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December 7, 1990
by Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr.
Milan, Dec. 1, 1987
(written version--may diverge from delivered address)
CONFERENCE NOTE: Sixty-five-year-old economist LYNDON H. LA
ROUCHE, JR. is a candidate for the 1988
presidential nomination of the Democratic Party
He is best known in military science for his
leading international role, during 1982 and early
1983, in proposing a western global strategic
ballistic missile defense based upon "new physical
During the past two years, there has been increasing attention
to the imminently dominant role of new types of electromagnetic-
pulse weapons as strategic and tactical assault weapons of general
Unfortunately, most of this discussion has been listed under
the somewhat misleading title of "radio-frequency weapons," a name
carried over from earlier years discussions of more primitive forms
of electronic warfare.
One of our greatest difficulties in explaining these new
dimensions of warfare, is the popularity of the old opinion, that
microwaves might impair or destroy living tissues by inductive
Unquestionably, microwaves can do this, but we are speaking of
lethal and other special effects achieved by a deposit of energy on
target even several orders of magnitude less than required to cook
that tissue to death.
The new class of electromagnetic-pulse weaponry has other
military applications, in addition to uses as strategic and tactical
anti-personnel assault-weapons. Missions for non-organic targets
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include increasingly sophisticated methods for rendering equipment
inoperative or dysfunctional; they include efficient means for
disrupting the structure of materials.
However, general policy for the field as a whole can be fairly
discussed by limiting our attention to the case of strategic and
tactical anti-personnel assault weapons.
A Branch of Optical Biophysics
It is singularly appropriate that a discussion of this field
should occur in Milan, since it was here that the science of optical
biophysics was born about five hundred years ago, as an outgrowth of
the collaboration between Fra Luca Pacioli and Leonardo da Vinci.
It is also to be stressed, that the founding of modern physical
science and biology, by that collaboration, was the outgrowth of the
pioneering work in establishing the methods of physical science by
the great Cardinal Nicolaus of Cusa, the Cusa whose writings served
as the starting-point for the collaboration of Pacioli and Cusa.
The connection between the work of Cusa and of Pacioli and
Leonardo, places modern optical biophysics and its military and
other applications into the proper historical-scientific
In was in the context of the Council of Florence that Cusa
published his famous <De Docta Ignorantia>, within which is located
the most fundamental principle of modern physical science, what is
called today the principle of physical least action.
In <De Docta Ignorantia> physical least action is introduced to
us as a "Maximum Minimum Principle," as the notion modern physics
associates with the "isoperimetric theorem" of topology as well as
Leibniz's principle of physical least action. It was on this basis
that Cusa became the first modern figure of science to show why the
solar hypothesis was necessary, and out of which the foundations of
modern relativistic physics were elaborated.
The following points situate our subject-matter historically.
Working from Cusa's principle of physical least action, Pacioli
reconstructed the proof that the five platonic solids are the limit
of construction of regular polyhedra in euclidean space.
This proof, as later enriched by Leonhard Euler and others,
shows that the construction of the Golden Section is a limiting
value for construction of intelligible representation of forms in
euclidean space.
Pacioli and his collaborators added a discovery which remains
confirmed in full today, that between the limits of the very large
and the very small, the difference between living and non-living
forms is that all healthy living processes are harmonically ordered
morphologically in a manner congruent with the Golden Section.
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Johannes Kepler applied that principle to the very large, to
demonstrate that the fundamental laws of astrophysics are congruent
with the Golden Section.
In other words, the fundamental laws of physics are to be
adduced as reflections of the curvature of physical space-time
reflected in the limiting value of the Golden Section.
Carl Gauss and his successors reworked Kepler's physics from a
more advanced standpoint, and that new physics of Gauss, Riemann,
and others found a home among such leading scientists of nineteenth-
century Italy as the great Betti and Beltrami, from which the great
Italian school of electrohydrodynamics and aeronautics emerged to
revive the heritage of Leonardo da Vinci in this field.
Today, with aid of application of modern high-energy physics to
the phenomena of what are called "force free" states of plasmas, we
show that the Kepler-Gauss-Riemann curvature for astrophysics is the
curvature of physical space-time on the sub-atomic scale.
Work is currently in progress, with some preliminary success,
to show that the ordering of the periodic table and the crystalline
and other physical characteristics associated with each element of
that table, is determined by synthetic methods coherent with the
Kepler-Gauss-Riemann notion of the curvature of physical space-time.
If astrophysics, microphysics, and biophysics are each and all
determined by such a common curvature of physical space-time, then
we know several things of great practical importance from this fact
First, we know that all of these processes are elementarily
non-linear, in the sense that the progress of physics through Gauss,
Riemann, and Beltrami implies. We also know which popular axiomatic
sorts of ontological assumptions in physics and biology today must
be discarded, if we are to render intelligible the elementary
actions and principles which govern the the sub-atomic and
astrophysical roots of these non-linear processes' behavior on the
macro-scale of applications.
My own approach to these matters has proceeded from the
standpoint of my successful discoveries in my own profession, in the
field which Liebniz defined and established as <physical economy>.
A brief description of my contributions to the science of
economy will render more accessible the connection between science
and economy, which I report to you today.
My entry into economic science started approximately forty
years ago, as a product of my angered reaction to the notion of
"information theory" then being popularized by Professor Norbert
Wiener and others.
Wiener, as many of you know, attempted to explain <human
intelligence> from the standpoint of the statistical gas theory of
the Professor Ludwig Boltzmann who died in 1901, allegedly of
suicide, at Duino castle.
Since I had been a student of Leibniz since early adolsecence,
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and an opponent of Immanuel Kant from Leibniz's standpoint, I
recognized immediately the nature of Professor Wiener's folly. I
chose the subject of the impact of scientific discovery upon
productivity of labor as the empirical standpoint in which to
situate my refutation of Wiener.
Hence, I was able to show how, contrary to Kant, human creative
mentation could be given an intelligible representation, and to show
in what terms productivity might be measured, such that the
correlation between rates of technological progress and rates of
increase of potential productivity could be measured and predicted.
In order to supply a mathematical representation of this
function I had defined, I turned to the work of Bernhard Riemann.
Hence, the method I have contributed to the work of economic science
is known as the LaRouche-Riemann method.
It is more or less known that the scientific work of Cusa,
Pacioli, Leonardo, Kepler, Leibniz, Monge, Gauss, and Riemann, among
others, is situated within the methods of what is called synthetic
geometry, as opposed to the axiomatic-deductive methods commonly
popular among professionals today.
The method of Gauss and Riemann, in which elementary physical
least action is represented by the conic form of self-similar-spiral
action, is merely a further perfection of the synthetic method based
upon circular least action, employed by Cusa, Leonardo, Kepler, and
so forth.
It is from the standpoint of Gauss-Riemann, that we know that
the elementary existence of physical least action, ontologically, in
the complex domain, is reflected necessarily as the metrical
characteristic of Golden Section harmonics upon the apparent domain
of the discrete manifold.
This indicates that Gauss did not overturn the earlier work of
Cusa, et al., but merely completed it, giving it a more adequate
representation. From that vantage-point, we are able to move
backward and forward in the history of physical science and biology,
to correlate the work of earlier scientists with the elaboration of
the complex domain by Gauss, Riemann, et al., during the nineteenth
It is feasible, from this standpoint, to restate propositions
in the language of axiomatic-deductive methods into the language of
the Gauss-Riemann domain.
In this way, it is feasible to show rather directly, that
creative mentation, as typified by valid fundamental scientific
discoveries, is not only non-linear, but belongs to a domain whose
curvature is the same as that for a Kepler-Gauss-Riemann physical
and biological domain.
Empirical studies also show, that continuous technological
progress causes the introduction of discontinuities ("non-
linearities") to any attempt at a linear representation of an
economic process.
There is an analogous, but harmonically different sort of
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ordered succession of discontinuities in a devolutionary process;
the upward course simulates the harmonic ordering of a living
process, the downward course, an inorganic one, both in the sense
famously stipulated by Kepler in his paper on the snowflake.
So, I changed the definition of the terms "entropy" and
"negative entropy," from the statistical definition employed by
Wiener. "Negative entropy" or "negentropy" I supplied a synthetic,
rather than a deductive definition, as akin to Pacioli's definition
of the characteristic ordering of living processes.
I divided the two kinds of process-directions, negentropy and
entropy, as Kepler did in his snowflake paper.
As any physical economist must, who follows in the footsteps
of Leibniz, I focussed my work chiefly on the subject of technology.
The principal question posed to the specialist in technology of
physical economy, is to establish metrical parameters which
correlate advances in scientific principle with advances in the
applied technology derived from such scientific principle.
If we define the elementary notions of "energy" in the non-
linear way Riemannian physics demands, rather than the popular
scalar notions, all statements in physics can be cast in the form of
statements of energetics defined in that non-linear way.
In this mode, statements of physical principle become usable as
statements defining technological progress in the functional terms
required by economic science.
Hence, my interests in biology and physics generally have been
restricted to those matters in which these characteristics are
foremost. I have been concerned with those developments in biology
which correlate with my knowledge of the characteristics of creative
mentation, and with those matters of physics which are crucial for
significant technological advances in the productivity of labor.
For this reason, my work in fields of technology significant
for military applications has emphasized the method of achieving
efficient spill-over of these technologies into the domain of
civilian economy.
My encounter with the modern optical biophysics of non-linear
spectroscopy of living processes was a direct by-product of my
preoccupation with the intelligible representation of the form of
creative mental processes.
It was clear that human memory, for example, is a holographic
sort of non-linear function, rather than digital linear one. It was
important to me, as an economist, to determine how the requirements
of nutrition and other physiological constraints must be seen as a
matter of social and economic policy, for the purpose of fostering
potential creativity among professionals and operatives.
It is important, therefore, to correlate the characteristics of
creative mental activity with the biological processes upon which
mental activity is grounded.
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For that reason, it is those aspects of biological processes
which have the same general characteristics as creative mental
activity which were of greatest interest. Work in non-linear
spectroscopy provided a view of the elementary characteristics of
cellular and sub-cellular life which was uniquely in correspondence
with the characteristics of creative mental activity.
How could it be different than that? The curvature of
astrophysical, microphysical, and biophysical space-time are the
same as the curvature of creative mental processes. This arrangement
is most convenient for us all, since if the curvature of our mental
creative processes were different than that of the universe in which
we live, our universe could not be intelligible for mankind.
It should be noted that Leonardo da Vinci understood matters in
these same terms, as we may recall from his emphatic defense of the
principle of hypothesis.
If we understand the way in which the self-bounding curvature
of our universe underlies all correct notions of elementary physical
laws, our power to discover with increasing perfection of knowledge
is limited only by the adequacy of our understanding of both the
correct curvature and its implications.
On this point, as many others, modern evidence shows us that
Leonardo was correct, and his critics crippled by their own error.
The modern view of biophysics today, is that the harmonic
ordering of non-linear electromagnetic processes is the physical
characteristic of living processes, and that biochemical reactions
are subsumed by this electromagnetic ordering.
Moreover, this shows us that biological processes are not
properly defined in any away within the set of ontological
assumptions associated with either a Cartesian or any sort of a neo-
Cartesian discrete manifold.
Modern biology turns our eyes to those aspects of astrophysical
phenomena, in which the process as a whole must be comprehended in
terms of included effects occurring at speeds greater than the speed
of light; there is there, as in the remarkable electromagnetic
coordination of tissues, a coherence of the process which defies the
notion of propagation of action between particles at distance.
In biological processes, these integrative features of the
electromagnetic field are among the most interesting phenomena.
This knowledge of modern biophysics leads us in two directions.
We derive from modern, electromagnetic studies of optical
biophysics, knowledge of new practicable principles, by means of
which life may either be more readily disrupted, or assisted.
The degree of refinement of technique, by means of which living
processes might be maliciously affected, enables us to accomplish
such effects by a small fraction of the energy deposited to produce
thermal effects.
Conversely, the potential to improve, to heal, is similarly
increased. The knowledge gained in the one application, is, for
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better or for worse, inseparable from the other.
As Weapons Systems
For rather obvious reasons, including my desire that these
techniques remain out of the hands of terrorists, I shall not go
publicly into the technical details of this matter, except to say
that today nations have access to means by which either hordes of
locusts or large concentrations of human populations could be killed
or otherwise neutralized by use of a single weapon of this type.
The prototypes of the beam-generators exist. The power-sources
adequate for this exist either off the shelf or as prototypes. With
improvements in higher temperature superconducting materials, and
use of such electrodes for gyratrons for example, strategic weapons
of this class are in reach.
The computers need to guide the propagation of the pulses are
rather readily available with reasonable effort to develop
dedicated-application modules of the required type. The appropriate
wave-guides are a matter of ingenuity applied to a known field.
The conveyances suited for the deployment of such assault
weaponry exist, and more suitable conveyances rather readily
designed and produced.
In short, strategic anti-personnel assault weapons as effective
in their way as thermonuclear weapons, are an imminent potential.
Moreover, such strategic weapons are more readily deployed, and with
fewer constraints upon their use, than the thermonuclear weapons
they could often replace.
Apart from the direct use of such technologies for military
purposes as obvious as that, the same technology is the basis for
special applications producing global effects upon much of the
earth's biosphere, or some local part of it.
All of the most interesting effects are characteristically non-
linear, rather than being the kinds of actions, such as thermal
effects, we associate with the electrodynamics of the cartesian
discrete manifold.
There is no prospect of putting such potentials back into a
bottle, to lock them away from military uses.
The Soviets have long been dedicated to such weaponry, and have
the scientific capability of developing and producing them today.
How rapidly they might produce such systems in strategically
significant numbers, is another question. However, we note that
there are currently occurring very significant changes in the Soviet
military order of battle, changes which correlate with the early
deployment of significant numbers of weapons of this general class.
We should also note, that the Soviet military has been
dedicated to developing a global strategic ballistic missile defense
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system--its own SDI--for about twenty-five years, and has been
developing such a system for deployment over the period of
approximately seventeen years to date.
During the first half of the 1990s, the Soviets will deploy
their own version of the U.S. SDI. The technological base required
for the Soviet version of the SDI it is preparing to deploy, is an
adequate base for developing and producing the kinds of
electromagnetic assault weapons we are considering today.
These new types are weapons are here, to all intents and
purposes. There are only two classes of nations which will not soon
deploy them: those which are already subjugated by Moscow, or about
to become subjugated. We shall develop them as rapidly as possible,
because we have no rational choice but to do so.
The Economics of These Weapons
There are some who will argue, that the present international
financial collapse is leading us into a new global depression, worse
than that of the 1930s.
The financial collapse is now unstoppable; tens of trillions of
dollars of financial paper will be wiped out before the Spring of
1989, and there is no means on Earth to prevent this from occurring.
However, this financial crash need not lead into an economic
depression, if the government of the United States comes to its
senses during the months immediately ahead.
Some will argue, that because of the budget-cuts and other
depressive effects of the financial crash, the U.S. SDI will be
stopped, and no new technological breakthroughs launched.
To that I respond, as I have done in my remarks to a Paris
conference, that often it is the case that only a profound crisis
permits the unleashing of sweeping improvements in policy, including
the unleashing of new scientific and technological revolutions.
As long as leading institutions are complacently content with
current policies, they are unlikely to change those habits. It is
when a profound crisis brings the smug and complacent to their
knees, crying, "Save us!" that overdue advances are permitted to
If we come to our senses, and rid ourselves of the habits which
have created the great financial bubble now collapsing upon us, if
we return, in despair of any other course, to a policy of promoting
technological progress in a capital-intensive and energy-intensive
mode, the present crisis were more likely to accelerate the kinds of
technological changes I indicate, than to delay them.
Despite the increasing erosion of scientific and related
machine-tool capabilities during the past twenty years of "post-
industrial drift," we have accumulated a vast store of new, unused
technologies ready for immediate application.
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During this same time, we have entered into new dimensions of
scientific research, from which can pour the greatest advance in
human productivity ever known over the decades immediately ahead.
Vis-a-vis the Soviet empire, we of the West have certain
inherent strategic advantages, among which is the fact that the
potential for productivity in the OECD nations is approximately
twice that in the Soviet empire. The OECD nations have twice the
population of the Russian empire.
Our population has twice the productive potential of that of
the Russian empire, if we but employ it properly. In addition, there
are 350 millions in Ibero-America, predominantly members of our
Western European culture, and with similar productive potentials. We
have seas of population among our friends in Africa and non-
communist Asia.
Together we represent the overwhelming majority of the land-
area, maritime choke-points, and population of this planet.
Our greatest advantage is that which Moscow hates most bitterly
of all, as it has since muscovy was first founded against a
counterforce against Roman missionaries such as Cyril and Methodius.
We have the gift of <agape> (prounounced ah-gah-pay), as the
New Testament apostles named it in their Greek, the law and
commandment that we must love God and our neighbor as ourselves.
This <agape> is the emotion of love of God, love of mankind,
love of truth, and love of classical beauty. It is also the quality
which permeates and motivates creative thinking.
For reason of the idea of the nature of God, the human
individual, and all else, which is the precious heritage of our
civilization, we have been given the greatest potential for
generation and assimilation of scientific and related progress of
any culture.
This gift is not a property of our race, but something which,
with <agape>, we are properly destined to preserve and to share with
all humanity. This gift is also the means by which we may acquire
all the power we need to defend that <agape> for our nations and for
humanity as a whole.
Our people have the cultural potential to generate and to
assimilate technological progress at the greatest rate possible
among all mankind.
It is not only a means of power; it is our nature to order our
affairs in such a way that the creative powers of the individual
human mind are the quality with which we embed all our practice.
It is the duty and the privilege of the leaders of our nations
to foster the education, the conditions of family life, and
opportunities for labor, which are consistent with that principle.
The fostering of the increase of the average productive powers
of labor, to the benefit of all mankind, is the proper
characteristic of man's labor.
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We must choose this course not merely because the very
existence of our civilization is menaced from the east today.
Rather, it is the enormity of the crisis which impels us to resume
a policy from which we should never have departed.
It is the looming tragedy, threatening the existence of our
civilization which obliges us to affirm those policies of practice
which are the most natural way of life for our culture.
Without overlooking the ominous threat from the East, let us
define the task before us, in Milan today, as the rebuilding of
Italy, as part of the rebuilding of Europe, and of continuing the
proper mission of western european culture to the benefit of all
Let us situate the employment of these new technologies within
the economic task of rebuilding Italy as Betti and Beltrami, and
Leonardo da Vinci before them, would have preferred we do.
Let us assume that we are committed to large-scale capital
improvements in the basic economic infrastructure of Italy. In that
case, we may assume that the preconditions for capital improvement
and growth of the nation's agriculture and industry are being
Under those conditions, what Italy must do is similar in a
general way to what I must do, if I become the next President, in
the United States, and what must be done throughout western Europe.
However, let us situate what must be done in Italy itself in
relationship to the SDI and the new technologies under discussion
here today.
The crux of industrial development of Italy is the efficient
coordination of precious handfuls of scientists and machine-tool
enterprises with the complex of larger enterprises which are the
centers of industrial production. Let us begin with the special
relationship between scientific teams and the machine-tool
In the physics department of a well-organized university there
is a special sort of machine-tool shop.
A scientist has devised an experimental hypothesis, perhaps a
test of some crucial scientific principle.
The scientist works with the university's machine-tool
facility, to create his experimental apparatus. Once a new principle
has been established in that way, the same scientist is situated to
take the fruits of his work to a machine-tool facility, which will
translate the discovery into a new technology made available to
If industry has available adequate flows of investment-capital,
retained earnings, and credit at reasonably low prices, and if
investment tax-credits are designed to encourage such investments,
industries will tend to gobble up new technologies produced, even
almost as rapidly as they are available.
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The integration of those combined efforts, of research, of
development of improved technologies in the machine-tool sector, and
improved productive capital for industry, is the triadic form of
optimal organization of technological industrial progress and
The popular opinion of opposition to this course of actions
comes largely from those who have been infected with the ideology of
These misinformed persons imagine falsely, that it is consumer
purchases which generate growth of industry. On the contrary, what
prompts the growth of markets for households' goods, is the growth
of population and employment.
The most important source of this growth in employment,
agriculture aside, is the combination of capital improvements in
basic economic infrastructure and employment in production of
capital goods.
It is the vertical development of industry which makes possible
its horizontal development; it is chiefly the percentile of
operatives employed in infrastructure and production of capital
goods which enlarge the market for sale of households' goods.
By basic economic infrastructure, I mean water-mangement,
general transportation, production and distribution of energy, urban
sanitation, and such crucial contributions to the productivity of
labor as education and medical services.
The dynamic of growth is supplied by the increase of the
productivity of agricultural and industrial operatives, and the
transfer of unemployed and marginally employed into employment as
such skilled operatives. The average growth of productivity is the
true margin of real profit of a national economy as a whole.
Since increase of productivity requires improved standards of
life for households, sustained growth and profitability can be
secured in only one way: through sustained technological progress in
capital-intensive and energy-intensive modes of production.
So, whenever we integrate science, machine-tool sectors, and
general industrial investment in the way I have indicated, we have
turned that triadic relationship into s science-driver for raising
the incomes and productivity of the economy as a whole.
Obviously, therefore, the greater the ration of scientists so
employed, the greater the ration of operatives employed in the
machine-tool sector, and the greater the ration of operatives
employed in capital goods production generally, the more prosperous
the economy will become.
Thus, the vertical expansion of the division of labor in
industry, energized by the triadic relationship, yields the highest
potential rates of per-capita improvement of a national economy.
The shrewdest policy for this case, is a commitment to
technological "leapfrogging." In general, it were wiser for a nation
not to try to compete with foreign industries on existing levels of
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technology in use; instead make a leap ahead of the level of
technology currently practised in foreign nations. The worse the
competitive level of repair of one's economy, the more urgent such
"leapfrogging" is.
Italy has a dwindling kernel of the quality of scientists and
related advanced machine-tool capabilities in the tradition of Betti
and Italy's aeronautics industry earlier during this century.
Let us take a number of such diversified technological
capabilities, and group them under a single name:
That represents the kernel of Italy's special scientific
potentials. This is a scientific potential well suited to the kinds
of technologies associated with SDI and the new dimensions of non-
linear electromagnetic biophysics and related fields.
Link that to the machine-tool sector, concentrating scarce
resources along that technological breakthrough front.
Link that to the vertical development of the industrial base
This has become an obvious road toward applying limited
resources to the effect of fostering the optimal national result.
It must be stressed, that the military application of these
technologies is only a small fraction of their potential. It is
spilling these technologies into the civilian sector as rapidly as
possible, which is the principal source of benefit to the nation as
a whole.
At the same time, it is an intangible, but most powerful
economic benefit to the people of a nation, to associate their
nation with technological achievements of which to take pride before
the world.
If a people says <agape>, finding its manifest national purpose
beautiful in that way, that people is happier, and more productive
for that reason.
It is time for the nations of western european culture to rise
out of the quicksands of cultural pessimism, in which we have been
trapped these past twenty years, to assist one another in achieving
great works worthy of being admired by all humanity, and to rejoice
in such accomplishments by our neighbors.
Today, we are faced with the grim business of continued
strategic conflict. Let us do what we must on the account, but let
us enjoy more the good we acomplish as contributions to the welfare
of mankind in the course of doing our duty to our civilization.
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