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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
ANARCHYINALBION? - Frater Nexhagus XXIII - part 4 of 4
The irony involved in all of this is that the I.O.D never ever
stated that the `levitation' was a straight-forward levitation.
Although, the building did rise to a considerable degree, we were
far more interested in attempting to `sink' it. Our prophecy that
if the levitation were to go wrong, The Albert Tower could end up
being an unique tourist attraction (like the leaning Tower of
Pisa!) was proved to be entirely correct and confirmed only a few
days after the event. This method successfully worked to our
advantage as reports eventually leaked out a week later that the
buliding had in fact sunk (but was somehow mysteriously
attributed to a newly developed Austrian tunnelling method that
was also deemed responsible for the collapse of a tunnel being
built at Heathrow Airport on the day of the `levitation').
[The proposed secondary target of levitation at Canary Wharf
Tower will be one of our many future objectives in our on-going
campaign against The Conspiracy provided that we are unhindered
by further counter-psychic-attack attempts by the Masonic Mass
Media Mind-Controllers based within that structure. - See the
article "The Hoax HOAX! Bomb Hoax Hoax!" in the third issue of
GROUNDLEVEL magazine which chronicles one of these instances).
The combined psychic powers of all those present at The Palace of
Westminster was redirected in order to exorcise the demons.
(Obviously, this then meant that the psychic charge that could
easily raise the building was more usefully made to intiate the
immanentization of the Eschaton.) Although, some may think that
it was rather underhanded of us to (ab)use the psychic energies
of `innocent' others in order to cause chaos to corrupt the
control process, at least it was all in a good cause! It would
have been unwise of us to reveal our actual occult intentions to
everyone, as then it would almost be certain that no-one would
have wanted to participate in the `levitation`. Such tried and
tested techniques of psychic deception are legion in occult
matters, and even the noted magickian Dion Fortune in her tome
`Psychick Self-Defence` commented that "To find one has been
successfully hoaxed by a lunatic is a humiliating experience."
This is not to say that the I.O.D are lunatics (even though we
are all affected by certain aspects of the lunar cycle); we are
simply following on in the grand traditions of a long-line of
psychic charlatans, sham shamans, and magickal tricksters.
Don`t let THEM immanentize the Eschaton!
This ritual of ridicule was a psychic attack on the Mother of all
Parliaments. Unlike many of our contemporaries we did not treat
the `levitation` of Parliament as a `joke'. [The problem with
political jokes is that they sometimes get elected!] And as
Ambrose Bierce succinctly put it (before mysteriously
disappearing); "The idiots are always the largest and most
influential political party in any society."
Into the Belly of the Beast, an unruly revolution of ridicule
culminated in a holy communion of Chaos at the House of Commons
to taunt and taint authority. There were no leaders, heroes, or
organisers. Everyone was warned prior to the event that they
should beware of all structure-freaks. "Don`t let anyone lead
you, but yourself!"
A parade took place prior to the ritual. All manner of
provocative costumes were worn (nudity was also acceptable): John
Major clones, Cosmic Clowns (with water pistols filled with LSD),
Salman Rushdie, psuedo Policemen, Martians, Bugs Bunny, Daleks,
Skyclad Witch-Queens, Elvis look-a-likes, esoterrorists, Neoists,
Pearly Kings, Drag Queens, etc, etc...
Various large banners were unfurled proclaiming many sentiments
to mark the occassion: "Total Disarmament Now!", "KILL THE BILL",
"FUCK C*NS*RSH*P!", "We demand the freedom to stand around and do
nothing", "Never mind the theory, here`s the slogans!", "It`s not
just taxes that are going to be raised this autumn!", etc.
The area surrounding Parliament - which sits like a cancerous
tumour on the bank of the tortured Thames, The Citadel and nerve
centre of the blighted British Empire - was reclaimed and
declared a Temporary Autonomous Zone (for more details of this
phenomena read Hakim Bey`s book of the same acronym). Mind-
blowing incense drifted up to fill the Ozone layer. A cosmic
consummation of divine union ensued between the Sky God and the
Earth Mother and a supreme act of consecrated conjugal coitus
commenced. Many chants were repeated over and over again, until
they metamorphosed into an amazing magickal mantra.
"Ring a Ringo aroundo Parliamento,
A pocket fullo Prankos,
Twenty-three MPos,
Deserve none of our thankos,
All the evil spiritos
Start to tumble outo,
Now democracy`s overo,
We all begin to shouto!"
This was `backed-up` by a strong presence of ritual drummers and
specially invited guest-speakers with megaphones from that day`s
"Speaker`s Corner" held at Hyde Park Corner who helped to
entertain and prepare the crowds for the ritual proceedings. We
had investigated the possibility of having the legendary Fortean
drunkard and wizened wizard Tony `Doc' Shiels to be one of the
many Masters of Ceremonies at the invokation. He had confirmed
that he would try his very best to rise to the occasion and be in
attendance on the 23rd. The good Doctor stated that "The Magick
has begun. I hope that you understand that I (plus certain
trusted members of the Nnidnid Cabal) are on the case. That is to
say, the great game is afoot and we are detecting in a shamanic-
Sherlockian sense. Sometimes soapings happen..." [We were also
hoping to get Guinness breweries to sponsor Doc`s trip over from
the Faerie Isle, but then again we thought that they would most
probably tell us to Puck off!] But, as the Great Hare (aka the
Spooky Pooka) once said in a Warner Brothers Cartoon, "What`s UP
Doc!?!" (Obviously, a veiled prophetic reference to his
predestined calling to be at the levitation?) To this day it is
still uncertain whether Doc Sheils was actually there... many
unconfirmed sightings were given, but no definite evidence has
been forthcoming as of yet!
It also came to our attention that the acid-rock band Hawkwind
would (probably!?!) be in attendance to play (perhaps, "I`ve got
levitation" by the 13th Floor Elevators!?!) on the day... They
Since it was almost impossible to form a circle of people around
Parliament in order to counteract its malign influence, or to
even get access to the evil edifice at all, it was deemed
neccesary to inform a number of authoritarian bodies by warning
them that ths sacred symbol would be held under siege.
Applications for permits were sent to the mandatory governing
bodies in order for the ritual to be carried out at Sinister
Westminster. Heathrow Airport even wrote a terse missive to the
`Anarchy in the U.K.' HQ warning all concerned not to infringe
their airspace, as they were unprepared to postpone any flights
on the day. [An action which they no doubt later regretted with
hindsight when they discovered that part of their main terminal
building had `unexpectedly' collapased into a partially completed
transport tunnel!]
At which point it was suggested that the `sacramental gesture` of
urinating on Parliament would take place. This noble act would
signify all of the times that Parliament has pissed all over the
people it controls under it's territories. To take advantage of
ludicrous loop-holes in the urinating laws, it sounded fairly
feasible to be able to pour bottles of urine on Parliament (and
get away with it!) This method also suited those people who
wished to "piss on Parliament" but were unable to do so, due to
such reasons as bladder retention, gender restrictions, or an
unwillingness to parade their privates in wintry weather (It was
also feared that representatives from Thee Temple Ov Psychick
Youth that had genital piercings might also suffer from the
notorious `sprayback effect` which would also affect their aim).
Therefore, it was recommended that plastic bottles containing
urine were to be used (or containing a potion of `OV` in TOPY`s
case!) By doing so, if the authorities were to get pissed off by
our `pissing` (or rather, pouring) on Parliament, we could
exploit the loophole in the law by claiming that we had not
actually physically urinated in the street (but instead offered a
libation to the Gods and Goddesses!)
[It should also be noted here that urine is not bad, it is good.
Recently, this fact was brilliantly pointed out by the liberated
sex siren and perverted pop queen Madonna who remarked to shocked
American audiences on David Letterman`s live talk-show, "Did you
know it`s good if you pee in the shower? Peeing in the shower is
good, it fights athlete`s foot. I`m serious. Urine is like an
antiseptic. It all has to do with the enzymes in your body."
Typically, this was treated by a mainstream Amerikan audience as
yet another example of crude lewdness by the first lady of lust,
but by golly she was right! It is also fitting that urine was to
be used in this ritual as not only does it provide a nice
metaphor and prevent nasty fungal infections, but originally it
was nature`s very own territorial mark which was used by man
before he learnt how to denote territory by the mark of the
secretions of ink from a pen on paper, and then tied the boundary
up with an impassable barrier of red tape. At least now we can
reverse the territory by devolving them to their original state
and also cleanse the area with an antiseptic solution!]
We were fully aware that the Government were not going to let us
defy the law of gravity because they will not let us defy any of
the other several million Draconian laws of this corrupted
country. The enemies of Enlightenment are always vigilant, but
historically Chaos always reigns. Chaos will always corrupt
Previous attempts to tamper with the government have made
history. Although Guy Fawkes is sometimes credited with being the
only person to enter Parliament with the right intentions, it was
in fact Christine Keeler`s pussy that brought down the government
more effectively. (It is also interesting to note that the
cunning callgirl called Christine was paid 23,000 by the News of
the World for her disclosures concerning the John Profumo
The Media Machine needs a Who-What-When-Where-and-Why scenario in
order to go about its business of devious diversions and
distortions. By placing a banana skin in the works of its
corrupted cogs and turning the machine on overload we can
sabotage the system. Even if we put truth serum in the reporters`
drinks it is still inevitable that they will not "tell the whole
truth and nothing but the truth". Everyone is liable to be a
hostage to the hostile press. Such activities that propagate as
many peculiar paradigms as propagandada (as [im]possible) will
attract/distract the attention of the media. We can use and abuse
this privilege by providing as many true lies as possible in
order to create as much media mayhem and chaos as possible. Who`s
conspiracy is it anyway!?!
This day may well have been one of our very last chances to
present the general public with a proclamation of political
parody against the MotherFucker of all Parliaments.
As anarchs of the new paradigm, the I.O.D hoped that this
Eschatological event in the `Autumn of Anarchy` would help to
prove that the Discordian version of surrealism is truly becoming
a new apolitical reality.
The barricades of the mass media can always be effectively
ramraided by generating sufficient advanced publicity (free of
charge - by word of mouth, or by whatever means at hand... The
development of media outrage and coverage are actively encouraged
can be fully exploited. Anonymous tip-offs, "loose-talk", etc.
can be combined with ancient concepts such as the likes of
Chinese Whispers to prove to be one of the greatest assets
available to a disinformationist's disposal and a
Propagandadaist`s dream. (e.g.. A rabbit will be ritually
sacrificed at Parliament... When in fact the only rabbit taking
place in the ritual will be a trained occultist participant
dressed in a rabbit costume.)
The acts of insurgent festivity that took place included
subversive intervention of "official" (serious) culture, public
events and (cyber & territorial) space, pranks combining
agitational propaganda, ontological anarchy, contagious play, and
involve schizoversive transgression of behavioural codes and
dogma. Intense spontaneity is inherently unpredictable. Trust and
good communication can conjure up challenging unforgettable
adventures. the "logic of the game" into commercial and corporate
space, introducing satirical and surrealistic strategies as
seditious salacious surprises. A single symbolic act can cause
chaotic ripples on a once still pool of `normality'. Pranks, like
Magick are a pure form of experimental art. The universal nature
and scope of pranks defy simple (or logical) explanations. Chaos
cannot be known, it can only be experienced. By fusing our dreams
with reality we can dissect the separation of art and life.
Those who desire further disinformation concerning any of the
many activities planned by the I.O.D and other assorted occult
occurances are advised to contact the following address (with a
S.A.E and suitable donation where applicable):-
This dissertation compiled on 23/5/5995 A.M. by Frater Nexhagus
XXIII, and ably assisted by Aderyn Fawr, Paul 777, James Eden,
Pope Nai Enob, Karen Eliot, Soror Scoobie Doo O and various
other unknown allies ov thee I.O.D.
Hail Eris!! All Hail Discordia!!!