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2021-04-15 11:31:59 -07:00
two sequences from _s i l e n c e a n d l i c e n s e_
by w i l l i a m l. f o x
10:05 p.m.
cover your left
eye with your
open left hand/
open your other
hand/ with both
eyes shut/ what
you see in
your left hand/
will be out
aside by your
right/ and will
cover your tracks.
10:10 p.m.
pick a room
and stand in
front of the
off behind your
back for now/
both eyes open/
palms on the
glass/ lean out/
caught in the
glass/ your face
the night and
behind you/ the
open right hand/
the closed eyes.
10:11 p.m.
open your eyes/
open the window/
close your hands/
outside the wind
and inside the
light/behind you/
your left eye
blinks in the
wind/ your right
eye steady to
the light/ your
hands cover and
uncover each other/
your eyes and
the tracks.
8:54 p.m.
on the beach
waves to the
right/ the cliff
to the left/
your arms held
out east and
west/ a light
rises and falls
out to sea/
raise up and
lower your arms
twice/ and then
twice more/ the
light sinks/ the
cliff dark.
8:54 p.m.
on deck you
face/ the shore
as it rises
then falls/ the
light around you
rises and falls/
the headlands are
dark/ the stars
rise and fall/
your arms lift
up and fall/
the next wave
goes to shore
with/ the light
behind it.
8:54 p.m.
walk to the
edge of the
cliff/ the waves
far apart in
star light/ a
boat rises then
falls in be
tween the
waves/ the man
waves from shore
at you with
one arm/ at
the boat with
the other/ rising
and falling away/
the edge of
the cliff behind
you/ the sea
rising up in
you/ the boat
and its light.
7:20 p.m.
dusk/ and you
must go walk
across the lawn/
into the trees/
and across the
field/ more trees/
and then off
to one side
a boy and
girl/ the sky
and their skin
turn first one
color then an
other/ the light
falls/ you turn
away home/ the
lovers rise and
fall/ and rise.
7:20 p.m.
across the field
the boy and
girl/ rise and
fall before the
trees/ and on
the far side
yet another man
watches in silence/
his head rises
and falls/ from
the lovers to
the sky/ from
light to the
light/ before he
turns to
go/ your tracks
and hands crossing
and uncrossing.
7:21 p.m.
everyone must
leave now/ and
go home before
the light too
has gone/ the
men go left
and right/ the
boy and girl
go left and
right/ the trees
go into night/
the field rises
and falls with
a heavy dew/
and still some
one comes looking/
left and right
and chooses one.
10:12 p.m.
so he comes
and goes/ behind
your eyes/ the
hands open and
close/ the tracks
cross left and
right from field
to sea/ the
window open and
you can hear
the sea rise
and fall/ his
footsteps rise and
fall behind you/
the arms raise
and come down/
the lights gone
out to sea.
to tell a story : to knot up a line with : story
to tie up the : means into an end : to lie
to begin with any : one thing is a missed take : out
from an : other story
to begin with a mis : take and tie it : up
into another : lie is a story
to knot up : and to put down on : the line
a story : is to lie down all : along
to tell a story : to line up your mistakes :
to end up all : along and mean it
: you : start out not knowing it : is a story
: you : walk what you : mistake for a line
: you : take this other : hand and think
two of you : are on a line that points : some :
this is not the point : writing it down : is
not the line : your out takes : are
not the : line you don't know : this story
some where along the way : you let go in :
order to : be to gether
: you : get the point but : not the line
you have to : hand it to your : self :
this is a line : you can grasp : one which
starts here and : ends : here
the line is : the grasp is : the mistake is :
the end is : the meaning is : the story is : you :
are free to : begin
if you : see : black and white the : words :
you have only seen the : story
if on : the other hand it : appears gray :
you : have read : the story
this out : growth of the end : point a
line thrown back to : justify : that a point might
be more : moments than once
Light and Dust Books
Copyright (C) 1994 by william l. fox