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260 lines
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Keywords: Organisation, role, vanguard, revolution.
a Workers Solidarity Movement position paper
The role of the Anarchist organisation
General Principles
1. The role of the Anarchist organisation is to
popularise and fight for the creation of a society based
on the principles of anarchism, i.e.; individual
freedom, collective management of society by its
workers, participatory democracy.
2. We recognise that such a society can only be built by
a conscious movement of the working class using its
industrial power.
3. A successful revolutionary transformation is
dependent on two essential criteria being present in the
working class:
a) Widespread revolutionary consciousness. This has to
consist of the following:
i) a rejection of both the exploitation and
authoritarianism of Capitalism.
ii) an aspiration in the class to reorganise society in
a new and better way around its own direct needs and
iii) recognition in the class of the tenet that only the
working class itself can make and secure the
revolutionary transformation of society and that
following from that only the councils created by the
class in the workplaces and communities represent any
authority on these matters in the new society. No other
power centres in society to be allowable.
b) Industrial organisation and solidarity in the class
to be sufficiently developed such that physical control
over the means of production and distribution can be
achieved and all remnants of the state be abolished.
4. The role of the anarchist organisation and the
anarchist idea in this is obvious. Anarchist ideas link
a criticism of Capitalist society with a vision of a new
way of organising human society. This link involves
practical understanding of the means necessary and
acceptable to achieve results but also to help build the
confidence of the class in its own abilities and
decision making power. Clearly our role is to spread the
influence of our ideas as and wide as possible.
The organisation of the class
5. The anarchist organisation sees itself as part of the
working-class, its anarchist ideas a historical
development of the experiences of workers who as an
exploited class seek to create a new world free of
tyranny and exploitation of any form.
6. We wish to win the most widespread understanding and
influence for our anarchist ideas and methods in the
class and in society, primarily because we believe that
these alone will expedite a successful revolutionary
transformation of society. In this sense we recognise
our role within the class as being a "leadership of
7. We reject the notion that the organisation is a
vanguard in the class because of its "leadership of
ideas". Such terminology, particularly because of its
historical associations has anti-anarchist connotations
which cannot be accommodated by a revolutionary
organisation. We recognise that a vanguard does exist
within the class but that its central characteristic is
that its politics are derived from the concrete
experience of fighting Capitalism on the shop floor.
8. While recognising the presence of a vanguard within
the class which most obviously reflects its uneven
development, our aim as an organisation will always be
to minimise such unevenness without compromising
political content. We recognise and will always fight
against that influence in our class that seeks to
promote the need for a permanent, unelected leadership
no matter what context, explanation or excuse is used.
9. We seek influence for our ideas in all class
organisations. In real terms that means WSM will go
forward for all positions in the unions and other bodies
where there is the possibility of mandating and recall.
We will never accept any position that is not under the
control of the members of that body. Such positions are
not ends in themselves. The struggle to win them must be
bound up with a fight for more democracy, more
mandating, more control. We are striving for the self-
activity of the many.
10. We have to be able to explain and clarify what is
happening in society. We have to be capable of combating
false ideas such as Social democracy and Leninism. We
aim to be a 'collective memory' for the class, both in
terms of the above and of keeping alive and developing
the traditions of the labour movement and anarchism.
11. Unlike a certain tendency within the anarchist
movement we do not fight against the state as if it were
some abstraction unrelated to the division of society
into classes. The state, in itself, is not the real
enemy - states are the product of this division into
exploiting and exploited classes. To treat it as
something that exists independently of society leads
into a swamp of muddle-headed liberal politics. We stand
for the "abolition of the state" because we are totally
opposed to authoritarianism and to any form of society
that needs a state; i.e... a society where a minority
12. Our role is that of educators and instigators. In so
far as we are leaders it is because we are a
"leadership" of ideas. We have no time for the
leadership of personalities or that of a higher
committee of a party. We have no wish to be what the
Leninists call "The Revolutionary Leadership". that
implies their party has reached a stage where it has the
"right" to take decisions for the class (whether they
like it or not). We reject this sort of leadership as
authoritarian and destructive of workers' democracy.
13. History teaches us that organisations like ours can
experience a rapid growth in membership and support for
its ideas during a revolutionary situation....but also
that a certain size is necessary for this to happen. So
it is important that we recruit but this will be
worthless unless we ensure that people are joining us
because they understand and agree with anarchism and
share our libertarian values.
It is not enough to build an small organisation with
many sympathisers. Where there is no clear line between
members and supporters a massive central apparatus is
needed to hold together a mass of half-politicised
people in a series of political activities. Political
discussion gets toned down, a lack of seriousness creeps
in. This in turn reduces the capacity of members to make
independent political evaluations and provides the basis
for a dependence on a central bureaucracy. This would be
in absolute contradiction to our anarchist values.
14. "Only the truth is revolutionary". Whoever first
said this was spot on. We do not raise as immediate
demands those that are impossible at the time because of
the balance of forces. We do not play at politics. We do
not fool, intimidate or manipulate workers towards
anarchism. We aim to win the arguments for change and
anarchism. It is not part of our programme to try to
take power "in the name of the workers". Anarchism will
either be the creation of a free and politically aware
working class....or it will not be anarchism.
15. We understand the centrality of struggle and
organisation in the workplace because that is where we
have real power. But this does not mean that we neglect
or ignore the struggles that take place in other areas
of life. We don't. We support all struggles that can
improve the conditions we live under. At every
opportunity we seek to bring these struggles into the
union and workplaces, we try to bring the potential
strength of organised workers to bear in their
favour....to link up the different struggles into an
understanding of their common roots in capitalism, and
to establish the legitimacy of political issues being
taken up on the shopfloor.
16. We support all progressive struggles both for their
own aims and for the increased confidence that
campaigning can give people.
17. In all modern revolutionary situations workers have
thrown up their own organs in the form of workers'
councils. They may have gone under different names -
revolutionary committees, soviets, etc. - but the
essential form has remained the same whether it was in
Russia 1917, Spain 1936, or Hungary 1956.
18. These councils act not just as the best means of
mobilising the class against the bosses but also lay the
basis for the administration of the new society. Within
them revolutionaries have to fight the ideas of
authoritarian tendencies and continually argue that the
new workers' democracy must not delegate away its power
to any elite, or allow any minority to seize that power.
Within them members of the revolutionary organisation
must be the "driving force". This means winning the
battle of ideas. It does NOT mean capturing the leading
positions, vesting them with undue authority and then
dishonestly interpreting this as a mandate for giving
19. We oppose all ideas of power in the post-
revolutionary period being wielded by "the party of the
working class". The division of labour between those who
rule and those who are ruled has lasted too long. It can
only be ended by the "self-emancipation" of the working-
class. All power must be exercised by the workers
council.....and by nobody else. Such power shall be
compatible with the libertarian slogan that individual
freedom will know no limit except that it does not take
away the freedom of others.
20. This is not to deny the need for efficient co-
ordination and decision making in all spheres of life.
The point is that the ultimate authority will be the
democratic, mass organs of the class. Let there be no
talk of the state co-existing with the workers
councils....the councils would be co-existed out of
existence! Instead of the state there will be the
federation of workers councils.
21. It is on this issue that our fundamental difference
with Leninism is made clear. We agree with Lenin that
authority can only be defeated by authority, that the
authority of the bosses will be destroyed by the
authority of the workers. We agree on the need for a
lead to be given within the class. but while our
leadership is one of persuasion and education, the
Leninist party goes way beyond this and tries to grab
power through control of the state. It seeks to exercise
the authority of the party over the workers. In doing
this it prepares the way for the growth of a new
oppressive ruling class.
22. After the initial stage of the revolution when the
ruling class are dispossessed of their wealth and power,
the revolutionary organisation will continue to grow.
There will be a massive surge of workers into its ranks
because its politics will seem all the more concrete and
realistic. In the transitional period (that time between
the overthrow of the old order and consolidation of the
new) the main task will be further anarchist ideas and
values, and fighting for all power to be taken by
workers councils. As the revolution consolidates its
gains and begins the reconstruction of society the task
is to help the class towards the anarchist ideal. As
this ideal becomes more and more established and the
obstacles to its achievement fade away, the
revolutionary organisation becomes less necessary and
eventually vanishes completely.
Jan 2 1991
WSM can be contacted at
PO Box 1528
Dublin 8