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408 lines
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Title: DIVORCE..Undermining the family?
Published: Workers Solidarity Movement
Published : 1986, 1995
Six years ago, on June 3rd 1980, Noel Browne TD introduced a
bill into the Dail for a referendum on divorce. when it came
to a vote only one TD stood up - Noel Browne. All the
`liberals' of Labour and Fine Gael behaved as if they were
stuck to their seats with superglue. Despite having paper
policies in favour of divorce hidden away in a back office
somewhere they were scared to actually do anything. The
bishops were watching them!
Marriages were breaking down, at that time 8,000 women
were receiving deserted wives benefit. And that was only the
tip of the iceberg. Many more men and women were stuck in
relationships that had collapsed but felt unable to make a
final break because of social attitudes and the fact that they
didn't have enough money to live without the support of a
Because thousands of couples have now openly declared their
position, because support for access to divorce has become
increasingly visible the politicians have had a rethink. Maybe
there are more votes in supporting a change than they had
first thought. Maybe the bishops' power is not as strong as it
was. And anyway the Coalition parties can hardly fight the
next election on their economic record, so try a pinch of born-
again liberalism.
Anarchists support those who want the freedom to legally
end their marriages. We have no time for those mealy
mouthed liberals who would allow divorce but only under
strict conditions. Why should anyone have to prove to a
court that they have been separated for at least five years?
Marriage is entered into by signing a book in a church or
registry office. Ending it should be just as simple. We
support divorce at the request of one partner.
We are told this is out of the question as the children will
suffer. This argument is an insult to those of even the
meanest intelligence. Are we really to believe that children
are better off in a situation of unhappiness, tension and
sometimes downright cruelty? Would they not be better off
with one loving parent than with two who find themselves
in a situation of ongoing conflict.
The next argument thrown up by the Right is that it will
weaken the family. It would be dishonest to deny this. The
concept of "till death us do part" will be weakened, and with
each weakening more people will ask a question much larger
than "why divorce?!- that question will be "why marriage?"
Marriage means asking the church or the state to make your
relationship "official", why should we feel it necessary to get
the sanction of a priest or a civil servant - are we not capable
of ordering our own lives in a responsible manner?
We say that people should he able to live with whoever they
wish without any fear of discrimination or secondary status.
The only social obligation there should be on couples is to
exercise responsibility and show love to any children they
bring into the world.
This pamphlet does not attempt to put forward all the
arguments for allowing divorce. That has been done
elsewhere It sets out to address two issues that have emerged
in the debate. Firstly, is getting the ban out of the constitution
and enacting a law allowing divorce enough to allow an
escape for those women whose marriages have died?
Secondly, what is the "family" the Right have mobilised to
defend? Are we tampering with a "natural institution" or are
they wrong?
1. Escape
We all have the right to travel to India, the right to own an
expensive yacht, the right to drive a Rolls Royce. Of course
most of us will never go to India for our holidays, sail around
the bay in a yacht or drive over to see friends in a Rolls Royce.
But we have the right to do so. There is no law saying we
We can't exercise these `rights' because we are not rich. They
are meaningless. You might as well tell a starving man that
he has the right to life because there' is no law ordering him
to die.
So what will the right to divorce mean? Apart from having
to wait at least five years there is the question of money. The
cost will not be so great as to stop anyone going to court, after
all they will have half a decade to save for it. But there is
another cost.
Many women whose marriages are effectively finished stay
with their husbands because they have no other alternative.
They have to depend on him to provide rent, clothes, food for
themselves and their children. Living for any length of time
on social welfare payments is a living death. The money will
get you by in terms of food and minor expenses. The
problems start when the bigger bills come in or you have to
buy dearer items like furniture. The payments are not
If the woman can find a job it will usually be a low paid one.
Unless she lives close to her mother or friends who are
willing to mind her children while she goes out to work, she
will end up paying a large chunk of her wages for child care.
Back to square one,
OF course some women will have to make the break no
matter what the cost. Others will be able to build a new life
for themselves. But nobody can deny that there are many
women who have no choice but to stay where they are. These
women will not come in large numbers from Foxrock or
Montonotte. Legislation, like anything else, reflects the class
division in society. That is why there is no mention of
providing the conditions whereby working class women can
freely choose.
But what about alimony? Having the Courts grant a share of
a #60,00O income is grand....but your ex-husband would have
to be a businessman or a professional. What will alimony
mean for the ex-wife of a worker on #130 a week or the ex-
wife of unemployed man? Those who are doing alight at the
moment will be looked after to at least some extent. But most
working class women will be relegated to an existence on the
poverty line.
Should we call for alimony payments anyway? Men should
have to take some of the responsibility for their children but
that is not what we are talking about. Alimony is not a
payment towards looking after children. It is based on the
notion that a woman must always be provided for by a man,
it only ends when or if the woman remarries. It ends when
the woman becomes the responsibility of another man, we
reject this backward and sexist thinking.
Women should have the right to an independent life, they
should not be forced into dependence. That is why the fight
to make divorce a real option has to be connected to the fight
for decent welfare payments, for an end to the barriers that
prevent women working outside the home, for good child
care facilities, for an end to all discrimination.
At the end of the day it is only in a society of equality that
there can be a meaningful choice. Any change short of this,
while very welcome, is only a half-measure.
2. The Family
Divorce which is a source of much hope to women who are
unhappy in their married life, simultaneously frightens other
women, particularly those who have been accustomed to
considering their husband as the `provider', the sole support
in life.
It is generally thought that the family is a `natural' and
unchanging institution. Many people believe that the love,
warmth and security family life provides are sufficient
compensation for any disadvantages. It is often said that a bad
family is better than a good institution.
This opinion has had great influence on the ruling class what
passes for a Welfare State has been even more reluctant -3
provide good institutions than to provide help for families
who need support. It is, of course, nonsense.
Nobody knows how many battered wives there are but we do
know that the number of places in womens' aid refuges
cannot satisfy the needs we do know about. Over half of all
women murder victims in Britain are killed by the men they
live with, we have no reason to suppose it is not the same
here. Ask the ISPCC about child battering, ask the Rape crisis
Centres about the recently uncovered incidence of incest.
The small family household can be a boiling cauldron of
intense emotions focused on a few people. Hate as well as
love, selfishness as well as caring, competition as well as
sharing. And the lid is screwed down ever more tightly by the
modern notions of privacy. As we have smaller households,
less contact with other relatives and neighbours, and more
indoor entertainment's, it is no wonder that family
explosions can be so terrible.
This is not to say that all or even most families are teetering
on the brink of self-destruction but it does raise the question
of can we do better?
First of all let us be very clear that there is no `natural law'
governing the family, nothing to say that things cannot
change. Human history shows that, as the means of
production and social order change, so does the way we relate
to each other. The modern nuclear family is a relatively new
In primitive societies the level of technology was low and
there was no surplus product to be taken by a non working
section of society. There was an elementary division of
labour. The men went out hunting while the women
worked in the fields and looked after the children. In large
part this seems to be due to the impossibility of leaving
behind babies being breastfed or of bringing them on hunting
In these societies "group marriage" was common. As a result
it was difficult or impossible to know the father of any
particular child. Such societies are called 'matriarchal'
because the line of descent was acknowledged in terms of the
With improvements in technology (the discovery of copper
and bronze, the manufacture of tools, the development of
new methods of raising crops and rearing cattle) it soon
became possible for "two arms to produce more than one
mouth could consume". War and the capture of slaves
became possible and worthwhile.
The economic role of the men in the tribe changed to a degree
that it was no longer in keeping with their equal social status.
As wealth increased it gave the man a more important status
than the woman and it encouraged him to use this
strengthened position to overthrow the traditional system of
inheritance in favour of his children. But this was impossible
as long as descent in terms of mothers prevailed.
A profound `change took place, probably spread over many
centuries. The men gradually became the dominant sex, both
economically and socially. Women became a commodity to
be exchanged for weapons or cattle. With further changes in
production, a very definite surplus was being produced.
Those who had access to this, the ruling group among the
men, sought to institutionalise their right to it as their
`private property' and to leave part of it to their descendants.
But before they could do this they had to know who their
descendants were. Hence the appearance of the first family, of
monogamous marriage and of a sexual morality that stressed
female chastity and which demanded virginity before
marriage and faithfulness during it. Female adultery become
a crime punishable by death because it allows doubts to arise
as to the legitimacy of the descendants.
A whole philosophy and set of social customs then emerged
to justify this and portray it as natural. The sacred texts of the
Hindus limit womens access to freedom and to material
belongings. Pythagoras reflected the view of ancient Greece
when he said "a good principle created good, order and man -
and a bad principle created darkness, chaos and woman". The
fathers of the Christian church soon put down the early hopes
for emancipation that had led many women to martyrdom.
Saint Paul states that "man was not created for woman, but
woman for man " Saint John Chrysostome proclaims that
"among all wild beasts, none are as dangerous as women ".
According to Saint Thomas Aquinas "woman is destined to
live under man's domination and has no authority of her
own right".
These attitudes were perpetuated by the dominant ideology of
the Middle Ages and even into recent times. The poet Milton
in `Paradise Lost' wrote that "man was made for God and
woman was made for man". Nietzsche calls her the
"warriors' pastime". Kaiser Wilhelm II defined a role for
women (later echoed by the Nazis) as "Kirche, Kuche,
Kinder" (Church, Kitchen, Children),
So we see that the origin of the family lies in the
appropriation of the means of creating wealth by a small
minority of rulers, and their need to pass it on to their
descendants so that this wealth didn't become too dispersed.
As in all societies the ideas of the dominant class became the
dominant ideas in society as a whole.
Therefore there is no need for us to be afraid of the idea of
change. The family is changing. There are more single
parent families. For some this is a deliberate choice but for
others it is anything but. Most single mothers are young
women who, faced with no future apart from the dole, find
that having a baby is the only adult occupation open to them.
Because of social attitudes and financial pressures they find
themselves worse off than married mothers, and many marry
later as the only way to improve their position.
More couples live together without getting married than ever
before, though this is not a new idea. For all the changes
occurring the family survives. It continues to exist because it
is the most convenient way of reproducing and caring for the
workforce in a capitalist society. No government is going to
spend millions on alternative care - community restaurants,
laundries, nurseries, etc. - and if they did we can be sure they
would be miserable and regimented institutions because they
were planned from above for cost cutting and maintaining
state control.
The family continues to exist for two main reasons. The first
is that it's the way `private property' is transmitted within the
ruling class. In Western capitalism it is done through
inheritance. In state capitalist countries like Russia the
privileges of the ruling bureaucracy are passed on to their
children through better education and job opportunities. East
or West we are told that you get where you are by individual
effort but in each case the family reinforces existing class
Secondly, for all its faults, family life is a haven from a harsh
world. It offers a sense of belonging, of security.
How can we live in way that is freeer and more equal? The
family can only disappear when people choose to live
differently. There can no question of banning it or
`abolishing' it. We say this not because we believe this to be
impossible (which it would be) but because if the alternative
is better people will take it up, if it isn't they won't. We do
not set ourselves up as dictators who will decide what is good
for everyone else. Our task is to offer an alternative which
can stand on its own merits.
Only an anarchist society, with its socialist plan of production,
workers control and love of freedom, can offer a better way of
life because it would respond to human needs instead of the
race for profits.
Some people already feel they are happier outside a
conventional marriage/family situation, and think that if
enough other people followed their example a new lifestyle
would replace the old one. That is alight for those who can
afford it. It is much easier for people with well-paid
professional jobs to run their lives differently, to pay for child
care, to arrange their home life in a more satisfying way, and
even afford to eat out more often rather than slave over a hot
cooker. (It is also possible for people on the dole to do some
of these things..if they don't have children and don't mind
the limits set on what they can do by a lack of money). For
the vast majority of working class people these alternatives
are just not available.
That is why most of us can't opt out and try something new.
That is why we say that a real choice is only possible within
the context of an anarchist/socialist society.
And it is a choice that we propose. Those who wish to carry
on in the old way will be free to do so, those who wish a
change will have that possibility and those, probably the
majority, who want a mix of the old and new will be able to
avail of just that.
So what are these alternatives? We are not in the business of
drawing up blueprints for the future, what actually happens
will be decided by people in the post-revolutionary situation.
But we cannot either make no proposals. We are not
incapable of seeing possibilities.
At present the wives of the rich are free from household
duties. Why should all women not enjoy the same freedom?
There could be free, pleasant restaurants in every locality.
This does not mean drab canteens serving steamed food at
every meal, it means good food in nice surroundings. This
would mean that cooking at home becomes just another
option, something you do if you want to, and not a ritual
Play groups and creches for children would be provided.
Bright, fun filled places staffed by workers who have chosen
to do that work because they enjoy it. Instead of mothers and
children being cooped up in the house all the day, children
can be with others of their own age in happy and safe
surroundings. Mothers will have time to get out of the house
and live their own lives. This would relieve much of the
tension that exists in the home. today.
Women will be free to work outside the home without
having to pay through the nose for babysitters and without
having to constantly worry if their children are alright.
Does this mean that children will be forcibly taken away from
their mothers? Of course not. what it does mean is that
society will guarantee a decent life for all parents and child. It
will offer all the facilities required for the well-being of both.
But if a mother chooses to stay at home 24 hours a day with
her child, society will also grant whatever support she needs.
The same would apply to a father who wishes to take such a
role in raising his child.
Because society will refuse to swallow the line that the
individual family must be left isolated to manage as best it
can without anymore than the most minimal outside aid,
everything can change. Women will no longer fear being left
without support if their husband deserts. There will be no
more anxiety about the fate of the children.
Couples who decide to live together will no longer be
governed by worry about social attitudes or money
calculations This free union will be based only on love and
the desire to make each other happy.
Anarchism stands for a new relationship between the sexes.
In place of legal marriage based on the secondary status of
women we shall see the free union of two individuals, equal
in their rights and obligations fortified by love and mutual
respect. This new way for people to relate to each other will
give to humanity, regardless of gender or sexual orientation,
all the joys of so-called free love, joys which under capitalism
rarely exist outside the covers of the story book.
WSM, PO Box 1528, Dublin 8, Ireland