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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
Police Violence At Reclaim The Streets Demo
From: steve@demon.co.uk (Steve Cook - SPITE! Books)
The Legal Defence And Monitoring Group is a UK voluntary organisation who
provide legal monitors for demonstrations, actions and other events where
civil rights abuses may occur. Their job is to watch the police activity at
such events and try to gather information, witnesses and evidence to use in
defence of those arrested unnessecarily. This is their report of events at
Reclaim The Streets, a peaceful demo based in North London.
Legal Defence & Monitoring Group c/o B.M. Box Haven, London, WC1N 3XX.
Reclaim The Streets (II) - 23rd July 1995
Legal Defence & Monitoring Group Report On The Event - please
circulate as widely as
On Sunday 23rd July from 2pm approximately 2000 people occupied Upp Street in
Islington, North London, demonstrating against society's dependence on the
motor car and the fact that it causes pollution and death. The demo, which
closed Upper Street and part of Liverpool road to traffic for the whole
afternoon and early evening, was more of a party with both live and recorded
music, food, stalls and a great kids area.
At 8pm a number of uniformed police officers backed up by 10 riot v started
moving the demonstrators down Upper Street towards Angel tube station. At
this stage the demonstrators numbers had reduced to around 150. The officers
were spread across the road. Demonstrators were moving down towards the tube
station. The mood of the demonstrators (and the police) was still friendly.
At approximately 8:15pm, for reasons known only to the police, a number of
officers from the Territorial Support Group (TSG or riot police) in full riot
gear started assisting the uniformed police. They were supported by at least
10 other vehicles, police in helicopters and video crews positioned on
buildings. The mood of the demonstrators was still peaceful. At least 18
police vans full of TSG had been spotted some 50 minutes earlier in a back
street near Upper Street. It must be asked why so many officers in full riot
gear were on standby so early when the mood of the day had been so peaceful.
The deployment of police in riot gear made the atmosphere a great d more
aggressive. A small bottle (ONLY ONE) was lobbed towards these riot police.
It was NOT aimed at the uniformed police who were some way in front of the
riot police at this stage. Within seconds of this happening, the TSG drew
their batons, pushed past the uniformed officers and started assaulting
demonstrators with shield and batons. Over approximately the next 90 minutes
the TSG violently pushed and beat demonstrators towards and past Angel tube
station and down Pentonville Road. At this stage there were some 200 officers
in full riot gear backed up by at least a further 100 officers in uniform.
There were under 100 demonstrators.
The riot police pushed demonstrators down Pentonville Road. the wer asked on
numerous occasions by the LDMG where they were directing people and to 'calm
down'. Needless to say their answers were less than helpful. Eventually (at
approximately 9pm) demonstrators, whose numbers were now less than 50, were
moved into Northdown Street where all exits were blocked by police and riot
vans. Many people trying to leave this area were searched. The reason the
police gave when pressed was that there had been a public order incident,
missiles had been thrown and offensive weapons had been seen - so they were
checking if people had missiles or offensive weapons.
From the moment the riot police took over from the uniformed police they were
indiscriminately and very heavy handedly arresting protesters. In total they
arrested 17 people. At least one demonstrator needed hospital attention (head
split open by a police truncheon) and two more were knocked unconscious by
the police. Every time a legal observer tried to get details of an arrested
person we were either threatened with arrest, were physically moved from the
scene of the arrest, or were assaulted.
Although the actions of the riot police were totally out of control
throughout the whole episode, we feel a number of incidents deserve special
attention: * One particular officer in full riot gear was seen on at least
three occasions using his clenched fist to punch demonstrator in the head and
face - one of whom was knocked unconscious. * An articulated lorry was
moving through the crowd and the polic were violently pushing people past it
causing a number of them to lose balance. It was only luck that somebody did
not fall under the wheels of this vehicle. Police were asked to stop pushing
for a while by legal observers and told to "move or be nicked". * When one
demonstrator was knocked unconscious, legal observers protesters tried to see
if he was alright, but were viciously pushed and beaten by the police.
Although being advised by a person with medical knowledge that this person
should not be moved, the police continually tried to move him.
As soon as arrests were made, the LDMG tried, with difficulty, to g
solicitors to all of those arrested and to find out some information about
them. We staffed our office throughout the night and next day, receiving
numerous calls asking the whereabouts of missing protesters. By 5am, we had
details of all protesters arrested.
Charing Cross police station would only release 1 (who accepted a caution) of
the 10 arrestees. The rest were held overnight and appeared in Bow Street
Magistrates Court the following day, which we monitored. Two of those held
were refused bail and are presently on remand at Brixton Prison until 31st
July. We feel the decision to hold them overnight at the police station and
in prison was vindictive and excessive. Three of those arrested were for
possession of drugs and all three pleaded guilty.
We have set up a defence campaign for the 13 still facing charges. Another
indication of the states attempt to brutalise and criminalise us is the
severity of these charges. Most are being charged with section 2,3 or 4 of
the Public Order Act 1986. Our aim now is to; get the two out of Brixton
Prison; prove all 13 innocent; look into actions against the officer who
punched demonstrators and; assist people to sue the police for false arrest.
* We have set up a 'bust fund' to pay for expenses etc (we have already
* visited and got cash to the two on remand). We need money so please send
* cheques/Postal Orders to us as soon as possible - made payable to LDMG
* and sent to the above address.
* We need you to publicise what happened as widely as possible (articles,
* posters, word of mouth, internet etc) especially asking for witnesses to
* arrests to contact us ASAP.
* We need people to help out in loads of other ways as we are onl small
* group with limited resources both in terms of money and people.
Free The Prisoner