great physical strength, etc. The psionicist or subject can
attempt skills which he does not have at 1/2 his level. He can attempt to
raise his physical stats to up to 1/2 his level rank. He can attempt to
raise his level in skills he has up to 50% with a SR as if he was that
level. The base SR for accomplishing any one of these feats is 100. Each
level( or ability rank) higher trying to be performed lowers the chance by
5%. Each level or rank below the maximum he can achieve grants a +5%. Two
rolls for each skill must be made, one to see if he can attempt that
skill, and then an additional role which is the normal SR for that skill.
For instance, a 12th level psionicist or subject who never casted a magic
spell, but had some knowledge of magic could cast spells up to 6th level
at a SR of 100. Trying to cast 7th level spell would have a -5% penalty,
or equivalent to a SR of 105. Attempting 5th level magic abilities would
require a SR of 95. Note that the psionicist cannot raise his mental stats
(intelligence, wisdom, or charisma). He can, however, try to have others
react towards him as if he had a higher charisma. The subject is initially
allowed a SR of 75 to realize that he is dreaming. If he succedes, all
rolls are then made by him at +5 LS. Even if the subject does not realize
that it is a dream, he will still probably try superhuman feats. The SR's
for him are the same as for the psionicist.Trying to reduce an opponents
ability by 1 level or rank is equal to a skill of the original level +1
for every level it is trying to be lowered. Trying to make a 5th level
mage function as only a 4th level mage is equal to a 6th level skill. If
the psionicist is trying to kill the subject and he succedes in the dream,
the subject must make a RR based on his wisdom. The results of failure are
given for the following amounts the RR is failed by
01-25: opponent functions at -1 LS on all actions for the next day
26-50: as above but -2 LS
51-75: opponent in a coma for 1-10 days
76-85: feebleminded
86-99: opponent is a vegetable
100+: opponent is dead
If the subject knows anything about the being in the dream, and the being
does feats which the subject knows are normally impossible for that
character (skills raised by 5 LS or more are considered impossible feats),
he gets another roll to see if he realizes its a dream. Also, at 25% of
his original hit points, there is a base 50% chance, plus 5% for every 5%
of total hit points the subject loses, that he will wake up each round.
Thus at 25% of hit points there is a 50% chance of awakening, at 20% of
total hit points, a 55% chance, etc.
6 Suggestion: this power allows the psionicist to suggest a course of action
to an individual and have that subject carry it out. The target must be able
to understand the the psionicist, and the suggestion must sound reasonable.
The being could not be forced to kill itself, but it could be suggested to
drink a vial of poison not knowing what it was and being told that it was
very refreshing. A very reasonable suggestion that may actually help the
being ( the being is not sure what course of action to take, but is not
definately against the suggestion) reduces the RR by 4 LS. Duration is one
1 Hypnosis: through gestures and vocolizations, along with psionic
expenditure, the psionicist is able to put up to 1 being/every 2 levels in
a hypnotic trance. The hypnosis takes 1 round/level of subject to take
affect. All bonuses for intelligence act as penalties, but wisdom bonuses
stay the same. Thus a being who normally had +5 for intelligence and +3
for wisdom would have a penalty of -2 LS to resist this power. The RR is
made at the end of the hypnosis period to see whether the hynosis has
taken affect. If it has, the psionicist is able to give a hypnotic
suggestion as the suggestion power above.
16 Transfer Consciousness: allows the psionicist to transfer his consciousness
to another intelligent creature. The subject intitially uses his wisdom
bonus or penalty in his RR. If the RR is unsuccessful, his mind is taken
over by the psionicist. This lasts until the psionicist chooses to leave
the subjects mind or is forced out by the subject or an outside power, like
an excorcism spell or another psionicist transfering the possessor's
consciousness back to his own body or some place else. While in control of
the subject, the psionicist retains all his mental properties (abilities,
stats, skills, etc) and gains the subjects physical properties (strength,
endurance, mutations, innate powers, etc). The possessor also has access to
the individual's knowledge and can even attemp to use his mental skills with
an appropriate feat role depending on the level of the skill trying to be
accomplished. While his consciousness is transfered, his body goes into a
coma-like state and it only carries on biological processes necesary for
survival, respiration, circulation, etc, but no brain activity other than
in the brain stem. Once controlled, the subject gets additional RR's to
see if he can force the psionicist out of his mind. The subject's total
Intelligence,wisdom, and charisma scores are measured against the
psionicists total. If the subject's total is 21 or more less than the
psionicist, he gets a RR each week, 16-20 grants a RR 1/day, 11-15 grants
a RR each hour, 6-10 grants a RR 1/turn, 5 or less grants a RR 1/turn.
Once the psionicist is forced out he acts as a freed consciousness (see
below) until he returns to his own or another body.
14 Free Consciousness: This allows the psionicist to separate his consciousness
from his body for up to 1 hour/level. While separated, he physical and
mental forms are completely separate. His body functions in the same
manner as stated unter transfer consciousness, and his mind including
skill, mental powers, and stats remains the same. Thus, psionics can still
be used normally, as well as magic that requires no verbal or somatic
components. The character retains his normal sences of sight, hearing,
smell, etc. Unless other powers such as teleportation are used, the
character can move at a rate of 10 meters/level/round. Since his mental
properties remain thesame, he can still be affected by psionic and magical
mental attacks.
4 Mind Over Body: allows supression of basic needs for
food, water, rest, etc. Duration is 1 day/level. For each day this power
is used, one day must be spent in complete rest to recover. So at 4th
level the character could spend 4 days without water, food, or sleep, but
then would have to spend 4 days in complete rest.
18 Exchange Consciousness: as transfer consciousness except the psionicist and
subjects minds are switched. Duration is 1 day/level or until switched
back by an outside force. The subject switched has no innate power to
return to his original body unless he has transfer consciousness or
exchange consciousness like powers. This does not allow the psionicist to
use the subjects mental abilities at all since they are all transfered to
his own body. The psionict can also use this power to exchange the minds
of two individuals not including himself.
8 Object Reading (PostCognition): allows the psionicist to detect the psychic
impressions left on an object . The character could read an object to gain
information about its owner's race, alignment, fate, and history.
20 Sever/Restore Soul: similar to free consciousness, this power severs the
link between a subject's soul and his body. The body will die in a number
of turns equal to the subject's constitution. This power is of permanent
duration, or until to severed soul is returned to his own or someone else's
body. This power can also be used to restore the soul to its original body
or a new body. If the being who's soul is severed had psionic or magical
abilities, he can use these in the same way as described in the free
consciousness power, possibily to return to his own body, or to take over a
new body.
26 Create Lifeforce: allows the psionicist to create a lifeforce or soul
that can later be transfered to a material body or object. The total of
its intelligence, wisdom, charisma, LEL's and skills cannot excede the
level/2 rank of the psionicist. A LEL of 5 is equal to rank 40 as well is
a 5th level skill. For instance a 26th level psionicist has a total of
rank 150 (26/2 = 13, rank for level 13 is 150) to work with. A possible
combination would be Intelligence 30, Wisdom 25, charisma 25, 5 LEL's (
rank 40), and longsword skill level 4 (rank 30). 25 + 25 + 30 + 40 + 30 =
150. Note that mental stats may not be bestowed that are higher than the
psionicist. A psionicist with 25 Wisdom could not create a lifeforce with
26 or higher wisdom. Also, only skills which the psionicist has can be
bestoyed, and only up to his level in them. A psionicts with 5th level
longsword skill could not bestow 6th level longsword skill. The
psionicist can also decide upon the alignment of the lifeforce. If a SR is
failed by 50 or less, the power still works but at some penalties. For
every 5% failure up to 50%, each stat or skill is reduced by 1 rank or
level, or the alignment is altered. Altering the chaotic/lawful/neutral
component by 1 step is equivalent to lowering an ability by 1 rank or
level. Each step removed of the good/evil/newtral component is equivalent
to 2 ranks or levels. The psionicist can decide before hand how he would
split up the penalty, or it can be done randomly.
20 Create Intelligence: as create lifeforce but only applies to intelligence,
wisdom, and charisma. Is done at level/3 rank.
22 Polymentalism: this power allows the psionicist to separate his
consciousness to exist in two or more parts. Thus, 1 part can exist in his
own body, while 1 or more other parts exist in other bodies. The number of
components the psionicist can separate his consciousness into is 2 at 22nd
level, and 1 additional part per level above the 22nd, ie 25 level would
allow separation into 4 parts. While separated, the psionicist acts
somewhat like a multi-tasking computer. His level is the same with respect
to what powers he can use in all bodies or objects his consciousness minds
may occupy. If we wishes to use the full number of separations for his
level, he must decide how to split up his psionic power points and psionic
powers as well as other skills per consciousness. The minds are linked up
to a 1 km/level distance from eachother. This allows sharing of all powers
and points. Separation beyond this distance means that each mind is
separate from the others and must work individually. If the character's
original body is killed, the all his components are killed with him. If one
of the host bodies die, they act as a severed cosniousness and must be
restored through psionic or similar powers. Note that this power does not
imediately grant the power to transfer or exchange consciounesses, these must be done through the use of
other powers. Duration is 1 day/level divided by the number of
separations. A 22nd level psionicist separated into 2 minds would be able
to retain that state for 11 days.
14 Precognition: allows the psionicist
to see events in his own future. Normal range is 1 round/level into the
future. For every turn/level into the future the chance is -5%. Thus a
14th level character looking up to 14 minutes into the future has a -5%
penalty. 28 minutes would yield a -10% penalty. Every hour/level is a -10%
penalty, every day/level is a -15% penalty, every week/level is -20%,
every month is -25%, every year is -30%. Note that as the time span
increases, the vision should be foggier as it is likely that the GM will
have no idea of the distant future but is free to make one up based on
what he knows. This power can typically be used to see wether an immediate
course of action (disarming a trap. drinking a potion) will result in harm
or benefit. In certain cases, the GM should make any SR or RR before the
action takes place to see what would be the outcome if the player tries
it. This way, if they use their power successfully he can tell them the
outcome. Failure of up to 50% yields no conclusion. Failure of more than
50% yields the opposite conclusion when applicable.
24 Bestow/Increase Lifeforce: allows the psionicist to restore or increase a
lost LEL or bestow one to being who has not lost one. The increase is
permanent, but the psionicist cannot increase a lifeforce to a level
greater than his own.
6 Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions: as object reading but applies
to specific places and locations such as the house where someone lived, or
the scene of a murder.
28 Reality Projection: The psionicist is able to put a subject into a
world of his own creation. The psionicist is basically god of this world
he creates, and can control all reality inside of it. Feats can be
attempted in the same manner as dream projection, except the normal levels
or ranks without penalties are equal to the psionicist's or subjects
level, not 1/2. The subject can also do almost anyhing in this world if he
tries. Making a feat role against the psionicist allows the subject to
have control over his own actions and is himself almost godlike in power
for 1 round. In that round he must make the same 2 feat rolls as in dream
projection. Any action he takes which affects the psionicist, whether it
is to attack the physical form of the psionicist if he has placed himself
in this world, or attacking his mind if the psionicist is not inside his
own world, still allows the psionicist a RR. Note that not being inside
his own world will make him difficult to attack or notice, but he will
have a -25% penalty on all actions he tries to perform in his created
world since he is distanced from them. The psionicist can use this power
on 1 being or up to 1 level of beings/level of the psionicist. Making a
feat roll of greater than 50 against the psionicist will allow the subject
to escape the projected reality. The duration is up to 1 turn/level.
Points must be expended every turn to maintain the created reality. Note
that the world is quite real and material, anything that happens to the
subject, including death is real.
14 Reality Manipulation: this is somewhat of an all purpose power, almost
identicle to the wish spells. It allows the psionicist to duplicate any
power or effect at his level -2 in ability. Thus, a 14th level psionicist
could duplicate the effects of 12th level or under spells, powers, items,
or raise stats to 125 (level 12 rank).
8 Aura Alteration: allows the user to change his apparent alignment,
emotions, or truthfullness when being detected by others. Changing
alignment costs the standard number of points/factor changed. A evil
character trying to appear good would be a change of 2 factors and thus
double the point expenditure would be needed. This power can also be used
to removed curses, geas, quest, obligation, and like powers. The can also
use items that can only be used by certain alignments if his changed
alignment matches that of the item.
6 Fear: causes the subject to run at his maximum rate and flee from the
psionicist for 1 round/level. The subject affected must make a SR of 50
(using his character level) to see wether he drops anything he is holding
including weapons, shields, etc. Up to 1 level of beings/level of
psionicist can be affected.
10 Terror: as fear except that the subject will attempt to flee the psionicist
at any cost, even endangering himself in the process. If the fastest route
away from the psionicist had a pit lined with poisoned spikes along its path,
the subject will most fall into it. the subject will also take no actions
to attack or defend himself while fleeing.
12 Mental Alteration: user can change his apparent mental patterns so that
although he will function normally, to any trying to detect him he can seem
as if he had the mind and thoughts of another individual. This power also
duplicates the power or aura alteration.
8 Rage: the subject becomes enraged for 1 round/2 levels of the psionicist.
His strength and constitution is raised by 1 rank for every 4 levels of the
psionicist. Hit points are raised accordingly. The increase in constitution
only affects endurance, not health, so that RR's vs poison and disease are
at the normal level of constitution. For every rank of strength and
constitution increase, the subject defends himself at -2 LS. His dexterity
is the same, he is just paying less attention to defence and more towards
attacking. Also, for every rank of strength increase the subject is +1 LS
vs all fear, charming, subduing, and calming effects.
6 Body Control: allows the psionicist to exist in otherwise hostile
environments and withstand elemental forces including heat, cold, acid,
poisons, etc. For each level above 5th, the damage is reduced by 1 rank.
This power also allows water breathing in normal, clean water. As the user's
level increases, murkier waters can still have oxygen extracted from them
for breathing. Duration is 1 turn/level.
8 Hate: as rage except abilities are only raised by 1
rank/6 levels. However, this power can be used to make individuals hate
and possibly attack their companions as well as their enemies.
5 Illusion: creates a visual illusion (no material substance) affecting a 1
meter/level square area at a 1 meter/level range.
6 Complete Illusion: as above but also includes auditory components
8 Phantasmal Killer: If the vewer believes, the illusion of the most
frightening creature or sight will be seen by him and he will die of fright
if he fails his RR. Wisdom bonuses apply. Range of 1 meter/level.
8 Divination: at a SR of 75, the psionicist is able to contact a spirit or
higher intelligence on another plane and gain information pertaining to a
particular place, person, or object. Even if the spirit is contacted, it
may not know the answer to a question. Treat the spirit as a sage of equal
level to the psionicist and have the question be in a average area of
knowledge to the spirit, and make the applicable SR. Note that over time it
is likely that the psionicist has grown to know one particular spirit very
well. Only one piece of information can be found out per use.
10 Chanelling: as divination except the psionicist actually opens up a channel
between him and the spirit allowing the spirit to take temporary control of
his body and speak and act through him. At this time the character's
companions can request information of the entity. Note that when this power
is being used the character is at -50% on all RR's regarding possession,
domination, etc. Duration is 1 turn/level.
12 Hopelessness: affects up to psionicist's level in levels of beings.
Affected being must flee or surrender to the psionicist. Duration is
1 turn/level.
5 Command: allows a 1 word command to be given to one subject. Typical
commands are halt, flee, run, stop, fall, etc. A command to die will put
the affected subject in a catatonic state for 1 round/5% failure.
10 Mass Command: as command except up to the psionicist's level in levels of
beings can be affected.
14 Antipathy/Sympathy: can be used upon a item, 1 meter/level x 1
meter/level area, or a single being. The psionicist can dictate which type
of creature will be affected by the power. He can decide to make a healing
object radiate sympathy for allied creatures, and antipathy for foes.
Antipathy will cause the affected being to have a powerful urge to leave
the area or not the touch the item/person. Even if the RR is successful,
the intended target functions at -1 LS on all actions for every 4 levels
of the psionicist while touchimg the affected object/person or in the
affected area. Sympathy will cause affected creature to come into the area
or pick up or use the affected object, or come close and attempt to
contact the affected person. Duration is 10 turns/level.
14 Alter Alignment: allows change of a subjects alignment to any alignment the
psionicist chooses. Each alignment step away from the original alignment
increases the point cost by 100%. Thus, changing Chaotic Evil to Newtral
Evil and then to Lawful Evil cost double in points. Duration is 1 week/2
levels. After the duration is over, the original alignment returns at 1
step per week.
6 Rapport: this is a special telepathy bewteen telepaths.
All subjects involved must have this ability for it to work. The amount of
information that an be transfered is faster, up to 10%/level more
information can be transfered through use of rapport. Range is only 1
8 Confusion: target is unable to make discisions or initiate
any new action. Role randomly to see if target continues to attack,
defend, do nothing, attack friend, etc.
Roll Effect
01-20 Attacks
21-40 Attacks new foe
41-60 Defends
61-80 Does nothing
81-100 Attacks friend
18 Drain Experience: target loses 5% plus an additional 5%/level of
psionicist above 18th of his experience points and memories. Skill will
no doubt be affected.
14 Cybertelepathy: allows telepathy with any object
which has some kind of computer or electrical system, even something as
primitive as a watch or calculator. The user is can communicate with
computers who's tech level is not higher than his level rank. Each tech
level higher imposes a -1 LS penalty. This power does not allow any
special control, only control by conventional means except that no
physical interface is needed. Range is 5 meters/level.
10 Undetectable Lie: user is able to tell a lie, mentally or telepathically,
that cannot be detected if the SR of the psionicist is higher than the SR
of the detector.
16 Cyber Domination: same as cybertelepathy except that it
grants possible special control over the computer. The SR for control is
against the tech level of the computer. Thus higher tech level computers
will yield a -1 LS penalty per higher tech level rank when attempted to be
controlled. Range is 5 meters/level.
10 Mind Scan: provides the psionicist with information regarding the immediate
motives or intentions of a subject.
4 Charm: affected subject will view the psionicist as a
trusted friend. This does not grant control, but the subject will act
favoribly to the psionicist as a trusted friend would. Any hostile or
threatening action immediately cancels the power. Otherwise, duration is 1
round/5% failure.
12 Mind Probe: extensive probe of the individual's mind
to find out any small amount of information that the subject knows,
including hidden intentions and motivations. Names of people, places, or
things associated with a topic are often uncovered by use of this power.
10 Photographic Memory: anything the psionicist sees while this power is
used will remain crystal clear in his memory for 1 hour/level.
10 Audiographic Memory: same as above except applies to all sounds heard.
10 Psionic Protection: if psionically based, this power allows a psionicist
to grant another being the same resistance he has due to his psionicist
level against all psionic attacks. The range for this is 1 meter/level.
The a 10th level psionicist could make any recipient in range resist
psionics asa 10th leve; psionicist. Note that this power only relates to
the psionicist's level. If the psionicist has any objects that give him
additional protection these are not transfered. If biologically based,
this give the being protection vs psionics as if he were a psionicist of
that level.
12 Psionic Protection Field: same as above but affects all
within a 1 meter/level diameter sphere.
18 Anti-Psionic Shell: creates a 1 meter/level radius spherical shell that
prevents psionic energy from passing through it on either side. Thus
psionics function normally inside and outside its boundaries. Being can
penetrate the shell if they make an appropriate SR, without breaking the
shell. The psionicist may penetrate his own shell in this same manner.
Often a psionicist may make a weeker shell than normal, so he can penetrate
it more easily. Failure by more the 50% by a psionicist trying to penetrate
his own psionic shell will result in the shell being broken.
25 Dead Zone: creates a 1 meter/level radius spere that prevents all
psionic activity. This dead zone can be penetrated individually by a feat
roll, allowing for psionic power use. Each power use requires its own
feat roll while the dead zone exists. Duration is 1 turn/level or until
cancelled by creator.
8 Dispell Exhaustion: can restore temporarily lost strength and constitution
to a recipient up to 1 rank/2 levels.
18 Karma: this power grants the psionicist or a recipient a +1 LS/5 levels on
all actions and rolls. Duration is 1 round/level.
18 Negative Karma: as above except actions are at -1 LS's.
22 Karma Field: as karma, affects all within a 1 meter/level diameter sphere.
22 Negative Karma Field: as above but at -1 LS's
18 Omniscience: allows the character to know the answer to any one question or
dilema. The answer must be a yes or no, a numerical figure, a name, or
phrase only a few words in length. Complex and lengthy answers cannot be
gained by this power.
* Note: powers that affect psionicists can also affect psionic objects
8. Mutants and Altered Beings
01-75 NONE
01-90 Solid
91-95 Spotted
96-100 Striped
91-100 SKIN TYPE
Strange Odor
Poison/Acid Sacretions
01-75 NONE
76-90 COLOR
91-100 SPECIAL
01-75 NONE
70-85 COLOR
91-94 NUMBER
95-97 TYPE
2 Pupils
No Pupils
01-75 NONE
76-90 Animal Hybrid (Bipedal)
91-95 Additional Limbs
Four Arms
Four Legs
Tentacles (No Arms)
Two Heads
96-100 Other
Amoeba Like
2 Hearts
Displaced Heart
Double Jointed
Fat Cell Accumulation
Elongated Neck
Rearranged Features
01-75 NONE
01-75 NONE
3 Fingered
4 Fingered
6 Fingered
No Thumb
2 Thumbs
01-75 NONE
Slits Only
No Nose
01-75 NONE
Enlarged Canines
Forked Tongue
Cameleon Tongue
No Mouth
01-75 NONE
Elephant like
Trumpet like
Light Red
Copper Red
Fire Red
Wine Red
Burnt Ocher
Burnt Orange
Cadmium Orange
Ocher Orange
Raw Sienna
Acid Yellow
Cadmium Yellow
Golden Yellow
Marigold Yellow
Yellow Ocher
Aqua Green
Beryl Green
Green Ocher
Leaf Green
Light Blue
Electric Blue
Lavender Blue
Marine Blue
Milori Blue
Navy Blue
Persian Blue
Prussian Blue
Sea Blue
Sky Blue
Steel Blue
Amaranth Pink
Burnt Rose
Burnt Umber
Olive Brown
Raw Sienna
Raw Umber
Bone White
Off White
Pearl White
Ash Grey
Charcoal Grey
Cinder Grey
Cloud Grey
Crystal Grey
Dove Grey
Iron Grey
Mole Grey
Olive Grey
Opal Grey
Pearl Grey
Silver Grey
Smoke Grey
Steel Grey
Blue Black
Bone Black
Coal Black
Ink Black
Raven Black
2 Mixed
3 Mixed
4 Mixed
* x5 Powers *
9. Combat
Let's face it, combat is a large part of any RPG and is usually the most time
consuming. A combat system can often make or break a RPG. The combat system in
COSMOS is universal so only one set of rules is used for combat between 2 or
more opponents regardless of the campaign setting. There are a myriad of forms
that combat can take, be it mellee combat with ancient weapons and armor,
missile combat with bows, spears, guns, lasers, etc. Combat is also not
restricted to person against person combat but can consist of living beings
vs machines, piloted or automated, and machines vs machines. Whatever form the
combat takes, the rules are the same.
9.1 Initiative
Before each combat round, the two or more parties engaged in combat role a D10
to determine which side has initiative, and hence is allowed to act first. The
highest roll wins. In most situations, one roll will determine initiative for
an entire side, while in some situations, with few members involved in the
combat, the GM may wish to have each participant roll individually for
initiative. In this way, instead of all members of side A acting before all
members of side B, some members of side A may attack before their opponents in
side B while some members of side B may attack before their opponents in side
A. In individual initiative, the GM may allow dexterity (reflexes) bonuses to
be used for initiative bonus. To determine the degree of initiative subtract
the low initiative from the higher. For example, side A rolls an 8 for
initiative while side B rolls a 4. 8 - 4 equals 4 so each member of side A can
use 4 action points before side B can act. If an action took longer than the 4
action points, then that action may come after and action from side B, even
though side A had initiative. For example, a person using a two-handed sword
needs to spend a base 10 action points to make an attack. In the above case
side A had a 4 action point lead on side B, 10 action pts - 4 action pts equals
6 action points. If the opponent on side B does an action which uses 6 action
points, both sides will complete their actions at the same time. If his action
takes less than 6 action pts, his action will actually occur first, even though
he didn't have initiative.
The character who wins initiative may use all of his action points at once,
or he may save some in order to defend against his opponent's attacks. Once the
character spends all of his action points or as many as he wishes to spend it
is his opponent's turn to act. When his opponent attacks him he may use any
of his remaining action points to defend.
9.2 Spell Casting and Psionic Use
Before each round any players wishing to cast spells or use psionics must
declare their actions before initiative is rolled. The action points given
for spells and psionics in later sections apply only to that specific action,
and necesary preparation is not included. Looking through one's pouch for
spell components, tapping psionic energy from crystals, etc, are separate
9.3 Mellee and Missile Combat
The majority of actions during combat fall into the areas of mellee and missile
combat. There are three possible outcomes for any given attack.
1. The attacker completely misses the opponent. This can be due to poor skill
on his part, superior skill of the defender who dodged, blocked, or parried his
attack, or a combination of both.
2. The attacker makes contact with his target, but inflicts no damage to his
target. This is due to a high armor class of the target in comparison to a
lower weapon class of the attacker.
3. The attacker hits the target and inflicts damage upon the target.
All targets have a base SR which is needed to hit them. This SR is also
sometimes refered to as a target rating or TR. Human sized characters
(1 space in size) have a base SR of 50 which is needed to hit them. The larger
the target, the lower the base SR needed to hit, the smaller the target, the
higher the SR needed to hit. This assumes that the target is within range,
unobscurred, and is moving normally, ie the target is not perfectly still and
is not actively dodging. The following table shows required SR's to hit
opponents of a given size (TR). For the To Hit/Dodge column, the number applies
to the bonus or penalty for a being or object of that size to dodge or evade
attacks. For all sizes above 0, this negative number applies to the penalty to
hit when attacking with a weapon of that size. Making this number positive
gives the bonus to anyone who is actively dodging this weapon. A tank gun is
about 12 spaces in size on the table below this would fall under a 20 space
weapon and would have a -3 LS penalty to hit. Any opponents trying to dodge
this gun would have a +3 bonus to their dodge against it, in addition to any
other bonuses or penalties they would have in dodging because of their size.
Against an actively dodging human sized defender, the tank gun would have its
chance to hit reduced by about 30%.
To Hit/Dodge Size TR
5 .006 75
4 .01 70
3 .04 65
2 .14 60
1 .37 55
0 1 50
-1 2.7 50
-2 7.3 45
-3 20 45
-4 55 40
-5 148 40
-6 403 35
-7 1097 35
-8 2981 30
-9 8103 30
-10 22027 25
-11 59874 25
-12 1.62755E+05 20
-13 4.42413E+05 20
-14 1.20260E+06 15
-15 3.26902E+06 15
-16 8.88611E+06 10
-17 2.41550E+07 10
-18 6.56600E+07 9
-19 1.78482E+08 8
-20 4.85165E+08 7
-21 1.31882E+09 6
-22 3.58491E+09 6
-23 9.74480E+09 6
-24 2.64891E+10 6
-25 7.20049E+10 6
-26 1.95730E+11 6
-27 5.32048E+11 6
-28 1.44626E+12 6
-29 3.93133E+12 6
-30 1.06865E+13 6
-31 2.90488E+13 6
-32 7.89630E+13 6
-33 2.14644E+14 6
-34 5.83462E+14 6
-35 1.58601E+15 6
-36 4.31123E+15 6
-37 1.17191E+16 6
-38 3.18559E+16 6
-39 8.65934E+16 6
-40 2.35385E+17 6
Most of the table above applies to combat between large vehicles. Most of
the time combat occurs between human sized opponents and no special
penalties or bonuses are needed.
If the target is not actively defending against the
attack, then the attacker compares the weapon class of his weapon with the
armor class of the defender. Weapon Class (WC) and Armor Class (AC) will be
dealt with more in depth in the technology section. Basically, weapon class
indicates the ability of a weapon to penetrate and damage a certain armor
class. Weapon class in no way enhanses or reduces the chance for an attack to
hit, it only enhanses or reduces the chance for that weapon to inflict damage
once it hits. Armor Class indicates the ability of a certain type of armor to
absorb damage from a hit, or totally negate damage. If the weapon class of the
attacker is equal to or greater than the armor class of the defender, than any
hit inflicts damage. For every rank of the armor class which is above the
weapon class, the necesary SR to hit is increased by 10. A negative level shift
is not used for this because a high AC does not alter the skill of an attacker,
or make it harder for that attacker to strike the target, it only makes it more
difficult for that attacker to inflict damage upon the target once it hits. For
example, human sized targets have a TR of 50 which indicates a base SR of 50 is
needed to hit them. If the AC of the target was 1 rank higher than the weapon
class of the attacker, then the SR needed is 60, 2 ranks higher would indicate
a needed SR of 70, etc. If the SR is below the needed SR but above or equal to
the TR, then the attack hits but does no damage. Since the AC of a target does
not often change during combat, the needed SR for a particular attacker using
a particular weapon is computed before combat. The character sheet templates
have also been designed to have this information on hand and save time during
game play. Some weapons negate the effects of armor, such as lassos, whips,
bolas, and other entangling weapons which do not need to inflict damage on a
hit. For these types of weapons, the TR equals the SR needed to hit.
In most combat situations, especially between humanoids, the target of any
attack will usually defend himself in the manner of dodging, blocking, evading,
or parrying. In dodging, blocking, and evading, the WC of the atackers weapon
is not a factor in the success if these actions since success indicates that no
contact occured between the attacker and the defender. In parrying however,
weapon class does come into play. A physically weaker defender will not be as
able to deflect bows from a stronger attacker, his strength apparent in the
WC of the mellee weapon he is weilding. Aside from strength, certain weapons
parry better than others. A flimsy foil or rapier may be fast but will not
parry as well against a stronger longsword or broadsword. A dagger is short
relative to a sword and will also not parry as well. Unless otherwise stated
in the ancient weapons section, use the WC when parrying, similar to AC. In
parrying, each WC rank of the defenders weapon below the attackers amounts to a
-1 LS in his skill roll to parry. Having a higher WC does not increase a
character's chance to parry.
When any damage is inflicted in combat, it first is reduced by the damage
absorbtion of the defenders armor, if any. This will also be dealt with more
extensively in the technology section, but basically the stronger the material,
and thicker the armor, the more damage it can absorb. If the damage inflicted
is less than or equal to absorbtion of the armor, then the defender receives
no damage. Whatever amount of damage is greater than the armor's absorbtion,
that damage is received by the defender. A target that is unarmored (AC 0) will
receive full damage from any attack. Note that armor applies to natural
physical characteristics, ie. fur, hide, scales, shells, etc, as well as man
made forms such as plate mail and chain mail.
Often Players will wish to hit a specific area on a target. This area can be
less protected than the rest, or a critical spot where the target will receive
the most harm by suffering damage their. In any event, called shots are used.
Use the following table for SR modifications for called shots. Against most
creatures, a normal uncalled shot is assumed to hit the upper body, arm/torso
area. Automatic failure and success rolls still apply when using called shots.
Note that there is a distinct difference between called shots and criticals.
A blow to a creature's head does not necesitate a critical, it simply means
damage was caused to the head. A being who had 50 DC who suffered 4 points to
the head still only suffered a minor scratch.
Target Area SR
Head +75
Torso +40
Chest +50
Abdomen +50
Arm +20
Upper Arm +30
Fore Arm +30
Hand +60
Leg +15
Upper Leg +20
Lower Leg +40
Foot +50
For vehicles excluding mecha and robots, when called shots are used one simply
uses the size of the smaller target area to compute the necesary SR. A large
tank may have a TR of 10, but a 1 space location, gun, fuel tank, etc, still
has a TR of 50. For robots that have humanoid characteristics, the above
modifications should be used since robots can actively defend these areas.
Ancient Weapons
Weapon Dam WC Act. Pts. Length Mass Cost Range
Aklys 0.6 0.7 4 64 cm 1.6 3
Atlatl 0.6 0.75 5 100 cm 1.4
Normal 0.6 0.8 L7/F5 60 cm 0.1
Frog Crotch 0.6 0.7 L7/F5 60 cm 0.1
Humming Bulb 0.2 0.2 L7/F5 60 cm 0.1
Piercing 0.5 0.9 L7/F5 60 cm 0.1
Leaf Head 0.75 0.5 L7/F5 60 cm 0.1
1 Handed 0.75 0.8 7 125 cm 3.4
2 Handed 0.85 0.9 8 160 cm 5.0
Axe,Hand 0.6 0.7 4 50 cm 2.3
Bardiche 0.75 0.85 9 160 cm 5.6
Bec de Corbin 0.75 0.95 9 200 cm 4.5
Bill-Guisarm 0.75 0.9 10 250 cm 6.8
Blowgun 0.1 0.2 L7/F3 1-2 m 0.7
Bola 0.4 0.9 7 125 cm 3.4
Boomerang 0.4 0.7 5 50 cm 0.5
Bo Stick 0.5 0.7 3 160 cm 0.7
Caltrop 0.05 0.2 3 4 cm 0.1
Cat O' 9 Tails 0.3 0.2 6 150 cm 1.0
Club 0.6 0.4 4 100 cm 1.4
Short 0.3 0.4 2/F5 25 cm 0.4
Normal 0.4 0.5 2/F5 30 cm 0.5
Long 0.5 0.6 2/F5 40 cm 0.6
Dart 0.2 0.3 F5 20 cm 0.3
Fauchard 0.6 0.7 8 250 cm 2.7
Fauchard-Fork 0.75 0.75 8 250 cm 3.6
Fist,Open Hand 0.25 0.25 2
Footman's 0.7 0.8 7 125 cm 6.8
Horseman's 0.5 0.6 6 65 cm 1.6
Fork,Military 0.75 0.7 7 225 cm 3.4
Garrot 0.4/Rnd 3 100 cm 0.05
Glaive 0.75 0.9 8 250 cm 3.4
Glaive-Guisarme 0.85 0.9 9 250 cm 4.5
Guisarme 0.8 0.95 8 200 cm 3.6
Guisarme-Voulge 0.8 0.9 10 225 cm 6.8
Halberd 0.8 1 9 160 cm 7.9
Harpoon 0.8 0.7 6 200 cm 2.4
Hammer,Lucern 0.75 0.9 9 160 cm 6.8
1 Handed 0.5 0.85 4 50 cm 2.3
2 Handed 0.8 0.95 7 100 cm 6.8
Hook,Fauchard 0.4 0.7 9 250 cm 3.6
Javelin 0.6 0.3 8 150 cm 1.0
Jo Stick 0.5 0.4 2 100 cm 1.8
Kick 0.5 0.5 4
Knife 0.3 0.4 2/F5 25 cm 0.3
Lt. Horse 0.7 0.9 6 300 cm 2.3
Md. Horse 0.8 0.1 7 385 cm 3.6
Hv. Horse 0.95 1.5 8 450 cm 6.8
Lasso - 9 3 - 6 m 1.0
Footman's 0.7 0.95 7 80 cm 3.6
Horseman's 0.6 0.9 6 50 cm 2.3
2-Handed 0.85 1.25 9 100 cm 6.8
Man Catcher 0.2 0.8 7 250 cm 3.6
Morning Star 0.75 0.95 7 125 cm 5.6
Partisan 0.7 1 9 225 cm 3.6
Footman's 0.7 1.25 7 125 cm 2.7
Horseman's 0.5 1 5 65 cm 1.8
Pike,Awl 0.75 0.85 12 575 cm 3.6
Hand 0.3 0.3 L5/F3 20 cm 0.05
Light 0.4 0.8 L7/F4 25 cm 0.05
Heavy 0.5 0.85 L10/F5 40 cm 0.05
Ranseur 0.75 0.7 8 250 cm 1.0
Sap 0.2 0.2 2 15 cm 0.5
Scimitar 0.75 0.6 4 100 cm 1.8
Sling 60 cm 0.5
Bullet 0.5 0.7 L3/F6
Stone 0.4 0.3 L3/F6
Spear 0.75 0.8 7 200 cm 2.4
Spetum 0.8 0.8 8 250 cm 2.3
Buckler 0.3 0.4 3 30 cm 1.4
Spiked 0.4 0.5 3 1.6
Bladed, 0.5 0.5 3 1.8
or edged
Small 0.4 0.6 4 40 cm 1.8
Spiked 0.5 0.7 4 2.2
Bladed, 0.6 0.7 4 2.6
or edged
Medium 0.5 0.8 5 50 cm 2.4
Spiked 0.6 0.85 5 2.8
Bladed, 0.75 0.85 5 3.2
or edged
Large 0.5 0.85 7 60 cm 3.0
Spiked 0.6 0.9 7 3.4
Bladed, 0.75 0.9 7 3.8
or edged
Tower 0.6 0.9 8 100 cm 5.0
Spiked 0.6 1 8 5.6
Bladed 0.75 1 8 6.2
or edged
Staff 0.6 0.5 4 200 cm 2.3
Staff Sling 160 cm 2.3
Bullet 0.75 0.9 L10/F6
Stone 0.7 0.5 L10/F6
Bastard 145 cm 3.6
1 Handed 0.75 1 6
2 Handed 0.9 1.25 8
Broad 0.75 0.5 5 115 cm 3.4
Falchion 0.7 0.7 5 115 cm 3.3
Flamberge 1.25 1.25 10 220 cm 12.5
Khopesh 0.75 0.4 9 115 cm 3.4
Long 0.75 0.7 5 115 cm 2.7
Short 0.6 0.5 4 65 cm 1.6
Two Handed 1 1.5 10 200 cm 11.3
Trident 0.8 0.6 7 125-250 cm 2.3
Voulge 0.8 0.85 10 250 cm 5.6
Whip 0.2 0.2 6 250 - 600 cm 1.0
1. The numbers for Damage and WC represent a fraction of the weilder's
strength which is used to compute actual damage and WC. For example, a
longsword has a damage of 0.75 and a WC of 0.7. In the hands of someone
with 20 strength it would inflict between 1 and 15 points damage since 20
strength x 0.75 = 15. It would have a WC of 14 since 0.7 x 20 strength =
a WC of 14.
2.Caltrop damage is fraction of beings weight, not strength. A 100 kg being
will take 5 damage from a caltrop.
3.Weapons that are used while mounted that rely on the mount for damage like
lances and possibly spears and other pointed weapons use the strength of
the mount as opposed to the weilder.
4.Thrown missile weapons do same damage as when held but at 1/2 the weapon
5. Fired missile weapons like bows and crossbows use the strength rating of
the weapon it is being fired from, not the user. Bows can be used up to
the weilder's strength, but no greater than bows strength. Using a bow
beyond it's rated strength
will force it to make a RR vs being broken. Using a bow which is a higher
strength than the user will shift the damage down 1 rank per greater
strength rank of the bow. For example, a 20 strength player trying to use
a 30 strength bow only uses it as if he had 17 strength, 1 rank lower than
his strength because the bow was 1 rank higher.
6.Blowguns use constitution as opposed to strength for damage and range.
7.Weapons take 1/2 their action point cost to draw, and 3/4 their action
point cost to sheath.
Creature Attacks Damage WC
cainine,feline) 0.75 0.5
aligator,crocodile 0.85 0.7
shark 1 0.9
bite (omnivore) 0.45 0.3
bite (herbivore) 0.4 0.3
talons (avian) 0.5 0.4
claws (canine) 0.4 0.3
claws (feline) 0.5 0.4
War Claws
Horns (goat) 0.3 0.4
Horns (bull,ox) 0.5 0.6
Horns (ram) 0.5 0.7
Horn (rinocerous) 0.6 0.8
Tusks 0.6 0.75
Anters 0.45 0.6
Hooves 0.45 0.6
Wing buffet(feathered) 0.2 0.2
Wing buffet (bat) 0.3 0.2
Tail Lash
Plated 0.5 0.6
Spiked 0.7 0.5
Spade 0.4 0.5
Whiplash 0.3 0.3
Constrictor (includes tentacles)
0.2 0.3
Oriental Weapons
Weapon Dam WC Act. Pt. Cost Length Mass Cost
Boku-toh 0.4 0.5
Chain 0.4 0.4
Chijiriki 0.65 0.8
Chopsticks 0.2 0.1
Fang 0.5 0.6
Gunsen 0.25 0.2
Jitte 0.3 0.7
Kama 0.6 0.75
Katana 0.8 0.7
Katana, 0.9
Two Handed 0.9
Kau sin ke 0.75 0.6
Kawanga 0.3 0.5
Kiseru 0.4 0.45
Kumade 0.4 0.6
Kusari-gama 0.6 0.75
Kyoketsu-shogi 0.4 0.4
Lajatang 0.8 0.8
Nagimaki 0.65 0.8
Naginata 0.8 0.9
Nekode 0.4 0.4
Ninja-to 0.7 0.65
Nunchaku 0.6 0.5
Parang 0.75 0.65
Sai 0.4 0.7
Sang kauw 0.75 0.5
Shaken 0.4 0.1
Spike 0.4 0.5
Star,large 0.5 0.5
Star,small 0.4 0.4
Siangkam 0.5 0.4
Pellet Bow
Stone 0.5 0.65
Bullet 0.4 0.6
Sode Garami 0.4 0.2
Tetsu-bishi 0.4 0.2
Tetsubo 0.75 1.25
Three-piece Rod 0.6 0.9
Tonfa 0.5 0.4
Uchi-ne 0.4 0.5
Wakizashi 0.75 0.65
African Throwing Knives
Ghurka Knife
Tiger Claws
Full Plate Armor 0.95 MC
Field Plate Armor 0.9 MC
Plate Mail 0.85 MC
Banded Mail 0.8 MC
Splint Mail 0.75
Chain Mail 0.7/0.5
Scale Mail 0.65/0.45
Ring Mail 0.6/0.4
Studded Leather 0.5/0.3
Leather 1/0.25
Padded 1/0.25
All Shields 1 MC
Numbers after a slash indicate AC against blunt weapons as the pliable nature
of those armor types make them more vulnerable to blunt attacks. Pliable
armors like leather, and padded, which cover fully are rated at their full MC
against edged attacks, and only 0.25 against blunt attacks. If edged weapons
hit, they will do 0.5 normal damage if they do not penetrate the MC of the
armor. Also, all the above armor types that consist of leather,chain. or
padding, partially or in full can be replaced by any other pliable material in
high tech armor forms. For example, a high tech suit of platemail may
actually be composed of high strength plastic plates with a kevlar or aramid
fiber backing.
Sample Combat
Here is an example of combat between Adearodaffa, a 14th level Drow Elf
cavalier, and Draconis, a 20th level Lich King Death Knight. Here are the
stats for the two opponents that will come into play during the combat.
Strength 20
Dexterity 40
Constitution 22
TR 50
AC 38 (Full Plate Armor)
Armor Absorbtion 7
DC 125
Action Points 24
16th level proficiency in longsword and buckler
14th in dodging and evading
WC 14
Damage 15
Action Point Cost: 3
Spiked Buckler
WC 10
Damage 8
Action Point Cost: 2
Strength 30
Dexterity 10
Constitution 30
TR 45
AC 57 (Full Plate Armor)
Armor Absorbtion 12
DC 150
Action Points 30
20th level proficiency in Two Handed Sword
Two Handed Sword
WC: 45
Damage: 30
Action Point Cost: 5
The two roll for initiative. Adearodaffa rolls a 7 while Draconis rolls a 9.
Adearodaffa's high dexterity gives him a +6 to his initiative so his total
initiative is 13. He is 4 action points ahead of Draconis. Since Draconis
is a fairly easy target to hit, Adearodaffa reduces the action point cost
of using his longsword by 1 point to a cost of 2 points. Adearodaffa's WC is
14, 6 ranks below Draconis' AC of 57. This means that where he orginally
needed a SR of only 45 to hit and inflict damage, he now needs a 105, ie TR of
45 plus 10 * 6 AC ranks = 105. Also, there is a -2 LS penalty for reducing
the cost of the attack by 1 action point so he rolls as if he were only 14th
level in skill. Adearodaffa rolls % dice and gets a 113 for his SR. The action
cost him 2 points. Draconis tries to parry but fails with a SR of only 75,
which is less than Adearodaffa's SR of 113. His parry attempt cost him 5 action
points. Since Draconis failed to parry Adearodaffa's attack, Adearodaffa rolls
for damage. Adearodaffa is lucky and rolls the full 15 points for damage.
Draconis' armor absorbs 12 points so he only receives 3 points damage.
Adearodaffa swings again but does no damage from only a glancing blow with a
SR of 80. This action costs 2 points. Adearodaffa's 4 points of initiative
ahead of Draconis are used up now it is Draconis' turn to attack.
Draconis chooses to spend 5 times the needed action points in his attack.
This gives him a +8 LS increase, allowing him to attack at 28th level. This
attack uses 25 of his 30 action points. Draconis rolls % and hits easily,
since Adearodaffa failed his parry. Draconis rolls 20 for damage. Adearodaffa's
armor absorbs 7 points so he only receives 13 points damage. Draconis has 5
action points left but chooses to save them to possibly parry Adearodaffa's next
Adearodaffa rolls to hit and rolls a natural 98 on the % dice. This
indicates a critical hit. Draconis tries to parry but fails. The roll on
the critical table indicates that Draconis' head is not quite where it used to
be. Being the sensitive Lich King Death Night that he is, he is emotionally
incapable of coping with the loss of his head and dies.
10. Time and Space (The Multiverse)
One can't name a game COSMOS without giving some explanation of how the gaming
environment functions. The COSMOS universe is meant to be all encompasing, the
GM can choose to use some, all, or none of it in his campaign.
10.1 Time
Time is the dimention used to measure the seemingly irreversable span of events.
Currently in our present day universe, we can travel through time in only one
direction, forward, and at a fixed speed. When using time travel, the present is
immutable. Travelling in time to the past creates an alternate, parallel
present, but does not change the present that a being was originally from.
The COSMOS system uses conventional units of time as well as special game
Units of Time
Round - The standard unit of time in which combat and most other actions are
carried out, equal to 6 seconds. 10 Rounds equal a turn.
Turn - equal to 6 rounds or 1 minute.
Day - earth equivalent equal to 24 hours. Defined as the amount of time for a
planet to make one complete rotation.
Month - earth equivalent equal to approximately 30 days. Defined as the amount
of time for a planet's moon (or moon's) to make one complete revolution.
Year - earth equivalent equal to 365 1/4 days. Defined as the amount of time it
takes a planet to make one complete revolution around its sun.
Decade - 10 years
Century - 100 years
Millenia - 1000 years
Epoch,Era - an extremely long period of time, often over a millions years in
length. Usually marked by a certain form of dominant life on a
planet existing within that time.
Eon - almost infinate length of time, several era's
10.2 The Multiverse
The COSMOS universe, also called the multiverse, consists of a seemingly
infinate number of dimentions and parallel planes. The following are desriptions
of some possible planes. The GM is always free of course, and even encouraged to
create planes of his own to add new possiblilties to the multiverse.
10.21 The Prime Material Plane
This is the plane in which we (well most of us, anyway) exist. It encompasses
the earth, the planets and stars, the galaxy, the universe, and any and all
other universes and their parallel universes. It is composed of matter and
energy. While matter can take on two forms, that of normal matter and of
antimatter, energy is always considered to be neutral. The universe also
has constants for mass, gravity, electric and magnetic forces, etc. These
constants can be different in other universe to alster how much something
weighs, how massive it is, etc. There are five main dimentions in the prime
material plane. There are three dimentions of space which are length, width,
and height. The fourth dimention is time, together with space forming
space-time. The fifth dimention is the curavature of space time sometimes known
as subspace or hyperspace. This last dimention is dealt with in the technology
section. The universe is a plane composed of 5 dimention. All other planes are
made up of 1 or more dimentions. Their are dimentions that are not in the prime
material plane but exist in other planes. Different material planes will also
having different constants regarding the nexus between it and other planes. The
more tightly closed that nexus is, the harder it is to open a gateway between
other planes. One example is the nexus between the prime plane and the positive
and negative planes. The tighter the gate, the harder it is to summon magical
energies. The greater the opening, the easier it is to summon magical energies.
10.22 The Prime Energy Plane
Matter and energy are equivalent and interchangeable. In our own universe, the
natural state is matter which can be converted into energy. The prime energy
plane is just the opposite. The natural state is energy, and this energy can be
turned into matter.
10.23 The Positive Material Plane
This is a dimention of positive energy, matter, creation, and light. It can
fuel the lifeforce energy of prime plane creatures. Most forms of magic draw on
this plane as the source of their power. Like matter and antimatter, positive
and negative energy and matter annihilate each other upon contact. Prime plane
creatures entering the positive plane will have their lifeforce increase in
terms of life energy levels and DC points, unless under some magical or psionic
protection. Their LEL's will increase by 1/turn and their DC will increase by
5 DC/turn. When their LEL or DC increases to 1.5 times their original values,
the being must make a RR each turn at -1 LS/turn over the maximum or die.
When existing the plane all gained energy dissipates at the the same rate it
10.24 The Negative Material Plane
This is a dimmention of negative energy, matter, destruction, and darkness. It
draws upon the lifeforce energy of prime plane creatures to fuel it. Destructive
and life stealing magic draws on this plane for its power source. The negative
and positive planes will try to remain in a state of equilibrium, both having
the same but opposite amount of energy. The effect on prime plane creatures are
opposite of the positive plane, their LEL and DC decrease each level and return
once they exit the plane at the same rate.
10.25 The Astral Plane
The astral plane can be thought of as the all encompassing plane of the
multiverse. It surrounds and connects all the material and energy planes, the
elemental planes, the ethereal planes, and all the alignment planes. If any one
of these planes has mulitple layers, the astral plane will always touch its
first layer, and sometimes even its last layer. On the astral plane, thought
and energy take on quasi-material substance. It is the plane where souls roam,
and the road by which they travel. Most being's travelling on the astral plane
leave their material body behind on their home plane. If their material body
dies, their soul is lost on the astral plane until it can find a suitable body
to enter. If the astral body is destroyed, the being is dead and can only be
brought back by resurrection or similar powers. Some powerful beings will be
able to transform their material body into an astral body, and completely
project themselves into the astral plane. The flow of time and space is not
definate in the astral plane. Movement is dependent upon thought as opposed to
physical exertion. Travel is quick and tireless. While in the astral plane,
consider wisdom to double as strength, intelligence to doible as dexterity, and
charisma to double as constitution for all intensive purposes. Beings in the
astral plane require no food or rest. The astral plane is a common medium of
travel to other planes.
10.26 The Ethereal Plane
The ethereal plane is a plane the surrounds all same planes as the astral plane,
except the alignment planes. Matter in the ethereal plane is out of phase with
matter in the planes it surrounds. While on the border of the ethereal plane,
beings and matter can be seen but cannot interact physically with matter on
other planes. The only forms of interaction between the planes are magic and
psionics. Beings deeper within the the ethereal plane cannot be seen or
interact at all with matter and beings on other planes. Like the astral plane,
beings require no food or rest, and quick travel to other planes or distant
places within the beings home plane.
10.27 The Elemental Planes
The elemental planes are often used to summon the raw materials used in the
construction and alteration of planes.
The Para Elemental Planes
10.28 The Alignment Planes
The alignment planes are planes which are home to a specific set of beliefs
or ethics, or spheres of influence. These are planes where the forces are good,
evil, law, chaos, nuetrality, and combinations of them, reside. They are also
the planes where dieties representing these beliefs reside. Some examples of
alignment planes are heaven, hell, the abyss, Hades, Olympus, Limbo,
Pandemonium, etc.
10.3 Dieties & Immortals
10.31 Dieties
In many fantasy settings, gods from many different mythologies are used, from
Greek to Norse, to Sumarian. Most of these mythologies took place at very
different time periods in history. Because some fantasy worlds use gods from
many mythos, there are literally hundreds of gods, all claiming to be the sole
diety of a particular sphere of influence wether that be war, love, life,
death, nature, etc. Many times there are conflicting dieties. It seems
inprobably how there can be 20 gods of war, 31 gods of the sky, 24 godesses of
the earth, and the like. How could there be more than 1 diety who is
considered to be supreme? A more realistic interpretation of dieties to be used
in a fantasy setting that will not conflict with common sence is to not view
dieties as the source and masters of fundamental elemental and human forces, but
rather to be the embodiment of these forces. Belief in a particular diety by a
number of beings will actually cause these fundamental to take the form of a
particular diety. How strong a particular diety is is dependent on the
importance of this force to a particular group of people. Note that this means
belief and not neccesarily worship. People may not worship a diety of death,
but their belief and fear of death would cause this diety to take form. The
diety is more a reflection of the culture it represents. Cultures that have a
strong preference for war will have a powerful war god. The beliefs of a
culture dictate what type of dieties it has. Interaction between dieties of
different cultures is dependent on the interaction of those cultures. It is
likely that the gods of elven and orcish cultures will be enemies as their
worshipors are. This puts the realm of priests somewhere between mages and
psionicists. As mages summon their power from an outside source, and
psionicists draw power mostly from themselves, the priest is a combination of
the two. The priest practices in magic, the power for which is obtained by a
particular diety. The power of this diety, is obtained by the collective
lifeforce energy of those who worship it.
10.32 Immortals
Immortals are beings who were once mortal but gained immortal status by other
immortals or dieties. Immortals are often servants of dieties or can be dieties
themselves depending on the amount worshippers they have. Immortals cannot die
by natural means including age or disease. They can be killed by unnatural,
usually violent means, although this is rair because of their great power.
Mortals who have achieved great power will sometimes ascend or descend to
immortal status, depending sphere of influence they were aligned with. This
immortality can be achieved during life, or once the being dies. The diety
can restore the immortal's original body, or create a new one for his soul
to inhabit. Usually immortals are free to assume multiple, even infinate forms.